ageofpiracyrp · 2 years
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Daniel Eansworth
Pronouns: He/him
Role: Gardener
Age: 24
Romantic and/or Sexual Preference: Gay
Species: Far’Ly’Dae
Home Planet: Ly’Lor’Ke
Faceclaim/Humanoid Appearance: Tom Holland
True Appearance:  Like all Far'Ly'Dae, Daniel’s skin isn’t quite like a human’s or erkuss - it’s beige with olive green undertones, and somewhere between skin and a very soft wood in texture. He has ‘hair’ of bronze-green leaves (colour ref) that he keeps styled in a similar fashion to how they appear sformed (style ref). His leaves are a deep green in colour when he’s well-sunned, but take on more autumnal hues under light-reduced conditions as his body reduces chlorophyll production to conserve energy. His eyes are green, though flecks of pink and white can be found upon close inspection.
Backstory: Daniel was born and raised in a small town on Ly’Lor’Ke, the home planet of Ly’Daesun. It was a quiet place to grow up, best known for its crop exports to cities and planets with non Ly’Daesun populations. There was nothing wrong with it, and aside from the general anxiety that came with being alive, it was mostly comfortable - except for the quiet, persistent voice in the back of his mind telling him he was meant for something else. Not a lot of Earth media made it to the quiet little town, but out of what he was able to get his hands on, anything adjacent to musical theatre left him totally captivated. Becoming a dancer - that was the life he wanted, no matter how many times his family or anyone else tried to convince him how much happier he would be staying in the safety and security of his hometown.
When Daniel was twenty years old, he left his hometown in pursuit of his dreams - and quickly discovered that ‘making it’ in his chosen field was even more of a challenge than he’d anticipated. Between lessons, tracking down auditions, and holding down a day job to keep himself afloat until he hit his big break, it didn’t take long for him to run low on time and funds. Still, he wasn’t yet out of optimism when he met a fellow student who had big dreams like him, but was confident and charismatic in a way Daniel could certainly never hope to achieve for himself. The two had a whirlwind romance - or that was how Daniel saw it at the time, anyway. Looking back, things were already rocky when they first moved in together, but there was a lot he’d been willing to overlook in exchange for feeling wanted - and, though he didn’t want to admit it to himself, in exchange for splitting the rent and bringing costs down enough that he could actually afford to keep pursuing his dreams.
The two stayed together for a while, and both of their careers benefited from it - for his part, Daniel had managed to secure a small role in a local production. The pay was less than stellar, but it was enough to get by on in shared living conditions. Unfortunately, it got pretty difficult to keep pretending everything was fine in their relationship as the signs became more frequent and apparent that his boyfriend wasn’t as interested or loyal as he’d hoped. Unable to keep it to himself any longer even despite his aversion to confrontation, Daniel plucked up the courage to raise his concerns. The ensuing fight left him single, and by extension roommate-less. Paying the rent grew challenging after that, but he managed to stay afloat by taking on additional work outside of his theatre gig - and when the show he was in closed, that side job became his main job while he sought a new role. Working enough hours to pay the bills made it extremely challenging to find the time to keep his skills sharp, much less find, attend, and excel at auditions. Then the rent went up, and he knew something had to give. He could stay in the city and dedicate the bulk of his time to a dead-end job that would keep the bills paid but wouldn’t get him any closer to his dreams, or leave.
The trouble was, there weren’t many places he could afford to go. Home, sure - but he certainly wasn’t going to run into his big break there. Worse still, he worried that if he did return home, he would get too comfortable there and resign himself to the simpler life he’d tried to leave behind. No, what he needed was a job someplace uncomfortable enough that he wouldn’t possibly be tempted to stay, one that allowed him to actually save up, and see a mix of places to get some idea of where to go when he got back on his feet. The only problem? With his lack of qualifications, working as a mate on a smuggler’s ship was just about the only position he could actually land that fit the bill. The notion was entirely terrifying, not to mention that the ethics would be dubious at best - really, the only kind of smuggling ship he could even consider was one that dealt in the smuggling of Earth goods. That was still terrifying to consider, of course, but surely the sort of smuggling responsible for furnishing the galaxy with Swing Time, Singin’ in the Rain, Grease, and other such classics couldn’t be all bad - right? 
Daniel gets by well enough with singing and acting to be considered a triple threat, and he does very much like getting to do those when he performs, but dancing is his true passion.
He’s polite to a fault, and very much a rule-follower - so it’s probably not amazing for his anxiety that he’s found employment on a smugglers’ ship.
While Daniel does tend to take in nutrients via supplements or through his feet, where his roots are strongest, he does have the ability to grow thin, fine roots from anywhere on his body. He does tend to keep his roots retracted, save for when he uses them to check on the soil where plants are growing. If it’s a plant he’s familiar with, he is adept at determining which nutrients need to be added to the soil in order to ensure healthy plant growth.
As the above suggests, Daniel is skilled at keeping plants alive and flourishing.
Played by Caitlin; 30 ; she/her/??; eastern time
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ageofpiracyrp · 2 years
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Cerkarramel “Karmel” Luwelantnin Vuker
Pronouns: She/her
Position: Patron and Art Dealer
Age: 51
Romantic and/or Sexual Preference: Bisexual
Species: Far’Ly’Dae
Home Planet: Kor’Sel’Koo
Faceclaim/Humanoid Appearance: Rachel Weisz
True Appearance: Karmel has striking green eyes, and skin colored a light olive green. Her hair is a thick but neat array of leaves and branches.
Karmel has had a colorful and interesting career trajectory. Her first job out of school was as a model. After two years, she ended up shifting into emceeing events and hosting her own art talk radio show that was very well-received on her home planet of Kor’Sel’Koo.
When she was 24, she met Orman Vuker, an acclaimed interior designer 22 years her senior. They wed within six months of meeting. This ended up being a great boon to both of their careers, and they became mainstays in the Kor’Sel’Koo art scene. The couple has two grown children- Eenyuh, a Civil Engineer, and C’tau, a fashion designer.
Karmel enjoyed her increased exposure to the art scene, and grew more and more interested in unusual, rare, and especially unique art pieces. She became steadily more interested in Earth art, and fell into dealing the pieces. She quit her radio host job, and focused more of her attentions on lucrative and interesting art dealing.
Eventually, she realized that she could contract pirate crews to bring her to Earth as part of the deal. She seems to have no interest in forming a crew of her own, and has little loyalty to any particular captain or ship. As a patron of Earth art, she likes to funnel money into the works of Earth artists and the shipping and handling back into space of such by pirate crews.
Karmel is surprisingly competent when it comes to missions and ship work, but she can be severe and demanding when it comes to perfection. She does not like to perform menial work, and argues with captains that try to set this upon her. She is much happier with paperwork, projects of analysis, and Earth expertise.
Rumor has it that Karmel and Orman (or “Ormel”, as the press likes to call them) have had a marriage on the rocks for the last fifteen years. They have separate residences, and have not been seen in public together for twelve years.
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ageofpiracyrp · 2 years
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Butterfly Cwallic
Pronouns: UTP
Role: Medic
Age: 23-26, UTP
Romantic and/or Sexual Preference: UTP
Species: Far’Ly’Dae
Home Planet: Kor’Sel’Koo
Length of time on Prosperity: Two years
Supervisor: Typically the surgeon, but the position is vacant. Currently the Quartermaster.
Faceclaim/Humanoid Appearance: Florence Pugh
Alternate FC Accepted?: Yes, must look related to Jeremy Irvine
True Appearance:
Butterfly has dark pink eyes, pale gray-brown bark “skin” and silvery-gold leaf “hair”. Other details are UTP.
Between the Cwallic siblings, Butterfly is the one who is most like their parents- awkward in public, and moderately unapproachable. Most people just don’t take to Butterfly’s complicated, unusual, and more-than-incidentally grouchy demeanor.
Some of Butterfly’s favorite hobbies include watching depressing romance films and people-watching.
Despite ‘just’ being a medic, Butterfly is surprisingly capable in a fight. Between the Far’Ly’Dae natural strength and growing up with Eddie, this medical professional is quite capable in a fight.
The Cwallic parents thought that naming their youngest child “Butterfly” would be a good idea. Butterfly does not agree, and has come up with a variety of nicknames. None have stuck so far.
The Prosperity visited the planet Molfaun during August and September. Buttefly’s resourcefulness and observation skills were very helpful in earning the crew a windfall of money.
Butterfly is considering going back to school to train as a surgeon or perhaps another kind of doctor.
Ryder Astrea: Butterfly and Ryder are close in age and hold the same position. Since the two have that and other things in common, they are work buddies. While they aren’t best friends, they work very well together.
Pacifica Gleyfu: Pacifica and Butterfly are not on great terms. Every now and again, their conversations devolve into criticism, and it can make working together quite stressful.
Eddie Cwallic: Butterfly and Eddie are siblings. While Eddie is the eldest, Butterfly has always been more responsible. They care about each other very much, but Eddie doesn’t like to “burden” Butterfly with bad news until the last minute. Butterfly has always found this immensely frustrating.
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ageofpiracyrp · 2 years
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Scout Velul
Pronouns: UTP
Role: Engineer
Age: 38-47 (UTP)
Romantic and/or Sexual Preference: UTP
Species: Far’Ly’Dae
Home Planet: Ly’Lor’Ke, Kor'Sel'Koo, Haelen'Kor, Marloken, or Oggdel'Lu (UTP)
Length of time on Prosperity: Five years
Supervisor: Skylar Clarke-Iz’an, the Chief Engineer
Faceclaim/Humanoid Appearance: Lauren Ridloff
Alternate FC Accepted?: Negotiable. Alaqua Cox or another faceclaim who is both POC and Deaf would be considered, but the prospective player would need to work with the admin to update details about this biography.
True Appearance: 
Scout’s appearance is UTP.
Originally, Scout dreamed of designing spaceships… but sometimes dreams change. Regardless, Scout has been seriously learning, studying, and actively engineering since age eleven. While Scout has a bit of an ego as far as being a good engineer goes, it is relatively well-deserved.
Whenever the Prosperity visit’s Scout’s home planet, the engineer makes a point of avoiding leaving the ship. A few former friends there tend to bring out the worst in Scout, and the Far’Ly’Dae doesn’t want to be that person anymore.
Scout is Deaf, and can communicate in a variety of ways- particularly because of the Far’Ly’Dae’s skill in lip reading. This is considered by the ship’s captain to be an immense asset, and Scout has been pulled away from engineering tasks to review security footage or participate in missions. The Far’Ly’Dae language Eein is just one of several languages that Scout is fluent in.
One of Scout’s personal hobbies is drawing nature. While the drawings aren’t particularly skillful, it’s more about doing something with one’s hands than trying to be the best. 
Scout is a connoisseur of Earth memes, and takes great pleasure in occasionally utilizing these in conversation.
Scout is the captain’s ideal candidate on paper for the position of Chief Engineer before Blue Streleku (whom has since departed the ship) and subsequently Skylar Clarke-Iz’an were placed in the Chief Engineer role. However, Scout is of the firm belief that leadership in engineering means not having much time to actually do engineering, and vehemently refused to be considered for the role. Scout thinks it’s great that someone else is willing to be the leader, and has been genuinely friendly and supportive to the person placed in this role.
Ever Mysik: Ever and Scout have similar work ethics and approaches to their careers; both are qualified to have taken on a leadership role on their teams, but find the idea of being promoted unpleasant. They also have a joking pact that if neither of them finds a life partner in ten years, they’ll marry each other.
Vajean Otrinerr: These two have a ton of inside jokes that are incomprehensible to just about everyone else. They’re close friends and coworkers, and share secrets with each other. When Vajean was being considered for Chief Engineer, Scout insisted on remaining neutral in the recruitment process. 
HJ Violet: When HJ first joined the crew of Prosperity, Scout was apprehensive. An Earth mechanic with no experience on a spaceship whatsoever? That sounded a little worrying. Scout seized the opportunity to get the lowdown on HJ by showing her some small engineering projects to collaborate on. Honestly, HJ was a pretty good mechanic for being a space newbie, so Scout is on board with being HJ’s friend. Sometimes Scout takes advantage of HJ’s gullibility for the sake of a joke, but in the end, Scout likes having a cool new friend more than a simple prank victim.
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ageofpiracyrp · 2 years
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Redmond “Eddie” Cwallic
Pronouns: UTP
Role: Close Combat
Age: 27-32, UTP
Romantic and/or Sexual Preference: Pansexual
Species: Far’Ly’Dae
Home Planet: Kor’Sel’Koo
Length of time on Prosperity: Two years
Supervisor: Robin Astrea, the First Mate
Faceclaim/Humanoid Appearance: Jeremy Irvine
Alternate FC Accepted?: Yes, must look plausibly related to Florence Pugh. A suggestion is Josh Dylan
True Appearance:
Eddie has mischievous dark pink eyes, pale gray-brown bark “skin” and ruddy gold leaf “hair”. Other details are UTP.
Eddie is the black sheep of the family. Butterfly and their parents are much more reserved and awkward. Most of the Cwallic family would be reluctant to chat idly with a stranger, but Eddie will happily exchange life stories with someone new.
Eddie is obsessed with Earth American television commercials and quotes them frequently. Unfortunately, Eddie doesn’t always understand the context behind these commercials, so the references can sound a little strange.
Music is almost constantly on Eddie’s mind, but the only instrument this guy plays is the accordion. 
Fighting is almost like music to Eddie. When every day is a training montage, life can be good.
It wouldn’t be too inappropriate to call Eddie a heartbreaker. A little fling never hurt anyone, right?
Sometimes, it really seems to be a pity that Ly’Daesun can’t easily eat or drink anything but water. Eddie has become something of a water connoisseur, and makes a point of savoring and tasting water as if it was fine wine wherever the Prosperity goes.
Butterfly Cwallic: Butterfly and Eddie are siblings. While Eddie is the eldest, Butterfly has always been more responsible. They care about each other very much, but Eddie doesn’t like to “burden” Butterfly with bad news until the last minute. Butterfly has always found this immensely frustrating.
Beck Derringer: Beck and Eddie get along like a house on fire. Very quickly after they met, they became fast friends… with benefits. The two have had some wild nights on the town together and separately. It is an open secret with the crew that the two have slept together and around, but neither have discussed this with Butterfly.
Marshall Maevik: When Marshall first joined up on the ship, Eddie was having a bad day, so Marshall bore the brunt of that frustration. Eddie played it off like all newbies get hazed as a rite of passage by having to run laps for an hour and a half around the ship, but that isn’t true at all. Marshall didn’t fall for the hazing trick, and refused to run laps, so Eddie and Marshall ended up getting into a little fight. Eddie got in trouble when the first mate and captain found out about this little stunt, so Eddie’s been salty toward Marshall ever since. Marshall didn’t tattle – The argument was so loud that Robin heard what was happening while passing by. But Eddie is so convinced that the new Lead Mechanic is nothing but a goody two-shoes, backstabbing snitch.
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ageofpiracyrp · 2 years
The Bat Ray
NOTE: The following NPCs are considered minor characters. All of them have potential alternative faceclaims, so please feel free to apply for a character with one of these faceclaims.
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Seetha Nadar
Pronouns: She/her
Position: Communications of The Bat Ray
Age: 25
Romantic and/or Sexual Preference: Heterosexual (She swears that it’s not her fault and she is so sorry)
Species: Human
Home Planet: Kraysha
Faceclaim/Humanoid Appearance: Charithra Chandran
True Appearance: N/A - Seetha is human. She does own dark violet contacts for situations when appearing to be Erkuss would be best.
Seetha got the idea to have contacts to help her appear more like an Erkuss from Skylar Clarke.
She grew up with three older brothers, and looked up to Julia like an older sister since she was very young. Her loyalty to Julia is quite intense.
She attended a very small school, and was the only human in her year. Despite this, she’s good with people across many species.
She loves One Direction so much, and makes Leo listen with her all the time.
When Seetha was 18, Julia was visiting Kraysha, and Seetha impulsively decided to join up with The Bat Ray as a mate.  
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Marked Danger Espionage IV “Mark Espionage”
Pronouns: He/him
Position: Master Gunner of The Bat Ray
Age: 29
Romantic and/or Sexual Preference: He’s never said “bisexual” before, but he doesn’t hate when people say that about him. Women are his preference, but he’s open.
Species: Erkuss
Home Planet: Kor'Sel'Koo
Faceclaim/Humanoid Appearance: Mitchel Musso
True Appearance: Mark has red eyes, but he wears hazel contacts to cover them up on Earth.
Mark comes from a long line of experts in weaponry and ‘danger.’ His great grandfather “Marked” (a secret agent and later mercenary), grandfather “Dan” (a consultant and combat instructor), and his father “Mac” (a mercenary) were all successful and well known in their respective fields.
Mark has been trained from birth to be the best at what he does. He might not be the best yet, but he’s certainly a good shot and very observant. He’s also a good team player.
Sometimes he can come off as a fuckboy, but he’s very respectful of boundaries.
He has been a crew member for 2 years.
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Leonid “Leo”
Pronouns: He/open to they
Position: Gunner of The Bat Ray
Age: 23
Romantic and/or Sexual Preference: Queer
Species: Far’Ly’Dae
Home Planet: Kor'Sel'Koo
Faceclaim/Humanoid Appearance: Omar Rudberg
True Appearance: His eyes are a vibrant green, with tousled leafy dark copper “hair.” He largely resembles his human appearance. 
He is quite fast, and much stronger than he looks. Quite literally, he will sweep a potential roll in the hay off their feet.
Leo is very sex-motivated, and spends a lot of his night’s off unashamedly looking for a good time. It just doesn’t seem to occur to Leo that he’s kind of an asshole.
He thinks his job is cool, and gets geeked out about guns.
Seetha is probably his best friend.
He had a one night stand with Ryder Astrea, but didn’t leave a note before leaving in the morning.
Something happened on “margarita night” that nobody outside of The Bat Ray feels the need to describe. Whatever went down, Leo is explicitly forbidden from indulging in most beverages.
He has been a crew member since January 2022.
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Ekka Riis
Pronouns: She/her
Position: Quartermaster of The Bat Ray
Age: 43
Romantic and/or Sexual Preference: ???
Species: Far’Ly’Dae
Home Planet: Oggdel'Lu
Faceclaim/Humanoid Appearance: Tiffany Haddish
True Appearance: The wood texture of her skin is intricately patterned. She has dusky pink eyes, and very defined angular features. The leaves atop her head are rosy pink.
Ekka took over as Quartermaster shortly after Daphne left.
While she isn’t as awkward as Kenna, Ekka is not particularly talkative. She appreciates quality attention, and a one-on-one conversation.
She likes flower arranging. Yes, she’s a plant person. No, it’s not that weird.
Since she isn’t exactly an open book, it can be difficult to learn much about Ekka. She did know Kenna before the first mate joined up with the ship, though.
She has been a crew member for eight years.
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