#farm animal sanctuary
stimciety · 11 months
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Happy Compromise Farm Animal Sanctuary
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bignosebaby · 6 months
Happy IKEA monkey day to all those who celebrate
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December 11, 2012 was the day Darwin the Japanese macaque was found roaming outside an IKEA in North York, Toronto. He was rescued by Storybook Farm Sanctuary and lives there to this day enjoying the good life with many monkey friends.
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nocturnal-stims · 2 years
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Everyone loves dandelions, especially cows! Other treats cows enjoy are bananas, apples, pears, oranges, pumpkins, carrots, watermelons, and cacti.
🐄 Iowa Farm Sanctuary
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is-the-owl-video-cute · 10 months
Picture this: You like owls. You see lots of misinformation and abusive animal videos online. You decide to make a blog that tells people “hey! These videos aren’t cute!” You want to spread knowledge.
For some reason, vegans are in your inbox.
Vegans have been a plague to me for years because they want me to see farming as ideologically evil but if I can’t farm quail and mice the animals in my care will starve to death and if livestock aren’t farmed my pets will have no food and crucially due to my own dietary restrictions I will also simply die.
So we have been at odds for a very long time. Especially because I know what actual farming practices are, and the misinformation spread online by hipster weirdos who apparently believe anything they see online regardless of how absurd it clearly is honestly just as obnoxious to me as people who think any given wildlife should be kept as a pet.
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lionfloss · 2 years
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via The Gentle Barn
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birdhism · 2 years
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Please consider making a Turkey happy today by supporting your local Farm Sanctuary. As a Birdhist, I believe Turkeys deserve the same compassion as all other birds, maybe you do to? 
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maccandlercampaign · 1 year
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bloughjobs · 3 months
RIP to my friend, Hank, who had to be euthanized yesterday.
Hank was found wandering around town last summer, presumably an escapee from a slaughter truck considering his breed, as well as size/age upon intake.
Turkeys like Hank are intentionally and selectively bred to grow as fast as possible in the shortest amount of time possible. This is, of course, to save time, money, and resources for the “farms” raising them.
After only a few weeks, these babies are already too heavy for their own bodies, and they are sent to slaughter. Yes, probably every turkey you’ve ever eaten was still a baby.
A VERY small number of these babies get *super* lucky, and despite all odds, end up at an animal sanctuary like the one I managed last year when we first found Hank. Here, they must be kept on a very strict diet and exercise regimen. Because, even though no one plans to eat them anymore, their biology still betrays their will to live and causes them to carry an excessive amount of weight that puts stress on their legs and organs.
And despite all of the love and effort their sanctuary caretakers put into improving and extending their lives, most of these birds will still die from conditions directly caused by their selective breeding… because, according to the meat industry, the only thing that matters is that these animals can stay alive long enough to reach “slaughter weight.” Whether or not the rest of their bodies can handle that weight is of no concern to an industry that views them as objects, and has no plan to see them live beyond those few weeks.
This is exactly what happened to Hank. His legs and his heart could no longer carry his weight, and despite veterinary intervention, he was no longer able to stand at the end of his life. His heart and breathing were labored, and he was suffering. Hank did not deserve to have his life stolen from him so soon… The only thing to take solace in is that he got to spend 10 whole months in the sun with friends, and got to pass surrounded by those who loved him, a much different fate than 99.9% of all other “meat birds.”
Hank was a sweet, sensitive, handsome boy full of love and hope. He would follow me back and forth all morning while I did the chores, and was never shy about showing off his feathers and strutting his stuff for anyone watching (including himself in the mirror!) He had a best friend, Timmy the rooster, that he cared for and spent all day and night with.
He was a sentient being, no different from the cat or dog you share a home with right now. No different from you or I in any of the ways that matter. We have so much to learn as a species and as individuals when it comes to what really matters in this life…
Please try to remember the individual that once carried around that weight next time you buy a package of meat from the grocery. And remember that every day each one of us has the chance to make a difference in the world through every little decision we make. Choose compassion.
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aloesthetic · 1 year
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Sweet baby I met at the Drumlin Farm Wildlife sanctuary last year! August 3rd, 2022 🐑
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the-evil-hag · 10 months
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stimciety · 11 months
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Happy Compromise Farm Animal Sanctuary
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wizardfeet · 2 years
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Bruce ♡
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nocturnal-stims · 2 years
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A rescued calf and pig become unlikely little buddies on a small farm sanctuary in New Mexico
🐄 Southgate Sanctuary on IG
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sherimoonzombie · 2 years
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Here I am saying hi to #RobZombie the Duck and meeting Sheri the Duck at Woodstock Farm Sanctuary. Got to say hello to lots of friendly faces (animal & human) and meet the newest animals (the sheep aka the band). This is a great place giving care to animals in need: https://woodstocksanctuary.org ❤️
#WoodstockFarmSanctuary #SheriMoonZombie
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vegandude72 · 8 months
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This post is from my VeganVoices blog on the web. Tap this text link to learn more.
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