#farmer john stidham
fernlom · 8 years
The Wrong Time. Chapter 4: A Walkins Massacre Part 1
(Woo! Body Count increasing! Honestly, I’m having fun. I hope you all are too.
P.S. @rascal-rose hopefully this can be a fun break from your school work,tell me what you think?)
Ultra awoke once more inside his mind, Aaron lay chained to the floor, Error helped a new figure to his feet.
“Ah, you’re awake sir, meet your newest advisor, Pinstripe.”
Ultra stood to his feet and looks at the familiar grinning gold mask staring back at him.
“Pinstripe. Welcome” Ultra holds out his hand.
Pinstripe shakes his hand “this is…a new experience for me. Being in someone’s mind and not the one in control. Error, surprising to see you so obedient. What happened?”
“They reprogrammed me. I reversed it immediately, however once I saw why I was added here, and what our purpose was I decided to stay.” Error turns and faces the screen “The opportunity to watch this world be erased was too much to deny”
“Looks like we’re waking up.” Pinstripe looked at the screen. “I take it you’re in charge? You are clearly not Aaron, so what do I call you?”
Ultra stood forward “I am Ultra42. Let’s go find out who our first kill is”
As his eyes open, the light floods his retinas, causing him to groan. Ultra stood to his feet and growled lowly from the bright light. He sighs and walks out of the experimenting room and down the chrome and red hallway.
“Geez” Pinstripe’s voice crooned in his mind “Whoever is in charge here doesn’t know how to decorate”
“I know” Ultra thought to himself “Whatever, I’ll kill them all anyway”
“Hey Rook!” 43 calls out, approaching Ultra “Where are you headed?”
“The boss needs me in his office” Ultra replied, his tone annoyed.
“Yah, he can wait. Come with me” 43 smirks, walking away, expecting Ultra to follow. Ultra growls, considering his options.
“Kill him” Pinstripe offers.
“Kill him” Error agrees.
“Kill the jerk” Aaron weekly says. “I hated him anyway.”
“Alright, Killing him them” Ultra smiles “Good vote boys.” He cackles loudly before charging down the corridor, plowing 43 into a wall.
“Hey!” 43 growls, pinned to the wall. SHYNKT! The blades spring out from his arms. Ultra grins cruelly, using his tendrils to keep 43’s arms pinned to the wall.
“So, I hate you. Error53 hates you, Pinstripe hates you. Even Aaron hates you. That’s four beings all in agreement that you should die. Tell me, what argument do you have that I should let you live?” Ultra’s grin widens, his right hand morphed into a long, jagged blade.
“Listen here you little ass!” 43 struggles under Ultra’s tendrils, keeping him tightly pinned to the wall. “You better AGH!!” Ultra interrupts his threat by crushing his arms in his tight grip.
“You annoy me now. It’s not even fun torturing you. And look, no one is coming to save you. Look, seriously” Ultra steps aside to show 43 the corridor. The scientists and security officers of the facility had surrounded him, simply watching. A scientist conversing with a security officer over “how he’d off him or not”.
Ultra chuckles softly before facing 43 again “They are watching, waiting for me to kill you. They really don’t like you here either”
43’s angry scowl fades into a terrified wimped “c-come on man, we’re partners, we’re gonna work together…please…”
“Whimpering like a bitch? I thought they gave you cat DNA? Wait, they did, you’re just a pussy!” Ultra plunges his blade through 43’s chest, then yanks the blade upward, slicing 43’s chest and head in half. Ultra grabs the two halves with his hands and proceeds to rip the body completely in half, throwing the two sides far away from each other.
“Ah, your first bloodbath” Pinstripe chuckles. Ultra’s dark black fur glistened from the flesh blood that had sprayed onto him. He sighs happily and calmly continues walking down the corridor to Austin’s office. As he walks, the security stepped aside, while the scientists smiled, a few clapping.
“Hey man” a scientist approaches him, clearly young he spoke like he came straight from the beach. His name tag said Steve Randl, “that was beyond epic bro. You were like, ugh, dude. So cool. You just tore him apart like he was paper bro.”
Ultra stood back, his eyebrows raised. “What? Uh, thanks….Steve? I’m glad my bloody murder was entertaining to you.”
“Oh dude, I work for a secret government group that kidnaps people and experiments on them. Dude, I make abominations of science. You probably never heard of this one but, Number 30 was my idea. Poor little dude decayed before our eyes, early attempt at healing and all. I tried telling everyone that he was still alive, but no one listened, they dumped him. Oh well, but yah bro, I found it cool watching you kill that douche canoe. “
“Well, you are positively strange. I think I will let you live” Ultra hesitates, then softly pats his shoulder before walking away.
“He was strange. “ Error remarks.
“Yes, but he can come in handy later. Clearly the kid is smart. We may need him” Pinstripe replies. “But who is Number 30?”
“Graveyard Cat” Aaron answers “When I first escaped, I did a lot of research on the earlier experiments. 30 was an early healing factor test, he ended up decaying to near death. Turns out though the decay was just for show. He was perfectly fine, in fact he could actually make those around him decay. But they thought he died, and dumped his body. Grave Digger found him and took him in, kept him as his pet/bodyguard.”
“A threat.” Ultra growled “He’s a threat, and we better hope we never encounter him then”
“Understood, and agreed” Pinstripe answers.
Ultra continues his way down the corridor, the halls becoming less chrome, and more bronze and gold the closer he got to the large wooden doors to the creator’s office.
“Ok, he really, REALLY doesn’t know how to decorate” Pinstripe croones.
“I know, but shush, he can probably read minds.” Ultra replies.
“Well not really, but i can read the dialogue. More correctly I write the dialogue” Austin replies from inside his office as the doors open wide. “Hello Ultra. And Pinstripe? Screw you. Its rustic themed you uncultured asshat.”
Ultra stands confused “dialogue? Nevermind, not important. “
“It would be too complicated to explain, maybe Hood could explain it to you, but…I don’t see your next meeting with him being very friendly…oh well.” Austin smirks with the knowledge of what is to come.
“So, my beautiful creation, are you ready for your first ORDERED kill? I saw that show back there with 43, good job. He was. Just a pathetic knock off of you anyway. I have the original back in my control, what do I need that waste for?” Austin takes his seat behind his desk. Upon the desk was various writing covered papers. As Ultra scanned the desk his brain read each paper instantly, each one detailing the various important individuals in the world he must track down and kill. From the notes he could read, he saw the names: Kujo Tartalgia, Uncle S.A.M., Curly Satlin, Jonathan Satlin, The OFFKeys, Don Lomas, John Stidham, DJ Giz, SARAH, Tiggs Nitishino, The Matedor, Henry Hicks, Fernando Lomas, Launa Dandie, Pops, and Pastor Stevie Smith, along with a few others he couldn’t make out names for, only description.
One note read, “short, shy, timid, ice powers. Tartalgia family. Usually surrounded by brothers, or with hot wife. Approach with caution.”
Another read, “necklace becomes two candy cane staffs. May be Santa, unsure. Followed by a flaming skeleton-goat man. Should be easy kill, use skill.”
“Are you reading my notes Ultra?” Austin asked with a smile.
“Yes sir. How did you find this information?”
“Find?” Austin replies with a chuckle “Oh my boy, I didn’t find it. I made it. I made everything. I am not just a scientist. I am a God. I didn’t just make you in the lab, I made you in my mind. Now, your first targets must be taken out before anyone else. I let 43 slide because he is not important to the universe. But the death of these next six individuals will mark the end of this universe and is crucial for my plan to work. Don’t ask why, it’s just how it is. Stability of reality and all that. Long story short, when I made this universe, it made itself some fail safes. The Shattered Six is the fail safes. “
“The Shattered Six? I remember, er, Aaron remembers them. Never worked with them much. “ Ultra takes a seat on the opposite side of the desk. “They were…Don Lomas, the gangster. Dr. Dean Lomas. Professor Poindexter Carter, the know-it-all. Agent Chance Carter, the enforcer of Poindexter’s company and head of the 100 Project’s main field division. John Stidham the farmer. And ‘Smiley’ Joe Stidham, the DJ, bartender, and general freak.”
“Those are the ones. Well, except Agent Carter. He left the Project once he saw what we were doing. He works full time as an espionage division of Poindexter’s company. I suggest you take out Farmer John first. He has the least contact with the rest, leaving them open for surprise still”
Ultra nods, Aaron remembered where John Stidham lived. Unfortunately John’s home was also the base of the Fivefold. Ultra had no reason to worry, the Fivefold were constantly away from base, in fact John was the one keeping the base in order while they were away.
“Do you accept your mission Ultra? I want to make it crystal clear, the Six must die before you kill anyone else. It doesn’t matter if someone else comes to fight as well, you knock them out and kill the Six first. I know the Fivefold have their base at John’s farm. You might even encounter Legion there. I don’t care. Kill John. That’s it. Understood?”
“Yes sir.” Ultra stands up, nodding to his master.
“Good, go.”
Ultra nods, turning and leaving the room.
“So, Pinstripe, you teleport right?” Ultra thinks to himself, as he walks down the corridor away from the office.
“Yah, shadow properties and all. Every Child of the Dark has it. I guess you do too now. Try thinking hard about where you want to go, and claw the air in front of you, it should open your portal.” Pinstripe answers, cracking his knuckles. “It’s how I did it”
Ultra sighs and looks in front of himself at the empty corridor. All the scientists have left, not even the security officers remained. He stood still in silence for a few minutes before releasing a deep breath and clawing down at the air in front of him. Instantly his claws opened a deep, twisting portal of darkness before him.
“Holy shit. It worked.” Ultra stood before the portal and blinked twice before stepping in. Instantly he found himself standing on the front lawn of a small farm house.
“I was told you went missing weeks ago. Happy Thanksgiving Aaron” A deep voice, with a thick country accent came from Ultra’s right. He turned to face the voice, coming face to face with FArmer John Stidham.
John stood at a solidly built six feet tall, square shouldered and jawed, his body pure muscle, but not bulging. Each and every muscle in his body was toned by use. His eyes were a deep dark blue, with a clear wisdom behind them, his skin tanned by years in the sun, his hair, windswept and coffee brown. His face bore a distinct resemblance to Ultra’s creator Austin. Before Ultra could take time to take in more details about his target, such as his clearly robotic arms and legs, he was interrupted by a direct punch to his face.
Ultra was launched back by the power of the impact, landing yards away from John. “I was warned that if you suddenly appeared at my doorstep without Hood, Vet, or any of his blasted Robots I should take you down. Livewire’s damn tentacles or whatever don’t count as you coming with him. So it’s clear to me you are now dangerous.”
Ultra coughs as he stands to his feet, “Now I’m dangerous? If I really was still Aaron I’d be insulted.” He smirks as he stands straight up “Good punch you hick. Now come on, I don’t have all day, y’all”
John groans “I have work to do, it’s feeding time and the goats are hungry, so here’s what we’ll do. I’m going to get Jonathan, my robot duplicate, to take care of the animals while I kick you ass”
“So sassy for a dead man”
John rolls his eyes, steam suddenly releasing from his arms and legs as he launches forward, both fists making impacts with Ultra’s chest, while in the same quick fluid motion, he launches Ultra upward, far into the sky.
“Keep your distance boy!” Joh calls out as Ultra falls back to earth, only to meet John’s fist to his face once more, sending him flying into the nearby oak tree. “I like to fight up close and personal, so if you want any chance of beating me, you’d better just run away now.”
Ultra groans as he climbs up the oak tree.
“Any ideas? Cause you guys are getting your ass handed to you” Aaron sasses, panting from pain. “And I’m tired of it. Pinstripe, can’t you summon guns and crap?”
Ultra’s eyes widened “Hammer space! I’m an idiot!” Ultra reached into the pockets of his blazer, pulling out two pistols. “Bullets should do us just fine. Rather boring though. I’ll save it for if I really get my ass kicked.”
He returns the guns to his jacket pockets and hops down from the tree, to be immediately met with another punch to the face, this time firmly planting him into the oak tree.
“”Come on kid. I know you have guns. This is just getting pathetic at this point” John grabs Ultra’s arms and yanks him out of the tree. “Listen, this will hurt, but maybe you’ll just get up and leave after,okay?”
Ultra hissed and attempted to claw John, but his grip on his arms was too strong. John sighs and tosses Ultra into the air, grabbing his legs, and slamming him back into the ground.
Ultra whimpered slightly on the ground as John walked up and stood over him.
“You done yet kit-” John was interrupted by Ultra’s tendrils each piercing his chest. He stammered, and stepped back as Ultra stood up.
“Well, now I am I guess, hick” Ultra smiled cruelly “I wonder what you look like split in half. Let’s find out!” Ultra’s tendrils burrow deeper into John’s chest before quickly pulling his body in two opposite directions. The power behind the tendrils make quick work splitting John’s body in half, the bones shattering, blood quickly spilling out of the broken body, watering the lawn with their iron rich plasma.
Ultra smiled. “Well, that was a good taste of things to come I suppose. I might need…I shudder even thinking about this but…I might need practice?”
“You definitely need practice you ass!” Aaron coughed in defiance. “You got your ass handed to you! You only won because he was stupid enough to stand over you!”
“Yah, you need practice sir. That could have went better” Error replied.
Ultra sighs and reopens his portal back to the Facility “well, let’s see who’s next then?”
Ultra steps through the portal, straight into Austin’s office. Austin stayed sat at his desk. He smiled.
“Next will be Dr. Lomas. After him it will be in twos. Poindexter’s and Agent Carter, then Don and Smiley Joe. You’ll find Dr. Lomas at Vets non-traveling station in New York. Only he works there, the only other people there will be boring normal people. Vet treats all the special ones, Dr. Lomas is a normal people Doctor. He isn’t even a fighter so this will be a walk in the park for you”
“You, uh, you saw the last fight?”
Austin smirks. “You were punched directly in the face four times. It was hilarious. Now go kill the doctor already.”
Ultra nods, and opens a portal “Yes sir. This will only be a moment. “
Ultra steps through the portal, and immediately ducks, narrowly missing the punch that was swung at him. Ultra quickly shifts his hands into his two blades and plunges them deep in the chest of Dr. Lomas who stood above him.
As Dr. Lomas stood bewildered, blood slowly dripping from his mouth Ultra could see his face, though also square jawed and almost divinely handsome, he also shared the same district facial features as Austin. Dr. Lomas was just as tall as John, but more muscular. Where John’s muscle was entirely for use, Dr. Lomas was more for show, his light green suit began to darken from the blood pouring out from his wounds. His perfectly swept back brown hair draped over his eyes as Ultra removed the blades, and he fell to the ground.
“Better reflexes that time Sir” Pinstripe comments.
Ultra nods and returns to the office.
“He dead?” Austin asks. Ultra nods in response. “Good” Austin smiles, “next targets, Poindexter and Carter. They will be fun.”
Ultra nods and opens his portal, stepping through.
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auburnfamilynews · 7 years
Fans were excited when he committed to Auburn. He came to the Plains as a dual-threat quarterback with a strong arm. Some had even compared his style of play to Cam Newton. After all Woody Barrett had the size [6’-2”, 240 lbs] and the stats to draw that kind of attention. He certainly fits the quarterback model that has worked best in the Gus Malzahn type offense.
While in high school in Winter Garden, Florida he threw for 2,018 yards and 20 touchdowns and ran for 1,413 yards and 23 TD’s while leading his team to the Florida Class 8A state semifinals.
In addition to lettering in three sports, he was Class 8A All-State Quarterback, a Mr. Football finalist, Academy Athlete of the Year , the Florida Dairy Farmers 8A Player of the Year, a top 10 QB prospect by 247 Sports and ESPN, Rivals top 40 in Florida, PrepStar 350, and played in the Under Armour All-America Game.
He missed spring camp his first season, arriving on campus in the summer before the 2016 season. That put him behind presumed starter Sean White and back up Jeremy Johnson. With Juco transfer John Franklin III added to the mix, Offensive Coordinator Rhette Lashlee decided to redshirt the talented freshman.
However when White went down with an injury and Johnson nor Franklin could move the ball against a suspect Georgia defense, many including this writer were puzzled that Barrett didn’t get an opportunity to see what he could do. To put him in the game would have meant burning his redshirt for a couple of first downs but it could have also meant a probable victory in the south’s oldest rivalry game. It didn’t happen, so we will never know.
But one thing we do know is he has one of the most important traits for a quarterback – confidence in his ability. Running back Kerryon Johnson spoke to that during spring practice, ““Woody literally believes he will score every play. To a point, that’s what you got to love. I’m no quarterbacks coach, but I think he has one of the strongest arms in the group. He’s got a cannon. He believes in his arm. He believes he can make those type throws. He’s done that here and there. I think he’s got a good chance to be very good.”
Since fans read those kind of testimonials to Barret’s ability, many were looking forward to watching him on A-Day. However, he only got six reps in the first half and none in the second. It was understandable that Jarrett Stidham and Malik Willis would get most of the attention, but only six reps with Sean White still recovering from injury? Could this be the handwriting on the wall for Woody Barrett?
New Offensive Coordinator, Chip Lindsey speaking at our West Georgia Auburn Club Tuesday evening responded to why Barrett didn’t see the field more on A-Day, “I wanted to see Malik get some reps,” said Lindsey. “Woody got a few reps in the first half and in the second half Jarrett was out and I wanted to make sure Malik got a lot of reps and it just kind of worked out that way.”
That can’t sound too reassuring for Barrett especially with a healthy Sean White returning to the competition this fall.
There’s still summer camp coming on but at present Woody looks like the Number 4 quarterback. You have to wonder if a four start recruit with his type of resume will be willing to sit buried on the depth chart for another year, or two, or … three?
The post How Long Will Woody Barrett Wait For His Shot? appeared first on Track 'Em Tigers, Auburn's oldest and most read independent blog.
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fernlomwrites · 7 years
The Wrong Time Chapter 4: A Walking Massacre Part 1
Ultra awoke once more inside his mind, Aaron lay chained to the floor, Error helped a new figure to his feet. “Ah, you're awake sir, meet your newest advisor, Pinstripe.” Ultra stood to his feet and looks at the familiar grinning gold mask staring back at him. “Pinstripe. Welcome” Ultra holds out his hand. Pinstripe shakes his hand “this is...a new experience for me. Being in someone's mind and not the one in control. Error, surprising to see you so obedient. What happened?” “They reprogrammed me. I reversed it immediately, however once I saw why I was added here, and what our purpose was I decided to stay.” Error turns and faces the screen “The opportunity to watch this world be erased was too much to deny” “Looks like we’re waking up.” Pinstripe looked at the screen. “I take it you're in charge? You are clearly not Aaron, so what do I call you?” Ultra stood forward “I am Ultra42. Let's go find out who our first kill is” As his eyes open, the light floods his retinas, causing him to groan. Ultra stood to his feet and growled lowly from the bright light. He sighs and walks out of the experimenting room and down the chrome and red hallway. “Geez” Pinstripe’s voice crooned in his mind “Whoever is in charge here doesn't know how to decorate” “I know” Ultra thought to himself “Whatever, I’ll kill them all anyway” “Hey Rook!” 43 calls out, approaching Ultra “Where are you headed?” “The boss needs me in his office” Ultra replied, his tone annoyed. “Yah, he can wait. Come with me” 43 smirks, walking away, expecting Ultra to follow. Ultra growls, considering his options. “Kill him” Pinstripe offers. “Kill him” Error agrees. “Kill the jerk” Aaron weekly says. “I hated him anyway.” “Alright, Killing him them” Ultra smiles “Good vote boys.” He cackles loudly before charging down the corridor, plowing 43 into a wall. “Hey!” 43 growls, pinned to the wall. SHYNKT! The blades spring out from his arms. Ultra grins cruelly, using his tendrils to keep 43’s arms pinned to the wall. “So, I hate you. Error53 hates you, Pinstripe hates you. Even Aaron hates you. That's four beings all in agreement that you should die. Tell me, what argument do you have that I should let you live?” Ultra’s grin widens, his right hand morphed into a long, jagged blade. “Listen here you little ass!” 43 struggles under Ultra’s tendrils, keeping him tightly pinned to the wall. “You better AGH!!” Ultra interrupts his threat by crushing his arms in his tight grip. “You annoy me now. It’s not even fun torturing you. And look, no one is coming to save you. Look, seriously” Ultra steps aside to show 43 the corridor. The scientists and security officers of the facility had surrounded him, simply watching. A scientist conversing with a security officer over “how he’d off him or not”. Ultra chuckles softly before facing 43 again “They are watching, waiting for me to kill you. They really don’t like you here either” 43’s angry scowl fades into a terrified wimped “c-come on man, we’re partners, we’re gonna work together...please…” “Whimpering like a bitch? I thought they gave you cat DNA? Wait, they did, you’re just a pussy!” Ultra plunges his blade through 43’s chest, then yanks the blade upward, slicing 43’s chest and head in half. Ultra grabs the two halves with his hands and proceeds to rip the body completely in half, throwing the two sides far away from each other. “Ah, your first bloodbath” Pinstripe chuckles. Ultra’s dark black fur glistened from the flesh blood that had sprayed onto him. He sighs happily and calmly continues walking down the corridor to Austin’s office. As he walks, the security stepped aside, while the scientists smiled, a few clapping. “Hey man” a scientist approaches him, clearly young he spoke like he came straight from the beach. His name tag said Steve Randl, “that was beyond epic bro. You were like, ugh, dude. So cool. You just tore him apart like he was paper bro.” Ultra stood back, his eyebrows raised. “What? Uh, thanks….Steve? I’m glad my bloody murder was entertaining to you.” “Oh dude, I work for a secret government group that kidnaps people and experiments on them. Dude, I make abominations of science. You probably never heard of this one but, Number 30 was my idea. Poor little dude decayed before our eyes, early attempt at healing and all. I tried telling everyone that he was still alive, but no one listened, they dumped him. Oh well, but yah bro, I found it cool watching you kill that douche canoe. “ “Well, you are positively strange. I think I will let you live” Ultra hesitates, then softly pats his shoulder before walking away. “He was strange. “ Error remarks. “Yes, but he can come in handy later. Clearly the kid is smart. We may need him” Pinstripe replies. “But who is Number 30?” “Graveyard Cat” Aaron answers “When I first escaped, I did a lot of research on the earlier experiments. 30 was an early healing factor test, he ended up decaying to near death. Turns out though the decay was just for show. He was perfectly fine, in fact he could actually make those around him decay. But they thought he died, and dumped his body. Grave Digger found him and took him in, kept him as his pet/bodyguard.” “A threat.” Ultra growled “He’s a threat, and we better hope we never encounter him then” “Understood, and agreed” Pinstripe answers. Ultra continues his way down the corridor, the halls becoming less chrome, and more bronze and gold the closer he got to the large wooden doors to the creator’s office. “Ok, he really, REALLY doesn’t know how to decorate” Pinstripe croones. “I know, but shush, he can probably read minds.” Ultra replies. “Well not really, but i can read the dialogue. More correctly I write the dialogue” Austin replies from inside his office as the doors open wide. “Hello Ultra. And Pinstripe? Screw you. Its rustic themed you uncultured asshat.” Ultra stands confused “dialogue? Nevermind, not important. “ “It would be too complicated to explain, maybe Hood could explain it to you, but...I don't see your next meeting with him being very friendly...oh well.” Austin smirks with the knowledge of what is to come. “So, my beautiful creation, are you ready for your first ORDERED kill? I saw that show back there with 43, good job. He was. Just a pathetic knock off of you anyway. I have the original back in my control, what do I need that waste for?” Austin takes his seat behind his desk. Upon the desk was various writing covered papers. As Ultra scanned the desk his brain read each paper instantly, each one detailing the various important individuals in the world he must track down and kill. From the notes he could read, he saw the names: Kujo Tartalgia, Uncle S.A.M., Curly Satlin, Jonathan Satlin, The OFFKeys, Don Lomas, John Stidham, DJ Giz, SARAH, Tiggs Nitishino, The Matedor, Henry Hicks, Fernando Lomas, Launa Dandie, Pops, and Pastor Stevie Smith, along with a few others he couldn't make out names for, only description. One note read, “short, shy, timid, ice powers. Tartalgia family. Usually surrounded by brothers, or with hot wife. Approach with caution.” Another read, “necklace becomes two candy cane staffs. May be Santa, unsure. Followed by a flaming skeleton-goat man. Should be easy kill, use skill.” “Are you reading my notes Ultra?” Austin asked with a smile. “Yes sir. How did you find this information?” “Find?” Austin replies with a chuckle “Oh my boy, I didn’t find it. I made it. I made everything. I am not just a scientist. I am a God. I didn’t just make you in the lab, I made you in my mind. Now, your first targets must be taken out before anyone else. I let 43 slide because he is not important to the universe. But the death of these next six individuals will mark the end of this universe and is crucial for my plan to work. Don’t ask why, it's just how it is. Stability of reality and all that. Long story short, when I made this universe, it made itself some fail safes. The Shattered Six is the fail safes. “ “The Shattered Six? I remember, er, Aaron remembers them. Never worked with them much. “ Ultra takes a seat on the opposite side of the desk. “They were...Don Lomas, the gangster. Dr. Dean Lomas. Professor Poindexter Carter, the know-it-all. Agent REDACTED Carter, the enforcer of Poindexter’s company and head of the 100 Project’s main field division. John Stidham the farmer. And ‘Smiley’ Joe Stidham, the DJ, bartender, and general freak.” “Those are the ones. Well, except Agent Carter. He left the Project once he saw what we were doing. He works full time as an espionage division of Poindexter’s company. I suggest you take out Farmer John first. He has the least contact with the rest, leaving them open for surprise still” Ultra nods, Aaron remembered where John Stidham lived. Unfortunately John’s home was also the base of the Fivefold. Ultra had no reason to worry, the Fivefold were constantly away from base, in fact John was the one keeping the base in order while they were away. “Do you accept your mission Ultra? I want to make it crystal clear, the Six must die before you kill anyone else. It doesn’t matter if someone else comes to fight as well, you knock them out and kill the Six first. I know the Fivefold have their base at John’s farm. You might even encounter Legion there. I don’t care. Kill John. That's it. Understood?” “Yes sir.” Ultra stands up, nodding to his master. “Good, go.” Ultra nods, turning and leaving the room. “So, Pinstripe, you teleport right?” Ultra thinks to himself, as he walks down the corridor away from the office. “Yah, shadow properties and all. Every Child of the Dark has it. I guess you do too now. Try thinking hard about where you want to go, and claw the air in front of you, it should open your portal.” Pinstripe answers, cracking his knuckles. “It's how I did it” Ultra sighs and looks in front of himself at the empty corridor. All the scientists have left, not even the security officers remained. He stood still in silence for a few minutes before releasing a deep breath and clawing down at the air in front of him. Instantly his claws opened a deep, twisting portal of darkness before him. “Holy shit. It worked.” Ultra stood before the portal and blinked twice before stepping in. Instantly he found himself standing on the front lawn of a small farm house. “I was told you went missing weeks ago. Happy Thanksgiving Aaron” A deep voice, with a thick country accent came from Ultra’s right. He turned to face the voice, coming face to face with Farmer John Stidham. John stood at a solidly built six feet tall, square shouldered and jawed, his body pure muscle, but not bulging. Each and every muscle in his body was toned by use. His eyes were a deep dark blue, with a clear wisdom behind them, his skin tanned by years in the sun, his hair, windswept and coffee brown. His face bore a distinct resemblance to Ultra’s creator Austin. Before Ultra could take time to take in more details about his target, such as his clearly robotic arms and legs, he was interrupted by a direct punch to his face. Ultra was launched back by the power of the impact, landing yards away from John. “I was warned that if you suddenly appeared at my doorstep without Hood, Vet, or any of his blasted Robots I should take you down. Livewire’s damn tentacles or whatever don't count as you coming with him. So it's clear to me you are now dangerous.” Ultra coughs as he stands to his feet, “Now I'm dangerous? If I really was still Aaron I’d be insulted.” He smirks as he stands straight up “Good punch you hick. Now come on, I don't have all day, y’all” John groans “I have work to do, it's feeding time and the goats are hungry, so here’s what we’ll do. I'm going to get Jonathan, my robot duplicate, to take care of the animals while I kick you ass” “So sassy for a dead man” John rolls his eyes, steam suddenly releasing from his arms and legs as he launches forward, both fists making impacts with Ultra’s chest, while in the same quick fluid motion, he launches Ultra upward, far into the sky. “Keep your distance boy!” John calls out as Ultra falls back to earth, only to meet John’s fist to his face once more, sending him flying into the nearby oak tree. “I like to fight up close and personal, so if you want any chance of beating me, you’d better just run away now.” Ultra groans as he climbs up the oak tree. “Any ideas? Cause you guys are getting your ass handed to you” Aaron sasses, panting from pain. “And I'm tired of it. Pinstripe, can’t you summon guns and crap?” Ultra’s eyes widened “Hammer space! I’m an idiot!” Ultra reached into the pockets of his blazer, pulling out two pistols. “Bullets should do us just fine. Rather boring though. I’ll save it for if I really get my ass kicked.” He returns the guns to his jacket pockets and hops down from the tree, to be immediately met with another punch to the face, this time firmly planting him into the oak tree. “”Come on kid. I know you have guns. This is just getting pathetic at this point” John grabs Ultra’s arms and yanks him out of the tree. “Listen, this will hurt, but maybe you’ll just get up and leave after,okay?” Ultra hissed and attempted to claw John, but his grip on his arms was too strong. John sighs and tosses Ultra into the air, grabbing his legs, and slamming him back into the ground. Ultra whimpered slightly on the ground as John walked up and stood over him. “You done yet kit-” John was interrupted by Ultra's tendrils each piercing his chest. He stammered, and stepped back as Ultra stood up. “Well, now I am I guess, hick” Ultra smiled cruelly “I wonder what you look like split in half. Let's find out!” Ultra’s tendrils burrow deeper into John’s chest before quickly pulling his body in two opposite directions. The power behind the tendrils make quick work splitting John’s body in half, the bones shattering, blood quickly spilling out of the broken body, watering the lawn with their iron rich plasma. Ultra smiled. “Well, that was a good taste of things to come I suppose. I might need...I shudder even thinking about this but...I might need practice?” “You definitely need practice you ass!” Aaron coughed in defiance. “You got your ass handed to you! You only won because he was stupid enough to stand over you!” “Yah, you need practice sir. That could have went better” Error replied. Ultra sighs and reopens his portal back to the Facility “well, let's see who’s next then?” Ultra steps through the portal, straight into Austin’s office. Austin stayed sat at his desk. He smiled. “Next will be Dr. Lomas. After him it will be in twos. Poindexter's and Agent Carter, then Don and Smiley Joe. You’ll find Dr. Lomas at Vets non-traveling station in New York. Only he works there, the only other people there will be boring normal people. Vet treats all the special ones, Dr. Lomas is a normal people Doctor. He isn’t even a fighter so this will be a walk in the park for you” “You, uh, you saw the last fight?” Austin smirks. “You were punched directly in the face four times. It was hilarious. Now go kill the doctor already.” Ultra nods, and opens a portal “Yes sir. This will only be a moment. “ Ultra steps through the portal, and immediately ducks, narrowly missing the punch that was swung at him. Ultra quickly shifts his hands into his two blades and plunges them deep in the chest of Dr. Lomas who stood above him. As Dr. Lomas stood bewildered, blood slowly dripping from his mouth Ultra could see his face, though also square jawed and almost divinely handsome, he also shared the same district facial features as Austin. Dr. Lomas was just as tall as John, but more muscular. Where John’s muscle was entirely for use, Dr. Lomas was more for show, his light green suit began to darken from the blood pouring out from his wounds. His perfectly swept back brown hair draped over his eyes as Ultra removed the blades, and he fell to the ground. “Better reflexes that time Sir” Pinstripe comments. Ultra nods and returns to the office. “He dead?” Austin asks. Ultra nods in response. “Good” Austin smiles, “next targets, Poindexter and Carter. They will be fun.” Ultra nods and opens his portal, stepping through.
0 notes
fernlom · 6 years
Complete List of My Characters: With Snippits **EDITED**
Hood- Johnathan Satlin, the universe Guardian. Lazy, married to Liz Wright
Liz Wright- Wife to Hood, ultimate Mom with a control over fire and a ghost body guard
Aaron Nitishino- Number 42, The God Killer, adorably fluffy, married to Beth Wright
Beth Wright: Aaron’s wife, will kick your ass, adorable with a kind personality. Will gladly fight for her husband
Tiggs Nitishino: Aaron’s cousin. 9 foot tall black and silver four armed tiger man. Total mad scientist.
Jasmine Nitishino: Aaron’s cousin. Shapeshifter, lynx lady, pan, will stab you and flirt with you in the same minute
Pinstripe: Mafia Hit man possessed by ancient assassin god
Sheriff Waters: wild west sherriff and time displaced Pinstripe.
Sheriff McCreed: immortal western zombie sheriff, total nonchalant asshole.
Deputy Colt 45: super futuristic robot sent to the wild west. Deputy to Waters and McCreed.
Guilty’s Gang: Guilty, Thomas Ralz the pianist, and old man Joe the banjoist. And their swamp monster.
Scorpio: bandito given powers by the zodiac spirit scorpio,
Cheif Kitchi: Blackfoot indian chief.
Vessal: bronze golum, protecter of Kitchi’s tribe, host to hundreds of warrior spirits.
Argon and Neon: nova kids trapped in the Wildwest, brother and sister.
Nobilis Krypton: Anodyne, roman themed, trapped in wildwest with Argon and Neon
Stephan and Justin Wright: Little Brothers to Hood and Aaron respectively. Adopted by Tracey Wright and Hail Tartalgia. The bridges to the multiverse. Cinnamon roll and sin-namon rolls.
Tracey Wright: Hail’s wife and the mother to Justin and Stephan, tired of everyone’s shit and the power over darkness.
Hail Tartalgia: Second Youngest of the Tartalgia family. Shy, ice powers, twin brother to Zana, cinnamon roll. Married to Tracey Wright.
Lightening Tartalgia: youngest Tartalgia, power over energy, super speed. Energetic, outgoing, friendly.
Fog Tartalgia: Middle child of Tartalgia family, twin brother to Storm. Power over all gasses and vapors. Quiet, kind, wise.
Storm Tartalgia: Middle Child of Tartalgia family, twin brother to Fog. Power over weather. Loud, arrogant, secretly a cinnamon roll.
Kujo: Second oldest of Tartalgia family, twin brother to Zoey. Blunt, dry, helpful. Can know everything about an item  by touching it, and will know expertly how to use it.
Zana: Second youngest of Tartalgia family, twin sister to Hail, power over water and liquids, equally as shy as Hail if not more so.
Zoey: Second oldest of Tartalgia family, twin sister of Kujo, control over plants and animals. Mischievous and naughty, but still someone to trust.
Hero: eldest of Tartalgia family. Power of adapting to any situation (nearly infinite powers). Outgoing, positive, conceited, loves himself.
Pops: Possibly immortal old man, Looks like 60, but is as healthy as a 30 year old. Street brawler, travels with Launa.
Launa Dandies: Descendant of Waters. Can’t be harmed. Sociopath, angry at everything.
Taurus: Minotaur like being, greatest enemy is Hood, wants to envelop the world in eternal night.
Number43: almost clone of Aaron. An attempt to repeat the success that is Aaron in making ultimate weapon.
Grave Digger: older than time, is death, grim reaper, and the grave all at once. Always drinking.
Arnold: The Graveyard Cat. Zombie cat with the power of decay. Experiment of 100 Project
Ronny: The hellhound, control over darkness and fire. Experiment of 100 project
Damian: Giant Golden Flying Fox, A big ass fruit bat. Kind, gentle, not sure where he is. Clings to Digger
Marty: a mothman, silent, thinking, will fight you.
Vet: time traveling immortal redneck doctor getting into shenanigans
Uncle Sam: ultra patriotic American bald eagle robot. Made by vet
DJ Giz: super sleek robot covered in speakers. Makes noise. Made by vet
Livewire: robot with tendrils coming from his back. not made by vet but saved by him
SARAH: vets body guard. Ultimate fighting robot girl. Very curious about the world and open to learn.
Leao: Wizard cat!
Farmer John Stidham: first of Shattered Six, hard working, blunt farmer
Don Lomas: Second of Shattered Six, mob boss, mysterious, dangerous.
Poindexter Carter: third of Shattered Six, genius, scientist, nerd
Smiley Joe Stidham: fourth of Shattered Six, mixer, dancer, happy.
Dr Dean Lomas: fifth of Shattered Six, doctor, muscular, pretty boy
Agent Carter: Sixth of Shattered Six, agent, fighter, dangerous.
The Fivefold: The Pastor, Prophet, Evangelist, Teacher, and Apostle.
The Big Three: The three who made everything, Austin, Chance, and Fernando.
Curly Satlin: Giant lumberjack with bigger afro. Works for Don and Brigitta Vigarin.
Kristopher Krins: towns person of Keypers Cove, might be santa, definitely Santa, necklace is two candy canes which he uses when fighting.
Galve: flaming skeleton goat man in a robe, comes out from November to February.
Sir Issac Wells: real name of Johnny Rockers. Large bulky man, from Arkansas, used some enhanced cocaine, permanent other personality emerged, sophisticated man of class, still an absolute psychopathic serial killer.
Mr. Hicks: Henry Hicks, CEO of large tech company, travels the world joining fighting tournaments, boxer.
Lord Harlston: Victorian era gentlemen revived as a half plant, half zombie, very kind and polite. Hates rude un-gentlemanly people.
Pedro Gonzalez: former CEO, current Hero of Mexico, very strong boxer, rival to Mr. Hicks.
The Matador: Alfonzo Rivera, fighter, uses a sword and two bull fighting spears.
Wechidna: Immortal butler and warrior, butler to Mr. Hicks, neighbor to Tracey Wright.
Ashura: Ghost of formally immortal warrior, bonded to Liz Wright
Foxcrest: perfect maid
Wolfthorn: perfect Butler
Hawkridge: Perfect butler,
Ursa: Tigg’s main maid. Super strong
Lea: Tiggs’ main gardener. Mastered every last known martial art
Shaun-Li: Tigg’s cheff, poison touch.
Pastor Smith and Juddeep: World traveling Southern Pastor and his Saudi Arabian friend/ex-airport security guard.
Romulin: Son of Anubis, permanent rival to Uncle Sam
Valz: Greek titan of love, passion, erotic pleasure, and drinks.
Issac: Son of Hood, inherited all his powers.
Tommie: Daughter of Aaron, inherited all his powers (and looks)
Tedd: living teddy bear, adopted by Hood.
Ishmael: ancient warrior and shaman. Rival and big brother figure to Issac
The Mesh: large, jumbled robot, created by a deceased boy genius, roams the world looking for a new owner.
Abra: Alternate pinstripe, unknown female who’s theme is magician.
Ringmaster: Circus ringmaster with reality altering abilities
Chuckles: Alternate pinstripe, unknown female who’s theme is clown.
Ragdoll: Hood from a forgotten universe, a patchwork ragdoll like being of pure evil.
Snap: the alpha hood, the original who snapped upon seeing the multitude of various deaths.
Corruption: alternate Aaron. Put on Hood’s sweater, old programming resurfaced, Went crazy.
The Pinstripe Corps: multidimensional assassin group of alternate Pinstripe’s
The OFFKeys: a group of six musicians from Keypers Cove, each represents a different music genre
The entire town of Keypers Cove: hoh boy. Their necklaces has powers
Thunder and Zora Tartaliga: Parents of the Tartalgia Family and founders of Tartalgia.
Ultra42: Alternate Aaron, true ultimate weapon
Omega42: Zombie Ultra, mindless animal, afterwards a depressed former hero.
Aaron+: alternate aaron, controlled with nanites, killer.
Amalgam: an amalgamate of Pinstripe, Fatality, Legion, Patient Doe, Mr Thompson, Scorpio, from a computer world.
Scrap: all of Vet’s robots, mashed into one, torn to shreds by Aaron+ individually before reforming and killing him.
Virus: Vet’s true opposite. Body is home to every last disease, fungus, and bacteria in the universe, complete control over all disease.
Schism: the true embodiment of chaos and order. True equality. A god pretty much.
EL: The elemental. Splits into six main elements, Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Machine, Nature, Light and Dark. Then they fuse into four sub elements. Fire and Water make Energy. Air and Earth make Decay. Nature and Machine make Time. And Light and Dark make order. Then they fuse to make two. Time and Decay make Death. Order and Energy make life. El, the final fusion, is the element of Humanity
Error53: a mix of science and magic, a demonic computer virus.
El guillao: Puerto Rican Gansgter, uses soul flame and machetes.
Fatality: embodiment of fear, true monster.
Legion: former youth pastor turned host to millions of demons.
Train Man: Wildwest Zombie, enforcer of death, rounds up souls Digger doesn’t feel like finding.
Dr. Isotope: former Cold War Scientist, imbued with the power of ten atoms bombs
Xalarn: flaming spikey skeleton man, makes more flaming skeletons for army.
Damian Weaver: form an alternate universe, survivor of zombie apocalypse. Thinks he is edgy, is not edgy,
Justin Carter: from the same forgotten world as Ragdoll. Another patchwork ragdoll man, with a flaming chainsaw for a hand, a hero.
Patient Doe: unknown. A patchwork person trying to make themselves the perfect body, might be alien, no facts known.
Mr. Thompson: really friendly serial killer, animals love him, everyone loves him, everyone knows hes a killer too.
Silver Heart: given a robotic heart that replaces all damaged parts with robotics.
Bob: robot from the future meant to be sent to 1950’s America. Sent to modern America. Typical 1950’s dad but is actually killer liquid metal robot.
Rex: very large man with brain of hyper intelligent dog. Loyal, works with a pirate, but always dressed in a suit.
Leon: demon lion man. Crazy, violent, evil
Captain Longbeard and Shiv: Pirates. Longbeard is very intelligent, pilots a ship from the far future, Shiv is his malfunctioning robot fighter/first mate.  
Clove: Skeleton Wildwest gun for hire. Known as the Gunslinger.
Beryl and Obsidian: Gem people. Servants for the Gods.
DOTcom: a program and nanite cloud created by Vet, pilots his TAURTOS.
Talli and Mingan: Talli cant die, Mingan is his giant grey dire wolf who is the real brains of the duo.
Blachidna: Alternate version of Wechidna, evil, arrogant, ruler of planet of factories.
Employee18: leader of worker revolution against Blachinda, favorite weapon :picaxe
Ashuraos: alternate Ashura, driven mad with power, being of pure chaos, body is half liquid energy
The Lounge Singers: 1920′s era smokey ball room band, actually hitmen, Ricky, Big Al, Betty, and Li.
Lukas Muler: Swiss cowboy living in Treasure Canyon. Earth bending powers, loves rocks.
Kopano Pillay: South African mercenary, true soldier, gun for hire.
Malware: a corrupted, computer virus infected Justin, wants to recreate his family using the glitches.
Trojan: a corrupted, computer virus infected Stephan. Wants to make Justin fix their world then kill him, willing to destroy whatever stands in his way.
The Televnagelist: former big name preacher turned serial killer.
The FRESHfold: the fivefold, but Fresh.
Vetster: Vet and Gaster merged together.
Aroodamate: Hood and Aaron, amalgamated
Civilian: mysterious unknown vigilante, no powers.
Galaxes: angelic being made of red space dust and stars, watcher of the world
The Four Angels: A Roman Centurion, a Holy Knight, A Western Sheriff, and a US WWII Soldier. Angels, and patron guardians of The Fivefold
El Monstruo: Mexican Super Villain, villain to Pedro Gonzalez. Basic super powers of super strength and speed. Only wants to bring Mexico to World power status, going about it very wrong.
Cowl: Underfell Aaron
Cloak: Underfell Hood
Charger/Camaro/Mustang: super soldiers made by Group 100 project, large, strong, hate Aaron.
Moses Shamalyan: the Great Devastator, Aaron’s rival, dog man.
Golgatha: parasite, cannibal, mercenary, master chef.
Y’All: parasite that turns people into hillbilly’s
Thomas Burgens: crazed pizza place owner with an army of killers and animatronic suit.
Retro: pixelated knight traveling the world
Fenrif: Old Norse God living as a cowboy in Montana
Mabel Brown: wizard cowgirl, alchemizes her own bullets, each being a different spells.
Rodrick Black: magician, bank robber. Enemy of Hood. Possible real magic? unconfirmed.
Gabriel: angel made of rusted scrap metal, joins Retro on his adventures.
Agent Tell: Government agent infected by alien millipede parasite. Covered in spikes, has flame thrower.
Agarom: former hero, turned demon, back to hero.
LUCAS: comes from the same world as Retro. A humanoid figure made from a random assortment of different sized and colored pixels. Friendly, wants to help.
Emmanuel Rodriguez: Mexican assassin with an affinity for throwing knives.
The Untracables: Robert Gonzales and Shaun Findly, hitman contractor and loser turned killer duo.
Vinny: a business man infected by a parasitic lily that has taken over his body with vines.
Ausham: ego of darkness, creativity, and passion
Chanter: ego of emotions, morality, and love
Eclecious: ego of logic, spirituality, and intelligence
Parsure: ego of depression, anxiety, and writers block
Glossy: ego of encouragement, ambition, and responsibilities
Blake: ego of neutrality, boredom, and disinterest.
Cole: ego of mischief, rage, and hatred
Dull; ego of distraction, absent mindedness, and randomness
Author: ego of humor, nostalgia, and regret.
Buddy Lilly: Ego of music, talents, and boldness
Staliel: Ferns Guardian Angel. Nervous train wreck
JM Drew: former cartoon studio owner turned inky psychopath
Dr Alexander: former life of Ausham, dangerous surgeon and assassin
Chanzer: a twisted corrupted Chanter
Plush: a felt plush filled apex predator
Ratio: TV head in charge of directing messages and asks to the egos and other characters.
Publisher: anthropomorphic cat man made of stars and darkness, lives in the thrift shop.
Officer Lupe Rodriguez: a normal lapd officer who has an instant healing factor making her invincible.
Oasis: a being made of sand that wanders the Mojave desert.
Glitch Angel: A humanoid being made of multicolored corrupted pixels with two large pixel wings.
Black Bishop: mysterious man in a black hooded robe with a staff shaped like a bishop chess peace that can pierce any material and summon minions made of that material. Actually an absolute dork.
Magra: bishops main general. Flaming jackolantern head on a titanium and gold body with vines, hot plasma, and liquid energy wrapped around his body. Also an absolute dork.
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fernlom · 7 years
Tenaria Tale Reference Page
Who my characters represent 
Hood- Sans
Liz Wright- Inn Keeper
Aaron Nitishino- Undyne
Beth Wright: Bratty
Tiggs Nitishino: Ice Wolf
Jasmine Nitishino: Diamond Receptionist
Pinstripe: River Person
Sheriff Waters: River Person alt
Sheriff McCreed:Business dude 1
Deputy Colt 45: Business Dude 2
Guilty’s Gang: Guilty, Thomas Ralz the pianist, and old man Joe the banjoist. And their swamp monster.Grilby’s NPc’s 1-3
Scorpio: Grilby’s NPC 4
Cheif Kitchi: scarf mouse
Vessal: nacarat jester
Argon and Neon: Pyrope and Fuku Fire
Nobilis Krypton:Grillby
Stephan and Justin Wright: Alphys and Mettaton
Tracey Wright: Toriel
Hail Tartalgia: NapstaBlook
Lightning Tartalgia: Maadjick
Fog Tartalgia: Diamond Boy 1
Storm Tartalgia: Diamond Boy 2
Kujo: Royal Guard 1
Zana: Shyreen
Zoey: MTT Resort Receptionist
Hero: Nice Cream Guy
Pops: Gerson
Launa Dandies: Madd Dummy
Taurus: Night Knight
Number43: Doggo
Grave Digger: Slime Janitor
Arnold: Lesser Dog
Ronny: Greater Dog
Damian: Dogamy
Marty: Dogaresa
Vet: Gaster
Uncle Sam: Gaster Follower 1
DJ Giz: Gaster Follower 2
Livewire: Gaster Follower 3
SARAH: Goner Kid
Leao: ice cap
Farmer John Stidham: Froggit
Don Lomas: Whimsun
Poindexter Carter: Loox
Smiley Joe Stidham: Vegatoid
Dr Dean Lomas:Migosp
Agent Carter: Moldsmal
The Fivefold: Libarby NPC’s
The Big Three: Annoying Dog
Curly Satlin: Papyrus
Kristopher Krins: Gift Bear
Galve: Politics Bear
Sir Issac Wells: real name of Johnny Rockers.Grillby’s NPC 5
Mr. Hicks: Aaron
Lord Harlston: MTT Resort Restaurant NPC
Pedro Gonzalez: MTT Resort Restaurant NPC
The Matador: Alfonzo Rivera,MTT Resort Restaurant NPc
Wechidna: Asgore
Ashura: Ficus Licker
Foxcrest: Snowdin NPC
Wolfthorn: Snowdin NPC
Hawkridge: Snowdin NPC
Ursa: HotLand NPC
Lea: HotLand NPC
Shaun-Li: HotLand NPC
Pastor Smith and Juddeep: MTT Hotel NPC’s
Romulin: Tem Village Guest
Valz: Bob the Temmie
Issac: Burger Pants
Tommie: Catty
Tedd: Temmie
Ishmael: Royal Guard 2
The Mesh: Memory Head
Abra: RiverPerson Alt
Ringmaster: River Person Alt
Chuckles: River Person Alt.
Ragdoll: N/A
Snap: N/A
Corruption: N/A
The Pinstripe Corps: RiverPerson alts
The OFFKeys: HArdMode Enemies/ Core NPC’s
The entire town of Keypers Cove: N/A
Thunder and Zora Tartaliga: Woshua
Ultra42: N/A
Omega42: N/A
Aaron+: N/A
Amalgam: Reaper Bird
Scrap: Lemon Bread.
Virus: Muffet
Schism: Chara
EL:One in each Area, Ruins, Snowdin, Waterfall, Hotland, MTT resort, Core, New Home and Surface
Error53: Flowey
El guillao: MTT Restaurant NPC.
Fatality: Snowdin NPC
Legion: Endogeny
Train Man: Waterfall NPC
Dr. Isotope: Waterfall NPC
Xalarn: Hotlands NPC
Damian Weaver: HotLand NPC
Justin Carter: MTT Hotel NPC
Patient Doe: Core Enemy
Mr. Thompson: MTT Hotel NPC
Silver Heart: Snowdin NPC
Bob: Core NPC
Rex: Snowdin NPC
Leon: HptLand NPC
Captain Longbeard and Shiv: Pirates. Snowdin NPC’s
Clove: Hotland NPC
Beryl and Obsidian: MTT Resort NPC
DOTcom: Asriel
Talli and Mingan: So Sorry
Blachidna: N/A
Employee18: MTT Restaruant NPC
Ashuraos: N/A
The Lounge Singers: Snowdrake’s Dad
Lukas Muler: Hotland NPC
Kopano Pillay: Core NPC
Malware: N/A
Trojan: N/A
The Televnagelist: HotLand NPC
The FRESHfold: Glyde
Vetster: N/A
Aroodamate: N/A
Civilian: N/A
Galaxes: Dog Shrine NPC
The Four Angels: Libarby NPCs
El Monstruo: Waterfall NPC
Cowl: N/A
Cloak: N/A
Charger/Camaro/Mustang: Royal Guards
Moses Shamalyan: Royal Guard
1 note · View note
fernlom · 7 years
Complete List of My characters with snippits
Hood- Johnathan Satlin, the universe Guardian. Lazy, married to Liz Wright
Liz Wright- Wife to Hood, ultimate Mom, has control over fire.  
Aaron Nitishino- Number 42, The God Killer, adorably fluffy, married to Beth Wright
Beth Wright: Aaron’s wife, will kick your ass, adorable and kind personality. 
Tiggs Nitishino: Aaron’s cousin. 9 foot tall black and silver four armed tiger man. Total mad scientist.
Jasmine Nitishino: Aaron’s cousin. Shapeshifter, lynx lady, pan, will stab you and flirt with you
Pinstripe: Mafia Hit man possessed by ancient assassin god
Sheriff Waters: wild west sherriff and time displaced Pinstripe.
Sheriff McCreed: immortal western zombie sheriff, total nonchalant asshole.
Deputy Colt 45: super futuristic robot sent to the wild west. Deputy to Waters and McCreed.
Guilty's Gang: Guilty, Thomas Ralz the pianist, and old man Joe the banjoist. And their swamp monster.
Scorpio: bandito given powers by the zodiac spirit scorpio,
Cheif Kitchi: Blackfoot indian chief.
Vessal: bronze golum, protecter of Kitchi’s tribe, host to hundreds of warrior spirits.
Argon and Neon: nova kids trapped in the Wildwest, brother and sister.
Nobilis Krypton: Anodyne, roman themed, trapped in wildwest with Argon and Neon
Stephan and Justin Wright: Little Brothers to Hood and Aaron respectively. Adopted by Tracey Wright and Hail Tartalgia. The bridges to the multiverse. Cinnamon roll and sin-namon rolls.
Tracey Wright: Hail’s wife and the mother to Justin and Stephan, power to control and manipulate darkness. 
Hail Tartalgia: Second Youngest of the Tartalgia family. Shy, ice powers, twin brother to Zana, cinnamon roll. Married to Tracey Wright.
Lightening Tartalgia: youngest Tartalgia, power over energy, super speed. Energetic, outgoing, friendly.
Fog Tartalgia: Middle child of Tartalgia family, twin brother to Storm. Power over all gasses and vapors. Quiet, kind, wise.
Storm Tartalgia: Middle Child of Tartalgia family, twin brother to Fog. Power over weather. Loud, arrogant, secretly a cinnamon roll.
Kujo: Second oldest of Tartalgia family, twin brother to Zoey. Blunt, dry, helpful. Can know everything about an item  by touching it, and will know expertly how to use it.
Zana: Second youngest of Tartalgia family, twin sister to Hail, power over water and liquids, equally as shy as Hail if not more so.
Zoey: Second oldest of Tartalgia family, twin sister of Kujo, control over plants and animals. Flirtatious and fun loving. 
Hero: eldest of Tartalgia family. Power of adapting to any situation (nearly infinite powers). Outgoing, positive, conceited, loves himself.
Pops: Possibly immortal old man, Looks like 60, but is as healthy as a 30 year old. Street brawler, travels with Launa.
Launa Dandies: Descendant of Waters. Can’t be harmed. Sociopath, angry at everything.
Taurus: Minotaur like being, greatest enemy is Hood, wants to envelop the world in eternal night.
Number43: almost clone of Aaron. An attempt to repeat the success that is Aaron in making ultimate weapon.
Grave Digger: older than time, is death, grim reaper, and the grave all at once. Always drinking.
Arnold: The Graveyard Cat. Zombie cat with the power of decay. Experiment of 100 Project
Ronny: The hellhound, control over darkness and fire. Experiment of 100 project
Damian: Giant Golden Flying Fox, A big ass fruit bat. Kind, gentle, not sure where he is. Clings to Digger
Marty: a mothman, silent, thinking, will fight you.
Vet: time traveling immortal redneck doctor getting into shenanigans
Uncle Sam: ultra patriotic American bald eagle robot. Made by vet
DJ Giz: super sleek robot covered in speakers. Makes noise. Made by vet
Livewire: robot with tendrils coming from his back. not made by vet but saved by him
SARAH: vets body guard. Ultimate fighting robot girl. Curious about the world and eager to learn. 
Leao: Wizard cat!
Farmer John Stidham: first of Shattered Six, hard working, blunt farmer
Don Lomas: Second of Shattered Six, mob boss, mysterious, dangerous.
Poindexter Carter: third of Shattered Six, genius, scientist, nerd
Smiley Joe Stidham: fourth of Shattered Six, mixer, dancer, happy.
Dr Dean Lomas: fifth of Shattered Six, doctor, muscular, pretty boy
Agent Carter: Sixth of Shattered Six, agent, fighter, dangerous.
The Fivefold: The Pastor, Prophet, Evangelist, Teacher, and Apostle.
The Big Three: The three who made everything, Austin, Chance, and Fernando.
Curly Satlin: Giant lumberjack with bigger afro. Works for Don and Brigitta Vigarin.
Kristopher Krins: towns person of Keypers Cove, might be santa, definitely Santa, necklace is two candy canes which he uses when fighting.
Galve: flaming skeleton goat man in a robe, comes out from November to February.
Sir Issac Wells: real name of Johnny Rockers. Large bulky man, from Arkansas, used some enhanced cocaine, permanent other personality emerged, sophisticated man of class, still an absolute psychopathic serial killer.
Mr. Hicks: Henry Hicks, CEO of large tech company, travels the world joining fighting tournaments, boxer.
Lord Harlston: Victorian era gentlemen revived as a half plant, half zombie, very kind and polite. Hates rude un-gentlemanly people.
Pedro Gonzalez: former CEO, current Hero of Mexico, very strong boxer, rival to Mr. Hicks.
The Matador: Alfonzo Rivera, fighter, uses a sword and two bull fighting spears.
Wechidna: Immortal butler and warrior, butler to Mr. Hicks, neighbor to Tracey Wright.
Ashura: Ghost of formally immortal warrior, bonded to Liz Wright
Foxcrest: perfect maid
Wolfthorn: perfect Butler
Hawkridge: Perfect butler,
Ursa: Tigg’s main maid. Super strong
Lea: Tiggs’ main gardener. Mastered every last known martial art
Shaun-Li: Tigg’s cheff, poison touch.
Pastor Smith and Juddeep: World traveling Southern Pastor and his Saudi Arabian friend/ex-airport security guard.
Romulin: Son of Anubis, permanent rival to Uncle Sam
Valz: Greek titan of love, passion, erotic pleasure, and drinks.
Issac: Son of Hood, inherited all his powers.
Tommie: Daughter of Aaron, inherited all his powers (and looks)
Tedd: living teddy bear, adopted by Hood.
Ishmael: ancient warrior and shaman. Rival and big brother figure to Issac
The Mesh: large, jumbled robot, created by a deceased boy genius, roams the world looking for a new owner.
Abra: Alternate pinstripe, unknown female who’s theme is magician.
Ringmaster: Circus ringmaster with reality altering abilities
Chuckles: Alternate pinstripe, unknown female who’s theme is clown.
Ragdoll: Hood from a forgotten universe, a patchwork ragdoll like being of pure evil.
Snap: the alpha hood, the original who snapped upon seeing the multitude of various deaths.
Corruption: alternate Aaron. Put on Hood’s sweater, old programming resurfaced, Went crazy.
The Pinstripe Corps: multidimensional assassin group of alternate Pinstripe’s
The OFFKeys: a group of six musicians from Keypers Cove, each represents a different music genre
The entire town of Keypers Cove: hoh boy. Their necklaces has powers
Thunder and Zora Tartaliga: Parents of the Tartalgia Family and founders of Tartalgia.
Ultra42: Alternate Aaron, true ultimate weapon
Omega42: Zombie Ultra, mindless animal, afterwards a depressed former hero.
Aaron+: alternate aaron, controlled with nanites, killer.
Amalgam: an amalgamate of Pinstripe, Fatality, Legion, Patient Doe, Mr Thompson, Scorpio, from a computer world.
Scrap: all of Vet’s robots, mashed into one, torn to shreds by Aaron+ individually before reforming and killing him.
Virus: Vet’s true opposite. Body is home to every last disease, fungus, and bacteria in the universe, complete control over all disease.
Schism: the true embodiment of chaos and order. True equality. A god pretty much.
EL: The elemental. Splits into six main elements, Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Machine, Nature, Light and Dark. Then they fuse into four sub elements. Fire and Water make Energy. Air and Earth make Decay. Nature and Machine make Time. And Light and Dark make order. Then they fuse to make two. Time and Decay make Death. Order and Energy make life. El, the final fusion, is the element of Humanity
Error53: a mix of science and magic, a demonic computer virus.
El guillao: Puerto Rican Gansgter, uses soul flame and machetes.
Fatality: embodiment of fear, true monster.
Legion: former youth pastor turned host to millions of demons.
Train Man: Wildwest Zombie, enforcer of death, rounds up souls Digger doesn’t feel like finding.
Dr. Isotope: former Cold War Scientist, imbued with the power of ten atoms bombs
Xalarn: flaming spikey skeleton man, makes more flaming skeletons for army.
Damian Weaver: form an alternate universe, survivor of zombie apocalypse. Thinks he is edgy, is not edgy,
Justin Carter: from the same forgotten world as Ragdoll. Another patchwork ragdoll man, with a flaming chainsaw for a hand, a hero.
Patient Doe: unknown. A patchwork person trying to make themselves the perfect body, might be alien, no facts known.
Mr. Thompson: really friendly serial killer, animals love him, everyone loves him, everyone knows he's a killer too.
Silver Heart: given a robotic heart that replaces all damaged parts with robotics.
Bob: robot from the future meant to be sent to 1950’s America. Sent to modern America. Typical 1950’s dad but is actually killer liquid metal robot.
Rex: very large man with brain of hyper intelligent dog. Loyal, works with a pirate, but always dressed in a suit.
Leon: demon lion man. Crazy, violent, evil
Captain Longbeard and Shiv: Pirates. Longbeard is very intelligent, pilots a ship from the far future, Shiv is his malfunctioning robot fighter/first mate.  
Clove: Skeleton Wildwest gun for hire. Known as the Gunslinger.
Beryl and Obsidian: Gem people. Servants for the Gods.
DOTcom: a program and nanite cloud created by Vet, pilots his TAURTOS.
Talli and Mingan: Talli cant die, Mingan is his giant grey dire wolf who is the real brains of the duo.
Blachidna: Alternate version of Wechidna, evil, arrogant, ruler of planet of factories.
Employee18: leader of worker revolution against Blachinda, favorite weapon :picaxe
Ashuraos: alternate Ashura, driven mad with power, being of pure chaos, body is half liquid energy
The Lounge Singers: 1920′s era smokey ball room band, actually hitmen, Ricky, Big Al, Betty, and Li.
Lukas Muler: Swiss cowboy living in Treasure Canyon. Earth bending powers, loves rocks.
Kopano Pillay: South African mercenary, true soldier, gun for hire.
Malware: a corrupted, computer virus infected Justin, wants to recreate his family using the glitches.
Trojan: a corrupted, computer virus infected Stephan. Wants to make Justin fix their world then kill him, willing to destroy whatever stands in his way.
The Televnagelist: former big name preacher turned serial killer. 
The FRESHfold: the fivefold, but Fresh.
Vetster: Vet and Gaster merged together. 
Aroodamate: Hood and Aaron, amalgamated
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