#fastest way to get there -> gag em.
incendiorum-arch · 1 year
this goes hand in hand with 'the only way to make io blush is to say romantic shit to them not lewd shit' but their confidence is nearly unshakeable, tbh? they don't bat at an eye about being half nude/nude in front of people. they like to take the lead anyway. and anyone focusing on them is usually met with someone who enjoys making sure their partner knows they appreciate the attention, and isn't shy about saying what does and doesn't work for them. a partner kind of has to work for it to make io start to melt. focusing on their weak spots, overwhelming them, denying them - all of those things will make io start to slip into more of a hazy, lust-driven focus rather than the straight-up confidence they use to lead a sexual encounter.
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quack6969 · 3 years
NSFW Alphabet - GoodGuyFitz
GoodGuyFitz X GN!Reader
Very good at aftercare! Making sure you're okay after and that you feel comfortable. Gets a warm cloth and takes care of you, making sure you drink water! Even if all you want to do is cuddle and sleep. 
Body part (his favorite, your favorite.)
Your favorite body part are his hands. The way they grip onto your hips, throat or hair. His fingers he’ll have you suck on while he looks at you with pure lust in his eyes, then removing them from your mouth just to tease your lips because all you want is him in your mouth and you don’t care if its his fingers or his dick. 
As much as he loves cumming inside you, he also really loves to cum all over you, specifically your face. Seeing you looking up at him innocently with your mouth open and nipples hard is one hell of a sight. 
Dirty secret
He loves how you like to show your dominate side, will he ever let you completely Dom him? Absolutely not, but he sure does like seeing you try. 
6-7 bodies, He’s pretty careful who he sleeps with, then he went through a whore phase and now he’s a okay with just one person. Throughout all his partners, most of them were just one night stands and he didn’t explore kinks until it was with you. 
Favorite Position
Missionary with a pillow underneath your hips! He loves seeing your face in pure pleasure as he fucks you.The pillow helping him hit all the perfect spots.  It also gives him easy access to your neck and your nipples
You both enjoy being both serious and goofy, most times you’re serious but occasionally he’lll bring chocolate syrup or whip cream from the fridge and lots of giggles come from that. 
Pretty smooth, and very good at keeping it like that, throughout your relationship you haven’t seen him bushy at all! 
Oh man, when this man wants to show you how much he cares, he will. Taking the whole night to praise and whisper how amazing you are in bed and in general. Lots of soft scratchy kisses, and lots of eye contact, his and your pupils being huge. 
Jack off
Doesn’t jack off unless he really can’t get rid of his hardness. Also doesn’t care if you do, prefers for you to come to him but if you wanna solo it you can, he doesn’t mind. 
Gagging is a huge one! He loves seeing you gag on his fingers or his dick. Seeing you with watery eyes because his dick went a bit too deep in your throat makes him smile cheekily. 
Bed! He’s so tall it’s kinda hard to do it anywhere else! 
Little touches of yours gets him going for some reason. Maybe it’s the fact that not too long ago you were gripping him there or maybe it’s the way you're so gentle with him while he’s so rough with you. He’ll never know. 
Feet are a big no! He doesn’t like em at all. 
WOO that man can work wonders with his mouth. He loves how you grip his hair and that makes him just want to keep going, his beard against your thighs drives you over the edge! 
Medium or slow, he doesn’t like to rush sex. He enjoys taking his time with you. 
Doesn’t like them much, he feels you don’t get much satisfaction so he’ll do it but later on he’ll make it up to you. 
Will try almost everything you want unless he tells you otherwise, he loves pleasing you and if he doesn’t like it he knows you’ll understand. 
Lasts pretty long, 5-7 rounds depending on the day. 
Vibrator!!! Uses a vibe on you wether you’re a male or female. Just to tease you, making it go the fastest and switching it off just as you were about to cum, smirking as you groan. 
He’s never really unfair with you! If you’re being a brat then he’ll edge you but that's about it, he could never not let you cum. 
Both are loud. At first he was quiet but when you asked for more noise he didn’t hold back, moaning and filthy words coming from mouth as he fucks you into another dimension. 
You both like music playing while you fuck, a popular one you both enjoy listening to while he’s being a bit rough and loving is ‘Die for you’ by The Weekend
X ray(how big he is)
Length wise, large, around 8-9 inches, girth wise around medium, stretches you a bit. 
Yearning (how often he wants it)
Not that much, maybe a couple times a week. 
Zzz (who sleeps first)
Most of the time you guys have sex at night or early mornings. You are both so tired and satisfied, so he’ll just pull you into him and you’ll both fall asleep around the same time. 
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storiesofsvu · 4 years
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Olivia Benson x fem!reader Warnings: Language, angst, cheating, mentions of sex, Brian Cassidy.
Finally, the torturously long three day long back and fourth layover trips between New York, Chicago, and Denver were finally over. You collapsed against your shared apartments door, sighing a breath of relief, your cheeks ached from so much smiling, your feet pinched, barely feeling relief as you kicked off the required pumps of your flight attendant uniform. You slowly moved into the apartment, noticing that it looked like a hurricane had torn through, Olivia clearly had a hectic week as well, there was a chance she hadn’t even been home. You began to shuck off your uniform, tossing it into the washing machine, adding the tiny amount of personal clothes from your suitcase, tying your hair up in a messy top not. Padding back to the bedroom, you stopped to grab a fresh set of sheets from the linen closest in the hall, tossing them onto a chair. Eager to get the caked on make up off your face and hydrate your skin from the rough airplane air you made your way to the ensuite, quickly doing so.
Feeling somewhat more human, you moved back to the bed, you always liked to come home to fresh sheets, Olivia did her best to have them changed for you but she’d mixed up days on the calendar. Your plan was to toss them in the washer with the rest of your stuff, have the worlds fastest shower and nap until your girlfriend was home from work. Hoping for a lazy night of New York pizza, wine and snuggles with your favourite girl. Tugging the duvet off, you dumped the pillows out of their cases, dropping things into two separate piles and began to tug the sheets off when your hand hit something cold and sticky. Your brows furrowed, you usually left food <em>out</em> of the bedroom, what the fuck had Olivia gotten up to. You shrieked when you pulled your hand out, gagging at the sight of a used condom dropping from your hand down onto the bed. You did your best to not instinctively cover your face with your hands as emotions surged through you ‘What the fuck had Olivia gotten up to’ indeed.
Any hint of exhaustion had vanished from your body, replaced with rage and a set of tears brimming in your eyes. It was just Olivia and you in the apartment, there was no way she’d be able to lie or excuse herself out of this one. You promptly scrubbed your hands hastily, in dire need to forget that you’d ever touched the condom, tugging on whatever comfy clothes you could find that didn’t make you look completely crazy. You used a spare plastic glove to shove the condom into a Ziplock bag, grabbing your keys before heading down to the precinct. You barely registered Fin’s greeting, barreling past Amanda to get to Olivia’s office, not bothering to knock before you entered, throwing the door shut behind you.
“Hey!” She greeted warmly, a bright smile on her face, “I thought I was meeting you at home?” She stood to make her way to you, only stopping when you took a step away from her.
“Don’t.” Her brows furrowed, taking in the expression on your face, not quite sure whether you were mad or if something bad happened on one of your flights. There had been times you’d come home a wreck thanks to a near accident occurring and some of those times physical touch made things worse.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” You nearly scoffed at the concern and curiosity filing her voice, ever the so brilliant Captain couldn’t figure out that you’d discovered her fuck up.
“This.” You pulled the baggy out of your pocket, tossing it down on her desk, arms crossing tightly across your chest, trying to hold back before launching words at her. She gave the bag a quizzical look, reaching down to pick it up you watched her face falter, paling slightly as she realized what it was.
“I don’t understand..” She tried to play it off, “Where did you find this?”
“In OUR BED Olivia!” If she was going to try to lie her way out of it, you weren’t about to hold back, not a care in the world that you were in her office. “I was gone for three days! You can’t keep it in your pants that long?”
“That’s…not what happened!”
“Oh, you’re right, I’m so sorry. I forgot, this is Special Victims, someone clearly broke into our apartment, raped someone in our bed and left the condom behind without stealing anything and just so happened to get the locks fixed in the matter of 24 hours?! You can’t even TRY to lie your way out of this one…” She hung her head at that, you were right about that one, she felt the anxiety creeping up, tightening her chest.
“I’m sorry…” Her voice was quiet, and despite how ultimate seething you were you figured you’d at least let her try to get an apology in, “I fucked up, and I know it. It was a one time, drunken mistake, it meant nothing, I promise.” She attempted to move towards you, you reacted by taking another step back. “Please…believe me?”
“Liv…” Your voice nearly cracked, “I told you when we started dating that I was so cautious because my ex was constantly cheating on me, she slept with so many people while I was in the air she gave me chlamydia!!“ You were incredibly thankful it was nothing worse, a brief course of antibiotics and you were good, “You KNEW THAT! You said you never would, you promised you’d be fine with me being gone ‘cause your schedule was so crazy too.” You couldn’t help the tear that slipped across your cheek, doing your best to wipe it away before she noticed.
“I know…and I’ll never not hate myself for what happened. Y/N, I love you, I really, really do.” You noticed a tear slip its way down her cheek that she didn’t bother to hide, “I made a major mistake and I know that I hurt you far more than I meant to. I never, ever wanted to hurt you, much less like this. Please…can we please talk this through?” You sighed heavily, running a hand over your face, you loved Olivia, one hell of a lot. She knew that cheating was a huge issue for you after your ex, hell, half the relationships you’d had ended when they realized how often you were flying or at some far off destination. When you’d found Olivia you’d been so hesitant about it, but when you started to realize she was practically more occupied with work than you, you’d opened up, dropped your walls down, and you fell in real love for the first time in what felt like forever.
“Fine…” You halfheartedly agreed, “I’m gonna stay in a hotel tonight though. I need to clear my head…and those sheets are going in the fucking garbage.” Olivia felt a huge weight lifted off her shoulders, she felt relief as you didn’t retreat when she took a slow step toward you to try and close the far distance between your bodies. The door suddenly clacked open,
“Hey Liv, I think I left my belt at your place the other night—“ None other than fucking Brian Cassidy faltered to a stop as he noticed you in the office, “Oh…hey, thought you were in Seattle…”
“Chicago…” You replied through gritted teeth, any amount of reconciliation evaporated immediately, the air thick and tense once again. Turning to Olivia your rage poured through, your voice cold and full of hatred, “I can’t fucking believe you.” Turning on your heel you stormed from the office.
“Y/N, wait!” You wheeled around, finger raised at her,
“NO! An on again off again boyfriend, fuck buddy is NOT a drunken one night mistake! You do get that right?!” Trying to leave again, you felt her hand grab at your shoulder, turning you to face her again you swatted her hand off, “<em>Don’t fucking touch me! </em>You lost that privilege when you let him into our bed!” You furiously gestured towards Cassidy, “We’re done. I’ll have my shit packed by the end of the day.”
With that you were gone from the bullpen, leaving a shocked squad, eyes all turning to Olivia and Brian. Cassidy simply slunk his way out of the room awkwardly while an embarrassed Olivia tried to process everything that just happened, she’d lost you, she’d lost you for good and it was completely her fault. She couldn’t manage to even look around the bullpen, simply retreating to her office in a fog, she’d made a huge mistake and it had cost her the one person she loved the most.
_______ Taglist: @charabs @dereksprentiss @natasha-danvers @stardustkenobii @Ineedafinghug @billiedeannovak @stardust-galaxies @laurenhope13 @randomthingssss @vivis-ghost-wife @imlike-so-gaydude @thatesqcrush @altsvu @svulife-rl @svushots @gay-ass-bitch @lesbianspacecowboy @mrspaulson-hargitay @whispered-tear-drops @redlipstickandplaid @wannabe-fic-reader @lawandorderimagines @infiniteoddball @delphineecormierr @venablemayfairgoode @whimsicallymad @oliviaswifey
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rigmarolling · 5 years
Historical Holiday Traditions We Really Need To Bring Back
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Here comes Santa Claus, and also a bunch of annual holiday Things we do to ensure he commits a truly boggling act of breaking and entering and leaves goods underneath the large plant in the living room.
Because I’ve always got a hankerin’ for the days of yore, here are some historical holiday traditions we really need to bring back:
1. Everything that happened on Saturnalia
Saturnalia was the ancient Roman winter festival held on December 25th--which is why we celebrate Christmas on that day and not on the day historians speculate Jesus was actually born, which was probably in the spring. 
Saturnalia was bonkers. As the name suggests, it celebrated the god Saturn, who represented wealth and liberty and generally having a great time.
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Above: Their party is way cooler than yours could ever hope to be.
During Saturnalia, masters would serve their slaves, because it was the one day during the year when everybody agreed that freedom for all is great, actually, let’s just do that. Everyone wore a coned hat called the pilleus to denote that they were all bros and equal, and also to disguise the fact that they hadn’t brushed their hair after partying hard all week, probably.
Gambling was allowed on Saturnalia, so all of Rome basically turned into ancient Vegas, complete with Caesar’s Palace, except with the actual Caesar and his palace because he was, you know. Alive. 
The most famous part (besides getting drunk off your rocker) was gift-giving--usually gag gifts. Historians have records of people giving each other some truly impressive white elephant gifts for Saturnalia, including: a parrot, balls, toothpicks, a pig, one single sausage, spoons, and deliberately awful books of poetry. 
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Above: Me, except all the time.
Partygoers also crowned a King of Saturnalia, which was a predecessor to the King of Fools popular in medieval festivals. The king was basically the head idiot who delivered absurd commands to everyone there, like, “Sing naked!” or “run around screaming for an hour,” or “slap your butt cheeks real hard in front of your crush; DO IT, Brutus.”
Oh, wait. Everyone was already doing all that. Hell yes.
(Quick clarification: early celebrations of Saturnalia did feature human sacrifice, so let’s just leave that bit out and instead wear the pointy hats and sing naked, okay? Io Saturnalia, everybody.)
2. Leaving out treats for Sleipnir in the hopes of avoiding Odin’s complete disregard for your property
The whole “leave out cookies and milk for Santa” thing comes from a much older tradition of trying to appease old guys with white beards. In Norse mythology, Odin, who was sort of the head god but preferred to be on a perpetual road trip instead, took an annual nighttime ride through the winter sky called the Wild Hunt. 
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Above: The holidays, now with 300% more heavy metal.
Variations of the Wild Hunt story exist in a bunch of European folklore--in Odin’s case, he usually brought along a bunch of supernatural buddies, like spirits and other gods and Valkyries and ghost dogs, who, the Vikings said, you could hear howling and barking as the group approached (GOOD DOGGOS).
That was the thing, though; you never actually saw Odin’s hunt--you only heard it. And hearing it did not spark the same sense of childish glee you felt when you thought you heard Santa’s sleigh bells approaching as a kid--instead, the Vikings said, you should be afraid. Be VERY afraid.
Because Odin could be kind of a dick.
Odin was also known as the Allfather, and like any father, he hated asking for directions. GPS who? I’m the Allfather, I’m riding the same way I always ride.
And that was pretty much it: “I took this road last year and I’m taking it again this year.”
“But,” someone would pipe up from the back, “there are houses on the road now--we’re gonna run right into them. We could just take a different path; there’s actually a detour off the--”
“Nope,” Odin would say. “They know the rules. My road, my hunt, my rules. We’re going this way.”
So if you were unlucky enough to have built your house along one of Odin’s favorite road trip sky-ways, he wouldn’t just plow right past you.
He would burn your entire house down--and your family along with it.
Kids playing in the yard? Torch ‘em; they should have known better. Grandma knitting while she waits for her gingerbread Einherjar to finish baking? Sucks to be her; my road, my rules, my beard, I’m the Allfather, bitch.
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Above: Santa, but so much worse.
To be fair to Odin, he could be a cool guy sometimes. He just turned into any dad when he was on a road trip and wanted to MAKE GOOD TIME, DAMN IT, I AM NOT STOPPING; YOU SHOULD HAVE PEED BEFORE WE LEFT.
To ensure they didn’t incur Odin’s road trip wrath, the Vikings had a few ways of smoothing things over with Dad.
They would leave Odin offerings on the road, like pieces of steel (??? okay ???) or bread for his dogs, or food for his giant, eight-legged horse, Sleipnir, because the only true way to a man’s heart is through his pet. 
People would generally leave veggies and oats and other horse-y things out for Sleipnir, whose eight legs made him the fastest flying horse in the world and also made him the only horse to ever win Asgard’s coveted tap dancing championship. 
(Side note: EIGHT legs...EIGHT tiny reindeer...eh? Eh? See how we got here? Thanks, nightmare horse!)
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Above: An excellent prancer AND dancer. 
And if Odin was feeling particularly charitable and not in the mood for horrific acts of arson, children would also leave their shoes out for him--it was said that he’d put gifts in your boots to ring in a happy new year.
If all that didn’t work and the Vikings heard the hunt approaching, they would resort to throwing themselves on the ground and covering their heads while the massive party sped above them like a giant Halloween rager. 
So this holiday season, leave your boots out for Odin and some carrots out for his giant spider horse or you and your entire family will die in a fiery inferno, the end.
3. Yule Logs
Speaking of Scandinavia, another Northern European winter solstice tradition was the yule log. Today, if you google “yule log,” something like this will pop up:
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...which isn’t an actual log, but is instead log-shaped food that you shove into your mouth along with 500 other cakes at the same time because it’s CHRISTMAS, and I’m having ME TIME; so WHAT if I ate the whole jar of Nutella by myself, alone, in the dark at 3 am?
But that log cake is actually inspired by actual logs of yore that Celtic, Germanic, and Scandinavian peoples decorated with fragrant plants like holly, ivy, pinecones, and other Stuff That Smells Nice before tossing the log into the fire.
This served a few purposes: 
It smelled nice, and Bath and Body Works scented candles hadn’t been invented yet.
It had religious and/or spiritual significance as a way to mark the winter solstice.
It was a symbolic way of ringing in the new year and kicking out the old.
Common belief held that the ashes of a yule log could ward off lightning strikes and bad energy.
Winter cold. Fire warm.
Everybody loves to watch things burn. (See: Odin.)
The yule log cakes we eat today got their start in 19th century Paris, when bakers thought it was a cute idea to resurrect an ancient pagan tradition in the form of a delicious dessert, and boy, howdy, were they right.
In any case, I’m 100% down with eating a chocolate yule log while burning an actual yule log in my backyard because everybody loves to watch things burn; winter cold, fire warm; and hnnnngggg pine tree smell hnnnnggg.
(Quick note:  The word “yule” is  the name of a traditional pagan winter festival, still celebrated culturally or religiously in modern pagan practice. It’s also another name for Odin. He had a bunch of other names, one of the most well-known being jólfaðr, which is Old Norse for “Yule father.” If you would like to royally piss him off, or if you are Loki, feel free to call him “Yule Daddy.”)
4. Upside down Christmas trees
I just found out that apparently, upside down Christmas trees are a hot new trend with HGTV types this year, so I guess this is one historical trend we did bring back, meaning it doesn’t really belong on this list, but I’m gonna talk about it, anyway.
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Side note: Oh, my god, that BANNISTER. I NEED.
Historians aren’t actually sure where the inverted Christmas tree thing came from, but we know people were bringing home trees and then hanging them upside down in the living room as early as the 7th century. We have a couple theories as to why people turned trees on their heads:
Logistically, it’s way easier to hang a giant pine tree from your rafters upside down by its trunk and roots. You just hoist that baby up there, wind some rope around the rafter and the trunk, and boom. Start decorating.
A Christian tradition says that one day in the 7th century, a Benedictine monk named Saint Boniface stumbled across a group of pagans worshipping an oak tree. So, instead of minding his own damn business, he cut the tree down and replaced it with a fir tree. While the pagans were like, “Dude, what the hell?” Boniface used the triangular shape of the fir tree to explain the concept of the holy trinity to the pagans. Some versions have him planting it right-side up, others having him displaying a fir tree upside down. Either way, it’s still a triangle that’s a solid but ultimately very rude way of explaining God. Word’s still out on whether anyone was converted or just rightly pissed off that this random guy strolled into their place of worship, chopped down their sacred tree, and plopped HIS tree down instead. Please do not do that this holiday season.
Eastern Europeans lay claim to the upside-down tree phenomenon with a tradition called podłazniczek in Poland--people hung the tree from the ceiling and decorated it with fruits and nuts and seeds and ribbons and other festive doodads. 
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(God, who lives in these houses? Look at that. That’s like a swanky version of Gaston’s hunting lodge. Where do I get one? Which enchanted castle do I have to stumble into to chill out in a Christmas living room like that?)
Today, at least in the West, upside-down trees are making a comeback because...I don’t know. Chip and Joanna Gaines said so. 
Some folks say it’s a surefire way to keep your cats from clawing their way through the tree and then puking up fir needles for weeks afterward, which checks out for me.
5. Incredibly weird Victorian Christmas cards
So back in the 19th century, the Christmas card industry was really getting fired up. Victorians loved their mail, let me tell you. They loved sending it. They loved getting it. They loved writing it. They loved opening it. They loved those sexy wax seals you use to keep all that sweet, sweet mail inside that sizzling envelope. (Those things are incredibly sexy. Have you ever made a wax seal? Oh, man, it’s hot.)
The problem, though, was that while the Victorians arguably helped standardize many of the holiday traditions we know and love today (Christmas trees, caroling, Dickens everything, spending too much money, etc.) back in 1800-whenever, a lot of that Christmas symbolism was, um...still under construction. No one had really agreed on which visual holiday cues worked and which...didn’t.
Meaning everyone just kind of made up their own holiday symbols. Which resulted in monstrous aberrations like this card:
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What the hell is that? A beet? Is that a beet? Or a turnip? Why is it...oh, God, why does it have a man’s head? Why does the man beet have insect claws? 
What is it that he’s holding? A cookie? Cardboard? A terra cotta planter?
And then there’s this one:
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“A Merry Christmas to you,” it says, while depicting a brutal frog murder/mugging. 
What are you trying to tell me? Are you threatening me with this card? Is that it? Is this a threat? How the hell am I supposed to interpret this? “Merry Christmas, hide your money or you’re dead, you stupid bitch.”
Also, why is the dead frog naked? Did the other frog steal his clothes after the murder? WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THIS?
Victorian holiday cards also doubled as early absurdist Internet memes, apparently, because how else do I explain this?
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Is this some sort of tiny animal Santa? A mouse riding a lobster? Like, the mouse, I get. Mice are fine. Disney built an empire on a mouse. And look, he’s got a little list of things he’s presumably going to bring you: Peace, joy, health, happiness. (In French. Oh, wait, is that that Patton Oswalt rat?)
But a LOBSTER? What’s with the lobster? It’s basically a sea scorpion. Why in the name of all that is good and holy would you saddle up a LOBSTER? I hate it. I hate it so, so much. Just scurrying around the floor with more legs than are strictly necessary, smelling like the seafood section of Smith’s, snapping its giant claws.
This whole card is a health inspector’s worst nightmare. It really is.
I gotta say, though, I am a fan of this one:
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Presumably, that polar bear is going in for a hug because nothing stamps out a polar bear’s innate desire to rip your face from your skull than candy canes and Coke and Christmas spirit.
This next one is actually fantastic, but for all the wrong reasons:
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I know everyone overuses “same” these days but geez, LOOK at that kid. I can HEAR it. SAME.
If you’ve ever been in a shopping mall stuffed with kids, nothing sums it up better than this card. This is like the perverse version of those Anne Geddes portraits that were everywhere in the late 90s. “Make wee Jacob sit in the tea pot; everyone will--Jacob, STOP, look at Mommy; I said LOOK. AT. MOMMY--everyone will love it.”
Actually, you know what? Every other Christmas card is cancelled. This is the only card we will be using from now on. This is it. 
Wait, no. We can also use this one:
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Merry Christmas. Here’s a fuckin’...just a dead fuckin’ bird.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Streaming on Plex: Best Movies and TV Shows You Can Watch for FREE in September
This article is sponsored by Plex. You can download the Free Plex App now by clicking here!
There’s an overwhelming amount of new movies and TV shows hitting streaming services this fall. If you’re starving for new content, it’s set to be a fantastic time, but if your wallet is starving for funds, it can be pretty stressful. With studios and content providers spreading their libraries out across so many different streaming services, keeping up with all of your favorites can get expensive. Thankfully, Plex TV is here to keep you entertained without breaking the bank.
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Plex releases brand new and beloved titles to its platform monthly and we’ll be here to help you identify the cream of the crop. View Plex TV now for the best free entertainment streaming and check back each month for Den of Geek Critics’ picks!
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
They’re the world’s most fearsome fightin’ team. They’re heroes in a half-shell and they’re green. I mean, what more do we need to say? 2014’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is no Citizen Kane, but comic book movie fans flock to it like the four titular turtles to pizza. The film knows exactly what it is, providing cheesy one-liners, silly action, and unpretentious fun. Throwing in Will Arnett as a sidekick for April O’Neil was an inspired choice that paid dividends in laughs and whoever tapped Tony Shaloub to voice Splinter should get a pay raise. Produced by Nickelodeon Pictures, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles wasn’t only the highest grossing film in the series, but also the highest grossing Nickelodeon film of all-time. This reboot of the classic ninja team helped spawn further films, new TV series, and a renewed interest in one of the most beloved comic book properties ever. Cowabunga, dude!
This isn’t your Sunday School’s Noah. Darren Aronofsky’s adaptation of the story of the biblical figure Noah is an awe-inspiring epic that takes the bones of the famous story and infuses themes about environmentalism, self-doubt, and yes, faith. Pulling liberally from texts like the Book of Enoch, the film has far more action than just leading animals onto a boat and a storm. Shot by Matthew Libatique, the movie looks absolutely gorgeous and at times can be genuinely breath-taking, but it’s not just about the visuals. Russell Crowe stuns in the title role, but the entire ensemble is great, including a post-Potter Emma Watson and a ferocious Ray Winstone. No one expected Noah to be more akin to a thought-provoking art house film than a straight-forward epic, but that’s the sort of genius you get from Aronofsky, one of the most exciting and inventive filmmakers working today. 
Shine a Light
Even if we hadn’t just lost the immortal, suave Charlie Watts, the heartbeat of rock and roll’s longest institution, The Rolling Stones, we’d still be recommending Martin Scorsese’s Shine a Light. Capturing the legendary band during their A Bigger Bang Tour in 2006, Scorsese spends a lot of the time rightfully focusing on Watts. With the camera fixated on Watts, you witness his unflappability; the way that he can make such raucous playing look so effortless. You also catch the man’s unique, jazz-influenced technique, like how he rarely hits the center of his snare, or how he changes his grip whenever he hits a cymbal. Even in their old age, the Stones are still one of the tightest, most electrifying live acts, and Shine a Light puts you right on stage with them as they barrel through one of the deepest catalogs in recorded music. It’s simply a masterful concert film.
The Virgin Suicides
Sofia Coppola likely has to deal with accusations about nepotism to this day, but anyone who saw her directorial debut The Virgin Suicides knows that Francis’ daughter would have made it as a filmmaker even without her famous last name. This haunting adaptation of Jeffrey Eugenides’ novel of the same name taps into the melancholy of childhood, the dreamlike haze of memory, and the mystery that lurks inside suburban homes. Coppola expertly captures the pull that an ethereal group of sisters have on the imaginative group of boys that pine for them in a way that is relatable for anyone that had an unrequited crush in high school. As a coming-of-age movie, it is one of a kind. As an exploration of trauma and grief, it is crushingly effective. The original score by the band Air only adds to its hypnagogic vibe. 
Rock ‘n’ Roll High School
Punk rock music and Roger Corman pictures are some of the core tenants that Den of Geek was founded on, so of course we’re going to recommend 1979’s Rock ‘n’ Roll High School, which features possibly the coolest band of all-time, The Ramones. Let our resident punk rock movie expert Jim Knipfel break it down for you:
“After producing so many dozens of teen rebellion films over the years, Corman finally hit the pinnacle, the ultimate teen rebellion picture, with the cartoon antics ratcheted up more than a few notches. There are so many bad jokes flying around, so many visual gags and film references packed into every scene, so many overwrought teen film clichés pushed way past absurd, it’s a film that demands multiple viewings. Even if “Riff Randall, rock ’n’ roller” (P.J. Soles) doesn’t look much like any punk chick I ever knew, I’m perfectly willing to accept it. And in historical terms, it really was this film more than the 4 albums they had out at the time that spread the word about The Ramones to mainstream America, and that’s worth something. Old as I am I still get a thrill every time the students and the Ramones blow up Vince Lombardi High, and anyone who doesn’t must be wrong in the head somehow.”
New on Plex in September:  
1000 Times Good Night 
13 Assassins 
The Accidental Husband 
All Good Things 
Assassination of a High School President 
Brain Dead 
Cold Mountain  
The Descent 
The Descent Part 2  
Even Money 
Fear City 
First Snow 
Freedom Writers  
Gray Matters  
The Jesus Rolls 
Johnny Was  
Keys to Tulsa  
The Legend of Bagger Vance  
Mad Money 
Murder on the Orient Express 
The Ninth Gate 
Nothing but the Truth  
Ordinary People 
Rock ‘n’ Roll High School  
Shine a Light  
Soul Survivors  
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles  
The TV Set  
The Virgin Suicides  
What Doesn’t Kill You  
Winter Passing  
World Trade Center  
Catch before it leaves in September: 
Accident Man  
Aeon Flux 
Angel of Death 
Answer Man 
The Bang Bang Club 
Battle Royale 
Blood and Bone 
The Broken 
Cashmere Mafia  
Child 44 
Cold Comes the Night 
Coming Soon 
The Connection 
The Cookout  
Critical Condition  
Dark Crimes  
The Death and Life of Bobby Z 
Death Proof 
Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star 
Downhill Racer 
Dragged Across Concrete  
The Dresser  
The Duel 
Flight of Fury 
Flirting with Disaster  
The Foreigner  
Gutshot Straight  
Halloween III: Season of the Witch  
The Hard Corps  
High Right 
The Hunt 
I Saw the Devil 
In the Mix 
Jason and the Argonauts 
Jeff, Who Lives at Home 
Jiri Dreams of Sushi  
Journey to the West  
Kill ‘Em All 
A Kind of Murder 
The Kite Runner 
Lake Placid 2 
Lake Placid 3 
Last Resort 
The Lazarus Project 
Mr. Church 
Mutant Chronicles 
Mythica: The Godslayer 
Mythica: The Iron Clown  
Never Back Down: No Surrender 
News Radio  
Ong Bak: The Thai Warrior  
Ong Bak: The Beginning  
The Order 
Out for a Kill 
The Outcasts  
Pistol Whipped 
The Protector 
Pulse (2001) 
Return to the Blue Lagoon 
The River Murders  
The Romantics 
Second in Command 
Shadow Man 
The Shepherd 
Southside with You 
Space Station 76 
Square Pegs 
Starship Troopers 2: Hero of the Federation  
Starship Troopers 3: Marauder��
Steel Dawn 
The Super  
SWAT: Under Siege 
The Terminal  
The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada  
Touchy Feely  
Universal Solider: Day of Reckoning  
Vicky Cristina Barcelona  
Walking Tall: Lone Justice 
What Planet are You From?  
World’s Fastest Indian 
World’s Greatest Dad  
The Yellow Handkerchief  
Still streaming on Plex: 
2 Days in New York 
21 Jump Street  
22 Bullets  
24 Hours to Live  
3rd Rock from the Sun 
6 Bullets  
99 Homes 
A Little Bit of Heaven 
A Walk in the Woods 
The Air I Breathe  
Alan Partridge 
Alone in the Dark 
American Pastoral  
And Soon the Darkness 
Are You Here 
Arthur and the Invisibles  
Battle in Seattle 
Better Watch Out 
Black Death  
Blade of the Immortal 
The Brass Teapot 
The Brothers Bloom 
The Burning Plain 
But I’m a Cheerleader 
Catch .44 
The Choice 
Clerks II 
The Collector  
The Core 
The Cotton Club 
Crossing Lines  
Cube 2 
Cube Zero 
Cyrano de Bergerac  
Death and the Maiden 
The Deep Blue Sea 
Deep Red 
The Devil’s Rejects  
Diary of the Dead 
District B13 
DOA: Dead or Alive 
Dr. T and the Women  
Eden Lake 
The Edge of Love  
The post Streaming on Plex: Best Movies and TV Shows You Can Watch for FREE in September appeared first on Den of Geek.
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whump-tr0pes · 5 years
Honor Bound 2 - 10
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Honor Bound 2 - 10 (disowned by family) - @badthingshappenbingo​​ (requested by anon, @grizzlie70​​)
Red X is for posted, white X is for requested. 
This is a series. Start here, continued from here. 
This is a sequel series to Honor Bound.
Cw: death mention, blood mention, abusive language between family members
Gavin sat huddled on the couch, his knees pulled up to his chest. His skin still glistened with a thin sheen of sweat and his stomach roiled mercilessly. If he could just keep his mind away from the memories, it was alright. If he could think about anything other than…other than…
He gagged weakly as the memory of blood overwhelmed him again. Lying helpless on the carpet, a hole in his chest, watching his father’s throat ripped out by his own plaything. He could never have imagined that kind of…brutality…if he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes. Now it was burned into his mind, no matter what he did to shut it out.
He did his best to take in a deep breath and blow it out through his lips. His chest ached as his ribs expanded, making his stomach lurch again.
What’s wrong with me? His mind shivered around the thought of the young man lying dead in the tool shed. Well, he probably wasn’t lying there now… The servants had been shooed towards the yard by his mother as she’d guided him into the house, a worried hand pulling him to the couch. “Go clean that up,” she’d said, like she’d accidentally spilled tea, not blood.
I’ve never not liked hurting people. He pressed his face into his hands. Did that plaything – did Vera – take that from me, too? He forced down a sob. Who am I if I can’t hurt someone?
He could feel it in him, deep down, past the fear and the guilt and the horror of his father’s death. He could feel that warm blanket of pleasure that waited to envelop him every time he took the knife to someone. Every time made someone suffer. Now, that seemed shielded from him. It seemed taken.
His mother opened the door from the hallway and slid slowly into the room. She approached him with hesitant steps, her face pinched with worry. She stopped in front of him and ran her fingers gently through his hair. “Oh, sweetheart,” she murmured. “You’ll feel like yourself again in no time.”
He nodded miserably, leaning slightly into the touch. She smiled.
She seemed a little smug about something. “I was right. They are headed north.” She sat on the couch next to him.
She glared at him, but gently. “You know who. Isaac and Vera and the rest.” She sniffed delicately. “They’re in some dirty little hovel a few hours north of here on the old turnpike at 52. Some…safehouse.” Her lip curled. “I’m surprised it’s taken them this long to get there.”
His eyebrows drifted together. “How do you know that?”
She smiled and shook her head. “I should have known better than to tell you when you were medicated.” Her hand went to his hair again and stroked gently through. His eyes slid closed for a moment. “There have been a lot of rumors of places outside of our control up north.” She rolled her eyes. “We can’t be everywhere. Who would want to live in such a miserable part of the country, anyway?” She sighed. “Our people in Beringer were able to get a tracker placed on their car. Instead of just taking them, the Wilsons and the Torrs wanted to track them to wherever they think is safe and make sure it no longer is.” Her mouth twisted into a sneer. “Send a message to everyone that would try to hurt us that doing so is incredibly unwise.” She squeezed his hand. “But we’ve got time. Time to get you feeling back to normal again.”
“I’m sorry, I just…” His face fell a little. “I…don’t…I don’t want this anymore. I don’t think I…can.”
“Then what,” she said evenly, “exactly, do you plan to do once I’ve brought those wretched little shits home?”
He couldn’t look at her. His eyes slid closed. “Please,” he whispered. “Please, don’t bring them here. I don’t care anymore, I don’t care about them. I never want to see them again. Please…if they’re headed north, maybe we should just let them. There’s no way they’d ever come near us again.”
“No.” He opened his eyes at the sound of her voice, sharp and steely. “I’m going to find them, and you’re going to help me.”
He raised his eyes slowly to his mother, expecting to find annoyance, or concern, or anything other than what he found: coldness. “What?”
“The tracker is just insurance.” She pursued her lips. “I want them to come to me.” Her nostrils flared as she drew in a slow inhale. “I want them to think they’ve won. I want them to think they have the chance to end this forever and then rip it away from them.”
His eyebrows pulled together in confusion. “…what could you possibly offer them that would make them think that?”
Her eyes softened for a moment and her hand went up to gently stroke his cheek. “You, honey.”
His eyes went wide. “What?”
“They’d never get close to you, sweetheart,” she soothed. “It would just look like they were going to, and then…we’d take them.”
“You’d use me as…as bait?” His stomach dropped.
“Only to coax them in.” There was a light in her eyes that Gavin didn’t trust.
“How could you protect me? You don’t know what they’re like…”
“Don’t worry about that, sweetheart. Just know that in the end, we’d have them.” She wet her lips. “We’d have them all. Especially…” Her lips curled back over her teeth. “Vera.” She spat out the name like it was a curse.
He was leaning away from her. “How could you put me at risk like that? I’m safe now. How could you just…dangle me out there…”
She gently cupped his face. “This is a chance to make the plaything that killed your father suffer, honey.”
He pulled her hands away from his face. “Dad’s d-dead, mom,” he whispered. “But I’m not. Why would you risk me to catch them…when I don’t even want them anymore…”
She let her hands fall to her sides. “This isn’t about what you want, Gavin. It’s about what’s right.”
“Is it worth it to you to risk me to do what’s right?”
Her eyes narrowed and she tilted her head. “Yes. But it wouldn’t be a risk. You’d be safe.”
“I won’t do it.” He lifted his chin. “I don’t want to.” He shuddered at how her eyes seemed to ice over again.
“I don’t care what you want, sweetheart,” she hissed. “Perhaps you don’t care that your father is dead, but I do. I’m offering you the opportunity to crush the people who killed him.”
“I won’t do it.”
“You don’t have a choice.”
He stared at her, his mouth hanging slightly open. He turned to go. “I’m leaving. I’m staying with Mark for a while.”
“You will do this,” she said softly, “or you will find no door open for you. Don’t turn your back on your family, Gavin.”
He spun to face her. “It feels like you’re the one turning your back on me, mom.”
She stared him down. “We don’t have a chance of bringing them to us unless I use you. You will do this.”
A chill moved down his spine. He swallowed hard against the lump that rose in his throat. “No. I won’t.” He reached for his coat.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“I don’t know,” he threw over his shoulder, eyes streaming with angry tears. “I’ll figure it out.”
“I’ll freeze all your credit cards. Contact all our friends. I’ll make sure not a single family door opens for you. Not until you come to your senses and help me with this.” His hand stopped on the door handle. “They killed my husband. Nothing will stop me from bringing them to justice.” He glanced back at her, at the expression of rage that twisted her features. “Not even you.”
“I’m still alive, mom,” he said, his voice breaking. “Call me when you’ve got your priorities straight.”
“If you walk out that door, you will not be welcome here again.”
His heart broke at the malice in her voice. “I won’t be your bait,” he said miserably. “Dad would have understood.”
“Gavin.” He flinched as her voice shot across the room. She stood. “Why do you think he let Vera get close to you?”
He turned all the way around to face her, paling. “…what?”
Her eyes narrowed at him. “He let Vera come to you because he knew she wouldn’t be able to resist the opportunity to take your life.” Her lip curled into a sneer, hostility coiling tightly in her eyes. “Because you couldn’t leave well enough alone. You had to seek them out. You killed their friend. You kidnapped that bitch’s little paramour. As soon as he saw Vera’s picture he knew she’d come straight to you. So he let her come. He let her walk right into his trap.” She jabbed a finger in his direction. “A trap you laid.”
He threw his hands into the air. “So you see how dangerous this idiotic plan of yours is!”
“You underestimated her. You told him she’d be yours as soon as she saw him. That she was weak. That she was broken. Your father is dead because you laid a poor trap,” she spat. “Your father is dead because of you.”
His eyes suddenly blurred with tears. A sob moved through his throat. “Good bye, mom,” he rasped. He slammed the door behind him and made his way to the garage.
He walked straight to the fastest car. He opened the door and popped open the visor. The keys fell onto the seat. He climbed into the car, furiously wiping his eyes against his sleeve. A half-formed plan was swirling in his mind. It would be incredibly dangerous, but no more dangerous than his mother’s plan to dangle him out for Isaac to snatch. His chest burned with bitterness. They were both willing to string me up to catch him. He put the key in the ignition and started the car, feeling the engine vibrate the seat. He did some quick mental math. If his mother was right, he’d reach the house in little more than four hours. He revved the engine. Maybe three. He pulled out of the garage and onto the street. He hit 60 before he reached the end of the block.
Continued here
@untilthepainstarts​​​, @womping-grounds​​​, @free-2bmee​​​, @quirkykayleetam​​​, @walkingchemicalfire​​​, @inpainandsuffering​​​, @redwingedwhump​​​, @burtlederp​​​, @castielamigos-whump-side-blog​​​, @insomniacscoprio​​​, @whumpy101​​​, @whumpywhumper​​​, @stxck-fxck​​​, @omega-em-z-02, @whumps-the-word​​
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pkmnsdarkqueen · 4 years
Some Random mun facts
-Music: When it comes to music I pretty much listen to like everything except rap. I dont know why I don't enjoy most rap it just doesn't hit for me. Which is a bold statement when in my car the Spotify will go to some cutesy Lenka song, hard core scremo, and end on VeggieTales. Look sometimes I want pastel angst with a side of a manatee's love problems. That and my ADD is happy.
-Driving: So I swear I'm a safe driver, and like yeah everyone says that about themselves, but I've been driving for a few years now with 2 wrecks both being other people's fault with them crashing me. Here's the thing about it I took this driving course where we learned how to do all these extreme things in cars to keep ourselves safe like throwing the back/front wheels out of control to regain control, the fastest turns you can believe, and all that. So I can pull this stuff out to minimize damage if I realize the person messed up so bad I can't avoid a wreck, or pull something to completely evade a wreck happening. It's great, and people love driving with me cause they know they'll be safe. They also know that if shiz hits the fan the ride is about to get roller coaster like.
-Bananas: I just can't. I physically can't handle eating bananas. That sounds like weird phrasing, but I'm incredibly serious. I've been this way ever since I was a kid, bananas just kick in my gag reflex immediately and I can't control it. One time in Mexico on this mission trip I got a Charlie Horse right, muscles get knotted up, and I knew it was cause I needed potassium. So the folks running the mission we were at over heard me, and kindly brought me 2 bananas. And like they don't have many fresh things so this was incredibly generous, and I felt awful thinking I'd look like some snooty white foreign girl if I said no so I started trying to eat them. I was trying to hard to keep it in, and hide it but we were at the breakfast table and one of the residents finally stopped me while I was half way done with the first one and was like,"You look green. Like genuinely green, and miserable. What is happening?" Which at this point I had been gagging like wild but hiding it, my stomach was feeling like death, and I was sweating suddenly like crazy so I finally told them qnd apologized because I knew they were trying to be kind. Thankfully they understood, and were really kind suggesting a brand of vitamins so I could go get some with potsassium. But yeah I just literally physically cant handle bananas only able eat about half of one when I am desperate for calcuim
-Wasps: Weirdly I've gotten really coll with wasps and yellow jackets this like past year. At the summer camp I worked at they were in our editing room alot so I just got used to them. Like to the point they'd rest on my arm while I worked. I named em too, R.I.P Bartholemew whom I had to mercy kill after he was smacked to the ground by a co-worker. Now we have a wasp nest outside our garage and like our family is just chilling with them just letting them take whatever bugs they want from our yard.
-New York: So there's a whole story here I'll probably post for another Munday, but I'll keep it short for here. I kinda did some pokemon art for a guy around the time Prom was happening, and he just invited me to his prom in New York. I'm in Texas. Like wild but he was serious, his parents agreed offeri g to pay for everything and one of my parents to go with me. We like ran a bunch of checks on the guy, he came down with his gam to meet in person, and like long story short I went to Prom in New York with someone who paid for everything, and agreed to go as friends only. Did I realize I was like a 'trophy chick' or 'paid friend' yes, but like worth it. Now that guy was respectful to me the whole time, which I appreciate, and didn't push anything. He had some things to work out in himself for sure which is why we didn't keep up, bullying trauma from what I can gather, but yeah it was a wild experience and further evidence to support when I say,"My life operates like a sit com."
-Naming inanimate objects: My sister and I both do this alot. Like almost everything gets a name. When we were kids the logs you can run across at this Waterpark had names, all of our stuffed animals have names, trees and plants that are special get names. Like it's just a thing we do, so yes all my knives and swords I have also get names. Just everything has names with us.
-Firework pops: So you know those little packets filled with gunpowder than sound like a gjn going off when you throw them on the ground? Yea well I had some of those as a kid. I also didn't know what PTSD was as a kid or that my dad had it due to some work with Uncle Sam. On April fools I had the smart idea to tape them to the bottom of the toilet seat so when someone sat on it they'd go off. It worked. On my dad. At 2 am at night. He laughs about it now but I still awful for how badly he was shaken up from it waking my mom up in a panic. Yeah not my finest moment as a kid.
-Wiggles: So my spine is weirdly sensitive. If something or someone touches it when I'm not expecting it I get like shakes and start twitching in my neck sometimes so bad like various muscles on my body start twitching out as well. My range of control varies wildly with like no real correlation. Sometimes it's a small shiver which lasts a second and I can roll with it unnoticed. Other times every part of my upper body rolls over in goose bumps, my arm hair is on end, my neck is spazzeming to the side as my head shakes, my shoulders and such is convulsing, and my arms are locking up as it feel like I'm contorting around my spine for like 10 seconds needing another 20 seconds to shake off residual affects. Also ability to talk during this ranges too depending on if I can get my jaw to cooperate. I have no idea why this happens, no one ever seems to get it either, I can't make it happen on command so I can't show anyone, and everytime I get short hair I have to adjust to feeling my hair dust across the back of my neck putting up with like a week of solid wiggles multiple times a day. It's not a common occurrence usually dependent on if what I'm wearing rubs certain points on my spine, but it's just a tick I have.
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fantasyizlife · 6 years
My Savagez Part 12
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My Savagez Part 12 `The final goodbye? 
Word Count:6020
Warnings:  angst-violence-tiny smut-death-dealing with the loss-emotional
~Before you read the final chapter in this journey, I want to thank the people who stayed along for this ride and gave feedback. Yes this is the ending but I also left it open in case I want to revisit the life that does exist beyond the loss of one of our Savagez. We shall see. Hugz!~
I woke up to a dripping noise not to distant from me. I was strapped to a bed naked but covered with a dark sheet. My mouth wasn’t covered so I started to scream as I took in my surroundings. The women dressed in a scrubs was clearly just as frightened as she backed away from me.
“Please y/n, I was ordered to clean you up and attend to your medical needs until you were conscious. Your only tied up because I was afraid if you woke like this you might attack me thinking I was the bad guy, fact is were both hostages. I witnessed the accident and got out to help when they grabbed me shoving me into the car before they took you. Please please know I didn’t harm you, nor has anyone since you’ve been here.” she pleaded with tears staining her face. I willed myself to calm my heart and clear my head. I blocked my Lily, my Haz and my Tom out. I reverted back to my training to help save my life and get myself back to them.
“If your not the bad guy then untie me and tell me why they trust you to roam free in this room.” I said with a icy tone
“I'm a doctor, it's why I got out to help, before the second hit they grabbed me.” she untied me hands first. It let me know she was telling some truth because if she was a real threat to me she wouldn't untie me so quick or from my hands first. But still I didn't trust her. I sat up quick as she undid my feet and grabbed her neck squeezing it so tight she had no airway. Her eyes went wide as she gripped my wrist tight pleading with her eyes. Why wasn't she fighting me off? Next thing I knew the room was going dark as she started to smile.  
 I awoke as I was escorted in a wheelchair to a dark room where I was placed on a leather chair and my shackles were connected to the ones attached to a steel bar on the floor. The room was cold. Almost walk in refrigerator temperature. I started to shake as the slam of the heavy door created a breeze inside the tiny room. I could see my breath as the wall illuminated a medium sized screen and the asshole that fathered me appeared. He wore a slight frown and that let me know he had at least one ounce of feeling towards me or my mother he sees in me, it told me I had a shot of getting out of this hell. The screen panned out and the doctor from my room appeared, looking much different. She smiled as I started to put the puzzle together.  
“Well hello Y/N, I do apologize to have to meet with you like this, but from what I witnessed, you seem to be a fighter, even as you heal. So I thought it was best for us both you learned the fastest way possible when it comes to me.” she took a moment to pause to see if I was absorbing her words. Then she proceeded.
“My name is Alexandria, I’m Roberts wife of 30 years, to make it simple and move on from a subject I hate to discuss, your mother was a weakness of my husbands and in short, how you became about. He refused to kill your mother or you, which is why I sent my men to it. They didn’t do a very good job, which is why you're still breathing. But you see, I never gave a fuck about you, your mother or Robert. We married for power positions. My siblings are the dead men your lovers killed. Making me the head mistress in charge. I will be sure to thank them for that when I get them together.”
“I am the only reason you’ll ever get them together, much like him and you are still alive. I asked them to stop when they were planning the last hit to end Roberts life. They left you alone so we could be a family, we were offered that deal!” I said, words dripping with venom.
“That was a deal offered before the smoke cleared y/n, now I’ve Iost my men, my money, my family business was what kept us, me, in power. That's why your here y/n!  Your lovers have cost me everything. And they will make it right or watch you die a slow and painful death.”
“Fuck you Alexandria ” I roared at the screen.
“Yeah, I figured you'd be hard headed like your counterparts, so I'll paint you a picture of what's at stake and then lock you away for another week or so to think about how you want to speak to me.”
The screen snapped off and before I could even imagine what was coming next I was drenched in ice cold water spraying from overhead. So much water, the force from it was hard to breathe. It felt like it was being released from a firehose but with less pressure. I gasped for air as I struggled to lift my head up at the light from the screen as it glowed. I sat up straight as my Lily-Stars face filled the frame. I screamed at her to let her know momma was here for her. It was purely mental and I knew it, but I wasn't prepared to see her face. I panicked at first wondering how she had pictures of but then I realized it had to be from my phone as my sweet TomTom and Hazzi filled the frame with her. I closed my mouth as I focused on the screen and breathed through my nose so I wouldn't drown. I wouldn't miss a moment of their faces while I had it, they gave me strength to gather my head on how to get back to them.
 I was placed in a more comfortable room after a weeks time and given instructions to shower and prepare myself for dinner. I was reminded that this test of my control would have rewards or consequences. I did as instructed and waited for my escort to arrive for dinner. I was allowed to walk on my own with instructions on what direction to turn and the door to go into on the third lower level. This alone told me I how valuable I was in getting her what she wanted. She wanted me to know it.
To my surprise it was only her sitting in the dining room. She poured two glasses of wine and handed me one, pulling out a chair for me to sit. I eyed her as dinner was laid in front of us.
“Interesting men you fell in love with,I count myself lucky to have captured their only weakness.”
“I wouldn’t say that's luck, there is nothing stopping my savages from coming for me, nothing. Not even if you kill me, they will raise hell to remove you from this earth as well.” I smiled back
She let out a laugh and raised her glass to the truth in my statement. “My sweet girl, I respect you for being so honest. And I know this as well. I want them to come rescue you, I’m counting on it in fact!” she laughed taking a bite and eyeing me to do the same. “See, I need their skills and expertise and in exchange, I will give you back to them, well one of them. But only when they agree to work for me. After all they are why I’m reduced to nearly nothing in my line of business. They have killed all my worker bee’s, so they can repay a debt and in no time you all can be back home to your daughter” she smirked eyeing me for a response and not getting one. So she dug deeper, smiling that she got to play the next party trick.   
“Tell me y/n, does Tom still like to fuck rough? One of my hit men were moments away from killing Tom had found one of Tom’s ladies fresh from the bed he had fucked her senseless in. She was one of our spies but he never knew it, they are only trained to distract men while the professionals move in, but he’s a fuck em and leave em type of guy. She even had videos to prove it, he’s a real pain in the ass, if you know what I mean? Especially with that big dick of his, makes me wonder why you need that blue eyed beauty around when you can have this every night..” she watched me as a laptop was placed in front of my eyes and a hidden camera was aimed on a bed where Tom was naked and thrusting hard into a woman from behind. His hands fisted her hair and slapped her ass hard as she begged him to fuck her there too. I closed my eyes and shut the laptop.Hearing her begging for more of him.  
“No way, you watch..I have plenty of times and I’ve even gotten off to it, he’s a wild card, noway does he fuck sweet little you like this is there?” she spat as one of her men restrained my arms and she opened it back up hitting play. I closed my eyes as Tom gripped her hips shoving himself deep in her ass. She slapped me hard gripping my face towards the screen even closer. The video ended and another one started. I felt the bile in my throat rise as I watched him and another woman. She sat on his lap as he guided himself into her. He pushed her away from touching him and as he grown tired of fighting her trying to touch him, Tom held her hands behind her back and bit her nipples hard. She moaned in pleasure, but not his name. It was the only relief I could find as the tears fell down my face. I found it harder to breathe as the girl was ordered to her hands and knees. He fucked her wilder than the last video and with each thrust I felt I was being stabbed in my heart. He had never fucked me or treated me like that. Was it because he loved me? Was this the way he truly wanted to fuck? I started to sob as she shut the laptop, and wiped my wet face. She looked at me almost with sorrow before speaking.
“Men are evil creatures sweetheart, after all it’s what got your mom killed.”
I reared my head back and head bunted her in the face hearing the crack of her perfect nose now broken. “You bitch!” she screamed back handing me with her blood soaked hand. She nodded at her goon to handle me. He choked me as she punched me in my stomach and with a final blow to the head I was knocked out.
When I came to, I was strapped to the same chair. A bright light was in my face and two large screens were in front of my face. My mouth was gagged and my eye was almost swollen shut.
I looked around the room to see what the hell was going on but I couldn’t see anything. Then the screen showed me a reflection of what I truly looked like. As my senses adjusted I could hear Tom and Harrisons voices being given strict instructions. Or they would not get another look at me alive again. They agreed before being placed on my screen. I sobbed at the sight of them unable to control it. It was a muffled cry and it tore through their hearts. Haz covered his mouth as he let the tears fall silently. Tom lost his shit as he started to scream that Robert had said I was healing and gone unharmed. Our footage was cut off but not the voice as Tom promised to kill everyone of them who had done this. A disguised voice came over our speakers and I knew who hid behind it as she pressed play of Tom and the woman again. I cried harder unsure if I closed my eyes I would be punished again and they didn’t need to see that. Tom was silent as he watched in horror and Haz looked at me with his sky blue eyes. They calmed my soul until the feed was quiet again.
“I love you angel, we are doing everything to get to you” he said as he was cut off by the disguised voice.
“Shut the fuck up, both of you! I have had enough talk and no action from both of you. Time to start proving your love for her. Tom you said you’d kill everyone who had done this to her?” Tom said yes without hesitation looking at me and not taking his eyes off mine. “You got a gun close by? I’m about to expose the one who caused her pain and did this to her.”
My eyes went wide as new footage of me watching him have sex played. The way I was forced, my expressions as the tears fell..the head bunt..all of it. This time my eyes stayed on Tom’s as they swirled in dark brown and copper tones. The storm was full force. He hated himself. I shook my head no as Tom pulled out his gun.
“Wow, you are a wild card! And a man of your word, now big boy..put it in your mouth for her”
I screamed no as he did what the bitch told him to do. “Put your finger on the trigger, I know it’s loaded, you ready to end all of her pain, right Tom?” she laughed as she counted from 5...4… I grew louder trashing my head no until I was slapped by a big hand and Haz jumped up pleading with his sweet beautiful blue eyes, filled with tears at the camera.
“STOP!, there has to be another way, please..anything. Don’t hurt her anymore, for fucks sake!”
“Alright, alright..put the gun down Mr. Big Dick, as much as I like how big your balls are I love the blue eyed ones sincerity.” she said dropping the voice disguise. “Now I see why you have him around y/n, he truly loves you.” she said in awe as she opened the door from far away.
“I do! I love you y/n, I’m so sorry your in this shit because of us baby.” he touched the screen.
Alexandria told him to sit down so she could see Tom. She showed us a Revolver as she put two bullets in the cylinder asking me what my nicknames were for them both. She removed my gag and handed me water, waiting me for me to speak. I knew what she was already doing. This was Harrrisons test now. I looked at Tom first knowing he already knew Haz would fold and he wasn’t prepared for this. “TomTom and Hazzi..” I croaked as she named the bullets exactly that and spun them around before resting it against my head.
“Well let’s see angel, who will be the man who saves you from the other? Rules are simple fellas, Tom can stop Hazzis bullet or Harrison can stop TomTom’s bullet from killing her just by surrendering themselves in exchange for her life. No other rules apply”
Without warning she squeezed the trigger and the gun made the empty clicking sound against my skull.
“Me..” they both shouted as she cocked the gun again. They looked at each other with fire. I prayed Haz would let Tom take this offer, Tom leaded with his head first, Haz leaded with his heart. Tom already had impressed her in more ways than one, he had the upper hand. It’s not that I didn’t have faith in my Hazzi, I knew he wasn’t going to be able to do what she was going to demand of him solo. He wasn’t built like that. “Hazzi no, please” I begged as he looked at me.
“Tom was willing to blow his head off for you angel. He is the only one who can protect our little savage and you from whatever or whoever might be out there, this is my chance to save you both. She needs her mum y/n, so..so you can tell her how much her daddy loves her as she grows up.” he kept his on mine as the silence filled all the space in the world.  
“Wow, look at that!” Alexandria said handing the gun to the man behind me “I’m a sucker for this, I’ve never seen a bond so strong. True love does exist in this world! It’s such a shame I have to take a real man from the world.. but I will keep my word, just as they did theirs.”
She looked back and forth between us all, Toms jaw twitched looking at her. Alexandria laughed as she slapped my arm playfully.
“Wow, I see why you have them both now y/n, well played, don’t worry. I will take good care of her until the exchange is made. You have 48 hours to meet me at a location that will be given to you in the next five minutes. And boys, don’t fuck this up! No second chances, Promise!”
     I was escorted to the back of a Humvee and we headed out towards the desert to the meet up location. I had men on both sides of me and she sat across from me, looking proud of herself. I couldn’t wait to kill her then daddy dearest who was in the front seat. She pulled out her phone as we stopped at the exchange spot. I could hear Toms tense voice in her ear.
“No games or this bitch dies, do you and your lover friend understand?” he answered yes
“Good, just so you understand your fragile package is really to die for. She is strapped with a life vest, inside is a IED with enough power to send her straight to hell. She will exchange this with Harrison as they say a final goodbye, anything goes wrong and they both die, you so much as flip me off Tom and I will toss him from this Humvee and you will both watch your mate die and I will come back and kill the baby girl next, don’t let your big dick energy fuck this up for the lovebirds. They have made promises, let this be about them. Oh and Tom, it will be a pleasure to finally meet see in person. I’ve had plenty of fantasies with you inside me, but I’m sure Hazzi can be taught to fuck and love, it’s been a pleasure!” she hung up the phone and I kicked her as hard as I could in the chest and stomach causing her to slump over as I brought my knee into her face. The armed men stepped out and ran from the vehicle in case she was crazy enough to blow us all up right there. Robert turned around and aimed the gun at me as she was regaining her senses. She gripped my hair and I heard a crack to her skull as she passed out. I lifted my head to the man who fathered me and watched wide eyed as he ripped the vest off me and told me to run. I watched tears run down his face as he apologized for everything. I only nodded in understanding as I took off towards my savagez and my real family that I knew had me covered.
Tom and Haz ran towards me meeting me in the middle. Haz ripped off his vest and slipped it on me with a quick kiss as Tom strapped it on me. We ran back to the Jeep that was parked in the dead end zone of the cannon. I heard the fire of the gun and I knew she had killed him.
I look at Tom as we get in a Jeep and waited for an all clear, instead we had to take cover on the other side of it as Sam reported more movement headed our way. “Why meet here?” “It's a wide dead end, we’ve got them surrounded with only one way into our trap.” Tom smiled pointing up “Tuwaine can get a Iine of sight for up to three miles up there, Jacob is behind that mountain with our bird, were almost home baby.” Harry reports through the ear piece as I’m handed my guns “We're not alone, the guest have arrived. Three Humvee, rolling in hot, about 2,000 yards.” “AII right, we knew this was going to happen. No one takes anyone without hell!” Haz says as he slips his necklace around me. The angel wing sparkling in the hot sun. I shook my head no and he shut me up with a kiss as he slipped it under my bullet proof vest.
“I’ll take it off tonight, when I tell you all about our new home on the beach, it belonged to my family and has been off the grid since I was born, we will be safe forever angel.” he winked. “Tuwaine, Don't Iet them get off more than one shot each, alright?” Haz laughed into the mic “Roger that. Let's give them a Oster-Holliday welcome boys.” he replied with a howl
“AII right, Sam, blow them to bits with whatever the fuck you got!” Tom ordered before kissing me “I love you, it’s good to have you back Starling.”
“I love you too Tom and it’s great to be back. Get us home okay?” I gave him an uneasy look from just feeling in my gut shit was about go sideways. He nodded at me as Haz walked around the side of the Jeep to grab another vest for himself. Toms phone rang and he pulled me close.
“You let that whore know if he dies, it’s on her, not me!” Alexandria shouted so loud I could hear!
 Before Tom could tell Haz to take cover the whizzing sound of a bullet’s filled the air. I could hear Harrison yell out as he hit the side of the jeep. I moved to run to him and Tom shoved me to the ground against the front tire. He gave me a knowing look as he shouted into the mic.
“Cover me, Haz has been hit!” without waiting he rounded the jeep and the gunfire increased tenfold. I gulped in air trying to calm myself, I had to focus on getting us out alive.        
“Come on, guys! It's raining bullets, here. What the fuck are you doing?” Tom yelled pulling Haz back behind gunfire. He was shot in the leg and his side, just where his vest wasn’t strapped. “Tom, should we shift?” Harry yells out launching a rocket at the first Humvee as they split formation “Negative, stay put, when we kill them, then changed rotation. And stay ready.” “Oh, fuck! Smoke them motherfuckers!” Tom yelled as four motorcycles came from the dust. “Sam, cover Jacob, Jacob it’s almost time! Soon as this wave is wiped.”
“How bad is he?” Jacob asked sounding nervous and inpatient. Tom looked over at Harrison. He gave him a thumbs up and Tom smiled shaking his head “He’s prettier than ever.” he replied
I pulled him into my lap feeling his shirt wetter than it should be for a not life threatening wound.
My tears hit his face as he smiled at me. He pulled me into him and held me close.
“You're really going to Iove it there y/n. The water is the color of my eyes, our daughter will play in the sand with her beautiful mum and learn why we named her Lily-Star, the stars sparkle like your eyes. Tell her daddy spent every summer jumping from the rocks and as I grew up, I finally made it to the sky.” He coughed and I rolled him more onto his side as the blood came out. My dress was soaked in my Harrisons blood. “I’ll always be with you angel, never stop believing in that, promise me.” he held my face wiping away the tears
“Hazzi, I promise...I’ll never stop believing. Just please don’t die Haz! Stay awake, please” I begged rocking him, the same way I rocked my mum as she died in my arms on the side of the road.  
“Tuwaine, report.” Tom shouted checking Harrisons pulse.
“They are taken care of. But you have another set rolling in hot. They be there in 10 or Iess.”
“Tom? Please, help him!” I begged as he assessed his wounds and not looking at me “TOM!”
Haz pulled my face to his and smiled “Shh... It's okay. It's okay angel.” “He's going to die,Tom. I don't want to lose him, not like this, please, not here!” I pleaded as I watched his labored breathing grow shallower.
“Tom, give me the phone, it’s time to keep my promise, it’s the only way to stop this.” he gasped
“Savages don't make deals, Haz.” Tom said looking him in the eyes “I haven't Ieft you behind in my whole fucking Iife! I’m not doing it now. Jacob can fly us out of here, all of us!” he said soft as Haz started to shake his head no.
“She's in this shit because of us, we agreed to this. We Savages keep our promises.. to her Tom, give me the phone and get her out of here.” Haz coughed trying to keep his lungs clear. “I’m dying anyways, then what happens? She kills all of us, if we're lucky? Our daughter next?”
Tom looked at me as he handed Haz the phone. I didn’t grasp what the fuck was going on.
“Alexandria, please let her go. I’m keeping my word, please..” he was cut off and told to put her on speaker phone, so he did.
“You see this Tom? A real man, keeping his word. Now, let's just do what we came to do. The snipers. Tell them to put the guns on the ground, hands in the air. Or we will sit here until he bleeds out and I will launch a rocket at your face and kill you all next. As your daughter grows up I’ll be sure to show her what a hero you all went out as, times ticking.” she hung up.
“Jacob, get your ass here now, save my angel and my best friend.” he looked at Tom as he took his hand in his as the chopper roared to life just a stone's throw away.  
“I Iove you Tom. Take care of our girls for me” Harrison said as Tom slipped something in his    mouth and he swallowed it.  
“You have my word mate, but you come back to us and that is a fucking order! I love you Haz.”
Tuwaine yelled they were less than 5 minutes away as the chopper landed.
“Y/N we have to go now!” Tom demanded from behind me.
“Harrison, I can’t..can’t live without you!” I panicked “You promised me forever Hazzi!” I sobbed
“I gave you our Lily-Star, she is my forever promise y/n, now go home to her, she misses you so fucking much.” he held me to his chest. “I love you Y/N Osterfield-Holland, forever.” I felt his arms drop away from me.
“Hazzi! Harrison! No no no…please no!” I screamed as Tom wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me away from him. I fought so hard against Toms strong grip. “Hazzi, open your eyes, show me your alive, please!” I screamed as Tom got us into the chopper “Harrison I love you, please...open your eyes” He couldn’t hear me over the noise. I didn’t care, I kept begging him, pounding Toms chest with all the strength I had as we flew away and left him there, unknowing.
 Every Night I wake up in darkness screaming for Hazzi to open his eyes. Every fucking time I wake up before seeing his eyes stay closed or open. Even my dreams wouldn't let me have closure. The only peace I can make with that day, is thus far, no one has came after us. In my mind it makes Harrison alive. It’s another reason to shove my nightmares aside and peek in our sweet angel sleeping in the room next door to me wrapped in Toms arms. Until I stop thrashing around and screaming for my Hazzi they have to sleep away from me. So she won’t be traumatized or physically hurt by my unconscious choices. I kissed the angel wing around my neck and retreat to my bed. The first couple of weeks I wouldn’t leave his room from the yacht. Tom forced his hand in making me shower and eat after the third day of locking everyone out. I couldn’t even look at our daughter. She looks so much like him. Her blonde curls, sky blue eyes, her dimpled chin. It’s been almost four months now. Tomorrow we bury her father, the other half of my heart. How the fuck do you bury someone when there is no body? No ashes? No proof he’s even dead! My stupid therapist says it’s supposed to help with closure. Whatever, I’ll do it because part of me that is forever owned by Harrison will give his daughter the best mum she deserves. The part of me that belongs to Tom hated him at first. I blamed him, we shouldn’t have left him there on the side of the jeep. Dead or alive, he didn’t deserve to be alone. I had become the cold one, every 20th of the month I’d make Tom fuck me and by fuck I meant like in the videos, he wasn’t allowed to touch me and I didn’t scream his name. We worked hard together to bring me back. I would have died by now if he hadn’t forced me to seek treatment. We all lost Harrison, it took a lot for me to understand that. I looked around at our empty house. After the so called funeral we were leaving for the home Harrison had remodeled as our safe house. It was his last shot at saving us and I prayed moving there would save us, what was left of us...of me. I was ready to cancel my life. This pain was too much.  
   I stood at the feet of his empty casket as our friends and family placed pieces of their memories of Harrison inside. I was numb as I looked at the different tokens of love and remembrance. Our baby girl slept in my arms as I rocked her side to side to calm my anxiety inside. I kissed her little fist that was gripped around Hazzis angel wing against my rapidly beating heart. My eyes were glued to his in the picture that was blown up from our babies first birthday. My last happy day with him. I was jolted from my memory of him as Tom placed his hand on my lower back asking me to take a seat before it started. I shook my head no and Tom accepted. Zendaya held out her arms for Lily-Star and I handed her over, she stirred only slightly grabbing her long curly hair and shoving it into her mouth making us all laugh just as her dad would have. Monty and Tessa even sat quietly at mine and Toms feet as he wrapped his arms around me. And that's where his arms stayed, as my song “Stars” by Grace Potter I picked for him played quietly. Toms strength is what held me upright as the full impact of never seeing him again hit me like a mac truck slamming into a mountain side as they exchange words, details about his life, personal connections, his smile, his eyes..all carried on through our daughter. Harry took the dogs away as they started to whine at my silent sobbing. I can’t make sense of it over the ringing in my ears and the brutal shaking in my body. That’s when I break down, the sobbing turning into a full on wailing from my chest and throat. Like a pressurized pipe busting loose, the pain shoots from my lungs and I pound my fists onto his empty fucking casket. Tom picks me up as I go limp at hearing our daughter cry for her mumma and dadda.
 I don’t hear the door shut, I don’t feel Tom beneath me, don’t taste the tears flooding my face as he holds me tight in the back of the limo. The pain is all consuming, crippling me, twisting me into something unrecognizable, a shapeless and hopeless vessel of a woman just lost.
Toms arms are around me, and that’s all I can feel, keeping me glued to this hell on earth moment. He holds me tighter and sings to me like Hazzi did, for his girls when they needed comfort. He covered my ears the Three-Volley Final Salute fired for his honorable death.
I scream for them to stop, he didn’t die! He isn’t dead. I scream at TomTom to tell them the truth! Tell me the truth. He just holds on tighter and cries with me, telling me he’s sorry, he wishes it was him, he wishes he could trade places. Tom begs me to forgive him through our mingled sobs. His pleads are powerful, like he’s looking inside me and sees me pointing blame. I hold his face in my hands and truly see my TomTom for the first time since we left Haz there.
I thought I had hidden myself from him well enough. I should have known better. Tom has read my soul like an open book, since day one. I canceled out on life, our future, our everything. I’ve been okay with checking out. Until now...staring at Tom, mourning his best friend and hurting for me, needing me but unable to ask for me. I hate myself, because this is no ones fault. Not even Harrisons. He might have broken our promise of forever but it was to give me, Lily and Tom forever. I’ve wasted enough time being bitter, mad and sad. This life was Hazzis gift to me.
“TomTom I’m so sorry..for everything since he left. If you forgive me I promise to live fully again.”
He held onto me as he broke down and cried for his brother, his best friend..his loss of Harrison. I held him until he felt he could carry on with me at his side.
“Let’s go get our little savage” he sadly smiled and kissed me, looking in my eyes.
My soul sparked a flame inside my body as and I sit up straight and kissed Tom back lovingly.
 Fighting hurts. Living without Harrison hurts. But nothing is as painful as hanging onto the broken pieces of a dream we all lived for and lost together. Even if I choose stay in my dark misery or move forward to light, Haz is gone. Giving up on life won’t bring him back. I climb off of Tom and open the door. I get on my feet and stagger until my legs find their own strength. Every second is painful, but I focus on getting to our daughter. I focus on her and allow myself a drop of hope. Hope that one day if he comes back to me, he will appreciate the strength I discovered and the will to live the life he gave for me. Lily-Star reached for me and her sky blue eyes told me what I felt was true all these months, Harrison James Osterfield-Holland was very much alive, inside our little angel.  
Expressed interest: @jayramarie @moonjamanganunghe
Requested Tags: @tom-hollands-eyelash @eggsyandcoffeewithparkerman @hollandfangirl @frootloop311 @fallingforspidey @smexylemony @extravaganthumour @wheelbarrel-art
SIDE NOTE: Again thank you for your support and encouraging words! I have left the ending open for a few ways to revisit our Savagez and their future. If you like what you see please let me know with a like and a reblog. Until next time happy reading and hugz! 
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that-green-nut · 7 years
Wasted Days (BoL Interlude)
Sir Rodryk may not have been the steadiest of riders, but he was among the fastest on hand, which saw him delivering a message on behalf of the Stone Wolf, Sir Tormine.  It also helped that they had more or less formed a partnership, their styles and manners forming something of a complement to each other, so it was unlikely there would be an immediate need for him in the field.  He was faster on his own, offset by the fact that he was still inexperienced when it came to fighting alone, or against greater numbers.  So when he was beset by brigands while passing through the Dread, it seemed more prudent to offer his most recent earnings than attempt to resist.  They didn't appear to want to risk their blood for more.
Once he crossed over into the marshlands of the Grasp there was little to do but stick to the roads and shorten his days.  Having just had a run in of sorts with marsh spirits, Rod chose to risk encountering more.  After another day of riding, he had finally reached his destination of Baleheim, a light drizzle beginning as he took his horse to stable.  He asked for the Marshal home and was given two places, and the first proved empty, an unlucky guess.  He removed his helmet, which made him resemble a brigand himself, he'd been told, and let his black, messy, shoulder length hair fall loose.  He knocked around five times, though the door began to open partway through the fifth.
“Are you the daughter of Sir Tormine?”
The woman who answered was only slightly below Rod's own height, with chestnut hair and blue eyes.  Those similarities were about the only things that made him believe he might have the right household.
“I am, yes.  Have you been sent on his behalf?”
Rod shrugged.  “In a way.  I fought alongside him at Dankst recently. Since then, he's fallen ill.”
Though visibly concerned, the daughter dove quickly into questioning.  “How so?  Is he being treated?”
“Well, to hear him tell it, everything he tries to eat tastes like shi- uh, feces.  Literally, gags at everything.  He can barely keep water down because of it.  Don't really know how to treat it outside of trying to make sure more gets in than out.”  Rodryk reached into his bag to pull out a sealed letter.  “He penned this before it got too bad.”
The daughter took the letter and opened the door  behind her, gesturing for him to follow.  “Did my father even tell you my name when he sent you here?  Granted I have some... notoriety, but I prefer not to assume.”
The Stone Wolf's daughter was a woman of several contradictions.  A beast and a scholar.  A traitor and a champion.  A healer and a butcher. In spite of that, the only thing the stood out about her home, modest for a family that sat between knights and common folk, was that there were more children about than one might expect in a war criminal's home.  An older woman was present as well, tending to what appeared to be the eldest of them.  “You would have assumed correctly, Kalvive.  Sir Rodryk, here.  I've been fighting at your father's side since I earned my knighthood.”
Seeing his child, Rod began to wonder how much of Tormine's unpleasant visage was a result of disfigurement, as she was an agreeable sight, to say the least.  He rubbed at the back of his head.  “To be honest I'm not sure where I'll be without 'em.  Not that he's going to die just, you know.  Short term.”
“Are you doing anything to prevent that from happening?”  She was beginning to brew tea, and he could hear the rain picking up outside. Escape seemed unlikely.
“If there's anything that can be done, I s'pose.”
“Then you may stay the night.  If you can find the time, keep me appraised of the situation.  For my part, I'll try to see if any illness like this has appeared before.”
He felt an unexpected sense of obligation to do such.  “I'll do what I can.  For the old dog.”
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bunnyandbirb · 7 years
Birb’s Summer 2017 Sports (Anime)
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My first distinct memory of trying to play sports involves trying to win a game of soccer by ignoring the ball and repeatedly kicking the opposing players in the shins instead.
During four years at my basketball-crazed college, I never went to a single game (my priorities were with Overwatch and figuring out how to survive the rest of the month on two dollars.) I remember once going to watch the Denver Nuggets play, and then waking up when it was all over. So yeah. I might not be a “sports person.” That being said, I fucking love sports anime. They’re super straightforward, feel-good shows and I’m a sucker for underdog stories. I would call them a guilty pleasure, except I don’t feel guilty about watching them at all. Of course, that doesn’t mean they’re all good.
I watched all of the sports anime that debuted this summer (in one night) and here are my sleep-deprived opinions:
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Keppeki Danshi! Aoyama-kun (Clean Freak! Aoyama-kun) Studio Hibari
Aoyama is a freshman in high school, a genius soccer player, and has a crippling obsession with cleanliness. I was very into the premise of this show when I first read the description, which is why I watched it first. I’m still glad that I did watch it first, so I could get my disappointment out of the way faster. Keppeki Danshi! Aoyama-kun isn’t a true sports anime, more like a comedy anime with sports. The pacing in the first episode is pretty atrocious, barely introducing the main character before suddenly getting into a game with an enemy team (that I think I’m supposed to care about?) and then wrapping it all up in less than ten minutes. Basically the whole thing is a series of setups for jokes, and if they don’t make you laugh, it’s a little bit awkward.
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The ‘clean freak’ joke started getting stale near the end (and it had only been one episode). There was even a moment where they actually tried to take it seriously (it’s so TRAGIC that he wants to play SOCCER when he’s a GERMAPHOBE), and that just made me confused. Aoyama also looks suspiciously similar to Haru from Free!, and it doesn’t help that they both have that quiet, unfazeable, non-personality.
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I don’t even remember the names of the other characters, because they weren’t particularly interesting. There was an angry guy who was always angry that Aoyama didn’t want to be a dirtyboi, generic side characters, and then some girl who stalks the MC because he talked to her once. The best part of the show was the ending, which was an obvious nod back to old-school sports anime and was pretty entertaining.
The show’s art/animation isn’t that bad, which is a shame because I’m never going to be watching more of it. I’d say this is a mediocre show that I can see people liking if it matches their sense of humor. I’m not someone who finds gag comedy particularly funny, which doesn’t make me the right audience for this kind of thing.
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Ballroom e Youkoso (Welcome to the Ballroom) Production I.G.
It’s an anime about ballroom dancing. The first time I heard of this, I immediately thought this was coming out to snatch up the audience of Yuri on Ice. I still don’t think I’m wrong, but Ballroom e Youkoso feels both similar and very different from both that show and Haikyuu!!, another product of this studio (and one of my favorite shows in this genre.)
Our main character is Tatara Fujita, a kid (supposedly in eighth grade, clearly doesn’t look it) with no hobbies and no idea what to do in life. He almost gets beaten up but is saved by Sengoku, a professional dancer and owner of a nearby dance studio. He eventually gets a lesson and then watches a video of Sengoku dance, which gets him hooked on dancin’ (at least it isn’t drugs.)
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To understate it a bit, this show is VERY DRAMATIC. Maybe I should have expected an anime about dancing to ham it up a little, but this was a level of drama that I haven’t seen in a sports anime in a long while. They stretch limbs like nobody’s business to emphasize the ‘fluidity of dance’ or something (I don’t really know) and I laughed out loud at how silly some of it looked. Not to the say that the animation is bad. The whole CLAMP-esque rubber limbs syndrome is clearly a stylistic choice, and everything looks pretty good when they’re not dancing.
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But it’s not just the animation. The plot is also VERY DRAMATIC. The entire show is a lot heavier than a lot of other sports anime, and all of the characters are way more passionate about dancing than I’ve ever been about anything. And honestly, I did get a little caught up in it. The music in this show is pretty good, and definitely contributed to how invested I got in the scenes. The characters are likeable so far. There is a bit of fanservice every now and then, which is annoying but I’ll deal with it. This is a true underdog story, and while I can predict how the rest of the show will go by watching these first five episodes, I’m sure I won’t be bored following through with it.
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Dive!! (Not-Free!) Zero-G
Okay, so the alternate name isn’t really Not-Free!, but it should be. This show is mostly boring and a little hilarious (for unintentional reasons.) Dive!! is an anime about… diving, and is centered around a middle schooler named Tomoki Sakai. His combined middle/high school diving club will shut down unless one of its members can get into the Olympics within a year, which is totally reasonable.
Where to even start with this.
It’s almost impossible not to compare Dive!! to Free!, because it begs you to compare them. I can imagine they had a list of how to one-up Free! and, judging by the show, came up with this:
MORE ABS. Everyone gets a 10-pack.
Swim jammers? Pussy shit. Speedos only.
You like high schoolers who look like college students? We got some that look like they’re 12.
Add another exclamation mark in the title, that’ll really get ‘em going.
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I’m not exactly sure what Tomoki’s character is supposed to be. In the first episode, he is walking to the diving club with his girlfriend. She starts talking to him, trying to engage him in a conversation… you know, the thing people in relationships have sometimes. He only gets like three sentences through before he starts zoning out completely and has an inner monologue about how much he loves diving. THEN when she confronts him, he looks past her, sees his beloved senpai and BLUSHES. IS THIS A BL SHOW??? IS THIS GIRL A BEARD?? But really, watching this pissboi interaction was probably the funniest thing in the entire show.
The animation is serviceable, but if they wanted to compete with KyoAni’s work on Free!, they might as well have not tried at all. All of the characters are forgettable as fuck except for one, who isn’t even a main character. Actually, I take that back. The main character’s emo twin brother is also pretty memorable, only because he spends every waking moment trying to steal MC’s girl. The majority of the show is straight-up boring; Unlike Ballroom e Youkoso, I didn’t feel any sense of tension or urgency no matter how much they tried to get me to care.
In conclusion, Dive!! sucks. Don’t watch it.
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Nana maru san batsu (Fastest Finger First) TMS Entertainment
This might not be considered a “sports anime” in the traditional sense, but I would argue that’s exactly what it is. Koshiyama Shiki is a nerd enters high school and is drafted into the “Quiz Study Group”, where he learns the joys of competitive quiz bowl. So yeah, it’s basically a show about people answering trivia questions on a timer.
I’ll be honest; This show isn’t that special. It’s predictable, the characters are generic, the dialogue is pretty trash at times, and the art is decent. Pretty much everything aside from the actual tournaments crawls by at a snail’s pace, and by the third episode I was skipping past most of the scenes that didn’t have to do with quizzes. There also is some random fanservice (really? In a quiz bowl show?) and sometimes the character artist draws their heads too big for their bodies.
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Despite all that, I will keep watching this show until the end. I’ve had a lot of fun learning about quiz bowl, mostly because I didn’t know anything about it before this. I’m a big fan of trivia, and I feel like I can just watch the show for that and still enjoy it without caring about whether the characters die in a fire or not. I’ll just ignore the repetitive conversations and weak romantic subplot in between tournaments.
Okay, so the two shows I said were my faves of the bunch are about ballroom dancing and quiz bowls. But my three all-time favorite sports anime are about tennis, volleyball, and football, so I’m just saying my preferences are based on the qualities of the show, not on the fact that I’m a loser.
Well, that’s it for now. Hopefully we’ll see some more quality sports anime in the future... or I’ll just wait for the next season of Haikyuu!!.
~Stay tuned for more nonsense~
- birb
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lana-amen · 7 years
Ask me some kinky questions ;) 1. Would you rather be blindfolded or blindfold me? Why can't we just see eachother lol 2. Would you rather orgasm while performing oral or during intercourse? Intercourse 3. What was your high school sex fantasy? Idk I wasn't / not a slut 4. What’s your favorite position? Like sideways 😂😂 5. Which part of your body do you consider the most sexy? Everything bitch 6. Do you like to swallow? Nope 7. Who do you fantasize about when you’re alone? Fuckin Alex lol 8. Your last sexual encounter; good or bad and why? Good Bc I don't have bad sex 9. Where is one place you would never have sex? Jail 10. Top or bottom? Top 11. Best sexual complement you ever got? "When you learn to ride dick so good " 12. When was the first time you masturbated? When I was like 14 yeah 😂 13. Have/would you ever have sex outside? No I haven't but I'd try it 14. Who gave you your last kiss? Did it mean anything? lol my mom nigga 15. Do you sleep in pajamas, underwear, or nothing at all? Just panties 16. If you had a sexual “to-do” list, what would be on top of the list? To fuck ? 17. Is a weird “sex face/orgasm face” a total deal breaker? Don't look 18. Do you have a gag reflex? Yes 19. Is your sex life award-winning or a total flop? Is there an in between? 20. Are piercings sexy? Yes 21. Can/Have you ever squirted before? No 22. List your kinks. LOYALTY 23. How did you discover you were kinky? um lol when my nigga was getting rough and I was liking it 24. What was your first kinky sexual experience? 25. Any unexpected ways kink has improved your life? If so, what are they? These some weird ask questions lmfaooo 26. What do you think is important in keeping a BDSM relationship healthy? Nigga what ? BDSM MY FOOT YOU CAN HIT MY ASS W YOUR HAND THATS ALL 27. Something that never fails to make you horny: making out 28. Where is one place you would never have sex? Didn't I just say jail ? 29. The most awkward moment during a sexual experience was when: OKAY IT WASBT AKWARD IT WAS SO CUTE BC AND WE WERE LAUGHING WHILE FUCKING BUT ALEX GOT A CRAMP WHILE I WAS RIDING HIM BUT TOLD ME TO KEEP GOING SO HE LIKES HALF MOANING HALF GOING OUCH AND IM LAUGHING ANF RIDING AND AHHH LOML 30. Whats the best way to sexually bind someone? (handcuffs, ropes, etc.) no 31. Whats the fastest way to make you horny? Lana Del Rey drip drip 😂 32. Something that you have hidden in your room that you don’t want anyone to find: nothing you're not gonna find any toys in mah house 33. Two things you like/dislike about oral sex: ok um I don't like having a big hot sausage pumping in and outta my mouth it's just weird but I like it when he basically makes out w the kitty 34. How big is too big? I'm guessing when it won't go in ?!? 35. One sexual thing you would never do: anal it's just not happening 36. Three spots that drive me insane: sucking on my boobs or neck and idk 37. Do you like it when your sexual partner moans? Hell yes 38. Is it good sex even if you don’t cum? Yes 39. Do you watch gay/lesbian porn? Why/Why not? Girl in girl cuz a bitch is bi 40. If a child was born on the occasion of the last time you had sex, how old would that child be now? Like a few days nigga what 41. Do you like giving head? Why/why not? Noooo answer is above 42. Do you own any sex toys? If so, how long have you had them? No 43. Do you watch porn? Want me to lie ? Lol who doesn't 44. Have you had sex in your parents bed? (Would you?) 😂😂😂 shhhh 45. How would you react if you found out your parents had sex on your bed? That'd be a funny trick since my father is dead 46. Spanking: turn on or turn off? Depends 47. What is one random object you’ve used to masturbate? Nigga your vagina wasn't meant FOR YOU TO STICK MASACRA BOTTLES OR FORGIEN OBJECTS IN THAT BITCH ITS FINGERS DICK AND TAMPONS OY OMG 48. Biggest sexual fantasy? nigga having sex w Lana while listing to Lana 49. Kitchen counter, couch, or on top of the dryer? All of em 50. Thoughts on period sex? Don't make me gag ?!?
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