esapruikkonen · 2 years
Fastighetsinvesteringar: Hur det fungerar
Esa Pruikkonen har under sin karriär främst koncentrerat sig på den kommersiella fastighetssektorn. Att investera i kommersiella fastigheter och lokaler har blivit allt populärare på grund av deras ökande popularitet.
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konagod · 5 months
what the fuck is that?
a plunge pool or a koi pond?
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goteborgdodsotjanster · 11 months
En Stödjande Hand i Tuffa Tider: Göteborg Dödsbo Tjänster
Livet bjuder på många utmaningar, och den kanske svåraste av dem alla är att säga farväl till en älskad. Det är en tid av sorg, reflektion och många praktiska göromål som behöver hanteras. Mitt i den emotionella virvelvinden kan det praktiska ansvaret över ett dödsbo kännas överväldigande. Det är här Göteborg Dödsbo Tjänster kliver in, som en stödjande hand som hjälper till att lätta bördan i dessa tuffa tider.
Att hantera ett dödsbo innefattar många steg, från värdering av tillgångar till tömning och städning av fastigheten. Det kan vara svårt att veta var man ska börja, och ännu svårare att genomföra uppgifterna medan man bearbetar sin förlust. Göteborg Dödsbo Tjänster förstår djupet av denna utmaning och strävar efter att göra processen så smidig och stressfri som möjligt.
Vid första kontakten erbjuder Göteborg Dödsbo Tjänster en gratis konsultation för att förstå dina unika behov och den situation du befinner dig i. Med ett empatiskt och förstående tillvägagångssätt, arbetar de med dig för att skapa en individuell plan som uppfyller dina behov och hjälper dig genom denna svåra tid.
De erbjuder inte bara professionella tjänster för att hantera dödsboet, utan också ett medmänskligt stöd som hjälper dig att navigera genom de många besluten som behöver fattas. Teamet på Göteborg Dödsbo Tjänster har en djup förståelse för den emotionella belastningen som kommer med förlusten av en nära och kära, och de strävar efter att vara där för dig, steg för steg, tills uppgiften är slutförd.
När livet kastar utmaningar i din väg, är det viktigt att ha en pålitlig och förstående partner vid din sida. Göteborg Dödsbo Tjänster erbjuder mer än bara praktisk hjälp; de erbjuder ett medkännande stöd när du behöver det som mest. Med Göteborg Dödsbo Tjänster kan du vara säker på att du inte går igenom detta ensam. De är här för att hjälpa, stödja och guida dig genom processen, så att du kan fokusera på det som är mest betydelsefullt - att hedra minnet av din älskade.
Läs mer på vår hemsida: https://gbgdodsbo.se/
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Belåna fastighets Tumblr
Vi på Belåna fastighet har registrerat denna sida för att undvika förvirring som kan uppstå om någon annan använder den. detsamma har gjorts på de flesta plattformar, ett par av dem hittar man till vänster. Vi planerar inte att använda och/eller uppdatera denna eller de andra sidorna framöver, istället finns alla våra nyheter och uppdateringar på vår hemsida eller på våra olika sociala kanaler. För er som inte vet vad vi gör på fastigheten Belåna kommer här en snabb introduktion till sajten: 
Belånafastighet.se är en fristående webbplats som främst handlar om lån gällande fastigheter för företag och privatpersoner. Vi samlar ihop information om olika lånealternativ, både fastighetslån för företag och bolån för privatpersoner. Vi har beslutat att samarbeta med flera olika aktörer som erbjuder lån på olika sätt till hus, lägenheter och andra typer av fastigheter. Dessa inkluderar olika långivare – både banker och andra finansiella institutioner – men också många olika tjänster för jämförelser av lån. Detta eftersom vi anser att det är väldigt viktigt att jämföra så många lån som möjligt innan man slutligen väljer varifrån man ska ta sitt lån. Att jämföra lån är väldigt enkelt nu för tiden och med hjälp av någon av dessa tjänster kan du kvickt och smidigt ta reda på var du kan få lån till den bästa räntan just du kan få.
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Vi har även utförliga beskrivningar av de olika vägar man kan ta för att teckna ett bolån för olika typer av fastigheter. För privatpersoner finns till exempel låneriktlinjer för villor, lägenheter och fritidshus. För företag har vi gjort motsvarande sammanställningar för de flesta olika typerna av kommersiella fastigheter såsom hyreshus, skogsfastigheter och kontorsbyggnader för att nämna ett par stycken. Vår blogg följer främst kreditmarknaden inriktad på fastigheter, räntor och nyheter om byggande av fastigheter runt om i landet. Du kan se det mesta som postas där genom att följa oss på ett av våra sociala nätverk. Om du funderar på att köpa hus eller lägenhet - eller ta lån till ett hus du redan äger - är belånafastighet.se ett mycket bra ställe att börja. Hos oss kan du snabbt och enkelt hitta de bästa låneerbjudandena med de lägsta räntorna. Varmt välkommen!
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malmqvistbyggnads · 21 days
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cafmakleri · 4 months
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Ditt val för bostadsaffärer i Stockholm! Vi på CAF Mäkleri strävar efter att vara den främsta mäklarbyrån i hela Sverige. Med vår passion för fastigheter, enastående service och innovativt tänkande är vårt mål att erbjuda dig den mest exceptionella och givande fastighetsupplevelsen någonsin.
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aktieportfoljen · 1 year
En bra börsfredag - nu plockar jag in bank, fastigheter och skog igen
En bra börsfredag - nu plockar jag in bank, fastigheter och skog igen.
Det var tre dagar sedan mitt förra inlägg eftersom det blivit bl a tennis, cykling och konsertbesök som tagit min tid i anspråk. Däremot har jag inte varit bortkopplad från börsen, tvärtom har jag en del ändringar i laguppställningen. Stockholmsbörsens båda index stängde kring nollstrecket. Min laguppställning avrundar veckan okej och obligationsdelen stiger med +0,46%, ISK med +0,22% och…
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View On WordPress
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boxicon · 1 year
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Nyckeln till lycka har precis levererats! Dessa nyinstallerade postboxar från Boxicon kommer med nycklar i varje fack, redo för sina nya ägare att börja använda dem. Dessa moderna och funktionella fastighetsboxar är perfekta för alla typer av fastigheter!
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hyresfastighet · 2 years
Lite som jag har bidragit med 👍
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traserad · 2 years
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hometoursandotherstuff · 11 months
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The description of this 2015 villa in Sweden says, "Finally, you can live like a Viking!" I have never seen anything like this before. The Viking property comes with a main residence, a guest residence, multiple guest cabinets, bocce court, handcrafted sculpture and a Viking-style terrace. $821K.
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The sign says Knight's house.
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Have you ever seen decor like this? Notice the carved Vikings behind the couch. There's a bit of elegance here, like chandeliers and gold framed mirrors. This is the knight's large cottage.
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There's a lovely brick big fireplace with a stone chimney.
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If I wanted to decorate like this, I wouldn't know where to begin.
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For a rustic home, this is quite an elegant, very comfortable bedroom and it's in the loft. The door opens to a balcony.
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These clothes look like a part of the decor and make a good case for casual, open, clothing storage.
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The bathroom has a lovely sink made from an antique dressing table and a modern free-standing shower unit.
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The kitchen is a glorious conglomeration of modern, vintage, and look at the island made of terracotta building blocks that handily hold wine bottles.
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This is a Knight's house passage between the kitchen and the great cabin.
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So, this is Amazonhuset, which is the big house.
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I think that cute little cabin in the house is a coat room.
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Love the corner fireplace and how the stones kind of dissipate. Cute loft above, too.
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Comfortable corner living room.
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This small kitchen looks commercial grade, which it probably is, b/c this property has guest cabins.
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A cute bathroom with a free standing shower and look at the little corner toilet.
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The loft bedroom.
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One of the guest cottages, at least I think it is.
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Very interesting.
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This guest cabin is cool- you sleep in the viking ship.
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And, here's another cute guest cottage.
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The last guest cottage is adorable. I think this would a great place for friends to share, like a compound.
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There're lots of these viking carvings throughout.
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For the price, this is a very cool piece of property.
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esapruikkonen · 2 years
Vad kan kommersiella fastighetsmäklare göra för dig?
Esa Pruikkonen har varit involverad i kommersiella fastighets- och bygginvesteringar i många år.
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konagod · 1 year
Unneeded Amenities
What would it cost to put a gigantic hot tub right in the middle of this tennis court?
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vidrig · 10 months
Swedish Unions vs Tesla
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I'm not sure you've heard, but right now Elon Musk and Tesla are in a union conflict in Sweden. A big one. The biggest one Sweden has seen in decades, in fact. It all started in 2018 when Tesla refused to sign a collective agreement with IF Metall, one of Sweden's biggest unions with over 300 000 members. Now, a lot of companies in Sweden don't have unionized members, but metal workers are traditionally very strong.
So what happened? Tesla refused collective agreements in USA, Germany and Sweden, and all hell broke loose as Swedish unions decided to take action:
17 October: IF Metall warns about a strike. Tesla refuses to negotiate.
27 October: Blockades are created at Sweden's seven Tesla workshops. Tesla calls in strikebreakers, which is NOT well received.
3 November: The blockades are expanded to all metalwork on Tesla cars in Sweden, at 17 workplaces all in all.
17 November: At this point, several other unions joins. Fastighets makes sure no Tesla facilities are being cleaned, no Tesla cars are being loaded or unloaded at the docks, no electric work is being done on Tesla cars, loading stations or facilities.
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20-21 November: Most damning of all: SEKO and ST has created a blockade against delivering mail and packages to Tesla. Why is this a problem? Because without registration plates you can't sell a working car in Sweden, period.
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No, Elon. You're insane.
23 November: Blockade against paint jobs for Tesla.
28 November: Blockade against construction work for Tesla. Also, on this day Tesla sues the Swedish state and the postal company Postnord for refusing to deliver their registration plates. Unfortunately for them, the Swedish court ruled that Postnord has no duty to deliver anything before the trial. Since the right to strike is protected by the Swedish constitutional laws, it overrules the postal delivery law, according to Postnord. And Tesla cannot get those signs themselves.
So what happens now?
We'll see, but things are not looking good for Elon. Good luck with your useless cars, you worthless capitalist piece of shit.
More info from English news sources
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mariacallous · 8 months
Whatever his personal flaws, Elon Musk has been a masterful business builder. Tesla and SpaceX are two of the more successful companies the South African-born entrepreneur has conceived or led. But now Musk has encountered an obstacle both tenacious and effective: Swedish trade unions. Not even the world’s some-time richest man and the world’s most valuable auto brand have been able to dislodge the unions from their long-standing place in the Swedish economy. That’s good news for every country that believes in tempering the market economy with its own national characteristics.
“This is insane,” Musk tweeted on Nov. 23, 2023. He was responding to news from Sweden: The communications workers union had announced that its members would no longer deliver letters and packages to Tesla. That meant, among other things, that number plates for Tesla cars would not be delivered. That, of course, made the cars undrivable.
The communications workers union—known as Seko—was just the latest group to launch so-called sympathy strikes against the American carmaker. The transport workers union had already stopped handling Tesla cars arriving in Swedish ports, and so had the dockworkers union. The electricians union had stopped installing and servicing Tesla charging points. The custodians union had stopped cleaning the company’s facilities. The painters union had announced it was going to stop painting Tesla cars. The construction workers union had announced it would stop work and repairs on Tesla facilities. Since then, Norwegian and Danish labor unions have stopped handling Tesla cargo bound for Sweden and suspended garbage collection at Tesla’s facilities. Since the end of October, more than a dozen unions have launched strikes against Tesla, and the strikes continue.
These workers and their unions don’t have a direct conflict with Tesla: They’ve gone on strike to support their auto-mechanic colleagues who are employed by the global auto giant, because Tesla has refused to allow the IF Metall, which represents a range of groups including factory workers, the right to collective bargaining on behalf of its autoworkers. Tesla’s autoworkers went on strike on Oct. 27 entreaties by IF Metall for collective bargaining went nowhere. (Tesla doesn’t have a Swedish manufacturing plant, but it does have facilities where the cars are serviced.)
Sympathy strikes, where unions suspend work for a company in support of another union, are a powerful but rarely used feature of the Swedish labor market. It is, in fact, a bit of a remnant from a century ago, when Swedish labor market relations were more adversarial than today. For many decades now, however, relations have been largely collaborative. It works like this: Every employer allows trade employees not just to unionize but to represent all its workers, and the unions then negotiate wages and other aspects with the employer on behalf of their worker category.
IF Metall, for example, conducts collective bargaining with Volvo on behalf of the carmaker’s autoworkers, while the custodians union—Fastighets—negotiates with Volvo on behalf of the custodians employed by the company. Under this kind of arrangement, trade unions act with moderation, because the recurring negotiations with the employers allow them to reach agreement on not just wages but also on other issues including sick pay, vacation pay, working hours, termination, and personal fulfillment. Today, Sweden has some 650 such agreements covering 90 percent of the country’s employees.
But Musk doesn’t like unions. “It’s generally not good to have an adversarial relationship between … one group at a company and another group,” he told Andrew Ross Sorkin in an interview on Nov. 29. Indeed, Musk has tried to keep Tesla de-unionized, and that seems to have served him well on American home soil: When the United Auto Workers union targeted the Big Three (GM, Ford, and Stellantis) in a massive strike last fall and emerged with pay raises as high as 89 percent, Tesla could keep turning out its cars, unperturbed by any disruption. When IF Metall tried to get Tesla in Sweden to agree to collective bargaining, the answer came back that such decisions are made by Tesla’s headquarters in the United States.
The autoworkers’ strike, and the massive wave of sympathy strikes that have hit every aspect of Tesla’s operations, followed. “When we take action against an employer that doesn’t allow collective bargaining, it’s typically a small workplace, and we get public opinion against us,” Veli-Pekka Saikkala, a former auto mechanic who leads IF Metall’s collective bargaining, told me. “But this time, people’s view is that big Tesla, which is owned by the world’s richest man, shouldn’t come to Sweden and tell us how to do things.” The issue isn’t just about Tesla’s practices; it’s about protecting Sweden’s business and union norms—and a system that most Swedes are happy with and that has produced an extraordinarily well-performing economy.
Christer Thornqvist, a lecturer in business administration at the University of Skovde who specializes in trade unions, told a Swedish publication that Sweden has seen nothing like it since sympathy strikes against Toys “R” Us in the 1990s. In those delirious early days of globalization, the American toy chain arrived, similarly thinking that it could export its labor market practices along with its goods. But Swedish workers would have none of it. The transport workers union stopped transporting goods from Toys “R” Us; the dockworkers union stopped handling its arriving cargo; Fastighets stopped cleaning its shops and facilities; and eventually the American giant relented.
“The strikes against Tesla are, of course, about Tesla’s workers in Sweden, because they deserve the same rights as other workers in Sweden,” said Laura Hartman, who was until last fall chief economist at LO, Sweden’s blue-collar trade union confederation. “But primarily this is about the Swedish model, which is built on the concept that the labor market parties reach agreements. If companies start deviating from it, this will undermine our system and legislate about many workers’ rights.” Sweden, for example, doesn’t have a minimum wage—because unions and employers jointly negotiate such matters.
Back in the ‘90s, U.S. firms rapidly expanded in a dizzying range of emerging market economies, and expanding there often meant that they could also export their way of doing business. Western European companies did the same. There were other hurdles, to be sure, but a solid collective-bargaining system wasn’t one of them. U.S. foreign policy pursued a similar strategy: Other countries were to become more like America. This wasn’t done with malice. American business leaders and policymakers simply assumed that countries opening up would naturally want to become more like the United States. In those exuberant years, it didn’t occur to most American leaders, or admittedly to leaders from other Western countries, that states might want market economies and even democracy—but done their own way.
“In Sweden, we have very few strikes, and that’s because employers and unions work closely together,” Saikkala noted. “This benefits the labor market. The situation may be different in other countries, but it’s strange to assume that a company can use the same model around the world.” Indeed, Musk seems unaware that Swedish unions are different from American ones. In December, Tesla advertised on its careers page for a person with “a proven track record of getting regulatory changes made in the Nordics” to be based in Stockholm or Oslo. The listing is no longer available, though it’s unclear if this is because the person who’s to force the Nordics to change their generations-old labor market system has been hired—or because someone realized it was a bad idea.
Either way, in the Swedish unions, the world’s some-time richest man has encountered what may be the most maddening hurdle of his career. Even though going on strike is expensive for unions and thus their members, the sympathy strikes have kept accumulating. The fate of a few dozen mechanics has turned into a battle between the softer Nordic model and the unbridled capitalist vision of people like Musk. “All of a sudden, people in Sweden and beyond are learning a lot about collective bargaining,” Hartman reflected. “In the long run, this can strengthen unions in other countries. Small trade unions have a tendency to become militant. Large trade unions like we have in Sweden tend to work more collaboratively with employers, and that model is what’s at risk if companies like Tesla refuse to allow collective bargaining.”
Indeed, Tesla has emerged looking tin-eared, and not just because of the job advert. Rather than giving a few dozen Swedish autoworkers the right to collective bargaining, the world’s by far most valuable automaker is—for example—collecting its trash in vans and using a convoluted way of getting temporary license plates. Now 16 Nordic institutional investors with combined assets of more than $1 trillion have written to Tesla headquarters asking the company to work with the Swedish unions. The Danish pension fund PensionDanmark is even selling its Tesla shares over the dispute. As Billy Bragg sang, “There is power in a union.”
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malmqvistbyggnads · 3 months
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