#fat nuggets would be the best service animal
fizziepopangel · 4 months
Chronically Ill Angel Dust
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Author's note: I suffer from CFS and I have a few other undiagnosed issues, and as I can feel the effects of my current flare, this headcanon list is rather self-serving.... I kinda wanna make a few more of these for other characters with other various chronic illnesses. Let me know if you have any suggestions! -Fizzie❤️
Angel suffers from CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) believed to be brought on by a mixture of his years of drug abuse wearing on his body, and years of psychological and emotional trauma. He isn’t sure how true that is, but he knows he feels like shit more than he doesn’t and he hates it…. Very few people know about his condition, the list being only 3 people long (Valentino, Charlie, and Husk).
Given the fact that he has a chronic illness and has a job that puts a lot of emotional and physical strain on his body, Angel tries to find little things that make him feel better. One thing that he’s come up with is skin care and long baths.
Naps. So many naps, and so many Fat Nuggets cuddles.
Fat Nuggets acts as a sort of unlicensed service animal/emotional support animal for the spider demon. Angel never really trained the pig to do tasks, but the little creature is eerily good at reading his owner's emotions and learned a few tricks that tend to help him on flare days.
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Husk and Charlie are the only two in the entire hotel that know what Angel experiences. Angel told Charlie after a few months when he finally felt like he could trust the princess enough, but Husk found out on accident toward the time their friendship took that awkward first stage of romanticism when Angel broke down after a rather bad flare up of his symptoms left him in tears in his bed one day. Not being able to do much to help his spider companion in the moment, Fat Nuggets did what every good emotional support/service pig would do…. He went to Husk’s room and oinked at the door until the bartender let him in, then  stole his hat and ran to his own room so the man would have to come and find and help his friend.
Charlie always stops by Angel’s room to check on him whenever he skips their group activities, usually bringing him small gifts of things like pain pills, heating pads, and even small stuffed animals, or sometimes staying in his room to sit with him and let him vent about how he was feeling, or just so he didn’t have to be alone.
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Husk’s approach to helping Angel usually revolved more around him doing things he knew often worsened some of Angel’s symptoms. Husk tended to help with things like laundry or dishes, or sometimes picking up things like pig feed for Fat Nuggets.
All of the soft blankets. He owns at least 20 or 30  soft and fluffy blankets and dozens of various sized pillows of varying firmnesses that he tries to use for his comfort for different aches and pains.
He has different sized heating pads and ice packs for the same reasons.
His shoulders, elbows, and wrists tend to ache the most, but his hips tend to bother him quite a bit too.
Angel does not know how to use his spoons wisely most of the time and tends to try to do as much as he can when he feels like he has more energy (spoons) than usual, leaving him utterly exhausted after he’s run out.
Valentino takes advantage of some of the spider’s symptoms for more “believable” reactions since he tells Angel that his acting has become stale.
Brain fog is a bitch for this man. The forgetfulness and confusion are usually his friends’ first signs that he isn’t doing the best. When his comebacks become a little dull, Husk usually starts to check in on him, while Charlie starts to check in when she notices Angel losing his words during conversations.
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Once, when he was having a particularly bad flare up, a slightly older woman heard him complaining to Fat Nuggets as he walked out of a coffee shop, wincing as he leaned down to give his piggy pal a piggy cup. The woman then scoffed at him, saying that he was too young to be so tired or to know what joint pain really was…. Angel decked her. It worsened his pain, but he felt it was worth it.
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noemilivv · 7 months
This is for your Hazbin matchup!
Hi! My name is Aster. Im bisexual and demisexual. I mostly think romantically about male characters fyi. I’m a huge theater kid, would like to go into directing/playwriting. I’m quite reserved and don’t like loud environments. Would rather stay home and read than go out drinking. I sit in the corner writing an entire script into my notebook from memory.
I have ADHD and many symptoms of autism.
I cannot understand sarcasm most of the time, and I need to take most everything seriously. You can find me picking at my finger pads all the time and having violent mental breakdowns because I can’t figure out a math problem :). I either sleep til 3pm or not at all
Style: Some say I dress like Kurt Cobain. I cannot go anywhere without my shirt tucked in, a musical sweater, and my tote bag. My earbuds are my security item. I have medium length brown hair, hazel eyes, kinda big nose, braces and glasses.
I have huge daddy issues. I’ve seen Zal Owen as a father figure for as long as I can remember. I don’t have any siblings and am not close at all with any family other than my parents.
Love: I love physical touch!! Kiss me, cuddle me, hold by hand, etc. I also love acts of service. I’m such a sucker for romance and intimacy. Like, let me sit so close in public that I can smell your gum. Rose filled bubble bath just for us, hell yeah. I’m so used to being forgotten or discarded socially so I just kinda need THAT person to actually give a shit. I’ve had my heart constantly broken since I was eight. I need a lot of reassurance and care. I’d like a partner/bestie who is invested in my special interests (can talk to about a show, can harmonize properly with, etc). I’m very very clingy, let’s just say that. I can talk for literal hours about my interests and tell you all the info you need about anything Broadway.
I like to see the good in everyone, and will always try my best to help and be the one to love and support others when they’re not getting any, even if we’re strangers. There are some people I just loathe, though.
Hobbies: I play piano and ukulele. I have huge appreciation for music, and love analyzing it. I love writing and sketching, though I’m not the best at either. I just watch a lot of YouTube and sing a lot of showtunes outside alone on my swings after a long day of socializing.
hey aster!! this was an extremely hard tie between two characters haha, but in the end, i went with…
Angel Dust !!
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I can totally see you and Angel spending a shit ton of money on musical tickets to just go out and see a bunch of shows
As much as he can be a party animal, he’s willing to stay in for the night just as much as an introvert, Angel’s 100% ready to snuggle up with you and Fat Nuggets and watch shitty Rom Coms and Hamilton (or whatever musical peaks your fancy haha)
Angel has been through his fair share of tough shit, and he’s always willing to reassure you whenever you need it, you both pick eachother up when in hard places a lot <3
He’s also entirely willing to listen to you rant on and on about whatever’s on your mind, believe it or not, but Angel Dust isn’t a bad listener, he’s actually pretty damn good at it
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alykatsevents · 8 months
Hi there! I'd like to request a Hazbin Hotel romantic and/or platonic matchup!
I'm usually pretty quiet and keep to myself, but when I'm around the right people, I can really come out of my shell! I've got a mischievous side and love to tease once I feel comfortable with someone. When it comes to relationships, whether they're platonic or not, I tend to take on a motherly, almost dominant role. Gift-giving, acts of service, and quality time are my top love languages, so those little gestures mean a lot to me. I thrive in relationships where there's communication and a sense of openness. Something that really bothers me is when someone acts strange around me but won't tell me what's going on. It's like they're pushing me away. I'll make an effort to figure out what’s wrong, but I won't chase after them. I believe in being straightforward and honest. I'm a deep thinker, always trying to understand the world better. I'm not afraid to be myself and stand by my beliefs. Though even if I disagree with someone, I respect their perspective and believe everyone is entitled to their own opinions.
Looks/music taste/etc:
I’m female, around 5'8" and weigh 140 lbs. I have straight black hair that falls in a wolf cut to my lower back. I usually wear low pigtails and an emo side bang. My style is a mix of dark coquette and office-core. I like to add a cute touch with rectangular reading glasses, even though I don't really need them.
When it comes to music, I'm pretty open-minded, enjoying everything from jazz and rock to steampunk and R&B. Though you won't find me listening to mainstream artists too often—I prefer the diversity and depth of non-mainstream music.
I love animals. My favorites are sea leopards, snow leopards, cats, owls, and jumping spiders! Hm, what else.. I really enjoy learning disturbing facts! Usually about old medicine techniques.. Fun fact-! Leeches were commonly applied to patients to "balance the humors" or to treat various ailments, under the belief that removing "bad blood" would improve health! This practice was accepted at the time, but often resulted in excessive bleeding, infections, and other complications for patients😬 ..
Not sure what to else to add so I’ll just end it here.. pretty sure I got too carried away anyway, sorry about that!
I (platonically) match you with...
Angel Dust
~He sees you as a mother figure
~He'll ask you for a fun fact when he just got back from work, Takes his mind off it for a second
~He'll bring you little trinkets that remind him of you
~Goes to you for advice or if he needs someone to watch fat nuggets
~It takes him a second to open up about his issues and let his mask fall down, But once he does, the mask is down
~Goes to you to vent
~Yall are one of the best friends duos: The quiet one and the loud one
~He'll go to you for music recommendations, loves your taste in music
~Jokingly calls you mom
~He'll shove Fat Nuggets in your face going "Look at your grandson!"
~Steals your phone and takes pictures of himself
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