halinski · 2 years
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hadescrow333 · 1 year
Ok I’m in my “hades hades hades rant hades” phaze today so here’s it
People forget hades is the one who CONTROLS death. He’s not the god of death, no that Thanatos, but he is of the god of dead
He might not be the one to personally take up your soul, but he’s the one who controls and holds it, there’s a reason why Thanatos works for hades, and isn’t the one controlling the dead
He’s the one who chooses your fate after death
He’s the one who is the ruler of death and everything else that comes withe it
Nyx the one Zeus fears? He shared a domain withe them, and Nyx ALLOWED him to be the ruler
Erebus, who used to be the supreme deity after upsurping chaos? HE ALLOWS HADES TO BE THE RULER OF THE DOMAIN
You have to think about it for a second
Hades was the first god ever
Zeus and all them thought that they gave hades a ruler of a seemingly worse domain then theirs
Because Zeus couldn’t control the underworld
The underworld before hades came along to rule over it was the closest thing to the beginning of the universe. A blank emptiness of seemingly nothing but in reality housed chaos and Nyx and Erebus and all the original deities that are literally a domain, they are not gods of a thing, THEY ARE THE THING
and Zeus saw that and was like Ope can’t control that
So he gave the rule to hades, thinking oh he can’t control this this is just a place to put him since I have to go withe my agreement of giving them part of the world BUT dont want to
So he gave hades the underworld thinking it would crush him
And what’s even more is that he’s not as powerful as Nyx or Erebus, BUT THEY LET HIM RULE THEIR DOMAIN
And he doesn’t control it, no no you can’t control it that’s the wrong thing Zeus was trying to do
No no hades gave order to it, he compromised withe it, and since the underworld is literally a diety of its own, he doesn’t control it he brings order to literally chaos
He gives the underworld a purpose, a house for the dead
He allows equal power and doesn’t try to be a tyrant to the deities that were already there
He works among side them
And you have to remeber
Kronos was also the seemingly weakest of his siblings, and he was then made king of the cosmos supreme ruler of all
Oh also
Hades literally houses the monsters of Tartarus
Hades literally has the world in his hands, he may not control a seemingly better deal domain, but everything comes to his control sooner or later.
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lisbeth-kk · 1 year
May 9 prompt: home
Thanks for the tag @notjustamumj
Finding purpose
John’s lived many places due to his fatber’s military career. As a child it was sometimes devastating. Once a friendship had formed, they were always forced to move again. Harry made a fuss every time, driving their mother to despair and their father to fury. John decided early on to take another approach. When the date of depature was set, John was particularly fierce and aggressive at the rugby field, and came home looking ragged, but satisfied as if he’d won a battle.
The only place John felt quite familiar with was his birth place, London. He didn’t remember anything from the first two years he lived there of course, but they’ve lived near the city a few times since then. He’d always felt drawn to the city for some reason, although he knew no one there. Learning his lesson to try to form friendships during his childhood, he kept his distance through medical school. He dated, but it was never serious on his part. If he’d left some broken hearts behind, he wasn’t aware.
Reaching captain’s position in the army, John could keep distant even more effectively. He was the men’s superior officer, and it was frowned upon to make friends with his men. The years as a soldier and doctor were his best years thus far. He’d found a purpose, and he was bloody good at what he was doing.
And then John’s world collapsed. He was shot, and for a long while it was all pain, agony and despair. He felt alone and abandoned, and when he was sent back to England, his bland bedsit did nothing to improve his mood. His only comfort was his gun, which turned more appealing for each day that passed. Something unknown made him hesitate, though. A feeling that there would be an end to this depressive time in his life.
The day when John Watson’s life changed, was just an ordinary one. He’d told his therapist that nothing ever happened to him, and, no, he didn’t have the urge to write about this miserable life, thank you very much!
John was pleasantly surprised when Mike called his name on his way through the park. He’d always considered Mike a nice bloke, and John knew he himself was to blame for the loss of contact.
Meeting Sherlock Holmes was something John never could’ve envisioned. Instead of greeting him, the enigmatic man asked him a question John was totally unprepared for.
«Afghanistan or Iraq?»
From that moment, John knew he’d found what, or rather who he’d been looking for all his life. This man rescued him from a life of boredom or suicide, and in return John saved Sherlock’s life from that dreadful cabby the very next day.
«You, alright?» the familiar baritone murmurs.
John kisses Sherlock’s shoulder and nuzzles closer.
«Yeah, I was just thinking of how you saved me that day at Bart’s,» John says softly.
«I found a proper home the day I walked into this flat, for the first time in my life. But now the flat doesn’t really matter,» John concludes.
«What do you mean, John?» Sherlock asks in a puzzled tone.
John rises his head from Sherlock’s chest and looks down on his face, stroking a finger over a cheekbone.
«Because now, my precious, home is where you are.»
The amount of writing I get done as a passenger is quite satisfying.
@totallysilvergirl @calaisreno @raina-at @topsyturvy-turtely @meetinginsamarra
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calexfotobook · 2 years
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Happy Fathers Day . . . #dad #fatber #父の日 #fathersday #dadandson #dadlove #familia #diadelpadre #padresdelmundo #お父さん #japanese #snap #snapshot #fatherphoto #happiness #love #photographers #外国人カメラマン #amordepadte #livinginjapan #portraitphotography https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce_jKjYvV7x/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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shiggycore · 6 years
my dad sux, i mean, we been knew but still. im oof
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bitronic · 3 years
oh no freefall :(
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So after fixing some shit I have a new insights and name changes through out my au thing and how some things go down espically with prisoner of azkaban.
Phoebe poppy snape is the daugther adopted daugther of professor and the biological child of sirius black. She has extremely low self esteem but doesn't show it. Her main struggles in life is trying to separate her self from sirius. She looks identical to him and is afraid of one day being accused of being a monster just like him but snape encourages her to stop worrying. She and snape have a an amazing father daugther relationship and maranda takes after him in brains and looks (she wears a cape, dyes her hair black and where all black when possible) . She's the brains and a lynx animagus. She of course excels at potions and she's a slytherin
Gavril Demitar Ivanov is the fourth youngest out the 8 children of the singler fatber Nikifor Ivanov and a has recently moved from Bulgaria. He currently has anxiety,bipolar and mood disorders. He is the son of greyback and is a werewolf but never truly discusses it. He's a nervous chunky boy whose just up for friendship and to learn English the best way he could. He's the the fun bubble of the group. He excels at transfiguration and he's a hufflepuff
Valentina Angelita Adoria Bohorquez Dumbledore is the third youngest out the 3 of john dumbledore's children. She has anxiety,adhd,heterchomia,hypercusis and eating disorders. She is the daugther of john dumbledore and Ane Bohorquez. She has spent majority of her childhood life in colombia and when first arriving to hogwarts struggled with grades due to not understanding any English. She truly has two main conflicts her mother hiding secrets and her relationship with dumbledore she is the leader of the group even though she is extremely shy and unspoken she is a also a veela. She excels at herbology and is a slytherin.
Gretel Frauke Becker is an only child of Josef Becker and isle Becker. Shes a work alcoholic in and out of school and she studies day and night. She is from Germany and She is half giant and the tallest in her house. Her conflict is resting she hates it and knows that if she rest she won't study for 2 hours and fears failure. She excels at divinations the most and is a ravenclaw.
Blake Douglas Adkins is an only child of John Adkins and Loretta Buckingham. He has adhd and low self esteem. He is the youngest in the group and is treated as such and is comforted when he expresses his feelings. Blake loves care of magical creatures and is a gryffndor even though he feels as if the hat has made a mistake. He's the cheerleader of the group
Vezenko Yordan Atanasov is an only child of Prodan Radko Atanasov and the eldest out of all 6 (being one year before the whole group). Vezenko is adopted by prodan his true parents never being revealed but its guessed that one of his parents are a werewolf. Vezenko and Valentina have the most closest relationship with each other and it's close to romantic. He's a hufflepuff, excels at charms and is a werewolf. He's the second leader of the group.
So far all I got rn
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pricefield-ftw · 4 years
So just a heads up. I know I've been very absent, but I don't want to leave you all in the dark.
Basically, my father has been declining for months, and at this very moment as I type this, he is on his death bed, and my brother and I are at his side 24/7. So I'm obviously concentrating on him.
When everything is done and my fatber is at rest, I will continue with my Pricefield story. But for the moment it is on a break.
Love you all.
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I thought there was something massively wrong with me FOR YEARS bc I thought only guys had sexual fantasies, only guys could masturbate, and only guys did those things. Pretty much since I hit puberty I'd been having feelings and urges I didn't understand and was too afraid/embarrassed to ask anyone about.
Plus with how heavy the implication was from church that guys are the only ones who (Christian phrasing even if I dont see it the same way anymore so heads up for sex-shaming terminology sorry idk how else to express it) "struggle with sexual sin and desires"
Like for years and years and years I thought my brain was fucked up because I wanted things "only men wanted" and that didn't even touch my attraction to women yet. This was all about having sexual attraction and thinking that as I was (at the time identifying as a girl bc that's how I was raised) I was seriously messed up and the worst person in the world bc I had thoughts about sex all the time.
And shout oht to my bad health education bc I didn't even know how it //worked// until I was like a junior in high school?? Like I had vague ideas from innuendos on tv shows and some stuff from the saucier YA books at the library. But I didn't actually /know/ know until embarrassingly late.
Anyway I've been thinking about thjs lately. A lot of things feel jumbled up in my head. Hey, turns out I am a man! But it's also true that women and others have these feelings and desires as well (if they're not ace/aro or something else of course)
A lot of things about being trans for me sometimes feel like a great big GOTCHA to problems I had when I was younger or issues I had with other people.
The boys in elementary school used to call me a boy as an insult and things along those lines. My mom used to threaten to cut my hair boy short if I she didn't like hiw I was taking care of my long hair. I spent mental energy when I was a kid slipping into a detached state of mind where I felt like a guy. I always tried to sing the lowest parts of songs. I looked up to my dad and wanted to be just like him.
Well. The boys were right. My mom can't threaten what I do on my own anymore. I don't have to slip into a different headspace of another (male) person to feel okay anymore. Now I can be just like dad! Fatber son and all that
Anyway. I just. Thinking I was fucked up for so long made me do a lot of bad stuff to myself in high school. Its part of how I stsrted self harming. It's why it's lasted so long.
I'm glad I know better now and I'm glad I know who I am. I just wish I could've known and started transitioning way sooner. I wish our health education was good enough to teach us a lot of things. I wish I could've been allowed to know that being trans is both okay and good and even an option at all. (You kbiw what I mean by option... Not that it's a choice but that it was possible in the first place and not as a joke for a school skit)
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The Loss of the First White Rosed King
On this day in history the 9th of April 1483 the first king of the house of York Edward IV died in Westminster Palace, Middlesex surrounded by his daughters, wife Elizabeth Wydeville and his mother Cecily Neville.
Born on the 28th of April 1442 in Rouen, Normandy he was the second son of Cecily Neville, Duchess of York and Richard Plantaganet, 3rd Duke of York.
During the reign of Henry VI he was given many titles. He became the 7th Earl of March, 9th Earl of Cambridge, 9th Earl of Ulster and even became the 65th Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece.
His father became a main protagonist in the Cousin's War. Richard, Edward's fatber fought in many battles in his efforts to take the throne of England. He seen his claim to the throne stronger than that of the King!
This would cost his and his son Edmunds life as on the 30th of December 1460 Edward lost both his father and younger brother in the Battle of Wakefield.
This made Edward now the 4th Duke of York head of the Yorkist forces in the bloody war. He was determined to avenge his father's and brother's deaths and become king. Less than to months later on either the 2nd or the 3rd of February 1461, Edward led a battle at Mortimer's Cross where he defeated Lancastrian forces.
Then he moved on for on the 17th of February Edward with the help of Richard Neville, 16th Earl of Warwick led the Second Battle of St. Albans where they had a glorious defeat. The king was taken to safety by his followers.
In the bloodiest battle of English History the Battle of Towton Edward became King Edward IV. As the snow fell on the 30th of March 1461 Edward and his army slaughtered the Lancastrian army.
He was now King of England. Sinething his father and brother had died tryong to acheive. His younger brothers and his sisters and mother would now be safe as long as he ruled.
Now as king he must have a wife woth royal blood to give him sons for the dynasty he has created. He assigned his most trusted friend and cousin who helped him take the throne to find him a suitable wife. He was only 19 and young. He couod have his choice of anyone in England or Europe but when the time came, he chose a low born nobleman's daughter Elizabeth Wydeville.
They married in secret in 1463 and in May of 1465 she was coranated as Queen Consort kf England. She would give him seven daigjters and 3 sons. Only five of his daughters woukd live to be adults and his eldest and favourite daughter Elizabeth of York became Queen Consort of England and the first Tudor Queen. Only two of his sons would survive infancy but sadly they became the mysterious Princes in the Tower.
He left this world tbinking his son was secured on the throne but sadly we all know how that worked out.
Edward was an intelligent and popular king. He was a skilled politician and he had a charisma and humour that was unique to him. His grandson Henry Tudor (Henry VIII) would be very like him.
Edward IV was the king who set an example to the first Tudor King Henry VII. He looked to his deceased Father in kaw and took inspiration on what a king should be. Just, decisive and Patient.
Edward IV will always be remembered. He left his mark in history and I beleive thats what he would have wanted. To be spoken about and remembered centuries after his demise.
On this day the first of the white Rosed Kings died. He keft the world a happy man for he had seen and experienced much in his short forty years.
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instagrammaui · 5 years
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Happy Fatber's Day Dad in Heaven! And to the best Father on earth Robert! Also to my Brother Tony Hapoy Father's Day♥️♥️♥️#happyfathersday #love #angels #thebestdad https://www.instagram.com/p/Byxlctpnvkg/
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bisiadewale · 6 years
Learn how to PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN FROM SEXUAL ABUSE and to raise children that will keep God’s covenant.  Join Pastor Bisi & Yomi Adewale for Lagos Parenting Summit. Date Sunday 31st March 2019 Venue: The real Place, 3 Afisman Drive, Off Ikeja LG, Anifowoshe, Ikeja, Lagos Time 2;30pm Please share with all your friends #childsexualabuse #childabuse #mothers #fatbers #motherhood #fatherhood #childcare #children #parentig #parents ##parent # #protectingyourchildren https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu6xsaLl72a/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=172y2128bjcb5
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Its funny to evolve in a world where its ok to disappear take away a father from hos kids and live with it at peace.
The shallowness of the feelings to make love with a man and leave two days later without leaving any possibilities to know where you went.
You words about the abusive person I am are no lobger significant to the ambivalence of hour behavior.
I beleive that its irresponsible because non of anything you have done have you ever endorse reposivility but to accuse ne.
I am and I have always been next to you, living with your lies and threat.
We all fo.
I accepted everything about you because you are a special person to me.
Like no one else.
I never been special to you but one of anyone.
One that show care and love.
Everytime its been a moment to support Me you always withdraw yourself.
You never supported me or had any interest in any of my life.
Nevet any interest of my work, of my health, of my joy, of my sadness.
Anything about me had never been a subject to you.
And yet you dont care telling the world how overwhelming I am in your life.
I never had any room in it beside being the father of our children
And yet
It had to be told to the world.
Even being the fatber of our children is of no i terest to you.
What is of i terest to you is how much I am willing to care.
What is of interest to you is how fonancially valuable your childrn are.
Because lets be honest. Sleeping has always been a priority over caribg.
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nigel-loftman2020 · 5 years
Hope things let most fatbers change their attitudes their lives amongst your children because at the end y'all will be hurt when yor child not giving you any attention or cares about you... So change your ways from now before it's too late. (at Montego Bay, Jamaica) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByyIWovlyTX/?igshid=1onl7092lpaym
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adriennesimmonds · 6 years
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Little @coradaniellesimmonds new pajamas from her fatber 😂😂 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo3whAolZYc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nht5sbqxpsij
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