#fate (rejuv)
cherubinym · 11 months
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[OC] Fate's Passage
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[FAKEMON] ??? Type Eeveelution — Rejuv based
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Heyy Fate’s Passage!
What’s up, what do you do on a day to day basis?
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heretodefyfate · 10 months
I do wonder if the vivian sidequest will get updated in the future version?
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kiroonsmoon · 2 years
Thinking about how much Calamity’s gonna have a fucking heart attack once he learns what Fate’s been through.
Fate; Okay yeah so, I’m kinda of in the body of someone who died 4 decades ago, got a mom only to see said mom get kidnap and murdered in front of me, got caught in trying to stop a evil organization, got kidnapped and sent to a prison, might’ve died once or twice, went back in time, went to an alternative version of this world which is extremely fucked up, I’m also basically a god in this world with the ability to change fate itself. Oh I also have the souls of like 7 different people in me?
Calamity, barely registering any of that; I’m sorry what…?
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skybrightpixie · 4 months
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FINALLY, i have a proper rejuv focused oc!! it's about damn TIME.
Azzie is a laid-back, fun-loving guy with the gift of future sight. He thrives on chaos—having the future always be so clear-cut for him makes him easily susceptible to boredom since he already knows how everything will play out.
More info (and spoilers for chapter 15) under the cut!
However, this also makes him seem unsympathetic to the tribulations that the people around him endure within his current time. Since he already knows what needs to happen to make everything turn out alright, he tends to handwave the pain that’s happening to his friends right now, even if that isn’t what he means to do. This makes him seem selfish, though his fate-deciding decisions are anything but, in this timeline.
His future-seeing abilities are the reason he was chosen to inhabit Axel’s body and become the Interceptor. In fact, Variya is positive that Azzie is the perfect Interceptor, though this may not be the case of all versions of him that exist…
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tired-needs-sleep · 5 months
I forget, I know I shouldn't but I do. Remind me what Sara's last name is? Do most rejuv ocs have last names? I can't think of much. I was thinking of giving my own ocs Asopo and Atlanta a shared last name but I can't think of anything.
contains chap 15 spoilers
it depends on exactly how you handled their status as an interceptor, if they are one at all. the rejuv saras are both interceptors, and they were a part of the protag gang. so, those two have canon last names. but if you're more canon compliant and went the "soul from a different world"/host route, then chances are they don't remember their last name.
from what i've seen? most people go for more canon compliance and have their interceptors be a host and not know/remember their last name, or previous life before becoming one.
i've seen moon do something funky with fate and calamity i think? but that's for him to tell.
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tears-of-taelia · 7 months
Hi Sophie!
So I don't know much more specific things to ask, but what are some of the most prominent headcanons you have about Rejuv characters?
Hi—thank you so much for the ask! It’s nice to meet you. Sorry it took a while for me to answer it.  I have come to the devastating realization that I am, in fact, boring, and do not have many headcanons of my own. So, I decided to include the few I could think of in addition to a few random theories with little to no context or explanation. May go into detail in some of these in the future if anyone’s interested~! I would love to hear your headcanons and theories too! :)
Spoilers under the cut!
All of the member of A-Team (Aevis, Aevia, etc.) have prominent Sanpaku eyes
Erin’s voice has a lower register than Melia’s (based on that one comment she made about Melia’s voice being annoying lol)
Ren and Aelita have feelings for each other but won’t act on them until Team Xen is no longer a threat. I mean this is p much confirmed on Ren’s end (thanks Nastasia!)
Amber has a crush on PLAYER!
Kenneth eventually developed a bit of a drinking problem (relatable). Alexa, play Talia by King Princess
Tho they aren’t technically related, Jenner passed his love for death metal onto Melia
PLAYER inherits skills from A-Team. Like piano playing! (confirmed in an old version, rip)
Mini Theories:
(Some are move obvious than others. Some may conflict. This is just for fun pls don’t come for me)
Geara’s Giratina is Griselda (say that five times fast lol). And this is the same Giratina we explored Darchlight Caves with. Also she’s Spacea and Tiempa’s sister, but is somehow trapped in her Giratina form. What the hell (pun intended) was in that chalice???
Crescent’s father is Vitus. Not sure how this would work since he technically can’t reproduce (according to what Vitus said in the past). But it would explain why Crescent’s fate is wrapped up in Melia and Erin’s
PLAYER is Missing.EXE from the Paragon encrypted files. Which means they’re supposed to be the embodiment of Zygarde. OR Madame X is Missing.EXE
Vitus’s soul has (somehow) latched on to Maria’s (using the crystal thingy she was trapped in maybe?) and he uses the power of the Archetype to move between different bodies. Password: unbound soul and all of that. All to achieve immortality
Nim is Nymiera! (not a huge leap at this point lol). But a version corrupted by Storm-9 / Rift Matter. She is constantly being drained by something… but what exactly?
I think there’s a chance that Maria actually was an only child, but used the Archetype to wish for siblings. This then altered the memory of Vitus or something. Idk there’s a good chance this is not the case. But like, seriously, how many “Archetypes" are there? How would you “split” an Archetype? Crack it like a wish bone??? Is it split evenly??? Would love some clarity on this
The “past” Aevium isn’t actually the past—it’s someone’s MEMORY (or perhaps, the Core’s memory?) of the past. And therefore, sort of an illusion. That’s how the time crystals worked in Alamissa, at least. Erin also hinted at one point (I think this is still in the latest version? But correct me if I’m wrong) that the “past” Aevium may not necessarily be what it seems. Or, the past is a different dimension or world
In order for the Paragon world to survive, the Renegade world must be destroyed. This is renegade!PLAYER’s motive. (“With life, there is also death. With death, there is also life.” “I gain nothing. They gain everything.” “The light within the belly of Ouroboros shall never cease, lest the flames be doused by the will of the suffering.”)
In the “corrupted future” Blacksteeple Castle event where Melia dies and her power is awakened, she successfully transforms a “wilting” world into a “blooming” world using the power of the Archetype. On that vein, Madame X’s goal is to turn the current world into a wilting world to save the world she comes from. That’s why Madame X bemoaned that “this is was an outcome… I prayed to never see”
The SS Oceana is a vessel between worlds and part of the Interceptor program’s (and therefore Variya’s) design. I mean it FUSED ITSELF WITH THE SEABED ma’am that is not normal. Also the pillars and stuff. I’ve written a longer post on this that’s coming soon~!
Melia is the manifestation of a wish made by Maria—a wish so strong she somehow transported half of her Archetype’s energy to her. Or there’s maybe a scenario where Maria knew Melanie and wished Melanie was… different? Or something? Lol. Possible also an Interceptor. Like PLAYER, she remembers people after they were deleted. Core motif and whatnot.
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djdiamond18803 · 9 months
Rejuv Oc Lore: Diamond and Emerald
A small fanfic I wrote about the backstory of Diamond and Emerald and the life they used to live before they became Interceptors.
My dear friends… …Everyone.
I… We would like to tell you a story.
A story that has never been told to anyone.
A story that has been forgotten by many.
A story… of our origin.
Once in a world that has been long forgotten, there lived a young couple. They lived in a small village where the people around them had always been so kind and the pokemons were ever so friendly. They loved and cherished each other very much.
 As years went by, they eventually wished to have a child of their own, a child where they can share their love with. They were blessed with a baby boy and soon a few years later, they were once again blessed with a baby girl.
The family lived a peaceful and happy life. They were surrounded by kind and friendly people and pokemon. Everything was perfect for them.
Until it isn’t.
Winter suddenly came that lasted for so many years. Food and supplies slowly dwindled. The people grew fearful and agitated. The once peaceful lives of the family came to an end, and soon misery followed them.
One day, the village was attacked by a group of bandits who wished to steal their supplies. Many were injured and many were killed during the attack. However, the couple were not spared from this fate. Wishing to protect their children, the couple hid their beloved son and daughter before sacrificing themselves. The bandits soon left the house, not knowing of the two children that had suddenly lost their beloved parents right in front of their eyes.
Their home that was once filled with happy memories, full of smiles and laughter, was now filled with fear and tragedy. The siblings only had each other now, as they tried to survive in this frozen world. 
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As years went by, the siblings came to find some new friends in their journey of survival. Each of their friends had lost someone close to them, but now the group had become like a little family to them. They even met a woman who took them in as if they were her own children, and her daughter soon came to see them as her own siblings.
Everything was perfect…
However, while the siblings were out scouting for supplies, they were cornered by a group of bandits. They had nowhere else to run. They could only protect each other for now. As they laid there on the frozen road, their blood pooling underneath their body, a woman approached them in their dream.
A woman named Variya.
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She explained that the siblings had the potential she needed, and she struck a deal. A deal that would evolve the protection and survival for the siblings, something that they desperately needed. So, on that winter day, the siblings were chosen to become what they are called, Interceptors. A being that acts as a judge of this world. A being that can intercept fate. A being that has the ability to bring the world to peace… or destruction. However, they didn’t know that it also came with a price.
A price of immortality.
A price of loosing your loved ones.
A price of shouldering the weight of the world in your hands.
The siblings never told this turn of events to their friends and family. How could they explain that they had almost died and that they are no longer a normal human being? So, they decided to keep it a secret, and hoped that one day there would come a time when they would tell them everything.
When the siblings learned of a machine that can reset the world, The Core, they didn’t know what to do with that information.
However, as they watched their world slowly succumbed to itself. As war and chaos spread throughout the entire region. As life was slowly being sucked from every living being. They watched as their friends and found family slowly disappear… One. By. One.
At that moment as they stood in front of the many graves, each carved lovingly with the names of their loved ones, they knew what must be done. They have finally decided the fate of this everlasting frozen world.
Amelia… Victoria- Vicky…
Ruby, our sister…
Tessa…our dear Mother…
We had promised each other to find a way to save our world, to find a way to end this forever winter.
This world was on the brink of destruction, it had already begun to wilt. We had no choice.
…We are sorry, for making this decision.
But we judge this world as a failure, it has to be reset.
May your souls find each other in a new world.
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axelcreations · 7 months
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Art I drew with friends' OCs! Adrian, Ray (@superdummymags's OC, left) and Fate (@kiroons-hyperfixtations's OC, top) comprise Apollo(@lurker-extraordinaire-657645's OC, middle)'s support group :3 Rejuv OCs are fun to brew up!
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cherubinym · 10 months
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some Other doodle requests i got
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jazz-kity · 6 months
wonder what the difference between absols & the fate vivillon guys are? they might just be interchangeable bc all the absols showing up were probably from a previous version where the vivillons didnt exist at all but still. i am trying to see if theres any continuity of when each kind shows up.
like the fate vivillons were gathered around the arceus statue, and are represented[?] in rejuv's version of the non reusable healing shards. and are in Protagonist Heaven whenever you die ["bathe yoruself in our light" one]. and this hell [voidal chasm?]
but absols r ALSO here. like they're the ones that show up when im walking into the scholar district and i KNOWWWWW there are more examples but im stupid and forgor them.
idk im just wondering if they warn/are drawn to different kinds of events?
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venam. venam go back to sleep. VENAM.
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cresvalkyrie · 10 months
general thoughts on karma files/favorite route?
...Well, damn, this is going to be a long answer. Putting everything under readmore in case it veers off into spoiler territory.
So I prefer the paragon route, generally speaking, but I can see why you guys might like the renegade route more.
What I know is from watching playthroughs of the renegade route on youtube, but the way the plot that route is leading towards does lowkey intrigue me. Especially how the two route exclusive(-ish?) characters are connected (from what I understood, after M2 attacked the MC's host in the Plane of Dissonance, she was spirited away by Karma and placed into the body of the renegade route's Melia while the paragon post-PM Melia somehow ended up in M2's original body where she wandered around for a bit with the MC's host until she was given the chance to return to the point where she left off. Not to mention that the paragon and renegade MCs seem to be in cahoots with each other, with the End of Night spell and the Red Chain trade).
.Karma files on the other hand? I absolutely adore it. I love how in the paragon route we get the chance to bond with the main cast, either through the main story or through sidequests like the Xenogene movie. And we finally get some well-needed Crescent lore! Before v13.5 I didn't really care much for her since she felt more like a plot device and deus ex machina to bail the MC out of tight spots than an actual character, but in the current version she feels more human and def way more involved (the part where she intervenes in Helojak was fucking awesome, have I ever mentioned that? And then there's also where you talk to her after the Valor Summit incident, which feels more... I don't know, real? At least it got me more invested in her than v13 did and maybe a smidgen of guilt).
Can I just say that Crescent is adorkable? She's now one of my top fav rejuv characters, right behind Erin.
And then there's the Renegade stuff. I don't really have much to say about the main story stuff, but the events leading to the final boss was... interesting, to say the least. Spacea and Tiempa were Interceptors from the era of the Old Earth, who later became Overseers of the System by merging with Palkia and Dialga respectively? So it does imply that they're either something like a prototype for the Interceptor MC, or they're only "Interceptors" in the sense that they were beings summoned from foreign worlds to serve as wildcards to give them an edge. The final part of the Missing Children sidequest does seem to give the second possibility some credence with V, who claimed to be an "Interceptor" by virtue of being from another world but since they weren't chosen by the System like the MC and Crescent did they had no real power beyond the ability to interfere with another's fate.
On an unrelated note, the space hags are fucking cheaters in both the Paragon and Renegade versions of their battle. It's a neat concept in theory, but in gameplay it makes me want to throttle them. Spacea steals your Pokemon and Tiempa (perhaps the most bs mechanic in rejuv imo) would fucking reset your team like how a player would spam f12 to get the rng in their favour. Maybe it's payback for us abusing tf out of the game's quicksave function, but it sure doesn't feel nice (in a humourous "Only I can heal in battle, not the NPC Bosses" kind of way).
tl;dr I think .Karma Files is awesome, and my fav route is the Paragon Route (Renegade is great too, and in some areas more fascinating that Paragon, but I just don't have the heart to do all that effed up stuff lmao)
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honnojis · 2 years
This is kind of a weird one…. But what do you think is the main/most prominent theme in rejuv’s story?
Time and fate! I will not elaborate.
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lemonade-juley · 2 years
So, from some documents and some books you can find in some optional areas of Rejuv (namely the small hidden lab area you can find from diving in Tarajuma), it's canon that most Interceptors, including the MC and most of the ones prior to them, are someone brought from outside the world/universe/timeline Rejuv takes place in (with the unique exception of the attempt to make one of the 6 school gang into the Interceptor, which I'm unsure if that was due to the black box or the unique circumstances of the multiple souls thing, prior to them refusing and bringing in the player/chosen OC). It's basically how they get around Fate by directly bringing in someone who isn't actually attached to that thread of fate.
So in regards to Aevia, I've been thinking about how she'd feel about that information. Sure, while she know or remember doesn't much of her own life before being made the Interceptor, she does know at least Pokemon existed. So she starts thinking on it herself, she doesn't really tell anyone what she's discovered. And then she starts to overthink it, specifically what would happen to her should she complete her duties as the Interceptor. Aevia starts to consider the possibility that once she's done her role, the universe itself may try to correct itself and remove the anomaly as soon as the Interceptor's duty and purpose is done, as she's aware that the universe already has methods and ways to correct anomalies that aren't supposed to be there, and ultimately force those corrections if it's not handled manually in time.
So Aevia starts to dread that, while it's not guaranteed, it's possible that once her duty is done, and the world is no longer in need of an Interceptor, that the world may try to remove her from existence, or forcibly put her back into her own world. And it's a theory that honestly might have some weight to it. While Aevia isn't aware of it, as she was a little bit dead while it was happening, when Aevia had died, her existence was in fact being scrubbed from Melia's memories, removing her from their moment of meeting in the Gearen sewers. I think the only reason Melia was able to still remember her, was because of the ribbon that she got from Aevia and Venam managing to be a strong enough link of Melia's bond with them.
So I do kind of think that whether it's when the MC is killed or their duty as Interceptor is complete, the universe tries it's damnest to scrub the anomalies from existence, even the mere memory of the anomaly is attempted to be removed. But as the Interceptor, the MC always got revived before anything could be fully lost (though that note of "dying and being revived will always make you lose something" that I think is mentioned in Ch 15 or so could be a supporting factor to this theory.
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