#fate the winx saga rewrite
xxcocoiiixx · 4 months
Heyyyy I don’t know if anyone here knows me from wattpad.
Long story short I made a Fate the Winx Saga fanfic like 3 years ago, I’m doing a rewrite that has a blend of the original winx, my own ideas and from Fate because no matter what people say, Fate actually had some (emphasis on some) decent plotlines. I just think the main issues were to do with the budget and the rest was just writing, you can fight me on that.
But I digress, I’m kind of revisiting my OC and I’m deciding on what her powers should be because powers are important especially since the way my fanfic is planned out… it looks lengthy with no trim for a retcon so I better like whatever power I choose.
One the one hand I loved the idea of the original Winx having unique sources of magic like Love, Joy, Music and so much more
So one of my ideas is her being a Wish fairy. I don’t know if her personality even matters but if it did, it would kind of link to her desire to make people happy and prioritise others in general but also touching on her extreme overthinking nature. Naturally she has to think ten steps ahead before granting a wish but when it comes to people she loves like her friends and family it leaves her vulnerable to be either manipulated by others or being less cautious.
(Great arc if you ask me)
And it also ups the power scale to the rest of the group. One thing I did not like about Fate (a little less so with the original Winx) was that Bloom just seemed like she was heads and shoulders above the rest because of the Dragon Flame, which she only knew about for like 3 seconds but that didn’t stop her from bringing it up all the time while the rest just kind of seemed sort of mediocre in comparison, I want a lot more balanced power scaling, but obviously Bloom is the main character and the Dragon Flame is literally creation but I want other girls to have the ability to shine too.
But the downside is that does lead to so many plot holes and coming up with so many rules that, if I’m honest, I might not be smart enough to come up with . Also it makes fight scenes a lot harder.
But if any kind soul wants to drop suggestions… don’t be shy.
Seriously, don’t be shy I’m struggling over here.
Or the second option is that I go back to the roots of my original fanfic and having my OC linked to the four cardinal elements and have her being a wind fairy. This makes her a lot more combatant and direct in fights. Also the power has so much versatility. As I said she’s a loving person so having a defensive element would be great and my OC is also super spiritual so it would be kind of like having a girl version of Aang on the team but if she was riddled with anxiety. Fun right?
Only downside is that it’s not as interesting as Wish magic.
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wikate · 8 months
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rivensdefenseattorney · 8 months
Stella Character Profile
Basic Information
Name: Estelle Alina Eos Solana
Race: Fairy
Age: 21
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Height: 5'9 (176 cm)
Unique Features
Skin shimmers in sunlight
Tanned Skin
Background & History
Education: Alfea Interdimensional College of Fae
Year: 3
Concentrated Study: Diplomacy & Leadership in Fae Realms
Minor Studies: Enchanted Visual Arts | Diplomatic Negotiation Strategies | Elemental Combat Techniques
Favorite Class: Artisanal Magic in Visual Arts
Birthplace: Kingdom of Solaria, Illumina
Father: Radius Solana
Mother: Luna Solana
Uncle: Celsius
Step-Mother: Countess Cassandra
Step-Sister: Chimera
Fiancé: Thoren
Bloom/Flora (Winx Best Friends)
Sky/Helia/Nabu (Specialist Best Friends)
Love Interests
Personality Traits
Extroverted - Talkative, witty, and almost never run out of things to discuss. Happiness and satisfaction stem from the time she spends with the people she enjoys being with.
Impulsive/Spontaneous - May act on impulse and make decisions quickly. Enjoys living in the moment and is comfortable with unplanned adventures.
Showy - Every day is a performance, and Stella loves to put on a show. Loves to experiment with new styles, and constantly finds new ways to stick out in the crowd.
Observant -  Natural when it comes to noticing real, tangible things and changes.
Charismatic - Has a magnetic personality that draws people towards her.
Bold - Not one to hold back, Stella doesn't mind stepping outside of her comfort zone when no one else is willing.
Sensitive - Can be very vulnerable to criticism. May feel like she's been backed into a corner, sometimes reacting badly.
Poor Long-Term Planner - Rarely, if ever, considers laying out steps and consequences.
Unfocused - Anything that requires long-term dedication and focus is a particular challenge.
Skills & Abilities
Excels in Light and Shadow Magic
Proficient in creating and dispelling illusion spells
Proficient in defensive hand-to-hand combat
Can see through most illusion spells
Can see color auras around others
Hobbies & Interests
Manages her social media presence
Designs clothing
Hosting Social Events
Making smoothies and face masks
Quirks & Habits
Follows a vegetarian diet
Color blind at night
Never seen dressed casually
Gets a spa treatment at least once a week
Winx Rewrite Master Post
Stella's Playlist
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dragonfly0808 · 2 years
An Incredibly Long and Wholly Unnecessary Disection of How Fate: The Winx Saga Missed the Mark on What Made the Winx Club Special
So, I decided to make this cause I have way too many feelings on this and I saw someone make something similar about a different franchise and loved it so here goes.
DISCLAIMER: If you’re a fan of the Winx Club and enjoyed Fate, I have nothing against you, these are just my feelings and I 1) am really glad you were able to enjoy it and 2) genuienely sorry a show you loved got canceled cause I know how much that sucks
One more thing: I’ve only watched Fate once since I’m not about to make myself rewatch it for this so if I forget any certain scene I apologize.
With that out of the way, the themes I will be discussing in this essay will be divided into 4 categories: The Problems I Have In General. Questions That Will Never Be Answered. Character Deep Dives/Character Rants. And finally, How Fate failed to capture the Essence of Winx Club.
These will be the themes of every category (feel free to skip any that may not interest you).
The Problems I Have In General:
The Abandonment of an Amazing World and Dimension for a Hogwarts Rip-Off.
The Erasure of Good Adoptive Parents
Polyamorous My Ass (Srsly What the Fuck was that?)
Fake Feminism and Pitting Women Against Each Other
The Love Triangle Took Years From My Life and I’m Tired
Why Glitter and Love was Essential to the Feminism of the Winx Club
Questions That Will Never Be Answered
What Makes the Specialist Special?
Where are the Witches?
Why are Riven and Sky friends?
Character Deep Dives/Character Rants
From Naive but Loyal and Heroic to Boring and Annoying (A Bloom Deep Dive)
How Stella Became Everything She Stood Against (A Stella Deep Dive)
Why Musa Kinda Works but Really Doesn’t (A Musa Deep Dive)
Was Terra Necessary? What made her unique? (A Terra Deep Dive)
From Hero to Zero (An Aisha Deep Dive/Rant)
Why Sky Somehow was the Most Interesting One but Still Boring (A Sky Deep Dive)
Why Riven will Always Get the Short End of the Stick (A Riven Deep Dive/Rant)
Bea Could’ve Saved the Show, BUT- (A Beatrix Rant)
Why Flora Mattered (A Flora Deep Dive/Rant)
A Retrospective Look at Soft Boys (A Helia and Timmy Deep Dive/Rant)
The Forgotten Protectors (A Brandon and Nabu Rant)
Why Tecna is Often Discarded and Why She Shouldn’t Be (A Tecna Deep Dive/Rant)
How Fate Failed To Capture the Essence of the Winx Club
How Fate Forgot the Most Important Aspect of the Winx Club: Friendship Amongst Young Women
Now with that out of the way, let’s get to it, cause this is gonna be a long one.
The Problems I Have In General
The Abandonment of an Amazing World and Dimension for a Hogwarts Rip-Off
So. I think we can all agree that the world of Winx Club is one that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also very unique and magical.
We have Magix, where the three schools of magic are, all with very different but equally interesting aesthetics and designs that make sense for what the schools teach. We also have the city of Magix, where we have magical ships and a cool toned color pallet that makes us feel like we’re in a futuristic world, Red Fountain also feels right out of a sci-fi movie, whilst the clothing, stores, Cloud Tower and Alfea remind us of the magical aspects of the world.
Further into the series, we see the girls’s home planets, which are all very different, creative and fit the girls perfectly. We have Solaria with two suns, Lynphea as an ecologists utopia with hollow trees for houses and giant ladybugs for transport, Zenith as a sci-fi dream, Melody with its glittering oceans and singing whales, etc.
Watching Winx Club, just looking at the world adds so much to the feeling of magic, the setting just helps the story so much. Also it’s just fucking gorgeous.
Now compare that to Fate… where we get a dark forest… and an old Mansion, that serves as both Red Fountain and Alfea…
I would just like to say, I’m a sucker for dark academia, I love this aesthetic, for other shows, but this is supposed to be an adaptation of Winx Club, where there already was an amazing world where the story was set in, so why didn’t they even try to use that? I don’t know, but it really bothers me that they didn’t try even one bit.
Especially when the vibrant colors and fantastical environment were such a big part of what made the Winx Club stand out.
The Erasure of Good Adoptive Parents
I remember watching Winx Club for the first time and when it was revealed that Bloom was adopted I literally was like… but… her parents love her…
We very rarely get good adoptive parents in stories (it’s getting a bit better but still, at least as a kid this was pretty much the only time I ever saw fictional adoptive parents that actually loved their child).
So, the fact that in Fate we get Vanessa (the sweetest mom ever in the cartoon) be a maniac who takes away Bloom’s privacy and tries to live vicariously through Bloom just really fucking pissed me off.
Like… what was the need for that? You didn’t need Bloom to be pissed for her to lose control of her powers and accidentally burn her parents.
In fact, I think it would’ve been even more traumatic and dramatic if Bloom had a good relationship with her parents (like she did in the cartoon) but still lost control, maybe in her sleep, and burned the people she loves most in the world, that would’ve been so angsty it would’ve been great. 
But no, let’s continue the narrative that adoptive parents can’t be good parents.
Polyamorous My Ass (Srsly What the Fuck was that?)
This just… I’m so tired.
We pretty much never get Polyamorous relationships in shows like this and then we get… whatever the fuck this was.
So… Bea is obvs just using both Riven and Dane (it is Dane right? I don’t care enough to check). Riven, only likes Bea and is very biphobic towards Dane and Dane seems to be in love with Riven and kinda like Bea.
This relationship (if you can even call it that) is weird. Sometimes it’s portrayed as toxic, other times it isn’t and it’s just weird.
This also really fucking pissed me off. Because… why? You could’ve had Dane as a separate character, in the original we already had the Darcy/Riven plotline so why did you have to add Dane?
Honestly, Dane could’ve just had a crush on Riven and become genuienly friends with Terra or smth, he didn’t have to be involved with Riven and Bea, that should’ve been a separate plotline. If you wanted a bi character so badly you could’ve just made one of the girls (Flora- sorry Terra, Musa and Aisha are already largely headcannoned to be bi, they could’ve used that) be bi. You didn’t need to introduce a new character for the sake of diversity, especially if you were going to screw it up that badly.
Cause Riven and Bea are already dramatic enough on their own, we didn’t need this poor, horrible attempt at a polyamorous relationship.
Fake Feminism and Pitting Women Against Each Other
Next up… oh dear…
Where can I even start? Okay, one of the first things we see in the series is Bloom telling Sky he is mansplaining… when he’s very clearly not…
The desire to come across as feminist and be an #womenempowerment show is so obvious it almost hurts. But they never do anything to actually show this.
From the very first conversation between Bloom and Stella in the show, it was very obvious to me that they would be competitors, not best friends like in the show.
Throughout the show, we see the girls berate each other, compete and insult one another, and I don’t see how any of that can be seen as feminism.
Stella literally almost causes Bloom’s death out of jealousy over Sky.
How is this anything like the Winx Club?
The closest bond in the group is probably between Musa and Terra. And even then, a lot of the time I feel like Musa only tolerates Terra, and they feel like roommates, not best friends who would die for each other like they were in the Winx Club.
There is very little support amongst the women of Fate, there are few instances when we aren’t being told to compare them or to see who is best. That is not feminism.
Now, it would’ve worked very well if the girls got off on the wrong foot but we got to see them slowly bond and slowly trust each other and become good friends, but I never felt that. The only time that they join forces is to clean up the mess that they made, and even then it never feels like all 5 of them are on the same page, it’s more like the world (and story) is forcing them together.
This was a tad bit better in season 2 but there were mostly moments between 2 Winx not all of them (the only moments I liked were the sleepover and Terra coming out) in season 2 the strongest bond was clearly that of Stella and Bea.
So yeah, with constant competition, fights and very few moments of actual friendship, almost all of which feel forced, I can say that Fate does not feel like a Feminist show at all.
From the moment I saw they were going to ignore the gem that was Bloom and Stella’s bond in the original I knew they weren’t going to try to actually make the girls friends and support one another.
The Love Triangle Took Years From My Life And I’m Tired
Why? Why? WWHHHHYYYYYYY?!?!??!??
What was the reason? What was the fucking reason?!
There was none.
There was not a single reason why the love triangle between Bloom, Sky and Stella should’ve happened or was needed.
They could’ve easily introduced Diaspro, a character we already know and a character whose only purpose in the cartoon was to create drama and tension between Bloom and Sky.
Love triangles are dead. We all know that. You will never be Jem/Tessa/Will, stop fucking trying.
Okay so, first off, I would’ve honestly been okay if we’d seen Sky and Stella be exes and they like ‘Yeah we tried that was a huge mistake but now we’re friends’ and then Bloom comes in and Sky isn’t sure cause she’s Stella’s bestie but Stella is encouraging, that could’ve been cool. But that is obviously not what we got.
Why do we always pit women against each other over a man? I think we all know the answer to that.
The Love Triangle was bland, boring and useless. Nothing came out of it.
We apparently got Stella and Sky realizing they were codependent and toxic which… duh. But nothing comes from this, we never see them get closer and have a healthy friendship, we get 1 scene in season 2 that is never expanded upon and that’s it.
They threw Stella and Bloom’s friendship to the trash for a Love Triangle that absolutely nobody wanted. And even in season 2, Stella and Bloom? They’re not friends. They’re barely cordial with one another and that pisses me of so fucking much I can’t even describe it.
In the cartoon the girls NEVER fought over a man, if there were moments of jealousy they were passing (I can remember exactly 1 with Aisha and Bloom in season 2. That’s literally it). There could be drama with other girls and even that was very little mostly Diaspro and the messes with Mitzi and Crystal in later seasons but the cartoon almost never relied on that to create drama against the girls because they knew it wasn’t really needed.
This triangle did nothing for any of the characters and the drama was petty and stupid. I just… I honestly don’t think I’m really saying anything of substance here but this particular topic just makes me sooooo mad that I can’t even describe the particulars of how this Love Triangle makes me just so mad cause it was FUCKING USELESS, IT DID NOTHING FOR THE CHARACTERS OR THE STORY IT WASN’T NEEDED, IT WASN’T WANTED AND IT WASN’T…. UUUGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!
Why Glitter and Love was Essential to the Feminism of the Winx Club
The feminism of the original Winx Club (especially the first 4 seasons) was honestly very simple. It wasn’t in your face or even really ever called out.
To me, the feminism in the original Winx Club was just… the girls themselves.
We had six very different young women, who were all portrayed as strong, funny, beautiful and just awesome.
We have Bloom, who’s a bit of a girl next door. She can be a bit hotheaded, but she’s crazy loyal and incredibly strong. We see her be naive sometimes and be really nervous and attempting to find her place and we also get to see her step up to the occasion when it’s time for blows.
We have Stella, a fashionista who I will talk a lot about in her section cause I am pissed of what they did to her. We see her be a kind person and try to grow and be dedicated to her passions.
We have Flora who is the girliest of girls but still portrayed as strong and smart. Her softness doesn’t erase her strength. And she doesn’t have these big stand up moments of ‘I’m strong and I will prove it to you!’ She just is strong.
We have Musa, who’s a bit of a tomboy and slightly more rough around the edges but who has a lot of emotional depth.
We have Tecna, who can come across as cold but who we see literally almost die for her friends and who has such a big heart.
We have Aisha, who’s very sporty and who has to seek out her place in the group and kinda learn how the whole friend group works and who we see grow in season 2.
We have a hotheaded girl next door, a kind fashionista, a girly girl, a musical tomboy, a tech girl and a sporty girl who are all portrayed as different and unique but are also all portrayed as strong.
Yes, we see them occasionally butting heads (if I remember correctly Musa/Flora and Stella are the ones that butt heads most often) and fight sometimes, but we see that their friendship is stronger than all of that.
We see them support each other in so many different ways and be the definition of ride or die.
Something I really like is that they don’t really make fun of each other’s interests despite having vastly different personalities. And they also don’t compare themselves and understand that they’re all awesome in their own ways.
The girls are united in friendship in such a deep way that they could probably never stop being friends even if they tried.
And… none of that is included in Fate.
Which is a fucking shame.
We don’t really see the girls’ interests in Fate, we just see them all acting like angsty teenagers who are either lashing out at pretty much everybody or being a bit of a doormat. They’re not really portrayed as strong either.
I can’t see the uniqueness that was there in the cartoon. The girls aren’t really… they’re just not interesting. Especially when compared to their cartoon counterparts.
Also, this part is a bit more petty and something personal to me but I think a lot of you can relate so… 
Seeing girls that were fashionable, girly and weren’t afraid to show off their girlie side was awesome. Especially in a world of ‘I’m Not Like Other Girls’ protagoinsts that just hate dresses and only wear them once.
As a girlie girl myself, looking back on the Winx Club, I love that they didn’t try to make the girls more masculine to make them seem stronger. Even Musa, Aisha and Tecna who are arguably the least ‘girly’ show off their more feminine side in a way that feels natural.
So yeah… that last part doesn’t have to do that much with Fate I just wanted to add that.
Questions That Will Never Be Answered 
What Makes the Specialists Special?
First off, I would like to say that I loved that in Fate women could be Specialists and guys could be fairies, I just thought that was really neat. So kudos to you for that Fate. Enjoy it, I won’t give you many.
Now on to the question. What makes the Specialists special?
In the cartoon, the reason I really liked the Specialists was their weapons, they were colorful, creative and straight out of a sci-fi movie. Brandon’s sword, Sky’s boomerang, Riven’s bolas, Timmy’s gun, Helia’s gloves etc.
It always felt like the Winx got magic and fantasy while the Specialists got technology and sci-fi.
And that is, once again, gone in Fate. The Specialists are now generic warrior driving Jeeps and wearing leather.
Where are the capes? The Owls and Wind Riders? Everything that made the Specialists cool even when they didn’t do much in a fight?
Where did that all go?
This one was more of an aesthetic thing but I still feel like it took a lot away from the Specialists and what made them low-key iconic.
Where are the Witches?
Where are they? Seriously I wanna know where my girlies are?
I get that, since they got rid of the transformation and gave us half assed CGI wings it might’ve been hard to differentiate the witches from the fairies but still… you can’t just not have freaking witches!
I like getting to see evil fairies but still. I don’t like this! 
I just feel like it takes away so much not having the witches. Can you imagine getting Lucy and Mirta in Fate?… actually no, they would’ve been screwed over but you know what I mean.
Yet another topic that makes me so mad and petty that I can’t quite describe it.
Why are Riven and Sky friends?
Okay so, this is actually a genuine question.
Most of the boys were excluded from Fate (which I’m lowkey grateful for cause if they’d done my boys Helia and Timmy dirty there would’ve been blood) so they kinda had to smush Riven and Sky into bestie status.
Now, looking at this objectively, we know that in the cartoon, Sky’s bestie is Brandon. And Brandon and Riven have more things in common than you’d expect.
They’re both good fighters and work hard at Red Fountain, they’re kinda ladies men, they can be jokesters from time to time but take their duty seriously. They’re also pretty competitive.
I think Brandon is what Riven would’ve been if he had a normal childhood.
The main difference is that Riven has walls. He shuts people out and can be a bit of a jerk sometimes. The Riven in Fate is a straight up asshole.
So… why is he friends with Sky?
I’ll be honest, I really wanted to see more of these two, I think the dynamic could’ve been really interesting and cool to explore but… we got… pretty much crumbs.
With the like… two moments we have with them I don’t see why they’re friends and it ruins my sense of disbelief just that much more.
Character Deep Dives/Character Rants
From Naive but Loyal and Heroic to Boring and Annoying (A Bloom Deep Dive)
Let’s talk about our favorite hotheaded redhead shall we?
I’ll be honest, Bloom was always my least favorite Winx and I actually grew to dislike her post season 3, but… she didn’t deserve this.
I’m honestly not sure how to describe why the Bloom from Fate is just… so fucking boring… I don’t really feel many emotions coming from her.
In the original (at least the first 3 seasons) Bloom has quite a bit of personality, she’s a bit naive and impulsive but also THE ride or die bestie.
She’s fun to watch even if I would sometimes get frustrated when she acted a bit stupid or when she was impulsive.
Bloom worked as a protagonist partially due to her impulsive habits (since they make her take the lead/initiative in many occasions) but I feel like with Fate Bloom that impulsive nature comes across as more annoying since Fate Bloom isn’t as friendly as OG Bloom and doesn’t really have anyone to bounce her impulsiveness off of like she did in the OG.
I don’t know, I just never really felt any connection with her but overall I think she’s still the one that was done the least dirty. And the one I’m the least furious about.
I think the main problem I have with Fate Bloom is that she’s got that ‘I have to do this alone’ attitude and it never really changed, so she doesn’t really have anyone to bounce off of to make her impulsive and stupid moments less annoying.
How Stella Became Everything She Stood Against (A Stella Deep Dive)
Welp… I am fucking furious now.
I think most of us will be able to agree that one of Stella’s main purposes in the original show was to break the Dumb Blonde/Mean Blonde stereotype that was much more prevalent in the 2010′s.
Stella could come across as a bit full of herself and could be mean since she didn’t really have a brain-to-mouth filter but she was never mean on purpose and always made up for her mistakes.
We see that Stella is at her core a kind person and soft-hearted individual when we see that after knowing Bloom for a whole of one day and Bloom helping her once, Stella is willing to risk getting herself expelled to give Bloom the chance to go to Alfea. 
We also see there’s more to her than just superficial stuff when, after the Sky-Brandon reveal she tells Brandon that she cares more about the face that he lied than the fact that he isn’t a prince. The quote was along the lines of: ‘My parents are the King and Queen of Solaria, didn’t do them much good.’
And of course in season 3 we learn that Stella is actually very insecure and believes people like her just because of her looks and get one of the best moments/episodes of the entire series.
Yes. Stella cares about her appearance and loves fashion, but there is so much more to her character than that. She is a loyal friend, incredibly kind person and willing to do anything for those she loves.
Now let’s look at Fate’s Stella
I am just… Fate turned our Stella into a bitchy mean girl. That is all Stella really is.
Even in season 2 she still acts like a mean girl to the rest of the girls most of the time. I never felt her bond with any of the girls or even Sky for that matter, her best scenes were easily with Bea.
I just don’t understand how they missed the entire fucking point of Stella’s character and made her exactly into the stereotype she was supposed to subvert. How do you fuck up that much?!?!!?!?!
She tried to fucking KILL BLOOM OVER A GUY!!! The original Stella would’ve killed her with her staff for even laying a FINGER on her bestie.
Stella’s character in Fate might just be the one that pisses me off the most because of how much they missed the fucking mark with her.
They made her literally everything she stood against and then acted like they did something when she did the bare minimum for her ‘friends’.
And I cannot bring myself to care about the drama with her mom because of how fucking pissed I am about this.
Okay let’s think about it. This could’ve worked if Stella was only acting like a bitch because her mom expected that but, in the rare instances when she was sure no one was watching and no one would noticed, she revealed her soft side to the girls and they were like ‘Oh, this is the real Stella, bitchy Stella is just a mask’ but it doesn’t go like that.
Even after the reveal of her mom, she’s still a bitch!
Our Stella would never and I hate whoever thought this was a good idea, you sir or ma’am  are stupid and the whole point of Stella’s character flew right over your fucking head! (No hate to the actress or any actors in the series though)
Why Musa Kinda Works But Really Doesn’t (A Musa Deep Dive)
I was wrong before. Musa is actually the one I’m least pissed off about because I actually kinda enjoyed her character in Fate, especially in the second season. (Doesn’t excuse the fucking white washing though).
I think out of the girls Musa would’ve probably been the easiest to adapt into a more ‘mature’ setting cause she is kinda the ‘angstiest’ of the girls due to her mom’s death and being the tomboy of the group. However… the Musa we know can be a little sassy and get annoyed with the girls from time to time but with Fate Musa, it’s a lot more prevalent.
Which makes sense with the change to a mind fairy (which I hate, can you imagine all the cool visuals we could’ve gotten if they’d kept her as the fairy of music? Also they still could’ve had the empath thing with her being able to ‘hear the songs in people’s hearts’ and just cranking that up to eleven).
I actually don’t have that much to say about Musa. I enjoyed her character, especially in the second season, I feel like she’s the only one that’s reasonably lashing out and it makes sense when she’s annoyed and I feel like we got to see her soft side in a few moments and she was involved with all of my favorite moments of Fate.
The only issue is that she’s angstier than the original Musa but again, it actually makes sense this time.
The only thing I am actually pissed off at is that we lost her dynamics with Tecna and Aisha cause there is no Fate Tecna and Fate Musa doesn’t really interact with Aisha and when she does it’s a far cry from their cool original dynamic and her chemistry with Terra isn’t enough to make up for it.
Was Terra Necessary? What Made her Unique? (A Terra Deep Dive)
So, we all know what happened with Terra. They white washed half the cast realized that we would obviously be pissed and tried to save it by changing Flora’s name to Terra and saying she was a new character… nice try.
Also as a latina myself, fuck you. If you’re going to claim you were going for plus-size diversity you do realize you could’ve just gotten a plus-size latina right? Anyways, fuck you.
So Terra… I don’t really care about her and kinda dislike her. I’ll admit that I am very much biased due to Flora being my fave and my latina rage but I just don’t find Terra interesting.
I don’t know what it is about her that makes her rambling annoying instead of endearing or whatever it is they were going for. They didn’t really give her anything interesting to do, she literally just had the ‘I’m fat self-confidence’ arc. I think I might’ve kinda liked Terra if she’d had something interesting to do.
The only scenes I genuienly enjoyed with her were her conversation with Riven (right before the final fight if I remember correctly) and her talk with Musa while Sam is dying... Coincidentally the moments she reminded me more of Flora…
Then in the second season she had a super weird attitude with Flora, I wasn’t sure if she was jealous or angry or what it just made her that much weirder to me, like, what the fuck was going on there? I don’t really think we ever got an answer for her weird behavior with Flora, cause I’m not buying it was just cause of Riven. That was weird.
The only girl she really bounces off of is Musa, and even then it mostly feels like Terra is following Musa around hoping for some love. None of her friendships really feel reciprocal. And her behavior with Stella is also weird as fuck. Like… you like it when she insults you? What?
Yeah she’s just weird and I don’t really like her. I feel like she brings nothing to the table. There is no real reason for her to be there. If they were going to try and replace Flora, they should’ve at least tried to make her cool and iconic.
From Hero to Zero (An Aisha Deep Dive/Rant)
Pffftttttt… okay let me get this straight. You took Aisha. Icon Aisha who climbed a fortress for her pixy friends, was a Princess that was pretty much a runaway and a sports goddess who challenged the boys and easily had the most depth/cool backstory from the Winx.
You took that Aisha… and gave us *checks notes* ‘Oh yeah, I flooded a hall in my school with literal shit once’ as her backstory.
Okay cool, I see how it is.
But seriously though. They made Aisha into an annoying teacher’s pet who kinda felt a little full of herself from time to time but was also constantly ignored as the voice of reason and had no arc of her own, instead acting as a therapist/scapegoat for the other girls.
Why is that? I think we all know the answer to that…
But yeah, I just… I am so tired. They reduced her to… to nothing really. She doesn’t feel interesting or compelling at all. I felt no connection to her and most of the time it felt like the other girls only spoke to her when they needed something from her.
In season 2 we get a little more about how she feels pressured by her parents to be perfect (which kinda alines with the cartoon) and she talks about not being experienced at relationships, which also makes sense with the cartoon, but it honestly still doesn’t feel like enough.
It still doesn’t feel like she’s actual friends with any of the girls.
They took away a lot… most of what made Aisha into one of the most well-developed Winx. She doesn’t feel fun like cartoon Aisha did, she’s uptight which just doesn’t make sense if she’s supposed to be Aisha.
She was just done dirty. Our Aisha was never so much as implied to be a teacher’s pet. She was more into dancing and sports and exploring. 
Winx Aisha was a girl who’d been trapped most of her life, excited to finally get to be a a free soul and explore the world. Fate Aisha is stripped of all of that and we don’t really see why she’s so uptight outside of that one conversation about her parents where we still don’t get any real depth.
My girl deserved so much more and I will die pissed.
Why Sky Somehow was the Most Interesting One but Still Boring (A Sky Deep Dive)
Sky makes me feel conflicted. I think he (along with Musa) was the only one I genuienely liked and enjoyed watching but at the same time he annoys me.
I loved his dynamic with Silva but I just… I don’t even know how to describe what it is exactly that annoys me about him but he’s just not interesting enough. I’ve literally forgotten almost any scene that he is in.
I’m trying to remember right now and the only scenes I can remember are the mansplaining scene, when Bloom drugs him, when he comforts Stella, one or two scenes with Silva… and when he beats Dane’s ass… and that’s literally it.
He’s not that bad, he’s got interesting dynamics and a cool story behind him and with the revelations in the series, he is one of the most affected, so in paper that should get you to be invested but… he’s just not memorable.
Why Riven will Always Get the Short End of the Stick (A Riven Deep Dive/Rant)
One of the things that annoys me the most from the original Winx Club is how Riven is pretty much reset every season to learn the same lesson over and over and over again.
This is because his scene in the Cloud Tower dungeons when he sees himself as a monster and decides to change is one of my fave in the series and probably my fave scene in all of season 1. So having him be reset was just… such a disservice to that awesome scene and to his character as a whole.
I think we can all agree that Riven could’ve been such an amazing and iconic character if he’d been allowed to slowly grow and if we’d seen him mature over the seasons.
So in this aspect… a part of me really likes Fate Riven. He’s an absolute ass and a bit biphobic but I like the possibility of taking this and allowing him to grow after his whole mess with Beatrix (I kinda loved the chaos of their relationship up until they got Dane involved).
The set up is there and we really see him try to move on in season 2 which I love. He still has his moments of being an ass, but through a few conversations with Sky and his bond with Musa we do see him trying to grow.
However, I would’ve loved to see him be more vulnerable. Sometimes it feels like instead of his own character he’s there to bounce off of Bea, Sky or Musa. I don’t know I just feel like he has a lot of potential but for some reason he just doesn’t feel like a complete character to me. Maybe this would’ve been fixed in season 3 but we’ll never know.
All in all he was one of my fave parts of Fate, especially in season 2. Whether he would’ve been allowed to keep his progress unlike his cartoon counterpart, we’ll never know.
I feel like the more mature setting actually kinda fits Riven. Though I’ll be the first to admit that the writers occasionally tried too hard to maintain his ‘bad boy’ image in season 1 and I cringed a few times at his lines.
But he was one of my fave parts of season 2. So overall I’d say that, in a way, Fate actually improved Riven ever so slightly.
Bea Could’ve Saved the Show, BUT- (A Beatrix Rant)
So, I love Bea. She was my fave character in Fate, she’s just a chaotic gremlin and quite frankly she deserved better.
Her dynamics with Riven, Stella and Bloom were excellent. I love how manipulative she is, it makes her vulnerable moments all the better. When she goes to the Winx dorm crying to ask Stella to hang out but gets rejected and she just looks on at the group having fun like an outsider… That scene got me.
It’s a little confusing how she goes from menace in season 1 to kinda a teacher’s pet in season 2 but it kinda makes sense and she does become a menace again so it’s cool.
I both love and hate her ending. I love her constantly switching sides, being unpredictable, turning around last minute and going ‘I just saved the world, feels pretty great to be a fucking hero’, I love that concept but I hate her just being thrown away and killed like she hadn’t been carrying the show.
I don’t think they saw the amount of potential that Bea had, personally I would watch an entire show all about Bea. Them just killing her shows me that she was only really a plot device to the writers, a way to introduce her mysterious sisters. And I hate that.
Bea was the wildcard of Fate, the character plenty of us thought we’d hate but that ended up being a diamond in the rust. She was cunning and had the best of all the Trix, Darcy’s plot line with Riven and her manipulation, Stormy’s powers and chaotic energy, Icy’s ambition, personality and charisma. 
Quite frankly, she’s probably the character with the most depth and motivations. She’s the most interesting. 
And they killed her off for shock value.
I hate that we lost the Trix’s dynamic and different personalities but for me personally Bea was worth it, she was an awesome character who deserved to be in a better series. But yeah… I love Bea but even she wasn’t enough to save this shit show.
Why Flora Mattered (A Flora Deep Dive/Rant)
Disclaimer, I am very much biased here, even more than before cause Flora was always my favorite Winx. Now with that out of the way…
I think one of the reasons that Flora mattered so much is that she was never shamed for being very feminine. Flora was a cottage core, soft hearted, kind, soft spoken young girl who was still allowed to be strong and a badass. She was never made more ‘masculine’ to show her being strong. Her transformations always involved skirts and dresses, bright pinks, long flowy hair, bracelets and necklaces and cute tiaras. 
She was never shamed for her girlieness nor stereotyped as someone overly shy. Flora could have a few shy moments but they were pretty rare in the large scheme of things.
She was shown to be incredibly smart, especially in seasons 1 and 2 with her love of potions. Flora gives the girls a lot of support and a safe place but we also see her be vulnerable and insecure, but she never changes her girliness nor does she feel the need to ‘grow out of her girly traits’ to gain confidence or confront her fears, she also doesn’t feel the need to ‘toughen up’ keeping her soft heart throughout the entire series.
I love this. I loved that Flora was so soft but never shamed or considered ‘weak’ for it. She mattered cause she was there for the more sensitive girls. The more introverted, soft spoken girls.
The girly girls that can still be just as strong and confident as any other woman despite loving pink and flowers and skirts. 
I think that’s a big part of why Flora matters. She’s allowed to be a heroine with a soft heart that is never forced into an angsty personality because of the events that occur around her. She’s a special kind of softness. She’s not the kindness that comes from naivety but the kindness that is forged in steel from tough experiences.
We eventually got Fate Flora but I don’t think she really captured the essence of OG Flora, she just doesn’t feel like the soft, introverted, gentle soul we know. 
She feels a little… full of herself? In a way?
I won’t talk much about Fate Flora cause I can’t truly put my finger on what it is that just throws me off about her.
But I’m pissed that they truly thought they could get away with tossing Flora to the side, cause we all know they only included her in season 2 to try and save their asses.
Because soft, sensitive girls deserve to see themselves represented without the whole ‘break-out-of-your-shell-and-become-more-wild arc’. Because soft girls can be complete and happy without becoming party animals. That was what Flora was to me. That’s why she mattered so much to me personally growing up.
That is why Flora mattered.
Why Helia and Timmy Mattered: A Retrospective Look at Soft Boys (A Helia and Timmy Deep Dive/Rant)
Now, I am honestly glad that Helia and Timmy weren’t included because they would’ve botched it.
So, I always adored Helia but, looking back on him and Timmy now I almost find them surprising that these two were incorporated into the show the way that they were.
Helia was the definition of a soft boy, he was into poetry and art, he wore loose shirts, had long hair, was soft spoken, loved to meditate and was introduced as a pacifist, but he was also a Specialist. Something I really liked was that instead of a sword he had his strings which incorporated his way of being a pacifist into his Specialist gear.
There were never jokes about him being Helia being gay and he was portrayed as attractive, the second Flora meets him she’s already blushing and giggling. Helia is a poet, a sensitive boy in a school filled with soldiers and warriors, but they rarely make fun of him for it, and when they do it clearly is meant to be in a teaseful way amongst friends. And we see the boys go to him for advise.
And then we have Timmy. Timmy is a nerd. He has a laser gun instead of a sword and is more of a pilot and tech guy. He’s shy and socially awkward, lanky, and his portrayl is very dorky.
In season 2 we see him doubt himself as a Specialist when he can’t stop the Trix, the same happens in season 4 when he is chasing Anagan.
But we see that at his core, Timmy is an incredibly courageous person. He goes after Anagan even when he’s doubting himself. The boys may tease him occasionally but they never treat him as an outsider and in fact try to help him, even when it backfires, it’s done from a desire to help their friend.
Timmy may consider himself as the weak one, but he is never portrayed as the weak link in the Specialists. We see that his role is a crutial one. 
In season 3 we see him break down when he thinks that Tecna is dead, but his tears and despair are never considered to be ‘weak’ or ‘exaggerated’.
We see all the boys break down at the end of season 4.
And that is something important. Especially for a cartoon  in the 2010′s.
Seeing soft and dorky boys be portrayed as heroes was a great thing that we shouldn’t forget.
The Winx Club never revolved around the Specialists, they could’ve all been just the generic hero, but we see the small difference between Sky, Riven and Brandon and then we get Timmy and Helia who are completely different and not what you’d first think off when you think ‘heroes in training’.
This is an extension of Flora’s softness and kindness never being something that she is ashamed of or for.
Helia is allowed to be a poet and to love meditating and to be a bit of a pacifist whilst still being strong and a hero in his own right. Saving Flora in his introduction and Sky later in season 2. He is never shamed for being the sensitive one.
Timmy has a lot of self-doubt. But he is allowed to grow, he is allowed to be a nerd and dorky and socially awkward whilst still being a fundamental part of the group. His intelligence is portrayed as an advantage not a freak trait. He may be teased for being the nerdy one from time to time but he is never bullied or shamed for it.
And they are both allowed to have good love stories. Helia and Flora, two gentle souls that find each other and are like Snow on the Beach, falling for each other at the first time.
Then we have Timmy and Tecna, where it seems that Timmy falls first but doesn’t know how to act and Tecna always cares about him but seems to catch feelings a bit later on. That it takes them a long time to officially become something because they are both unconventional in their own way. And when they go on a date and feel stressed they decide ‘Screw doing this the traditional and ‘normal’ way, we’re doing it our own way’.
From what we see in Fate, I can tell they much prefer angsty characters. And Helia and Timmy would never have been allowed to be soft.
We saw 2 kinda soft boys in Fate. Dane who was just… a bit of a train wreck to me. He was an ass to Terra and was just super weird with Bea and Riven and was just willing to go along with whatever Bea said and then we have Sam who I wouldn’t exactly describe as a soft boy and well… he almost killed someone in season 2 so… yeah. He’s just boring and with zero depth to me.
If they’d been in Fate Helia would probably be emo or very angsty and Timmy would probably have been bullied a lot more. So I’m glad they weren’t included at all.
Because soft and sensitive boys shouldn’t be erased. They are important, especially when the stigma against them is still kinda strong. 
We need this in the media, we need to see boys loving poetry and being proud to be a bit dorky and nerdy. We need to see boys crying and breaking down and not being ashamed or shamed for it. We need boys that are absolutely in love and not be teased for it.
Angsty boys can be fun to watch, but soft boys are also important. We need more of them.
The Forgotten Protectors (A Brandon and Nabu Rant)
When I think about it, I think that Brandon as a character, at his core, is a protector. He is Sky’s squire and is willing to trade places to keep him safe. He tries to keep Stella safe, is willing to risk his life to get Sky back in season 3 and well… he’s a Specialist so this is clearly what he loves.
Brandon was always a support character, he’s never really given a lot of backstory or traits outside of being a dedicated Specialist, being charismatic and sometimes flirty and caring deeply about his friends and Stella.
Brandon is a fun character not because of his depth but because he’s just a great guy. He’s charismatic, definitely an optimist and cracks jokes in the middle of a fight. When Timmy struggles over why Tecna is mad at him, Brandon is randomly punching the air and offers him hair product.
I would classify him as a himbo. 
Brandon worked as this protector character, especially since not many of the Specialists had a lot of depth. And I always loved him,
So I’m glad he wasn’t in Fate cause, again, they would have erased his optimism and just, slightly goofy instances for an angstier attitude.
To me, Brandon’s main purpose in the show was to be a protector and a friend. He was the voice of reasons amongst the boys, especially in seasons 1 and 2. He’s there for his friends and would do anything for them.
I think Brandon could have perhaps benefitted from a more mature setting, mainly to get more depth but I think the Fate writers would’ve fucked it up. I don’t think they could handle having a non-angst, let alone an optimistic character.
Then we have Nabu, our second forgotten protector. I call him a protector mainly due to his sacrifice in season 4. All I have to say is… Nabu was a fun character. He was a bit weird in the beginning but we got to see he was calm, had extreme trust in Aisha.
We only had him for a season so I really don’t have much to say about him other than… I cannot see any iteration of Nabu working with Fate Aisha. I just don’t.
I can’t see either of them in Fate not just because they’d be fucked over but also just because I can’t see their characters fitting the ambience.
I don’t know why but to me Brandon and Nabu just emanate happy calm vibes and I can’t see that working with Fate’s desperate need for shitty angst.
Why Tecna is Often Discarded and Why She Shouldn’t Be (A Tecna Deep Dive/Rant)
I think most of us can agree that Tecna is neurodivergent coded. Most consider her to be autistic.
In the OG, Tecna rarely gets to be the center of attention, but when she does, man does she shine. I love Tecna because her arc throughout the seasons isn’t necessarily about changing to fit in, but it’s more about growing into yourself if that makes sense.
Tecna doesn’t change her personality or who she is, she doesn’t try to mask how she is. The only thing she really does is working on expressing her emotions and showing that she cares about her friends, but this doesn’t equal her changing or suppressing her quirks and more neurodivergent tendencies, which I think is just beautiful.
I think that’s a great example on how to write an autistic character growing into themselves (though I myself am not autistic so feel free to correct me on that if you have feelings about Tecna being seen as autistic),
In season 3, we see the way the club literally falls apart when they think she’s dead. We see that they love her and when Tecna reunites with Bloom in Omega, she is crying cause she knew that her friends would find her.
This is the moment that cemented for me that these girls would truly go to the end of the world for each other.
Those episodes in season 3 may be some of the best, and my favorites, in the entire series. 
Tecna is the character that is underrated, and who some may believe doesn’t add much to the story, but when she’s gone it hits you like holy shit, in a way she is the glue of the group.
She may not always be the voice of reason but the girls know to always listen to her cause when she’s determined to figure something out, she will do just that. They know that they can count on her.
She is a pillar in the group, just as much as the other girls, even if the show doesn’t always give her a spotlight, we know that it’s true.
And… Fate just threw her out the window.
The fucking disrespect.
I personally think they just didn’t want to be bother with a complex character like Tecna.
I just… I hate that they couldn’t even be bothered to try while another part of me is glad that they didn’t ruin her with an angsty hacker take on her.
But my girl deserved better.
Anyways, on to the final section…
How Fate Failed To Capture the Essence of the Winx Club
How Fate Forgot the Most Important Aspect of the Winx Club: Friendship Amongst Young Women
The final section is something I’ve already touched on a bit but, in Fate, the girls aren’t friends. They barely feel like decent roommates.
I will never forgive the way they disregarded Stella and Bloom’s beautiful bond. They were each other’s person, they were bonded for life and truly they were just THE besties ya know?
And Fate just made them into competitors. There is not a single moment in the entire two seasons that they felt like friends, let alone besties. I cannot picture OG Bloom and Stella EVER acting like their Fate counterparts. Like my girls would rather die than do each other dirty like that.
Then we have Aisha. In the OG Aisha had 2 amazing bonds, Musa and Flora. We all know how big SonicWave is. Musa and Aisha immediately connected, they went clubbing and got into a bit of trouble together and Musa was the first to really understand Aisha’s backstory, and we see Musa trust Aisha with her boy problems.
Aisha and Flora feel like besties, they’re there for each other and have casual chats in the middle of the night.
With Stella, especially in season 4, Aisha and Stella can but heads from time to time but they know that their friendship will always prevail because all the girls are bonded for life.
None of that is present in Fate. In Fate when they butted heads I couldn’t care less. I just wanted to slap Stella because she was being a bitch and I was annoyed by Aisha. She doesn’t really interact with Musa and Terra isn’t Flora so it doesn’t work. And she and Bloom don’t feel like friends. Not really.
There is no Fate Tecna so we have no chance to get the amazing chemistry between Musa and Tecna, those two were perfect as besties, they just worked so well. 
It’s just… so many amazing bonds and friendships and dynamics all thrown away for the sake of angst, drama and useless conflict. 
The event that sets into motion the entire story of the Winx Club is Bloom running into Stella and choosing to help her. It’s Stella deciding to help this girl she just met get into Alfea because they just immediately bond and that’s who Stella is.
The very first time the girls hang out, when Bloom is attacked, the other girls don’t hesitate to join in on the fight to save Bloom, not necessarily because they’re close at this point but because all these girls would never just stand back when something like this is going on. But as their friendships and bonds grow, we quickly see that they are all ride or die.
They don’t fight over boys, if they tease or take things too far, they apologize. They may but heads and get into fights but they know (and we know) that their friendship will always prevail.
In Fate… they’re not even friends, let alone besties, let alone ride or die besties that would go to the ends of the world for each other.
All of those bonds and friendships are just… nonexistent .
How can Fate claim to be an adaptation of the Winx Club when they throw away the most important aspect of the show?
In the show, friendships always take center stage, romances always felt like sideplots or add ons, not the main drama, or they were rarely the main drama. And when romance was the main drama, there would be an inevitable scene of the girls comforting each other. (Stella comforting Bloom. Tecna, Bloom and Stella comforting Flora about Crystal. Musa letting out her frustrations about Riven with Aisha. The girls helping prepare Tecna for a date, etc.)
Friendship was the bloodline of Winx Club. And Fate somehow… missed that.
I’m too tired and frustrated to make an actual outro and I’ve been working on this for literal weeks so… that… is the end.
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rewritix · 9 months
repost pt 1
Reposted from deleted blog under same name.
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[image ID: upper half is angled view of solar system with a dragon design over-lay on top. lower right is top-down view of the same solar system. lower left is the color-coded guide of 20 planets, 4 suns, and characters new home planets.]
Reminder that I was inspired by @solar-tl-27 dragon universe concept, but mine is circular and their's is more branched, (? words are hard). Pink text is canon elements changed to planets, green is things I've made up completely, the color of the underlines is what revamped school they go to.
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thequietesthing · 4 months
rewatching Fate:the winx saga, rereading @dragonfly0808 winx rewrite (which if you haven’t you have to check out because it’s AMAZING) and occasionally rewatching some episodes of the og cartoon because my hyper fixation is back!!! hurray
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selenacloud · 8 months
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Name: Flora "Lotus" Blossom
Age: 19
Race: Faerie/Fairy
Personality: Kind, Soft- Spoken, Caring, Calm, Stubborn & Protective.
Physical Features: A lightly tanned-skinned girl with natural emerald green eyes. Has freckles on her cheeks and long brown hair.
Unique Physical Features: Has a Wood Elven-like face and ears, a trait from her family.
Fashion Aesthetic: Casual or Hippe Naturecore. She wears anything connected to her world's culture. Completed with nature stone necklaces or bracelets.
Unique Fashion Detail: Has a Flower Headband on her head.
Alfea Academy of Magix
Magic Skills:
Healing Magic
Ability to connect with nature (she can talk to them)
Potion Making
Female Best Friends
Male Best Friends:
Love Interest:
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lovemelody22 · 2 years
SO uhhh Fate the Winx saga got cancelled. With that being said, can we get another live action version of Winx club but actually done the right way? They can get my input as well.
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slyvieselkie · 2 years
Winx: Fate Saga writing ideas (Season 1)
Hi Lovelies, this is something I had been thinking of for quite some time and finally decided to release it.
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So, I'm sure many people have heard and seen Winx: Fate Saga. Just like many of the fans who grew up watching the cartoon, I did not enjoy it a single bit. Winx to me was almost perfect the way it was, maybe a little alterations here and there, but the concepts and ideas they had were beautiful. And Netflix could not have fucked it up worse than they did with the dumbass Riverdale plot line.
Let me explain. Season 1 had some incredible ideas, most it revolving around finding your own identity and understanding it. While it's a cliche story, it's still a great start and connection to many young people nowadays who have no idea where they belong.
For things to take a darker turn, I would start with Bloom and casual discrimination. The world of magic is seen as an incredible and amazing world, this would be a good coming of age moment for Bloom. This amazing world of endless possibilities, combination of dreams and fairy tale seem too good to be true. And it is. Slowly Bloom comes to notice the glances she receive and the whispers of the students around her. She might be a fairy but she's still not one of 'them'. At first Bloom tries to fight it but with her fiery personality it never works out and soon she gives up on trying to fit in conflicted over whether she should just return to Earth as just another girl. She doesn't belong anywhere at this point.
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Next up is one of the greatest story line that was skimmed over very briefly in the cartoon. Tecna and her understanding of emotions. This is an amazing and interesting plot. Young people nowadays believe that they feel too much and what to control their emotions. Tecna brings an interesting perspective to this as she has learnt to always place logic first, neglecting her emotions and therefore being unable to identify them, understand them, and truly express them. Throughout the story, she goes through many challenges with this new group where all of them are led by their hearts and emotions. Tecna begins to feel angry, to feel sad, and confused. She tries to distance herself worried about what it happening, actually she feels scared that her world is now being thrown upside down. Once Tecna finally realises this, she now feels jealous at the fairies who can express themselves freely.
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Princess Stella...was a complete abomination in the Netflix series. This is how I would rewrite, a character that is beloved by all and yet not many know the real her. Her character was one that defied stereotypes, how the popular and pretty girl doesn't have to be a bully. She's bright, happy, funny and snarky. She's the personification of the sun. I would start with creating an image of Stella as the girl who Bloom wants to become. Then it slowly begins to crumble, the smiles drop and the snark turns into words of hate. Bloom comes to realise the Stella they've all been seeing is the princess, not the 16 year old girl who has problems of her own. And every time someone tries to reach out, Stella will build a brick wall between them. Using smiles and laughs. I think it would be better to leave Stella's problem for Season 2, to keep her mysterious.
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Honestly I could not remember what Musa was like in the Netflix series. But Musa in the cartoon was a very interesting character. She's the fairy of music, her mother died when she was younger due to them not having enough money to buy medicine. She's a tomboy and puts on a tough front, despite being the most emotionally vulnerable. I would start developing Musa from her childhood of being the daughter of a successful food tycoon. That's all she's known for, having a rich dad. Who is never around by the way and pressures her to get good grades because she will be taking over the business one day. From childhood she had been used by so called 'friends' for her money, treated differently by everyone, and had very few adults to look up to. Because of this, Musa rejects everything related to her father. Except food and music. Because she still remembers the poor times when they sat around the dinner table picking at the humble dishes but still feeling full with each other's love. Why I chose food was that many second generation Asian imigrants have conflict with their Asian heritage and the way many reconnect is through food. This could also be the same for other cultures.
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Lucky last is Flora. Flora is a gorgeous girl with the kindest heart and if she wasn't a fairy she would have to be an angel. Flora, unlike the other girls, does not receive her own story line in the cartoon. However, Flora is the eldest with a little sister. I imagine that as the older sibling, she would be raised to be responsible and be the perfect role model for her young sister to look up to. And she began to embody that as her personality. Flora stays in line and helps everyone out as much as she can. Meaning she starts to get taken advantaged off, and Flora knows it but only accepts it with her smile. Because this is her identity and she feels safe having an identity. But as the other girls begin to mature, Flora begins to understand how changing can be a good thing and starts to break out of her chains.
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Mix this in with the core events from the cartoon and some mature fighting scenes, and you have a dark show that doesn't seem so stupid! Well to me any-wait! I forgot about the other characters! Stay with me just a little bit longer.
Onto the Trix (potentially my favourite characters)
For this season, I think I would chose Darcy as the main character with a dilemma of the trio. In the cartoon, Darcy in the first season is physically attracted to Riven (can't blame her) and uses her magic to manipulate him so he would become their spy. I would make this connection more romantically depressed. During his time being manipulated, Riven breaks out multiple times and insults her stating witches like her will always end up behind bars. Darcy grows frustrated that Riven is mentally strong and has no interest in her, not even through her looks and body. As their problems grow personal, Darcy rants to him about how the world and stupid boys always view witches as evil and fairies as good. Here her background is shown. Starting out as just a normal girl, Darcy begin to show signs of dark magic and accept her powers at a young age. Due to this Darcy grew up and begin to act more mature than her peers, dressing more provocatively, and the boys flock towards her. Young and rash, she does whatever they want and gives all of her only to be thrown away for a fairy when everyone begins to split between evil and good. Giving up on Riven, she puts him under her full control, miserable Darcy locks away her emotions and gets back on track with the plan. At the end she is led away to prison and Riven approaches her saying some sweet words to make her heart flutter. With a smirk, Darcy walks off.
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Now for some Specialists!
Brandon (definitely my favourite) is Prince Sky's squire, essentially his servant, and merely Sky's shield. But while he is a servant, Brandon is smart, funny, and an amazing swordsman. He is dating the Princess Stella. The man is winning at life. But he is still a servant and that is all he will be for the rest of his life. Besides, Stella doesn't even know who he is. He and Sky swapped identity to protect Sky from a terrorist. Stella thinks she's dating a prince right now, she's not. Just like his girlfriend, Brandon locks all of his insecurities away with a bright smile. Until the secret is revealed and Brandon is back to being at the bottom of society. After this he tries to distance himself from Stella but after the attack begins and Stella is thrown into danger, Brandon charges in to save her and realise he loves her too much. He'll fight his way up, to a knight, a commander, someone important enough that will allow him to stand next to the princess confidently.
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To those who read this whole thing, you are truly my lovelies! This is my version of Winx, mature and darker. Winx mixed in with reality to touch the emotions of it's audience which has now grown up or face the trouble of growing up. Please go ahead to add in your ideas and also do this for other shows as well! That's all from me 💋
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redhairedgirl95 · 1 year
Wip Wednesday
Continuing my impromptu winx week, here you have Wip Wednesday (a day late, obv)
an extract from an attempt at a Fate rewrite / Fate fix / Fate continuation. Will it ever see the light of day? That is for my future self to decide.
In the meantime, enjoy <3
From season 1, episode 3. The first line is a direct quotation from the episode
“It's butt stuff. She lets you do butt stuff!” “Mind your language.” “Excuse me?” “It’s the princess you’re talking about. Hold your tongue if you don’t want to lose it.” “Oh, sorry, Brandy. I didn’t see you there.” “The name’s Brandon.” “Don’t be such a hard ass, Brandon. We all know you have a hard on for the slutty princess.” He could’ve smashed his face. He almost did, until he didn’t. His fist got intercepted by Sky. “Just ignore him, man.” “Like you do?” Brandon seemed even angrier now. “I’ve been here five minutes and you haven’t even tried to make him stop slandering the Princess.” “Did somebody say my name?” Stella smiled as she joined the guys and went to sit next to Sky, giving him a peck on the cheek. “Hello, gorgeous.” She turned to Riven and made a sort of quick nod, just to acknowledge him, before greeting her guard. “Hi, Brandon. You know you don’t have to do that every time, right? But I do appreciate it.” He had got up and bowed, waiting for her signal to be at ease. She gave it but he didn’t sit back down. “I do, Your Majesty. And it’s my pleasure.” “Oh, you wish …” “Shut it, Riven.” Stella looked confused at Riven and Sky’s exchange.
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ladiijanedoe-blog · 1 year
⚠️ ATTENTION ⚠️ Spoilers ahead‼️Note: this is my own story and how I wish Season 02 Fate: The Winx Saga actually went. Some of the fanfic will include the continuation of plots introduced in Season 01. I hope you enjoy my HC 😌👍
Season 02:
Chapter 1: A New Arrival in Alfea.
The roaring sound of a motorbike riding across the dirt road can be heard for miles. A black figure sits upon it, hunched and fearless. The morning sun is yet to break and under the cover of darkness the figure is able to move through Solaria without detection.
The motorbike reaches the gates to Alfea, through the gates and up the driveway, the motorbike comes to a stop just outside the doors of the Main Hall. The driver turns off the ignition and rolls off the motorbike, a long hooded cloak covers the figure from sight.
Standing before the the grand architecture of Alfea, the figure gazes across the stone walls. They had been here before. Many years ago. Still looked the same, but this time, it felt different.
The hooded figure pulls out a small tracking device and begins making their way into the specialist building. Hidden in the shadows, the black hooded cloak made them invisible to any roaming students. As the figure sneaks quietly down the corridor, they reach a door. Puzzled they look at the tracker again. The tracker had led them to the boys dormitory. Surely this is a mistake? What would Saul Silva be doing in the boys dormitory?
Peering inside the room, two boys are asleep in their beds. The hooded figure walks around the room scanning for something. As they turn towards Sky’s bed, something catches their eye. The morning light has shone through the crystal attached to Saul Silva’s necklace. The figure stares at the necklace attached to Sky’s neck. And within a split second the necklace is ripped from Sky’s neck and they leave the room in a gust of wind.
Sky jumps awake as he hears the bedroom door hit the wall as if a tornado had just blown through. He touches his neck where his necklace once sat and notices it’s gone. In a scurry he jumps out of bed and runs out the door. Riven is awoken to the scurry and sits up on his elbows with one eye open.
Riven: “Man…. What’s happening….”
Sky runs down the hallway without a word only wearing his tracksuit pants. He runs around the winding pathway, looking for any trace of the intruder. That necklace was the last thing he had that reminded him of home, he wouldn’t let it be lost forever!
As he turns the corner he reaches the Grand Staircase leading to the Atrium. He runs into a group of students heading out for morning training.
Student: “WHOAAAA…. Careful mate!”
Sky corrects his footing and keeps running, he turns to apologise.
Sky: “SORRY.... SORRY!”
He keeps running, his heart beating fast pumping adrenaline throughout his body. His breath is heavy and deep. He can’t stop. As he rounds the corner of the balcony Riven appears in front of him blocking his path. Riven may not have looked like a brick house but he sure was strong like one. He stopped Sky dead in his tracks.
Riven: “MATE… Mate, where’s the fire ey?”
Sky tries to escape Rivens clutches.
Sky: “Riven! MOVE!….”
Rivens hold on Sky gets tighter.
Riven: “Sky! What’s gotten into you man?”
Sky’s adrenaline begins to dissipate. His body relaxes and Riven releases his grip to let Sky breathe.
Sky panting: “Silvas Necklace…… it’s gone… someone has taken it.”
Riven releases Sky completely and rests his hand on Sky’s back as he continues catching his breath.
Riven: “The fuck man!….. I thought someone stole your sword or something!”
Sky looks up at Riven.
Sky: “Just help me get it back!”
Riven: “Yeah alright, alright.”
Riven looks around for any sight of the intruder. Nothing looks out of the ordinary…. But then something catches his eye. Light flickers across his face. As he looks over the balustrade, he notices a hooded figure standing on the balcony overlooking the entrance driveway. The figure has the necklace dangling from their fingers raised to the morning sun, as if inspecting it for something.
Riven: “There! Com’on”
Riven points over to the second story balcony and Sky turns around to see. The two boys creep over the balustrade and carefully make there way up to the second story.
Riven and Sky pull themselves up and over the second story balustrade and creep towards the balcony. As they get closer the hooded figure snaps their neck towards them, half their face is hidden behind a mask. Only dark brown eyes are visible that pierce through Sky and Riven's soul with a glance. The hooded figure grasps the necklace and without a second thought, jumps from the second story balcony to the pebble driveway below.
Riven and Sky run towards the balcony and watch as the hooded figure lands on the ground and runs towards the training field.
Sky lifts himself over the balcony and straddles the balustrade. Riven grabs his shoulder in an instant.
Riven: “Mate! You ain’t jumping from the second story!”
Sky scuffles with Riven's grasp. But eventually is pulled off the edge and heads towards the staircase.
Sky leaps down the staircase with ease and heads towards the entrance doors. Sky may not be as strong as Riven, but he was quick and agile. He could outrun anyone and he had a fair distance to catch up on if he wanted the necklace back!
Sky takes chase, while Riven and a number of other students who had overheard the commotion follow behind.
The hooded figure turns around to see Sky only a meter or so behind. He was quick! Real quick! The figure runs towards the training mats and flips up onto the main stage. Sky darts up the stairs and meets them in the fighting ring. The hooded figure moves slowly and dangles the necklace from their fingers.
Sky: “Give that BACK!”
Sky is livid as he can see Silvas necklace within arms reach.
The hooded figure: “How did you get this?”
Sky reaches out towards the necklace but in an instant, the hooded figure snaps the necklace out of reach.
It was at this time that a crowd had formed around the stage. Riven took his place amongst the crowd intrigued as to the identity of the hooded figure.
Sky: “That’s none of your business.”
Sky attempts again to snatch back the necklace but the hooded figure blocks his advance with a quick karate chop to his forearm. Pain radiates up his arm as he bends over in pain.
Sky was hurt. How did a move like that cause so much pain? He looks up towards the figure.
The hooded figure: “It doesn’t belong to you.”
Sky moves quickly to deliver a low kick to the knee. But the hooded figure is quick and jumps up and clears the attack.
They both move to opposite sides of the stage preparing to fight!
Sky: “I’ll pry the necklace from your dead hands if I have to!”
Sky’s anger was growing, his face contorted with pure hatred. He was going to fight with everything he had to get the necklace back.
Riven: “Sky!”
Sky turns to the crowd and Riven throws him a sword.
The hooded figure takes off their cloak revealing a long flowing ponytail. The hooded figure was a woman. She pulls out a long staff from behind her back. The staff was ornate with metal detail, it was beautifully crafted and well looked after, the weapon of a true fighter! She was ready to fight back.
And with that, the two deliver blow after blow. Continuously attacking with power, speed and agility. The blade of the sword sparking against the metal on the staff. Sky’s mastered fight pattern only being met with more blocks and force delivered by the masked woman. There was no doubt that the masked woman was a trained fighter. Sky had a tough battle on his hands.
The crowd roared and cheered in awe of the masked woman. Who was she and where did she learn how to fight like that?
With all the commotion, more and more students began to gather surrounding the stage. Soon enough Andreas and his fellow trainers appeared behind the crowd of students, ushering them aside to get a better look at the combat taking place.
Sky could see Andreas in the corner of his vision, Andreas stood with arms crossed, annoyance plastered across his face.
Sky didn't see Andreas as a father figure, he hadn't been around throughout Sky's childhood. However, he did have something to prove to Andreas. Within a moment of reminiscing his childhood, Sky's feet fell from under him.
Sky hit the ground with a thud as the masked woman pinned him to the mat, her staff lay across his chest. As she placed her boot to secure the staff against Sky's body, she lowered her mask. Wow! She was beautiful, Sky thought.
Woman: "Well, looks like that's, check..... Mate!."
Her boot pushing into Sky's chest crushing him between the staff and the mat, Sky's breath is restricted as he continues to fight to escape.
Andreas: "Alright, that's enough now!"
Andreas yells out across the crowd.
Andreas: "You have had your fun..."
The fighter does not move she stares into Sky's eyes as if pinning him further into the mat. Sky mesmerized by her stare and begins to turn blue with the lack of oxygen. As Sky lays transfixed in the fighters stare, he sees a flicker of colour dance across her eyes. What was that? he thought.
The fighter breaks her stare and turns to Andreas. She releases her hold on Sky, he breaks free and gasps for air. Riven and a number of trainers rush to Sky's side.
Riven: "You alright mate?"
Sky pushing Riven aside while he attempts to catch his breath.
Kia walks over to Andreas bewildered at the sight.
Kia: "Well look who rose from the dead..... Andreas of Eraklyon."
Andrea stands as stiff as a board, arms crossed in front. In a huff, he turns and walks away from the crowd, Kia follows.
Sky after regaining his breath, stands up and watches Andreas speak to the young woman. How did he know her? Who is she? Why is she here?
The trainers usher the crowd of students back into the main building. Riven stands beside Sky and hands him a jumper.
Riven sarcastically: "Well at least she didn't kill you!
Sky pulls his jumper over his head, annoyed at Riven's comment.
Sky: "I had her Riven. I would have won too if Andreas didn't turn up!"
Riven laughs: "She handed your ass to you mate."
Sky scoffs as he watches Andreas and Kia walk towards the main hall.
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angstemperor · 3 months
Fate: A Winx Saga committed the worst literary crime and I'm mad about it
First things first, yes I know I'm late to this. I never had any real interest in watching it, especially after seeing how widely disliked it was, but I've been bored out of my mind to a physically painful degree and I needed something familiar with new-ish content so I gave it a shot.
The first season wasn't. awful per se, but it wasn't very good either. Everyone was incredibly one-dimensional, the story felt forced and all off. Even looking at it as its own thing and not as a Winx thing, it was just a horribly written series.
But, it was something to do and...actually no that's just all it was. Something to pass the time with. Either way, I started watching season 2, and I watched the entire thing.
Currently halfway through the last episode which was crawling along so slowly I ended up researching how it ended and when I tell you I am BEYOND DISAPPOINTED IN THIS.
Flat characters? Sure. That's common enough in cash-grabs.
Forced plots? I mean yeah not everyone knows how to write thing like life so it feels like biting into a burger or pizza or something instead of a wilty piece of lettuce, but it's fine I can tolerate that.
But being BORING?! Not only, right, not only was there MINIMAL connection between season 1 and 2 plot wise, but there was absolutely NOTHING EXCITING GOING ON. Its like they weren't even writing for an audience - did this actually make it past the concept art or did it spawn in and then they immediately started casting? Because what the hex is this mess.
I'd rewrite it myself if I wasn't second-hand burnt out on all the fairy school stories that exist right now.
Anyway yeah don't watch it
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wikate · 7 months
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New winx oc
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rivensdefenseattorney · 9 months
Aisha Character Profile
Basic Information
Name: Aisha Ailani Terinus
Race: Fairy | Merfolk Descendant
Age: 20
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Height: 5'8 (173 cm)
Unique Features
Royalty engravings on her back and arms
Education & Background
Education: Alfea
Year: Transfer Student
Concentrated Study: Diplomacy & Leadership in Fae Realms
Minor Studies: Enchanted Visual Arts | Diplomatic Negotiation Strategies | Elemental Combat Techniques
Favorite Class: Introduction to Mystical Movement
Birthplace: Kingdom of Terra, Andros
Mother: Niobe Terinus
Father: Teredor Terinus
Sister: Layla Terinus (Deceased)
Aunt: Ligea Marinus
Uncle: Neptune Marinus
Cousins: Tritannus, Tressa, Nereus
Tecna/Bloom (Winx Best Friends)
Sky/Brandon/Helia (Specialist Best Friends)
Love Interests*
Personality Traits
Brave: Aisha doesn't shy away from challenges or difficult situations, always facing them head-on.
Risk-Taker: She is willing to take calculated risks when necessary, unafraid of the unknown.
Passionate: Her passion fuels her actions, pushing her to excel and make a difference in what she cares about.
Strong Sense of Duty: Helping others isn't just a choice; it's a fundamental part of who she is.
Stubborn: Once Aisha has made up her mind, it's challenging to sway her from her chosen path. Her strong beliefs and principles make her resistant to changing her opinion or stance easily.
Tenacious: Aisha stubbornness often serves her well, especially in difficult situations where relentlessness is required.
Extroverted: She thrives in social environments, drawing energy from interactions with diverse personalities.
Adventurous: She actively seeks out novel and thrilling experiences. Always eager to learn and discover, she has an insatiable curiosity about the world.
Skills & Abilities
Proficient in staff-based martial arts/defensive techniques
Excels in water magic
Able to manipulate Morphix
Understands most languages of the sea
Can hold her breath underwater for a very long time
Can use Morphix to assist with breathing and swimming underwater
Hobbies & Interests
Water activities
Studying Oceanography/Languages
Meeting new people
Traveling to new places
Apart of a Quadrathlon Team
Apart of a Debate Team
Quirks & Habits
Follows a Pescetarian Diet
Goes for a swim or run every morning
Loves running bubble baths
Winx Rewrite Master Post
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dragonfly0808 · 2 years
So I’m about to scream because for some reason something possesed me to go check out the skloom (sky x bloom) tag and…
Like, I don’t mind them in Fate I’m honestly kinda indifferent but… I DON’T WANT THAT I WANNA SEE MY CARTOON SWEETHEARTS FUUUUUCCCCCKKKKK
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rewritix · 9 months
repost pt 2
reposted from deleted blog under same name.
So I wanted to expand the magical schools since in canon it kinda doesn't make sense, so I divided people into two categories of non-magic and magic, then each divided in two again, magically resistance and magically susceptible for non-magical; positive or negative for magical.
At first, I think they would be gender-locked but in more modern days the schools wouldn't be, just pass some type of admission exam.
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[image ID: eight mini-collages of schools; left side is the four magical schools: Alfea, Zaltora, Deeplake, Cloudtower. right side is the four non-magical schools: Malacoy, Oskuria, Red Fountain, Green Scales. Small notes like the title of students, assigned color, small design ideas and now changed students.]
Alfea, Cloudtower, Red Fountain, Malacoy are canon names. Deeplake's name is based on Cloudtower. Oskuria's name is based on Alfea. Zaltora's name is based on Malacoy. Green Scales' name is based on Red Fountain.
Alfea and Zaltora are positive magic users. Deeplake and Cloudtower are negative magic users. Malacoy and Oskuria are magically susceptible, focuses on non-magical calamities. Red Fountain and Green Scales are magically resisted, focused on magical calamities.
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[image ID: same eight mini-collages by now with rough uniform designs drawn over. magic user uniforms have undershirts and button-up vests/dresses. non-magic user uniforms are skin-tight spandex with differing lengths of sleeves and padding.]
Beta uniforms! just to get a rough design down.
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