#father and daughter fr
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they are literally serving the same face……
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sapphieissleepy · 1 year
The way she cried out for Joel…
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rcsadimare · 10 months
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yaepyep · 11 months
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IN HONOUR OF CAT DROPPING here’s a compilation of some old kazui memes bc i’m too lazy to make more <3 i love one man!!!!
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odetokeons · 1 year
i love the tough, grumpy, intimidating, big guy and the small, but incredibly powerful and badass kid they reluctantly adopted cinematic universe
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quillkiller · 5 months
all im saying is ive never seen someone criticize those marylily or dorlily fanart/fics where they’re harrys mothers and theres no james in sight
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is-the-milk-fresh · 1 month
My Fallout show "hot take" is that it is just as fandom brained to force a "father-daughter" relationship onto the Ghoul and Lucy as it is to ship them.
in both cases you are boxing a very interesting pair of characters into predetermined fandom tropes. You are not better because your box doesn't have them fuck nasty!
Dont get me wrong, go off! Enjoy it as a father-daughter duo! But do not be rude towards people who see two adult characters with a messy dynamic and ship them.
At the end of the day, theres very little in the actual text to imply either right now. Hell, I just saw two posts, back to back, describe the same scene in the exact same way up until the final paragraph, where one said "And thats why he's her dad!" and the other said "And thats why they're in love!".
Don't be an asshole and don't couch personal dislike in faux moralising. We are talking about a woman who casually fucked hooked-up with her cousin and a 200 year old zombie vagabond. Its not that deep.
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tfw when your daughter adopts an alien without consulting you
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telffiin · 2 months
aroace mayjack real !!!
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not claudia tap dancing just like louis </3
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cremeriie · 10 months
okay so i have been thinking sooo much lately about Osvald and the father-daughter dynamics he might have with specifically Ochette and Agnea. HOWEVER tonight i was thinking about how he and Throne would interact, and how different their dynamic would be from the other two girls.
like, okay, so i feel like that, for Osvald, it's only natural for him to compliment the others on their magic use, especially in battle when his inhibitions are lowered. so, when Throne uses something like veil of darkness and wipes a whole group of foes, it's not strange to hear him say "nicely done" or something like that.
how do you think that makes Throne feel? her entire life, the only time her "father" ever complimented her skills was when he was making her do terrible things for terrible reasons. do you think she flinches at the words, pit forming in her stomache? she probably feels guilty, reacting that way, because 'what a stupid thing to be upset about, he isn't even your father, and you certainly aren't his daughter.' but then she sees the way he softens around the other girls and deep down, she wishes that he might have been.
it makes her sick to think about how unfair life is.
and Osvald probably doesn't even notice there's a problem, 'cause honestly his people skills are not the strongest. but once he finally does catch on he is at a complete loss at what to do about it.
i think it makes their interactions difficult. neither one knows how to approach something like this, and let's be real, neither of them are the warmest out of the bunch either. osvald probably just stops complimenting her all together, which only makes Throne feel worse because when she was little, at least the compliments meant she wouldn't be expecting a lashing when she returned home. what's worse, being a snake or being a failure?
the real kicker is that i dont even know how they would fix this. they probably part ways never resolving the weird tension they both know exists, for reasons they obviously know about, but are too emotionally damaged to bring up. (Osvald is proud of her resilience. he never says so. Throne truly appreciates his praise. she never lets on.)
anyways whoops sorry i dont have a happy end for this one um goodnight everybody sorry about that!
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justsierrasart · 1 year
I love this meme very much and I will not stop drawing different characters in it
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laz-kay · 7 months
Upon watching Bob's Burgers for the first time, my dad has decided that Tina is the main character and he and I are Bob and Tina. I want to cry :')
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miekasa · 2 years
gojo’s son calling everyone baby is adorable, but i am also interested in the opposite concept you mentioned of levi/nanami’s kid calling them by their first names 😅
HHHHHH HELP 😭😭 no because tell me it wouldn’t happen to them. All the gentle parenting in the world, kids are spoiled with affection, but extremely compassionate and well-mannered and the only catch is their four year old looking them dead in the eye and call them by their first name 😭
You keep telling Kento that it’s a phase, that your daughter is just experimenting and probably getting used to the fact that her daddy has a name other than daddy, but it doesn’t make him any less exasperated. Your son never calls him by his first name, so why must his sweet, baby girl torture him so. You have to resist laughing when he comes home from a hard day of work, and gets hugs from your children; your son squeezing him extra tight, before rambling on about his day, and then your daughter, running into her father’s arms, only to happily squeal, “Hi, Ken!!”
He doesn’t get why it’s only him—she never calls you by your first name—but he’s being patient 😭😭 the exasperation in his expression only worsens to hear from Gojo that his two year old calls him “baby,” and Kento is stuck with the world’s most determined four-year-old calling him by his government name. (It does fade away, eventually. She goes back to calling him daddy after some time, and when he dares to ask why, his daughter only shrugs telling him that her brother told her “Daddy” was his real name.Kento would have to pack his son an extra treat for the next week of lunch).
Levi gets something… similar. His kid sits down square in his lap one day and asks him directly, “What’s your real name?” Levi leans forward, his nose brushing against hers to play along, “Depends. Who’s asking?” “Me, daddy!” When he does finally tell her, he doesn’t get much of a response; he laughs internally, he supposes “Levi” wasn’t all that much of an interesting answer when she trots away to her bookshelf afterwards. Soon, though, you and Levi come to learn that your daughter doesn’t like other people addressing him as “her daddy,” and vice versa, is quick to correct you when you call him Levi instead of “daddy” in front of her.
When you’re talking to her through the rear view mirror, accidentally saying Levi’s name in conversation, the toddler is quick to perk up, “Daddy’s picking me up today?” You pause, looking back through the mirror to her determined little pout, as if she’s testing you; and you do your best to conceal your laughter—because she’s truly her father’s child—before you nod, “Yes, daddy’s gonna pick you up today, my love.” Erwin finds this out the hard way, when he’s left to watch the small girl and is telling her about their dinner plans, “Your dad left his card, so we can—” “His name is Levi.” Erwin is stunned to say the least, and he’ll never admit it out loud but he’s a little… scared to argue with the toddler, only nodding before correcting himself, “Right, Levi left his card, so we can order pizza for dinner, if you want.”
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