#father knows best IBI
nottapossum · 28 days
Father knows best chapter 14: Don't give up on me
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'I will fight
I will fight for you
I always do, until my heartIs black and blue
And I will stay
I will stay with you
We'll make it to the other side
Like lovers do.
I'll reach my hands out in the dark
And wait for yours to interlock.
I'll wait for you.
I'll wait for you. ~ Don't give up on me, Andy Grammer. {movie: Five feet apart.}
Possum note: That's right, this book still exists. I didn't forget. Don't worry. Lol.
I've been so sick all week otherwise it would have been posted last week. Had some editing to do for it before posting. Hopefully it's alright. It's really late rn.
⚠️TW: involuntary Regression, talks of abuse, mentioned trafficking lots of hurt feelings, apologizes, regrets, implied self hate, Talks of violence, fear of rejection, hospitals. LMK if I should add.
~~~M&M: Past:~~~
Millie and Moxxie had the most beautiful wedding.
He's not sure if it was only the most beautiful wedding he's ever seen because it was actually that beautiful…or because it was his. 
It didn't really matter, it was the most beautiful in any case. 
He's never been so happy in his entire life!
…but he's also never been more terrified either. 
Millie would be in huge danger if they were ever found out.
He has absolutely no doubt that she could handle herself if anyone came after them, but that didn't mean he felt okay about that possibility.
“I wish my parents could've been here to see this.” Millie says as they lay in their bed at the hotel room.
“I know. Me too.” He says, laying down next to her. 
The two of them stare at the ceiling…
“Did you tell your pa we got married?” Millie asks. 
“Yeah, he says congratulations.” He lies. 
Millie smiles. “That was nice. When do I get to meet him?” 
“I don't know.” Moxxie says. “He’s just really busy. He's never really had time for family stuff…not since…”
“Your ma?” Millie asks. 
“Yeah.” He says. 
“Do you think she would have liked me?” Millie asks. 
“She would have loved you.” Moxxie tells her…
…It's the truth…he thinks. 
But sometimes, you have to make up your own truth. “She would have been very happy for us.” He says. “She would have loved to be here.”
He tried so hard to imagine what it would have been like if she were here…
There's a good version…and a bad one. 
In the good fantasy, she helped Millie get ready, told her how happy she was that Moxxie was happy…like the movies. 
She'd give Millie the pearls she wore at her wedding, a gift from her mother. 
And Millie would wear them, even if they're not really her style. 
Millie is a badass, but she's also so kind and polite. Even if Moxxie tried to say something, Millie would insist she wear them. 
‘I'm wearing them. They're the…most beautiful pearls I've ever seen in my entire life and I'm honored.’ 
‘Millie, you don't have to-’
‘Shut up, I'm wearing them!’ 
His mother would turn to Moxxie and tell him to treat Millie well because she deserved the world…because she does. 
She absolutely does.
She deserved everything from him. Every good thing he could give. 
Since he was already imagining, his father and Alessio would be there too… 
His father would tell him that he made his father proud, that he found a good one. 
Alessio would hand them the rings at the ceremony with a proud smile on his face.
Then, there was the real version…
What would really happen if they were all there…
His mother would beg him not to do it.
‘Don't ruin Millie's life like your father did mine, please. She deserves better than this.’
She'd warn Millie not to go through with it. 
His father would call him a miserable failure, he'd definitely put a stop to the wedding before it could actually happen… 
Alessio would pull him away before the ceremony so that Millie would think he just stood her up.
They'd lock him up for a few days, and his mother would tell him it was all for the best.
“Honey?” Millie asks him, pulling him out of those dark thoughts. “Are you okay?” 
….He decided he'd stick with the fantasy.
Moxxie smiles at her. “I'm okay. I love you so much.” He tells her, taking her hand. 
“I love you too.” She says. She kisses Moxxie with such passion and devotion that he could feel nothing but happiness and love for her. 
She was his family now…
No one else matters.
They're okay. And he’ll do everything to make sure of that. 
They arrive at the hospital to bring M&M in.
Stolas was already there at the door waiting for them. 
Once they are parked, Stolas starts barking orders at the hospital staff, knowing he'll need to use his authority to get them to help the imps. Imps aren't exactly a priority otherwise. 
Blitzø gets out of the van quickly so they can get to Millie first. 
“Blitzø! Are you alright?” Stolas asks once he's out of the van, taking his wrist so he can look the imp over quickly to examine his burns and scars.
“I'm fine, M&M are the ones who need help.” Blitzø explains. “Millie was shot, and Moxxie- I  don't really know what's happening with him to be honest with you. But he's not… doing okay.” 
Stolas tells the staff to get Millie out of the van. “She needs help first, and then these two.” Stolas gestures to Moxxie and Blitzø once Moxxie is also out, along with Loona and Sallie May. 
The staff nods and they immediately tend to Millie. 
Blitzø sighs. “Stolas-” 
“Shush.” Stolas says to Blitzø before turning his attention back to the staff. “And check those two as well.” He says, pointing at Loona and Sallie May. “No one is leaving this hospital until you're sure everyone is alright.” He says.
“Yes, sir. We'll get her in and fixed up, if everyone else can please wait in the waiting room.” One of the doctors says to them. 
Stolas gestures for Blitzø to sit in the waiting room first, face firm in case he tries to argue again. 
Blitzø does as Stolas tells him, but he doesn't like it! He hates hospitals! Stolas knows that! 
His little self is creeping out, small thoughts of how mean Stolas is for making him do this, it's not fair-
Now is not the time to be small, Blitzø!
He tried to get himself out of it, thinking of big things…
Uhm taxes…
Stolas attempts to comfort Blitzø by placing a gentle hand in his.
Blitzø looks at their hands, then smiles and lightly squeezes Stolas's. 
He's not really helping the smallness. But he does appreciate it. 
Suddenly, someone shoves a clipboard at him. Not violently, but suddenly. “Just some paperwork for you to fill out. Where do I give Millie's?” One of the nurses asked.
Blitzø blinks. “Uh.” 
“I got it.” Stolas says, taking the clipboard. 
“You know nothing about Millie.” Blitzø says once the nurse is gone. 
“You're doing it.” Stolas says. “I don't think Moxxie is in the right headspace for it.”
“No kidding.” Blitzø mumbles, taking the clipboard from him. 
He finishes his and then does his best to fill in Millie's…
But he doesn't know everything about her…
He needs Moxxie's help. 
He looks up at the white haired Imp, just staring at his own clipboard, eyes looking dead. 
This was all his fault…
Why didn't he just ask Stolas for help sooner?
Moxxie deserves a lot better.
~~~Moxxie and Blitzø:~~~~
Moxxie sat down by himself across from Blitzø, but far enough away from him and Loona. He really just wants to be alone right now…
But he also doesn't. He doesn't really know. 
The nurse handed him some paperwork, and he set it aside immediately, he didn't want to see a doctor…he just wanted it all to be over. 
He wishes he didn't exist.
But not with his father…
Or with him? It would be easier if he was there instead.
No, that would not be better, that's manipulation talking. Not the truth.
He wants to be here.
Okay not here…but better here than there he supposed. 
He has a clipboard in his hands… 
He looked at the other one that he just set aside, then looked down at it and realized it wasn't the hospitals…it was the list of all the littles that were trafficked by his father.
He doesn't even remember grabbing it. He flips it open and looks through the many names…
He carefully reads them…looks like most of those who were trafficked are in pride. 
Makes sense, probably sinners since they can't adopt littles of their own. 
For good reasons, he's sure. 
Sick fucks. 
Moxxie looks up at Blitzø who was looking at him with what appeared to be nervousness. 
He blinks…is he sure it's Blitzø?
Blitzø hands him another clipboard, there's too many clipboards. 
“I tried filling it in as best as I could but I don't remember Millie's blood type.” Blitzø says. “Or birthday.” 
Moxxie doesn't respond, only looks over the unanswered questions and fills them out real quick.
Blitzø sits next to him. “Hey…” 
Moxxie looks back at his boss. 
Blitzø sighs, he knows Moxxie is not okay, but he wants to ask anyway! What's a way to ask that isn't so…obvious? 
“How uh- how you holding up?” Blitzø asks, hoping that was an okay way of asking. 
Moxxie shrugs, expression not changing. “I don't know…I'm-” 
He thinks it over, not sure what to say. 
He gives up, finishing Millie's paper work before moving on to his own.
“Look…Mox, I'm so sorry for what happened today- I didn't mean to start that fire…” Blitzø takes a second to breathe, not wanting to think about how…
How familiar it all felt.
He often wished he just apologized to Fizz that day, he wasn't about to make the same mistake with Moxxie. 
Moxxie doesn't say anything, so Blitzø continues: “I could have saved you earlier if I had just accepted help from Stolas. I don't know why I didn't I guess I just-”
Moxxie raises an eyebrow. “Did- did you just apologize to me?” He asks. 
Blitzø looks at Moxxie, confused. “...Yes?”
“You've- I don't think you've ever done that before.” Moxxie says.
Blitzø hums. He looks away from Moxxie. “Yeah…pretty sure I owe you at least five thousand apologies at this point.” He says. “Sorry it took so long to finally hear one. I've been awful to you. I'm awful to everyone…it's not a excuse, that would be the worst defense actually…I just-” 
“That's two.” Moxxie says.
Blitzø scoffs. “Shut up, please? I'm being serious.” He says, slightly amused by Moxxie, but not wanting to admit it.
“Serious too? Wow. Lots of new behaviors from you today.” Moxxie says, not mean or sarcastic, just…teasingly? 
“Forgive me for being a little remorseful.” Blitzø rolls his eyes in annoyance, crossing his arms as he leans back in his chair. 
“Vocabulary improved too.” Moxxie says.
“Okay, we're done talking about me.” Blitzø says, same annoyed tone. 
“Stolas must be a good influence on you-”
“Moxxie!” Blitzø shouts, not in a mean way, just loudly to show his seriousness. 
Moxxie chuckles. “I'm sorry, I'm done. I'm just…I don’t know. I can't take anything seriously right now. Everything is so fucked up, I don't really know how to react to anything right now. 
Blitzø nods. “Yeah…I get that.”
“I’m sorry I lied to you, sir.” Moxxie says, catching Blitzø a little off guard. 
“Blitzø.” Blitzø corrects, not sure how else to respond. 
Moxxie nods. “I’m sorry I lied to you, Blitzø. I know I should have told you the truth before, but it was just- I- well…”
“Moxxie…you have nothing to apologize for, alright? You didn’t do anything wrong. I wouldn’t have told me either, are you kidding?” Blitzø asks. “You didn't know what kind of person I was. And even when you did, it didn't really matter. Besides, I sorta figured you were a little anyway.” Blitzø admits.
“Really?” Moxxie asks. ”It was that obvious?” 
“Well, it was always a question in the back of my mind. The point is, you have nothing to be ashamed of, and just because I know for sure now, doesn’t mean I’ll treat you any different.” Blitzø explains. 
“Thank you, s- uh Blitzø.” Moxxie says. “But-“
“What?” Blitzø asks.
“Crimson threatened your family, he threatened I.M.P! Even if he is…-” He can't bring himself to say it. “I bring danger wherever I go! What if the rest of my family decides to find me? What if they-” 
Blitzø grips his shoulders again. “Moxxie, my family is safe. We’re fine. Everyone is okay. If they’re not, we’ll deal with it. This isn’t your fault.” He says.
“But I should never have let it get that far in the first place! You saved me from being homeless, you helped me escape prison, saved me from my family, twice now- you don’t deserve this!” Moxxie says.
“Moxxie, we’re friends. We fight shit together. Besides, this was nothing I couldn’t handle.” Blitzø says. “We escaped prison together, we started I.M.P together, we fought the human government! There's nothing we can't do. And Millie? She could do it all without us, but she has us: we can handle anything that's thrown our way so long as we got each other's backs.”
“Moxxie nods. “Thanks, Blitzø.”
“Don’t mention it.” He says. “Well, since I now know your secret…I guess it's only fair you know mine.”
“Are you going to tell me that you're a little too?” Moxxie asks him.
Blitzø sighs. “Yup.”
“I figured.” Moxxie says. 
Blitzø shrugs. “Well, littles kinda have a weird sixth sense about these things.” Blitzø says. 
Moxxie nods. “Yeah... “It doesn't change how I feel about you either.” He says reassuringly.
“Thanks, Mox.” Blitzø doesn't smile, but Moxxie knows that he was happy to hear it.
“I need to apologize to Millie.” Moxxie says. “But, I don't know how.” 
Blitzø nods. “Yeah, that won't be a fun one. But, it'll be fine.”
“What if she never forgives me?” Moxxie asks.
“She will.” Blitzø says.
“She shouldn't.” Moxxie argues.
“She will.” Blitzø says again, a little louder. 
“I didn't mean to cause all of this.” Moxxie says. 
“Moxxie, stop. You didn't cause this.”
“Stop saying that.” Moxxie says. “Because I did.”
“I will stop once you stop blaming yourself, it was my fault more than it was yours; You didn't ask to be kidnapped or to be forced into your father's creepy mind games.” He says. “You're the victim in case you haven't noticed.” 
Moxxie looks as if he's about to say something else…but he doesn't. 
While they were talking, Stolas had taken all the paperwork to the nurse. 
“Moxxie Knolasname?” The nurse called. “The doctor will see you now.” 
Moxxie stands up. 
“Good luck.” Blitzø says. 
Moxxie smiles at him. “Thanks, Blitzø.” 
Moxxie looks at him for a moment, as if there was something more he wanted to say…
But he didn't. 
~~~Blitzø and Loona:~~~
After the conversation with Moxxie, Blitzø got started on his next apology…
He moved to sit down next to his daughter, the guilt eating at him alive…
“What do you want?” Loona sighs. 
“I didn't mean to worry you, Loony.” Blitzø says. “I know I messed up.” He says.
Loona sighs. “We could have lost Moxxie.” She states.
She holds up a finger. “I couldn't lose you both. I couldn't live with that. You're my father, dude. You're supposed to be there, I still need you around!” She shouts, trying not to be too loud, but she's so angry, she can't help it. 
Blitzø takes a deep breath. “I know, I'm sorry. I just-”
“You need to take care of yourself!” Loona says. “I'm not losing another parent.” She says. 
“Loona, you're not-”
Loona starts tearing up. “This was all my fault…” she whispers.
“What?” Blitzø asks, he hasn't seen her cry in a while…he's not sure what to do. 
“I was supposed to be watching him, I couldn't track him down, I've been so awful to him!” Loona cries outwardly now. 
“Hey.” Blitzø rests a hand on her shoulder. “Loona, this was not your fault…do you hear me?” Blitzø asks.
Loona nods. “Yeah.”
“Good. It wasn't your job to take care of Moxxie, he's a grown man.” He says. “I never should have put that on you. I never thought it would go this far.” 
“...I couldn't track him.” She says. 
“It was impossible to track him. Why would I expect the impossible from you?” Blitzø asks. “That's ridiculous.” 
“You don't get it.” Loona says. “It's the one thing I'm good at, the only thing I'm good for, isn't that why you adopted me!?” She asks. 
Blitzø's eyes widened. “What?! Of course not! Loonie-” 
Loona turns away. 
“No, look at me, Loonie.” Blitzø tells her. “You are my daughter. You mean way more to me than your physical abilities. I know you. You're smarter than you think you are, you're hilarious, driven, you hide everything behind sarcasm and anger but I know how passionate you are, how you want way more than anyone could or has ever offered. Loona…you matter to me. I love you. I saw that you had so much to offer the world and deserved a better chance, that's why I adopted you. No other reason.” 
Loona looks at him.
“I went into that pound to find a hellhound for I.M.P. but…my motives changed once I saw you.” Blitzø explains further. 
Loona smiles. 
She wants to thank him, tell him that she loves him too…
She really doesn't want to cry again. 
Loona wipes away the tears quickly and stands up. “I'm gonna go get some real Coffee, want some?” Loona asks.
Blitzø shakes his head. “No, my nerves are bad enough right now.” He says, half joking. 
Loona smiles and nods. “Yeah.” She turns to Stolas, who was a decent distance away. “Take care of him?”
Stolas smiles at her, then at Blitzø. “Always.” 
~~~Stolas and Blitzø: a few minutes later:~~~
“Okay, Mr Blitzo. We're ready for you.” Someone suddenly says. 
Blitzø's breathing fastens as his chest feels this horrible- horrible pain.
He was doing so well, but now he either wants to cry or kill every nurse and doctor in this damn place! 
“Is it alright if I accompany him?” Stolas asks.
“I suppose so, if he's okay with that.” The doctor says. 
“Blitzø?” Stolas asks him for clarification. “Is it alright if I go with you?”
Blitzø nods, taking Stolas's hand. “Please.” 
He's feeling small…he can't fight it anymore. He needs Stolas there! 
Stolas smiles. “Come on.” He leads Blitzø to the doctor's office. 
They get a few strange looks, but no one questioned why he went with the imp.
“Take a seat please.” The doctor tells him. 
Blitzø climbs up on the hospital bed and sits down, still holding Stolas's hand.
He's kicking his little feet anxiously and his eyes are showing off innocence.
Stolas realizes he's small now, and he gives Blitzø a worried look. 
“Alright, Mr Blitzø. What happened here?” The doctor asks. 
Blitzø doesn't answer, he just bites down on one of his claws. 
“There was a fire.” Stolas says softly, taking Blitzø's hand out of his mouth. 
“Is he a little?” She asks Stolas. 
Stolas feels a cold sweat as the imp is reaching for him, asking for some comfort. 
“Well, I want to say no.” Stolas says. 
“Stowes.” Blitzø whispers loudly, it's cute he thinks the doctor can't hear that. 
“He's a secret little then?” She asks. “I get those more often than you'd think. I promise I won't say anything.” She says. “It's not really any of my business.” 
“Oh.. Thank you, I appreciate that.” Stolas says. 
She gently and carefully touches Blitzø’s face.
Blitzø flinches and moves away from her. 
“Hey, it's okay, sweetie.” She says. 
Blitzø whines, reaching and clawing at Stolas to get away. 
Stolas takes his hands carefully. “Blitzø, calm down, please. She's not going to hurt you, I promise I wouldn't let her do that.” 
Blitzø does believe Stolas, but that didn't make him any less afraid! 
His breathing continued rapidly as soft whines escaped him as she examined his wounds. 
She looks them over and carefully bandages him up.  “He'll be fine, there's gonna be quite a few new white marks on him, but-”
“But he'll be alright?” Stolas asks. 
She nods. “Oh yeah, he'll be fine.” She turns to Blitzø. “You'll have to keep those bandages on for a bit until they're fully healed, okay hun?” The doctor asks. “Replace them every day or so, or whenever you think you need to.”
Blitzø doesn't answer her, just stares at her with fear and skepticism.
Stolas speaks up. “I'll make sure he takes care of himself. Don't worry.”
She smiles. “You're so lucky to have such a good caregiver.” She says, handing Blitzø a lollipop.
Blitzø takes it, reluctantly, biting the plastic and deciding its gross. 
Stolas shakes his head as he takes the lollipop and unwraps it for him. “No, I'm the lucky one.” 
“Is that your daddy?” The doctor asks. 
Blitzø shakes his head. “Mm no. Dats my Stowes.” 
Stolas pets his head. “Is there somewhere we can go until he's out of his headspace?” Stolas asks.
“Of course. There's a quiet room outside. Walk down the hall. It's the one with the koala on the door.” She says. 
“Thank you.” Stolas smiles.
~~~Moxxie and Sally May.~~~
“You alright?” Sallie May approached Moxxie once he got out of the doctors office, she handed him a coffee from the machine. 
“I'm fine.” Moxxie says, taking the coffee. “Thanks.” 
“The coffee here sucks.” She says. “I'm getting some real coffee after they tell us Millie's not fucking dying.” 
Loona offered to get her one, but she turned her down, not knowing the wolf  well enough to trust her with her drink. 
Moxxie’s breathing fastens at that moment, thinking about Millie and the state she's in!
“Woah, chill out. She's fine, she's survived worse than this.” Sallie tells him. 
“I know, I know. I know she's fine, I just-”
“You're worried, I get it.” Sallie says. “I am too…” 
They were quiet for a few minutes, 
“So. You're a little?” Sallie May asks. 
Moxxie nods, it was weird admitting it. “Yeah, so?”
“So, how'd you fake the test?” She asks. 
“My father made me.” Moxxie says. “Hypnosis works wonders on the mind.” 
Sallie May hums, understandingly. 
“How about you?” Moxxie asks back.
Sallie's eyes widened. “What?”
“I've known since I first met you.” Moxxie says.
“You've never said anything...” Sallie says, shifting awkwardly. 
“It's not really my business.” Moxxie says. 
Sallie licks her lips. She has never talked to anyone about it…ever. Not even Millie or her brothers. 
“You don't have to answer.” Moxxie says. “I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable.” 
She looks away from him, appreciating his sensitivity, she supposed. 
She's not sure if it was the situation or the fact that Moxxie is a little that makes her want to, but she does want to tell him. “...It was hard after I came out.” She explains, not entirely sure why, but she thinks she can trust him. “My parents didn't really…get it. I mean, they were fine with me being myself, they tried to be supportive. But, it was so stressful! Everyone was treating me like- like I changed but I didn't! I dyed my hair and changed my clothes, and they acted like I was a complete stranger they didn't even know!” 
Moxxie nods.
Sallie took some deep breaths. The only one who treated her the same was Millie, their rivalry didn't change a bit…and it was amazing! 
‘Thanks for not…you know, treating me like a complete stranger.’
‘You're not a stranger, I always knew who you were, an annoying, stubborn, badass bitch. I think…you're brave. Being honest about who you are isn't always easy. Especially with our parents.’
It was a small compliment that they barely lingered on…
But it meant the world to Sallie… 
“After that I- I just- I didn't know how to tell them that I was a regressor too. So, I didn't. I studied that test for months to make sure I didn't get a regressor classification… I just couldn't do it.” 
Moxxie nods. “Yeah…I get that.” Moxxie sayd. “I don't know how I'm going to face it.” 
“Face what?” She asks.
“The rest of my life.” Moxxie says. 
“I've been there, trust me. Sometimes being yourself is harder than the fake version you've invented…but that ain't livin.” She says. 
“But I've been pretending my whole life.” Moxxie says. “I don't even know where the facade ends and I start. I feel like I've been broken for so long…and I'm just pretending I'm all put together.”
“It's okay to not be, you know, it's okay to not be alright. It's alright to be a little broken. Everyone is a little…” 
“People always say that, but they never mean it.” He says. 
“I do…” She takes a sip of coffee then turns to him. “Suffer.” She says, snarkily. 
Moxxie rolls his eyes.
“Seriously though, let yourself feel. Those who really matter will be there. “
“You need to learn to take your own advice.” Moxxie says. 
Sallie shrugs. “But I worry no one in my family really matters.” 
“We do.” Moxxie says. “Millie and I will be there for you regardless of what your family says. But you should give them a chance to care before assuming they won't be supportive.”
Sallie May scoffs. “You need to learn to take your own advice.” 
“Moxxie, you can see your wife now.” 
Moxxie feels a sharp pain of guilt hit his heart…
He takes a deep breath.
“It'll be alright.” Sallie May promises. 
But there's no way she can know that…
Moxxie nods anyway and stands up.
“Don't tell Millie about me.” She says. 
“I wouldn't do that.” Moxxie says. “I promise your secret is safe with me.” 
~~~Stolas and Blitzø:~~~~
Blitzø and Stolas find the quiet room. 
The sign on the door wrote: ‘Quiet room/Sensory-friendly room. Please be respectful.’
The room was a beautiful blue color, and the lighting was soft as was the music that was playing inside. 
There were toys in the center of the room, and beautiful shelves that were sorted nicely and labeled. 
-soft toys.
It was a paradise for any little one, or for those who deal with sensory issues, anxiety, or those who are autistic. 
It had everything they could possibly need. 
Stolas set Blitzø down next to him in the seating area. “Are you doing alright?” Stolas asks him.
Blitzø shrugs, climbing back onto Stolas’s lap. 
“Do you want to go home?” He asks, petting the imp’s head. 
Blitzø shakes his head and whines through the lollipop in his mouth, hugging Stolas tight. 
“Would you like to stay with me tonight?” Stolas asks him. 
Blitzø nods. “Scay.” He says through the lolly. 
Stolas kisses the top of Blitzø's head. “Alright, you can stay with me. As long as you'd like, little one.” 
“Stowes?” Blitzø asks, taking the candy out of his mouth. 
“Yes dear?” 
“M’ in twoble?”
Stolas tilts his head. “Of course not, darling. Why would you think that?” 
“I ‘pose ta be big.” He says. 
Stolas kisses the top of Blitzø's head. “You can't help that, darling. You had such a big stressful day today. Besides, the doctor isn't going to say anything. Even if she did, I promise I would never let anything bad happen to you. Alright?” 
Blitzø nods. “Stowes?”
“Hawts.” He whines, resting his head against Stolas's chest.
“I know, dear. I promise it'll get better.” Stolas holds him gently, avoiding his more sensitive areas. It was hard but he found a comfortable enough position to hold the imp before the little one fell fast asleep. 
~~~Millie and Moxxie:~~~
Moxxie hesitates a moment before entering Millie's room.
What can he say? 
He lied to her, hid his true self, his family, and dragged her into all of it.
His head was spinning and he felt so cold…
The doctors had prescribed him anti-anxiety medication and gave him the number to a therapy clinic.
That's what he needs. Drugs and strangers to talk to about what happened. 
Right now he wishes he could take the drugs.
And talking to a stranger would be easier than talking to Millie right now …
Which hurts…because Millie is his favorite person to talk to.
He takes a deep breath and opens the door. 
“Moxxie!” She smiles, lively as ever. She acts as if she didn't lose a shit ton of blood from her wound. 
“Hi.” Moxxie smiles. “How are you feeling?”
Millie reaches for Moxxie's hand and pulls him forward, hugging him tightly. “I'm so glad you're safe. Are you hurt at all?” 
Moxxie shakes his head. “I'm fine Millie. I'm not hurt. I'm okay.” 
Millie sighs with relief. “Good.” 
There was a few minutes of silence between the two…now that they both know the other was fine… there was room for other thoughts.
“Moxxie?” Millie asks, voice a bit hesitant, but determined as well. 
Moxxie looks at her. “Yeah?” 
Millie looked up at her husband sadly. “Why didn’t you tell me?” She asks him. “I would have understood. I don't under-” 
“Millie…” Moxxie turns his head slightly away from her. “Can we maybe not talk about this right now?” He interupts. 
“I’m your wife!” Millie says. “How could you not tell me? I am always here for you, how could you think that I-” Millie takes a deep breath. “What did you think I would do to you?” 
Moxxie shakes his head. “Nothing, I just-” he really didn’t want to talk about it…he wanted to forget it.
“Moxxie?” Millie asks. “Are you alright?” 
Moxxie shakes his head again. “She was right. I never should have dragged you into this. I'm sorry.” 
“Who's she?” Millie asks. 
Moxxie gets up and walks around the room a bit. He doesn't know why, he just has to move! 
“Moxxie?” Millie asks. 
“Do you need anything?” He asks. “Are you hungry or need another pillow?” 
“I need answers.” She says simply. 
She doesn't understand any of this…what was going on!?
Moxxie sighs. “Millie…please?” 
Millie nods. “Alright. I'm- I'm sorry. You're right. It can wait, I'm just-”
Moxxie takes her hand. “You don't have to be…I'm the one who's sorry.” Moxxie says. 
Millie smiles at him. “It's okay.” She says. “You didn't do anything wrong, hun. I'm not mad at you.” 
“Really?” Moxxie asks. “You're not mad?”
“Of course I'm not mad. I'm confused, maybe a little hurt, but I'm sure you have your reasons, right?” Millie asks him. 
Moxxie nods. 
Millie reaches to touch Moxxie's face. “I love you so much. You know that, don't you?” 
Moxxie nods. “I know. I love you too.”
Moxxie sighs and he's suddenly very unable to stand still, fidgeting, needing something to do. 
“Hun?” Millie asks. 
Moxxie looks at her. “Yeah?” 
“Can you get me a glass of water?” She asks. 
Moxxie smiles and nods. “Yeah. Thanks, Millie.” He says, about to leave the room.
“And Moxxie?”
He stops. “Yes, Millie?”
“Whatever the answer is- when you're ready…it'll be okay.” She promises. “We'll work this out together. Like we always do.” 
Moxxie nods. “Okay…” 
He leaves to get her the water. 
And Millie sighs once she's alone again.
It was hard to accept. But she trusts Moxxie.
Sometimes trusting someone means not getting all the answers right away.
Even when it's killing you.
'And I will hold
I'll hold onto you
No matter what this world'll throw
It won't shake me loose'
Cause I'm not givin' upI'm not givin' up,
No not yet
Even when I'm down to my last breath
Even when they say there's nothin' left
So don't give up on me
I'm not giving up,
No not me
Even when nobody else believes
I'm not goin' down that easily
So don't give up on me.'
Don't give up on me, Andy Grammer. {movie: Five feet apart.}
Possum: One more chapter, one more chapter!! Then we get lotsa Moxxie fluff! Hang in there guys!!! Lol 😆
Hope you guys liked this chapter okay. It's not anything special, the next one will hopefully be better.
At least we know about Sallie now! What do you guys think of her being a regressor? Lmk.
@todayimfour @ask-dusty-boy @im-not-paying-my-taxes @abby5577
@thatswhat24 @stormy-is-hyperfixated @trophyxtissues2 @attagirljessy
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writingjourney · 2 months
Ibi I have a really important (and not at all silly question) who would each Papas favourite BG3 character be?
this wins best question award easily, the crossover we need!!!
The Papas' Favorite BG3 Characters:
Primo: Well, it's easy to say (fanon) Primo relates most to Halsin and I think he does, a gentle man who loves nature, not adhering to the rules of society when it comes to love and existing in general, but I actually think if we forget about the nature thing for a while who he would feel drawn to is Lae'zel. He comes from a time where a more authoritarian approach was normal and people started to question their God/faith more and more and whether He truly offers the salvation they all crave (and perhaps turned to Satanism and his own Church). That's pretty much Lae'zel's path, a very inspirational story in terms of abuse, faith, rebellion and finding your own purpose.
Secondo: He relates most to Wyll, definitely, heavy expectations from his father to fulfil a certain role he did not choose, dealing with the emotional neglect and ultimately being cast aside after a perceived mistake but still working hard no matter what. However, I think his favourite would be Minthara. He is a bad bitch, he loves women, he enjoys a strong, morally grey female character and he would appreciate her dry cynical sense of humour. She thought her purpose was serving her God but realised that she can easily be cast aside, just like he was by the clergy. And yes, she comes across as cool and uncaring but is actually very warm and vulnerable when you know her, reminds me of someone.
Terzo: I think people would assume Astarion for the flamboyance and dramatics but I actually think he would not gravitate towards these superficial traits and instead relate a lot to characters like Shadowheart (or Orin) who were forced into roles they did have a say in and tried to appeal to those who put them there. They're following these dogmatic rules until they realise they will never get what they need, that the promises are hollow. And like Shadowheart, who realises that she's been lied to her whole life, that she can in fact become better, he also tried to bring about positive change (and was punished for it like Shadowheart is by Shar).
Copia: I want to say that he relates most to Gale, a bit awkward at times, niche interests (or not so niche) that he loves to learn about and the unexpected Casanova of the group with more confidence than people give him credit for (and skill). I also think he would enjoy using magic, if he had the chance (Fireball accidents included). However, I also think he would be very drawn to the strong female characters, especially Karlach. A badass woman who is kind despite the horrors and did not get corrupted by the evil that happened to her throughout her life (which he is fighting for but in the end he might win or lose the battle, depending on other people's choices).
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ittybittyimpsagere · 9 months
Itty Bitty Imps: Masterpost!
Book 1: Itty Bitty Imps: Complete
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Playlist for the fic 🎶 -Music
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
-Father knows Best: Itty Bitty Imps Pt 2: In progress
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Music Playlist for the fic
-Chapter 1:
-Chapter 2
-Chapter 3
-Chapter 4:
-Chapter 5
-Chapter 6
-Chapter 7
-Chapter 8
-Chapter 9
-Chapter 10
-Chapter 11
-Chapter 12:
-Chapter 13
-Chapter 14
-Chapter 15
Itty Bitty Imps Part 3, Millie Knows better, coming soon
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-Chapter 1 (coming soon)
Itty Bitty Imps Pt 4: Hurt, Coming soon
Itty Bitty Imps Part 5, Everything will be okay: Coming soon.
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One-Shots and ficlits:
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-Are Paci's okay? -
-Epologue for IBI
-A surprise for three littles
-Ozzie the babysitter
-A little meeting (coming soon)
-Notes/Info: Classification AU: Members in hell are forced to take a classification test that determines what they are:
And occasionally you’ll get a special classification such as: Babysitter, leader, Guardian, and even pet regressors.
For especially Imps and Hellhounds, (the lowest beings in hell), their results have everything to do with their future.
That’s why some imps had learned to cheat the system…
Blitzø being one of them.
Blitzø❤️: Not officially little, classified a neutral after cheating on the test
Stolas 💜: Caregiver
-Fizzarolli 💚 Little
-Asmodeus 💙 Neutral/ Guardian
-Millie ❤️🔥 Guardian
-Moxxie ❤️🩹 Neutral type: Poet
-Loona 🖤 Caregiver
-Sallie Mae
-Octavia 💖 ???
-Littles info:
Blitzø: Little Age: 1-5
Fizzerolli: Little Age: 5-8 ???
Moxxie: Little age: 0-4 ???
????: Little Age: 4-13
Sallie Mae: 8-15
???: ??
⚠️Warning: This story is not all fluffy and cute, this story is more about healing childhood trauma, and healing the inner child by accepting help and accepting regression as a coping therapeutic method. (there’s plenty of hurt/comfort and cute fluff, but that’s not all it is) in these books we will be discussing dark topics like child abuse, sexual abuse, death, emotional abuse, PTSD, depression, struggling in life, suicidal thoughts, toxic relationships, and even hating one’s own regression and dealing with the hardships of age regression.
⚠️ More specific character notes:
-Ozzie and Fizz
-Stolas and Blitzø:
-Millie and Moxxie: Coming soon
-¿¿¿ ??? And ¿?¿ Coming soon.
-Striker and Stella: Coming soon.
-Dm me if you'd like to be part of my Taglist ~Feel free to ask questions, share ideas, or request something!~
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kemendin · 2 months
Can you tell me about your other Swtor Ocs?
By 'other' I'm gonna assume 'ones who are not my main lads Cas and Khel' haha. So let's see....
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Damaskh, aka Cipher Twelve: My Imperial Agent, who actually doesn't follow the game's IA storyline. Genderfluid half Zeltron, half Sith pureblood. His specialties are disguise and infiltration, primarily for longterm undercover missions. He's a background character - I really don't have a lot of actual story or plot for him, except when he pops up occasionally in Khel's world, but I do find his 'casual but deadly' manner to be immensely entertaining.
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Darius Serapis: My canon Republic Trooper, and Caspian's older brother. He's a die-hard Republic loyalist with a no-nonsense attitude, sometimes harsh and unyielding, but he's got an excellent reputation among the lower ranks as a commander who never leads from the back or leaves a soldier behind. He and Cas do share a fierce family loyalty to one another, even if they disagree on a lot of things.
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Emryn Solari: A Republic medic who's highly Force sensitive but actually declined to join the Jedi, preferring to serve as a field medic in the military. He often comes off as naive and mild-mannered, but he's surprisingly level-headed when working under fire. He was Caspian's best friend when they were growing up on Corellia, and he joins Cas' crew as their medic during Chapter 3 of the JK story (basically replacing Doc, who doesn't join up in my canon).
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Maahes: A Sith battle prodigy who defected to the Jedi at the tail end of the Great War, and who is now a respected if somewhat maverick Jedi Master. Stern but kind, he has an understated sense of humour which I adore, and is often tasked with chaperoning groups of Jedi-in-training on field trips. He's also Caspian's former mentor, and something of an unspoken father figure for Cas.
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Shod'al Kur, aka Darth Syphon: Similar vibes to the Sith Inquisitor story, only a few generations earlier, aka former slave who clawed his way to power and now sits on the Dark Council. He's far more about cunning than brute force, and always has a feel out for the pulse of how things are going in the Sith Order. He's a newer OC, so I don't know a lot more about him yet - but I do know that he went through Sith training with Maahes, and the two became friends, then lovers, and while Maahes defected, Shod'al refused to give up his place of power and remained in the Empire.
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Vanirr Kel-Su - My canon-ish Jedi Consular. He embodies everything the Jedi are supposed to be, in the layman's eye - good and bad. He's calm and scholarly, an exceptional diplomat and excellent at sneaking around to find the path of least violence, both literally and figuratively. Unfortunately, he knows he's all of this, and so he's also quite preachy and thinks he can handle anything, especially all those dangerous artefacts out there. He and Caspian went through Jedi training together - they didn't get along then, and they don't get along now.
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Ibis: A non-canon-story smuggler who's really out there just to cause some chaos and then sit back with popcorn. They live for danger and entertainment - credits are just a bonus. Like Damaskh, more of a background character till they deign to tell be more about themself.
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werelosingdaylight · 1 year
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BACKSTORY| Viserys and Aemma had a daughter and a son, twins; Rhaenyra and Matalyx Targaryen. While Viserys wed Rhaenyra to Laenor Valeryon, Matalyx refused to marry a chosen suitor and instead married himself to the woman he had loved since childhood, after seeing the love the couple shared Viserys had them remarry in the tradition of the Targaryen house. Out of their marriage they had two children; Twins, once again, a boy and a girl. Now, years later Matalyx and his family have returned to kings landing for the hearing about his nephews claim to driftmark. Where family reunite and hidden feelings resurface; Vysella Targaryen, Eldest child of Matalyx and Shaera, had caught the hearts of many people throughout the years, multiple eyes belonging to family members. Targaryen traditions have made the family immune to the harsh realities of their relationships with each other.
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⠀⠀ -> Proud single parent of Vysella and Baemion Targaryen.
⠀⠀ -> Has a daughter-in-law who acts like his bodyguard [despite knowing he doesn’t need it]
⠀⠀ -> Has turned away every suitor asking for Vysella’s hand and encourages her to marry for love as he and her brother did.
⠀⠀ -> Radiates Black Cat energy but is a golden retriever for his children.
⠀⠀ -> Always tired of the trouble his children cause, but will always cover for them and have their backs.
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⠀⠀ -> Insanely Loyal to those close with her, her loyalty knows no bounds.
⠀⠀ -> Can and will fight anyone who talks shit about her family.
⠀⠀ -> A very sassy feminist.
⠀⠀ -> She has a pretty face but will lovingly bully the people she loves.
⠀⠀ -> Has multiple people wanting her hand in marriage.
⠀⠀ -> Just wants to read her books in peace.
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⠀⠀ -> Worships the ground Maerya walks on.
⠀⠀ -> Will cover any crimes committed by his wife, sister, or father.
⠀⠀ -> Wants Vysella to take the throne.
⠀⠀ -> Looks mean but is a complete sweetheart.
⠀⠀ -> Only trusts leaving his wife’s side if she is with Vys [Despite knowing that Mae can take care of herself, he would rather be safe then sorry.]
⠀⠀ -> Can be found following after his wife and glaring at anyone who stares or makes her uncomfortable.
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⠀⠀ -> Has a huge distain for Alicent and will jump at any chance to make it known.
⠀⠀ -> Vys’ shadow. [The two are always together]
⠀⠀ -> One of the best swordswomen in the seven kingdoms.
⠀⠀ -> Looks grumpy, is grumpy [With a few exceptions]
⠀⠀ -> Is one of the few people whose opinion Vysella cares about. [Vys respects Maes opinion more than anyone elses, often asking for her input on important matters]
⠀⠀ -> Can be seen around the red keep being followed by her husband [Baemion]
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novemberhope · 2 months
Mizuki Midori
I did not want to do this originally but it all came together in my head yesterday evening when I got ready for bed and now here we are...
(she might be subject to change later, this is just the first draft)
Midori, or as very close friends are sometimes allowed to call her, Mimi, is from the South Blue. Her name, in translation, means Beautiful Green Moon. It's not an ocean related name like most of the others but I always wanted to use Midori, so here we go.
To understand Midori, we'll have to go back to her childhood. Her father was a marine also but very low-level and mostly did paper work. He never went out to sea even though this had always been his dream. But Midori's mother always had trouble with alcoholismn and substance abuse and so he chose to stay close to home. Midori, from a very young age, had to become the adult and take care of her mother and her younger brother, seeing her classmates move on in the world while she was stuck running a household and keeping her mother out of sight, so nobody would know what was going on at home. When things escalated, her father finally took charge to get his wife professional help but still left Midori to deal with her when she was home and to keep up appearances in their hometown. Finally, when her brother was old enough and moved out to pursue a career opportunity, Midori took the chance and also left, deciding to "be someone" and also have a career. That's when she joined the marines and due to her hard work and barely giving herself time to rest, she climbed the ranks fast.
Growing up in a very unstable environment, Midori now feels like she has to control everything. She strictly follows rules, is highly ambitious and a very no-nonse person who is rarely seen enjoying herself or just having fun. She's always on high alert. For now at least, she believes in everything the marines stand for. When her brother is killed in a pirate attack, she vows to bring all pirates to justice. Her world is very black-and-white and she barely has a personal life, having dedicated herself completely to her job. Currently her rank is Lieutnant.
Other than working, she likes doing all kinds of sports and exercise and has learned hand-to-hand combat techniques to make up for her lack in devil fruit powers. She's also a fast swimmer and can wield a sword, but her prefered methode of fighting is hand-to-hand-combat. She cannot stand untidiness, lazyness, chaos, being late and being uneducated. She expects a lot of others but applies the same to herself and holds herself to very high standards.
She's not in a relationship at the start of her journey since she considers them messy and distracting.
Animal Resemblances Crested Ibis
Specific Numbers 33 (Mi-Mi) Specific Colors blue, navy, white Specific Smells lavender Favourite Type of Island and Season winter on an autumn island Favourite Food salad, vegetables Least Favourite Food fast food, fried food, greasy food Inner Brain work, training, presenting her best self Are they Strawhats? no, she is a marine
Possible Love Interest: Black Cage Hina
Her picrew:
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Her faceclaim: (Anna Sawai)
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sir-phineas-lost · 2 years
TDP Book 4 (at last)
Writing this semi-simultaneously as I watch. Let’s see if they managed to turn this train-wreck around. Spoilers ahead.
First episode is solid, but the best parts were released in clips long ago. Love Terry, love Callum turning Viren-ish. Good stuff.
Second episode also good. Terry being a gross goofball just like Claudia herself makes them a perfect match. It is also a neat parallell between Callum and Claudia as much as Callum and Viren.
I can do without some of the cringe humor though.
Oh wow, sadsack Viren is really helping to restore a lot of his lost nuance.
Third episode is really good. Claudia vs Ibis is our first real magician’s duel and it is awesome. Ezran’s speech was a pleasant surprise about not ignoring anger and overlaying it with the fight had a lot of impact.
Kinda feels like Rayla is saying to Ezran what she should have told Callum right away.
I’m a bit disappointed with Aaravos speech at the Storm Spire. Kinda feels like it would have had more impact if he just let them know he could see them without the whole monologue.
I also really hate the further implication that dark magic just puts someone under Aaravos’s control.
Viren and Terry are a wonderful combination of self-help and murder.
The conflict at Lux Aurea is...eh. Kinda feels like more of the same careless discussion about bigotry without consideration for power dynamics.
Sir Sparklepuff speaks Claudia on a deeper level than even Claudia does.
Love the heart-to-heart between the brodigies, but it feels like a massive missed opportunity to not include Viren more in that conversation. To have Soren talk to his father and confront him about what his gaslighting did to him. In his current state I think Viren’s respose to that would have been fascinating.
Viren says trans-rights. Transphobes get harvested. How is he already a better father to this son than to Soren?
Rex Igneus is a much more fascinating dragon than I would have imagined. His arrogance and casual brutality embodies what I consider the worst in them but he is also more willing to show respect and from his scathing critique of Avizandum it sounds like their fallout came about because he actually sympathized more with humans than Thunder did.
My bady girl (not correcting that typo) is all grown up and casually putting archdragons to sleep. We stan a queen.
Oh holy shit! Those damn coins are actually about to come back into play. But I distinctly remember them being left at the top of the mountain?
Terry steering Claudia back on the right path is wonderful precisely because unlike Soren he doesn’t demand that she changes. He is perfectly fine with her doing morally dubious things but he knows her well enough to tell when she slips from pragmatism into cruelty. Terry doesn’t demand that Claudia changes “for the better”, but he puts up warning flags when she changes for the worse.
Overall I think this season was a big step up from book 3. I’m still dubious about how they are eventually going to tackle the long-standing issues between humans and elves but at least this season did what I was hoping they would do in season 2 and proved that these questions are at least on their minds.
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raayllum · 1 year
Some of my favorite things about s4!!
-Ezran’s speech in episode 3 and the way it voices over Claudia and Ibis’s battle
-Ibis’s death scene paired with Corvus’s song (sorry Ibis)
-Janaya proposal scene <3 and the amount of times Janai calls Amaya her future wife
-The Janaya two cakes scene, which is so incredibly soft and beautiful
-Terry’s conversation with Viren about how he always knew he was a buck and how beautifully his representation was portrayed
-the aged up character designs!
-the Katolis birthday song
-“you still love her, dont you?”
-the softness and intimacy of the morning after the rayllum reunion scene. The way rayla’s face is filled with such love watching him sleep.
“The best thing I ever had: you.”
-The fact that Barius invented chocolate and this arguably saved the dragangs lives when facing Rex Igneous. So yeah he 1000% deserves that council seat!
-callum entrusting/asking rayla to kill him if he loses control of himself
-zubeia…being unexpectedly one of my favorite characters this season!
-Sorvus, my beloved
-the way callum cradles rayla’s blade to his chest at the end of episode 9
-Soren and rayla’s friendship
And there’s so much more!! But I’ll leave it at that. <3
Other things I loved:
seeing Callum staring up and looking at the moon and thinking of Rayla in general
Ezran being so much more confident as king even if he’s not infallible
Claudia falling down the stairs of the storm spire just like her father while she repeats (literally and figuratively) all his same mistakes
All the new spells this season!
Rayla being so sweet and affectionate/warm with Stella, her cuddle baby <3 girl still has as big a heart as ever
Soren being fully integrated into the dragang
“But enough about my pajamas Claudia. You need to stop trying to free the greatest evil the world has ever known”
Zubeia knowing Ezran and Zym are besties (and using it to her advantage when it comes to eating vegetables)
The transition shot of Ibis on the spire to Opeli lighting the circular fire basin in 4x03
Aaravos shattering his mirror in the same place it had been kept for 300+ years was chef’s kiss
Three Ezran and Rayla hugs this season. Automatically best season
“Just some crickets. But don’t worry. They told me they’re not the ambushing type” 
unpopular opinion maybe but i looved the guardians of the gate, chert is my funny lil rock guy
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bex-pendragon · 2 years
Bex's Book Corner #19 - part 2
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And here's part 2 of my June reading roundup - these are all the contemporary books I read last month:
I Kissed Shara Wheeler by Casey McQuiston
Having read and loved this author’s well-known debut, Red, White and Royal Blue, I was looking forward to this. I’m happy to say it lives up to the hype.
Our heroine Chloe Green is a young queer girl at a private religious school. It’s not an easy place for her to be, but it’s the best school in the area. She’s managed to find a niche with her outsider friends. Now high school is almost over and Chloe is this close to being valedictorian.
The only thing that stands in her way is Shara Wheeler: the popular daughter of the school principal. Their relationship is that of academic rivals. Then, out of the blue, Shara kisses Chloe - and then she disappears.
Shara leaves behind a series of clues to the last 3 people she kissed - her boyfriend, the boy next door, and Chloe. They work together to find her… but naturally, they also find FEELINGS along the way!
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I like to call this bisexual belligerence - bi-ligerance for short. It’s when a bi girl is overly competitive with another girl, only to realize it’s because she has feelings for her. At first I wasn’t sure about Shara’s motivation, but the more we got to know her in her absence, the more compelling the story became. 
Overall this was a very enjoyable read - McQuiston has done it again!
Popsugar Reading Challenge: A sapphic book
Similar Books: Red White and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston, You Should See Me In a Crown by Leah Johnson, Leah on the Offbeat by Becky Albertalli
Content Warnings: religious intolerance and homophobia (challenged)
2. Debating Darcy by Sayantani DasGupta
I’m back at it again with the Austen retellings. 
This time around, the story of Pride and Prejudice is reimagined with Lizzy Bennet and Mr. Darcy - called Leela Bose and Firoze Darcy - are competitors on rival speech and debate teams. 
Leela’s ragtag public school team is pitted against teams from private schools, which I thought was an excellent way of re-contextualizing the class conflict from the original novel. The Bennet family is reimagined as Leela’s teammates: Mr. and Mrs. Bennet are the teachers in charge. Mrs. Bennet still suffers from overactive nerves - another fun aside from the book. The Bennet sisters are now Leela’s teammates, as are the stand-ins for Mr. Collins and Charlotte Lucas. The Bingley siblings are on the rival team, along with the odious Mr. Wickham. The esteemed Lady Catherine makes an appearance as the elocution coach.
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Another thing I loved about this retelling was the diversity: Leela is desi and Darcy is biracial. Wickham - Jishu in this version - is the same ethnicity as Leela. But Jishu is every bit as villainous here as he was in the original. He’s reimagined as a serial sexual harasser, which casts an unflattering spotlight on the problem of sexism and harassment in the real-life speech and debate world.
Overall this was a cute retelling that made excellent usage of the academic rivals to lovers trope.
Popsugar Reading Challenge: off-challenge
Similar Books: Pride by Ibi Zoboi, A Taste for Love by Jennifer Yen, The Code For Love and Heartbreak by Jillian Cantor.
Content Warnings: sexism, sexual harassment.
3. The Guncle by Steven Rowley
This was a very wholesome story about a gay uncle - aka guncle - who gets more than he bargained for when he has to look after his niece and nephew for the summer after their mother dies and their father goes to rehab. Always the fun uncle, Patrick has never had to look after the kids for an extended period of time. He’s a washed up actor who is semi-retired in Palm Springs after his successful show went off the air. He’s been going through the motions of life since his partner died. Gradually Patrick and the kids find their own ways to cope with their grief and figure out how to move forward.
I teared up several times reading this book. It was deeply satisfying and cathartic. You will laugh, you will cry. I know I did!
Popsugar Reading Challenge: A book that fulfills a prompt from a past Popsugar Reading Challenge - in this case, it’s “A book that should be made into a movie”. This would be such a good movie! 
Similar Books: Content Warnings: grief, death of a parent, death of a loved one, addiction
That wraps things up for June reads! I'll be back next month to talk about another Austen retelling: The Murder of Mr. Wickham! Am I reading Austen retellings to make up for whatever BS is going on with the new Persuasion movie? Maybe. I'm doing what I need to do to cope.
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nottapossum · 2 months
Soooo will we ever see Sallie may?
Only asking cause of the brand new helluva short *anonser voice*
Oh ho ho ho!
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We gonna get some Sallie May!
Her plot set up will start in Father knows best, and I want to give her more plot after that.
But I'm gonna make a few one-shots just for her, too.
I've already started a on some ideas, very special ones just for her.
I'm so excited!!
The new short inspired me to write something for her- I've wanted to for a while but couldn't think of anything yet.
But then I got it! And I'm so excited!!!
Taglist: @todayimfour @trophyxtissues2 @ask-dusty-boy @im-not-paying-my-taxes @abby5577
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writingjourney · 2 months
Hi Ibi! I am back with another headcanon. I believe it is a bit different to what you usually write but I am a big sucker for Copia as a father figure to young adult Siblings of Sin 🥺 he loves listening to their interests or letting them hold his rats or if they need a quiet place and they know each other well enough, he’ll take them to his quarters to play some video games
I also think he gives the best hugs and always has a juice box on hand 🫶🏽
I definitely think he would be a father figure to many, many of the younger Siblings. He illustrates that it's possible to come from pretty much nothing and work your way into a position of power and influence while still being true to yourself and also being very approachable. That's inspirational and makes a good role model (if we ignore that he in canon got there by killing his brothers and a hint of nepotism ehem––).
But he is a good Papa, he is there for the Siblings and probably feels more connected to them than to higher clergy since he shares many an interest with them and remembers what it was like to be in their shoes. I like to think that he's silly but genuine when he gives advice, that he can solve conflicts easily and finds ways to support them through their struggles – help that he would have needed when he was younger and that he can now offer to make the Ministry a little better ♡
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stocklivemarket · 1 year
If you are thinking of traveling to Dubai, UAE, you are in the right place. Dubai is the most flamboyant, most populated, safest and also the most expensive city in the United Arab Emirates, which consists of 7 emirates. While it was a quiet port city at the beginning of the 20th century, it quickly became rich when oil began to be extracted in the region. The sheikhs of the period wanted the development to be continuous by investing in something before the oil resources were exhausted, and they chose the construction and tourism sectors for this. [embed]https://youtu.be/Ex2iAyaEElQ[/embed] There are many things unique to Dubai Let us share with you some of the things you need to know when traveling to Dubai. Many Dubai landmarks such as the first 7-star hotel (Burj Al Arab), the largest shopping mall (Dubai Mall), the tallest building (Burj Khalifa), and the palm-shaped artificial island (Palm Jumeirah), indoor ski slope (Ski Dubai) This is how attractions such as As a result of the investments made and the strategies created to maintain the foreign currency inflow to the country, Dubai; The city, which has become the financial, trade, shopping, entertainment and tourism center of the Middle East and has a resident population of around 2 million, is expected to host an average of 15 million tourists in 2015. Dubai's Governance Dubai's form of government is parliamentary monarchy. Each of the 7 emirates has rulers and sheikhs, and the sheikh of Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, is also the head of the country (Dubai's sheikh is the prime minister, who is a subordinate of him). Each emirate is in the hands of a family, and the sheikdom is passed from father to son. There is also a federal government and decisions concerning all emirates are taken in this joint assembly. Life in Dubai Don't be intimidated by the fact that Dubai is an Arab city and governed by sharia (especially for women). Maybe because they take part in tourism when the requirements of Islam and tourism conflict, women can dress however they want, and you should not worry about swimming in a bikini, drinking alcohol and dancing in a nightclub; You can do it all easily in Dubai. In fact, as a general rule, we can say that "no one should interfere with anyone else" has been adopted; They walk around in their local clothes, with their sheets and shorts, and no one bothers the other. There are many accommodation options in Dubai city. The best of them Near Metro - Lovely Modern 1 Bedroom in JLT, Luxury 3 plus 1-bedroom Apartment in Dubai Creek Harbor - HBR, KeyHost - Studio One Dubai Marina - K1560. If you want to stay close to the city center, you can choose hotels such as JA Palm Tree Court (JA The Resort), JA Beach Hotel (JA The Resort), JA Lake View Hotel (JA The Resort), or if you want more economical alternatives, Hostel Youth, Deira Partition You can try room, Ibis Al Rigga, Ibis World Trade Center. Also, Booking.com's Dubai searches occasionally find good discount deals on hotels. You can also follow them at this link. The official language is Arabic, but English is widely used due to the large number of foreigners living in the city. So you will not have a problem with the language. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push(); In accordance with Islamic rules, the weekend holiday is considered Friday - Saturday. Sunday is a working day. When we are from Turkey in summer time, it is one hour ahead and in winter time it is two hours ahead. Sockets are generally three-input like UK sockets, if you have a converter, take it with you. Otherwise, you can borrow or buy from where you left off. Burj Khalifa Burj Khalifa or Burj Khalifa, which is at the top of the list of places to visit in Dubai and holds the distinction of being the tallest building in the world, is 828 meters long and 161 floors. Burj Khalifa is so high that other skyscrapers next to it are like slums. Such a height offers wonderful views to the visitors of the building.
Read more about Burj Khalifa Dubai Fountain The fountain system, which has the world's largest choreography, is located right in the heart of Dubai. If you want to witness the magnificent music and light plays, make sure to go to the Dubai Fountain and be prepared to be enchanted by Dubai once again. The artistic fountain is located in Central Dubai, on Lake Burj Khalifa, between Dubai Mall, Souk Al Bahar and Burj Khalifa. Dubai Fountain consists of 275 meters long curved fountains that mix with 5 circular fountains with small slopes. When the show starts, these powerful fountains dance to music with 50 color projectors, 6,000 powerful lights and lasers, reaching up to 150 meters. Read more about Dubai Fountain Famous Palm Island It has a coast to the Persian Gulf and many centers such as Palm Jumeirah (Palm Island), luxury hotels, beaches are gathered on this coast. The 'sea' mentioned by those who say they went to the sea in Dubai is the Persian Gulf, so :) The name of the estuary passing through the city is Dubai Creek (Dubai Bay). On the map, you will also see small and large islets close to the Palm Island. This artificial island community is called The World Islands or World Dubai. Each of the islands in this 300-island community, shaped like a globe, was selling for millions of dollars. Currency in Dubai: AED (Arab Emirates Dirham) is used as currency, The international dialing code: +971. They pegged their currency to the dollar and have a constant exchange rate of 1 USD = 3.67 AED. So it might make sense to go with dollars. You can change your money at the closest exchange office to 3.67, which is the value that should be. When you return, don't forget to convert your remaining coins back into dollars. When to Go to Dubai - How Long to Stay? If you are thinking of going shopping, you can travel during Dubai Shopping Fest. This festival is expected to run from January 1 to February 1 for 2016 (check again). Avoid going during the summer months when the average temperature rises above 35 degrees Celsius, as Dubai has a hot desert climate. With high humidity, the temperature felt is much more, and you feel like you are sitting in a hot oven all day. April - May to open the sea-sun season early or September - October to close summer a little later can be ideal. Regardless of when you go, don't forget to bring long-sleeved clothes, as evenings can be chilly and air conditioners work very hard indoors. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push(); I think the ideal for Dubai is to allocate 4 days. If you visit the city in three days and then go to Abu Dhabi for a day, you can complete most of the things to do. Of course, those who like to spend time on the beaches, entertainment areas and shopping centers or those who say they want to take a tour can plan a longer trip. Shopping in Dubai Wouldn't you like to beautify your Dubai trip with shopping? Known as a shopping paradise, Dubai is still a paradise in terms of the size of its malls and the variety of brands inside. We will talk about the world's largest shopping mall, Dubai Mall, and the Mall of the Emirates, which surprises with its ski slope. Try checking the floor plans and heading to the stores that interest you; because the shopping malls are too big to be called just wandering around. Even if you don't like shopping, you should go to these two shopping malls for touristic purposes. Ibn Battuta Mall at the Ibn Battuta stop, which is the metro stop you need to get off to go to Abu Dhabi, is a shopping mall that can be visited with its architecture inspired by the six regions discovered by the Arab traveler Ibn Battuta. You can try to match it on your return from Abu Dhabi trip, or if you want to stay longer, you can stop by separately. Wafi Mall, inspired by the Egyptian Pyramids, which will draw your attention with its triangular building, can be another alternative. You can get off at Dubai Healthcare City stop on the green line of the metro and then take a short taxi ride.
If you go, don't forget to watch the light and sound show at 21:30. Apart from shopping malls, you can find everything you are looking for in Dubai's bazaars. I mentioned Madinat Jumeirah, Souk Al Bahar, Gold Souk, Spice Souk and Textile Souk in my article. While shopping malls are open every day from 10:00 to 22:00 (some days until midnight), such bazaars can be closed until noon or completely on Fridays. So try not to coincide with a visit to the bazaar on a Friday. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push();
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jelzorz · 3 years
Admittedly, Opeli doesn't hate this job. It might have been a poor career choice—teaching high school English isn't particularly well suited for someone who doesn't like teenagers—but she's always liked the subject matter and there are days when it isn't so bad. There's always a handful of kids in every grade that make the job worth it, and it's amusing, kind of, to watch them scramble through the awkwardness of puberty and the veritable sea of hormones that comes with it—
What's weird is the fact that they seem to think she has all the answers.
She's flattered, she supposes. She's older than she wants to admit and she likes to pretend she's got her life together, but she's wise enough to know that no one has, really, even at her age. It's sweet to an extent, but the school does have a guidance counselor, and it's not her. Giving teenagers advice about anything is well above her pay grade, and surely there are other seemingly put-together adults that these kids could go to but—
It's because you're not a parent, Amaya had told her one afternoon. It'd been during their shared free period and the staff room had been otherwise empty.
"You're not a parent," Opeli had grumbled, and Amaya snorted into her coffee.
No, but I am Callum's aunt, she'd signed. He's not going to come to me about any of his teenage troubles. Not when I tell his father everything.
Opeli had supposed she was right. It's tough enough being a teenage boy—it must be tougher still when your father is also your high school principal. And Claudia and Soren's relationship with their father is dysfunctional enough without taking into account the fact that he's also their chemistry teacher, and she can't imagine Rayla wanting to talk to Runaan when he's as emotionally constipated as he is and her PE teacher.
Still, there are other teachers they could go to. Ibis is is relatively put-together, and Villads is a bit weird but he's relatable. Gren is actually paid to give advice so there's no real reason Opeli should have to spend her lunch breaks like this.
It's Thursday. Her sandwich is unwrapped but untouched on her desk because Callum is pacing around her classroom looking conflicted and upset about it.
"I just—how could this happen?" he groans. "Rayla's my best friend! I can't feel like this for her!"
Opeli breathes in because she thought it'd been a conscious thing for at least two months. 'Best friends' don't often hold hands the way they do, and if he honestly thinks their banter isn't flirting, she's given him more credit than he deserves. She coughs. "Not that I'm dismissing your... crisis, Mr. Prince, but you know we have an actual guidance counselor, don't you?"
Callum snorts. "Mr. Gren's friends with my Aunt Amaya and I can guarantee that if I went to him about this, my dad would know about it within the day. At least you can keep a secret, Miss Opeli."
Well. That's true, Opeli supposes, but still. She sighs. "Let me get this straight then," she says. "You're here because you've only just figured out that you might have a crush on Rayla Docherty, who's been your best friend for years, and you're...?"
"I dunno," grumbles Callum. "Worried, I guess? That it might ruin everything? That she'll find out and things will never be the same?"
"Don't you think you're catastrophizing a little?"
"No." Callum scowls. "I don't wanna ruin our friendship, Miss Opeli. I just don't know what to do."
Opeli lets out another sigh. It's long and patient and yearns for a good coffee, but she steeples her fingers on her desk and offers Callum a twitch of her lips. "What do I teach, Callum?"
Callum stares. "English?"
"And what's it for?"
Callum stares some more. "Communication, I guess?"
Opeli raises an eyebrow at him. "I think you know what you have to do," she says. "I get it though. This sort of thing can be scary, especially when you value your friendship with Rayla so much. But pacing around my classroom isn't going to help and I think... I think you have to trust her, and the strength of your relationship, if you really want things to work out."
"You think they will?"
Opeli shrugs. "I don't know," she says. "But how will you know if you don't bite the bullet?"
Callum shifts uneasily, but he takes a breath and squares his shoulders. "Right," he murmurs. "Okay. I'll talk to her. It'll be okay, right?"
"You'll just have to see." Opeli offers him a smile and leans back in her chair. "But between you and me? I don't think you have anything to worry about."
Callum blinks. Then he flushes. Then he grins. "Thanks Miss Opeli. I'll let you know how it goes."
"Mm." She waves him off. He leaves the room with looking lighter than he did when he came in, and Opeli snorts into her sandwich. Teaching English was a poor career choice, perhaps, but at least she knows she's good at it.
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intothewickedwood · 2 years
Once Upon A Time Rewatch: 7x11 Secret Garden
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Wahoo! Zelena and Robin centric!
I still feel so lucky that we got the chance to see Zelena with a grown up Robin. I always thought I’d only see it in fanfiction so I’m so happy with what we got! 
Robin, honey, what the hell are you doing?
After seeing this episode’s trailer I was so sure Robin was going to be a witch. Heck, even before that I assumed so because of her mum. I started calling Curious Archer ‘Curious Witch’ before this episode aired and before they had a ship name. I still call them that because in my heart she is always a witch and gets her powers back post 7x22 and her and Alice live their best witchy lives together.
Robin is so her mother’s daughter.
Zelena and Regina have definitely been using magic to stay young because they do not look 18 years older than they did in s6. I guess Zelena must have used a potion or it’s the magical gene or something.
Hook looking at the baby thinking about Alice. That hurts!
I wonder how Zelena knows mother Gothel at this point in time. Or maybe she just knows the spell summons someone with that name.
Anastasia doesn’t wanna go with you, Gothel. She just wants to eat her cereal!
Wait, I don’t remember Victoria being tied up like that in the last episode. Did Iby do it?
Poor Anastasia. She just wanted her mum back and to think it cost her the life of her father and other mother. She couldn’t have predicted the evil acts Tremaine would commit.
Every time Gothel says that she’s someone’s mother now I wanna be sick. You’re the worst mother in history! 
You don’t understand how much I love Zelena being a mother. 
Zelena was gonna straight up beat the crap out of Gothel in the hospital. Honestly, go for it, girl! 
“That dirty hippie witch bitch.”
Yes, Regina, what the hell were you thinking giving Robin Cora’s spellbook?! Don’t you remember it leading you down a dark path and being the cause of your magic addiction? I mean, you could argue that people born with magic aren’t as susceptible to magic addiction as it’s a part of who they are, but still!
Regina: “She’s young. We all experimented.” Bisexual Regina confirmed! 
Oh okay, Zelena doesn’t know Gothel personally at this point.
Team in-laws hear we go!
I wonder why Rumple tells Rogers that Eloise was seduced and indoctrinated by the cult even though she’s always been the leader of it. I suppose he had to make the story believable to Rogers.
Victoria: “Unfortunately I have a daughter I actually care about.” Holy cow that’s cold.
Imagine if Victoria threw that shoe and it rebounded and hit her in the face lol.
Hook trying to find the door lol.
Robin you’re making a huge mistake! Give your mother a chance! 
Ugh. Poor Zelena’s heartbroken.
Tremaine, seriously. Since when did kids have to earn their parents love omg. She was a kid! I don’t know if she’s worse than Regina in that respects because this is her own daughter she’s built a vendetta against and tries to kill. I mean she didn’t slaughter villages as far as we know but still.
Okay, ouch, the lanterns were Drizella’s idea all along. She did care for her mother. She just didn’t know how to react because she was a kid. When a parent’s not been in your life for a long time it’s hard to build that relationship and know how to act. They could have benefitted from family therapy.
Wtf do you mean “what do you think of our new home?” Gothel, you weirdo kidnapper?!
Anastasia really freaking loves cereal.
It’s probably got drugs in it.
Are the flashbacks of this episode meant to be a metaphor for a parent initially not accepting their kid’s sexuality? I mean with Regina’s “experimented” line and Zelena saying she didn’t allow her daughter to find herself.
Okay, that line about Zelena’s father preventing her from finding herself hit hard. I forgot he wouldn’t allow her to use magic. It makes sense that she’d want her daughter to be wary of it. She grew up being punished for it but at least she recognises her mistake and wants to make things right.
And she feels powerless without her magic.
This interaction between Zelena and Wish Hook is making me tear up!
Is that the same arrow Robin stole from Zelena in Oz. That one always hit it’s mark too, didn’t it? Probably not but nice callback.
Robin, do not step in that circle!
For the love of fried chicken!
As soon as Leota said “And die!” why didn’t Robin jump the hell out of that circle?!
I always forget that Gothel straight up tried to kill Robin.
Zelena loves her baby so much! This hurts me!!
Aww and Robin admits she loves her mum so much. I’mma cry!
Aww Zelena’s going to support Robin no matter what. She is absolutely doing her best.
“Because I was desperate to save my own (daughter). Surely, you of all people would understand that. You cast a curse just to save your son. And yet, you are absolved. Regina, Evil Queen does a dark think for a good reason, and everyone forgave you.” Victoria has a point. What is the difference between her doing everything to bring Anastasia back and Regina casting a curse to save her son? What makes one evil and the other good? Is it that Regina is nice but not good or is it that they are both good, but Tremaine is not nice?
Victoria: “I brought this to save Lucy’s life. I’ve always loved that little girl.” I’d love to believe it but her actions would say otherwise. It looks like she brought the amulet to save Lucy just to appease Anastasia.
A villain having the ability to hypnotise/mind control was such a cool idea. I’m surprised they didn’t use that ability earlier. I wish they’d used it more often, especially with Gothel.
Zelena is Beyonce. Amazing.
That was so sweet of Robin. She knew how much magic meant to her mum.
But yeah she gets her magic back. I cannot be convinced otherwise. Robin having magic is just important to me. I always thought it would happen. I’m attached to that headcanon now.
Ivy, just step out of your shoes and run off! I think the magic is only gluing her shoes to the ground.
That looks so painful. That’s me during my time of the month.
Victoria’s having a moment of internal conflict. I wonder if she would have saved Ivy if she hadn’t known the lanterns were her idea.
Wow. She sacrificed herself. 
She didn’t even get to finish saying “I love you” to Drizella.
Lucy’s okay!
I love the sisters just chilling out together, going on wild adventures for an amulet and almost getting themselves shot by Lady Tremaine. It’s all chill with these two.
Rogers: “Are you okay.” Ivy: “I don’t know.” The way Ivy says that. Like, you don’t know how she will react next. She’s followed her mum’s every order for the majority of her life and now she has no one. She has no sense of self. You don’t know what she’ll do but it will probably be self-destructive.
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richincolor · 3 years
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Today is Rich in Color’s eighth anniversary! Can you believe it?
We’ve read so many fantastic books over the years, so our bloggers compiled a list of eight books that we wanted to recommend to our followers. These books are ones that we love and that have stuck with us through the years. How many of them have you read?
All American Boys by Jason Reynolds and Brendan Kiely Atheneum/Caitlyn Dlouhy Books
In an unforgettable new novel from award-winning authors Jason Reynolds and Brendan Kiely, two teens—one black, one white—grapple with the repercussions of a single violent act that leaves their school, their community, and, ultimately, the country bitterly divided by racial tension.
A bag of chips. That’s all sixteen-year-old Rashad is looking for at the corner bodega. What he finds instead is a fist-happy cop, Paul Galuzzi, who mistakes Rashad for a shoplifter, mistakes Rashad’s pleadings that he’s stolen nothing for belligerence, mistakes Rashad’s resistance to leave the bodega as resisting arrest, mistakes Rashad’s every flinch at every punch the cop throws as further resistance and refusal to STAY STILL as ordered. But how can you stay still when someone is pounding your face into the concrete pavement?
But there were witnesses: Quinn Collins—a varsity basketball player and Rashad’s classmate who has been raised by Paul since his own father died in Afghanistan—and a video camera. Soon the beating is all over the news and Paul is getting threatened with accusations of prejudice and racial brutality. Quinn refuses to believe that the man who has basically been his savior could possibly be guilty. But then Rashad is absent. And absent again. And again. And the basketball team—half of whom are Rashad’s best friends—start to take sides. As does the school. And the town. Simmering tensions threaten to explode as Rashad and Quinn are forced to face decisions and consequences they had never considered before.
The Marrow Thieves by Cherie Dimaline Dancing Cat Books
In a futuristic world ravaged by global warming, people have lost the ability to dream, and the dreamlessness has led to widespread madness. The only people still able to dream are North America’s Indigenous people, and it is their marrow that holds the cure for the rest of the world. But getting the marrow, and dreams, means death for the unwilling donors. Driven to flight, a fifteen-year-old and his companions struggle for survival, attempt to reunite with loved ones and take refuge from the “recruiters” who seek them out to bring them to the marrow-stealing “factories.”
Wild Beauty by Anna-Marie McLemore Feiwel & Friends
Love grows such strange things.
For nearly a century, the Nomeolvides women have tended the grounds of La Pradera, the lush estate gardens that enchant guests from around the world. They’ve also hidden a tragic legacy: if they fall in love too deeply, their lovers vanish. But then, after generations of vanishings, a strange boy appears in the gardens.
The boy is a mystery to Estrella, the Nomeolvides girl who finds him, and to her family, but he’s even more a mystery to himself; he knows nothing more about who he is or where he came from than his first name. As Estrella tries to help Fel piece together his unknown past, La Pradera leads them to secrets as dangerous as they are magical in this stunning exploration of love, loss, and family.
Picture Us in the Light by Kelly Loy Gilbert Disney-Hyperion
Danny Cheng has always known his parents have secrets. But when he discovers a taped-up box in his father’s closet filled with old letters and a file on a powerful Silicon Valley family, he realizes there’s much more to his family’s past than he ever imagined.
Danny has been an artist for as long as he can remember and it seems his path is set, with a scholarship to RISD and his family’s blessing to pursue the career he’s always dreamed of. Still, contemplating a future without his best friend, Harry Wong, by his side makes Danny feel a panic he can barely put into words. Harry and Danny’s lives are deeply intertwined and as they approach the one-year anniversary of a tragedy that shook their friend group to its core, Danny can’t stop asking himself if Harry is truly in love with his girlfriend, Regina Chan.
When Danny digs deeper into his parents’ past, he uncovers a secret that disturbs the foundations of his family history and the carefully constructed facade his parents have maintained begins to crumble. With everything he loves in danger of being stripped away, Danny must face the ghosts of the past in order to build a future that belongs to him.
The Astonishing Color of After by Emily X.R. Pan Little, Brown Brooks for Young Readers
Leigh Chen Sanders is absolutely certain about one thing: When her mother died by suicide, she turned into a bird.
Leigh, who is half Asian and half white, travels to Taiwan to meet her maternal grandparents for the first time. There, she is determined to find her mother, the bird. In her search, she winds up chasing after ghosts, uncovering family secrets, and forging a new relationship with her grandparents. And as she grieves, she must try to reconcile the fact that on the same day she kissed her best friend and longtime secret crush, Axel, her mother was taking her own life.
Alternating between real and magic, past and present, friendship and romance, hope and despair, The Astonishing Color of After is a novel about finding oneself through family history, art, grief, and love.
Pride by Ibi Zoboi Balzer + Bray
Zuri Benitez has pride. Brooklyn pride, family pride, and pride in her Afro-Latino roots. But pride might not be enough to save her rapidly gentrifying neighborhood from becoming unrecognizable.
When the wealthy Darcy family moves in across the street, Zuri wants nothing to do with their two teenage sons, even as her older sister, Janae, starts to fall for the charming Ainsley. She especially can’t stand the judgmental and arrogant Darius. Yet as Zuri and Darius are forced to find common ground, their initial dislike shifts into an unexpected understanding.
But with four wild sisters pulling her in different directions, cute boy Warren vying for her attention, and college applications hovering on the horizon, Zuri fights to find her place in Bushwick’s changing landscape, or lose it all.
The Gilded Wolves (The Gilded Wolves #1) by Roshani Chokshi Wednesday Books
Paris, 1889: The world is on the cusp of industry and power, and the Exposition Universelle has breathed new life into the streets and dredged up ancient secrets. In this city, no one keeps tabs on secrets better than treasure-hunter and wealthy hotelier, Séverin Montagnet-Alarie. But when the all-powerful society, the Order of Babel, seeks him out for help, Séverin is offered a treasure that he never imagined: his true inheritance.
To find the ancient artifact the Order seeks, Séverin will need help from a band of experts: An engineer with a debt to pay. A historian who can’t yet go home. A dancer with a sinister past. And a brother in all but blood, who might care too much.
Together, they’ll have to use their wits and knowledge to hunt the artifact through the dark and glittering heart of Paris. What they find might change the world, but only if they can stay alive.
Felix Ever After by Kacen Callender HarperCollins
From Stonewall and Lambda Award–winning author Kacen Callender comes a revelatory YA novel about a transgender teen grappling with identity and self-discovery while falling in love for the first time.
Felix Love has never been in love—and, yes, he’s painfully aware of the irony. He desperately wants to know what it’s like and why it seems so easy for everyone but him to find someone. What’s worse is that, even though he is proud of his identity, Felix also secretly fears that he’s one marginalization too many—Black, queer, and transgender—to ever get his own happily-ever-after.
When an anonymous student begins sending him transphobic messages—after publicly posting Felix’s deadname alongside images of him before he transitioned—Felix comes up with a plan for revenge. What he didn’t count on: his catfish scenario landing him in a quasi–love triangle….
But as he navigates his complicated feelings, Felix begins a journey of questioning and self-discovery that helps redefine his most important relationship: how he feels about himself.
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raayllum · 2 years
niche platonic oneshots
already written:
and with the dawn, what comes then?: Janai mourns Khessa. Janai&Khessa, 1k
i hope i wake up young again: Soren is the “best crownguard,” ten years in the making. Ezran&Soren, 3.7k
the greatest things you’ll ever know (are invisible): Ellis and Lujanne, over the years. 4.9k, background Ezran/Ellis
if i am the king: then you have to let me go.“ Ezran and Corvus make their way back to Katolis, times three. Ezran&Corvus, 3.2k
birds fly in different directions: Ibis watches two generations of Dragonguard come and go. Ibis + Rayllum & Laindrin, 2.3k
flower crowns: Rayla makes flower crowns for her new family. Rayla + Callum, Ezran, and Soren, 1.6k
the devil’s in the details (but you got a friend in me): Nyx runs into Rayla in the Midnight Desert, post-TTM. Family and shenanigans ensue. 5.9k
zym and rayla 
king ahling wakes up
janai & khessa (childhood)
janai + her brother
trans!janai + kazi
khessa’s birthday
trans!janai + her family
ezran contemplates viren’s death
ezran plus his council
upcoming (in alphabetical order)
and i see the reflection in your eyes: Callum doesn’t need another mother. Opeli knows this. (She watches over him like one, anyway.) // Opeli&Callum
and people don’t ever change: Callum runs into a familiar face while on a diplomatic mission in Del Bar. AKA Callum sees Viren’s ex-wife, Lissa, again years after the war
a glimpse of light in a mine of gold: Janai and Ezran have more in common than she wants to admit, at first. Janai&Ezran
Far from the tree: Soren hopes the saying isn’t true. Soren&Claudia + Viren
his brother’s keeper: Ezran doesn’t stop Callum from going, but he does have one condition: “Take Corvus with you.” // Post-TTM,  Callum&Corvus
(i am at fault) i asked you to be human: AU where Kasef lives and makes different choices in season three. Kasef&Ezran
if i could i would feel nothing: Viren and the princes of Katolis, two, six, and ten years apart. includes babysitting and angst
my own beloved son: Harrow’s father and a young Soren get sick around the same time. / Harrow&Soren
passed down like folk songs: Ellis’ town and the Moon Nexus become re-integrated. Ellis&Lujanne + Tristan&Allen, Ellis’ parents, Callum, etc.
passage: missing scene of Callum giving Ezran their dad’s letter in between the 2x09 reunion hug and then goodbye. Callum&Ezran
punchline: Janai calls Rayla a worthy dragonguard, but how would she know? A missing scene set the night of 3x08. Janai&Rayla
the unimaginable: “Don’t marry him.” / You always call your daughter a princess. You don’t expect it to come true. AKA Harrai’s courtship with her parents’ feelings over it and her death
torn: They are the protectors, the walked aways, the left behinds. The sisters who kill. The sisters who survive. And so Amaya understands Claudia better than most. Amaya&Claudia
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