♥ love your blog! Keep being awesome!
Three blogs I recommend? Agh,there’s so many…
Literally so many blogs. So freaking many that list doesn’t even cover a pinch of it, though if you don’t follow ‘em, definitely check them out!
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I first followed you cause how could I not? You are a gorgeous cosplayer. And then it got better cause you are super nice, like star trek, and put up with my HORRIBLELY delayed rping.
//Oooh, pfft, you are far too nice! Gorgeous? Super nice? You, my dear, are a sweetheart!
Ahhh, but this is all so nice of you, like, no, really! And dude, honey, of course I’ll put up with delayed rping! Life is life and it happens and sometimes you just don’t feel like responding to an rp and it’s okay. It’s all cool! Other things most definitely have to come first! So of course I’d wait! And dude–I always love someone else to talk Trek with! :D
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I follow you cause irl Hungary, and also cause you're just awesome.
((MORE AWESOME THAN PRUSSIA! But seriously you dork I wish I was like Hungary irl more.))
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❝Do you think I’m evil?❞ ((hello friend shall we angst? Maybe they are drinking together?))
((Sure thing!))
She looked at her father with a confused face “ What? Nein”
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If it's sunny maybe Rome?))
but I fucked up his tunic and.....actually u might be onto something here
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askpapacelt · 9 years
"We could kiss right now and no one would know." ((Because why not))
“A..are you drunk right now” He stared at the other ancient in disbelief 
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"You idiot! Why did you do that?!"
He grimaced, breathing shallowly “I couldn’t just... stand by and... let you get hurt.. now could I?”
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wietkoning · 9 years
I know that feeling.
Keeping it in your pants during colonization was difficult.  Can you even guess how many you got?
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Lol watching all these old people fight is funny AF
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All of the ✔s!!!
Send me a “✔” if i’m one of your favorite blogs
//Dude. Dude, right back at you. You’re totally awesome too!
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Oh gods...when did /you/ get on here? ((Hello!))
Same way as you did! .... I think.... Did you miss me? ((Hi! :D ))
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sansukhpodfic · 10 years
I am so, ridiculously excited to hear this podfic, you have no idea.
We’re excited for you guys to hear it!
-Ricky Pulsifer
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fatherofthegermanics · 10 years
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Some of my favorite gifs I have made for my blogs.))
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Deep Red, Red, Pink, and Rose
Deep Red:I request your company for pizza.Red:We should watch anime togetherPink:I rather like your faceRose:Your blog is great
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wietkoning · 10 years
fatherofthegermanics said: Holy hell this is fab))
Thanks! I’m experimenting... His eyes are hard fml
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somniatica · 10 years
2 and 3 for the voice meme
2) Read a poem!
http://s0.vocaroo.com/media/download_temp/Vocaroo_s0RvzYfaeS1y.mp33) Read a passage from your favorite book or fanfiction. Alternatively, do a one-person-show of a scene from a movie or play.
The fanfic if you want to read you should (unless you don’t want to cry and don’t like pruhun) 
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