#fawnie archives
fawn-eyed-girl · 9 months
Sesshōmaru's Spa
Hi all! I'm trying to be better about posting, so please accept a little look into the Fawnie archives, for a fic inspired by the wonderful @alannada. I once had plans to do more with this, and maybe someday I will, but I kind of like it as a standalone as is.
This is a little AU that I hope you enjoy! (Note: it's Gen, but Towa and Setsuna do make an appearance)
The main room of the spa is bright, crisp clear, and smells of linens and cotton—overpowering the chemicals smells that come from the products that are being used on the customers. Upon entering, one encounters a small man—an imp, if you will—sitting in the receptionist chair, settled on a stack of large books so that he can see over the counter.
When he sees that it’s you, he jumps out from behind the desk, and drops to his knees, his face pressing into the ground.
“My—my lord,” he babbles, and you roll your eyes at his antics. “We—we are—honored that you have graced us with your presence.”
“Do not be ridiculous, Jaken,” you tell him, your voice haughty and cruel, “you will scare the customers away.”
(More under the cut!)
This imp—this Jaken—squeaks and nods, pressing his face even further into the ground.
You sigh. Once upon a time, Jaken was the best of the best for a vassal. But times have changed, and Jaken has not, and thus he is no longer an ideal vassal. 
Less-than-ideal vassals, though, also make excellent receptionists. 
The sound of a violin captures your attention, and you turn your ear to the left, where you see Setsuna, your daughter, playing, her bow dancing over the strings delicately. Her long dark hair is tied away from her face, although you can see streaks of red peeking through the dark brown locks. Her eyes are closed, but her eyelashes flutter across her cheeks, her eyes making tiny movements as she plays. She wears a stunning blue dress—made of jersey, you think?—and it flows effortlessly with her body as she plays. 
You know why she’s playing, so loudly, and in the middle of a spa, and you hear it:
The screams.
The awful, terrible screams.
You love hearing the screams.
The imp gets to his feet and waddles around the side of the desk. “Shall I show you to your office?” he croaks at you, and you nod, briefly, because you never show the imp your true feelings. Setsuna continues to play; you quickly realize that the screams are coming from one of the waxing rooms. As you follow the imp down the hall, you pass by the room; the door is open, and you see another young woman there; it’s Towa, your other daughter, and she is applying wax to the leg of a very hairy wolf demon, who hisses as the hot wax makes contact with his skin. Towa tucks her short silver hair behind her ear, and looks down apologetically at the man.
“I’m really sorry,” she says, holding the waxing strip firmly in her hand and pulling, slowly, nearly one hair follicle at a time, the wolf demon howling with every slow movement of her body.
“Towa,” you say, and the young woman looks up at you, her ruby red eyes blazing.
“What is it, Father?” she asks, and you can hear the impatience in her tone. “I’m busy.”
“Yes, so I see,” you comment. “Remember what I have told you: you must pull the strip slowly, so as to rip out each follicle, one at a time.”
The girl—Towa—actually growls at you, and in her haste, rips the strip off the wolf demon’s leg. He howls, even more loudly than before, and you resist the urge to chuckle—you will not chuckle.
But your eyebrow quirks.
“My lord,” Jaken says, waddling away, “your office awaits. My 4:00 is here.” The imp leaves you in front of a door that says “Office,” and you push the door open. 
The office is sparse, with only a metal desk and a black leather chair, but you like it that way. As you sink behind your desk, your ears begin to pick up the sounds from the spa outside:
Towa ripping the waxing strips from the wolf demon’s body.
Setsuna playing the violin.
Jaken griping at a customer as he files their nails.
The phone rings; it’s the front desk line, and even though you would normally never lower yourself to answer the main line, you cannot help but reach for the phone.
The screams, the shouts, the violin. 
Finally, finally, you allow yourself to smile.
You pick up the phone, press the call button, and lift the phone to your ear.
“Good afternoon,” you say, your voice sonorous and smooth. “Sesshōmaru’s Spa.
How can we help you?”
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honeybeezgobzzzzz · 1 year
𓅨 Your Fate is Sealed With Mine: Chapter Five
Your Fate is Sealed With Mine: Y/N Burgess is the granddaughter of Alex and Paul, and after having spent so many summers at their manor and always wondering why she was forbidden from entering the basement, she descends the steps into the world of the Order. She broke out the being that had been trapped in that glass cage, but what does he want with her now that he is free?
Warnings: Language, Even More Mind Fuckery!, Violence, Blood, Peril, Drowning Description, Morpheus Saves the Day.
To Note: Morpheus/Dream x Female!GranddaughterReader, based on Netflix’s ‘The Sandman’, Reader now has long-ish hair for plot reasons (Just so Morpheus can tug on it later).
Word Count: ~2.8k
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You were sure they could hear your steps from the dining room. You were walking like a woman walking away after being scorned by a lover. Footsteps echoing on wood like claps of thunder, you stormed into the sun room and all but slapped the book you had in hand, down onto the table. 
“What the bloody hell is this!?” You questioned sharply, your tongue poised for verbal lashing and precise sparring. 
“Language, Y/N,” Paul tutted, looking at you over his reading glasses. Your eyes flashed at him before you rounded on Alex. 
“Care to explain why the Burgess library has a grimoire section?” You stated, your voice sharp and clear, showing exactly how you felt about finding a grimoire in the library, let alone and entire section of the occult… Alex sighed and slowly lowered the book he had been reading on the side table next to him. 
“Darling, you’re aware of the rumors that surround Fawny Rig,” Alex started with a sigh, strain on his tired and haggard face. “Those rumors didn’t just start from anywhere, my father— my father’s interests were rather… unusual. He collected many occult books and was fascinated with the idea of resurrection, especially after—.” He paused, a pained expression now crossing his face. Paul placed a hand on Alex’s shoulder. 
“Y/N, after your great grandfather lost your great uncle Randall, he was very distraught. Started seeking any way to bring him back. That brought him to looking into books of the occult.” Paul explained, taking the book in hand. “Do not dwell on the desperation of a mad man, darling. Nothing good will come of it.”
You weren’t foolish enough to press the subject, you could see how upset Alex was about the subject matter. So you would let it go, for now that is. But this conversation wasn’t over, they held far too many secrets about this place for you to just let questions go unanswered. 
“I hope one day you will see it in yourselves to tell me the truth of what is going on here.” You spoke softly, eyeing both of them. “Because I know it has something to do with my childhood, and I do believe I deserve answers after what I went through.” 
From there you strode out of the room, walking with purpose but with no destination in mind. After that very short conversation, you had a very bad feeling that there was more to the story of Roderick’s obsession with the occult than they let on. Small towns did indeed talk, but how had the rumor of the ‘demon in the basement’ come about? Maybe it was time to do a little research about the manor… outside the grounds of the building itself. It was clear that your grandfathers’ didn’t want you knowing specifics and from what you knew about Roderick, he was not a good father to Alex. 
It was time to consult the local archives. 
Heading back up to your room, you changed into more appropriate clothing for an outing, grabbing your phone and purse. It would be a day trip out of the archive building. It wasn’t too much of a drive from the manor and you would be getting out of the building and off the grounds. You hardly wanted to become a homebody, never leaving the grounds of the manor. 
After calling a cab, thanks to Herman, you spent the drive absentmindedly playing candy crush on your phone. You made it three levels by the time the cab pulled up in front of the archive building, and after paying and bidding the driver a proper farewell, you shouldered your purse and headed inside. The building smelled of old parchment and a touch of mold, but it did look neat and clean. Striding up to the front desk, you smiled at the woman behind the desk wearing horn rimmed glasses.
“Welcome to Wych Cross Archives, how can I help you love?”
“I’m doing some research on a property here in Wych Cross, but haven’t been able to get much information so far. I was hoping that you would have the archives on the property since its construction.” You spoke, hoping that you weren’t asking too much. Her eyebrow popped up as if she was cracking her proverbial knuckles and she glanced at the computer to her right. 
“What’s the property title?”
“Fawny Rig,” You offered, giving the official name. She paused for a moment, clearly understanding the implications about asking about such a place, before looking at you over her spectacles. 
“Fawny Rig?” She repeated. You nodded in confirmation. 
“I would like to know more about one of it’s owner, Roderick Burgess.” You told her, shifting your feet and adjusting the strap of your purse. She typed away on the keyboard for a few moments, her eyes scanning the computer screen. Pulling out a notecard, she jotted down a few words and numbers before turning back to you. 
“You’ll find the archive bins here, but if yea really want to know more about em’ you’d get better information from his son, Alex Burgess.” 
“Unfortunately, my grandfather is quite reluctant to speak about my great grandfather with me.” You replied, taking the card with a small smile. “It seems that the family wants to keep its secrets with the dead.” 
“Sometimes it’s best that way, love. The dead like their secrets.” The woman replied, she paused, her dead tilting for a moment. “You the granddaughter we occasionally hear about? Y/N Burgess is it?” 
“Guilty,” You said, holding up the card. “Thank you very much.”
Moving past the front desk, you headed for the marked doorway that would lead you to the archive section with the file bins you wanted. You had to walk up and down several aisle to find what you were looking for, but after searching for about ten minutes, you spotted the bin. Heaving it from the file rack, you carried it over to the nearest table and dropped it. Just judging by the weight, this bin had a substantial amount of papers to sift though. Whether or not the articles would be helpful would remain to be seen. 
Opening the bin, you pulled out a thick folder and tabbed through the pages within, several old papers from the thirties and forties… you were hoping for something a little earlier than that. You set a couple more thick folders aside before finding a carefully bound folder with papers from the nineteen tens. This was what you wanted. You carefully set it down in front of you and gently tugged at the strings until you could open the folder. What you first noticed was a paper mentioning something called ‘The Order of Ancient Mysteries’. Your eyebrow pinched together in confusion and you peered closer at it. Roderick was the apparent founder and it met at Fawny Rig, but you had never heard Alex or Paul mention it. What exactly was The Order of Ancient Mysteries? You started digging further. 
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That black sea was back. Blinking rapidly while you looked around, you noted that the water seemed to be churning a little more than it had the first time you had been here. Like it was upset or angry. Agitated even. That was a silly thought, water didn’t have human emotions… Looking down at the mirror like water, you crouched down and peered over the edge. This time you saw your own reflection, not his. You didn’t understand these dreams and their wishy washy ways. You slumped to your shins and drummed your fingernails on the worn wood dock. The water in front of you rippled in agitation and yet, your reflection remained constant. You tilted your head, your reflection stared back at you, unchanged from your movement. 
“Trippy,” You murmured. Your reflection smiled at you, but the smile lacked warmth and seemed almost predatory, or perhaps even taunting. “What the hell do you want from me?” You questioned your reflection. It didn’t respond. Naturally. Reflections didn’t do that. “Stop looking at me like that.” It was almost laughing at you, mirth and mischief shining in its eyes. Perhaps it wanted you to do something? Your eyes flickered to your right hand. Perhaps. 
Raising your right hand, you held it in front of you, indecisive on whether you should try what was currently running through your mind. Your fingers dipped towards the water. Your reflection mirrored your action, it’s fingers stretching towards yours. You moved slowly, wary of what your action would bring, but the closer you got to touching the water, the calmer the churning water got. Intrigued, you pushed onward until your fingertip moved mere centimeters from the surface. Then you closed those last centimeters and touched the water. 
You gasped when your finger connected with your reflections finger and you felt them physically touch. Then a bolt of electricity went up your arm to your spine. That feeling erupted in your body until you felt it in your toes. It was like the waters were begging you to remember something, the tingling tugging and pulling at your mind, trying to rip away the walls it had built to protect you from your trauma. You closed your eyes and shook your head, trying to force those walls to stay strong. 
“Stop it, I want answers, not the memories of what I suffered.” You whispered. Your reflection narrowed it’s eyes, and then those eyes that matched yours so perfectly, glowed bright silver. You internally gasped and retracted your hand from the water. Only your reflection didn’t allow your hand to retreat. No, it’s hand lifted from the water, grasping onto your wrist in a black and inky grip. You didn’t even have time to suck in a breath before it sharply yanked you beneath waves that churned so violently once more. 
Dragged through the water, you floundered against the steel grip on your wrist, trying not to panic as you were pulled deeper and deeper into the noxiously dark waters. Bubbles streamed around your body as you struggled and in your writhing and yanking, your eyesight started blurring. No! Not right now! It was too late. 
You were running through a field, but this time, laughter and happiness wasn’t plastered on your face. No. You were terrified. Behind you were giant beast of black, cloaked in swirling mist with glowing red eyes. They were chasing you, growls, spittle, and teeth baring at your small body. They could swallow you in one gulp no doubt. How were they in your perfect dream? Your dreams were always so idyllic and carefree. Full of laughter, smiles, and fun. Not this time. Scrambling up a rocky slope, your scraped your palms and knees in your haste, breaking skin and leaving behind blood for the beasts to lap and snarl over. They were thirsty for your mortal flesh. Your little lungs burned, tired from the overexertion of sprinting in fear. Cain and Abel weren’t here to help and Gregory was nowhere to be found. You were on your own. You looked over your shoulder and let out a terrified scream when one of the shadowy beasts leaped and slammed into your body, taking you to the ground. Rocks and gravel dug into your body, sinking into your delicate skin. The ribbons in your hair and on your dress were the first to be ripped…
A small gasp of air escaped your mouth while you tried not to scream beneath the waves, the terror your child self felt now freshly running through your body. Thrashing in the water, your nails raked through a patch of sea kelp that was softly floating in the mysterious waters. More bubbles streamed around you, rushing to the light above the surface of the water that was quickly fading. 
You were a tween now, caught in the awkward phase of trying to break free of childhood and yet still not quite a teenager. This time you weren’t being chased through a field, but being hunted in the ruins of a castle like a fox hunting down a mouse. A scratch already stretched across your side, tearing through your light clothing that offered little to no protection from the dementor like beings that were currently trying to tear you to pieces. They had caught you off guard while you were exploring the ruins. You should have known better than to wander alone. Every time you went somewhere by yourself in your dreams, monsters emerged, viciously trying to hurt you, tear you apart, or drag you to the depths of the world where you knew you wouldn’t return from. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, trying to be as quiet as possible. Then you started running again. Around a collapsed column, swerving a chunk of ceiling that had fallen, turn a corner to another hall— you were seized by your throat and lifted into the air. In front of you was one of the floating monsters. It’s bony facial structure constantly shifting and rearranging in a mangled and deformed face. Talons squeezed your neck and cut into your flesh. You gurgled, suffocating and feeling the cuts simultaneously. Blood ran down your neck and painted your shirt crimson.
Your struggles against the grip on your wrist were ceasing, the energy and strength sapping from your limbs like you had been dropped into a frozen lake. What little oxygen you had left in your lungs was dwindling much like your body heat. Leeching from your body at an accelerated rate. Your tired to grasp at another plant you were dragged past, your fingers only glossed through the slippery plant, finding no purchase. 
Fifteen. Just trying to make it through year ten year of school. But the nightmares had returned and you couldn’t escape them like last time. More medication, more shocks, more suffering. Would it ever end? You were being dragged on your stomach, rocks, branches, and concrete digging into your shirt and belly. The monsters had grown more bold, going after you while you were visiting Cain and Abel. You hadn’t even crossed the stone bridge when something had wrapped around your ankle and jerked you flat onto your stomach. Your chin was bleeding, your fingernails broken from scratching at the dirt and rock, you were pretty sure you had bashed open your elbow on a rock… There was a yell, a loud clank, and your ankle was released. Cain and Abel were hauling you to your feet and dragging you back towards their home. You glanced over your shoulder and saw red eyes watching you in disappointment. You knew that look. Next time. Next time.
You were limp at this point, out of oxygen, drowning from both the water and from the memories. Echoes of raw pain, raw wounds, raw fear. Raw memories. It was too much. The last bits of air slipped from your lips, flooding towards the surface as you disappeared into the depths. Water entered where it shouldn’t. Your eyes flickered closed and you started succumbing to the burn in your body. It would be over soon, wouldn’t it? Arms wrapped around your body and you were pulled through the water in the opposite direction. You were limp against what pulled you back towards the surface, water rapidly poisoning your lungs. The weightlessness disappeared and you found yourself on the dock, cradled in a pair of arms. A second later you were violently heaving up black water, coughing as your body forcefully expelled the noxious liquid.
You scratched at your throat and chest, desperate to get rid of the sting and burn blistering within your body. Writhing in whoever held you, you jerked in place when a hand reached up and brushed your wet hair from your face. Soft words were spoken to you, gentle, reassuring, comforting. You struggled to open your eyelids, just barely opening them to see a blurry and dark mysterious man. The one who haunted your dreams for so long. Before you could question him or get a clearer picture, your body spasmed again and you twisted to the side with a violent gag.
There were tears in your eyes now, brought on by the harshness at which your body expelled the dream water from your lungs. The urge to cough subsided and you trembled in place, taking in the entirety of what you had just experienced. The memories of you in the Dreaming that your mind had hidden from you. Eyes fluttering, you looked at your mystery man once more. He had pulled you from the depths of your mind, that you knew. But he couldn’t stay, he never did, and you weren’t surprised when his form started flickering and fading.
You were left curled up on the wooden dock, trembling and shaking as the black ocean gently lapped at the dock. It was appeased for now. You sagged against the wood, shivering as sobs continually slipped from your numb lips. 
No wonder your mind had locked those memories away. 
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Date Published: 8/29/22
Last Edit: 5/29/23
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My Bed, (Y)our Bed
by Fawn_Eyed_Girl
Kaoru wakes up after breaking out of the hospital in a familiar place, where he's greeted by a familiar face, one who loves to take care of him.
Words: 1746, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Fawnie's Sk8 One-Shots
Fandoms: SK8 the Infinity (Anime)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Nanjo Kojiro | Joe, Sakurayashiki Kaoru | Cherry Blossom
Relationships: Nanjo Kojiro | Joe/Sakurayashiki Kaoru | Cherry Blossom
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, post-episode 9, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Established Nanjo Kojiro | Joe/Sakurayashiki Kaoru | Cherry Blossom, Protective Nanjo Kojiro | Joe, Soft Nanjo Kojiro | Joe, Pet Names, Kissing, Hand Jobs, Nanjo Kojiro is in Love, cooking as love language, Romantic Fluff
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/47724331
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violetequus8 · 2 years
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One Half of a WholeㅣDream of the Endless/Hob Gadlingㅣ4kㅣGenㅣOneshotㅣNo Archive Warnings Apply
Alternative Universe - Post-Apocalypse, Alternative Universe - Canon Divergence, Dream Doesn’t Show Up in 2022 Cause He’s a Twat, POV Outsider, Sad with a Happy Ending
Dream of the Endless escapes Fawny Rig in 2022 and does not plan to see Hob Gadling until their next meeting, in 2089. Hob Gadling goes on a tour of the States in 2065. 
The apocalypse happens in 2067.
[read here on ao3]
written for @dreamlingbingo
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Yay!! That's one done!!
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ao3feed-corintheus · 2 years
worship at the altar of
worship at the altar of by noona96n for a very, very long time, it's just him and his Creator on the shore of his making. then come the humans and their stories. then comes Nada and Calliope. then comes Robert Gadling. and so he goes to Paris, to Berlin, to Fawny Rig and- now- -now -now. - basically word vomit of how the Corinthian goes from Dream's beautiful, perfect, and first-ever Creation-slash-companion to the unhinged nightmare hungering for an unattainable God Words: 471, Chapters: 1/7, Language: English Fandoms: The Sandman (TV 2022) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: The Corinthian (Sandman), Dream of the Endless | Morpheus, Dream of the Endless, Other Character Tags to Be Added Relationships: The Corinthian/Dream of the Endless | Morpheus, The Corinthian/Dream of the Endless, The Corinthian & Dream of the Endless | Morpheus Additional Tags: Pre-Canon, Power Dynamics, Power Imbalance, Worship, Master & Servant, Master/Servant, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Warnings May Change
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 3 years
A Hand to Keep Warm
A Hand to Keep Warm by Fawn Eyed Girl
Momo has been in love with Todoroki Shōto for three years, and hasn't been able to confess her feelings. Then, on a cold morning, while they are walking to school together, she thinks that she's figured out a way to do so. But will Shōto understand her intentions?
Words: 5718, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Fawnie's TodoMomo Stories
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Yaoyorozu Momo, Todoroki Shouto, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Class 1-A
Relationships: Todoroki Shouto/Yaoyorozu Momo
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - High School, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Secret Crush, Winter, Cold Weather, Huddling For Warmth, hand-holding, Love Confessions, First Kiss, Romantic Fluff, Yaoyorozu Momo Needs a Hug, Cute Todoroki Shouto, Aged-Up Character(s), Snow, Idiots in Love
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36379504
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thenightling · 5 years
Summary of The Dreaming (issues 1 through 18)
We begin with a teaser in Dark Nights: Metal (November 2017).  After the dust has settled and The Library of The Dreaming has been restored Lucien notices a book missing and his lord Dream of The Endless (Daniel Hall).
The following happens in The Sandman Universe 1 and The Dreaming issues 1 through 18.
The Dreaming slowly deteriorates around their ears. The Dream entities (the subjects of The Dreaming) cannot find Dream of The Endless (The Sandman).  Matthew The Raven tries to find him but Daniel cuts off their psychic connection to avoid being found by his subjects.   
Dora, another entity, commonly called a Monsteress or Monstress (Someone should tell him monster is unisex) resides in The Dreaming.   She has a bit of a chip on her shoulder because Morpheus (Dream of The Endless) assured her that she was safe in his domain and she didn’t need to be afraid anymore.  She feels he lied to her.  It wasn’t long after his assurances that he “was killed” by The kindly ones and a new aspect (incarnation) of Dream of The Endless took the throne, Daniel.
Strange beings called Blanks or (as a pseudo-racial slur) “Soggies” are coming through a crack that has formed in The Dreaming.   Some dream entities, including Mervyn Pumpkinhead  (the grounds keeper of The Dreaming) are suspicious of these refugees coming through. (Incoming ham-handed political message).  
Lucien decides to “conserve” energy in The Dreaming by uncreating dream entities he deems useless.   He uses the helm of dream (because apparently that’s how this works now...) to uncreate Mervyn’s friends and crew men right on the steps of the castle.  Needless to say Merv was devastated and Lucien says “I did warn you.” before differentiating Uncreating and killing and acting as if being ucnreated is one of the finest things that could happen. (Take this as a bad sign.  I sure did.)  
Poor Lucien, The librarian’s mind was deteriorating, like someone with dementia. 
Dora befriends one of the blanks and names him Ziggy after Ziggy Stardust (The David Bowie persona).   Ziggy starts to develop his own autonomous personality and Dora realizes the blanks are made of dream-stuff and are like children just being born.
Disgruntled about the “uncreation” of his friends and feeling contempt toward The Blanks that took their job, Mervyn unleashes Judge Gallows.  Judge Gallows is a nightmare that Morpheus apparently created to prey on humanity’s fear of “The Other.”  Judge Gallows caused things like The Civil War and The Holocaust. (????????????  NOT OKAY!)
Judge Gallows discovers Lucien’s mental deterioration and uses it against him to take control over The Dreaming.   He starts having Merv pen up The Blanks and they even attempt lynching poor Ziggy.
Dora and Lucien flee to the realm of Destruction where Dora is able to wield the sword of Destruction (Which really should NOT be there but okay...)   This part is mostly filler, folks, but I’m writing it out anyway.    
Abel is talked into killing Cain, inverting their usual story routine. (Someone completely ignored the rule about Cain’s mark here...).  Cain doesn’t revive though.
There’s a brief run-in with Nuala the faery (as if someone forgot to put her into the story since she is in the concept art. Whoops).  And it’s implied she’s hidden some important item for Daniel after misleading Titania about a dreamstone. 
Nuala had been “Given” as a gift to Morpheus during the events of the original Sandman.  Morpheus, distrusting of faeries, and not liking slavery, was reluctant to accept, but knew if he refused it would mean war with the faery court.   He had allowed her to stay and ultimately paid her with a boon.   Nuala had an unrequited crush on Morpheus.   
 A strange A.I called Wan comes in and usurps Judge Gallows. Bye, Judge Gallows, no one cares.  However we get early hints that Wan is crazy or has an alternate personality that wants to destroy The Dreaming.  
Daniel makes a brief apologetic appearance to Lucien, who appears to be dying. (This gets drawn out.  He’ll be “on the brink of death” for several issues...)
Enter Rose Walker!  Finally we get a little coherence in the plot.   Rose hasn’t aged a day since she was saved from being The Dream Vortex by her grandmother, Unity. The Dream Vortex is a person whose mind is unusually connected to The Dreaming and whose very existence can cause their waking world to crash into The Dreaming, killing everyone on her planet.  Morpheus had not wanted to have to kill her but thankfully Rose’s grandmother had found another means for her to survive, by taking the essence of what makes her The Vortex into herself.
Rose is actually the granddaughter of Desire of The Endless.  Unity had been raped by Desire in a scheme to create a vortex because Desire wanted to put Morpheus in a situation where he would have to spill family blood.  If an Endless kills a member of their own family The Kindly Ones may hunt them. 
Ultimately this happened with Morpheus but not because of Desire impregnating Rose’s grandmother, but because Morpheus put his own son, Orpheus, out of his misery.  Lyta Hall had tried to invoke the kindly ones for the death of Daniel.   The kindly Ones tried to tell her that Morpheus did not kill Daniel, nor was he blood of The Endless (Yet...) but they informed her that Morpheus did kill his own son, (Orpheus) and that was reason enough for them.
Ironically this quest for revenge IS what made Lyta lose Daniel forever.  It ended with Daniel becoming the new aspect of Dream. 
 Now in present day Rose has a daughter, Ivy. Ivy is in her mid-twenties and works as a tattoo artist.  Rose had been pregnant by the time Daniel became Dream.   And though it’s technically incest with his own great-niece Daniel fell in love with this daughter, Ivy.  Daniel, posing as a human, had a strange, romantic relationship with Ivy.  
One scene that rubbed me the wrong way in this is when some men at a bachelor party catcalled Ivy it was implied that Daniel f--king murdered them by making them drown themselves.   (Morpheus hated the idea of killing and has a personal crisis every time he might have to do it. Daniel does it over catcalling...)   Rose is given visions by Desire of The Endless explaining what happens at this point.  Some of this isn’t explained until ten issues later but I’ll streamline this right here for you.
Many years earlier a man named Hyperion Keeter (very much modeled after Steve Jobs) was haunted by a Night Hag.  It turns out this Night Hag was Dora. He defeated the creature by telling her she was not real.   Dora, having an existential crisis, flees back to The Dreaming.   Here Morpheus found her and helped her.  To stabilize her fragile condition he hid something precious inside her. His own ruby dreamstone, made from a piece of his very soul).   It would exist inside her until the day she was strong enough to believe in herself, sustain herself, and rise above self-doubt.   Many creatures of dream (if not all) need to be believed in to sustain themselves or they weaken and fade.
Hyperion becomes obsessed with dreams.  He believes that dreams are the source of all the world’s superstition, fear, and religion and as such the source of all human cruelty, bigotry, and irrationality- things like witch hunts, religious wars, persecution of the LGBT community over “religious reasons.”   He thinks if he takes control over the world’s dreams he can save it.  
Decades pass.  He gets occultists and corporate followers who agree with his scheme but probably for less noble reasons (more world domination than anything else).  Hyperion’s followers learn that Daniel is courting Ivy.  They get a hold of a lock of Ivy’s hair and use it to control her.         While under this magical enthralment Ivy is used to put a geas tattoo on Daniel’s back.  The tattoo is a composite of a solomonic figure and a dreamcatcher, things Daniel believes hold power and so they do.   
Daniel thinks this is a strange accident caused by the fact that Ivy had wanted to tattoo him and she had cried and cried when he refused to allow it before.   (No means no, bitch.  The character IVy, before being under the enthralment, threw a hissy fit because she didn’t respect his autonomy when Daniel didn’t want a tattoo.  And we were supposed to sympathize with her trying to force body modification!)  
Unable to explain what’s wrong, because of the geas, Daniel accepts a cup of tea from Ivy, while they sit on a beach, but Rose has a vision from Desire, warning her that the tea is magically poisoned. She tries to stop Daniel from drinking it but it’s too late.  He’s badly weakened.     
At first Daniel believes Ivy deliberately betrayed him and he has a major temper tantrum resulting in mortals around them mutilating themselves.   (Seriously, can we have Morpheus back now?!???)
Rose slapped sense into Daniel (he deserved it) and Daniel goes to figure out what’s going on.   At Fawny Rig (the mansion where Morpheus had been held prisoner a century earlier) Daniel lets out his rage on the occultists there and finds out how they controlled Ivy.  The house is now owned by Hyperion’s company.  Daniel goes to make amends with Ivy but it’s too late. Ivy has ODed on prescription drugs.   She’s alive but brain dead. Daniel declares that she’s only asleep and flees with her. 
Daniel gives Hyperion a dream warning him of what would really happen if he’s successful in the destruction of myth, fantasy, and wonder.  Horrified by what he sees, Hyperion tries to undo what he has done but his own followers turn on him.  He’s physically fragile (dying of cancer), and eventually is put on a life support system.  Most of the world already thought he was dead anyway.
Rose tells the story to semi-unconscious Lucien.  Lucien ends up back in The Dreaming where he finds his library has been replaced with a digitized archive (easier to destroy).  Wan (the A.I.) thinks this digital library with no books is more convenient with Lucien’s fading memory and Wan actually believes they are doing good.  Wan doesn’t know that part of them is like a virus slowly eating away at The Dreaming.    
Abel knows the truth. Abel captures Matthew and removes his own eyes, inserting them into Matthew’s eye sockets. (Yup, human-like eyes hanging out of a bird. This lasted three issues too long...)  Abel can grow back his eyes.  He does this so Matthew can see the truth and to sever his connection with Wan (who is now ruler of The Dreaming).  Because psychic links now work by optic nerves, I suppose.  I know it’s “dream logic” but no, not really.  The blind can’t have a psychic connection?!?  “My Lord, why can’t I feel you?” the last words of the griffon when he was killed by The Kindly Ones.   He wasn’t feeling him with his eyes!    
Lucien comes to Abel, begging for death.   Mervyn and the other dream entities show pity on Lucien and bury him, in the hope that he’ll be reabsorbed by The Dreaming.   Lucien has tea with Death.     
Dora eventually tracks down the source of what’s destroying The Dreaming right into Hyperion’s bedroom.  Here she finds Cain “living” inside a computer security system.  Hyperion’s men had found Cain’s essence and uploaded him into this machine, somehow.  Cain informs Dora of the part of the story she didn’t know.   And he tricks her into shutting down Hyperion’s life support system. Poor Hyperion had wanted to set things right, knowing what he did was wrong.
While Hyperion is in his death dream, Abel and Matthew are able to escape into The waking World.
Rose Walker was on a bus carrying her mother’s corpse back home.   Her literally brain-dead daughter had been abducted by Daniel and her own mother just passed away from cancer, so Rose is numb and confused while the world is going to Hell because humans are losing their minds without their dreams.
Rose has another vision of Desire. There have been some subtle hints that this might not be Desire at all.  For starters we never see the whole face.  The eyes are always hidden.  Second, this Desire always comes to her in dreams.   And there are not-so-subtle nods to The Sandman: Overture where Desire had disguised themself as Dream in cat form and Morpheus had mistaken this cat as another aspect of Dream of The Endless.  If Desire can be mistaken as Dream, Dream can be mistaken as Desire.  There’s a rising chance this “Desire” is actually Morpheus.  They can’t be Daniel.  One of the visions came while Daniel was about to drink poisoned tea.
“Desire” coaxes Rose to take the initiative and use her own Desire-based powers. She steals the greyhound bus she was riding to get to Hyperion’s manor.   
Abel and Matthew had gotten through to The Waking World by Hyperion’s death dream but some newly reprogrammed blanks, serving Wan, follow them.  Dora recognizes one of these blanks as Ziggy, her friend.   He still has the lightning bolt mark on his face.  They are there to unmake dream entities and Ziggy almost successfully destroys Dora before coming to his senses and remembering who she is to him.
Abel’s eyes in Matthew’s head don’t work anymore in the waking world “because Dream Logic.”  So Abel gives Matthew back his raven eyes. (Thank God!)
Abel confronts Cain and reminds him of how they need each other.  Being the keeper of secrets Abel successfully hacks into the computer system holding Cain and allows him to escape and kill Abel (who always gets better), thus setting their story right. They both go home.       
Almost destroyed, Dora lays dying.   Rose comes in and tells Dora she must believe in herself and allows Dora to feed on her fear. It’s surprisingly sensual and intimate.
During the feeding it’s revealed that Morpheus hid his ruby dreamstone in Dora.  Dora is fully healed and comes to her senses holding the ruby dreamstone.   Poor Rose is The Dream Vortex again.
Dora opens the way back to The Dreaming.   She’s followed by Matthew and the blanks, including Ziggy.  Here a small army of dream entities have gathered with Lucien as righteous preacher who has had an encounter with Death and spoke with “HIM” and he knows what they must do now.  He seems a bit crazed and the figures behind him look an awful lot like the versions of dream from The Sandman Overture. 
And that’s where we currently are.  No, I did not explain any events from The House of Whispers, Lucifer, Books of magic, or John Constantine: Hellblazer. That would have made this much longer.   And that’s where we are now.  I think I remembered everything.
@vagaryhexxx   This is for you.        
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by Totallynotaweirdo
Aizawa addressed his concern to one of his student (you) who was struggling with a feeling of inferiority, but you can’t talk about your problems. Aizawa’s there to help.
- Author can't summarize :D
Ft. Lily and Fawny/Faun (my friends) as beta readers
Words: 2516, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of A buncha Au
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Reader, Midoriya Izuku
Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Reader, platoniccc!!
Additional Tags: Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Midoriya Izuku is a Good Friend, You're a student here :D, Anxiety, Light Angst, deep, Reader Has a Quirk (My Hero Academia), Platonic Relationships
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honeybeezgobzzzzz · 1 year
𓅨 Your Fate is Sealed With Mine: Chapter Six
Your Fate is Sealed With Mine: Y/N Burgess is the granddaughter of Alex and Paul, and after having spent so many summers at their manor and always wondering why she was forbidden from entering the basement, she descends the steps into the world of the Order. She broke out the being that had been trapped in that glass cage, but what does he want with her now that he is free?
Warnings: Language, Reader Getting Mad At Candy Crush, Reader Scolds Dream in the Mirror.
To Note: Morpheus/Dream x Female!GranddaughterReader, based on Netflix’s ‘The Sandman’, Reader now has long-ish hair for plot reasons (Just so Morpheus can tug on it later).
Word Count: ~2.1k
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Sitting at the archive table, you stared off into space. Paper marks were still fresh on your face from where you had fallen asleep on the folders and articles you had gotten out. You were in partial shock. In your quest to understand and learn more about what was going on with Fawny Rig, you had entirely forgotten about what had been the reason for your departure from Fawny Rig and ultimately, occasional institutionalizations. You dropped your face into your hands and softly groaned.
“My family is fuckin’ nuts,” You whispered into your hands, pushing your fingers through your hair. Roderick’s Order was one hundred percent real and he most definitely messed with something he shouldn’t have. Perhaps you had gotten your crazies from him, because it wasn’t normal to have such lucid dreams. You were sure of that. Well, you were sure that what you were seeing wasn’t normal, but you weren’t sure what was real and what was fake anymore. Not when your dreams felt so real. You added one last comment to yourself.  “…myself included.”
You wiped at your eyes, trying to get rid of the remaining tears that had leaked from your lashes. That wasn’t the worst thing to happen to you and you needed to get a grip on yourself before returning to Fawny Rig. It was frustrating, you had come here looking for answers to a host of question. What you ended up with was only more unanswered questions. You carefully started packing away the files you had pulled out and closed the bin. You returned it to the spot you had pulled it from and began making your way out of the archives.
While you walked, you pulled out your phone and checked your messages. Your eyebrows went up. It was nearly five o’clock… you knew you had spent a good chunk of time reading, but how long had you been asleep? That didn’t matter, you had about a dozen or so calls and text messages from Paul, all fraught with worry. Sitting on a bench outside the archives, you rang up Paul’s number and listened to it ring. He picked up after the second ring.
“Y/N, I’ve been trying to get in contact with you all day!” Paul rushed out in a scolding tone. “Herman said you’d gone out but we’ve haven’t heard a word from you since!?”
“Sorry, grandpapa, I decided to go to the local archives and lost track of time.” You told him, rubbing your chin. “I fell asleep at the desk. I didn’t intentionally stay out the entire day, okay?”
“You fell asleep? Are you getting enough sleep at night, darling? It’s not like you to nap let alone fall asleep doing research.” Always the worrywart, but you suppose that’s why Paul was your favorite. He was always so caring and supportive. At least supportive in everything save for whatever he and Alex were hiding from you of course.
“I know, I just think I’m not having quality sleep. I’ve got a lot on my mind as of late. I’m sure I’ll sleep better soon.” You said, trying to reassure him. Paul wasn’t convinced and went into protective mode.
“Well you better, Y/N, or I’m sending you back to Manchester. The move be damned, I’ll not stand to have anything happen to you, I won’t have it!”
“Nothing’s going to happen to me grandpapa, promise, I just need a good nights rest for once.” You chided him. “I’ll be on my way to Fawny Rig shortly, I’m quite tired and I think I’d do well to turn in early tonight.”
“Very well, I’ll inform Alex that you’re on your way home, I will see you at dinner tonight.” Code word for get your arse home before you worry us anymore.
“Of course, I love you.”
“And I love you, darling, See you soon.” Ending the call, you ordered a taxi to pick you up. Opening the candy crush app while you waited for your ride, you did a few tries at your latest level, getting irritated that no matter how many times you tried to pass the level, you still felt short on popping all of the little sodas. It was ridiculous at how mad this menial game made you, but you were determined to pass the level. “Oh come on,” You failed the level, again. Dropping your head back, you counted to ten in your head while staring at the sky. You fiddled with your phone until your cab arrived, and on your way back to Fawny Rig, you texted Jemima, wondering what she was up to this night.
Apparently she was heading out to a club, and you received an ample amount of pictures of her dressed in various outfits. She wanted to know what looked best on her for the night, and if her favorite dress was starting to make her look on the chubby side. You sighed and quickly text back telling her that what she wanted to know, wasn’t a question you were going to answer… which made her mad because she wanted you to be honest with her. So you gave in and told her that it was starting to show the less than flattering parts of her body and perhaps it was time to find a new favorite dress. She sent you a picture of her pouting in response. You snickered and liked her photo, making sure to save it to your phone.
You were still texting Jemima even as you walked into the manor and slipped your shoes off. Herman eyed you as you scurried for the dining room and you gave him a look, daring him to speak about your extended absence from the manor. Entering the dining room, you saw that both Paul and Alex were already seated. At least they hadn’t started eating yet.
“Sorry I’m late.” You spoke, stuffing your phone into your jean pocket. “I got caught up in research and then fell asleep.” Alex eyed you as Paul gave you a dirty look, his mustache twitching like he wanted to further scold you, but he held his tongue. You smiled pleasantly, taking the silent win on that conversation. Paul then scowled slightly at you to which you promptly ignored and proceeded to kiss both his and Alex’s cheeks before taking your seat. Dinner went by at an almost painfully slow pace, the atmosphere tense. Even Herman could tell that there was something going on between the three of you. Thankfully the man never spoke a word about it.
You didn’t even bother staying for dessert. You hadn’t been lying to Paul when you told him you felt tired, even after napping in the archives. Walking across the manor, you came upon the hallway with the door to the basement and paused. Two people were standing outside the door, talking.
“Well I don’t know, depends if they show up for their shift.” The woman huffed, tapping her thigh with a book. “None of my business if they don’t show up, I’m not paid to care, just to watch.”
“Hm, I’ve got three weeks until Corfu, then I can kiss that dungeon goodbye,” The man sighed. “I’ll be stinking of suntan lotion but at least I’ll be on the beach, far, far away from this place.”
You paused in step, your curiosity piquing. Both seemed to notice your presence when you paused in step. They gave you a polite nod.
“Evening, mum,” They both spoke. You gave them a polite smile before glancing at the door.
“Good evening,” You greeted warmly, your eyes trailing on the heavy wooden door. “It’s not too damp down there, is it? I can’t imagine your job is all too riveting and I’d hate to know that you have to sit in a dingy basement all day…”
“Oh don’t bother yourself over it, mum,” The woman spoke, her hand rising to wave your words off. “It’s an easy job we’re happy to sit through.”
You gave her a nod.
“Well, do tell me if you need anything.” You told her. “I can’t imagine you have much to do guarding a basement…Still an odd concept to me, I’ve always wondered what was down there…”
“You don’t know?” The woman asked, complete confusion on her face. You shook your head with a wry smile.
“Oh no, never even been down there. I’ve been coming to Fawny Rig since I was in diapers, I was always told to never go into the basement and never had the urge to… so no. I’ve never been down there. Not entirely sure I want to at this point in my life.” You explained before giving the locked door a wary look. The man shook his head.
“You ain’t missing much, mum, just a damp basement. Nothin’ to interesting down ‘ere.”
“Save for em’.” Your eyebrow went up at her words and you wondered what she meant. The man was quickly explaining for her.
“Ernie means what were guarding, that is… nothin’ special about that.”  He shrugged. Your eyes glossed over both of their bodies. They were now uncomfortable with the topic. Might as well drop it, you didn’t want to harass them about it when they felt so uncomfortable. They probably did have clauses in their contracts about who they were allowed to talk to regarding what they oversaw.
“Not to worry, I’ve always had a foreboding feel looking at that door. I still don’t want to go down there.… but never mind that… good night.”
“Have a good night, mum,” They both echoed as you continued your way down the hall. Working hard to not look over your shoulder and stare at the ominous door that seemed to hold so many mysteries, you jogged your way up the servants stairs. Entering your room, you stripped yourself from your clothes, eager to get into the shower and wash away your worries for however long that would last. Divided between taking a lovely bath in the beautiful claw foot tub and just a quick shower, you ultimately decided to simply have a quick shower and get yourself into bed.
Turning the shower on, you let the water stream over your palm until you were satisfied with the water temperature. Stepping into the shower, you stood underneath the shower of water for a minute or two, enjoying the way the heat eased the tension in your muscles. Letting out a sigh, you rubbed your right shoulder, specifically in the place that ached from hunching over a multitude of articles earlier today. You were really going to have to sit down with Paul and ensure that you have the conversation that you need to. Your grandfathers couldn’t avoid it forever and after over two decades, you think it’s time you were told whatever it is they had been hiding. You finished your shower quickly and wrung out the water from your hair before wrapping a fluffy towel around your body.
The bathroom was steamy as you stepped up to the bathroom counter and ran your fingers through your hair once more. The mirror was clouded over from condensation and you couldn’t see your reflection. Perhaps that was for the best at the moment, your reflection had been playing tricks on you for weeks. Opening a drawer, you rooted around it for a hair brush to somewhat tame your wet mane. You found one and ran it over your damp strands until they were neat enough to fix it to how you liked it when you slept. Readjusting the towel tucked at your shoulder, you reached forwards and wiped the condensation from the mirror. Your hand made one swipe before pausing.
He was back. Again. Staring back at you. While you were in a towel. Naked. Naturally. Was there any place he wouldn’t appear?
“This is an all time low,” You murmured to yourself, brushing the rest of the condensation away. “Even for you.”
You glared at the reflection, putting your hands on your hips to address the reflection sternly.
“I’m going to find out what you are, I can promise you that.” You spoke, your fingers curling against the towel. “This isn’t normal. One doesn’t just see some random man in their reflection! Especially one that she sees in her dreams.” You huffed out and crossed your arms. “Though you did pull me from that ocean nightmare so thank you I suppose? I’d really like to know what that place is… Can I please just have a night where I don’t have a lucid dream? I’m tired, grumpy, and need a peaceful night.” You paused for a thoughtful moment. “And the fact that I’m talking to a mirror is evidence of that, good night.”
You marched yourself out of the bathroom, not looking twice to see if he was still staring back at you. Changing into some comfortable sleepwear, you crawled into bed and flopped on your side, hoping that for once, you could have a peaceful nights rest. 
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Date Published: 9/2/22
Last Edit: 5/29/23
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