#jaken the receptionist
fawn-eyed-girl · 5 months
Sesshōmaru's Spa
Hi all! I'm trying to be better about posting, so please accept a little look into the Fawnie archives, for a fic inspired by the wonderful @alannada. I once had plans to do more with this, and maybe someday I will, but I kind of like it as a standalone as is.
This is a little AU that I hope you enjoy! (Note: it's Gen, but Towa and Setsuna do make an appearance)
The main room of the spa is bright, crisp clear, and smells of linens and cotton—overpowering the chemicals smells that come from the products that are being used on the customers. Upon entering, one encounters a small man—an imp, if you will—sitting in the receptionist chair, settled on a stack of large books so that he can see over the counter.
When he sees that it’s you, he jumps out from behind the desk, and drops to his knees, his face pressing into the ground.
“My—my lord,” he babbles, and you roll your eyes at his antics. “We—we are—honored that you have graced us with your presence.”
“Do not be ridiculous, Jaken,” you tell him, your voice haughty and cruel, “you will scare the customers away.”
(More under the cut!)
This imp—this Jaken—squeaks and nods, pressing his face even further into the ground.
You sigh. Once upon a time, Jaken was the best of the best for a vassal. But times have changed, and Jaken has not, and thus he is no longer an ideal vassal. 
Less-than-ideal vassals, though, also make excellent receptionists. 
The sound of a violin captures your attention, and you turn your ear to the left, where you see Setsuna, your daughter, playing, her bow dancing over the strings delicately. Her long dark hair is tied away from her face, although you can see streaks of red peeking through the dark brown locks. Her eyes are closed, but her eyelashes flutter across her cheeks, her eyes making tiny movements as she plays. She wears a stunning blue dress—made of jersey, you think?—and it flows effortlessly with her body as she plays. 
You know why she’s playing, so loudly, and in the middle of a spa, and you hear it:
The screams.
The awful, terrible screams.
You love hearing the screams.
The imp gets to his feet and waddles around the side of the desk. “Shall I show you to your office?” he croaks at you, and you nod, briefly, because you never show the imp your true feelings. Setsuna continues to play; you quickly realize that the screams are coming from one of the waxing rooms. As you follow the imp down the hall, you pass by the room; the door is open, and you see another young woman there; it’s Towa, your other daughter, and she is applying wax to the leg of a very hairy wolf demon, who hisses as the hot wax makes contact with his skin. Towa tucks her short silver hair behind her ear, and looks down apologetically at the man.
“I’m really sorry,” she says, holding the waxing strip firmly in her hand and pulling, slowly, nearly one hair follicle at a time, the wolf demon howling with every slow movement of her body.
“Towa,” you say, and the young woman looks up at you, her ruby red eyes blazing.
“What is it, Father?” she asks, and you can hear the impatience in her tone. “I’m busy.”
“Yes, so I see,” you comment. “Remember what I have told you: you must pull the strip slowly, so as to rip out each follicle, one at a time.”
The girl—Towa—actually growls at you, and in her haste, rips the strip off the wolf demon’s leg. He howls, even more loudly than before, and you resist the urge to chuckle—you will not chuckle.
But your eyebrow quirks.
“My lord,” Jaken says, waddling away, “your office awaits. My 4:00 is here.” The imp leaves you in front of a door that says “Office,” and you push the door open. 
The office is sparse, with only a metal desk and a black leather chair, but you like it that way. As you sink behind your desk, your ears begin to pick up the sounds from the spa outside:
Towa ripping the waxing strips from the wolf demon’s body.
Setsuna playing the violin.
Jaken griping at a customer as he files their nails.
The phone rings; it’s the front desk line, and even though you would normally never lower yourself to answer the main line, you cannot help but reach for the phone.
The screams, the shouts, the violin. 
Finally, finally, you allow yourself to smile.
You pick up the phone, press the call button, and lift the phone to your ear.
“Good afternoon,” you say, your voice sonorous and smooth. “Sesshōmaru’s Spa.
How can we help you?”
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chubbyreaderchan · 4 years
Beyond Time | Sesshomaru x Reader
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(Y/n) missed him.
It had been four years since she last saw the demon lord.
Four years since the defeat of Naraku.
Since the end of whatever magic had closed the portal back to feudal Japan. At least for her.
The last she heard from Kagome’s mother that she was able to go back one last time.
This saddened (Y/n) deeply. By the time she learned of this she had left Tokyo. Moved back to her birthplace and created a life. She worked as a receptionist in a small hotel in her hometown. Opting for this job only because the teacher jobs she was used to were few, perhaps due to her attendance record back when she taught. Missing only because she valued her friends more than anything. Of course she didn’t regret it.
She did her best to live a normal life. But she missed him everyday. Some days it was much harder. This was one of those days. It was a slow afternoon, dark rain hung over the city and perhaps that was part of what made her even more sad. Left alone to her thoughts.
Her eyes drifted to a small framed picture of her and Kagome, mind wandering. She imagined going back. Imagined going back to that time. Imagined her life traveling feudal Japan with Sesshomaru. She wondered if he still would travel looking for power... perhaps he would have settled down with her. A soft sigh escaped her lips. Her fingers pressed on the keys of her keyboard glancing at flights to Japan. (Y/n) hadn’t even noticed the tall looming figure that walked into the building.
“Day dreaming still?” A deep yet familiar voice spoke, pulling her from her thoughts. A look of confusion contorted onto her face when she looked up.
There he stood in all his beauty.
“Sesshomaru....” her voice was just above a whisper. It was not the same Sesshomaru she knew and yet he was. His hair was still long and beautiful, his eyes still glimmered like always but he seemed older. His clothes were modern yet still he reminisces of his kimono and he still wore his soft fur. Her eyes instantly filled with tears. She moved to the other side of the desk, throwing her arms around the dog demon, despit knowing his feelings on public affection. She did not care. He could tell at her or scold her all he liked.
He did not.
She melted into him as he wrapped his arms around her tight.
For her it had only been four years.
For him it was around five hundred. For most demons it was a blink of an eye. For him it felt longer. He didn't have her. Sesshomaru was never sentimental for anyone, that was until he met her. If he was told he'd fall in love with a silly and over imaginative human he would have called them a fool. But here he was, still in love with her after five hundred years.
It was almost an accident finding her. Or perhaps fate?
"How....?" She looked up at him, tears staining her cheeks. He gently brushed a few off of her her face.
"I came here for a meeting." He spoke smoothly. "Then your sent caught in the wind..."
She nodded. "I didn't...expect..." Her voice trembled slightly.
"I'm a demon. I can live a long life" he explained gently, yet still prideful as ever.
The phone rang. Her heart paused in her chest as she reached for the phone.
He growled softly.
"I'm sorry, my Lord. I must work"
He looked away, clearly annoyed. In moments like this you could really see the resemblance between Sesshomaru and his detested half brother.
"I'm am finished in a couple hours, my love" she spoke softly. "Perhaps..."
"We will talk then" he nodded.
Those few hours were nothing compared to the years without him. Her day was still quiet but now she had something to look forward to. Her demon lover strode into the lobby once more as timely as ever. She was just barely out of the staff area, fumbling with her coat and saying goodnight to her boss. Sesshomaru couldn't help but think about how beautiful she was.
Her laughter echoed as she said a final goodbye. Damn, how he missed that sound.
She turned and her smile widened when she saw him, finally pulling on her coat.
"It's still raining."
"Hm." He said nothing as the exited the building and out onto the sidewalk. Sesshomaru gracefully opened an umbrella, careful not to allow his mate to get wet.
"Walk with me." It was firm but not agressive or demanding.
(Y/n) nodded, matching his step as they walked in the rain.
"What happened...once I couldn't go back..." She asked, shifting closer to Sesshomaru.
"Everyone lived peacefully. Rin lived in Kaeda's village. She married that boy. The slayer." He knew that's who she was most worried about. Rin was practically her daughter. That was the biggest regret for him. She didn't get to raise his ward. "She had her own children. As did Inuyasha. The monk and the female slayer..." He explained.
"Jaken followed me for many years but he passed not long ago from old age" he explained to her. Her eyes looked at her feet as they walked.
"I see. I'm glad that Rin was happy..." She looked up at him, he seemed to not have emotion but she knew he was sad. She always knew what he felt.
They stopped in front of a small sweets shop.
"Do you still enjoy your sweets, (Y/n)?" He asked softly. A warmth tingled in her cheeks. "Well, on occasion" she looked away in embarrassment. He nodded, leading them into the warm shop away from the rain.
"You have been alone this whole time?" She asked her love. He nodded.
"Did you ever get that empire?"
He looked down at her as they waited in line. "In a way. As times changed, my idea of an empire had to change as well. "
She looked at him in confusion. She ordered a croissant and a hot tea. He opted for nothing but some water. She tried to pay, he didn't allow it despite her protests.
"What do you mean?" She asked as they sat at a table away from any patrons, returning back to the original conversation.
"I began leasing and buying land. As Japan grew I needed to do more than fight. I continue to sell land and rent it. I even own properties for large companies and even apartments. In fact, I am here to buy a plot of land for apartments." He watched her as she stopped her tea and nibbled on her pastry. Time hadn't worn down his love for her like he had feared for a while.
"I feel for the poor renters" she teased. "If you are as ruthless with them as you were with your enemies"
A soft hum escaped his lips. A smile flash for just a moment on his face.
"I mostly rent and sell to other demons." He admitted. "We are still around. Just not as prominent as we once were." He explained more. "So I'm not scaring weak humans, if that was your concern"
He sipped his water, not that it interested him. It was mostly to keep him seemingly human, despite his detest for such a thing.
"My power is still great. I just show it differently." He looked deep into her eyes. "It's so great that I want to share it with you."
Her eyes widened, a bit of surprise yet at the same time she knew she would follow him anywhere.
"I will follow you, always, my Lord" she nodded slowly.
If he wasn't so proud he would tell her the same.
"You never found anyone?"
Her eyes snapped to look at him, worried. Did he pause his life like that? Because of her?
"I didn't enjoy the company of anyone else" he admitted. "I tried once or twice"
It hurt slightly but she knew that it was expected over five hundred years.
"They were never you."
"I figured overtime perhaps.."
"Be silent. Time has no power over me. Or my feelings for you"
Her eyes looked over his cool features, a smile broke onto her face.
"I love you, Sesshomaru-sama" she leaned forward, pressing a kiss to his lips. "I don't think any length of time would change that for me either."
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uniguinflutist · 4 years
Alt. Version
So the mun has been enjoying Yashahime immensely. The only issue is that she’s not exactly comfortable with Sessrin due to the age disparities.
So after checking out @eternityheir I decided to write an alternative scenario as to who the twins’ mother is and what happened to Sesshomaru in the meantime.
Don’t take this seriously, it’s just for fun. This is a delusion from work stress. 
One day while out in the woods, Sesshomaru gets dragged into a portal to the modern world, except this one went through a manhole cover in NYC like in the 2007 movie Enchanted. 
A few months of fruitless attempts to return to feudal Japan later, he ends up working at a pizzeria ran by the Abruzzo family who take him alongside siblings Julie (22) and Mike (25) Abruzzo, both college dropouts who too broke to move out of their parents’ house.  
Although Sesshomaru is HORRIBLE at customer service, his demonic speed and strength help dish out pies in record time and enables him to fight the giant sewer rat monsters that try to eat the Abruzzo Pizzeria’s trash behind the garbage bin as while as deliver pies to high places by flying, so no wasting time with elevators, stairs or traffic.
Sesshomaru’s love life ends up being patchy at best. After siring the twins Towa and Setsuna by Julie, he FINALLY finds a way to feudal Japan, takes the infant half-demons with him so they don’t have to live in a disease-ridden, polluted dystopia. 
Unfortunately his time back in his homeland is cut short as while he’s consulting with Jaken over some plans while Rin babysits the infant twins, the demon lord is pulled back to modern-day NYC. The twins Towa and Setsuna are left to fend in the woods by themselves. Of course, that is until Towa herself is sent into the future a mere four years later during the fire that separates the twins.    
Sesshomaru spends fourteen years in solitude and short-lived relationships while he basically picked up where he left off career-wise at the Abruzzo Pizzeria. Julie never forgave him for taking off with the kids and then losing them in the forest, so that relationship was over. Though that’s the least of his issues. He’s over 6,000 miles from Towa and over 6,000 miles + 500 years from Setsuna. 
He missed his homeland, and as much as he loves pizza and smooth jazz, it pales in comparison to the majesty of feudal Japan. He misses Rin and Jaken. A (tiny) bit of him even misses his brother Inuyasha, but he’d NEVER openly admit it.  
His notable short-lived relationships after Julie Abruzzo included Trisha Kaminsky the Chipotle manager, Deidra Farris the IT service hotline call center representative, Tiava Jones the CVS pharmacist, Sara Baumann the Massage Envy receptionist, and Rachelle Barton, an Amazon warehouse forklift operator.
Mike often remarked that “it’s like living in Friends but I can’t get smashed to actually make it funny since I’m at work and to make things worse someone gave Ross superpowers and then took away his ability to smile”, to which he was promptly landed in the hospital. 
After 14 years, Sesshomaru finally finds the right manhole cover to take him back to feudal Japan. He tries to make up for lost time, but there’s always a sense of awkwardness. 
Of course introducing pizza and jazz to Sengoku-era Japan was a long journey, few things are more rewarding than a cheesy snack followed by some smooth saxophone tunes after a long day of training to fight demons. 
Now most villages have at least one pizzeria and one night of elegant, soothing jazz at most restaurants.  
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inuykago · 4 years
Jaken’s Day, part 1
inuyasha pride month 2020 :: 
day 6 - ace
my good friend @stubbornhalfbreed and i teamed up to do this needed au <3 : 
“I saved your life and now you won’t leave me alone and damn you’re annoying but I’ll save you again cause your my annoyance now” by dailyau
also, s/o to @theinuyashareader for inspiring me to write this 😂
{sesshomaru/jaken. modern au. 1,201 words. my ff.net/ao3.}
for reference! Jaken inspo :: sesshomaru inspo. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Jaken was a boring man.
His alarm blares at 6 a.m. every weekday. Rubbing his eyes, he rolls out of the same ol’ bed, reaching to shut off the same ol’ noise, in his same ol’ clothes.
He drags his feet across the wooden floors, yawning as he makes his way to the bathroom to get ready for another same ol’ day.
His routine went something like this:
6:10 a.m.
He brushes his teeth -- up and down, back to front -- as his brown pajama hat lays lopsided on his head. The lone chirps of birds outside his window is the only thing cutting through the silence.
6:15 a.m.
He doesn’t take that long to shower; soap glides all over his body, shampoo is scrubbed into his hair as the steam fogs up the bathroom mirror.
He hums elevator-type-music (something he hears all the time heading up to his office) a bit to himself, but that’s about all you’ll be hearing from him.
Droplets of water hit the floor as he steps out and wraps a plain white towel around his waist. Walking back to his room, you would think you’d at least hear him wonder, “What should I wear today?”
But that question isn’t necessary because he pulls out the same dark brown button-down long sleeve, black tie, belt, and pants and dark brown shoes every. single. time.
And it’s not that he wears the same exact clothes, he just has the same ones in multiple quantities (think that scene in the 2002 Powerpuff girls movie where they all question “What to wear?” and it’s one large collection of their same outfits).
6:30 a.m. (or something like that)
Heading to the same ol’ kitchen, he makes the same ol’ oatmeal for breakfast. Jaken places the bowl full of oatmeal on his kitchen table.
He waddles back to the coffee maker to make his one cup of coffee. He only ever adds milk.
7:00 a.m.
Jaken heads out the door to the bus stop.
He waits with his black satchel slinged on his shoulder. Other people -- a mom carrying her child, a teenager blowing (obnoxious) bubble gum bubbles, and a university student in uniform -- join him at the stop.
The baby looks no more than 10 months old and is swaddled in his mother’s arms. The baby glances up at Jaken, giggling with a small smile, but he doesn’t respond.
Yeah, the guy doesn’t show much emotion.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Walking into the doors at work, he can barely push the glass doors open.
He ignores the hello from the receptionist as he heads straight to the elevator, opening as if expecting him. Jaken heads in spinning to press his floor number.
The elevator slowly rose to his work floor.
He sits down at his cubicle in the accounting section. He was one out of three accountants.
“Good morning, Jaken!” said a woman he had forgotten the name of.
“Oh,” he turned his head. “Morning.”
The lady blushed, leaning on the short wall that divided the two. She had short black hair, glasses, and had the first two buttons of her blouse undone -- features Jaken didn’t care much about.
She continued staring at him even though he already looked away to continue work on his thin-screened computer. “How are you today?”
Jaken shrugged, still looking at his screen, “Oh you know, same ol’ day.”
“Haha!” she laughed trying to add emotion. “I know what you mean.” She fiddled with the stack of papers tucked in her arms before asking:
“Wanna grab a cup of coffee together after work?”
“Ah, sorry,” the man mumbled as he actually made some eye contact. “I got a lot of work to do today.” He barely cracked his signature this-is-me-politely-turning-you-down smile.
And that was his third time using that excuse. On a third different woman.
Well, aside from that, not much else happened at work, or at least not much Jaken paid mind to.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The clock struck 4. 
“Quitting time,” Jaken thought as he saved his excel sheets and went to shut off his computer. Walking towards the elevator leaving with the rest of his coworkers in a herd.
Piling into the elevator him and his coworkers glided down to the lobby of the building.
Jaken walks through the lobby.
Jaken turned back to see his boss, and he almost let out sigh but he kept his demeanor professional.
“Did you happen to get the bank reconciliation for March finished?” Jaken boss asked
“Yes, they should be in your inbox, I submitted them at noon.” Jaken stated.
Jaken’s boss took out his phone and tapped it a couple times, “Ah, so it is.” he stated “Thanks for getting those done Jaken. Have a good one. ”
Jaken nodded and then turned around. If he didn’t get to the bus by 4:20, he would be late to get home.
Jaken was never late.  
Once getting out of the lobby of his building. He scanned his usual walk and knew even running he would still be 15 minutes away from his bus stop. Then he saw it. A short cut. Perfect.  
Jaken cut down the alley without a second thought. The shadow from the buildings covered the alley to make it darker. Jaken making his way through the alley did not keep an eye on his usual surroundings.
Jaken turned around to look at three thugs, one holding a gun pointing at Jaken.  
Jaken put his hands up before the thugs could say anything.
“Give us the wallet.” the thug holding the gun says.
Jaken reaches into his pants to grab his wallet but before he can throw it on the ground they are interrupted by a cold voice.
“Move.” the man ordered from behind the thugs. The man had white hair, short hair and a suit to match, one hand was in his pocket as he stared blankly straight ahead.  
“You want to die old man?” The thug on the left of the one with the gun yelled as he turned around.
“I said, move.” The man in white ordered again, removing his hand from his pocket.
This time all the thugs turned around ready to take the man on. The thug with the gun goes to shoot. But before he can pull the trigger, the man in white disarms him with a quick move and elbows in face. The two other thugs yell and go to attack in protest. The man dodges them expertly making them attack each other instead of him.
Jaken stands there in shock watching the fight unfold in front of him. Watching the man in white move as if these three thugs were nothing to him.
Once all the thugs were knocked out, the man in white straightened his sports coat and kept walking.
“Oh thank you. Thank you!” Jaken proclaimed in awe, almost bowing.  
The man did not answer as he kept on walking and passed Jaken without even looking at him.
Jaken followed him, completely forgetting about his goal to get to the bus stop on time.  
“Can I ask, what is your name?” Jaken asked.  
“Sesshomaru,” The man states without looking back.
a/n: I hope you enjoyed as much as we did writing!!! PART 2 WILL BE UP ON @stubbornhalfbreed‘S PAGE! <3
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