sydneymack · 1 year
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Faythe, Reylan, Tauria and Nik - An Heir Comes to Rise
Artist: @/rachel_art.fantasy
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pagesthatspeak · 2 years
“She would always, in every realm and every time, find her way home to him.”
— A Throne From the Ashes, CC Peñaranda
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llady-in-red · 2 years
A Throne from The ashes
I just don't have the words to describe this book....If you think you're ready let me tell you, you're not... This book blew me away in so many ways, it's a fantastic book, the start a little slow but quickly becomes the best thing ever.Faythe's relationship with Reylan .... I couldn't ask for better.... I was surrendered.... and the end of the book ended with me.... Now that I know that book 4 is going to be Tauria and Nik's pov.... I don't know what to think...Because all I can think about is the end of this book that left me speechless, a book full of revelations How am I going to hold out until January for the next book?? 😭
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happysoulpolaris · 20 days
RED love (Faylan; Tema da Yuno Gasai) KANA; PT-BR
Killing is my fate 助けたら
Meu destino é matar, se eu salvá-lo, 
Que tal experimentar minha depravação? 
Can it deceive well? 挑発して
Consigo enganar bem? Provocação e excitação… 
Eu me pergunto: a insanidade de quem vai vencer? 
A vida e a morte, conectadas por uma "chave" 
Eu tenho um coração cruel, para poder salvá-lo 
Neste jogo de traição 
Lágrimas de sangue fresco serão derramadas
嗚呼 痛くて泣きたくて 早く此処に来て
Ah, se doer e você quiser chorar, venha rápido até mim
貴方が喜ぶなら この命も惜しくない
Se lhe fizer feliz, mesmo esta vida que não é valiosa
嗚呼 躰(からだ)が蠢(うごめ)いて 殺意になる
Ah, corpos se contorcem, transformando-se em sede de sangue
Acreditando que posso encontrá-lo 
"Eu te derrubei..."
Vamos ser tingidos de vermelho
It's hate like a spiral 躊躇(ためら)ったら
É um ódio como uma espiral, se você hesitar...
殺(や)られる前に 殺(や)ればいい
Você precisa matar antes que seja morto
When believing, end it is. その敵(め)を見て
Quando acreditar, é o fim, olhando nos olhos do inimigo,
Exponha as falsas regras 
Se só o amor é verdadeiro
Então, por favor, use e abuse dele
Em uma espiral de horror trêmulo
Queime o futuro vazio
Red love is future
O "amor vermelho" é o futuro
嗚呼 怖くて戻れない 早く抱きしめて
Ah, quando você estiver cansado e não conseguir voltar, venha e me abrace 
嗚呼 痛くて泣きたくて 早く此処に来て
Ah, se doer e você quiser chorar, venha rápido até mim
嗚呼 辛くて叫んだら 早く来てくれる?
Ah, quando estiver difícil e eu chorar, você virá até mim? 
何を犠牲にしてでも 貴方だけは守るよ
Não importa o que eu precise sacrificar, eu protegerem apenas a você 
嗚呼 心が弔(とむら)われ 殺意になる
Ah, meu coração chora e se torna sedento por sangue 
Se eu acabar não conseguindo encontrar você 
"Vamos acabar com eles..." 
The blood is love
O sangue é de amor
嗚呼Red love is death story
Ah, o "amor vermelho" é uma história de morte
*Esta é a música-tema de Yuno Gasai, protagonista do anime Mirai Nikki, uma tsundere e assassina passional.
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faylanfamily · 1 year
Faylan's SNS
Current official website: faylan.jp Blog: ameblo.jp/faylan Twitter: @faylan_staff
Old official website: s-inc.jp/faylan (you have to use Wayback Machine)
S-inc artist page: s-inc.jp/artist/faylan
LANTIS artist page: lantis.jp/artist/faylan
Anisama Girls Night website: https://anisama.tv/girls
Blog where she occasionally posts: n-bibibi.com (click on the "Faylan" tag)
Special Site:
Errand lantis.jp/special/faylan/errand
Polaris lantis.jp/special/faylan/polaris
Alive lantis.jp/special/faylan/alive
WHITE justice lantis.jp/special/faylan/justice
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aurinn-n · 2 years
disillusion ー faylan x alstroemeria records | english singable translyrics
y'know what i finally feel confident enough to share my singable lyrics
the words that you pledged to me when you promised your everything how'd it happen that we cannot remember a single thing ? though I tried, it's all just effort for naught, to restrain my memories from turning into dust
you used to be so naive, jumping in before you could think, taking in the tumultuous world like it was nothing but behind those eyes bright as the clear, blue sky, maybe things were different to you, missing something
the past stays in the past, nothing can be done to change how it's already goneー though I knew that now the sky's losing it's blue vibrance as well, all shattering, fading away
even now in this waning, fractured world, the reason why I keep on living on still eludes me, never having known what I should set upon where I should have gone, what I should have done next, I had missed all of the signs and I just stayed trapped in place, frozen in time
forgetting your worries is the easier way out sometimes although somewhere in my heart, deep down I knew it wasn't right why is it that I'm always so stagnated when I'm choosing, repeating the same mistakes hoping it goes alright?
the right path twists and turns, turning into countless options, lost among the roads that I can take with every failing move, in the blink of an eye the way disappears again
even if I lose my way, even if stepping stones vanish from under my feet the breath I release is still a muddled white, a sign of life even if it takes all I have just to try, no matter how many times, in this world I'll find meaning to make a choice
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mynthara · 1 year
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Faythe sucked in a sharp breath when her skin met with the cold bite of the grand piano. He released her with deliberate slowness.  “Lie back for me, Faythe…”
Commissioned Faylan scene (A Sword from the Embers) from the one and only @pandacapuccino ❤️‍🔥 Please DO NOT repost or tag as any other characters. Reblogs are always appreciated and welcome 🙏
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drawnecromancy · 4 months
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Seer-Princess Ninava of Oleria, and her brother King Faylan of Oleria.
They are twins.
One of them, somehow, is much older than the other.
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ok i know the event’s over and stuff but
i don’t think i’m ever gonna recover from this.
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sunniedesi · 4 months
Future Diary "The Live World"
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Did you know that back on July 29th, 2012, there was a live concert for almost all Future Diary songs? Well, this little gem in Future Diary history is known as The Live World, a concert held at Shibuya AX to promote the Future Diary anime. It featured not just Yousei Teikoku and Faylan (the artists who made the OPs and EDs for the show), but also the voice actors and singers of the character theme songs.
For those unaware, each Future Diary character has at least one theme song to their name. These songs come from the “Future Diary Inspired Album,” which had two volumes. Yuno and Minene were the only characters to receive two songs each, as well as an extra song with their love interest. You can find the first and second volumes of this album on Youtube thanks to SingerOfW.
All of the character themes were performed at the live event along with the OPs and EDs, except for the 4th’s and 5th’s themes. “The Creator,” a song attached to the pilot of the show, was also not performed at the event. The reason why these three songs were discarded from the concert are unknown; however, I assume it had something to do with time constraints and lower popularity than the rest of the songs. 
The event was recorded and sold as a Blu-Ray with almost three hours of content. The Blu-Ray disks of the performance began sales on November 29th, 2013, along with the sale of the Future Diary Blu-Ray Box. The recording was divided into two disks. It also included two bonus gifts: an eight-page booklet and an additional 9-minute recording of the making of the event. This 9-minute recording has yet to surface online.
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There was also a raffle for a free ticket to the event. To enter the raffle you had to get the three volumes of the limited edition Blu-Ray CDs. Volumes 1 and 2 came with application tickets, while volume 3 came with the postcard you were supposed to mail the tickets in.
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One of the more important aspects of this concert is that Madness Rain and HAPPY END, the OP and ED for Redial, were first unveiled at the event. Future Diary’s “Next Project” (which we now know as Redial) had recently been announced by that time, and the release of these two songs made anticipation for this project grow bigger. This is evidenced by a blog post I found from a girl who attended the concert, who shared her own thoughts of what she speculated this “next project” to be:
It seems like the ‘next project’ isn’t a ‘Paradox’ story, but an original story; however, since I saw Akise-kun on the visuals of the OP, it can’t be about the first world, so I think it might be related to the third world… (Source.) 
Speaking of blog posts, Esuno also made an entry on his blog talking about his time at the event! The entry reads:
Today I went to ‘Future Diary’ The Live World at Shibuya AX. We were not allowed to take pictures inside so I only have a picture of the entrance (insert photo that wasn’t archived by the Wayback Machine T-T). It was a passionate and fun concert. I enjoyed the performances from a seat on the second floor. Both Kawahara-san (12th’s VA) and Shiraishi-san (Kousaka’s VA) made great MCs, the music and the visuals from the anime were wonderful; a very fulfilling three hours. Thank you to all of the performers, and especially the audience who came all the way in this heat! (Source. Side note: Esuno’s blog doesn’t exist anymore, so that’s why the link is on the Wayback Machine).
The Live World also had some of my favorite Future Diary merchandise. Here’s a list of all the merch sold at the event: 
A pamphlet, neck strap and clear file with the same image as the event poster:
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A purple T-shirt inspired by Uryuu Minene, which has an image of speakers blasting on the front, and an image of a grenade on the back:
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The event set included a black T-shirt, a drawstring bag, and a waterproof phone pouch (you could use your phone screen even if it was inside the pouch):
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A pink sign light:
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A pink towel scarf:
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A “neck cooler” (a type of scarf filled with cooling beads):
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There were also two T-shirts sold, unrelated to the event, made by a company called MARS SIXTEEN. This company makes anime-related goods, like these MN inspired T-shirts. Sadly, there are no pictures of the red shirt, though it is said that it had the DEAD END graphic on the front, while the picture of the 12 diary owners was on the back. The Yuno shirt also came in gray instead of purple:
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Bonus: not merch, but here's a random staff shirt I found (terrible picture quality, I know):
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Videos of the event can be found on Youtube, namely of Yousei Teikoku’s performance of Kuusou Mesorogiwi, and also all of Faylan’s performances. However, none of the character theme songs played at the event have surfaced on Youtube. 
… That being said, the contents of both Blu-Ray disks have been uploaded to a site called BiliBili (it’s like a Chinese NicoNicoDouga). Here are the links for disk 1 and disk 2. 
Before I end this post, I have to talk about the 12th’s theme, performed by his voice actor: Kawahara Yoshihisa. When I tell you my jaw dropped to the floor… this man showed up on the stage, fully decked out in 12th’s costume. Mask, belt, tights, everything. Kousaka’s VA, Shiraishi Minoru, also showed up dressed like a middle schooler. Let me tell you, Esuno wasn’t lying when he called them great MCs, they absolutely stole the show. The backstory of why they agreed to dress up for the concert is in the second track of the Radio CDs, which I talked about on my last post, for anyone interested.
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tegarrianlore · 9 months
Freia the Eternal
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Freia the Eternal, the goddess that defined an era and the world to come.
Ruling for a hundred millennia, Freia was born out of the desperation of mortalkind.
To understand Freia, one has to understand how gods function in this world. Infinite in nature, each god is a manifestation of a concept or set of concepts and ideas. There can be extensive overlap between certain deities - the Archons rule seven elements of nature that also have had other gods throughout history. Certain gods can rise in reach and power, and the strongest among them ascend to a greate classification: a Greater God. There have only been four Greater Gods in the Tegarrian Lore. Irkathame the Scion-keeper, an ancient deity of a now-exctint species of octopus-like beings that ruled most of the galaxy millions of years ago; Adam El Asem the First Man, who created all of mankind and whose mistakes led directly to the birth of Freia; and Freia the Eternal, whose original purpose became buried under an epoch of corruption. The fourth god deserves a whole another post, so I won't mention her.
Freia began life as a minor deity, travelling across the world to help mortals with tasks they could not accomplish by themselves. These tasks were usually the vanquishing of monsters and other threats. She became the Goddess of many things. Goddess of Hope, of War. Of Love and Lust, of Crops and Famine, of Gold and Wealth, of Magic and the Afterlife (just like the irl Freyja), etc. All those concepts she still represents, even after her death.
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However, Freia was born in the shadows of a devastating collapse of civilization. When Adam El Asem's million-year-long Empire came to a close, the very foundations of the world were left in shambles. A war among the Gods themselves raged across the universe, the devastation still felt well into the modern day, 400,000 years after the fact.
After the fact, a huge power vacuum was left open for anyone to grab. A certain Demon Ofnir and his Kingdom of Blood almost conquered half of the world; the Queendom of Sarthes Azura and her two patron deities provided a semblance of order after the First Rapture. An object, an Artifact of Creation was left unused. The Ring of Life, spread over multiples Runes that control all things living, dead, in-between and beyond. This was up for grabs, and Freia quickly began wielding it.
However, the Ring of Life was all but a trap, for a higher being - the Powers That Be - had corrupted it eons before.
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Freia with her daughter Promethea, the Angel of Death
The influence of the Powers That Be was strong. Freia grew distant.
Twenty sons she had with the last of the Fae gods; Dewuulf, the God of the Wild Hunt. Of these, the first of them became corrupted by It as well and had to be excised from history all-together. After this, a certain madness claimed Freia's mind. Of her original twenty or so sons and daughters, history only remembers seven of them: Promethea, the Angel of Death, was her Executioner. Godranni, the Weaver of Fate, was her oracle into the future. Aasir, the Red Khan, was her brute-force solution to any problems. Maistorm, the King of the Under-realms, was the only one allowed to perform necromancy. Ulaatan Castellan, the Hammer of Justice, was her perfect general. Kaedriel Mallacht, the Nightbringer, was her soon-to-be successor. Indoral Addarach, the Clockwork Disciple, was the brightest mind allowed to exist. Everyone else would be forgotten by History all-together.
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Ms. Adalgard Lund, Emergency Director of the Dämmerung Foundation.
Freia's Golden Empire would soon crumble too. Driven to insanity by the whispers of the Powers That Be, she would end up shattering the Ring of Life itself. This brought an unpredecented age upon the entire Tree of Life - to the entire multiverse. An Age of Undeath.
The Goldenborn beckon for a bright future, but that will not be possible. Of thee, only seven will exist.
Faylane, you the Eternal Muse of Mankind, loved and wanted by all mortals, your presence must come to a stop. Ihnaros, the King of Sands, you have helped the Nightlord settle her lands and establish her rule, and for that I am eternally grateful; for she will forget you. Oljme, Prince of the Hunt, you who enjoy slaying beasts and protecting the wildlife, I must vanish thee. You will join your brother of whom you hold no memories, Audwynn, in eternal un-existence. To fight the war within, I must not falter, ye Forsaken Demigods, for all of Reality depends on it.
DCA-6000 - The Leytree of Freia the Eternal
DCA-001 - Dr. Elrod's Proposal - The War in Heaven
DCA-5031 - The World Serpent
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fatestouch · 2 months
stealing the idea from Kris, and presenting a "smash or pass" type list...
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...for Amara (my only completely normal human), if he was presented all of the residents of Lancaster Manor:
Morgan: "She's absolutely lovely, but I feel like she would eat me alive~" ^^;
Azrael: "He would also eat me alive, but in the opposite direction."
Cecil: "I can't explain why. And I feel really bad that I can't explain it. But he makes me Very Nervous,,,"
Nao: "They're very cute! But also not really my type." ^^;
Hayden: "The quiet doesn't bother me, and I know sign, and he's also really cute! But still not really my type~"
Seth: *staring for a moment* "...Don't ask me why. But he's giving Big mother-issue vibes and I can't handle that."
Loki: "He has pretty eyes and a nice smile~"
Faylan: "He's cute! He has a sort of face that makes me want to cook him a nice meal." ^^
Danny: "If anything, I think we'd be able to have a good conversation~"
Rene: "He reminds me of a few of my clients. Could be fun to talk to!"
Calypso: "I'm not one of those guys who wants a lady to just kill him, and she seems like she would."
Cassius: *stares and squints for a moment* "...Probably not."
Zach: "He seems like a good listener; I like that!"
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pagesthatspeak · 2 years
“She always came back to him, as the single thing she wanted to be in this life was his.”
— A Throne From the Ashes, CC Peñaranda
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soulsxng · 11 months
@fatestouch | It's crackship roulette time baybeeeee! | Acceping!
JJ & Jinx (They're buddies! I can see them hanging out in Heaven whenever JJ goes up to visit Gabe, Raph, Zi, and Sara)
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"Aaah, that looks like it hurts-- I always used to forget how easy it is to get sunburned in Heaven, too. Were you helping Sara in the gardens?" JJ offers Jinx his water bottle, along with spreading one massive wing over the spot Jinx was sitting. Just to give the poor witch some shade, at least. "Did he go to grab Raph, or something? I'll keep you company while you wait."
Ezzion & Ravi (Definitely not. They think he's very cute, though. 10/10 would pick him up and hold him like a baby)
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They didn't realize when they decided to come with Baet to see the Lancasters, that they would have a tiger there! Still, they have an image to maintain, so they had to wait until the others were distracted before they made their move. Staring at the tiger on and off, until they got their opening to carefully and covertly lean over and give Ravi a few gentle scritches on top of the head.
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"Cute...! So soft...!"
Pereux & Libitina (Maybe? 👀I mean Pere is always happy to spend time with the ladies, so like???)
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"I would be careful, if I were you. Approach from that direction, and my Sight tells me that you will not come away unscathed. Look," A soft beat of wings from above, and a crow that had been perched above the banshee descended toward the ground. In an instant, the crow had become a woman, who leaned herself gently against Libitina's arm, and pointed toward a few tall bushes in the distance-- behind which two more figures could eventually be seen. "if your intent is to capture this one for your god, might I suggest luring him away, instead of approaching him yourself?"
Eluvias & Faylan (...Technically Luvi is doing better now than before, but my kneejerk reaction is still to get very nervous for Fay. Tbh though I have no idea how these two would interact with each other)
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"Sorry, one minute. Had a little bit of, uh...trouble..." The bartender mumbled from behind the counter. Perhaps Faylan had seen (or heard) it happen when he walked in, but Luvi had made to lean over the far end of the counter to take someone's payment, and...accidentally hit a few or the glasses that were hanging on the overhead racks with his horns. Luckily, he hadn't hurt anyone, and the glasses had shattered on his side of the counter as opposed to the customer's side, but he was still obviously rather embarrassed. Finally finished with sweeping up his mess though, he finally turned to face Faylan fully.
"You can sit up here at the counter, if you want. Otherwise, you can go to any of the tables or booths. Can I get you anything to drink right away, though?"
Jinnea & Pandora (Isn't this how they met in the first place? I'm crying, I love them so much, that was so long ago--)
"Alright, so bear with me. I know it's a little bit...boob-y, but-- but! I think I'm pulling it off nicely!" Jinnea steps out of her closet to show off her next potential look for the gala taking place later that week. The top portion of her dress little more than a crossing of fabric over her chest. As she did a spin to show off, however, the fabric slipped a bit...and while she was still covered, she was more than a little lopsided now.
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"Ugh. Or not. I don't want to have to tape them up. Back to the drawing board, I suppose. It's your turn first, though; which one are you trying on next?"
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happysoulpolaris · 20 days
Are you ready?
Você está pronto?
風とともに 走りぬけていく どんな曲がり道も
Kaze to tomoni hashiri nukete yuku donna magari michi mo
Eu vou correr com o vento, não importa quantas voltas dê a estrada
こぼれそうな太陽の下 身を任せ 思いのまま突き進もう
Kobore sou na taiyou no shita mi wo makase omoi no mama tsukisusumou
Vamos seguir em frente, segundo a nossa vontade, com o sol se espalhando por nós
一人じゃないさ 手を繋げば ほら すべてがプラスに変わる
Hitori ja nai sa te wo tsunageba hora subete ga purasu ni kawaru
Você não está sozinho, se dermos as mãos, verá que tudo pode se tornar algo positivo
不器用だけど 精一杯の愛で 君を救いたいよ
Bukiyou dakedo seiippai no ai de kimi wo sukuitai yo
Eu sei que eu sou um pouco desajeitada, mas eu quero te salvar com todo o amor que eu tenho
さあ 無限の空へと ただがむしゃらに 探しに行こう
Saa mugen no sora he to tada gamushara ni sagashi ni yukou yo
Venha, vamos procurar pelo céu infinito, dando tudo de nós
(you will be there)
(Você chegará lá)
Massugu de yuruginai yume
Sonhos simples e inabaláveis
気づけばそこにある 本当の自分に目を反らさないで
Kidzukeba soko ni aru hontou no jibun ni me wo sorasanaide
Você vai descobrir que os alcançará, não deixe de ser quem você realmente é
彩るヒカリの中で 僕らは答え見つけたよ
Irodoru hikari no naka de bokura wa kotae mitsuketa yo
Na luz colorida, nós encontraremos a resposta
A brilhante Polaris que se torna um milagre
キセキに変わる 輝くポラリス
Kiseki ni kawaru kagayaku porarisu
A brilhante Polaris que se torna um milagre
偶然じゃない この星の下で 君に出逢えたこと
Guuzen ja nai kono hoshi no shita de kimi ni deaeta koto
Não é coincidência que nos conhecemos debaixo desta estrela
背負いすぎた痛みを そっと 脱いでごらん みんな支えてくれるよ
Seoi sugita itami wo sotto nui de goran minna sasaete kureru yo
Suavemente, tire a dor que você carregou tão pesadamente, todos o apoiarão
生まれたままの 心はいつでも 失わずにここにある
Umareta mama no kokoro wa itsu demo ushinawazu ni koko ni aru
Seu coração sempre estará ali, como esteve desde que você nasceu e você nunca o perderá
疑わないで信じてほしい 必ず辿り着けるから
Utagawanaide shinjite hoshii kanarazu tadori tsukeru kara
Não duvide de mim, acredite, certamente chegaremos lá
さあ 果てしない空に 大切なもの探しに行こう
Saa hateshinai sora ni taisetsu na mono sagashi ni yukou
Venha, vamos procurar algo precioso neste céu sem fim
(strong bond with friends)
(Forte laço com os amigos)
Tsuki no akari ni terasarete
Sob a luz do luar
同じときを���きて 同じことで笑顔見せ合いながら
Onaji toki wo ikite onaji koto de egao mise ai nagara
Vivendo no mesmo tempo, sorrindo para mesma coisa
幸せの意味に気づき 僕等仲間が目指す場所
Shiawase no imi ni kidzuki bokura nakama ga mezasu basho
Um lugar onde nós entenderemos o significado da felicidade
強い絆に 明日のポラリス
Tsuyoi kizuna to asu no porarisu
É para onde estamos indo, com um forte laço, em direção à Polaris do futuro
勝ち負けが全てじゃないことを 君が教えてくれたね
Kachimake ga subete ja nai koto wo kimi ga oshiete kureta ne
Você me mostrou que nem tudo é sobre “ganhar” ou “perder”
諦めず 積み上げたもの
Akiramezu tsumiageta mono
É sobre o que você construiu, sobre não desistir
いつか必ず 光導くmy way
Itsuka kanarazu hikari michibiku my way
Algum dia, eu tenho certeza, que o meu caminho nos levará à luz
high way高く広がる道が 確かに僕等を呼んでる
High way takaku hirogaru michi ga tashika ni bokura wo yonderu
(Estrada) A longa estrada está nos chamando
さあ 無限の空へと ただがむしゃらに 探しに行こう
Saa mugen no sora he to tada gamushara ni sagashi ni yukou yo
Venha, vamos procurar pelo céu infinito, dando tudo de nós
(you will be there)
(Você chegará lá)
Massugu de yuruginai yume
Sonhos simples e inabaláveis
気づけばそこにある 本当の自分に目を反らさないで
Kidzukeba soko ni aru hontou no jibun ni me wo sorasanaide
Você vai descobrir que os alcançará, não deixe de ser quem você realmente é
彩るヒカリの中で 僕らは答え見つけたよ
Irodoru hikari no naka de bokura wa kotae mitsuketa yo
Na luz colorida, nós encontraremos a resposta
A brilhante Polaris que se torna um milagre
キセキに変わる 輝くポラリス
Kiseki ni kawaru kagayaku porarisu
A brilhante Polaris que se torna um milagre
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velunaryn · 2 years
Who are the romances
Hi, here is the name of the RO you can choose:
-Skye -Onyx -Niles -Leon -Caerulus -Wilham -Valkina -Faylan -Wyrie -Nyx -Maraelyn -Althea
Some of them are BI and some are straight.
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