#fb otome game group
ackee · 1 year
yall are calling urselfs monster fuckers while vampires are top of ur list. if you saw the monsters i want to fick you'd hurl
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im in this group on fb called "Jokes On You, I Fuck Monsters" and when i asked people in there for monster guy otome game recommendations literally so many people game me vampire ones 😭😭 like oh okay even in the monster fucker group im an outlier
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meenatranslates · 2 years
Hi. I checked the official B-Project website for info on the music and KiLLER KiNG’s first single was released on March 23, 2016. Though there was a tease on KiLLER KiNG’s appearance in Kodo Ambitious, the group’s official anime appearance was in the “Zecchou Emotion” season.
Hi there :)
Huh, okay. So it seems like I COULD'VE seen them, cuz I started using FB at 2014. 🤔 So it's just my brain's fault for not remembering much 😂 Though I really can't blame it, since I kinda paid more attention to the otome games that were available on FB web at that time. Good old days ♡(◡‿◡)
Also, I've heard that they're planning to make season 3...? If so, there'll be even MORE episodes I have to watch. 😬 (looks at the first and second season, plus my other 30+ animes waiting to be watched)
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minoriin3 · 2 years
Hi Hi you guys~☆
I've just created a FB group about this new otome game I've recently found!
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If you are interested here is the link to join 🥰
I'll wait~☆
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impracticaldemon · 3 years
This mystery/otome game on Steam is currently only in Japanese. However, the developer is willing to translate to English if enough people show their interest in buying the translated game. If you have a Steam account and are interested enough to be likely to buy it, then please
(1) Wishlist the game on Steam (yes even though it’s currently in Japanese - you can use this kanji to search the game in the Steam app 少女首領の推理領域  )
(2) Add your “Yes Please!” (or some facsimile thereof) in this Steam discussion group:  https://steamcommunity.com/app/1639400/discussions/0/5691968038972161404/
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This game was suggested by FB’s LuisaSchmied.
~ Imp
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obeymeprompts · 5 years
Otome Game reviews? SEE HERE!
So, I’ve been away due to a heavy writer’s block + nearly no Obey Me content after finishing the whole game AGAIN and exploring new otome content, both PC and mobile. Not only that but I’m having mentorship with an artist I’ve loved for a long time now and painting B&W statues is taking a looooong time and draining me out, hhh!
I want to let you know once again I read all of your lovely inbox and I will respond everything when I feel like I’m not lacking quality! ;;;
For now, I’ll be writing a long ass post on reviewing the stuff I’ve done in the meantime. I mean, why not? Just please, take everything I say here with a grain of salt and know my opinions are not absolute.
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* IKEMEN REVOLUTION (mobile) *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
story doesn’t feels 100% romance driven. Like do you ever play an otome game and it feels like the characters have no other reason to exist other than being fanservice/routes? YEAH Ikerev doesnt felt like that for me at least,,,
like they legit had their own issues and problems other than fighting for the heroine and making sure everything surrounded MC,,,,
plus ghuh i love dudes in uniforms... and as far as the ikemen series go, this is the one i chose to play because the character design looked the best for me and less same dude different trope
if you know the massive friend add x greet trick you can pass through love challenges pretty easily. no premium choices too.
characters are literally so captivating and not only appearance-wise.
i’m still to figure out how the destiny duels(like the miss rose challenges in BiR) work???
if you want to complete a route without spending money, you’ll have to play everyday for at least 30 days. you get 5 tickets everyday and you spend 5 tickets for each chapter. on top of that, you’ll also need some affection tests and stuff like that.
gacha is pretty expensive and depends a lot on your daily login thingy. 
maybe obey me has spoiled me as an otome player really but there is a point in which there is just plain nothing you can do other than wait more time to grind for destiny duel affection points, then 24h chapter tickets again.
✧ Gender options? No, female only. It will depict MC as female and treat it with female pronouns.
✧ CGs? Yes, though I’ve only got only one through free mode so far(chapter 18?).
✧ Voice acting? Yes, but sparsely.
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* BLOOD IN ROSES (mobile) *:・゚✧*:・゚
If you want, you can f2p. Literally just add 50 people and use the mass greet button, you’ll get 1000 tokens everyday, plus whenever they’re having any launch event there are bunches of story tickets for free.
Like literally I’m in my 4th route now and I’ve only used offer coins. I’ve spent a HUGE time stuck in Gerard’s avatar checkpoint trying to grind tokens via Miss Rose Contest.
It has two WLW routes, one added recently.
Two heroine options -- witch and hunter.
Fandom is basically dead from what I keep trying to grasp??? Not without reason, because recently NTTS kept giving people limited time story tickets and all,,,,
UHHH not trying to badmouth anyone but depending on where you go for the fandom, you’ll find a good bunch of people being specially mean towards the female routes and saying it’s just “not their taste to have lesbian routes”,,,,,,,,,, like not trying to say it was what pushed me out of some FB groups,,,,,,,,,,
I find it very weird that they mix old sprites with new ones, so I kind of cringe when I see a perfectly soft shaded Caelus sided with Cedric but??? Okay?
EDIT: literally a few hours after i posted this, the game ended. The team released a note saying they will no longer be launching new characters or events so yeah sad.
✧ Gender options? Nope. Female only. It will depict MC as female and treat it with female pronouns.
✧ CGs? It you play 100% free mode, you’ll get two CGs, one in the beggining and one in the ending, if I’m not mistaken(at least it was like this when I played Matilda). Plus, there are multiple endings.
✧ Voice acting? No.
Let me know if you want me to continue reviewing stuff. I still have to comment on Men of Yoshiwara, Ikesen, possibly even the old school Solmare stuff and that daddy dating stuff??? Ughhh so little time,,,,,
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tetrakys · 5 years
I miss jealousy in the game. My expectative was to see two Alpha Males(Nath and Cas) fighting for us. But now Nath act like if he didnt care Castiel proposed us/did eat us out 😬. I wanted too to meet the Castiel's band and see some of the members flirting with Candy and see Castiel hell jealous. But all we got is Yeleen touching Castiel and laughing with him and our moments with Nath is always Amber in the middle
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So, these are two different asks I received basically at the same time, and I had to put them together to show how beautiful the world is with how differently we all see things 😄 I’m going to call the first message Anon1 and the second Anon2.
Anon1: I feel you 👀 I’m also a hoe for alpha males fighting gladiator style for the MC’s attention, what can I say we all have our weaknesses 🙈.
I don’t know why otome games developers think that if there must be jealousy, it’s the played that has to feel it (thus inserting rivals and useless cat fights) instead of the LIs. I’m sure there are also players who like this type of angst, but it feels slightly imbalanced from my point of view.
Anon2: I’m not sure what FB groups you’re on, but I’ve seen it also on tumblr when the ons came up. Some people where shocked that Castiel would propose something like that even if you’re not on his route. And I know that many people felt like that not because they were surprised of his interest, but because they felt the proposition was OOC for him, but there were also people who were genuinely surprised by him being attracted to her.
This is not a surprise, it’s actually way more evident in UL than HSL.
In HSL the LoM had some effect on the dialogue. You said you felt that Castiel was into Candy even with -100% but if he had a LoM higher than 75% it was actually much more evident. Not only him, everyone dropped comments pointing to that.
In UL instead, the game basically starts with Hyun already into Candy from the first episode. Rayan started being kinda unprofessional (😏) very soon, so much so that BV had to give the players who felt uncomfortable the chance to drop him in episode 8. Nath basically hits on Candy in episode 1 (joking or not, he implies) and you have the chance to almost sleep with him in episode 4. Priya is the only one who admits that she started the year seeing Candy only as a friend and slowly falling for her. So, really, Castiel was not a surprise to me.
What surprises me is that now that she’s in a relationship it feels like the others have started ignoring her. Which is perfectly fine for people who don’t want jealousy from the other LIs, but I find it too sudden of a change, since they were so attracted to her just a short time ago.
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chibisubaru · 6 years
Voltage Festival 2019 Entry
[Location: Living Room]
I take my seat on my couch and stare at the blank document on my computer screen.  My fingertips gently tap on my keyboard as the words appear on the screen.
[Noelle] “Let me start off by saying that I have no idea where I would be right now if it wasn’t for finding Voltage in 2013.  I’m pretty serious when I say that.”
[Justin] “Need help?”
[Noelle] “Probably.  It’s that thing for the contest.”
[Justin] “Oh, so it’s a big deal then.  Okay, why don’t we just talk it out?  You can script it out later.  It’s just supposed to be us talking anyway, right?”
[Noelle] “That is true.”
I sigh as I think about the year before joining the Voltage fandom.
[Noelle] “In the month of September 2012, we found out I had thyroid cancer.”
[Justin] “Yep.  Wasn’t something we really wanted to hear.”
[Noelle] “The following month, October 3rd, I had my thyroid removed and from then on my life changed.  Suddenly, I lost interest in everything.  I stopped playing games, watching shows… I was barely talking to my friends and I would only leave the house if I absolutely had to.  I wasn’t depressed, but it was like I just didn’t really care about anything anymore.”
[Justin] “I would try to get her to do stuff, but it wasn’t easy.  She just ate, slept, and did school work.  Within that first year of college she was able to join an honor society, so at least something good happened.”
[Noelle] “So, because of the honor society and still being cancer free, my dad gifted me my first iPhone.  As soon as I got my hands on it, I was in the App Store downloading anything that looked interesting.  And that’s where I found one of the Voltage Apps.  I downloaded it and bought a story.  I read through it in one sitting and then immediately bought another one.”
[Justin] “That’s when the dam burst.  That’s pretty much all she did for three months.  Needless to say, our finances took a bit of a hit during that time, but I noticed that she was slowly getting interested in other things.  You were... happier.”
[Noelle] “It quickly got to the point where I was so excited for new releases that I tried to crack the code of their release pattern on their calendar.  Every time I would unlock a new piece of that puzzle, which story was about to release, I would make a post in the Voltage FB page’s community section before they made their own post.”
[Justin] “She would sit there checking over and over for the update and then she’d be ecstatic once one finally showed up.”
[Noelle] “People started to expect my posts, which allowed me to make friends.  Eventually another fan, Nuria, said to me that we should make a Voltage fan group on Facebook, so we could report when a new story comes out, but also fangirl over the games.  At the time, I was too busy with school and playing these games during my free time that I didn’t think I could run a group like that.  Luckily Nuria stepped in and made it, eventually making me an Admin to the roughly 4,000 members.”
[Justin] “She was making so many new friends that I couldn’t keep up with their names anymore.  She was very happy, but there was one thing that hadn’t come back to her.”
[Noelle] “Yes.  Finding Voltage and becoming one with the fandom made me do things again, and helped me make new friends, but there was a major part of my life still missing.  Before the cancer, I would write stories all the time, but I hadn’t as much as picked up a pen since I was diagnosed.  After playing Voltage games for roughly eight months, I started to wonder if I could write an otome game script.  Just for fun.”
[Justin] “Right.  Fun....”
Justin rolls his eyes and then glares at me.
[Noelle] “Well, it was supposed to be for fun anyway.  It eventually became a huge project that we’re still working on to this day.”
[Noelle] “Other than being an Admin and hunting for release dates to give to other fans, I really wanted to show Voltage how much they meant to me.  At the very beginning of 2015, Voltage held a cosplay contest for Kissed by the Baddest Bidder and I knew just the character to dress up as.  Ota Kisaki.”
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[Justin] “We had to go to bunch of stores to try to find a headband that worked.  It was… time consuming, but she had fun.”
[Noelle] “I went on to be one of the winners from that contest and I won a deck of cards based on that story.”
[Noelle] “In May of that same year, to continue to show my love for Voltage, I started to think about what other characters Voltage could make routes for in their already established games and wrote posts about them.  The first one was for Prince Leonardo from Be My Princess and my second entry was for Hikobei from Enchanted in the Moonlight.”
[Justin]  “Yeah... Hikobei.”
[Noelle] “My one that got away.”
Justin rolls his eyes again, definitely not understanding my love for my kappa friend.
[Noelle] “Later that year, Voltage had their Fourth Annual Story Writing and Illustration Contest for Romance Apps for 2015.  Though I was busy with my own project and school, I entered two scripts into the International Story Writing Category.  At the same time, Voltage USA was looking for writers, so I sent the Associate Producer samples of my writing and the writing prompt that they requested from me.”
[Justin] “Having to write three different scripts while still writing for our own project was super stressful, but she still had fun.”
[Noelle] “I really wanted the writing job with Voltage in general, and with having no experience with the Japanese language, Voltage USA seemed ideal for me.  Voltage USA was coming out with all these newer apps that I really enjoyed already and I felt it would be a dream to work for them.”
[Noelle] “Sadly, things didn’t go that way, but I did get great feedback from the Associate Producer.”
(What to talk about next....?  Oh yeah!)
[Noelle] “So, with that loss, I felt I had no hope of winning the writing contest.”
[Justin] “As it got closer to when the winners would be announced, she started getting depressed again. Then one night, I heard a scream from the other room.”
I start to laugh hard as I remember what he’s talking about.
[Noelle] “I’m so sorry.  It was really late at night in April of 2016 and I got an email notification on my phone, but the alert cut off most of the important details.  Confused, I went to my mailbox and squealed so loudly once as I read the subject line, ‘Congratulations! from Voltage Script Writing Contest.’”
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[Justin] “I came running into the room because I thought she was like choking or she hurt herself or something.”
[Noelle] “Choking on excitement, maybe.”
[Noelle] “Well, I was so excited and surprised that I couldn’t formulate words, so you still had no idea what was going on when you came in.”
[Justin] “She was just pointing and making noise, so I finally looked at your laptop screen.  At first we both didn’t believe it...  but we still ended up calling both our parents to let them know.  At, like, four something in the morning.”
[Noelle] “Even though I knew I had won because of the email, it didn’t really hit me that I won until I got my trophy on April 28th.  As a writer, I felt like my writing was validated now.  From that moment on, any time I question my skills, I just look to my trophy.”
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[Justin] “The only downside was that you got so many new friends requests after that.  You had to explain that you didn’t work for the company.”
[Noelle] “Yeah, but that didn’t ruin my fun from playing the games and being in the fandom.”
[Noelle] “If it wasn’t for Voltage, I wouldn’t have made so many new friends, my life might have taken a completely different direction, and I might have never left my zombie state from after the cancer.”
[Justin] “And for that, we can never thank them enough.”
[Justin] “Sound good to you?”
[Noelle] “I think so.  It’s a bit cliche in spots but it’s true.  You say I’m happy a lot.”
[Justin] “Well, you were.  And you are.  Besides as long as you’re true to yourself, it’s all that matters.”
[Noelle] “Yep.  There’s nothing truer than my undying love for that kappa.”
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otome-obsessed · 7 years
Live First Impressions - Vampire Idol
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In about 3.5hours, I will be live blogging this new otome game that I stumbled upon yesterday. It’s a new Korean otome game about an idol group named Vampir, who also happen to be, wait for it, ...... actual vampires.
Oh, and the game also has a calling feature (like MM), possible In-app purchases out the wazoo, and a initial download that took me over an hour to get, only for it to crash and then I had to do it again.
SO, when I get out of work today, I will live impression this much like I did Princess Closet! Watch this post! And see you then!
Game on Google Play. There doesn’t appear to be an iOS version yet.
Annnnnd GO
(Spoiler Alert: I have a headache now...)
I attempted several times to capture the autoplaying text when you start up the game. I failed a lot. Here are those failures.
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Holy shit, is there anything else they could put on this MC? Also, her eyes are freaking me out... Oh, and she looks to be 14.
You have to tap on the text box to make the text play.
I snorted when the MC opened the door and these five guys appeared like gods.
Annnnnd then there is a 1 month time jump. We aren’t introduced to the idols, we don’t see their initial reaction to their new manager or her to them. Just time jump.
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Oh, I forgot that the idols are voiced. 
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.... I... I’m just gonna go with English is hard with this one.
Real talk, this acting sounds flat... This character looks the be the cute one, I mean, look at this sprite!
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Yet, that was the most flat line read and it doesn’t match his sprite at all. :/
There are spelling mistakes left and right and oddly translated sentences.
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So.... he like.... wears clothes.
Got it....
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This is the face I also make when I think about people not respecting others either though.
They gave the MC a friend!
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Too bad she didn’t bother to give her friend an icon on her phone...
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Um................. wat.
She then proceeds to see the guys all with red eyes and one of them tells her the cold hard truth about what they are.
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And then we learn the lamest thing I have ever read
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Pink haired kid in an unlockable route and you can only get him by getting the happy ends with the other four characters. Which I am reading seems impossible. lol
I chose Taejun since he’s first on the list.
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Lord there is a lot going on here...
So um... those of you who were like: The calling cards in MysMe are expensive! Here are the voice packs for this game.
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Holy shit.
According to the Tips popout bar, the first two chapters are full voiced, everything after that you have to buy one of the voice packs.
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This is kinda like an affection gacha except it has affection up for ALL the guys.
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I CAN’T EVEN PLAY HIM YET. *flips a desk*
Calls are ~$.99 each. There are ways to earn free gold like downloading apps and you can earn 900 free gold by sharing about the game on social media and liking their fb page.
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I don’t know what this card thing is...
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Time to read or something...
I picked a dude. I’m not sure why she had to pick someone. I think I feel asleep...
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This vampire is over 300 years old and he rarely talks to girls? Really???
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I wasn’t paying attention... I really don’t know why they are entering an agreement.
I’m already bored with these “vampires.” They aren’t scary in the slightest. Even their threats have no impact when there is this happy music playing behind it.
These dudes have been ignoring their manager for over a month. Now she finds out they are “vampires” and all of a sudden she is getting all this information that would have been useful Day 1.
MC is sassing her new vampire boyfriend. Usually I would like this, but it feels somewhat fake...
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They ignored their manager because they didn’t know “this would happen.” What does that have to do with anything?
Dude threatens her again and against the bubbly music, it has no impact. 
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Happy pop music~
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................... Wut?
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What is this woman talking about? She just found out that these guys are “energy” vampires and she’s like: “Well, can I date one of you?”
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They are going on about a dating scenario and I have a headache.
This woman really wants to sleep with a vampire. ~_~ Imagine the energy drain that would happen there. It might actually kill her.
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Sick burn, Taejun.
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Oh a choice! And there is a hint button?
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They are spending WAY TOO LONG discussing if the MC can or cannot date a band member. Can we get to some plot? I m d y i n g a n d n o t i n a g o o d w a y.
So, check the meter, there was a sound indicating right answer that I got after I saved before I made a choice and then loaded the game. Checked the scale, it didn’t move at all. 
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Loaded another choice. No tinkling sound. Check the meter.
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k i l l m e
Also, remember earlier when I rolled the dice and got +5 for Do Ha? Looks like that was 2%! -_-
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FOR FUNZIES~ Why the hell would you do something like this where you could get caught?!
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*takes a deep breath* Attached how?
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I don’t know how many times I have to say this, but adding pop culture references to your game DATES your game. Refrain from doing it. Don’t date your game.
And I don’t mean like relationship- GOD NOW I’M MORE STUPID. THIS GAME
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I don’t...
She then runs to go do some work errands to help the guys with all the newfound information she has on them, Taejun follows her and then he’s like all impressed all of a sudden. Yeah, SHE HAS ALL THE INFO SHE NEEDED DAY ONE NOW.
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Oh a call! Wait, am I calling him? But, he was standing like right next to me???
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......... What a interesting call...
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With choices in it....
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Wait, did those choices matter?!
I can’t anymore. I have a headache now.
I have to stop. But, quick run down with what I have seen so far:
There are vampires that are idols. They pose no threat because they are energy vampires, so they became idols so they would absorb fan energy, like Sailor Moon monster-of-the-week. They didn’t talk to the MC. Now that she knows that they are vampires, they are talking to her. Oh and she wants to bang one now because she knows?
If you are going to play this hoping for another Mystic Messenger, I don’t think this is going to meet your expectations. Not even close. The only thing it has in common is the characters speak Korean and there are phone calls. This game does not even have a fraction of the charm that MysMe has and, so far at least, the love interests are all quite forgettable.
It seems to be 100% free to play, might even be able to play the whole thing in one go. BUT, from what I am being told, happy ending is impossible without paying money (pay to win blows). So, it’s up to you if you want to deal with the frustration.
- Vehura Out!
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Moonlight Lovers Beliath Hack Cheat - Moonlight Lovers Beliath AP
Moonlight Lovers Beliath Hack Cheat - Moonlight Lovers Beliath AP
Moonlight Lovers Beliath Hack Mod – Cheat Moonlight Lovers Beliath AP
This new Moonlight Lovers Beliath Hack Cheat is ready to be used and you will certainly manage to have fun with it. You will see that thanks to this tool, you will be able to improve your game experience and you will like that a lot. In this game there will be a lot of things to be done and you will certainly need a tool which will help you through the game. In this guide, I am going to tell you a few things regarding the game and after that I will offer you an insight over this tool.
About Moonlight Lovers Beliath As you probably already know, this game is a great French otome in English in which you will have to play different interactive stories. You will have to choose the dark, mysterious or dangerous universe as you will play this story out. Each story is divided into multiple characters and in each episode you will have to make your very own choices so that you will be able to personalize your interactive story. You can play this game the way you would like and as you will see each story will be different. You will have to meet a lot of characters as you play this one out and you will also like the fact that each character will have his own adventure and its own mystery. The romance will end in three different ways and you will have to choose the path you would like. You will also need to uncover different mysteries in this one and you will have to meet all of the vampires that live in this world. As you will be playing this one out, you will have to do multiple choices and you will see the consequences of the choices you will be making. You can easily choose your very own destiny. There will also be three different endings based on the decisions you will be making in this game. You will see that it will be possible to experience the best ending you would like. There will be six vampires and each vampire will have a different story, personality and intrigue. The novel will be visual and there will be a lot of illustrations available for you to collect. At times, you may need to use or tool and this is why we are releasing it starting from today. Using Moonlight Lovers Beliath Hack You will see that this new Moonlight Lovers Beliath Hack Cheat is going to add all of the needed AP you would like and you will manage to have fun with Moonlight Lovers Beliath Cheat. You will never need to worry that someone will spot the fact that you cheat because it won`t happen. This is due to the fact that we have improved our security and you will manage to take use of the Anti-Ban Feature that we have added to this game. This feature will hide all of your private and personal data from being discovered and you will never have to worry that you will have any problems in using it out. You will only have to focus on the game and you will see that you will be able to achieve all of your game goals with it. Another thing that you should take into consideration when it comes to this new Moonlight Lovers Beliath Hack is the fact that it will be working well on any device that you have. This means that it will always work fine on your desired iOS and even on your Android that you own. You will never have any issues in using it out and you will only have to focus on the game and how it will be possible to become better at this Moonlight Lovers Beliath Hack. You will never have any problems in using this one out and you will see that it will be a great choice for you which you will enjoy a lot. Have a nice game time with this one and you will see that it will be a nice option for you which you will like a lot. You will enjoy using this Moonlight Lovers Beliath Hack out and you will have fun with it. Have you been wondering if you could find a working Moonlight Lovers Beliath cheats online? Over time we have noticed a lot of searches coming through, people looking for Moonlight Lovers Beliath hack for android or iOS, Moonlight Lovers Beliath cheats on windows mobile. It will provide you with unlimited AP in the game with little to no efforts.I know you are in the right place because you are searching for some working Moonlight Lovers Beliath hack and I can tell you that you just found one and yes – it is working like a charm. Spend less than 5 minutes of your time and get unlimited AP now! The Moonlight Lovers Beliath generator has been designed by a group of developers who have a very true flair for the game and they understand the struggle for the AP in order to enjoy the game at the fullest. Hence, they have created this, and they have made it available online for all devices varying from android to iOS devices such as iphone and ipad, windows phone and pc inclusive. How to Hack Moonlight Lovers Beliath? If you just started to play Moonlight Lovers Beliath you won’t really feel the need of having lots of AP, but it changes when you reach a higher level. From there on the in-game currencies are extremely important. Without them you won’t have much success. You will be confronted with a lot waiting time. For many gamer this is very annoying and unnecessary. Therefore some of us came together and started to develop a Moonlight Lovers Beliath hack apk, which can generate free AP on every Android and iOS smartphone and tablet. Right now it works perfectly well on every platform. Only a working internet connection is required to run the hack. The whole process only takes around a minute, but the effect is tremendous. It saves you so much money and time. While everyone else is taking a huge effort in order to get AP, you will get them all for free. We strongly advise against spending your hard-earned money on AP. Why pay more when there are hacks and cheats to get you all the AP you want (for free)! Want more AP on Moonlight Lovers Beliath? But you don’t want to spend your real money on the game all the time? We’ll show you how to get all the in-game currencies for free with our mod.
Who We Are? Our team of software developers has finally reverse engineered the most sought-after Moonlight Lovers Beliath cheats. They have decided to give them out to the public. Many months have been spent trying to debug a way to get free AP, and it is now complete. Here is basically a glitch that works on current devices running iOS and Android operating systems. As of today, there has been 0 known bans, due to our extraordinary anti-ban technology. You do not need a rooted device or APK to run this, as everything is running through our servers.
Why are the AP so important in Moonlight Lovers Beliath?
With them you will simply have much more fun in the game. You can get unlock all game items. Unfortunately, this games are like “Pay To Win”. This means your chances of winning are much higher if you are willing to spend money. That’s why we developed a Moonlight Lovers Beliath Hack that you can use anytime, anywhere. The hack gives you the unique opportunity to get all the items and expensive in-game AP in the game for free. All you have to do is click on the button below and you’re ready to go. Choose for yourself how many free AP you would like to get. Within a few minutes you will get them. In our tutorial we explained how easy it works.
Features of the Moonlight Lovers Beliath Hack Online Tool:
– Get free unlimited AP – Works on Android and iOS,Windows Devices. – No Download or Jailbreak necessary – No risk of being banned in the game – Use it anytime and anywhere – We update the hack almost daily
A few words about Moonlight Lovers Beliath Hack and what are the steps you have to make: 1. Click On “Access Hack Here” button below! 2. Write your username or gamestore email and choose platform you are using at the moment iOS or Android,Windows. In some cases you can use even fb if you are connected that way. Also, if you have username (player918310) you can type that username if you didn’t change it before. 3. When you put your game information click Continue and wait a second, you will be connected to Moonlight Lovers Beliath server. It will connect you to the apache server instantly because it works with algorithm of the last generation. 4. After you are connected to Moonlight Lovers Beliath Hack port, you have to choose amount of AP you want to generate and wait to be generated! 5. Now, you have to confirm that you are human and you are not here to abuse this Moonlight Lovers Beliath Trick, that means you have to complete an offer from the list.That is all, run your game and have fun! The tutorial above however shows you how to get Unlimited AP by using Moonlight Lovers Beliath Cheat. This Moonlight Lovers Beliath hack is brand new and works extremely well — no crashes and errors. It has never been so easy before, simply follow the instructions and step by step you will finish the generation process. You would be getting your free Resources. Approximately it takes a few minutes, so I can bet that it’s at least 100 times easier than playing this game for a really long time and collecting AP. Should I use this Moonlight Lovers Beliath Mod? Well, if you want to become the best player in your favorite game and get unlimited AP? I think your answer will be YES! It would be nice not to spam We recommend to all players to use this cheat Moonlight Lovers Beliath cleverly, that means, two or three times a day maximum. Thank you for understanding! On Cheatsonlinegames.com we also have other Cheats for you where you can also find premium cheats. If you’re looking for normal tips and tricks for the games, you can check out our website. Even more useful tips and tricks!
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realanimebanzai · 7 years
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Welcome our next Anime Banzai 2017 guest, Michaela Laws / TBOE Meet her this October #banzai2017 Anime Banzaii is Oct. 20-22 at the Davis Conference Center in Layton, UT Photo Ops and Autographs are included with purchase of tickets to The Con.
Michaela Laws is a Chicago-based game developer, voice actor, singer, and gamer. She was behind the creation of "Seduce Me the Otome", "Remember, Remember", "Blind Love", and many more games available on Steam. She has had the wonderful privilege to be part of the popular in-development game "Yandere Simulator" as Yandere-Chan, the YouTube Minecraft series "MyStreet" as Aphmau's mother Sylvanna, and other brilliant projects. She is excited to attend Anime Banzai and enjoy the weekend in awesome company.
Follow our official FB Anime Banzai Page: https://www.facebook.com/animebanzaistar?fref=ts Join our FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/89273219272/
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tetrakys · 5 years
I went from a group on fb attacking Sweet Elite for no reason to MCL rants see a rant attacking them as well. Like why? I find the art in SE so pretty and the characters so beautiful. Why people have to attack like that? Just because the art doesn't look anime style? I love their style because it's different, the characters actually look different from each other unlike most of the otome games. And their writing is not awkward. So mean for no reason.
Oh anon *hugs* that’s exactly the issue, some people just like to act mean and spiteful, the reason has very little to do with the content/people they are attacking and way more with themselves and what’s going on in their lives.
One thing is a mean, pointless attack, another is constructive criticism that we are all allowed to make and, actually, we should make because it’s important to reflect on the art/literature we consume, it improves our critical thinking and helps creators too.
I admit that, at first, I wasn’t a fan of the art style of the game, it looked strange to me exactly because it was so different from the anime/cartoon style we are so used to. Now I really like it, it’s beautiful and different. I know the artist has changed and it will take some getting used to, but I like the writing so much that, personally, I would keep playing no matter what the characters look like.
I love that scholar is a badass, that they managed to create 10 LIs so different from each other but all so well characterised, and there are some parts of the writing that are just pure gold, I’m in love with scholar’s interview in episode 4 about bravery. 
And, one very important thing, is that the game managed to be very inclusive with no detriment to quality. It would have been simple to take the easy way out many games are adopting these days and not portray scholar, allowing the player to “imagine” them as they wished. This is something that, personally, I don’t like, illustrations can never portray the MC, only the LIs alone (becoming very boring after a while) and the writing suffers a lot, having to write romantic scenes (or any type of scene really) as generic as possible making the writing generic and abstract.
Here, the MC has different skin tones, hair, sex and pronouns, I can’t even imagine the amount of work for the artist and writers at every chapter they publish, and they are all doing this while studying and/or working full time, so kudos to them, they’re doing an amazing job!
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Moonlight Lovers Vladimir Hack Cheat - Moonlight Lovers Vladimir AP
Moonlight Lovers Vladimir Hack Cheat - Moonlight Lovers Vladimir AP
Moonlight Lovers Vladimir Hack Mod – Cheat Moonlight Lovers Vladimir AP
As you know, this new Moonlight Lovers Vladimir Hack Cheat is ready for you and you will certainly like it a lot. We have to tell you that if you decide to use this one out, you will improve your game. In this guide, we will offer you an insight over this game and after that we will jump to how this Moonlight Lovers Vladimir Cheat works so that you will manage to improve your game.
About Moonlight Lovers Vladimir You will certainly like this French otome game and you will enjoy all of the interactive stories which this one offers. All of the stories will be mysterious and dangerous and you will like them a lot. You will be able to discover a story of love, vampires and romance as you play through this game. Vladimir is the vampire you will meet in this game and you will see that you will start having a romantic story with him. He is the archetype of the vampire with a descendent from a long line of aristocrats. He is a unique character which you will have to meet as you will play through this game. In this one you will have to do different choices and as you do so, you will have to choose your very own destiny. There will be three endings which you can unlock and you will certainly experience the best possible ending. There are a lot of strong points when it comes to this game and you will see that you will like all of them. You will have to go through a complete narrative adventure and you will see that all of your choices will influence the future. The romance between you and the vampire will be great and you will have to go through a dark and mature universe soaked with mystery and intrigue. At times, you may need to use a tool which will help you in becoming better at this game and you should use it out right away. Using Moonlight Lovers Vladimir Hack You will see that this new Moonlight Lovers Vladimir Hack Cheat is going to add all of the AP you will need and they will be added pretty fast. You won`t have to wait for a long period of time until the needed features will be added. You will see that no one will ever notice the fact that you cheat because this tool will be secured. This means that if you decide to have fun with it, you will be able to achieve all of your game goals with it. This is due to the fact that this new Moonlight Lovers Vladimir Cheat will be protected thanks to the Anti-Ban Feature that we have just released. You will manage to have fun with this Moonlight Lovers Vladimir Hack and you will see that you will be able to achieve all of your game goals with this one. You should also know that this new Moonlight Lovers Vladimir Hack will be working fine on any of your desired iOS and also on your Android that you own. This means that if you decide to have fun with it, you will certainly like this tool out. You won`t have to fear because of the fact that it won`t work on your device because it isn`t the case here. We really hope that this one will bring all of the needed features to you and you will never have any issues with it. You will be able to achieve all of your game goals and you will become better as you will be doing so because this one will be a great one for you. We also have to tell you that this new Moonlight Lovers Vladimir Hack will be frequently updated. This means that it will always work fine and you will never have any problems with it. You will certainly enjoy it out and you will manage to use it out every time in order to become a really good player with it. Have a nice game time with this Moonlight Lovers Vladimir Hack and manage to become a better player with it because it is going to work fine and you will manage to have a nice experience with it. Have you been wondering if you could find a working Moonlight Lovers Vladimir cheats online? Over time we have noticed a lot of searches coming through, people looking for Moonlight Lovers Vladimir hack for android or iOS, Moonlight Lovers Vladimir cheats on windows mobile. It will provide you with unlimited AP in the game with little to no efforts.I know you are in the right place because you are searching for some working Moonlight Lovers Vladimir hack and I can tell you that you just found one and yes – it is working like a charm. Spend less than 5 minutes of your time and get unlimited AP now! The Moonlight Lovers Vladimir generator has been designed by a group of developers who have a very true flair for the game and they understand the struggle for the AP in order to enjoy the game at the fullest. Hence, they have created this, and they have made it available online for all devices varying from android to iOS devices such as iphone and ipad, windows phone and pc inclusive. How to Hack Moonlight Lovers Vladimir? If you just started to play Moonlight Lovers Vladimir you won’t really feel the need of having lots of AP, but it changes when you reach a higher level. From there on the in-game currencies are extremely important. Without them you won’t have much success. You will be confronted with a lot waiting time. For many gamer this is very annoying and unnecessary. Therefore some of us came together and started to develop a Moonlight Lovers Vladimir hack apk, which can generate free AP on every Android and iOS smartphone and tablet. Right now it works perfectly well on every platform. Only a working internet connection is required to run the hack. The whole process only takes around a minute, but the effect is tremendous. It saves you so much money and time. While everyone else is taking a huge effort in order to get AP, you will get them all for free. We strongly advise against spending your hard-earned money on AP. Why pay more when there are hacks and cheats to get you all the AP you want (for free)! Want more AP on Moonlight Lovers Vladimir? But you don’t want to spend your real money on the game all the time? We’ll show you how to get all the in-game currencies for free with our mod.
Who We Are? Our team of software developers has finally reverse engineered the most sought-after Moonlight Lovers Vladimir cheats. They have decided to give them out to the public. Many months have been spent trying to debug a way to get free AP, and it is now complete. Here is basically a glitch that works on current devices running iOS and Android operating systems. As of today, there has been 0 known bans, due to our extraordinary anti-ban technology. You do not need a rooted device or APK to run this, as everything is running through our servers.
Why are the AP so important in Moonlight Lovers Vladimir?
With them you will simply have much more fun in the game. You can get unlock all game items. Unfortunately, this games are like “Pay To Win”. This means your chances of winning are much higher if you are willing to spend money. That’s why we developed a Moonlight Lovers Vladimir Hack that you can use anytime, anywhere. The hack gives you the unique opportunity to get all the items and expensive in-game AP in the game for free. All you have to do is click on the button below and you’re ready to go. Choose for yourself how many free AP you would like to get. Within a few minutes you will get them. In our tutorial we explained how easy it works.
Features of the Moonlight Lovers Vladimir Hack Online Tool:
– Get free unlimited AP – Works on Android and iOS,Windows Devices. – No Download or Jailbreak necessary – No risk of being banned in the game – Use it anytime and anywhere – We update the hack almost daily
A few words about Moonlight Lovers Vladimir Hack and what are the steps you have to make: 1. Click On “Access Hack Here” button below! 2. Write your username or gamestore email and choose platform you are using at the moment iOS or Android,Windows. In some cases you can use even fb if you are connected that way. Also, if you have username (player918310) you can type that username if you didn’t change it before. 3. When you put your game information click Continue and wait a second, you will be connected to Moonlight Lovers Vladimir server. It will connect you to the apache server instantly because it works with algorithm of the last generation. 4. After you are connected to Moonlight Lovers Vladimir Hack port, you have to choose amount of AP you want to generate and wait to be generated! 5. Now, you have to confirm that you are human and you are not here to abuse this Moonlight Lovers Vladimir Trick, that means you have to complete an offer from the list.That is all, run your game and have fun! The tutorial above however shows you how to get Unlimited AP by using Moonlight Lovers Vladimir Cheat. This Moonlight Lovers Vladimir hack is brand new and works extremely well — no crashes and errors. It has never been so easy before, simply follow the instructions and step by step you will finish the generation process. You would be getting your free Resources. Approximately it takes a few minutes, so I can bet that it’s at least 100 times easier than playing this game for a really long time and collecting AP. Should I use this Moonlight Lovers Vladimir Mod? Well, if you want to become the best player in your favorite game and get unlimited AP? I think your answer will be YES! It would be nice not to spam We recommend to all players to use this cheat Moonlight Lovers Vladimir cleverly, that means, two or three times a day maximum. Thank you for understanding! On Cheatsonlinegames.com we also have other Cheats for you where you can also find premium cheats. If you’re looking for normal tips and tricks for the games, you can check out our website. Even more useful tips and tricks!
0 notes
Is it Love Drogo Hack Cheat - Is it Love Drogo Mod Energy
Is it Love Drogo Hack Cheat - Is it Love Drogo Mod Energy
Is it Love Drogo Hack Mod – Cheat Is it Love Drogo Energy
You can try this new Is it Love Drogo Hack Cheat right away and you will manage to have a great game time with it. You will see that it is going to be a nice Is it Love Drogo Cheat for you and you will like it a lot. We encourage you to start using this one out and as you will do so, you will see that your game is going to improve a lot. In this guide, we are going to offer you an insight over the game and after that we will tell you how to use this Is it Love Drogo Hack in order to have a better game time.
About this new Is it Love Drogo As you will see in the game, you will have the chance to take part in an interactive romance that you will love. There will be new chapters released regularly and this love story will be ready to be downloaded. You will have to meet different characters in this game and you will hear a lot of stories about vampires. There is a mix of strange characters in this game and you will discover some of them pretty soon. You will have the chance to go in some romantic dates with a vampire and you will have to take different choices in this one. You will certainly like the interactive story that this one offers. This Otome is a visual novel in which you will have to play as the heroine and you will have the chance to live a true romance with different possible twists. If you like stories about vampires, then this game can turn out to be a great choice for you. You will also have to make your very own choices in this game and take advantage of this interactive stories. There will be a veritable story in English which you will like a lot. If you like romantic films and also read mangas about vampires, then you will certainly like this one a lot. You will see that at times, you may need a tool that will improve your game and this is when we jump in in bringing you this tool. How to use Is it Love Drogo Hack? Thanks to this Is it Love Drogo Hack Cheat, you will be able to gain all of the Energy you would like. These features will be great for you and you will manage to have an improved game experience. You will also should know that this new Is it Love Drogo Hack will be protected thanks to the Anti-Ban Feature that has been added to it. This means that if you start using this Is it Love Drogo Mod apk out, you will be protected and no one will ever spot that you cheat. You will be able to hide all of your private and personal data from being discovered and you won`t have any issues with that. Another thing that you should know when it comes to this new Is it Love Drogo Hack is the fact that it will be available on any device you have. This means that you can easily use it on any of your desired iOS and also on your Android that you would like. It will work really well on nay of these devices and you will see that you will be able to have fun with Is it Love Drogo Hack. We encourage you to use this one out also because it will be updated. We focus on bringing you the best tools we can and this is why you will probably find this Is it Love Drogo Cheat to be really useful. We really hope that you will manage to take use of it right away. You should know that this new Is it Love Drogo Hack Energy is working online., This means that you won`t have to download anything from us and you will only need to input your data there. After that, all of the features will be added fast and you will only have to focus on your game. We really hope that this Is it Love Drogo Hack is going to be helpful. You will certainly like using it out and we are sure that you will manage to have the game you would like by using this new Is it Love Drogo Hack out. Have you been wondering if you could find a working Is it Love Drogo cheats online? Over time we have noticed a lot of searches coming through, people looking for Is it Love Drogo hack for android or iOS, Is it Love Drogo cheats on windows mobile. It will provide you with unlimited Energy in the game with little to no efforts.I know you are in the right place because you are searching for some working Is it Love Drogo hack and I can tell you that you just found one and yes – it is working like a charm. Spend less than 5 minutes of your time and get unlimited Energy now! The Is it Love Drogo generator has been designed by a group of developers who have a very true flair for the game and they understand the struggle for the Energy in order to enjoy the game at the fullest. Hence, they have created this, and they have made it available online for all devices varying from android to iOS devices such as iphone and ipad, windows phone and pc inclusive. How to Hack Is it Love Drogo? If you just started to play Is it Love Drogo you won’t really feel the need of having lots of Energy, but it changes when you reach a higher level. From there on the in-game currencies are extremely important. Without them you won’t have much success. You will be confronted with a lot waiting time. For many gamer this is very annoying and unnecessary. Therefore some of us came together and started to develop a Is it Love Drogo hack apk, which can generate free Energy on every Android and iOS smartphone and tablet. Right now it works perfectly well on every platform. Only a working internet connection is required to run the hack. The whole process only takes around a minute, but the effect is tremendous. It saves you so much money and time. While everyone else is taking a huge effort in order to get Energy, you will get them all for free. We strongly advise against spending your hard-earned money on Energy. Why pay more when there are hacks and cheats to get you all the Energy you want (for free)! Want more Energy on Is it Love Drogo? But you don’t want to spend your real money on the game all the time? We’ll show you how to get all the in-game currencies for free with our mod.
Who We Are? Our team of software developers has finally reverse engineered the most sought-after Is it Love Drogo cheats. They have decided to give them out to the public. Many months have been spent trying to debug a way to get free Energy, and it is now complete. Here is basically a glitch that works on current devices running iOS and Android operating systems. As of today, there has been 0 known bans, due to our extraordinary anti-ban technology. You do not need a rooted device or APK to run this, as everything is running through our servers.
Why are the Energy so important in Is it Love Drogo?
With them you will simply have much more fun in the game. You can get unlock all game items. Unfortunately, this games are like “Pay To Win”. This means your chances of winning are much higher if you are willing to spend money. That’s why we developed a Is it Love Drogo Hack that you can use anytime, anywhere. The hack gives you the unique opportunity to get all the items and expensive in-game Energy in the game for free. All you have to do is click on the button below and you’re ready to go. Choose for yourself how many free Energy you would like to get. Within a few minutes you will get them. In our tutorial we explained how easy it works.
Features of the Is it Love Drogo Hack Online Tool:
– Get free unlimited Energy – Works on Android and iOS,Windows Devices. – No Download or Jailbreak necessary – No risk of being banned in the game – Use it anytime and anywhere – We update the hack almost daily
A few words about Is it Love Drogo Hack and what are the steps you have to make: 1. Click On “Access Hack Here” button below! 2. Write your username or gamestore email and choose platform you are using at the moment iOS or Android,Windows. In some cases you can use even fb if you are connected that way. Also, if you have username (player918310) you can type that username if you didn’t change it before. 3. When you put your game information click Continue and wait a second, you will be connected to Is it Love Drogo server. It will connect you to the apache server instantly because it works with algorithm of the last generation. 4. After you are connected to Is it Love Drogo Hack port, you have to choose amount of Energy you want to generate and wait to be generated! 5. Now, you have to confirm that you are human and you are not here to abuse this Is it Love Drogo Trick, that means you have to complete an offer from the list.That is all, run your game and have fun! The tutorial above however shows you how to get Unlimited Energy by using Is it Love Drogo Cheat. This Is it Love Drogo hack is brand new and works extremely well — no crashes and errors. It has never been so easy before, simply follow the instructions and step by step you will finish the generation process. You would be getting your free Resources. Approximately it takes a few minutes, so I can bet that it’s at least 100 times easier than playing this game for a really long time and collecting Energy. Should I use this Is it Love Drogo Mod? Well, if you want to become the best player in your favorite game and get unlimited Energy? I think your answer will be YES! It would be nice not to spam We recommend to all players to use this cheat Is it Love Drogo cleverly, that means, two or three times a day maximum. Thank you for understanding! On Cheatsonlinegames.com we also have other Cheats for you where you can also find premium cheats. If you’re looking for normal tips and tricks for the games, you can check out our website. Even more useful tips and tricks!
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realanimebanzai · 7 years
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Welcome our next Anime Banzai 2017 guest, Steve "Warky" Nunez.  Meet him this October #banzai2017 Tickets can be bought here http://www.animebanzai.org/register/ @AnimeBanzai is Oct. 20-22 at the Davis Conference Center in Layton, UT Photo Ops and Autographs are included with purchase of tickets to The Con.
Steve "Warky" Nunez is an award-winning Singer, Lyricist, Composer, Letterer, Editor, and Actor for Video Games, Film, Audiobooks, and more. Fresh off the set of Hulu's series, "Chance" with Hugh Laurie, and CBS's hit show, "User Friendly", Warky decided to take some time off to moonlight here at Anime Banzai.  
As an actor, Warky first broke into voice acting narrating audio books for the blind, and from there into all facets of media. Some of his favorite works include narrating, "The Souls of the Saintlands" Book series by Tonya Adolfson, Bali in "HunkiePop", Lady Woo in Nexon's, "Dungeon Fighter Online", Rift Bubbles in "Heroes of Newerth", The Demon Lord in The Seduce Me Otome Series, Mujo Kino in the "Yandere Simulator Male Rivals Video", and in Ant-Man playing as a Homeless man.
As a musician, Steve is a singer of the Parody Mormon Band, "They Might Be Elders", of which he sang and wrote the lyrics for all of his albums. He has composed music and done Post-Production work for Video Games, Television, Movie Trailers, and more. For added fun, ask about his performances on Clarinet to Dubstep.
Under the tutelage of Yamila Abraham, CEO and award winning author of Yaoi Press, Steve got his start lettering for Yaoi Press's web series, "The Yaoikuza", and has worked on BL and Yaoi manga both in physical and digital print and most recently has worked on Full-Cast Yaoi Audiobooks such as "Zolabarth Bi", "Trapped Wizard", "The Yaoikuza",  and more! Steve looks forward to what the future has in store for him.
Follow our official  FB Anime Banzai Page: https://www.facebook.com/animebanzaistar?fref=ts Join our FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/89273219272/ #AnimeBanzai #banzai2017 #anime #utah #idaho #wyoming #nevada #celebrity #fandom #geek  #convention #warkychocobo
Welcome our next Anime Banzai 2017 guest, Sean Chiplock. Meet him this October #banzai2017 Tickets can be bought here http://www.animebanzai.org/register/ @AnimeBanzai is Oct. 20-22 at the Davis Conference Center in Layton, UT Photo Ops and Autographs are included with purchase of tickets to The Con. Like/Comment/and Share in comments below to enter to win a Weekend Pass to Anime Banzai
Sean Chiplock is a professional voiceover artist who has been quickly moving his way further into the industry, voicing in projects across the board from video games, to anime, to name-brand commercials. Some of his recent roles include Revali, Teba and The Great Deku Tree in “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild,” Rean Schwarzer in the “Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel” series of games, Navarre from “Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse,” Spade/Dail in “Freedom Planet 2,” and Rash in “Killer Instinct,” with many more “TBA” roles moving through the pipeline. Older roles included Zenke (Fairy Fencer F), Cassim (MAGI), Ozma and Gruda (YS: Memories of Celceta), and Kiyotaka Ishimaru (DanganRonpa). Outside of interactive media, he has also recorded for DISNEY-PIXAR CARS toy lines, and even performed as GameStop’s official “Voice of God” for their yearly conference.
Sean’s intense energy and devotion to his performances stems from his equally vibrant personality, and he enjoys talking to anyone about basically anything, whether it’s providing insight into his progress as an actor or sharing slice-of-life moments from his more interesting real-life adventures. A gamer at heart, he issues a calm but stern challenge to any would-be Smash Bros. enthusiasts; as the #1 Mega Man on the West Coast – and Top 3 in the USA – he guarantees any willing rivals a hard battle to overcome.
When not tackling his freelance work, he often enjoys writing parody skits and songs based on his favorite games; several have been based off the popular indie game “Undertale”, including songs such as “Papyrus Makes a Mixtape” and “What’s Bonin’ On.” He also actively plays on the MMORPG “Tree of Savior,” switching between numerous different classes as he assists others with leveling their own. Sean also frequently tackles fan questions & creates audio snippets on his Tumblr page. He currently resides in sunny California, battling traffic almost as often as he battles his animated rivals.
Follow our official  FB Anime Banzai Page: https://www.facebook.com/animebanzaistar?fref=ts Join our FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/89273219272/
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