#fc5 dialogue
inafieldofdaisies · 2 months
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Ship Moodboard + snippet | The Apostate and The Phoenix | [redacted] x Joey Hudson
“One moment, one choice that I thought would lead me to certain death... ended up leading me to you. Fate doesn't seem that outlandish.” “You believe that?” His hand came to rest next to hers on the railing, their fingers brushing, “As much as Calahan believes fire solves every problem if you get creative enough.” “That certain?” “And then some, Jo.”
Tagging, @socially-awkward-skeleton @strafethesesinners @strangefable @purplehairsecretlair @direwombat
@cassietrn @voidika @carlosoliveiraa @finding-comfort-in-rain @imogenkol
@aceghosts @wrathfulrook @thesingularityseries @hookhearted @josephslittledeputy
@josephseedismyfather @trench-rot @la-grosse-patate @dumbassdep @theelderhazelnut
@jackiesarch @shellibisshe @marivenah @gearvmac @rhettsabbott
@onehornedbeast @kyber-infinitygems @g0dspeeed @simonxriley and anyone with something to share as WIP this week <3
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evilvvithin · 3 months
guess who finished rdr2 campaign just now
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(Rest in peace Peanits my beloved brown hungarian pony i'm going to be emotionally recovering for next couple of days)
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youredreamingofroo · 4 months
when in doubt, play far cry 5 🫡
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derelictheretic · 2 years
John 'i'll huff and i'll puff and i'll blow your house down' Seed
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bisexualjohnseed · 1 year
After learning that originally John was supposed to whistle Lou Reeds ‘Perfect Day’ (or maybe it would play during the confession scene? not sure), I really can’t help but wonder what fc5 would be like if they doubled down on the twisted obsession/romance elements they were playing around with regarding John. 
Like, the way he talks to the Deputy and his language choice, some of the NPCs comments about John being into you, his combat dialogue (’come out my dear, I just want to talk’), the way he touches the Deputy and lingers, the threats he uses, the fact he decorated the church like a LITERAL WEDDING for the atonement, etc. It’s all there, and it’s really interesting, but they never really go anywhere with it other than letting it linger. 
I am so desperate for them to elaborate on it. Was John actually into the Deputy. Why. Why them specifically. What did he want from them? We know that part of John’s obsessive nature is because Joseph threatened him and the idea of falling out of his good graces is like, John’s worst fear, but there is still something else there. Frantically trying to capture the Deputy so Joseph doesn’t kick him out of the cult does not equate to being extremely romantic/erotic towards them. If anything those two things are very much opposites because half of the reason John failed in the first place is because he was far too lenient with Dep because he liked them. 
Ubisoft make a John Seed DLC or something and I’ll love you forever <3
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redreart · 2 years
Everything we know about Staci Pratt
Some time ago, I wrote all the stuff you can possibly know about Staci Pratt (everything that was deleted and hard to notice from the first play). But it was in another language so I decided to translate it lol.
Also, I'm really inspired by @lulu2992 posts, because I'm still obsessed with fc5 lore as well
So, let's begin. I'm going to use some materials from other people on Tumblr and I'm going to leave links to their original posts and mention them in the credits later on.
Everything we CAN find in the game
At the very beginning of the game, while still in the helicopter, Pratt jokes about our Dep and offers Hudson to drink something from a flask, maybe an alcoholic beverage. (maybe the flask is to blame for the helicopter crash, lol). And note that Pratt is the main pilot of the helicopter (because he sits on the right).
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Screenshot by @llazyneiph
Based on everything, we can conclude that Stacy is not affected by depression and probably is not a part of Eden's Gate at this point in the game. Although from another angle we can see that the flask he holds in his hands has an Eden's Gate cross on the other side, I assume Ubi were just too lazy to create another texture just for that scene.
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Screenshot by @llazyneiph
While leaving the helicopter to go follow the sheriff Pratt may say something if you stay there for too long.
Staci Pratt: Suck it up, rookie! Get your head out of your ass and get up to the church. The fuck you doing? Follow the sheriff. Jesus...
When we meet Stacy after the failed attempt to put Joe in jail, he is already serving Jacob it is not clear why the box does not work on him, although then in one cutscene Only You from the loudspeaker has an effect on him. The game does not provide an answer to this question, although hypothetically this can be associated with deleted content, which will be discussed a little bit later.
Please this this amazing post by @lulu2992 because it summarizes what I want to say here
And just a quick thing about Jacob.
In oasistrings (you can find it here text.farcry.info) Jacob call's Pratt "peaches" just once and I found no explanation except my own assumptions.
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But the most obvious reason is that Jacob uses this to break Pratt. I mean he's already in a bad state but Jacob is just pushing it further. But also It's interesting that Staci likes Peaches the cougar. She's the only animal companion that he's positive about. This part is kind of cut from the game though because Pratt usually stays in the bunker. But if you'll have him as a companion with the help of the Resistance Mod he'll def comment on the animal you're with.
Another interesting thing was noticed by @hopecountyradio. Idk myself, but it is really worth mentioning. In the very first cutscene with Jacob, someone is carrying our Dep. @hopecountyradio thinks that it is Pratt who does it.
I've made a little collage so you guys can compare the shoes.
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Just a bunch of random short facts that ARE in the game
Staci is 26 years old
He wears a wristband
He used to be or is a catholic because he knows the "Ave, Maria" prayer (you can listen to him praying here, Ave, Maria is the second one) which is most common amongst Catholics in the US (thanks @noire610 for telling me this)
Content that was deleted from the game
Let's start with the analysis of audio. Interestingly, not all of this ended up in the oasis strings.
Let's start with this interesting thing provided by @voices-of-hope-county. There are several dialogues between the peggies, Pratt and peggies, and even Jacob and peggies. All of them are united by the fact that they took place (should have happened) in the Veterans Center. Only one of them is available in oasis strings. I could not find the rest in the text file. Let's start.
Audio 1
Dialogue 1 | Audio 1:
Female peggie: Can you fucking believe that guy? Male peggie: Who? FP: The Deputy… Pratt. He was wandering around behind the cages. MP: The fuck was he doing there? FP: Who the hell knows? Jacob's probably got him off doing some shit. MP: Hahahah… He's lucky to put two words together after what Jacob did to him. FP: Seriously… Sometimes I think it's a mistake to put so much trust in this converts. You should come willing to the light, or be struck down. MP: Amen to that, sister.
Dialogue 2 | Audio 1 (can be found in oasisstrings):
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Dialogue 3 | Audio 1
Staci Pratt: Hey… I need to get in. Male Peggie: Seriously? Didn't I just let you out? SP: There's a new prisoner… I gotta go get him. For Jacob. MP: Fine… Get going. Just leave me the fuck alone.
Dialogue 4 | Audio 1 (It sounds like Pratt knows the person he's talking to well)
Male Peggie: Don't this fucking dogs ever shut up? Staci Pratt: They're called Judges. MP: They are still fucking dogs. SP: Have you ever seen them kill? Those are more than just dogs, my friend. MP: Well… They still stank like dogs. Good Lord… Huh… Anyone cleans those cages? SP: Are you volunteering? MP: Fuck no! Haha… Are you kidding? SP: Then stop complaining.
Dialogue 5 | Audio 1 (It sounds like Pratt knows the person he's talking to well)
Staci Pratt: How does it look? Male Peggie: Not good. SP: What does that mean? Do we need a new one? MP: Not sure… We might be able to get away with just replacing the belt. SP: Right… And how long will that last? MP: Well… It might buy us a couple weeks. SP: Or… It may just blow up tomorrow. And then where will we be? MP: Up shits creek without a paddle. SP: So what do we tell Jacob? MP: We'll replace the whole fucking thing. It's the only way to be sure.
They're probably repairing a car because they're discussing timing belt.
Although the last dialogue in the audio does not involve Pratt, it does include Jacob and an explanation of how the converts are treated.
Dialogue 6 | Audio 1
Jacob Seed: Anything to report? Male Peggie: Sir. Truck just pulled up n' dropped of a bunck of new prisoners. JS: Recruits. MP: What? JS: We call them recruits. Soon they'll be a part of our army… Part of the Project. You need to respect that. MP: Ye… Yes, Sir. Of course, Sir. JS: I'm going down to see how the process is going. I'll be back soon.
As we can see there was plenty of stuff that should've happened in Jacob's region.
Audio 2
Staci Pratt: It's just gonna get harder… They want an offering. A sacrifice… I'm trying… I'm trying my best. You have to know that!.. I'm sorry.
Probably was talking to our Dep.
Audio 3
Starts after the prayers somewhere around here
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Staci Pratt: The whole time I was locked in that room I just kept thinking about how I got here. You know why I became a cop? To get laid. That was it. It was a whim. And then... after awhile, I tried to convince myself that I did it for the greater good. To help people. But I can't. I know that now. Jacob taught me that... I don't know what I'm supposed to do anymore... I don't even know who I am. I don't know what we're supposed to do now. Protect and serve? Out here? There's no law anymore, Rook. Look around! Someone should've been here by now. Nobody gives a shit about what's happening here. We're on our own. Survival of the fittest. Weak and the strong.
(I would love to meet these badge bunnies in Hope County ngl. Probably Adelaide eas one of them)
Also as @lulu2992 notices Pratt's name in game files is spelled Stacy.
Previous character designs
@hopecountyradio extracted a bunch of videos of Pratt's confession.
The first version is this one:
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Also in this vid Jacob has greenish eyes
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The second version is this one
Has an amazing Eden's Gate intro
And Staci looks like that:
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A general conclusion can be drawn from all three versions, incl. the one that was included in the final version of the game, even though the water is hard to see there. Stacy was electrocuted here, so when we rescue him in the Armory that's another reason why he blows the control panel.
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Thank ya'll for reading 🖤 I would love to chat about it and add info if you know something/can provide something I haven't mentioned
I used materials from @lulu2992 , @hopecountyradio , @voices-of-hope-county and text.farcry.info
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deputy-morgan-malone · 2 months
15 Lines of Dialogue
I was tagged by @carlosoliveiraa, @inafieldofdaisies and @voidika to do this meme, thank you!
I think this has gone around, but tagging @strafethesesinners, @josephslittledeputy and @clicheantagonist in case you haven't done it yet.
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
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Deputy Morgan Malone (FC5 OC) - Main verse
“For real?”
“What do you need?”
“I don’t give a single fuck.”
“Well – I had my mum.”
“If you touch my dog, I’ll touch you.”
“There’s a saying in England – ‘if I didn’t laugh, I’d cry’”
“The truth is, no-one deserves to die, and we’re all going to anyway.”
“What, d’you need a fairytale, so you can sleep at night?”
“I’m doing everything I can.”
 “Don’t worry about it.”
 “I’m here, I’m here.”
 “I don’t know if I agree.”
 “I’d like to see what’s over there.”
 “I’m not supposed to die young.”
 “Oh, I’m just hanging out, trying to keep my blood in.”
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inafieldofdaisies · 2 months
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15 Lines of Dialogue Tag | Tagged by @la-grosse-patate @g0dspeeed @direwombat @aceghosts @sofrosine @nightbloodbix @kyber-infinitygems @corvosattano @voidika @thesingularityseries
Deputy Sabrina Donovan | WIPs: In Hope of Tomorrow / A Trial of Errors (AU; Lines 9-15)
1. "Who the fuck ties a person to a chair on wheels. Did they rob an office?"
2. Sabrina narrowed her eyes, the corners of her mouth twitching, "Did someone try to drown you, Seed?"
3. "Yep. I'm still here, didn't teleport through the steel walls, ain't going anywhere, so you can fuck right off." She waited for his footsteps to recede, but they never did, "Like seriously, you're now gonna watch me while I sleep? Fucking creepy."
4. "It was either the radio or I start singing off-key, and I doubt you'd like that."
5. "I will have you know I've been throwing knives since I was 15,", she nodded towards the knife block at the counter, "keep talking and you would find out my actual aim."
6. "Your face is kind of hard to forget." "Was that a compliment, Deputy?" Sabrina rolled her eyes, "You wish."
7. "Are you taking us there?", she repeated, her voice taking an edge, "You have to know, I won't let you take HER."
8. "Didn't strike me as a lace type of girl, Deputy. Are you taking that one, too?", he cocked his head, eyes darkening as he examined the piece. "Oh, you know, I have to win the Miss Universe competition somehow."
9. Her hazel eyes shone as she let out a laugh, "If I had to bet, I'd say you'd be the one getting cold, Mr. Duncan, stolen clothes and all that. I feel like I can skip on asking to see what you're wearing." "Ouch.", he rubbed at his chest at the jab, "That one hurt." "Too soon?"
10. "And you're alone?" "No. A whole harem of guys is keeping me company, actually. They're currently fighting who will be sleeping on my tiny bed, and who's taking the ground, pillowless. A true form of punishment, I tell you."
11. "I'm dealing with a… situation." Her expression was unreadable, "I can see that." "Roughly estimated, how much did my chances sunk with?", [John] asked, flipping back to the view of his face. "Who says they did?"
12. "There's a bat.", he whispered like the creature would hear him and put an end to his game of hiding. "A rat?", she echoed incorrectly. "Sure, Detective,", he hated how his voice shook even as he spoke quietly, "but the type with fucking wings."
13. "Soo..", she began slowly, "why are you without pants? Don't tell me they got stolen while you slept… was it the bat? Should I call Stockton? Though, I think crimes committed by animals are out of his jurisdiction, you can probably vouch for that."
14. "What were you doing up so late?" "A girl has to have some secrets, John."
15. "You could always march over there and threaten to sue them for harassment… Your poor ears would thank you." "Don't tempt me. Because we might end up with a different situation on our hands." She raised an eyebrow, "Them asking you to join?", all he could do was blink as she laughed quietly, "Kidding. Oliver isn't rubbing off on me, I promise."
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Deputy Calahan Hartley | WIP: In Hope of Tomorrow
1."I WILL GIVE YOU PURGE, YOU FUCKERS! What timing to be out of dynamite."
2. ["You ready to work?"] "As ready as I can be after crash-landing, almost drowning and getting shot at. Just another Monday, really."
3. "I'm not a leader, chief, hell, it's a miracle I'm still a Deputy. Fuck. Am I even one anymore?"
4. "Zorro will be on his best behavior, I promise. You won't even notice he's around. Plus… he gives mean foot rubs." "Rookie.", disbelief seeped into [Mary May's] tone. "Fine. The foot rubs were a lie. Though, I can take up on that task." "You ain't coming anywhere near my feet, Rookie."
5. "I couldn't leave him behind, gorgeous. He's my son." A huff escaped her, probably at the pout he followed his words with, "He's a raccoon."
6. "One day, you're gonna realize what you're missing, gorgeous. And I won't be looking for payback for these insults. Too much."
7. "Your plan.", Leslie corrected him, "That you devised after getting drunk yesterday." "Most of my plans are conconted that way, chief."
8. "Oh, Leslie, bold and brave, agree to march over to Johnny's GATEEEE…", Hartley sang over the usual lyrics, meeting Zorro's dark gaze, "He looks like John, right, my boy? Even the universe agrees, Parish."
9. "Good old Joseph, oh, how he'd lose his mind if he learns 'God' has been showing visions of his brother fornicating to someone else, he'd probably die from the shock before I have the chance to kill him."
10. "I'm having the worst time of my life here. Humor is what keeps me going, besides Mary May's hidden stash… and well, my anger."
11. "You have the hots for [John], and me… I want to turn him into a human creme bruleee. Two types of people, Gray."
12. "[John]'s been calling me daily, I'm leaving him some friendly notes in return. The start of a beautiful friendship."
13. "Hope you don't mind sitting in the back. Zorro loves riding shotgun."
14. "Go meet your God, tell Him I will send Joseph soon, too."
15. "You're in a bar in Montana.", Mary May rolled her eyes and set a new empty glass in front of [Sébastien], "Closest you'd get to me making you tea, even at lunch is serving you lukewarm water with some of my spit in it. Organic. So count yourself lucky." Calahan leaned in, whispering loudly, "Also known as blatant disrespect. Which I would advise against. Though, I'd take her spitting in my drink anyday."
Tagging, @socially-awkward-skeleton @strangefable @strafethesesinners @purplehairsecretlair @finding-comfort-in-rain @dumbassdep @josephslittledeputy @marivenah @josephseedismyfather @trench-rot @simonxriley @wrathfulrook @shellibisshe @gearvmac @amalkavian @cassietrn @carlosoliveiraa @simplegenius042 @onehornedbeast @theelderhazelnut @katsigian and anyone that would like to do the tag <3
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jacobmybeloved · 13 days
I got tagged by @miss-jennifer-cormier! I'm sorry I'm the worst and always late to things ;_;
Prompt: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
[I will say that my WIP titles are super boring ^^']
Ch. 154 [WIP]
Ch. 155 [WIP 2]
Ch. 156 [WIP]
Ch. 157 [WIP]
Dialogue between Evee and Dani [maybe this is after Jonron and El Tigre /]
Planning for the rest of the arcs:
Explaining Dani and Evee's conflict
Tigers Are Not Afraid [FC6 - WIP title]
Satan Came to Eden [FC5 - OC/Whitehorse]
Gonna tag any amazing peeps that would want to try this ^^'
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strangefable · 2 years
5, 7, 11, 14, 19, 20, 22 and 23 for FC5! Give us the salt 👀
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?*
hmm, no, but that's mostly because I don't read much beyond my mutual circle in far cry. however, some mutuals have shone some new light on certain things. Shipping with non-Seeds as a viable option (I know that sounds stupid but I blame John for taking a vice grip on my throat from the first time I played) and uh... shipping with Joe as something that's not completely vile. (i'm sorry, please don't hate me Joe lovers)
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?*
Erm. New Dawn gave me complicated feelings about Sharky? Some of his ND dialogue is... uh... questionable for a guy who's now in his 50s. Honestly, even that's a stretch. For the most part, participating in the fandom has only widened my appreciation for the game and its characters.
11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
Faith Seed, Grace Armstrong, Tracey Lader, Kim Rye, and Staci Pratt - fandom seems to throw them all under the bus or ignore them.
Faith seems to get killed off or pushed aside way too much. I think she's as interesting a villain as her 'brothers' and deserves to be seen as more of a threat. She's extremely dangerous and unrepentant about drugging a ton of people against their will until they're entirely lobotomized. I mean, that's some HARDCORE evil.
Grace, Tracey, and Kim... Well, they get ignored and I can take a wild guess at why. It's incredibly unfair because I think they're some of the most interesting Resistance characters.
For a game that's weak on how it treats women, there's several quality female characters that get totally ignored. (Joey, too, but because of one friend's ship, I get a lot of amazing writing for her.)
And Staci... well, that's Skelly's fault.
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
Uhm, I'm not sure tbh. Maybe that I would be cool with not having the Drubman family around? Their quests and characters are... not my favorites.
Also, John's plane jacket is fucking stylish and awesome. Everyone is just jealous.
19. What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
that i am so late to the party? that there are so many talented people and I'm intimidated all the time? i... dunno that I actually *hate* anything? But again, I came really late, so I've not been around for any drama or anything.
20. What is the purest ship in the fandom?
Aw, bro, this fandom doesn't really do "pure" lmao. Hope County is a bleak, harsh hellscape. Buuuut, canon ships, I'd say Nick and Kim. (I am a Rye stan, sorry to everyone.) And fanon? 👀 Leah and Joey 👉👈
22. Popular character you hate?
🏃‍♀️💨 Oh geeeeeez, i'm gonna get in trouble for this one. Joseph Seed
23. Unpopular character you love?
I mean see #11 above. All of those definitely qualify. I love them all so much. I'm shoe-horning a bunch of lore and backstory into Lilith so I can play with some of them more. I also love Nick. Which is why he's in Micah's backstory.
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fandom-geek · 2 years
so i’m just looking through the dialogue compilation from the files for fc5, and listen - i knew the whole “hudson and pratt were cut companions”, but this line from hudson is fucking hilarious
Fucking President could send in the army to help us instead he's probably on social media.
guess who that’s about, lol
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2, 5, 7, 9, 13, 14 for the writing asks!!
Thank you for sending these in liz !! 🥺 I'm not gonna focus on just one fic for these bc i'm a mess and most of my stuff is WIP's anyway but yeah ajsjshsjshs
Do you have any easter eggs in your fic?
I've been trying to add in easter eggs into my multi chapter fics lately!! Currently in The Snake Followed Me Home From Georgia I've been playing around with names for things that could be easter eggs for Hope County. Like I might have John's law firm be called Holland Law (not sure if that's too obvious and on the nose tho so i'm marinating on it). I am tossing some ideas for other easter eggs but i'm not sold on them yet so I won't say anything ahsjsnsns
What's a piece of lore you haven't shown in your fic or don't think you'll be able to add in?
I haven't shown a Lot (But admittedly I also haven't written a Lot) but I think some OC's backstories may not properly make it to the light of day in most of my fics. Unless I start seperate fics for all of my OC's their childhoods and lives up until the current story events will only be known outside of the fic when I talk about them or in very small snippets of dialogue.
I also haven't gotten to it yet in any of my fics but Marvin (Joseph's right hand man peggie who is basically the compound house husband but in a platonic way) has history with Dean and that history is that Dean was close friends with Marvin's late wife back in the day (and therefore Marvin) and !! This will hopefully come into play during at least my main fc5 fic when Dean is taking over an outpost and stops Jess from killing him! (Common Dean L not letting Jess murder and maim like she deserves 🙄)
What character do you enjoy writing most? Why?
Out of canon characters I really love writing Sharky, as a dumb lil guy myself I find him easy to write and he's just a lovable goofball who sparks joy!!
John is a close second even though i'm insecure about how I portray him sometimes, we all make fun of him but I adore his character and getting into his head is a nice challenge.
Honorable mentions would have to be Deadpool and Alvin Murphy from Z Nation, again they fall into characters I just find come natural to me when I write!
Out of my OC's I feel it's very obvious I love writing Dean, he's just My Blorbo you know? I can toss him around in any context and be happy and confident in how i've written him BUT. MOST IMPORTANTLY. I love his kids and writing him with his kids is pure serotonin and if I could only focus on one fic for the rest of my life i'd choose Second Chances hands down.
What is your favourite line/interaction in your fic?
OH GOD OKAY. So there are a lot but I have a scene in chapter one of my fic Blue (mediaeval au my beloved) where Dean and Sharky have a lil reunion after not seeing each other for a while and Dean had carried a boar he caught to Sharky's hut effortlessly and when Sharky tries to lift it he Struggles. (And then freaks Dean out with his carelessnes with a knife) It's just two of my fave idiots interacting and the whole scene (and chapter tbh as it focuses on them and Hurk) brings me joy even if the writing is old !!
Sharky giggles, nudging them with his shoulder as he passes them and attempts to pick up their sack. His giggles are cut short as he grunts at the effort, sack dropping back onto the dirt as quickly as he had lifted it but a centimeter from the ground. Dean's laughter doubles, sides shaking as Sharky's brows furrow and his head whips around to look at them in disbelief.
"How far 'd ya carry this?!" He asks, struggling to drag the sack towards the campfire as Dean holds themself up with their hands on their knees. They shake their head wordlessly, fighting to mute their laughter only to erupt into small giggles as they calm themself down.
"Only a mile i think, and a bit." Dean says through small giggles, straightening their stance and appreciating the newfound warmth spreading through their cold and heavy limbs.
Sharky guffaws at their casual tone, obviously impressed by their ability to carry the heavy sack that far and not have their arms fall off. He mutters something about witchcraft as Dean sits back down on the log, removing the many straps and weapons on their being and placing them on the ground beside their bow. They watch their friend with an amused gaze as he pulls the wild boar from the sack. He looks down right annoyed and they hear him mutter; "Small my ass—" before he stands and walks back to his hut.
"How've ya been anyway? James didn't say much last time he was here, just that ya were working on a new uh, thing." Sharky returns with one of his larger knives, swinging it as he makes a vague gesture with his hand. Dean watches his hand carefully, knowing full well he was capable of cutting a finger off if he wasn't paying attention.
"I've been fine—busy—designing a new freeze, the one we've got's starting to crack and the meat's thawing too fast." They reply, keeping an eye on Sharky's hands as he begins to skin the boar less then precisely.
"And you?" Dean asks, trying not to wince every time they saw the knife flick upwards jerkily.
Is there a transition in your fic you're proud of?
I'm actually horrendous at transitions, i'm the writer that goes "After a while they got to the where they were going," or puts a text divider if I really need a big time skip. I'd like to test out more artistic ways to transition but that'll have to wait </3 So anyway to answer the question not as of yet no.
What is your favourite relationship featured in your fic aside from the main couple (if you have one)?
Okay so in every fc5 fic I write Dean, Sharky and Hurk's friendship is like. My favourite thing to write ever. They are the goofiest dumbasses on the planet and Dean loses what little braincells he has left when he's with them. They are the ride or die gang in almost every au and I just love them your honor. (Also goes without saying Dean and the kids ! Good dad and epic kids dynamic my beloved)
And also Nick and Kim will forever be my fave canon couple and I love when I get to write them in a fic <3
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wrathfl · 1 year
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[V: FC5 ] Mercy's chaotic neutral personality tends to follow her moral compass rather than strict adherence to the law or established rules. This makes her struggle with the decision of killing or sparing people who belong to the cult even more complicated.
On the one hand, Mercy knows that some cultists have committed horrible crimes and should be stopped. But on the other hand, Mercy also recognizes that not everyone in Eden's Gate is inherently evil - many of them are just victims of circumstance and manipulation. She remembers how easy it was for Joseph Seed to manipulate her when she was attending the sermons, making her believe that he had all the answers and that he spoke the truth.
As a result, Mercy grapples with every decision to kill or spare someone who belongs to Eden's Gate. At times like these, Mercy seeks out advice from those around her whom she trusts most - whether it be fellow resistance fighters or civilians caught up in this twisted conflict. She listens carefully to their perspectives before deciding what aligns best with her conscience.
So while she may occasionally make harsh decisions when pushed too far by enemy combatants or ruthless cult leaders in extreme situations where death seems imminent; most times Mercy tries showing compassion towards enemies who happen not to be physically threatening at some moments - offering opportunities for them through dialogue.
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alexxmason · 1 year
💖 + fc5, god of war and hotd?
Thank you, Mari! 💕 this was a little difficult tbh.
F/c5- this wasn’t like hard but it wasn’t easy. Truthfully, my fav is a close tie between Jacob for obvious reasons and Joseph. Tho, Joseph is my favorite 😭 I think he’s pretty well written and a captivating character/villain. Definitely enjoyed all the dialogue he gives and the encounters! I think people just hate cus he’s “less attractive” lol 😪 but I just love ugly hot men.
GOW - Kratos (surprise)!!!!! Both the last two games, we sooooooooo much development and how he’s willing to be a better father and man than he was. His devotion to his son is definitely admirable and how much he’s willing to support him at time. Honestly probably my fav character ever right now 😭😭😭😭 also positive masculinity and he’s a feminist is a bonus.
Hotd - Harwin Strong 😭 we got so little of him and almost nothing at all with him and Rhaenyra, but how you can tell how much he loved her and respected her. I KNOW IT IN THE DEEPEST CREVICES OF MY SOUL AND HEART THAT IF WE EVER HAD A SCENE, NO ONE WOULD RECOVER. Their romance was subtle but so intimate in just glances and the yearning, groundbreaking. He really loved her and deeply loved their children even if it was dangerous. He definitely drink his respect women juice and we know he saw Rhaenyra as equal. Beating the breaks off of Cole was just a added bonus ✨
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I really appreciate all of the work you put into compiling the audio from fc5! It’s always so cool to go through all of the different dialogue/audio that you might otherwise miss! 💗💞💗
Thank you :)
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lulu2992 · 2 years
It’s so frustrating when games don’t caption ambient dialogue. I have a terrible time trying to listen to the FC5 NPCs 😭
I’ve seen other people complain about this and that, even in more recent games and despite the fact that great efforts have been made in terms of accessibility, “Sound Subtitles” still sometimes just said things like, “Enemies talking”, which is… not really helpful. I don’t understand why some lines are subtitled and others aren’t. Plus, in Far Cry 5, all those non-subtitled lines are available in text format in the files, so why couldn’t they be transcribed in the game too? I hope this changes in the future...
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