#fc5 lore
redreart · 2 years
Everything we know about Staci Pratt
Some time ago, I wrote all the stuff you can possibly know about Staci Pratt (everything that was deleted and hard to notice from the first play). But it was in another language so I decided to translate it lol.
Also, I'm really inspired by @lulu2992 posts, because I'm still obsessed with fc5 lore as well
So, let's begin. I'm going to use some materials from other people on Tumblr and I'm going to leave links to their original posts and mention them in the credits later on.
Everything we CAN find in the game
At the very beginning of the game, while still in the helicopter, Pratt jokes about our Dep and offers Hudson to drink something from a flask, maybe an alcoholic beverage. (maybe the flask is to blame for the helicopter crash, lol). And note that Pratt is the main pilot of the helicopter (because he sits on the right).
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Screenshot by @llazyneiph
Based on everything, we can conclude that Stacy is not affected by depression and probably is not a part of Eden's Gate at this point in the game. Although from another angle we can see that the flask he holds in his hands has an Eden's Gate cross on the other side, I assume Ubi were just too lazy to create another texture just for that scene.
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Screenshot by @llazyneiph
While leaving the helicopter to go follow the sheriff Pratt may say something if you stay there for too long.
Staci Pratt: Suck it up, rookie! Get your head out of your ass and get up to the church. The fuck you doing? Follow the sheriff. Jesus...
When we meet Stacy after the failed attempt to put Joe in jail, he is already serving Jacob it is not clear why the box does not work on him, although then in one cutscene Only You from the loudspeaker has an effect on him. The game does not provide an answer to this question, although hypothetically this can be associated with deleted content, which will be discussed a little bit later.
Please this this amazing post by @lulu2992 because it summarizes what I want to say here
And just a quick thing about Jacob.
In oasistrings (you can find it here text.farcry.info) Jacob call's Pratt "peaches" just once and I found no explanation except my own assumptions.
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But the most obvious reason is that Jacob uses this to break Pratt. I mean he's already in a bad state but Jacob is just pushing it further. But also It's interesting that Staci likes Peaches the cougar. She's the only animal companion that he's positive about. This part is kind of cut from the game though because Pratt usually stays in the bunker. But if you'll have him as a companion with the help of the Resistance Mod he'll def comment on the animal you're with.
Another interesting thing was noticed by @hopecountyradio. Idk myself, but it is really worth mentioning. In the very first cutscene with Jacob, someone is carrying our Dep. @hopecountyradio thinks that it is Pratt who does it.
I've made a little collage so you guys can compare the shoes.
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Just a bunch of random short facts that ARE in the game
Staci is 26 years old
He wears a wristband
He used to be or is a catholic because he knows the "Ave, Maria" prayer (you can listen to him praying here, Ave, Maria is the second one) which is most common amongst Catholics in the US (thanks @noire610 for telling me this)
Content that was deleted from the game
Let's start with the analysis of audio. Interestingly, not all of this ended up in the oasis strings.
Let's start with this interesting thing provided by @voices-of-hope-county. There are several dialogues between the peggies, Pratt and peggies, and even Jacob and peggies. All of them are united by the fact that they took place (should have happened) in the Veterans Center. Only one of them is available in oasis strings. I could not find the rest in the text file. Let's start.
Audio 1
Dialogue 1 | Audio 1:
Female peggie: Can you fucking believe that guy? Male peggie: Who? FP: The Deputy… Pratt. He was wandering around behind the cages. MP: The fuck was he doing there? FP: Who the hell knows? Jacob's probably got him off doing some shit. MP: Hahahah… He's lucky to put two words together after what Jacob did to him. FP: Seriously… Sometimes I think it's a mistake to put so much trust in this converts. You should come willing to the light, or be struck down. MP: Amen to that, sister.
Dialogue 2 | Audio 1 (can be found in oasisstrings):
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Dialogue 3 | Audio 1
Staci Pratt: Hey… I need to get in. Male Peggie: Seriously? Didn't I just let you out? SP: There's a new prisoner… I gotta go get him. For Jacob. MP: Fine… Get going. Just leave me the fuck alone.
Dialogue 4 | Audio 1 (It sounds like Pratt knows the person he's talking to well)
Male Peggie: Don't this fucking dogs ever shut up? Staci Pratt: They're called Judges. MP: They are still fucking dogs. SP: Have you ever seen them kill? Those are more than just dogs, my friend. MP: Well… They still stank like dogs. Good Lord… Huh… Anyone cleans those cages? SP: Are you volunteering? MP: Fuck no! Haha… Are you kidding? SP: Then stop complaining.
Dialogue 5 | Audio 1 (It sounds like Pratt knows the person he's talking to well)
Staci Pratt: How does it look? Male Peggie: Not good. SP: What does that mean? Do we need a new one? MP: Not sure… We might be able to get away with just replacing the belt. SP: Right… And how long will that last? MP: Well… It might buy us a couple weeks. SP: Or… It may just blow up tomorrow. And then where will we be? MP: Up shits creek without a paddle. SP: So what do we tell Jacob? MP: We'll replace the whole fucking thing. It's the only way to be sure.
They're probably repairing a car because they're discussing timing belt.
Although the last dialogue in the audio does not involve Pratt, it does include Jacob and an explanation of how the converts are treated.
Dialogue 6 | Audio 1
Jacob Seed: Anything to report? Male Peggie: Sir. Truck just pulled up n' dropped of a bunck of new prisoners. JS: Recruits. MP: What? JS: We call them recruits. Soon they'll be a part of our army… Part of the Project. You need to respect that. MP: Ye… Yes, Sir. Of course, Sir. JS: I'm going down to see how the process is going. I'll be back soon.
As we can see there was plenty of stuff that should've happened in Jacob's region.
Audio 2
Staci Pratt: It's just gonna get harder… They want an offering. A sacrifice… I'm trying… I'm trying my best. You have to know that!.. I'm sorry.
Probably was talking to our Dep.
Audio 3
Starts after the prayers somewhere around here
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Staci Pratt: The whole time I was locked in that room I just kept thinking about how I got here. You know why I became a cop? To get laid. That was it. It was a whim. And then... after awhile, I tried to convince myself that I did it for the greater good. To help people. But I can't. I know that now. Jacob taught me that... I don't know what I'm supposed to do anymore... I don't even know who I am. I don't know what we're supposed to do now. Protect and serve? Out here? There's no law anymore, Rook. Look around! Someone should've been here by now. Nobody gives a shit about what's happening here. We're on our own. Survival of the fittest. Weak and the strong.
(I would love to meet these badge bunnies in Hope County ngl. Probably Adelaide eas one of them)
Also as @lulu2992 notices Pratt's name in game files is spelled Stacy.
Previous character designs
@hopecountyradio extracted a bunch of videos of Pratt's confession.
The first version is this one:
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Also in this vid Jacob has greenish eyes
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The second version is this one
Has an amazing Eden's Gate intro
And Staci looks like that:
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A general conclusion can be drawn from all three versions, incl. the one that was included in the final version of the game, even though the water is hard to see there. Stacy was electrocuted here, so when we rescue him in the Armory that's another reason why he blows the control panel.
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Thank ya'll for reading 🖤 I would love to chat about it and add info if you know something/can provide something I haven't mentioned
I used materials from @lulu2992 , @hopecountyradio , @voices-of-hope-county and text.farcry.info
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inafieldofdaisies · 7 months
Last Line Paragraph Tag | Tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton
Dropping by with a little treat from John's AU where Oliver is grilling the shite out of Leslie. I couldn't bring myself to cut out any of his jokes, so you're getting an extended last line. ❤️
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"Coffee run, boys. Anyone want something?", Oliver hollered, stiring up the rest of the detectives that were in at the early hour, "No? Byyyyeee." He sing-songed the rest as he threw on his jacket and Leslie did the same, rushing to leave before both could get wrapped up in actual orders. "Aye, you fuck, I wanted-", Ross' yell was cut off as McKenzie slammed the door to their division shut, whistling to himself on their way to the stairs. "Graham will retaliate, you know that, right?" "I promised Maxie I'd get him a coffee, there's only so much I can carry.", he explained while Leslie followed closely, "Plus, Ross has legs and cheated me out of my poker win last week. So… he can suck it." Parish chuckled, but it felt more forced than anything with his mind still racing with questions, "Weren't you also cheating?" "Beside the point." "Mhm.", he hummed as they hit the ground floor and made their way out the precinct. "You know, my jokes are only good if people are paying attention to them…", Oliver began while the two set on their usual route to a small bakery nearby. "I was listening, it just wasn't funny." The deadpan answer did little to convince him of the lie based on the snort he replied with, "Sure. Repeat it back to me, will ya? Then I can decide if it sounded funny or not."
"Fuck off.", Leslie remarked, pulling his coat closed against the sudden gust of wind that blew in. "That's what I thought.", McKenzie sent him a cocky smirk over his shoulder as they navigated the crowd moving down the street, "What did Rina do this time?" "Nothing." "And you've been looking like I kicked you in the nuts the whole morning over nothing. How long have we known each other to think this would work with me? Hell, I think even Vaughn would pick up on your lie, and he is as oblivious as they come." A groan left Leslie, but deep down he was thankful someone cared enough to notice the mood he was in and try to get him out of it, "I have no idea how we're still friends, you don't ever let up." "Why my ma said I'd make a great detective, and how right she was…" In ways Oliver truly was like a K9 that had caught a perp's scent, refusing to let go until getting an answer, on top of it all he was competitive as hell. The bakery's sign finally came into view, making him wonder if he could actually get away with not providing any details for once. Doubtful. "Well?", McKenzie asked again, swinging the door open and entering the shop first with Leslie close on his heels. "Coffee first." "Fine, but you try to dodge my questions, I'm locking you in the interrogation room until you start singing like a canary. I have all the time and patience in the world." "Buchanan will have your balls." He rolled his eyes as they took their place in line, "Think I care about what old Jerry will do?" Doubtful again.
Parish occupied his time by mindlessly watching the people seated at the tables in the back of the bakery, wishing his heart would skip a beat the same way it did for Sabrina when his gaze was met on accident by a woman sitting on her own. The little smile she gave him only darkened his mood as he forced his eyes back ahead and Oliver's hand landed on his back in silent support. "Jesus. It's bad." "I'm absolutely fine." "Sure, Sabrina. You're picking up all her sad habits.", Oliver grumbled, "Lying you're okay, going through life deep sighing over somebody you can't have for some stupid ass reason." He rattled out an order when their turn came and paid for everything, giving Leslie a much needed break from arguing over the ugly truth. "Just ask her out. You have to start somewhere.", his fellow detective insisted as they set on waiting to the side, "Who cares if she went on a date yesterday? Like, fuck, you sure won't be sending 100 roses to her and panic-calling her over a little bat paying you a friendly visit. You already have an advantage - you know what she likes and what she wants before she even figures it out." "60." "Huh?", McKenzie gave him a dumbfounded look. "60 roses is what Bruce sent." A snort left him at the choice of nickname, "Batman ain't cheap, I'd give him that. Though, I'd argue blowing your hotshot lawyer money on a bouquet is kinda idiotic." "Hotshot?" "Oh, yeah.", Oliver nodded at his raised eyebrow, "I looked him up myself, too. Fucker's a new partner in Atlanta. Has his name on the plaque and everything. I wanted to barf at his fancy photoshoot on their website, haven't seen anyone looking so sure of themselves while holding scales. Lady Justice is shakin'."
"Not making me feel any better about this." "I wasn't trying to.", a playful slap landed on his shoulder, "I'm trying to kick your ass into action. Get your girl. Getting laid will fix you both, I promise." "We've been over this." Thanfully, the woman out front waved Oliver over to pick up his bag, stopping the conversation they've had plenty of times before in its tracks. Or so Leslie thought until he was dragged back into it the moment they were back outside. "Spill, Parish and I don't mean my coffee.", McKenzie instructed him with narrowed eyes as they set towards the precinct and he passed him the takeaway to light up a cigarette, "You can even tell Rina you bought her the croissant. My treat." "We talked like we do every night yesterday…", the storm clouds above them certainly matched his mood, "and she let it slip that she's invited him over because his neighbors were annoying the shit out of him with loud sex." Oliver laughed way too loudly at that, startling a woman walking ahead of them and getting a dark look from her he met with a wink, "Batman wishes he was gettin' some." "I asked her to keep me posted, so I know she and Sav are safe." "Reasonable.", he agreed, "Considering they just met." Leslie sighed, "I expected a text, you know, 'We're all good, he left. Goodnight.' She called me instead… sounded completely off, mind you, I was close to jumping on my bike and driving there." "Don't tell me-" "No! Nothing of sorts."
"Good, because it would suck to get arrested for murdering one of Maxie's case victims." "After dancing around the subject, Rina announced that Bruce is stayin' over." "Uh-oh.", Oliver let out a whistle, "She actually went for it. Damn, I-" "In the guest bedroom.", Parish interjected before he could go on a tangent about Sabrina getting laid. He suspected he'd get an extra detailed version of possible events as punishment. The detective's eyes shone with a devilish gleam at the news, "Poor Batman. But… wait… why the fuck did she call you?" "She wanted me to convince her sleeping with him was a bad idea." The two came to a halt in front of their building, not exactly rushing to go back inside despite the subject. Oliver took a long drag from his cigarette, gaze running over his face before he exhaled some of the smoke and muttered, "And you did just that. Cockblocked him, six ways from Sunday." "No." The rest of the vapor left him at once, making him choke at the confession. "God-fucking-damn.", McKenzie croaked out between coughs as he hit his chest dramatically, "This ain't how I want to die. Especially before seeing you get laid for good." Leslie said nothing and tightened his grip on the bag in his hands, focusing his attention on the street, watching each passing car, instead of meeting what he knew would be his fellow detective's disapproving gaze. "You're an idiot, you know that?" "Thanks."
"It's accepted you look a person in the eye when they speak…", he gritted out, taking another pull of nicotine. "What do you want me to say?" "That you didn't actually encourage her to sleep with him and are now in this shit mood because of it? I'd start with that." "I told her the truth.", Leslie replied flatly, "You saw how she was after their lunch. I don't even want to ask how close they were at it…" "I didn't give them the chance to. For you." He shifted his weight from one foot to the other, skipping over the part where he had mentioned protection, because Oliver wouldn't let him live that one down, "I reminded her it's rare she ever feels so strongly about anyone, that she shouldn't worry about the rules of dating or how soon it is." McKenzie dropped his cigarette on the ground, stomping on it with way too much force before throwing it in the nearest trashcan, "You basically shoved her in his bed, gotcha. How the fuck aren't you day-drinking? I'd be spiking my coffee right now." "Rina didn't say she would. In fact she made it a point to say how he's probably already asleep." Just shut up, Parish. His reply received a humorless laugh, "Oh, definitely. You hearin' yourself?" "Sadly, yes." "Good, because currently I feel like walking into traffic to put myself out of this misery…", Oliver pointed ahead of him and clicked his tongue, "but knowing my luck, the closest I'd get is getting run over by a kid biking to school, scarring us both in the process." "Dramatic." McKenzie blinked slowly, "I'm dead serious. And your phone?"
"My phone?", Parish felt his pockets with his free hand, wondering if he had managed to swipe it with another 'magic trick'. Certainly wasn't uncommon for him to pickpocket for kicks, even their Chief, Buchanan. "Yes. Why were you staring at it like it held the solution to all of our cases, and then some?" He produced the device to Oliver, his screen still on Sabrina's open message that he had reread an embarassing amount of times and tried to convince himself it had nothing to do with her late night guest. "I will be in a little bit later today.", McKenzie read her text that wasn't anything unusual to receive from any of the other detectives in Missing Persons, for Sabrina though, it felt out of character, monumental. Both of them were aware of that. "Leslie 'God-how-much-I-wish-you-had-a-middle-name-right-now-so-I-can-scold-you-like-a-mother-would' Parish.", the first part flew past his lips in record speed, "You got this from her and are still thinking she hadn't followed your advice to grab the handsome egomaniac by his horns?" Leslie hoped his shrug was nonchalant enough, "There could be another explanation. Many, in fact." Based on the 'Are you kidding me' look he received, his partner in crime wasn't buying it, "You sweet summer child."
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Tagging, @jillvalentinesday @cassietrn @thesingularityseries @josephseedismyfather @unholymilf @madparadoxum @shellibisshe @shegetsburned @purplehairsecretlair @adelaidedrubman @strafethesesinners @strangefable @onehornedbeast @voidika @direwombat @florbelles @corvosattano @theelderhazelnut @harmonyowl @simplegenius042 @clicheantagonist @euryalex @aceghosts @josephslittledeputy @trench-rot @dumbassdep @wrathfulrook @nightbloodbix @quantum-lover and anyone that would like to share a line or a couple ❤️
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puffpal7 · 5 months
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And when Monday comes 'round, there's a high lonesome sound. / And she follows you down for the kill.
And a white blinding light makes it all seem so right. / And you feel like the King of the Hill.
The stoney terrain stabbed the deputy's hands and knees as he climbed the mountain. Legs were weary and sore, chest was aching like thorns were being scratched inside his ribcage, but he wouldn't dare let himself stop. Not even for a second to catch his breath. Eventually, he reached the top. About damn time. He didn't bother listening to Jacob's bullshit over the radio. He honestly couldn't give a shit anymore. One step, two step, three step, four. His gloved hands tightened their grip around the bat, begging to just finally bash Jacob over the head with it. He wasn't fit in the slightest or knew how to handle a bat (and really any weapon for that matter), but that wasn't the focus right now. He was going to kill Jacob Jacob is going to die, and that was that. He lifted the bat over his head and swung.
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Break my heart and wish me well
I'm sick and tired of this living Hell
Loaded 9 tucked in my waist
Nothing to lose and nothing to gain
Live to die it's all to take
With one foot out,
the other in my grave.
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lulu2992 · 1 year
That's a stupid question but whatever
Do you think Ubisoft will get back to Far Cry 5 considering that it's their best-selling game and they're not doing that great?
I don’t know... We already got New Dawn and Collapse so they’re probably done with new games related to Far Cry 5, but maybe they’ll release other things (like books). Also, maybe they’ll remake it, one day! It seems some fans want remakes of older games first, though, especially Far Cry 3.
Coincidentally, Greg Bryk went live on Instagram earlier today and explained that, even though he was grateful to have been part of the Far Cry franchise (thanks to Dan Hay, he said, with whom he loved working) and it was “an amazing chapter in [his] life”, he thought Joseph’s story was “finished”, so it doesn’t look like he wishes to play him again in the future. Instead, he hopes the franchise keeps innovating and writing great, new characters.
Far Cry 7 is reportedly already in development (please don’t send me leaks, people) and I suppose it should be available in at least one or two years. Depending on how well it sells, I guess we’ll see if they decide that creating more content related to previous games could be a better financial strategy...
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strangefable · 2 years
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Thank you for the tag @funkypoacher! <3
I’m doing something a little different. Instead of sharing a future work, I’m going to share why I’ve been so quiet: a quick rundown of my @writersmonth fics I’ve been steadily posting on AO3. (The series is here.)
Far Cry 5
A Quiet Sacrifice - Micah is giving in to John and the rest of the Seeds, but first she needs Nick to leave. Her last act of rebellion.
New Leaves - A glimpse into Micah’s life, pre-game. A fresh start, thanks to Sheriff Whitehorse.
What’s One More Sin? - Micah sneaking into Seed Ranch to see John. They can’t keep away from each other.
Fire Draws Us Closer - Micah’s injured, and her surprise rescuer is none other than John.
Parley in Holy Waters - Micah and John still can’t stay away from each other.
Brother’s Keeper - John’s got secrets, Jacob’s suspicious. Micah is why.
Profane Reverence - John and Micah, still unable to resist each other.
The Outer Worlds
A Lullaby to Lead You Home - Post-canon soft reunions for Lore and Max.
Shelter in My Arms - Soft moments of Max comforting Lore.
The Proper Care and Feeding of a Wife - Parental competition and Max loving his stubborn wife.
Mutiny of Allegiance - Max won’t let Lore do everything alone.
Interlude - Akande - Akande’s POV on Lore when she realizes Lore’s not on her side.
Her Father’s Eyes - Felix is a loving uncle while Lore pines for Max.
Melt Into You - Lore’s stressed, Max is there to relieve her with some love-making.
Late Night Bubbles - Being a single parent is tough; Lore misses Max. Parvati to the rescue.
Horizon Zero Dawn
The Forge Variation - Pre-game Ersa and Avad getting to know each other in Jiran’s palace.
A Father’s Guiding Hands - Rost POV on teaching Aloy and the difficulty of daughters.
Seeds Among Thorns - Pre-game Ersa and Avad early in his new reign. Pining and politics.
There are a whole lot more on the way, as well. I’m a little behind on posting; life’s gotten in the way, but I’m still on my way to the finish. I’m having a fantastic time writing! Always curious to hear what anyone thinks. <3
I also want to thank those who’ve continued tagging me. You don’t know how much it means. Thank you for remembering me. <3 (I am going to go back and get to everything, just give me some time.)
I’m trying to get back into things, and I’d love to be back in the loop on what everyone’s doing. <3
Tagging: @funkypoacher​ back and onward to @somethingclich8, @damejudyhench, @ashren, @olivepip-writing, @chilikecheese, @roofgeese, @juniper-tree, @foibles-fables, @mars-colony, @schoute​, @ivymarquis, @i-am-the-balancing-point​, @the-lastcall, @kourumi, @natesofrellis, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @galaxycunt, @captastra, and anyone else who sees this!
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gxmergurl · 2 years
Best friends since childhood, Joey Hudson and Lucas Taylor ended up being paired as partners of the force, Lucas helping her get back into it and moving on from losing her former partner.
Who would have thought that she would be tasked with taking her new partners life just a few years later.
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"Come on Joey-" his voice was raspy, broken... Afraid, as he tried to lick the blood off his lip.
"No," Joey said, tone sharp like a knife, "Cut the bullshit, Taylor." the last name basis hurt, and yet it crumbled in comparison to the gun that pressed against his forehead. Pushing strands of his hair aside and making the man gulp, "You're prepared to die for a fucking psychopath."
Lucas swallowed before he met her eyes again, heart beating heavy on his ears. He noticed her shaking hands, the slightest quiver in her lip, "No I'm... Joey just hear me out... please." he paused and met her eyes, "I saved you, didn't I?"
She took a deep breath, "You played us. All of us. How am I supposed to trust you again after..." her lips tightened to a fine line as she paused, "Does he know what side you're on?" she nodded to Joseph who kept surprisingly quiet, "Do you know?" she met his eyes, unrestrained sorrow and anger hitting Lucas harder than any punch he had taken.
And yet he couldn't answer.
I found these drawings and why not post them. I made them for an instagram reel but they still hold plot relevancy in his story... Angst people
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c3m3t4ry · 2 years
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leap of faith
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its-sixxers · 2 years
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obligatory deputy pic
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the-silver-chronicles · 6 months
One of the key differences between younger!Silva (during/post-Persephone’s kidnapping/death but pre-Deputy) and present-day!Silva (during her time as a deputy in the Reaping), is that younger!Silva was paranoid and distrusting of people and present!Silva, while still vigilant, trusts that the residents of Hope County aren’t out to get her specifically.
Younger!Silva’s paranoia and distrusting attitude was because of the events during Persephone’s kidnapping and subsequent death. Before the kidnapping, Silva at this time, though having lost her younger sister in Hope County and still didn’t have close connections with anyone (besides Rae-Rae, though that’s only because of their shared connection with Elsa and Persephone’s friendship with Ryan), she was more-or-less considered a polite and contributing member of the community, just reclusive. She still lacked the skills and words to properly speak with people, but had enough trust in the residents to not shoot her for whatever particular reason. The only people she had issue with was Eden’s Gate for trying to buy out her dead sister’s floristry, though she wasn’t concerned with their harassment because it was Silva’s property and (as far as she knew) there was nothing they could do to take it away from her. At this time, Silva didn’t have anything to worry about. No danger, no threat. All of that (her father Adam, his Congregation and Enforcers, the dangerous blizzards, etc) just stayed on the Archipelagos. This Silva believed she was safe with her daughter. What she did not and could not have predicted was the existence of the Apostles of Zachariah nor the survival of her adoptive father, Paul. The Apostles successfully predicted the location in America that Silva (+Elsa & Persephone) would have gone to, confirmed their presence to have been in Hope County with photos and news articles proving the prediction correct, then sending down spies to keep a lookout for Silva, find her grocery shopping with Persephone, then easily follow her back to her home, where they informed Paul. Then he comes over to Silva’s home, lets her know he’s alive and “well” then tries to convince her to join his cult, which Silva refuses (out of instinctual suspicion that something is up and instinct of refusing Eden’s Gate members in general), though sends him off with the promise to properly catch up (after dealing with her wreck of emotions seeing her beloved padre had survived the massacre) then the next day after returning home, is ambushed by Paul with his fellow heralds aiding him then proceed to kidnap her daughter to go across the globe, which she promptly makes chase. Then while dismantling their operations, finds out the Apostles’ influence spreads everywhere around the globe, with their people around every corner, and after killing Paul and returning to Hope County in defeat having lost her daughter (not to mention the floristry had been bought out by John/Eden’s Gate in those 6-months), even with Kamski and the Blood Hounds looking after her during her grief, she never feels safe in the community, afraid the apostles are somewhere watching her from a distance, and even laying in her own bed doesn’t help her feel any more safer (given Paul and his fellow heralds ambushed Silva in her own home), like it used to did knowing Adam would never enter her room again. She was left paranoid, distrustful, barely seen by Fall’s End, and entirely reclusive as she isolated herself in her home with her sorrow.
Though present-day!Silva is still vigilant on who she shares information with and who she gives her trust to, she has long since mellowed out her paranoia and distrustful attitude. While she has her guard up to prepare for any danger that lurks nearby, she does not believe that any of the residents in Hope County are members of the Apostles nor the Congregation. Unfortunately, she neglected to tune in on Eden’s Gate’ activities during her grief and self-imposed exile, not until she joined the Sheriff’s Department that is. Nor did she account for Eden’s Gate having their own mole who managed to mentor her into the deputy role (fucking Nancy).
Poor girl thought she was done with the BS. How unfortunate that the Voice finally noticed she was present in Hope County and decided she would make a fine muse to initiate the Collapse.
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transchrisredfield · 1 year
I was supposed to be obsessing over re4 right now, why the fuck is my brain screaming over fc5???
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inafieldofdaisies · 8 months
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Character Bio | Oakley Elizabeth Moore | Template by @xbaebsae | Sabrina and Mer's
Some fun facts:
The only person allowed to call Oakley Lizzie is her Nana Beatrice, Calahan gets away with it too, but on rare occasions, while Oliver thinks it's just hilarious she has this soft spot she tries to hide.
Cal totally blames all recent Bigfoot sightings on her because of [redacted] and she's quite over the idea, further fueled by the fact Ollie jokes her feet are too dainty to be the cryptid.
Bio text for easier read:
With the Project's claws digging in deep into the County, Oakley makes a hasty return after spending years overseas working as a private military contractor. One troubling call from her beloved grandmother who raised her since losing her parents as a toddler is enough to set her out on a new mission: ensuring John Seed pays in blood for trying to force her only family off their land. A failed confession leads to her quickly turning into a persona non grata within the cult, her name alone bearing serious consequences for any Chosen that dares to speak of the shameful events the Baptist did his hardest to erase from existence. Oakley becomes a monster they all fear, a cautionary tale told along with the locals' stories of Bigfoot.
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coleblackblood · 2 months
Fic Masterpost
It was brought to my attention that I don't often post my fics on here, and that might be a good idea.
Honestly never did it before cause I'm lazy forgetful didn't think about it for various reasons, but I also now have enough people who are interested in my fics now that I can justify doing so.
(Read: people in the servers - Hiiiii Rooks/People of the Grove!)
Hope this helps you find stuff to read!
Note: If there's a double asterick on a fic's pairing, that means it's spicy (aka don't read it at work)
Last Updated: 6/13/24
Glenwood (CastleAudios ASMR):
Glenwood Musings - General
The (Sometimes Human) Guide to Werewolf Dating - Seer & Evie
Long Day - Ranger
Running Her Mouth - Seer/Beth
Crossed Paths - Multiple Pairings
Knightly Musings - Knight
Ranger's Secret - Claire/Ranger, Seer/Beth (crack fic)
Keep That Pretty Mouth Shut - Dear/Rose
Testing Some Things Out - Seer/Beth**
Cuddle Jealousy - Seer/Beth, Ranger/Claire, Claire & Seer
Cuddle Jealousy (Light Edition) - Seer/Beth, Ranger/Claire, Claire & Seer
The Trials of Being a Southern Lady Simp - Sugar/Miss Liza
Quenching the Flames - Ranger/Claire
Stay Comfy and Culty - Abigail & OC
Omega - Claire/Ranger
A Debt Repaid - Claire & Valera (Past Claire/Valera)
Glenwood Archive - Keep Out (This Means You) - Multi Pairings
Breathe - Claire/Ranger, Beth/Seer, Knight/Evie, Pack (individual chapters)
Glenwood Shoots Their Shot - Multi Pairings**
5 Times Seer Begged and 1 Time They Didn't Have To (But Did Anyway) - Seer/Beth**
Rest Day - Dear/Abby/Rose
The Gratest Competition - Claire/Ranger (Crack fic)
Something Borrowed - Beth/Seer, Beth & Joanna/Her Mom
Good Enough - Dear/Abby/Rose
Cookies - Ranger/Claire
(B)romance? - Multiple Pairings (Knight/Seer focus)
Rest Day Part 2 - Dear/Abby/Rose**
The Taste of Hunger and Time - Sugar/Miss Liza
Too Serious, Too Quick - Sugar/Miss Liza, Sugar & Celine
Ashwood Grove (Will o' the Wisp Audios):
Life at Ashwood Grove University - Sparks
Electric Sparks - Sparks/Char
Friendly Reminders - Sparks/Eri
Head Empty - Sparks/Eri**
Denim-Clad Goddamn - Monroe/Sugar**
Gotta Make Your Own Fun - Monroe/Sugar
Give Her Something Else to Put Her Lips On (Respectfully) - Grey/Troublemaker
The Omegaverse Fic Nobody Asked For (Version 1) - Omega!Ashton/Alpha!Jackass**
The Omegaverse Fic Nobody Asked For (Version 2) - Alpha!Ashton/Omega!Jackass**
Round Two - Char/Eri/Shae/Sparks**
Starstruck - Char/Sparks
Beastly - Noir/Aries**
Ashwood Grove Explains the Omegaverse - Multiple** (Crack)
Closet Quickie - Alpha!Noir/Omega!Aries**
Willpower - Sunshine/Morgan**
Saving You, Saving Me - Lore/Gorgeous
Far Cry 5:
Far Cry 5 (Soulmates AU) - Deputy/Seeds
Far Cry 5 Ficlets - Multiple
Far Cry 5 Drabbles - Kinktober 2022
FC5 Kinktober 2022 (Series - each day a separate fic)
Kinktober 2023 - Glenwood Edition
Kinktober 2023 - Ashwood Edition
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tagged by: @direwombat @inafieldofdaisies @theresaruggedroad @thesingularityseries and @madparadoxum (this week) and @nightbloodbix @ivymarquis @g0dspeeed @kyber-infinitygems (last week, tagging you all back this week) thank you all so much!
I've been struggling to do much writing at all lately, but I have a bit from Kit's Herald/Role swap AU I've started messing around with. This fic leans really heavily into the supernatural side of the FC5 lore and of course twists the origin of Kit's arrival in Hope County:
A foggy haze of smoke filled the red, infernal sky as the sun beat down upon the desert and heat rose from the golden dunes in blurry striations. Kit was in a daze, her thousand yard stare focused on the mirage in the distance while her mind was addled by pain. The twisting of metal shrapnel sheared away at meat and bone, slicing through veins and tendons as flames devoured through fat and flesh in equal measure. Fever clouded her vision and her limbs became numb as the clothes on her body charred like a Fourth of July barbecue. The fire in her belly was fading, her very life slipping away from her like sand through her fingers. Her mouth became as hot and dry as the world around her, the tongue that hung from the corner of it now thick and heavy. The steady thumping in her skull started to slow along with the beating of her heart as the lights in her eyes collapsed into tiny pinpricks, tunneling the view she had of the wreckage around her. Screaming faded into the periphery, the terrified moans and groans of her unit members desperately clinging to life became a hellish, cacophonous choir and from out of the desert, something crawled towards her – a dark mass. 
It stole the breath from her lungs, nearly ripped the heart right out of her rib cage that begged to distend and snap apart. Whatever it was – and despite the adrenaline that coursed through her removing all clarity of thought and mind, preparing her for the great beyond – only one thought came to mind: it was ancient. Older than the mountains and the sands that caged her, something that came long before the stars and the sky they called home. Primordial. The Alpha and the Omega. 
The burning sun and the scorching heat of the fires that nipped and gnawed away at her stung at her eyes, tears spilled down her cheeks as the form and figure grew closer. Then silence fell. Impossible silence. That same crushing nothing that came while in the eye of a storm, and she was facing down a tempest. Giant paws stomped down, leaving prints in the sand that turned to glass. Golden eyes stared out at her, but there was nothing feline behind the glare affixed upon her (despite the gaping maw filled with sharpened teeth like knives) instead they were slits with a light behind them that was far more human than they should have been. This was no earthly creature. There were no lions in Afghanistan. And yet here it was, mane and all, bowing in her company, and licking up the blood that poured from her wounds with its rough pink tongue. 
The breath hitched in her throat as she tried to croak out a scream, but she was rendered speechless. A waking nightmare and she was unable to make a sound, all she could do was lay there and blink and pray. Pray that she’d be deemed inedible, pray that she’d be saved, pray that someone would come and spare her life. Pray that she was deemed worthy in the eyes of something holy. 
It’s massive head rose, eyes looking into her own as if it could read the very thoughts that rushed through her mind. Sinking into its gaze, she fell deeper into the black, empty pit at the back of her mind where the darkness sat dormant and entombed, waiting to be released onto the world. She just had to let go of what little control she’d been allowed in life and open that lid to Pandora’s box. 
And then a voice – not quite male, not quite female, something that was a convergence of the two – arose from out of the dark and infested her mind. “You know pain. You know suffering. Would you like to be free?”
It asked the question and yet her vocal chords were already burned to the point she could no longer speak, her lungs having filled with acrid smoke would not allow for even choked words to spill forward from her lips, but somehow she was able to answer. “Not if it means dying.”
A laugh, cold and mirthless, sent a shiver down her spine. The rattling of a tail screaming through the very weave of time itself. It coiled in the back of her skull, and whatever amount of human evolution and countless generations it had taken to get her here was stripped back until she was nothing more than an ape who’d discovered fire as a means to hold back the dark. She was a sniveling being in the presence of something it’s simple mind could not comprehend without being driven mad. 
“You wish to live?”
“What would you give?”
It was a simple trade, a barter that worked in her favor. What she might have had to give up was a small price to pay for what she’d receive in return – a second chance. For what, she wasn’t quite sure yet: redemption, revenge, reclaiming her birthright? She supposed she’d find out in due time. She’d sacrificed enough in her life, it was time for all that effort to be recouped and repaid in full. 
As the fire extinguished, and the bright glow of headlights fell upon her, she was more alive than ever. Skin had regrown, her hair no longer melted, blackened and burned, the milky cataracts of her eyes scraped back to the icy blue gleam they had once been.  She was reborn, made anew in God’s image. Chosen. Saved. A miracle that should never have been. The lone witness to the hand of God still willing to burn bushes for those most fervent in their belief of him.
tagging: @shallow-gravy @cassietrn @strangefable @stacispratt @eclecticwildflowers @ladyofedens-blog @florbelles @v0idbuggy @theelderhazelnut @marivenah @simplegenius042 @josephslittledeputy @peppertheferalraccoon @neverthesameneveranother @statichvm @strafethesesinners @adelaidedrubman @clicheantagonist @voidika @confidentandgood @roofgeese @afarcry5fromstraight @chazz-anova @wrathfulrook @aceghosts @jillvalentinesday
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For the writing meme: POV?
Sorry for the wait :)
The piece I ended up doing was originally something with only 2 characters (Jacob and Chloe meeting up in the woods) but I live for angst, and didn't have any more-finished wips mostly written out. Obligatory it's been years since I've written and I'm working through the awkward rust <3
John Seed (hints of prev John Duncan / Chloe Felix)
John’s brows furrowed in annoyance at the dew seeping into the satin weaves of his shirt. If this trek had been planned to any degree, he’d have at least brought his coat. Few things caught John’s interest enough to derail his evening decompression; even fewer brought him to his knees in a damp forest past sundown. Nevertheless John was determined. If the information he received was true, Jacob certainly did have something better to occupy himself with tonight. He just… had to see it for himself. Disquietude and unrest plagued his mind while redolent memories burned holes in his chest. He’d let her escape his memory for quite some time, hadn’t he? 
 Hearing the conversation wasn't an option. Even if he had been standing between them, John’s heart thundering throughout his body would’ve drowned it all out to nothing more than a whisper. A few minutes passed and he still wasn’t quite convinced he was awake- logic would reason this to be a bitter and punishing dream. 
A wheezing and broken laugh broke all trains of thought and a sneer tickled across his face. It disgusted him. The sheer bevy of emotions threatening to spill over was nauseating. His memories of the years before Hope County were a haze at best, and John kept them as such deliberately. He hated remembering. There is a degree of accountability tied to remembering, in which he was not interested whatsoever. Chloe popping back onto his radar all these years later was irksome enough without the looming complications. He would’ve sent someone else to confirm the report, stayed at home and waited on a radio call. He hadn’t wanted it to be true, or to see her. That’s what he had repeated to himself, ignoring the jealousy entangled in this throat. Jacob letting out a genuine laugh John had almost forgotten existed at all had been the last lick of his silent panic. For the first time in quite a while, John didn’t know what to do, or say. She had to know he was here in Hope County, his face was plastered all over the roads for fuck’s sake. 
He wasn’t cold anymore, a sickeningly sticky numbness abating his very being.
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lulu2992 · 11 months
thank you for your posts! they've been super helpful in understanding far cry 5 lore better. if you don't mind, i have a lore question; i've seen people claiming that the faith seed in the game killed her predecessor (in the cult, not joseph's wife), and other people claiming that joseph and/or john killed her. do you know if there's anything in fc5 that says or implies who killed the former faith?
You’re welcome! I’m glad you enjoy my posts :)
People who claim that Faith killed her predecessor have probably played the Far Cry 6 Collapse DLC. In that game, she explains she pushed the previous Faith off the statue of Joseph and that’s how she took her place in the cult. It was her test, the “leap of faith” she talks about in Far Cry 5, but according to the DLC, she didn’t actually jump.
Technically, she isn’t really the one telling this story because everything Joseph experiences in Collapse is a creation of the Voice and/or his tortured mind. Still, even though he’s upset when “Faith” says what she did, it’s more in a “don’t remind me of my mistakes” way than in a “stop telling lies” way, I think, so it seems it’s supposed to be true and not Joseph/the Voice distorting the facts.
The problem is that this was never mentioned in Far Cry 5 and that the DLC has a different writing team. It’s still official, and to some people that’s enough to make it canon, but to me it’s not, and I’ve noted too many inconsistencies to consider it a reliable source of information. It was also Collapse that “revealed” Joseph’s wife was the first, original Faith Seed, but this was never mentioned anywhere before, either; she didn’t have a name in Far Cry 5.
So it’s not really wrong to say Faith killed her predecessor because it’s the story officially told in Collapse, but it’s not what Far Cry 5 said, so I don’t consider this canon (it’s just my opinion, though). Maybe the DLC’s writers felt they had to explain how she survived jumping off the statue because they thought it would have killed her (even though we know the leap of faith isn’t always lethal)...
In Far Cry 5, there unfortunately is almost no information about what happened to the other Faiths. We just know there were at least two, Lana and Selena, and that, according to the author of the “Grieving Note”, Lana died and her body was disposed of at the Horned Serpent Cave. It seems it was then Selena who replaced her and that she was the predecessor of the current Faith, Rachel, but her whereabouts are unknown.
The note “A Confession” implies the Faith who wrote it was afraid of Joseph’s reaction if he found out that her devotion to the Project was “plagued by doubt”, so that suggests he might be at least partly responsible for her presumed demise. That said, no one clearly explains anything and the previous Faiths are barely mentioned, so we can only speculate about what exactly became of them. The Father says Rachel “was not the first”, and he must know the truth about her predecessors, but we don’t.
As for John being the murderer of the former Faith(s), I guess it’s not completely improbable since we can imagine anything, but there’s zero evidence he was directly involved in whatever happened.
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