The ennemy’s bed
Okay guys. I had so much fun being a part of @edensgay’s amazing concept !! The Far Cry 5 birthday bash was an amazing idea and here’s what i wrote for the lovely @joyfewl and her Deputy Elkie ! 💖
Pairing : Elkie Hannah Gardner x Jacob Seed.
Word count : 2′505.
A/n : I had so much fun writing this. It was my first time writing somebody else’s OC so I really hope I did Elkie justice... And I hope you’ll like soft Jake ahahah. (Also, English isn’t my first language but I hope this will live up to your expectations anyway. 💖)
The sunlight bathing her face slowly woke Elkie up. She opened her eyes and looked around the small wooden cabin. Everything was peaceful and she felt warm. When she turned around, Jacob Seed’s blue eyes met hers. A grin stretched his lips.
“Morning, pup,” he groaned. His voice was husky and deeper than usual ; he had just woken up.
Elkie realized that his arms were wrapped around her body, holding her close to his bare chest. She smiled and traced little circles on his torso. A long satisfied sigh escapes his lips.
Oh. What was she doing in her enemy’s bed ? Well, it all started a few weeks prior...
Washing some of her arrows in a little stream, Elkie was humming “Oh John”. Dammit, this song was catchy !! She didn’t even pay attention to the light footsteps sounds behind her. She was thinking about Staci and how she could free him. To be honest, her coworkers were often on her mind now that she had to save them. She was young and this duty was a lot... Sometimes even too much. She was about to call Hurk Jr. or maybe Wheaty to ask them if they wanted to hang out, relax for a while, when she finally realized she wasn’t alone.
When she turned around, her jaw dropped. She felt her heart pound in her chest as she quickly tried to take an arrow out of her quiver.
“Hey, no need for that. Hands up.” ordered Jacob Seed, who was pointing his red rifle at her. Elkie obeyed, knowing he would be quicker than her and she could be dead in a second. She took a step back when she saw him move forward. “Deputy. I knew we’d meet sooner or later.” With a smirk, Jacob stopped pointing her with his gun and crouched down to collect the arrows she’d left on the ground.
After a moment of tension filled silence Elkie was too surprised to stop herself from talking. “So you’re just gonna steal my arrows ?” she yelped. Jacob didn’t answer and she watched him collect them all, inspecting them carefully.
Her ennemy stayed silent, stoic. Finally, he looked her right in the eyes and smirked. For some reason, it made her burn with rage. Elkie clenched her fists, but her cheeks turned red. She took her gaze off of Jacob Seed, her blood boiling in her veins. When she had the courage to look back at him, he was right in front of her. How had he moved so fast and quietly ? She was breathless and at a loss for words. Emotions were fighting in her busy mind and, even if she tried to, she simply couldn’t erase that little voice in the back of her head that whispered unholy thoughts about her ennemy. Elkie had always found Jacob to be quite good looking, but that didn’t stop her hatred towards him. On the other hand, now that he was right in front of her, the whisper was getting louder and it corrupted her others thoughts... Her breath got caught in her throat when she tried to say something.
Slowly, carefully, Jacob put the arrows back in the quiver attached to Elkie’s back. His hand accidentally brushed her cheek in the process, making her blush even more. She was so confused... “Thank you...?” she whispered, not sure if his action was truly a nice one.
Without any answer, Jacob took a step back, discreetly nodding his head. He cleared his throat, another smirk on his lips, and left. His eyes never left Elkie until he couldn’t see her. And she stayed right there, paralyzed. She should’ve ran after him, taken out her bow and hurt him, kill him. How many chances were she going to have to get directly at Jacob Seed without killing a hundred peggies in the process ? She should’ve called someone and arrested him right on the spot. She was a Deputy, after all, and it was her freaking job ! But she simply couldn’t, too shaken up by the impromptu meeting to even move.
During the next few weeks, Elkie simply couldn’t think about anything else than Jacob Seed. Their meeting, his rifle in front of her, her arrows back in her quiver and his stupid smirks. She was angry at herself and, somehow, angry at him. Why did he let her go ? Did he think she was so weak he didn’t even bother to disarm her ? Oh but she was strong... She was strong and she’d show him.
And then, one day, she got captured. The bliss arrow had pierced her legs and she quickly fainted. When she woke up, she was in a small room, on a cot. She tried to stand up but the pain and the handcuffs attached to the wall prevented her to do so. Her head was spinning when she finally noticed the silhouette in a corner of the room.
“Finally up. Took you long enough,” Jacob smirked as he got closer to her. She curled up in the corner of the room, her wrist twisting against the handcuffs.
“I have to say, Deputy.. You almost impressed me. Before our first meeting, you were full of rage, destroying my wolf beacons and taking my outposts one by one. Surprising, for someone like you.” Jacob was walking towards Elkie like a predator sizing up its prey. She felt her blood boiling in her veins.
“But then... Nothing. Three weeks without any news of my little pup, huh ? So what happened ?” He was now squatting in front of her, his hands pressed together in a prayer motion in front of his mouth. His blue eyes were piercing right through her.
“I... I don’t know.”
“You’re not going soft on me, are you ?”
And she was. After her first meeting with him, the only thing she’d been able to think about was him. And not only in a “I wanna kill him” way... Quite the opposite, actually. And, now that he was so close to her again, her heart was threatening to get out of her chest just to be closer to his.
Without even realizing it, Elkie leaned forward and tried to kiss him. Her handcuffs prevented her from actually getting close enough, and Jacob took a step backward, another stupid smirk on his lips. Elkie suddenly realized what she had tried to do, and shame came burning on her face. Oh my god, how stupid was she. A little 22 years old pinning for a man twice her age who, on top of that, was her ennemy ! Jacob’s eyes were wide and scanning her face, the smirk momentarily leaving his lips. He opened his mouth and Elkie prepared for whatever taunt or insult he had in mind... But he stayed silent. It looked like he was actually speechless. But it seemed impossible ! Jacob Seed ? Speechless ? No way. Jacob Seed always had something to say. But, against all odds, not this time.
Too lost in her thoughts to pay attention, Elkie hadn’t notice Jacob’s face getting closer to hers. When one of his hand reached around her back to grab her by the neck, she snapped back to reality. She barely had time to gasp before Jacob’s lips were on hers. He was surprisingly gentle, his kiss sweet, almost tender. But, as soon as she reciprocated, Jacob’s attitude changed completely. He prevented her to move with his grip on her neck -like the handcuffs weren’t enough- and his tongue slipped in her mouth, brushing against her own. She couldn’t help but moan when she felt Jacob’s other hand slowly moving up her thigh. It made him smile under her lips.
This was unbelievable. Totally unbelievable... But so fucking good.
Jacob tried to pull her closer to him, but she winced, the sharp edges of the handcuffs digging into her skin. She broke the kiss for just a second and Jacob’s lips almost drew back in a snarl. “I can’t fucking move,” Elkie spat, looking at her wrists and back at Jacob.
“Not into bondage, huh ?” he smirked. Elkie would’ve hit him if she could, get that fucking stupid smirk off of his face. But then, just like if he had read her mind, the smile left his lips. He looked her deep in the eyes, probably trying to decide what he was going to do next. Elkie couldn’t think straight ; her heart was beating so fast in her chest she couldn’t hear anything else.
“Come on, get those off,” she almost begged, her lips already pressed against Jacob’s. Of course he didn’t trust her, she knew that. But she was defenseless and he would definitely have the upper hand if she tried anything... And, even if she felt a bit guilty about it, Elkie wouldn’t have tried anything anyway. In this moment, the only thing she wanted was to run her hands all over Jacob’s body.
“Fuck it,” he finally said under his breath, reaching for the key in his pocket.
Once Elkie’s hands were freed, everything moved even faster. In less than a second, the paperwork on Jacob’s desk was flying in the dimly lit room and Elkie was laying on the cold surface of the metal table. Jacob’s calloused hands were tugging at her shirt, slipping under it to touch her warm and soft skin. She gasped when they reached her breast. She looked at Jacob and the way awe transformed his face moved her. The guilt she had previously felt disappeared and she cradled his cheeks, pulling him closer to kiss him again.
After this... unexpected turn of events, Jacob had let Elkie go. Just like that. Almost no words had been exchanged between the two of them. But the young woman noticed the change of behavior in Jacob : the soft and discreet smile plastered on his lips while she had gotten dressed and the gentler way his hands moved around her. She left with a unknown feeling in the pit of her stomach.
Over the next few weeks, they met more than once. Sometimes at the Vet Center, sometimes in the forest... And, each time, the same thing happened : they both acted all though until their bodies melted together. Elkie promised herself it was just physical. She was just looking for some good time and Jacob happened to be looking for that too, right ? But, slowly, she just couldn’t help but think that the butterflies in her belly whenever she was with Jacob meant something else.
One day, while she was getting dressed next to him, she absentmindedly asked, “Jake, what are we ?” She stiffened when she realized how serious her question actually was. For all she knew, Jacob was just going to laugh in her face before throwing her back in a cage. He had been gentler with her, almost romantic... But she still felt deeply insecure about the nature of their relationship.
He stayed silent for a long time before scratching his beard and sighing, “Dunno, pup. Why you asking ?” His voice was surprisingly sweet and soft.
“I just... I don’t know ; I guess I kinda like you.” She tried to stay as nonchalant as possible... But her heart was once again pounding in her chest.
“Yeah, me too.”
She froze. Was it really that simple ? And, if so, what did that mean ? Was Jacob her... boyfriend ? She couldn’t help but chuckle.
“What you laughin’ at ?” Jacob smiled, grabbing the back of her shirt and pulling her back to bed. His kiss was soft, softer than it had ever been. There was no sexual intentions hidden behind it and it made Elkie’s stomach turn. She looked him in the eyes, amazed at how warmly he was looking back at her.
After that day, nothing had been the same. They started seeing each other just to spend time together, hunting, going on walks... Elkie couldn’t believe that Jacob freaking Seed was being this caring... Of course, they kept their relationship secret. She was still a Deputy and he was still one of Joseph’s heralds. But, when they were together, they were just two people...
And that’s how she ended up in her ennemy’s bed.
Laying next to him, she thought back to all their time together. She rested her hand on his cheek, brushing his smile with her thumb.
“I gotta go to work,” he sighed, gently stroking her back. She nodded, inhaling his smell one more time before he had to get out of bed.
“I hate it when you have to leave,” she admitted, hiding her face so he couldn’t see how sincere she really was.
“So do I.” His voice was warm, but she could feel the tension behind it. He was just as torn as her, incapable of being entirely together, but wanting to do so anyway... He leaned down and pressed his lips on hers, hard. His kiss translated all the things he couldn’t force himself to say out loud. “Maybe we’ll just have to run away together. How does that sound ?”
She grinned. “It sounds good as long as you stop hogging the covers every night...”
He reciprocated her smirk and kissed her again, playfully, his nose softly brushing against hers. “Then you’ll have to sleep on top of me, huh ? You’ll be my blanket.”
“Jacob. You’re 6’3”... I doubt I’d be a great blanket.” She chuckled and the soft smile he gave her made her heart beat faster.
“Maybe. But you’re the only blanket I need.”
His smile turned upside down when she laughed out loud, “Oh my god, that was soooo cheesy Jake.” Jacob shook his head, pretending not to pay attention to her mockery while he put his pants on. She snickered and continued, “I mean, I know you’re sentimental and dramatic and all... but this ? You’re so cute.”
In less than a second, Jacob was on top of her. His hand was maintaining her wrists on top of her head while his legs were straddling her waist, preventing her to move completely. The coldness of Jacob’s dog tag against her bare chest made her shiver.
“I’m cute ?” he asked in a deep voice, his lips barely brushing her ear. Elkie has to bite her lip to stop herself from moaning.
“The cutest,” she insisted, a malicious grin stretching her lips. Jacob kissed her, almost violently, punishing her for her smart mouth.
“You’re lucky I gotta go to work,” he murmured when he finally let her wrists go. “But don’t you worry pup, I’ll take good care of ya when I get back.” And he kissed her again, biting her lower lip when he had to break the kiss, showing her how much he wanted to stay.
What they had wasn’t perfect. It was messy and confusing and sometimes even infuriating... But, god. Elkie wouldn’t have exchanged it against anything else in the world.
She watched Jacob leave the cabin. He gave her a wink just before passing the door and she couldn’t but smile for the rest of the day.
I really hope you’ll like it !!! 😭💖
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seedsplease · 5 years
One Way To Atone
Ahhh!! This is my gift for @sassywelshgiraffe! I had so much fun getting to know Ashlynn! I hope you enjoy this! And happy Far Cry 5 birthday!! <3
Thank you so much to @edensgay for sorting this all out!! <3 This was so much fun! 
Sunsets always looked best in the valley. Something about gold light over farmlands brought out the best of Hope County, and with it, the best time to catch a well-needed moment of peace.
Aires scuffed a shoe on the ground, nickering when she caught sight of the apples being pulled from a hessian sack by her beloved friend and owner. Ash huffed in a soft laugh as she watched the horse’s eyes follow her hands as she approached; one boot hoisting herself up to rest on the fence.
“Yeah, I know what you’re interested in,” she grinned, balancing the small apple in the palm of her hand and twinkling her fingers, giving a pretend pout. “Thought you’d be more excited for me, but hey, maybe you’re a traitor too.” She rolled the other apple in her hand and took it up for a quick snap of a bite, a hint of bitterness seeping into her voice. “Guess I should’ve named you Nancy, then.”
Aires gave a huff, possibly offended at the comparison, and butted her head against Ash’s thigh in retribution, making the woman shamble to hold her balance on the fence.
“Hey!” She scowled at her long-time friend for a moment, before sighing and holding out her apple, quirking a lip in amusement as the horse chomped happily on her prize. “Yeah, you did well today. Kicked lots of Peggie ass, didn’t you?” She reached out and smoothed down the coat of her neck, scratching under the ears for a reward.
There was a rustling behind her, but Ash didn’t need to turn to know it was Peaches, the faithful cougar coming to check up on her favourite Deputy. Aires saw, however, and shifted backwards; front leg pawing at the ground. Even after so much time around Peaches, her horse still remained somewhat uncertain of the other animal - not that Ash could blame her; Peaches was a natural predator, much as she loved her.
“Hey,” she soothed the horse, and offered up her own apple to try and reassure or maybe bribe her. The horse huffed but didn’t turn it down, chomping down eagerly. “There we go. See? You know Peaches; you don’t have to worry about her. Besides, she’s already eaten her dinner.” The cougar growled behind her, making her roll her eyes and scoff, but she was unable to stop the fond smile crossing her face. “And she’s not getting any more; that’s greedy.”
“And Greed is a sin, is it not?” A new voice came from behind her, and Ash realised that Peaches hadn’t been growling at her.
She turned to the side, trying to remain as nonchalant as possible as she saw John Seed standing not a few meters away by the fence-line. Fucker must have somehow managed to sneak up on her - a miracle in itself, and she was surprised he wasn’t gloating about it.
“Didn’t know you could be quiet,” Ash said, leaning back to lazily rest a hand on the post behind her. “Thought being a Seed meant you couldn’t announce your presence without at least a fog machine.”
He hummed - eyes never leaving her - before smiling; stepping forward to run a hand along the side of the fence. He stopped short of her, eyeing the cougar a few meters away and the imposing figure of the horse beyond the barrier. 
There was something about John Seed, she’d noticed, that always made her feel on trial; in every movement, every action, there was something behind his expression that spoke of judgement. The cult’s judge and jury was a fitting title, indeed.
“What are you doing here, Johnny Law?” She asked, eyes narrowed.
He tilted his head, and gave her a once-over.
“I’ll admit I’m surprised you haven’t tried to attack me yet, Deputy,” John said instead of answering, and smiled in a way that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Could it be that infamous Wrath is finally becoming tempered?”
She laughed at the very thought.
“Sure, let’s go with that,” Ash replied. In truth, her nearest throwing knife was safely hidden in her boot, but John didn’t need to know that. Instead, she leaned forwards, hands cupping the side of the fence post for balance as she grinned at John. “What about you? Why haven’t you tried to shoot little old me yet?”
He hummed - possibly thoughtful - and stepped forward again, further closing the distance between them and glanced up at her with his hand trailing by the fence and coming to rest inches from her knee.
“I don’t want to kill you, dear,” John murmured, startlingly blue eyes intense in a piercing trademark expression of the whole family. “I’ve been telling you this from the beginning; I simply want to save you.”
“The river incident could’ve fooled me, buddy,” Ash replied, coolness seeping into her sarcasm.
His mouth twitched in a grimace, and he had the good graces to at least look away.
“A lapse in judgement,” he admitted. “I am, more than anyone, still battling my own sins, and they got the better of me in that moment. I...please forgive me on that.”
Ash tilted her head, staring down at him curiously. Meters away, Peaches was laying down beside the sack of apples; the image of calm despite an enemy standing so close, and Ash took the moment to come to a decision.
“M’kay,” she said, surprising him. When he glanced up at her again - brow creasing somewhere between shock and suspicion - she gave him a dazzling smile and held up a finger. “I’ll forgive you on one condition.”
Ah, there was the suspicion in his eyes; this was the familiar territory for him, in bargaining for forgiveness, for atonement. Pain for salvation seemed to be his modus operandi, after all, but that was luckily not on her agenda today.
She pointed over towards the bag.
“Go get me some more apples,” Ash said calmly. His eyes narrowed as he stared at her, and she could almost hear the cogs in his head creak as they turned. She shrugged, the image of innocence. “What? Aires is hungry.”
Aires helpfully nickered.
John sighed, but began to obey; making his way over to the sack on the ground. He sidestepped carefully to the far side of Peaches, giving her a wide berth, but never taking his eyes off the dangerous predator so close to him. Blindly - so as to not look away from the cat - he reached down and fumbled with the edge of the bag, rummaging inside for an apple.
It was in the split second that he looked down - making sure of his prize - that Peaches gave a loud, sudden chirp.
John let out an undignified yelp and Ash could have sworn he’d jumped a foot in the air as he scrambled to get away, apples still miraculously clutched in his hands. 
She laughed at the sight; the usually so composed lawyer and baptist frazzled at the ends. Peaches watched him go, something smug about her as her tail flicked back and forth and ears twitching as John swore under his breath and stomped his way through the grass towards the Deputy.
Ash held out her hands expectantly, unable to stop her chuckling as John slapped the apples down into her palms. He whirled around, over-intricate coat ruffling with the movement as began to walk away.
“Wait, John!” Ash called out, unable to resist one last dig. “Come back! Don’t you want to feed Aires too?”
John glanced over his shoulder at the bay, who chose that moment to huff and stomp one of her intimidatingly strong back legs.
“No, thank you,” John replied, gritting his words through clenched teeth and a pinched brow. “I’ve had enough of your beasts’ antics for one day.” He sent her a thoroughly unamused glare as he gave a tight wave of farewell. “Keep them under control the next time we meet, if you please.”
Ash grinned.
“You’re forgiven, by the way!” She said, reminding him of why he had gotten himself so frazzled in the first place. “Thanks for the apples, Johnny boy!”
Behind her, Peaches let out another meeping call - her own farewell - and Ash didn’t bother to stifle her laugh at the hiss John let out in return as he sped up; trying to get away quicker from the Deputy and her loyal companions.
“You’ll be atoning for this!” He replied, scathing now that he was a safe distance. “Just you wait, dear.”
Unfazed, she blew a kiss at him.
���Oh, I’ll wait, alright,” she muttered, twinkling her fingers in a wave. “Dear.”
Before he was completely beyond the tree line, Ash was quite positive that he flipped her the bird at least twice. And he called her Wrath.
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edensgay · 6 years
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Quick reminder that FC5BB gifts are due on March 27th, 2019. This is the preferred date for you to post/share them. Of course you have until April 14th at the latest to actually post them.
If your gift is going to be later than March 27th please message your giftee on Anon and let them know it’ll be late so they aren’t wondering about it! If for some reason you are unable to make either deadline please let me know before the deadline.
Thank you all for signing up and I’m very excited to see what you all create!
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waterymacandcheese · 5 years
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@hurks-breaded-chicken-cutlet   Surprise! Surprise? Man, I hope it’s a surprise, I’ve been hiding this as best I could 😂
so this was supposed to be a quick character study before moving on, but it got WILDLY out of hand (the perils of trying to learn digital art lol). There’s still more that I want to fix, and plenty of plans I haven’t touched yet, but I adore Jamie and look forward to every moment of it 💖💖💖
Jamie is INCREDIBLE (and so is Liam but I haven’t drawn him..... yet) and i’m so happy that this exchange gave me the push i needed to finally go for it! Thank you @edensgay for organizing this!! 
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edensgay · 6 years
So for the birthday bash sign up, is it ok to put the dep/cannon character as one of my preferred ships?
Heeeeeeelllll yeah! In this household we love and support dep/canon character ships. If you have a gender preference for the deputy PLEASE add it just in case.
You’re also plenty welcome to add an OC dep! There’s a part for filling out things about your ocs if you choose to go that route.
But yeah, you can add any kinda ships you want as long as they comply with the rules. Gender neutral Dep/Joseph? Totally cool. F!Dep/Staci Pratt? Awesome. Add that shit. M!Dep/Chad Wolanski? Please. Fuckin please. Kim/Dep/Nick? ADD THAT SHIT.
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edensgay · 6 years
FC5BB Signups
Alrighty! Here’s just a little bit more info about the sign up questionnaire, since you cant read all the way through it without answering the questions!
There are 3 parts.
Part 1, General Questions: These questions are to help determine what kind of gift you would like to receive. 
You’ll be asked about your favorite ships, favorite characters outside of ships, and your favorite tropes. 
These are written answers, you write what you want. Go fuckin hogwild. Add as much as you want.
Then last you’ll be asked your preferred tone. This is a check the box question with the option to add an ‘other’ that you get to type out.
These are all required.
Part 2, OC Information: Fill out any information about your OC below, if you're not requesting something OC related please skip this.
You’ll be asked to provide a link to an about page for your OC, this is optional.
If you link to an about page there is no need to fill everything else out but you’re perfectly welcome to! Feel free to add something about looking on your blog/AO3 to see how you write them.
You’ll be asked your OCs name, age, gender, pronouns, occupation (are they a deputy, a cultist? something else?), general personality, appearance, and finally any other relevant facts.
This entire section is optional. 
Part 3, About You(Only You): Fill out the below questions so it is easier to pair you with someone.
You will be asked to list any triggers or content you are uncomfortable with. Don’t hold back, go ham. We want this to be fun for everyone.
Are you okay with working with someone else’s OC? This is a multiple choice question with the option to add an ‘other’ that you fill out yourself.
Are you a? This is a check the box question where you get to say what you do. Are you a writer? Gifmaker? Artist? Aesthetic maker? Other? 
What would you prefer receiving? Again a check the box question with an option to add an ‘other’ that you fill out yourself.
Would you prefer smut? Check the boxes: yes, no, either way.
How old are you? Choose 18+ or -18. No other answers, you are not asked your specific age. MINORS ARE ALLOWED. This question is to avoid pairing minors with people who would prefer smut.
Is there anyone in the fandom you would prefer to avoid? Shit happens. Please list below people you’d prefer not to interact with. This stays confidential, it’s only to keep you from being paired with someone you don’t get along with.
Are you okay with receiving Anons from your gift giver? Choose yes or no. If you choose no they will not be able to contact you and request any more information to help with the production of your gift.
Fill out your tumblr name below. 
These are all required.
The last is the option to add your AO3 name.
For good measure: 
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edensgay · 6 years
For the birthday bash signup, can we ask for two or more OCs or just the one?
As many as you please! Put down as many ships as you want, go nuts.
You’ll receive one (1) gift, unless of course your gift giver is extremely generous. The choice of what to create is up to the person who is giving your gift. The more you provide them with the more they have to work with!
I suggest adding at least one canon relationship or generic deputy ship just in case there aren’t enough people willing to write OCs! :)
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edensgay · 6 years
I was taking a look at the birthday exchange event form and I was wondering if we could do OC/canon ships for the preferred ships section?
Yes of course! Later on there is a section to add some details about your OC :+)
however, I suggest adding a canon ship or a generic deputy or something for shipping or something just in case there aren’t enough people who want to write ocs!
I’ll be tagging any additional information and asks under #fc5bb !!! :^)
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edensgay · 6 years
Far Cry 5 Birthday Bash Gift Exchange
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Welcome to the FC5 Birthday Bash, a one year of FC5 gift-giving celebration!
Sounds cool. So, how does it work? 
You have until February 12th, 2019 to sign up. There’s a questionnaire you fill out that will help with matching you with someone. 
On February 14th, 2019 (Valentines Day) you’ll be sent the name of your Giftee. You are not to contact them, unless you are contacting them through anon to clarify some things. You cannot reveal who you are until the due date. 
Projects are due on March 27th, 2019. You will have until April 14th to post your project, if you don’t post your project and you haven’t given me a reason well, you’re a dick. On March 27th you will be allowed to reveal yourself to your Giftee!
When you post your gift use the tag FC5BIRTHDAYBASH. That way they are all in one place and easy to find.
Now that we all know how it works let get into some questions.
Q: Do I have to be a writer?
A: Nope! You can be a writer, gifmaker, artist, or aesthetic maker. As long as you are some type of content creator feel free to sign up!
Q: Are these real items?
A: No. This is all digital. You will NOT be receiving anything physical, you will not be asked for your address. 
Q: Do I have to have a tumblr to join?
A: It is HIGHLY preferred that you do, simply for the sake of organizng. However, signups from AO3 are allowed as well.
Q: What if I have to back out?
A: That’s okay as long as you give me advanced warning. 
Q: Does my project have to be FC5 themed?
A: Yes. This is not for New Dawn, though it will be out by the time this is over, this is specifically for FC5. If you get someone who likes AUs and Star Wars and you want to write them a FC5 Star Wars AU go for it! If you get someone who wants a no nukes ending go for it! It just has to be FC5 themed.
Now, lets get to the actual rules.
Fics must be at least 500 words and a maximum of 5000 words. You can break this up into a series of drabbles if you prefer or keep it to a oneshot. If you need a few extra words to wrap it up that’s alright but please keep the word limit in mind.
If you want to make a graphic to go with your fic go for it! But it’s not mandatory.
Art must fit the rules of tumblr. A width of at least 540px wide. Max file size is 20MB, please keep that in mind. If you’re drawing lewd/NSFW art for your Giftee it must be in compliance with tumblrs rules, if you have to sensor it that’s fine. You can send the uncensored to your Giftee, you just can’t post it.
Aesthetics must have at least two graphics and a maximum of 6. 
Gifs are allowed, gifsets must have at least 4 gifs. You are of course allowed to watermark them. Gifs must be tumblr friendly, gifs cannot be more than 3MB. 
Content that is not allowed: Non-Con, Incest, Minors doing anything even remotely sexual, or Bestiality. 
Content that is allowed: Anything else your Giftee has stated they’d enjoy. Character death and gore are allowed, smut is allowed, so is Dub-Con but only if explicitly stated by your Giftee that they are okay with it. Everything MUST be tagged. If you aren’t sure: tag it. If you are sure: tag it. TAG IT.
GIFTS MUST BE NEW. You are not allowed to reuse content. Everything you submit must be new and made for your Giftee. Please put effort into your gifts. Wouldn’t you be sad if your Gifter didn’t? 
If you for ANY reason cannot meet the deadline please message me as soon as possible. I will personally be making up any gifts that are not given, I need the warning. Please don’t back out at the last second. Please only join if you think you’ll be able to complete it. I understand that life happens but please.
Final reminder: Your gift is due on the 27th of March, 2019 but you have until the 14th of April, 2019 to post it. Do not reveal yourself to your Giftee until the 27th, this is a secret gift exchange and that ruins all the fun! When you post use the tag FC5BIRTHDAYBASH
Any asks about the Birthday Bash will be under the tag fc5bb
Feel free to reblog this to spread the word! :+)
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Hey there far-cry-all-the-time, your fc5bb gifter here. I wanted to ask a few questions about your Deputy and her views on certain topics for your gift. I mainly just have two questions right now (more to come over the next few weeks I'm sure lol). How does she feel about having children? How about Marriage? Thank you and hope you have a good day.
So my Dep definitely doesn’t want children with everything that’s going on in Hope County lmao. But, if she had another life, she wouldn’t mind, you know ? It’s not a dream of hers but if her partner wanted children, she could be on board with it (but she’d probably opt for adoption tho).
And for marriage, it’s kind of the same thing. It’s not her dream to get married, but if her partener needed a commitment like that, she wouldn’t be against it. :)
I hope this answers your questions ! 💖
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edensgay · 6 years
Hey just wanted to say Thank you for putting the fc5 BirthdayBash together. All that organizing can't be easy and you've already done such a great job with the questionnaire. I'm really excited!!
hey anon! I’ve been just staring at this in my inbox because I wanna be greedy and keep it all to myself. This is so kind of you!
I’m glad you’re excited, I am too! I hope this all goes pretty smoothly with minimal bullshittery. I can’t wait for everyone to get paired up and for the presents to start rolling out! It’s gonna be so exciting seeing what everyone made.
(Also, shout out to MJ @mademoisellegush!!! She helped make sure I had all my bases covered on the questionnaire and has been listening to me rant about my worries and everything.)
Thank you for being so kind anon (‘:
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edensgay · 6 years
Hi, I'm really excited for the FC5 Birthday Bash coming up! I do have a question: if I already completed the form, but there's something I want to change, how would I go about doing so?
Honestly, I don’t think there is a way to go back and edit the form. However! If you message me what you want changed I can put a note down. Or you could decide to redo the whole form and I’d just delete the old one
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edensgay · 6 years
I have another question, probably a silly one, but I figured I'd ask anyways. We can put multiple "preferred tones" right? Thank you again! :3
No questions are silly! Add as many preferred tones as you like and if you need more there’s an ‘other’ option where you can add your own!
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