#fd listens
Listening to Re: Dracula as I settle in to sleep and my phone screen turned off and left the room dark just as the shanty began. 😳
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transthatfag · 2 months
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if I make fanart for the show will yall watch it... ?
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petewentzisblack1312 · 2 months
my sister wants to listen to more pop and rap and asked me for recommendations which if you all are aware. i dont listen to that much pop and rap. so it was very much the blind leading the blind there.
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thecrabbybarista · 1 month
Mutuals should listen to Not Like Us by Kendrick Lamar ok? Ok
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literally why on earth did i not start listening to kendrick lamar before 2024
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coconutcordiale · 2 years
guys how tall is glen powell because we all know he's lying about being 6 ft
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n0nethewiserr · 6 months
i am forcing you all to look at this video
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soundtrack-for-lovers · 9 months
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*deep sigh*
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lordgreenslimemold · 2 months
my idea of a saturday night is popping an eddie after work and working on my harry dubois minecraft mural while watching fd signifier's new 3 1/2 hour hip hop video essay
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I know its not in her nature but I'd absolutely would love if Tessa would absolutely knock Maria out in Rhett's honor just so he could fuck her nice and good up against his truck for standing up for him 🤤
No, that's not in her nature at all lol BUT I think I know a way I can make it work...
Tessa wasn't a woman of violence. She worked with teenage boys day in and day out, most of them a true test of patience, so she knew how to control herself. But she expected better from someone grown. Someone who had their whole life handed to them on a platter. Someone who crawled back to her hometown after things didn't work out and expected everyone to treat her like a goddess for getting out for a few years.
As she was dragged out of the bar, two strong arms wrapped around her waist and practically lifting her into the air, she couldn't even remember what Maria said. Just that it was about Rhett and that it made her see red. How could she say that? About Rhett of all people, when he was standing right behind her? Someone so kind and genuine and rough and quiet and honest and sincere.
In the fresh air, she could feel the sting in the palm of her hand. Oh, God. She slapped her. She slapped Maria across the face. Shame filled her as she tripped over her own two feet, the arms holding her up gone.
But the next thing she knew, her back was against cold metal. Her body pinned by strong arms and broad shoulders. She looked up, red-faced and tears in her eyes, at Rhett staring down at her with those dark blue eyes and his trucker cap spun around backward.
"M'so sorry, I don'know - "
"Fuck, stop talkin', sunshine. That's the hottest thing've ever seen." He kissed her then, hungry and consuming with his big hand cupping her jaw. "Lemme say thank you."
Lips and teeth sucking and scraping at her neck, he pulled up the hem of her skirt...
does this need to be a full fic? cause it feels like a full fic
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lamphous · 2 months
did y'all know pusha t did a remix of the succession theme
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I was excited at the thought my Spotify top artist(s) might be Kerrigan-Lowdermilk, but then I remembered I share my account. So it'll probably be Gorillaz. 😄
I also remembered I bought the album Our First Mistake, so Spotify doesn't know about the many, many, many times I've listened to it. I'm late to the party, but gosh I love it.
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moxley · 3 months
excalibur while jack perry is actively being boo’d: he earned the title!
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kiliinstinct · 6 months
Been taking part in Camp NaNoWriMo this month and while I am absolutely still putting Flame's Desire as my number 1 priority work, my random picker wheel keeps choosing every fic that is NOT FD. Like: consistently. At this rate, I'm starting to think the damn thing is Biased against it and just wants me to keep writing Genshin Impact.
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late-stage-lesbian · 1 year
Hey folks,
After a long, drawn out conversation with someone committed to ignoring how harmful TERF talking points are to the queer community, here’s a few important points.
If your response to “you’ve been sharing TERF talking points” is “I don’t care”, I’m going to assume you are a secret TERF
Anyone who is trying to force rigid definitions of any label onto everyone else is at the very best woefully ignorant of the point of the queer community and at worst actively trying to sow discord and harm to everyone
Women can identify as a lesbian and also like their girlfriend’s dick
Trans women are allowed to identify as lesbians, even if they have a dick
Bioessentiallism is dangerous, full stop
TERFs are fascists, and you don’t have to engage with their ideas; the ideas are bad.
Don’t let people ratchet off TERF talking points under the guise of “protecting lesbians” - it’s a fascist tactic that’s been used for years (see “protecting straight women from lesbians” or “protecting white women from black men”)
Anyway if you’d like some resources about TERF talking points and how dangerous they are, here are some excellent essayists to support:
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johnsilvers · 2 years
zethu dlomo's laughter...... instant antidepressant
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