mcltiples · 3 months
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@muses-inn sent; (for Rick C-151)
[🪨 Pimple] "The galactic news broadcasted that entire planets get eaten by some planet-eating monster. Do you know anything about that?" [⭐ Rash]  "Wait, why are we just talking to people here? I thought we came here to fight that huge-ass monster and save the day? Whatever happened to communism?" [🚀 Zitz] "It's called communication, Rash. And I'm pretty sure we all agreed that we would do some investigations first this time. And it can't hurt to learn more about the planets we try to save, on top of it."
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Curious, blank eyes look at the three creatures before Rick. It was strange that they had approached him. Only then to go on about something. He barely caught onto the context. Something about a planet-eating monster? They appeared to be bickering. So they must all know each other.
Leaving Rick there to stand in silence for a bit.
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"I-If you're talking about the monster that's been destroying the whole place, then sure," In fact, he almost got swatted by it when he first came to the planet. Damaging his ship from having to swerve. "A-Are you three going to destroy it?"
The question brought upon an idea to his head. "Because, i-if you are, I-I can offer my services. I'm a skilled fighter."
To showcase this, he activated mechanical tendrils to come out of his form. They moved organically despite the metallic hardware that they were made up of.
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advnterccs-archive · 1 year
What’s the weirdest thing the mun has said?
Does the mun like talking to people? Or are they shy? 
[[ for Rick! ]]
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That required some thought. Not because Rick couldn't think of anything, but because there were so much to choose from. Just picking one thing was a bit hard.
"Li-Listen, there's a reason why Rin calls herself annoying and that's because she is, she has this fucking thing she does. She either has to sing some fucking random made up song or she repeats things that she hears and finds funny," Cue an eyeroll. "So, y-yeah, it fucking happens way more often than one would think,"
Though, now the question remained. Which one should he choose to repeat to embarrass the mun? It had to be a good one. Something that would really piss her off, but not enough to get bonked.
"Like a few days ago, she was in the grocery store, saw some fucking dessert pastry and said 'Sponch' because that was the name of it a-and she kept repeating that like a fucking weirdo."
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"Eh, i-it depends, if you're talking about online, yeah, she fucking loves it, sh-she likes making new friends and getting to share her opinions about shit,"
And he should know since he's spied on the mun's conversations before. Especially between her and her closest friends.
"But, in person, nope, sh-she hates talking to strangers, i-it's rare that she'll ever strike up a conversation, usually she waits until someone else does and then she'll be polite and friendly, sh-she's gotten a lot better at not being that fucking awkward compared to way back in the day."
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oleandew · 2 years
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 hey :)
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pearlzier · 25 days
me pretending that i dont care about the sam & cate bot from your upcoming bots so it comes faster FDHSJKFS JK i know you have 543k requests i just love that concept!!!!!!!
STOP ILYYY just the idea of the bot... has my brain workin hard i needa write it soon
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liverpool-enjoyer · 6 months
hi so, if ur still writing UEFA high chapters, could you add to one that harry Kane has lots of sports trophies (eg. running, swimming) which is the complete opposite of real life. I think it would be funny. Thanks
fdhsjkfs thats funny, i'll squeeze it in
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saturatedsinset · 1 year
1, 6, 13, 24 yessssss be mean!
fdhsjkf i answered 1, 13, and 24 but
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
fucking cmjf
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mudskip-muses · 2 years
@ultprincess liked for halfblood gunnie uwu (X)
Gundham could feel the creature prowling around campus, even from his dorm room, it was hard not to with the pure malevolent energy coming off the thing, though one could argue that he himself was prowling, walking unseen amongst the shadows in attempt to locate the source of dark magic that had pulled him from slumber. It was late, enough so that there were very little students walking through the courtyard now, with curfew being so very close, so the breeder was a bit surprised to see Sonia lit up under one of the streetlamps lining the sidewalk a short walk out from the dormitories. He had just been about to step free from the cover of darkness to ask just what she was doing out so very late when he saw It.
It looked like nothing more than a scruffy dog, fur so long it covered its whole body right down to the ground in order hide the truth from the human eye. He should be more surprised that it decided to even reveal itself to the princess in the first place, spirits of disease more often preferring to remain unseen whilst working their trade, but that abnormal little bit would have to wait. 
The halfblood quickened his steps into a full on sprint now, though far faster than what a human could ever hope to manage without years of training, what should have been heavy footfalls instead completely unheard thanks to his enchanted footwear, all in an effort to get to Sonia before she tried to-
“Do not touch that!” He yelled at the princess with a tone of startling urgency, something that must have been jarring in so many different ways since he had never once raised his voice at her, or anyone really, not even Kazuichi when the man was on his last nerve, Gundham not liking the way the mechanic jumped when he did... 
His hand reached out to seemingly grip and pull back at the air, and in tandem the shadow cast by Sonia, thanks to the streetlight, was manipulated to pull her back a few feet, enough so that the overlord could put himself between her and the spirit, looking for all the world like he had appeared out of thin air as he stood there glowering at the mass of fur, so very ready for a fight... 
“So you are the one prowling these grounds, spirit...” He hissed it’s way, an inhuman growl just at the edges of his voice in an attempt at intimidation. “What fools have you coerced into your malice, keukegan? How many mortal lives have you taken tonight?” The spirit in question didn’t seem to respond, it only cowering away from the halfblood in fear, backing up a few steps as the furry mass began to shake, but the overlord did get a response, one only he could understand, and oddly enough his defensive posture seemed to slacken a bit. “I see...Come here, then...”
Reluctant at first, the spirit slunk towards the man now in a crouch before it, the breeder pulling a collar of all things from an inner pocket of his coat, one etched with strange runes that seemed to glow if you stared at them for too long. “With this, you may have your wish. I promise no harm will befall you in my care, nor will you be able to bring harm to others...” Gundham explained to the fuzzy thing as he moved closer to secure the collar around it’s neck, though it was clearly hesitant to let the breeder touch it... “You will not harm me, keukegan, it is not in my blood...”
Whatever that meant seemed to put the creature at ease, the collar now being snapped snuggly around its neck with no fight beyond getting it around all the fur. Nothing really seemed to change about it, at least nothing able to be seen, but the overlord could feel the harmful magic in the air dwindling with each passing second, allowing him to breath out a sigh of relief. 
Now he had another problem to deal with...
“I suppose I owe you an explanation, my dark queen...” He didn’t even look to see if Sonia was even still there, too afraid that he may find fear on her face with what she had just witnessed, fear that would be directed towards him. Or maybe he would find that she had run away as soon as she was yanked backwards by seemingly nothing, that he had chased her off. For all Gundham knew, he was talking to nothing but the air. 
“I am...not as human as I seem...”
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xaconite · 3 years
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          hey hey ! I’m missing cass, so I’m gonna reply to some of his stuff today !
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dovqahnaarin · 2 years
@starfeathered // sc.​
      the underside felt enough like areas that kharza had grown accustomed to in skyrim to be a place they frequented. it was dark, tended to not be crowded, and the overall feel of it resembled the ratways of riften. the shadows were comforting to them, no doubt due to nocturnal’s influence even prior to more recent events. simply put, they felt the most at home here - and they looked the part. 
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     it was a stark contrast to the passerby, who stood out with loud colors in her hair, dress, and even animal companion. kharza almost had to wonder if she was lost, but her demeanor suggested otherwise. “ i like your...owl? ” they weren’t quite sure what species the bird was, and they’d never pretended to be particularly knowledgeable of species outside of the mountains they once called home. “ is it your familiar? ” potential magic casters tended to grab their attention, and there was a distinctly...odd aura about the duo.
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mcltiples · 3 months
Regular meg x morty for emorty
@shctupmeg & @advnterccs & @countlessrealities --- mentioned
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"If by regular you mean C-137 and his girlfriend or almost-girlfriend, then I'll have to disrespectfully say that I think their relationship is," What's the word that he could use here? "Lame,"
And he won't just say that without explanation. "His Meg is too goody-goody and C-137 seems to be a SIMP who'll do anything for her, even if it wears him down to the bone. And don't get me started on the other one who seems to not know how to make a proper move on her. He needs to grow some balls and just ask her out already."
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electriictyped-a · 5 years
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  KEEP UP WITH MY TEMPO !                                                  I’M TOO FAST, BUT YOU KNOW, THOUGH . . . !
             please amuse me ; entertain me ! but please remember i am not just an eevee !
pokemon trainer oc / written by blue / sideblog to @/bluedrawin. navigate / promo cred.
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dykecassidy · 4 years
🏆: tell a story about something you’ve won!
i cannot remember winning anything in my life
🛁: showers or baths?
showers 😔 i wanna be a bitch that takes baths but,,,, effort,,,
🧸: do you still have any childhood toys?
answered but yes i also have sailor moon posters from the mid 90s
🏝: what 3 things would you bring to a deserted island?
a sewing kit
the big book of the great romantics amanda gave me
hmmmmmmmb box of fuit gummy
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fairdoves · 5 years
dawn’s birthday is feb 12th PLEASE don’t let me forget im begging all of yall
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farharbour · 5 years
good afternoon everyone! i hope you all are doing alright today and that the day has been treating you kindly so far. please know that if your day got off to a rough start, though, that it’s okay. take a deep breath and remind yourself that it’s okay to have these feelings, and try to remember that there’s still hope for you. the day is still young and there is still time for things to change for the better, and for you wipe away your tears and try again.. i have a lot more to say honestly but my brain is still a bit frazzled from this morning so sorry that this is going to be another shorter post.. but at the very least i want to say as always that i love you all so so so much and i’m so proud of each one of you for making it to where you are right now. 
it takes courage to continue forward through the bad times, the times when everything might be screaming at you to give up. but you didn’t, you always make it through and that’s something to be proud of every single day. even if you’re not able to do much else besides just surviving through the day right now, that’s still more than enough and you will have time in your future to do more. be easy with yourself right now if things are hurting, ok? you’ll get to a place where it’s easier and where you’re truly happy again soon, i promise. remember today i’m here for you if you need anything and i’m wishing you the very best and i hope the rest of your day today is a good one 💛♥️
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ya boy has money and sandwiches on the horizon
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sparklysharkly · 5 years
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I was talking ships with @blastiax and decided to go ahead and make a shipping chart! Here’s a link to the Blank version if people want to use it themselves! :D
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