mudskip-muses · 2 years
@ultprincess liked for halfblood gunnie uwu (X)
Gundham could feel the creature prowling around campus, even from his dorm room, it was hard not to with the pure malevolent energy coming off the thing, though one could argue that he himself was prowling, walking unseen amongst the shadows in attempt to locate the source of dark magic that had pulled him from slumber. It was late, enough so that there were very little students walking through the courtyard now, with curfew being so very close, so the breeder was a bit surprised to see Sonia lit up under one of the streetlamps lining the sidewalk a short walk out from the dormitories. He had just been about to step free from the cover of darkness to ask just what she was doing out so very late when he saw It.
It looked like nothing more than a scruffy dog, fur so long it covered its whole body right down to the ground in order hide the truth from the human eye. He should be more surprised that it decided to even reveal itself to the princess in the first place, spirits of disease more often preferring to remain unseen whilst working their trade, but that abnormal little bit would have to wait. 
The halfblood quickened his steps into a full on sprint now, though far faster than what a human could ever hope to manage without years of training, what should have been heavy footfalls instead completely unheard thanks to his enchanted footwear, all in an effort to get to Sonia before she tried to-
“Do not touch that!” He yelled at the princess with a tone of startling urgency, something that must have been jarring in so many different ways since he had never once raised his voice at her, or anyone really, not even Kazuichi when the man was on his last nerve, Gundham not liking the way the mechanic jumped when he did... 
His hand reached out to seemingly grip and pull back at the air, and in tandem the shadow cast by Sonia, thanks to the streetlight, was manipulated to pull her back a few feet, enough so that the overlord could put himself between her and the spirit, looking for all the world like he had appeared out of thin air as he stood there glowering at the mass of fur, so very ready for a fight... 
“So you are the one prowling these grounds, spirit...” He hissed it’s way, an inhuman growl just at the edges of his voice in an attempt at intimidation. “What fools have you coerced into your malice, keukegan? How many mortal lives have you taken tonight?” The spirit in question didn’t seem to respond, it only cowering away from the halfblood in fear, backing up a few steps as the furry mass began to shake, but the overlord did get a response, one only he could understand, and oddly enough his defensive posture seemed to slacken a bit. “I see...Come here, then...”
Reluctant at first, the spirit slunk towards the man now in a crouch before it, the breeder pulling a collar of all things from an inner pocket of his coat, one etched with strange runes that seemed to glow if you stared at them for too long. “With this, you may have your wish. I promise no harm will befall you in my care, nor will you be able to bring harm to others...” Gundham explained to the fuzzy thing as he moved closer to secure the collar around it’s neck, though it was clearly hesitant to let the breeder touch it... “You will not harm me, keukegan, it is not in my blood...”
Whatever that meant seemed to put the creature at ease, the collar now being snapped snuggly around its neck with no fight beyond getting it around all the fur. Nothing really seemed to change about it, at least nothing able to be seen, but the overlord could feel the harmful magic in the air dwindling with each passing second, allowing him to breath out a sigh of relief. 
Now he had another problem to deal with...
“I suppose I owe you an explanation, my dark queen...” He didn’t even look to see if Sonia was even still there, too afraid that he may find fear on her face with what she had just witnessed, fear that would be directed towards him. Or maybe he would find that she had run away as soon as she was yanked backwards by seemingly nothing, that he had chased her off. For all Gundham knew, he was talking to nothing but the air. 
“I am...not as human as I seem...”
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futuraelead · 3 years
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“ oh, hi sonia — agh! “ nearly trips over his own feet as the princess takes his hand, that ever bright smile on her face, dragging hajime who knows where. his concern and curiosity grow in equal measure. “wha - h, hey, where are we going?!”
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pseudoneiiric · 3 years
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@ultprincess​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ sent:  [ dance ] + sonia and hinata! // ballroom lessons (for funsies) from an actual princess, wow <3 asdfghjkl  /  accepting!
[ dance ] for your muse to dance with mine
hinata finds himself staring intently at his feet as sonia guides him through the steps. it’s not like he’s a bad dancer... but he’s always a little too far in his own head to give himself up to the rhythm of a waltz. “one, two, three, one, two — crap!” he’s stepped on her foot! rapidly, hinata scrambles away from the dancing position, even though he’s already stepped on her foot a few times in this lesson. “maybe i’m not cut out for this sort of thing... i mean, i wouldn’t want to step on your foot any more than i have already.”
what he really means to say is that he’s just not meant to be here. talking to a beautiful princess, having her teach him things. shouldn’t girls like sonia be up in a castle, passing legislation? no, no... she’s already said she wanted to be treated like a normal girl while she’s here. but still... a gap in power that large... it’s hard to ignore. and it’s hard not to feel totally inferior around her. he ends up laughing self-consciously, shuffling on his antsy feet. “i don’t have much of a sense of rhythm...”
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plgemsk-a · 3 years
@ultprincess​ liked for a one-liner.
“This isn’t your home country, Princess. No one here’s gonna kiss your booboo better.... so unless you’re dying, you better have another reason you’re interrupting me. I’m a busy man.”
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chaosmultiverse · 3 years
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From here, @ultprincess​
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bright 8-bit graphics dance in sparkling blue eyes, thumbs clumsily fiddling with the controllers buttons as sonia tries to keep up with the other. when chiaki had absentmindedly mentioned finding a old game system buried with electric avenue, she never would’ve expected to be the one invited in for a game-night. 🍰
though she was no stranger to the warm, static-y buzz of TVs, video games were still something quite foreign to her. despite that, she seems to be having fun, if not because of the game itself, then because she was with a friend. 🍰  
as another round came to an end, victorious music played and chiaki’s name flashed on the screen, sonia lowered her controller. with an sleepy stretch, she shoots a glance over at the gamer. 🍰
“ it seems you’ve won again! i suppose that’s not so surprising for the ultimate gamer, though. i find it admirable that you will not go down so easily! ” 🍰
then, silence. sonia’s eyes turn back to the TV, assuming they’d go for a few more rounds, before they’d part ways, and get some rest. but, instead, the game is paused, and the other bares a much more serious expression then before. 🍰
she’s a little caught off guard, at first only able to blink a few times in response. her stomach twists, she can’t help but be a little nervous… but, she tries her best to not let it show, for chiaki’s sake. so instead, she smiles, patient. 🍰
“ be honest with me…? well, of course! my ears are peeled, ” sonia, that’s definitely not–okay, that’s besides the point, “ is everything quite alright? ” 🍰
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“Please don’t tell anyone what I’m about to share... I’m only telling you because I trust that you can... Well keep this secret for the time being.” Chiaki was nervous, she wasn’t sure how Sonia would react but... She needed some help or at least advice and she trusted that out of everyone that Sonia would be the best to go to.
Chiaki turned her face away from Sonia, face hidden from view due to both her hair and due to the angle, she couldn’t bring herself to face Sonia while explaining so instead looked at the darkness of the room around them.
“I... I can remember more about what happened at Hope’s Peak than the rest of you... I know a lot of what happened during everyone’s time there” Chiaki’s words were almost a whisper but still were clear as day to hear in the room.
“I haven’t told the others about this because I’m worried that if I play my hand too strong that Monokuma is just going to kill me before I can actually help anyone but... I can’t stand watching this, seeing everyone kill people that were their friends... I need to find some way of helping that doesn’t just... Make everything worse.” There was pain behind Chiaki‘s words, something despite and alone.
“...I just need to talk to someone about this... I’m not expecting you to be able to fix all of this or even come up with a plan... I just ask that you tell no one and... Well listen..,” Chiaki finally turned to face her friend, her face seemed to be fighting off tears, very well but it was still clear that Chiaki was being a lot more vulnerable than she normally would be.
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valuehope · 3 years
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@ultprincess​ asked: ☕ + pats on the shoulder! she supports u, budd <3 // touch starved meme 
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   MAKOTO SHOULD HAVE REALIZED he wouldn’t end up alone for very long— the island is vast, with plenty of areas for the former Remnants of Despair ( along with any visitors, which is exactly what he’s doing right now ) to spend their time, but he hasn’t exactly seen anyone stray too far from the rest of them, yet. Makoto doesn’t want to, either! The plan was to take a few moments to himself, and then return right away. 
    Familiar feeling of guilt sits at the pit of his stomach, twisting more with each passing thought. The last thing he should do during his visit with the others is give in to exactly that— here to CHECK UP on them, show is support and make sure everything is going okay when the rest of the world remains too reluctant to give them more of a chance, just as he had done before the Neo World Program and... as he tried to do during it. He knows what they all went through doesn’t solely lie on his shoulders, but it had all been his idea. If only he had taken more precautions, thoroughly double checked, made sure absolutely nothing could go wrong... none of this would have happened, they wouldn’t have to wait for their friends to wake up.
   Touch to his shoulder catches him by surprise, and brief fear only lasts a moment before his gaze lands on Sonia, and they relax against the kind gesture. “Oh...! Sorry, I, ah, didn’t realize you were here.” He laughs lightly, although it’s mostly tired— he’s noticed his tendency to... zone out more often lately, although he tries not to think too hard about it. “I’m alright, I just... thought I’d take a moment to think, that’s all. I appreciate you checking, though! That’s... really nice of you.” 
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mcralcompas · 3 years
from here
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Ishimaru hadn’t meant to stay in the library this long. But even he is self aware enough to know how he gets when he focuses on his studies. When he puts his attention on something it has to be 100%, like he does everything else. So when he finally realized that perhaps it was getting a bit late and he glanced down at his watch he, to his horror, discovered that it was already well past midnight.
He’d intended on quietly making his way back to his dorm. Nobody needed to know the prefect was awake this late on a school night after all. But the quiet melody coming from the music room halts his careful stride. Kiyotaka has never been one for music or any creative pursuit really. Despite his best tries, to his frustration, he’s just never had the brain for it. But still, even he can appreciate a beautiful melody when he hears it.
His own curiosity and a need to tell whoever is playing off for making so much noise so late carry him towards the sound. He’s surprised to find it’s Sonia, he’d expected someone much more prone to trouble-making in her stead.
He walks closer as he exclaims his question, though with how naturally loud his voice is and the great acoustics in the room there really is no need for him to. He stops when he’s standing right in front of the podium that houses the piano, his stern looking red eyes fixed on the girl sitting behind it.
At her nervous response, he seems to soften somewhat. That, and the realization that he really is a hypocrite for being angry with her for being up this late.
“ It’s not technically against the rules to be out at night time . . . “ He recounts, pensively putting a fist to his chin. “ Still ! “ He then suddenly exclaims. “ Don’t you have class in the morning ? It’s irresponsible not to get enough sleep on a school night ! Not to mention all the noise you’re making - ! What on earth motivated you to play piano this late ? “ He asks, his hands now on his hips.
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triggercmplx · 3 years
@ultprincess said: nagito or junko mayhaps.........
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lawrising-a · 3 years
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@ultprincess whispered : " 'if i am right, we're hot on the perp's trail!' " a giggle, “ i have always wanted to say that! it's the catchphrase of my favorite character from--' a pause, 'my apologizes, it seems i've gotten a bit off topic. i'm just a little nervous, if i am to be honest.'
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a smile graces his face the moment he hears an iconic catchphrase you'd find in any good criminal-based media. as a boy who grew up weaned on unsolved murder documentaries and silly clue-based kid shows, he can't help the rising respect he has for the ultimate princess. though he can't read her expression ( his back facing her while he's on his hands and knees, closely examining a frayed object ) mat can practically hear it. the way she carries her excitement is contagious. her giggle sounding bright enough to paint an image of a beaming, sunlit girl in his head. he doesn't need to see her smile to know it's there, just like he doesn't need to see her self conscious frown either -- stealing away her childish glee as quickly as it appeared. it's enough to stir matthew away from the case at hand, the fawn-haired boy steadying himself with one hand on the ground in order to angle his head her way.
“oh, come on, referencing classic catchphrases is always on topic. media covers everything!” there's an airy breeze in his tone when he attempts to soothe her. it's not a tone typically there when he talks to sonia, instead replaced with a jittery tilt.
despite the fact he's come to know the other student, there's times where her title still ... intimidates him. what would a princess want with a reverse course student like himself? some wannabe detective? but it's why her character was held so highly by him, cradled near and dear whenever they crossed paths. sonia doesn't realize how connected he feels to her in moments like these. fondly listening to her prattle on as her dainty footsteps vibrate around his mind -- keenly reminding him that she's trailing after him like a golden retriever would. she likes solving the class cases to an extent, he thinks. finding clues to aid their fellow classmates in trials ... so he knows he's getting too invested in her, when he's sure she only sees him as a safe-bet partner for nosing about. slowly growing dependant on her company and chipper comments. watching in slow motion as sonia unravels herself to show what really lies beneath. and what lays there is completely and utterly human. who happens to like nerdy things! which is great actually, all of it is great! she's amazing when she sprouts away from her roots.
which is why his face falters at her next comments, rushing to support. “don't be sorry for something everyone's feeling right now! you, uh, don't see anyone else apologizing, do you?” can't argue with logic, hence why he dishes it out. mat hesitantly rises to his full height, idly dusting his aged clothing before fixing sonia with a lopsided smile. “i know we're just 'case partners', but you know i'm always here to lend an ear. if you ever want to let it out, okay?”
at the ear comment, matthew subconsciously reaches out and playfully flicks the girl's ear. always the touchy sort, truly. when he realizes it, the reverse course student attempts to play it off. oozing fake assuredness ; though there's a subtle change in the hand that touched her ( a princess! what was he thinking? he should get executed-- ) with the way his fingers, now scorned, retract into the warm palm of his hand. now that he's addressed the problem and dangled a possible solution before her, the boy feels more comfortable gently nudging her onwards with him. there's still work to be done, since they were arguably some of the more capable people in their small group. if anyone would find the killer, it was them. meaning he begins to turn back around to inspect once more ... before he stalls. briefly. lingering like daylight does on the island.
“your favorite character from ...?” mat prompts, giving sonia something to be distracted with, if she doesn't feel inclined to show him her bleeding heart.
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deathwis-archived · 3 years
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@ultprincess whispered : “do you want me to paint your nails? it could be fun.” everyday au for mukuro? sonia said we WILL be besties <3
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steady hands clasp firmly together, instinctively shielding the skilled weapons away from a certain eager princess. there shouldn't be beads of sweat building along her ghastly, marked face - after all, mukuro knows harm won't befall her here - though she finds herself sweating it nonetheless. are they simply not two girls snuggled in a room together? was there anything more to it then that? there's no steady pallet of bullets flying through the air, no mud tacked against her skin. things were normal here. she takes a silent breath, trying to relax at the sudden startle she gave herself. and what a foolish thing to fret over! painted, dolled up nails? there's the nagging voice of her beloved sister in the back of her pounding head, berating her for being such a frightened animal ; the disappointment of their family. it's a tone costume fit for her, so much so that the ultimate solider is barely fazed by it anymore. breezing past it to move forward in the present.
“my nails? ah, i fear they're too filthy for something so ...” mukuro's nose scrunches up in concentration. observing the glass bottles around sonia. “pretty. the paint will wear down into flakes by the time of tomorrow.” it wasn't practical.
which was all the girl was. given her status, mukuro couldn't afford to be anything but! still, she finds her gaze softening at the tubes of colored paints. entertaining the idea, if only briefly, that she could somehow find it in herself to allow sonia to touch her hands. allow the princess to carefully stroke a wet brush along her bitten nails. showcase her fenrir brand without wanting to wrench away. subconsciously, mukuro keeps playing with her hands, where they currently reside on her lap. legs swung over the bed out of habit, a ready position incase she must leap for her backpack. it feels weird not to hold her knife, so she resorts to fiddling with other things. slender, nicked fingers or the fabric of her grey skirt. she slowly realizes she must trust sonia an awful lot, in order to keep her weapon locked away in a bag rather then strapped to her thigh. it's a conclusion that shouldn't affect anything, yet it makes mukuro perk up. it would be awfully vile of her to fully reject sonia, wouldn't it? when sonia was wasting time on a pig like her? so she decides on an alternative approach.
( this was a little like a battle. navigating unknown territories. thinking on your feet and relying on your hands to dig you from a watery grave ... the connection aids her here )
a soft, rare smile awkwardly stretches along her thin face. she couldn't let sonia paint her nails, but ... “i could do yours, if you'd like.” offers mukuro, shyly. “i've never done it before, though i've seen it multiple times up close. t-the act! uh, the painting ... process? so i could be of service.”
her twin is a fashion icon, after all. looks like her constant 'admiring from afar' time would finally come in handy.
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bxbygxngstx · 3 years
[i’m shaking] + 5, maybe? <3
𝕊𝕙𝕒𝕜𝕖𝕟 𝕄𝕦𝕤𝕖 𝕄𝕖𝕞𝕖 | @ultprincess
5. witnessed a death
It felt like he had been standing outside of the princess's cottage for hours, though it probably had only been a few minutes. He had given her some time to herself after they had left the Funhouse, about a day or so. Now, he felt it would be appropriate to say this.
With his stomach in his throat, he knocked.
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"Hey, princess," he softly said when she finally answered the door. "Do you think we could talk? About everything that's happened?.... Just the two of us?"
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futuraelead · 3 years
@ultprincess​ asked:" ah! hajime, wait up a moment, i have something for you! " when the princess catches up, sonia offers out said mysterious object: a braided bracelet, made up of mostly greens and reds. she seemed quite proud.
" it's a friendship bracelet, see? i have one too! i made one for each of us, actually. since, well, after all we've been thro -ugh together, we really are good friends now, are we not? "
" that and, it, um. kept my brain busy for a bit, hehe. "// :hands u post-game wholesomeness: <3
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      THE LAST FRIENDSHIP BRACELET hajime can remember ever getting was back during his elementary school years  — it had been the summer holidays. his parents had sent him to a childcare group on what happened to be international friendship day. all the kids had made two each, one for themselves and they would give the other to a child in the group.
           hajime can’t remember if anyone ever accepted his bracelet.
      but this was different — done of sonia’s own volition. green and red, a not so subtle reference to the colour of his eyes ( and perhaps even to sonia’s uniform? though hajime had to admit he’d always struggled to guess whether her dress had been blue or green ).
            “y-yeah, I would say we are.” he agrees. friendship bracelet is held in the palms of his hands. can feel heat tickling the lobes of his ears. hajime didn’t know how to feel - happy? embarrassed that he was so happy about it? thankful? all three?
             heart pattering with silly excess, hajime clears his throat and holds out the bracelet to sonia. “could you — help me put it on?”
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pseudoneiiric · 3 years
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@ultprincess​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ sent:  💕 + hajime, maybe? 🥺  /  accepting!
send “💕” and I will see what our characters’ relationship is ranked as. bold all that apply to your characters’ relationship. whichever category has the most bolded is their current relationship (approximately).
strangers (0 of 5)
I don’t know you personally or at all. I would not recognize you on the street. I do not know your name. i would not recognize if you were brought up in conversation. you have no importance in my life.
acquaintances (6 of 9)
i know your name. I recognize your face. i think i understand your personality on a surface level. i’d like to get to know you more. i think we could be good friends. we have a lot of similar interests. people say we’re a lot alike. we don’t ask one another for favors often. i would not be able to tell someone if you have allergies.
friends (11 of 11)
we get along well. we have fun together. i like hanging out with you. you’re someone i can send memes to. i feel comfortable around you. i know some of your interests. i’m a little more open with you than other people. i keep some secrets to myself. sometimes i’m not sure what i can open up to you about. i usually buy you something minor for holidays. i like when we can go out and do something together.
best friends (9 of 13)
i could tell you anything. i call you if there’s a problem. we probably text too much. we have a great time together. we’ve got through some bad times. i can be myself around you. we have inside jokes for days. i send you songs that remind me of us. we have a lot of memories together. i can open up to you. i worry when you’re in a bad situation. i’d kick someone’s booty for you. i take insults against you personally.
crushes (11 of 13)
you make my heart race. i can’t stop thinking about you. i worry i text back too quickly. every touch is a sign. sometimes i wonder what kind of person is your type. i send you songs that remind me of you. i keep dropping hints about how i feel. you make me emotional. i want to tell you how i feel. i like when you let me stay over. i think i’d be happy so long as you’re happy. seeing you with other people makes me jealous. i can’t tell if this is a date or we’re just hanging out solo.
sister/brotherly (6 of 15)
you drive me crazy. we’re on the same level. you take over all my hobbies. you nag me too much. i’d die for you. we jinx a lot. we have inside games. we play too many pranks. sometimes our fights can get a little intense. i feel relaxed around you. i can be myself around you. we take care of each other. you steal my food right from my plate. i steal your food straight from your plate. if one of us is sick, we both are.
dating & early love (2 of 13)
you make me happy. we have everything in common. you are always on my mind. i can’t get enough of you. we sleep on top of each other, not next to each other. we buy everything in pairs. talking about you is like word vomit. people seem a little annoyed at how in love we are. our relationship should have books written about it. we’re always making memories. i can’t wait to do all our ‘firsts’ together. sometimes i get cold feet. i hope we’ll be together forever.
mature love (3 of 18)
you take all the blankets. you ate the last of MY snack. we get into tiffs but work it out. i can be honest with you. you know everything about me. we can be a little naggy towards each other. i feel safe around you. you are always on my mind. everything i do is for us. ‘we’ seems to suit us best. people say we fight like a married couple. we are married. we have children together. we reminisce while making memories. i’d die for you. i can’t imagine my life without you. i love you for your flaws. i’ll love you forever.
toxic love (0 of 15)
i’ll do anything you tell me to do. it doesn’t matter so long as you’re happy. i don’t care so long as it makes me happy. i’m only in this relationship to get something. you only want to be with me to get something. i can’t trust you. i don’t feel comfortable around you. talking to you feels like walking on egg shells. i never know what is okay. you apologize with gifts. i apologize with gifts. you say i’m everything to you. i don’t talk to anyone else anymore. we get into physical fights. the cops have been called before.
exes (2 of 12)
i miss what we had. we used to be good friends. my memories feel tainted now. i think about texting you a lot. i wonder how you’ve been. i don’t like the idea of you getting with other people. i’m already seeing other people. we have a child together. we’re legally separated. we broke up. my family wants us to get back together. i put you on blast with all my friends.
enemies (0 of 11)
i hate you. you make my skin crawl. you are my antonym. seeing you makes my blood boil. i know you’re no good. you thwart my every move. i know your trying to hurt me. i know you’re talking shit about me. i’ve never felt this way about anyone else. i could kill you. i will kill you.
result: friends and crushes!!!!!! i love it for them so much!! they are so cute and i would kill for them actually
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brynwieldr · 3 years
@ultprincess​ sent: ✐ !!! <3
number randomized: 994
“  Some  people  reflect  light,  some  deflect  it.  You,  by  some  miracle,  seem  to  collect  it. ”  Even  Leo  is  aware  of  just  how  bizarre  such  a  statement  may  be,  but  it’s  a  truth  that  must  be  said,  if  not  by  him  than  by  someone  at  some  point.  It  is  an  irrefutable  fact  that,  Sonia  somehow  manages  to  light  up  even  the  darkest  of  rooms.  It’s  unlike  him  to  be  fascinated  by  something  so  pure,  yet  the  fact  that  someone  like  her  exists  is  bewildering  in  every  form  of  the  word.  Like  all  things  unfamiliar,  his  instinct  is  to  learn  about  her.
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“  Just  how  do  you  manage  to  be  so  overwhelmingly  radiant?  It...  It’s  unnatural.  Almost  disturbing,  but  in  a  positive  way.  ”
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hellhaunt-moved · 3 years
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@ultprincess​​​​​ sent:  ✐ + violet, maybe? 👉👈  /  accepting!
send me a ✐ for a random sentence starter from my muse (1-1500) ❨771❩ ❛ Maybe the definition of home is the place where you are never forgiven. So you may always belong there, bound by guilt. And maybe the cost of belonging is worth it. ❜
violet is a reserve course student; her station has been made clear, and she respects it. she is below the main course students, and even below those that she should consider her “fellows”, her “peers”. daniel is her master, after all, and he is truthfully peer to the classmates. everyone avoids her, be they main or reserve course students. though, she will agree, the main course students seem blissfully unaware of reserve course politics, hence the ultimate princess coming to speak to the lowest of the low.
she had been polite in all dealings, but it seems that sonia is simply curious about what life is like in the reserve course. if they are all happy there. if they feel that there is freedom there. one word in particular, strikes her. do you feel at home here? home. a curious word, one that she had been searching for for quite some time. and so, violet speaks, her voice low and heavy with burden. the longest sentence she’s said perhaps since she’d arrived at this school. “maybe the definition of home is the place where you are never forgiven. so you may always belong there, bound by guilt.” violet casts a glance, unintentionally, at daniel, who’s messily eating the sandwich she had prepared for him. “and maybe the cost of belonging is worth it.”
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☕ + reassuring touch, gripping their shoulder! <3
My muse is feeling touch-starved
Send one of the following touches for my muse’s reaction. Bonus points for a description/context of some kind to make it easier for your partner to respond!
☕ - reassuring touch, such as holding their hand, gripping their shoulder, guiding them by the arm or by a hand on the small of their back, etc
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“Eh...? U-um...” It’s not that he found this awkward...he just...didn’t think he’d be comforted by...such a pretty girl. At first he was sad, then he was nervous... It was difficult to figure out how to respond when she seemed...so helpful. Without even really saying anything.
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“...I’m...sorry for troubling you...if you just came all this way to check on me...” He spoke nervously as he removed his hat. It was common courtesy to do as such when speaking to a lady after all. “But um...thank you anyway... Um...I’m...Shuichi Saihara...ultimate detective. Erm...can I...learn your name?”
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