banyun-gong · 2 months
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innervision-dai · 10 months
Me& 「Eye to Eye」 Official MV
『Billboard JAPAN』の記事によりますと、”2022年、香港初の大型ガールズグループ、
Lolly Talk(ローリー・トーク)が‘23年にCOLLARの人気を超えた、とか言われたりもして
メンバーは、14歳で歌手デビューして、’19年に発表した1stアルバム『Feanna 17+』が
黃淑蔓 Feanna Wong 「那一年零一個月」 Official Music Video
McDonaldsHK (主唱: Mandy Tam 譚旻萱「Sea You Soon」)
’16年にK-Popのカバーダンスチーム・CINQ HK を結成し、香港最大級のコンテストで
Dance Cover by CINQHK from Hong Kong 「TWICE (트와이스) - Feel Special」 
「 Me&(ミーアン)」。デビュー曲「Eye to Eye」は、韓国のガールズグループ・4Minuteの
単語を重ねて、大切なパートナーへの想いを”目と目を合わせると あなたのことが
ハッキリと解るし 暗い世界だって明るくなるよ”的なことを歌っているみたいですよ。
ダンスの振付けは、aespa「Next Level」やIVE「After LIKE」とかを手掛けてるらしい
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444names · 2 years
spanish and irish forenames
Abhín Abiann Abuad Adamin Adera Adhán Aibhe Aidiall Aisio Aithe Aitomhín Alaigo Albero Allaoil Almáilín Amacht Ambre Amhán Amhín Amongelia Anarit Andorcán Aogel Aoilia Aoilín Aonait Araogeial Arcia Arrea Aulbh Aulia Azucian Azuleach Baolas Barafio Barbhfhín Barnán Beadh Belia Benanayo Bencach Benza Berafra Bereachla Berna Bernán Beros Beárd Blaith Blislann Bláil Bláilís Boniachán Bramear Braquela Brathfhla Brenailal Bridh Broibhar Bréad Bróch Bróchonn Bundrig Caires Canuelan Canán Caoilíon Caoir Caosaarán Carch Cardo Carga Cariard Carit Carlac Carmas Carra Carto Casim Catina Catry Cayterte Ceane Celiasto Cheana Ciolmha Ciono Cisialbas Cistéad Claidh Claya Clomth Clonnual Cobhidal Cobonaire Coibhla Coiríofán Colanuela Coldal Colorodia Coluill Comas Comhán Conait Conndán Corna Cosear Covar Crion Cúmhghid Cúmhán Cúmhíon Dadria Daidhar Damaos Damia Dearcolal Deigio Dervirea Destavic Diano Dicia Doirín Dolmón Domarifra Domhg Duailís Dubeaceas Dubhay Dubhilda Dubhine Dubhlaura Dubhí Dubhín Dubhón Dympaz Dáinsimo Dúnlau Eachaida Eache Eamhe Ecarre Edian Edubhraul Edwiseben Efach Efradon Eibertín Eiciseach Eidhna Eignespe Eiguirry Eiliomhín Eimanaid Eimheán Emardo Emirín Eodhachán Eodomin Erghe Ermeara Estadh Estimigh Eughade Euladhait Evanoemen Eóirean Fabbán Fabharlor Fabres Fachne Facia Fadna Faorla Feabia Fealeo Feanna Fearion Felita Ferbhón Fercán Fernana Fernarinn Ferque Fertín Fertúr Fiacis Fiaria Fitera Flachrán Flastina Floch Flodh Flodón Forgel Frinain Fulia Fulicann Fulinmha Féthmana Fíofinmch Fíonicas Gelas Genion Gensias Gerto Gilín Ginnán Gorcán Gréadrill Gréag Gundonn Gusaodh Gustéar Harmar Heminna Hinghlann Hinng Hobhlan Hubhfhing Ianntin Ighaitlín Igoncilt Imeirenai Imuinho Insuelix Irear Irtin Ithamhán Ivian Ivionza Jasus Javio Jersus Jestilís Jimher Joaque Johnach Jorbar Jorcia Josentán Jostin Juadh Juainisna Juainne Juaito Julait Julbar Juleagar Julia Kebon Kebréasa Kyletal Lachal Lacholl Lachy Laideca Laislices Lastinn Laurianza Leamaite Leidaoinn Lenseán Leoibelia Lernán Lilín Liodes Lonala Lonicio Lotanto Louro Lubhfhlar Lucaill Lucaodo Lucinn Lucio Lugel Lugus Luilís Luimiah Machal Maelila Maida Mailín Mainn Mairghala Maisim Manis Maoilíne Maoninian Marbheann Marge Margi Maricael Maridol Marna Marnán Maroilia Martúr Masan Mastion Mastín Menina Meren Mintinn Modhbhna Muela Muelia Muirancha Muirch Muire Muiren Muirídín Muiste Mundia Máinne Máirdh Mídín Mórlana Naglach Naitlacht Naito Neonamh Nestominn Nibas Niciel Nicobhflo Nieltán Nieto Nifadréan Nifer Nigha Nisonn Nitlíono Norach Nuelia Oibhardo Oibhinso Oilin Oinato Oisia Orfhín Orislia Oristín Pabria Paquelib Parbhinn Pasán Patic Paulain Paulrit Paurian Pazulasce Peigon Perto Pilfonn Pilla Proilíne Proxa Puridio Puroxa Póireac Ramonn Reaceac Reach Renzo Righeas Riquinn Rodia Roibhrás Rosaach Rosaure Rosne Ruair Rutonn Ráindiann Réadeatin Réadhlín Réamallix Réanzo Réarta Saacel Safra Salgar Saliagar Salundon Sardo Sarne Searafio Segus Seofia Seopolia Siangapio Silibens Silín Solga Stíonn Sulrisa Séadh Séadhna Séann Séaoin Sílenithy Síleárla Síonza Tenifra Teoge Tigín Timhín Tithe Toirteo Trieta Trigio Trino Triúdán Tuaidhán Tuallia Téadh Téamhana Téodhal Uarcosa Uarnait Uisla Ulbara Ulberna Uliana Ulinn Ulmara Vionóis Viosaraul Vivarch Yesta Yolmuiel Zucainn Zucelian Ágabhna Éadha Éaoiléim Éibha Éighach Éighua Étanghdh Óraque Óraxi
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copperbadge · 5 years
batbetbitbotbut replied to your photo “Really, Dad? Every morning? Every morning you take pictures?” She’s...”
They look so grown up - no more kitten about them! *sadface*
It’s true, they are Adult Cryptids now. But they will always be my babies!
niennanir replied to your photoset “NaClYoHo day four!  Before and after photos don’t work particularly...”
Whatever its origins the box looks like your standard pastry box of the type I pack Christmas cookies in for gifting. You might be able to find a replacement.
Oh yes! I’m sure I can replace it. But it won’t smell the same, you know? They really do hate change, the little curmudgeons.
Don't the Chicago street signs give you a clue about direction?  In the Denver area I can tell how far north or south or east or west by the addresses and signs.
To an extent, but generally to work it out, especially if you’re new, you have to walk a few blocks in various directions. Much easier to just bust out a compass :D
Why not use zig-zag or another stretchy stitch to hem the ex-toe opening?
Honestly, I didn’t think of it, but that will be a BIG HELP IN THE FUTURE, thank you :D
swordofomens replied to your photoset “NaClYoHo day four!  Before and after photos don’t work particularly...”
That is a pothos I am pretty sure. Seconding keeping tiny cryptids away from it. But they are really good at cleaning up internal air quality!
Good to know! They generally don’t nibble, and can’t get onto the plant sill in any case, but as soon as I’ve got those properly planted (after clipping) I’ll move them to work, where they’ll do more good anyway!
rhythmelia replied to your post “SALTY PIRATES GET SHIT DONE”
Thank you for doing this cleaning thing! It felt nice to have company around the world while I did house chores :D
It does feel nice, doesn’t it? And every day I get home and I’m like “Do I really want to?” but then I think “THE INTERNET IS WAITING” and I do it anyway! 
ameliahcrowley replied to your photo “I love that the “modern design” or “industrial art” sections of...”
The rope chair looks like it might actually be incredibly comfortable, depending on how much give their is in the rope. I've sat in chairs that were strung something like that, and they sort of moulded to my body and cradled it, hammock-fashion. You see! You *need* to be able to try out the chairs! Or how will you ever know? It would be *educational*. Museums are supposed to be in favour of education.
What I’m worried about is that there might be enough give in the rope that you’re essentially sitting on the single sidelong plank of wood beneath it -- you can’t see from that angle but it’s basically a wood frame with about 1″ of solid wood running up the center of the seat and the back. If the rope wasn’t there it’d be some kind of torture device :D 
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leupagus · 5 years
feanna replied to your photo “The thing that trips me up about this kind of declarative “if you get...”
A part of this feels really OLD (but could be new using old arguements to be TERFy/anti-trans definitely...) from the time in fandom when there were people who were like: I'm into slash! I can't be homophobic. And the fact that shlash is often much more a medium by/for women (and actually many lesbians included here) that is has to do with actual gay man. Much has been written on that topic...
Oh it’s a VERY, very old topic; going back at least as far as TOS days and “the premise” and all of that. And christ, I remember that argument “I like slash, I can’t be homophobic” like it was fuckin’ YESTERDAY. I do think there’s a productive conversation amongst fans and for fans to have with themselves, so to speak, about how a female-dominated genre (fanfic) that writes a lot of m/m stories can do so in ways that don’t perpetuate stereotypes or ignorance. That conversation has been going on for fifty years at least, and it’s worth having.
But to declare that a certain kind of sexual fantasy makes you a non-ally and expecting that to somehow end the discussion strikes me as very... unaware. And perhaps that’s all this is, someone who’s either young or simply new to fandom who hasn’t learned about our collective perennial topics of debate and recurring themes and evergreen arguments over the decades. Which is fine! Not everyone has to be a fandom expert in order to engage! But to assert as fact something that is not at all settled makes me doubtful that any deeper thought has been put into the assertion.
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lavvyan · 5 years
feanna hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet “re your vanilla conference call conversation - For what it's worth,...”
My suggestion would have been liquorice. (It's really not vor everybody, and lots of people even question why it exists, but it definitely exists, and some people like it a lot. (Or any other "oddball" flavour like that. Though I can see the reasoning for rocky road somewhat.)
I... can see where you’re coming from. Though I gotta say I’m having a much harder time accepting the idea of liquorice ice cream than I do with most kinks. Your Ice Cream Flavour Is Not My Ice Cream Flavour And That’s Okay?
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vaspider · 7 years
When I go to your blog there's a green dot on the messaging button at the top and the mouseover says you're online. I figure that's the new online function that can be disabled? (Just, it's not on the avatar, it's on the messenger?) Anyways, maybe you want people to see when you're online (and I figure in this case you are because you just reblogged something, although, when I actually click on the messenger it says offline, but that's probs because mutuals messenging) But if you don't - setting
I dunno how to turn that off and honestly the tab is always open in my browser so it doesn’t matter, I’ll always show online.
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exasperatedfey · 6 years
The Art of Laughter and Love
@the-mad-sherlock enjoy friend!
Rhys liked to think he could somewhat understand art. He’d spent enough time alive to garner an appreciation for it. Granted, most of his time had been spent fighting, so there hadn't been a ton of time to study the intricacies of brushwork or symbolism. But you pick up a few things over the centuries.
This painting however, had him stumped.
The colors were bright and favored the warm side of the color wheel. He had to admit they were blended rather well with each other (the only thing he could comment on with any authority really). The brushwork was a mix of every type with no rhyme or reason. The shapes were abstract (with one being on the squiggly side, like the artist hadn't planned on including it but thought “fuck it” halfway through) and overlapped haphazardly.
There was a fine line between bad and brilliant and Rhys didn't know which one the painting crossed or even went near. If he was completely honest the whole thing looked like a collage of phalluses.
But he couldn't say that. All the art critics in Velaris had been buzzing about this painting. There had to something he was missing.
Feyre walked over to Rhys and leaned on his side. He felt the usual twinge of contentment that came with her presence. “Hi.”
He kissed the top of her head. “Hi to you too. Are you having a good time?”
Feyre’s eyes lit up and Rhys felt a surge of joy through their bond. “Definitely. This is a beautiful collection. I’m glad that Feanna was able to get a piece in here.”
“Me too.” Feanna was a particularly shy member of the therapy art group that Feyre led. She had been as proud as any mother when the news had been announced. The whole group had come with them to celebrate.
But Rhys had wanted a quick look around the gallery. He’d been meaning to visit this one but had never gotten around to it. So he took a break from the party to look around.
Out of the corner of his eye, Rhys could see one of the owners of the gallery approaching them. Tarrowan, Rhys remembered.
“How are you two enjoying our gallery?” he asked.
“It's lovely.” Rhys nodded in agreement.
Tarrowan beamed. “I see you two have found the talk of Velaris!”
“We’ll see how long that lasts.”
“Very true! Your student’s work is amazing.”
Feyre beamed. “I’ll tell her you said that.”
“Please do! We hope to see more of her work in the future. She is truly a gifted young lady.” Feyre’s proud smile grew.  And you wonder why the art group calls you mom, sent Rhys. Feyre sent the equivalent of a fond eye roll through the bond in response. “But if I may ask, what do you two think of this one? What do you think it means?”
Rhys felt his stomach drop. He couldn't say that he saw a bunch of clumsy penises in front of his mate. Feyre was an artist, and even though she herself didn't use symbolism in her art, she liked the idea. One of her joys was learning about different techniques so she could experiment with them later. It had led to some fascinating discussions at dinner. 70% of Rhys’s art knowledge had come from those discussions. If anyone could find the meaning in this mess of color it was her.
Time to bullshit this. “I think it's about aggression.”
Tarrowan cocked his head. “Interesting takeaway. What makes you say that?”
Fuck he hadn’t thought this far ahead. Rhys sent up a quick prayer to the mother that bullshit could continue to carry him to the end. “The colors are very aggressive. And red is often used to signify rage in art, with it being the color of passion.” There, that sounded legit enough.
Tarrowan seemed to think so as well because he gave a thoughtful nod and turned to Feyre. “And you my lady?”
Feyre removed her head from Rhys’ shoulder to look more closely at the painting. “My guess is that it's about the artist's zest and passion for life based on the bright colors and the wild abandon with the placement of the shapes. Seeing as the whole thing is blended spectacularly,  my guess is that it's all one big experience. The brushwork being a variety of styles seems to indicate that some parts of the experience are rough and others are smooth.”
Well damn that was way better than his.
“I hadn't thought of that my lady!” Tarrowan exclaimed. A low cuckoo noise sounded in the room they were in, which Rhys knew was a signal from Tarrowan’s business partner. “Pardon me, I have to get back to the party.”
“We’ll be along in a moment.” Rhys wrapped one arm around Feyre and made a shooing motion with his other hand. “You go on ahead.”
Tarrowan nodded and scurried off, still beaming.
Feyre smirked. “I can't believe he bought that. Yours was good too Rhys. What do you really think of it?”
“I don't know what you’re talking about.”
Feyre rolled her eyes. “Don't pull that with me Rhys. You’re good, but you can't fool me”.
Rhys broke into a slow smile. This was the Feyre he knew and loved. “I think it looks like a bunch of dicks.”
Feyre started to cackle. “That was my first thought too. Why didn't you tell me through our bond?”
“I didn't want to sound….uneducated.”
“What a scandal that would cause.”
“It very well might.”
“Well I say it’s alright to not know everything. I still don’t know half the things I should as high lady.”
“I know.”
Feyre rolled her eyes and shoved his elbow playfully. “Smart-ass. But I’m serious, what’s the point in knowing everything? How else are we going to enjoy the future centuries? Art is subjective anyway, so why not have some fun?”
“You’re pretty cocky nobody will try and kill us for someone in a position of power, but that’s fair. As long as that fun doesn’t make us look like fools in front of people who will probably outlive us.””
Feyre smiled her huntress smile, all teeth and victory. “Oh I didn’t say that.”
Rhys probably shouldn’t have been so turned on by that. Mother, he loved his wife. “My apologies for putting words in your mouth, my lady. Perhaps later you will allow me to put something much bigger there.”
Feyre smirked. “Scoundrel.”
“Only for you darling.”
“Somehow I doubt that.”
Rhys kissed Feyre’s cheek and felt a warm fondness through their bond. “You shouldn’t love. You really shouldn’t. Now let’s get back to the party so we can see more of Tarrowan and Feanna making eyes at each other.”
Feyre’s laughter echoed in the gallery as they went to rejoin their friends. Multicolored dicks on a canvas couldn’t compare to this, thought Rhys. Never in a million lifetimes.
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dailyexo · 6 years
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EXO - 180602 Singer Feanna Wong's Instagram update
Credit: feannasswag.
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styledbyanton · 5 years
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Singer Feanna Wong (黃菽蔓)
Weibo Starlight Awards 🥇
Styled by @antonnmak & @kelliecocotte
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banyun-gong · 11 months
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香港女子音樂組合 (Hong Kong Girls Group) : me&
Feanna黃淑蔓 (@feannasswag)、Mandy譚旻萱 (@tmh_xd)、Vian連家穎 (@vian_vn)
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bookshelfdreams · 5 years
@feanna reblogged your photo and added:
Rittersporns polnischer Name “Jaskier” ist im...
Von mir aus. Klingt trotzdem bescheuert.
Ist nicht der ganze Punkt von Jaskiers Charakter dass er eben nicht ritterlich ist? Also, nicht im Macho-Drachentöter-Sinne, und auch mit der Minne hat er’s ja nicht so (Liebe ja, höfisch nein).
Dandelion ist jetzt auch nicht wirklich besser mMn. KA ob das im Original funktioniert oder genauso awkward ist. Es gibt halt im dt nicht die Tradition, dass irgendwelche Bezeichnungen für Pflanzen, Tiere, Städte (oder auch einfach nur irgendwelche Substantive) auch Vornamen sein können - deswegen scheuert das bei mir an den Synapsen.
Gibts dafür nen Grund? Ist der inkognito unterwegs und war in einer GeorgeGlass-Situation als er sich den Namen ausgedacht hat? Weil dann würde es Sinn ergeben, dass man einen deutschen Pflanzennamen verwendet.
Ich glaub ich mach mir da gerade zu viele Gedanken drüber lol
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852recordstores · 5 years
最新主打:<Dream My Dreams>百萬點擊率歌曲: <如果青春不會有盡頭> <那一年零一個月> DSE 打氣歌:<一定要得> 特別收錄:第 35 屆香港電影金像獎-最佳原創電影歌曲<差一點我們會飛>隨碟附送:人形貼紙 (9cm x 27cm) + 8 張超大型相卡 Track Listings1. Dream My Dreams2. 光引致疼痛3. 一定要得4. 那一年零一個月5. 天陰,間中有陽光6. 如果青春不會有盡頭 7. 很久不見Bonus Track8. 差一點我們會飛 (《哪一天我們會飛》主題曲) (黃淑蔓&英仁合唱團) 發布日期:2019年6月8日
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444names · 2 years
irish forenames BUT excluding "j"
Aghain Aidhlan Ailes Aill Ainionór Ainn Aintán Aird Aisnach Aith Aithmaev Aithna Aithy Aithín Aitlín Aitreach Amhain Amhín Aodhna Aoibeál Aoim Aoin Aoinn Aoinsilín Aoirbhin Aoire Aoirgus Aoiri Aolmhán Aolugha Aoláinsin Aothra Arghacht Arry Bain Baoinna Baoir Bargh Beal Beall Beann Bearbhal Bearcán Beas Beic Beiris Beán Blach Blailias Blaill Bliamh Bláire Bláit Blán Bracán Brah Breace Brean Breas Brighinm Brinín Briú Broire Bros Bréaf Bréar Brín Bróch Brónaith Buaidh Buall Buanice Buannlugh Buar Béabhe Bébhinm Cach Cachdín Cachy Cain Cainnch Cair Cairiana Cais Caistíonn Cait Caith Caitha Caithalla Call Cann Caodh Caoin Caonch Carnair Cath Cathean Ceachait Ceambre Cean Ciadnathí Ciar Ciarnait Cilbh Cinearrdh Cinn Cinnéadh Cioch Ciona Cionn Clachúr Clomhghe Cobhil Coilíne Coimheat Coinn Coireach Coiren Coirra Colchán Colmhán Comhe Comhóg Comth Comáir Cona Conachal Cong Conielín Cris Cróid Cróill Cróire Cuaith Cuilín Cuin Cuir Cyrian Cyrion Cúch Cúmh Cúmhal Cúmhg Cúmhán Cúmhóg Dabhflait Dabhilín Daileán Dait Dania Darch Dard Darmlach Deabhan Deach Deachéar Deal Deam Dearaoiri Dearónán Deasne Denán Derbhrán Diamha Dichtna Didhónán Doibh Doinn Donneac Donán Dorle Dubhait Dubhghdh Dubhéad Dymph Dáirislix Déar Déarlaolm Dóiriall Dónán Dúnla Dúnlait Each Eacha Eadhán Eamhna Eann Earmla Eigi Eilbhéan Eilfhine Eilix Eillaitra Eimeat Eimhín Eimhóg Einnán Eirdghín Eirdra Eirin Eirín Eocht Eochúr Eoghamhán Eóir Eóirín Facht Faodháin Faoimean Faorghe Feachora Feagláth Fean Feanna Fear Fearah Fearn Feartúr Fearóine Fearóse Feict Feil Feimhach Fein Felimh Felm Felín Ferviviar Fiachúr Fiadhal Fiaidighe Fian Fias Fina Finghlait Fiodhna Fionán Fionórach Fioth Flach Florfhlas Forleall Féimer Fétain Féthall Fíos Geach Geall Geigh Geinn Gorcártas Gorg Gorla Graoing Grear Gráinn Grán Grás Gréarr Horah Iannla Ionn Irgarnán Irseán Ióse Iúdán Kyleach Laiferna Laimhán Lairenán Laolm Loch Lomh Lomháit Lomás Lorla Lorna Lual Lughala Lughamhóg Luinaith Luirear Mach Maer Maev Main Mainghe Maith Maitherrd Maithna Maithy Maoibhóg Maoin Maoine Maoir Maolchlín Maorchín Masall Matrí Meachín Meargh Mearnainn Meartín Meidhrán Meilín Meire Monache Mothall Muibh Muimh Muimhín Muir Muirghe Muiri Muirlewis Muirse Mure Mureard Mích Mídernaim Míne Móinn Mórleán Mórleárd Niah Niang Nionnch Nóisna Odhal Odhóg Oibhóg Oimhach Oiremiall Oncheas Peasán Peigh Peil Peilín Peim Peir Peirighus Pilín Proilbhín Pádra Pádre Pádréamha Rach Radhana Ranlanidh Raolmán Rian Ridh Rigi Rigín Roclán Roghrian Roibhán Roil Roile Roilín Roinmch Ruadbhar Ruadhait Ruadhna Ruadhnach Ruainsiah Ruairnán Ruait Ruall Ruara Ruariú Ruas Ruatrí Ruiriacht Ráilís Réad Réamhgh Réarg Ríonn Róch Róseoin Sacháilís Saer Saidhra Sain Sainín Sait Saoimhán Saoiridh Saonn Sear Seasán Seoin Siachnal Siag Sian Siann Siannaidh Siar Sorchlas Stín Suilín Suimháinn Séad Séadhais Séadhean Séaglach Séarra Séas Síth Tach Tachán Tasán Taín Teárd Tighseach Tiobóil Tiodh Tiúdás Toirín Tomth Torcán Torgus Tremiann Trín Tuadbhla Ágarbhe Áice Áict Áinn Árdgha Árdghnair Árdh Árlear Éadh Éadhla Éalghachy Éigh Éigne Éiliall Éilian Éimhán Ídearnait Ídín Órfhlin
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copperbadge · 7 years
qwertynerd97 replied to your post “One of my gifts for Christmas was a packet of San Francisco sourdough...”
(Oops, I didn’t see the no advice, sorry, I was just excited ‘cause I had the same starter)
No worries, your enthusiasm tempered it! :D 
tienriu replied to your post “One of my gifts for Christmas was a packet of San Francisco sourdough...”
this is why I don't understand sourdough starter - it's so time consuming instead of being less????? (but it tastes so good goddamnit)
I honestly don’t really get it, flavorwise. I don’t taste much difference between sourdough and, say, Italian or regular white. It might be a supertaster thing where I’m tasting one underlying note (like with beer), but I spent years and years in San Francisco and never understood the big deal about sourdough. 
feanna replied to your post “One of my gifts for Christmas was a packet of San Francisco sourdough...”
There is a reason why people jumped on the yeast wagon for bread baking when it became widely available. :D I've done the sourdough thing and yes, you have to time it righ! You can adjust the times somewhat by adjusting the temperature, but this will also potentially modify the end result a bit. So you also have to start at the right time of day. The bread does keep a long time though! So, no need to bake every few days, if you wanted to make all your own bread that way.
I think the problem is that whether or not it keeps longer than another kind of bread...I still eat bread, so the need to make more bread is pretty constant. :D A large loaf might last me two weeks if I halve it and put it in the freezer, but honestly I make bread almost every weekend. It’s one reason (texture is the other) that I moved from no-knead bread to more conventional breads; no-knead requires a 12-18 hour rise, followed by a second short rise, which means a lot of pre-planning. If I’m suddenly out of bread, my greek yogurt bread takes about two hours, and my applesauce challah takes a little over three. I can make a loaf of bread in an evening with those, if I really need to. They do require more complex ingredients, but stuff like greek yogurt, eggs, honey, applesauce, I almost always have on hand for other eatin’. 
whatdoyoumeanitsnotawesome replied to your photo “wandererriha: oldfarmhouse: https://weheartit.com/entry/269315318 ...”
that's oor Sam, goin' straight to MURDER
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lavvyan · 7 years
feanna hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet “amireal2u hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet “amireal2u: ...”
Wir haben Hawaiitoast! ;D (Aus der Mikrowelle oder knuspriger aus dem Backofen) Aber grilled cheese wollte ich auch schonmal ausprobieren. :D
Ach ja, stimmt! Den hatte ich tatsächlich komplett vergessen. 
Und, okay, ich gestehe: Mein Lieblings-Snack, wenn ich keine Lust zum Kochen habe, ist getoastetes Mehrkornbrot, darauf Ketchup, darauf Camembert, ab in die Mikrowelle bis der Käse schmilzt, und darauf noch ein bisschen Schnittlauch. 
Ein Verbrechen an jedem vernünftigen Camembert, aber lecker :D
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