#featherstar au
faeriekougraz · 5 months
Hello I am interested in your Mapleshade Maplestar AU please elaborate, particularly the history and deviations from canon that lead up to this AU and, but I want to know everything
EEEE okay so im hoping to make it a like. Big AU of all the things i wanna change in canon (however because ive never read the books past like a few o audio books of the one offs (MV, GC, PC etc) and the mangas i…… am a bit slower on knowing diff things)
For the maple part of the AU she manages to stay in thunderclan and falls in love with frecklewish. She still gets almost exiled but frecklewish steps in at the last minute defending her. Because Oakstar can’t bare the thought of hurting his daughter he leaves the issue alone and dismisses the clan. This means patchkid, petalkit and larchkit live! Ravenwing kinda hates mapleshade for the first bit of this au after finding out the truth since he’s made she doesn’t get punished, however on an outing that she, freckle and the kits take freckle gets bit by a snake and maple and raven manage to save her. After that raven respects her a bit more. At a gathering riverclan is confronted about their warrior appledusk having had a cross clan relationship which causes a bit of a stir. Because of this he loses a lot of respect from his clanmates and he grows pretty bitter about it. His apprentice doesn’t seem to respect him as much and his mate, reedshine, doesn’t trust him. He develops the idea that he’ll attack maple during a battle to try and get revenge on her however as time grows and as he see her living (in his eyes) with 0 consequences he decides to take the idea further and wanted to kill her all together. He eventually tries to however perchpaw ends up being the one to save her after he also tries to attack one of her kits (larchpaw). Appledusk is exiled for his reckless behaviour and because he “hasn’t shown sighs of improving his behaviour” and so he goes after maple once more however he’s ultimately killed (still havent figured out how yet).
After this, later on, larchpaw starts talking to perchpaw at gatherings and they end up developing a friendship (and later a relationship). Meanwhile, patchpaw develops a relationship with nettlepaw! And finally petalpaw, far into the future, possibly becomes a kittypet (i havent decided if she stays one). I might have her replace crystal actually and instead be the mother of jake, and his siblings. Alternatively i could make her the mother of firestar but im not sure the ages between jake and her at that point… i gotta do some digging.
Oakstar also offers mapleshade the position of deputy rather than doefeather. She basically replaces doestar as leader and appledusk replaces her in the villain roll in later stories maybe. Still figuring it out.
Other than that, things i also wanna change are:
- Hawkfrost X leafpool…. Maybe… perhaps
- snowkit survives
-cinderpelt is handled differently
-fading is stupid and doesnt happen (i have a diff idea for starclan and stuff)
-im not sure if i’ll merge my maplestar and featherstar aus but if i do then featherstar happens and leopardstar dies lol
-uhhh…. I forgot all my other ideas lol
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maxphilippa · 14 days
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my super hyper mega based uty post canon polycule take.
clarifications/my vision:
- Staroba: They get married some years after what happened and they're both healing quite a lot. It took them a long time to actually confess to eachother and even longer to propose. They're hopelessly devoted to eachother.
- Starlet/FeatherStar: Queerplatonic and unlabeled, currently crushing on eachother but both of them are too dense to realize it. They don't even know what they are but what matters is that they love eachother okay? I'm thinking that they became quite close after the ending and... well.
- Corn Yaoi: I feel like Starlo and Dalv might be crushing on eachother but they also have zero clue of what they are currently. It's queer as fuck though, believe me. They're both too shy to actually talk about it though.
- Dalvroba: pretty..... p... prett...y lady..... (lov... lovely.... lovely guy.....). They're both still going through a lot of things but it is quite obvious that they do love eachother a lot. I think they'd adore eachother to be honest. ALSO there's a lot of potential coming from them trying to know eachother since they're pretty secretive people who are trying not to be anymore.
-Dalvlet/FeatherFang: there's quite an appeal to me with them on the fact that they're polar opposites (dalv being a pretty shy guy/ex-hermit of the ruins, martlet being a social butterfly and ex-soldier) but also just the way she treated him in the ending is very sweet and understanding. Everyone can tell they want to hold eachother but they're just Bi Panic.
- FeatherFox/Cerolet (? what is their ship name): I myself don't even know what's up w/them but just so you know they love eachother as well
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leafpoolstanblog · 2 months
Birchfall becomes a warrior.
Featherstar dies :( Snowstar promotes Darkstripe to deputy.
Yellowfang dies. Spottedleaf is very lonely :(
Molekit dies.
Squirrelflight and Spiderleg have a litter; Jaykit, Lionkit, and Hollykit.
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nocontextonepiece · 1 year
opwc au doffy is a calico and cora is a tortoiseshell by the way. because the thought wouldnt leave me alone
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moonybadger · 4 months
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Playing around with styles using an oldish Warriors OC as a guinea pig! This was initially gonna sort of Osamu Tezuka inspired but I think I lost the thread of that early on lol. Still, a fun little thing to try and ease back into digital art! This art block has been brutal.
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t4twnyclaw · 2 years
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FEATHERSTAR AU where 2 of her 9 lives are given by her mom Silverstream and her grandmom Willowbreeze
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west-tokyo-incidents · 8 months
Lays down.
So. I'm like. Planning out like families and stuff like who's related to who in the Warriors AU... And.
Yeah this is basically about to become something only vaguely attached to ULTIMO cause like.
TL;DR, Fusataro and Vice are basically siblings and their uncle is Kaizo. Yeah.
SO. Whitestar is (Fusataro)Sunshadow's dad. So I had to make up a 'mom', and I settled on Mousewhisker, who would be (Kaizo)Volepelt's sister.
I know that Whitestar didn't react well to Sunshadow being born during an eclipse. I wanted an all-out panicking, trying to rip the kit away from her mother's belly thing, but someone protects them.
Who, though? Well, maybe the medicine cat who would be there for the birth, but Berrytail is notably weak maybe a sibling as well?
Okay, so sibling. Don't wanna make a whole new character, who's an adult cat now? Volepelt. He's the elder when Pinestep's story starts, so he was probably a warrior still during this time, and also it gives Volepelt more relevance to the story, so all around hurrah!
(Vice)Shellstar's story is he and (Ultimo)Featherstar were found abandoned as newborns along the river by the medicine cats and were separated to take one to each clan.
Okay, so there needs to be a surrogate mother to take him in. Ugh, again I don't wanna make a new character, sooo... Maybe Mousewhisker is the only one in the nursery and she's got plenty of milk because she only has one kit. Maybe Sunkit(Sunshadow) is a little bit older and kinda big-sisters him?
So yeah. That's where we're at.
I mean it's not THAT odd, I've already specified (Orgullo)Firejaw as the father of (Hana)Petalkit and the step father to (Mizho)Owleye and (Jealousy)Spidergaze SOOOOO...
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flipseed · 1 year
Leaders & Medicine Cats (in order)
thunderclan leaders
- Thunderstar
- Owlstar
- Whitestar
- Finchstar
- Lionstar
- Vinestar
- Morningstar
- Redstar
- Oakstar
- Doestar
- Pinestar
- Sunstar
- Bluestar
- Firestar
- Bramblestar
thunderclan medicine cats
- Cloud Spots
- Prickleface
- Pearnose
- Kestrelwing
- Oatspeckle
- Ravenwing
- Cloudberry
- Goosefeather
- Featherwhisker
- Spottedleaf
- Yellowfang
- Cinderpelt
- Leafpool
- Jayfeather
- Alderheart
shadowclan leaders
- Shadowstar
- Ravenstar
- Hollystar
- Brindlestar
- Lilystar
- Blizzardstar
- Marshstar
- Yellowstar
- Snowstar
- Flowerstar
- Sedgestar
- Dawnstar
- Houndstar
- Cedarstar
- Raggedstar
- Brokenstar
- Nightstar
- Tigerstar
- Blackstar
- Rowanstar
- Tigerstar II
shadowclan medicine cats
- Pebble Heart
- Redscar
- Mossheart
- Molepelt
- Sloefur
- Redthistle
- Sagewhisker
- Yellowfang
- Runningnose
- Littlecloud
- Flametail
- Puddleshine
- Shadowsight
riverclan leaders
- Riverstar
- Emberstar
- Dovestar
- Heronstar (renamed Darkstar from CotC)
- Splashstar
- Troutstar
- Reedstar
- Ivystar
- Talonstar
- Willowstar
- Webstar (renamed Birchstar from CotC)
- Sloestar (renamed Darkstar from MV)
- Hailstar
- Crookedstar
- Leopardstar
- Mistystar
medicine cats
- Dappled Pelt
- Meadowpelt
- Grayclaw (renamed Graywing from CotC)
- Kinktail
- Icewhisker
- Echosnout
- Milkfur
- Brambleberry
- Mudfur
- Mothwing
- Willowshine
windclan leaders
- Windstar
- Gorsestar
- Duststar
- Stonestar
- Featherstar
- Pigeonstar (renamed Dovestar from CotC)
- Fallowstar
- Woodstar (renamed Birchstar from CotC)
- Darkstar
- Rabbitstar
- Swiftstar
- Heatherstar
- Tallstar
- Onestar
- Harestar
windclan medicine cats
- Moth Flight
- Swiftfoot
- Thrushsight (renamed Thrushpelt)
- Larkshade (renamed Larkwing)
- Chiveclaw
- Hawkheart
- Barkface
- Kestrelflight
skyclan leaders
- Skystar
- Birchstar
- Beechstar
- Maplestar
- Dewstar
- Hawkstar
- Robinstar
- Rowanstar
- Quailstar
- Fennelstar
- Flystar
- Cloudstar
- Ripplestar
- Buzzardstar
- Spiderstar
- Leafstar
skyclan medicine cats
- Micah
- Acorn Fur
- Twigtail
- Quailfeather
- Fawnstep
- Brackenheart
- Echosong
- Frecklewish
- Fidgetflake
future leader/deputy pairings for funsies :)
- ivystar (😓) & spotfur
- i don't want squirrelstar. she's old & i'm tired of firestar's lineage shit. ik ivypool is. ivypool. and related to firestar but she's like the only reasonable choice here let's be honest. plus i think it's funny. spotfur is her sister in this au but i think a little sister nepotism is okay. & spotfur would eventually step down & retire. (then twigbranch can become deputy and leader).
- sunstar & lightleap or lightstar & sunbeam
- i have not read asc But. either of these combinations are fantastic. trust me.
- dewstar & needleclaw
- dewspring is reliable generic warrior #1736292 & needleclaw is a violetshine baby so she's special To Me and rootspring is too cringefail to be deputy but tbh in this au i might give her rootspring's role & if that's the case then turtlecrawl can be deputy under dewstar
- smokestar & songleap
- in an ideal world i'd be picking sedgewhisker as future leader of windclan but she's getting a little old (😭😭😭) so i chose a breezepelt clone. her name is funny too. & songleap bc she's a sedgewhisker descendant & i loaf sedgewhisker
- erm
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rayratman · 6 months
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He’s so ear.
AU Info Below
Lmao I stopped making images at this point
Cis He/Him
Heteromantic Asexual
-MorningAcorn enemies to lovers?
-Incredibly anxious dude
-He and Pricklepaw got along great
-He became leader after Featherstar
Sister: Cloversplash
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mallowstep · 3 years
Tbh realistically what with my headcanons abt how leaders and aging works, Stonefur would start to Show His Age before Leopardstar, something he finds Terribly Unfair and Cruel
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brindlestorm · 4 years
On one hand, I'm surprised that the Erin's didn't recall the book(s) that implied that Tigerheartstar was born after the DF battle, like how Bramblestar's Storm had to get partially rewritten because Greystripe called Mistystar his daughter.
On the other hand, I kinda wish that the Erin's had rolled with the blunder and said that Greystripe was starting to go senile.
Imagine Elder!Greystripe going to a gathering and talking to Mistystar, accidentally calls her his daughter despite her being older than him, and when she gently corrects him he just blinks and says, "What are you talking about, Feathertail? Of course I'm your father."
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So I got an au where the journeying cats become the leaders of the clans, so Crowstar, Squirrelstar, Tawnystar and Featherstar, Crow, Squirrel and Tawny become the leaders around the same time with both Blackstar losing his final life to the badgers and Firestar losing his last life to the fox trap. Mudclaw and Onewhisker kill each other so there is no deputy for Windclan, and Leopardstar steps down or something, not sure yet (also obviously Feather survived)
And all of the medicine cats from each clan get a sign from Starclan about the respective cats being leaders (not all at once, but when the previous leader dies or whatever)
I do think this is a cool idea
though I think Crow and Squirrel are perhaps a bit too young, Crow being just a couple moons older than Squilf iirc and both being very young warrior aged
I think it'd be interesting as a 'later in life' thing
but the idea is still very interesting
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birdsong-warriors · 4 years
In regards to your tag on the post about Hollystar, do you mean like Stormstar, or does Feathertail survive to be Featherstar and Stormfur becomes the next Stoneteller? Does one of journey cats somehow end up running Skyclan? Cause that's hilarious. "The chosen ones must all become leader of a clan" except crap the chosen ones chose two extra chosen ones, they've got to find more cat groups for them to lead.
Stormteller sounds like a fun idea! ;D I don't know, I do have that rule that for every cat who lives in this AU, one has to die, but dang, that's a good idea. The only thing I'd worry about is the colonial concern.
What if Stormfur was actually a reincarnated Tribe cat? 🤔 Hmm.
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leafpoolstanblog · 2 months
Rosetail and Goldenflower retire.
We are FLYING through ThunderClan leaders. Whitestar dies during the badger attack. Featherstar elects Snowfang as deputy.
Lynxfang also dies in the badger attack.
Daisy joins the Clan with her litter; Berrykit, Mousekit, and Hazelkit.
Sorreltail dies during the badger attack, giving birth to a litter that no one knew she was carrying; Honeykit, Cinderkit, Poppykit, and Molekit. Ashfur claims them as his, and takes a nest in the nursery. Daisy weans the litter alongside her own.
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nocontextonepiece · 1 year
also i scrunched up the timeline SOOOO much for the warriors au because uuuuhhhh i wanted to
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movedtojjadestar · 5 years
Tell me about Minnowtail in the royalty AU. Also, how is she related to Appledusk?
in my royalty au minnowtail (and willowshine) are the kids of Feathertail/star! (and featherstar is the daughter of silverstream who is the daughter of crookedstar ect...)
she’s the current heir to riverclan! feeling kind of overwhelmed by expectations, coupled with the fact that she’s in a half clan relationship with mousewhisker, is what really drives her to train in the dark forest (though shes definitely not on par with a lot of the others with how ruthless she’s willing to be)
also minnowtail and willowshine were surrogated(?) and feathertail raised them by herself! 
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