sully-s · 6 months
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When you desperately want to put Superman in a fedora but have only drawn said fedora once before when you were 7.
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iseethedead-blog1 · 10 months
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ilya looks at Raymond as he spoke himself "I thought that's why you loved me." Red is looking off into the distance as he spoke back to his childhood friend "I love you because i can trust you." as Red spoke as Ilya Koslov looks at his oldest friend and looks down and away from Red
Raymond smiles as he looks at ilya "I still care for you even if I've changed from the person you once knew, but i'm still me Ilya, I hope you know that." ilya looks at Raymond Reddington in the eyes seeing Katarina Rostova but he doesn't say those words as he licks his own lips "you know other's may see you as a monster especially you're own daughter, but I never saw the monster, Red, I've always seen you an old friend."
Raymond smiles at ilya "which I'm thankful for, ilya, but I'm a different person I changed my gender, you changed in a different way, but in the end you're way smarter then I could ever be, Ilya, I don't know if I should tell mas-Lizzie, the truth I feel like she'd hate me, if she learned of the truth from me."
ilya hears the slip up "Does you're daughter want the truth, has she asked for it, or are you very allergic to the truth now, Red?" Raymond chuckles at that "With how I've been avoiding telling Lizzie, certainly feels that way, ilya, have you told her about Dom?"
Red shake's his head "It always feels like stepping on shards of glass, whenever I talk about him or talk to him, he blames me for his daughter's death, and his granddaughter for going missing." Ilya puts a comforting hand on red's shoulder "no need to cry, I know, but we couldn't have told him the truth too much danger with who and what he was."
Raymond nodded "But it feels like Dom is just a punishment for my own sins, for the sins of the. . . .mother and the father, When Katarina's enemies are dead I'll tell him." Ilya shakes his head "You're never going to tell him are you?"
Red smile's "you know me to well, Ilya, I'll probably never tell him who i'am, maybe when he's dead and in the ground or ashes I'll put his ashes in the bathroom and talk to him that way, prove to him I'm his son now not daughter anymore."
Ilya chuckles softly "that gives a whole new meaning to bathroom experience." Red laugh's softly almost forgetting about all the people he has burned in the end that died for his cause and not knowing it themselves, only he knows the end game, his own little end game
Raymond shows his perfectly white teeth, Ilya seeing the smile knowing what it means "Oh not another one, Red, you're too old for pranks." Red chuckles "Never too old for telling the truth, Ilya, about myself."
Koslov looks at Red "you're going to tell the truth to who? Elizabeth keen? Dom?" Ilya shakes his head "I know you wouldn't tell Dom you're not that crazy, have you got her to trust you?"
Raymond chuckles "even though she stabbed me in the neck right where the carotid artery is, yes." Red showed the pen scar on his right side of his own neck "how weird, she almost killed both of her own parents."
Raymond looks annoyed at ilya "don't say that, Ilya, how rude of you." Ilya laughs "It's not a lie, if it's the truth, Red." Raymond shakes his own head as he took his own fedroa off his own head and sat it down on the bench and falls asleep with his own head on Ilya's lap as Red slumbered on his lap he thinks of his friend who is sleeping on his own lap "Red, I hope you know I will always be loyal to you, no matter what, even if I have to kill for you." Ilya shakes his own head as he let him sleep in his lap
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Billy Wilder’s FEDROA (1978) opens poorly. The scene of the title character’s (Martha Keller) death seems rather perfunctory, and the newscast describing her life feels phony, both as a dramatic device and in its staging. Then William Holden, as an aging Hollywood producer, arrives for the funeral and starts his off-screen narration, a cynical reminiscence in the vein of SUNSET BOULEVARD (1950) although this time he’s alive, and the film starts to take on a certain cachet. As a whole, the picture has the same mixed effect. Holden’s attempts to get reclusive former star Fedora to sign on for his next picture work dramatically. There’s a great gothic spin to her seeming captivity in a Greek island villa, where she lives with an aging countess (Hildegarde Knef), a forbidding companion (Frances Sternhagen) and her resident plastic surgeon (Jose Ferrer). And Wilder and co-writer I.A.L. Diamond have done a solid job of dramatizing the theme of being trapped within one’s assumed identity. Near the end, Holden suggests that the film would have made a better picture than the one he was peddling, and Fedora says, “But who would play me?” Therein lies the film’s greatest flaw. Fedora is an amalgam of Garbo, Dietrich and other exotic Hollywood stars, and though she could be a capable actress in other films, Keller just doesn’t have the charisma to convince as a star who remained an object of fascination even in retirement. She also has some mad scenes that are, shall we say, unfortunate. It’s a pity Wilder’s cynicism about all things Hollywood didn’t extend to the Hollywood version of insanity.
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thedudeofcool-blog · 6 years
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MLG jackaboyyyy 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
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captainfaygeleh · 6 years
today’s outfit: cargo capris, rainbow tank top, straw fedroa
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thriftandme · 3 years
I just added this listing on Poshmark: LAST ONE‼️‼️ FALL FEDROA MUST HAVE 🍂🍁.
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rouge-raccoon · 7 years
*Gives you a tiny baby raccoon* Babu Raccoon for Mama Raccoon X)
:D !!! AwwwA BABU RACCOON XD Thank you sil OwO *takes the raccoon and put a fedroa on it * =w= Its has been completed
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briarvintage · 7 years
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This 1940s/50s Knox Superfine Fur Felt Wide Brim Gray Fedroa was recently added to our Etsy shop. Marked Size- 7 1/4 Wide Oval . https://www.etsy.com/listing/542289272/ . #vtg #vintage #vintagemenswear #mensvintage #vintagefedora #knox #superfine #wideoval #1940s #1950s #vintagehat (at Briar Vintage)
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tqvcancun · 4 years
PING: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Beta, Fedora 32 Beta, Devuan 3 Beta, GNOME 3.38, Firefox…
Ya estamos en abril y retomamos el PING, desaparecido todo marzo por los trastornos que ya os imagináis. Pero hasta aquí, porque hay lanzamientos interesantes de los que no hemos dado cuenta y alguno de varias semanas atrás. Por supuesto, me refiero principalmente a lanzamientos de versiones en desarrollo, pues el resto, así como otro tipo de noticias, sí han sido cubiertos. Por lo tanto, este PING va dedicado casi en exclusiva a nuevos lanzamientos, pero al revés de como lo hacemos siempre: con las versiones en desarrollo primero, que son las más jugosas; y lo complementamos con un par de cosillas más sobre las que merece la pena dejar constancia.
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Beta. Recién salidas del horno están las betas del que será la distro más destacada del año, Ubuntu 10.04 LTS ‘Focal Fossa’. Las primeras impresiones que se están leyendo por ahí auguran un gran lanzamiento, además, así que si queréis darle un tiento antes de que esté lista para asuntos más serios, en el anuncio oficial se detalla todo lo necesario.
Fedora 32 Beta. Un par de semanas antes llegó la beta de Fedroa 32, que también promete lo suyo muy especialmente para los amantes del GNOME más puro. Si se os había pasado, en Fedora Magazine os ponen al corriente de los acontecimientos.
Devuan 3 Beta. Y en un contexto más suigéneris, otra beta que se nos pasó anunciar hace un par de semanas es la de la tercera versión de Devuan, la Debian sin systemd. Más información en el anuncio oficial. Si acaso, vale preguntarse, ¿los cambios en Debian con los inits alternativos supondrán algún cambio para este proyecto?
ExTiX 20.4. Sin esperar siquiera a que Ubuntu dé el paso, ya está disponible esta versión de ExTiX que ya os imagináis en qué se basa por el número de versión. Para más datos, utiliza el escritorio LXQt y sí, es versión estable. Más info en el anuncio oficial.
antiX 19.2. Y otra distro para los amantes no de la ligereza, sino de la ultraligereza, si es que tal concepto existe. Hace no mucho que os hablamos de antiX con más detalle y esta que os traemos ahora no es ni más ni menos que su nueva versión. Aquí el anuncio oficial.
Manjaro ARM 20.04. Nos salimos ya de lo habitual para recoger el lanzamiento de la nueva versión de Manjaro ARM, que llega con imágenes para dispositivos como Raspberry Pi 4, Rock Pi 4, RockPro64, Pinebook Pro y otros. ¿Os interesa? En el anuncio oficial os lo cuentan todo.
LFS / BLFS. Para terminar con las distros, lo último de LFS y BLFS, o lo que es lo mismo, Linux From Scratch y Beyond Linux From Scratch, el ‘sistema’ con el que aprender a montar un Linux desde cero, un pasatiempo ideal en los tiempos de confinamiento que corren. En el anuncio oficial tenéis toda la información.
GNOME 3.38. He aquí un simple apunte, dado que GNOME comienza a dar más alegrías que penas, tal y como se está demostrando con GNOME 3.36, su última y reciente versión: la fecha de lanzamiento de la siguiente ha sido anunciada y llegará el próximo 16 de septiembre.
Telegram. Terminando con aplicaciones, la última versión de Telegram tanto para móvil como para PC trajo novedades interesantes que recogimos en MC. Doy por hecho que estaréis enterados quienes lo usáis, pero por si acaso aquí lo dejo.
Firefox cae. Para terminar, una mala noticia que podéis leer en MC de la que me quedo con la parte del titular que más nos interesa: Firefox cae… pero por debajo del nuevo Microsoft Edge. No sé vosotros, entre los que ya sé que hay mucho fiel incondicional y en muchos casos también desafortunadamente acrítico, pero yo no le veo solución al asunto.
Fuente: MuyLinux
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astrofish · 5 years
One Good Deed
One Good Deed
One Good Deed – David Baldacci
Early in the novel’s introductory prefatory material there’s an allusion to dime detective novels. Wonder, with tap on the side of the nose, if this is the author’s way of tipping a hat, a beat-up Fedroa, at a noir, or early, anyway, pot-boiler detective stories.
She gave him a condescending look. “Really, Mr. Archer, I highly doubt that if cigarettes…
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christec · 7 years
BASH sur Windows : les évolutions apportées par Windows 10 Fall Creators Update #ChrisTec #MicrosoftWindows #Linux #Windows10 Le Shell BASH de Linux a été intégré par Microsoft dans Windows 10 l'année dernière, et très vite le succès a été énorme. Microsoft poursuit dans cette voie et des évolutions arrivent avec la mise à jour majeure Windows 10 Fall Creators Update dont le déploiement commencera à partir de demain 17 octobre 2017. Bien sûr il y aura des améliorations et des corrections de bugs, mais le plus important est que BASH sur Windows prend de plus en plus d'importance dans Windows 10. Tout d'abord BASH sur Windows, pardon WSL pour Windows Subsystem for Linux n'est plus en bêta. Il s'agit désormais d'une fonctionnalité aboutie et qui restera une fonctionnalité à part entière de Windows 10, selon un billet de Microsoft. C'est ainsi qu'il n'est plus nécessaire d'activer le mode développeur de Windows pour installer WSL. WSL, comme dit plus haut est une fonctionnalité du système et en tant que telle, il suffira de l'activer depuis la boîte de dialogue des fonctionnalités Windows. Au début de WSL, c'était une image de Ubuntu Linux, créée en collaboration avec Canonical qui était installée avec WSL. Désormais il sera possible de choisir sa distribution favorite depuis le Windows Store. Ubuntu bien sûr, mais aussi openSUSE et SUSE Linux Enterprise Server. La disponibilité de la distribution Fedroa devrait suivre rapidement. Il sera possible d'installer plusieurs distributions côte à côte, chacun pouvant tourner indépendamment de l'autre ! Autres bonnes choses : En plus de supporter  les ports série et USB, WSL arrive sur Windows Server et sur les machines virtuelles Azure Autant d'évolution qui font dire à Microsoft que désormais il ne sera plus convenable de dire BASH sur Windows. Il ne sera plus question que de Windows Subsystem for Linux, que l'on a malgré tout le droit de réduire à WSL (Ouf) Ainsi par exemple, il faudra dire Linux fonctionne vraiment bien sur Windows/WSL, indique très sérieusement le billet mentionné plus haut. Catégorie actualité:  OS - Hardware Bash Windows, WSL, Windows 10 Image actualité AMP:  #MicrosoftWindows #Linux #Windows10
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kylesayingthings · 9 years
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thriftandme · 4 years
I just added this listing on Poshmark: FALL FEDROA MUST HAVE 🍂🍁.
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thriftandme · 4 years
I just added this listing on Poshmark: FALL FEDROA MUST HAVE 🍂🍁.
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