ultra-raging-ghost · 4 months
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Saw someone else do this and i got the urge 👀 ill take any excuse to draw my sona(s) <3
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glowsticcc · 5 months
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i saw one other person make a fedsona based off of their quiz result and i wanted to play too so i whipped this guy up in like an hour
they’re the chief meteorologist but when it rains like once a month the job is kinda boring
still morally questionable (kinda have to be to be s rank) but less in the unethical experimentation way more in the lies on government documents way
and also they have a fat crush on elena because i’m a lesbian and deranged for morally reprehensible women :3
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iminyourbookshelf · 4 months
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Fedsona be upon ye
I actually had a lot of fun making the design even though it was pretty simple, I get a little nervous sharing my own characters but seeing other people do it made me want to.
Some character things:
• It works for the Quesadilla Island newspaper as a writer
• As a c-rank they typically aren't supposed to go out around the island, but when they need to research it is sometimes found snooping around (albeit not very hidden)
• Despite being just a writer and a c-rank, somehow they found time to pick embroidery, which is why their hat has a little flower on it.
• Headcanon also: Federation workers who are apart of writing/layouts/printing, anything with the newspaper are given newsboy caps like other workers are given construction hats
Thanks for taking the time to read my ramble :D
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foolbohalo · 4 months
Me bc
Me bc I've only seen two other peoples fedsonas
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insanitybl00m · 3 months
also he’s my oc/sona
I’ve got like two spreads of him and some lore for him lmaooo
Player-sona (I drew him in three different styles; I cannot have a consistent style to save my life)
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anyway I’ll explain his lore in a different post because I this post is gonna be a long one already without me blabbering about their lore
Rough sketches of my egg-sona and Fed-sona (if you can read my terrible handwriting there is some egg-sona lore)
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if you can’t tell the symbols I love including for my OC’s are hearts, flowers, and the lil spiral (representing the insanity part of my name lmao)
here’s the full spreads tho!
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terezicaptor · 5 months
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Well time to make a fedsona I guess
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annimator · 3 months
omg..... do u have any qsmp ocs btw.... like a fedsona or anything???
No not rlly lol
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titleleaf · 5 years
Elizabeth’s weird curiosity about what Philip’s Fedsona is like when he makes love
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Want me to draw your fedsona?
Yes please bees
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ultra-raging-ghost · 5 months
A fedsona? Me? Never...
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A couple design notes:
-My worker number is WA05 because I got A rank on the quiz and my favorite number is 5! (And also 13 but shhh)
-i wear glasses irl so he's forced to too 🫶 (🤓☝️)
-i hate. I hate the worker uniforms and I don't love the fact that the A rank workers are B/C rank but in a dif color because I view them as moreso office workers (plus thats kinda what we've seen from them??) So I gave them kind of a more casual look?? Like Hat + Jacket but... Less ugly.... Fred was dressed that way cuz he was overseeing construction, not all of them have to suffer.... Also put her in pants, because it felt weird drawing her naked from the waist down LMAO
- p a ws
-was thinking Abt whether to show their ears or not but I decided against it since we don't see any of the workers ears 😔 did include the tail though, pants be damned
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ultra-raging-ghost · 3 months
5, 25 and 31 for the ask game :3c
5. Favorite character dynamics (Duos, groups, etc.)
omg ok this one i absolutely LOVE how bbh interacts with the french. Like literally just the french and their bebou is one of my fav things, theyre all so kind to him and they have fun ints with him knjbhbj
25. Describe your quesadilla island sona (What would you do? Where would you live? What would you look like?)
OKAY SO ive done art for this one!!! my little fedsona!!! But i also have an islandersona!!!
My Fedsona is WA05 (cuz 5 is my fav number) theyre a little white bear worker whos a huge hopeless romantic NERD they have a crush on like 5 dif people at once and no way to express it without melting into a little bear puddle
my islandersona, my cubito, is based on my persona that i use for art !! They are a fallen angel/demon who was cast out of heaven for sins against the nature of humanity. In my cubitos lore they created their own version of the heavens and earths and hell, and gave pieces of their soul to do so. However this was against heavens rules, and they were cast out of heaven. They find solace in their creation, molding it to their liking without the restrictions of heaven, watching their people kill eachother and fall in love etc etc. They have no moral compass and dont really have a concept of good, evil, etc. Kind of how adam and eve were in the garden! Thats how all angels/divine beings are in the lore however. Some fallen angels can learn human morality but its not very common!
31. What lore/arc have you enjoyed the most?
This one is soooo hard because i joined at such an awkward time that im not elaborating on, BUT i think my favorite one has been BBH's death/rebirth cycle. I may be a little biased because hes my main pov but i prefer player based lore and angst and bad's lore so far has been VERY rewarding to his viewers. He's genuinely such a good writer, cant wait for more of his character
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iminyourbookshelf · 3 months
14 25
14. Cucurucho, never really liked them as like a fav but they're definitely a cool character. A lot of things happen with them (also I love when Tubbo gets to roast them). Federation in general I love them all and their horrible crimes. Elena is a hypocrite and generally just bad but I still like her. They definetly have their moments where I don't like them but the propaganda.. they're just little guys.
25. SONAS YAY- okay so I have two but only one I've posted about I'll just do that one. Under the cut cause it might be a bit
WC071 is my fedsona (cringe culture is dead everyone please make fedsonas), they're apart of the newspaper department. The original thing that made me think of that specific concept is because I was writing a fic with the title "And they were penpals" and the newspaper had that title as one of the subsections so 💀
Anyway, WC071 (pre-island reset) in general isn't often seen by players. Mainly stuck in federation buildings. Though on rare occasions they were sent out to get some stuff for the newspaper. It's not very sneaky, so many attempts to carefully look for things have fallen through in odd ways. It usually talks extremely formally to islanders to compensate for some unprofessional things like falling off roofs. They're also not very subtle at trying to get more information about islanders, mostly putting super specific questions in the middle of normal conversations.
Random facts that I made up:
- They learned to embroider in their very little free time
- They were pretty unaffected by the coffee machine breaking (loved that little side story) because the coffee it drank anyway was mainly just milk at that point.
- It actually has prefers typewriters over computers. Since the Federation computers take so long to load anyway they sometimes try to find a way to get it on a typewriter "as all newspapers should be written".
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ultra-raging-ghost · 5 months
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I got A-Rank! Am i gonna use this for a fedsona? maybe....
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