#feel free ro disagree btw
fatimajpeg · 2 years
Saw a video about ai art and while i agree with majority of the points made i heavily disagree with the final point about how ai art is going to force the art world to separate real ‘art’ and illustration because um, those two things are already separate things. As in nobody confuses Fine Art with (commercial) Illustration, these are already very defined categories. If we categorise ‘Retinal Art’ (as Duchamp defined it) as illustration too then we lose a huge part of what art is i.e. pretty pictures that , yes, exist to be pretty pictures. Landscapes, still life, portraits etc these are all things that can be easily defined as ‘frivolous’ and ‘vacuous’. Art started out as representations of the natural world that we saw around us. I think the video author is misunderstanding art severely if he insists that ‘real art’ be only stuff with ‘deeper meanings’; whatever that means.
Art consists of the following: the art object/artwork, the art space, the art audience, and finally, the artist. All of these together create the Art Experience. It’s through the Art Experience that you create a space for interpretation and ultimately derive ‘deeper meaning’. You don’t get deeper meaning by simply reading the artist’s statement, nor by just being at a gallery. It’s a combination of different things that with proper engagement with the artwork, creates what you would call Art. This is why social media sorta fails art because the fast paced nature of it dampens the engagement. People scroll by looking at a million posts, and don’t have the proper time or space to fully engage with a work.
This is where Ai art also fails. You can give a bot a prompt and get quick results, but you ultimately lose the connection between artwork and artist. The experience is forever incomplete. I do think however that Ai can be used to create Art. For example, my classmate Aleena Akbar Khan made a sculptural playground based on text prompts she gave to an Ai. She used Ai to explore fragmentation and what the human world translated to machine learning would look like. Why is this art? because she collected and melded materials to match the ai results, arranged them and recontextualized them to create something new. She transformed the Ai results to create an Art experience. This imo is the way Ai should be used, not to create cheap copies and steal artist’s work.
Now back to the video, retinal art or “pretty pictures” when experienced as Art, will ultimately derive meaning. There’s a reason why even today there is huge debate about what artworks (art object) should be considered art. DuChamp questioned it back in 1917 when he placed that urinal and the debate hasn’t ended since. In my opinion, if the urinal can be considered art, then so can all pretty pictures. Categories like high art, low art will always exist. They will also evolve over time. Low art or culture in one era can become the most prestigious, high art in the next.
I don’t think impermanent things should be cause for disrespecting art that has a deeply human appeal, especially if it’s not ‘deep’ enough for some.
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roran01 · 2 months
Sorry but I'm in the mood to bitch about Ro's hairstyle again just because, feel free to dislike this take and disagree.
Personally I don't like how his hairstyle is evolving into this longer bob cut thingy. I liked it more messy as it used to be..... or at least tried to be, and described as such. My issue isn't that it's longer tbh, but compared to your avarege hetalia character it looks boring, it's basic, it looks like he could be triplets with Poland and Switzerland (btw had it not been for the bangs these two would be twins).
I was disappointed before for how copy pasted it still looked then but it got downgraded from that point for me, it became hima's "status quo" hairstyle with sideburns (which I dislike). It used to be shorter too, it could've been longer and more messier which I think it would've looked better but now It's too stright for me..... ahem
It didn't resemble "shaggy hair" that much the more I look at irl exemples but I wished it did. As of now there's no more shag in there at all so idk why's that still in his wiki but anyways, he barely had any on his back when he did so I had to make do with that in my fanarts.
I've been stubborn about it and I've sticked with drawing the og version while trying to resemble the description more, cause honestly shaggy hair cuts look cool, but the more Hima is changing his design (and his personality a bit) the more I feel like I am not drawing the same character anymore so idk, it makes me feel like a fraud and the only one doing so XD
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zediina · 3 years
Ok listen I loved no way home as much as the next guy but if I hear one more person saying it’s the best spiderman movie yet I‘m sitting you all down in a room to watch spiderman 2, tasm and into the spiderverse again
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goryroyalty · 3 years
One of *Those* Days
High school au, (though it's never specifically said in the story.) Angst/some fluff.
Depressed Roman, self-deprecating(?) thoughts (Idk, just depressing and insulting thoughts), food mention, only one swear, I think? Did I miss anything?
Roman is having a rough morning and Remus comes to comfort them. (Also, both of them fall somewhere under the non-binary umbrella, though their exact labels are never stated.)
(I'm venting a bit tbh. I don't do this as much anymore, but I used to do it almost everyday. It sucked.)
Copper eyes fluttered open to find their room lit up with early morning light filtering through the gap between the room darkening curtains. Funny, last they remembered it was five in the morning and now- their phone screen lit up- it was almost eight o'clock. The house was silent as their parents had already left for work. They weren't aware their child had only just woke up eight minutes before school started. They had no intention of going either.
Roman sighed, a heavy feeling in their chest, and rolled onto their side. They shoved their phone under their pillow and stared at the wall blankly. Simply rolling over had taken every ounce of motivation they had. Now, all they could do was lie in bed and let their mind wander. The heavy feeling had spread throughout their entire body. It almost hurt. Their thoughts weren't focused on anything particular for a long time, just wandering aimlessly. Their phone vibrated from under the pillow, but they made no effort to grab it. At least not for a while. A few more vibrations later, their arm moved slowly when curiosity gave them some motivation to grab their phone and unlock it.
ChaosBabe (idk, I'm not good at coming up with nicknames)
u not at school 2day?
btw it/its 2day
ur missin out on Nerd gettin heated bout the way i txt again
u ok? pls respond
Roman thought of words to reply back, but their fingers didn't move to text them. Typing 'Yeah, just want to stay home.' felt like too much work, even just typing a simple yes or no was too much. Roman sighed and exited their messages, clicking on Tumblr. It didn't take long to scroll down to where they had started last night. They went to the top, refreshed a couple times, and exited the app. They stared at their wallpaper, which was Disney themed, of course, until their phone locked. They opened it again and went to Instagram. They scrolled through every social media they had with a blank stare.
15% of battery remaining
Roman dismissed the alert, getting another notification immediately after.
Ro, pls let me know if you need anything. I mean it: anything.
The teen in bed hummed, wondering how it'd passed noon already. Still, they didn't move from where they lie. Well, they did finally roll over onto their other side. They found them-self back on Tumblr again, scrolling through the posts they'd already seen. Their phone screen flashed with the screen that said the phone's type before turning completely black. Roman let out a long sigh and let go of their phone, not caring much when it slid off onto the floor.
'Well, this is pathetic, isn't it?' Roman thought, 'I can't even drag myself out of bed. This is so stupid. Just get up and get going. Why am I so lazy all the time?'
Roman's train of thought continued on that downhill track. Soon, the track ended and it was just free-fall. Tears came to Roman's copper-colored eyes but didn't fall. They felt tired, but sleep did not come. Was it really a sleepy tired, or was it simply just...tired? Roman thought it might be both. Their stomach growled, pulling their thoughts to some coherency again. They focused on food for a few moments before their mind wandered off into a daydream.
The front door opening jump-started Roman's brain. 'Did Dad come home early or is it really already five? I didn't do any chores today. Shit.'
Roman rolled over and buried their face in their pillows, not wanting to hear about how they hadn't done dishes or vacuumed or whatever hadn't visibly been done. 'Maybe, just maybe, he'll think I'm asleep and leave me alone. Or even realize something is wrong and try to comfort me? But what is wrong and how would I want to be comforted by him?'
Roman's bedroom door opened and footsteps neared their bed. They were a bit confused when the person slid in bed beside them until they heard the slight groan as they stretched, "Mm, your bed is so soft. Feels amazing."
Roman relaxed at the realization it was only Remus. They immediately thought how they wanted to turn and cuddle it. They did at least shift onto their back, staring up at the ceiling. Remus draped an arm across them, "So...one of those days? Any way that I can help?"
'Hold me. Drag me out of bed. Slap me. Shake me like a rag doll until I stop this pity party of mine.' Roman replied in their head, but their mouth felt like it couldn't move. They wanted so desperately to say something. Anything at this point. Remus sat up and shifted to look down at them, smiling softly and running a hand through their auburn hair. Roman cringed inside at the realization it was most likely greasy. They hadn't showered for a few days. Same with brushing their teeth. Their breath was going to be awful too. Roman closed their eyes as tears came to them when they thought: 'I'm disgusting.'
"Love, if I ask yes or no questions, will you answer them? You don't have to speak. You can find another way to say yes or no." Remus stroked their jaw, studying them for some movement that could be a reply. Roman's tears disappeared and they focused their thoughts on Remus' words, trying to find some will to move. They shifted their arm to rest their hand on their stomach, tapping their index against it once. "Okay, first let me make sure: what is yes?"
Roman tapped once. Remus nodded and hummed, "And no?"
Roman tapped twice. They felt a little silly if they were honest. Remus kissed their forehead, "Good, good. Okay, have you eaten today?"
Two taps.
"Do you want food?"
Roman hesitated, knowing they needed it but did they really want it? They tapped three times.
"I'll take that as a 'maybe' or 'don't know'. Next question, is there something you want me to do for you?"
Another three taps.
"Cuddle you? Carry you out of bed? Bring in food to you?" Remus rambled off the first ideas that came to its mind.
One tap. Pause. One tap. Pause. Two taps.
Remus lied back down, pulling Roman close and kissing their head a couple times. Roman felt the tears come back again, a couple escaping this time before they went away. They hated how pathetic and lazy they felt. Remus sat up with Roman still in its arms, lifting them up as it got to its feet. Roman wrapped their arms around it and buried their face in its shoulder. "Want food, Ro?"
Roman nodded, relieved at the slight progress already. Remus carried them out to the kitchen and set them on a bar stool, "Know what you want?"
Roman shrugged, looking down at the counter with a feeling of guilt and shame building up inside. Remus rubbed their back, "I'll look at what you have and list stuff off then, yeah? Or do you want to look with me or by yourself?"
Roman bit their lip as it trembled a bit. They rested their arms on the counter and buried their face into them. For the first time all day they spoke, though it was only a whisper: "Sorry."
"It's okay, Love, you don't have to apologize. I promise, I really don't mind." Remus hugged them, kissing their shoulder. "I told you I'd do anything for you. I love you, Roman."
"Love you." Roman whispered back, having to clear their throat due to not using their voice for so long. They sat up a little, "I'll look."
After a while of looking through the fridge and pantry a few times, Roman was finally settled on the bar stool with leftovers in front of them. Remus sat beside them, rubbing their back as they slowly ate. Halfway through, Roman spoke again, "I don't like that feeling. I feel so heavy yet empty at the same time. I can't move or speak or do anything. I hate it. I couldn't even reply to you, even though I really wanted to. Everything just feels...too much. It all feels like too much."
"Do you think you could even just text one letter? I was thinking we could come up with a code for when you felt like this. Like one letter means you want me to leave you alone, another for if you just want me to text or call, and another if you want me to come over. I'm honestly not entirely sure how to help or make it go away, but I'll do whatever you want me to do. I'll always be here for you. No matter what, 'kay? Just say the word and I'll do it."
"Thank you, Remus." Roman hugged it, sniffling a bit. "You're more than I deserve."
"I disagree. I think we're practically perfect for each other." Remus hugged them back tightly.
"Practically perfect in every way." Roman mumbled with a slight chuckle.
"Exactly, Mary Poppins." Remus smiled, "Exactly."
Weird ending, sorry.
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