#feel free to tell me your opinion on whether erlang shen and nezha should cameo or not
dorkshadows · 7 years
I want to write, but at the same time, I also... don’t want to lol. Ch. 15 is halfway done and honestly, I’m so invested in this fic now that I can’t die peacefully until it’s finished. And I’ve left everyone on non-stop angsty cliffhangers so I can’t possibly just leave it on an angsty note; that’s just not right. 
So this really isn’t an update since I don’t have any now, but it does have some non-spoilery spoilers for the story just to let anyone reading this know that I haven’t abandoned you :’)
First off, this fic can be divided into 2 categories:
Chapters where Wukong isn’t bleeding: 4, 5 Chapters where he is bleeding: 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
We’re hitting another turning point at the end of 15, but the real whammy is in 16, and I considered revealing a little on my blog, but I think it’d end up being too spoilery no matter how I word it. There’s also another twist I don’t think anyone saw coming at around 20 or so- for this twist, I’ve been hinting at it throughout all of Act 1 and a bit of Act 2 LOL. Hint: It concerns one of the other pilgrims.
Also, remember Ao Lie’s 4 and a 1/2 transformations? It’s not just a joke. The half transformation is an actual power move. But at what expense for dragon boy, at what expense...
Puti’s showing up again in 18. Right now, I’m thinking about how to explain the Liang Guo, Yachi, Mr. Sun triangle and whether I should throw another twist on it. Back in Act 1, it felt like Yachi was in love with Mr. Sun, who was in love with his dead first wife... but that might not be the case. 
Zhenyuanzi gets some spotlight in 15 too. And I don’t consider this a spoiler because everyone who’s been reading up to now knows what to expect- Wukong’s going to get horribly, horribly injured by the end of Act 2. It’s going to be so bad Act 1 looks like a walk in the park. It’d be impossible for the pilgrims to patch him up this time, which brings up another point...
There’s going to be an Act 3 to resolve everything. It’ll be shorter than the first two, but I’ve decided to give the readers more good moments to balance out all the bad. There’ll be plenty of fluff, believe it or not, and the relationship between Wukong and Xuanzang is finally going to stabilize. But the first half of 3 is still going to be standardly angsty B)
Erlang Shen and Nezha might make appearances. Especially Nezha. I feel like I’ve hinted at him so much that he deserves one at this point lol. Also, Zhenyuan’s banquet is going to happen. 
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