#feeling very unwell right now yall
afternoonblues · 2 months
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so the 1st anni ssr's are gonna rerun & MY GOD i'm actually trying to save but this ssr right here 🥲 is killing me....how the HELL am i gonna ignore and just continue to log into this game & play 🤧
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ap0stle · 15 days
WIP questionnaire tag game
THANK U FOR THE TAG @astramachina
umm the wip in question is TMNTDT aka Tell Me Not to Do This aka teenage mutant ninja turtle...dookie time
What’s the first part of your WIP that you created?
oough that was back in like... 2016? 2014? and i started with the first chapter right away which ended up being the fourth chapter and then became Nothing At All because i have wrecked this thang beyond recognition <3
If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
definitely Burn a Church by Coma Cinema bc it's been in my mock-soundtrack playlist for years and fits the vibes really well :3 the playlist in question is kind of a mess and old as hell but i'll link that too just in case ^_^
What are your favorite characters that you made? Why?
curtis definitely, i think i get caught up on the details of everyone but he is the most wholly developed and also umm. very similar to me so i love him dearly. he is the worst.
What other pieces of media do you think your fanbase would share?
if you like weird indie movies about young mentally unwell people that may or may not be queer and/or on da spectrum... you will enjoy my garbage and such movies as I Am Not a Serial Killer, As You Are, Super Dark Times, etc. ALSO magnus archives fans maybe bc of the whole Mold Cult thing that is still under development
What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?
settling on a format was and is still my number one struggle lol. i have switched between a book, comic, videogame, screenplay, website... i have like 50000 drafts scattered across different websites and applications and if this thing ever comes to life i think i will actually fucking ascend
Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
ssssssssssort of. there are a lot of dead animals. and fungi. and mold. there have been some minor pet ideas thrown around for the more. Safe Environment characters but for the time being no actual lovable creatures :/ maybe eventually!
How do your characters travel/get around?
Juno's car because mr. dumbass dumped his murder truck into a river ^_^
What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
....yes. in all seriousness i have so many different versions in different POVs and tenses it's a toss up as to what i work on and if it will even make it to the next round of editing LOL
What aspects (tropes, maybe?) will you think draw your audience in?
its not quite explicitly queer (in the latest version) but heavily HEAVILY implied and i feel like the stories that are sort of ambiguous about their queerness tend to draw more people in ?? or they're more popular anyway LOL. so trope: queerbaiting ????
deeply unwell man who has not slept properly in 600 years. the ladies love that shit
^ unreliable narrator ?
religious horror sort of?
bury your gays except. is he actually dead?? .....
What are your hopes for your WIP?
to settle on a fucking medium LMAO. i cannot for the life of me stick to one, or a point of view, OR a tense so um . makin a goddamn decision would probbaly make the writing process like 600 times easier
tagging UM. shaking my brain for writer mutuals ik ive tagged yall before but i cannot think rn so @hammity-hammer @aether-friskets @xxdrowninglessonsxx @deviantartidentitydisorder
anyway if anyone else wants do this just pretend u have been personally tagged ily THANK U AGAIN MITCH ♡♡♡
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Any chance you guys got any advice about maintaining work, employment, or at least a consistent schedule to do some app contractor job like doordash? Like, I know employment isn’t an indicator of worth, but self worth doesn’t pay the rent. I’m asking yall specifically because a lot of the problems are caused by being a system- memory gaps, decisions that one alter makes that screws over the rest of us, triggers being activated, stuff like that. I can’t wait for the 2~ years it takes to get on disability.
Hi! We’ve got the work part and our host fronting right now, and we’re probably the alters in our system most equipped to answer this. We’re unable to work jobs that are very physically or mentally demanding due to our disabilities, and we currently work almost full time as a delivery driver/sometimes manager for a pizza chain. Here’s how we handle that!
Under a cut because it got so long - sorry!
1. A designated work part
Having one part, alter, or headmate who is willing to and capable of managing a job has been, for us, essential. I (Corrie, but first as Margo) have been the work part for our system since we got our first job at 15, and for 11 years I’ve been handling our employment! I took it upon myself to make work my own responsibility, with help from our gatekeeper, who helps to ensure I’m fronting when I need to be.
However, there have been weird days, times when the system is triggered, when I’ve been too unwell, or something else has happened to keep me from the front, when we’ve had to have another part take over so we can make it to work. So, for us, having a couple other parts who are at least willing to try fronting for work has been immensely helpful. In our system, Parker and Kip have both helped us out in the past when I haven’t been able to front for whatever reason. I’ve more or less “trained” them through them cofronting with me at work, and talking them through different tasks we are responsible for on the clock when I’m able.
2. Calendars, and alarms
Another very important aspect of being employed as a system, for us. Our alarms go off to wake us up, to let us know how much time we have to get ready for work, and to let us know what time we need to leave. Our phone calendar has task reminders for thing that need to be completed weekly or monthly, along with deadlines for projects, certification renewals, and things like that. All of our alarms have lengthy labels, some of them with references to notes in a Google Doc/ our notes app, so whoever sees the alarm can know what it’s for and how to respond accordingly.
3. Notes and CHECKLISTS!!
Oh how our system loves checklists! Checklists help us feel like we’re making progress and work as a visual aid for what we’ve completed during the work day. We have a few permanent checklists used by different members of our system, all located in our notes app on our phone. We have:
A good morning checklist, with items like brushing teeth, taking medication, eating breakfast, and getting dressed in our uniform
Along with other checklists like a delivery checklist, an inside checklist, a manager’s checklist, and a before-we-leave checklist. We also make a new checklist every day for things that change, like managing food prep and other tasks that vary
We also have notes to keep track of other work-related things, like how to clock in, how to take an order, and how to make certain food items. All of these notes, along with the checklists, are grouped together in a work folder in our notes app! A system member needs only to search for what they need help with, and we likely have a pre written note that can point them in the right direction.
4. Honesty with our parts, coworkers, and ourselves
We often have to be blunt with alters who could not handle fronting at work. We’ve had lengthy discussions with our system to explain why certain alters should not be permitted to front at work, and why certain alters are the most capable of fronting at work. We’ve been lucky in that hardly ever have we had a non-work part fronting for a shift! Being genuine, honest, and serious with our system about our boundaries and capabilities when it comes to working has helped us in this regard.
We’ve also had to be open with our boss and, to a lesser extent, our coworkers regarding our symptoms and disabilities. We have never, ever, disclosed our diagnoses to anyone we work with, and we don’t plan on ever doing this! However, we have told our boss that we struggle with mental health, that we have difficulties with amnesia and depression, and that we may need accommodations like taking time off or requiring extra assistance from time to time. Our boss has been incredibly understanding and has worked with us whenever we’ve experienced a crisis, PTSD symptoms, or other issues relating to our disabilities at work.
Please check your local laws to see whether or not you will be required to disclose your disability/ies (if you have any) to your new potential boss or manager. If it’s not necessary, we recommend keeping diagnoses to yourself, and disclosing symptoms as they arise on a need-to-know basis. This can help keep yourself and your system safer and more secure in the long run!
5. Distress tolerance and trigger management
Outside of work (so I, Corrie, don’t really front for this, but Parker does), we’ve been working on building our distress tolerance, recognizing what triggers us, and learning new DBT skills to add to our self care and PTSD management toolkit. Therapy has been really really helpful with this, but we’ve also been learning a lot from our DBT workbook (<- hyperlink to Amazon) - we recommend it quite regularly on this blog.
Doing this sort of work when we’re not at our job has made it a bit easier for those of us who do front at work to be able to do so without getting triggered, anxious, or upset as much! When we know how to effectively regulate our emotions, we’re more equipped to handle distressing situations while on the clock. It’s still a work in progress, and we’re not perfect at managing our emotions yet! But we’re practicing and making an effort, and we’ve finally reached a point where our efforts are showing results even at work.
Sorry this got so long! Hopefully there’s something here that could help your system when finding employment and starting work. Working for a living can be incredibly challenging, but in many cases, getting on disability or receiving government assistance can be much more difficult or nearly impossible to achieve!
If any of our followers are plural and work/are employed, please feel free to share any other tips or tricks you have! We’re sorry if this response is all over the place or if there really isn’t much useful info here. We’re wishing y’all the very best of luck with finding profitable, manageable employment in the future!
🌷 Corrie and 💫 Parker
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Hello! ✨
You asked for some serious tea, and I'll give the favour back. What about Anders and Meredith? :3
[ask game]
Oh boy, getting right to the meat huh? xD (ty for the ask!)
First impression: "Lmfao. Already love this dude." I saw him first in Awakening and i still love his character intro there so much fjsdljdfl. His animation/body language and the "wans't me." when the Warden runs into him is very fun.
Impression now: Literal embodiment of poor little meow meow. Kind of an ass but one of the most intriguing characters in the series. The fandom does him dirty by woobifying him
Favorite moment: Well again, love his DAA intro lol, but his DA2 intro also kicks ass. The way he's immediately ready to throw hands if sb threatens the clinic... kind of sad, really, but also very badass
Idea for a story: .. wish i had one :') Would love sth about his youth and his time in the Circle & with Karl, or his POV in Amaranthine.
Unpopular opinion: I do not like his romace. And before yall come at me fkldjsl, i mean it as in, i don't like how it is framed? Like. I think the romance is super intense and intriguing! But imo it does not feel healthy at all in the way that it is portrayed (especially the rivalmance, but i have gripes with rivalmances in general), and I wished the games would treat it more as "Anders (and potentially Hawke) are Very Unwell and not treating this relationship the way they should, rather than "this is fine :)"
Favorite relationship: Justice! For obvious reasons, i am sure xD Truth be told i am not the person to turn to abt meta or hcs about them, but i do love
Favorite headcanon: As said above, basically anything to do with him and Justice. Absolutely love seeing different interpretations of how they interact post possession. Also sth that is practically canon to me, but i love the HC that Hawke (regardless of romance) lets him stay at their estate for refuge, and/or lets him use the expansive basement as an extension to his clinic (ik the entrance being right beside the clinic doesn't make much sense lol, but also: Kirkwall canonically has elaborate tunnel systems under the surface, so why shouldn't there be one that leads up to the Hawke estate?)
First impression: This is the bitch??? Who allowed you to have a badass intro ftw. More composed and polite than expected. (re: her Actual Intro Scene, i know she's present behind the scenes right from the start)
Impression now: Love to hate her. Themes. Narratives. Still a bitch tho.
Favorite moment: Well. Her intro was cool xD DA2 has a way of doing that. Also cannot deny that her going batshit with that red lyrium and animating the gallows statues was pretty damn cool.
Idea for a story: Meredith POV from anywhere in Act 2 onwards. Yes it's easy to assume what she was doing and why but i wanna Know. I wanna look into her brain.
Unpopular opinion: Hmm dunno if i have one? Idk if this is unpopular but i think the very direct and very personal power she has over Hawke and their immediate surroundings makes her feel more threatening than either Loghain or Cory
Favorite relationship: Well. Hawke. Unsurprisingly xD Biting them like a chew toy.
Favorite headcanon: Hmm drawing a blank on this one rn x'D Might come back to it when i think of one dsfjdf
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lucidicer · 1 year
thank u @birdietrait for the tag 🥹🫶
get to know the blogger 🤞
1. show your wallpaper
i will take any opportunity to do so 🤭
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2. last song you listened to
blue - dreamnote <3
3. currently reading?
nothing right now! but i plan on reading no longer human since i just recently bought it :D
4. last movie?
the first saw movie
5. last show?
the gap the series 😁
6. craving?
i only just got my appetite back but pizza real bad
7. what are you wearing rn?
one of those silly print shirts in the mens section and some sweatpants
8. how tall are you?
5'4 / 165cm
9. tattoos?
i have none currently but i have a lot i want and have planned out
10. glasses/contacts?
dont have any but my eyesight is god awful, i get double vision a lot and i can barely see a couple meters in front of me 💀💀
11. last thing you ate?
cereal, only thing ive been able to eat pfhfjfh
12. favourite colour?
13. current obsession?
hasanabi 🤕 idk what happened yall ive been enjoying his content for years and then boom suddenly he got a real tight grip on me
14. any pets?
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15. favourite fictional character?
this is a complex answer because im unwell okay 💀 but this is separated into two categories of those i kin and those i do not because i feel theres a very distinct way in which i enjoy the characters that are from such a different perspective that it's important to distinguish them so for ones i kin its ian gallagher and for ones i dont its mac mcdonald 😁
16. last place you traveled?
havent been able to travel anywhere in forever cause of costs and then covid :( but turkey! it was like 9 years ago at this point :( i miss it so badddd
not tagging anyone specifically cause im still feeling real overwhelmed lmao do it if u want to
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bitchkay · 7 months
I watched the last episode of aot and holy fuck I've been crying all morning I need to scream into the void I love it so much I'm in so much pain I'm in so much pain I'm in so much pain oh my god I need to scream, I'm so sad it's over ITS OVER I read the manga and I'm still so fucked up about this I'm ded I'm experiencing I've been so emotionally invested in this anime for the past 10 years AND ITS OVER I've never been normal in my entire life oh my god im so unwell, it's over, its really over, I loves the episode so much oh my god, is any of thus even coherent at this point I'm just typing oh my god I'm gonna cry again I love Attack on titan so much yall the episode was so good oh god I love it I can't believe the series is over oh my god is it really over what if I just rewatch it and pretend none of it's real oh my god I love when [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted]  [redacted] [redacted] [redacted]  [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] oh my god I feel like I just lost something very important to me, it's not gone but it's over, its actually over, Attack on titan has been with me since I was in elementary school and now it's over holy fuck I remember when season two finally came out and I remember when I first started reading the manga and I remember when season 3 aired, I had my phone taken away but I would sneak it back every week to watch, I remember when the manga ended, it was in the mid season 4 part 2 and a new episode dropped right after I didn't even have time to recover before I was crying again holy hell I'm not okay ignore me I'm not normal at all rn lemme get off this
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incarnateirony · 1 year
Ladies, when cis men told me you wanted everything built to ridiculous levels of comfort, I told them to stop being liars and exaggerating, that maybe a few girls did it but it wasn't many, and guys could be assholes too.
I am begging you to cease proving this to me by running around like little dicks going UWU BUT ANTI-TAG THIS POST ABOUT JARED'S VERY REAL MARKETING AND POLITICAL STANCES I AM ARE FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE, no, you're the delusional assholes that need to read this, I don't have to comply with your mhi to keep your weird little fragile bubble together. You're the ones anti-jared at this point, you are literally arguing against his marketing wholesale. I don't have to hallucinate with you, you are not my daughter, I do not have to maintain your pillows and stuffies in your bedroom for your comfort. This isn't Anti Jared Padalecki. This is reality. I tagged it jared padalecki because it's reality about jared padalecki. If you'd like I can tag it reality next time too.
And no it aint just jared stans that do it if my 3 day straight bender about it happening every 2 hours didn't give you a clue. But god DAMN I am about to sound like the dudeingest fucking dude ever but this place NEEDS some fuckin testosterone because I don't know what yall have done with yourselves in here but everyone's gone bananas. so now it's time for Lone Straight Trans Man to Talk Big again and you to all get Uncomfortable that someone Will Not Be Cowed To Your Nagging Horse Shit. If we can skip the normal transmasc panic chapter where 100 of you pretend you're afraid of one of me along the way, that'd be great.
Jared abandoned you. He doesn't care about SPN. He's leaned into the right wing. The reasoning is all in the post you whined about having to be faced reality with reading. None of this is anti-jared. It is a list of decisions he has made for his marketing and public image. The uncomfortable feeling you're having right now is being offended that Jared also does not care about your opinions. But go argue with him and opinion at him about that. Stop pretending the world has to hallucinate these things aren't going on with you. Your MHI is not my responsibility. I repeat, I am not your father.
The funny thing is the amount of blatantly unwell parasocialization it takes to read a post saying "This man no longer cares about this TV show and publicly has these political opinions and does not care if you approve of them" is "anti Jared" because, oh my god, Karen's having a come to Jacksus moment and realizing nobody, not even fucking jared, cares about her opinion, and that can't stand. So that's anti-jared, right? That's why I'm Am Are Uncomfortable, right?
No, you're fucking uncomfortable because underneath your weird herd mentality you are an intelligent woman who has seen these things yourself and surrendered your individuality for performative group identity and you're staring at it and realizing you can't have your cake and eat it too.
Pick one. You literally can not have both. Follow him on his red path if you must but stop pretending you're in the blue lane. Or, hold him accountable silently and choose a different fave. It is genuinely not fucking complicated.
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LMAO I LOVE THAT YOU HAVE A 'RESPOND' REMINDER!! i wish all my teachers had that reminder too because man are they horrible w their response times
HAHAHAH OKAY JUST SEND IT TO ME IF YOU FIND IT??? i can't imagine you in a bluegrass band but at the same time i can... it's a mindfuck
except prayers work on tumblr and not on exams for some reason. like why did i pray just to get a 50%. 😭
AI BOTS?? do you mean the tumblr porn bots LMAOOO but cock is such a good work. i mean it just rolls right off the tongue keyboard...
NO BRIE YOU HAVE TO SEE LALAI CHEOL. AND VERNON. AND WONWOO. AND MINGYU. dude. they're such good performers 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
-a 🫨 anon that's feeling comfortably numb
Hmm. With teachers it’s a bit unacceptable. Like… hello??? That’s your job.
i still refuse to watch. When my friend gets back. Maybe. But i fear I’ll die.
NO FANFICS REALLY ARE POETRY. They’re so perfect and beautiful and heartbreaking. I still think about destiel fanfics that i read like eight years ago now. I was thinking about that elvis one- with the spilled milk the other day. So devastating and yet life altering.
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starlightkun · 9 months
okay but what if changer is my favourite starlightkun fic ever. what then 😳
also me the moment sungchan says he does astrophysics:
also y/n being absolutely so done with hyuck and jaemin is hilarious like when they're at jenos party and shes like is this chenles doing? no the terrible duo woke up again this morning and decided to make it my problem i see i see. or when shes trying not to ✨romance✨ sungchan and is like yeah i can say this to my pals. i could say this to shotaro and jaemin because they're both my pals. maybe not hyuck tho idk the vibes are off
no but genuinely this is one of my favourite fics you've ever written, it feels so natural and the way you wrote sungchan makes me feel so warm and fuzzy (i love finding people as insane about him as i am) i want to be there. also the denim baseball caps with lavender embroidery???? so fucking cute holy shit.
honestly with this pair i could see them pulling a tdhea and start dating but decide not to tell jaemin, hyuck or shotaro. like shotaro sees her walk out of sungchans bedroom in the morning and hes all 🤨 and y/ns like "studying werewolf anatomy is so HARD 🤪🤪🤪 thankfully sungchan is such a great teacher and goes slow at first so i can get the hang of it" like really fucking with them as payback for their meddling. or sungchan going up to hyuck and jaemin lamenting about his unrequited love and asking them for advice on what flowers to give someone who doesnt like you back and the dryads are like 🥺🥺 but they do like you back and sungchans like 😓 i am a man with faults, i have made mistakes 🤧 and i am not worth the pain or suffering 🫡🥲💀 like really playing into his loserboy potential
anyways thats all lives were changed, changer changed lives
omg 😳 ur fave 🥺🥺
and literally me writing any sort of learn'ed man who knows things about the stars like....at this point its inevitable its a canon event that i cannot interfere with in every single universe i will write a stargazing date like ajsfgjdfgkjg;; anywayyyy i hope they've all been different enough to not be too redundant??? or i hope that yall at least like stargazing dates too lmao
the rest of my response got sooo long and contains minor/vague changer spoilers so it's under the cut :)
dryad!hyuck: *exists*
half of the characters in the strawbsunday universe: idk the vibes are off
and im fr soooo glad there's one other person out here that's unwell in the head abt jung sungchan. im on my sungchanist shit 24/7 lately like between changer pt 1 being 22k, phantasmagorical pt 1 being 21k, and the both of them having pt 2s in the works........ im down bad and im never getting back up im telling u 🫠🫠
nahh bc if hyuck had to deal with ANOTHER oblivious (or "oblivious") pair after woos x strawbsunday reader and sungie x tdhea reader (bc in my canon timeline that i keep in my notes, changer does take place after both of those) he would literally kill somebody. like somebody would Die. he wouldn't bother beating around the bush either. he'd just sit the both of them down and very calmly say "you two have big fat stupid crushes on each other and if you don't fucking admit it im going to walk outside and commit vehicular homicide right now" with one of his eyes twitching. my bestie would be Fed Up. like sungchan x changer reader were only safe bc hyuck wasn't as good of friends with sungchan but if they pulled THAT shit they wouldn't be spared twice
NAWT the werewolf anatomy 😭😭😭 poor taro their rooms share a wall....... but, you know, reader IS an MCS student, and "there's so little literature on half-werewolves, it's a fascinating opportunity to get hands-on experience and research— hey taro why are you running away i haven't even told you about my thesis question yet"
also i agree w u that i could totally see changer reader and sung trying to pull a tdhea (with it being either one of their ideas tbh, they'd both think it would be hilarious), but werewolf sungchan is way too much of a simp (affectionate) and ruins it almost immediately. it's day 2 and they arrive separately to a movie night at jeno and jaemin's and reader is trying to ~coyly~ sit just close enough to sungchan on the couch but he's just so excited to see them he's like "oh hi baby!!" and pulls them onto his lap and and kisses them in front of EVERYONE. and their friends r all just like. "uh, fascinating way to tell us that ur dating, guys. cool." bc they all think that it was an intentional grand reveal and not sungchan royally fucking up them keeping it a secret [not canon but hilarious to imagine]
ALSO also your imitation of sung "😓 i am a man with faults, i have made mistakes 🤧 and i am not worth the pain or suffering 🫡🥲💀" had me cackling at my desk at work today like so true he IS loserboy (beloved) but we have not yet witnessed his peak simp behavior nor his peak loserboyness
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zackcollins · 3 years
If anyone needs me, I'm gonna be eating some ice cream to cope with the fact that Soup tapped Mitchy after Mitchy mauled him.
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softly-mossy · 3 years
    hey uhhh yall order some bt and cooper fluff. cause i’m servin it right now. 1k words, no angst, this is just fluff. moot is here too.
[ao3 link]
He wakes suddenly, jackknifing up with a yelp.
    Moot startles at the end of the bed, eyes wide and ears back. When she realizes there is no threat, she focuses on Cooper, crawling up the bunk to get closer. She plunks her head in his lap ungraciously, tail barely wagging, looking up at him with pitiful, begging eyes.
    His mind reels. It has been months since...he shakes his head. As long ago as it may have been, it still haunts him as if it happened yesterday. He raises his hands--shaking, he notices, he’s so upset that they’re shaking visibly-- to scrub his face. His palms wipe away salty tear trails as he tries to comfort himself.
    Cooper is distracted from his wallowing by a whine. Distractedly, he looks down and makes eye contact with Moot, making her tail wag furiously, thumping against the covers. With a heaved sigh, he slumps over, cradling her head in his hands and touching his forehead to hers.
    Just as quickly as she was to offer comfort, Moot wriggles out of his grasp. Her nails click against the floor as she eases off the bed, moving to stand by the door. She huffs, not-quite-a-bark, to get his attention.
    Blearily, Cooper looks up. He knows what she wants.
    He wants it, too.
    ��You wanna go see him?” he murmurs, smirking. 
    The tail thumps against the wall in a quick rhythm, the dog shifting feet excitedly. 
    “You’re gonna wake the others with your thumpin’,” he scolds, swinging his legs over the edge of the bunk. His bare feet touch the cold floor, almost making him recoil. He is wont to leave the warmth of the bunk, but his nerves demand that he move to ease his anxiety. Quickly, he puts on socks and throws an old MCOR hoodie over his head. Stuffing his hands in the pocket, he plods over to the door.
    It opens as he approaches, sensing his motion. Moot immediately shoves past him to get into the hallway outside, nearly knocking him off-kilter in the process. Cooper braces himself against the door with one hand to keep from stumbling.
    Moot is already at the turn in the hall ahead of him, waiting impatiently. She does not go further until he nears. Once he reaches her, she scoots ahead to the next turn. 
    She most certainly knows where they’re headed.
    At the final door between them and the hangar, she’s by far too excited to stay still. Darting back to Cooper, she circles around him before dashing back to the door. A bark threatens to escape; Moot manages to muffle it at the very last second. 
    She’s hurrying him, he realizes. She’s trying to herd him towards the door to make him move quicker. 
    “I’m comin’, I’m comin’,” he chuckles as he punches in the code for the door. As soon as it starts to sweep open, Moot is wriggling into the meager gap between the door and the frame to get inside. As he follows behind her, he realizes she’s halfway across the hangar already, bee-lining it to her destination. He feigns an air of calmness, walking slowly over to where she stops despite his urge to follow Moot’s lead and haul ass over.
    Already, he can see the cyan glow from inside the dock. Struts creak as they’re tested. 
    “Hello, there,” a familiar, comforting voice rumbles from within. Moot finally gives in and barks happily. A giant hand appears from the dock, moving to gently pat Moot’s head with one finger. It is slow and incredibly careful doing so, aware of how small Moot is.
    The sound of his voice makes Cooper instantly relax, the tension bleeding out of his body. His shoulders slump; he consciously makes an effort to stop gritting his teeth. His spine relaxes from the ramrod-stiff posture he had reflexively taken. It literally feels like the weight of his nightmare has been lifted off his shoulders and mind. 
    As he rounds the corner to look in the dock, he’s met with the same familiar cyan light he saw earlier. BT kneels down on his haunches to be closer to his Pilot, hands propped on his knee joints. 
    “Cooper,” he comments, optic shuttering as he scrutinizes the other. “You look...unwell.”
    Reflexively, he huffs a laugh. Of course BT would state the obvious. 
    Cooper also knows the Titan will do what he can to fix it. 
    “Yeah, I--” he rubs his face with his hands tiredly. “It happened again.”
    “I understand,” BT rumbles to him. The Vanguard shifts, cracking open the cockpit with a hiss. One of his hands moves from his knee to place palm-up in front of Cooper. 
    Cooper balks, despite himself. Normally, he simply spends time near the Titan to remind himself that, yes, BT is intact, safe and sound, before heading back to his bunk. 
    BT seems to have other plans.
    “I can tell this was a particularly severe recurrence,” the Titan comments. “Your biorhythms are irregular and your heart is beating rapidly.” He looks straight at Cooper. “I can also tell it will be hard for you to go back to resting feeling as such.”
    “So, your plan is to just keep me here? Is there an ulterior motive?” the Pilot snorts. 
    “Yes,” BT states bluntly. “The ‘ulterior motive’ is keeping you calm and at ease. In your state, the only way that can be done is to stay in close proximity for the rest of the night until your shift starts.”
    “You want me to sleep here?”
    “That is the idea.” BT shifts his optic to look at Moot. “There is room for Moot, as well.”
    Cooper sighs, somewhat-defeatedly. There’s no point in arguing. The Titan is right in every aspect. Wordlessly, he stoops over to heft Moot off the ground and into his arms. She goes willingly, though her tail whaps against his side in this position. 
    Carefully, he steps up into the offered palm, leaning back against BT’s curled fingers for balance as it moves closer to the Titan’s chassis. BT waits for him to embark patiently. 
    Slumping into the seat, he releases his grip on Moot only for her to stay put in his lap. 
    “You’re too heavy,” he sighs, nudging her. “You’re not a lap dog.”
    She pays him no mind, snuggling down into a ball and resting her head on the armrest. He knows that, truly, if he wanted her to move, he could make her. She could sleep on the floor between his feet.
    He can’t find enough cruelty within him to disturb her.
    “Rest well, Pilot,” BT rumbles, the constant thrum of systems working lulling him to sleep already. “I will see you in the morning.”
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factual-fantasy · 3 years
Come get yall’s bread
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Aww thank you! And I hope you have a great new years too! :}
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When I darn well feel like it.
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I don’t know how old Brown Suburban would actually be compared to Ratchet or Optimus, I’m just going off of the age of the actual cars. Which means that excluding A.T., technically Green Truck is actually older than Brown Suburban.
If I knew how old was considered elderly, and how old was considered young for the TFP transformers than I could confirm whether or not he was older than Ratchet. But I don’t so I’m just assuming that he would be.
Oh and the angst? Yup. Brown Suburban was supposed to be this guy that no matter which wrecker you spoke to, they would always say, “Oh yeah, that guy Brown Suburban? He was already a wrecker when I signed up.” He was like one of the very first wreckers, and saw a lot of them come and go. He saw Ratchet in his younger starry eyed days and he saw Vega back when he was popular on Cybertron.
He knew Bash Buggy before there was even a scratch on him. He knew the Dragsters before they.. well.. yeah. He knew Green Truck before his bleed out and Optimus before his lead, he’s seen a lot.
At this point I wonder if he’s sick of change and just wants something to stay the same forever. Just one thing that he can look at and find peace in the fact that it has stayed the same all these years..
Which you know, would probably be Brown Suburban himself. That thing hasn’t aged a day since the race track I’m telling ya! Its amazing what love, care, and being stored undercover can do for a car like that.
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Well hold on now! Slow down there partner, this is Captain Barnacles were talking about.
This absolute teddy bear would never hurt someone out of anger or spite, even if he truly hated that person. Its just not like him, the worst he would do is give that person a dirty look whenever they were around, but he would never lash out and hurt someone like that, despite his supposed instincts. He’s just too gentle and kind for that.
And as for the being spiteful of Bianca’s mate thing? Well his dad left them too, all polar bear dads don't stick around for the cubs for some reason. For the Captain I feel like he would feel like its just a normal thing that happens in polar bear families. It happened to his own mom, him and his sister, to all of his friends and to their parents too.
Grizzly and polar bear dads not sticking around is just how things are, a fact of life. Its just what they do for some reason. I don’t think he’d be spiteful or upset really. Unless he saw that his sister was struggling with the cubs maybe he’d wish things were different? I honestly don’t think he’d think about it or mention it.
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Green Truck is keepin his cheeks, but Vega is pretty unwell at the moment. More on that in a later ask. :}
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Bruh, can you imagine.
If Captain Barnacles could lift up Brown Suburban? The Octopod wouldn’t need its engine anymore. Because the Captain could just push it everywhere.
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Yeah I’ve watched every episode and all the movies. Fun stuff. :}
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XD Nice, my friend and the existence of the Conductor is dragging me into the fandom by my feet.
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Oh! No no no I don’t do commissions, nor do I ever plan to. As for why, I have at least 5 reasons off the top of my head.
I already have a job, so the extra money isn’t something I desire.
I have witnessed first hand a loved one turn their art into a job and then loose their passion for it, I ain’t about to follow in their footsteps.
I don’t even know how to do them, and I can grantee that what ever I need to do to set up a commission system would be too much for my peanut brain to understand.
I’m an absolute friggin idiot and would 100% get scammed over and over again because I don’t have common sense and don’t know how anything works.
I’m not a people person and wouldn’t know how to handle someone raging at me for telling them to pay me for my art
Not good stuff my guy. :/
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Thank you! And can you really blame him? XD With his bizarre vision, things sometimes seem really strange to him. He can never really truly trust his eye sight and if what he’s seeing is correct, but that’s all he’s got to help him identify the things around him.
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Thank you so much that really means a lot when referring to my Transformer OCs because I legit put my heart and soul into these characters but deep down felt like they weren’t good enough because they weren’t appreciated at the level that I hoped that they would be-
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Thank you very much! I sure hope its gotten better, or else all these hours a day I spent drawing would’ve been a waste haha!..
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I missed him too <:}. Lol but he probably doesn't miss me though after what I did to him haha..ha..
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I headcannon that Peso has a form of separation anxiety of sorts, and just anxiety in general. 
Peso grew up in a huge colony of Penguins, a lot of those Penguins being his close relatives. He was always surrounded by people who loved him and would not hesitate to protect him at all costs. Everywhere he turned was someone there for him you know? I imagined that he was totally relaxed in his colony, a completely different person to the one we know now. Totally calm and happy being surrounded by the safety net that was his colony.
Well, after becoming an Octonaut, his safety net of comfort and peace went from being composed of like probably 1000+ Penguins, to only 6 people. 6, that’s it. Just 6 people.  
His crew is tiny, and Peso finds safety and comfort in numbers. He didn’t realize it before but he does now, he hates being alone, and being in a tiny crew creates a lot of situations where he’s alone.
Because of this, Peso has a tendency to latch on to people in a way. Like he’ll be completely normal and chill when he’s on the Octopod, because that safety net is now the feeling of being safe and sound in the Octopod. But when he’s out on a mission? Or even worse, when he’s out on his own? He may hide it pretty well, but he honestly stresses out pretty bad if he gets separated from the group.
I feel like Captain Barnacles knows this about Peso, and understands it better than anyone else does. The Captain understands where his fear is coming from, seeing that he feels it too when he’s alone. That’s why the Captain tries to get Peso to go out on short solo missions when he can, to better help him gain his independence and get over his fear.
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One of us.. One of us... ONE OF US... ONE OF US!!!
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You know who would be a scary pair? Tweak and Escort. You put two brains like that together and nothing can stop them.
Tweak be coming out with the Gup-🅱 that’s like all of the gups put together plus its a rocket ship.
And then you’ve got Escort walking away being able to make nucellar bombs that are as big as tick-tacks.
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Green Truck and Escort are doing wonderfully, Vega however... ehh.. not so much.
The plan to convert Green Truck into a welding truck has been tossed out. Looks like he’s keeping his butt after all. Also Green Trucks carburetor has been replaced and he is running SO much better. Really, he drives fantastically, and we’re really happy with the turn out. I’d say Green Truck is doing just fine in life right now.
Escort hasn’t had any recent upgrades however, actually he’s had some downgrades.. His driver side door handle came off and I think his floor leak maaay be getting worse.. But you know? His engine is still smooth like butter. His driver is very satisfied with how genuinely nice this little tin can runs. Escort is legitimately running better than I think he ever has probably. After getting his engine all cleared out he really is a neat and pretty reliable little car.
As for Vega?... Well.. if being a fire hazard counts as staying warm I’d say he’s doing great!.. But seriously, he is no longer road safe. You see, Vega has a unique leaking issue where the oil around his pistons evaporates into a vapor and leaks through his breathers. This oil then travels down towards the front of the engine and begins to drip onto the Vega’s headers. The hottest external part of the engine. Of course, oil + heat = serious fire hazard. The last time we drove him we were all holding our breath watching as his temperature gage was going crazy and just praying that this thing didn't burst into flames on the highway.
Basically, either we bring a fire extinguisher with us on joy rides and hope he survives the burns, or, we keep him cooped up nice and safe until we can fix his leak. His driver obviously chose the latter.
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I’ve never been comfortable with people drawing my OCs. But because my Transformer OCs didn't have as much support as I had hoped, I made a list of fanart rules and forced myself to let people draw them so hopefully they would get more recognition. 
But if I’m being totally honest, I wouldn’t be very happy to receive fanart, no matter if the artist followed the rules or not. So I’m going to say that no, I don’t accept fanart of any of my OCs anymore..
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Hank u! ♡●ᴗ●♡
Who are these babies? Oh just some of my beautiful baby boys of course. They are transformer-afied versions of these two real life cars as you can see here, I think you can guess who is who in the picture. :}
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 As for an explanation to where they came from.. A while back I got into a show called Transformers Prime you see, and I wanted to make some OCs based of off the show.
So, I took 16 of my real life family cars and turned them into Transformers. Something I had thought about doing for a very long time. I took these 16 characters and gave them personalities, unique relationships with each other and back stories that intertwined and connected like a web. 
Suburban and Escort are conically best friends so I drew them a lot together back then. After the Transformer thing didn't work out quite as well as I’d hoped.. I eventually dropped them all together. But as you can see I felt the need to draw my babies again, so I did. :}
If you want to learn more about my Transformer OCs you can see the original post here that shows all the characters. And then you can search “transformer ocs” on my blog and find some art if you scroll past all the asks. (The asks have some info though if you want to learn more about them story wise) :}
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muwur · 4 years
long distance headcanons
✧ hc’s ✧ for daichi, suga, hinata & tsukki
❧ gn reader
✎ 1.5k words
a/n: hello yall this is my first post! nobody asked, but i just started this haikyuu reader insert blog, feel free to check my page n see wazzap. also requests are open pls come fhorfjepfiwf;
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✧ after high school, he stayed in miyagi while you went to tokyo, about 5 hours away, for college
✧ texting or calling whenever u can!
✧ you be like “heyyy”
✧ then he clap back with a “go focus on your lecture”
✧ “im not in lectureee”
✧ “you gave me your schedule so i know you’re in the middle of class”
✧ “...”
✧ makes sure you’re awake on time for your classes and calls you if he thinks you’re oversleeping (and hes usually right, this man just KNOWS)
✧ “morning y/n, i think you need to get to class soon”
✧ “mmrghhhghhh” *checks time* “holy sHI-- i forgot to set my alarm. IMMA BE LATE. THANKS DAICHI I LOVE YOU ILL TALK TO YOU LATER BYE”
✧ definitely skips out on some nights out with his friends to video chat you. you catch up, talk about future plans, reminisce, complain about not being able to hug one another, etc. occasionally one of you falls asleep on call, particularly after a long day or week. if he sleeps, you make sure you screenshot his sleeping face and start a picture collection  
✧ you hit him up when you get drunk lMAO
✧ “daiichiii, i miss youuu, i needdd youuuu AND i needa peeee---” “hey daichi, this is y/n’s friend. y/n’s pretty out of it now but they’ll be okay! we’re heading back to our place right now” “im gonna pEE IN THIS CAR”
✧ daichi coordinates with your friends to make sure you arrive home safely, use the bathroom, and get tucked into bed. he thanks the universe you have good friends. if it weren’t for them he’d probs have a heart attacc. sends you cute, reassuring voice messages for you to wake up to the next morning with hangover tips he learned from suga
✧ always checks in with you throughout the day, every day. able to pick up on the slightest hints if you’re feeling unwell and calls you immediately to try to make you feel better
✧ makes plans to visit you! you get really excited to introduce him to your college friends (who, after meeting him, tell you not only is he a hottie but is such a kind guy, fosho a keeper. they also ask if he has any cute friends)
✧ either holding your hand or has an arm around you most of the time.
✧ you spend all day together outside and wandering the city, then spend the night back at your place (sorry roommate, but we’re gonna have to kick you out for a lil bit--)    
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✧ you finally secured a job! unfortunately, the company required you to work for a year at their main facility, which was a 4 hour drive away from miyagi
✧ if suga wasn’t needed in miyagi for his teaching job, he would’ve tried to come with you
✧ after unloading your things in your new apartment and before parting ways, suga was like
✧ “everything’s unloaded everything from the car?”
✧ “yes maam”
✧ “do you have enough snacks?”
✧ “we just went to the grocery hun”
✧ “did you bring enough underwear?”
✧ “gDI yEs I dID”
✧ “:c promise to call me often”
✧ “<3333 of course”</p>
✧ good morning texts before y’all leave for work! you send each other cute pictures when you’re getting ready for the day (suga with bedhead, brushing his teeth? suga with his tie half done?? sign me up)
✧ always texts you when something reminds him of you, usually sends a picture along with it
✧ “the store was having a special on oranges today! this one reminds me of you”
✧ “why”
✧ “it just looks so cute~”
✧ will immediately call you if you send him any sort of message that worries him
-“hello? y/n what’s wrong, why is there blood?? speak to me, you haven’t replied in 5 minutes”
✧ “ohhh my bad, i’m just cleaning up don’t worry! i didn’t explain, but the picture i sent you isn’t blood, it’s ketchup i spilled on myself lolol”
✧ poor man nearly fainted from worry
✧ would pay you a surprise visit, making sure to plan it carefully so he knew you weren’t busy with work or plans. brings you gifts of your favorite snacks and a scarf that matches one of his own for the upcoming winter
✧ plans out that weekend for y’all, mans did his research beforehand. together, you toured the city and the surrounding nature, took lots of selfies (and many candids of you), and taste tested lots of foods before returning to your apartment and collapsing into your bed with exhaustion
✧ but y’all not too tired for cuddling n a lil something else >.>
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✧ sure, being a couple hours away was hard for some... but y’all in different countries right now
✧ calls you immediately when there’s any inconvenience that occurs in his life, no matter how minor, thinking you’ll know how to fix it (or at least give him the reassurance he needs)
✧ “hey y/n...”
✧ “what’s wrong? you sound worried”
✧ “i broke my bike, what do i do”
✧ “you what? are you alright?? how? where are you? it’s midnight there, honey”
✧ “i was biking back to my apartment after staying late to practice! i didn’t wanna hit this turtle, so i swerved into a pole and now my bike’s wrecked :**”
✧ “ahh, are you okay?? you’re not hurt are you :(”
✧ “no, im okay... but im tired and i have two miles to go ;(((”
✧ “;( im sorry babe but you gotta walk home. we’ll get you a new bike. ill stay on the phone with you until you get back. tell me about your day <3″</p>
✧ talks about you all the time to his friends! introduces you through video chat to them! “look how pretty and cute y/n is!”
✧ together you work out your time differences and busy schedules so you can chat whenever possible
✧ he lets you know whenever he bought something for you, but never shows it to you because he’s excited to see your reaction in person when you reunite
✧ always asks you to send him pictures of yourself, he wants to see what you look like everyday he’s missing you in real life
✧ you surprise visit HIM. he’s so happy he could cry. shows you around every place he loves, shows you off to everyone he knows, holds your hand the entire time and never wants to let go, is practically glued to you not that you mind  
✧ you spend your last night together lying in the grass, hand in hand, looking at the stars and sharing sweet kisses  
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✧ y’all went to separate universities. while he stayed relatively close to miyagi, you went across the country to okinawa, which was about a 3 hour flight away
✧ he sees all the couples around campus n becomes lowkey bitter, texts you immediately about gross pda like hand holding that he secretly wishes he could do with you “these people in relationships are too happy, i didn’t ask to see them gawk at each other all day” “u just miss me lmao”
✧ once overheard a convo on a shuttle at school that went like :
✧ person 1: “ugh, he’s so cute”
✧ person 2: “why dont you go out with him??”
✧ person 1: “i dunno, his dorm’s down the street, i can’t really do long distance”
✧ nANI (by the way, this is a irl conversation my friend overheard, oml)
✧ tsukki nearly choked on his morning coffee
✧ bothers texts you in class bc he’s bored and in need of your attention
✧ “hey tsukki this prof’s lectures are rlly dense, i needa focus, ill text u after”
✧ “but arent i more interesting than rocks”
✧ “trust me, id even rather watch some dino documentaries with you than be here”
✧ *read*
✧ likes to chat with you most nights as he lies in bed before going to sleep, staring up at the dark ceiling and listening to your voice through his headphones. usually just talking about how your days went (as if you weren’t texting all day) or just casual talk and banter
✧ you remind him to make sure he’s taking care of himself and eating well
✧ “who are you? my mother?”
✧ “no but you’re about to be single”
✧ surprise visits you, tells you it was yamaguchi’s idea when it was really his own and yamaguchi was just teasing him about it  
✧ you show him around the city, sharing what you know about its rich history and culture. you visit most areas you both wanted to see before calling it a day
✧ your roommate conveniently spends that night over at their friend’s they just wanna give you alone time, which y’all very much needed. you make it a note to repay your roommate somehow.
✧ sweet lovin that he’s been missing, then some spooning as you sleep    
a/n: just wanna tackle these about 4 characters at a time but if u wanna see this headcanon w/ other characters feel free to hmu w/ an ask <3<b> also sorry if i text type a lot and that im inconsistent with my apostrophes, let me know if that’s something you want me to fix! 
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shin-so-sleepy · 5 years
Shouto, Iida and Yaoyorozu with a fem s/o who is kinda clingy (physically) because they're touch starved but they feel bad and feel like they're being annoying so they don't do anything but try to drop hints about it? Sorry if it's worded weirdly. And btw, I love the new blog already. Good luck friendo!!
8:26 pm - get ready for 3 lovably awkward children just trying to make you happy! i’ve triple-checked this but if yall find any errors lmk
Todoroki Shōto
— touch-starved as well, honestly? this boi wasn’t very welcoming of physical contact in general until he got more comfortable with you
— but he adapted, and he learned to accept your clingy nature! yet he has yet to begin to reciprocate it due to being a kinda-socially-awkward bean
— is very receptive to your moods, he’s quick to know when something’s up, yet still hesitates to ask in fear of invading your personal privacy, so he’ll keep his doubts to himself
— his suspicions about something being off with you only grow when you don’t gently bump his side as you walk past him, or don’t loop your arm in his when you walk to classes together like you normally would
— is still unsure if he should confront you about it. but he starts to take initiative of more hand-holding, something that you usually take charge of because of his seemingly indifferent manner most of the time
— when you gently pull your hand away from his after he attempts to hold yours, he knows there’s a problem now. unfortunately, he assumes he’s hurt you in some way, jumping to the conclusion that he is the cause of your unusually distant attitude
— “y/n… if i’ve made you angry, please tell me. if i’ve unknowingly hurt you, give me a chance to make it right. i’ll make sure it won’t happen again, i promise”
— means his words 100,000%, and makes a promise to the both of you that he’ll do better, that he’ll be better, *dramatically sighs*
— aaaaaand cut! - to you frantically flapping your arms around in an attempt to assure him that that’s not the case at all and that it’s actually your own fault for giving him any cause for doubt
— once the situation is explained, he gives you a long comforting hug to reassure you that you were never, in fact, annoying him; and he’ll make sure to communicate his appreciation for your affection more clearly in the future
Iida Tenya
— whooooey, here’s another slightly-socially-awkward butterfly…
— WARNING: handle with CARE because this bab is so scared of HURTING you that he’ll fall into a COMA if he finds out he’s been hurting you without realizing it!!!
— was definitely taken aback at your forwardness when it came to skinship, but he didn’t want you to get the wrong idea about it! he surely tries his best to hide how surprised he is everytime you come up to him for a hug or to intertwine your fingers
— don’t get him wrong though!! he loves and appreciates your affectionate gestures, he’s just a bit unused to it is all!
— despite this, he still tries to reciprocate as best as he can because he doesn’t want you to feel like he doesn’t return your feelings
— yet because of his tendency to stiffen when you cling to him, it’s easy to have that misconception of ‘oh, i’m bothering him aren’t i…’
— takes him a lil longer to notice your hints, because at first he doesn’t think anything of it when you aren’t as huggable and cuddly as usual
— a couple full days go by without any pda: no lingering hugs, no cheeky kisses, no anything?! iida’s managed to get the hint at this point, and is very worried that something’s wrong
— “y/n, has something happened? are you feeling well? i can’t help but notice the lack of affection from you recently and i find it worrisome that i haven’t gotten my daily dose of cuddles.”
— you’re hit with a brick of relief and explain to him that you had percieved his stiffness as annoyance, and he assures you that he’ll be more vocal about his appreciation as to not give you any doubts ever again
Momo Yaoyorozu
— this sweetheart loves your hugs and kisses, and is completely okay with your clingy nature!
— enjoys your presence very much, as it’s quite the calming one. she’ll blush and giggle everytime you peck her cheek as you pass by in the halls, and wear a flustered smile when you wrap your arms around her from behind
— while still a little shy when it comes to kisses in public, she’ll make it up to you through mega cuddles once you guys get some privacy
— is so accustomed to your constant displays of affection that she almost doesn’t notice when you pass her by with nothing but a mere wave, almost
— at first she assumes you’re just rushing to your next class, a logical explanation. but then, it happens again, and again, and.. again?
— you go to sit with her at lunch and she immediately notices when you don’t peck her on the cheek and give her a quick warmhearted nuzzle
— now she’s worried. were you feeling unwell? have you been lacking proper rest and therefore cannot maintain your usual loving embraces?? were you sick and afraid to infect her??? why would you be at school sick in the first place?????
— she looks to you, concerned, “y/n have you been feeling well lately? are you experiencing headaches? nausea? tiredness? have you contracted an illness recently? you shouldn’t have come to school if you were sick! i would have taken care of you! we can go home if you’d like-“
— cutting off her ranting, you explain that you haven’t contracted any illnesses, and that you were simply unsure if she was truly comfortable with your constant closeness
— 3rr0r
momo.exe has stopped working
please wait while we reboot your system
. . .
. . .
reboot successful
— WHAT?!?! no!!! she loves your lovey-dovey nature very much?! what made you think that??
— needless to say, after working through the misunderstanding, you quickly reverted back to your caring self, and momo is sure to return the favor!
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plusultrakincore · 4 years
Hiya guys. Sorry to bother if you're busy but could I have some positivity? I've been in a lot of pain recently and very exhausted and I need to hear something nice I think. I've been so tired that when I get mems or kinnie feelings I can't explore them like I usually do and I'm left feeling confused and bogged down among my other issues. Thank yall,
Heya, Aloha!! You’re never a bother— we’re always here if you need any kind of help or positivity.. never hesitate to ask. That being said, I’m so so sorry that you’ve been in pain lately, and I sincerely hope that you’ll feel better soon— regarding your kins, feelings, and yourself in general. These kinds of tired and unwell ruts can be awful to get through.. however, I know that you’ll be able to eventually- even if its hard right now. Take things easy, try not to overwhelm yourself to the point of stress, and try and talk to those who you care about— your friends will be here for you no matter what, to help you get through memories, and your most troubling days. I know it sounds like a far off reality, but I’m positive that you’ll be alright. Take things a day at a time, surround yourself with anything and anyone that makes you happy to lighten up any dull days. We’ll always be here for you, and to make sure that you’ll be okay. You aren’t alone through this, and you have people who love and care about you. Days will be difficult and your brain can be scattered, but I know that things will be okay soon. We hope you have a safe and wonderful day— never hesitate to come to us if you need it 💕
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nikatyler · 6 years
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Long time no replies. Yeah. Last week, I couldn’t do them on Sunday. I couldn’t do them on Monday either because I was in Prague all day and got back home at midnight. I thought I’d do them on Tuesday but then I didn’t feel like it, and then there was school stuff and other stuff and yeah here we are, it’s another Sunday. I don’t think anyone cares that much though :D
I’ve been working on Rose Legacy all weekend. It’s been so much fun. Right now, I’m halfway through the first part of it, the part that’s focused on quadruplets. I had a phase a few days ago, I was thinking about switching to ts3 again and I felt like I didn’t actually want to do it for some reason. Probably because I’ve been posting ts4 for months now and switching games after such a long time has always been kinda weird. It was always the other way around though - I posted more ts3 and less ts4. Eh, you don’t care :D Now I’m excited for posting that legacy again. I still think of them as of my “mascots” to be honest, they’ve been here since before I had a simblr. Anyway, January 2019. Roses are back. It’s gonna be great. I hope.
Another thing no one cares about, it snowed for the first time today and it hasn’t melted yet. I’m so happy. I'm like a child when it comes to this, really.
elisabettasims replied to your photo “create-a-sim replied to your photo “When you’re reading this, it’s...”
One of my fondest high school memories is of my prom night. I'm glad yours was awesome, too.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photo “create-a-sim replied to your photo “When you’re reading this, it’s...”
Oh, I remember my prom, it was maybe th esecond coolest memory of school! Now I sometimes look back at it and feel nostalgious (less than half a year passed, yo). Glad, you enjoyed yours, too<3
It’s been two weeks and I’m still thinking about it. It has really been the best thing about high school so far, and I doubt anything will top it. We finally got the video of the prom on Friday. I haven’t been able to watch it but I hope it’s good :D
simlovinggirl replied to your photoset “I didn’t know December now runs a gardening Instagram account.”
Only the coolest grandmas have gardening Instagram accounts :P
I helped my grandma start a Pinterest account but I wonder what it would be like if she joined Instagram as well :D
andruskysworld replied to your photoset
Cute cat ��
She really is cute! I didn’t even edit her that much, aside from the colours of course. I might have changed her fur too, but I’m not sure about that.
jackssims replied to your photoset “Ross: “Alright mum, I’ll have to go now. Look after Sunset, okay?”...”
//Ross//, buddy, pal, you gotta do something with her, even if it means watching some cartoons here and there
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Ross: “Alright mum, I’ll have to go now. Look after Sunset, okay?”...”
Argh! He's so frustrating!
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Ross: “Alright mum, I’ll have to go now. Look after Sunset, okay?”...”
December. it`s time to use handcuffs to chain Ross to his daughter
Yeah. But it’s gonna get better I promise. At this point I think it’s kinda showing...it’s baby steps but he’s gonna get there somehow I promise. Not saying he’ll be the ideal dad but you know. He won’t be the worst one. Have faith in him :D
simmering-pancakes replied to your photoset “Bella: “But…dead people can’t vote.” Ross: “They will be allowed to...”
�� This makes me so happy.
whysimstho replied to your photoset “Bella: “But…dead people can’t vote.” Ross: “They will be allowed to...”
I find it funny that he was able to ask a ghost for a vote. Also imagine if this was possible irl. It’s kinda scary actually :D
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Good luck at school!”
to cute for me to handle
I knooooooow
damn these Breeze genes will be the death of me
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Things are going great. Really great.”
Except for... maybe... your daughter?
He cares about his success at work more than he cares about his daughter. *shrugs*
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your post “Pass the happy �� When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you...”
A big YES to the pointless edits!
What could be more entertaining when everything else is boringXD
Exactly! And also, I’m often like “okay I’m just gonna take a look at all these pictures I’ve taken today and then I’ll go to bed” and then oops, I’m editing one and doing all sorts of stuff and oops, it’s midnight and I know I’ll be dead the next day. Pointless edits are one of the reasons why I don’t get enough sleep, basically.
Btw guys, here’s my HUGE folder of screenshots waiting to be edited in case you’re ever bored :D
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Ross: “My sister got a letter today. She’s gonna go to uni.” Caleb:...”
I swear, Ross, if you don't stop forgetting your daughter ... also, I hope he rejects you.
melien replied to your photoset “Ross: “My sister got a letter today. She’s gonna go to uni.” Caleb:...”
Lmao seconded Caleb deserves better
Do you ever see an absolutely terrible person, but somehow everything turns out right for them and you’re just hoping for karma to hit them in the face but instead they keep getting things they don’t deserve? Ross is that kind of person.
Also, love how everyone turned from “yasss we ship Ross and Caleb” to “oh no poor Caleb we must protect him from the evil that is Ross” lmao
melien replied to your photoset
Persephone is now easily my favourite character in this legacy
She was mine too and then someone else entered. Find out tomorrow :D
melien replied to your photoset “Valentine: “Are you feeling a little unwell, brother? Is Sunset...”
After all he's ever done I can't help but hope he has the worst indigestion issues ever
He was sick many times so maybe karma did hit him in the face a little bit
melien replied to your photoset “Look Ross. You’ve made mistakes and we all know that. We all hate you...”
I guess Claret hates him too
Aww yes I’m here for that
Also Bianca. Back in 2016 Bianca liked setting things on fire. Good old times.
God, Bianca would hate him so much. That argument she had with Tyler in chapter 3? It would be three time worse if she had to fight with Ross. She’d probably actually fight him.
melien replied to your photoset “She’s beautiful.”
Can I adopt her
Too late I adopted her first
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “It’s happening. It’s really happening! I can’t believe it. Do I even...”
Yeah but he doesn't deserve it. I also know the rules of this generation so, LOL
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “It’s happening. It’s really happening! I can’t believe it. Do I even...”
Yeah. i was waiting for it, but... I somehow feel, like Caleb deserves better, much better. And I wouldn`t be surprised if Caleb would leave Ross this will serve him right
I still was waiting for this kiss, but it`s kinda... bittersweet?
jackssims replied to your photoset “It’s happening. It’s really happening! I can’t believe it. Do I even...”
I'm very happy with this but also very conflicted (more or less for the reasons the others described in their comments)
Can I just say I’m glad it came off like this. Bittersweet. I kind of wanted that, to be honest. Not in the “yasss I’ll make my followers cry I’m so evil hahaha” way though. Idk it’s hard to explain.
It’s different from other legacy couples, in my opinion, and I’m here for that. It’s kinda refreshing. I mean, usually people love the heir, love their spouse, want them to get together. This one? This one is something else.
I’m not saying I’m gonna make all my heirs assholes from now on, don’t get me wrong. But it was fun to try something new :D
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Breeze, Valentine - the better half of the breeze siblings - too pure...”
somehow i managed to miss so much! she1s beautiful!
Thank you! I had so much fun dressing her up for this.
jackssims replied to your photoset “Me when my otp becomes canon”
Big Mood
Yeah. But also this is really how my otps make me feel
Btw, at this point they definitely weren’t my otp just yet. Like I was kinda obsessed with them, but I wouldn’t call them my otp.
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “December: “Wait, no! You can’t just beat me like this! Ugh.” Sunset:...”
Caleb is a cinnamon roll and should be protected at all costs.
jackssims replied to your photoset “December: “Wait, no! You can’t just beat me like this! Ugh.” Sunset:...”
December isn’t wrong here tbh
If only she had admitted that earlier
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “When I opened the game again, the girls came home from school for some...”
Is it a holiday? When there are holidays in game, there was a bug where, if you had a loading screen for any reason (even CAS) sims would come home from work and school.
Nope, it was a regular day. Still a better bug than the current one :/ I thought I’d start playing gen 3 but I don’t want my sims to age up when I enter CAS. I know there’s a fix for it now, I’ll probably look into it tomorrow.
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “this shouldn’t be funny to me but it is funny to me help”
NOOOOOO. Also dying sims are so dramatic.
Oh yes. I think I prefer the dying animation in ts3, where they just sort of turn into ghost. The ts4 animation might be more realistic, but the ts3 one is just...beautiful, in a way. Sad but beautiful.
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “Nooo, December! Hold on just a little longer, don’t forget what you...”
jackssims replied to your photoset “Nooo, December! Hold on just a little longer, don’t forget what you...”
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “W-what?! No…wait a second Grim, I’m sure she’s just unconscious…right...”
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Nooo, December! Hold on just a little longer, don’t forget what you...”
I really didn’t expect her to die that day. I had PLANS. And she ruined them.
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “No. No. That can’t be real.”
This is only the second time I've felt bad for Ross. :(
It was bad, but at least it opened his eyes and made him realize that he has to be there for his daughter or else she’d have no one. More on that below.
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “23rd March 2018 - 5th July 2018 It’s been months and I’m still sad...”
December was an awesome character.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “23rd March 2018 - 5th July 2018 It’s been months and I’m still sad...”
Farewell, December, you were great!
She was ;-;
Also isn’t it sad that her name is December but she didn’t live to see the month of December?
jackssims replied to your photoset “Ross: “Hey…hey, Sun. Look at me. Everything is going to be alright,...”
We’ll all be holding you to those promises, Ross (but in all honesty this is a touching moment)
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Ross: “Hey…hey, Sun. Look at me. Everything is going to be alright,...”
Awwww. Ross, I hope this keeps improving!
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Ross: “Hey…hey, Sun. Look at me. Everything is going to be alright,...”
You better Do fix this, Ross!
This, for me, was also very bittersweet. Because it’s awesome that he finally realized he has to be there for her, and it’s great that he finally cares, yay character development...but December had to die for him to realize. That sucks.
I have to say something else here...at this point, you’d think I would make them interact more. I didn’t really. I don’t know why, but I didn’t. So really, who’s the bad person here? I’d just like to say that from here on, they were closer, they spent more time together, even if I somehow didn’t show it. Past me, you’re stupid, this was such a big part and you ruined it.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Too bad I can’t keep you forever, Kitty. But I’m sure you’ll have fun...”
Persephone: Someone please help!
Tumblr media
justkeeponsimming replied to your photoset “Village Vibes I finished furnishing this house the day I had my prom...”
Thank you thank you thank you ♥ I had so much fun building this house.
unbridledsims replied to your post “9, 15, 19 for Valentine or any character you would like to share for....”
Thank you for sharing hun. It was nice getting to know her. I like that you did all the questions, very nice.
Thank you for asking! I love her and it was fun to answer this.
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Ross: “No pets allowed. Persephone was the only exception.” Sunset:...”
Because Ross is self-centered and doesn't understand how to take care of another living being :D Any pet he had would starve to death or something.
Yeah, maybe he doesn’t want a pet because he knows he’d be so bad at taking care of it :D Maybe he has a good reason for once. Well, not exactly good, but you know what I mean.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “In the morning, he decided to plant a plasma fruit tree in front of...”
The Sims - the only place where the combination "vampire" and "vegetarian" does make sense ��
Now that I think about it, I’ve never actually played with a vampire that has the Vegetarian trait. Oooh. I should. Or maybe I could replace one of Caleb’s traits and see what it does. Doesn’t he have the Foodie trait? Makes no sense to me but ok ea. I know he’s the good vampire and all that but still.
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