#feels a little rude to exclude my OCs when asking about the characters in my own fic
ozzgin · 8 months
I can't get your yakuza headcanons out of my mind, Daitou's got me in a chokehold and I'm not complaining, like--
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in regards to that doodle you made to show height difference between reader and the boys [I love your art btw (●♡∀♡)] - I can't picture myself in reader's style, I'm currently going through my goth phase in my 20s lmao; picture a big bitch with tattoos and messy hair who's listening to nothing but 2000s hits and screamo bands - so I'd like to request a headcanon of how Daitou would react to a gender-neutral reader like this :D I also like to incorporate the idea of them once being in a famous band that he's a fan of! (sorry if this seems like a lot, I have a huge imagination hehe)
but if he's more into the cute and helpless type, I'll just walk my ass out the door and yeehaw my way into another yandere's arms ✌😔
That's on me for not drawing the reader inserts as cartoonish cinder blocks :') In truth I'm a little bit embarrassed seeing how many likes that doodle has gotten, it was something I put together in a hurry and the clothing was meant to be baggy, shapeless, with not too many folds for the sake of simplicity. I myself am more of a pilgrim goth, just to emphasize the randomness of the choice.
Drawing reader inserts always leaves me a little anxious. If I use a light shade of gray, will people think I'm excluding poc? Will plus sized readers feel like they've been disregarded? What about masculine readers? As someone who's demiromantic I always struggle taking appearance or gender into consideration, because to me it has no influence whatsoever. Which is hard to express when you want to offer blank slate visuals as an extra to the story.
What I'm trying to say is that all of my characters would like you for who you are. Sure, they find your looks cute, but it's not the defining reason. Maybe you have similar traits to them, maybe you're the complete opposite and they find it intriguing. You could be a buff man and Daitou would be just as grateful to have someone who isn't afraid of him. I usually stick to a female reader for bigger stories to avoid messing it up long term, but in the grand scheme of things it makes no difference. I always imagine reader to be a shapeless blob that provides the dialogue I need for the story mood. There's no concrete preference or type for any of my OCs. I mean, ideally you'd like them back and not hang them upside down above a BBQ pit but I feel these are sensible requirements (?).
And now for the actual headcanons since my ramble is over.
First encounter is comically awkward but for reasons you’re unaware of yet. You’re obviously used to people staring at you (more so in a country like Japan), so you were expecting the curious glance every now and then. On the other hand, being under scrutiny, from a man even more unusual looking than you at that, is odd. Mildly uncomfortable. You’re shifting yourself from one leg to another, hoping to be done with the introductions soon.
On his end, Daitou is anxiously fidgeting and trying his best to focus. He’s seen this face before and he can’t shake off the familiar feeling. Where the hell…He obviously can’t downright gawk at you, and he isn’t sure how to politely formulate a question. After several sheepish peeks, it finally dawns on him: weren’t you part of that band he really likes? No, what would the chances be? Then again, how many people out there would look exactly like you? Is it rude to ask? He has no idea. He resumes his mumbled description of the apartment and hands you the papers to be signed.
Back at his place, he finally digs through his merch and sprawls out the available clues. “I didn’t know you were into this kind of music”, Kazuya comments as he looks over the man’s shoulder. He’d come over to ask about the new tenant. “I’m pretty sure it’s them.” He concludes, confidently placing his index over a CD cover. “Huh? Who? The tenant?” Kazuya holds back his chuckle. “Why would a celebrity show up for a shady apartment offer? You’re tripping, man.”
“I’m sorry, this is getting ridiculous.” You finally exclaim, annoyed by the persistent stares of the now two men facing you. You’re standing in front of the apartment building, arms crossed, huffing at the tall scarred man and his blonde friend. “No, I’m sure of it. Even the tattoo is the same.” Daitou turns to whisper to Kazuya, oblivious to your complaints. In turn, Kazuya lightly elbows him, mouthing something about being rude. “Just ask them, man.” He adds, this time louder. “Ask me what??” You groan. “W-were you…um…in this band by any chance?” Daitou manages to blurt out, searching his pocket for the CD case and ceremoniously laying it under your eyes.
Ah. It finally clicks and you exhale, relieved. You confirm their suspicions and show them some backstage photos to solidify your claim. You ask Daitou if he wants an autograph or something, then swiftly scribble your signature on a piece of paper and hand it out to him. He holds it with a wide, childish grin. “You’re a weird one, you know? You could’ve just asked. I guess I didn’t expect to find a fan in the wild, especially here.” Daitou carefully folds the souvenir, eyes lidded with nostalgia. “Oh yes, it’s great. Drowns out the screams.”
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sehtoast · 2 months
That anon was rude and stupid . I saw your tags and I hope its okay to ask (you can ignore this ifyou want), but whats got you turned off of reader fics? Is it just temporary?
Ahhh, bit of a long answer.  I’m gonna go with a strong yes as far as it being temporary.  It’s likely I’ll get a lightning bolt somewhere down the line and get the motivation, but probably not for a little bit.  As far as being turned off from reader fics, it’s kind of a weird answer and idk how to put it in a way that’s succinct but also covers the details?  The short version is I don’t feel represented much at all in this fandom’s x reader community as a trans man.  
Those stories aren’t for me or others like me 99.9% of the time, and that’s fine because we’re not entitled to it, but it also makes it very hard to engage with it or feel that I have a place in it, if that makes sense.  The vast majority of the content that’s out there induces dysphoria unless I’m constantly rewording entire sentences and scenes in my head, and I don’t think it’s fair to make myself do that.  Stories for trans people are exceptionally rare and go borderline entirely ignored or the requests are turned down because the authors aren’t comfortable (again, we’re not entitled to this, but it still feels bad yk?). 
Even gender neutral stuff gets less love, and it’s honestly very disheartening because, like it or not, validation is the only way we get to know if we did a good job as writers.  And it does matter even if we try to act like it doesn’t.  It's hard to see the inclusive things I put out sputter while fem reader fics take off like a mf. So a lack of representation and a lack of appreciation when I try to write in a way that’s inclusive just has me very bummed out with the whole concept.  If the only way I can receive validation is by churning out things that exclude me and therefore lack my heart, then I don’t think I should write it at all.  
My oc stuff feels safe even if it brings significantly less validation. Idk how that makes sense, but it just kinda does? I guess it's because oc stuff doesn't exclude anyone because it's just about some made up character
I also want to say that this isn’t me saying I won’t be writing the x reader requests in my inbox. I actually just put in an application to take the fall term off school so I can have time to handle things in my life, and that includes my requests. I’ve just been very busy and what little brain power remains for writing usually goes to stories I daydream about in class (so oc stuff) before I pass out at night, and I will eventually get around to them.
Thank you for asking anon <3
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just-a-space-nugget · 3 years
This might sound a little weird but I like hearing peoples personal headcanons for characters: so do you have any HCs for the characters in RH that appear in the canon Half-Life?
I headcannon Gordon as trans and selectively mute. I also see him as the type to have anxiety, ADHD, and possibly Autism. (Just like me!) I also like to give him freckles.
I head cannon Barney to have past childhood religious trauma.
Breen is a gay ass man, this may be my headcannon but have you heard the sass in that mans voice? He just radiates gay to me tbh.
I headcannon Alyx as more of a sister to Gordon and Barney. Not just because Freehoun but because of another headcannon I have. That other headcannon being that Gordon used to baby sit for Eli and Azian back at Black Mesa.
I get a strong bisexual vibe from Kleiner. Also Kleiner is autistic. No one can tell me different. Gordon is basically Kleiner’s adopted son.
Technically Gordon has a sibling of some kind because of the picture of his nephew in his locker. So I use that to headcannon John Freeman in. And no I don’t mean in the same silly way as the full life consequences videos, I mean in a more serious way. 
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Stark Spangled Banner
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Ch46: Just A Formality
Intro: Emmy gets into a spot of trouble at school, which leads the family to make a joint decision that will change their lives forever. And together with their friends they celebrate Jamie’s birthday, will a little surprise for Emmy too. 
Warnings: Bad Language words. Slight angst (teenagers) and Steve being a very overprotective dad…
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
A/N: Yeah, I love this chapter. I hope you all do too. And thank @angrybirdcr​ for the edit...it mushed my insides!
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Chapter 45
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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 February 2021
“So what do you think?” Rhodey asked as he stood, arms folded, looking at the screen. Natasha was stood next to him, nervously chewing on her nail and Steve was looking at the rather gory photos that they had been sent through from the Mexican Authorities.
“Is it definitely him?” Steve sighed, looking at the screen again. In a million years he would never have expected Barton to be capable of such out and out gore and violence, but then again the man had lost his entire family- wife and three kids. Steve wasn’t sure how he would react should anything happen to Katie, Emmy or Jamie.
“Yeah.” Nat sighed, pressing another button. This time it flipped to some CCTV footage of the incident. They three of them watched as Clint took down six gang members, brutally, and with a final swipe of the samurai sword he was holding almost severed one man’s head completely from its shoulders. “Same MO, same fight pattern, and the facial recognition software caught him about five miles north of this town less than two hours before this happened.” “He’s getting more and more vicious.” Rhodey spoke. “I suppose we should be grateful in a way he’s taking down people that we should be stopping but how long till someone gets caught in the cross fire?” “Clint wouldn’t-” Natasha began but Steve cut her off.
“Once I would agree with you.” he sighed, looking at her “But now, well, Nat, he’s…” “Lost it.” Rhodey concluded
“So would you if you’d seen your wife and kids turn to dust.” Nat’s voice was fierce as she turned to look at him.
“I know.” Rhodey held his hands up “I can’t even imagine what he went through.”
Steve looked at Nat, recognising the pensive look on her face. “What you thinking?”
She took a deep breath. “I’m gonna fly out to Mexico. Rhodey, can you come with me? We’ll see if we can dig anything up?” Rhodey nodded. Steve was about to offer his services too, but then his phone started ringing.
“Hey beautiful.” He greeted Katie, but instead of the usual response of either hello handsome or soldier, he was met with an exasperated sigh.
“Emmy’s Principal has just called me.” She groaned “She’s been in a fight.”
Steve frowned. “Really? What for?” “No idea. He didn’t say much other than he’s excluding her for a week and wants us to go collect her as soon as we can. Thing is, I have a call in twenty with the Health Authorities, President Ellis has asked me to give them some guidance on how we regrouped at SI, and I can try and rearrange but if I can’t it means she’s gonna be sat outside the office for at least an hour and a half. Is there any chance you-”
“I got, course I’ll go. I’m done here anyway so you do what you need to do and we’ll see you at home.”
“Thank you.” She sighed “Between this and Jamie screaming blue murder when I dropped him in at the Day Care this morning It hasn’t really been the spectacular return to work I was hoping for.”
Steve wrinkled his nose. “He didn’t take it well then?” “No.” Her voice cracked “God, Steve, Leaving him there whilst he was screaming, fuck, it broke my heart.” Steve took a sigh and walked a little further away from Rhodey and Natasha, dropping his voice. “Honey, he’ll be fine. You know what he’s like. Ten minutes after you left he will have forgotten why he’s so upset and will have settled.”
“I know, I just, well Mom and Dad used to palm me and Tony off on our Nannies all the time and-”
“This is completely different.” Steve cut her off. “First off, you’re leaving him for what, five hours a day, maximum. Second off, he’s being watched at a crèche, twenty floors down from where you are, in the same building so you can see him whenever you want.”
“I was advised by the Staff not to do that today.” She sniffed. “It could unsettle him more.”
“I’m sure they know what they’re talking about.” Steve soothed her gently “Look, try not to worry. Jamie will be fine, I’ll go sort Emmy out and we’ll see you at home this evening okay?” “My hero.” she said and Steve smiled.
“Love you, see you later.”
Cutting the call he turned to Rhodey and Nat who were still looking at the screen. Walking back towards them he picked up his jacket where he had tossed it over the back of a chair, reaching for his keys at the same time.
“Guys, I gotta go.” He informed them and they looked up. “Emmy’s in trouble at school and I need to head in and see the Principal.”
“Trouble?” Nat frowned.
“Fighting.” Steve rolled his eyes as Nat and Rhodey exchanged a glance, Nat smirking slightly. Steve gave an exasperated sigh. “What?”
“Nothing.” Nat grinned. “Just don’t punch the Principal in the face…”
It took Steve little over thirty minutes to reach the school. He may have broken a few speeding laws on the way, but Katie was right, it was too easy to do in the Camero. To be honest, it was pretty easy to do in the new Audi they had bought just before Christmas too, but Katie had that as it was easier to get Jamie’s seat and stroller in. The Camero was not child friendly, at all, but she had insisted on keeping it as a second car, despite Steve’s protests that they didn’t need it.
With an easy tug he pulled open the doors to the reception of the school and strode inside. The woman behind the desk handed him a visitor’s pass and led him down to the office as he brushed a piece of fluff off the front of his long sleeved blue top. Steve followed the white haired lady through the corridors in silence until he reached the office and spotted Emmy was sat outside it, slumped in a chair. At the sight of her father she jumped up and ran into his arms, crying.
“Hey,” He looked down as he smoothed her dark, ebony hair out of her face, cupping her face gently in one large hand. “What’s going on, Em?” “He started it.” She sniffed. “He was saying things, about you and mom and that my birth parents and that…that…”
She was starting to have a panic attack, Steve could see that instantly. She’d suffered from them a lot when she had first started to live with them and he knew that if he didn’t help her get it under control now it would escalate.
“Deep breaths.” He spoke gently, steering her back to a chair. She sat down and he tilted her head with his hand so that she was looking at him. “Count to ten, just like we practiced ok?”
She gripped onto his forearms, her eyes screwing shut as she took deep inhales and exhales, counting along as she did. By the time she got to seven she’d managed to ground herself again, and Steve encouraged her for the remaining three numbers, them just reaching ten as the door to the office at the end of the corridor opened.
“Mr Rogers.”
 Steve stood up to greet the Principal, John Stevenson, who he had met once before when they had enrolled Emmy into the school. He was a tall, lean man with round glasses and a kind face, but an air of authority perfect for that of a headmaster “Mr Stevenson.” Steve smiled, shaking his hand “I don’t mean to be rude, but could you give me a second with my daughter please? I want to hear her side of the story and then I’ll be right with you.”
“Of course,” the man nodded, giving him and Emmy a little smile. “Just come in when you’re ready.”
Once the door to his office was shut, Steve sat on the spare seat next to Emmy. “So you wanna tell me what happened. Who ya been fightin’ with?”
“A boy a grade above. And I wasn’t fighting. Not really, I mean I hit him but he fell over, he didn’t hit me back.” Steve bit his lip. “Seems the stuff your mom and Auntie Nat taught you came in handy, huh?”
Emmy shrugged.
“What did you hit him for?”
“Because he’s a jerk and a bully” Emmy’s hands were wringing together. “He was picking on a few of the kids who lost their parents all through last year and then last month when I told him to shut up, he decided to start on me”
Steve took a deep breath “What was he saying?”
“The usual, stuff like ‘you don’t have a real family’, said that you and mom only look after me because you feel guilty that the Avengers fucked, sorry, messed up.” She glanced up at Steve, but he merely arched an eyebrow, letting the curse word slide. “And he says that once I’m old enough you’ll throw me out, and then he called me a, and I quote ‘fucking orphan rat’.” She shrugged. “Sso I punched him.”
“Alright.” Steve took a deep breath, his jaw ticking as he supressed the feeling of annoyance and anger that had flooded his system at Emmy’s explanation. “We’ll unpack all that when we get home, with your mom.”
“Are you mad?” Emmy blinked up at him, her eyes wide.
“Well, punching him probably wasn’t the best way to deal with the situation.” Steve sighed, and instantly his wife’s voice popped into his head at how hypocritical he felt. 
“Hello Kettle, this is Steve Rogers, you’re black…”
“But if what you’re telling me is true-“   “It is Dad I swear!”
“Then no, I’m not mad. At you.” He gave her a small smile. “But I’m mad as hell he said those horrible things to you though.” He looked at Emmy as she smiled softly. “Now, I best go speak to your principal. I won’t be long, and then we’ll go home and talk properly okay?”
She nodded and Steve dropped a kiss to her head as he stood up and walked to the door. Rapping on it twice, he pulled it open and stepped inside the room, shutting it behind him. Principal Stevenson stood up, shook his hand before gesturing down at the chairs on the opposite side of his desk.
“So did she tell you what happened?” The man asked, leaning back slightly in his chair.
Steve nodded. “She said that a boy, I didn’t get his name…” “Josh Gemmil.” “Yes, well, she told me that this Josh had been picking on a few kids and when he started on her, she didn’t take kindly to it. And to be frank, I can’t say I blame her. The things he was saying to Emmy were disgusting.” “Yeah, and that may be the case.” Mr Stevenson sighed heavily, “but the issue is, Mr Rogers, we have a strict zero tolerance to violence policy, so, given Emmy did punch him in front of pretty much the entire school in the yard, I’ve no alternative but to suspend her for a week.” “Are you suspending him?” Steve asked.
“Sorry?” The man opposite Steve frowned. “I’m not…” “The boy who Emmy punched. Are you suspending him for what he said?”
“No-one has corroborated her story, well, other than Brooke and I know how close they are so she could be-” “Woah, hold up.” Steve interrupted, holding his hand up to cut that man off as a flash of anger surged through his chest. “Are you insinuating Emmy is lying?” “No, that’s not what I’m saying.” “So if she’s telling the truth, then surely the boy deserves punishment as well. Emmy isn’t the only person he’s been saying things to.”
“She’s the only person who has punched him.” “That may be, but either way-.”
“Mr Rogers,” the Principal sighed, cutting him off,  “for what it’s worth Josh’s parents will be coming in later and I will be consulting them about his behaviour, but unfortunately Emmy has broken his nose.” “Well, I’d like to say I’m sorry about that but I’m not.” Steve was too far gone now to be rational, his instinct to protect his daughter had well and truly kicked in and the guy in front of him was really pissing him off. “I don’t like bullies,” he continued, levelling the man with a look and he visibly recoiled back into his seat, “and I’m not gonna punish my daughter for standing up to one. If you deem it fit to suspend her then fine, that is your prerogative, and of course I will tell her that violence is not acceptable, but I would expect some level of punishment to be extended to the boy in question and not just her.”
The Principal nodded. “Mr Rogers, I can assure you, if it was up to me I wouldn’t be suspending her at all, but my hands are tied by the governors and policies. I make an exception here, I have to do it for others and before you know it…” he trailed off. Steve took a deep breath, he could understand that perfectly, didn’t make it any easier for him to swallow though. “But that’s why the suspension is only for a week and not the two.”
Steve nodded. “Okay, do I need to sign anything or…”
“No.” the Principal shook his head. “Emmy has her log on to Workspace, her class notes and homework will be detailed on there as usual so she doesn’t miss out. If there is anything she doesn’t understand or needs help with, she can catch up when she gets back. She’s a very, smart kid so I’m not too concerned about that aspect of things.” Steve nodded, and stood up. He took a deep breath and stepped back into the corridor to find Brooke was sat with Emmy now, her arm round her best friend.
“Shouldn’t you be in class?” Steve asked, shooting the red head a look.
“Hey Mr R, don’t sweat it. Told em I was going to the bathroom.” Brooke shrugged and Steve rolled his eys.
“Well scoot before you get into trouble too.” He gestured with his head to the doors that led back to the reception area.
“Can Brooke come over later?” Emmy asked, timidly, “Or am I grounded?”
Steve took a deep breath “Not tonight, we need to have a chat. But over the weekend then, sure.” “’kay.” Emmy nodded, standing up. She reached for her rucksack but Steve took it from her, carrying it in his right hand, his left gently between Emmy’s shoulder blades as he steered her towards the exit. As they walked into the reception, Emmy stopped dead and he heard Brooke who was walking along at his other side mutter an ‘uh-oh’.
“This her?” A short, squat woman with a very short hair cut was stood a few feet in front of him, a boy by her side, a few inches taller than her, dressed in a bloodied T-shirt glared at Emmy and nodded. Instantly Steve moved forward a step so he was level with his daughter, his hand dropping to her shoulder.
“Your daughter broke my son’s nose.” The woman glared up at him.
“So I understand.” Steve nodded. “She has been suspended and we’ll be dealing with it appropriately.”
“You know, kids like her, they shouldn’t be-”
“Kids like her?” Steve blinked at the woman, and shook his head. “Excuse me?”
“You know what I mean.”
“No, I don’t.” Steve’s voice was low. “So, please, explain.”
“I mean with violent and aggressive tendencies, they should be locked up not in a school with normal kids-” “Woah, now hang on.” Steve held his hand up as he looked at the woman. “Your son isn’t exactly innocent in all this.” “I don’t see your daughter with blood all over her shirt. He didn’t hit her…” “I would hope not, seeing as he’s a boy and half a foot taller than her.” He shot back and the woman’s mouth snapped shut. Steve turned to Emmy and handed her the backpack and his keys. “Go and get in the car, sweetheart, I’ll be with you in a minute.” Emmy glanced up at him, one look on his face told her he wasn’t to be argued with, and she nodded and took them from him, before leaving.
His attention then turned to the teenager and woman and he folded his arms across his chest, glaring at them both. The boy had a sharp face, slicked back blonde hair and for some reason he reminded Steve of a younger Gilmore Hodge. Which was never a good thing. He looked at the woman and spoke again, his voice level but full of that Captain Authority he could never help turning on in situations like this.
“Your son said some very nasty things to my daughter, and in normal circumstances he should be apologising. However, given what happened I suggest we leave it at that and they agree to stay away from one another in the future.” “Him apologise?” The woman practically shrieked. “She punched him, if anything she’s the one that should be saying sorry.” Steve gave a huff of a laugh “I can assure you that won’t be happening. Besides,” he turned to the boy, “do you really want an apology from a ‘fucking orphan rat’?”
He heard a snigger followed by a mumble of “mic drop…” to his right and turned to see Brooke was still there.
“What are-” he shot her a look, pointing towards the class rooms, “-scoot.” “Later Mr R.” Brooke shot him a salute and he raised an eyebrow as she headed off back to wherever she should have been in the first place.
“Did you say that?” The woman had rounded on her son.
“No…I swear.” “He said he didn’t.” Steve shook his head, his hands dropping to the buckle of his belt. “I’m not interested in whether he admits it or not. Fact of the matter is I believe my daughter and according to her and her friend, Emmy isn’t the first kid he’s picked on but I’m sure as hell hoping she’s gonna be the last, especially now he’s had a punch in the face to make him consider the consequences of his actions.” His lips quirked a little at the side as he delivered his final line. “I’d hate for him to get antoher.” “How dare you threaten him?” The woman was now talking in that high a pitch it was making Steve’s ears hurt.
“That isn’t a threat.” Steve shook his head “Merely an observation. Now if you’ll excuse me.” He turned to the door when the woman spluttered after him “You know, we do know where you live. That big, fancy house in Clinton Hill.” “Then by all means feel free to call round later.” Steve laughed as he turned to grin at the woman of her shoulder. “But I really don’t fancy your chances against my wife.” ****** “He said WHAT?” Katie spluttered once Steve had explained what had gone on. “The little fucking shit!” “His mother wasn’t much better either.” Steve shook his head as he raised Jamie up higher in the air above him, the tot screaming with laughter. “She threatened to come round later.” “I’ll kick her fucking ass!” Katie folded her arms across her chest and a wry smile crossed Steve’s face as he brought Jamie back down to his chest.
“Yeah I told her I didn’t fancy her chances.”
“Where’s Emmy now?” Katie asked.
“In her room, she said she wanted to be alone for a bit.”
Katie pondered for a moment, before she moved and walked out of the kitchen, calling up the stairs, “Emmy? Can you come down for a minute please?”
Katie came back into the kitchen and it wasn’t long before Emmy appeared, her eyes red. Katie sighed and pulled her into a hug.
“I’m sorry, I just, ” Emmy sniffed. “He was so rude and…” “Sweetie, we’re not mad.” Katie shook her head, steering the girl across the hall “We just want to talk to you, about what he said,” she gestured at one of the seats by the breakfast bar, “sit.”
Emmy did as she was told and Steve placed Jamie in the pack and play at the corner of the room. There was a minute or so silence before Katie slid a mug of hot chocolate, containing marshmallows and cream across the counter to Emmy, then passed Steve a coffee, picking up her own drink before she rounded the counter and sat on a stool next to Emmy, Steve staying where he was, the base of his back leaning against the worktop opposite them.
“So your dad told me what happened.” Katie began “And we want to talk to you about what that little jerk said to you.”
“I shouldn’t have let him get to me.” Emmy shrugged “I know what he was saying was crap but…” “If your dad had a dollar for every time he had reacted to something he shouldn’t have done he’d be richer than Tony.” Katie smiled and Steve gave a scoff.
“You’re a fine one to talk.” He raised an eyebrow at his wife and she grinned.
“And as for throwing you out once you’re old enough,” Katie shook her head, “you’re with us for as long as you wanna be. And then even when you don’t want to be, and you move out, we’ll be keeping tabs on you, annoying you, like Tony does to me.”
Emmy smiled and wiped at her eyes.
“You said he’s been picking on you for a while?” Steve asked “What made you snap today?” Emmy shrugged “I guess I was just fed up with it and when he was laughing about my name on my test paper, and he called me an orphan rat I saw red.” Katie took a deep breath, she was furious but before she could say anything Steve spoke, a frown creasing his brow.
“What do you mean he was laughing at your name?” “My surname.” Emmy shrugged “On stuff like the register and things at school its Rogers but on my official test papers for my grades it has to be McKellen, because Rogers isn’t my real name. And he was laughing saying that I didn’t belong anywhere.” Steve and Katie locked eyes and Steve was the first one to break away.
“Does it bother you, that your name isn’t Rogers?”
“Not normally.” She shrugged
“What if we made it so?” Katie asked.
“What, like change it legally?” “That’s one way of doing it.” Steve shrugged.  “The other is we adopt you.” Katie looked at her husband and smiled. This was something they’d mentioned in passing to one another a few times but never really talked about in any detail as, well, to them things were fine as they were. But now, well, it just felt right. The next step for them all. Making her status as their daughter official.
“Adopt me?” Emmy’s voice was a whisper.
“Yeah.” Katie nodded. “Look, Em, as far as we’re concerned you’re already our daughter, and not just a foster one either. It’s merely a formality. But it’s up to you.” “Do you want to think about it?” Steve asked.
“No.” Emmy shook her head as she looked up tears in her eyes. “No, I don’t want to think about it. I’d love it, I really would.” Katie smiled as the girl threw her arms round her shoulders and began to sob. Steve put his mug down on the counter next to him and strode round to wrap his large arms around both his girls until a loud screech form the corner of the room made them all look up. Jamie was stood gripping the side of his play pen, clearly disgruntled at being left out of the hug.
“Alright pal, point taken.” Steve picked him up and carried him back to where Emmy was now wiping her eyes. He handed the tot to his older sister and Katie grinned.
“Family hug?” She opened her arms and Emmy laughed, as the four of them snuggled together in a huddle.
March 2021
Despite Steve’s best attempts to ignore it, there was something in what that little shit had said to Emmy that had really bothered him.  The Avengers fucked up. It wasn’t an alien thought, he often found himself thinking back to how they had failed but he normally shook himself out of it. They’d done the best they could, they simply hadn’t stood a chance.
The thing was, not all of the public saw that. On more than one occasion the remaining Avengers had all experienced some kind of vitriol from the public, Natasha still receiving hate mail for them all at the compound. Whilst people he met understood, it was always the ones that didn’t which stuck in Steve’s mind, but he’d never had anything more than the odd whispered insult or dirty look come his way, that was until a few day’s after Jamie’s first birthday.
He was in the store with Emmy, picking up a few bits and pieces for the family gathering they were having to celebrate Jamie turning one and he could feel someone’s eyes on him, which wasn’t unusual. What was unusual, however, was the tap on the shoulder her received as he tossed a few items from the list Katie had given him into the trolley.
“I thought it was you.”
Steve turned to see a dark haired man, the same height as him looking back.
“Can I help you?” Steve asked politely.
The man snorted “I thought at one point, yeah, but you didn’t, this…us…what the world is now, it’s all your fault.” Steve took a deep breath, and spotted Emmy returning to the aisle he was in with an armful of snacks he had sent her for.
“Sir-” Steve began, trying to placate the man but before he could do anything the guy had punched him straight in the face. It wasn’t a hard blow, but Steve hadn’t been expecting it. Or the subsequent blows for that matter.
He was vaguely aware Emmy was screaming, and out of the corner of his eye he saw a security guard hurrying towards him. Before he reached them, Emmy had kicked the man hard in the shin and was shouting at him, as he hopped on his good leg. Steve doubled over, the ringing in his ears subsiding as he pinched at his nose which was streaming blood.
“Oh my God.” A female voice said “Billy, what…” she looked up at Steve and paled “Captain, oh God, I’m so sorry…he’s…” Steve waved away another member of the public who had come to help, insisting he was fine. Taking a deep breath he looked up and saw the man was now crying, his head buried into his wife’s shoulders.
“We…we lost our son.” The lady continued, with a choked voice. “He hasn’t dealt with it so well.”
“I’m sorry.” Steve bowed his head, it was all he could think to say.
“It isn’t you fault” The lady shook her head. “And he doesn’t think that, not really, it’s just we never got a proper explanation, you know, bar official government statements. No real help to come to terms with anything.” “That doesn’t mean he can just punch the crap outta my dad!” Emmy blazed, indignantly and Steve lay a hand on her shoulder. “Emmy.” He shook his head gently before he turned to the woman. “I’m sorry that no one was there for you and I’m sorry that we couldn’t do more. But we tried.” The last three words were almost a plea to her, trying to make her understand they had tried, boy did they try. She cast him another sad look before she led her husband away.
“You ok?” Steve looked down at his daughter.
“Me?” She frowned “What about you?” “Had worse.” Steve mumbled, gently touching his nose “Let’s get out stuff and get home before it starts to set. I don’t fancy having to re-break it.”
**** Katie was sat smiling as Natasha was holding Jamie up, his hands curled round her fingers as she guided him round the living room.
“Won’t be long until he’s doing this himself.” The red head smiled, and Katie grinned.
“He’s growing so fast.” 
“Think you’ll have another?” Nat looked at her.
Katie shrugged. “I don’t know. I mean, Steve would have a football team full if I let him but, who knows.”
Nat smiled and Katie’s attention turned back to her son who was toddling in front of his Auntie. He was looking more and more like his father each day and was now a substantial little chunk who was pretty strong and robust too. Small bumps and knocks didn’t seem to phase him at all, and the other day he’d been playing with a tonka truck and had fallen onto it, flattening it completely. He’d screamed blue murder, more over the fact his toy was broken than he had been hurt, but it had made both his parents realise that he was definitely half Super Soldier and wasn’t inheriting any of Steve’s pre-serum ailments, much to Steve’s relief.
Their attention was taken as all three of them heard the car pull up the gravel drive and Jamie gave an excited giggle and started moving his legs even faster at the sound, understanding it to mean his father was back. Smiling to herself, Katie watched as he giggled and started trying to run to the door, and when it opened she looked up fully expecting Steve to grin and swoop his boy up into his arms, except what greeted her made her hand fly up to her mouth. His shirt was covered with blood and his nose was out of shape.
“Shit.” Katie stood up and headed straight to him, gently reaching up to slide a finger to his face, tilting it so she could see. “Are you ok?”
“I’m fine sweetheart” he said gently.
“What the hell happened?” Nat asked as she picked Jamie up, who was still squirming to get to his father, completely nonplussed by what was going on.
“Some guy in the store punched him.” Emmy explained, and Katie looked at her daughter, whose eyes were swollen, she’d been crying.
“What? Why?” she frowned. “Em, can you grab me an ice pack out the freezer?” Steve asked before she could answer, she was upset enough as it was and he didn’t want her seeing or hearing what was coming next. She nodded and headed off.
“Steve.” Katie watched as he sat down on the sofa, shaking his head.
“Just reset it before it starts to heal anymore.” He grumbled. “Quickly before she gets back.”
Katie sat next to him and reached out gently. He grit his teeth as she snapped his nose back into place. Across the room Nat flinched at the crunching noise it made.
“Fuck.” Steve cursed softly before laying his head back against the cushions of the couch steadying his breathing as his eyes began to water from the pain. He knew it would heal quickly but that didn’t stop it hurting like hell.
“You gonna tell us what happened?” Katie asked, looking at him.
“Some guy at the store recognised me and started screaming that it was all our fault, the Snap, and hit me.”
“Must have been a pretty hard swing.” Nat said gently, bouncing Jamie up and down, distracting him with the Cap teddy bear she had grabbed off the floor. Jamie grinned at the bear and grabbed it, sticking the ear of it into his mouth.
“He didn’t just hit you once, Dad.” Emmy said gently as she returned, passing him the ice pack.
“How many times was it?” Katie frowned.
“Four ,maybe.” he shrugged
“Try Six” Emmy muttered.
“Six?!” Katie’s voice grew loud
“And you just let him?” Nat’s snorted. “What else could I do Nat?” Steve sighed, “I couldn’t hit him back…” “Yes, you damned well could!” Katie seethed. “Fuck!”
“Language.” Steve chastised playfully. “Besides, wasn’t really going to hit him once Em had kicked him in the shin.”
“You kicked him?” Katie looked at Emmy who shrugged.
“He was screaming and punching so I kicked him, real hard, and then told him that he was an asshole, and everyone had lost, and that he should try fighting Thanos in a field in Wakanda himself if he could do any better…” “Then the guy’s wife appeared.” Steve sighed, pressing the ice pack to his face.
“Yeah, she was nice.” Emmy nodded. “Said they had lost their son and she was so sorry.” “But they’d never really had a chance to ask questions or had an explanation other than what the Government had said.” Steve’s voice was muffled slightly from the pack. “But it got me thinking in the car about how many other people out there like that.” “So we had an idea.” Emmy nodded “Support groups.” “Support groups?” Katie frowned.
“Yeah, we have them at school.” Emmy said “Somewhere for people to go and talk about their issues and feelings.” “That’s actually not a bad idea.” Nat mused and Steve nodded.
“I know. Surprised we didn’t think of it sooner.”
“Well we’ve had other things on our minds.” Katie popped a shoulder, gently.
“I’m gonna help.” Emmy smiled. “We’re gonna brainstorm ideas later after the party.”
“Yeah, on that, do me a favour and no one mention this to Tony when he gets here.” Steve groaned as he stood up, ice pack still on his nose. “I’m going to get cleaned up.”
Leaving Emmy to watch Jamie, Nat and Katie unloaded the car and took the supplies to the kitchen. Steve showered quickly and came back to help them, and it wasn’t long before the food was sorted, Katie’s ability to cook how easily she did never ceased to amaze Steve. Before long the gang arrived and Morgan toddled in, holding Tony’s hand before he let go and she bee-lined for Emmy who was sat on the living room floor where she had been sat looking at a book with Jamie.
“Hey Moo!” Emmy grinned at the younger girl who sat with a soft thud next to her, leaning into her older cousin for a hug.
Tony watched them for a short while before he asked if Emmy was okay and then headed into the kitchen to find Pepper already clutching a glass of champagne. Katie handed him a beer as she pulled him into a hug and he shook Steve’s hand.
“You’re in the same room as usual.” Katie looked at him. “I wasn’t sure if you wanted Moo in with you guys or not so there’s the travel cot in there or she can have the room over from you…” “She can stay with us.” Tony nodded, taking a pull from his beer.
“Where is she?”  Natasha asked.
“With Emmy. She adores that kid.”
“Have you told her the paperwork has been finalised?” Pepper asked looking at Katie and Steve who both shook their head.
“No, we’re gonna surprise her with that later.” Katie smiled.
“We got her a little something.” Tony swallowed his beer. “You know, just to welcome her officially to the mad house.” “What is it?” Steve asked suspiciously.
“Nothing Iron Man or Tony Stark related.” Pepper looked at Steve. “I promise.” Tony shrugged. “Spoil sport.” The five adults all headed into the large living room, Jamie grinned up at his uncle and crawled over to him. Tony swung him up in the air and smiled, that is until Jamie head-butted him by accident.
“Oww…shhhhhhhhugar!” The billionaire corrected his curse before wincing. “Man, Rogers, this kid has your knuckle head.” Steve smirked. “He’s still half Stark.”
“Mind you, you should be grateful he doesn’t take after his mom. She was a horror.” “Was not.” Katie shot back indignantly. “Kiddo, you were a pain in the ass.” Tony sniggered. “You stuck bread in the VCR. Dad hit the roof.” “I thought it was a toaster.” Katie shrugged as the room laughed. “Mind you, not like we have to worry about that now seeing as VCRs went out in the stone age.” “Was that an age joke?” Tony smirked. “Do I have to respond with one about your husband or…” Steve rolled his eyes “Go ahead, be original.” “You know you’re almost as sarcastic as she is now.” Nat but in, pointing at Katie who grinned before she looked at Tony.
“You remember what dad used to say?”
“Sarcasm is a measure of potential,” Tony imitated their father’s voice. “And if that’s true…” “You’ll be a great man someday.” Katie finished, the two of them laughing.
Despite the crappy start to the day, it was a nice afternoon surrounded by their family. They drank, ate and eventually it was time for the cake which Katie and Steve were excited about, for good reason. Katie placed it down on the coffee table in the middle of the lounge, complete with candles. For the first time the group got a look at it, and Steve heard Emmy gasp. Half the large cake was iced in blue, the other half was lilac and across the top the word ‘Happy’ spanned both halves, before the next line read birth on the blue side and adoption on the other, before the word day sat underneath.
Emmy glanced up at her parents, her eyes filling with tears. “You mean…” Steve grinned and handed her the envelope he’d retrieved from the kitchen, which she took in shaking hands. “Signed, sealed, done. You’re officially a Rogers, Em.”
“Poor thing.” Tony mumbled, earning himself a slap round the back of the head from Natasha.
Together the Rogers’ children blew out their candles (well, Katie blowing Jamie’s out on his behalf before the boy could grab one of them and burn himself) and then Emmy turned to look at Steve and Katie before throwing herself forwards, her arms round both their waists. Steve’s arm fell to her back and he pressed a kiss to Katie’s cheek before Tony stepped forward and handed Emmy a small gift bag.
“It’s just a little something.” He smiled. “Just to say welcome to the family, officially we mean, because you’re already part of the…” He rolled his eyes as Emmy blinked up at him. “Just take it, kid.”
Emmy took the bag and opened it, her eyes widening as she looked at the box, emblazoned with the word Pandora. Katie peered down as Emmy opened it and smiled at the charm bracelet which was inside. It held charms, the letters EJR for her initials, Emily Jayne Rogers.
“Thank you.” She whispered before she gave Tony a hug, then Pepper. She stepped back and turned around, her eyes brimming with tears. “This is the best day ever!”
And despite the shitty start to it in the store, Steve was inclined to agree it hadn’t been that bad at all.
Chapter 47
 **Original Posting**
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carrietrekkie · 5 years
Pike/Female OC
I think I´ll try a little experiment and posting my Pike/Female OC Story.
It´s been a while since my last release of a story and it will be my very first in English. I finished only a OC Ask Meme about her in English, so, if someone liked it or want´s to know more about that story, let me know and i will translate the images and stories. 
Please let me also know, if there are linguistic mistakes.
So, here it is!
What is your character´s full name?:    Cathrin Elizabeth Zimmer (Ranks from Lieutenant to Commander)
 When were they born?: 31.10.1986, Germany, Another Dimension.
 What are their parent´s names?: Robert Zimmer, Annabell Zimmer
 Do they have any brothers or sisters?: An older brother, Markus Zimmer
 What kind of eyes do they have: Green eyes with golden sparkles. She has a warm gaze, not afraid of eye contact, even which strangers, this comes from her education and the time she spends with people in her past job.
 What kind of hair do they have?: Dark nut brown hair. It falls in soft waves over her armpit but at duty she used to wear it up to a ponytail or a updos with braids.
 What is their complexion like? Fair skin, she always used to be very pale, she tans really slowly but that takes time
 What body type are they? 5.5, she is average, bit curvy and loves it. By the time she arrives in the 23 century and the events followed by her apparition, she starts to train and learn a lot of  Martial Arts to protect her crewmembers and herself if there is need to, so she gets a little more athletic.
 What is listening to their voice like? Cathrin has an unexpected deep voice that skip a bit, when she´s getting emotional. She trained that because she made the experience that a deep, warm voice calms patients and people much more than a highly tone. Some of her phrases are old fashioned to the people around her, that’s something Chris loves about her and he started to use them to, long before they get together.
She loves to sing, but thinks she´s not very talented, so she keep it private but sometimes, when she is concentrated, it happens in public. Dr. Culber found it enchanting after it happens in his presence but never mentioned it to her, until she leaves Discovery.  
 What do they hate most about themselves? Cathrin hate her uncertainty about the 23 century. Almost everything is new to her, despite her memories of the events in the “Star Trek Universe”, it’s a completely different thing to be thrown into this life without advance warning. She had to ask about everything, even the things that totally normal for everyone around her and after all this time she spent in her new life, there is always something new and unexpected that made her feel like a complete idiot. (Just imagine pull out of your time, space and dimension and been thrown over 200 years into the future.)
 Do they have a favorite quote?
To see your world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower. To hold infinity in the palm of your hand, An eternity in an hour.
Her father used to read her and her brother poems when there where children, this one is the last he told them, on the day he passed away.
_Be bold, be brave, be courageous. _
The words she read to her nephew at his christening. Much later, she said this to Pike and he completed her sentence without hesitation, they started to say goodbye with that, before they go on separate or dangerous missions. He once said this words carried them to the hardest and darkest times of their life, as well as thru the best and brightest.  
 What sort of music do they enjoy? Cathrin is very into music. She holds the musical data she brought with her like a treasure. She enjoyed a peculiar mixture of music: Pop, Rock, Metal, Country, World Music and Soundtracks from the 1950 till 2019. She also enjoys some stuff from the 23th century, but there she is highly influenced by Chris Favorites.
Once she made a playlist for Chris ( as a thanks for keeping her from drowning, after the first time she was forced to kill, to save Ash Tylers Life), she called it cheesy and terribly old fashioned, he says it´s one of the best gifts he ever received. And with time goes by every song from this list, fits to something that’s happened in their lives.
Have/would they ever cheat(ed) on a partner?: No, she would never do that. When she loves, she does with her full heart, soul and mind. Cathrin is a very romantic person but is uncertain how to show it in the right way or at all.
Have they been cheated on by a partner?: Yes. Back in her old life, her fiancé cheated on her a few weeks before their weeding. And although a year after that, she could forgive him, there both were very young and maybe to naive about their relationship, but she never forget that feeling and swear she would never do such horrible thing to someone she love.  
Have they ever lost someone close to them? Cathrin lost everyone she knew and loves when the signal brought her into the 23 century. It took her a while to get to live on with that, but she heeded Chris advice to let them go, since they lived there lives long ago and hers is just to start at a new point.
She is afraid to loss her new friends and crewmembers and, even though she´s used to dead by her job, she still mourn every patient that passed away on her duty.
Her father died, after a long illness, when she and her brother where teenagers.
Are they judgmental of others? No. She treated everyone the same way, unless she get´s a reason for being so rude. She was not a very popular companion when she was at school, sometimes she get bullied, so she decided, she would never be a person like that. 
Have they ever been drunk? Yes. The worst drunkenness was at a party after her father´s funeral. Cathrin had a completely blackout on that evening. After that night she nearly tolerated nothing alcoholic and only drinks a glass on very special occasions. The champagne Pike serves her after her admission to Starfleet nearly knocks her out and he still makes his jokes about that. (There was a party after that but she can´t remember anything about that.)
What are they like when they stay up all night? A little bit like a humming-bird, reinforced by the amount of coffee she consumed to get through the night at all. She speaks to much and to fast and gets very jumpy. Usually Cathrin is not a night person, she needs her sleep and she needs to be rested before she takes a step into an OP to lay a life of someone in her hands. But if it´s necessary, and thanks to the training and conditions, she could pull herself together to get through tough times, but she don´t like it, she know it is unhealthy to let it happened to often.
 What evokes strong memories for them? A lot of thinks throws her back to things she´s been through, but that are memories she can deal with, like the death of her father, her first heartbreak or the good times, she had with her childhood friends.
Much more harder to process are the flashbacks and buried memories that comes with her knowledge of thinks that probably could happen in the future. For them there are no fixed triggers, so it overcomes her from time to time with unexpected effects and results. Cathrin hates it but can do nothing against it, sometimes it´s like a whisper but otherwise it could knock her completely out and most of this times she ended in sick bay and with a lot of questions she never could answer entirely.
The only memory she could share and prevent form happening, was Pikes fate but she always fear, that with hold up these events, there would be another tragic end for him (she knew, there is some, but she has no access to it) and when she see it clearly, it would be to late.
Anyway she wrote down every fragment she remembers in a notebook and made a note in it, that after her and Chris dead it should go to the Captain and First Officer of the Enterprise.  
 What do they do on rainy days?: Cathrin used to read on rainy days, doing laundry, watching movies or series.
After rainy days could only happen on personal leave times, she takes these days to do nothing or just things she really likes. Take a long bath, stay in bed till midday, preferred by breakfast also in bed or just listen to music. On top of this list stands spending time with Chris, catch up the things they have to less time on board of Enterprise, even if it´s just sitting side by side by the fireplace, reading a book or dancing to their favorite songs.  
**What religion are they? **Cathrin grew up in a little catholic embossed village in Germany. She never get to much into religion but always had faith and believe that there are more tings between earth and sky than science will show her.
She stayed with it, after her arrival in the future and pulled from it, when the days and nights are getting dark and sometimes hopeless. Her spiritual side goes along with her scientific way to live, she never saw a reason why they had to exclude each other.
What do they wear to bed?: Cathrin wears a pyjama shorts with a shirt, sometimes a nightgown, accounting on her daily condition. When she is away from Enterprise for Starfleet Academy, she usually wears some of Chris t-shirts and a long pyjama pants (She had some strange encounters at night in the dorm, so she decided to be as dressed as possible). On vacation she sometimes sleeps in underwear or less.
Do they have any tattoos or piercings?: No tattoos, but she get her ears pierced when she was a little girl.
Cathrin don´t like needles at all, every time she has to take a blood sample from a patient or give an injection in the past, she suffered with him. One reason she thinks Hyposprays are a gift of heaven.
What type of clothing are they most comfortable in?: Cathrin loves the clothes she had with her, when she was brought to Discovery (Jeans, a shirt, a black dress and coat, two pairs of high heels), even the Jeans get ripped, she never thrown it away.
She likes her blue Enterprise uniform more than the dark blue from Discovery. Of duty she likes to wear dresses and skirts, shoes with a heel( gives her the illusion to get nearly the high of Chris) and sometimes the “county girl style” Chris loves so much on her.
 What is their favorite food?: Cathrin is addicted to desserts and sweet thinks. Baking was one of her hobbies, but you can´t bake cookies on a space ship.
On personal leave she sometimes cooks. Her all time favorite are Pancakes, done by the recipe of her mother, that’s something she really missed.
Do they have any enemies?: No personal enemies. But if you are in Starfleet, it comes with the duty and some decisions you forced to make. She´s sure there are a few people in the galaxy, who prefer her dead then still alive, but they first have to pass Chris and the crew of the Enterprise.
What does their writing look like?: Cathrin has a very elegant writing but when she´s in hurry, so most of the time, it goes undecipherable. This also caused back to her time as a medical assistant and later as a Paramedic.
What disgusts them? Liars, disloyalty, dishonorable intentions. She has a high loyal compass and goes not well with people who infringe it. Cathrin hates senseless violence and every action that caused damage to the ones she love and who stands under her protection.  
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fasterthanmydemons · 5 years
Name any three things about the rpc that bother you.
{out of breath} So I guess this is just going to be an extension of “rpc trends I hate, heh” since I’m not sure what the distinction is, but I guess some of these things have just always been that way for some people and aren’t trends so much as accepted practices within the rpc.
1. Assuming someone is a poor writer or not worth writing with because they don’t use professional-looking graphics or themes. Come on, people. Sometime someone doesn’t know how to set that stuff up. Sometimes they don’t care. Sometimes they just don’t have the time or don't want to be bothered with it. But whatever their reason for having a more simplistic-looking blog, it has nothing to do with how a person writes. I have encountered muns with gorgeous blogs that just wrote terribly, heh. I have encountered muns with bare bones blogs that wrote exquisitely. The two have nothing to do with each other. It’s just more of this judging people by aesthetics and first impressions instead of taking the time to actually give them a chance. Now if you’re limiting interactions because you have enough already or something like that, that’s totally fine. But don’t ignore someone or be unkind to them right out of the gate because you don’t happen to like the way their blog looks. That’s like saying you won’t ever eat an orange because you don’t like the taste of orange peel. Well you’re not supposed to eat the peel! XD Aesthetics are optional, creative ways that muns choose or choose not to express themselves with regarding their muses. It has absolutely nothing to do with writing skill, style, or creativity level. They are two different sets of interests/skills. 
2. Using “mutuals only” as an excuse to ignore people. I understand why some people want to be mutuals only. There’s a lot of haters and people that will make you uncomfortable, and I get that. But when I bother to reach out to someone to say hi, I am following you but for one of my sideblogs, and they tell me well unless you can follow me, I don’t want to interact... what do I do with that? Tumblr literally does not allow me to follow using side blogs. So you’re telling me that because my follow says a different url, you’re what... counting me as a different person? Sometimes people will then say, “I don’t rp with sideblogs.” Okay. Why, though? Side blogs are the same as main blogs, they just can’t follow and like. It’s not like there’s any other difference. Who has three, four, five, ten, twenty emails to make a new Tumblr account with every time they want to set up a different muse? I like to get all notifications for all my rp blogs on my phone or computer at once, I don’t want to have to be logging in and out, in and out, in and out, every time I want to see a different muse. It’s a pain in the ass. If you want to do that, that’s totally fine. I’m not saying it’s wrong or bad, but just because someone follows you with a different rp blog or a personal blog doesn’t mean they want to interact with you on that blog. My main on this account is a Nuada blog. That has really hurt me as far as gaining writing partners for my Resident Evil, Marvel, and OC blogs because I follow with Nuada and people are like Hellboy? Eh, not interested. When the whole reason I followed you was for a completely different blog.
My issue with this is that I get the distinct feeling that people (not all, but a good number) use “mutuals only” as a way to thin out their interactions so that they don’t get overwhelmed. This is a terrible way of doing that. It excludes so many amazing blogs and muses without even giving them a chance. If you want to limit your interactions, say you’re on hiatus, or close your blog for new threads, or just flat out say I only rp with a few chosen people or close friends. That’s fine. Then people know where you stand. But to say welp I’m sorry you didn’t follow with your sideblog so go away please and thank you... that’s just rude, because through no fault of my own and because of something I can’t fix, you’re writing me off without a fair chance. Don’t use “mutuals only” to weed through blogs you want to interact with, people. Just be up front with potential partners that you want to limit interactions for some reason. That’s so much more informative and less frustrating to muns who have many rp sideblogs and use a main blog as a “hub” of sorts.
3. Judging a muse and excluding a mun based on FC. I have actually seen in people’s rules “if you use these FCs, don’t talk to me because that’s just total crap.” Like, really rudely like that. For example, there are two FCs for Pietro (or Peter, as he’s called in the other version) depending on which version you prefer, X-men or MCU. And there are some pretty strong feelings on both sides whether you prefer one version of the character or the other, or whether you are a fan of one actor or the other, and the two sides are not nice to each other at all. This is just dumb? Like I understand you saying “my muse is X-men/MCU version.” That’s useful information. But who the hell cares what FC you use? Have fun! Do what you want! Use that actor/actress you love for your muse. It’s your blog and your muse, you do you bb, heh. Some people have been using FCs that look more Romani in ethnicity for Wanda and Pietro. Great! Some people have been using Aaron Taylor-Johnson to write the X-men version of Peter or Evan Peters to write Pietro from the MCU. Cool! If that’s what you want to do and that gets you excited about your muse, go ahead! Why the hate for people that want to change how their muse looks? It has nothing to do with how the character might behave (except I suppose some racial and cultural-associated changes might apply), or with the writing skill/style of the mun, so what’s the problem? The rpc should be a fun sandbox for all people to play in however they want, as long as they’re not hurting anyone or spreading hate. So hating on someone for their choice of FC? That’s just low.
Another aspect of this is judging an OC based on FC. I’ve seen OCs be assumed to have certain interests or musical ability or food preferences based on the FC that was chosen, or even assumed to be a certain character because of FC. For example, someone using Chris Evans as Steve Rogers for their FC but it’s an OC. Maybe there’s a reason why that’s the best fit for them? Don’t assume that their character is just like Steve.
My little leafling OC Jix ( @xleafyheartx ) has had this problem. I use Pickett from Fantastic Beasts as his FC because that’s just the closest thing to what he looks like that I could find. The appearance is actually off in a lot of ways, but that’s the best I could do and I don’t draw, unfortunately. Jix is very different in personality than Pickett, and he talks... a LOT. He’s cute as a button and well worth interacting with. But because I used Pickett, a lot of people think he is Pickett. Either that or people have said they don’t want to interact because it’s weird for their character to not see him a Pickett. That’s just breaking the fourth wall right there, heh. Also, they assume because he’s only one foot tall that he’s a child, when he isn’t. And... Pickett is not one foot tall, so most people assume Jix is a lot smaller.
All this boils down to... ask the mun about the muse and don’t assume things. Especially don’t be mean or exclusionary because of things you’ve decided without even asking if they’re true. 
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lily-sinful · 7 years
Answer me every question for Cehrih because I crave that catte >:3c
gfdi tobi
   What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?  About 20 minutes.  Infinitely if she dozes off in that time.
   How easy is it for your character to laugh?  V easy!  Also it's not so much laughing as "gigglesnorting"
   How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?)  Nheu's boobs have soporific proporties apparently
   How easy is it to earn their trust?  Easier than it should be, probably
   How easy is it to earn their mistrust?  Actually also pretty easy!  She trusts easy but isn't very forgiving if you do a Shit Thing
   Do they consider laws flexible, or immovable?  Flexible.  Circumstance is important when considering things.
   What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?  Hot, cloudless days.  Growing up in a desert'll do that to you.  Now, yes.  For a really long time, she wouldn't have.  Thinking about ul'dah was just too painful for her after she left.
   What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child  "please stop sprinting off otherwise you'll just keep breaking your nose"
   Do they swear? Do they remember their first swear word?  Yep!  Cohwah (Grannycat) tended to swear a lot if she mucked up alchemy stuff.  Cehrih's first swear was also an alchemy mishap, although in her case the "mishap" was blowing up her alembic.  Cehrih: ...fack!  Cohwah: ...fuck indeed, little one.  fuck indeed.
   What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them?  Rude!  Cehrih is a lady of science and lies are not for science!  (She once lied about getting in a fight.  there was no fight, she tripped and fell down the eighty sins of sasamo)
   How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)?  If cehrih's confused she spends hours studying the thing to find out how it works.
   How do they deal with an itch found in a place they can’t quite reach?  "NHEUUUUU HEEEELP"
   What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color?  Black and dark grey with the occasonal splash of red or pink.  Yep.
   What animal do they fear most?  CACTAURS.
   How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?  A bit of both.  She'll rehearse minor shit endlessly but she tends to blurt out important things at random.
   What makes their stomach turn?  Cooked fish.
   Are they easily embarrassed?  Not really.  You spend most of your childhood faceplanting constantly and you tend to get used to embarassment.
   What embarrasses them?  She's very sensitve about her clumsiness, even if it's nowhere near as bad as it was as a kid.
   What is their favorite number?  Fuck i dunno.  16?
   If they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, how would they do so?  honestly she'd get a deer-in-the-headlights expression and bolt for the nearest window
   Why do they get up in the morning?  Honestly that question would be baffling for her.  How could she NOT get up?  Papers don't research themselves!
   How does jealousy manifest itself in them (they become possessive, they become aloof, etc)?  she hiss!  she only ever gets jealous over nheu
   How does envy manifest itself in them (they take what they want, they become resentful, etc)?  never really been the envious sort!  if somebody gets a thing that she was going "ARBLARGL" over she's usually happy for them.
    Is sex something that they’re comfortable speaking about? To whom?  Yeah but she's not gonna, like, bring it up out of nowhere.
    What are their thoughts on marriage?  Her main thoughts are "my wife is too good how did this happen"
    What is their preferred mode of transportation?  Chocobo!
    What causes them to feel dread?  The idea of people she cares about being hurt.
    Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth?  Cehrih values the truth very highly, and she would expect people to be as honest with her as she'd be with them (namely as honest as she can be given what she knows).
    Do they usually live up to their own ideals?  She tries her best!
    Who do they most regret meeting?  I'm not sure there IS anyone she's regretted meeting at this point.
    Who are they the most glad to have met?  She was so glad to have met Nheu she married her.
    Do they have a go-to story in conversation? Or a joke?  That time she fell off a cactaur
    Could they be considered lazy?  Not really!  She spends most of her time working and even in her off time she's usually thinking about whatever project she's fiddling with.
    How hard is it for them to shake a sense of guilt?  She will absolutely feel guilty about things for eternity.
    How do they treat the things their friends come to them excited about? Are they supportive?  She tends to mirror other peoples excitedness!
   Do they actively seek romance, or do they wait for it to fall into their lap?  Honestly, she never really looked for romance.  The thing with Nheu just kind of Happened.
   Do they have a system for remembering names, long lists of numbers, things that need to go in a certain order (like anagrams, putting things to melodies, etc)?  Nope!  She just has a knack for remembering them!
   What memory do they revisit the most often?  The first time she used thaumaturgy.  The memory of the first time she cast magic is very important to her!  even if it was setting her mom's tail on fire :B
   How easy is it for them to ignore flaws in other people?  Depends on the flaw, but usually pretty easy.
   How sensitive are they to their own flaws?  EXTREMELY.  ALL THE TIME. AAAAAAAAAAA!
   How do they feel about children?  She SAYS "put that thing back where it came from or so help me" but in actual she's very patient with them.  She may not like kids but she also feels that she shouldn't be mean to them.
   How badly do they want to reach their end goal?  Honestly she doesn't have an end goal.  She just wants to quietly work on her research and would GREATLY APPRECIATE it if everything stopped BLOWING THE HELL UP ALL THE TIME ahem
   If someone asked them to explain their sexuality, how would they do so?  "that's the thing where you have sex, right?  i do the that yes"
A) Why are you excited about this character?  she cute and i love her
B) What inspired you to create them?  i needed a personality for my ultros main and went with "clumsy doof" based off of our cat.
C) Did you have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story?  no but i've been absolutely making it up as i go along.  everything's been falling together real nice completely on accident.
D) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look?  she gets periodic haircuts but besides that not really.
E) Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you?  probly i dunno!
F) What do you feel when you think of your OC (pride, excitement, frustration, etc)?  Excitepride.
G) What trait of theirs bothers you the most?  she can be too science focused but that's fine
H) What trait do you admire most?  her adaptability, i guess.  i mean if i woke up in a different dimension i'd freak out waaaaaaaaay harder than she did.
I) Do you prefer to keep them in their canon universe?  nop
J) Did you have to manipulate or exclude canon factors to allow them to create their character?  nope!  again, falling together real nice, completely on accident
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