feifood · 3 years
Wasssup! could i request hc for chrollo hisoka and leorio w a fem s/o who calls them baby and honey she only calls them by their name when shes upset with them. Thanks love your hc's!!!
Fem S/o Calling them by their Name when she’s Mad
Chrollo, Hisoka, Leorio
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Hi anon! Yes ofc you can request that hehe -- tysm for the compliment love <3
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Chrollo is such a sucker for the nicknames you call him I just know it
So that’s why he’s always internally panicking when you actually call him ‘Chrollo’
His mind is like ‘oh shoot she mad she mad she mad she mad what do I do what do I do’
Won’t straight up ask what’s wrong but he’ll definitely be more careful of what he says and what he does
I don’t think he’ll ask what’s wrong and he won’t stop being on edge until you go back to your normal self and call him a pet name
If you’re upset with him please tell him straight up LOLOL Don’t leave this man in the dark
Hisoka will get to the root of the problem if you don’t do it yourself
One day you hit him with actually saying ‘Hisoka’ instead of a pet name that he’s used to and he’ll immediately go ‘what’s wrong’
Makes you sit down and talk it out with him before anything else happens
He takes this as a VERY serious sign because it’s like taking out the fire before it spreads
ALSO in his mind he’s doing a speed run of everything that’s happened the past few days trying to find something that he’s done that might have made you upset
He’s actually very good at resolving conflicts because of this and every time you two sit down to talk about it the tension goes away very quickly
Leorio gets very very sad :((
Don’t hurt him pls don’t do it omg
You call him ‘Leorio’ and he’s just all over you asking what he did wrong and apologizing for something he doesn’t even know
Goes into ‘sorry’ mode right away basically
Of course he’ll also talk it out with you after (you basically have to talk explain what’s wrong or else he won’t stop asking), but let him have his little freak out moment for a second so he can get his thoughts together
It’s just part of the process babes
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402 notes · View notes
feifood · 3 years
Okay I got one!!!
Could you please write something with the main four together, where the reader is another member of the group and they are all protective of them because they are a big sweetheart and can't hurt a fly.
The Main Four being Protective
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yesyes great idea anon !! I made them like a protection squad LOLOL might have gone overboard but I hope you like <33
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Kurapika is Y/N protection squad leader
Has lots of fighting experience and he literally had a job as a bodyguard?? Kurapika knows what he’s doing
The entire team basically runs on his words -- if he’s suspicious of any danger everyone will be more attentive but if he gives the ‘safe’ signal then they trust him and relax a little
But of course all this is only when you’re involved because in their eyes you are PRECIOUS to the ends of this Earth
Leorio is the one that’s always really weary of everything
He knows how you’re definitely not as strong as everyone else in the group and so he tries his best to point out danger before the disaster actually happens
ALSO this means there were lots of false alarms when Leorio thought something bad was going on but you guys were literally like in a cafe having lunch-
Gon is the one that follow Kurapika’s words the most -- he has lost of trust in Kurapika and he’d honestly hate himself if anything happened to you
Not that he doesn’t have a good sense of if there’s danger, but he doesn’t view himself as the most reliable so he just makes sure he’s prepared to protect at all times than constantly trying to find out if it’s safe or not
Killua is the most relaxed
He has a lot of trust in his abilities and honestly he is 100% sure that he would win any fight with anyone that’s trying to hurt you
Not to mention Killua’s pretty protective of the people that he cares about so you bet that absolutely nothing is going to be able to hurt you
All in all babes you’re in good hands 
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feifood · 4 years
May I please have a headcanon for Hxh main 4 when you cup their faces with your hands 👀
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yes yes you may !! This is so cute here u go anon <33
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Cupping their faces with your hands
Gon is just happy that you’re happy tbh
If he’s talking and you do this he’ll stop whatever he was saying and be like yes?
After you do this to him once he starts to do it to you CONSTANTLY
He really liked it when you did it, so he’s like they’ll like it too yeah?
His hands are a little too small to really cup your face lol but it’s the thought that counts !!
A little bit overwhelmed and confused
Physical affection is kind of a grey area for him
He’s going to think he said/did something wrong and you’re trying to catch his attention to correct him
But then you reassure him and you’re like nono this isn’t a threat LOL
Instantly relaxes
He suddenly realizes how comfy this feels, and how soft your hands are
The room falls into a comfortable silence as Killua discovers this feeling of coziness with your hands on his face
Goes quiet and the entire atmosphere gets VERY intense
Just the concept of his personal space being invaded kind of gets him on edge
He knows you won’t harm him ever but he’s just very unfamiliar with these things
Takes some time for him to adjust and he’s like ah I see why people enjoy this now
Just feels so comfortable with you cupping his face
Honestly he could fall asleep right then and there
He might just, honestly
Surprised at first, but gives you a closed eyed smile right after
At first he doesn't get it, he’s like what are you doing?
Are you trying to caress his face? Aren’t your hands supposed to move if you’re caressing his face? 
A little slow when it comes to these things LOLOL but that’s alright 
Instantly melts into it afterwards
He’s just had a long day and finding refuge in your hands are exactly what he needed
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feifood · 3 years
Hiiiiii! First time requesting, please could i get hc for shalnrk,chrollo and leorio with a fem s/o that loves getting their head scratched it puts them to sleep or makes them gigle thanks!!!!
Fem S/o who Loves Head Scratches 
Shalnark, Chrollo, Leoro
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hiiiiiii hehe I’m so glad you requested something anon !! And such a cute idea !! I love I love -- Hope you like these hcs and stay safe <33
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Shalnark thinks it’s so so so cute like you’re just so precious???
He likes how it automatically calms you down and he definitely does it whenever he thinks that you’re stressed
ALSO ALSO head scratching + cuddling IT IS THE DREAM FOR SHALNARK
I think he’s someone that would like physical touch from his s/o a lot, so cuddling is what gives him serotonin and when he scratches your head as he cuddles you gives you serotonin
So it’s a win win for both parties hehe
I think if you let him he’ll also be comfortable with scratching your head in public
When you’re out with friends and eating at the same table he’ll probably put his arm on the back of your hair and prop up his elbow to gently scratch at your head
Chrollo finds it kinda funny adjfkjdf
Only because you laugh a little when he does it
And he just thinks it’s so adorable it reminds him of a little puppy
Once he even said ‘good girl’ by accident (We don’t talk about that)
Definitely keeps this to himself
Doesn’t tell his friends about it, doesn’t do it in public
To him, scratching your head is something VERY VERY private and it’s only reserved for you two
He also refuses to NOT scratch your head for less than 10 minutes -- it has to be head scratching SESSIONS or else he’s not going to do it at all
As you can tell he’s pretty serious about it so please don’t make fun of him for it
ahhh he loves it he loves loves LOVES it
so much so to the point where he starts asking YOU to scratch his head too -- he’s just fallen in love with the concept of head scratching
And now you two are both twinning in this sense 
If you had a rough day he’ll just scratch your head till you fall asleep and vice versa
Probably will tell his close friends, but he won’t necessarily say you like it or he likes it, rather, he’ll SUGGEST the idea
He’ll just be like ‘hey have you ever gotten your head scratched because it is SO UNDERRATED’
But regardless that doesn’t mean he doesn’t love scratching your head and being able to spend that time with you !!
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feifood · 3 years
May I get a main four with a shy reader please.
Main Four W/ a Shy Reader
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yes anon your wish is my command <33 I wrote these hcs as a group I hope that’s alright :)) Have a great day/night!
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Everyone tries their very hardest to make you comfortable !! 
You’re one of their friends are you not? And they only know to treat their friends with nothing but the upmost respect in the world (I hope that made sense)
ANYWAYS Gon invites you to everything -- he’s going fishing, do you want to join? Him and Killua are going to go out to eat do you want to come along? He’s going to run some errands would you like to tag along?
Anything small, no matter how insignificant it may seem, Gon is going to invite you to it because he doesn’t want you to be feeling left out
Killua likes to talk to you, he thinks you’re a great listener
Whenever he’s having doubts or just frustrations, he’ll tell you and regardless of what advice you give him, he always leaves your conversations feeling more relaxed and at peace
He doesn’t know how you do it, but he’s very grateful for you in this way
Kurapika wants to hear more about you, about your past, get to know you more
He knows that you’re shy, but just because you’re shy doesn’t mean you’re not an interesting person !!
He wants you to be able to get comfortable enough to open up to him, and let’s you warm up to him at your own pace because he’d never want to pressure you into sharing things about yourself
Leorio really appreciates how you listen to him as well
He doesn’t really come to you to have deep talks like Killua, but he likes how you listen to his jokes and you never shift your focus when he’s talking in a conversation
He knows you’re shy so he takes it upon himself to lead the conversation, hoping to encourage you to join in 
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feifood · 3 years
Could I get some hc of petnames/nicknames the adultrio, trouble trio, and main four, would call their s/o? Also I wanna know your favorites! I’ll share mine: kitten, doll, and baby ok that’s all remember to stay hydrated babes! 🌸
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Cute Nicknames for their s/o
Adult Trio, Trouble Trio, Main Four
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THESE PHOTOS ARE SO CUTE *hold on lemme just -saves- * THANK YOU SO MUCH you’re so kind babe <333
I hope you like this little list !! Sorry it’s really short :(( but anyways I’d say my faves are bunny, doll, and/or my pretty little thing (anything with ‘my’ gets me every time without fail)
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Pumpkin/Sweetie/Sweetie Pie/Baby: Gon, maybe Shalnark as well
Darling/Love/Precious/Honey: Leorio, Kurapika, Illumi, Chrollo
Bunny/Kitten/Doll: Shalnark, Hisoka, also possibly Chrollo
Babe/Dude/Bro (someone teach them the concept of nicknames please): Killua, Feitan, Phinks (but only for a little while in the beginning of the relationship)
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feifood · 4 years
Can I have a headcanon for HxH main four where you say I love you for the first time? If it's too much, just Killua is fine. Thank you so much ☺️
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Thank you sm for your concern babie, it’s not too much so I’m more than happy to deliver this request <33
I hope you like it, this idea is so adorable and makes me feel all mushy hehe
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Saying ‘I Love You’ to them for the first time:
Starts BEAMING with a smile, takes him literally 0 seconds to process what you just said
Jumps up and just starts screaming about how he loves you too
Pulls you into a giant hug omg 
How thankful he is for you and how proud he is that you were the first to say it
He was probably thinking about saying it first, but he didn’t want to seem pushy or anything so he decided to just wait
But now that you’ve said it he won’t ever stop saying it to you
Dude is lost for words
Unlike Gon, he’s going to need some time to process what you just said
He can get very emotional when people express how much they care about him and love him so I think he might honestly tear up a little
But will brush you off when you ask if he’s okay
He’ll  be like yeah just- shut up give me a minute
And you’re just waiting on him like ..... Killua I know you’re crying and he’s like HOLD ON JUST A SECOND
After he recomposes himself he says that he loves you to :))
Reacts immediately like Gon, but isn’t as energetic as him
That doesn’t mean he cares less though !! Kurapika is still very thankful that you were able to tell him that and he’s so happy that you love him
Doesn’t show it much, but he feels very warm inside and he hopes that you understand how he’s doing internally
Would thank you out loud and then say ‘I love you’ back
MAYBE starts to hold back the tears
He’d never let the tears actually fall, but he’d be lying if he said that his eyes weren’t getting a bit watery
Disbelief at first, thinks he’s hearing it wrong
He's going to ask you to say it a bunch of times before he actually realizes that you’re serious
Energetic like Gon but emotional like Killua so just a loud crying mess
Starts reciting about how he loves you nonstop to the point where you have to tell him to stop because it seems like he was running out of breath
Going to take him a while to calm down I’m not going to lie
Afterwards he’ll seriously say that he loves you too and talk about how happy he is to have you :,)
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feifood · 4 years
could you give hc's abt like, kurapika and leorio being parental? idk they just have dad energy and as someone who currently has 0 dads it would mean a lot! thank u sm, have a great day!
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Hi anon !! I hope I got your concept right, and I hope you like these headcanons. Also I’m sorry to hear that :( My inbox is open if you ever like to talk, you can even have an anon name if you want !! Have a great day babes <3
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Parental Traits Headcanons
He would be similar to the chill parent, but NOT careless
Whatever you want to do, most chances are he’d let you 
Unless it’s something that’s obviously NOT a good idea, who is he to stop you?
But of course, he’s very flexible with your decisions because he knows that if something goes wrong, he’ll be able to be there for you and handle the issue
He really do believe in the growth through experience concept
He still cares about you ENDLESSLY don’t get it wrong
Will 100000% smack anyone if they try to cross you
Basically the total opposite of a helicopter parent
He’d be the parent thats strict but very easy to persuade LOLOL
Leorio would want to show off is authority by bossing you around but we all know it’s fake
and he’s very easy to break a.k.a. it won’t take long to convince him to join in on this ridiculous plan of yours
Would definitely get into more trouble than Kurapika
Sometimes you’d be the one giving HIM advice on how to watch over YOU
That doesn’t mean that he’d be bad at looking over you !!!!!
He still cares a lot and will always figure out a way to get out of a tight situation
Not as chill as Kurapika but that’s just what makes it fun with Leorio hehe
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111 notes · View notes
feifood · 3 years
Hello! Could i ask for hc for a fem s/o that has ADHD with chrollo, shalnark, leorio
S/o w/ ADHD
Chrollo, Shalnark, Leorio
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Hiii -- yes anon yes you may :)) I did some research on ADHD before writing this, so hopefully it doesn’t stereotype. Have a great day/night cutie <33
(Also I know you asked for fem s/o but I didn’t end up using any pronouns/hints to one’s gender so I hope that’s okay)
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Chrollo would be very very patient -- he just naturally seems like a very patient person so of course he will be patient for his s/o as well
He knows that sometimes tasks may be hard for you to do, and he’s always there to help you out through it with all the patience in the world
But he doesn’t ‘baby’ you, as in he doesn’t treat you as if you can’t do anything on your own
He knows exactly the amazing things you’re capable of and that you having ADHD doesn’t limit you in all aspects of your life
He also makes it a routine to kind of check up on you and just how you’re doing overall -- not necessarily because he thinks you always need help but because he wants to put his own mind at ease knowing you’re doing alright
Shalnark simply does not care because why should your ADHD define who you are ???
He’d treat you absolutely no different (unless you ask him fro help of course), because he knows that you can still achieve great things regardless 
If you’ll let him, I think he would casually tell people that you have ADHD so then it will turn into a educational discussion
He’s very aware of the myths about people with ADHD, and he’s trying to slowly teach others so they can be more aware
If anyone even DARES to say anything out of line -- honestly good luck to them
He would educate himself !! So much !!
Right after you tell him you have ADHD he would be hitting the books straight away to learn more and to better understand your situation
He’s not going to read something and then talk to you about it as if he’s teaching you, but I think maybe he’ll ask you about your experiences and read up on other’s experiences to kind of make a connection (if that makes sense)
Doesn’t tell people you have ADHD though, because he doesn’t want people to see you for your disorder, but rather YOU as a person
That doesn’t mean he doesn’t talk to others about ADHD as a topic though, he will definitely be like Shalnark and try to share his knowledge with others
Not as scary as Shalnark if someone steps out of line but this man can YELL and he WILL YELL
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feifood · 3 years
hi! could you please do the main four (+ alluka/nanika) reacting to a friend coming out as trans? like, the reader has already transitioned but was stealth (examples would be a trans man presenting as a cis man/trans woman presenting aa a cis woman)
thank you! have a wonderful weekend
Coming out as Trans to Main Four + Alluka
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HII ANON omg I’m so late to this request IM SO SORRY :(( But anyways this request is so so wholesome I love it and I did the hcs as a group I hope that’s okay !! Anyways, stay safe, take care of yourself, and have a wonderful day/night love <33
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It’s nerve-wracking -- coming out, even if you’re coming out to some of your closest friends, it’s still a scary concept
It’s not that you were ashamed of yourself (damn right you go thrive with that self love baby), but we can’t read the future so no one really know how they’ll react
But you decide to tell them anyways !! You brave soul <3
Gon is happy as heck, jumping up and down -- he’s VERY VERY proud of you for getting the courage to tell him
He’s also SO happy that you’re happy in your own skin !! That you’re living the best life and you’re comfortable with yourself
Killua doesn’t really care ASDJKFHJKHF
He’s like okay? You’re trans? so what? (DON’T WORRY HES NOT SAYING THIS IN A BAD WAY)
He’s still very very proud to have you as a friend and he’s so so happy for you that you trust him enough to tell him, but he doesn’t see why the fact that your trans should change anything regarding your friendship
Treats it as a very casual thing in hopes to make you feel less nervous
Kurapika is happy happy just not jumpy like Gon is 
He knows the struggles, he can only imagine how hard your journey was but hey! You’re here now, you’re happy, healthy, safe, there’s really nothing else that could go wrong
Will ABSOLUTELY defend you until the day he dies because he knows how the trans community is (sadly) a target in hate crimes
Leorio will ask a lot of questions
As many as you’re comfortable with of course !! But he definitely wants to know more and to learn more, so he’ll know the boundaries when speaking out certain topics, and overall so he can educate himself
Now that doesn’t mean he’s going to make YOU educate him, but he is definitely willing to listen to your stories if you ever want to share
Alluka/Nanika just also very happy! ALMOST as jumpy as Gon (but still quite jumpy)
She’s trans too !! And now there’s someone who had a similar experience as her !! She loves it !!
She’s your emotional support buddy through all this, and she’s very very happy that you told her because she totally understands why someone might not be comfortable coming out to others right away
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feifood · 4 years
how would the main 4 (+alluka/nanika) react to another 14 year old becoming part of their little found family?
idk i just think it'd be really nice to be a part of that dynamic ya kno?
thank you for reading this, and if u choose to answer than u very much! have a wonderful weekend :)
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hello anonnnn ,, yesyes I totally get it, I think it’d turn out great as well !! Thank you for being so nice in your ask hehe, you’re so thoughtful. I hope you have a good rest of your weekend babes, take care <33
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Another member to the friend group:
Happy happy little bean
More friends = more fun in his mind, so why would he ever exclude anyone??
He’s excited as hell, bombarding this new person with questions and compliments
I think he does have a suspicious side of him that’s very curious where this new friend is from and what their intentions are
But to him, his priority is making everyone feel welcomed and accepted so you bet he’ll do that in this situation as well
A little bit suspicious of them LOLOL
Why does someone want to suddenly join their friend group?
Do they know he’s an assassin? Are they after his family? ARE THEY AFTER GON??
A little bit cold at first, he’s just instinctively cautious around strangers and new people
After a while, of course, he’ll start to ease up a little
Laugh a little louder at their jokes, letting them stand closer to Gon, not giving them a glare everytime
Give the kid some time and he’ll adjust for sure for sure
I think Kurapika will be the most chill about it
He’s basically unfazed by this and treats the new person the same as he treats everyone else
In his mind, why treat this person different? Meeting new people is what everyone has to do in their lives, and being stubborn is just going to slow down the process of making friends
I think he’s the one that keeps the new member up to date, practically gossiping with them about the others LOLOL
He’ll also be the one to kind of teach them about how things work in their group dynamic, just so everyone can get along better
ALSO very welcoming to this new member
I think he would be a bit confused at first (not necessarily suspicious though) as to why there’s a new face to the mix
But he doesn’t mind !! The more the merrier hehe
He also sees how happy his friends are with this new person and he’s all about the people around him being happy
I think he’ll also try extra hard to make sure they don’t feel left out 
Leorio is very proud of his friends !! And it would be a shame for someone to have a bad impression of them, so that’s why he’s here to make sure that it won’t ahppen
Very happyyyyy (especially if it’s someone around her age)
She’s longed for a new friend for a long long time
She’s very grateful for Killua and Gon of course, but she understands that  Killua and Gon are best friends who share a special bond because of that, and she’s been wanting to get her own best friend ever since then
Little cutie us just all over this new member of the group, and she’s already planning a day together to hang out hehe
I think she’ll also give lost of gifts, probably handmade, just for fun and to show how happy she is for this new addition to the group !!
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feifood · 3 years
+— « leorio paradinight
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+ = headcanons // -- = longer works
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+ Parental Traits
+ Nicknames for S/o
+ Fem S/o who Loves Head Scratches
+ S/o w/ ADHD
+ Fem S/o Calling him by his Name when she’s Mad
+ Breakup Prank
+ Being told ‘I Love You’
+ Cupping their Face
+ New Member of the Group
+ W/ a Shy Friend
+ Coming Out as Trans to Him
+ Main Four being Protective
+ Introverted Friend showing Appreciation
-- Little Leah
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feifood · 4 years
Can I request for a breakup prank with the main four? (Gon, Killua, Kurapika and Leorio) Thank you ❤️ I love reading all your works and love how you interact with your anons🥺
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Yes ofc you can anon !! hehe thank you sm for the compliments <33
Also I love my anons sm they’re all so sweet and their requests are always so creative ANYWAYS I hope you enjoy this !!
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Breakup Prank
Poor baby believes it right away
His expression drops and his voice immediately softens
Starts asking you questions like did he do something wrong? Is there anything he can do different? Can you give him another chance?
Lowkey on the brink of tears but he’s not gonna let himself cry because he wants to talk it out
And then you reveal that it’s a prank and he just lightens up COMPLETELY
The entire room just got wayyyy less tense
Doesn’t get mad at you or anything for pranking him that well
He’s actually the one that starts laughing first before you asjdhjsd
Knows IMMEDIATELY it’s a prank
His expression was so bland after you told him 
You kinda stared at him and thought “did he even hear me?”
He just knows you so well he can tell from your tone, posture, eye contact, all that
Gives you a “tch,” and starts talking about how he’s disappointed that you executed this prank badly
Will tease you about this for the rest of his life
But his mind he’s thanking all the stars in the sky that this was a prank
Reacts in the same way as Gon but he’s not as emotional
Asks you the same questions: Did I do something wrong? Can we find a way to fix this?
He goes into full on deep conversation mode and you have to pull him out of it
You tell him it’s a prank and at first he doesn’t believe you AJSHDSJ
So you just gotta keep reassuring him
I think this incident is gonna turn into a lesson for the both of you
But don’t get me wrong, your relationship strengthened by a lot after this prank because Kurapika made you sit down with him and talk about your relationship for what felt like hours 
I imagine Leorio to be a mix of all the other reactions
At first he calls your bluff and says it’s a prank, but he’s not certain like Killua is
He’s just calling out your bluff because he’s freaking out and can’t accept the fact that you might actually be leaving him
So if you don’t give in and keep convincing him that you’re breaking up with him, he’ll go Kurapika mode and get very analytical
Shortly after that though he will get emotional for sure for sure
Mr. Oreo has a lot of emotions and there’s nothing wrong with that
You tell him it’s a prank and he’s practically crying tears of joy because he just went on the most intense emotional roller coaster
Be gentle with Leorio :((
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feifood · 4 years
Little Leah <3
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Hey everyone !! 
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Lately I’ve been working with @lelewright1234​ to write a headcanon fanfic and I’m very excited to start showing y’all what we made :)
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[ Main Four x OC ]
Leah in a Hunter x Hunter AU is turned into a baby and the main four try to find a cure for her and take care of her.
Notes:  - Leah is the same age as Gon and Killua (before she turned into a baby) - She is stronger than the two boys and has the power of  Emotion Empowerment, as well as spiritual gateways/tears (opening portals to different places) with glowing stars/balls of light - She is able to channel her emotions into powers - Also has other powers such as flight, telekinesis, force fields, teleporting, and telepathy - Any warnings (if necessary) will be mentioned at the beginning of each chapter
First upload: Dec. 19, 2020
Last Upload: [currently discontinued]
Part 1: Baby Leah
Part 2: Zoldyck Business
Part 3: Hospital Visit
Part 4: Family
Part 5: Supernatural
Part 6: Kurapika and Leorio
Part 7: Camping Trip
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feifood · 4 years
(you’ll do great don’t worry💗) this is for a hxh match up :)) ! i’m 5’7- i have green/ blue eyes (they change sometimes depending on the colors i wear) and i have curly sorta shoulder length hair! personality wise i am an INFP-T, slytherin/hufflepuff, (and if you do zodiac sign stuff i’m a gemini sun, taurus moon, and libra rising). My hobbies include going to the movies and hanging out with friends. Most of my time is working on my bachelors degree and i’m currently majoring in psychology!
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ahh tysm for the encouragement you’re so sweet, I hope you like this !! Don’t really know how I’m feeling about it -- guess I’m quite confident that this is a good match up :))
Have a great rest of your day love <3
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woah he look so good in here omg -- I need to watch hxh 1999 vers soon I need to stop putting it off :((
ANYWAYS HEAR ME OUT HEAR ME OUT: Firstly, I think the height difference would be so adorable because he’s 6′4 (193cm) BUT ALSO your blue eyes ?? his blue suit ?? You see where I’m getting to here babes?? 
I read a little bit about the INFP-T personality type and I think you’re very suited for Leorio because you’re both very big on promoting harmony and very free spirited. I also found out that your personality type are usually quiet, lovely people, and having a tall, smart, sometimes-could-be-overly-loud Leorio by your side sounds like the perfect match :)) Not to mention I think he’d go great with a hufflepuff 
He’s also in school !! (I think ........ kinda forgot what he was doing in the most recent chapter of the manga ......) But in the anime he’s still in school !! He takes education very seriously and would totally encourage you every step of the way in your carrer <33
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feifood · 4 years
Part 7: Camping Trip
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HERE IT IS PART 7 -- it’s been a while since I’ve updated this story but dw we still writing it we didn’t abandon it
Hope y’all enjoy <33
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Warnings: watch out for Hisoka ajkshdjhsd
Word count: 875 words
Plot by: @lelewright1234​
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With everyone experiencing paranormal activity lately, Kurapika and Leorio decide to have a meeting about this with everyone to find out what was going on (Gon + Killua’s late night game session, Alluka and her midnight drink, etc.)
Killua suggests that they put up cameras around the place so they can go back and review the footage if anything happens
So they all agree and set that plan in action
For the past few days, they monitored those camera footages but nothing weird was happening anymore
One day, Alluka suggests a big family picnic because Leah had lots of moments hwere she would stare out at the window calmly
Everyone agreed and later that day they made their way to a nearby forest with a large picnic basket
When they arrived, Leah was noticeably more calm and quiet which made everyone very glad for that
Gon, Alluka, and Killua went out to explore the forest while Kurapika and Leorio set up the picnic site under a large tree on the top of a hill
They had a great time and ate some great food, Leah was enjoying herself as well
Leiorio was taking photos of everyone until he realized that Leah didn't take her allergy meds since she has been outside for hours
He notified Kurapika about it and Kurapika gave him a very unamused face with a sigh
After they ate, they all took a giant nap since everyone got tired all of a sudden
All except for Alluka and Leah
Alluka was playing with Leah the whole time and they noticed a red-blood butterfly so they chased after it into the forest
Leah was about to catch the butterfly till Alluka jumped up and grabbed onto her
Leah started to pout till she looked up to see Alluka holding onto her and started to smile
Alluka realized they were lost and it was now nighttime which was strange since it was daylight just a few minutes ago
There were a lot of noises (animals, the wind, etc.) and the only light visible was the moonlight shining through the trees
Alluke got scared and started to worry while Leah was fussing and getting irritated from the cold
Alluka held onto Leah tightly while running around trying to find a way out
She spotted a large lamppost and found a road
She walked to it and started to call out everyone but no one answered
Suddenly, Alluka heard a large siren sound in the distance with footsteps coming into the forest
She was trying to make up what she was seeing but it was too dark
Alluka started to freak out and started crying while holding baby Leah who was now coughing
She stopped crying after she heard a calm voice say “Now what are two little girls doing out in the forest at night?”
Alluka turned around to see Hisoka standing with a creepy smile and his deck of cards
Alluka was to scared to say anything while Leah started to cry out
Alluka asked the man who he was and Hisoka reassured her, saying that he was friends with Gon and Killua and that he’ll help her get back to them
Alluka agreed and hands crying Leah to Hisoka
Leah then grabbed onto his finger and opened her eyes
The contact made her memories of HIsoka to come back to her and thus she stopped crying which made Alluka giggle a little
He picked both of them up and started to run down the long dark road with the moonlight guiding them
Back at the campsite, the main four were all freaking out as they look for Alluka and Leah
Kurapika was practically breaking down with his glowing red eyes and suspected that Illumi or the Phantom Troupe took them
Leorio mentions that they shouldn’t have fallen asleep while trying to calm Kurapika down
Gon and Killua were running around and used their nen to try and find them
They all stopped when they heard someone scream their name, it was Alluka on top of Hisoka’s shoulders, crying
They all ran to him, Gon and Kuillua began comforting Alluka while Kurapika was taking care of baby Leah
Leorio was not having it and had a talk with Hisoka demanding him to explain what happened
Hisoka reveals that they were watching the entire group at first and wondered why Leah wasn’t with them until he felt two very powerful auras in the forest and decided to check it out which led him to find baby Leah and Alluka
Hisoka looks at Leah and laughs, “So this is what happened to Leah? She turned into a sweet little baby?” This suddenly caused a group of red-blood butterflies to gather around her
Kurapika started to become hostile towards that question and shielded Leah from the butterflies as he tried to put her to sleep
Leorio tells that it’s none of Hisoka’s business and he should leave them alone
Leorio walks over to pick up Alluka and calls everyone to say they’re leaving
As they left, Hisoka held up a butterfly, looking up at the moonlight and asked himself with a smirk, “I wonder if the spiders would love to have a little butterfly to light their way?”
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