feifood · 3 years
hxh request where adult trio all love the same girl and would go to the ends of the earth for her, they all reluctantly come together to save her one day??? pls and thank you, if it's too difficult then something similarrr?? plsss, I love your writing so much 😌
Adult Trio Saving the same Girl they’re in Love with
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hihi anon !! I hope I understood the request right but yesyes here it is love 
tysm for the kind words !!! Really means a lot and it makes my heart go aksdhs every time (IN A GOOD WAY LOL) anyways I hope you’re doing well and taking care of yourself <33
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This sounds very messy not going to lie
Because Hisoka, Illumi, and Chrollo ALL going against each other?????? Would not want to be caught up in the middle of that not going to lie
You’re always scolding them for getting on each others nerves because you really hate it how they always get in arguments and things over you
And not to mention you’re basically the only person that can control all three of them at once
And yeah they do get pretty competitive sometimes trying to get your attention hoping that they’ll win you over
Let’s say one day you got lost and you’re LOST LOST basically deserted in an unknown city
You’re phone’s out of battery and it’s getting late and everything’s just not looking good
The adult trio would’ve already noticed that you’re not back yet and they’re lowkey panicking because were you alright ?????
Then they reluctantly team up to try and find you because if they sent one person to go then who would that one person be? That conversation on its own would take HOURS
Long story short they found you pretty easily and you turned out all right but oh my goodness were they more protective of you now
Not to mention the entire time they were looking for you YES they were arguing absolutely
It’s actually you who found THEM because they were talking so loud that you were just able to follow the noise to them
That being said they got a very long lecture from you that day about being loud (again)
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feifood · 3 years
Hey, this is the first request I make, so I'm a little shy. Can you do (Only if you want to) adult trio + Feitan with a s/o that is yandere? As if they just had someone flirting with them and s/o became jealous, then they discover that the person who flirted with them has been murdered. I hope I didn't confuse you.
Yandere S/o gets Jealous
Adult Trio + Feitan
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hihi anon omg first request lol lets go how does it feel ?? But anyways thank you for requesting lovely,, I wrote these hcs for you and I hope you like it !! Take care <3
**a content warning for yandere behaviour in this post**
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Hisoka already KNOWS your intentions and he’s lowkey cheering you on
This man LOVES drama and he also kinda loves murder too so you know,, but two and two together and it’s a perfect match
This man MIGHT go out of his way to make you jealous as in he’ll let someone flirt with him just to get a rise out of you
But of course he’s not going around trying to get others attention and make you feel insecure -- it’s just that if someone approached him all friendly he wouldn’t necessarily shut the conversation down
A few days later he hears that the person he was talking to has gone missing and this man already knows what happened
Goes to ask you about it (not really ask at this point, more like CONFRONT) and he gives you a talk that you can’t tell if it’s a lecture or not
Tells you that you have no reason to be jealous because he’d never cheat on your or anything !! But then he tells you good job on not getting caught with the murder ??? Very very confusing 
Like Hisoka, he also knows but he doesn’t really make a big deal out of it
Illumi isn’t trying to purposefully get a rise out of you so he’s definitely not being that friendly with others, also because he just is not a big talker 
But once in a while there is always that ONE persistent person that flirts with him and will not leave him alone
Now listen Illumi can just kill them himself, but where would the fun in that be ?? So he lets the person flirt with him and he knows you’ll take care of them later
After he hears what happened he literally doesn’t talk to you about it
Just gives you a nod because you both know what’s going on but he doesn’t really want to bother to do something about it
Plus on the inside he do lowkey be proud that you’re skilled enough to kill
This dude has NO idea what’s going on
No matter how obvious it is that you’re out there killing people who flirt with him
He also doesn’t really realize that people are flirting with him until VERY after
So usually he do be carrying a conversation with people and he’s very open to making new friends, all that -- and inevitably that means people are going to be flirting with him as well
When that happens you add another name to your hit list and Chrollo has ZERO clue what’s about to happen
Sees the person you just killed on the news and he’s very confused he’s just like ‘wow what a coincidence huh....’
Takes him a VERY long time to realize it’s you then when he does he’s honestly quite impressed how long you were able to hide it from him
But ultimately has a talk w you and tells you to not worry about anyone stealing him from you
Feitan finds out very quickly because he’s lowkey a yandere himself aksdfhshjf HEAR ME OUT
He’s not in a bad mood so he lets someone talk to him -- doesn’t really speaking back and participating in the conversation because he’s just not interested and then he realizes that they’re hitting on him ?? He finds that kind of amusing because of how brave they are considering he wasn’t even interested in the conversation
A few days later you tell him you’re going out to meet a friend and he is suspicious about this friend of yours
So he basically follows you the entire time and he sees you kill the person that was flirting with him
This man is SHOCKED shocked but also he finds it kind of funny
Next few days after that person is reported missing and he literally looks at you and smiles 
Mumbles a ‘good job’ under his breath
He is kind of enjoying himself a little bit too much not going to lie
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feifood · 4 years
hi do you think you can do the main four +kite with a motherly s/o who is good with children and babies?i feel like this is to much to ask but if you are able to could you add the adult trio with the pronouns as she/her?thank you🥰
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HI THERE,, I did a request about the main four yesterday, so I thought I’d switch things up by doing the adult trio today, I hope that’s alright with you !! ALSO I didn’t use any pronouns in this request (my mind just automatically uses ‘you’ for the reader adflkjfadf) so SORRY ABOUT THAT AS WELL
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Motherly S/o:
I’d assume that Hisoka grew up without his parents around much, so he think it’s very sweet that you’re being very motherly with these kids
He knows how needy kids are, how much attention/care they require since they’re so young, and he’s amazing at how easily you can handle kids all while maintaining a smile on your face
Hisoka tends to joke around a lot and throw clever remarks, but this is something that he’d blatantly praise you for, no underlining meaning
I don’t think Hisoka wants kids, he’s aware of that fact himself, but he also knows that he’s still not THAT old yet, he still has time -- just knowing that you’d be a great parent one day kind of acts as a reassurance for him because what if he does want kids one day? Only time will tell really
Either way he’ll have you and that’s more than enough
PROUD. This man is proud
He knows how hard it can be to handle children -- he’s seen that newly wed couple with the strollers outside the mall struggling to calm their baby down and he knows you won’t ever have that kind of problem
He also thinks it’s so mature of you like wow showing initiative?? And taking responsibility?? That serious commitment ?? Truly amazes him
This also means you must have some immaculate amount of patience because trust me babies are ........ are a lot
This would basically mean that you’re a very patient lover !! Always willing to talk things out rather than fight with him, and he really appreciates that
An S/o who’s independent and mature, knows how to take care of themselves + others, it’s really reassuring for him to see that you can make it on your own
Feeling VERY VERY heartfelt after finding this out
You’re good with children and babies? Illumi thinks that’s the cutest thing ever
He has quite a complicated history with his family, so he’s glad to know that you’d be able to maintain a healthy family dynamic
Makes him all lovey dovey inside I’m not gonna lie
But I don’t think he’d show it unless you two are trying to have a family yourselves
Because if not then how would this concern him in any way? YOU’RE the motherly one here
Anyways seeing you being all nice to children and teaching them new things -- just kind of makes him feel more at ease
Reminds him of just how kind of a soul you are, how nice you are to people and how well you treat him
Really it triggers his mind and reminds him to be more grateful that he has you
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294 notes · View notes
feifood · 3 years
Hello!! Can you please write a headcanon about Adult-trio and to their Girlfriend who won in Miss?
Girlfriend who Won in Miss
Hisoka, Illumi, Chrollo
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hihi lovely -- I really really REALLY hope that by ‘winning Miss’ you meant winning the beauty pageant because if not this post is very misleading AKSDJHFJK
but ANYWAYS thank you for requesting and I hope you like these cutie <33
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TECHNICALLY speaking if you won Miss that would mean that you’re (on some levels) famous 
A celebrity if you will
And Hisoka isn’t a gold digger but let’s be honest having a girlfriend who’s famous is a PRETTY cool concept
He really loves showing you off because he just KNOWS that no one else’s girlfriend can compare or even come close
You probably also have a lot on your plate with these competitions, and Hisoka’s quite literally determined to follow you anywhere to support you in these shows
Has 100000% considered joining the competition but he wouldn’t want to go against you so that’s basically what’s holding him back
Doesn’t matter though, either way he loves the attention that you get and fact that you’re very much the best of the best -- he really couldn’t ask for more
Was not really a big fan of the Miss competitions at first,, he just never really got a clear concept of what the point was and so to him it seemed very boring and artificial
But then he met you and you basically knew ALL the in’s and out’s of how Miss competitions work and you literally opened his eyes to it
He’d literally boast about how cool it is that you won and people around him will be like ‘I thought you hated those things?’ He just gives them a nasty glare and shushes them 
A lowkey hater turned into a big fan that’s basically what happened -- YOUR biggest fan 
I definitely thinks he has a banner with you on it from when you won,, but he literally doesn’t display it or use it for anything he just has it stored away but he still loves it regardless
Lowkey still has no idea how the competition works and he really don’t know what the title of the Miss winner really means but hey, a win is a win and he’s proud of you no matter what
Please teach him a little akjdshf
And then after he learns he’s like woah that is quite a complex process and slowly he gets more immersed in it
Doesn’t talk about you winning Miss with others because he is DEATHLY afraid that he’ll give out the wrong information because he is simply still learning 
He still gets ‘first runner up’ and ‘second runner up’ confused so please just give him some time
Also unrelated but please let him do your make up :)
He sees you all pretty during competitions and it really do spark the inner artist in him and he wants to try to give you that look himself
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feifood · 4 years
Illumi s/o who likes to sleep on him and is very sleepy person
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hey y’all i’m back hehe -- I did a test today and I think it went pretty well ! Anyways, glad to be back and I hope you like these hcs anon, wishing you the best love <33
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Illumi’s very sleepy s/o:
Listen idunno why but Illumi seems like someone that gets cold very easily
He just embraces the cold though, nothing can stop him
BUT the first time you fell asleep on him he realized just how much body heat you radiated off 
And that’s how he found out that you falling asleep on him makes him sleepy as well LOLOL
He doesn’t think it’s an annoying habit despite what some others may say (don’t listen to them babes, they’re just mean and have nothing to do)
Kind of feels protective of you because of this
Everyone’s the most vulnerable when they’re asleep, and since you sleep more often just means he needs to be watching over you more often
Don’t worry though -- he doesn’t mind
I think if you’re always sleepy he’s going to start to get kind of worried
Are you sick? Have you been having bad dreams? Have you been sleeping less these past few days?
If there’s actually something thats making you so sleepy he’ll help out in a heartbeat
But if your totally healthy and just a sleepy person, he’ll just keep insisting that you get more sleep asjdhjkhd
He’s like but you’re sleepy, so sleep
And you’re like I woke up an hour ago, plus I still have work to do
He’s just like and?? You’re sleepy tho right :(
And every time he successfully convinces you to take a lil nap
Preferably on him, so he can snooze away too 
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feifood · 3 years
hi, i’d like to request the adult trio with a s/o who loves to garden ?? 🥺🥺
S/o who Loves to Garden
Hisoka, Illumi, Chrollo
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hihi anon thank you for requesting :) and I hope you like this cutie have a great day/night <33
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He is all helping hands this man really really really wants to help out
Hisoka sees this to be a perfect opportunity to bond with you and to just help you out a little because gardening can become quite tiring
Also buys you all the top quality tools so much so that you use the old tools because you don’t want to wear out the new ones LOLOL
Definitely gets you two matching sun hats to wear whenever you two are gardening together
Hisoka also mostly prefers to garden flowers over all because he just really likes how pretty they can get
Also really likes to pick the flowers out and make you a bouquet omg 
Eventually somehow Hisoka starts to develop a green thumb and there are times when you literally wonder which one of you is more passionate about gardening
Buys you all the flowers in the world
Even if you don’t tend to garden flowers often he’d going to buy you basically every type of existing flower seed
Don’t tell him that you sometimes plan fruits and veggies too or else he’d never stop buying you produce seeds
Majority of the time he doesn’t even know if you like that certain type of flower or not but he just got the seeds anyways because the photo on the packet looked pretty
Doesn’t really help you with gardening,, he would much rather like to spectate and learn 
He just thinks when you garden you’re in your zone and so he doesn’t want to bother you when you’re in your zone
He is the quiet fan that is cheering you on (and he does NOT think your hobby of gardening is lame despite what other mean people might say)
Chrollo is the least involved in your gardening interest because he really really really really loves watching you garden on your own
This man is a big fan of passions and just having a hobby overall so whenever he sees you doing what you love he swears his heart is going to explode
He doesn’t really want to learn about gardening himself because why would he need to learn how to do that when you can already do it so much better?
His favourite downtime activity is when he’s reading a book outside while you garden so you two are keeping each other company
Would buy you gardening related gifts LOL but probably not seeds because he knows that he doesn’t understand the types of seeds as well as you do
Chrollo is just on spectator mode 24/7 and you bet this man brags to others 
Probably has a BUNCH of photos of your plants in his photo album just because :)
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feifood · 3 years
Could I get some hc of petnames/nicknames the adultrio, trouble trio, and main four, would call their s/o? Also I wanna know your favorites! I’ll share mine: kitten, doll, and baby ok that’s all remember to stay hydrated babes! 🌸
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Cute Nicknames for their s/o
Adult Trio, Trouble Trio, Main Four
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THESE PHOTOS ARE SO CUTE *hold on lemme just -saves- * THANK YOU SO MUCH you’re so kind babe <333
I hope you like this little list !! Sorry it’s really short :(( but anyways I’d say my faves are bunny, doll, and/or my pretty little thing (anything with ‘my’ gets me every time without fail)
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Pumpkin/Sweetie/Sweetie Pie/Baby: Gon, maybe Shalnark as well
Darling/Love/Precious/Honey: Leorio, Kurapika, Illumi, Chrollo
Bunny/Kitten/Doll: Shalnark, Hisoka, also possibly Chrollo
Babe/Dude/Bro (someone teach them the concept of nicknames please): Killua, Feitan, Phinks (but only for a little while in the beginning of the relationship)
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155 notes · View notes
feifood · 3 years
hi !! i was wondering if u could do adult trio with a cottagecore s/o !! like lives in a cute lil cottage and wears pretty dresses !! thank u,, have a good day !!
Cottage-Core S/o
Chrollo, Hisoka, Illumi
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COTTAGE CORE AESTHETIC IS SO CUTE I want a pretty dress like theirs omg 
No problem anon !! tysm and I hope you have a nice day as well cutie <3
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Please take him out to picnics in the flower field
This man wants to keep you to himself and no one else (he will NOT share !!)
Chrollo just sees you as the best thing in the world and he thinks that modern day society SUCKS and he wants you to keep up the cottage-core aesthetic
It’s what makes you stand out and what makes you unique and he’s all here for it
If anyone dares to make fun of your lifestyle (or even jsut make fun of cottages in general) they are gonna regret saying so trust me
He will NEVER shut up
Shows you off 25/8
He just loves how you always look so cute and you’re always nicely dressed just your ENTIRE LIFESTYLE he thinks it’s adorable
He also really likes the vibes (he just seems like someone that is a sucker for cute things let’s be honest)
Buys you stuff !! 
Sometimes buys you too much stuff but anything he thinks that will match your aesthetic, regardless if you even need it or not, he WILL buy it for you
Illumi is the one that wants to actually wants to join you in this cottage-core lifestyle
Please teach him how to style his clothes the same aesthetic as yours because he’s falling in love with your aesthetic and he wants to copy it
Brings you to go shop with him (whether it be for house decorations or clothing) because he wants your input on these things
He probably won’t be as committed as you (I don’t think he’d enjoy living in a cottage that much), but he’s definitely going to have similar looking house decorations
You’ve just unleashed another side of him and y’all just need to embrace it at this point 
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feifood · 3 years
The adult trio with a werewolf partner plz❇️☺️
S/o who’s a Werewolf 
Chrollo, Hisoka, Illumi
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LOL i love this choice of emojis anon -- here are your hcs and I hope you like them !!
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Bugs you EVERY SINGLE DAY to turn him into a werewolf as well
You have to keep explaining to him how you can’t just transfer your werewolf characteristics to him by biting him
But he doesn’t get the hint still
“Y/N just bite my arm really hard just try it !! Maybe it’ll work and I’ll turn into a werewolf too”
Truth be told he just thinks werewolves are cool and he just wants to look cool
And he practically has NO CLUE what being a werewolf actually means + the abilities that you have once you’re a werewolf
ALSO makes these jokes that he thinks are really funny but really it’s not funny at all
You two will be strolling through the park and he sees a squirrel and he’ll be like ‘do you want to chase it? do you have the werewolf urge?’
Hit in across the back of the head and he’ll stop with these painfully unfunny jokes
VERY VERY curious
He doesn’t mean to but he honestly might be a little bit too in-your-business now that he found out you’re a werewolf
Asks A LOT of questions,, some that don’t even relate
‘When you turn into a werewolf do you crave tuna?’ and you’re just like ‘Chrollo what i-’
At one point this man was so dedicated to learning about you that he got a tiny notebook and started literally jotting things down and journaling as if he’s gathering information to write a lab report
If you tell him to tone it down he will listen immediately and leave you alone because honestly who likes being watched like a lab rat?
But this has definitely sparked his inner researcher and you bet he’s going to be drowning himself in a sea of books reading up on the history and things like that
Fear not y’all he’s not going to start becoming weary of you or anything just because you’re a werewolf -- the relationship isn’t going to change at all he’s just more aware of this subject now 
Not phased AT ALL LOL
When he first found out you were a werewolf this man literally went ‘right.’ with a nod and then moved on with his life
You’re just like ‘??? don’t you want to ask some questions or anything?’
He’s like ‘nah’
Because honestly he doesn’t care that you’re a werewolf -- You’re still you and yes this is a new piece of information but it doesn’t make your relationship any different and it definitely does not affect the way he feels about you
With that being said, it did take him some time to physically adjust to being with a werewolf 
Sometimes he’d literally forget you’re a werewolf and he’s wondering why you’re not home at 12am during a full moon 
JUST GIVE HIM a lil time to adjust he’ll get it soon enough
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feifood · 3 years
Do you know about that Korean game on tik tok called disco pang pang? Can you please write about the adult trio when they play it with their s/o?
Thank you, have a good day/night
If you don't know the game here is the link
Playing Disco Pang Pang
Chrollo, Hisoka, Illumi
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2. The link didn’t work when I was on my phone but it’s fine when I went on my laptop so just gonna link it here again for anyone who can’t access the other link as well 
3. YES OFC I CAN WRITE THIS REQUEST hehe I hope you have a great day/night as well !!
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Chrollo honestly does struggle a little bit on this ride (JUST A LIL JUST A LIL)
He’s a bit overwhelmed by the fact that this ENTIRE big machine is moving like that 
But he’s still holding on just fine and he is holding onto you with an IRON GRIP LOLOL
He’s just imagining you falling off in his head and he’s like NONO NOT HAPPENING I AM HOLDING ONTO YOU
So now you two are swaying as two aksdhfkjshf
By the end of it he gets kind of dizzy, probably won’t tell you about it though
He just says he needs to go to the washroom and he just kinda sits on the toilet seat cover trying to get his head to stop spinning LOLOL
Sees everyone getting swung around and he’s just like YES. WE HAVE TO GO TRY THAT
He’s doing better than Chrollo, still kind of losing his balance sometimes but he doesn’t need to grab onto anything and he does NOT hold onto you
He’s not going to say it out loud, but he finds it kind of funny when you grab onto his arm in fear thinking you’re going to topple over
Just kind of smirks the whole time and watches everyone on the ride struggle and yell
ALSO -- totally the type to sneak a drink on the ride somehow and “accidentally” spill it on the stranger beside him
Not bothered by it -- nope, nada, not even a little bit
This dude is completely still,, doesn’t struggle against the force of gravity, his bum is on the seat the entire time and one might even think that he glued his pants onto the seat
He holds onto you though, for your own good
He sees how you’re swaying already by the first rotation and in his mind he’s like ‘here, I’ll ground you’
AND SOMEHOW because he’s holding onto you (not even in a tight grip), you two just sit there like rocks
Maybe he IS gravity now that I think about it........
Either way everyone’s staring at you two like how are y’all just NOT affected by the physics???
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feifood · 3 years
Hiii I was wondering how chrollo hisoka and Illumi would feel about their s/o being in the military thank you :)
S/o in the Military
Chrollo, Hisoka, Illumi
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hiiiii yes ofc you can have the adult trio hehe -- enjoy lovely, and take care of yourself !! <3
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Worried :((
That’s all he is he is just worried *with a trademark logo*
If you have to go serve abroad he is going to absolutely hate it !! You away from him = sad lonely Chrollo
BUT he still supports you babes it’s not a toxic relationship don’t worry
He understands, you have you own life, you got your own things to do -- he’s very proud of you !! You’re strong as heck mentally and physically, it’s something he admires
He’s also very very very sweet when you come home 
This man will LITERALLY call off a Troupe meeting for an entire week just so he can welcome you home
Very impressed LOLOL
The military has some very hard and intense training -- Hisoka knows this !! He knows how skilled you are in basically EVERYTHING
Worried if you have to go away, but not worried sick (looks at Chrollo)
Also one who would make a grand gesture when you come back home
A little extra with the welcome home gifts as well -- this man WILL make a scene
I think he’d also want to join you one day to go to training -- he’s probably not even going to be let inside the building but he’ll find a way in there somehow
He a little bit conflicted on the inside but on the outside he supportive as hell
The military sounds a bit iffy to him -- only because you might be doing dangerous activities and he won’t be there to protect you
But Illumi would never try to control your life and tell you what to do so he voices his concerns in a very civilized way and makes it very clear that you don’t need to make decisions based off of how he feels !!
Do things for yourself babes !! For yourself and no one else !!
Illumi kind of turns on caregiver mode
He knows how hard your training can be, so everyday when you come home he gives you massages, baths, etc, anything to help you relax because overworking yourself is  the last thing he wants to happen
Isn’t as extra as the other two when you return home after a long departure, but he definitely shows more affectionate and it’s a mutual understanding that he cares about you deeply 
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feifood · 3 years
Hii! Could i request a hc for adultrio when they kancho them? I think it would be hilarious!
Kanchoing the Adult Trio
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had to search up what this and oh my goodness it looks so intense akdhfkjs BUT I HEARD ABOUT IT BEFORE in a show I think either way kancho + adult trio would be one of the funniest things ever
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Chrollo’s just there enjoying his time -- minding his own business, looking through a novel 
He stands up to go grab himself a drink and as he’s making it he realizes how he hasn’t seen you around in a long time
He’s literally about to call out to you until he feels something from his behind and it’s you playing this prank on him
Chrollo’s legs just straight up gave up on him and everything is just thrown into chaos
He doesn’t really get injured though, just a really sore bum afterwards
You two never talk about what happened ever again but it’s pretty much an unspoken rule to never do that to him again ksdjhfkjsd
Hisoka was just minding his own business, walking around waiting for time to pass by before he has to go out
And then you thought it’d be fun to play this brank on him
So you sneak up behind him and you could’ve SWORN this man was distracted 
But somehow he DODGES IT ??? Someone please explain
He turns around and gives you a smile which is basically a silent way of challenging you to try and get him again
Throughout the rest of the week you attempt it again and again and again and literally NONE of those attempts work
After a good few weeks you come to the conclusion that it’s simply impossible to kancho Hisoka
Illumi seems like the type who wouldn’t fall for pranks like Hisoka, so you were determined to try and test it out
Illumi was coming back from the balcony with you and he was locking the door, so his back turned to you and you thought that was the perfect chance
You try to kancho him and he just ..... does not move
This man just turns into stone
Can’t even hear him breathing anymore
And then he slowly turns his head around to look at you in the eyes and no one says ANYTHING
You two just kind of stare at each other for what feels like HOURS
And then he literally just stands up and leaves as if nothing happened
After this nothing changes you two just keep living your lives as if nothing happened
If you try to bring this up again he’s going to pretend like he doesn’t remember anything regarding this
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feifood · 4 years
HEY HEY HEY!!! good night, morning or evening, sweetie! (Idk when you're gonna read this) can i request for illumi headcanons of how he would deal with a depressed s/o that starves themselves because of someones comments about y/n being a little chubby???,, (yes it's a little specific but i swear that i'm okay !) hope you have a wonderful day <3
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HI HI HI !!! Such a cute introduction it reminds me of Bokuto lolol,, anyways, I wasn’t sure if I should have accepted this request, simply because I was afraid that I’d write something inaccurate/misleading, but I did some research on both those topics so I really hope that I have a hang of those two concepts now. 
I really do hope you’re doing okay babe, you can always come talk to me if you wanna get anything off your chest -- anyways, hope you enjoy reading this and take care of yourself !! <3
*I titled this “Illumi Caring for Mentally Ill S/o” in my masterlist, if you feel that it’s misleading or insensitive in any way please tell me about it and I’ll change it immediately 
!!TW: mentions of depression, insecurities, self starvation (please stay safe babes)!!
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Illumi w/ depressed s/o that starves themselves:
I think he’d be aware of your depression before said comment was being made, it’s something that you’ve grown comfortable to talking to him about, and he always listens very carefully to your concerns and makes sure that you know he’s there for you
But he can’t control your interactions with other people :(( and slip-ups happen
You were talking to an old friend that you haven’t seen in a while, and for some reason they decided to greet you by addressing how you look like you’ve put on some weight (btw um?? don’t start a convo like that pls!!)
And the comment was supposed to light-hearted, but you couldn’t help but to replay those words in your mind for the rest of the day
And it stayed in your mind at dinner, when you looked at the plate of food in front of you and thought about those words again
Ultimately you decided to skip that meal, and Illumi’s already starting to get worried right off the bat
Loss of appetite is (unfortunately) a symptom of depression, and Illumi is aware of this, which is why at first he’s not very alarmed, he just thinks that maybe you’re just having a bad session again, so he’ll do whatever he can to try and make you feel a little bit better
But then you started skipping meals left and right for days, only eating foods with low calories and even then you’re eating in very very small amounts
It’s been going on for too long in his opinion, so that’s what makes him realize that something is wrong here
Has a very very serious talk with you about it and you end up opening up to him about what happened
OF COURSE he starts to reassure you and do whatever he can to make you feel better
He understands that his words aren’t going to make the problem go away immediately, which is why from that day on he starts to pay a bit more attention to what you eat, how much you eat, and how often you eat overtime
He’s not going to force food down your throat, but he’ll make sure you eat enough so that you’ll have energy for the day and he take note of whenever you seem to be judging yourself in the mirror so he can praise the parts you’re insecure of later on <33
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feifood · 3 years
+— « illumi zoldyck
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+ = headcanons // -- = longer works
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+ S/o w/ a Fear of Needles
+ Sleepy S/o
+ Caring for Mentally Ill S/o
+ W/ a Natural-Born Witch S/o
+ Nicknames for S/o
+ W/ a Motherly S/o
+ S/o in the Military
+ Playing Disco Pang Pang w/ S/o
+ Cottage-Core S/o
+ Kanchoing Him
+ Yandere S/o gets Jealous
+ S/o who Loves Gardening
+ Girlfriend who won Miss
+ W/ Werewolf S/o
+ Adult Trio Saving the same Girl they’re in Love with
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feifood · 4 years
Hi, I'd like to request a hc for Illumi who has a s/o with fear of needles. Feel free to ignore this one if you're not comfortable 🥺 Thank you very much!
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ahh this is so cute I can honestly imagine something like this happening considering how many needles Illumi’s got on him at all times. 
Here you go anon, hope you like it and take care of yourself babes <3
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Illumi’s S/o w/ a Fear of Needles:
I’d assume that prior to the relationship, Illumi’s never really used his needles around you before
Because why would he need them? He really only uses them when he’s on the job
So the first time you see him straight up pull one out of his top you’re FREAKING OUT
Those weren’t buttons on his shirt?? They were needles this entire time??
You two look at each other and kind of have an ‘oh.’ moment
Needles man + s/o with a fear of needles is not the ideal relationship
But you two make it work !! He’s very mindful of your fear and makes sure to never make you uncomfortable with his needles
Again, he really only uses them when he goes to work, so I imagine that he doesn’t pull them out whenever he’s around you
Is also very organized with them -- he’s got an entire box with slots that sorts out his needles LOL
And he makes sure to keep that box farrr away from you
Overtime this kind of starts to become a system
You know when he’s going to pull the needles out on a daily basis (i.e. when he’s changing), and he knows what room you’re in to prevent you from accidentally walking in
It’s an unfortunate situation yes, but you two are able to make it work :))
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feifood · 4 years
HEY HEY HEY!!!! how r u doing sweetie?? i'm fine- ANYWAYS, i wanted to ask for illumi and how he would react with his s/o being a nature witch- like sarah bailey from the craft 🤺🤺 i'm quite obsessed with illumi so...
hope you have a wonderful day, night or evening!! feel free to ignore this request if you feel uncomfortable!!! love you <33 and thanks for taking my last request!! the "hey hey hey" part is really based on bokuto 😎😎
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HEY HEY HEY !!! I’M DOING GREATT Babe I searched up Sarah Bailey and they said she was a natural-born witch so that’s the term I used in the title I hope that’s aright :)) 
Anyways -- loving the “hey hey hey”s you give me hehe I hope you like these headcanons and take care of yourself <33
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Illumi w/ natural-born witch s/o:
He’s weirdly calm when he first finds out
It’s not that you didn’t want him to know, but there was a lot of things to unpack and it would be quite a lengthy + serious conversation
But then one day he hears you talking about it with your friends on the phone
He’s not THAT surprised for some reason -- it’s not that he predicted that you’d be a witch, but he’s just very good at consuming information
He understands why you probably didn’t tell him right off the bat though, but everyone has something usual about them 
To him he thinks it’s his needles, but it’s also what makes him stand out from the others and he sees this same concept in your situation
Will 10000% confront you about it in the most relaxed way ever just like ‘oh yeah, i heard you talking to your friend the other day’
You start to freak out a little and you’re like ‘what did you hear?’
He’s just like ‘nothing much -- that you’re a witch. anyways, what you wanna eat for dinner?’
Slowly overtime he learns more about what it’s like for you to be a natural-born witch though, and there’s not much to adjust in the lifestyle that you two share
But you’re just able to talk about these things more openly now with him and you both are very grateful for that 
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