#feli writes
felikatze · 2 months
A cascade of stupid decisions and minor slip up, ending in totality. Just a regular battle against a strong Sadness. It wasn't supposed to go this way. Siffrin's frozen. Everyone's dead. Who's gonna tell him to wake up? Helpful Loop, obviously. (Or: there's a loophole in looping. Loop patches it up.)
ACT6 and twohats spoilers! Hurt/No Comfort! major character death!
@silverstar5000 you know what you did
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hyper-juice · 7 months
You were there all along
Part 2 of The Epic Divorce AU, posted to tumblr since I'm in gay baby jail for uhhh eight more days.
Summary: In one glorious moment stretching on for infinity, the King remembers everything. Every. single. thing.
Until he wakes up again, and it's gone. All he has left is... the Head Housemaiden sitting by his bedside?
(Tentatively Kingphie, spoilers for the whole game, 2.167 words)
It’s leaving you. No, no, no, NO! You don’t want to wake up! You don’t want time to move again! Why can’t it all stay like this? Why can’t you stay like this? You don’t care if you’re frozen, you don’t care if Vaugarde suffers.
You see it. You see it in the distance. And it drifts across the ocean, further and further away.
Single moments, stretching like taffy between your teeth.
“Do you remember?”
You’re at the beach. In this memory, you’re running. From what? Toward whom? Something behind you cracks and crackles and caramelizes. There’s a bright pinprick in the distance, and you’re barefoot in the lightless sand, uncaring of rock of splinter all to get to them.
Something is wrong. Something is breaking. What are you searching for? Who are you searching for? There’s a boat out at sea. Is it that?
Someone’s behind you. She’s smiling. She asks you why you’re so scared. She follows your gaze back to where your home used to be and freezes.
That’s the last thing before you trip over into the waves.
“Do you remember?”
You cry and cry and cry because it’s all you can do. It’s all you can do as your power worms its way through Dormont, through Vaugarde, through your home. It’s not enough. It’s not enough.
It won’t ever be enough, until
The scent hits you.
Before they even enter the room, it reeks. It reeks of comfort, it reeks of the Universe. Somebody else has been blessed, same as you. It could only be…
Something forgotten recognizes them. Not the eyepatch or the dagger, but that knowing glint in their eye and the stitching on their cloak. Why do you know what it feels like to the touch?
You need them to remember. They have to remember. Please. Please. Maybe it’ll be enough. Maybe two will be enough, but it will never be enough, nothing is ever enough to make up for what you lost
“SAY IT!!!” you beg. You are a King, begging on his knees. Disgraceful. Pathetic. No wonder you’ll never be enough.
Blood drips from your mouth. This can only end in tears and blood, but you have to try anway. It’s all you can do. All you can do is cry and cry and cry out for time and stars to listen to you.
The bright one’s friends crowd around them. The heroes stand between you both bleeding night onto the ground but you are so close.
You see it. You see flashes of it. You are not in the House in Dormont, you are on a beach at dusk running toward a distant boat, a tiny figure in a darkless hat, you reach out your hand to them and…
“We just have to say its name!”
You struggle to speak, to force the air out of your throat as it bubbles and coils. Why why why does the Universe grant any wish, but not the one you desire most? Remember, remember, why can’t you remember!
The bright one hugs their own chest, shaking their head, crying along with you.
You almost heard it, almost heard their name, “Once again, we have to try...... Together! “
But they break away from their little group. They stare you dead in the eyes and scream.
“Let it die, let it die, let it die!”
Never. Never never never never. Fine. Fine, you’ll do it alone, as you always do it alone, as you are the only person in this blinding country who will ever even bother to try, because you know, you know, you know, no one will remember for you. No one will remember you.
Your throat burns and your lungs burn and your head is swimming your insides melting with every wheezing grasping shaking breath you force out.
Just one syllable, and the next, and
And before it all fades away once more, you see their face, etched into your memory.
“Do you remember?”
You cry and cry and cry because it’s all you can do. It’s all you can do as your power worms its way through Dormont, through Vaugarde, through your home. It’s not enough. It’s not enough.
It won’t ever be enough, until
The scent hits you.
Before they even enter the room, it reeks. It reeks of comfort, it reeks of the Universe. Somebody else has been blessed, same as you. It could only be…
“Let’s stop fighting,” they say. You disguise your laugh as a croaking sob.
You see it. You see it in their eyes. You needn’t ask if they remember, because they are trying just as you. But you, you’ve had years. Years of distant flashes put together, of research and Color Theory and wishes and stars and the Universe.
They are sure of what to say. Even as their friends object, they press on.
Time pulls at your stomach. You’re sure of it, you’re sure in just enough, in their confident gaze…
“We’re looking for the same thing,” they say, “Just leave this country be,” they say. And, well, how do they know that? Hm? How could anyone ever know what you truly want, when even the stars refuse to give it to you? No, no, no, you have to take what you want.
And what the bright one wants… is surely not the same.
If it was, you’d have won already.
What a fool. As if moving on could ever be enough.
“Do you remember?”
The Bright One is scared of you. Can’t they see you’re not trying to kill them? The other ones, the ones you care about much less, are scared of you, too, in ways you expect. You meant for this appearance to intimidate, after all. A king cannot be soft-faced and sweet. He must be cold and jagged, like all the old stories before the kings all died.
“Do you remember?”
You arrived in Dormont with little fanfare. After all, nobody yet knows what you set out to do. But the Universe’s favor sizzles at your fingertips, tugs at your stomach. You froze birds and stray leaves and even fish in the river, so you’re sure it’ll work.
The House welcomes you in with open arms. Of course they do. They are Vaugardian, after all. So kind. So sweet. So welcoming. Your strange (forever strange) appearance garners attention of the Housemaidens. You see a ribbon-wearing one skitter back. How cute.
Even the Head Housemaiden welcomes you. She is tall, with long, kinky hair, a wide smile gracing her lips and she…
had to be frozen. Immediately. One such as her cannot be allowed to wither. She opposes, of course, always so dear to changing and forgetting but it is a phantom reminder that crashes through your head and compels you to freeze her first.
A terrarium. How did you know that word and so few others..? Somebody had… it slips away again.
She reaches out toward something, sweet craft sparkling to life around her in the shape of the Universe. ...what did she do? Well, at least you caught her in this moment. In the moment the Universe shines down upon her face.
Would have been nice had her expression been more serene, but, ah, no matter. As long as she is preserved.
“Do you remember?”
The bright one stops you. How often have they stopped you? How often have you won? Aren’t you doing what the Universe wishes? She always thought it did not care. It granted everybody’s wishes in equal measure, after all, but to you, only those worthy of it gained its favor. She’d never liked the stars as much as you did, though she loved hearing you talk about them, hearing you explain constellations to… to…
You had to do something to make it stick. To stop the Bright One. Under other circumstances, you’d freeze them instead, but, ah, the child won’t remember, will they? What a shame, what a pity, that the child must die for it to stick, to feel them wriggle in your palm with vigor, with fear.
It won’t stick for the child. It will for the Bright One, you hope. Otherwise it was all for naught.
You needed to believe the Universe still loves you.
Otherwise you’d have to accept that…
it meant for this to happen.
“Do you remember?”
They are unremarkable. A big hat and a long coat obscures most of their body.
They are unremarkable, but not in Vaugarde. No. No, no, no, not in Vaugarde. Here, they are most remarkable indeed.
They are familiar. So familiar. You trace the shape of their face and try to hold it in your mind as it already slips away like sand (sand, sand, hold the sand, lightless sand in an hourglass).
They are familiar.
So all you can do is ask, “Bright One, do you remember?”
You… don’t know where the term comes from. It’s just a habit. Big one, pretty one, reading one.
Bright, bright, bright, say it three times for good luck.
They stare at you, resolute. They are here to stop you. To kill you.
You are not afraid of death. You are afraid of oblivion.
“Do you?”
And you laugh. For the first time in so long, you laugh and laugh and laugh, crying all the while.
No, no, no, how could you ever remember? Only broken shattered pieces you can never glue together, words you hold on the tip of your tongue. Flashes of your past, of memory, of family. Somebody warm and something soft, a touch on your face and a hand in your hair -
your own child could stare back at you, and you’d never recognize them.
Of course you don’t remember.
Sand slips between your fingers. You call out, reach out, but your fingertips can’t even trace the feeling.
“What am I supposed to remember?”
Someone’s braiding your hair. Already, it winds across the bed, onto the floor, and nonetheless, deft fingers weave away the strands.
The Head Housemaiden? She’s… sitting at the foot of the bed. Your bed. Because you’re not frozen in that hallway anymore. You…
You cry.
“Awww, don’t cry! You just failed to destroy Vaugarde, is all. Here. Have some water.”
A cup of water is unceremoniously shoved in your face. What else are you supposed to do but cry? You had it. You had it all, you had your wish. Why are you here. Unfrozen.
Why are… why is it already slipping away…? Boat and hat and face and voice and repeat it over and over again--
She pushes the glass of water into your face, spilling a drop on your clothes. You’re not… wearing armor anymore, just an undershirt and cloth trousers. Simple, and comfortable, and not at all intimidating.
You take the water from her hands to avoid her eyes. It’s easy to tell she’s still watching, like a cat that caught the canary. Amused.
You swallow. Tastes like sugar.
Some of your headache clears. Now thinking a bit better, you can actually take in your own state. You failed, obviously. You can’t even remember what happened after you froze (something about sand…? And a boat?) and looking at the Head Housemaiden makes your stomach lurch. In pursuit of your goal, you haven’t eaten or drunk in quite possibly several days.
She puts a hand to your forehead and you sock her for it, except she catches your fist with a barrier spell. Ah.
“You were much friendlier in your sleep. Just mumbling ‘do you remember’ over and over.” She even pitched her voice down in a very bad imitation of you. As exhausted as you still feel, you can scarcely protest when she pushes you back into the pillow and takes your temperature.
She shakes her head. “Still running a fever, I see. The same thing happened to the traveling one, you know? Craft overuse, what with your… reality warping powers, and all that. Time Craft doesn’t exist, silly.” She slaps you on the shoulder.
“But it does…?”
Maybe it’s the fever, maybe it’s your stomach doing somersaults, but the Head Housemaiden is strangely offputting.
And she keeps chattering. “Seeing as you are still ill, you can stay in the infirmary as you recover. And since all the Housemaidens are terrified of you, you’ll be in my care! Isn’t that nice?”
…. you nod.
“Glad we agree! And I’m sure you also agree, someone of your notoriety can’t go prancing around Vaugarde again, can they? Once you’re recovered, as resident of the House, you will sadly be obligated to participate in chores, such as cleaning, cooking, or laundry. Usually, Housemaidens will also venture into Dormont to help there, or pilgrimage around the country, or give and take classes, but that’s not quite on the table for you yet, hm?“
You don’t even know her name.
Not like you know yours, either, right?
…and you sure aren’t a king anymore.
“So, nameless traveler! Welcome to Vaugarde!”
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girlboylintjrwi · 1 month
hey guys i wrote this thing in 1 day
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ryusaidate · 14 days
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katelynnwrites · 1 year
Think I Forgot How To Be Happy, Something I’m Not (But Something I Can Be) | Felicitas Rauch
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warnings: reader’s prior messy break up
word count: 3642
summary: you leave north london broken but maybe in germany, you’ll meet someone who helps you to heal, part two can be found here
a/n: requested, some fluff for my fellow germany fans. also my brain kinda went off on it’s own tangent here so this is what it is 🥺😂
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Germany is not somewhere you thought you would ever live in. Yet here you are, in your new and empty apartment, having signed for Wolfsburg.
Arsenal had been your home for as long as you could remember and you had never planned on leaving your childhood club.
You were happy there. Until you made the stupid decision to date a teammate.
That’s where it had all gone wrong for you.
The way your relationship had ended, you wouldn’t wish that on anyone. The initial dismissal and pulling away by your ex had left you with trust issues.
The inevitable break up led to you falling out of love with North London. All the little corners and places in the city that you had once loved so much and therefore shared with your ex were now tainted with painful, sour memories.
So encouraged by your Arsenal teammates who have had a front row seat to the way your relationship had fallen apart, you had left the only home you had ever known for Wolfsburg.
You arrive in Wolfsburg to Jill’s open arms, the former Arsenal player having been instructed to look out for you.
She picks you up at the airport and brings you to the apartment where you would be staying.
The Dutch woman offers to stay and help you unpack but you give her a small smile and tell her you would be fine on your own.
You don’t want to say it but you need a moment alone, to process this enormous decision that you had made.
Jill understands and leaves but promises to be back so that you can carpool with her to your first training session with the German club.
Alone in your apartment, surrounded by cardboard boxes, you sigh and sit down to think.
Jill introduces you to your new teammates. They’re all welcoming, friendly and nice, excited to meet their new English teammate.
You’d remember a few of them, from international friendlies.
Lena Oberdorf especially because she had almost taken your ankle out with a solid tackle.
She rushes to greet you first, saying she is so glad to meet you and worrying if you hold any hard feelings towards her.
You didn’t and you tell her as much, giving her a warm smile.
Svenja Huth is next, taking her duties as captain very seriously and wanting to make sure you are fitting in okay.
The following faces you meet kind of blur together, unfamiliar German accents being the only thing you catch.
Until a brunette steps forward, meaning to introduce herself only for a blonde to interrupt her loudly, ‘I’m Jule and this is Felicitas.’
‘Don’t call me that.’ She mumbles, making Jule giggle.
‘Ignore her please. I’m Feli and it’s really nice to meet you.’
You laugh and shake her hand.
Feli smiles and you give her one in return.
As lovely as your new teammates are, you’re still not letting them in and keeping your guard up.
It bothers them, when you make excuses to miss team meals and leave team bondings early.
You play well with them on the field, connecting easily and creating goal scoring opportunities. Your talent is not something that was ever in doubt but now it shines through. The German style of play suits you.
But your distance concerns them enough that they ask Jill, the only one who you seem willing to open up to about why you seem so closed off and sad.
Jill tells them about your messy break up and how much it had hurt you.
She doesn’t share enough to violate your privacy but what she said had been enough.
Your Wolfsburg teammates are kinder to you after that, patiently waiting for you to let them in.
Especially Feli who is particularly enamored with you. With your English accent and smile.
The German has been trying to keep her growing feelings for you under wraps but it’s been getting harder for her to do so.
She loves spending time with you, adores the way your eyes light up when you find something funny.
When she finds out you’re a dog person, she brings her dog to training.
Feli watches as you laugh, letting her poodle lick your hand. Her heart skips a beat when you look up at her, a big grin on your face.
The sound of your laughter gives her a warm feeling inside, so much so that she’s smiling like a fool.
Jill leans against the wall with her and quietly says, ‘Well done. This is the most relaxed I’ve ever seen her since she got here.’
‘I just want her to be happy.’ Feli murmurs, shrugging lightly.
In that moment, Jill realises exactly how smitten her teammate is.
You weren’t blind. You know that your teammates know what is up with you.
But slowly and surely, their patience and kindness begins to pay off.
Feli is a big part of that.
The German player had caught onto how much you love her dog and had repeatedly invited you to a park not far from the training grounds.
At first you had made your usual excuses but Felicitas had been gentle but persistent in her asking, so much so that you had acquiescenced.
In the time you spend with Feli and Cinnamon, you get to know them both.
Cinnamon loves getting the spot behind her ears scratched and Feli loves her coffee.
As you grow more and more familiar with a certain German, you find yourself developing feelings for her.
Eventually it gets to the point where you wake up one morning, on an off day and catch yourself excitedly getting ready to see her at the park.
You don’t go that day.
You ignore all her subsequent texts and calls.
They are anxious and worried at first but soon get even more frantic.
You hide under your blankets and keep your phone far away from you.
So great is the pain in your heart and so heavy are the thoughts in your head that you forget that you gave Jill a spare key when you moved in.
The depth of Feli’s feelings for you are not to be underestimated because soon enough, she’s there with Jill.
Jill who takes one look at you in your room and quietly sits down beside you on the bed, where you’re curled up.
‘Schat, I know that you’re scared of what you might feel for Feli but for what it’s worth, I believe that she couldn’t be more different than your ex.’
The Dutch woman waits a moment and upon not getting any response, sighs.
‘She was so worried you know. Feli practically begged me to come here and check on you.’
‘Was she?’ You softly ask, tearing up slightly as Jill talks about the German woman who has found her way in your heart despite your best efforts to keep her out.
‘She still is. I couldn’t convince her to go back to her apartment so she’s here. I managed to get her to wait in your living room till I spoke with you.’
‘She’s here?’
You panic and stand up, rushing to pull your bedroom door open.
Felicitas freezes, she’d been pacing you think.
Cinnamon barks happily and runs up to you. The brown poodle gets an absentminded pet from you before you straighten back up.
You keep staring at Feli and barely notice Jill leaving the apartment after saying that she’d give the two of you a moment.
‘Hi.’ Feli softly says.
‘You’re the only one who I don’t mind calling me that you know? Well, other than my parents.’ The brunette gives a tiny laugh before she takes a step towards you.
‘You mean a lot to me. The way I feel about you isn’t a secret.’
The sharp inhale that escapes you is loud. You didn’t know that your feelings were returned and the anxiety her confession causes must be clear on your face.
Feli’s eyes widen and she quickly says, ‘I know someone hurt you badly and I want you to know that I would never do that. I really care for you and I'd just like you to know that if you ever want to let me in, I'll be here. You don’t have to feel the way I feel but I'm here. I'm always going to be here for you. I'm not going anywhere, I promise.’
‘You promise?’
The way your voice wavers makes your unsurety apparent.
It’s why Feli doesn’t hesitate to answer with certainty, ‘I promise.’
You stay silent, trying to see if she really means it.
After a moment, you decide she does. You trust that she does.
‘Okay. D-Do you still want to go to our park now?’
It’s a tiny nervous step from you but a step nonetheless.
‘Of course.’ Feli is quick to agree, a wide smile on her face.
The fact that you had referred to the park as yours and hers, gives her butterflies in her stomach.
You join your teammates for lunch.
If Feli had to bring Cinnamon and sit beside you for the whole meal, she didn’t care.
Neither did your teammates who are over the moon that you are finally comfortable enough to start letting them in.
They don’t explicitly say anything to you but the way they grin and hug you, shows you that they care.
The meal is lighthearted and fun, situated at a pet friendly restaurant, to accomodate Cinnamon.
By the end of it, you have decided that getting to know your teammates outside of training wouldn’t be so bad.
Especially if Feli was going to hold your hand every time she thought you were anxious.
You begin going over to Feli’s apartment.
She convinced you to come over one day, after playing fetch with Cinnamon, saying that she’d like to introduce you to proper homemade German food.
You’d hesitated but she had looked at you so pleadingly you could not say no.
So you said yes.
And that is how the twice a week dinners started because the food that Felicitas makes is just so good.
You might even say that it makes you fall a little harder for her.
Feli tries to teach you how to cook but it doesn’t really work out. It’s almost laughable really, how hard the both of you try, you to cook and her to teach you.
Eventually the two of you just resign yourselves to the fact that it wouldn’t work and settle into a new routine.
One where you go shopping for groceries together and cook together in Feli’s apartment.
A routine where you insist on paying for the groceries since she cooks and where you sit on the counter, sneaking pieces of food to Cinny as you watch her cook.
As the months pass by in Germany, you make sure to keep in contact with your old Arsenal teammates.
Your English teammates you still see at camp but you miss your other teammates.
Especially Lia who you have always been particularly close to.
Lia who you call one night, to have her answer your video call with a knowing smile.
‘Lia?’ You nervously question.
‘You’re falling in love.’
‘What? Lia no.’
‘I was watching the game today. I saw you run to a certain Felicitas Rauch as soon as she went down. You were the first one by her side.’
‘I care a lot about all my teammates. I’d do the same for you.’
Lia doesn’t just laugh, she giggles.
‘Yes but you wouldn’t be smoothing sweaty hair off my face or helping me sit up. Or holding my hand as you walk me back to my position.’
You frown, remembering the moment from earlier.
Feli had been tackled and had gone down holding her ankle. She had not got back up, so you had sprinted right over.
Upon hearing her pained gasps, you had immediately tried to soothe her pain as best as you could.
It hadn’t occurred to you that it would be broadcasted on live television.
You had just been so focused on Feli and the fact that she had been hurting. Everything else was unimportant then.
The way Felicitas had gratefully held your hand as the medics checked out her ankle, it assured you that you had made the right decision.
Lia’s new fit of giggles brings you out of your thoughts.
‘I’d hold your hand and walk you back to your position if you wanted.’ You grumble.
The Swiss woman laughs once more before looking at you seriously.
‘I’m so glad you’re healing. It wasn’t easy to see how broken you were before.’
‘Feli’s been…’
You trail off, not knowing how to explain exactly how kind, patient and warm the defender has been to you.
Lia nods, ‘I know Feli and I know you. I also know that you’ll be good for each other.’
‘I don’t know Lia. I’m just so scared. Feli means so much to me and she’s been incredibly sweet but there’s always the chance that this all goes wrong. I love Germany and I feel at home here now. I don’t want to lose that again.’
Your former teammate nods once more, understanding your fears.
But then she asks something you should have asked yourself a long time ago.
‘Why does Germany feel like home?’
The answer is one you know deep down. Germany only feels like home because of Felicitas.
You curl into Feli’s body, your palm resting on her stomach.
She shifts, allowing you to get more comfortable.
‘Thanks.’ You whisper, so as to not disturb the rest of your teammates during the movie screening and she presses a kiss onto your hair in response.
You don’t stop her when she presses a second and then a third affectionately.
If anything, you relax even further into her.
With her so close, you can hear and feel the way her breath stutters every time the movie picks up.
It seems that Feli scares easily and you find that adorable.
Twice a week dinners at Feli’s apartment become a nightly occurrence.
One evening when it’s her turn to host team bonding, you answer the door.
Jill smirks.
You roll your eyes.
She catches you alone, in Feli’s kitchen later on.
‘Whatever you two are, it’s not just friends.’
‘I know.’ You say softly and despite Jill’s excited follow up and slightly invasive questions, you don’t say anything else.
Despite how close you and Feli are, she’s not your bus buddy.
Your bus buddy is Jill and hers is Kathy.
Today though, Felicitas is having a hard time.
It didn’t matter that Wolfsburg had won the game. By her high standards, she had played an awful game and she’s just so tired. She is exhausted and furious at herself.
All she wants is to go back to her apartment and sleep. And maybe cuddle with Cinnamon a bit.
Feli is so out of it that she doesn’t notice Jill nudging you and not too quietly murmuring, ‘Go to her.’
Kathy switches with you easily once she sees you coming towards her.
It doesn’t occur to Feli that you have noticed her change in behaviour and would want to check in on her.
So when you slide into the seat beside her and reach out to hold her hand, she jumps with surprise.
‘I got you.’ You promise and guide her to lean against your shoulder.
Felicitas does so with a breath of relief.
When you carefully kiss her cheek and pull her even closer, Feli thinks that everything is going to be okay.
You’re more affectionate with her than ever and Feli loves it.
She loves how comfortable you are around her now, from holding her hand on team walks to cuddling with her on her couch.
Now, having traveled back to North London, for the Champions League, Feli is especially glad you’re letting your walls down.
She knows it would be hard for you to be back in your old home so she wants to be there for you, as best as she can.
Svenja had given out the room assignments and you had eagerly pressed a kiss onto Feli’s cheek when you found out she would be with you.
‘Hi roomie.’ You’d teased and she had held out her hand to you.
‘Hello.’ Feli murmurs, smiling when you take her hand.
As she follows you into the elevator, she makes a mental note to thank her captain.
You’re so excited to be back in North London. You’ve missed the city and your friends.
You’re even more excited to take Felicitas to your favourite cafe.
She loves coffee more than anyone you have ever known and you hope that she likes the coffee there.
Unfortunately that has to wait till after the game. You will have a chance to do that tomorrow, before you fly back to Germany.
First you have to play and hopefully win against your former team.
But for now, you’re content to watch Feli get ready for bed.
Felicitas who looks so cute with her glasses on.
So you tell her that and she blushes, making you laugh.
Feli squeezes your hand in hers as you line up in the tunnel. The Arsenal players aren’t here yet so the defender takes a moment to check on you.
‘You okay?’ She asks and you nod, wrapping your arms around her waist and burying your face into her neck.
You take a deep breath in and Felicitas rubs your back soothingly.
She smells nice and you allow her to calm you down.
Feli places a brief kiss onto your forehead and then steps back as the Arsenal players join your team in the tunnel.
The Swiss player hugs you immediately. Lia’s eyes meet Feli’s and she mouths, ‘Thank you.’
Your game ends as a draw.
As you go around shaking hands and sharing hugs with your former teammates, there’s a lot of laughter.
But when you’ve made your rounds, you’re back at Feli’s side, slipping your hand into hers as she walks back towards the tunnel.
Feli looks at you in surprise.
‘Don’t you want to spend time with your old teammates?’
‘I have.’ You answer but Felicitas squeezes your hand.
‘Don’t you want to spend more time with them?’
‘Nope. I want to spend time with you now.’
‘Oh.’ Felicitas’ cheeks turn a bright pink and she brings your joined hands up to her lips so that she can kiss the back of your palm.
If Lia or your ex sees the short moment, they don’t say anything.
If your ex-girlfriend glances at Lia, the Swiss woman’s only response is to shrug as if to say, ‘You’ve lost her.’
‘To go or having here?’ The barista asks.
Feli eyes you in question and you say, ‘To go please.’
As you wait for your coffees to be ready, you explain, ‘There’s somewhere I want you to see. It meant a lot to me when I was growing up here.’
Felicitas simply holds your hand and smiles at you reassuringly in answer.
When you leave the cafe, she deposits your joined hands in her jacket pocket for warmth. In doing so, she catches the expression of complete adoration on your face and feels the familiar butterflies in her stomach flutter around.
‘How’s your coffee?’ You ask, as you lead her down the street.
Feli grins, ‘It’s good. I understand why this is your favourite coffee.’
‘It isn’t anymore.’ You whisper.
‘It isn’t?’
‘Yours is.’
Felicitas visibly tries and fails to fight back her smile.
‘It’s the cinnamon I put inside isn’t it? I told you it would grow on you.’
‘You were right.’ You admit and Feli laughs. Her thumb brushes over the back of your hand and you duck your head to hide the way your cheeks burn.
‘Come on. We’re almost there.’
‘Okay.’ Feli murmurs.
It’s only a short walk from there and it’s spent in comfortable silence.
When you reach a small side street, you gently tug Felicitas with you, into a park just beside it.
‘It’s beautiful here.’ Feli quietly says.
‘It is. But you should see it in the summer. There’s so many flowers then.’
You and Feli sit down beside each other on the bench. You rest your head on her shoulder and Felicitas exhales.
She finishes her cup of coffee and then sets it aside.
‘Why’d you bring me here? Not that I don’t want to spend time with you but why?’
Sitting up properly, you look at Feli for a long moment.
Her eyes are so pretty you think.
Gingerly, you reach out to trace the contours of her jaw. Felicitas melts, leaning into your touch.
Very very slowly, you begin to close the gap.
Feli catches on immediately and she gently stops you.
Your eyes widen with hurt and you pull away, making the German player rush to stop you.
‘Liebling I want this. I really really do. I just need to make sure that it’s what you want too.’ She softly says.
Feli tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear. It’s an infinitely sweet gesture that has your breath catching.
‘You met your ex-girlfriend last night and I know you’re saying you’re okay but that couldn’t possibly have been easy for you.’
‘It wasn’t. But I am okay Felicitas.’
‘But you-’
‘Feli I don’t care about her. I care about you!’
Felicitas stares at you wordlessly.
‘I never brought her here, I’ve never brought anyone here except for you. This is the park where I first learnt to play football.
Your voice is barely audible when you say, ‘It means the world to me and so do you Felicitas.’
This time, when you try to kiss her, Feli doesn’t stop you. She meets you halfway instead.
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Dutch Translation:
schat - darling
German Translation:
liebling - love
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The sillies... They are talking...
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First Meet
guess what? mightyfelys! this time they're not eating cheese, though! backstory stuff! idk!!!!!!
...My memories are a little fuzzy, but I sort of remember that day.
Back then, when I was still some pathetic young man who always hated the life that I lived, I met someone.
Someone who felt like the light in my dark world.
He was the one who made me realize that maybe, just maybe—life is worth living, after all.
On that day, I was alone. Sitting at a park's bench, sulking silently. I think I got into an argument with one of my caretakers on that day...? I can't clearly remember it, but I think that's the main reason why I was initially so sad that day. I can't remember the main reason, though. Something about how I wanted to go out and live on my own, away from...some form of abuse I was facing back at home?
What was my home like?
I...I don't remember...
Eventually, this beautiful, gorgeous, absolutely handsome young man came up to me and comforted me. It felt embarrassing once I'm looking back at it. The first time I met the one man who would eventually be my life companion forever was the one time I was literally vulnerable back then. Damn, I definitely held in my emotions a lot back in the day.
Back in the day, as in so many centuries ago.
He asked me my name, I think. I don't remember my old name, but I told him that name. He then introduced himself—oh, Felys...it truly was and will always be a name that makes me happy whenever I hear someone say it. It's just- such a beautiful name for an equally beautiful man like him.
After that, we spent the day together. He treated me to this one restaurant that's just so fancy. I sort of forgot that he was pretty rich back then. I guess that's the perks of being in a rich family.
We hung out regularly ever since—y'know, just so that I can get away from that abusive household I was in, and so that I can at least shoot a shot at him. For fuck's sake, I was so head over heels for him even before becoming a God. It's funny.
Though, one day, around a year after we first met, he suddenly came to me, literally on the verge of tears. He just hugged me so tightly, that I felt like I was dreaming. After he calmed down, he told me his parents got into an accident, and they didn't exactly survived it either. I felt bad, I really did. By that point, he'll have to live alone. It's sad, to say the least.
Days after that, the incident involving Ms. Paradox happened. Around that time, I also got really horribly sick—but it wasn't like my caretakers really gave a shit about me and the other kids to begin with.
...Other kids?
Did I have siblings?
Gah...I don't remember either.
My sickness got really bad the following days, though. It was to the point where sometimes, I found myself struggling to breath. It was...definitely a horrifying experience.
Amidst the whole thing with Ms. Paradox, I ran away from home out of fear. I couldn't exactly stay strong any longer, though, so by the time Ms. Tsunagite already stopped Ms. Paradox's bullshit, I had already passed.
It's...a shame I went out like that, but hey, I got a second chance to life in some way, so it's fine, I guess.
But...during those final moments, besides wishing for a better life...
I...sort of wished I got to see Felys again for the last time.
Though, that wish got granted not too long after.
Resting his hands on the railing, Felys silently looks at the view below him.
It had been awhile since he last heard anything from [REDACTED]. The last thing he heard from him was that he was sick. After that? Nothing. Admittedly enough, Felys is worried about [REDACTED]'s well-being. Sometimes he finds himself thinking about [REDACTED], wondering how he is now.
Guess that was probably the last he heard of him.
With that last thought in mind, Felys' face grimaces. He doesn't like the possibility of [REDACTED] being dead, he really doesn't. But there's a high chance it's true, so what is he supposed to do about it?
First his parents, now [REDACTED].
Who else is he supposed to lose in his life?
Felys definitely feels like crying right now, but the tears just won't come out.
It just sort of hurts right now—
A voice suddenly calls, which made Felys jolt up in surprise. He quickly turns to look at the source of the voice, only to find a man with a halo hovering his head and a peculiar necklace, sitting on the railing beside him. He seems to be looking right back at him, a smile on his face. Oddly enough, he looks a lot like [REDACTED], but at the same time, Felys knows that isn't him.
"H-huh-?" Felys stammers, looking at the man beside him with wide eyes. "U-uh..." He really doesn't know what to say at this rate, only nervously waiting for the man to say something else. The man chuckles, before finally speaking up, "You looked lonely, so I thought I could fix that problem for you~"
He definitely has a personality that is drastically different from [REDACTED].
"O-oh...uh...thanks, I guess...?" Felys replies, before asking, "But...who are you, exactly?" The man thought about his answer for a bit, before grinning widely at the other man. "Hehe, why, I'm your God, of course!" That answer shocked Felys more than it should have.
"Yeah! Your God—The One Who Transcends All! The one and only; Amazing Mightyyyy!!!!"
It took a little bit to calm Felys down, but once he did calmed down, he could only nervously look up to the much more taller man standing before him right now. "Uh...so! You're really Amazing Mighty himself?" He asks, and Amazing Mighty crosses his arms pridefully. "Why yes~ The one and only!"
"Oh- oh shit- I didn't think that I'd meet a literal God—let alone The One Who Transcends All...!" Felys then quickly bows at Amazing Mighty, trying his best to showcase his respect. The God was taken aback by that, before chuckling. It's a little cute to see a citizen of his act like this. "Nah~ No need to bow! I'm all good as long as it's you."
Felys then rises up again, looking at Amazing Mighty with clear confusion in his eyes. "What?" Amazing Mighty smiles at him, both hands behind his back as he takes at least one step closer towards the human. "I'm fine. Thank you for your respect, though~ Mind if I accompany you here? I don't want a beloved citizen of mine to be lonely."
"...Sure. Why not? Thank you, sir."
"Ah...don't call me by honorifics! Be as casual with me as you'd like!"
"But you're-"
"No buts! I am your God, so you must obey my wantings!"
"Y-yes, Mighty!"
"That's much better~"
To think that I would actually meet him again...
It felt like a miracle.
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ffelii · 11 months
I have such a specific, giddy feeling when it comes to Hollow Knight. Its an overwhelmingly positive feeling and I don't know how to describe it any better than that
Bc obviously I get happy when thinking about or engaging in other fixations but god. I just watched a video on hk and I fuckin forgot what it feels like to really love Hollow Knight. I don't know how to explain it, idfk how to put it
I had this exact feeling throughout my first play through, as soon as I got through the first Hornet battle like idk idk its a DRUG. You feel the happiness in your body you get all bouncy and smily you feel like you're gonna explode with joy if you don't do something but you have no idea what to do with all this happiness in your brain and body uuUUGH DOES ANYONE KNOW WHAT I MEAN...
This game is just. It means everything to me
I miss feeling like this, it's exactly why I was complaining about Silksong not being out the other day lol like THIS is the feeling I miss and I KNOW Silksong is gonna make me feel the same way. I need it so bad
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felikatze · 3 months
In which Odile and Siffrin avoid talking about things even though both of them really want to.
USUAL DISCLAIMER: isat spoilers for All The Things (yes, even that one), copious sasasap references, this is a normal isat epilogue fic and it cannot hurt you
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hyper-juice · 2 years
“Neither of us have been good at being good.”
happy new year! time for the emotional climax of the silly comedy fic!
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ma-chi1993 · 2 months
No but see my vision
Amore&Psiche!Gerita au where Amore is Feli and Psiche is Ludwig
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felibrary · 3 months
im never writing a series again. THIS SHIT IS CONSUMING ME
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isat-script-project · 4 months
My apologies for being kinda dead on here! New page either on Friday or the weekend, I double-triple promise~
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good-wine-and-cheese · 6 months
UH hi hi hi. Chapter five of indomitable human soul was amazing
I love Tenma having developed a sense of spirituality after Tobio's death, despite him being so skeptical and rational?? Again you're writing him SO well. And Shunsaku is awesome here too. Everyone is. Anyways can't wait to see my guy Ochan and I'll definitely be waiting for the next chapter (no pressure!!! Take your time!!)
Uh btw unrelated but I started watching Monster and iT'S SO GOOD and I'll DEFINITELY check out your fics on it when I'm finished. Currently waiting for Grimmer to appear bc your blog made me hyped for the guy I know nothing about
THANK YOU ;O; I'm glad you liked it!!
Tenma is so interesting to me because I think for himself, he takes certain comfort in the idea that "he" starts and ends with the "human machine". You are just a collection of cells and biochemical functions. I think he likes that concept, but he can't accept it for the people he loves. He is comfortable with the idea of being erased in his entirety from the world if he dies, but particularly with Tobio, it's far too cruel to imagine that every bit of him is just gone. :( So he has this inconsistent belief.
Ban is doing his best here ;o; he's trying to fill in for Ochan as the rock that grounds people and the glue that holds them together. He's doing his best but this is his way of showing he misses his friend too!!
Ochan soon....dont worry hes coming <3
And dude it is the highest honour that I have u excited about Grimmer...hes my babygirl!! the guy ever!! hope u enjoy your monster journey <3
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katelynnwrites · 1 year
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me when i want to read feli fics only to realise that i have to write them first 🙄😂
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Main Story (Legacy): Modelista Arc — Chapter 1: Meeting
nvm guys here's ch1 right here lmao
The news regarding the strange seal that trapped Modelista within it managed to get the attention of many Rhymix citizens all across the globe. It had become the trending topic in various social media and got news coverage too.
It's to the point where the seal is dubbed as, "The Unknown Seal."
While many people made theories on what or who are the sources of the seal, the Gods are also holding their own meeting in the Realm of the Almighty to discuss this odd phenomenon.
According to Amazing Mighty...this is nothing that he had ever seen on the job before. Pandora Paradox could back up on that too, since she also has never seen something like this happen in Rhymix before. It's almost as if it was caused by a third party—a source outside of Rhymix.
The people of Modelista—the main victims of this strange seal—have also decided to take matters into their own hands. Some of them have decided to investigate on the matter a little bit, with some making research and others observing the seal above them a little more to see if anything will change.
Chronomia? She wanted to investigate things too. But she knew she can't do it alone.
So she called for her next best investigating partner—
"What did you called me here for, Ms. Chronomia?"
Professor Aleph.
"I need your help." Chronomia briefly answered, and from the tone of her voice and the look in her eyes, Aleph could tell what she needed help with. "I see. Alright then. I already know what's going on here. I'll graciously help." He said, his mood becoming more serious too.
"But...where do we start?" Aleph asked, and Chronomia could only silently think. She didn't really thought long and hard on what to do first, but the least they could do to start things off is to ask around. "Maybe we should ask the people here if they know anything about this? Or maybe conduct a bit of research?" She then finally replied.
Upon the mention of "research", Aleph perks up. "Research?! Hmm, my...I wouldn't mind visiting the local library and search for answers." He said, the sparkles in his eyes becoming more visible. Chronomia sighs at that, before a smile appeared on her face. "Well, alright then. Let's go."
They didn't managed to find their answer in the library.
No matter how many books they find, no matter how many books they read, no matter how many books they have to stack up somewhere beside them in one of the reading areas, they didn't find a single hint or clue on what the true source of The Unknown Seal is.
Placing another book on top of a stack of many other books, Chronomia heavily sighs, feeling exhaustion weeping inside of her. She glanced at Aleph, who was frowning as he flipped through another book, before sadly closing it and placing it on top of another stack of books. "Nothing." He announces, and that's all it took to make Chronomia frown too. If their answer isn't in the library, then where else should they look?
"Hello~? Ale-Ale? You here?" A voice suddenly echoes throughout the building, catching the top hat wearing duo's attention. They quickly turn their heads to the source of the voice, before seeing a girl with white hair standing near the now closed entrance of the library. "Hey! At least be quiet! We are in a library, Ms. Destr0yer." Aleph quickly shouted back, annoyance very present in his voice.
The girl—Destr0yer—groaned as she approached the duo, who are sitting on one of the reading areas in the building. "What the hell are you both doing here?" She asked, crossing her arms. Chronomia raised an eyebrow at her. After all, she is quite unfamiliar with who this random girl is. All Chronomia could conclude right now is that she and Aleph know each other in some way.
"I should be asking you the same question. Well, more precisely, why were you looking for me?" Aleph asked back, and to that question, Destr0yer's face expression brightens up. "You both were researching about The Unknown Seal, right? I came here because someone I know wants you to gather somewhere with me and some others." She answered.
Aleph nodded, but then his face expression morphed into one of suspicion. "...For what?" He asked again, and Destr0yer groaned again. "It's about The Unknown Seal, you idiot! What else?! Just come with me—you can bring...uh..." She then trailed off, glancing towards Chronomia—the only person in the building she's unfamiliar with (though, to be fair, there's no one else in this building, so even if there were to be other people in the library, she would be unfamiliar with them too).
"Chronomia." Chronomia simply responded, a polite smile on her face. Destr0yer scoffed at her attitude. "Right. Chrono-something. You can drag her along in this too. Just follow me, alright?" She said, before quickly leaving the library. Aleph jolted up from his seat at that.
"Wh- hey! Wait! Give us some time to actually follow you! You idiot!"
After a few minutes of following and pointless bickering between Aleph and Destr0yer, the trio finally arrived to a place that only Chronomia is unfamiliar with. Truth be told, she doesn't really go to too many places here in Modelista, especially after The Unknown Seal made itself present a few days ago.
It's just a building used for important events and the like. It didn't belonged to anyone, so anyone could just use it as they please. As the three of them went inside, Chronomia decided to ask a question. "Hey, Ms. Destr0yer?" That managed to catch the white haired girl's attention. "Hm? What's up?"
"Who is this person who you said wanted us to gather here, exactly?" Chronomia then asked. Destr0yer then showed a rather smug expression towards the top hat wearing girl. "He's right there, onstage." She simply answered, and for a moment, Chronomia couldn't understand what she meant by that. But then, she looked at what's infront of her, and she was shocked enough to find out there's a stage there.
And just like what Destr0yer said, someone's standing on it. Chronomia doesn't know who he is, but judging from the symbol of the badge that's stuck to his blazer, she could tell that he may have some connections to the Gods of Rhymix.
Chronomia also takes the time to look at her surroundings. There are several other people she is either familiar with or unfamiliar with. She could see a familiar shade of red standing out amongst the rest of the people in the building. She could also see a girl with just the colors black, white, and pink. Chronomia is also rather familiar with who she is, she's famous for a long period of time before she stepped down the world of being a celebrity.
"Uh...alright! Is everyone here?" The man standing on stage asked, and Destr0yer only shrugged. "I don't know. Depends on whether anyone else is gonna come in and bring in some other bitch." She said, and Aleph scoffed at the use of the word "bitch". "Doesn't seem like anyone else is gonna come in, though, Destr0yer." The red haired man Chronomia saw earlier said.
Destr0yer rolled her eyes carelessly. "Eh, whatever. You can go on and start, Felys." She said, and the man onstage—Felys—nodded. "Alright, everyone. I gathered all of us here today because I wanted to discuss something important. It is per Amazing Mighty's request, so I might as well oblige." He explained.
"Yeah, because he's your—mmf!" A girl's voice immediately gets interrupted. Chronomia quickly turns her head to look at the source of the voice. It's just a purple haired girl getting her mouth covered by a boy's hand. The boy, who Chronomia is sure she's familiar with, gave a thumbs up with his other hand, a rather forced grin on his face.
When Chronomia turns back to look at Felys, his face looks slightly red, before he decided to just ignore what he just heard and saw and let out a sigh. "Right...anyways, I'm here to discuss about the results of the meetings between the Gods and what we're all going to do onwards." He then said, before going on the explain the basics.
"After a brief meeting between the Gods, it has been decided that they'll all investigate this matter further. However, since this problem is something completely new that not even Amazing Mighty has ever encountered before, some extra help is needed. That's why he personally asked me and Ms. Conflict in the back over there to gather some trustworthy enough people to investigate this matter with us."
"So...all of us are going to...?" Chronomia then asked, and hearing that question, Felys nodded with a smile. "Yep! I hope we can all work together, and I hope you all can cooperate well with Ms. Conflict and I." He said. After that, silence.
"...So...when are we going to start this?" A young boy who looks no more than 12 asked. "Anytime, if you want. Or maybe we can do it separately and report back anytime." Felys answered, the same smile on his face never wavering. The only thing Chronomia could think of is; Wow, Mr. Felys sure is nice.
And in a sense, he is nice. He really doesn't know when to say no, though.
A few time has passed, and the meeting finally concluded. Everyone stayed behind to probably introduce themselves to each other, though.
"I know most of these people! So I'll give you a rundown on who everyone is." Aleph said to Chronomia, and while saying this, he whips out a notepad and flips it open to a certain page, before showing what's written on it to the clock enthusiast. "You...wrote everyone's names on here...???" Chronomia asked in disbelief. To think that the teacher would write everyone's names down is...certainly an odd feat.
"Why yes! Because I knew I had to introduce you to them either way. I even gave a few specifications on who is who so that you can look for them yourself." Aleph said in a cheery tone, before ripping the page from the notepad and handing to Chronomia. "Keep it. Just in case you forget~" He then added. Chronomia looked at him in disbelief, before sighing as she took the piece of paper from Aleph's hand. "Well alright then. Thank you, Professor."
Chronomia then settled on looking at what's written on it. She could already see how delicate and clean Aleph's handwriting is, but nonetheless it's still clear enough to read. She then reads each word on the piece of paper;
"1. Nhelv (red haired guy with the horns) (pretty close friend of mine!)
2. Destr0yer (white haired girl who dragged us over here to begin with) (also close friend of mine!)
3. Perfect (girl with beret) (pretty famous, maybe you've heard her name from somewhere?)
4. Felys (guy who was onstage earlier) (also has relations with Amazing Mighty, for some reason...? I wonder what kind...)
5. Conflict (purple haired girl) (also a Goddess, by the way)
6. Upshift (guy who silenced Ms. Conflict earlier) (also a known DJ here in Modelista. Maybe you've also heard his name from somewhere)
7. Random (the only young looking person in here) (knows Mr. Nhelv personally)
That's everyone, I think. Hope this helps somehow, Ms. Chronomia! :)"
...The note ends there.
Chronomia folds the paper and tucks it into the pocket of her coat, before nodding at Aleph, who smiled back at her earnestly.
She'll have to work together with these people now, as unreliable as some of them are.
But it's fine. It's okay. She'll manage.
There's also a chance more people will join them eventually, so she'll see how things will go.
"You're back. How did it go?"
"They're assembling or whatever."
"That is...a clear enough sentence for me to understand. Seems like they have decided to start a little investigation group."
"What are we gonna do now, Boss?"
"...I will think of something.
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