#felix hugo fraldarious x reader
Hello!!! I've been getting back into FE3H recently and the blue lions have been living in my head rent free sdgkfkdk
If you're not too busy may I have some hcs or a scenario (whichever you feel like) of mage!reader asking Felix to teach them swordfighting? Maybe they surprise him by incorporating magic into their sword attacks (like using it as a distraction or empowering their strike with magic?) I feel like Felix would be interested in someone with such a unique combat style lol
Sorry if this is too specific!! Feel free to yeet some of the premise if that makes it easier to write uwu
P.S. - I just love the way you write Felix!! You've really got his character pinned down and everything you write about him is so on point!!!! Keep up the great work owo!!!!
{Not me blushing because a stranger said I nailed down a fictional character’s personality lmao. I love writing for felix...he’s just so...”felix” lol. Not that I have favorites or anything yes, yes I do}
Edit: Okay so, I just finished this and realized you wanted FELIX to be the one teaching the reader and not the other way around. I am so sorry but I hope this suffices? I saw “felix interested in someone with unique combat style” and just went ham with this without double checking 
Request for @cattycattitude
“This is a waste of time. I should have known better than to ask you for help,” 
“Excuse me? Are you seriously blaming me for your incompetence?” 
“I’m only ‘incompetent’ because this technique is stupid and unorthodox” 
“Yeah, well this ‘stupid and unorthodox’ technique is the reason you weren’t shanked in the back last battle, am I right? or am I right?” 
Felix huffed in frustration, reaching behind his head to readjust his hair tie. (Y/N) had a point, he was the one who bugged them to teach him their sword technique. It wasn’t like anything he’d ever come across during his personal training, and after some prying he learned that Professor Byleth hadn’t taught it to them. Not every mage bothered with physical combat like swords, lances, or axes; yet, (Y/N) apparently enrolled with a near veteran level proficiency.  It was only natural he grew curious and wanted to learn. What he didn’t expect was for them to be so willing to teach. 
With a clatter they threw their training sword to the ground and stalked off into the storage room. Their footsteps loud as they briskly walked away from the argument, and for a moment he felt his lips dip to a scowl. Felix didn’t mean to come off as ungrateful, but he didn’t know how to contain his frustration. He meant to say that he was wasting their time, not his own. He was aiming to be a swordsman, what made him think he could learn a mage’s technique? 
“Enough with the wood. We’re going in strong and with a little tough love I’m certain you’ll get it,” His thoughts halted when cold steel was shoved into his hand. He glared at the weapon, clenching the hilt tight enough to turn his knuckles white.  
“Felix, knock it off. I mean it,” (Y/N) said, narrowing their eyes at him from across the room. 
“This isn’t going to work-” 
“I don’t get you. What is up today?” They cut him off, lowering their guard. Their brows crinkled in a way he only saw during strategy meetings, as if they were analyzing him. Almost as if he was fogged up glass.
“Normally you’re so determined. I saw you harass Bernadetta for weeks- weeks! Just to get her to help you. You always want to be the best you can be, and don’t give me that ‘unorthadox’ bullshit because you’re one of the most tenacious fighters here,” they paused, and he heard them gasp like someone drove a shiv into their back. “Is it- is it me? Am I just a bad teacher?” 
Felix didn’t know how to respond. He was a very prideful man who struggled with failure. He did want to be the best, and knew that he would be one day. He also knew he shouldn’t have taken his anger out on them, someone who only wanted to help him achieve his goals. It made him happy to be supported, yet multiple failures in front of someone he respected made him feel weak. 
Felix sighed, taking a calming breath before loosening his grip on the sword. 
“Show me again,” he said. he expected them to take their stance but instead they came towards him. He arched an eyebrow but caught a glimpse of how their nose and ears tinged red. 
“Let’s try something else. I want you to close your eyes” 
“Just do it,” they reached for his sword hand, wrapping their own around it and securing a grip on the blade. He complied, feeling their other hand rest between his shoulder blades. 
“Relax. Follow my instructions,”
“This is stupid,”
“No, it isn’t. Relax your shoulders but keep your grip on the sword firm. Don’t worry about form right now and focus solely on your weapon,” their voice was quiet, yet made the hairs on the back of his neck stand. 
“Do you meditate, Felix?” they asked, adjusting his grip to hold his sword straight. 
“You should. A balanced mind is a balanced body as well,” they shifted him again and he felt the tension in his shoulders release. His breathing began to even out as their calm tone unconsciously relaxed his guard. 
“Good, good. Has Byleth taught you any offense spells? Fire? Miasma? Blizzard?” 
“Thunder. My magic pool wasn’t strong enough to handle anything else at the time,” 
“Cast it,” they let go aside from his hand, and suddenly the air felt more cold. 
“What?” His grip tensed, causing them to rub circles on the back of his palm. The familiar heat returned, but accompanied by a tight feeling in his chest. If he casted that now then they’d get electrocuted. 
“Relax and trust me. Don’t think and just cast the spell,” 
“...fine,” He did think. Felix focused on the gentle hand drawing patterns over the scars on his wrist. He basked the comforting presence of his friend, one who he’d shared many fights as well as laughs with. Someone who believed in him enough to take his harsh words time and time again, yet still chose to deal with him after sorry excuses for apologies. He felt a familiar heat build in his stomach and grimaced as it flowed to his palm. 
He cast the spell, waiting for them to gasp in pain before giving up all together. 
“Now would you look at that! A mighty fine thunder-bade if I do say so myself.”
He opened his eyes and they were right. The steel sword had a thin coat of light emitting from it and practically reeked of conducted energy. It was impressive considering Felix never had a knack for magic, but what really did it over was the haughty grin his ‘teacher’ wore. 
“Told ya you could do it. Was I right, or was I right ?” Their laugh rang against the stone walls, and if it was anyone else he may have shocked them for payback. 
“You were right,” he chuckled, moving into a combat stance. Their grin only grew, and his eyes creased in admiration when they ran to get their own sword. In a split second it sparked to life with fire, much easier than the long process he had to go through. 
They were a good teacher, and a great solider. One someone prideful as himself would eagerly spend the rest of his life with, fighting or otherwise.  
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grandmasterashe · 5 years
 Pairings: Felix Hugo Fraldarious x Reader
Warnings: None
Author´s note: First fanfic I´ve written(excluding the pokemon fanfic I wrote when I was thirteen....), Felix may be a bit OOC, english is not my first language so feel free to point out any mistakes, constructive critisism is welcome!
“What? Why would you pledge for me to surpass you?”
 “Because your dream is my dream”
 The smile on her face after she said those words were ingrained in his mind. The memory of their meeting at the goddess tower after the ball as fresh in his mind as if it was yesterday, when in fact it was a month or so ago now. For the entirety of the time Felix had known her he never saw her as more than a good sparring partner, never letting his glances stay a bit too long on her form(definitely not), not so much as sparing a thought to the cute smile that only started showing itself now and then a couple of months into her residency at the monastery(why would he?), and absolutely never ever imagining a future with her by his side(preposterous!), but now, the (non-existent!) feelings he harbored started to bloom, and he was filled with unease at the amount of butterflies in his stomach everytime she would get a little bit too close, or gaze at him with those unreadable eyes. He feared with each passing day his feelings would be harder and harder to suppress, he had a reputation to uphold after all. He didn't particularly care about what other people thought of him, but him “suddenly” getting a crush or even feelings akin to love would indeed result in unnecessary prodding by his classmates, and that thought alone made him want to smash his feelings straight into the ground.
He fixed the angry scowl on his face as he made his way to the training room, nothing like a sparring match to the death to get him to at least momentarily forget his own feelings predicament.
Alas, fate is a cruel mistress and the first person Felix saw upon entering the training room was the person he so hopelessly tried to pry out of his mind.
 Swiftly grappling your opponent to the ground you held him with his arm behind his back waiting for the “Uncle!” that eventually came from all those who even dared entering the sparring ring with you.
 Releasing his arm immediately you got up from the ground before helping the poor boy up as well.
 “You did good Deacon, take a break.” You said, patting his shoulder, not quite realizing your own strength, making Deacon wince at the force before removing himself from the sparring ring. You looked on as Deacon weakly limped through the large oaken doors, passing by a scowling Felix on the way.
 “Here to get your ass kicked?” You challenged the raven-haired male. This kind of teasing would have been impossible for you a couple of months ago, but Garreg Mach, and the students, your students had brought something out from the depths of you, everyday a tug of war between feelings of camaraderie and the threat of the outside world. That wasn't the only reason you had taken to teasing the grump who stood before you though, no, you noticed a few months back that your teasing brought out the most adorable interesting blush on his face, a very subtle pink tint to his cheeks, his ears an angry red.
“I should be the one asking you that.” He answered, still the same angry scowl plastered on his face, both the angry tone of voice and faint blush bringing a familiar sense of totally professional and platonic excitement to your heart.
Your only answer was a chuckle as you went to get your training sword while Felix got ready in the ring. The match soon began, the two of you trading blow after blow, you continuously gaining back the upper hand every time Felix got a taste of it. This continued for about 45 minutes, Felix getting more and more irritated, even more so than usual, letting out frustrated grunts and his movements getting sloppier by each passing minute.
“Seiros, what ́s going on Felix? You ́re not your usual cheery self today.” As soon as the words left your mouth you realized that maybe it wasn ́t the best time to tease him, he obviously seemed to have something on his mind.
“Shut up! It's none of your business!” He growled between swings, still trying to come out of the sparring match victorious, but both of you knew that that wasn't going to happen, not when you so easily deflected his overtly aggressive swings.
“Somethings obviously on your mind, even if you don't want to tell me, you should tell someone, it's affecting your performance, you're not going to achieve your dream this way.” You said, just putting your foot straight in your mouth again as you cringed inwardly. Seiros, Felix isn't the only one who needs help, what is wrong with me?
“My dream!? If it wasn´t for my dumb dream I wouldn´t have these idiotic feelings for yo-” Felix stopped suddenly, drawing back his sword and looked at the ground, an unusal shocked expression on his face. Your heart was racing in your chest, and not only because of the exertion from training. You tried to quell the hope rising in your heart, you needed to help him with his problem, professionally… as his professor... who had nothing but professional platonic feelings for him.
 “You have feelings for me?” Your voice sounded a bit too meek for your liking, a little bit too hopeful. Felix just screwed his eyes shut, still with his head hanging towards the ground. Did he not hear you? Swallowing the uncertainty clawing its way up your esophagus you cleared your throat and tried again.
 “You have feelings for me?” Yes, very professional, it didn't at all sound just as timid as last time.
Felix raised his head, face sweaty and loose strands of hair clinging to his forehead, and looked to the side, huffing, “Yeah, I feel like you ́re annoying and given the chance I ́d pummel you into the groun-”
“Gee, thanks” This time Felix didn ́t get to finish because you interrupted him. You couldn't really help it when the disappointment flooded you. An awkward silence permeated the air while the two of you stood still, neither looking at the other. Well, you were officially done with this day, you decided as you turned around to leave the training room, like a professional,  not at all like a pouting child.
 A groan sounding behind you made you halt in your tracks.
 “Goddess damn it… I like you. Alot.” He said, punctuating the sentence with another deep groan. Turning around you saw the blush you'd grown to love on his face, this time in full force. His cheeks blossomed into an angry red, his deep frown permanently etched into his features, and even though the two of you just had quite a rigorous sparring match, you knew that his cheeks hadn't been that red earlier. Your heart beat happily in your ribcage and you couldn't hold back the full, joyous smile that spread across your lips.
 “I should be the one telling you that.”
 He tried to fight the smirk threatening to overcome his face, he really did. But seeing you there, sweaty from the sparring match, taking deep breaths and cheeks flushed with a rosy hue(looking just as beautiful as the first time he laid eyes on you), he couldn't stop the twitch of the corners of his mouth. 
 Seeing him trying to hold back his smirk you just rolled your eyes, walking up to him to take his face in your hands and lightly pressing your lips against his. He reciprocated immediately, and pushed one of his hands through your sweaty locks of hair. You still felt that infuriatingly handsome smirk against your lips, and you couldn't have that, could you?
 Felix landed on the ground with a grunt, your hands pinning his to the dirt floor.
 “Seems like I'm the one pummeling you to the ground, huh?”
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