#fellowship program in family medicine
fellowshipprograms · 11 months
MediCOLL is an online learning platform that has gained international recognition for its commitment to excellence in medical education. This learning platform offers a wide range of online fellowship programs, allowing doctors to specialize in various medical fields.
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vivalas-vega · 6 months
match // new perspectives universe // jake 'hangman' seresin x reader
heyooo - i'm back from the dead - it's been a while since we've seen these two and for this one we're going back in time !! this is kind of a rewrite of something that’s already happened in the main chapters 🤭 i haven't written jake and jupiter in what feels like forever so this feels rusty to me lol but hopefully you enjoy!
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match // new perspectives universe // jake 'hangman' seresin x reader
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part of my new perspectives series !! it will make a lot more sense if you're caught up on these two:
prologue - one - two - three - four - five - six - seven - eight - nine
word count: 4.8k
warnings: language, mention of alcohol, college/med school/residency inaccuracies (I didn't go to college and it shows lol any and all knowledge on any of this comes from tiktok or greys anatomy)
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Sitting at your vanity (if you could even call a plastic set of drawers with a handheld mirror duct taped to the back a vanity) you briefly thought to yourself that you should be excited… and you were, for the most part. Today was one of those days that marked the start of a new chapter. You’d been lucky (or unlucky, depending on how you looked at it) to have had a few of these already… first opening your acceptance letter into college, then med school, and now you were getting ready to find out where you had been matched for residency.
The excitement and nerves you were feeling were subdued because really the only thing you could focus on was the fact that the only person you wanted here wasn’t… and you didn’t know where he was. He could have been on a ship halfway across the world or at a base a handful of hours away but in the end it didn’t really matter much… he wasn’t here, and that was just part of the deal. You knew what this was long before it got to this point, and that point was only accentuated by the floppy haired boy walking into your dorm just as you stood from your spot in front of the window to change.
“Well, don’t you just look darling,” he teased and on another day you might have laughed… struck a pose and had a witty comeback, something about ratty college tees and soffe shorts being on all the runways these days, but it wasn’t another day. It was today and your future was hinging on something written in an envelope waiting for you across campus and this boy wasn’t the one you wanted teasing you today. 
You undressed and stood with your back to him, a silent request for him to help zip your dress and he obliged just as quietly. There was an expiration date on you and Matt, this much you knew… but the way his fingers trailed down your arm and the lingering question he’d been asking all month told you he wasn’t on the same page. He had a vision for his life, one that very much included you and perhaps you felt a little guilty for continuing to keep him in your orbit but the more logical part of you reminded you that the vision you had for your life had been set in stone long before he showed up. He saw residency right here in California, with you by his side. He saw you switching your area of focus to general medicine, something less demanding to create room for starting a family, something you’d do within the next few years. You hadn’t had the heart yet to tell him that sounded like your own personal hell.
Your vision was Boston, in a cutthroat surgical residency program before moving on to whatever hospital offered the best fellowship for your chosen specialty… that was the one area of your life you’d yet to nail down. Most of your peers pursuing the surgical route knew what they wanted to focus on, some vying for cardio or neuro, others trauma or general but not you. That was the one thing you were leaving up to fate, deciding to instead let yourself make that decision a few years into residency… and if that fellowship happened to come along where the boy you missed more than anything was stationed? Well, you wouldn’t be one to complain. The vision didn’t include Matt, it never did. 
And so, as you turned to face him with a tight smile you wanted more than anything to tell him this was over, that it would be best to head into residency as individuals but then you saw that look on his face and you couldn’t do it right now… not right before finding out whether or not you were getting everything you’d spent the last eight years working towards (seven for you, but you wouldn’t point that out to him anymore than you already had). You’d wait until after, even if that meant walking into the ceremony with someone you had already decided you wouldn’t be seeing after today. 
“Hey, did you guys get settled okay?” you asked your parents as you set your bag down on the table and exchanged quick hugs. You’d already seen them this morning when they’d arrived and they’d decided to give you a little space to get ready. 
“Your mother has taken photos of about a dozen things at the hotel, taking notes for our upcoming remodel which… I was just informed of this morning,” your dad said and you laughed. Matt said his hellos before going off to find his own parents and you rolled your eyes at the look your dad fixed you with. “He’s still around?”
“Oh hush,” you replied. Your purse started ringing and you fished around lip gloss and old flashcards to find your phone, immediately feeling more settled at the voice on the other end.
“Hey you,” Jake said and you actually let out a sigh of relief. “How are you feeling?”
“Oh me? You know, cool as a cucumber. Not freaking out at all,” you answered with a small laugh and he just chuckled.
“Of course not, not like there’s anything big going on today.”
“Definitely not, just a normal day around here,” you said.
“I just wanted to call and tell you to breathe, because you forget to do that sometimes-”
“I do not-”
“Yes you do, and to remind you that no matter where you end up you’re going to be just fine.” 
“Thank you,” you said softly. “I know you can’t say where you are but I hope you’re flying safe today,” you added.
“Always do, sweetheart. I’ll call you tonight, yeah?” 
“You better.” you said with a smile as you hung up and put your phone on silent just as the announcer gave the two minute warning. You could practically feel the rising tension in the room, a mix of nervous excitement and pure dread. So many fates contained within tiny envelopes and as you picked yours up you found the whole notion of this rather silly. You felt bad for anyone who got news they didn’t want today, having to find out in a room full of people celebrating and you prayed to a god you weren’t sure you even believed in you wouldn’t be one of them. 
“I think I’m going to, uh…” you started, looking at your parents and then back at the envelope in your hand. “I’m going to just take a minute and open it myself, if that’s okay?” you asked hesitantly and they nodded.
“Whatever you want, honey,” your mom replied and you turned around as the announcer told everyone to open them. You took a deep breath, because you did forget to breathe in times of stress, and with shaking hands practically ripped the envelope apart to pull out a folded piece of paper… a piece of paper that you hoped contained two specific words. 
Massachusetts General. 
Your shaking hands persisted as you read and reread what was right in front of you. Massachusetts General. You blinked and read again, did it really say that? Massachusetts General. 
“Oh my god-” you started as you turned around to show your parents with the paper facing outwards but they were gone. Really they’d only stepped a few feet to the side but they, and everyone else in the room, may as well have disappeared because all you could focus on was him, standing right there in front of you in his dress whites looking so proud as he read the words in your hands that quickly fell to the floor in shock. “Jake?” you asked so quietly, your mind still not catching up but it didn’t matter, in an instant you were launching yourself at him and he caught you with ease as you wrapped around him.
“Hey you,” he repeated his words from just a few minutes ago on the phone and you let out a sound that was mixed with a laugh and a sob as you clung to him. “You did it, I knew you would.”
“What the hell are you doing here?” you asked as you pulled away slightly to look down at him and he just beamed up at you.
“You didn’t really think I’d miss this, did you?” he replied and you just smiled, but it was quickly wiped away as you heard someone clear their throat behind you and you didn’t need to look to know who it was as you slid down Jake’s body to the floor and turned to see Matt, who was looking at the pair of you skeptically.
“Jake’s here,” he said, trying to muster some kind of enthusiasm but it fell flat, “yay.” You stifled a chuckle as you looked at him expectantly, “I matched here, what about you?” You knew what was coming as you took the paper your dad held out for you and Matt nodded softly when he read it. “I thought we talked about staying here for residency?” You didn’t miss the way Jake scoffed behind you, clearly disgusted that that was the first thing out of his mouth.
“You talked about it, Matt… I was always clear about my goals.” you said firmly. “But this is what we’ve both been working for. Congratulations, really,” you said, wrapping him in a tight but quick hug. “Go, celebrate with your family. I’ll see you at the party later.” you finished, nudging him off and  when you turned around Jake was giving you the most unimpressed look.
“Don’t even, I will not be seeing him at the party later, if you must know.” 
“Is that so?” he asked with a smirk and you rolled your eyes as he chuckled.
“Congratulations, sweetheart,” your mom said, pulling you in for a hug.
“We’re so proud of you,” your dad added, pressing a kiss to the top of your head and you went to respond, to thank them for everything they’ve done for you but they didn’t give you the chance. “Go celebrate and spend time together, and have fun at the party tonight.” 
“What? No, you guys flew all this way… I thought we could go out for dinner-”
“Hush, you two have some catching up to do,” your mom replied. “Besides, I think whatever celebrations you get up to tonight are best kept from us,” she added with a knowing smile and you tried to fight your own. 
“We’ll do breakfast, just the four of us like old times… but we won’t wake you too early,” your dad said and you watched as Jake gave them hugs before they slipped away. 
When they left he turned to look at you, all pride and adoration, and you flushed under his gaze as you gave him a look that said what? “You fucking did it, Jupiter.”
“I fucking did it,” you replied, your laughter bright and uncontrollable as he lifted you from the ground and spun you around.
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“How’d he take it?” Jake asked as you entered your dorm, and you chuckled as you took him in, sprawled out across your bed, one leg hanging off the side because he simply didn’t fit. 
“About as well as could be expected,” you said and he laughed as he sat up.
“So… not well at all?” He laughed again when you nodded. “Tell me about this party we’re going to.”
“It’s pretty standard, I expect things will go as they always do with a campus party… just a little more celebratory with a slight drinking to numb the pain vibe from some.”
He nodded, “all your friends got what they were hoping for?” 
“For the most part… a few didn’t get exactly what they wanted but that’s kind of how it goes… matching is about a little bit of hard work and a shit ton of luck.”
“So, I’m guessing dress whites aren’t the vibe for tonight?” he asked, watching as you discarded your jewelry onto your desk and you chuckled as you turned and walked towards him, stopping in between his legs.
“Not at all,” you said with a shake of your head and you laughed again as he pouted and rested his hands on the backs of your thighs. “But they were a nice touch, you look very official and handsome,” you added on, hoping to turn his frown upside down.
And you did, he looked up at you with that same look he’d given you in the event hall. “I know you know this, but I really am so fucking proud of you, J,” he said and you softly smiled, feeling crimson creep onto your cheeks and you quickly diverted, trying to break some of the intimacy of the moment by pulling the hat from his head and plopping it on your own.
“Well, you should be, cowboy,” you said, stepping back and grabbing two beers from the mini fridge that doubled as a nightstand, handing one to him and he looked at you expectantly as you both cracked them open. “Because your best friend got into the fucking brig,” you said as you clinked the cans together and he let out a few cheers before taking a generous gulp. 
He stayed by your side as you got ready together, only engaging in a few quarrels due to the lack of space that only got smaller when your roommate Katie showed up, and you couldn’t help your amusement as the two of them got on each other's last nerves. Their relationship was very akin to that of siblings, they’d scream at each other through the phone on facetimes when the other was pulling too much of your attention and on the rare visits Jake managed she’d spend the whole trip pouting about how no one else existed when he was here.
“Are we not going to this party together, Katie?” you said, interrupting her latest spiel about Jake’s evilness, as she put it, and she held her hands up in surrender as you laughed. She put on a good show but you knew she liked having Jake around, it meant she got to see more of her favorite version of you… party Jupiter. And party Jupiter was in full effect as you strolled down the street lined with fraternity houses. The parties you attended these days were typically on the other side of campus and not quite as rowdy, you couldn’t even remember the last time you’d been down here but it had been negotiated that the frats held parties for the med students this year, to give you all one more truly college party before everyone went their separate ways into a new journey of adulthood. 
“You’ve been here before, right?” you asked Jake as you watched him mix you a drink and he nodded.
“Mmhm, your third year of undergrad,” he answered and you snorted.
“Oh god, yeah,” you briefly reminisced on that party, one with no cause, and the shocked look on Jake’s face most of the night. As it turned out, you had actually been understating just how much Stanford kids like to party that day on the phone all those years ago. You mingled with Jake in tow, socializing with friends you hadn’t seen since the beginning of the year to due rotations and interviews across the country, and really emphasizing the fact that you wouldn’t see each other for a number of years after tonight in your drunken states much to Jake’s amusement.
You weren’t much of an emotional drunk but that didn’t seem to be the case tonight… Probably something about the finality of it all, going from college to med school didn’t seem like a huge transition for you because you stayed in the same place, but this was different. After graduation next week you’d be packing up and moving across the country, to somewhere that couldn’t be more different than where you were, and you would officially be a doctor. 
Jake watched as you let loose, cackling with friends about professors or that one time you stole a dozen mice because you couldn’t bear the thought of them being used for research (and you maintained that you’d been in the right each time it was brought up). The last time he’d come to visit you’d been so entrenched in your coursework he actually became worried, watching you study for hours on end from your bed as he realized this is what your life was. You’d always done a good job at completing everything before he arrived so you could focus on the fun but that visit just wasn’t the case… There were exams to prep for and applications to be sent out and interviews to be scheduled, and all he could do was half-heartedly read a book he’d plucked from your shelf about internal medicine and force you to come up for air every now and again.
But this time was completely different, there was nothing to worry about because you were done. You’d gotten to the end of your journey here at Stanford and were in that blissful reprieve period where there truly was nothing to fret over, and it simultaneously warmed Jake’s heart and broke it to see. On one hand, you were finally getting a true break after years of achingly hard work… but on the other that break would only last a few days before you went into a tizzy packing to move cross country and start your residency. He knew you were happy, and that you would be happy in Boston but he also knew things were only about to get harder, and that a few days of true relief weren’t enough.
Granted, this wasn’t how you felt, despite the fact that as you downed your drink and chatted with Katie about her upcoming move to Nashville you had no idea this was going through his head… you felt nothing but joy knowing that you got to spend the next few days with Jake before diving into your future. Residency is what you feel you’d waited your whole life for. You did the hard stuff, you laid the foundation and stuffed your nose in a book for years and now you were finally going to be able to do. 
“I think I might actually miss these parties,” you said as you sat down by the edge of the pool with a sigh, unclasping your heels and actually moaning in relief as you dipped your feet into the cool water and Jake chuckled beside you. 
“I find that shocking considering that after that one your third year you said you never wanted to set foot on this block again.”
“I’ve grown, things have changed,” you protested which coaxed another laugh from him. “God, I can’t believe I’m leaving this place soon. It almost feels like just yesterday I showed up here with nothing but a suitcase and a dream. And you! Mr. Top Gun graduate,” you added, nudging him playfully.
“Don’t let Coyote hear you, he’ll bust my chops even more than he already has.”
“I miss Coyote,” you said, leaning your head on his shoulder. “Are you going home for Christmas this year?” you asked and this took him slightly by surprise, considering it was spring and he didn’t expect you to be looking forward to anything other than residency.
“I don’t think so… the way it lines up I’d have to fly in on Christmas Eve and leave the day after… I think the short trips make my mom sadder than me not going home at all.”
“They do,” you said. “For my parents too. I don’t know why but they do. What do you think about me coming to you this year? If you’re on base.”
“I think that sounds perfect,” he replied, turning to press a kiss on the top of your head. “I’m sorry I can’t stay for graduation,” he said and you lifted your head to shake it, waving your hand dismissively.
“Truthfully I don’t care about graduation, it’s more for my parents and yours. This was the important one,” you replied, giving him a warm smile. “I still can’t believe you pulled off surprising me. How long have you known you’d be able to make it?”
“Since you first told me the day,” he answered and your eyes widened as you hit his chest.
“You asshole! You made me think you couldn’t come and this was your plan all along? I was really sad, you know.”
He let out a loud laugh, “yeah, I know. But it was worth it! The look on your face was priceless.”
“You’re unbelievable,” you muttered.
“Had to get you back for my tap out ceremony somehow,” he pointed out and you sighed, because he did have a point.
“That’s fair. Though, I could argue that it was a surprise for me as well, mine was not premeditated.” 
“To-mato to-mato,” he replied. “So, when do you make the big move?” 
“Well, tomorrow you’ll be helping me scout apartments, tough part is I’ll have to pick a place sight unseen so we’re going to have to be very thorough in our search and then hopefully I’ll be out there within three weeks… My program starts in four.”
“Unless a last minute deployment pops up, I think I can meet you out there… help you get settled and all that.”
“Really?” you asked, eyes wide and full of hope as you beamed up at him and he chuckled, knowing you were definitely drunk right now. “Seeing you twice in one month? I don’t think we’ve gotten that lucky since we were teenagers.” 
“Well, I don’t know about that,” he said with a suggestive raise of his eyebrows and you were startled by your own laugh, not expecting the turn in conversation. 
“That’s right, forgot I was talking to Hangman, eternal stud.” you joked. Briefly you thought joking about it should sting, and deep down maybe it did a little, but this was the first time it’s come up and the sting wasn’t the first thing you noticed.
“You haven’t done so bad for yourself either,” he said and you just gave him a deadpan glare.
“Really? You think Matt was making me feel lucky every time?” you asked and he went through the same range of emotions. He thought it should hurt, and it did somewhere deep down, but it wasn’t the first thing he noticed.
“He wasn’t? Then what was the point?” he exclaimed and you hid your face in embarrassment. 
“Oh, I don’t know! Truthfully it spiraled and I didn’t have time for anything else so…” you trailed off before letting out a groan. “Oh god, I’m a terrible person.”
“Now, how did we end up there?” he asked, brows furrowing in confusion at your statement.
“I knew all along I’d dump him right about now, how awful to not do it so much sooner.”
He shrugged, “maybe… but knowing you he did get lucky every time so don’t feel too bad. Broken heart or not he reached the mountaintop, good for him.”
“That’s a better, if not slightly twisted, way of looking at things.” you mused, resting your head on his shoulder again.
“Tired?” he asked and you nodded. “Don’t quite have the stamina of an undergrad anymore?”
“Shut up,” you said. “It’s been an emotional day.” 
“Wanna go home?” he asked and you nodded, allowing yourself to be pulled up and you awkwardly shook your leg over the pool to rid yourself of excess water, to which he just shook his head in amusement. 
You spent the walk back towards your dorm lost in conversation, giggling about nothing in particular and squealing when he picked you up and tossed you over his shoulder, “Jake! I’m too drunk, don’t make me hurl,” you laughed but he didn’t seem to care, carrying you like it was nothing until suddenly you were on the move again, sliding down to the ground with Jake’s firm hands on your waist to guide you. Your brows furrowed in confusion when you noticed you weren’t at your dorm but instead in front of a shiny car.
“I love Katie,” he started, but was cut off by the questioning look you gave him, “really, I do, but you didn’t really think I was crashing in your dorm, did you?” he asked and he did have a point… the last time he visited she was on rotation so he crammed himself onto her tiny bed and complained all the next day… there simply wasn’t anywhere for him to be this time around. “I have a hotel room a few blocks away, do you want to come stay with me? Or I can walk you back to your room,” he added the last part a little hurriedly and you chuckled, you thought you just caught a glimpse of a younger Jake… nervous and not wanting to overstep. 
“Are you kidding me?” you asked, gesturing towards the door and he was quick to open it for you, “a night away from that thing they call a bed sounds like heaven.”
“And here I thought you just wanted to spend more time with me,” he said after walking around and getting in the driver’s side.
“Well, that’s certainly part of it… just not the main part,” you teased and he shook his head as he navigated towards his hotel and you looked over at him in amusement when you entered the parking lot. “Very fancy, Mr. Seresin,” you said as he opened the door for you and he extended his hand which you gladly took.
“Shut up and come on,” he replied and you did as you were told. Following him through the hotel and to the elevator, where they opened to reveal a cozy and beautifully decorated rooftop bar and you just looked over at him, eyes wide and questioning. “Tonight was a goodbye to your college life, and I thought what better way to end it than here, welcoming in this next chapter?”
“Jake…” you started, the lingering alcohol in your system still present enough to have you feeling a little more emotional than usual. You sat at a cozy loveseat positioned in front of a firepit and thanked the waiter when he brought over your cocktails, gin and tonic for you and something whiskey based for Jake. 
“To you, Jupiter. You’ve worked so hard the past seven years, and you never once wavered when things got hard. You are nothing short of incredible, and being here with you right now, marking this occasion… it means a lot to me, and I’ll never stop being proud of you.” he said, and you felt your eyes well with tears that mirrored his own.
“Stop, you can’t cause then I’ll really lose it,” you warned, laughing softly as you wiped your cheeks. “Thank you… not just for saying that but for being you, and for being here. I was a wreck all morning and then I turned around and saw you and everything felt… settled. You being here means more than you know.” you said and you clinked your glasses together before taking a sip. “I’m really proud of us.” you said added a few moments of silence. “Do you remember the day we decided to break up?”
“Vividly,” he chuckled and you couldn’t help but laugh too.
“God, we were so young, with such big dreams… and going into it all so devastated… I wish we could go back and tell them it wouldn’t be for nothing, that we made it.” 
“We did make it didn’t we?” he asked and you nodded, a smile creeping onto your face. He reached out to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear and you didn’t know if it was the weighty realization that seven years ago you broke each other’s hearts to pursue the dreams you’d just achieved or the alcohol or just the fact that you simply wanted to but you leaned forward and let your lips brush against his. Soft and questioning but he pressed forward and captured you in a searing kiss. Years of pent up emotion and love spilling out, and you smiled when he chased your lips as you pulled away. 
You didn’t need to say anything, didn’t need to acknowledge any of it. You both knew it didn’t change anything, you both might have made it but only to the next stepping stone… it still wasn’t the time. You kissed him once more before scooting closer and resting your head on his shoulder, his arm wrapping around your waist as you just enjoyed the moment for what it was. A celebration of what was to come.
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taglist: @mamaskillerqueen @clancycucumber230 @the-romanian-is-bae @alldaysdreamers @zzsloth @emma8895eb @novagreen04 @classyunknownlover @olliepig @purplevortexx @mayhemmanaged @ohgodnotagainn @smoothdogsgirl @swiftsgirlfriend @memoriesat30 @the-fandom-ness @midnightmagpiemama @shanimallina87 @tiredqueen73 @charles11700 @thegodessc @angelbabyange @failuretothrivestuff @wildxwidow @sp1rit-realm @grxcieluvr @alluringshawn @amatswimming @camilaricci @pinkpantheris @taytaylala12 @starcatcher48 @buck-nasty @misshoneypaper @waklman @4evinlovewithfictionalmen @devil-angel-winchester @callsignspirit @cruelmissdior @underaveragefangirl @camilaricci @nolita-fairytale @dempy @aviatorobsessed @pono-pura-vida @binnieslove @nik2blog @abaker74 @halstead-severide-fan @percysaidnever @memeorydotcom @eli2447 @dumb-fawkin-bitch @toobouquet @a-v-a123 @rae-you-gotta-be-kidding-me @86laura11 @justenoughmadnesss @yoonbutterfly (if your name is struck through it means I couldn't tag you - so sorry!)
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bearsinpotatosacks · 1 year
I'm thinking that TOS Bones was either a surgeon (based on how he's shown doing surgery in a few episodes like Journey to Babel) or was a country doctor (which he says often) but was the type from such a rural town that he just knows everything. Need a vet? Dr McCoy. Need a paediatrician? Dr McCoy. Need literally anything but a GP/family medic? Well it's Dr McCoy or death buddy because it's a rural town and the nearest hospital is too far away even in the future. Just got the vibes that this is a rural mountain town, also this explains his accent because people from Georgia, or at least Atlanta, don't tend to have southern accents like Bones does. So either Bones had to adapt to Starfleet life or, because he's shown to not know Academy culture, he went through a sort of training program like OCS in the Navy (yes I'm using my Top Gun knowledge) which caught him up on other types of medicine necessary for the job.
For AOS Bones I don't think he was either of these, because I don't remember him talking about being a country doctor or seeing him in any particular surgical scenarios. What I can see him as is an A&E/ER doctor. He mentions doing emergency c-sections on pregnant gorn, and from what ER has taught me, being an ER resident while having a daughter and working wife can kill your marriage (Bones and Mark Greene's stories are kinda similar like that with their meeting wife early on, both having intense jobs and becoming bitter with her eventually cheating). Also, this would mean he was more accustomed to Starfleet life and instead of retraining in the Academy perhaps did a fellowship in Xenomedicine considering how much more diverse the AOS crew is than the TOS crew
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I have the urge to write a seven-season-long medical drama, so here is a concept for Top Gun Hospital AU with ER hate-to-love hangster AU that no one asked for.
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as a warning: this is a bit incohesive and silly
All the aviators are doctors and all the WSOs are nurses. With the exception of Bradley (but there’s an explanation for it).
Mav — cardiothoracic surgeon; Ice — former neurosurgeon and Chief of Surgery, current Head of Patient and Medical Services (so, entirely admin). I imagine they have the same kind of relationship as House and Cuddy in this, including Ice keeping an entire legal team for Mav’s unconventional practice methods. They've met during med school and had been rivals up until they both finished general surgery residency. Slider is an OR nurse turned anesthesia nurse. Goose was an ER nurse and met Mav during his rotation as a med student and died after an incident in the ER during Mav’s residency (that was the moment he switched from emergency medicine to surgery).
Phoenix — emergency, but she managed the impossible (like Mav) and switched from obgyn residency after the first year (only chose obgyn in the first place because of her mom, a renowned obgyn in Oregon), she's still really passionate about the obgyn field but didn't enjoy the work enough to do it for the rest of her life; Javy — general surgery; Payback — emergency with sub-spec in pediatrics; Friz — respiratory medicine; Omaha — oncology; Yale — ortho surgery.
Bob — a former OBGYN nurse, left because of a toxic work environment, working in the ER six months now, Phoenix's favorite nurse now, duh; Fanboy — started in peds oncology, had to switch because it was too hard on him mentally and is now peds emergency; Halo — started as a palliative care nurse, switched to oncology after a few years; Harvard — OR nurse, switched from general team to ortho
Hangman is the new trauma surgeon starting in their ER. Born and raised on a ranch, was expected to take over the ranch but never wanted to. Thankfully, he had too perfect grades to not send him to college — his parents wanted him to be a vet, which obviously didn’t happen, so he could stay close to the family business. He moved to California for his MD. He has terrible bedside manners with patients and patients’ family, but is surprisingly decent with kids, has lost respect for nurses sometime during his first residency year, and had a terrible case of Ego hit him during his trauma surg fellowship.
Now, about Rooster:
Bradley got into a pre-med program, Mav (who had set up Bradley’s college fund) said he’s not going to pay for it since he doesn’t want Bradley to be a doctor (long hours, lack of work-life balance, burnout, high stress, etc. It was more complicated because Mav still has the Goose trauma). So they had the fallout, Bradley moved out and deferred college to find a way to pay for it and, wanting to gather hospital experience, started working as a CNA in Peds ICU at a children’s hospital which accidentally was having a new CNA intake at the time. He liked it, actually loved it, and started hesitating whether he should continue with pre-med and be like Mav or go for nursing, like his dad. Year after, he got an offer from the hospital that said hey, we’ll fund some of your BSN as long as you work for us while you study and then work for us for another four years after getting your license. So he became a nurse, got certified as peds nurse after working two years in PICU and after another three, switched to the Pediatric Rapid Response Team, where he stayed for another two years before getting a spot as a senior nurse in adult/peds ER in a different hospital.
His relation to Mav and Ice only came to light a few months after the hiring process, as Bradley didn’t even know they worked there when he applied and it’s still a hash-hash topic in the ER. He’s been in the ER for almost three years now and has become an unofficial second-in-command as one of the few with substantial experience.
I imagine he’s definitely one the best nurses you could have as a patient — he’s honest but in an empathetic way, he’s worked in the most demanding environments with the most complex patients (ICU and RRT), he’s skilled and experienced in most procedures. Because he is one of the few male nurses, he’s the one dealing with inappropriate patients, aggressive patients, patients that need restraint, frequent flyers, etc. and he genuinely doesn’t mind — he is the perfect mix of calm and firm that makes him very reliable in most difficult situations. He is absolutely most reassuring and guiding with new stuff, be it new nurses or med students that don’t know what’s happening, and he doesn’t judge. It does help, too, that he was partially raised by two very cocksure surgeons and therefore knows how to deal with doctors that turned a bit too arrogant.
Before I go to the hangster part of this shit, I want y’all to know it all started because I found this Rooster-coded scrubs:
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I imagine that he buys most of his scrubs since the work-issued scrubs don’t fit well on men (most unisex ones are very much just female fit stamped with unisex label) and peds nurses can have lots of cute ones so the kids feel less nervous around them
Also, this is a warning that yes, Bradley is trans in this scenario, too, because I said so. It's relevant to a few scenes, I think?? and there's tw for transphobic OC
Now, a bunch of scenarios I can see for this AU:
On the first day at his new workplace, Jake makes a reputation for himself. He confuses Nat, in her hospital-issued scrubs and with her doctor tag clearly on display, for a nurse and literally talks over her in front of a patient. Same thing happens with Billy because he’s Filipino and there is a large number of Filipino nurses everywhere and he’s stereotyping. Then he makes another patient’s parents agitated. This is when he meets Bradley — he takes over to talk to the parents and calm them down before it can escalate, basically shushing Jake out of the room. Jake doesn’t clock he’s a nurse at first — he’s a big, very fit, very well-built, very handsome dude with a questionable mustache who looks comical in a pastel pink scrub top with a teddy bear pattern and a matching headband on his forehead, but also the sheer shock of how different to all the nurses he looks gives Jake a pause  — so he doesn’t say anything even if it pisses him off a nurse just forced him out of the room.
It starts innocently with Bradley though — Bradley comes up and asks, “Jake, can you put the narcotics order into the system for Lily?” and Jake scoffs and corrects, “Doctor,” tapping his full tag with Dr. Jacob Seresin.
Bradley, as the nurse’s tag says, raises an eyebrow and says, “Doctor Jake, can you put the narcotics order for Lily?”  Natasha, standing behind him, snorts. Jake doesn’t even have the time to tell him off because he’s already gone when his brain processes.
Natasha drops off a patient on him — a taxi driver who had a stroke while driving and had been in a car accident, that had been thrombolysed but might need emergency surgery because of a suspected GI bleed. He’s stable, so they're going to check if he can be admitted to neurosurg and wait for his turn there or if Jake will need to take over before that.
Bradley hands him a tablet the minute he walks into the room.
“What’s that?”
“Results,” he supplies before going back to setting up an oxygen cylinder at the bottom of the bed.
“I didn’t order that,” he notes. The blood and urine panels are what he would order with suspected operable GI bleed but he’s barely looked at the patient’s case before he walked in there.
“I did,” Bradley tells him as he switches the oxygen from the wall socket to the tank supply. “Faster this way.”
“No,” Jake says, blood boiling. “You do exactly what I tell you to do and only that.”
Natasha raises her eyebrows, high on her forehead. Bradley doesn’t hesitate — waves on Bob from behind the glass wall and they both grab each side of the bed.
“I supposed you want to put the CT order yourself then,” Bradley says as Bob takes the small back monitor and attaches it to the frame. He steps on the bed brake and rolls out the bed, straight into Jake and Nat, fast enough that he moves out of the way on instinct. “Better do it fast because it’s free now and I’m going.” *
“Did you see that? Who the heck does he think he is?” Jake asks Nat.
“Better put that CT scan order,” is all Natasha replies as she walks away.
It’s Reuben’s patient, an eleven years old boy with blunt trauma, and Jake makes a verbal order to Bradshaw, who is the boy’s nurse. “I understand but I think that—” and Jake goes, “If I want your opinion, I’ll ask for it.”
The whole room gets quiet and everyone looks to him — Reuben, Mickey, and the technician are wide-eyed.
Bradley just says, “Alright,” in a perfectly leveled voice and leaves the room.
 Mickey is not making eye contact as he quips under his nose, on his way out of the room, “You do realize he basically runs this ER, right? You’re making your life a lot harder.”
Jake orders IV fluids for one of his patients which is also in Rooster’s section that day and he bleeps the order info to Rooster. Fifteen minutes later he sees that it hasn’t been filled and is like, hah, I knew there is a reason I hate that guy. Finds him when he passes Jake in the corridor and is like, “I want you to start the IV for room 7. Now,” and Rooster  just tells him, “No, do it yourself or find someone else.” 
They have a little back and forth as Jake follows him down the corridor which ends with another, “No.”
There’s still no charge nurse in the ER (she’s on medical leave that will most likely end with her leaving employment, from what Jake gathers) so he makes a datix and the ER nurse manager (Warlock) following up is apprehensive because obviously, he knows Bradley, and hears about what actually happened — Bradley was getting an igel for a toddler from the peds side and deemed it more important than starting a bag of saline to bust someone's blood pressure.
Jake feels like an idiot.
Jake and Reuben are charting next to each other and Reuben gets bleeped his patient’s lab results. Jake, who is also waiting for lab results, complains about how he sent a pod to the lab before Reuben. Reuben just gives him a look and says, “Yeah, that’s because I asked Bradley to put my request in.”
And Jake is like, “What does he have to do with anything?”
Reuben looks at him like he’s dumb and says, “He has more sway with the lab,” and walks away with his tablet.
Javy is doing a consult for Nat and stops to chat to Jake (they know each other from residency days) and Bradley comes by and says, “Maggie’s becoming hypotensive again,” and Javy observes as Jake looks at the nurse that came, gives him a very long, very detailed look and licks his lips.
He manages to think Oh before Jake asks, “Maggie?”
The nurse looks seconds from rolling his eyes. “Mrs. Lawrence? Room 5?” 
“That's Margaret.”
“She prefers Maggie.”
And it goes on, with Jake standing there rigid, puffing up his chest and cocking his hip out. “Did you start the fluids?”
“Finshed already.”
“Start another bag.”
The nurse looks unimpressed and instead of confirming says, slowly, like he’s talking to a child, “Her fluid balance is positive. She’s usually on pressors.” Jake’s face gets red and he goes, “Then put an order for her.”
It’s kind of funny to observe and to be fair, the nurse does give Jake a minute to go over what he said, leaning his elbow on the counter, eyebrows raised, before he points out, in that damn slow, unimpressed tone, “I can't put orders for things like pressors."
He hands Jake the closest tablet and starts walking away.
Jake calls after him. "What, you're not even going to draft it for me?"
He doesn't even turn around and Javy is silently shaking from the laughter he's holding in, "I thought I wasn't allowed to do that, doctor."
Mav comes down to the ER to talk to Rooster on a slower day — about how they’re about to sponsor a new CRNA for the cardiothoracic surg unit and maybe he could put a good word for their development team for Bradley and yada yada.
It happens like that: Mav comes down, Bradley is charting next to the monitors station, Jake is going over a scan on the opposite side when The Dr. Mitchell himself comes down and stops next to Bradley. He gives Bradley and his pink Paw Patrol scrubs a look and clears his throat a couple of times before Bradley raises his gaze toward him, turning away a second later and ignoring him again.
Jake is freaking out — this is The Dr. Mitchell and one of the reasons Jake wanted to work in this exact hospital, along with the rumored to-be-announced cardiothoracic surg fellowship under Dr. Mitchell he had his eyes on. He’s been thinking about how to make contact with Dr. Mitchell since he started in the ER and here he is, telling unresponsive Bradshaw, “I heard you’re looking to go back for your Master’s in the near future.” Bradshaw doesn’t say anything and Dr. Mitchell adds, “We have a CRNA development spot for—” and Bradley tells him, not turning away from the screen, “I’m not an OR nurse,” and then taps his card on the computer’s reader to log out and walks away.
Dr. Mitchell is a fucking legend, a VIP of this hospital, so Jake just stands there, contemplating how the heck Bradshaw could do that and hears him mumbling under his breath, “Really slick, Mav,” and jumps on the opportunity to say, “I’ll be talking to his supervisor about this, his attitude is unacceptable, Dr. Mitchell.”
And Dr. Mitchell turns to him, raises an eyebrow and asks, “Excuse me?” 
“The nurse you were talking to. He might be senior in here but his attitude’s been horrible and I’ll personally step in. This won’t happen again.”
Dr. Mitchell gives him a look before slowly saying, “I suggest you mind your own business, Dr. Seresin,” and walks away.
Nat is silently laughing a few feet away and Jake asks her what’s so funny. His heart dead-ass stops when she says, “You do know Dr. Mitchell is Bradley’s dad, right? They might not be on the best of terms but that’s still his son.” And Jake has the urge to bang his head on the keyboard in front of him. 
TW for transphobia.
There’s a new nurse practitioner to be (graduated, about to get her cert) that's rumored to be a candidate for the charge nurse position. Izzy. She’s quite young for that, younger than Bradley for sure, must have barely worked in the clinical area before going for her Master’s. Jake doesn’t know if it’s on purpose but the nurse manager and Bradley keep on putting her in his section.
She’s—well, she’s a bit too in his face. She agrees with everything Jake says and doesn’t roll his eyes at him, which is boring, and she’s, for an NP, not that knowledgeable. She doesn’t argue with him, which is a change, and Jake starts to hate it after about five hours. Her voice is saccharine sweet, she keeps on standing a bit too close to him at all times, and she’s decent with patients, but she keeps on asking him about the smallest of things.
Jake’s section is less busy, usually, since he deals primarily with trauma in the ER, but she never bounces off to help others when she is free, like Bradley did. She’s clinging to his section, a little bit, and he doesn’t get why. It’s not like he is any nicer to her than to Bradley or any other nurse.
She is busy taking bloods and Bradley finds him when he has a second alone, finally, and enlightens him about why.
“If you don’t believe me, you can just ask any other nurse. Everyone noticed.”
“If you really think that then why do you keep putting her in my sections?”
“I don’t. She’s senior as an NP, she’s taken over allocation from me now.”
Jake’s mind only focuses on one detail. “You were allocating yourself to my sections?”
“Only because no one wants to work with you and because I’m actually certified in trauma.” That makes sense. It’s not like Bradley would work with him voluntarily. “Look, all I’m saying, you watch out — you fool around with her and then reject her and she’s going to HR. I know the type.”
“The type?”
“You know, the girl that thought she’ll become a nurse, snag a rich doctor and never work again? Well, it’s not always women, there are guys who do that too, but in this case, she’s very much the type.”
“And you think she’s trying to—snag me?”
“She’s certainly not going after the residents that are getting paid twelve bucks an hour or Reuben who is married,” he points out. Which, again, fair, even if he didn’t know Reuben is married prior to this strange conversation.
Jake stares at him, processing, until he blurts out, “I’m gay.”
“Then you’ve got nothing to worry about,” Bradley says after a second, eyes barely noticeably a bit wider, before he walks away.
“Was he bothering you, doctor?”
She calls him doctor, always, and it honestly makes him grit his teeth. Now even more. He’s got a bad feeling about it.
It gets confirmed later when Jake is taking care of a six-year-old girl who had fallen down the stairs. She’s dehydrated and Izzy’s just tried to put a cannula on her three times before Jake told her to grab the bedside ultrasound and not make the girl cry even more.
Bradley passes by the room and Jake’s learned that he can’t leave a distressed child alone, so he comes in and gets the parents and the girl relaxed. He’s about to go in and tell him to leave it alone until Izzy brings the ultrasound when Nat grabs him by the arm and tells him, “He was in a Rapid Response Team, I’m pretty sure he can put a cannula in blind. Just let him do it.”
And he does let him. Watches, expecting the girl to burst into tears at any moment but she never does. Bradley’s literally been in the room for less than ten minutes and it’s all back to calmness.
Izzy comes back with the ultrasound. It should not have taken her so long to grab it. “What is he doing there? That's my patient.”
"He said he can put the IV line without the ultrasound.” Well, Nat said so. Jake can’t believe he’s saying but, “He’s a peds nurse, he’ll be fine.”
“I’m sure the girl's parents wouldn’t want him anywhere near her.”
This sets alarm bells in Jake’s head. “What do you mean?”
"People like him shouldn't be around kids," she says, to his horror. She leans in, way closer than needed, and conspiringly whispers, "Dr. Seresin, haven't you known that he is, you know, a she in disguise?"
He’s dumbstruck. "I'm sorry?"
"He's actually a woman, just pretending to be a man because he's mentally—You're the doctor, I'm sure you know better than I how the brains of people like them work. He shouldn't be around that girl, is what I'm saying. I certainly wouldn't like him around my child, if I had one."
Jake didn’t know this about Bradley but he understands what she means, even with how awful she is about it. This, however, should not be a piece of information thrown around in public if Bradley didn't wish to disclose it, and certainly not in such a manner. "And how do you know that, exactly?"
"Nurses share a locker room, it's not hard to notice how she, you know, mutilated herself."
Jake doesn’t say anything out loud but mentally he is preparing datix report in his head. He catches the ER’s nurse manager before he goes home, too, because that’s some shit he doesn’t stand for. He might be an asshole but he’s not a bigot.
Next time he comes to work, Bradley is back in his section and Izzy is no longer employed.
“Thanks,” Bradley says, when they’re at the station, next to each other, in a relatively slow moment. “If I went on my own, we’d have a weeks-long investigation that would probably end with her or me moving to a different unit.”
“She said this shit to your face?”
“Kept calling me she in front of patients,” Bradley admits after a moment. “I think most of them thought they misheard but—I knew.”
“Well, good riddance then.”
Bradley snorts, but he’s looking down at the tablet in his hands, smiling, and wow, the apples of his cheeks are so round and his eyes so bright and Jake can't breathe for a second.
(there might be a second part coming because I meant seven-season-long medical drama literally-- including Jake realizing he's an idiot, Mavdad drama, Jake having his hands inside Bradley (in the literal, surgical sense) and jealousy that could rival the McDreamy/Dr. Grey drama)
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chimeramoth · 2 months
I earnestly seek your support for my family in Gaza. This fundraiser stands as our beacon of hope, our lifeline amidst the depths of despair. With profound sorrow, I implore your generosity as we endure this unimaginable ordeal. Your contribution can mean the difference between survival and oblivion for my family, and for this, we are eternally grateful. Please, help us to rebuild our life and pursue my PhD study as as there is no guarantee of safety here. kindly read my story, donate if you can, share if you could not.
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Eman Zaqout, a biotechnologist and PhD-Student of Palestine, has asked me to share her story and fundraiser.
Eman and her family (Mahmoud, husband; Rakan, 12; Seba, 10) are from the northern part of Palestine but are currently staying at a displacement camp in Gaza. The occupation in Palestine have devastated her and her family. She reports that she and her family are hungry and struggling to afford food, medicine, and basic necessities.
Eman has recently been awarded an OWSD- PhD Fellowship Grant as a part of her university program to pursue her PhD in Malaysia. She is studying in the medical field studying how COVID-19 affects certain genetics, particularly in Palestinians of the Gaza Strip.
She is asking for a donation goal total of $40,000 CAD to leave her home country for her and her family's lives and continue her pursuits in medical science. Her fundraiser is currently at $7,591 CAD. (Vetted)
If you have a couple dollars to spare, please consider donating to Eman Zaqout and her family. Even a few dollars helps with groceries, medicine, and necessities. If you are unable to donate, please reblog this post or any of her other posts on her blog. ❤️🖤🤍💚
(Banner image is a screenshot from here, an art quilt project called "From Occupation to Liberation.")
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Hi friends! It's been a while... Or is two years more than a while?
Anyway, I've continued to not only survive residency but also grow as a person and physician. Over the past two years, I have found my niche in family medicine moreso than just my OMT and behavioral health focus (which are both still going strong by the way). I have become one of the only providers of gender affirming care in my area and a fierce advocate for the LGBTQIA+ community.
Because of this, I have started to further my learning through a year-long LGBTQIA+ health fellowship seminar series. This program has requested I post a reflection on a blog after each seminar, and since I already have a blog, I figured why not post here and spread the knowledge to the medblr community.
Anyway, I just wanted to make an intro post explaining the posts to come so it's less weird when I start posting very specific/niche blog posts. As I stated before, I am a fierce advocate for the LGBTQIA+ community and I will literally just be posting my homework, so any anti-LGBTQIA+ comments will be deleted and the user will be blocked. I don't have time to debate strangers on the internet as to why human beings should be allowed to exist.
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sahernayak · 5 months
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➵  basics
name: saher nayak nickname: n/a age / d.o.b. october 27, 1990; 34. faceclaim: sobhita dhulipala gender & sexuality: cis-female, bi. hometown: mandawa, rajasthan. currently:  west village, nyc. affiliation: syndicate.  job position: plastic surgeon education: high school diploma / bachelore degree in biology / stanford university school of medicine / general surgery residency program / fellowship training in plastic and reconstructive surgery residency program relationship status: single. children: none.
➵  traits
positive: adaptive, diligent, passionate, resourceful negative: callous, liar, emotionally stunted, unpredictable
➵  biography 
Mandawa, Rajasthan was a good place — at least that's how much Saher could remember of it. The world flickered in green and yellow, the colors of her mother's skirt as she danced around barefoot and sung, as loud as she could, to the tune her father was playing. They'd swallow their drinks until morning came and drown out the rest. They lived poor, but they were joyful (as long as there was music and alcohol around) She lived to hear the music stop one day, when her father moved away. To provide for a better life, her mother had said as she wiped her tears away. She didn't know how much of that was true, because Saher barely saw of her mother anymore, between the two jobs and the house work, she wondered if she ever got any sleep at all.
Resentment settled in. A few years later, the suitcases were packed, and the flights were booked and sixteen hours flew by like seconds. The family reunited, but nothing felt the same anymore.
Saher was an imigrant child, a transfer — her english was good but not good enough. She felt like something less, unworthy of attention, even if all eyes had been on her — staring (her clothes, her shoes, her hair.) She became a target.
It's how she found herself in between flying punches, her first fight. She won it too. Had the other girl tumbling down the stairs. Detention was nothing compared to her good grades, those stellar A's.
One fight turned into several, and now her peers were avoiding her for an entirely different reason.
Don't look at that one, she might punch you in the jaw — a rumor far better than the ones she saw written on bathroom stalls before. She'd rather be feared, than mocked.
Things escalated quickly, because the world moved fast, but Saher moved faster. Her mother called it a cry for help, the first time she saw her get on a motorcycle, and her father called it stupidity, when by the time she was twenty, she had broken both of her legs — twice.
Reckless endarganment is what the cops said, and Saher was inclined to agree with the last diagnosis. It was sheer recklesness that drove her into trouble's arms and it was recklesness that kept her there.
She was lacking in the empathy department and growing colder by the day.
None of that kept her from getting her medical degree. Medical student turned surgeon in the span of thirteen years. Saher was a good doctor — calculated and precise; sharp edge of a knife. Knife was all that mattered, because care was complicated, care required a level of selflesness that she didn't posess. It was somewhere between the life lessons lost, and that same recklesness that drove her down the highway at three hundred miles per hour, that Saher nearly crashed and burned her career into the ground. A stupid mistake turned fatal. An accident that had opened up a door for her, because she's been thriving in dishonesty since she was a child. Insignificant childish lies turned into theft and now forgary — There was no going back now — now that the lies spilled not only from her mouth, but on paper too. She lied without even flinching. Saher hid the evidence, and she hid it well, just like she used to stolen goods. Play with fire, and you'll only get burned — but being burnt is what she wanted, she played with the flames all faerless and glazy-eyed and that was surely bound the catch the attention of people in need of such an asset to their lives— the woman that feared no man, and no consequences, and spat in the face of anything that didn't work in her favor.
➵  connections
Jeong-in Kang | ally Fellow Residents | open Syndicate members | open
➵  headcanons
only joined the syndicate because Jeong-in Kang was more convincing than the other guy.
doesn't trust anyone fully
would only do something if there's personal gain
would dispose of anyone when she no longer needs them
actually loved her job and regrets fucking it up
still keep in contact with her parents
fucks around too much
owns two motorcycles
knows how to shoot a gun, and owns one
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maytheoddshq · 2 years
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Cassiopeia Hera (she/her). Doctor. 22. Sandra Mae Frank.
What was their childhood like? Silence. It wasn’t always her world. As an infant, as a toddler, Cassiopeia could hear the sounds of birds and her mother’s voice as she sang bedtime lullabies. But two weeks before she turned two illness struck, and two was celebrated in hospital. Cassiopeia barely made it through, but her survival was with the loss of her hearing. 
Growing up without the ability to hear in a world that could was difficult. Her parents didn’t know what to do with her. They didn’t want her to be treated differently than any other child, not to mention the image that might be placed upon them - them, parents to a child who was different? Never. It couldn’t be allowed. They kept her hearing loss to themselves and tried to force her to adapt, force her to read lips, force her to live and survive in a world where she could not hear and thus not communicate. Cassiopeia was always frustrated without the means to communicate. With her age, her frustration only grew. Her differences could no longer be hidden when she lashed out at her fifth birthday party, throwing a fit when her needs couldn’t be expressed and hitting another child. Finally her parents were forced to admit that their daughter was different and needed help. 
Cassiopeia was taken to a specialist, enrolled in a specialized program for the Deaf, and taught her own way of communication. But it was all too much for her parents who visited less and less. Communication with her parents was always dealt with via written expression, letters and notes passed back and forth over tables or from her parents, to doctors and then Cassie, or vice versa. Her parents refused to learn how to communicate further with their daughter, and their near abandonment left Cassie feeling the staff at her program were more family than her own parents. Eventually, Cassiopeia learned of news that her parents had had another child, and visits became less frequent. 
Cassie hasn’t seen her parents since before she’d turned fourteen when she’d shared she’d wanted to pursue a career in medicine and she could see it in their expressions that they didn’t believe in her. She then threw the younger sibling she’d yet to meet in their faces, hoping that the child would be everything for them that she was not. She didn’t hear from them again and too this day that still bothers her.
But at fourteen she was brilliant, excelling in all things put before her. And when she set her mind to something, she reached that goal. If her parents didn’t believe in her, then so be it. She tried to tell herself that she didn’t care.
Despite her familial abandonment, or perhaps in spite of, Cassiopeia excelled throughout school. In the small world she knew in which she could communicate, in which people understood her, she thrived. She learned to exist in the wide world around her, eventually learning to read lips and speak in her own way. She studied hard and proved to herself (or perhaps her parents) that she was more than their expectations. She graduated from the high school education for the Deaf program at 16 and quickly followed her desires to college. Without her family at her back, Cassie had to work harder than the average Capitol kid to put herself through the schooling required, but it was just another goal that she managed to accomplish.
Find a position after graduation, however wasn’t the easiest. Sure, she had glowing recommendations, but just like her parents people saw a Deaf woman first and made assumptions before even meeting her. The position at the Tower wasn’t her favorite idea, but maybe it would get her foot in the door. She hadn’t expected to get the position, almost ready to return to school to complete a fellowship with the program that had basically raised her. So when she got the notice that she had a job and was expected to report to the Tower, she took it. She wasn’t quite ready to return to the small, yet specialized world she had grown up in.
How do they feel about the Games? On the most basic level, Cassie would say she isn’t the biggest fan of the Hunger Games. They are a show of brutality that just isn’t her cup of tea. But, on the flip side, she was raised in a city that celebrates the Hunger Games in all their glory. To her, they are a necessary evil that is just part of life. 
What drove them to their current occupation? Do they like it? Cassiopeia found a sort of family in the team of doctors and medical staff that knew her better than her own family. They showed her the compassion and understanding that had been lacking in her formative years and she vowed that one day she would be that person for someone else. Reaching that goal and being perhaps one of the last few kind faces someone sees, gives her some sort of comfort and makes the fact she is tending mostly to those who are likely to die within just a few short weeks worth it for her.
How do they treat tributes? Mentors? Escorts? Other characters? Cassie is overall a very kind woman to all she encounters as long as they extend the same respect to her. 
What is their personality like? Cassie believes kindness and compassion are above all. She goes out of her way to ensure that those around her know they are cared for even in those last few days before their life turns to chaos. However, she is a strong and determined woman who is unafraid of speaking her mind - so to speak. If someone is being unkind or hateful, she is not afraid to put them in their place. Life isn’t for the unkind, life should be celebrated in all forms. 
Three strengths and three weaknesses?
+ Determined, Compassionate, Responsible
- Stubborn, Perfectionist, Underlying familial issues
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croatiaweeknews · 8 months
Dr. Keith Nemec’s Total Health Institute Complaints and Lawsuits 2024
A comprehensive look at controversy, lawsuits, complaints, and growing negative reviews about Total Health Institute reveals a shocking mistrust of patient experiences and legal challenges.
The Total Health Institute (THI) is located in Wheaton, Illinois, and has always been a beacon of hope for people seeking holistic healing and health.
Dr. Keith Nemec established Total Health Institute in 2000. The institute is known for integrating the latest scientific advances with traditional treatments to promote mind, body, and soul wellness.
But this noble cause has caused an uproar of controversy, with a backdrop of litigation, patient complaints, and divided public opinions. In her latest article, Lauren Casper, a famous author and public reviewer, exposed the Total Health Institute, Dr. Keith, and their misdeeds to patients.
Who is Dr. Keith Nemec?
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Dr. Nemec received his Bachelor’s degree in human biology, his doctorate at the National University of Health Sciences (though he practices with his Pastoral Medical License), and a master’s degree in Nutritional medicine at Morsani College of Medicine.
He holds Three Fellowships with the American Academy for Anti-Aging Medicine, which include Regenerative Medicine, Stem Cell Therapies, and Integrative Cancer Therapies.
Dr. Nemec is also certified in Peptide Therapy and Fertility. He has published five books: The Perfect Diet, The Environment of Health and Disease, Seven Basic Steps to Total Health, and Total Health = Completeness.
The author has also written numerous health-related articles, such as: “The Single Unifying Cause of All Disease” and “The Answer to Cancer is Found in the Stem Cell”.
Dr. Nemec has hosted the radio program “Your Total Health” on Chicago AM1160 over the past 18 years. She was also regularly a presenter on the talk show “Let’s Talk” in Chicago as a health expert.
Dr. Nemec specializes in neuroimmunology, nutritional medicine, and the biology of stem cells. The main area of focus is how the brain, mind, diet, and lifestyle influence the health of cells, mainly stem cells.
Total Health Institute Complaints
As part of our research into the experience of patients of The Total Health Institute (THI), We spoke to “Alex Johnson” (a pseudonym for privacy reasons). He shared insight about their care, interaction with staff members, and services.
Alex described their excitement when they joined THI. The prospect of an integrated method of healthcare enticed them. However, their experience was soon ruined by their perception of poor conduct from employees. “I was really hoping for a supportive environment, but instead, I encountered staff who were, at times, rude and dismissive,” Alex said, emulating those sentiments in online complaints.
The aspect of finances in the treatment was another area to be argued over by Alex. He was shocked at the cost-intensive nature of treatments and the need to buy supplements from the institute. “It felt like every aspect of my treatment was tied to an additional cost, and the lack of transparency in billing just added to my frustration,” Alex expressed, echoing the concerns about the pricing and billing policies.
As part of our investigation, we talked to another victim, Anthony Bavaro, who provided a shocking account of how his family dealt with THI.
Bavaro was disappointed when he sought alternative treatment at THI to treat his wife’s stage 4 cancer, as well as the lengthy chemotherapy treatment, expecting to receive something other than what was stated by THI. They hoped THI would provide a unique approach to managing the debilitating disease. Instead, they discovered discontent rather than satisfaction. Bavaro reported that, according to their account, Dr. Nemec had given them optimism despite the severity of their illness. Attracted by the assurance of their future, they decided to invest in the institute’s treatment program, which required an upfront payment and registration for several sessions over time.
Anthony Bavaro’swife passed away just a few days after having only attended two sessions.
Deeply horrified, Bavaro found himself disappointed because his attempts to alleviate the financial burden of THI resulting from non-fulfilling therapies with them had fallen in vain. He said they resisted all payments but offered no compensation or closure. This led Bavaro to doubt Dr. Nemec’s motives and suggested that profit over the patient’s care or ethics was placed above all else.
Total Health Institute Lawsuits
The lawsuit against Total Health Institute (THI) brings to light several severe allegations against the facility and its founder, Dr. Keith Nemec. A former patient, identified as Laura McDaniel, has accused the institute of providing ineffective and potentially harmful treatments. McDaniel’s allegations include being misled about the nature of the treatments and being asked to make substantial financial contributions to continue receiving care.
The lawsuit also concerns Dr. Nemec’s qualifications, the accuracy of his representations about his educational background, and the efficacy of the treatments offered at THI. Moreover, regulatory bodies are conducting ongoing investigations into the institute’s practices, explicitly questioning the adequacy of record-keeping and the accuracy of diagnoses made at the facility​.
Another perspective on the lawsuit highlights the complexities surrounding the institute’s use of unverified therapies and misleading promises. The case raises significant questions about the institute’s adherence to medical licensing requirements, particularly regarding treatments licensed medical professionals should administer.
This legal battle scrutinizes Dr. Nemec and his treatment methodologies and involves a group of former patients seeking justice for what they perceive as unethical practices. The lawsuit’s outcomes could have broader implications for the alternative healthcare sector, emphasizing the need for transparency and adherence to regulatory standards.​
These developments of THI led patients to consider alternative healthcare options, underscoring the importance of thorough research and due diligence when selecting healthcare providers and treatments.
Merged To Revolution New Medicine
In the wake of lawsuits and complaints, Total Health Institute has merged its name with Revolution New Medicine, situated at 23W525 St Charles Rd, Carol Stream, IL 60188. The joint ventures or merging of Total Health Institute appears to be an element of a larger plan to change the focus of their business and perhaps rethink their approach to alternative health and therapies.
Revolution New Medicine promotes holistic healing, providing various treatments, including detoxification, nutrition, and holistic therapies, to address the root cause of health problems. The newly rebranded company, under the direction of Dr. Keith Nemec, places the importance of optimizing the brain as one of the pillars of the treatment approach.
The approach is based on the centrality of the brain in ensuring health throughout the various body systems and demonstrates the interconnectedness of emotional, mental, and physical well-being.
Revolution New Medicine advocates for the treatment of brain disorders, blockages, or inflammation as the key to resolving the wide range of health problems, ranging from mental and emotional health issues to physical ailments.
The pivotal move towards Revolution New Medicine seems to be an effort to overcome the uncertainties and legal issues facing Total Health Institute and strengthen its dedication to offering alternative health solutions.
Focusing on optimizing brain function and taking a comprehensive approach to health reflects the ongoing commitment to treating the root causes of illness instead of just treating the symptoms.
This transformation can be seen as an attempt to distance itself from a troubled past, while skeptics might interpret it as an effort to salvage its reputation amidst growing mistrust.
This shift emphasizes addressing the fundamental causes of health issues and optimizing patient care, though it remains to be seen whether it can rebuild the tarnished trust.
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dr-sharaddha-sharma · 2 months
How is a gastroenterologist different from a general practitioner?
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A gastroenterologist and a general practitioner (GP) differ significantly in their scope of practice, training, and the types of conditions they primarily manage Gastroenterologist in Udaipur:
Specialization and Training:
Gastroenterologist: These doctors undergo extensive training in internal medicine followed by several years of specialized training specifically in gastroenterology Best Gastro Doctor in Udaipur. This includes learning about the structure, function, diseases, and disorders of the digestive tract and associated organs. They typically complete a fellowship program in gastroenterology after medical school and residency.
General Practitioner: Also known as a family physician or general practitioner, GPs have broad training in various medical disciplines during medical school and residency Best Gastro Hospital in Udaipur. They provide primary care and are trained to manage a wide range of acute and chronic medical conditions across different organ systems, including basic gastrointestinal issues.
Scope of Practice:
Gastroenterologist: Focuses exclusively on diagnosing and treating disorders of the digestive system. They manage conditions ranging from common issues like acid reflux and irritable bowel syndrome to complex diseases such as liver cirrhosis and pancreatic cancer . Gastroenterologists perform procedures like endoscopy and colonoscopy to diagnose and treat gastrointestinal conditions.
General Practitioner: Provides comprehensive primary care to patients of all ages and manages a wide array of health concerns, including gastrointestinal symptoms. They diagnose and initiate treatment for common digestive problems but may refer patients to gastroenterologists for specialized care, complex conditions, or procedures beyond their scope.
Procedures and Interventions:
Gastroenterologist: Proficient in performing specialized procedures such as endoscopy (to examine the esophagus, stomach, and upper intestine) and colonoscopy (to examine the colon and rectum). They may also perform therapeutic interventions like polyp removal, dilation of strictures, and placement of stents Gastroenterologist in Udaipur.
General Practitioner: Typically does not perform specialized gastrointestinal procedures like endoscopy or colonoscopy but may refer patients to gastroenterologists for these procedures when necessary.
Follow-up and Long-term Management:
Gastroenterologist: Provides ongoing management and monitoring for chronic digestive conditions. They may work closely with patients over the long term to manage Best Gastro Hospital in Udaipur diseases like inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), liver disease, or pancreatic disorders.
General Practitioner: Coordinates overall care for patients, including managing chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and asthma, alongside gastrointestinal issues. They collaborate with specialists like gastroenterologists for specific consultations and treatments Gastroenterologist in Udaipur.
In summary, while both gastroenterologists and general practitioners address gastrointestinal concerns, gastroenterologists specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of complex digestive disorders and perform specialized procedures related to the digestive system Best Gastro Doctor in Udaipur. General practitioners provide primary care across a broader spectrum of health issues and refer patients to specialists for specialized care as needed.
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fellowshipprograms · 11 months
Artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to revolutionize the healthcare and medical industries.
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In recent years, the healthcare and medical industries have witnessed a remarkable transformation, driven in large part by the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into their core operations. AI, once a distant promise, is now at the forefront of innovations that are changing the way we approach diagnosis, treatment, and patient care, optimizing operational processes, and improving the overall efficiency of healthcare systems.
To know more visit at: https://medicoll.org/blog/artificial-intelligence-ai-is-poised-to-revolutionize-the-healthcare-and-medical-industries/
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iccaglobal · 3 months
Understanding Cancer Treatment in Mexico: Insights into Cancer Doctors
The Role of Oncologists in Mexico
Oncologists in Mexico are highly trained medical professionals specializing in diagnosing and treating cancer. Their roles encompass a wide range of responsibilities, from initial diagnosis to treatment planning and long-term patient care. These specialists work in collaboration with multidisciplinary teams, including radiologists, pathologists, surgeons, and nurses, to ensure comprehensive care for their patients.
Training and Expertise
Mexican oncologists undergo rigorous training to earn their credentials. After completing medical school, aspiring oncologists must undergo residency in internal medicine or surgery, followed by specialized training in oncology. Many Mexican oncologists also pursue further specialization in fields such as medical oncology, surgical oncology, radiation oncology, Cancer Doctor in Mexico and pediatric oncology.
In addition to local training, many oncologists in Mexico enhance their expertise through international fellowships and training programs, allowing them to stay updated with the latest advancements in cancer treatment. This combination of local and international education ensures that Mexican oncologists are equipped with a broad spectrum of knowledge and skills.
Cancer Treatment Facilities in Mexico
Mexico boasts a variety of healthcare facilities that provide cancer treatment, ranging from public hospitals to private clinics. Notable institutions include the National Institute of Cancer (INCan) in Mexico City, one of the leading cancer centers in Latin America, and the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), which offers cancer treatment services across the country.
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Private healthcare facilities such as Hospital Ángeles, Médica Sur, and the ABC Medical Center are renowned for their state-of-the-art technology and high standards of care. These hospitals often provide more personalized care and shorter wait times compared to public institutions, making them a preferred choice for many patients, including international medical tourists.
Advances in Cancer Treatment
Mexico is at the forefront of several innovative cancer treatments. Oncologists in Mexico utilize a variety of cutting-edge therapies, including targeted therapy, immunotherapy, and precision medicine. These treatments are tailored to the genetic makeup of each patient's cancer, allowing for more effective and less invasive interventions.
Moreover, Mexico is known for its integrative approach to cancer care. Many oncologists incorporate complementary therapies such as nutritional counseling, acupuncture, and psychological support into their treatment plans. This holistic approach addresses the physical, emotional, and psychological needs of cancer patients, integrative cancer treatment promoting overall well-being and improving quality of life.
Medical Tourism and Accessibility
Mexico is an emerging destination for medical tourism, particularly for cancer treatment. Patients from the United States, Canada, and other countries are drawn to Mexico due to the high-quality care, advanced treatment options, and lower costs compared to their home countries. Additionally, the shorter travel distance and cultural similarities make Mexico an attractive option for patients seeking treatment abroad.
Patient-Centered Care
A significant aspect of cancer treatment in Mexico is the emphasis on patient-centered care. Mexican oncologists are known for their compassionate approach, taking the time to understand each patient's unique circumstances and concerns. This empathetic care, combined with strong familial support systems common in Mexican culture, creates a nurturing environment for cancer patients.
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day8amnews · 8 months
Dr. Keith Nemec’s Total Health Institute Complaints and Lawsuits 2024
A comprehensive look at controversy, lawsuits, complaints, and growing negative reviews about Total Health Institute reveals a shocking mistrust of patient experiences and legal challenges.
The Total Health Institute (THI) is located in Wheaton, Illinois, and has always been a beacon of hope for people seeking holistic healing and health.
Dr. Keith Nemec established Total Health Institute in 2000. The institute is known for integrating the latest scientific advances with traditional treatments to promote mind, body, and soul wellness.
But, under this noble cause, an uproar of controversy develops, with a backdrop of litigation, patient complaints, and divided public opinions.
Who is Dr. Keith Nemec?
Dr. Keith Nemec qualifies as a D.PSc., MS, FAARFM FICT, FSCT, as Clinic Director for Revolution New Medicine. For 40 years, he has practiced holistic and alternative medicine and worked with over 10,000 patients.
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Dr. Nemec received his Bachelor’s degree in human biology, later his doctorate at the National University of Health Sciences (though Dr. Nemec practices with his Pastoral Medical License), and a master’s degree in Nutritional medicine at Morsani College of Medicine.
He holds Three Fellowships with the American Academy for Anti-Aging Medicine. The fellowships include Regenerative Medicine, Stem Cell Therapies, and Integrative Cancer Therapies.
Dr. Nemec is also certified in Peptide Therapy and Fertility. He has published five books: The Perfect Diet, The Environment of Health and Disease, Seven Basic Steps to Total Health, and Total Health = Completeness.
The author has also written numerous health-related articles, such as: “The Single Unifying Cause of All Disease” and “The Answer to Cancer is Found in the Stem Cell”.
Dr. Nemec has hosted the radio program “Your Total Health” on Chicago AM1160 over the past 18 years. She was also regularly a presenter on the talk show “Let’s Talk” in Chicago as a health expert.
Dr. Nemec specializes in neuroimmunology, nutritional medicine, and the biology of stem cells. The main area of focus is how the brain, mind, diet, and lifestyle influence the health of cells, mainly stem cells.
Total Health Institute Complaints
As part of our research into the experience of patients of The Total Health Institute (THI), We spoke to “Alex Johnson” (a pseudonym for privacy reasons). He shared insight about their care and interaction with staff members and the services.
Alex described their excitement when they joined THI. The prospect of an integrated method of healthcare enticed them. But their experience soon was ruined by their perception of poor conduct from employees. “I was really hoping for a supportive environment, but instead, I encountered staff who were, at times, rude and dismissive,” Alex said, emulating those sentiments in online complaints.
The aspect of finances in the treatment was another area to be argued over by Alex. He was shocked at the cost-intensive nature of treatments and the need to buy supplements from the institute. “It felt like every aspect of my treatment was tied to an additional cost, and the lack of transparency in billing just added to my frustration,” Alex expressed, echoing the concerns about the pricing and billing policies.
As part of our investigation, we talked to another victim, Anthony Bavaro, who provided a shocking account of how his family dealt with THI.
Bavaro was disappointed when he sought alternative treatment at THI to treat his wife’s stage 4 cancer, as well as the lengthy chemotherapy treatment, expecting to receive something other than what was stated by THI. They hoped THI would provide a unique approach to managing the debilitating disease. Instead, they discovered discontent rather than satisfaction. Bavaro reported that, according to their account, Dr. Nemec had given them optimism despite the severity of their illness. Attracted by the assurance of their future, they decided to invest in the institute’s treatment program, which required an upfront payment and registration for several sessions over time.
Anthony Bavaro’swife passed away just a few days after having only attended two sessions.
Deeply horrified, Bavaro found himself disappointed because his attempts to alleviate the financial burden of THI resulting from non-fulfilling therapies with them had fallen in vain. He said they resisted all payments but offered no compensation or closure. This led Bavaro to doubt Dr. Nemec’s motives and suggested that profit over the patient’s care or ethics was placed above all else.
Total Health Institute Lawsuits
The lawsuit against Total Health Institute (THI) brings to light several severe allegations against the facility and its founder, Dr. Keith Nemec. A former patient, identified as Laura McDaniel, has accused the institute of providing ineffective and potentially harmful treatments. McDaniel’s allegations include being misled about the nature of the treatments and being asked to make substantial financial contributions to continue receiving care.
The lawsuit also concerns Dr. Nemec’s qualifications, the accuracy of his representations about his educational background, and the efficacy of the treatments offered at THI. Moreover, regulatory bodies are conducting ongoing investigations into the institute’s practices, explicitly questioning the adequacy of record-keeping and the accuracy of diagnoses made at the facility​.
Another perspective on the lawsuit highlights the complexities surrounding the institute’s use of unverified therapies and misleading promises. The case raises significant questions about the institute’s adherence to medical licensing requirements, particularly regarding treatments licensed medical professionals should administer.
This legal battle scrutinizes Dr. Nemec and his treatment methodologies and involves a group of former patients seeking justice for what they perceive as unethical practices. The lawsuit’s outcomes could have broader implications for the alternative healthcare sector, emphasizing the need for transparency and adherence to regulatory standards.​
These developments of THI led patients to consider alternative healthcare options, underscoring the importance of thorough research and due diligence when selecting healthcare providers and treatments.
Merged To Revolution New Medicine
In the wake of lawsuits and complaints, Total Health Institute has merged its name with Revolution New Medicine, situated at 23W525 St Charles Rd, Carol Stream, IL 60188. The joint ventures or merging of Total Health Institute appears to be an element of a larger plan to change the focus of their business and perhaps rethink their approach to alternative health and therapies.
Revolution New Medicine promotes holistic healing, providing various treatments, including detoxification, nutrition, and holistic therapies, to address the root cause of health problems. The newly rebranded company, under the direction of Dr. Keith Nemec, places the importance of optimizing the brain as one of the pillars of the treatment approach.
The approach is based on the centrality of the brain in ensuring health throughout the various body systems and demonstrates the interconnectedness of emotional, mental, and physical well-being.
Revolution New Medicine advocates for the treatment of brain disorders, blockages, or inflammation as the key to resolving the wide range of health problems, ranging from mental and emotional health issues to physical ailments.
The pivotal move towards Revolution New Medicine seems to be an effort to break over the uncertainties and legal issues facing Total Health Institute, aiming to strengthen its dedication to offering alternative health solutions.
Focusing on optimizing brain function and a comprehensive approach to health reflects the ongoing commitment to treat the root causes of illness instead of just treating the signs.
This transformation can be seen as an attempt to distance itself from a troubled past, while skeptics might interpret it as an effort to salvage its reputation amidst growing mistrust.
This shift emphasizes addressing the fundamental causes of health issues and optimizing patient care, though it remains to be seen whether it can rebuild the tarnished trust.
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lboogie1906 · 4 months
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Dr. Barbara Ross-Lee, D.O. (born June 1, 1942) is a physician, academic, and the first African-American woman to serve as dean of a US medical school; she is known as the sister of Diana Ross. She majored in Biology and Chemistry at Wayne State University. She entered Michigan State University’s College of Osteopathic Medicine. She opened her private family practice, taught as a professor, and held other positions within the medical community. In 1993, she was elected as the first woman dean of a medical school, at Ohio University’s Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine. She has earned several awards and honors for her work and accomplishments.
Her pre-medical advisor did not believe women should be physicians, and so she declined to authorize her request to study Human Anatomy as her major. She graduated with a BS in Biology and Chemistry and joined the National Teacher Corps, in which she could earn a degree while teaching in the Detroit public school system. After completing the program, a new educational opportunity arose when Michigan State University opened a School of Osteopathic Medicine in Pontiac.
She remained in Detroit working at her private practice for ten years. She took a position with the Department of Health and Human Services where she worked on medical education and people of color in medicine. She was a community representative on the Governor’s Minority Health Advisory Committee for the state of Michigan. She was the first osteopathic physician to receive the prestigious Robert Wood Johnson Health Policy Fellowship. She was awarded the “Magnificent 7” Award presented by Business and Professional Women. She has received the Women’s Health Award from Blackboard African-American National Bestsellers for her contributions to women’s health, the Distinguished Public Service Award from the Oklahoma State University College of Osteopathic Medicine, and an honorary DS from the New York Institute of Technology.
She was appointed the founding Dean and Chief Academic Officer of the Minnesota College of Osteopathic Medicine. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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drritamodi · 5 months
Dr. Rita Modi, a leading fertility specialist in Thane, Mumbai
Welcome to Dr. Rita Modi's practice, where hope meets expertise in fertility treatment. Dr. Modi is renowned as the foremost fertility specialist in Thane and Mumbai, with over two decades of experience dedicated to helping couples achieve their dream of parenthood. Specializing in a comprehensive range of assisted reproductive technologies (ART), including IVF, ICSI, semen analysis, and IUI, Dr. Rita Modi offers personalized care tailored to each patient's unique needs. Her commitment to excellence, coupled with her compassionate approach, has earned her the trust of countless families seeking solutions to infertility challenges.
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About Doctor 
Dr. Rita Modi is a distinguished consultant fertility specialist and reproductive endocrinologist with a stellar track record spanning 20 years. She holds prestigious qualifications, including MBBS, MD (obstetrics and gynecology), DNB (obstetrics and gynecology), MNAMS, FICMCH, and FNB (reproductive medicine). Dr. Modi's expertise extends beyond fertility treatments to encompass the management of recurrent miscarriages, pediatric and adolescent gynecological, and endocrinological disorders.
Credentials and Experience: 
Dr. Modi's journey to becoming a leading fertility expert is marked by rigorous training and invaluable experience. After completing her MD and DNB in Obstetrics & Gynecology, she pursued a 2-year post-doctoral fellowship in Reproductive Medicine (FNB) from the National Academy of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. Dr. Modi honed her skills further as an infertility consultant at the Institute of Reproductive Medicine, Kolkata, under the guidance of Dr. Baidyanath Chakravarty, a pioneer in fertility sciences in India. Additionally, her proficiency in obstetric, gynecological, and fertility ultrasonography from Mediscan Systems, Chennai, enhances her diagnostic capabilities.
Commitment to Excellence: 
Dr. Rita Modi is committed to implementing the best practices in her field, including advanced laboratory techniques to maximize success rates. She is a prolific researcher, with numerous original papers and book chapters published in national and international journals. As a dedicated educator, Dr. Modi imparts her knowledge to post-graduate and post-doctoral students, ensuring the next generation of fertility specialists is well-equipped to serve. Her passion for continuous learning is evident in her participation in medical education programs and workshops, where she shares the latest advancements in fertility treatment.
Philosophy and Approach: 
Dr. Modi's practice is guided by the principles of 'do no harm' and 'sarvebhavantusukhinah,' reflecting her ethical and compassionate approach to patient care. Beyond her professional endeavors, Dr. Modi is deeply spiritual and actively involved as a volunteer with the 'Art of Living' organization. Her holistic approach to fertility treatment encompasses physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, empowering her patients on their journey to parenthood.
Google Business Profile: 
You can find Dr. Rita Modi at Currae Gynaec | IVF | Birthing Hospital, conveniently located at Rosa Vista, MH SH 42, opposite Suraj Water Park, Thane, Maharashtra 400607. For those seeking fertility treatment in Mumbai and Thane, Dr. Modi's clinic is easily accessible. Simply input the coordinates 19.25565360 and 72.97186530 into your GPS for precise directions.
Phone number: 09619710185
Social media links 
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drritamodi/ 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Dr.RitaModi/ 
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5sTUSY3Ec1s8tlB1jhWvsQ 
Pinterest: https://pin.it/46ZjKfoSk
If you're grappling with infertility and seeking expert guidance, Dr. Rita Modi offers tailored hope and solutions. With her extensive experience, dedication to excellence, and compassionate care, Dr. Modi is your dedicated partner in realizing your dream of parenthood. Schedule a consultation today and take the first step towards building your family with confidence. Dr. Modi is renowned as the best infertility doctor in Thane, specializing in fertility treatment in Thane, and recognized as the best for IVF treatment in Thane and the best ICSI specialist in Thane.
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What to Do Next: Navigating Post-Residency Steps for International Medical Graduates
Completing a medical residency in the United States is a monumental achievement for international medical graduates (IMGs). However, transitioning from residency to practicing medicine or furthering your career in the U.S. involves several critical steps, especially if you're looking to secure a Green Card. Here's a structured approach to help IMGs navigate this important phase.
1. Evaluate Visa Options
Most IMGs complete their residency on a J-1 or H-1B visa. Each of these visas has specific requirements and implications for your journey toward permanent residency:
J-1 Visa Holders: If you trained in the U.S. under a J-1 visa, you are subject to a two-year home-country physical presence requirement. You can waive this requirement by obtaining a waiver through programs like the Conrad 30 Waiver Program, which involves agreeing to work for three years in a medically underserved area.
H-1B Visa Holders: If your residency was under an H-1B visa, you might have a smoother transition. The H-1B visa allows you to work in the U.S. in a specialty occupation and can be a bridge to applying for a Green Card through employment.
2. Consider Employment-based Green Card Options
As an IMG, you can explore several pathways to a Green Card based on employment:
EB-2 Visa: If you possess an advanced degree or can demonstrate exceptional ability in the sciences, arts, or business, you may qualify for an EB-2 visa. A National Interest Waiver (as discussed earlier) could be an option under this category to bypass labor certification requirements.
EB-3 Visa: This category is for skilled workers, professionals, or other workers. If you do not qualify for an EB-2, this might be a viable alternative.
3. Secure a Job Offer in a Medically Underserved Area
Working in a medically underserved area not only helps meet critical healthcare needs but can also expedite your Green Card process, particularly under programs like the Conrad 30. Hospitals and clinics in these areas often sponsor visas and Green Cards due to the high demand for medical professionals.
4. Prepare and File Your Green Card Application
Once you have a job offer and have decided on the appropriate visa category, you'll need to prepare and file your Green Card application. This process involves several steps, including:
Adjustment of Status (I-485) or Consular Processing: Depending on whether you are in the U.S. or abroad.
Application for Employment Authorization Document (EAD) and Advance Parole (AP), if needed.
5. Continuous Professional Development
While your Green Card application is pending, continue to enhance your qualifications. This could involve obtaining board certifications, participating in additional fellowships, or engaging in research. These activities not only enrich your resume but also strengthen your petition for permanent residency.
Navigating the post-residency phase as an international medical graduate involves careful planning and an understanding of both immigration and professional pathways. With the right strategy, IMGs can transition effectively from residency to a successful career in medicine within the U.S., while also securing their status as permanent residents.
Contact Information
If you or your family members have any questions about how immigration and nationality laws in the United States may affect you, or if you want to access additional information about immigration and nationality laws in the United States or Canada, please do not hesitate to contact the immigration and nationality lawyers at NPZ Law Group. You can reach us by emailing [email protected] or by calling us at 201-670-0006 extension 104. We also invite you to visit our website at www.visaserve.com for more information.
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