#felt like drawing sappy ship art lol
another-story-2tell · 2 years
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light as a feather!
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prsfphone · 2 years
hihihi !! new follower here, i love your blog so so much 🥰🥰 I wanted to request both 📸 and 🦥, but i don't know if i can send more than one ask. if it's okay with you if i do, can you do any one here and i'll copy paste it again for the other ?
my pronouns are she/her and i wanted a hp ship, preferably a male character ? (warning: i've made it super long, im sorry in advance !!!!)
i love art and doodle on all my notebook corners. i pull all nighters with books and get super invested. i love taylor swift. i also love rollercoasters, swings, long road trips. my friends say i'm super bubbly and friendly, kind and humble. i enjoy homey atmospheres and make sure no one ever feels left out. i'm the confidant and therapist friend. i can talk to anyone about anything at anytime. my sleep schedule is trash. my type has always been fun loving and playful people. i'm very sensitive and will cry easily if i see anyone in pain. i will also definitely cry (of laughter) if i get tickled. i've always felt like one of the 'other girls' people say they're not like, but i've also always liked being girly. i love rom coms and pastels, i can't take violence. i am not at all athletic but will cheer for my friends and try and understand the game if their playing. i rarely get angry but have a very sharp tongue when someone deliberately hurts my feelings.
hi lovely ! i'll just do both requests in this post!
so for leviathan:
my GOD it is giving ronald weasley. he'd act all annoyed you absent-mindedly doodled on his parchment but he'd tear the drawings off the corners and keep them. he'd tease you about listening to such sappy muggle love songs (aka taylor swift). he loves how seamlessly you fit into his family dynamic. his mother adores you and you make him feel seen. ron gets all puppy-eyed when he sees you cheering for him while he plays a match.
for belphegor:
boy next door vibes but also the vibes of those romcoms where you own a flower shop and he runs in all panicked looking for flowers and it's a whole meet cute but he has a gf and anyways i could ramble forever lol
join my celebration!
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marriael · 5 years
1 Year Blogiversary
So. Hello people. Since 100 followers is still far away for me this was just me taking a chance to appreciate mutual, let me have this. 
All of these could be started with we've never talked/we haven't talked much so. Ehe. That one’s on me folks.
This is just a big, dumb, sappy post that I wouldn't recommend reading tbh.
Thank you to everyone who follows me, no matter for how long. It must get exhausting to see my dumb ass so often.
@wydyuto You were my first follower! When you first followed me it gave me so much confidence to keep going and making moodboards. Thank you so much! 
@igot7-penta-seo You've been dming me all these posts and I feel bad since I never send anything back. One day I will, I promise! It feels so long ago but I just remember reading all your pentagon stuff when I was getting into them and loving your writing and them even more. 
@mrchoiholic Alright since I’m dumb and don’t know when we became mutuals I’m putting you here. I remember my first interaction with you (technically) was I requested a Hoshi fic and then reblogged it because the title was incredible. Then I was Tea anon for a while, which was a good time. You’ve always given me caring older sister vibes even if you’re my ‘mom’. 
@cxvert-edits Oh my goodness hello! So I deleted my insta app. Since you’re mostly on there and I’m mostly on here we don’t really see each other much :(.It took me far too long to realize but I kind of sounded like an ass in our my last dm’s on here so. Very sorry about that, I didn’t really realize how my words sounded at the time. Honestly you were among my first inspirations for moodboards. 
@ladyluck852 Hey bub! I haven’t seen you around much but I hope you’re doing well. You’ve seen a lot of my blog and I hope you’re here for a lot longer. 
@mixtapejoon It seems like you started @/chulobangtan again so I think you’ll see this. I love reading all your stuff and since it seems like you enjoy writing so much I really hope you get the chance to again. With all the crap that went on with that guy and your school I hope you’re doing better now. 
@peachy-bangchan I feel like I don't talk to or about you enough which is an issue I must remedy immediately. I didn't know how popular you were when you followed me so I didn't properly lose my shit. You've really been here for a long time and never once have you stopped supporting me. Thank you, I appreciate that more than I could ever put into words.
@luvhannie Moodboard queen Anna! You’ve given me so much inspiration for moodboards. Motivation, too. I remember when you said you liked my moodboard, I felt amazing for like a week. 
@queerjunhui I just remember being so intimidated by you (still am lol) because you were friends with so many cool people. I think I sent you an anon once as Emotional anon? Maybe that was a dream or something. I started a conversation with you once and I’m pretty sure that was before we became mutuals, interesting. 
@middle-of-a-wonshua-sandwich Your URL will always be a mood lol. A lot of your more recent stuff has been Monsta X and non-kpop related but you still follow all my weird bullshit.
@stray-kids-stuff My first official stay mutual! You’re such a darling and I’m glad I found your blog and that discord. I hope you’re doing at least a little better now. 
@han-jxsungs  I clowned myself as ao3 anon that was fun lmao. OMG I just looked and ROSE HELLO MY DARLING ANGEL. If you didn’t get my last ask, just now it was super sappy and gross. I’m glad you’re back but if it gets too much again, don’t hesitate to leave. 
@gryffindor925 lmao hey Aaykta what’s up. I don’t think you use tumblr because wow you must be tired of all this kpop shit. I forget you follow me most of the time. If you ever thought I was curbing my tags to seem less weird at some point it was because I see her in real life and thought that me freaking out about this stuff was super weird. I actually had a dream last night I found your secret kpop blog. 
@finn-shitposts I honestly didn’t connect this blog and your art one until after you were revealed because I’m dumb. You seriously made the most amazing thing. Pun + Jilix, gah that was seriously amazing, and when I think about it I smile. 
@pikachulein Even though I had several very popular blogs follow me before you were the first one I seriously like, panicked about. I have an official offer for you. Feel free to decline because time zones are crap but french learning buddies? 
@ult-bee So we met in a discord server but I feel like I left it? I honestly couldn’t tell you what server it was though. Sorry, boo. Love you though <3
@dreamsevens You made the cutest Junhao drawing ever. You were such a sweet lil anonnie, too. We haven’t really interacted but I see you, boo. 
@jihan You’re both such lil sweeties! Honestly just a wholesome jihan blog, would recommend. Loved being an anon even if it was just a little while. 
@nerdynerdynerdy Iyoniiiiiiiii! You’re just the sweetest lil babe and I feel like I need to protect you. 
@visualgiggles I don’t know how I didn’t see you before we were platonically shipped, but I didn’t. I’m really glad that happened though, and that I had my brief anon stint. 
@3rachad Clowned the hell out of myself and revealed as CB anon (who I still am because I’m cowardly and dumb). Love the new hair cut bb.
@0hyja Ya seem super cool but also. You called Park Jisung rat boy and I don't know if I can truly forgive you for that  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ jkjkjk. I just feel like you don’t like me. One day I’ll get over that and send some asks or something. 
@nanjaemin I always forget you’re younger than me because you talk exactly the same as the other people on here. You baby. Love you darling, don’t let those give you shit.
@ethereal-lix I so often go to send you ask games and then forget entirely. I will make a better effort to interact with you! 
@soulclub My first aroha mutual! I really like seeing all your edits and thank you for co-creating the idea of Aroha Village! I’m trying to write a kind of tour thing for it but it’s not great so. This is embarrassing but you and Bex kind of meld together. I don’t know what it is but the best reason I have is my terrible memory.
@cherry-seungmin My stay host(?)! Wow going to your blog is such an explosion of happiness and Seungmin I love that. It felt like ages ago we were freaking out about Miroh teasers but it was actually March.
@ultkyu You were my lil stay anon! I feel bad that I haven’t made anything for 99kdh. It might take me a little longer yet but I will do it.
@uwujpgs Heeeeeey Bex. I don’t really know what to say :(. Actually. This is embarrassing but sometimes you and Rae just meld together. I don’t know why and then when I get you mixed up I feel bad. But yeah. Stay safe and know I’m figuratively sending you nice candles.
@jinniesmeow I’ll be honest I thought you didn’t like me at first. It sounds dumb but after I joined skzrequests you didn’t follow me so I was just like ‘:} ok.’ I want to honestly apologize because I was kind of ignoring you in the kakao chat. I don't have a reason/excuse for that. An official question for you as well. Feel free to decline because time zones suck but be my unofficial french teacher?
@staytion-nine Pitchfork anon! I have no idea where the anon name came from. I was pretty surprised when I saw the post about you getting a tumblr. Overall you’re just a little dol and I hope to know you better.
@kimwoojin-s I thought I was going to cry when you followed me istg. I’ll talk in the TGS chat. One day, eventually. Take care of yourself and try not to burn out lovely.
@bbywooyoungie  We have interacted exactly 0 times (i’ll send an ask soon, promise). Scrolling down your blog I now notice we have mutual mutuals. I don’t understand how I didn’t see that before, but ok brain sure. 
@re-biirthday Anyone who organizes an anon event is automatically a sweetheart in my book, so there you are. I really liked that sketch you posted today and I hope you’re doing well sweets. 
@xiaocity I saw you in others ask boxes for a loooooooong time but only followed you recently for some reason. Yeah, you just seem super dope and I’m glad we have something in common. Even if it is finding our bias intimidating lol.
@luvjisungs I’ve only seen you around recently but you are an absolute darling. Thank you so much for helping me out that night, I really needed it.
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captain-azoren · 5 years
I’m Getting Married! & Why I Write
First off, thanks to anyone who’s ever liked or reblogged any of the content I’ve made in the past month or so dedicated to this absurd little crossover ship. Every little bit motivates me. I realize I don’t exactly have a big following, but nonetheless I wanted to get this out there and now I feel confident enough to talk about it.
In a little while, I’ll be traveling to literally the other side of the planet to marry my fiancee, a woman I’ve been in a long distance relationship for over a decade now. She means the world to me, and finally getting to spend the rest of my life with her is a dream come true. 
That we stayed faithful to each other for so long despite the distance and all the hardships makes me feel like, as sappy as this sounds, that we really are soulmates and this was destined. As the date kept drawing nearer, I thought more and more about this, and I wanted to find a way to express how I felt about this to others. That’s where my story White Knight, Red Queen comes in, a love story about two people who find each other despite coming from two whole different universes. Why I chose Azula and Soren in particular...
First, just to be clear, my fiancee and I are not like Azula and Soren. I am a lot smarter and much more reserved in person than Soren, and my fiancee is very sweet and has none of Azula’s smug attitude. I will say though that Soren is one of my favorite archetypes and I wish I was more extroverted, and I think my fiancee is the most beautiful, smartest, perfect girl in the world who doesn’t settle for less than what she deserves and I love her for it.
Now, I chose these two characters from these two series for multiple reasons that go way back. My fiancee and I actually met through an Avatar the Last Airbender fansite, so we have a special connection to it, even if we aren’t as big of fans as we used to be. As for Dragon Prince, the two of us got to go to our first San Diego Comic Con last year, where we got to attend the Avatar Legacy Panel and then The Dragon Prince premiere panel that came right after. Now TDP is a little special to me as well because of that.
Why Azula and Soren specifically; honestly, I just happened to be really into these two at the time. Weird thing is, I used to dislike both of these characters while simultaneously wanting to like them; when I first watched Book 2, I thought Azula was too much of a smug jerk for me to like despite how cool she could be. She seemed too invincible and too mean to Zuko, whom I heavily identified with at the time due to a lot of issues I was going through (I was trying too hard to impress people who didn’t deserve my admiration. Glad I met my fiancee when I did). I thought Soren was too much of a dumb jock after I initially thought he’d be my favorite.
Things changed though. Azula’s scenes in The Beach and then her breakdown finally made me feel sympathy for her, but it really wasn’t until this year when I started reading analyses of her character did I really come to understand Azula, and Ehasz saying he wanted to give her a redemption arc got my mind going. With my new perspective on Azula, in some ways I can identify with how she felt. As for Soren, his crisis at the end of s2 won me over, and I came to appreciate the goofiness and humor he brought, letting me re-contextualize his character in a way I could enjoy.
Because I just happened to be digging into these two at the same time, it got me thinking and I decided to create this blog as a little joke. I actually really enjoy crossover ships, having once participated in a big crossover RP with my fiancee where that was a thing. The more I thought about it though, the more I started to like the idea of Azula/Soren, and from there it got me thinking about doing a story.
ATLA and TDP share quite a few talent and staff, so a crossover between the two feels particularly natural, having similar writing and art style and even voice actors on top of Ehasz being a major creative force. Blending the two worlds together was not too much of a stretch. On top of that, doing this story actually lets me use a bunch of stuff I’ve wanted to write about for a long time, but could never craft a good plot for, namely a knight teaming up with a magic wielding princess, who are from two different worlds/cultures.
Being from two different worlds is where the inspiration from my own love life comes in. I wanted to write about how two different people, through a series of random events leading to a chance encounter, meet each other. They form a bond, one that never breaks no matter how far apart they’re pulled from each other, one that is everlasting. That is why it’s important that my story is a crossover, because Azula and Soren come from not just different places within the same fictional universe, but from two completely different universes altogether. They couldn’t be together.
In my most recent chapter of White Knight, Red Queen I wrote a dream sequence where one character (Soren) sees another character (it’s Azula) crying, but he’s unable to reach her; he’s blocked by a glass barrier, and can only watch and listen as she weeps. I wrote this to reflect my own feelings of being so distant from my fiancee for so long, and feeling so miserable and helpless whenever I was unable to comfort her properly when she was sad or upset. All I could do was look at her and try to use my words; being unable to just pull her close to me and hug her, unable to make her feel better, that’s torture, and I’m glad that barrier will be gone.
Themes of abandonment and undying loyalty are what I really want to examine with my story, as they’re what I’m familiar with, and with Azula and Soren I’ve found a way to do that, as they deal with these themes in different ways. For a while I thought I was going to live the rest of my life alone and unloved, but I took a chance to tell my future fiancee how I felt despite how scared I was of being hurt. She was one of the few friends I had left, and I was so afraid that I would drive her away like I did to others, but she stuck by me, she gave me a chance, and she gave me hope. I’m never letting that go, and I’m going to spend the rest of my life giving my heart to her for saving me.
And if all that sounds really sappy, and it does, well, we also both find each other really hot, and Azula and Soren are both attractive, so there you go lol. My fiancee is my dream girl and this silly little blog and fanfic are just one big love letter to her. Besides, writing feels way more fun and productive than getting angry at video games.
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