#female deceit sanders
Sanders Sides fic idea:
Janus, Logan, or Virgil (writer's choice!) teaching female!Reader how to waltz. Why? Because Roman's planning his birthday in the Mind Palace, and it's bound to be extra.
Authors note: This short fic will be about Janus but I would love to write about Logan and Virgil later on so if you want it just send me an ask or leave a comment (P.S, sorry this took a little while lol)
Warnings: none
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Janus and you were trying to cook dinner for the other sides. Keyword: trying.
The reason you both weren’t getting very far was due to the amount of blatant romantic tension that was going on between the both of you. At least, it was blatant to the other sides.
You and Janus just couldn’t seem to pick up on the thick, romantic tension between the both of you. You just wrote it off as having imagined the tension due to the fact you just couldn’t wrap your head around the idea of Janus reciprocating your feelings towards him.
Which frustrated the other sides more than Remus (which is a very rare accomplishment so good job?). This has been going on for months now and today was no exception.
“No, that’s not how you bread the chicken. Here let me show you.”
Janus said before stepping behind you and wrapping his hands around your torso and taking your hands with his. His soft hands guiding yours, the warmth of his chest against your back, his face right on your shoulder. All of these things made your heart race and your cheeks heat up, making it hard to concentrate on the task at hand. You could’ve sworn he stopped guiding your hands to bread the chicken and was instead caressing them.
Janus opened his mouth to say something when he suddenly jerked away from you at the sound of Romans loud voice coming from behind you.
“Watch out, lovebiiirds! The noblest Roman comin’ through!” He announces in his overly dramatic fashion like usual, making his way between the two of you, which effectively ruined the moment between the both of you.
You quickly tried to hide the fact you were flustered beyond belief and cleared your throat in an attempt to clear my head.
“Oh we-we’re not-.. it’s not like-” You attempted to keep your usual sarcastic attitude up up but failed miserably. That was before Janus interrupted while focusing on washing his hands before putting his gloves back on.
“Love how you just barge in so dramatically, Roman.” Janus said in his obviously sarcastic voice, and with clear annoyance, but Roman couldn’t seem to catch on to that.
“Oh thank you! I’ve been told to tone it down a bit but cmon! Who doesn’t love my dramatic self!” Roman said with his dramatic arm gestures that you had to dodge. Janus rolled his eyes in annoyance and looked down sassily at his gloves as he fixed the buttons on them.
“I can think of a few people.” Janus mumbled under his breath but Roman must’ve heard him as he whipped his head towards the deceitful side and raised an eyebrow at him.
“Excuse yo-.”
“So Roman, any reason why you came to talk with us?” You exclaimed in a loud manner to get his attention back and stopping the brewing argument. It seemed to work as Roman then turned to me and a smile replaced his offended look.
“Oh yeah! Soooo, because my birthday is coming up, I decided to host a formal dance! Yknow like waltzing and everything. Here’s an invitation.”
He was talking quiet loud again and summoned a very glittery, bright card to shove into your hands. He then walked away in a dramatic fashion while wiggling his fingers at you both and said in a teasing tone, “Byeeee, don’t be late lovebirds!!” He finished off with a wink before strutting away. Roman calling you both ‘lovebirds’ made you flush red yes but then you realized. You have no clue how to dance.
You sighed as you opened the invitation, looking down at it in slight annoyance over the fact you didn’t know how to dance.
“Hey, you ok?”
Janus’ voice snapped you out of your own thoughts and you looked up at him, seeing a worried look etched onto his face.
“I know Roman can be a lot at times but you shouldn’t let that…theater diva get to you.”
He said with a slight smirk at the name he called Roman. You let out an airy chuckle and look at him with a slightly mischievous face.
“First of, you’re a diva too..” You said tauntingly and cut him off before he could retaliate. “…and second, it isn’t Roman’s fault I felt a little..disappointed you could say.”
“…Disappointed? Why would you feel like that?” He asked with a tilt of his head. He moved slightly closer to you as he said this and as you looked up at him, you couldn’t help but think he resembled a puppy. This made you crack a smile as you motioned to the card.
“Well it’s a formal dance and…I can’t dance.” Sheepishly, you rubbed the back of your neck at admitting this. While you started to get lost in your own thoughts, you heard Janus give his most dramatic and most exaggerated sighs of all time.
“Oh wow you beat your ‘dramatic sigh’ personal record.” A small smirk settling on your face as you said this. Janus just continued giving you his signature sassy look and sighed once more before speaking.
“You’re the one being dramatic here. I could easily teach you how to dance. Specifically waltzing. It’s not the end of the world that you don’t know how.”
You looked at him for any sign that he was lying to you but nope he was being one hundred percent serious about that. He even gave you that look that made you realize he was not lying in the slightest.
“You..know how to waltz? I’m both not and very surprised.”
He rolled his eyes, trying to fight the small smile making its way onto his face. He grabbed your hand with his gloves ones and pulled you into the living room, turning around to face you once you got there. You raised an eyebrow as he pulled you in closer to him by your waist, trying your best to stop the blush from creeping up to your face.
“W-wait, right now? What about dinner?” You said in a confused tone as Janus lifted one of your hands, making you instinctively place your free hand on his shoulder. He shrugged and made a face that said, ‘we’ll deal with that later.’”
“Now, I want you to take one step forward with your left foot ok?” He said as he guided you by the waist. After stepping on his polished dress shoes a couple of times, you both managed to settle into a nice rhythm. You even managed to do it without having to look down at your feet.
The waltz felt beautiful. Both of you ignored the world around you as you could only concentrate on one another. The waltz wasn’t very graceful or professional but it was imbued with the passion the both of you held for one another as you continued to spin around the living room.
You couldn’t help but get lost in the moment as you continued the dance. Your eyes grazed over his appearance, specifically the snake half of his face. His slit pupil, the pink around his eye, the smooth scales running down his face to his neck disappearing down into his dress shirt. You’re chest swelled up with love at the fact you were sharing this intimate moment with him. One where it was just the two of you and no one else. One where, even if you both weren’t saying anything, the waltz clearly spelled out what you felt about each other.
A sly smirk settled on his face as he saw you basically checking him out, failing to hide the deep passion he held for you in his eyes. This in turn made him pull you in even closer as you until both of your chests were touching. Due to this you both came to a slow stop to just stare into each others eyes. His breath was intertwining with yours from how close you were and his eyes were drinking in your appearance.
You felt your heart practically stop as you saw him lean in closer to your face. This couldn’t be happening, right? You’re just imagining his eyes glancing from your eyes to your lips, right? Once you realized this was all very real, all other thoughts calm to a screeching halt in your mind as all you could focus on was the sincerity and love in his eyes. You took your time leaning in wanting this moment to as long as possible.
You could practically feel his soft lips grazing yours when, not surprisingly, all of the sides barged into the room as if it was on queue. The sudden sound of all the sides talking all at once made both you and Janus jump away from each other as if you were burned.
“We absolutely cannot take a dog off the street, Patton. You don’t know where it’s been, if it’s someone else’s, if it’s been vaccinated-”
“But Logan! That dog needs a home and did you see his face!? He needs love.”
“Patton we’ve been over th- REMUS GET DOWN FROM THERE!”
“I’m going to my room you all give me a headache.”
“I give you a headache!? IM LITERALLY THE ONLY ONE NOT YELLING.”
“You are now, stupid.”
Janus once more groaned in annoyance and had to pinch his nose in order to not lash out at everyone (and also to hide his flushed face) while you simply just snickered at all the havoc going on.
You moved closer to Janus and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, successfully getting his attention.
“We can continue what we started once we finish the food.”
A little cheeky smile made its way to his face and he nodded as you both made your way to the kitchen, getting ready to have to spray Remus with soap in order to keep him from adding random objects to the meal.
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thatonelesbianfander · 6 months
Been thinking about the first Sanders Sides AU I ever saw that got me into the fandom after hearing the song Evelyn Evelyn for the first time in a while
It was a Gacha Life AU by this one old Sasi Gacha creator that was a light side zombie AU. I’m pretty sure it was titled Zombie Sides if anyone remembers it. It’s no longer available because it got deleted with the channel of the person who made it. I don’t think there were any ships between the light sides but I do remember there being some Demus and maybe some Prinxiety.
Plot recap under cutoff (TW for death mention, murder mention, unsympathetic C!Thomas, zombies, violence, and argument mention)
The basic plot as far as I remember was that Roman and Remus got into an argument to the song Evelyn Evelyn (Roman as male voice, Remus as female voice), so the light sides go on a day out together to cheer Roman up. On that day out together, the lights are killed. They’re eventually brought back as zombies, which leads to the start of a zombie apocalypse. Remus and Janus (who was referred to as Deceit since it was made before his name reveal) end up getting attacked by the zombie lights and end up escaping and ganging up with a group of random people (that I’m pretty sure were the creator’s ocs) to try to find a cure.
I’m forget most of what happened after Remus and Janus teamed up with that group but pretty sure that Remus and Janus ended up figuring out that C!Thomas had started the apocalypse and Remus ends up killing C!Thomas when they confronted him and the sides are revived and turned back from zombies to humans, and Roman and Remus make up. This was literally my favorite AU, and I wish it wasn’t deleted.
The AU was actually pretty good and coherent and I miss it. I also think having C!Thomas as the twist villain was interesting because not a lot of Gacha AUs were using C!Thomas for anything and was more side focused so having the twist villain be C!Thomas instead of some random person was actually pretty cool.
Honestly, I should just remake the AU as a fanfic-
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ao3feed-loceit · 5 months
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Uh have some female Deceit that is my icon,,,
Ngl her outfit is my favorite to draw but I got really lazy with this one,,,
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pokii-jonas · 6 years
Purrfectly Virgil : A New Story Emerges :D
OVERALL FIC SUMMARY -- Virgil has always been different from Logan, Roman, and Patton which they have all grown used to and accept.
However, Virgil may be a bit more different than they originally thought.
If only they knew...
(aka, the cat virgil fic no one asked for :p)
Chapter Summary: Something new and unusual is taking place in Thomas's mind. What's happening?
Chapter’s Characters: Virgil, Patton, Roman, Logan, Thomas, Deceit
Chapter 1          Previous          Next
sympathetic deceit
It was three in the morning when Deceit was finally ready.
She stepped back with a sigh from the mirror and smiled at her reflection, happy with what she saw.
The dress and shoes fit perfectly, which didn’t shock her in the slightest. Virgil had always been good at that sort of thing.
She was also happy to note that the dress did indeed pair very nicely with her hat and cape, in both the shape and the color, and her elbow length yellow opera gloves.
Her hat had been placed to the side of her head so as not to fully cover her hair that she had spent many painful hours putting into soft curls that danced delicately around her face.
Her make-up, however, was what brought the entire look together she thought.
Gold and green eye shadow paired with a highlighter bright enough to kill and cheekbones that could cut a hoe, all held together with a dark red glossy lip.
She smiled at herself as she felt her dysphoria melt away.
Giving a small turn, she laughed as her dress lifted up with the air and flowed softly and delicately around her.
Stopping for a second to let her head stop spinning, she gracefully walked over to her stereo to put on some music.
She couldn’t remember the last time she felt this good.
She would definitely consider herself as more laid back when it came to fashion, usually opting for no makeup and sweats, but when she did dress up she always did it with a bang and went all out!
In the middle of the night when her host was most likely asleep so she wouldn’t get summoned, accidentally or on purpose.
There was no way she wanted the others or Thomas to see her like this. That was too personal. Why give them another reason to outcast her?
Though, of course she could care less about what they thought of her. Really, that was something Virgil would be more afraid of. Deceit didn’t care though.
She was fine. Really. The fact that she was a ‘she’ was just personal, that’s it.
So as she was putting in a One Direction CD(another thing no one needed to know about), she couldn’t help the scream that left her as she found herself suddenly standing in Thomas’s living room with everyone else.
“God damn it.” she whispered to herself, closing her eyes.
Taking a deep breath to get herself together, she opened her eyes again to face the others with her usual front of cold composure.
Deciding to ignore the four surprised gazes on her, she addressed the second matter on her mind.
“Thomas, it isn’t past three in the morning, why aren’t you up?” Deceit asked smoothly, crossing her arms over her chest while letting a small smile play on her lips.
Opening his mouth to speak, all he was able to let out in his surprised state was, “I, uh, what?”
Deceit tsked and was about to say something else when Roman finally seemed to find his tongue.
“Is it okay to be attracted to someone who is technically the same person as you?” he asked, incredibly matter-of-factly, while looking Deceit up and down.
Deceit felt a dark blush tinge her cheeks, but she refused to look away from Roman.
“No, not at all, Narcissus,” she said. “Especially since you’ve seemed to enjoy my company so much every other time I’ve popped up.”
Roman huffed, but before he could say anything, Thomas finally spoke up.
“Why are you dressed like that anyway?” he said, also taking a moment to look Deceit up and down.
Deceit’s blush deepened.
“Yes, let’s talk about what I do with my free time rather than what you are doing up at three a.m.” she said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.
“It’s my fault.” Virgil suddenly said, looking down at his feet and pulling the sleeves of his hoodie over his hands.
“Oh? That’s shocking.” Deceit said, giving Virgil a small smirk when he glared at her.
“So, what doesn’t have to so tweaked, Virge?” Deceit said casually, walking over to the couch and sitting down gracefully, crossing her legs.
Virgil followed and sat down opposite to her on the couch, curling his legs up to his chest.
“I don’t know,” he mumbled. “ Something just doesn’t feel right.”
Deceit frowned at this.
“What does?” she asked, momentarily forgetting they weren’t alone.
Virgil sighed.
“I don’t know, but something feels off and I don’t know what.”
Deceit’s frown deepened. Virgil had his paranoid moments, obviously, but usually they were based around something.
What was happening?
“But you are anxiety. The feeling of anxiety doesn’t always have a purpose.” Logan said, finally speaking up for the first time since Deceit appeared.
“Even so, it’s unusual.” Deceit replied, still deep in thought as she brought a hand up to rub her temple.
“What? Even for speaking in opposites, what you just said makes no sense.” Logan said, causing Deceit to look up at him.
“What?” she asked as she watched him study her curiously.
“Well, if you speak in opposites, like you’ve led us to believe, then what you just said was, ‘Even so, it’s usual,’ which sounds rather odd.” he quietly mumbled, however after the words left his mouth, his eyes widened slightly.
“Which means you can speak the truth. You asking ‘what?’ so genuinely proves it. If you could really only speak opposites, you would have said something along the lines of, ‘I know what you just said.’”
Deceit froze as she watched Logan.
“Shit,” she mumbled.
“Yeah, fine. You got me. Thanks for taking away my thing.” she snapped, crossing her arms.
Tossing her her head to the side to look at Virgil.
“When did this feeling come about?” she asked gently, not bothering to speak in opposites anymore.
Virgil hummed in thought for a second before saying, “A few weeks ago. Right after Christmas. I don’t know what’s happening, but the feeling is getting stronger.
“Oh!” Patton exclaimed from the steps, causing everyone to turn and look at him.
“What’s up padre?” Roman asked, yawning slightly.
“I… This was sitting next to be for some reason.” Patton said, confused, as he held up what looked to be an origami Pegasus.
“What?” Thomas asked, voicing what everyone else was thinking as well.
“I wonder how that-” Logan started to say when Virgil suddenly gave a jarring scream, causing everyone to jump away from him.
“Virgil, what’s wrong?” Deceit asked concerned, turning to look at Virgil who had managed to jump onto the back of the couch and was hissing at a spot on the floor.
Turning her gaze to look where Virgil was looking, she couldn’t help but let out a laugh.
There on the floor, for no apparent reason, was a cucumber.
“Virge, honey. It’s just a cucumber.” she said, incredibly amused, as she stood and picked up the offending object.
Virgil only hissed in response, but Deceit was already distracted as she felt the object in her hand.
It wasn’t even a cucumber, it was-
“AWWWWWWWWWW, HE’S LIKE A CAT!!!” Patton exclaimed happily, jumping off the steps and bouncing up and down excitedly.
Virgil’s face immediately flushed a bright crimson and he jumped back down to his spot on the couch, still wearily eying the cucumber in Deceit’s hands.
“There is no reason to be afraid of cucumbers, Virgil, wha-” Logan started, only to be cut off by Deceit saying, “It’s not a cucumber.”
The room went silent as everyone stared at Deceit with incredulous looks.
“Are you speaking weirdly again or…” Romas asked, looking between her and the rest of the room.
“It’s not a cucumber.” she repeated, grabbing both ends and ripping it in half.
“It’s paper.”
The silence continued on, deafeningly so as everyone watched what was once a cucumber disintegrate before their very eyes until there was nothing left.
“I… I’m sorry, what?” Roman said quietly, his eyes wide and unstaring at where the ‘cucumber’ used to be.
“Am I just sleep deprived? I didn’t just see that, right?” Thomas asked, rubbing his eyes and looking to Logan.
“Possibly, but you aren’t that sleep deprived. You shouldn’t be at the point of hallucinations.”
There was silence once more as everyone tried to figure out what was even happening.
Virgil was the first to break the quiet.
“We should go to sleep. Staying up later won’t help Thomas function tom-today.” he said, standing up and stretching.
Logan was next.
“Virgil is correct. If Thomas sleeps, then we can make more rational decisions tomorrow.”
“Fine, I’ll be the first to leave then. Ta-ta for now, peasants!” Roman declared, promptly sinking out as he tried to hold back a yawn.
“Yeah, I’m pretty tuckered as well.” Patton said next, placing the origami pegasus on Thomas’s coffee table.
“Night, kiddos!” he exclaimed, waving happily as he too sunk out.
“In that case, I believe I’ll go next.” Logan said, turning to address Deceit quickly.
“I presume you’ll want to join our discussion tomorrow, yes?”
She gave a curt nod and Logan returned it.
“We will call on you when it’s time then.” he said, sinking out without another word.
“Okayyyy, I’m going upstairs. You two do what you want.” Thomas said, running a hand through his hair and walking towards the steps.
Once he was out of sight, Deceit turned to Virgil.
“You wanna sleep in my room tonight?” she asked, knowing full well Virgil was probably quite shaken by everything that was happening.
Plus, she liked sleeping with Virgil. He was so warm, she didn’t even need her electric blanket.
She would probably still use it though.
To her delight, Virgil gave her a small smile and nodded.
Sinking down together to her room, Deceit gave a quick snap of her fingers and her makeup was off and her sweats were on.
Virgil followed suit and the both climbed into the bed, Deceit curling herself up to Virgil as he turned off the light.
While they both happily drifted off to bed, the strange events of that night were still fresh on their minds.
What in the world was happening in Thomas’s mind?
i had an idea for a plot and um... yeah, i'm getting there ;p
chapters will mainly focus on Virgil's pov, but Deceit just really fit in here i thought so i went with it :p
i hope you guys enjoy the direction this fic is taking!!!
@avocados26  @sherlock-lives-on-bakerstreet
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Strip Me of My Walls, Please.
Past : Part 19 + 20, Present : Part 21, Next : Part 22
Summary: Logan hires a prostitute to pretend to be his boyfriend. Patton is a prostitute just trying to support his son when he falls with a very rich man needing him to pretend to be his boyfriend.
Chapter Summary : Patton and Logan set up a date. Emile’s fiancée’s sex drive makes it impossible for him to get any work done. 
Pairings: romantic Logicality, future romantic Prinxiety, Elle x Damien (my original characters), Emile x Remy
Word Count: 1987
Warnings : mentions of crutches/injuries, use of the word misfits, like at least PG13, implications of sex/nudes
Notes : Leave a like, a reblog, message, and reply! I love hearing your comments. Sorry for the nearly two month hiatus, I have been going through an extremely rough time.
Life moved on, for the most part, for a while at least. Well, two days. For two days, Patton was able to distract himself with work and helping Thomas with his audition, while taking care of Roman and looking at bigger places to live. Two days of flirting, smiles, and pretending to breathe easier, and Logan had to go and disrupt Patton’s blissful ignorance.
Patton was the first to wake up, surprisingly, considering it wasn’t until eleven that he finally decided to remove his face from his pillow. He did his best to just fling himself out of bed quickly, as to not disturb Roman next to him. Thankfully he didn’t even stir when Patton landed about a foot and a half away from the bed, those painkillers must really knock him out.
His phone dinged from its place next to the bed, he tiptoed over to it, cradling the phone to his chest as he scurried out of the room once he’d grabbed it. Looking down, he had a notification on his reminder to head to work at 2, and a text from Logan.
Good morning, hope you slept well? What are you doing today? - L
When he softly padded toward the kitchen, he caught sight of Fid on the couch. Well,  Fid was more hanging off the side of the couch, her whole upper body completely on the floor. He thought about moving her back onto the couch, but she groaned and as soon as he even reached the couch.
Good morning to you too ;P. Ah you know, taking care of Roman, work. The usual. -P
Care to call me real quick? - L
Patton set his phone on the table, pressing the phone logo underneath Logan’s contact picture, and putting the device on speaker as he walked over to start grabbing dishes for breakfast. The phone barely rang, Logan picked up almost immediately. “Lo?”
“Good morning. You didn’t answer my question, about sleeping well. ” Logan sounded kind of far away, Patton almost wondered if he was also up making breakfast, but looking at the time, he realized he should be heading to work.
“You’re not driving with your phone in your hand, are you?” Patton asked, pulling out eggs and some vegetables, surely no one in the house would mind a simple breakfast. They were all just being couch potatoes for most of this week anyway.
“Of course not. Bluetooth, dear.” Logan said, and if Patton felt like it he could almost imagine Logan driving with his head stuck forehead so his voice was closer to the microphone on the steering wheel. “You still haven’t answered my question.”
“You didn’t phrase it like a question, Lo.” Patton found an early morning smile as he heard Logan’s little exasperated sigh, reaching down into the bottom of his cabinet to pull out his cutting board.
“Of course I did, I added a question mark at the end of the sentence.” The sound of turn signal sounded surprisingly loud in the somewhat shaky sound of Logan’s side of the call. Patton stopped from spreading chopped peppers into the eggs cooking on his stove to turn the volume on his phone down a couple of notches, he didn’t need anyone waking up grouchy.
“That doesn’t make it a question.” Patton felt giddy, something of a bounce hidden in his step as he moved about the kitchen, life was okay, or at least that what it seemed like falling into the back forth with Logan.
“Fine, then, I have a more important question anyway.” Logan said, of course breaking Patton’s perfectly blissfully ignorant equilibrium.
“Yes?” He said, a nervous noise trying to claw its way up his throat before he swallowed it back down.
“Do you want to go out after work with me? Like alone. Together.” From the sounds of it, Logan had pulled over. There was the faint sound of hissing that Patton could recognize as cars passing by when your window was cracked open just the tiniest bit.
“Are you asking me on a date Mr. Foley?” Patton hummed, relaxing as he heard Logan clear his throat, a tiny series of coughs causing him to giggle.
“Yes sir, I am.” Logan replied, composure barely back in his voice.
“Why yes, I’d love to. I’m on call til 7. What time would you like to go?” Patton reached over to grab four cups from the cabinet and set them out over the little island, listening as Logan flicked his turn signal on, merging back onto traffic.
“I’ll pick you up from wherever you are when you get done.” Logan said, and just then Patton heard the sound of another voice.
“Aren’t you supposed to be at work?” He asked, turning to his phone, his full attention on trying to discern the other voice he could hear in the very background of Logan’s phone call.
“I am on my lunch break. Someone had a rough morning and I wanted to take him out for lunch.” Logan said. “Jon say hi to Patton.”
“Hi Mr. Sanders.” Jon called from what Patton assumed was the backseat of Logan’s car.
“Hi Jon. And you can just call me Pat, kiddo.” Patton replied cheerfully, listening to the two comment on their lunch for a couple moments before Patton heard movement in his own house. Looking up from his phone that held Logan’s contact picture and name he saw Thomas padding over to the island, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He hadn’t noticed Roman trying to clamber his way out of the bedroom either, so he quickly ran over and let him use him as a crutch.
“Logan, I’m going to let you go. My wayward misfits are waking up.” Patton sighed, helping Roman down on to one of the seats at the island.
“Inform your boyfriend that I am neither wayward nor a misfit.” Fid grumbled from her spot on the couch, before attempting to stand up. Her arms, still jelly from just waking up, gave out but instead of flopping against the couch, her body was already tilted toward the ground. The thud of her body hitting the living room floor startled Thomas, but his wide eyes and tense shoulders relaxed as he burst into adorable, childish laughter.
“Everything alright?” Logan’s voice rang over the other two adults in the room that has also started chuckling, as the teenager stood, rubbing her hand over her face.
“No.” Fid groaned, dragging her feet over to the smell of breakfast.
“Yes.” Patton’s giggle was high and happy, and he was completely unaware that the man on the other end of the line would give anything to continue listening to the sound. “I’ll see you tonight, Logan.”
“See you tonight, Patton. Would your misfits like Virgil and Jon to come over to hang out?” Logan said, emphasizing hang out in a way that made Jon giggle, the six year old’s feet kicking against his backseat pounded a little faster, excited.
“We’re not misfits!” Not Patton.
“I wouldn’t mind the Emo angel nursing me back to help.” Not. Patton.
“Jon’s coming?” Still not Patton.
“Of course, Lo, I’m sure my misfits would love that.” Patton said, the sound of chewing fading in the background even though Logan could still hear a muffled Fid fighting the nickname. Logan and Patton said goodbye, and Logan pulled back into the school, his lunch break nearly over.
“You and Patton are going on a date?” Jon asked, unbuckling himself despite Logan telling him not to do that.
“Yes.” Logan replied, getting out and opening the door for his nephew. The six year old jumped, nearly toppling over on the landing, but Logan made sure to grab underneath his armpit. Hoisting him up, the teacher saved him from heading face first into the concrete of the parking lot and the six year old thanked him, not looking too phased as he adjusted his button up, staring at the school.
“Are you going to introduce him to Grandpa?” Jon asked, not moving an inch, turning his body all but in the complete opposite direction of the school.
“Hopefully.” Logan replied, watching the way Jon stared at the car longingly. “Come on pal it’s only a couple more hours.”
“Of hell.” Jon muttered.
“Jonathan!” Logan reprimanded.
“You and Virgil say it.” Jon said, crossing his arms, staring up at him. The two locked eyes and while Logan tried his best to remain stoic.
He lost.
“Never repeat that again.” He grumbled, watching the six year old’s confident facade fall for a moment, and Logan set his hand on Jon’s shoulder, breaking out into a smile. “And never tell your mother I let you get away with it, just this once. Now get to class, you’ll be late.”
“Remy.” Emile whined, breathy and completely unconvincing because his fiancee was currently extremely focused on the task of kissing along the two half moon scars underneath each of his nipples, causing Emile’s back to arch and push toward Remy. An endless, painful and pleasant circle.
“Just a little while longer.” Remy mumbled, kissing up Emile’s chest to press lightly against his lips. The relieve gave Emile a moment to catch his breath and finally have enough reserve to push his fiancee off him, playfully.
“It’ll take less than an hour I promise.” Emile climbed off the bed, throwing on a shirt, and sprinting toward the front door, knowing well he wouldn’t be able to resist their tempting bed and a day at home much longer.
“Fine.” Remy caught up to him, skating across the hard wooden floor in his socks, nearly clashing into Emile as he attempted to get his shoes on. Emile stopped him by a grip on his arm, and Remy learned over, pressing a kiss to Emile’s neck. Slowly, as Emile finished getting his shoes on, Remy had reached up to the spot behind Emile’s ear, nibbling lightly.
“That’s not fair.” Emile whined as Remy pulled away.
“See you when you get back dear.” Remy called, scurrying away to their bedroom just as Emile felt the warmth in his stomach slowly travel down to the spot in between his legs, slightly uncomfortable.
“You’re despicable.” Emile grumbled, opening the door.
“Love you too.” Remy called, shutting the bedroom door but not before dropping the dark grey boxers he had on, shaking his lower half a little.
“Love you too, you flapjackin tease.” Emile all but ran to the car, driving a little faster than he normally would to get to the hospital. He rushed through the doors,fully intent on getting to the psych hallway, into his office to grab the files he needed and then exiting the hospital once more, not speaking a word to another soul as he fled back to the spot underneath his fiancee on their bed.
He’d just about accomplished his goal when he noticed one of the secretaries at the main office looking rather uncomfortable on the phone. He shot her a questioning eyebrow and she covered the speaker of the phone and pulled it away from her face. “Some guy’s trying to get the whereabouts of a patient we’ve already released.”
Emile reached over, taking the phone from her, a man’s grumbled voice that sounded vaguely familiar still talking. “Sir this is Dr. Picani, now if you give us the name of the patient we can get you in contact with their emergency contact.”
As soon as Emile had started talking the man went silent, and then the line went dead.
He shrugged, handing the phone back to the secretary, letting her know that the guy had hung up, and tried to keep the situation out of his mind for the drive home, because as soon as he stepped out of the hospital he received an image from his fiancee.
A rather inappropriate image.
Remy was going to be the death of him. 
@queerly-anxious @bubblycricket @monikastec @definenormalifyoucan @sandersmarvel @sonhadoraativa @strongnonetheless @im-patton @iridescentroyalty @romanthroughthestars @anxioussmiles @buckydeangirl91 @fan-dumb-trash 
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magguixx · 3 years
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sO i decided to do @aidensm8 ‘s dtiys because patton iS BABE Y
go check the original artist out !!
yes it’s blurry but i was too lazy to fix it :,)
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rilli-luci · 5 years
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Female Sides? Female Sides! I even added names! -Loghan (pronounced Lo-Ganne). I'm aware Logan is gender neutral but I chose that variation cause it has an audible difference. -Matilda (in reference to Maternal since Patton is a reference to Paternal) -Romania cause ITS PRETTY DANGIT -Reema (cause I couldn't find a good variation of Remus) -Doliosa (or Di as I like to call her) -And last but not least Virginia. I'll be back with the role swaps after finals but for now I hope you like these! 
Like my art? Commission me!
@kinsey6 @fandomtrash152 @meticulouslo @marvelfangeek09 @isgaydoescrime @dangernoodleprotectionsquad @fuck-perfection-be-a-mess @acidicaestheticalien  @changeling-ash @aleabstract @red-assistant @detroit-become-pan @space-minivan
@iris-sanders-athena @alexander-shayne @mutechild @guesstable
@what-the-actual-heck-ismylife @deadinside010101 @lucifer-in-my-head
@orderly-opaline @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @iwanna-fuckingdie
@fivefestivecookies @your-boi-leon @midnightalex12 @trust-me-i-just-get-weirder @senpan-yaya @prettymuchpugs  @goofypersona @ace-alex @greetingsandhello @la-dolce-vita-on-deck
@thatonepersonwhoshippeople @billy-jeans23 @iamjdelightful @blair334   @hogwartszombie @moonfang03
@stormnightwings @nosuchthingastoomanyhoodies @blogging-time @fifteenshadesofbleu @an-introverts-world @angelicalovesfood @justasadchildwithablog @asexualatsushi @paperowo @demigodnamedathena @nothingelsemattersme @blue-kestrel @rosesandstuff @positive-polygons @pikachutali @kinda-aestheticish @ennop
@starlightsruby @jsmae @10moonymhrivertam​ @fandomloverangel​ @ollyollyoxinfree @vara-albion​ @ambersky0319​ @royally-gay-roman​ @devin-and-friends​
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Just a sneakpeek at what I’ve been working on...
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A dtiys on Instagram from spacebuns_art, Female Janus <3 <3
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ao3feed-loceit · 2 months
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janusdeceitsanders · 5 years
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Another fem!Deceit. Snitties out. Convenient snake censorship.
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ellistruggle · 5 years
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some roceit gals chilling 
no feet apart cuz they’re very gay
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I drew the dark gals!
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chaoticeit · 5 years
since i’ll never finish these here is my contribution to the fandom: female roceit<3
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deceptive-jo · 4 years
Thanks for reblogging my Iplier Ego moodboard post! 🤗 I saw your list of ships at the top of your blog and I was wondering if you could create either a quick drabble and/or a moodboard for Dark x Janus (if your still taking requests lol)? For some reason, I'm getting 'slow dancing in the moonlight' vibes from those two... Thank you in advance and I hope you have a great day! 😋
1. Well, they do look great!
2. Requests are open until I say otherwise so you're good! Moodboard; it got a bit longer than a drabble, I hope that's okay :)
Words: 584
Warnings: none
They first met at a gala. Janus couldn't remember which but he assumed it was silvester. He had been standing at the side the whole evening, drinking wine and watching the other pairs dance. None of the others had come, not with him anyway. But that didn't seem to matter as his eyes caught onto the entity standing across the room. Of course he knew Darkiplier - who didn't? - but Janus hadn't actually imagined him to be so...breathtaking. Almost as in trance he stared at the Ego, who suddenly lifted his head and looked him right in the eyes. Slowly he began making his way over to Janus, fixing his flawless cuffs, but never breaking eye contact. "Mr Sanders", he greeted him in his deep voice. "Darkiplier", Janus just nodded. On secound thought, he really didn't want anything to do with this entity. Why was that? "It is nice to finally see you here." "It's so nice to be here, too", that was a lie. Janus still didn't know why he had come. "Lets dance", the offered hand nearly caught Janus off guard but he pulled himself together in the last moment. "No, unfortunately I can't dance", another lie. He and Virgil had learned to dance right before prom. "I wasn't asking", Dark's tone was slowly loosing its smoothness. "Neither was I", the answer was short and daring but Janus knew that behind it laid fear. Of what he couldn't tell.
This evening they parted ways without speaking again.
The next time they saw each other, he was a she. Dark appeared behind her, turning a cocktail glass in her hand. "Dark?" She nodded, "Janice. You look lovely tonight." "So do you", that one was true. The way the slim skirt hugged the Ego's body was quite exquisite. Said Ego let her eyes drift around the ballroom. "Lets dance", the dry requests was answered with a quiet chuckle. Janice knew why she would decline (not that she wanted to). "I'm afraid my list is already full", the partner list she pulled out was fake, Dark could find out as such, but it would work for now. "Well, then I still wish you a nice evening." Janice watched as the woman disappeared in the crowd. Her "likewise" remained unheard.
The third time Janus visited a gala he actually danced. But not with Dark, for they were nowhere to be seen. It wasn't until Janus stepped out onto the balcony that he saw them leaning against the railing. They truly looked stunning in that white suit, that nearly blended in with the snow. Dark didn't react when Janus set down his glass and began studying them; the way the moon light reflected in their eyes, how their hair nearly covered one side of their face completely...they were still as stunning and beautiful. And he wouldn't run away from that beauty this time! "I haven't seen you dance yet", the Side remarked. "It's too loud inside." Okay, that was it... "Exactly. Lets dance." Dark looked at the extended hand, trying not to let his confusion show. Still, slowly he took it, while his other hand came to rest on Janus' shoulder. And then they began to dance.
It was just a slow waltz, but dancing it here, out on the balcony, with the moonlight shining down on them...they couldn't have asked for anything else. Once the song ended they stayed like this, embracing each other in the cold. They didn't really talk any more. But they danced and that was enough for now.
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