#female photographers vienna
parallaxaview · 3 months
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Wotruba Church in Vienna.
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zwetschke1 · 5 months
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x-heesy · 1 year
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«VIVA FRIDA KAHLO» is the first immersive staging of the world-famous works of legendary Mexican artist and icon Frida Kahlo. A true sensory experience, an explosion of color and pure vitality! The 360-degree experience takes visitors to Mexico, to the "Casa Azul" in Coyoacán, where young Frida Kahlo, tied to her bed after a serious accident, begins to paint. Part1 Part2 Part3
"I'm not sick, I'm broken. But as long as I can paint, I'm glad I'm alive." (Frida Kahlo)
"Viva Frida Kahlo" is an experience for everyone: the visitors are literally drawn into Frida Kahlo's world. You experience the 1920s to the 1940s and immerse yourself in the colorful paintings and self-portraits as evidence of a life full of grace, pain and an unbroken will to live. Visitors to the exhibition move freely in space, complex all-round projections create exotic color worlds full of emotions and allow Frida Kahlo's works to be experienced in a way never seen before.
Kahlo's images, which appear almost tiny in the original, are brought to life with high-performance projectors and projected onto walls up to 24 meters long and 5.5 meters high, as well as onto the floor of the exhibition hall. For an all-round experience of the senses, a speaker in the role of the artist leads through the emotional world of the painter, who was already emancipated back then, with original quotations. A specially composed soundtrack underscores the immersive staging acoustically.
This creates an immersive overall experience for visitors, which combines transformation, reinterpretation and light art in line with today's zeitgeist. An event not only for Frida Kahlo fans, but for everyone who wants to experience art in this new multimedia form, interact with it and be carried away from everyday life. "Viva Frida Kahlo - Immersive Experience" is a truly Mexican color explosion of the great Frida Kahlo and her impressive life.
Frida Kahlo de Rivera (born Magdalena Carmen Frieda Kahlo y Calderón on July 6, 1907 in Coyoacán, Mexico City – died July 13, 1954 in Coyoacán, Mexico City) was a Mexican painter. She is one of the most important representatives of a popular development of Surrealism, whose work sometimes shows elements of New Objectivity. @boanerges20 🥹
Soundtrack: Luz de luna by Chavela Vargas 🌜
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taliatrawelt · 6 months
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university of vienna
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electrojazzmin · 1 year
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hailmary-photo · 2 years
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CURB supporting Mavi Phoenix at Flex Vienna
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strniohoeee · 8 months
Please could you write something based off 13 going on 30? I love your writing💕
Au Revoir
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Pairing: Chris Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Rummaging through her old collection of photos for a work campaign, Y/N enters a time capsule. And her one mission is to find the boy she once called her best friend☁️
Warnings⚠️: NONE, I lovedddd this idea sooo much, and I tried to make it as long and cohesive as possible LOLL. The whole wishing dust thing is a bit unrealistic, so I tried to make it as real as possible🤞🏽
Song for imagine: Vienna- Billy Idol, Crazy for You- Madonna
You’re gonna kick off
Before you even get halfway through
When will you realize, Vienna waits
For you?
“Enough with the embarrassing photos of me, I’m on a mission here” I said snatching the photo book from my friends hands
“What is even the project? I’m confused” she said rolling her eyes
“My boss wants us to be more authentic with our work. Our covers are becoming a bit too. What's the word?? Cliche? And unrealistic. So I figured I’d dip into my high school pile of photos” I replied looking through my pictures
“You’re a magazine company not a school yearbook committee” She replied laughing
“Okay…but we target towards young adults high school through college years” I said to her huffing
“Well how about your yearbook?” She suggested rummaging through the box
“Oh duh! Why didn’t I think about that” I said placing the photos down
She cracked open my high school and middle school yearbook. Slipping her fingers through the pages as she giggled.
Her mouth dropped and she gasped
“Holy shit” she said flipping the book around to show me
“What?” I said squinting at the book
“Chris sturniolo babes” she said dropping the book on my lap
I grabbed the book, ghosting my finger over the page. My mind immediately raced as the memories rushed in. I hadn’t seen or spoken to Chris in 12 years. I was 25 now and I honestly forgot all about him.
“It’s just Chris” I said looking up at her
“Yeah your ex best friend who’s famous with his brothers and living in LA just like you” she replied in a duh tone
“Okay? And?” I replied placing the year book down on my lap
“Well he’s also a photographer, so I’m sure he could really help you with this. I mean this project is due in a month. I say reach out to him” she said shrugging
“Reach out to him? He doesn’t want to see me” I said shaking my head
“Why not?” She said furrowing her brows
*snap* *snap*
“Chris! No more photos please” I said laughing and pushing him away
“Off guard pictures are the best! They show their true beauty” he said looking down at his camera
“Yeah right” I said bumping his shoulder with mine as we walked down the halls
“Y/N! I heard you were having a party tonight, and we really want to go, but Ms. Teller assigned us this huge project due Monday” Jessica said coming up to us
“Oh man that sucks” I said opening my locker and looking at her
“Josh even said he wanted to go too, but he’s coming over to help us with this project” she replied twirling her hair
“Oh umm I can do the report for you guys and have it ready for tonight” I replied shutting my locker
“PERFECT! We’ll be there” she said winking
“Oh please” Chris groaned
“Shut up loser” she said snapping at Chris
“Whatever, Y/N I’m going to head to the main office to get my new assignment” he replied
“Do whatever you want Chris it’s not like she needs a play by play” Jessica said rolling her eyes at Chris, I giggled a bit before offering Chris a sympathetic smile
He rolled his eyes and walked away.
“Okay so we’ll be there by 7?” She asked
“7 is perfect” I replied smiling at her
She nodded her head and she and her group left.
I met up with Chris at the exit as we walked home together.
“I don’t know why you want to be their friend they’re just using you” he replied as we walked down the street
“No they’re not! They’re my friends” I said sucking my teeth at him
“Yeah and pigs can fly” he said rolling his eyes
We got to our houses that were next to each other.
“I’ll see you tonight?” I asked him
“You sure will” he said before winking at me
“Perfect” I said stepping onto my lawn
“Arrivederci” Chris said waving
“Au Revoir” I replied waving back
We parted ways and I got to working on Jessica and her group's report. Finishing within two hours and beginning to get ready for my party.
Chris came over at 6:45 and we went down to my basement. Put some music on and add the last bit of snacks to the table.
“Oh god you’re even dressed like them” he said looking at me fully
“Am not! I just like fashion” I said rolling my eyes
“Yeah sure” he said rolling his eyes
“Chris just play nice please” I said looking at him
“Will do” he said throwing his hands up
The bell rang and I jumped up heading upstairs to let them in. Jessica, her group and Josh came. I ushered them downstairs and we sat around talking, laughing and eating.
“Y/N I’m going to get my camera” Chris told me as I was talking to Josh
“Do whatever you want Chris I don’t need a play by play” I responded, everyone laughed and I smiled at their reactions.
Chris scoffed, stomping up the stairs and out the door.
“So Y/N how about we play 7 minutes in heaven. And you get to go first” Jessica said grabbing my hand so I can stand up
She walked me over to my closet, opening the door as I got in
“I hear Josh wants to go first” She said in a whisper
“No way” I said giggling
“Way” she responded
“Oh and before I forget where’s the report? Thank you so much for doing it” she said smiling at me
“It’s on the table by the stairs” I said, she nodded and shut the door
I stood in the closet while I waited for Josh. Anxiously waiting for him as I had my back to the door. Suddenly I heard footsteps and my heart started racing.
The door opened and I turned around
“What took you so-“ but I cut myself off once I realized it was Chris at the door
“Chris? Where’s Josh? Where’s everybody” I said pushing him out the way and stepping out
“They left” he said
“What did you do?” I replied in anger
“I didn’t do anything! They just left” He replied
“God Chris! Just leave” I said looking back at him
“What? What did I do?” He said concerned and saddened
“JUST GO OKAY I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN” I yelled at him and pointed to the stairs
Chris hung his head low and walked away leaving me in anger. That was the last time I ever spoke to Chris….
Flashback Over
“Let’s just say I wasn’t the nicest person ever” I replied shaking my head
“I’m sure it’s water under the bridge, but you’re about to be late it’s 11” she said looking down at her phone
“Oh shit” I said, jumping up and grabbing my phone, purse and keys.
Running out my apartment and to my car, hopping in and basically speeding to work.
I rushed up to my office placing my purse down and sitting in my chair. The phone calls and emails started as soon as I opened my desktop.
*knock* *knock*
“Come in” I called out as my fingers typed faster against the keyboard
“Good morning Y/N, I have some messages for you and Rachel wants to know if you’re still on for lunch tomorrow?” My assistant Vicky asked me
“Place them there for me, and yes tomorrow at 1:30 works perfect” I replied looking down at my calendar sitting on my desk
“Is there anything I can get for you?” She asked me
“Actually there is one thing! There’s this person I need you to find. His names Christopher Sturniolo, I need his phone number” I said to her
“On it” she replied before walking out the room
My mind raced as I tried to focus on my emails and calls. Maybe this was a bad idea? Contacting someone who I haven’t seen in 12 years especially after being a bitch to them made me uneasy. However my thoughts were pushed away when Vicky walked back in
“ so I found one phone number online and it happens to be his parents so when I called them, I told them that it was very urgent and that I was with debt collectors, so they gave me his phone number and his new address” she said handing me the paper
“Holy shit! You’re heaven sent! Thank you” I replied as I grabbed the paper from her hand
I finished my day of work at about 5, clocking out and rushing to the parking lot. I put in Chris' address and surprisingly it wasn’t far from me or my job. About 30 minutes?
Once I was on the freeway I started to have second thoughts, but there was physically and mentally no turning back now. After what felt like eons I arrived at the apartment complex. Super boujee might I add. I parked in the visitors area and looked for his building number
“Building 9” I said as I walked past 7 and 8
Opening the door and walking into the massive apartment unit.
“Whewww okay unit number 102, floor 4” I say with a shaky breath
I got in the elevator hitting floor 4 as my breathing got shaky. Stepping out and following the arrows to the 100’s.
“99,100,101,102” I replied looking to my right, fuck I thought
I slid the paper in my purse as I inhaled sharply. Wiping my sweaty palms on my slacks as I brought my fist up to the door.
*knock* *knock* *knock*
I stepped back a bit as I waited for someone to come to the door. Within seconds the door opened and my heart started racing even faster.
“Woah” he said confused
“Chris?” I said tilting my head a bit
“Yeah?” He replied confused as ever
“You’re so different” I said smiling a bit
“Yeah…” he stated as he scratched the back of his neck
“You don’t know me?” I ask a little hurt
“I mean I don’t blame you! I wasn’t the nicest, and I haven’t seen you or spoke to you in 12 years” I said rambling nervously
“Y/N….Y/N Y/L/N” he said as his face softened
“Yes! It’s me” I said to him
“Hey” he said
I immediately hugged him, not realizing what I was doing.
“Uhh come on in” he said stumbling back a bit
I let go of him looking at him shyly before stepping in.
His apartment clattered in cameras and pictures everywhere. Stepping further into his living room as I looked around
“Still taking pictures?” I said smiling at the wall
“Uhh yup helps pays the bills” he said awkwardly
“Uhh…hey Y/N why are you here?” He asked confused and blinking at me
“I’m sorry I just….I just came across our yearbooks and realized how long it’s been” I said tucking my hair behind my ear
“We’re not friends anymore, you can’t just drop by like nothing” he said laughing awkwardly
“We were so close” I said looking at him
“Yeah we were, but not anymore” he said furrowing his brows at me
“Oh god what have I done” I said stepping back
“No it’s okay, calm down” he said sensing my anxiety
“I…I think I need some air” I said breathing heavily
“Hey it’s okay” he said looking at me
“Oh my god I need air” I said realizing how dumb this was
“Let's step outside I’ll walk you to your car” he said
I nodded my head as I followed him out the door. Walking down to my car before stopping at the hood of it.
“I mean what happened to us” I said shaking my head
“I mean we went different ways you know” he said apologetically
“No I mean what really happened to us” I said shaking my head again
“You uhh went along with those girls and I went my way” he responded
“I was so stupid, I don’t even know why I did that” I said rolling my eyes at myself
“Listen we all fall down the wrong path and it’s okay” he said
“No it’s not, and I’m sorry” I said nodding my head at him
“Don’t beat yourself up over it” he said laughing
“I wish I didn’t fall down that path and be friends with those girls” I said to him
“Nah don’t worry about it” he said waving his hand at me
“I can’t believe it’s been 12 years since I last saw you” I said to him
“If it makes you feel better I think I saw you through a frosted window one time 2 years ago” he said smiling and to this I laughed nodding my head
“It was great seeing you but uhh I got to go” he said pointing behind him
“Yeah…yeah okay” I said to him
He began to walk away before I spoke up
“Chris?” I said
“Yeah?” He replied
“Arrivederci” I replied waving at him and he smiled
“I’ll see you” he said laughing
“Chrisss” I said to him waiting for him to answer
He laughed and rolled his eyes
“Au Revoir” he replied waving at me
Chris went his way and I went mine. Getting in my car and heading back home. It wasn’t until I was home that I realized I completely forgot to ask him about the photo shoot.
A few days went by and I was sitting at a bar finishing my drink. Taking notes for my new campaign before I decided to head out.
Stepping out onto the dewey street as I pulled my phone out to order an Uber.
“Y/N?” I heard, immediately turning my head and smiling
“Oh my god. Chris! Hi” I said cracking a wide tooth smile
“Hey” I said walking over to him
“Hey, how are you?” He said smiling at me
“I’m good” I replied
“Hey I’m sorry about the other day for the awkward interaction” he said laughing
“Oh that’s alright I bombarded you” I said shooing him
“But uh what are you doing here?” I asked him
“I’m actually uh, I’m actually here with my girlfriend” he said to me looking over his shoulder as I saw a girl stepping out of a store. She walked over to us smiling
“This is Bonnie my girlfriend” he said to me
“I’m Y/N” I said a bit shocked as I shook her hand
“Aww Chris told me all about you! It’s so nice of you to stop bye” she said blinking her hazel eyes at me
“Oh no Chris is the nice one! Talking to me after so long” I replied smiling
“Are you in the influencer world too?” I asked her
“Oh no, I work in a corporate position over at HLC” she said nodding at me
“Ohhh nice nice” I said nodding my head at her
“But it was so great to finally meet you” she said smiling at me
“Likewise! I’ll let you guys go. It was great running into you” I said waving at them before walking away
Walking two blocks down before ordering my Uber. Many thoughts running through my head. Girlfriend? Since when?? He was notoriously known for being afraid of women. I guess I didn’t really know him.
I went home that night with many questions in my head and a burning desire to see Chris again. I opted for stalking his instagram. Over 2 million followers and not a single photo of Bonnie. I guess he wanted to keep it private.
My finger hovered over the message button. Chewing the inside of my lip as my thumbs swirled around. I mean I don’t want his girlfriend to think anything of it, so I closed out the Instagram app and threw my phone to the left of me.
Groaning at this new found problem I was having. I decided to let it go and move on with my life. Too scared to reach out to him I decided to take a crack at the project again.
Confused on where to start as my living room was a mess of photos and photo albums of my life. I was now at 3 weeks and I was neck deep in work not even a single idea written down.
I decided to rest it for the evening and head to bed.
A few days later in a moment of weakness I grabbed my car keys and headed over to Chris apartment. Slowly punching myself for this crazy behavior.
Knocking on his door as I picked at my fingernails.
“Okay…you’re not pizza” he said laughing at me
“Want to go for a walk?” I asked him
“Sure” he replied grabbing his house keys and shutting the door behind him
We walked throughout his apartment complex
“I can’t believe you have a girlfriend” I said laughing
“What? What’s so shocking” he said laughing
“You were known for being scared of women” I said giggling
“And I’m 25 now, times have changed” he said laughing with me
“Is she your soulmate?” I asked him
“Ehhh I don’t believe in that” he said shrugging his shoulders
“Oh come on! Does she give you butterflies? Does your skin burn when she touches you?” I said bumping his shoulder
“Oh please I don’t believe that” he said bumping me back
“So what’s the real reason you came to me the other day?” He asked me
“Well I realized I wasn't a nice person to you and my friend convinced me to reach back out to you” I said half smiling at him
“Really?” He said looking at me
“Yes and I also may need your help” I said giggling
“There’s always a but with you” he said shaking his head
“It’s a Y/N guaranteed” I said shrugging my shoulders
“So what’s this you need help with?” He asked
“Sooo my company wants us to redesign our magazine for next month, and I only have 3 weeks to finish it. We’re trying to gear more towards the younger population. After looking through our yearbooks I had an idea, and it was an idea you’d help with perfectly” I said to him
“I’m down, that sounds awesome” he said nodding his head
“You’re amazing” I said hugging him and he reluctantly hugged me back
Chris invited me back to his apartment to eat pizza and brainstorm some ideas. As we sat in his living room sharing pizza my mind began to race
“Chris, do you ever wish you could go back?” I asked him
“I wouldn’t mind going back” he said laughing
“If you were given one do over,anything in your life, what would you do?” I asked him taking a sip of my drink
“Mmm nothing” he said swallowing the bite he just took
“Really?” I said shocked
“Really” he replied nodding his head
“But did you ever make a big mistake? One that could change your life? What about that?” I asked him
“Well I’ve made many mistakes, but I don’t regret any of them” he said wiping his hands
“How come?” I asked him getting a bit sad as tears threatened to come out
“Because if I hadn’t made them, I wouldn’t have learned how to make things right” he said nodding his head
At this moment I was feeling so much regret for cutting off my best friend since birth. We shared every birthday, every holiday and every event till we were 13. And of course it was me who had to ruin it. So I truly sat here fighting back tears.
I smiled at him before looking down and taking a sharp inhale.
“I’m sorry I treated you horribly” I said licking my lips and swallowing thickly
“It’s okay” he said offering me a reassuring smile
That night we brainstormed some ideas. We also caught up on life, even cracking jokes here and there. Even though we hadn’t spoken in so long it felt like we never missed a day.
Later that week Chris met me at a park.
“Chris you made it” I said standing up and hugging him
“I wouldn’t miss this for the world” he said hugging me back
“So here’s half of your payment and the rest of it will be when you finish” I said handing him a check
“Thank you” he said grabbing the check
“No thank you” I said as we walked over to the photo shoot set up
“However I looked at your magazine and my photography style is nothing like yours” he replied looking over at me
“Exactly” I said smirking at him
We walked over to the set up and began setting all the models up. Setting everyone up how we wanted. Throwing leaves and balloons as we laughed.
Stopping to look at the shots offering my advice on how certain people should be photographed. Chris listened to me intently and the photos came out awesome.
That night we had a photoshoot again and it was prom themed. Chris was taking pictures of this one couple and he just wasn’t liking the way it was coming out
“Hey let me show you something, it seems a bit fake. We want this shoot to be fun and authentic” Chris said to the guy
He walked over to me, grabbing me.
“Wrap your hand around her waist and have her place her head on your shoulder, get close like this and just sway to the music” he said to them as he swayed us around while placing my head on his shoulder
They readjusted their positions and really enjoyed themselves.
“Perfect! Just like that” he said as he snapped some photos
Offering a smile to me as I stood on the sidelines.
Two nights later Chris and I were in his studio looking at the developed photos. His gaze on me as I glanced at the photos
“God these came out beautiful” I say running my fingers over the photos
“Yeah they came out good didn’t they” he said as his was looking at me
“I love them, do you?” I asked him
“Yeah….I do” he said pushing hair behind my ear
My breathing hitch in my throat as I tried to ignore the gesture. Not realizing what he did Chris cleared his throat
“Uh it’s getting late we should uhh we should head home” he said standing up
“You know what I wish for right now? I wish to go on a walk” I said looking at him
“Uhhh yeah sure” he said grabbing his stuff as we headed out of his studio
We walked to the park that was across the way. Walking the track as we talked about everything. Mainly about the photos because I knew they’d be a hit at the office.
“You know I’ve had a really great time working with you this week” Chris blurted out
“Me too” I replied smiling at him
We stopped at a swing set, sitting down as we swung back and forth. Enjoying the silence and the wind rustling through the trees.
“Wanna know a secret?” I said as I glanced over at him
“Yeah?” He replied looking over at me
“You’re the sweetest guy I’ve ever known” I said smiling at him
He looked down, chuckling as he smiled. Nodding his head but not sure how to go about the flirty compliment I just dropped on him.
“Alright swinging competition” I said bringing the silence
“Whoever goes the furthest the other owes a drink” I said laughing
“A Pepsi” he said laughing
“Ouu upping the stakes” I said laughing at him and he rolled his eyes
“And dinner Friday night at 8” I said to him
“You got yourself a deal” he said laughing with me
“One. Two. Three” he shouts before we jump off
Us both landing in the sand. Me ahead of him as I rolled a bit and he rolled into me.
“UHHHH” he groaned
“Are you okay?” I said laughing
“Yeah yeah I’m okay. I should’ve ducked and rolled” He said laughing
He leaned up hovering over me. Staring into my eyes as the swings creaked behind us.
“Chris” I said in a whisper
Suddenly Chris leaned down connecting our lips together. Immediate butterflies in my stomach as his hand was placed on my cheek. The kiss set me back 12 years as my mind raced.
He pulled away sitting in the sand looking into the distance as I sat up laying my head on his shoulder. Smiling sheepishly as I drew shapes into his back.
I never knew I could grow feelings for someone after not seeing them for over a decade. And I for sure didn’t expect to grow these feelings so fast.
What Y/N didn’t know was that the young man was too feeling a certain way about Y/N. His mind raced and tried to figure out what this all meant. Did he really like her or was it just actions out of pure instinct? He just knew doing this to Bonnie was wrong.
However when her hands were placed on his shoulders while he worked in his studio. He got extra happy thinking it was Y/N, but when he was met with Bonnie he felt a sense of disappointment?
Sitting at lunch with her while he mind ran rapidly. Pictures and thoughts only of Y/N eating away. Constantly having to ask Bonnie to repeat herself. Explaining he was stressed with his current workload and couldn’t focus. To Bonnie it was true but to him it was a blatant lie….
Bonnie talking about eventually moving in with Chris. Planning all these future vacations. And all Chris can think about is doing all this, but with Y/N. Feeling immediate guilt at this.
However he realized that Y/N was in his past. Yes he did have a crush on her for as long as he could remember. But she chose a different life and different friends. Simply because she came back after 12 years doesn’t mean he throws away his current life for what once was.
Chris really needed to speak with Y/N about this. They had their dinner Friday to celebrate the redesign with his photos, but he couldn’t seem to bring up the fact that what happened was a mistake.
He had gone to her office Monday morning as she was out for the day starting a new project, and it just seemed like they couldn’t catch up with each other. Missed calls from both sides and unanswered messages.
Y/N really wanted to talk to Chris too about what happened at the swing set, so she decided to head over to his apartment. Smiling the whole time because she finally realized why she should’ve never left Chris. And all these feelings were hitting her like a ton of bricks.
She knocked at his door with a wide grin waiting as she heard feet shuffling on the other side of the door.
The door swung open and to her surprise it was Bonnie.
“Hi” I said taken back
“Y/N right?” She said smiling
“Yeah!” I replied back
“I was just looking for Chris I really wanted to talk to him about something” I said looking behind her into the apartment
“Oh I’ll uh tell him you stopped by when he gets back” she said nodding at me
“Gets back?” I asked
“Oh he’s getting us dinner right now” she said nodding at me
“Oh okay” I said before stepping back
“Well bye” she said waving at me
“Bye” I said looking back at her before walking off
No matter how much we tried to communicate it was like the universe wanted to keep us apart. I shook my head, getting in my car and breaking down. Upset over ditching Chris for fake ass friends, upset for not admitting my feelings sooner, and upset that no matter how I felt Bonnie was who he wanted to be with.
The following day I paced my living room contemplating if I should even try and contact Chris again. It was a clear sign that I was not meant to be a part of his life anymore.
After some time of biting on my nails and walking back and forth I said fuck it and grabbed my keys. Getting in my car and racing to Chris' apartment.
Furiously knocking at his door praying that it was Chris on the other side and not Bonnie. Chewing my lip as I waited for him to open the door.
The door swung open and I felt immediate relief
“CHRIS” I shouted hugging him as he hugged back
“Come in” he said before shutting the door behind him
“I need to talk to you” I said to him
“Me too” he said scratching his neck
“Since that night at the park my mind has been racing with many thoughts. Thoughts I couldn’t even manage to think of, but I’m in love with you Chris” I said to him
“I…” he couldn’t even focus on what to say
“Chris, I am not the awful person that I know I was. I don’t even know that person. And I’d like to believe that if you knew that you wouldn’t be with Bonnie, but with me instead.” I said to him
“I’m not going to lie. I felt things for you these past times together that I didn’t know I could feel. But I just realized that a walk down memory lane doesn’t change the path I’m currently on” he said
“And why not?” I asked as tears stung my waterline
“Because we both moved on. We went separate ways. I chose Bonnie and I can’t just forget what her and I have” he replied
It was like daggers to my heart as I let tears fall.
“Don’t cry” he said walking up to me
“No, it’s okay I’ll be fine” I said smiling at him
“I uhh I found this picture of us from middle school and I want you to have it” he said walking over to his coffee table
I laughed a bit and wiped my eyes. He handed me the picture over. It was the both of us sitting at the beach. His arm slung over my shoulder as I made an annoyed face. It was our go to pose.
“Thank you” I said wiping my eyes again
He looked at me before swallowing thickly.
“Y/N I…..I’ve always loved you” he said looking down
My breathing caught in my throat at this.
“Fuck it! I can’t fight this feeling anymore. I love you so much and I have never been so sure about anything in my life than right now at this moment. You came in at such an unexpected time, but I want nothing more than to be with you” he said walking over to me
“Chris…” I started but he cut me off
He crashed his lips to mine wrapping his hands around my waist as our lips clashed together. My hands caressing his face as I smiled into the kiss.
Pulling away I looked at him.
“I’m so glad to be back in your life Chris” I said smiling at him
“I wouldn’t have it any other way” he stated as he kissed my forehead
Chris and I have been seeing each other for 5 months now. Breaking it off with Bonnie wasn’t easy, but he knew it had to be done. We spent so much time rekindling our friendship and taking so many pictures that now we’re clattered along his walls.
Who would’ve thought reading out to someone after 12 years would have fixed years of torture. And to that I say
Au Revoir
The End
God damn my thumbs hurt from all this writing, but I hope you enjoyed this! I wrote this as I watched 13 going on 30. It’s my comfort movie😩😩. Were so close to 1,900 followers and I’m so shook I love yall 🥹🖤🖤
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anotherdayinbliss · 1 year
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Cover of program of Cabaret Fledermaus by Carl Otto Czeschka, 1907.
Illustration for the first program of Cabaret Fledermaus by Bertold Löffler and Carl Otto Czeschka, 1907.
Illustration for the second program of Cabaret Fledermaus by Moriz Jung, 1907.
Cover of the second program of Cabaret Fledermaus by August Chwala, 1907.
Draft of a poster for Cabaret Fledermaus by József Divéky, 1907.
Folding fan for Cabaret Fledermaus by Bertold Löffler.
In October of 1907, on the corner of Kärntner Straße 33 and Johannesgasse 1 in Vienna, a new kind of club emerged in a converted basement of a residential building. Cabaret Fledermaus was conceived as a place where the ‘boredom’ of contemporary life would be replaced by ‘ease, art and culture’. It was created by the Wiener Werkstätte (Vienna Workshop), a group of artists and designers founded by architect Josef Hoffmann, artist Koloman Moser and businessman Fritz Waerndorfer. Their aim was to stimulate the senses through a synthesis of modern architecture, painting, poetry, music and dance creating a space where ‘none of the arts were excluded’ and craftsmanship was championed. [...] Live performance was at the cabaret’s heart: it hosted short satirical plays, evocative shadow theatre, avant-garde dance, poetry readings and musical performances ranging in tone from humour to decadence. In particular, the stage offered a platform for epoch-defining female performers such as Grete Wiesenthal and Marya Delvard, supported by extravagant sets and elaborate costume designs. [...] Cabaret Fledermaus closed its doors in 1913 due to financial difficulties and there are only a few records that remain of what this dazzling club space would have looked like. There are three surviving photographs, postcards by the Wiener Werkstätte, and floorplan and elevation sketches by Le Corbusier from 1907, when he was in close contact with Hoffmann while staying in Vienna. source
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busterkeatonsociety · 10 months
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This Day in Buster…November 23, 1925
The Reading Times prints this photograph of Buster Keaton & his other female lead, Kathleen Myers, explaining that she had done more than a little work in film before she was ‘discovered’ by Buster, including a role in Vienna & comedy parts in Universal, Fox & Christie companies.
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pwlanier · 11 months
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Valie Export*
(Linz 1940)
„Action Pants - Genital Panic“
S/W Fotografie auf Alu
*VALIE EXPORT has long since established itself as a pioneer of media art in an international context. Since the beginning of her artistic work, she has rejected traditional criteria of art and shank conventional boundaries of the media by showing radical, new ways of artistic creation with performance, photography and video. Like hardly any other Austrian artist, she succeeded in addressing feminist topics in a wider public and sensitizing them to socio-political grievances.
She caused a stir in the late sixties and early seventies through provocative public actions that critically illuminated and subversively infiltrated the voyeuristic handling of the female body. In the now legendary performance "Tapp and Touch Cinema" in 1968, she used her own body self-determined: she wore a box in front of her upper body, which functioned as a cinema screen and every passer-by on Kärntnerstraße could touch her naked breasts for 33 seconds. In later cinematic and photographic works such as the "body configurations" of the 1970s and 1980s, she was concerned with the expansion of the body into the environment.
The international breakthrough was achieved by VALIE EXPORT in 1980 when she was a representative of Austria at the Venice Biennale with Maria Lassnig. In the 1990s, there were important exhibitions at the Generali Foundation and the Museum of Modern Art in Vienna, which made EXPORTS a great role for actionist-conceptual art and the Austrian film avant-garde. After years of teaching at American universities, in Berlin and Cologne, she was appointed curator of the Austrian Pavilion in Venice in 2009 together with Silvia Eiblmayr. In recent years, their honors and awards have been piling up. (CMG)
IM Kinsky
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parallaxaview · 3 months
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Vienna Pride 2024 / Part 4
This is my favorite selection of moments I captured with the camera.
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zwetschke1 · 5 months
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x-heesy · 1 year
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«VIVA FRIDA KAHLO» is the first immersive staging of the world-famous works of legendary Mexican artist and icon Frida Kahlo. A true sensory experience, an explosion of color and pure vitality! The 360-degree experience takes visitors to Mexico, to the "Casa Azul" in Coyoacán, where young Frida Kahlo, tied to her bed after a serious accident, begins to paint. Part1 Part2 Part4
"I'm not sick, I'm broken. But as long as I can paint, I'm glad I'm alive." (Frida Kahlo)
"Viva Frida Kahlo" is an experience for everyone: the visitors are literally drawn into Frida Kahlo's world. You experience the 1920s to the 1940s and immerse yourself in the colorful paintings and self-portraits as evidence of a life full of grace, pain and an unbroken will to live. Visitors to the exhibition move freely in space, complex all-round projections create exotic color worlds full of emotions and allow Frida Kahlo's works to be experienced in a way never seen before.
Kahlo's images, which appear almost tiny in the original, are brought to life with high-performance projectors and projected onto walls up to 24 meters long and 5.5 meters high, as well as onto the floor of the exhibition hall. For an all-round experience of the senses, a speaker in the role of the artist leads through the emotional world of the painter, who was already emancipated back then, with original quotations. A specially composed soundtrack underscores the immersive staging acoustically.
This creates an immersive overall experience for visitors, which combines transformation, reinterpretation and light art in line with today's zeitgeist. An event not only for Frida Kahlo fans, but for everyone who wants to experience art in this new multimedia form, interact with it and be carried away from everyday life. "Viva Frida Kahlo - Immersive Experience" is a truly Mexican color explosion of the great Frida Kahlo and her impressive life.
Frida Kahlo de Rivera (born Magdalena Carmen Frieda Kahlo y Calderón on July 6, 1907 in Coyoacán, Mexico City – died July 13, 1954 in Coyoacán, Mexico City) was a Mexican painter. She is one of the most important representatives of a popular development of Surrealism, whose work sometimes shows elements of New Objectivity. @frenchpsychiatrymuderedmycnut
Soundtrack: Luz de luna by Chavela Varga 🌙
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opera-ghosts · 1 year
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OTD in Music History: Historically important composer, pedagogue, theorist, essayist, and concert pianist Ferruccio Busoni (1866 - 1924) dies in Berlin. From an early age, Busoni was an outstanding, if sometimes controversial, pianist. He studied at the Vienna Conservatory, and thereafter devoted himself to composing, teaching, and touring as a virtuoso concert pianist all across Europe and the United States. Busoni's academic and theoretical writings on music were highly influential in their day, and in them he covered not only aesthetic considerations but also explorations of microtonal harmony and other innovative technical topics. Busoni began composing early on (in a typical "late Romantic" style), but after 1907 -- when he published his "Sketch of a New Aesthetic of Music" -- he developed a much more distinctive and progressive approach, which often flirted with atonality. His visits to America also led to a growing interest in North American indigenous tribal melodies, which was reflected in some of his later works. Although none of Busoni's original music has really remained in the core performance repertoire, it is a fascinating body of work which is well deserving of exploration by pianists who possess strong techniques. The "Ferruccio Busoni International Piano Competition" was founded in Busoni's honor in 1949, in order to commemorate the 25th anniversary of his death. It remains one of the most important international piano competitions in the world today. In addition -- and fittingly, given that today is also the anniversary of the death of J.S. Bach (1685 - 1750) -- Busoni's virtuoso piano transcriptions of Bach's works continue to hold the concert stage. PICTURED: At atmospheric cabinet photograph of the middle-aged Busoni, shown looking up from a score in his library and casting a penetrating stare into the camera, which he has signed and inscribed to a female admirer in Vienna in 1908. (That admirer, Berta Flatau nee Engel [1889 - 1943], would later tragically perish in a Nazi concentration camp in Poland.)
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estelraca · 7 months
Get to know you better game! Answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to know better.
tagged by: @baratrongirl
last song I listened to: Technically "The Macarena", because I needed to get my twins to dance for twenty minutes for a school thing and I was getting desperate. =p They were at least awed that I had been alive when the Macarena first came out, and that it was part of my ice skating warm-up routine!
The last song I pulled up of my own volition was "Never Look Away" by Vienna Teng. I absolutely adore her music. Her song "Eric's Song" is still the best song for my spouse and I.
currently reading: So many things! I love reading. I am making my dogged way through the One Piece manga after the live action drove my headfirst into it (I had stayed away for thirty years!). I am almost done with "The Seven Moons of Maali Almaeda", which is brutal but fascinating, featuring a queer photographer in Sri Lanka in the 80s. Or rather featuring his ghost, since he's been brutally murdered by a government death squad. Fascinating and alternates between horrific and nice quiet human moments. And then I am also reading Aliette de Bodard's "The Tea Master and the Detective", for something lighter, featuring Watson as a living ship and Holmes as a traumatized female teacher who likes solving mysteries.
currently watching: Kingohger! I am really really bad about watching anything consistently, but Kingohger is absolutely beautiful sentai. I adore every single one of these kings, and they're fighting an evil God, and they're sowing hope and breaking cycles of generational trauma, and I just want them all to walk away happy despite their trauma. And since it's aimed at children, they probably will; one of the reasons I like kid's TV, I think, while reading some much darker stuff (see above).
currently obsessed with: I never really put down a fandom or an obsession, I just rotate through them. I still adore Ace Attorney and Les Mis. New obsessions include One Piece (criiiies but also Zoro was written for me), Apothecary Diaries, and Dungeon Meshi; we'll see what else snags me over the next little bit!
tagging: Anyone who wants to do it! I am really socially awkward and bad at figuring out who to tag but also I love getting tagged in these things. Thanks for the chance to answer!
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