originalladyscythe · 2 months
Story: The First Girl I Loved
I don't know if anyone remembers this work in progress that I've had. About a female sasuke and Sakura in a modern AU.
But a little crazy something happened today about this story.
I opened a new document and started chapter 9.
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yangssunglasses · 5 years
For femsasusaku month Sakura teaching female Sasuke how to kiss 💋 whatever rating.
Thank you so much for the wonderful prompt! I also used FemslashFeb2020 prompt: upside down.
This is my last fic for Femslash February this year! Please enjoy! :)
Rating: T
Length: 3.6k
Available on FFnet
Upside Down
Sakura was quite typical for a twelve-year-old freshly minted kunoichi raised in peace time. She was loud, big-headed and obsessed with the idea of romance. She had celebrity crushes on actors and models, all civilian, and she constantly fantasized about meeting the one boy that would sweep her off her feet. In her mind’s eye this dream boy was actually faceless, but it only fueled her determination to find the right one in real life. Someone that she could love and would love her in return, someone that would make her feel those butterflies in her stomach that romance books mentioned so often, someone that would kiss her breathless…
What Sakura dreamed about was having her first kiss already. She kept hearing other girls at the Academy giggling together over cute boys, talking about their kissing experiences, sharing tips. It made her so envious! She felt like she was missing out on something truly amazing.
When she became a genin, Sakura swore to herself she would finally get her first kiss. Of course, she didn’t mention it as her goal when Kakashi-sensei asked the team for their introductions. After Naruto had declared his intent to become Hokage, and Sasuke, a fellow kunoichi and the Rookie of the Year, had talked so seriously about killing someone, Sakura thought that admitting to such a small goal would have made her sound shallow. She settled on revealing a more general personal goal of finding true love. But kissing was obviously going to be a big part of fulfilling that goal.
Unfortunately, genin missions so far didn’t involve becoming a bodyguard of a handsome prince that would fall in love with her and go down on his knees to propose. Instead, Sakura and her team worked on grueling, unglamorous and non-exciting D-ranks like catching cats, cleaning trash from the river and painting fences. She always felt dirty, sweaty and smelly after them, not at all like the amazing, beautiful kunoichi she had imagined herself to become as a genin.
Sakura shot a look at Sasuke as they waited together on the red bridge for Naruto and Kakashi-sensei to finally show up. The other girl was nonchalantly leaning against the railing in that effortlessly cool way of hers. Sakura didn’t understand it, but even after a full day of the worst jobs under the sun Sasuke still looked really pretty. Many times Sakura had admired her face flushed from exertion, those dark and mysterious eyes focusing hard on her task, her graceful movements. It hurt to admit it, but Sasuke was so much closer to that ideal of a kunoichi and she wasn’t even trying.
Also, she’d even had her first kiss.
Sakura made a face. Alright, she didn’t actually envy Sasuke of that incident. Just the memory of it made Sakura shudder in disgust. Out of all the boys in their class (rather unappealing options, in her opinion) to accidentally smash lips with the least cute one, Naruto? And then get stuck with him on the same team? Sasuke was extremely unlucky.
Though to be fair, the girl seemed to have put that incident behind her and Naruto wasn’t so bad in the end, just over-excitable. Sakura tried to keep him in line and Sasuke helped her deal with any messes he created on the way.
Still, Sasuke losing her first kiss so unfortunately made Sakura fear about her own. Troubling thoughts and worries swirled around in her head. Once Sakura started imagining all of the terrible possibilities, she couldn’t stop it.
She must have been boring holes in her head, because Sasuke finally looked back at her. “What?” she asked, no-nonsense and arms crossed like usual.
“Nothing…” Sakura sighed and glanced at the road hopefully. Still no sign of their very late teammates. They had time to kill. “I was just thinking about… kissing.”
To her surprise, Sasuke didn’t scoff and turn away. “What about it?” she asked instead with a curious expression.
“Your first kiss was pretty bad.”
Sasuke grimaced. “Don’t remind me,” she grumbled.
“I guess I worry about what mine will be like. I don’t want it to be with Naruto, you know?”
“Duh,” Sasuke agreed with an eyeroll. “It was revolting. I almost lost my lunch.”
“Yeah, but what if I kissed someone and that person hated it? I don’t think I could survive that,” Sakura confessed her fears.
Sasuke frowned at her. “It’s unlikely you’d be that bad. But you could practice,” she suggested.
“Practice kissing?” Sakura repeated, confused but intrigued by the idea.
Sasuke nodded. “Yeah. If you want to get good at something, you should practice. It’s like throwing shuriken or mastering a jutsu,” she reasoned. “Practice makes perfect.”
This idea had merit. Coming from Sasuke it sounded almost practical and Sakura was tempted to give it a try. But to practice kissing, she needed a partner… but if she asked some boy, she’d just lose her first kiss to him, instead of only preparing for it. Sakura tapped her bottom lip, thinking hard on how to resolve this issue. Her eyes darted to Sasuke.
“Would you help me?” Sakura asked.
Sasuke’s eyes went wide. “Me?”
“We’re both girls, so it won’t count as my first kiss if we just practice together,” Sakura said and came closer to the other girl. “Please, Sasuke?” she asked with a pleading look.
Sasuke’s gaze skimmed over Sakura’s face and she licked her lips. They looked pink and glossy, was she using a new lip balm? “But, why me?” Sasuke asked uncertainly.
“Because you’re my teammate and I like you. And teammates help each other practice, right?” Sakura replied, also blushing. “Please, say yes,” she urged with those big, emerald eyes staring into Sasuke’s dark ones. “I really, really need your help.”
Sasuke took in a shaky breath and uncrossed her arms. “Alright,” she replied quietly and filled with determination. “How do we start?”
Sakura paused. “I guess… we just get close and touch our lips together?”
Sasuke nodded tightly. “Very well.”
The girls looked at each other and shuffled closer, but when they both tried to lean in, they almost knocked their heads together. “Stay still,” Sasuke ordered and Sakura froze. Her pretty teammate put her hands on her shoulders and leaned in. Her lips were getting closer and then lightly touched Sakura’s before pulling away.
Sakura blinked. She barely felt anything, but a very faint wisp of a tingle on her lips. That was utterly underwhelming.
“Um… too light?” she whispered. “Here, let me try,” she said and grabbed Sasuke’s shoulders, then angled her face and brushed her puckered mouth against Sasuke’s. This time she actually felt something. Sakura pressed their lips more firmly, but it still wasn’t what she was looking for.
Experimentally, Sakura rubbed her mouth over Sasuke’s. She liked how it glided smoothly thanks to that lip balm. It smelled nice and fresh, like a cut watermelon. The tip of her tongue darted out of her mouth to taste it.
Sasuke gasped at the unexpected touch and Sakura hastily pulled back. “I’m sorry! Did it feel bad?” she asked anxiously. She didn’t want to scare her kissing partner away.
After touching her mouth, Sasuke breathed in. “No… I was just surprised,” she replied, her intent dark eyes giving Sakura’s lips an assessing look, as if she was seizing up a battlefield before an attack. That look put a squirming sensation in the pit of Sakura’s stomach. “Let’s try it again,” Sasuke said and leaned in to her. With nervousness that came out of nowhere, Sakura braced herself for the kiss, but just a breath shy of touching, Sasuke paused. “Relax your lips this time, it felt better when they weren’t so stiff,” she instructed in a hushed tone.
“O-Okay…” Sakura whispered back and stopped holding her mouth so tight.
She more felt then saw Sasuke’s light smirk, then their lips touched again. It was Sakura’s turn to gasp. The kiss felt so much better this way. At first it was light, exploratory, then firmer as Sasuke gained confidence. Instead of being like two tense blocks pressed together, their lips became so much softer and pliable as they glided and brushed across each other. Sakura closed her eyes, concentrating on the very pleasant sensation and attempting to mimic what Sasuke was doing.
“That’s better,” Sasuke murmured, drawing away from her. “It isn’t so hard, is it?”
“Yeah… Thanks,” Sakura replied, feeling shaky on her feet. She tucked a long strand of hair that was hanging in her face behind her ear and licked her lips, then looked at Sasuke hopefully from under the lowered eyelashes. “Can we… practice a little more? I was beginning to get the hang of it.” She knew she was presumptuous and unreasonable after all the help Sasuke had given her already, but the small tingling on her lips made her feel like she was on a verge of some significant breakthrough. She needed to pursue this.
Sasuke gave her a penetrating look, then shrugged. “If you want.”
Sakura nodded eagerly and moved in to kiss her again. This time she was in the lead, carefully stroking Sasuke’s soft lips with her own. Something hot and wet poked her lips and she parted them in surprise…
“Sakura-chan! Sasuke! Sorry I’m late, my alarm clock didn’t ring!” Naruto’s obnoxious voice reached them from a distance.
In a blink of an eye, the mouth against hers disappeared and Sasuke was back in her old position against the railing. Sakura blinked a few times, feeling like she’d just been abruptly waken from a very nice dream without finding out how it was going to end. A surge of disappointment filled her and she glared at the orange headache bounding to them through the bridge.
“Naruto! Don’t yell so loud in the morning!” she snapped at the knucklehead.
“But, Sakura-chan! You’re yelling too!” Naruto pointed out in protest.
She looked at him with murder in her eyes and he backed away. “Ehehe… S-Sorry, Sakura-chan…” Naruto then wiped a finger under his nose and cast a curious look between Sakura and Sasuke. “So, what were you two doing before I got here? You were standing pretty close,” he commented.
Sakura’s face flamed, steam almost coming out of her ears. He was going to figure it out! This couldn’t be happening! She clenched her fists, about ready to knock out any remaining reason from Naruto’s dumb head before he put two and two together.
“What we’re talking about is none of your concern, dobe,” Sasuke said.
“Whaaat? I’m your teammate, I want to know too!”
“You shouldn’t be late then,” Sasuke replied with a smirk.
“Aaagh! Stop being so smug! I bet you were bragging about some new jutsu to Sakura-chan! Come on, tell me, tell me!” the boy pestered in his annoying way.
Sakura sighed, relieved that Sasuke contained the situation. Naruto was like a dog with a bone. Good thing that he was so single-minded. She looked on as her teammates bickered. Sasuke was surprisingly good at handling Naruto, even if she often fell for his stupid taunts too.
Shortly after, Kakashi finally showed up and the team headed off to another D-rank mission of weeding a garden. Sakura was becoming convinced that the ‘D’ in it must stand for ‘dull’, but she wasn’t going to complain too much. She didn’t actually think they were ready yet for anything truly dangerous.
The team worked together as usual, but Sakura couldn’t help shooting looks Sasuke’s way. The girl was kneeling in the dirt and diligently digging out the weeds. When she caught Sakura’s gaze, she raised an eyebrow. Sakura smiled and shook her head, before bending over her patch of the garden.
Sasuke was acting normal, like nothing had happened between them, so she should put it out of her mind too. Only the lingering taste of watermelon on Sakura’s lips assured her that the kissing practice had really happened, that it wasn’t just a very vivid daydream conjured by her overactive imagination. But even that taste faded quickly.
However, saying was easier than doing. That night, when she went to sleep, Sakura touched her lips, going over their one time practice in her memory. She didn’t understand why she was affected by it so much, it was just Sasuke! She was certain if she’d done the same thing with Ino or any other girl from their class, she wouldn’t have made anything out of it. Why was Sasuke any different then? Was it because she was the Rookie of the Year? Some other reason? Sakura couldn’t figure it out.
She also wondered if Sasuke thought as much about the kissing practice as she did. Realistically, she doubted that, but there were moments when she almost caught Sasuke sneaking looks at her. Almost. She had no way to be sure. It could have been just her imagination.
Sakura often thought about asking Sasuke to help her practice kissing some more. But they didn’t get much time alone in the mornings anymore and whenever they had some, she always chickened out. Sakura told herself that she already knew how to kiss, so asking her teammate for more would be too… weird. On the other hand, Sasuke had said that practice makes perfect and they’d practiced only once, so maybe asking to do it again would be okay? But something held her back, froze the words before she spoke them.
Miraculously, one day Naruto’s embarrassing whining in front of the Hokage-sama landed them a C-rank mission. At first, Sakura was overjoyed when she heard they were bodyguarding someone, but her enthusiasm dropped when they were introduced to Tazuna. The old, inebriated bridgebuilder they were supposed to escort was the exact opposite of a handsome prince from her fantasies.
What’s worse, Tazuna lied about the mission and they found out the hard way that there were powerful ninja assassins after his head. However, the team decided to push forward anyway. Naruto and Sasuke were confident in their course of action, but Sakura had her doubts, which were proven correct when Zabuza attacked them. Even with Kakashi-sensei there, they all barely survived intact.
And that’s how Sakura and Sasuke ended up in the forest outside Tazuna’s house, training for the next battle with Zabuza and his masked accomplice. After showing them the tree-walking exercise the previous day, Kakashi mostly stayed in the house to recuperate and Naruto was on guard duty at the bridge.
For the first time in ages Sakura and Sasuke were left alone for a longer stretch of time.
Sakura, who had managed the tree-walking on her first try, was tasked with coaching her teammates as she perfected the technique for herself. One thing was knowing how to use it, another was how to use it well. She needed to train her endurance too, or so Kakashi-sensei had said.
Sakura climbed the tree ten times then took a break as she felt the fatigue. She sat under it and watched Sasuke ineffectively run up the trunk of her tree before she inevitably messed up her chakra flow and jumped off, making a scratch with a kunai on the bark to mark her progress. She was getting better, but it was rather slow. In two days, she only made it to four meters off the ground.
Sasuke’s body flipped through the air gracefully and the girl landed in a crouch. She was breathing hard from exertion, her cheeks flushed, and she wiped her forehead with her white forearm protector. Sakura went up to her.
“Here, have a drink,” she said and handed her teammate a water bottle. Sasuke took it and gulped half of it at once. Even that she managed to do with so much fluidity. Sakura would have just looked piggish in her place.
“Thanks,” Sasuke said quietly and held out the bottle in return. Her mouth was pink and glistening with wetness and Sakura’s breath caught in her throat. Sasuke rubbed her wet mouth with the back of her hand.
With a start, Sakura realized she was staring. She hurriedly took back the bottle. “No problem,” she muttered, lowering her gaze to the grass briefly. “Say, Sasuke, how do you do that?” she blurted out suddenly.
“Do what?” Sasuke asked.
“You always move so gracefully, like you’re in full control of every movement you make. And you’re so good at fighting,” Sakura explained. Sasuke was amazing in taijutsu, that’s what made her the top of the class. In the Academy other girls were jealous of her looks and skill, but she kept to herself, treating them with an air of disdain which didn’t gain her any popularity. Sakura hadn’t been friends with Sasuke then, as she’d been mostly hanging out with Ino until their falling out, but she admired her skill in anything physical. She even picked up on kissing so quickly… Was it just a natural talent?
Sasuke paused at the surprise compliment, then shifted her body to the side, crossing her arms in thought. “Hn. I just listen to my body. And I practice a lot,” she said simply in that cool way of hers.
How funny, even the tips of her ears were red, Sakura noticed. She must have really tired herself out.
“Listen to your body? How does that work? Can you teach me that?” Sakura’s questions flooded out of her.
Sasuke scratched her head. “It’s like meditation. It’s hard to explain. You have to train your body to know your limitations and then break them,” she said. “And you constantly move the goalpost.”
Sakura nodded as she absorbed the information. She was having a rough idea what Sasuke was talking about. “I think I get it. Thanks,” she said slowly. “Do you want a tip on tree-walking?” she offered in return.
“Well… yes,” Sasuke admitted.
Sakura smiled. “Don’t get distracted or stressed out, that’s what makes you mess up your chakra flow. Just clear your mind and concentrate on the tree and your chakra. Like this,” Sakura said and demonstrated by walking up the tree. She then stuck the soles of her feet to the underside of a branch, making herself hang upside down, her face right in front of Sasuke’s. “Cool, isn’t it?” she asked, grinning like a lunatic. She was showing off, but it felt so good to have a special talent!
Then Sasuke went on her tiptoes and kissed her.
Sakura lost the focus on her chakra out of the sheer surprise. She fell off head first with a shriek, but Sasuke was fast enough to catch her by the shoulders and pull them up. Sakura folded in the air, so that her feet hit the ground first as she landed awkwardly, her body almost horizontal with her back held up by Sasuke.
Sakura panted harshly, trembling all over from the sudden rush of adrenaline. She looked up at her savior. “Thanks,” she wheezed.
Sasuke helped her stand up straight again. Sakura’s legs were a little spongy after that scare, but she wasn’t going to fall over again. Unless Sasuke did something unexpected to her again, of course…
“Why did you do it?” Sakura asked.
“Obviously I couldn’t let my teammate crack her skull like that,” Sasuke replied.
Sakura gave her a disbelieving look. Her avoidance of the question was transparent!
“Why did you kiss me?” she asked again.
Sasuke put her hands in the pockets of her white shorts and looked at a tree, as if there was something interesting there.
“To distract you. You shouldn’t get too conceited with your success, you’re still not a master,” she said with a shrug.
“Oh.” Sakura muttered, looking away. That made sense for Sasuke to kiss her… There was a logical reason. Then why was she so disappointed?
Sakura observed Sasuke out of the corner of her eye. She really had a beautiful profile. Those high cheek bones were to die for, her nose was perfectly sculpted and those lips… Sakura touched her own mouth. Why were her lips still tingling from that kiss? What was that flipping sensation in her gut? She hugged herself, feeling so deeply confused.
“We should probably get back to training,” Sasuke said.
“Right… I won’t interrupt you anymore,” Sakura replied and morosely returned to her tree.
She couldn’t stop thinking about her issue when she was practicing tree-walking, but even with that distraction her chakra control remained flawless.
Only a few days later, after the battle on the bridge, she finally figured it out. She saw Sasuke, laying lifelessly on the had ground, eyes closed and body riddled with senbon needles. Sakura ran to her with tears brimming in her green eyes. She slumped over her teammate, crying sorrowfully. How could Sasuke be gone? She was so smart, strong and incredible… and with a painful tug in her chest Sakura realized that she loved her. She loved Sasuke, but it was already too late…
“Sakura… your arm is heavy…” a weak voice spoke to her.
Shocked, Sakura looked at Sasuke, who was very much awake, then engulfed her in a crushing hug. “Sasuke!!! Sasuke! Sasuke!” She was so overcome with emotion that she couldn’t say anything else but Sasuke’s name.
The relief was so overpowering that she was crying again. She was ecstatic! Sasuke was still alive!
The realization of the nature of her true feelings for her teammate should have turned her life upside down, but strangely, Sakura felt no longer confused. Everything slid into place for her. It all finally made sense, her persistent thoughts about Sasuke, her strong reactions to the girl, how she wanted to kiss her again…
Sasuke wasn’t a handsome prince that Sakura had pictured in her dreams, rather she was a beautiful princess, but that didn’t matter anymore. Sakura smiled through the happy tears and hugged Sasuke tighter. It still scared her how she almost lost her. Sakura could hear Sasuke’s slow heartbeat picking up speed and it calmed her down.
Sasuke was going to be okay. They were both going to be okay.
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ohhh my goodness I know it's been 5evr since this AU's inception, but femslash!sasusaku for the meme please
ohhh...I can always talk about femme!sasusaku
1. Sayako keeps her hair long for years because of her mother, even though she hates the weight of it. She only cuts it after she finally chooses to let go of the curse of hatred. When Sakura first sees it, she cracks a weak joke about Sayako being a copycat, and Sayako just smiles. She grows it out when she gets older, but it is never as long again.
2. Ino and Sayako are never buddy-buddy - they have a lot of mutual respect, especially because they both know that the other would do anything for Sakura, but Ino cannot entirely forgive Sayako for abandoning the village and breaking Sakura’s heart the first time, or for causing the original rift between them. In time, they grow comfortable enough with each other to engage in some pretty creative repartee.
3. Sakura initially admired Sayako for both her beauty and her skill as a shinobi; Sayako cared for Sakura’s softness even when she swore that she would never be like that.
4. When Sayako goes on her mission, they don’t spend more than a few months apart at a time. Sakura splits her time between travelling with Sayako and returning to the village to continue research and her own projects.
5. When they retire, they get a patch of land and raise a garden together, which becomes a favorite haunt for orphans and anyone who feels adrift and need a moment of peace. They never officially adopt children of their own, but their garden is always open.
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dirigma · 10 years
a quick one for anthropologicalhands​
Despite her misgivings, Sayako finds herself at Sakura's door.  There is a certain comfort that only the other girl in her team can provide, a gentleness that Sayako has long refused to suffer in herself.  For her clan's power had lain in its order, and that order was unequivocally in favour of the males of their blood.  The undeniable inferiority of her sex had been impressed upon her as soon as she was able to understand.  She could never abide by it.  From the very first, Sayako had set out to be no less than the sons of the flame.  Softness was only kindling.  The very purpose of her life was to make herself steel.  In her folly, she perceived herself as an exemplar among women—indestructible and unyielding.  Strong where women's hands were weak.
But does it really matter now that there are no clansmen to look her way?  How Madara must be rolling in his grave to know that his esteemed name lies in the hands of a mere slip of a girl.  Sayako clenches her jaw.  No, she resolves.  She cannot be here.  She cannot allow herself to seek solace in tenderness, much as her body longs to know what it means to surrender.  To know what it feels to have soft hands whispering through her hair, a laughing mouth at her ear, speaking at once of nothing and of everything.  To be held the way Sakura held her in the forest, when reality danced with the terrible shadows of her nightmares.  To have wide green eyes looking at her and her alone.  Without condition, without her having to prove her right to stand her ground or bear the sigil on her back.  So sweet are these imaginings that the confessions begin to gather in Sayako's throat like poison—I feel like I'm coming apart, Sakura.  I don't know where I am going.  I'm afraid of what comes next.  Don't leave me.  I'm so tired of being left.
Sayako licks her teeth and steps off the porch, her feet already making their way back to her apartment, where she will sit, cold and alone, staring out into a sleepless night.
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originalladyscythe · 3 years
The First Girl I Loved, chapter 9 is finally up!
Sorry it took so long just alot of personal stuff and hospital trips were going on and this was way before covid.
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yangssunglasses · 5 years
Femsasusaku request. How about one where it's sasuke's birthday and as a extra present sasuke's girlfriend (aka sakura) gives sasuke a sexy strip tease lap dance? If you want to.
Thanks for a great prompt! I decided to make it a Valentine’s fic, then thought “what the heck” and ended it with a lemon. Sorry it’s a day late, editing took forever. I hope you like it! :)
Length: 2k
Warning: PWP
Available on FFN
In Her Lap
Sakura really didn’t expect anything special from Sasuke for the Valentine’s. Her girlfriend had scorned that day since their Academy years. When Sakura had asked her for a reason, Sasuke had told her that she found the notion of setting one arbitrary date to celebrate romantic love utterly ridiculous. Sakura suspected the animosity might have stemmed more from Sasuke’s deep dislike of sweets. The tradition of gifting home-made chocolate to men she had no interest in also didn’t help.
Sakura was blindsided when the same Valentine-hating Sasuke not only gifted her chocolate, but also surprised her with a romantic candle-lit dinner in their house. Sakura bought her flowers, red roses to symbolize her passionate love, but she felt that wasn’t quite enough to repay her for all that effort.
“Sasuke, is there anything I can do for you?” she asked as they cuddled together on the couch, sipping from wineglasses as a romantic comedy played on the big screen of their TV. “To repay you for this wonderful evening?”
Sasuke sighed. “You don’t need to repay me. Just… be yourself. That’s all you need to do,” she said with a fond look.
Sakura couldn’t help herself, she kissed those gently smiling lips and for several pleasurable minutes they made out on the couch. “How was that?” she asked, leaning over her thoroughly kissed girlfriend. “Enough like myself?”
Sasuke licked her ravished lips and nodded.
A familiar beat came from the TV and Sakura glanced over. A girl in the movie was gyrating her hips on top of her boyfriend, but still fully clothed, no doubt for some hilarious purposes given that it was a comedy. A lightbulb switched on in Sakura’s head and she grinned. Maybe this was the wine in her talking, but she’d just had a brilliant idea.
“Sit up,” she told Sasuke as she hopped off the couch. “Make yourself comfortable.”
Sasuke did as bidden, then gave her a raised brow as if asking ‘okay, what’s next?’
Sakura started dancing to the beat of music on TV, then slowly unzipped her red shirt as she bent down to her girlfriend, giving her a generous view down her cleavage before kneeling over her lap.
“What are you doing?” Sasuke asked, amused but interested.
“I’m giving you a lap dance,” Sakura whispered seductively into her ear as she moved her body in rhythm to the music, undulating her hips up and down in a wave-like motion.
Sasuke still had an uncertain look in her dark eyes, along with a very appreciative gleam, but she had too much pride to voice her question. That was alright, Sakura intended to show her the meaning of a lap dance anyway, not talk about it.
The pink-haired woman bent backwards and shrugged off the shirt off her shoulders without stopping the movement of her hips. Next, she ran one hand from the waistband of her skirt up the middle of her body, circling her navel on the way up, then between her mounds and ending at her throat. The gesture brought attention to how muscles in her abdomen rippled and shifted under her porcelain skin while she danced. Sakura gave Sasuke a coy smirk and moved her hands over her lacy red bra, as if feeling herself up, before reaching back and unclasping it.
Sasuke’s mouth turned dry. She stared in rapture as Sakura took off her bra and dropped it on the floor. Her perky tits jiggled from the rocking of her pelvis, light pink nipples standing up in the cooler air of the room. She cupped her breasts briefly, rubbing her own nubs with a soft moan. Sasuke’s hands flew to her hips, but Sakura grabbed them and put them back on the couch.
“No touching, this is a lap dance,” she reprimanded teasingly, knowing full well that her naked chest brushed against Sasuke’s face when she leaned closer.
Sasuke bit her lip and nodded in acceptance of the new rule. Sakura smiled and gave her a lightning-fast peck on the lips before drawing back.
She started singing along with the song, naughty lyrics getting her even more into the mood. To spice things up, Sakura stood again and turned around, still dancing. Then she shimmied her skirt down her hips and legs, exposing the red lacy panties and pantyhose from the matching set. She gave Sasuke a provocative look over her shoulder, then slapped her own butt, making the juicy soft flesh jiggle. Still shaking her hips to the beat, she backed into the couch, bending forward with hands on knees as she twerked her peach-like behind over Sasuke’s lap until the music cut off and the film moved on to the next scene.
Sakura’s dance came to a halt and she craned her neck to look back at Sasuke. She felt powerful in her own skin, sure of her sexuality and prowess. It was a heady feeling, better than any aphrodisiac known to her. Her green eyes were darker, pupils blown up with arousal as she met her girlfriend’s sizzling gaze. It gave her even more of a kick that she was capable of putting such a lustful look on this reserved, regal woman. A strong current of desire charged the space between them. “How was it? Did you like my lap dance?” Sakura asked breathlessly.
Instead of answering, Sasuke snaked her hands around Sakura’s middle and pulled her down to sit in her lap. “You know I did,” she said in a raspy, low tone as she nosed over the side of Sakura’s delicate neck. “Though it was a bit… unsatisfying,” she added, blowing at the earlobe, then nipped it lightly.
Sakura squeaked as Sasuke’s hands went up and took possession of her breasts. She arched her body into the warm touch. “Ah… but the satisfaction is supposed to come after the lap dance,” she remarked smartly. Then Sasuke kissed her neck and rubbed her sharp peaks skillfully and she lost the ability to think.
“Sa-Sasukeee…” she moaned, gripping her lovers’ thighs. “Ahh…” she sighed.
One slim hand slid down over her taut abdomen and slipped between her legs. Sakura opened them wider, eager for the touch. Sasuke’s hot breath hitched. “You’re this wet already?” she asked with amusement colouring her voice on par with deep arousal as she idly stroked the silky petals with sweeping motions.
“Please…” Sakura whispered raggedly, thrusting her hips into the caress, begging for more.
Sasuke pushed a single long digit inside her and it went in with a sucking sound. Sakura’s inner walls clenched on it and she gave a keening moan.
“Fuck,” Sasuke hissed and pulled her hand away. Sakura whined and bucked in disappointment, but then Sasuke had her turn around in her lap and devoured her mouth in a hungry kiss. Sakura returned it with fervor, their lips and tongues tangling together in an intimate dance. As they deepened their kiss, she raised one knee and eased it between Sasuke’s legs to very deliberately start rubbing on her heated crotch through the black pants.
Sasuke drew back with a husky moan and Sakura went on attack without hesitation, necking her passionately while she unbuttoned the purple blouse. She kept grinding on Sasuke’s slit through the clothes as she found her pulse point and sucked onto it with relish, at the same time pushing down the sexy black bra and plucking at the small brown nipples.
“Ngh… Saku-Sakura…” Sasuke moaned, spurring on her pink-haired lover.
Sakura kissed over Sasuke’s cleavage and breast, then closed her mouth around a hard nub. Her girlfriend arched her back with a moan, offering up her chest for ravishment and Sakura took it up, licking, nipping and sucking the creamy flesh. The material of Sasuke’s pants was getting in the way, so she deftly opened the button and slipped her hand inside. She brushed past the trimmed little patch of hair and went straight for her prize. Sasuke gasped and bucked her hips wildly, reaching the crest of pleasure as her lover mercilessly stroked her hidden pearl.
“Ahh… Saku-… Sakura!” Sasuke cried out and with a quiver came all over Sakura’s fingers.
The intense release made her feel all relaxed and fuzzy and she looked at Sakura with hooded, sated eyes. The woman slowly pulled her hand out and kissed Sasuke on the cheek. “Good, love?” she asked to make sure.
Sasuke nodded lazily, but then her eyes narrowed when she realized Sakura had gotten her completely sidetracked from her original intentions. She growled low in her throat and pulled her lover up by her shoulders. “Get over there, I have to taste you,” she ordered.
Sakura blushed, but she couldn’t deny the flood of juices soaking into her panties at her girlfriend’s command. She scrambled up on her feet and Sasuke wasted no time to slide the lacy underwear off her smooth, stocking-clad legs. Sakura put one knee on the back of the couch, leaving herself open and vulnerable for her lover’s viewing pleasure. Sasuke eyed her blooming flower hungrily, then spread the dripping folds with her fingers and delicately dove in.
The sensation of the first wet lick of the tongue over her slit had Sakura crying out in surprise. Her hips rocked forward, seeking more contact with her lover’s mouth, and she ground her needy pussy all over her face. Sasuke grabbed her girlfriend’s butt to keep her still as she ate her out, thrusting a tongue inside. She explored every nook and cranny of the slippery depths, savouring Sakura’s intimate taste as she licked off all of the flowing honey.
Sakura gave a high-pitched moan when Sasuke’s soft lips encircled her throbbing clit and gently sucked it into a warm mouth. Her legs trembled under her and she panted, the scorching pressure in her groin becoming unbearable.
“Sasuke, I’m-ah!… ah, close… Please, don’t… stop,” she whimpered between hoarse moans.
Knowing this, her lover doubled her efforts, laving and lapping on Sakura’s sensitive, swollen nub with her tongue as she delved a long finger into the greedy little hole that clamped down on it snugly. Sakura braced herself on the couch and screwed her eyes shut, the pleasure in her core reaching the boiling point before it erupted.
Sakura’s body lurched and she came with a strangled cry as she saw stars beneath her closed eyelids. The volcanic release rolled through her like a deep, rumbling earthquake and filled her veins with liquid magma. In the throes of her passion, a stream of love juices gushed out of her on Sasuke’s face.
Sakura’s supporting leg buckled under her and, lightheaded from pleasure, she slumped over before Sasuke helped her sit back down on her lap. With a content sigh, Sakura relaxed in her girlfriend’s steady embrace, enjoying the afterglow of their lovemaking.
When she regained her breath, she gave her lover a tender look.
“What is it?” Sasuke asked.
“I love you,” Sakura declared simply but with much feeling.
Sasuke blushed furiously. How funny that she was able to eat her out without a shred of shame but talking about their love embarrassed her like nothing else. “You don’t have to say it again,” she said with a grunt.
“I’ll say it as many times as I want and every time I would be even more in love with you,” Sakura replied resolutely.
Sasuke hugged her tighter, hiding her face against the pink hair. “Annoying,” she murmured.
“Do you like Valentine’s now?” Sakura asked with a mischievous smile when they parted.
Sasuke brow furrowed before she got the reference. “No. It’s still a ridiculous, arbitrary holiday.”
“But we had fun, didn’t we?” Sakura asked.
Sasuke smiled and nuzzled her. “Yeah,” she said softly into her ear.
The two lovers stayed like that for a while, reveling in their closeness, before gathering their clothes and relocating to the bedroom. This Valentine’s Day became one of their most treasured memories.
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yangssunglasses · 5 years
Request fem/fem Sasuke and Sakura. It's take place in our world (not ninja world) and her and Sakura are best long time friends. One day in class Sasuke starts have sexy fantasy about her and Sakura getting naughty which shocks her but continues the fantasy anyway. Please make it in Sasuke's point of view only cuz most fem/fem fic are always only in Sakura's so it be great to read one where it's only Sasuke's pov.
Thanks for the prompt! It got away from me, but I hope you will like it!
I also used FemslashFeb2020 prompt: note.
Length: 2k+
Available on FFN
Absolute Territory
It was yet another boring lecture in Konoha Junior High. Uchiha Sasuke was sitting with a chin propped on her hand and let her mind wander as the teacher droned on and on about mitosis. She was usually a diligent student, but she didn’t care about biology even on a good day and this time she was completely unable to focus on the lesson.
Instead, for the hundredth time she read the note she’d found in her locker in the morning. It simply said: Please, come to the roof after classes, it’s very important, no signature, but she recognized the precise handwriting of her long-time friend and classmate Sakura.
Her gaze landed on the pink-haired girl placed two seats away from her diagonally and studiously taking notes (she had top marks in biology). Sasuke tried to figure out what Sakura wanted to talk about. It had to be pretty serious if it couldn’t be taken care of at lunch hour.
Involuntarily, her stare lingered on Sakura’s bare nape. After the incident with the bullies a few months back, the girl cut her hair short. It gave her a more mature, womanly look. Sasuke remembered her beaten up and bruised, but still so fierce and determined.
When she’d found Sakura alone and outnumbered under attack, she’d snapped. She’d brutally fought off the bullies, almost breaking one’s arm. Only Sakura’s warm, tight hug and soft plea had soothed her wrath enough to let the attackers go with their limbs intact.
While Sasuke reminisced about that incident, her piercing eyes were inadvertently drawn to the outline of Sakura’s bust in the fitted blouse of her school uniform. Sasuke bit her lip, remembering how it felt when Sakura pressed her whole body into her back. What would it be like, to embrace her again and smell the fresh scent of her hair?
In her imagination, that was just what happened. Sasuke was on the roof holding Sakura from behind. She buried her face into the juncture of Sakura’s shoulder, brushing her lips over the delicate skin of her nape. Then she cupped Sakura’s cheek and kissed her on those tempting lips, relishing in their taste.
The vividness of that vision startled her. She’d never given a single thought to romance before, but imagining herself with Sakura felt strangely appealing to the girl.
The real Sakura raised her hand to ask a question and Sasuke hungrily watched the sliver of bare skin on the girl’s stomach revealed when her shirt rode up with the movement. She fantasized about slipping her hands under that shirt and feeling the silkiness there. First she’d stroke Sakura’s middle before letting her hands wander up to the girl’s chest. Then, she’d palm the budding breasts, feel their weight and shape through the bra. Sasuke thought about finding Sakura’s nipples and tweaking them and stifled a moan.
She shifted in her seat, feeling hot under the collar and embarrassingly damp between her legs. In the back of her mind she was aware that entertaining such indecent thoughts about Sakura was so very wrong, but she didn’t care. She was too engrossed in the fantasy, too excited where it would lead her, to even consider stopping it.
Sasuke’s heavy dark gaze lazily moved over Sakura’s obliviously seductive form, starting from the top of her pink head. It lingered on her small cleavage, then went down, over the rounded hips, before resting on the strip of exposed skin between the hem of her short skirt and the thigh high socks. Sasuke imagined running her hands over those smooth, toned legs and stroking that forbidden area, then going under the skirt. She was certain Sakura’s thighs would feel like velvet and the girl would whimper under her touch.
“Please, Sasuke, more,” she’d beg, clutching at Sasuke’s arm and giving her that vulnerable, kittenish look with her big green eyes. And Sasuke would comply with a vicious delight, stroke that secret, forbidden place between Sakura’s thighs and drown her with kisses until the girl would come apart in her arms.
Then she’d teach Sakura where to touch her…
The bell rang, signing the end of the classes for the day and throwing Sasuke out of her fantasy. The girl hefted her schoolbag over her shoulder and walked hurriedly out of the classroom and straight to the nearest girls’ bathroom. She needed to wipe the stickiness from between her legs. After flushing the toilet, she left the stall and washed her hands, splashing cold water on her flaming cheeks.
Sasuke gave herself a hard look in the mirror. Stupid, she thought to herself angrily, regretting her lack of self-discipline. This should have never happened. She and Sakura could only ever be friends and fancying anything else was simply foolish in her circumstances. Sasuke inhaled deeply to center herself. Facing Sakura so soon after she’d had that fantasy about her would be difficult, but she would pull through. It was paramount not to betray any of her real feelings.
When she felt sufficiently cooled and in control of her faculties, she came out of the bathroom and headed to the roof. Sakura was already waiting for her, wind playing with the loose pink strands of hair. She gave a wan smile at the sight of Sasuke’s arrival and Sasuke felt a pang of worry. Something was wrong with Sakura. Were the bullies bothering her again? She’d tear them to shreds if that was the case.
“Hi,” Sakura began shyly, hands clasped behind her back. “Thanks for coming.”
Sasuke nodded. “What is this about?” she asked impatiently.
Sakura took in a deep breath. “I know… what you think of doing,” she said.
Sasuke felt a flash of panic and shame. How did she know about those dirty thoughts? What gave her away?
Was Sakura going to call her a pervert and push her away in disgust?
But Sasuke allowed none of her inner turmoil to show. “What are you talking about?” she asked smoothly, as if she didn’t have a single care in the world.
Sakura clenched her fists and gave her a serious look. “Don’t pretend nothing’s wrong. I’m not stupid. I know you’re planning to transfer to Oto Academy next term. I just can’t understand why.”
Sasuke froze. “How do you know?”
Oto Academy was an elite private boarding school, offering individualized courses and allowing students to progress at their own pace. It was very different from the public education system and highly focused on each student’s needs. They had a prestigious renown for producing exceptional alumni. The principal himself had offered Sasuke a place there.
“I overheard you talking with Kabuto-senpai. And there were other signs. It’s like you’re pulling away from everyone. You even stopped fighting with Naruto!” Sakura looked down. “You’ve been so silent lately too, since that man had attacked you… Why don’t you ever talk to me? I thought we were friends…” she asked with a sad frown that threatened to undo all of Sasuke’s hard work to put distance between them.
Sasuke purposefully turned away, unable to bear the way Sakura looked at her, and glared down at the school grounds. Her dark hair fluttered on the wind and she wrapped her arms around herself. “It’s none of your business, Sakura. This is something I need to do if I want to succeed in my goal. Our paths just diverge too much,” she said coldly.
Sakura shook her head.
“I don’t believe that, Sasuke! You don’t need to leave Konoha and all your friends to do any of that. Going to Oto will only make you alone and unhappy and you know it! So, please stay!” she begged.
Sasuke’s heart clenched painfully and she squeezed her hands so hard that her nails bit into the skin. Then she looked over her shoulder at Sakura. “You’re really very annoying,” she said with a cruel smirk. “I’m not like any of you. What do you even know about loneliness?”
Sakura averted her eyes to the ground. “It’s true I’ve never lost anyone close to me, I don’t know the pain of loneliness like you do… but,” she raised her blazing gaze to meet Sasuke’s stony look, “to me, if you left, it would feel the same as if I were all alone,” she passionately declared.
Something like hope lit up inside Sasuke, but she was too afraid to trust it.  She smothered the feeling the best she could.
“This doesn’t change anything. I’ve already put in all the paperwork,” she informed her shortly.
“Then…! Then I’ll transfer to Oto too! I won’t let you go there alone!” Sakura said desperately.
Sasuke shook her head in exasperation. “That’s impossible and you know it. Your parents don’t have that kind of money to pay for tuition there.”
“I’ll get the money! Somehow! I-I’ll get a job!” Sakura came up with more ridiculous ideas. She was thirteen, no one could legally hire her.
“Stop that.” Sasuke’s command rang out sharply. Sakura flinched at it, so she softened her tone before continuing. “You have other friends, Ino, Naruto. You will be fine without me. You’ll forget me soon enough,” she said confidently, even though the whole idea was painful to her. But it would be for the best for Sakura. Let her move on with her life and be happy. Being around Sasuke would only hurt her in the end…
“No! How could you say that?!” Sakura cried out in protest, taking a step closer, hands folded in front  of her chest. “I would never, ever forget you… because to me, you’re not like my other friends. Sasuke, I…” She hesitated, then plunged forward. “I love you so much, I can’t stand it! Please stay here with me. I promise I will make every day fun. I will do anything to make you happy. Please, please don’t go…” she begged with tears in her eyes.
Sasuke felt as if lightning struck her. She forgot how to move, how to speak. Everything around her disappeared and there was only Sakura standing before her, her words echoing endlessly in Sasuke’s ears. Confessing the existence of what she’d only dreamed about having…
“You… love me?”
“Yes.” She confirmed without hesitation.
In that moment, Sasuke understood that she was at the crossroads. She had to choose, and it was a bitter choice, made even harder by Sakura’s confession. Ambition or love? She closed her eyes, struggling with herself, then made her decision.
“Nothing will ever come out of this,” she said evenly.
Sakura released a shaky exhale, hanging down her head. “I… I knew it… It’s stupid, we’re both girls, you don’t like me like that… I’m so stupid…“ she said brokenly, tears dripping down her face. Her body shook with silent sobs.
Sasuke had a sensation akin to getting stabbed in the gut. Sakura’s misery was unacceptable by itself, but causing it—unforgivable. The urge to correct her was too strong. “That’s not what I meant,” Sasuke said without thinking.
Sakura whipped her head up, her puffy, green eyes glistening with tears pinned her with a hopeful look.
“I’m going to Oto,” Sasuke simply said in explanation. I’m sorry I can’t accept your feelings, no matter how much I’d like to…
Sakura looked at her in shock when she worked it out. At least she stopped crying. “Then-”
“No.” Sasuke didn’t let her speak. She was so close to breaking that she needed to get out of there. Sakura was more dangerous to her resolve than she’d thought. “I’m going home,” she abruptly said and turned to the exit.
Despite herself, Sasuke stopped. Sakura rushed over and gave her a tight hug, surprising her. Sasuke remained rigid in her grasp, fighting hard against the urge to lean into it.
Sakura nuzzled into her neck softly. “When are you leaving?” she murmured, a warm puff of her breath on Sasuke’s skin causing the girl to shiver. Sasuke’s heart was thudding in a staccato and she swallowed.
“Two weeks,” she replied crisply.
“So soon…” Sakura muttered. “Then let me at least make these the best two weeks of your life. Please, Sasuke,” she requested, looking up at her.
Sasuke clenched her jaw tightly, her will weakening. She couldn’t withstand that pleading gaze for long as it pierced through her defenses. The sheer tenderness in it was staggering. Did Sakura know of the power she held over her? How easily she could slip under the barbed wire and spikes and touch Sasuke’s battered heart?
“Please,” Sakura asked again, green eyes darker from emotion, a slight tremble to her pink lips drawing Sasuke’s attention. For a moment, the temptation to just give in was overwhelming and Sasuke found herself hurtling towards the edge of a precipice. Let Sakura make good on her promises, take what is given, enjoy herself and forget about tomorrow…
Then memories of Itachi appeared in her mind—Itachi standing over their butchered parents with a bloodied knife, Itachi kicking Naruto’s head into a wall, Itachi choking her, his other hand palming her thighs under the skirt, his terrifying voice in her ear, You will never stop me, foolish little sister, the helplessness, the rage he’d made her feel… Sasuke’s thoughts came to a screeching halt.
Her clarity returned abruptly and with a furious burst of energy, she tore herself away from Sakura’s hold. She rubbed at her arms as if to get rid of any remnants of the comforting touch that almost caused her to give in to her selfish desires. Sasuke cursed her own weakness. She shouldn’t have underestimated Sakura. She wouldn’t make that mistake again.
“Leave me alone,” Sasuke spat out and Sakura, who was reaching out to her again, stilled under her cold, sharp gaze. “I don’t want your pity. If you’re any smart, you will stay away from me,” she added viciously.
Sasuke could see the exact moment her callous words impacted with Sakura, cutting the girl to the bone. Shock, disbelief and sorrow flashed across her face and her expression crumbled with the deep, gut-wrenching heartbreak.
“Sasuke, why…” she whispered in a painful moan, tears flowing down her cheeks.
Sasuke turned away, feeling sick to her stomach, unable to watch anymore of what she’d wrought on the girl she cared for. She stormed off the roof, Sakura’s soft sobs chasing after her as she hurtled down the staircase.
This is for the best. She’ll get over it and she’ll be fine, Sasuke repeated to herself over and over as her own heart clenched in remorse. She just didn’t know if she could ever forgive herself for hurting Sakura. But, in the long run, she believed she was saving her from an even greater suffering.
In her own experience, you can’t mourn what you’ve never had.
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yangssunglasses · 5 years
Thinking of Her
For @olliya​. You're the best! Thanks for the prompt. I also used prompt: dark from FemslashFeb2020 list.
Pairing: FemSasuSaku
Rating: M for lemony content.
Available on FFnet
Thinking of Her
For two years, she'd been training under Orochimaru's tutelage. Locked underground and living in solitude, or constantly on the move, traveling in the shadows, but always away from the sun—she was literally hidden in the sound. However, she was improving her fighting capability in leaps and bounds and that was all that mattered. Soon, she'd be able to match Itachi in power.
Soon, she would have her revenge.
Sasuke didn't like to remember what her life had been like in the past, the things she'd abandoned. Any sacrifice she'd made was worth reaching her ultimate goal.
And then the past came back, knocking on her door. Two very annoying idiots with some inconsequential lackeys in tow infiltrated the Oto base. They forced the confrontation, making it impossible to avoid, so she acted. She had to end this pointless encounter swiftly.
Dealing with Naruto was easy. Getting anything into his thick skull was downright hopeless, so instead she used brute strength. Other arguments wouldn't have swayed him. At the very least, if she damaged him badly enough, it would take him some time to recover before he came after her again.
But Sasuke couldn't afford to focus only on Naruto. Sakura was also there, still dressed in bold red, still just as vivid as Sasuke remembered her. She tried not to react, not to look at her too much, but her eyes were drawn to Sakura like to a magnet. The kunoichi held back, clearly a support type. It was mentioned in the reports from Konoha that she apprenticed under Tsunade as a medic-nin. Sasuke had only read them to see if there were any news about Itachi. He could've made another move to get Kyuubi. Learning what became of her former teammates was only coincidental.
She hadn't seen any recent photos of them though, so she took this opportunity to observe their changes. Naruto was still just as orange and loud as before. Sakura kept her hair shoulder-length, but she changed her outfit style. Gone was the dress, now she donned a red zip up sleeveless shirt, showing off her toned arms. The combo of skin-tight shorts and a pink skirt over them looked quite becoming on her too as it clung to her rounded hips and backside. Sasuke's gaze flickered over Sakura's legs—they seemed to stretch on for miles in those high shinobi boots. All in all, Sasuke approved of her fashion sense and tucked in all these details into her mind, an easy task with the photographic memory granted by her Sharingan.
The encounter with Naruto and Sakura was cut short, but it lingered on Sasuke's mind long time after. Once she saw them, how much they improved and grew, it was hard not to think about them. Even when they weren't there, they still managed to annoy her. They distracted her from Itachi and that was unacceptable.
After that incident, she was reminded of them more often. She heard a boisterous laugh and immediately thought Naruto might be just around a corner; she caught a glimpse of pink hair in the corridors of the base, but when she ran, heart in throat, after that person, she found only Karin, whose red hair appeared pink in the dim, orange light of torches.
Sasuke had to stop this, shut down these thoughts. She submerged herself in more training, she reviewed that night in a genjutsu to keep her hatred fresh, hone it into a blade that would execute Itachi—anything to purge herself of weak sentimentality. She'd cut those bonds for a reason. They only stood in the way of her revenge.
But Sasuke was a sick girl by nature. She'd been cursed long before Orochimaru even came along, wanting things she shouldn't want, coveting what could never be hers. She knew these desires weren't normal, so she buried them, smothered under hatred and revenge.
However, alone in the dark of night, behind closed doors of an empty room in a distant Oto base, she allowed herself to indulge in her perversion. Sasuke closed her eyes and conjured the image of Sakura as she'd seen her the last time. Once again, she heard the soft utter of her name falling from Sakura's lush lips.
Sasuke thought of kissing those lips and traced her own mouth with a finger pad lightly. A shiver of excitement rippled over her body. She licked her lips and brushed down her chin and neck to the collarbones. She imagined Sakura was there with her, touching her so carefully. It was Sakura laying butterfly kisses down her body, Sakura who pulled down her breast band and palmed her modest chest curiously. Sasuke's nipples stiffened, exposed to the cool air in the room, and she sighed when Sakura's warm hands rolled and pinched them.
Soon, massaging her breasts wasn't enough for Sasuke as the pressure between her legs demanded attention. "Let me take care of you," Sakura said seductively and made a path over her stomach before easing one slim hand under the waistband. Sasuke made a soft sound when her lover brushed over the dark patch of hair and cupped her heated mound. She eagerly spread her legs wider, giving Sakura room to slip both hands in her underwear, while Sasuke worked down the zipper on her red shirt.
Sasuke unclasped the standard bra and bared Sakura's chest for her own viewing pleasure. The small, pert mounds bounced before her eyes and she touched and squeezed them with care. She took the pebbled pink nipples into her mouth and sucked them, making Sakura moan in her ear. It sounded like heavenly music.
Sasuke gasped in arousal when Sakura's one hand pulled her nether lips open to explore the dewy skin with the other one. The delicate touch quickly grew firmer when she brushed against Sasuke's sensitive nub. She steadily rubbed around it in circles, occasionally giving it a soft stroke that made Sasuke whimper. Wetness spilled out of her feminine opening and made her slick under the touch. The dull, empty ache inside had Sasuke buck up her hips, asking for more, and Sakura delivered.
Sasuke exhaled sharply when a finger slipped into her passage. She clenched tight around it before relaxing and accepting the intruding digit inside. It started to push in and out slowly but soon it fell into a rhythm as it rubbed over the sensitive inner walls. Sasuke rocked her hips in time with the moving finger, helping it slide deeper and reach her most pleasurable spots.
"Do you want me to make you come, Sasuke?" Sakura asked.
"Yes… ah… yesss…" Sasuke hissed her response.
Sakura kissed her again and plunged a second finger inside. Sasuke's body arched, the pressure in her core becoming unbelievable as Sakura skillfully rubbed her pulsing clit and pumped the sopping pussy. Finally, the taut coil sprang open and Sasuke let out a keening wail as she came hard all over Sakura's hand.
For a short moment she existed in a plane of perfect stillness where there was only pleasure, then she returned to the ground. Her chest was heaving with frantic pants of breath, erect nipples pointed straight up and sweaty moisture gathered in her cleavage. When the fog of orgasm lifted, Sasuke found herself alone in her room—cell—both hands buried between her legs and soaked with her own juices. The phantom Sakura was gone, her absence leaving behind a hollow ache like an old wound, and Sasuke was capable of feeling shame again. To use Sakura for something so vile, so depraved… This hellhole of a village was the only place where Sasuke deserved to be.
Slowly, she pulled her hands out of her soaked underwear, then giving into curiosity, she brought them to her lips to taste her wetness. It was salty and she thought that if this was what girls taste like, then Sakura was no different… The idea of checking it for herself, of touching, stroking, licking Sakura's pussy was just as deviant as the erotic fantasy before, but Sasuke couldn't help herself.
After she came again to the thoughts of tearing off Sakura's shorts and burying her tongue in her, Sasuke closed her eyes drowsily. After finally quenching that twisted desire that burned low in her gut, she was sure to have a good night's rest. She felt lazy and sated as she drifted off into a deep slumber.
Unbeknownst to Sasuke, back in Konoha, in the privacy of her own dark bedroom, Sakura was also thinking of her. Since they'd met again in the Oto base, Sasuke had been constantly on her mind. The rogue Uchiha had appeared to Sakura so grown up and hauntingly beautiful, as cold and pure as snow on the high mountain peaks and just as unapproachable. Sakura knew what had happened prior to her arrival from Sai's report from that mission and she couldn't help but wonder.
In her imagination, she was the one who found Sasuke first, laying in the dark room, red Sharingan eyes glowing with menace before she swiftly sat up and switched on a lamp on the nightstand. Her alabaster skin glowed softly in the intimate light.
"What are you doing here?" she asked with a warning in her tone.
But Sakura approached the bed undeterred.
"I'm here for you. I missed you so, so much. Please, come back with me to Konoha," she asked, putting all her heart into this simple request.
Sasuke smirked coldly at her.
"Why should I? Convince me," she demanded and oh, did Sakura convince her.
In her bed, Sakura touched herself to the fantasy of kissing Sasuke on those smug, soft lips until they were both dizzy and short of breath, of falling down together in a tangle of limbs, of worshipping her body, honed like a blade and just as dangerous, of bringing her pleasure so great that Sasuke had no other choice than to agree to return home.
Sakura came with a ragged groan into a pillow. She slumped on her stomach, the quakes in her body slowly subsiding as she relaxed in repose. If only changing Sasuke's mind was that easy, she'd have done it in a heartbeat.
A tear slid down Sakura's porcelain cheek, glittering like silver in the moonlight. The kunoichi fell asleep, unaware just how closely her and Sasuke's feelings were connected in that moment.
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yangssunglasses · 5 years
AO3 link
Summary: Sasuke doesn’t cope well with his accidental sex change, but Sakura helps him see the positive side of it. FemSasuSaku Lemon.
Warning, this is graphic lesbian smut.
Please enjoy and comment if you can :)
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yangssunglasses · 5 years
#FemaleSasukeFistsSakura you heard it from me first, folks ;)
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yangssunglasses · 5 years
So I got a new request and I never said this was femSasuSaku month, but you know what, anon is right
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yangssunglasses · 4 years
For the Fanfic Writer Ask Meme: 7, 14, 16 and 18? Thx!
Thanks for sending the ask!
7. Share your weirdest idea.
I had that idea about a fic in which Sasuke is turned into a cat for his punishment, but it’s not that weird? I’ll write the real weird when it appears, because I love crack fic lol. But those things don’t pop up that often in my mind.
14. Tell us about the stories on your “to write” list.
My WIPs. Also I have some smut ideas and old requests from my inbox too. And I’d like to write more niche things, like continue writing TsuMiko in non-massacre AU and femSasuSaku. And there’s this Izuna week coming up and I have some ideas for that. And there are other fandoms too...
16. Is there anything you’re uncomfortable writing?
Darkfic. I imagine some really dark stuff, but I just don’t have the guts to actually write it and deal with the inevitable drama. I’m trying to destress here, not the other way around...
18. How do you feel about family and friends reading your work?
Depends on what? I don’t want them reading my smut, obviously, but sometimes I let them read some of my PG stuff. Actually, my brother was my sounding board for some of my fics, like Syncope, TMFTP and How to Help a Stray. Discussing my ideas with him really helped me a lot, especially with the fight scenes.
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yangssunglasses · 5 years
Just give me a reason (aka prompt) and I will write femSasuSaku drabble.
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yangssunglasses · 5 years
If anyone’s curious what’s coming soon, I’m writing another femSasuSaku oneshot and I still have a TsuMiko oneshot to edit.
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yangssunglasses · 5 years
Let’s see, this month I wrote roughly 23k of femslash prompts + (6.8k of old KarinSaku fic - 2.5k that was already written) = 27.3k. To put that into another perspective that’s around 50 pages. In total I wrote 9 f/f fics.
Not bad. Especially since editing stuff took a lot of time and energy and Sundays were only for editing and posting ATWS.
I guess I can try to improve on that word count, but still, I’m pretty happy with my productivity this month and the results too. Even if there’s a very small audience for those stories, I’m proud of them and how they turned out. I worked hard on them and I tried to make them truly the best they could be.
I wish I could have written more different pairings, as I ended up writing a lot of femSasuSaku, but on the other hand I accidentally discovered and founded TsuMiko and I still have some good ideas for this ship that I hope to write about in near future. I also have a bunch of hcs about femSasuke that I may use in more stories some other time when I’m in the mood for it (as I can see there’s no popular demand among the fandom for more femSasuke. Maybe because usually people can’t write her so she sounds and acts like Sasuke? I hope my take is more faithful to Sasuke’s Sasuke-ness.) My other ideas for crack f/f ships will have to wait for another time, because in March I’ll be really busy with MadaSaku.
Well, what other conclusions do I have? Posting rare pairings on ao3 is pointless if you want feedback because at best you’ll get a few kudos. I don’t have years to wait for someone interested to read and comment. So I’m planning to take down those stories from ao3 in a month’s time.
I also learned that I really love writing oneshots as opposed to multichapters. Too bad fandom is heavily biased towards long fics. Oneshots have their own beauty, for example they’re completed :) They can have continuations too. I appreciate them now even more, both as a writer and as a reader. It’s just very satisfying to have something done quickly and to know it’s good. Also, they’re good to practice different styles, try writing different characters and perspectives, different genres, relationships, AUs. When you write a long fic, you’re just stuck writing this one thing for a long time. With oneshots, you get to play around, be flexible, activate your brain. It’s really fun!
All in all, this was a pretty good February :)
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yangssunglasses · 5 years
I get oddly specific requests for femSasuSaku... not exactly a problem, but please future requesters, relax, I can think up a plot on my own. I even prefer it. Prompts are only to get my brain working.
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