#femshep x ashley
sebbansaurus117 · 11 days
I want to be with you Ash
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vulpixelates · 2 years
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Bittersweet reunion.
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catsharky · 2 years
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An interim comic! Rewinding to the first time my Shep met Garrus while I work on the next part. I'm halfway done the planning stage, but I needed to take a break and do something 'simpler' for a bit (this doesn't have BGs so it counts in my mind ok).
For anyone who doesn't know it, the song in Shepard's head
Also as a heads up, while I generally try to keep Shepard's appearance vague in any comic where I can get away with it, I'll be tagging any comics where she's definitively my Shepard with #SharkyShepard.
Part 1 • Previous Part • Next Part
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ghostymermaid · 5 months
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Ashley: 🤨🏳️‍🌈⁉️
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dalekofchaos · 7 days
Imagine the Virmire Sacrifice as the Cerberus assassin instead of Kai Leng
Inspired by my poll
Kai Leng was a terrible character from terrible novels. No one wanted him in the games. He could barely handle a Drell with space cancer and couldn’t even kill Anderson and Sanders, but they want us to expect us to believe that Leng is Shepard’s equal? To me I would just have him executed on Omega since Leng DID kill Aria's daughter.
But yes storywise, it's better. Shepard was haunted about not being able to save either Kaidan/Ashley. TIM would use the Virmire casualty as Plan B should Shepard turn against his interests.
Imagine Cerberus was on Virmire. Cerberus scientists working on a counter agent to stop the Genophage cure and even working on a virus that could kill Saren.
The Illusive Man reveals to his agents it's too late, however he tells them there can be a valuable asset they can retrieve.
Cerberus mad dashes to the bomb site and grabs Ash/Kaidan in time, however the bomb goes off and the after shock hits the Cerberus vessel and renders the Virmire survivor in a comatose state.
A second Cerberus ship comes and rescues Ash/Kaidan. They report to TIM that Project Virmire is ago, but once they wake up, it will take a lot of convincing. TIM has a plan.
The Virmire survivor wakes up during the time of ME2. Confused, they recognize this is not an Alliance facility and definitely no Council race facility. They put two and two together and realize it's Cerberus and try to escape and then they are sedated.
They are brought before TIM. Ash/Kaidan swears they would rather die than join Cerberus. Explains they know about Admiral Kahoku, the Rachni, Thorian and Husk experiments and most importantly Akuze.
TIM explains it easily. That they were a necessary evil. and tells them how easily their near death experience could've been avoided if those monstrosities were weaponized against Saren. The Admiral knew too much and Akuze, Shepard/Toombs got justice and Dr Wayne was put on a very public trial that damaged Cerberus reputation.
Then the manipulation begins.
If it's Ashley, then TIM uses the fact that he knew and personally served under her grandfather. Shepard, The Alliance and the Council left her for dead and acts as if the Reapers don't exist, as if the very reason she went missing never happened. Says things how "I've seen your records and seen you in action. If you were there, Shanxi never would've fallen and the Williams family would be the most prestigious family in the Alliance and you would've been the first human Spectre, not Shepard." "You were looked down on the Alliance, the family that was cursed because the good general wanted to protect and save lives. Little do you know, the Turians were looking for something on Shanxi. Saren was there, and his brother" Ashley looks curious. He has her. He explains his story with General Williams, Desolas Arterius and Saren. Desolas indoctrinated for Turian supremacy, leading Saren down the path he would take and what would be the foundation of Cerberus. Ashley asks one simple question. "When do I start?"
If it's Kaidan, TIM uses Kaidan's past against him. His righteous murder of Vyrnnus that he was shunned and how gifted he was. Admitting Cerberus should have snatched him when they had the chance. "Had we had you, you could've provided our failed experiment the guidance she needed(obviously I'm talking about Jack here) then goes on to tell him how the Alliance abandoned him, Shepard has forsaken him and worse of all, they all deny the existence of the Reapers. Kaidan refuses to believe him and snaps. Cerberus agents are prepare to stun him, TIM wavers them off. Kaidan gives off a look that he wants revenge. On The Alliance, The Council and Shepard. "They will all pay."
Ashley would be turned into Cerberus' Super Soldier. Wearing the Cerberus Assault Armor(the armor WE wear, not the shitty ME3 grunt armor), but with the Shade/Nightmare/Spirit helmet.
Kaidan becomes a mix of Phantom and Phoenix. The ultimate human biotic, he is what Jack could've became if they kept her.
Their goals would be to eliminate high valued targets for Cerberus. Killing key Alliance figures, people who are close to cracking down on Cerberus(example, Dr Wayne was publicly assassinated and after Toombs threat to get a merc team to hunt Cerberus down, they kill him) killing Alien leaders and a whole bunch of targets that stand in Cerberus's way to control the Reapers.
Or in a different scenario. The explosion nearly destroys the ship carrying them in, causing them to be husks of their former selves.
Cerberus in this scenario would experiment on them to make them the ultimate soldier for Cerberus. They would essentially become The Winter Soldier of Mass Effect.
it would’ve been far more impactful if the Cerberus assassin was masked, and later revealed to be a heavy cyborg’d and indoctrinated Ashley/Kaiden, whichever you left behind on Virmire. There would be a reaction if you bring the one you saved with to encounter the one we did not save on Thesia.
But storywise.
The first time you meet the Cerberus Assassin, is on Earth. We see this shadow stalking you and Anderson and as we’re leaving Earth, we see Kai Leng killing Anderson. With Shepard swearing revenge.
Throughout ME3, Ash/Kaidan would be stalking Shepard. Causing trouble as we encounter Cerberus. Trying to kill Eve, attempting to abduct the Grissom Academy students, activating the bomb on Tuchunka and the attempt on the Council.
When we finally confront them on Priority Citadel, they kill Thane and omni-slash their mask off. We get the reveal. Shepard is shocked, Ash/Kaidan hesitates after hearing Shepard utter their name.
It would also help to explain his inexplicable plot armor. Rather than surviving against the onslaught of Shepard due to plot reasons, he would not be killed, as Shepard is haunted by not being able to save them, Ash/Kaidan uses that as the opportunity to take him down on Thessia.
Because Ashley did not undergo her character arc, I could imagine Ashley saying things like "I should have been the First Human Spectre, a hero for humanity, not aliens." "I am the hero humanity deserves" "I will make my grandfather proud." "The Alliance has failed humanity and my family" If you romanced Ashley and accidentally left her behind "You BASTARD...I loved you and you LEFT ME TO DIE!"
With Kaidan I can see him saying things like "I am the peak of Biotic perfection." "The Alliance betrayed me. You left me and the Council deserves to die" "Vyrnaus deserved to die, I know that now." "You will pay for leaving me to die" If you didn't save Grissom Academy. "I personally went to Grissom Academy, took those kids and made them like me. Subject Zero never should have left us, now she is ascended to perfection."(if you got Jack's loyalty, Jack begs Shepard to kill her) If you romanced Kaidan and accidentally left him behind "You're just like Rahna. You left me and you betrayed me. After I kill you, I'll kill Rahna."
If we go with the Winter Soldier concept, then it's just TIM manipulating them like a puppet. However periodic exposure to Shepard and the other VS makes them remember
However, if you bring the other Virmire survivor with to Thessia, then there is a chance to turn Ash or Kaidan back to the light.
This works better if you romanced the other Virmire survivor, but if not it works the same result. You can only save Ash/Kaidan if you bring the other VS.
With a charm/intimidate option, Ash/Kaidan follows Shepard's lead and talks down Ash/Kaidan. and in the end they break through their indoctrination and apologize for everything.
Otherwise, they would have to be killed and could not be saved. I don’t think that convincing him to commit suicide like Saren or TIM would work, because it would be too similar to the TIM suicide not too long, and would lose impact because of it. They would have to be fought and killed one last time in combat, and have a tragic end with Ash/Kaidan cursing Shepard while Shepard looks on them with despair or disdain.
If you saved them, then Ash/Kaidan would board the Citadel with you. And when TIM tries to talk you into controlling the Reapers, Ash/Kaidan will shoot him dead.
If Winter Soldier scenario, then both Shepard and OVS can break through and save them. They join us and depending on your war assets, if high, they kill TIM without incident. If low, they sacrifice themselves and gives Shepard the opening to kill TIM.
We talk, have a moment. If it's Kaidan, they talk about the good old days with the original Normandy. Jenkins, Dr Chakwas and Anderson. "Oh Shepard, I'm so sorry" Shepard forgives them. If romanced, they talk about the relationship they were going to start and Shepard says "we can have a cup of coffee and see where things go from there" "I'd like that, Shepard". If Ashley, they reminisce on meeting on Eden Prime, the Normandy, their almost relationship with Shepard saying "we can finish where we left off" "Oh Shepard" and remembering why she volunteered to stay behind.
Alternatively since Ash/Kaidan wasn't shot, they save Shepard. They call the other survivor and rescue Shepard as the Crucible is about to be fired off if destroyed is chosen. If you choose Control, then Ash/Kaidan shoots themselves because they can't bare to live after Shepard fulfills TIM's desires. If Synthesis is chosen then they will be on the Normandy with the other crew members.
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sol-consort · 1 month
I don't know if you listen to Chapelle Roan or not but Ashley and Femshep are so "Good luck, babe." Like that's literally them like "I don't wanna call it off. But you don't wanna call it love" like Ashley says she would have followed Shepard anywhere in what is basically their break-up scene on horizon like you can say that but you can't say you love me? Their relationship also gives 'I wish you were a boy vibes' because what fo you mean I can only date her if I'm a man when her and femshep have more chemistry???? It's like high school all over again when I would fall in love with "straight" girls.
I do listen to Chapelle Roan, I adore all of her music omfg and her makeup is so cool aaa!
Repressed feelings Ashley, who's too deep in the closet. She can, and will, follow Shepard to the end of the universe, but she can't even tell her how much she loves her.
It feels blasphemous to even think about, the love twisting in her chest into something bitter as the guilt seeps into her guts. The word love burns her throat whenever she attempts to spout it out.
tw: Internalised homophobia
Ashley, who's been in denial about her crush ever since you saved her on Eden Prime. When she first glimpsed you in the distance, watched you shoot down those enemies with deadly precision before walking towards her, authority clear in your every step, the poise of a hero, a fighter.
Her heart hammering against her chest, for some reason, she was expecting a man under that helmet as you removed it, even as she heard your voice, a part of her was still in denial.
Blood freezing in her veins as she realised The Commander Shepard is a woman, just like her. Even worse, the way her stomach churned at how attractive you are, before feeling sick by her own desires.
For the first time in her life, Ashley Williams found another woman hot, and she wasn't handing it well. Lust pooling in her core as you inquired for her rank and name, the tough soldier act melting into softness as you stepped closer, reassuring her that she will be fine, you'll protect her, it wasn't her fault...what happened to her unit.
Ashley wanted to scream, tear her heart out, and crush it under her own boots. But like always, she forced herself to remain composed and acknowledged your authority.
Her disgust with herself...her sinful desires only increased by the thought that she's the only one in here with these kind of problems. No way the great woman standing in front of her could ever have these urges, right? Yes, you'd never go for another woman. You must be straight.
You have to be.
As the days went by, she joined your crew and served on your ship. Ashley noticing how you get out of your way to visit her on the bottom floor each time, the little extra effort you put in each time after an exhausting mission just to come and talk to her.
She's praying more often, recounting verses in her mind as a way to discipline her wandering gaze. Hungry eyes filled with shame running over your body clad in those tight armours. Why did you have to wear something so tantalising? And why the fuck does the idea of Kaidan getting to gawk at the same view piss her off even more?
God you even pay attention when she talks about her family. Your air of charm, the breezy seamlessly way you weave yourself into every conversation, steal the lightspots only to departure just as quickly, leaving everyone around wanting more.
This is a universal experience, of course. It can't be only Ashley experiencing this... right?
The way you carry yourself with pride, how deadly even a cheap pistol can be in your hands. The fact it is Ashley who you entrusted with your weapons after each mission, letting her tone your snipers, clean the barrage of your shotguns, and dismantle your pistols before putting them back together.
Yes, she knows it is part of her offical job. So why does she get this tingly feeling whenever your fingers brush against hers as she hands you the weapon back?
Why doesn't she get bothered by having you hover over her shoulder while she works? Why does she enjoy feeling your warm body pressed against hers. Something she would've broke the arm of anyone else who tried to even be in that close of approximately to her.
She shares her faith, tells you of her believes, expecting ridicule. It never arrives.
You treat her with respect, never undermining her values as you admit while you're not religious, you do understand where she's coming from. That you'll personally ensure that no one else gives her any troubles for her faith on this ship.
While your speech was heartfelt and all, what really stuck out to Ashley the most–an earworm of a sentence that kept looping in her brain akin to a broken record.
You're not religious.
Which means she might have a chanc—
No. Absolutely not. Ashley does not swing that way. Even if she does, that's just... not right. It's not natural. She wouldn't even know how to do it with another woman, not that she thought about it...definitely.
But you must have...right? You must have experimented with women before. Did you let them fuck you? surrender to them in bed like you would to men? Did they use their fingers or a strap? Did they just eat you out? How did your thighs feel wrapped around their head–
Jealousy bubbling into envy. Both of the women you've been with and the fact they can live out their sinful lifestyle without consequences.
The fact she can't. Her mind keeping her hostage within this cage.
Why couldn't you be a man?
Ashley often thinks about that before she falls asleep in her pod, dreaming of the life you could've shared. The doting wife she would've been to you. The wedding day and how gorgeous you'd be in front of the altar, stealing her breath away.
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illusivesoul · 2 months
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"I don't know. With that voice?"
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I keep wanting to title this something like “Date night on omega” or whatever, but in reality it’s more like “Lin makes sure Ashley’s drunk ass gets back to the Normandy after the war finally drives her to drink.” May or may not end up as an actual scene in Much Ado About Everything (chapter two of which IS coming, istg.)
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ladymarinamart · 2 years
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"We had something, Shepard. Something real. I… I loved you."
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danypooh80 · 1 year
All I ever wanted, Ch. 104
Thessia, concluded
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sebbansaurus117 · 11 days
Always love you
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mxanigel · 2 years
I won't have time to post new stories for Femslash February, so I'll share my pair of fics that focus on Lynn Shepard and Ashley Williams during the first Mass Effect game.
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thunder and sunshine, rated T, ~1750 words
The Thorian defeated, the Cipher obtained, Lynn Shepard must once again cope with an assault of foreign information and sensations on her mind. But she isn't the only one struggling with what they faced on Feros.
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catch me, I'm falling, rated M, ~3800 words
Despite never having been in love, even though she should focus on their critically important mission to stop Saren, Lynn Shepard is falling for Ashley Williams. Then Virmire threatens to tear them apart. They must navigate guilt and grief to figure out what they want to be to each other.
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mass-effect-galaxy · 1 year
I just can't do without them
I have now modded XCom 2 to basically be a KOTOR game. However, I didn't want to leave the Mass Effect voice packs behind. So I added a team of four Twi'Lek mercenaries to the Star Wars (personal head)canon.
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The game also created the proper bondings:
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Other than that, we have business as usual
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Even Juhani found someone
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We also have our first casualty
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reapercussions · 2 years
Thinking about my ships so you all get my mass effect ships summarized by a song lol
Rhett Shepard x Kaidan Alenko
Rhett is an absolute simp for Kaidan. There ain't nothing he wouldn't do for a chance with Kaidan lol
Dex Shepard x Ashley Williams
Dex is more than a little bitter over Ashley's disbelief in her and her motives and ease in believing she's thrown in with Cerberus.
Sol Shepard x Zaeed Massani
Sol is um... a little too thirsty for the old merc. She's also ruthless asf and likes that Zaeed doesn't judge her for it. In fact it kinda turns him on.
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sol-consort · 6 months
If you think I'm over Ashley YOU ARE SO WRONG
I'm so smitten of the homoerotic potential she has with femshep. The captian of the Normandy going down to check on the gunnery chief after every mission. Garrus and Wrex watching these useless lesbians staring at each other with hearts in their eyes but neither of them makes a move. Wondering if all of humanity is this dense.
Somehow the commanding cunning femshep loses all her braincells when attempting to ask Ashley to hang out alone during off shore breaks, Ashley agreeing immediately as she discards whatever rifle she was checking and tells Shepard she is free right now to go.
Her sisters endlessly tease her over falling for her superior commander, Ashley suddenly shutting down her omni tool when you walk over, not realising you heard it.
Let's acknowledge the homoerotic nature of Ashley prepering and handling the guns that Shepard uses. She gets to take it out of your locker, feel every scratch, and press her grip where your hand would go, check the ammunition, and dissemble the rifle for cleaning.
How Ashley would stare in awe at how Shepard is a weapon by herself on the field, switching between guns and adapting seamlessly. Her strong arms were not affected by the recoil of the bullet, her powerful thighs keeping her steady as she easily spams the shotgun for maximum firepower.
Ashley teaching you how to dance in a club while half drunk after laughing her heart out at your moves. Ashley holding your waist, feeling your warmth and your hands drawing circles on her hips.
Shepard taking Ashley to a gun range and giving her tips on how to better her aiming, standing behind her with your hands covering Ashley's grip on the gun to steady her.
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illusivesoul · 1 year
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"That sounds great, Ash. But right now, I can't focus on anything but you"
For Ashley Week 2023
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