#fenn luxure x reader
ithseem · 7 months
Drawing Henna Tattoos On the Consorts' Hands (S-Ranks edition)
"Why are you writing this?" Because no one else will. And because it's fucking fun
Saligia is full of wack flora and fauna, and since you've finally found something resembling a henna plant that can actually leave a stain and doesn't make you hallucinate or some other odd shit, you decided to crush some of the leaves up and make a batch. There was an upcoming festival, so this is a good opportunity to put those skills to use
Oh boy...The amount of puppy-eyeing you need to do 💀
He does eventually cave though, only because it's you. His own curiosity definitely has no part in this, what are you talking about?
He's going into this knowing that henna stains may take a few hours to set properly before he could wipe the dried paste off.
Because of that, he'd get all his stuff done before sitting down with you. You'd better do the same too.
He'd moisturize his hands and forearms as per your advice and hold still long enough to see you work your artistic skills, and he's quite impressed (He may or may not voice this).
He can see that working with henna can be fiddly, seeing how focused you are.
The small smile on his face after you finished means your mission was successful.
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You want to draw a tattoo with henna on his hand? Alright. It looks like it'd take a while to draw so he'd try and stay still if he'd fall asleep.
"Would you moisturize my hands for me? 🥺" is is excuse to feel your hands before you start your work.
He does fall asleep about half an hour in. He saw how focused you were, and the design already looked pretty good, so he trusts that he's in good hands (not that he has a reason to distrust you).
You did tell him ahead of time that the henna would take a few hours to properly set, so he'd try not to move his hand too much
Lynt's pretty sensitive, so once the henna feels properly dry, he'd wipe off the paste.
He seemed so pleased with the design that it seems a shame to use that hand too much. He'll ask Tino to do a bit more work until the stain wears off (Not that Tino minds)
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When you told Roy about drawing tattoos with crushed leaves, he knew he'd want to try it. Especially on festival days.
Though he is a busy man, he'd make some time for you to do his henna and wait for a few hours to let the stain set. Probably on a day off or something.
He can't help but watch you while you put your artistic prowess to work.
And the design? It is absolutely gorgeous.
"That look of intense focus is quite captivating, you know? And the design looks gorgeous" - Roy Invidia
Fast forward several hours and he's wiped off the dried henna.
He wears the stain like a medal of honour.
Soon enough, all the girls found out about it and drew some designs on their own to wear on special occasions
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He can't say he isn't curious about this custom, so he'll indulge you. And he wants to spend more time with you and watch your artistic skills in action.
Before his day off he made sure everything is done without any mistakes (he does that anyway, but he does this more meticulously than usual)
He washed and moisturized his hands before you got to work.
Drawing with a tube of paste can be fiddly, so he held still as possible (he was going to anyway, he just really doesn't want to break your concentration)
He has to admit, the design looks exquisite. You really put a lot of care and thought into it
The next day, you see him teaching his classes with the henna stained hand in plain sight.
He let his class in on this once his lecture finished.
Needless to say nigh everyone had a henna tattoo on ball days after that.
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You want to draw a tattoo on him? Using crushed leaves? He would love that!
He doesn't mind sitting still for an hour to see you work on something so beautiful.
Hands and forearms? Clean. Skin? Hydrated and moisturized by you (he likes feeling your hands). Hotel? Trivago.
The design you're working on is beautiful yes, but it pales compared to you. Especially right this moment since you look so focused.
The urge to try and fluster you is too strong, so he does when you lift the tube for a few moments.
The stain set a few hours later, and my goodness was the final product gorgeous.
And let me tell you: nigh everyone drew a tattoo with henna. Especially before ball nights
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Rio would be more than happy to let you draw a design with henna on his hand, but he is a bit concerned about how he's going to eat his food. That henna(?) stuff doesn't seem too appetizing and he doesn't want to ruin your work. (Thoma volunteered to take over for his work for tending to the vegetable patch)
You opted for a simpler design on his forearm or on the back of his hand so it doesn't get too in the way of his food or work. Rio doesn't mind though. He knows what you'll create will be beautiful regardless
His hands and forearms are clean and moisturized and he's rarin to go (not without a few snacks to share with you, of course)
He can't say he's too well-versed in this art form, but you look like you know what your doing, and he likes the design.
The wait was definitely worth it, and he wears that stain like a badge of honour.
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pet-pet-peet · 2 years
CoD Characters and Their Hug Preferences
Clingy and protective; he holds you everyday, all the time, whenever you're together. Doesn't want to get his hands off of you for even a minute. He just loves the security; the feeling that you're in his arms and no harm could come to you while he has you. Typically the initiator, yet if you begin to hug him first he will melt. When you initiate hugs, he feels loved in a way he never has and wants to drink the feeling in as much as he could. So he's typically the big spoon, but he absolutely kills to be the little spoon. __________ Fenn, Dia, Roy, Aquia, Lynt, Rio, Tino __________ Pda isn't necessarily his thing, but if you want a hug then he has no reason to deny you one. Has a strong hold but the hugs are fleeting. He just much prefers to wait until you're alone in one of your rooms, then he doesn't have to hold back. He holds you while he studies, or reads, or just while you're talking casually about something. Completely different person behind closed doors for sure. __________ Jasper, Grayson, Knight, Toa, Lou __________
Will not hug you in public, but also won't push you away. He has a reputation to uphold, an image to cater, he can't let people see him soft and lovey-dovey. Behind closed doors he can make up for the lack of reciprocated affection, but he'd much prefer it not be in public where people can use it against him or you. __________
Guy, Lance
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atomsminecraft · 1 year
108 Roses
I forgot to post this so here you go
Extremely proud of this it’s so cute
A sigh of relief escapes me as the bell rung to signal the end of my last lecture of the day. I exit the classroom once I gather my things. I wonder where Fenn is?
“Treasureeeee!” Speak of the devil. I hear my love’s voice from behind me and I turn around. I open my arms for a hug and I feel the familiar sensation of Fenn’s warmth around me. These hugs have become so frequent that I’ve started expecting them by now—not that I’m complaining of course. “That was your last lecture, yes?”
“Yup!” I said, smiling happily.
I feel Fenn’s arms loosen around me then his hand go on my back as he guilds me. “Wonderful! If you wouldn’t mind following me then.” I tilt my head. Where is he taking me? Is it another of date? This late at night? Fenn seems to read my thoughts as he laughs. “You have no classes tomorrow if I remember correctly. Would you like to go to town with me?” Why am I surprised?
I nod my head. “You’ve been taking me to a lot of dates lately, Fenn.” I look up at him with a playful look, “Are you planning something?”
He winks at me and pulls me closer to him, “How about you come along and find out?” I feel my cheeks slightly heat up. “Oh how darling you look right now! I could just take you right at this very moment!”
I nudge his side with my elbow. “Fenn! Don’t make those jokes with people around!” I give him my best pouting face. Of course I’m not actually upset with him, and he knows this too.
As we walk to Fenn’s dorm, we talk about classes and anything interesting that has happened recently. As we enter his room, Fenn speaks. “Oh that reminds me, there’s a book I’ve written that I want your opinion on.”
“A book? What kind?” I ask.
“I think you’ll quite like it.” Fenn goes to the table in his room and grabs a book then hands it to me. “I must ask that we read the book together, however. I would love to see your reaction to it.”
I look at the cover of the book; it’s brown with a bouquet of red roses that slightly push out. “Oh wow, the cover is beautiful!” I look at it in awe. “Does it have a title?”
I look up at Fenn to see his smile growing. “You’ll know it at the end of the chapter.” What’s so special about the end of the chapter? My curiosity grows.
“Can we read it now, then?”
“Lets read it tomorrow on our date. Your excitement will only grow as you wait.” Bummer. Fenn takes my right hand and kisses it. “How about I take your mind off of the book?” Fenn’s face gets closer to my own, “I can think of multiple ways to do so~” His other hand goes on my cheek and I can feel his thumb graze over my bottom lip.
I laugh. “You tease~”
The date day has finally begun. Sherry and Violet helped me get ready, dressing me up like a doll to their delight.
I meet Fenn outside the girls dorm and our date quickly begins. We bought matching bracelets at a curio shop, a matching outfit for us both that we will wear on another date, a cafe, the park, and lastly we stop near a small meadow.
I look around the meadow and absorb the image I’m seeing.
“Lets read the book here, Treasure!” Fenn is sitting under a tree and he pats his lap. I sit down on his lap and I take out the book from my satchel and open it.
I start reading the book aloud, “A bright flash of light is emitted from the crimson moon in the night sky. My vision wavers from the light. When my eyes can finally see, there’s a most peculiar sight. A woman is descending from the moon! I scrub my violet eyes, but the image in front of me is still there. I cusion the women’s fall with aeolian magic. ‘What strange clothing she has…’ I think to myself. It seems my fated princess from another world has come to me after all!” I look up from the book and look at Fenn. “Is this what I think it is?”
“Is it what?” he feigns ignorance with a smile.
“Is this how we first met?”
“From my memory, yes. It’s been so long, I do hope it’s accurate.” I smile at him.
“I’m sure you got it mostly right. I wasn’t aware I fell from the moon though, so that’s intresting.” I turn back around and continue reading, “The women awakens. ‘Oh hellow there. Have you awoken?’ The woman stares at me in what seems like awe. “Am I dreaming…?” The woman asks. “If it were, we would be able to do anything we wished, don’t you think?’ Very soon, the others came…” I continue reading the book. It’s all entirely from Fenn’s perspective and how he remembers the events that took place.
Fenn stops me after the first chapter. “There’s 30 chapters.” Fenn says. “30 chapters, 30 dates. Lets read one chapter each date.” He then confiscated the book from me.
Each date was different from the last. Sherry and Violet helped me get ready for each one, then once we came back they rushed me into Sherry’s room so we could talk about the date and what happened. We went to beaches, restaurants, boutiques, parks, churches, and so many more places! Each chapter felt shorter then the last, each revisiting the memories we shared. Each time, my two best friends seemed more exited then the last. They constantly asked when the next date was.
One thing did stand out though, there was one rose every other page.
Our last location was under a bridge. Fenn layed out a picnic for us to enjoy while we read the book. Fenn was sitting in front of me and we were wearing the matching outfits we bought on our first date some time ago, I think 4 months ago? As I read the book, I slowly came to a realization though.
“The sun was bright under the bridge we were under.” I looked up from my book for a moment. Well, I guess the book can tell the future now. “I looked at my paramor with the book in her hand.” I look back up from the book, “This book sure has some fortune telling powers, doesn’t it?” I joke.
“Continue reading, treasure.” Fenn says. I clear my voice then I continue reading.
“By now, you can likely tell something is going on here, my love. You’ve likely realized this isn’t any normal book. If you have realized this, then you are correct. This book is about what happened that brought us together and everything I love about you. MC, I love everything about you. I love the way you smile when you see me. I love the way you laugh at my jokes and how you joke along. I love the way you get excited when we go visit your favorite cafe in town and how you always have difficulty deciding what to get. I love the way you are always considerate of me and always think of what I want and how I’m feeling. I love the way you braid my hair when I’m sleeping when you think I’m not awake. I love the way you whisper ‘I love you’s’ to me whenever we’re cuddling. I love how your hands feel with mine when we hold each other’s hand. I love how dedicated you are to your studies and how you’re always willing to improve yourself. I love the way you look in the clothes I buy you and how I can see how careful you are in them so you don’t get them dirty. I love the way you smile at me each time we see each other in the hallway. I love everything about you.” I feel my eyes start to tear up.
I almost put the book down but Fenn’s hand stops me by keeping it up. “Keep reading, treasure.”
I turn the second to last page, page 215. “MC, you are the most important person in my life. We’ve been through countless challenges and you’ve stayed with me through them all. Your presence alone brings me the most joy I’ve ever felt in my entire life, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Which is why I need to ask you this very important question.” I turn the page and I see the very last rose, the 108 rose, with four words in gold in the middle.
“MC.” I finally put the book down and I look at Fenn.
Fenn on one knee holding a small purple box.
“Will you marry me?” The book falls from my hands and my hands hide my mouth as Fenn opens the box to reveal a beautiful ring. I feel the tears that were threatening to fall come down my cheeks. I nod vigorously and I fall into his arms to kiss him. I feel Fenn move backwards as his back hits the floor from the force of me jumping at him.
“Yes!” I say between kisses. I feel his hands in my hair as we kiss for a moment longer. We pull away, smiling and laughing like idiots. Fenn sits up and grabs the ring and puts it on my ring finger. The beautiful purple stone shines in the sun, making it seem almost etherial. Fenn kisses my hand with the most tenderness I’ve ever seen him do. God I wish I could live in this moment.
Our celebratory makeout session lasts until sundown before we’re forced to go back to the acadamy unless we want to go passed curfew. I can’t look away from the ring on my finger as we walk back to the academy.
The moment we step through the gates, I see all the people I’ve grown to care about in my time here in Saligia. Heck, even the headmaster is here!
“CONGRAGULATIONS!!!” I hear them all say. I look at Fenn and he looks at me back with a huge smile. Within no time I’m surrounded by Sherry and Violet as they ask me to show the ring. They then squeal as they see the ring.
“The ring he designed is beautiful!” Violet commented.
“It truely is!” Sherry added. I smile at my two best friends. As everyone else comes to see the ring, I feel Fenn’s arm snake around my waist and pull me closer to him.
This is truely the happiest I’ve ever been. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with my lover.
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dotster001 · 2 years
Summary: Fenn x gn!reader Fenn has noticed that you don't like his touch. He can fix that.
"Ah, there's my treasure!" 
That was the only warning you got before Fenn's arms wrapped around you like a snake, his perfume filling your nose.
"Hi Fenn," you said dryly, not looking away from Sherry, who you had been conversing with. You patted one of his hands, and were about to continue your conversation when you noticed Sherry looking at you in shock.
"Y/N?" She questioned.
"I know," you shrugged, as you felt him nuzzle your cheek.
"I've been desensitizing them," he said, as he continued rubbing your cheek.
You and Sherry said at the same time. Fenn slowly pulled away, and sat next to you, his knee barely brushing against yours.
"You see," he said with a forlorn sigh, "I noticed how adverse to my touch treasure was. So I've been slowly getting them used to it."
He looked at you with a wicked grin, and you slowly backed as far away as the couch would allow.
Meanwhile he scooched very slightly towards you, and gently grabbed your hand.
"I began by taking my treasure's hand. Once they were used to that," he shifted again, this time so that he had wrapped himself around your arm.
You were starting to remember exactly what he was talking about. And it was making the back of your neck prickle.
"Then I got treasure used to having me on their arm. After that," he placed his head on your shoulder. You automatically started to tilt your own head so that it rested on his, but stopped when you noticed his gleeful grin.
"Ah treasure, are you feeling shy? It's alright," he reached up his outer hand and caressed your cheek in a way to direct your head down to his, while Sherry let out a gasp of delight.
"Then what?" She giggled, fully invested in how Fenn had been desensitizing you slowly.
"Well, then it was as you saw," he stood up abruptly, and wrapped his arms around you once again, though this time you had a nasty scowl on your face.
"And what will the next step be?" Sherry asked.
"Whose side are you on?" You hissed.
"The side that gets you a paramour," she whispered with a giggle, causing your jaw to drop.
"The next step is this," Fenn said, and suddenly his lips were on yours, while Sherry squealed in delight.
When he pulled away, you noticed he had somehow slotted himself in your lap. You couldn't decide whether to be happy, embarrassed or angry, but luckily, Fenn turned to Sherry, and said,
"Now, obviously, desensitization doesn't happen right away, so we'll have to repeat this at least once a day," he traced your jaw with a single finger, his violet eyes glinting in satisfaction, "And then, after that,  treasure will fall deeply in love with me, and become my sweet perfect paramour."
"Hey…" you began, but he caught you off guard, and kissed you, again.
You squirmed a little, even though you knew he loved when he made you try and squirm away.  With your eyes open, you noticed Sherry clutching her heart, and looking at you both with a happy grin.
It wasn't long before Fenn stood up, and said, "That's enough for today. We'll pick up again tomorrow."
As he left the room, you were about to yell at him or curse him or something, when Sherry draped herself over her chair with a giggle.
"Y/N's going to have a paramour!" 
Before you could tell her to kindly shut up, the entire lounge was on you asking you questions. Even though he wasn't there, you could hear his delighted laugh.
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courtofmatchups · 2 years
I’m genuinely curious to see who I would get(you can be honest dw 💀) so can I please get a matchup? (Not Jasper tho 😟)
Also I’m really sorry if this is horrible at explaining-
I would say I’m a nice person and when I first meet people or don’t know others I’m pretty quiet but after the first few times I’m pretty chill
I tend to think more logically more often then not unless I’m with my friends and having fun then I sometimes forget
I’m willing to learn things though it takes me a few(hundred /j) times to memories things but all in all I memorize things somewhat quickly after some practice
I’m a great listener and I enjoy writing and sometimes even reading and on a rare occasion drawing(even though it sucks-), I also very much enjoy making up scenarios for random writing prompts/stories and I even imagine myself in them haha
I like sweets but I don’t eat them much
I like jokes and pranks(particularly doing them) and I even find it funny to scare people(it happens unintentionally like 90% of the time 💀) sometimes(I do it rarely tho)
I’m actually pretty quiet some(like 50%) of the time and people have actually forgotten I’m there so ig that’s another thing LMAO
I really like kids and am not that bad at taking care of some. Kids also like me a lot of the time(I chase them around and they find it funny)
I’ve been described as chaotic fun by friends and I’m also a hugger after I get to know people enough haha(I also have a tendency to jokingly steal things from my friends like their glasses and hats and put them on then run when they try and get them back LMAO)
I don’t have a single coherent thought in my head
Absolutely none /hj ( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )
I’m sorry if this is bad please take your time-
It seems you have captured the heart of
The Devious Libertine
Fenn Luxure!
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Fenn, Fenn, Fenn. It seems he met his match when he first became friends with you. He likes that you seem like a nice person, and as he grew closer to you he came to appreciate the chaos you bring. Heck, he'll even join you in it. Expect to play pranks on each other and on your friends
Fenn likes the fact that you are such a good listener and will enjoy talking to you. Also, he likes the fact that you like to write, too. Your process of formulating these stories is fascinating to him, and perhaps he might even ask for your input when he decides to write a new novel.
Now, if being good with kids isn't simpable as hell to Fenn, He doesn't know what is. He'd probably see you reading to some kids at a local library or something to that equivalent, and the way the kids are totally entranced by you is something he'd never tire of seeing
Writer's block. It's every writer's worst enemy. Now here Fenn is, slumped at his desk at his mental limit. Sitting around idly won't get the creative juices flowing, so he decides to see you.
Fenn: Treeaasuure~
You: Hey, Fenn. What's up?
Fenn: I am incredibly bored right now, and I would like your company
You: ...Writer's block?
Fenn nods
You: Let's go into town together. Maybe going out will help you clear your mind
Fenn: A capital idea! Actually, there's a new import of wine from Luxure, let's get some
Your day in town was a fun one to be sure. Some children you had read to had come up to you. They caught up with you and Fenn to chat a little bit. The way their eyes lit up as they spoke to the two of you made Fenn smile a little bit. It was simply small talk, but he felt something spark in his mind
Soon your conversation ended and the children's parents came to pick them up, and then the two of you headed on your way to get a bottle of wine to share.
You made some more stops to shop for some things before going back to the academy. Fenn had an idea for a storyline with a character based on you, so he asked you to help him "act out the plot" if you will.
Thanks to your help, he was able to actually write out the story. After a few months of drafting, his new novel came to print, and it seems like it was becoming quite the hit. This was a victory he dedicates to you
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onedayimgonnasnap · 2 years
Fenn: Listen MC… when you said you were magical in bed this wasn’t what I was expecting.
Mc: Well- Is this your card? 😉🃏
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notlevifromobeyme · 2 years
I’m too tired to do a full lil intro thing to this so whatever.
Sub(?)Toa x Dom reader
TW: slight edging, slight begging (Toa), creampie, unprotected sex, the reader teasing Toa, bratty antics from the reader, very flirty reader.
Man, was he just so pretty. From his head to his feet, he was just gorgeous. You couldn’t even focus when he was teaching, all you did was admire him. Lazily watching his every move, as sleep wasn’t an option when thinking of him was. Sometimes he’d catch you stare, but you’d just wink at him, watching him roll his eyes and blush slightly. Sure, you get dirty looks from the girls that adore him, but whatever. He was more important to you. This particular time, you watched him go into a room. Peeking inside, you see many instruments and a record player. He likes music, I can work with that, you think.
You’d need someone to help you though. Someone easily seduced, because it seemed that’s all you knew. Immediately, you had a man in mind. Fenn Luxure. You ran to the S-Rank lounge and three of the five princes you met that night were there, Roy Invidia, Lynt Akedia, and Guy Avari.
“Mrs. Y/n,” Roy began. “How can we be of assistance?” He asked.
Lynt peeked at you, giving you a “Hello” you could barely hear.
Guy, of course, glanced at you, then went back to reading the thick book he had in his hands.
“I need to find Fenn, do you have any clue where he is?” You question.
“I heard him say he was going to the library tower.” Guy said, his eyes never leaving the page.
“Thank you, guys!“ You say, and zoom out of the room and to the library tower.
You walk up the winding steps and make it up to the top. You look up and down the isles, until you get the the back, where you see Fenn and a random girl. Fenn was kissing her neck while the woman moaned his name. You cleared your throat to make it known you were there.
“Awhh.. someone had to ruin our fun, huh?” Fenn says, turning around.
The woman sprinted out of the room, embarrassed.
“Treasure? How can I help?” Fenn asks, winking.
“Fenn..I need some help, could you help me, darling?~” You say, holding onto his arm and fluttering your eyelashes.
“Ohh, you got me. How could I ever deny you?” He says, coming his hands through your hair and hooking an arm around your waist. “What do you need assistance with?”
“I really, really wanna go out into town with you! I wanna get something I saw last time!“ You exclaim.
Fenn smiled and nodded, both touched and aroused by your cute, bratty-ish side.
“Yay, thank you Fenn!” You say, hugging him.
“Anything for you, my Treasure. Aren’t you just you cutest thing, hmm?” He asks.
“I am, I am, I promise,” you assure him. “I promise I’ll be good in town, okay?” You say.
“Shh, shh, now. No need getting worked up.” Fenn said.
Your tactics worked, and even more, you get to get Toa a few things out in town. Wrapping them in a pretty bow, you sign “To: Toa, From: Y/n. Love you ♡” and set it on the table in the music room. You watched as he opened it and a slight smile spread across his face. Feeling accomplished, you walked to the refectory until a cold hand slithered around your arm.
“Y/n.. Thank you.” Toa said, loosening his grip a bit.
“Your welcome, dear,” You said, turning around and noticing his blush.
Toa pulls you in from your arm and asks,
“Would you like to listen to the track with me?”
Yes! It would mean that you two were alone and finally, he’d be yours to admire.
“I’d love to, Toa.” You said, a smile spreading across your face.
The room was quiet, all you could hear was the music filling the room as you two sit in comfortable silence. You moved and put your head on his shoulder, his hand creeping to find your thigh. You place your hand on top of his and make him squeeze your thigh, digging at the plush skin below it. You felt his heart beating and moved his hand to your inner thigh, his hand moving on its own to grope your skin.
“I’m.. I’m sorry- I didn’t mean to-“ Toa starts, until you straddle him. He stops talking and marvels you, feeling his cock get harder as it throbs on his pants.
“So cute when you look up at me, you want me to fuck you?” You ask, your hand cupping his cheek.
“Please don’t…don’t tease me like that.” He whispers.
You lick your lips unintentionally and stroke his cock that’s still in his pants, a small pool of precum stains his pants as he winces and moans.
“Fuck me..” He whispers, “Just fuck me, please.”
“As you wish.”
Tugging down Toa’s pants, his cock twitches helplessly as you lower yourself on him, deeper, and deeper.
You grind on his cock as he tries to hold down your hips, “It feels too good, Y/n I’m gonna..cum..”
You hold his chin up and kiss him, moaning in his mouth. Taking his cock out of your sloppy hole, Toa cups your cheeks.
“No, no, no, please don’t stop…please don’t.” He begs.
“What? I didn’t hear you.” You tease.
“Don’t stop..” Toa manages to whimper.
“Don’t stop what?”
“Please don’t stop fucking me, I need it. Please, Y/n…For me..” He whispers.
“Ohh, why didn’t you say so?” You say.
Riding Toa, going as slow and sensual as you want, he grabs your hips in attempt to make you go faster.
“Bad boy. Stop being so impatient.” You snap, biting his neck and earning a “s-sorry” and a moan.
Toa unbuttons your top and sucks on one nipple, pinching the other, you moan in response and go a bit faster as a reward.
“Oh yes.. faster, please go faster..” Toa moans as his free hand goes to your sex.
“Fuckkkk..” You moan. “Such a good boy, hmm?..”
“Im going to cum soon, do you mind if I-?” He asks.
“Cum inside me, Toa…” You mindlessly say as white liquid hits the deepest parts of your hole, filling you.
Yep. That was it. That was all. Thank you.
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satanicbagel13 · 2 years
Since I fucking hate his comfy clothes, i offer fenn putting his hair up in whay I consider to be better
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ithseem · 1 year
The Princes with a Gentle!Chubby!S/O
(because literally no one asked for it)
(warnings: none unless you're allergic to fluff, mentions of angst, or a lack of a beta reader)
(GN reader. Enjoy!)
Guy Avari
Oh, Guy Avari... The ever-so-cold man who claims he wants nothing to do with romance, weakened by the chubby person who came into his life
I dare you to tell me he wouldn't appreciate a chubby s/o
Bro's often overworked so he would find comfort in hugging you in private
If you're ever worried about crushing him when he asks that you sit on his lap, he'll just straight up say "balderdash" and sit you on his lap anyways
And if you're insecure about your looks, lemme tell you something: it does not matter to him what you look like. Your presence is comforting as hell
He'll also hire tailors through Jasper to make clothes that flatter you
And if his fan club or anyone else harasses, you, Guy will make sure they stay FAR away from you
Toa Qelsum
Overworked and often burnt-out mf electric boogaloo
I've said this in a previous post, and I'll say it again: I dare you to tell me Toa wouldn't appreciate his chubby s/o holding him in their arms and telling him that he's doing amazing and that everything will be alright
I cannot guarantee he'll know how to react at first, but he will grow more accustomed to this, so please, do it regularly 🥺 (bro's touched-starved asf)
His family and the people he grew up with were cold, to say the least, so someone as warm and caring as you would be a welcome change of pace
Also, if you happen to cross paths with these people, or if his fan club harasses you it won't be hard for your insecurities to resurface, so he'll make ABSOLUTELY SURE you don't feel unloved by him
Will also hire tailors to make you clothes that flatter you
Lynt Akedia
I dare you to tell me this skinny boy wouldn't find comfort in using you as a body pillow
Lynt's already affectionate as hell, and that's only gonna increase tenfold with a gentle and chubby s/o
Your thighs are definitely his favourite pillow
If he finds out you're insecure about your looks, Lynt would look at you like: Do you even see yourself?? You're literally so beautiful
His fan club will stay especially away from you since they've incurred Lynt's wrath. And lemme tell you something, a quiet person's wrath is nothing to take lightly
Roy Invidia
It's no secret that Roy is among the loveliest people when it comes to you
He appreciates you for your gentle personality and truth be told, he does find your huggable figure quite winsome
How couldn't he? You're simultaneously paramour- and friend-shaped
You accept him as the person he is and he appreciates that he doesn't have to be perfect all the time around you
He always transcends to cloud nine whenever you give him cuddles
Fenn Luxure
"People are just hot, man" (paraphrased, of course, lulz)
There is not a single person he doesn't see the beauty in, and you are no exception
If you happen to be insecure about your looks, you may or may not be a little suspicious about why he flirts with you so much, since a lot of the flirting aimed towards you may have been a joke
At first, it was nothing more than just some casual flirting and maybe wanting a hookup but nothing more
But as he got to know you and your sweet nature, he can't help but feel drawn to you
Man's been neglected for a lot of his life, and you giving him the attention just makes him feel all warm and fuzzy inside
It's not long before the two of you become paramours, and there isn't a moment where neither of you feels unloved
Expect lots of cuddling
Rio Voleri
Ah, yes. The resident Chubby Chaser Extraordinaire
It is, in fact, canon that he likes 'em big. He likes 'em chunky (source: Rio's book 1)
Rio never was all that interested in love, but not so much when it comes to you
Can you blame him, though? You're just too cute for words
And lemme tell you, he will ENJOY making food with you and, of course, eating with you
He also enjoys how happy you look when you eat
And if you're insecure in your looks and you bring it up, the poor boy will be SO baffled
How can you say such things about yourself??
In my headcanon, I see him built like Jotaro Kujo, so he would love to pick you up or have you as an extra weight on his back when he does pushups (He looks like a twig in the game's art style I'm sorry 😭😭)
Also, expect LOTS of cuddles
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ithseem · 1 year
Gender Non-Conforming Fem!MC is Done with Guy's Nonsense and Burns the Dress He Got Her
@shaakyhaands this is for you
warnings: arson, not beta read, may be a little ooc
You have just about HAD IT with Guy and his utter nonsense. You've told him multiple times that you weren't interested in him or in wearing dresses. You've told him you weren't comfortable wearing dresses and you rejected his many, ah, advances but he still tries to win you over. When Guy bought you yet another dress and expected you to attend the upcoming ball with him, that was the last straw. You asked your friend Fenn to get a bottle of wine, but not just any old wine. You wanted only the best wine in all of Saligia. So he gets you the finest wine from Luxure. He understood where you were coming from. If you were this irritated, alcohol would do just the trick.
Or does he? He came back to the S-Ranks lounge where you did not really hide a smirk and Guy ordered Jasper to fetch Avari's finest alcoholic drink: Avarian Ale, "far stronger than the drek Luxure calls wine."
None of the men in the lounge saw what you were going to do next. You poured the contents of both bottles onto the dress Guy got you (was that with you the whole time?) and then got a lighter (where did you get that?) and lit the dress on fire
You did not just do that
How could you just burn a dress made by Avari's finest tailor?
And revel in this while keeping eye contact with him no less??
Guy was the first to put out the flames once he regained his composure
All that was left was but a small charred patch of the dress
He gets the message. If you were willing to commit arson over this he's not gonna get you dresses
You had him fetch wine for this?
He cannot say he dislikes this display, but did you really have to pour his wine all over a dress to set it on fire? He was hoping to share it with his friends
Oh well. At least he got to see some chaos today
If you haven't already put your foot down, you've driven it down to the very core of Saligia now
Toa is glad you rejected his advances but was nearly setting the lounge on fire really necessary?
He understood your discomfort with wearing traditionally feminine clothes and as far as he knew, you told him and the others as much, so you had to put your foot down
He supposes simply saying no would not have sufficed, but setting the dress on fire? Really?
He has mixed feelings about this
He is utterly speechless
Maybe he should have talked Guy out of getting you a dress
But then again he doubts he would have listened
"Why is it so hot all of a sudden?"
Lynt was asleep and the sudden heat spike woke him up
Fenn filled him in on what happened and Lynt was not happy with what Guy did. He was not happy with you either
Lynt hates discord and would really rather not argue but this has gone too far
He scolds Guy for making you so uncomfortable and he scolds you for nearly setting the room ablaze
If this wasn't enough an incentive to make sure that this doesn't happen again, Guy would be a unicorn's uncle
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ithseem · 1 year
OMG OKAY SO headcanon idea:
Fenn with an S/O that is just a flirtatious as he is, BUT he can’t lie to her as she literally sees through all his lies? And maybe they terrorize the other princes because they’re the most chaotic couple in the magic realm hehe
Oooh! This is gonna be fun to write
Fenn with a Flirty S/O
You know that song "I Am a Girl Like You" from Barbie in The Princess and the Pauper? That's basically your dynamic
Fenn loves it when you flirt with him (low-key, he kinda wants that. I dare you to tell me he doesn't want the tables turned on him)
Fenn will absolutely love to flirt back and will love it when the flirting gets aggressive (in a wholesome way ofc)
Not everyone will vibe with this, but the two of you love to be menaces to society (again, in a wholesome way)
One thing he wasn't expecting was that you were basically a sentient lie detector
Every time he lies you pull up and say "C-A-P. CAP"
"That simply means that I smell a lie. I can also smell half-truths"
As much as this surprises him, he can't help but appreciate your in-built lie detector
If there is anything he likes, he likes surprises
And lemme tell you, this is a pleasant surprise for all of his friends too
There is never a dull moment whenever the two of you are around
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dotster001 · 2 years
Day 19: Costume shop au where person a finds the perfect costume for everyone while person b hates working there
Summary: Fenn Luxure x gn!reader
Cw: Fenn Luxure 😂
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"This one," Fenn says to the customer with absolute certainty. 
You gotta hand it to him, he has an eye for color and personality.  Everyone who came in looking for a costume went home more than satisfied.
You used to enjoy working here as well. You also had what your manager called "the gift".  However, your new coworker was not someone you were particularly fond of. After watching Fenn flirt with customers all day to make sales, it was exhausting to have him turn around and flirt with you. 
He helped the customer check out, and the moment they were out the door, he was wrapping his arms around you from behind, and pressing his face to your hair.
"Treasure, when are you going to let me pick a costume for you?"
"I don't need one, Fenn," you said, trying to squirm out of his deceptively tight grip.
"But what will you wear to our Halloween date?" He said seriously, but it was offset by the grin you could feel on his face.
You tickled his side, causing him to laugh and loosen his grip enough to squirm away. 
Holding your hands up to ward him off, you said, "I'm not going on a fictional date with you. I'm not one of your customers."
He pouted. "This one wouldn't be fictional, though. I really want to go on a date with you for Halloween."
"Everything that comes out of your mouth is a lie! I'm not going to buy a costume just so your sales stats go up."
You knew he was a man of many lies, but for some reason, it still hurt. If you truly didn't care for him, it wouldn't hurt so much when he would ask you out. And that scared you a little.
"If that's what you're worried about, we can buy costumes from a different store," he said, donning a grin that would have had a customer melting like butter. 
You gave him an unconvinced look. He raised his hands in what you thought was going to be surrender. It was not.
"Look, treasure, I flirt with the customers to make sales, but you're truly the one I really like. And I'll prove it to you. If I can get you the perfect costume from somewhere else by Halloween, you have to go on a date with me, and praise me forever and ever as king of your heart."
You raised a single eyebrow. There were no other shops in your area, and online shopping wouldn't get you anything until long after Halloween due to shipping demands. Your odds were good.
"And if you can't get a costume?"
"I'll leave you alone forever, treasure. I'll watch someone else romance you and sweep you off your feet, and I won't say a word. Except to maybe ask if I can join you both," he ended with a wink, to which you scowled.
"Drop the endings of both prizes, and you have yourself a deal," you said. 
It was Halloween, and up to this point neither of you had brought up the bet again. He came in to work his final shift before the holiday officially began, and he had nothing with him. A part of you was…disappointed. 
You continued your shift, and were about to clock out when a gorgeous woman with dark purple hair came running through the door, handing a package to Fenn.
"It's here!" She shouted. She looked at you and gave you a dazzling smile. "You must be Y/N. I'm Violet, Fenn's told me so much about you…"
"Letty, I love you. Thank you!" Fenn hugged her tightly, then pushed her towards the door. "Now go, I need to see this through alone."
She rolled her eyes and gave you a final wave as  she left the shop. 
Fenn stared at the package for a moment, before turning with a soft smile, and holding it out to you.
"What is it?" You asked doubtfully.
"Just open it," he said breathlessly.
You opened it, and inside was a bundle of fabric. You pulled it out, and realized it was a high quality costume of your favorite character.
"How did you….." you breathed.
He slowly approached you, like he was walking up to a wounded animal and didn't want to scare it.
"I saw their picture flash across your phone a couple times," he hummed, looking more and more smug the clearer it became you weren't going to back away from him. "I'm also pretty good at knowing what sizes people need. And I couldn't possibly get you a cheap outfit that'll fall apart after our date, so I commissioned a friend to make it."
He finally made it to you, and gently placed his hand on your elbow, looking at you with a vulnerable expression that had you all flustered.
"So I win, right? Are you going to give me a chance, treasure?"
You wanted to mess with him. You wanted to pretend to think about it. But his purple eyes were filled with so much hope and anxiety that you just had to nod to him.
He looked ecstatic. He picked you up in a hug and spun you around, giggling. (Where the fuck did he hide muscles like that?)
"It's not that big of a deal, Fenn," you said, giving a laugh of your own.
"It is to me," he said, putting you down at arms length, and giving you a serious look. "It means you don't hate me, and I have a chance to win your heart."
He may already have. But he'd won the bet so you didn't need to give him something else to have a big head over.
"Can I kiss you?" He whispered, startling you out of your thoughts.
"Not yet," you laughed, but pulled him into a hug. "Let's start with this, okay?"
"Okay," he hummed, holding you tightly to him. "There'll be plenty of time for you to kiss me later."
You would also have time later to remind him that he was the one who asked for a kiss. But for now you just breathed in his scent, and took a moment to think about the beautiful beginning that was holding you tightly.
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ithseem · 1 year
Hi!! I wanted to request a headcanon, fic, drabble or whatever you want with the court of darkness princes with a paramour who is outspoken, confident, independent, passionate, and maybe has a bit of a temper… I’m more of a confident person myself, and it’s annoying sometimes because the MC is constantly portrayed as shy and whatnot. Also, if all of the princes are too much, then maybe just Fenn and/or Roy (or whoever else you wanna write). Thanks, love!!!!
Let me tell you right here, right now, that I love you for this/pos
Also, I can only write for Guy and Fenn right now, so please excuse 🥲
(GN reader)
(warnings: none unless you're allergic to a lack of a beta reader)
Guy and Fenn with a Headstrong and Outspoken MC
Neither of you knows how you ended up together, but hey, neither of you regrets it
At first, Guy was really taken aback by you. You weren't afraid of him in the slightest, despite him being a prince
You called him out on his nonsense on multiple occasions. Hell, you even punched him the second time he invaded your personal space
I doubt he even knows how he even fell for you in the first place, but after seeing you tell off his rabid fangirls, that only catalyzed his feelings for you
Over time, as you got to know him, you can't help but notice his... character development?
He's been a lot less pushy and callous, especially toward you. And dare you say it, less afraid of being vulnerable around you?
Keep in mind, this is an extremely slow burn, so by the time he's at the point where he "tolerates" you, the two of you are friends
As time passed, he became more and more in love with you. You felt the same way about him too. You appreciated the fact that he's going out of his way to make things better for you, and he appreciated the fact that you kept him in line (at least subconsciously)
He also seemed to enjoy listening to you ramble about the things you were passionate about
He wasn't expecting you to confess your feelings first, but he's not upset.
There are still a lot of rough patches that need to be sorted out in your relationship, but aside from that it will still be a happy one
Fenn's entire schtick is simping on main, so he will absolutely simp for a headstrong person like you
Right off the bat, you didn't like the fact that he invaded your personal space (*cough*the literal prologue*cough*) so you had no choice but to punch him and get the hell out of there
Once you realized that you were stuck in this new world for who knows how long, you had no choice but to just roll with it until you find a way back home
Lately, Fenn's been rather touchy-feely with you, and you've told him multiple times to lay off the physical contact
You had reached your final straw one day when he disregarded your boundaries yet again, so you kind of shouted at him to stop. He got the message
Fenn did admire the way you handled a lot of situations, you never backed down unless you were proven to be in the wrong
He especially liked to see how you handled his hoard of rabid fangirls. If that isn't good fodder for his next novel, he doesn't know what is
How you ended up together was a bizarre story indeed. All of it started with a rescue mission that ultimately ended in vain
Along the way, you and Fenn opened up to each other, and Fenn admitted that he had fallen in love with you
Was that a lie? You weren't quite sure. He did have a habit of being a compulsive liar
You later found that it was indeed true. All of the things he opened up to you about were also true. Who can blame him though? You were passionate and you just don't take nonsense from anyone. Not even him
He especially loves hearing you ramble about the things you're passionate about
There will be spots in your relationship that need to be sorted out, but you'll still be happy with each other regardless. Nothing like good open and honest communication to do that
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courtofmatchups · 2 years
Hi! Can I have a matchup please?
My pronouns are she/her and I’m straight. My personality type is INFJ and I’m a Scorpio.
I’m generally a reserved person but I can get quite animated and loud when excited or around people I’m comfortable with. I’m pretty creative as I love writing, cosplay, and art. I also love to cook. I have an insane amount of books and I also study English in college.
My friends tend to come to me when they need someone to talk/vent to and I’ve been told I give good advice. I’m seen as the mom of the group as I try to take care of everyone. Though I tend to put others above myself most of the time.
My love language is mainly physical touch but I also enjoy quality time. :)
It seems you've captured the heart of
The Devious Libertine:
Fenn Luxure!
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I have to say that Fenn loves your energy, and I don't see him being tired of hearing of your interests. Actually, he'd be more than happy to do your hobbies with you, as he is an author. I can see him being into cosplay, it's fun to dress up as your favourite characters and pretend to be them. He would love to go on shopping dates with you to get clothes for cosplays.
He also loves that you love reading and writing too, and if you ever read his novels, the look you have in your eyes while you talk about them is something he'd love to see. The fact that you love his books so much is among the best things he'd ever heard. He may also ask you to draw little illustrations for his books if you're okay with it. I'm seeing something like those illustrations in those Victorian novels that shows the highlight of each chapter.
What's this? Your favourite love languages are physical touch and quality time? His little nickname "Treasure" is absolutely PERFECT for you! You are precious to him
You were greeted with a tight hug from your paramour from behind. He seemed to be rather cheerful today. You turned around to be greeted by a smiling Fenn. His hair and skin seemed to have more lustre than usual. You couldn't help but smile.
"Hi, Fenn. You seem happy."
Fenn giggled. "Of course! I just got to hug my precious paramour."
You had to let out a giggle. As happy as you were to see him, too, you knew this wasn't the main reason he was happy. "Come on, Fenn. I know that's not the only reason you're happy."
"Alright. You got me there. My latest book broke my last record for the most good reviews, and I have you to thank!"
This was true. You had given him some critiques for this book. You also drew some illustrations for it, and you were proud of all of them. And it seems like loads of people liked them too.
"Awesome!" you said. "We should celebrate"
"Indeed! I'll treat you to a date. After classes, we'll go clothes shopping, and then drinks."
"Sounds like a plan!"
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ithseem · 11 months
Hijabi MC Shenanigans+Headcanons in Saligia
Guy: *tries to kiss MC in the beginning*
MC, punching him: NO KISSING
Toa: This has absolutely no alcohol content. Have you ever HAD wine before?
MC: No, nor do I ever plan to because my religion STRICTLY FORBIDS EVEN GOING NEAR THE STUFF
MC be dodging his advances like a Bollywood action movie protagonist
MC: At least I can have some semblance of normalcy
Lynt tryna use her as a pillow, but she politely declines, since her religion forbids her from coming into contact with men
Other Things That May or May Not Have Happened
MC draping her duvet over her head as a makeshift hijab when unexpected visitors come
MC gets caught washing her feet in the sink for wudhu
MC feeling incredibly disoriented bc she has no idea which way the Qiblah (the direction of the Kabah in Mecca) is, so offering prayer is a nightmare and a half
MC lowkey upset bc the Quran does not exist in Saligia (iirc). And Lou wishes he could help
Rio and Thoma getting worried about MC during Ramadhan (whenever that is. It's super stressful not knowing when the Islamic calendar lines up with the calendar here) bc she's going from dawn till dusk without food or drink for a month
MC happily answering her friends' questions about her religion (they are genuinely curious)
MC's S-Rank friends apologizing for what they did in the first few chapters (I cannot be certain if they fully understand the true ramifications of what they've done, but they feel bad regardless, since they don't like to see MC upset)
Lance would be genuinely curious about her religion also and try to make a safe space for her (Lance doesn't discriminate, a person in need of a safe space is a person in need of a safe space)
Sherry and Violet go shopping with MC often and they often find some really cute and modest clothes for her
J*sper is normal in this AU, so he actually respects her religion
Tino freaks out and profusely apologizes whenever he accidentally makes something haram to eat for her. Knight would also do the same
Grayson wondering why she only eats fruits and vegetables here, and she tell him that she is not sure if the meats are halal, and she does not want to take any chances and accidentally eat something haram
to all the hijabi CoD players, I write this for you
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ithseem · 2 years
Headcanons for The S-Ranks' Reaction to You Flinching at them Raising Their Hand
TW: past abuse. Read at your own risk. Also not beta-read
(Also, as much as I hate Guy, I'm gonna write him to be normal for my sanity's sake)
@voltagefandomproject uhh... if you want it
Guy's workload seemed to have tripled in the past few days, and his patience seemed to be wearing thin
He seemed a lot more antsy than usual, everyone noticed this, even Lynt
Since you have basically been conscripted to be his assistant, you spent a lot of time in his chambers doing paperwork
All the tasks he had you do have to be done with no mistakes whatsoever
He told you this with a raised hand to make his point and...
...You finched
It was the slightest of movements, but it didn't escape his notice
The guilt had hit him a lot harder than he had let on. After how he had acted toward you, he could hardly blame you for reacting that way
Gingerly, he let his hand down and told you to get on with your work
Since that interaction, his tone of voice has become softer toward you, much to almost everyone's surprise
Also, you've been having a huge influx of gifts as of late as an apology
Roy has an immaculate image that he has to keep up almost all the time, so when he's around his close friends, he can let his mask come off
You were no exception. Even if for a little while, he felt free to let his hair down around you
He had invited you to tea on the rooftop garden to try out a new kind of tea Grayson had acquired for him
He was quite engrossed in the topic. He was talking quite animatedly, but when he raised his hand to bring up a point...
You flinched. It was gone in only a few milliseconds and was very slight, but he noticed how you cowered at his action
What happened? He couldn't help but wonder. Who hurt you?
Gently, he took your hands in his and assured you that no harm would come to you
Roy is heartbroken that you were so afraid of being hit, so this was the very least he could do for you
Lynt didn't really move that much to begin with, as he's usually asleep
He had invited you to nap with him one day and he had extended his arm faster than he normally did
...And then you flinched
He felt like an ice cube slipped into his stomach. You were paranoid about getting hit, not that he'd ever do that to you
In truth, he HATES discord, and he would never dream of doing such a thing to you
Slowly, he pulled you toward him and held you. He told you he'd never hurt you
Somehow he became even more affectionate towards you than he normally is
Another case of stress overload
So much had gone wrong today, and his family's constant nagging had been even harder for him to bear
Idina gave him an especially hard time today
Listening to music helps him get to his peaceful "No thoughts, head empty" state, but his tutoring session with you was coming up too soon for him to put on a record, so he had to make do with fidgeting with his hands and feet for the time being
Being with you was nice, and while it did bring him some peace, he was still a bit stressed
So when he was making a point about a particularly difficult spell, he raised his hand...
And you cringed away...
Toa knows how cruel people can be (he's seen it firsthand), and it broke his heart to know that you also had to experience it for yourself
He lowered his hand and got on with the lesson after taking a breath
Once your lesson had finished, he told you that no harm would come to you and that he would make sure of that. He also gave you one of his favourite caramels before you left
Fenn had invited you on a night out with him for some food
Some Luxury brands of wine from Luxure were newly imported to the Isle of Colde, and he wanted to treat you to some
He quite liked these brands, and the way he spoke of them was really animated
He soon realized he was being a bit too animated
He noticed that you flinched away when he raised his hand
Oh, dear...
You were afraid of him hitting you, weren't you?
Slowly, and deliberately, he wrapped an arm around you and pulled you into a tight embrace and told you that he would never do you any harm
While Fenn did tell a lot of lies, he still has standards. This promise was no lie
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