#rio voleri x reader
ithseem · 7 months
Drawing Henna Tattoos On the Consorts' Hands (S-Ranks edition)
"Why are you writing this?" Because no one else will. And because it's fucking fun
Saligia is full of wack flora and fauna, and since you've finally found something resembling a henna plant that can actually leave a stain and doesn't make you hallucinate or some other odd shit, you decided to crush some of the leaves up and make a batch. There was an upcoming festival, so this is a good opportunity to put those skills to use
Oh boy...The amount of puppy-eyeing you need to do 💀
He does eventually cave though, only because it's you. His own curiosity definitely has no part in this, what are you talking about?
He's going into this knowing that henna stains may take a few hours to set properly before he could wipe the dried paste off.
Because of that, he'd get all his stuff done before sitting down with you. You'd better do the same too.
He'd moisturize his hands and forearms as per your advice and hold still long enough to see you work your artistic skills, and he's quite impressed (He may or may not voice this).
He can see that working with henna can be fiddly, seeing how focused you are.
The small smile on his face after you finished means your mission was successful.
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You want to draw a tattoo with henna on his hand? Alright. It looks like it'd take a while to draw so he'd try and stay still if he'd fall asleep.
"Would you moisturize my hands for me? 🥺" is is excuse to feel your hands before you start your work.
He does fall asleep about half an hour in. He saw how focused you were, and the design already looked pretty good, so he trusts that he's in good hands (not that he has a reason to distrust you).
You did tell him ahead of time that the henna would take a few hours to properly set, so he'd try not to move his hand too much
Lynt's pretty sensitive, so once the henna feels properly dry, he'd wipe off the paste.
He seemed so pleased with the design that it seems a shame to use that hand too much. He'll ask Tino to do a bit more work until the stain wears off (Not that Tino minds)
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When you told Roy about drawing tattoos with crushed leaves, he knew he'd want to try it. Especially on festival days.
Though he is a busy man, he'd make some time for you to do his henna and wait for a few hours to let the stain set. Probably on a day off or something.
He can't help but watch you while you put your artistic prowess to work.
And the design? It is absolutely gorgeous.
"That look of intense focus is quite captivating, you know? And the design looks gorgeous" - Roy Invidia
Fast forward several hours and he's wiped off the dried henna.
He wears the stain like a medal of honour.
Soon enough, all the girls found out about it and drew some designs on their own to wear on special occasions
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He can't say he isn't curious about this custom, so he'll indulge you. And he wants to spend more time with you and watch your artistic skills in action.
Before his day off he made sure everything is done without any mistakes (he does that anyway, but he does this more meticulously than usual)
He washed and moisturized his hands before you got to work.
Drawing with a tube of paste can be fiddly, so he held still as possible (he was going to anyway, he just really doesn't want to break your concentration)
He has to admit, the design looks exquisite. You really put a lot of care and thought into it
The next day, you see him teaching his classes with the henna stained hand in plain sight.
He let his class in on this once his lecture finished.
Needless to say nigh everyone had a henna tattoo on ball days after that.
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You want to draw a tattoo on him? Using crushed leaves? He would love that!
He doesn't mind sitting still for an hour to see you work on something so beautiful.
Hands and forearms? Clean. Skin? Hydrated and moisturized by you (he likes feeling your hands). Hotel? Trivago.
The design you're working on is beautiful yes, but it pales compared to you. Especially right this moment since you look so focused.
The urge to try and fluster you is too strong, so he does when you lift the tube for a few moments.
The stain set a few hours later, and my goodness was the final product gorgeous.
And let me tell you: nigh everyone drew a tattoo with henna. Especially before ball nights
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Rio would be more than happy to let you draw a design with henna on his hand, but he is a bit concerned about how he's going to eat his food. That henna(?) stuff doesn't seem too appetizing and he doesn't want to ruin your work. (Thoma volunteered to take over for his work for tending to the vegetable patch)
You opted for a simpler design on his forearm or on the back of his hand so it doesn't get too in the way of his food or work. Rio doesn't mind though. He knows what you'll create will be beautiful regardless
His hands and forearms are clean and moisturized and he's rarin to go (not without a few snacks to share with you, of course)
He can't say he's too well-versed in this art form, but you look like you know what your doing, and he likes the design.
The wait was definitely worth it, and he wears that stain like a badge of honour.
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onedayimgonnasnap · 2 years
Characters Whom I believe that would be that one person “You got games on your phone” if MC brought a working phone with a charger and some how wifi-
Warning: Crack and Cursing
Lou: I feel like he’d be an iPad kid if he was born in the modern human world and they gave him freedom.
No scratch that he’d def be an iPad kid-. He the type of bitch to get addicted to candy crush on your phone Ngl-
Also he has taken a couple of photos of you while you weren’t looking
Fenn: I feel like he tried to get into it- But his nails were to long to touch the screen. So now he uses you to scroll down to watch the things he wants to see.
*tap tap tap* “TREASURE ITS NOT WORKING- 🙁”
“Bitch use your fingers- YOUR SKIN NOT YOURE NAILS-“
Toa: Pretends to thing it’s stupid and is a boomer about it; “Why is everyone so interested in that square, it is no use to me”
But the stupid bitch uses it to google the stupidest things ever. “What kind of pigs eat people?” “How long does it take to drown an ant?” “Do midgets have night vision?”
And he is to embarrassed to ask for it so he waits when you’re off guard to ask Knight to get it for him.
Also your photo album is now full of blurry pictures because he takes photos like someone taking a video of a school fight.
Guy: Bitch has the audacity to take your phone and walk off with it. And he gets mad when others are using it-
Also he’s a fucking dinosaur and has no idea how to take a photo. But no one should teach him because i feel like you’d unleash an iPad kid onto the world.
Lynt: Likes it when you put baby lullaby music on there. Also has accidentally ended up on the dark web and has never used it again.
Roy: The moment you gave him your phone he starts checking everything- Your messages, your search history, every single app.
Not because he’s nosey but because he’s curious on how to work the phone.
Also your album is full of flowers, he’s changed your background to flowers and he may or may not have accidentally changed your passcode and not remember the password.
Lance: Didn’t care at first, but got into the game called “Among us” and you let him use voice chat and oh boy.
You didn’t even teach him how to swear he learned from the 5th graders who he is playing with.
Also got pissed when you put a child lock on your phone from him.
Rio: Doesn’t know how it works and is definitely “You got games on your phone” type of person.
You can put Subway surfers for him to play and he’s get addicted. Also he picked up the cringiest gen z slang to impress you.
“MC that’s not poggers of you to do :(“
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pet-pet-peet · 2 years
CoD Characters and Their Hug Preferences
Clingy and protective; he holds you everyday, all the time, whenever you're together. Doesn't want to get his hands off of you for even a minute. He just loves the security; the feeling that you're in his arms and no harm could come to you while he has you. Typically the initiator, yet if you begin to hug him first he will melt. When you initiate hugs, he feels loved in a way he never has and wants to drink the feeling in as much as he could. So he's typically the big spoon, but he absolutely kills to be the little spoon. __________ Fenn, Dia, Roy, Aquia, Lynt, Rio, Tino __________ Pda isn't necessarily his thing, but if you want a hug then he has no reason to deny you one. Has a strong hold but the hugs are fleeting. He just much prefers to wait until you're alone in one of your rooms, then he doesn't have to hold back. He holds you while he studies, or reads, or just while you're talking casually about something. Completely different person behind closed doors for sure. __________ Jasper, Grayson, Knight, Toa, Lou __________
Will not hug you in public, but also won't push you away. He has a reputation to uphold, an image to cater, he can't let people see him soft and lovey-dovey. Behind closed doors he can make up for the lack of reciprocated affection, but he'd much prefer it not be in public where people can use it against him or you. __________
Guy, Lance
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dotster001 · 2 years
Summary: Rio x gn! Reader Rio thinks he's done good when he takes you to a Fenn Luxure Concert. That is, until your past catches up with you.
A/N: this isn't important, but Fenn's rockstar hair is styled like this, cause I said so.
CW: Modern au, pushy Fenn but what do you expect
Rio had had a slew of failed relationships before he met you. And, evidently, you had had the same experience. Neither of you felt the need to ever bring up your past relationships, both of you being very happy, and madly in love, with your current partner.
He was so certain you were the one, that whenever he had his weekly call with his dad back home, he would go on and on about how you were the one he was going to marry. And his family was more than ecstatic. You two were perfect for eachother.
The plans were in motion. He had the ring. He had the location. He had the tickets. He just had to get you there.
"Sunbeam, there's a concert this weekend that I got us tickets for," he said nonchalantly, doing his very best to hold back his excitement, as you both sat on the couch, legs in each other's laps, scrolling through your phones.
"Sounds fun! Who are we seeing?"
"Fenn Luxure," he said smugly. When you'd moved in with him, he'd accidentally stumbled across your box full of Fenn Luxure CDs, merch, and posters. You must have been embarrassed by your little celebrity crush, he had assumed, and pretended he never saw the box.
But the opportunity to ask for your hand at a concert where your favorite celebrity would be performing was something he couldn't pass up.
"Oh…I don't think that's a great idea," you said, setting down your phone, and fidgeting with your hands.
"Why?" Were you more embarrassed than he realized? Were you scared of coming off as too into him? 
"Well, you see my ex, he's going to be at the concert. And I'd rather not interact with him if at all possible."
If Rio was more self aware, he'd have asked himself how you were so certain that your ex would be at the concert. Instead, he took your hand in his, gave you his most winning smile, and said,
"I'll protect you, my sunbeam. I'll always protect you."
You gave him a wry smile.
"It's not that…it's-"
"Whatever it is, I can handle it. Just trust me. Plus, we'll be having so much fun, and look so deeply in love, he won't dare to interrupt us!"
You sighed, then smiled.
"You know what, you're right, baby. He'd be stupid to try and start something. If you really want to go, we can go."
You were so cute, downplaying your celebrity crush like that. Everything about you was so cute. He couldn't wait to ask you to marry him.
He should have known something was wrong right away.
"Your tickets have been upgraded to pit VIPs," the ticket lady said when you both went to pick up your tickets.
"That's so nice! Isn't that so cool, Y/N?"
"Our old seats are just fine, thanks," you said firmly, pushing the tickets back at the lady.
"No, we insist you take them. After all it's not everyday that-" 
"Fine!" You snapped, grabbing the tickets, then Rio's wrist, and walking away as fast as possible.
"Can we at least get some snacks?" He called, causing you to freeze, and look at him apologetically.
"I'm sorry baby, I'm just nervous," you took his hands in yours and smiled. "I'll buy you any snacks you want."
"No takesies, backsies!" He shouted before pulling you both to the concession stand, both of you momentarily forgetting your tension as you shared a laugh.
Now you were both at your places, food long since eaten. Rio checked the time on his phone.
"The concert was supposed to start an hour and a half ago."
"Seems right," you said with a snort.
Before he could begin to unpack the statement, a guitar riff was heard and the band began to play a song as Fenn rose from the floor in a shower of smoke and light.  The crowd screamed, and Rio excitedly wrapped his arms around you.
Damn baby you look fiiiiiiiine
Fenn sang, as he made direct eye contact with you, pointed, and slowly, sensually, crouched down and rose back up.
You stiffened in Rio's arms. And that's when the pieces fell into place. The hidden box. Your ex at the concert. Upgraded tickets. Snide comments.
"We can go, if you want, sunbeam," he said into your ear, realizing the mistake he had made.
You quickly nodded, and he helped direct you out, a hand protectively on your lower back. Before he had fully left, he looked back at the stage, and he could have sworn he saw Fenn wink at him.
Now back in the entryway, he intended to ask you where you'd like to go next. But you were quickly smothered in a hug by a tall woman with purple hair.
"Y/N! How dare you leave without saying goodbye!"
"Hey Vi," you groaned.
"Seriously. I get you avoiding Fenn, but me too? I'm wounded," she released you, then looked at Rio with an excited grin.
"And who is this handsome hunk of man?"
"Vi this is Rio, my boyfriend. Rio, this is Violet. Fenn's manager."
"Is that really all I am to you? Ouch," she laughed.
"Well if you two aren't staying for the concert, you should at least join me for tea in the tour bus. I miss you so much, and we clearly have a lot to catch up on," she said, eying Rio up and down.
"It wouldn't be for too long! Rio, please talk some sense into your partner!"
"You two seem really close, Y/N. It'll be fun for me to meet a friend of yours. Plus," he leaned down and whispered in your ear, "I'm hungry and I bet she has food."
You sighed, looking between the two sweetest and most stubborn people in your life.
"As long as it isn't a long time."
The door to your bus slammed open, and Fenn Luxure stood in the doorway, smiling smugly.
"Letty, I love you," he grinned, his eyes trained on you, like a tiger who knew it had caught its prey.
"Bad Fenn, get back," Violet pulled out a spray bottle, and shot water at Fenn, which he expertly dodged.
"Why don't the two of us have a private chat?" Fenn said, having reached your chair, and beginning to massage your shoulders.
"I think it's time Rio and I got going!" You said rather loudly, yanking Rio to his feet, and beelining to the door.
"Ah, treasure," Fenn blocked your path, and cupped your cheek, "don't be like that. I just want to catch up with you…"
Rio felt nauseous. And it only got worse as Fenn rested his other hand on your hip, drawing circles over your clothes with his thumb.
You stood behind Rio, and less than bravely responded, "Vi can catch you up. We have to go-"
"Treasure," he purred, reaching out once more…
Until Rio punched him in the nose.
"Dragon's teeth!" Fenn hissed. "Your brute broke my nose."
"Serves you right," Violet sighed, throwing a cloth his way.
You took the opportunity to run out the door. When Rio unfroze, he followed you, stiffening as Fenn whispered,
"Have fun while you can, cause Y/N's gonna realize their mistake very soon, then you'll go back to being alone and nothing."
The car ride home was awkwardly silent. Rio simply stared at the road, trying to process what he'd done.
"Thank you for punching him," you whispered.
Rio nodded, but couldn't come up with any words to say. Which you must have misinterpreted, because you said,
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you he was my ex, it's just people get really self conscious when I tell them, and I love you so much, I didn't want to lose you over something that's dead."
He didn't even have time to formulate a thought, before you pushed forward.
"I mean, we had nothing in common. All we did was make out, fight, and make out some more. It should have ended way sooner."
Rio jerkily pulled over to the side of the road.
"Y/N…" he trailed off.
"Dragon's teeth, it's happening, isn't it? You're breaking up with me," you were starting to sound hysterical, the tears rushing to your eyes faster than he could even react. "Rio please, I swear he's nothing to me, I love you more than anything in this world!"
He silently pulled the ring box out and placed it on your lap. You looked down at it in confusion, before opening it and gasping.
"Is this…"
"I love you too. And seeing how he reacted when he saw you, I realized I can't take for granted what we have."
He took your hands in his, then leaned across the seat to nuzzle your noses together.
"Marry me, sunbeam."
"As if you even need to ask," you tearfully laughed, before kissing him deeply.
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courtofmatchups · 2 years
I would like to request a match up if it is okay 👉🏻👈🏻💕
I'm a girl (she/her), straight, My mbti is Infp and I'm a Capricorn
Well people see me as a caring and kind person , I actually love helping everyone and care about them hehehehe I love everyone equally tho🐸💕(if they are not bad or they hurt me) but I love my close friends more
I'm a quiet and shy person at first but when you get closer to me you will find another person of me lel 😭, I dont really trust people quickly and I may be pretty mean to them, I'm a moody, lazy, slow person but I try my best to do things in time and quickly (beating my laziness)
I love drawing, gardening ,sleeping, crafting,Cute soft stuff and food (NO FOOD NO LIFE😾+I like anything sweet and for drinks anything with milk)
I love animals so much and I'm a cat person😺
I love staying at home or going out to a quiet place like a garden or just Walking on the beach and may just going to a random Cafe and eat sweets and drink
I like collecting random thingys and stuff (if they catched my eyes tho lel)
My love languages : giving gifts, words affirmation, quality time
Aaa idk what to write but good luck💕💕💕
It looks like you've captured the heart of
The Affable Optimist:
Rio Voleri!
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Right off the bat, Rio will love how caring and kind you are to others. Seeing as you're a bit shy, getting you to open up might be a little bit of work, but it's nothing he couldn't do, especially with how friendly he is. I should also mention that he's really proud of you. In spite of your laziness and moodiness, you still get whatever job you have done. He'd also be cheering you on, of course.
The fact that you also love food is an absolute win for him because Rio loves food too. He loves sharing food even more so, and seeing that you like cute things, he'll be sure to make his food extra cute when he decides to spoil you. I can see you and Rio working on the school garden on your days off, too.
I beg of you, please draw little pictures of your daily adventures with Rio, he will absolutely melt.
After a long, but fruitful afternoon of working in the school garden you weren't sorry to plop down onto your bed in your chamber after bidding farewell to Rio. You took out your sketchbook and started doodling. You've found a ridiculously large radish when you pulled out a tiny sprout. You told him about the old story from the human world about the giant turnip and how you didn't expect you'd get the chance to reenact it in a completely different world. After putting the finishing touches to your drawings, you decided to take a nap
A couple hours passed and there was a knock at the door. You had opened the door and there was Rio.
Rio: Ah, sunbeam! There's a new cafe that opened in town! Would you like to come?
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atomsminecraft · 2 years
A few days ago I was given an Olaf T-shirt and it’s oversized so it’s now very obviously my pajama shirt now
Anyways imagine the consorts giving you their shirt to sleep in and it’s big on you(some more then others *cough cough* knight *cough cough* /j) and those just become your pajamas after that
I mean wouldn’t be complaining tbh an oversized shirt is an oversized shirt
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ithseem · 1 year
The Princes with a Gentle!Chubby!S/O
(because literally no one asked for it)
(warnings: none unless you're allergic to fluff, mentions of angst, or a lack of a beta reader)
(GN reader. Enjoy!)
Guy Avari
Oh, Guy Avari... The ever-so-cold man who claims he wants nothing to do with romance, weakened by the chubby person who came into his life
I dare you to tell me he wouldn't appreciate a chubby s/o
Bro's often overworked so he would find comfort in hugging you in private
If you're ever worried about crushing him when he asks that you sit on his lap, he'll just straight up say "balderdash" and sit you on his lap anyways
And if you're insecure about your looks, lemme tell you something: it does not matter to him what you look like. Your presence is comforting as hell
He'll also hire tailors through Jasper to make clothes that flatter you
And if his fan club or anyone else harasses, you, Guy will make sure they stay FAR away from you
Toa Qelsum
Overworked and often burnt-out mf electric boogaloo
I've said this in a previous post, and I'll say it again: I dare you to tell me Toa wouldn't appreciate his chubby s/o holding him in their arms and telling him that he's doing amazing and that everything will be alright
I cannot guarantee he'll know how to react at first, but he will grow more accustomed to this, so please, do it regularly 🥺 (bro's touched-starved asf)
His family and the people he grew up with were cold, to say the least, so someone as warm and caring as you would be a welcome change of pace
Also, if you happen to cross paths with these people, or if his fan club harasses you it won't be hard for your insecurities to resurface, so he'll make ABSOLUTELY SURE you don't feel unloved by him
Will also hire tailors to make you clothes that flatter you
Lynt Akedia
I dare you to tell me this skinny boy wouldn't find comfort in using you as a body pillow
Lynt's already affectionate as hell, and that's only gonna increase tenfold with a gentle and chubby s/o
Your thighs are definitely his favourite pillow
If he finds out you're insecure about your looks, Lynt would look at you like: Do you even see yourself?? You're literally so beautiful
His fan club will stay especially away from you since they've incurred Lynt's wrath. And lemme tell you something, a quiet person's wrath is nothing to take lightly
Roy Invidia
It's no secret that Roy is among the loveliest people when it comes to you
He appreciates you for your gentle personality and truth be told, he does find your huggable figure quite winsome
How couldn't he? You're simultaneously paramour- and friend-shaped
You accept him as the person he is and he appreciates that he doesn't have to be perfect all the time around you
He always transcends to cloud nine whenever you give him cuddles
Fenn Luxure
"People are just hot, man" (paraphrased, of course, lulz)
There is not a single person he doesn't see the beauty in, and you are no exception
If you happen to be insecure about your looks, you may or may not be a little suspicious about why he flirts with you so much, since a lot of the flirting aimed towards you may have been a joke
At first, it was nothing more than just some casual flirting and maybe wanting a hookup but nothing more
But as he got to know you and your sweet nature, he can't help but feel drawn to you
Man's been neglected for a lot of his life, and you giving him the attention just makes him feel all warm and fuzzy inside
It's not long before the two of you become paramours, and there isn't a moment where neither of you feels unloved
Expect lots of cuddling
Rio Voleri
Ah, yes. The resident Chubby Chaser Extraordinaire
It is, in fact, canon that he likes 'em big. He likes 'em chunky (source: Rio's book 1)
Rio never was all that interested in love, but not so much when it comes to you
Can you blame him, though? You're just too cute for words
And lemme tell you, he will ENJOY making food with you and, of course, eating with you
He also enjoys how happy you look when you eat
And if you're insecure in your looks and you bring it up, the poor boy will be SO baffled
How can you say such things about yourself??
In my headcanon, I see him built like Jotaro Kujo, so he would love to pick you up or have you as an extra weight on his back when he does pushups (He looks like a twig in the game's art style I'm sorry 😭😭)
Also, expect LOTS of cuddles
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ithseem · 2 years
Headcanons for The Royals' Reaction to You Flinching at them Raising Their Hand
TW: mentions/implications of abuse. Read at your own risk. Also not beta-read
You had told Aquia you'd help him out taking care of his plants, and he couldn't be happier
Aquia gets pretty animated when he talks about his plants, especially with you, since you're among the few people who went out of their way to help him with this stuff
He knows a lot about his plants, so he often tells you facts about them
He put up a hand to tell you about a particularly fascinating plant fact, but the image of you flinching in the corner of his eye made him pause
His heart sank at the sight. He had asked if you were alright, but when you couldn't answer, he gave you a gentle smile and took your hands in his while he assured you no harm would come to you
It's no secret that he wouldn't do anything to hurt you. That was clear to you, at least logically, so the unconscious fear of him hitting you made it all the more heartbreaking for him
Cooking with you is among Rio's favourite activities, and he never tires of seeing you
He especially likes learning new recipes and making them for your friends
You and Rio were making a particularly difficult recipe. He raised a hand to bring up a point...
... And then you flinched
He looked at you a bit confused, but then it clicked. You were afraid of him hitting you
Knowing this, he put down his utensils, and then enveloped you in a long hug
Like with Aquia, you knew, at least logically, that Rio wouldn't dare do anything to hurt you
He ensures that he doesn't make any movement that would alarm you in the future
Dia liked to forage for mushrooms with you
It's canon that he's a HUGE nerd when it comes to mushrooms, so you can expect him to tell you facts about whatever mushrooms you stumble upon
He truly appreciates how you're so interested in learning about his special interest, so his hand movements unconsciously become more pronounced
So when he noticed you flinching, he just stopped, now more aware of his movements
It was minute, yes, but not unnoticeable
He apologizes for his sudden actions, never wanting to hurt you. Dia assures them that no one will hurt you here, and that you're safe here.
Lance never saw this coming... and now
You and he were having a conversation, and he raised his hand to move a strand of hair out of his face when you flinched
It was small, but he still noticed it
He didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable, but he couldn't help but wonder what happened, so he asked you if you were comfortable with sharing
He had a hunch about why you flinched, and when you confirmed it to be true, he couldn't help but feel angry that you had to go through the trauma of that abuse
He took your hand and assured you that you were safe with him
He's also more affectionate towards you as of this incident
Like her brother, Sherry has an immaculate image that she must uphold, so when she's around her close friends, she can let her hair down
She had invited you to go shopping with her one day. Some new imports came to the Town of Colde and she wanted to treat you to something nice
She raised a hand to emphasize a point about a particular line of clothing she likes
You flinched as she did so
That tiny movement suddenly made her hyper-aware of her own movements
Gingerly she lowered her hand and took yours, assuring you that no harm would come to you
Once you've finished your shopping date, she came to your chamber just to give you cuddles
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onedayimgonnasnap · 2 years
I don’t know the rules but could you make every consort in CoD a how and why Mc is beating them up. And if she’d use the belt of chancla 🩴
(Ok so I’m gonna split this one into like 3 parts)
Funny thing is that despite being Hispanic my ass never got beat with a chancla. But I did get his with a belt so- 💀
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MC Beating Each Prince with a Chancla
Warning: Inappropriate Language, Crack, a little bit of angst
Disclaimer: I do not condone hitting your partners or anything. Violence bad.
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In the beginning of class Guy kept glaring at you and giving you an aggressive look towards you.
It freaked you out. But you also took it as a challenge so you proceeded to give him your scary face and have a staring contest, you then slowly took your sandal off your foot and grabbed it with your hand still maintaining eye contact with him.
You gave him a straight face as he “tsk” at you.
He then looked away, obviously annoyed thinking this was a waste of time.
You sadistically smiled proceeding to bash him in the head with the sandal. It stung his cheek and didn’t give him enough time to react.
Everyone gasped at the scene and you quickly tackled him to the grounded hitting him with the sandal
Rio had to pull him off, and Roy worriedly forced Guy out of the classroom so no one had to die.
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Fenn was on his way flirting with Knight and getting too close to him.
You basically felt bad for the man.
So you proceeded to start thinking of ways to get Knight off of Knight. Then an idea popped in your head.
Immediately going behind Fenn you raised you flip flop above his head as a sneak attack
Then proceeded to bash his head from side to side smacking him multiple times.
When you finally stopped Fenn looked like he had brain damage. He couldn't properly say the sentence from how dizzy and in pain he was in.
And for the final blow you went in front of him as he was trying to crawl away and threw the sandal at his forehead giving you a K.O.
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Bastard usually always has the last word. You’re tired of it, it’s annoying and as petty as it was you were too prideful to let this happen again and again.
As he walked away you quickly unbuckled your belt and used it as a lasso to grab his foot once his foot was caught he was confused.
About to look back, you used the force of 12 elephants and made him go flying back to you and he was on the ground still in shock mode.
You then got your sandal and proceeded your attack.
He came back to Knight shaking and clearly traumatized at the whole incident.
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Once he got the letter you found out he had a fiancé, wow.
You gave him a pissed off look.
“Lynt, listen, why the hell would you ask me to be your fake paramour if you had a fiancé this whole time? If rumors got out about this, do you know how bad this would damage both you and my reputation?!”
Tino then proceeded to try to offer his personal input and try to defend his young master. But you weren’t listening clearly to pissed at Lynt.
Lynt honestly didn’t look too bothered about this.
“You don’t have to worry everything will turn out fine.”
He reasoned
You then proceeded to give him a dead cold glare and unbuckle your belt with the same look and then chased him while Tino was dragging him as Lynt had the surprised look on his face trying to run away from your wrath.
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Roy was following you to get to know you better and try to gain your favor.
He ended up basically shadowing you not getting the gist that you wanted to be alone.
You tried to get him to leave multiple times and you didn’t wanna be attacked by a fangirl again clearly annoyed you looked behind you and said.
“Listen, I appreciate you trying to make me feel welcome but I don’t think you’re getting it. I would rather be alone at the moment.” You said with a blank stare.
He stopped behind you after taking a lot and looked surprised.
“Oh well I’m so sorry, but I really would like to get to know you better.” He smiled looking a little sad
You got the vibe that he was trying to guilt trip you, you saw him do it before and you were clearly tired.
Grabbing your sandal you threw it at him, getting yourself a KO then picking it up and running away fast, so you didn’t have to face the consequences.
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He ate your desserts with no remorse. He said sorry but you didn’t think he meant it truly, so you decided to make the bastard repent for his unforgettable sin.
“Sorry MC I couldn’t help myself” He smiled with a laugh.
You gave him a fake closed eye smile back and didn’t say anything.
You then proceeded to unbuckle your belt and swing at the bitch. He started screaming and dodging all of your attacks with tears in his eyes clearly afraid of what’s to come.
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A rumor basically spread around when he got into a fight with someone after they tried harassing Christop, Lance basically attacked the student.
The student, obviously afraid, ran away and made some rumor of Lance being bullied.
All the students started avoiding Lance and giving you both glares and such.
Eventually Lance, a little bit more pissed as usual, stayed in his room avoiding you worried that you would be deeply affected by these rumors.
You were pissed. Lance wasn’t opening his dorm room, you started banging the door and yelling. “Lance let me in, we’re going to talk.”
“Go away I say” Lance yelled back.
He was in his sad moments,
You kicked down the door and headed for Lance who was sitting in the corner in his sorry state.
“Lance what the fuck!”
You yelled
Lance looked back at you clearly surprised that you did this.
You leaned down to his level and started yelling at him, giving him a piece of your mind.
Lance proceeded to stand up and lightly pushed you away heading to the door trying to avoid confrontation.
Oh hell no.
You ran behind him unbuckling your belt in a position to smack him in the head like if it was a baseball bat.
All we gotta say is RIP Lance…
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onedayimgonnasnap · 2 years
Court Of Darkness Crack
Guy: Listen Mc you’re mine.
MC: Is it because I’m a person of color? 🤨
Guy: WAIT-
MC: Please let the rest of my new years be quiet. Thank you, Well I guess I’ll go home now-
Fenn: Hey there MC 😏
MC: See? There is no God.
MC: Shut it Rio. I only shook your hand because I had to, we will never be friends.
Rio: Let’s survive this together! :D
Mc: I hope you die-
MC: I always share my snacks with you and you don’t even wanna share so fucking lucky charms.
Lou: Bitch-
Mc: Did I ask for Cinnamon Toast Crunch? No. NOW GIVE ME MY FUCKING LUCKY CHARMS.
Mc: Everytime you have to yell at your friends, put a quarter in your no yelling sock and soon you will have a weapon too-
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ithseem · 2 years
Rio doing pushups while you sit on his back as an extra weight. He's been dissatisfied with his workouts lately, and who better to help him out than you?
I'm gonna draw a comic of this sometime
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onedayimgonnasnap · 2 years
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We gotta gatekeep Rio from these hoes 👺❗️-/j
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onedayimgonnasnap · 2 years
POV: Rio and Thoma’s tiktoks
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ithseem · 11 months
Hijabi MC Shenanigans+Headcanons in Saligia
Guy: *tries to kiss MC in the beginning*
MC, punching him: NO KISSING
Toa: This has absolutely no alcohol content. Have you ever HAD wine before?
MC: No, nor do I ever plan to because my religion STRICTLY FORBIDS EVEN GOING NEAR THE STUFF
MC be dodging his advances like a Bollywood action movie protagonist
MC: At least I can have some semblance of normalcy
Lynt tryna use her as a pillow, but she politely declines, since her religion forbids her from coming into contact with men
Other Things That May or May Not Have Happened
MC draping her duvet over her head as a makeshift hijab when unexpected visitors come
MC gets caught washing her feet in the sink for wudhu
MC feeling incredibly disoriented bc she has no idea which way the Qiblah (the direction of the Kabah in Mecca) is, so offering prayer is a nightmare and a half
MC lowkey upset bc the Quran does not exist in Saligia (iirc). And Lou wishes he could help
Rio and Thoma getting worried about MC during Ramadhan (whenever that is. It's super stressful not knowing when the Islamic calendar lines up with the calendar here) bc she's going from dawn till dusk without food or drink for a month
MC happily answering her friends' questions about her religion (they are genuinely curious)
MC's S-Rank friends apologizing for what they did in the first few chapters (I cannot be certain if they fully understand the true ramifications of what they've done, but they feel bad regardless, since they don't like to see MC upset)
Lance would be genuinely curious about her religion also and try to make a safe space for her (Lance doesn't discriminate, a person in need of a safe space is a person in need of a safe space)
Sherry and Violet go shopping with MC often and they often find some really cute and modest clothes for her
J*sper is normal in this AU, so he actually respects her religion
Tino freaks out and profusely apologizes whenever he accidentally makes something haram to eat for her. Knight would also do the same
Grayson wondering why she only eats fruits and vegetables here, and she tell him that she is not sure if the meats are halal, and she does not want to take any chances and accidentally eat something haram
to all the hijabi CoD players, I write this for you
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dotster001 · 2 years
Headcanons for Aquia, Lance, Dia, Sherry and Rio when they find a doodle of them with little hearts around it in the reader's notebook?
A/N: Oh my gosh, this is so cute, I can't even. I hope you like this, cause I had fun writing it
They had to miss class yesterday. But they knew you would be a dutiful student and take notes. And you were always so kind, so you didn't think twice when you handed them your notebook. As they started flipping through to find yesterday's notes, their eyes were drawn to their name, surrounded by hearts, in the margins of your pages. Oh boy!
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That can't be his name, right? Maybe you had intended to write Guy Avari, but then had gotten distracted by him talking to you? (Sure sweetie, whatever makes sense to you.)
He has your name with hearts around it in his diary, but he can't seem to wrap his head around the fact that it's his name in your notes. 
Probably won't ask you about it. He'll just pretend he didn't see it. And he'll gaslight himself about it too. He didn't actually see his name with hearts around it, he just wanted to see it.  So his brain made it up. Yeah, that's it!
It's gonna be you, who randomly remembers one day that you let him borrow your notebook that you may or may not have written his name in and doodled some fun hearts around. It's gonna be you that shakily approaches him with the ever awkward "Hey…"
He's flustered but so excited when he finds out you did indeed mean to put his name. He's happily reaching for your hands, running his thumb along your knuckles, as he tells you he does the same thing. Quickly starts blushing when he realizes he was rambling. Overall, a good start to what's sure to be a very sweet relationship.
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God, this absolute nightmare. I'm sorry you have to go through this boo, because he will torture you until you die.
He had actually been going to classes recently, for no particular reason of course. So he was really irritated when he overslept due to his nightly activities with his drinking buddies. But his irritation quickly faded when he got his hands on your notes and saw Lance Ira with hearts circling it in several spots. 
"I saw something terribly interesting in your notes."
You don't know if you've ever heard so many words leave his mouth at once. But it makes it easier for you to immediately know what he is referring to. And it's that moment you know how fucked you are.
No excuse you can come up with will save you. He has a response to all of it. And it only takes two classes before you just want to punch that smug smile off his perfect face.
"Dragon's teeth, your lucky you look so cute when you're teased."
And now you're flustered for a new reason. And you're ready to tell him to fuck off when he runs a thumb along your bottom lip, before laughing and leaving you high and dry.
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Absolute nightmare part two. It takes even less time to remember Dia Akedia written in flowery writing with little hearts in your notebook than it would with Lance. Because Dia is immediately smirking and making his way into your personal space.
"Don't tell me you're trying to escape now?" He'll hum at you with that perfect, infuriating  smile ever present on his face.
Honestly, for the better well being of your heart, you should pull his card and hide in your room all day. Because he's going to be sitting slightly closer, whispering in your ear, and calling you all manner of nicknames, All. Day. Long.
What will break you will be when the day is over, and he gives you the saddest look, as you announce you're going to bed for the night, and says something about you being so cruel with his heart. He thought you loved him? 
Just kill him. He's going to come to class every day from now on just to tease you until you admit you adore him. Just kill him. It's your only way out.
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She's torn between wanting to tease you, and wanting to admit her feelings for you. So she does both.
"Y/N, have you chosen a paramour? Because I have a certain someone I'd like to recommend."
She's so cute, and that giggle she gives is so pretty, that you're distracted and don't realize what it is she's referring to. So you probably just say something like "uh huh" which makes her giggle again. 
She realizes that she's going to need some advice on how to proceed, so she goes to Violet to come up with a game plan. Violet's plan is super simple. But they both know it'll work.
Essentially, Sherry returns the notes, pretending she didn't see her name with hearts written around it, and invites you to tea after class. When you arrive, she gives you a flower, and asks you to be her paramour. Maybe she'll tell you what she saw in your notebook after you've been together for a little while. But rest assured, it will come back up when you least expect it.
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*Sighs heavily* this himbo.
He totally thinks it's in a friend way. Which is good if you're not ready to ask him out, but bad if a part of you wanted him to see his name with hearts written around it and FINALLY NOTICE YOUR FEELINGS FOR HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Aw, you're such a good mate, Y/N."
God bless Thoma for trying to get him to see how you feel about him/he really feels about you. But it's to no avail. And now a part of you is wishing you had written someone else's name in hopes that he would get jealous and maybe you two would finally move forward.
I'm sorry to tell you, but this is not going to be resolved. You're going to have to try something else my dear. Oh, and you're going to have to explain to Lynt why Rio has written his name with hearts on a paper that he had assigned.
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dotster001 · 2 years
Ok, hear me out: Jamil and Leona with a reader whose personality is similar to Rio Voleri from Court of Darkness. Imagine the chaos that would ensue
(Anon, I kiss you, you have a top tier brain! Also, I thank you for your patience, I have like 3 trillion wips and I finally decided to move this to the top of my list)
Similar HC'S: Jade/Vil x Dia Akedia Reader Ace/Deuce/Epel x Toa Qelsum reader
Leona one shot with this idea for 300 followers event
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He doesn't like you at first. You're active, he's not. You're friendly, he's not. You're in tune with the needs of others....and he doesn't want to face his depression.
You don't have magic, but somehow, you are able to keep up with the Savannaclaw students in a round of spelldrive. That's the moment he stops hating you.
He still doesn't like that you are trying to"help him with his mental health" or "be his friend". All the food you bring him is quickly stolen by Ruggie (even though you also bring goodies for Ruggie) and he isn't going to talk to you about his problems, so just stop.
So, when he said stop...he didn't actually mean it.
You end up becoming very popular because everyone is drawn to your bright personality, and now Leona is jealous.
He starts telling you that you both are going to practice a sport, or go for a run, or something, then, when he has you in his clutches, he pulls you in for a nap where no one can find you. You are his favorite pillow, and you smell so good.
It takes several weeks of this, and noticing how if it's a vegetable that you've grown that he'll eat it, for him to notice he loves you.
He doesn't play games. He just tells you the second he figures it out. Luckily, it's in a nap session and you're trapped in his arms.
"Herbivore, I'm in love with you."
"Awww, I love you too, kitty cat!"
He's not having any of your bullshit today. He actually took a moment to listen to his emotions. You will get it, even if it takes him all day.
"No herbivore," he groans, "I'm in love with you. Accept my love or not, I don't care," he very much does care, "but I want you to know."
"oh," he can practically see the gears turning in your head. "I think...I think I love you too."
Now that you're together...actually not much changes. He still kidnaps you for naps, but now there's some give and take, where he actually leaves his bed to do things with you.
He makes you wear his shirts so that when you can't nap together he can have your scent with him. He can't sleep without it anymore. He pavloved himself.
He actually helps you grow and plant vegetables! It makes you happy, so he does it, but only this once! (It's never only this once)
To Ruggie's chagrin, he is no longer able to steal Leona's baked goods.
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At first he was annoyed with you. He thought you were going to be another Kalim. You were naive, and a little gung ho.
He realized, though, that you were different from Kalim when you brought him a basket of buttered rolls on a day when he felt his sanity slowly slipping away. Afterwards, you helped him with his chores, laughing and joking with him. He felt relaxed. He felt warm. He felt....happy?
He fell quickly. You always gave him baked goods right when he was at his worst. You helped him with chores on those days. He began to seek you out on his good days, in hopes of catching another glimpse of the sunshine you let off.
He had hoped that you would make the first move. But despite how smart you were about all his needs, you didn't. Seem. To. Get. It.
He spent months...literal months...trying to seduce you, until he finally made the first move.
"y/N, I love you. I want to be able to bask in your sunlight as long as you'll have me."
You thought he meant it in a friend way.
Jamil was ready to just brainwash you and get it over with.
Another several more months, this time with much more clear attempts at seduction (and special side lessons from Kalim that no one will ever hear about) he tried again.
"I love you. Not in a friend way, in a romantic way."
"Oh, I think I love you too."
Jamil doesn't know whether to smack his head against a wall, or kiss you. He goes for the kiss you option.
You too are much more romantic now that you are both on the same page. He lets you help him cook for parties and Kalim, since he can now be positive you won't poison him.
You guys become a hand holding couple. His face is always red when people see, but when he sees your sunshine grin, his embarrassment fades away.
He calls you sunshine, and you call him your moonlight. You two balance each other out so well, people just assume you've always been together.
He knows you're active, so he practices self defense with you, but also teaches you how to dance. You two are pretty good, and everyone wants you to dance for them.
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