#dia akedia x reader
dotster001 · 8 months
Summary: Dia Akedia x gn!reader Unfortunately for your sleepy self, your boyfriend's love language is biting.
A/N: inspired by my cat, and Dia's lack of embarrassment. Very short, but hopefully still enjoyable.
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You would like to think that, after so long in Saligia, you'd have adapted to the sleep schedule. But, sometimes, your body relapsed. It would remember how “morning time” used to be when you would wake up, and “night time” was when you slept.
Day's like today, you would just sleep through your first class. Not that your paramour cared. He intended to skip class. What he didn't like was that you weren't paying attention to him.
“Y/N,” he whispered, as he snuggled even closer to you. You were only vaguely aware of him, opting to grumble and turn your back to him.
“Y/N,” he whined, pressing his lips to your neck, planting sloppy wet kisses along it.
You grumbled some more, swatting vaguely around you.
He huffed. He leaned back into your neck again, and bit down.
“Dia, no,” you whined, pulling your blanket over your head. “Let me sleeeeeep.”
You heard an unexcited “hmph”, and for a moment, you thought he would just lay back down and go to sleep. Maybe cuddle with you a little.
Then you felt a puff of warm air on a part of your hip that was not completely covered by the blanket, and before you could react, he'd bit again.
You made yourself even smaller under the blanket, tucking it in around yourself so there were no gaps for him to get under. This time, you heard a “grr”. 
“Diaaaaaaaa, I need sleep!”
Now you heard a grumbling of words in, what sounded like, latin, as he began searching for the edge of the blanket so that he could drag it off you.
“I. Want. You. To. Love. Me.” He punctuated each word with a yank at the blanket. 
“I do love you. I just love you more when you let me sleep,” you whined, fighting just as hard to keep the blanket on on your still sleepy body. A particularly hard yank sent Dia tumbling off the bed, but it also meant you were now completely defenseless. He quickly got up, and leapt on top of you, laying his entire weight on you, as he leaned in and nibbled your cheek, quickly moving to nibble the tip of your nose.  You grabbed your pillow from under your head, and hit him on the head with it.
He froze, glaring at you.
“I want to sleep,” you said, firmly.
“Fine,” he said cooly, standing up and leaving the room, but not before kicking the blanket slightly out of reach.
You stood up to grab the blanket, laid yourself back down and snuggled up in the most comfortable way ever. Then you closed your eyes.
And it was then that you realized you had lost all your sleep fighting him off.
You reopened your eyes and growled in frustration. You stood up, got dressed, then made the trek to your, soon to be smug ass, boyfriend’s room.
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ithseem · 7 months
Drawing Henna Tattoos On the Consorts' Hands (Royals and Headmaster edition)
"Why are you writing this?" Because no one else will. And because it's fucking fun
Saligia is full of wack flora and fauna, and since you've finally found something resembling a henna plant that can actually leave a stain and doesn't make you hallucinate or some other odd shit, you decided to crush some of the leaves up and make a batch. There was an upcoming festival in a few days, so this is a good opportunity to put those skills to use
Warnings: none
What a fascinating and beautiful custom! She'd love if you'd draw one for her. And since there's an upcoming festival, she'd love to wear a design made by you
She made sure her hands were extra clean and hydrated. Her excitement was that palpable.
You saw the look of sheer curiosity and fascination on her face as you drew your design in your peripheral vision, and you couldn't help but smile.
She couldn't help it. You looked so cute while you're so focused.
Several hours later, she was looking at the stain pattern at nigh every angle, really taking in the beauty of your work.
And since the paste has been cleaned off the hand, she can now hug you.
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You're gonna need to do a lot of puppy-eyeing before he'd cave and let you draw something.
There was an upcoming festival, so why not?
He can sit down for an hour for you to do your work.
He can't say he doesn't like the sight of you so focused.
I hope you're prepared for him to tease you when you lift the tube from his hand.
Let's be real, he just wants an excuse to spend as much time with you as possible. And he would not be upset at all if you flirted back.
Several hours later: "Not a bad design at all"
The design:
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He has to admit, this is a fascinating custom, and he would not object to letting you do a design for him.
His hands and forearms are clean and hydrated, and he is ready for you to work your magic.
Dia will definitely tease you once you lift the tube of henna from his hand. What can he say? He finds your expression changing from focused to flustered is cute.
And if you flirt back? He would be so happy.
And this is an excuse to spend time with you, so this is an absolute win on his part, and yours.
He must admit: he likes the design
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It's no secret that this boy loves his plants, and using crushed leaves to make tattoo designs is an idea he can get behind.
And since he also enjoys art, he'd be more than happy to see you make something with a medium he likely never used before.
After he finished washing his hands and moisturizing them, you got to work on the design.
You did catch a couple glances of his eyes sparkling with awe and wonder at your skills. He finds you and your work that captivating.
If tease him once you finish your work, he'll get a bit flustered before he regains his composure and flirts back.
Fast forward several hours and the stain looks like this:
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A temporary tattoo with crushed leaves? Count him in.
Phinny and Nix correctly assessed that skin has to be clean and hydrated before you can draw with the henna.
Wearing your artistry to the festival is a great honour to him.
He wore some of his old clothes instead of his robes so the henna doesn't stain them.
He couldn't help but smile as he watched you draw on his hand
Several hours later the henna(?) dried and the stain pattern made him smile
"This is gorgeous, thank you"
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pet-pet-peet · 2 years
CoD Characters and Their Hug Preferences
Clingy and protective; he holds you everyday, all the time, whenever you're together. Doesn't want to get his hands off of you for even a minute. He just loves the security; the feeling that you're in his arms and no harm could come to you while he has you. Typically the initiator, yet if you begin to hug him first he will melt. When you initiate hugs, he feels loved in a way he never has and wants to drink the feeling in as much as he could. So he's typically the big spoon, but he absolutely kills to be the little spoon. __________ Fenn, Dia, Roy, Aquia, Lynt, Rio, Tino __________ Pda isn't necessarily his thing, but if you want a hug then he has no reason to deny you one. Has a strong hold but the hugs are fleeting. He just much prefers to wait until you're alone in one of your rooms, then he doesn't have to hold back. He holds you while he studies, or reads, or just while you're talking casually about something. Completely different person behind closed doors for sure. __________ Jasper, Grayson, Knight, Toa, Lou __________
Will not hug you in public, but also won't push you away. He has a reputation to uphold, an image to cater, he can't let people see him soft and lovey-dovey. Behind closed doors he can make up for the lack of reciprocated affection, but he'd much prefer it not be in public where people can use it against him or you. __________
Guy, Lance
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atomsminecraft · 2 years
A few days ago I was given an Olaf T-shirt and it’s oversized so it’s now very obviously my pajama shirt now
Anyways imagine the consorts giving you their shirt to sleep in and it’s big on you(some more then others *cough cough* knight *cough cough* /j) and those just become your pajamas after that
I mean wouldn’t be complaining tbh an oversized shirt is an oversized shirt
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onedayimgonnasnap · 2 years
POV: Lance, Dia and MC 💀
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courtofmatchups · 11 months
hello! i saw you sent in a matchup to my writing blog @toyafreethoughts that you would like to do a matchup exchange with me—! and I’d be happy to do so (: here I go!
Fandom: I’d like a romantic male matchup for Court Of Darkness please!
My name is Jaxrel but I also go by l Himawari, Rin, Eden and Luke too! I’m Transgender (FTM), Aromatic, Polyamory, Unlabled, & Bisexual, I’ve been diagnosed with Autism, ADHD, Schizophrenia, BPD & OCD, im wasian (eastern european & west-southeast asian), polish, arab/middle eastern, flipino, scottish & russian.
personality traits (and notes): extroverted, at first awkward, shy and distant when meeting people, extremely independent, when comfortable I talk about a lot of stuff for hours, loud talker, emotions come off as sarcastic or silly (due to autism), confident, straightforward (I have a urge to correct someone of faulty information), uses “big” words, good sense of humor, playful, entertaining, optimistic, mischievous, curious(I’m nosy and I love gossip), i can be a rule breaker(sometimes I don’t mean to), dad/tharapist friend, when I go out I bring water bottles, first aid kit, chapstick(s) just in case, chill but some people would say I have some “repressed anger issues”, I get a realllyyy overractive Brain, I tend to get deep and philosophical when I’m left on my own for to long, I can be verbally aggressive when prevoked, im on the more severe of of the Autism Spectrum so I would like someone to acknowledge that and I also stim when I’m to overwhelmed when there’s a crowded place, to much lighting, etc.
things I love about myself: when someone is going through anything or needs help with anything they will call me before anyone else, i have an ugly laugh so guaranteed if i laugh someone else will as well, how much i love animals if i see a stray around my house i will adopt it immediately, if i see a stranger crying in public my eyes will not leave them alone until i get the courage to walk up to them and ask whats wrong, i am very confrontational i will always stand up for whats right no matter how scary the situation may be, how greedy i am for money but when i love someone i will spend the world on them, how excited i get for little things like when someone buys me redbull, monster, cherry pepsi or chocolate pretzels/strawberries my day cant be ruined, how in touch i am with being grateful if someone helps me in anyway or does something in general to benefit me i will never forget it, dont take people for granted, ive been told anytime someone hangs out with me that being with me feels safe and peaceful, I pay attention to the little things, how even though i dont care about plushies i have been given some and i make sure to kiss them all goodnight in case they are actually real and see what happens, if i know someone is having a hard mental health day i will clean for them/ get them icecream and be patient till they are ready to talk about it, without fail a quiet person will always be loud with me, i am the type of person who just wants people i love to be happy even if its not with me, i will always choose them i dont say i love you until i mean it i will celebrate the people i love, i am very observant if i see that someone wants something i will get it for them no matter what, i will make it my mission to compliment a stranger that looks like they are having a hard time so their day is a little better, how i say i hate kids but i will protect them with my life and im so gentle with them, I am not ashamed of what i love like anime for example even though when I was teased for it when I was little i never once hid that i loved it, even if i dont like a song that someone shows me i will be hyper while listening to it so they dont feel small and embarrassed around me, how soft i become when someone holds my hand, even though hugging makes me uncomfortable i will push past that boundary and hug someone with all my heart if they needed it, i love how hardworking i am, whether its how much i love actually working or just getting out of bed knowing how hard my mind is fighting i love how i have gotten up everyday for the past 12 years despite how challenging it is to, i am an emotional person but i will always cry for a sad scene in a movie, if i love you, you'll be seen.
hobbies: anime/manga, gaming, anthropology, pathology, zoology, music (I’m a vocaloid/regular producer, i can rap, i make odecore/breakcore/scenecore music and I make music similar to artists i listened too, dancing, filmmaking, art (drawing, painting, pottery, digital art, etc), learning different instruments/languages, cosplaying, skateboarding, tabletop RPG’s, taking pictures of things that I think are pretty, collecting figurines/stuffed animals and puppetry, science/history, soccer(football)/volleyball/basketball and swim, cooking/baking, art is definitely my main hobby I dedicate a lot of time to it
likes: vocaloid/utau, k-pop/j-pop, watching documentaries/youtube, decorating my room, iced coffee, boba tea, bread, sharks, cats, cold weather, christmas, musicals, cleaning, rhythm games, being with my friends, shopping, partys, mint candles, sweet and spicy food, any asian food (japanese, korean, chinese, taiwanese, etc), the mandela catalog, your boyfriend (game), roblox(game), otome games and more!
Dislikes: bitter foods, strong scents, pessimism, hot weather, feeling restricted, possessiveness, conformity, having to be responsible for others, when people don't stand up for themselves (i tend to look down on/clash with people who are overly insecure), overly anxious people, people-pleasers, when people act condescending towards me.
these are some of my top kins!!:  hiyori tomoe (enstars), yoosung kim (mystic messenger), jumin han (mystic messenger), hanako (tbhk), felix kranken (twf), albedo (genshin impact), shoya ishida (a silent voice), tom (eddsworld), eridan (homestuck), karkat (homestuck), shu itsuki (enstars),miyamura izumi (horimiya), micheal afton (FNAF), lolbit (FNAF), mangle (FNAF), natsume sakasaki (enstars), sora harukawa (enstars), urumi akamaki (alice in borderland), V (mystic messenger), hagumi kitazawa (bandori), matsubara kanon (bandori), shinji ikari (neon genesis evangelion), geto suguru (jujustu kaisen), minami kotobuki (oshi no ko), lain iwakura (serial experiments lain), hajime hinata (danganronpa), mondo owada (danganronpa), blade (honkai star rail), hua cheng (TGCF), ame-chan (needy streamer overdose), k-angel (needy streamer overdose) and more....!
I'm a ENTP, 4w3 and a Aquarius
misc: I live in a mixed language house hold where I speak mostly polish and Arabic, and some Korean and Japanese, it world be nice if the person who I get can react to that lol, i know 6 languages (Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Arabic, Polish & French), clumsy; accidentally misuses slang or phrases bc i can never remember how they go (e.g. "bust this popsicle stand" instead of “blow this popsicle stand"); prone to be a bit directionless in life, tries to find comfort and humor in hard times, tries not to take life to seriously, i love dancing a lot, I do a lot of dancing like tiktok (idk I’m so sorry😭) dancing, belly dancing, dabke dancing and more, I also play the electric / bass guitar, piano, cello, & koto.
appearance /aesthetic: 5'6 / 167.64 cm, midsize, rectangular body shape, i have a masculine and feminine face (somehow), dimple on chin, hazel eyes, wears glasses, dyed black boy hair, lots of piercings, no tattoos(I need some), for style, i wear a lot such as goth (trad goth, romantic goth, mall goth, cyber goth, and victorian goth), gyaru (hime gal, himekaji, agejo, rokku, manba, banba, kogal, tsuyome, and kigurumi), scenemo/emo, & vkei ouji and lolita, i wear streetwear clothes mostly at home/school/work, i basically wear casual clothes too but can also pull off a kpop idol look(which I quite do pull it off a lot), i also wear a lot of cool dresses and suits, i wear fishnets and combat boats/converse, but I also wear Y2K and I also dress in alternative clothing a LOT, I wear a lot of other harajuku styles such as kimono style, jirai kei, decora, mori kei, cult party kei, and others like elegant, coquette, subversive, I love wearing traditional/non-traditional asian dresses and more but the ones highlighted are the ones I wear mostly.
thank you and have a good day!!!
(a/n: as this is a matchup trade, this takes higher priority)
It seems to me you've captured the heart of...
The Melancholy Songbird,
Dia Akedia!
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Oh, hey! A T4T pairing (headcanon anyways lol)
Let's be real, this man will not think much of you at first, as he is an awkward guy himself. I can only think of a couple of ways you would cross paths: either you'd cross paths in the forest somehow while he was foraging for mushrooms and you happen to be passing by, or when the two of you were made to take classes together
When you DO actually take classes together, you try to open up to him, but your first few attempts were unsuccessful. You tried to help him out, but he felt that you came off a little strong. His attitude does change, however, when his snake familiar, Linos, meets you in the forest one day. Linos seemed to like you after he showed initial curiosity towards you, so Dia supposes he could give you the benefit of the doubt.
Though he will deny it at first, he soon comes to realize that giving you the benefit of the doubt was the best thing he could have done. By observing you, he found that there was a lot to like about you, the first thing being that animals really seemed to like you. He also came to appreciate how much care you put into caring for your friends. He also comes to like how you stand up for any injustices (though you might want to reign it in a little bit sometimes).
By the time he accepts you as a friend, he comes to realize just how similar the two of you are. You both have your special interests and hyperfixations, and you both have your little quirks that you both find endearing. He assigns personalities to his mushrooms, and you get really animated when you talk about the things you like. He may not be familiar with the things you're into (read: they don't exist in Saligia 💀), but he'd still listen
Neither of you know how or when you became paramours, but neither of you are complaining. You love each other. You can truly be yourselves around each other. He affectionately teases you, and you can be your wholesome and silly self. Dia can be a bit of a pessimist at times, but that is something the two of you can work through. He does also find you to be a little overbearing at times, but he will tell you when this happens. Overall a very happy relationship
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bitchkay · 3 months
Merman Dia x reader plaguing my brain🥴🥴
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dotster001 · 2 years
Headcanons for Aquia, Lance, Dia, Sherry and Rio when they find a doodle of them with little hearts around it in the reader's notebook?
A/N: Oh my gosh, this is so cute, I can't even. I hope you like this, cause I had fun writing it
They had to miss class yesterday. But they knew you would be a dutiful student and take notes. And you were always so kind, so you didn't think twice when you handed them your notebook. As they started flipping through to find yesterday's notes, their eyes were drawn to their name, surrounded by hearts, in the margins of your pages. Oh boy!
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That can't be his name, right? Maybe you had intended to write Guy Avari, but then had gotten distracted by him talking to you? (Sure sweetie, whatever makes sense to you.)
He has your name with hearts around it in his diary, but he can't seem to wrap his head around the fact that it's his name in your notes. 
Probably won't ask you about it. He'll just pretend he didn't see it. And he'll gaslight himself about it too. He didn't actually see his name with hearts around it, he just wanted to see it.  So his brain made it up. Yeah, that's it!
It's gonna be you, who randomly remembers one day that you let him borrow your notebook that you may or may not have written his name in and doodled some fun hearts around. It's gonna be you that shakily approaches him with the ever awkward "Hey…"
He's flustered but so excited when he finds out you did indeed mean to put his name. He's happily reaching for your hands, running his thumb along your knuckles, as he tells you he does the same thing. Quickly starts blushing when he realizes he was rambling. Overall, a good start to what's sure to be a very sweet relationship.
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God, this absolute nightmare. I'm sorry you have to go through this boo, because he will torture you until you die.
He had actually been going to classes recently, for no particular reason of course. So he was really irritated when he overslept due to his nightly activities with his drinking buddies. But his irritation quickly faded when he got his hands on your notes and saw Lance Ira with hearts circling it in several spots. 
"I saw something terribly interesting in your notes."
You don't know if you've ever heard so many words leave his mouth at once. But it makes it easier for you to immediately know what he is referring to. And it's that moment you know how fucked you are.
No excuse you can come up with will save you. He has a response to all of it. And it only takes two classes before you just want to punch that smug smile off his perfect face.
"Dragon's teeth, your lucky you look so cute when you're teased."
And now you're flustered for a new reason. And you're ready to tell him to fuck off when he runs a thumb along your bottom lip, before laughing and leaving you high and dry.
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Absolute nightmare part two. It takes even less time to remember Dia Akedia written in flowery writing with little hearts in your notebook than it would with Lance. Because Dia is immediately smirking and making his way into your personal space.
"Don't tell me you're trying to escape now?" He'll hum at you with that perfect, infuriating  smile ever present on his face.
Honestly, for the better well being of your heart, you should pull his card and hide in your room all day. Because he's going to be sitting slightly closer, whispering in your ear, and calling you all manner of nicknames, All. Day. Long.
What will break you will be when the day is over, and he gives you the saddest look, as you announce you're going to bed for the night, and says something about you being so cruel with his heart. He thought you loved him? 
Just kill him. He's going to come to class every day from now on just to tease you until you admit you adore him. Just kill him. It's your only way out.
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She's torn between wanting to tease you, and wanting to admit her feelings for you. So she does both.
"Y/N, have you chosen a paramour? Because I have a certain someone I'd like to recommend."
She's so cute, and that giggle she gives is so pretty, that you're distracted and don't realize what it is she's referring to. So you probably just say something like "uh huh" which makes her giggle again. 
She realizes that she's going to need some advice on how to proceed, so she goes to Violet to come up with a game plan. Violet's plan is super simple. But they both know it'll work.
Essentially, Sherry returns the notes, pretending she didn't see her name with hearts written around it, and invites you to tea after class. When you arrive, she gives you a flower, and asks you to be her paramour. Maybe she'll tell you what she saw in your notebook after you've been together for a little while. But rest assured, it will come back up when you least expect it.
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*Sighs heavily* this himbo.
He totally thinks it's in a friend way. Which is good if you're not ready to ask him out, but bad if a part of you wanted him to see his name with hearts written around it and FINALLY NOTICE YOUR FEELINGS FOR HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Aw, you're such a good mate, Y/N."
God bless Thoma for trying to get him to see how you feel about him/he really feels about you. But it's to no avail. And now a part of you is wishing you had written someone else's name in hopes that he would get jealous and maybe you two would finally move forward.
I'm sorry to tell you, but this is not going to be resolved. You're going to have to try something else my dear. Oh, and you're going to have to explain to Lynt why Rio has written his name with hearts on a paper that he had assigned.
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ithseem · 2 years
Headcanons for The Royals' Reaction to You Flinching at them Raising Their Hand
TW: mentions/implications of abuse. Read at your own risk. Also not beta-read
You had told Aquia you'd help him out taking care of his plants, and he couldn't be happier
Aquia gets pretty animated when he talks about his plants, especially with you, since you're among the few people who went out of their way to help him with this stuff
He knows a lot about his plants, so he often tells you facts about them
He put up a hand to tell you about a particularly fascinating plant fact, but the image of you flinching in the corner of his eye made him pause
His heart sank at the sight. He had asked if you were alright, but when you couldn't answer, he gave you a gentle smile and took your hands in his while he assured you no harm would come to you
It's no secret that he wouldn't do anything to hurt you. That was clear to you, at least logically, so the unconscious fear of him hitting you made it all the more heartbreaking for him
Cooking with you is among Rio's favourite activities, and he never tires of seeing you
He especially likes learning new recipes and making them for your friends
You and Rio were making a particularly difficult recipe. He raised a hand to bring up a point...
... And then you flinched
He looked at you a bit confused, but then it clicked. You were afraid of him hitting you
Knowing this, he put down his utensils, and then enveloped you in a long hug
Like with Aquia, you knew, at least logically, that Rio wouldn't dare do anything to hurt you
He ensures that he doesn't make any movement that would alarm you in the future
Dia liked to forage for mushrooms with you
It's canon that he's a HUGE nerd when it comes to mushrooms, so you can expect him to tell you facts about whatever mushrooms you stumble upon
He truly appreciates how you're so interested in learning about his special interest, so his hand movements unconsciously become more pronounced
So when he noticed you flinching, he just stopped, now more aware of his movements
It was minute, yes, but not unnoticeable
He apologizes for his sudden actions, never wanting to hurt you. Dia assures them that no one will hurt you here, and that you're safe here.
Lance never saw this coming... and now
You and he were having a conversation, and he raised his hand to move a strand of hair out of his face when you flinched
It was small, but he still noticed it
He didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable, but he couldn't help but wonder what happened, so he asked you if you were comfortable with sharing
He had a hunch about why you flinched, and when you confirmed it to be true, he couldn't help but feel angry that you had to go through the trauma of that abuse
He took your hand and assured you that you were safe with him
He's also more affectionate towards you as of this incident
Like her brother, Sherry has an immaculate image that she must uphold, so when she's around her close friends, she can let her hair down
She had invited you to go shopping with her one day. Some new imports came to the Town of Colde and she wanted to treat you to something nice
She raised a hand to emphasize a point about a particular line of clothing she likes
You flinched as she did so
That tiny movement suddenly made her hyper-aware of her own movements
Gingerly she lowered her hand and took yours, assuring you that no harm would come to you
Once you've finished your shopping date, she came to your chamber just to give you cuddles
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dotster001 · 2 years
Day 31: Imagine your otp getting a baby/pet on Halloween during a thunderstorm 
Summary:Dia x gn!reader
Cw: brief allusions to prince's path book one, but blink and you'll miss it.
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At first you had been surprised that Saligia had Halloween, and that it was a big deal on the Isle of Colde. But then you remembered that this realm and the human realm used to be one. It would make sense, even with cultural splits, that some things would be the same.
One thing you weren't surprised about was how Dia was not a fan of Halloween. He had convinced you to go out into the woods with him until the festivities were over. Unfortunately for you both, you now found yourselves hiding in a cave in a thunderstorm.
Both of you were drenched and huddled together ("For warmth only, unless you wanted it to be for something else" he had assured you, despite being together for a long time) and waiting out the storm. That's when you heard it. A low sad cry on the edge of the cave.
You pulled away from Dia to investigate. You stepped out into the sheets of rain, and squinted hoping you could see the crying thing. Unfortunately, the rain was so heavy, you knew you would just have to follow the sound. Once you did, you saw a small baby dragon, soaking wet and crying. Looking around you saw no sign of a mother, so you gently picked it up.
It nuzzled into you for warmth, despite how little you had left, and as you made your way back to the cave, you did your best to soothe it. 
When you reentered the cave, you nearly bumped directly into Dia, who was standing right at the edge waiting for you.
You showed him the baby dragon, and put on your sweetest face. "Can we keep it? It can be friends with Linos, Shifah, and cat's/n. And I promise I'll take very good care of it"
"Why are you asking me? You can do as you wish," he said, despite the fact that he took the dragon from your arms and bundled it close.
He sat down with a plop, and tore off a piece of his shirt, using it for a fire spell. The dragon cooed happily, and curled up next to the fire as you and Dia snuggled close. 
"You're a good parent," you whispered into his ear, making him roll his eyes, and flick your ear.
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onedayimgonnasnap · 2 years
POV: Dia and Lou getting Petty with one and another
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dotster001 · 1 year
I saw that it said, Requests are open. May I request Jade and Vil with a reader whose personality is similar to Dia from Court of Darkness?
Summary: gn!reader
A/N: when I say it literally took me four months to finish these....
Similar HC's: Leona/JamilxRio voleri reader
Ace/Deuce/Epel x Toa Qelsum reader-coming soon
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You probably only met because you were both foraging for mushrooms and literally bumped into each other. It was love at first sight for Jade. Up to this point he'd never thought he was capable of it…but damn, when he saw you holding his favorite mushroom from this area, he swears a chorus of angels started singing.
Floyd and Azul have never seen a lovesick Jade…and it's a little frightening. He's got a dopey smile on his face every time he sees you, even when (especially when) you tear him to shreds with a single sarcastic comment. He's humming to himself as he works around the lounge, and he's seeking out your attention at all hours, doing or saying anything he can for a glimpse of that beautiful smile of yours. He's almost a little like Floyd…and even Floyd is scared of it.
It doesn't take much work to get you to join the mountain lovers club. He got dirt on Crowley, blackmailed him into making joining a club mandatory, and left a pamphlet where you'd conveniently find it after hearing the news. Obviously you would join his club, because you are clearly soulmates and meant to be together forever! *Dreamy sigh*
You're always suggesting solo hikes, but Jade's nothing if not persistent. He agrees to solo hikes. And you take solo hikes together! Plus, he knows where all the best mushrooms are, and he has access to rare ones that you had never seen before. It's easy to Pavlov you into loving him by giving you cool mushrooms whenever he sees you.
You to your friends: "I can't explain it, but I get so excited when I see him!"
Jade: 😈
Anyway….once you start dating, Jade is ecstatic about how affectionate you are. Like a cat he found on the street, who slowly bonded to him. You'll snuggle up against him, and he'll blush and grin like a fool.
He is literal putty in your hands. You tease him flirtily, and he's ready to give you his soul. You give him a hard time about how he always turns beet red when you kiss him, and he'd sell you Floyd's soul. You take him to a secluded spot for a private picnic, and playfully feed him a mushroom, and he'll kill for you. 
You only know soft lovesick Jade…and are very confused by all your friends saying he's a terrifying tough guy. Talk about an over exaggeration. 🙄
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Your existence upsets Vil. You always look lovely and beautiful, despite never putting any effort into it. You always stay in your room, much like Shroud. And when he tries to help you, you snap at him, very like Epel. You're an annoying potato.
But one day he hears a melodic voice luring him deep into the forest, and sees you singing to the stars. He isn't sure if you cast a love spell on him, but he is instantly in love. Naturally, you are annoyed at the interruption, and storm off.
But that doesn't stop Vil! He is begging you to audition for the SDC. And you keep telling him to fuck off. Vil never thought he'd fall for a tsundere, but damn is this back and forth setting his heart ablaze.
You don't audition….but Vil obviously doesn't have much time to pout about that when he's training the crew, and giving you tasks as their team manager. And he has even less time to pout as he's waking up with a hoarse voice after apparently overblotting. But when he gives you a pleading gaze, you sigh and announce that you'll sing for him.
Of course they won with your voice leading the way! Vil never had a doubt! That's why he tried so hard to get you to audition (also because he loves you, but that's a "surprise" for later)
Later comes sooner than he's expecting when, one day, you're doing homework together and you ask him with a wide grin if he's in love with you.
Let's just say, Vil failed to uphold the image of the fairest queen, that day….
Now you're constantly teasing him. You'll hold his hand and, when he tries to pull away, you pout and say you thought he loved you. You'll trace his lips, then boop his nose, and say you thought he wanted your affection. You'll lean in when you work together, and he'll catch a whiff of his favorite perfume of yours, and you'll tease him about how much his face is burning. It's infuriating for two reasons. The first being that you are absolutely right, he craves all the affection you throw his way.
The second is, in all of this, you have yet to even allude to whether or not you reciprocate his feelings!!!!!! He keeps trying to outplay you, and you expertly sidestep it, and it's an infuriating dance that Vil is getting tired of performing.
So one day, when you're being a tease as per usual, you say something like, "Isn't it normal to want to kiss the person you love?" And he just goes for it. He's ecstatic at how surprised you are by the kiss, but he's even more thrilled when you reciprocate.
Now that you're dating, (which you keep alluding to the fact that you are) you still infuriate him. But at least now you let him into your room. And while you aren't always the chattiest to "outsiders", now he gets to hear your lovely voice all the time. Plus, you're much more snuggly, and Vil secretly just wants to be held, so….
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onedayimgonnasnap · 2 years
Court Of Darkness Crack
Question? What movies do mother fuckers like. I’m here to guess
Guy: He likes Alvin and the Chipmunks, I can’t explain why but he hates the squeakual
Toa: He likes those Murder Documentary and eats desert while they show the most graphic description of the body.
Or he would enjoy Coraline
Fenn: Mother fucker likes Twilight
Lynt: He likes Sesame Street.
Roy: Roy would like Trolls
Lou: He would like The Little Prince movie or the Gremlins
Rio: Mother fucker watches every single Kung fu Panda movies religiously
Lance: He likes Alpha and Omega
Dia: The nightmare before Christmas
J*sper: ISNT allowed to watch movies.
Grayson: Home
Tino: He likes Paddington
Knight: Cats
Violet: Tall Girl
Thoma: Likes the Spider man movies
Sherry: Titanic
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ithseem · 2 years
What Your LEAST Favourite Court of Darkness Character Says About You
DISCLAIMER: Everything here is a joke, so if you're offended, sorry 😅
Guy and/or Jasper
Congratulations! You have a brain
It's his lethargy for you. You also probably forgot he existed. You also didn't like how he fickle he was in his route
You didn't forgive him after the opening scene. Also, it's probably his spartan way of teaching for you
You think he's pretty basic.
It's his dishonesty and overly flirty gestures for you
You think himbos are overrated.
You think the bad boi with a heart of gold trope is overrated.
You aren't into the Saligian equivalent of the Gamer Boi. You also probably dislike Jade Leech from Twisted Wonderland
You think the fact that dating the headmaster is pretty sus. To be fair, it is
You don't like that he's way too apologetic, and way too loud
You're not into taciturn men
You think she's a dumbass. And in a lot of stories, yes, you are absolutely right
It's either because he's short, he's too prickly for you, or you're not into furries
In the very little screen time he got, his energy seems a bit too much for you
What the hell is wrong with you? /j.
You actually aren't into shy guys
There's either something wrong with you, or you're a lesbian in denial
Same as Sherry's. You definitely don't want her to either suffocate you or step on you. Keep telling yourself that
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onedayimgonnasnap · 2 years
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The Demon Child
Court of Darkness X Child Reader/MC (same person)
There’s no specific gender for the reader it’s GN
It was a long day for you, you’ve just finished classes, riding Shifah that dragon and having to deal with Sherry's ‘Shipping Service.
She created that service a while ago because she was dying for students to get together plus romance in general.
She dragged you, Violet and Grayson to it. However… there hasn’t been much profit. Most of the pairings were of random fan girls wanting to get with the princes.
You suggested that it was gonna be a scam (because this was obviously an extremely hard pairing.)
Sherry didn’t listen and the whole academy was full of tears from both male and female students.
Soon you decided to head to your dorm for a nap.
When you opened the door you were greeted by Robin, your familiar.
Robin jumped in your arms with a cheerful voice.
“Welcome back Master!!”
“Well hello, Robin!”
Robin soon started talking about how fun his day was playing in the forest and trying new snacks however.
“What’s that on the table?”
There was this unfamiliar fruit on your bedside table, it was orange, shaped like a mango but had the pattern and texture of a pineapple and smelled like an orange.
Robin jumped out of your arms and jumped on the bed pointing at it with his paw.
“Me and Gruscha found it while playing in the forest. I thought if I brought it here for you it would help destress you master. “
Robin was so happy and proud of himself.
However it’s extremely dangerous eating anything in the forest you don’t know about.
What were the pro’s and con’s to eating it
Pro’s :
•50% chance of getting away from the princes if it results in death.
•Happy Robin.
•Fulfilling your curiosity.
Cons ‘d
•Sad Robin if you end up dying,
•There might be a horrible effect that’s even worse than death-
The list of Con’s seemed to easily out weighed the pros.
After a couple of seconds of silence Robin’s ears fell back as well as his tail behind his legs and head down.
As soon as you saw it forgetting the list of consequences you grabbed the fruit.
“Let me go wash it and chop it up real quick ok?”
You fake smiled afraid of what you just signed yourself up for.
Robin immediately went into happy mode.
“Let me go with you, I would like a bite too!” Robin laughed as he ran right behind you.
‘Shit’ you thought. Originally you were just gonna throw it away and pretend you have eaten it but Robin unknowingly is peer pressuring you.
You both headed right into the kitchen. Unfortunately there were no students there to tell you off if it was a dangerous fruit.
You put the fruit in the sink and began washing it.
You began sweating and slowly washing it hoping Robin will become impatient and run off but nope he stayed there and watched patiently waiting.
You then pulled out a cutting board and a kitchen knife, then cut the skin off while chopping the actual fruit into pieces.
Slowly you put the fruit into the bowl and took a deep breath while Robin innocently watched the whole thing.
You grabbed one piece and finally took a bite out of it.
It taste really good? It was unexpected of it honestly, however you were complaining. Robin took a bite out of his piece and also started gushing over how good it taste.
Rio and Thomas were walking into the kitchen to have a snack when they heard Rain screaming, and Child crying and smoke coming out of the kitchen.
Finally getting there, Thomas began to take off his coat and shoo the gas while Rio stopped to see a pile of clothes. Not just any clothes… you’re clothes.
“MC?! DID YOU DISINTEGRATE?!” Rio shouted in fear,
as Robin tried to explain the whole story but couldn’t get anything out due to how many tears were flowing out of his eyes.
Thomas was also panicking.
As they were all freaking out a baby came out of their clothes, not just any child, it looked oddly familiar with a certain someone.
“MC/MASTER?!” Rio, Robin and Thomas all shouted at the same time.
Confused at who these people were, you looked at all of them and cried. “I WANT MY MOMMY!!” You shouted in the most ear piercing voice you could ever imagine.
All the glass was shaking and in fear that it would break Rio picked up and wrapped you around his cloak carrying you away as you still were crying and banging your tiny baby fist against his chest.
Finally giving you proper clothes Rio gave you his old baby clothes which seemed to fit you.
You had puffy eyes from all the crying and refused to look at him through pettiness that a strange man ‘kidnapped’ you.
“What do we do Rio?!” Thomas panicked using his inside voice hoping you wouldn’t hear or understand since he didn’t want anyone to think they kidnapped you.
“Relax, I'm gonna bring them over to the headmaster’s office!” Rio cheered over his genius idea. Robin dead panned because he felt like that was the most obvious plan to think of.
Rio soon walked over to you and tried picking you up to have you almost scream again. He immediately put his mouth over you just to have you bite him.
You got up and ran out of the room as fast as your tiny little legs could bring you screaming away.
Fenn and Violet were walking around campus.
Violet was nagging Fenn angrily decided against herself not to choke him to death while Fenn was trying to come up with a plan to escape her nagging.
Until. SMACK.
“Owe, my shin..”
He immediately looked down at the cause of his original pain.
“Aw, aren’t you a cute little thing-“
“Get out of the way ugly man!” You shouted as you pointed at him, then kicked him in the shins.
Fenn gasped jokingly offended at this and picked up by the armpits and made you look at him “You only had a bad angle on me. Now do you think of me-“
You then let out that horrible ear rape screaming of yours-
You started squirming around, kicking, punching, screaming and crying.
Fenn soon had tears in his eyes full of regret, but the crying soon stopped as; “Haha, Fenn looks like you met your match. You know you should grab a child out of nowhere like that.” Violet scolded him, soon taking you out of his arms.
You were silent as you stared at her. “Hewo pretty lady”
Violent soon then started babying you and squeezing you gushing about how cute and precious you are.
As Fenn cried, feeling heart broken.
“Wait a minute.”
“What Levy? Are you going to brag about how that adorable child likes you more?!” Fenn started almost bursting into tears.
“Well that would’ve been worth my time doing, but unfortunately no, don’t you think this baby looks familiar?”
Violet said as she looked at your chubby face that were full of tear stains from crying before.
“Now that you mention it… is that-“
Rio and Thomas started running towards them both in huffing for air due to running almost everywhere looking for you.
You then started screaming; “KIDNAPPERS- KIDNAPPERS!-“
“QUICK THOMAS GRABBED THE TAPE AND ROPE!” Rio yelled as Thomas ran towards Violet duct taping your mouth and tying your body.
“WHAT'S GOING ON?!” Violet yelled out clearly concerned, looking at you like you were about to once again burst into tears like your last tantrum.
“Listen, Violet and Fenn. This is no ordinary child. It’s a demon child named MC.”
Thomas explained, finally happy that you were quiet and not causing any trouble.
“That still doesn’t explain what happened to MC.” Violet said, shaking her head.
“Actually, MC ate a cursed fruit in the forest.”
Headmaster Lou came over to see the commotion clearly amused over everything.
“Let’s make a meeting to discuss this with everyone however.”
“MC ate a fruit, Robin gave them. Cursing them to become a child for 3 days till bringing them back at midnight. They have no memories about us.”
Everyone soon panicked.
Well.. MC is really cute. “Sherry said as Violet nodded her head in agreement looking at the gremlin child as it wiggled in the rope of its confinement.
“… Are we seeing the same thing?” Dia said in fear
“However, let's discuss a plan for those 3 days.”
Lance, Roy and I will have MC for day 1.
Guy, Fenn and Lynt have MC for day 2.
And lastly MC, Toa and Rio. For the final day.”
They all looked exhausted at the thing they must deal with.
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ithseem · 2 years
Court of Darkness as shit me and my University Buddies Said
Toa: Haha lack of organization go brrrr
Guy: I have more crypto than u
Lou: I am who I want to be under the White Hot Sun, Photosynthesis
Roy: the players gonan play play play play play
Fenn: Hotter than all yo mommas combined
Lynt: I was asleep for the past 12 hours
Rio: Banana
Lance: This is the smell of someone who will remain maidenless forevermore (context: roasting tf out of one of his buddies)
Dia: u don’t know how to TA
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