#feral little beastie
i-drop-level-one-loot · 4 months
Can you please pet Hammy for me?
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Got 'im just for you ❤️
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Being a canine, I’m not surprised that Barnaby is least fazed. Howdy would probably have him converted to eating raw meat with him in no time lmao
date night(?) with the feral bf <3
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mishapen-dear · 7 months
TINA CALLED BAD HER DOG!! and now she's Lamenting his upcoming slaughter- "oh nooo his leash is broken, whatever will i do"
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whale-in-that-case · 4 months
If I had the motivation and talent the one malevolent fanart I would do would be a compilation of all the creatures (and maybe people, but mostly the creatures) that Arthur calls "friend". Because I think it's an important trait of his, and also I love speculative biology.
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foxqueen-katarian · 4 months
You know that post that's like 'What if we didn't have oceans and instead just massive forests that the farther you went into it the bigger and weirder the wildlife became'?
I want to build a TTRPG world around that.
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mossycattail · 10 months
Mootboard for the silly meat blog mayhaps :3c
silly meat blog! i hope you like your board :]
had a mildly difficult time putting it together mostly because it was a challenge to do different things. i enjoyed making it though!
WARNING: this board is under the cut for a reason! if youre sensitive to images depicting blood and gore, please dont look!
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pokimoko · 1 year
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(quietly, but with feeling) ✨paws ✨
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littledoughty · 8 months
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These feral beasties (squirrels) keep using my fence as their personal pathway. It would be fine if they didn't also dig up everything I plant in the garden.
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starridge · 2 years
So sorry if you’ve answered this before, but where does Val get blood? Does he just not necessarily need it? Does he feed on animals? Does he rob ambulances
he does need blood, he just kinda gets it from any townspeople out at night until he and percy finally start kissing and then he just gets it from him
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patron saint of cats that are a little too feral, a little too lean, but have the biggest fucking ears you’ve ever seen
I will take this and run with it!
tell me what I am the patron saint of!
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brawnie · 1 month
One of my favorite things about inuyasha are the times that he gets so bored/nervous/stressed waiting for kagome to come back that he comes to get her in the modern world, in which he is so obviously a feral little beastie. Like, in feudal Japan he is still an outsider and considered strange and other but in modern day it is so obvious this guy is a feral fucking dog
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im-his-druidess · 1 year
No but being an omega out on Halloween night and you keep getting a whiff of this amazing smell all day, and then that night he murders your beasties and takes you away because you're his.
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This idea makes me completely feral
I actually had an idea roughly the same as this rolling around my brain for a bit, too lol
Michael Myers escaping and hellbent on terrorizing the town while searching for his sister, only to be stopped by your scent. Now he has to deal with these sudden primal urges that he never dealt with before. Using his skills to hunt you down throughout town, making a little nest for you in the basement of the Myers home, and killing everyone who interacts with his Omega
Just him being extremely possessive and nearly feral. Listening to his baser instincts and wanting nothing more than to hold you down by the scruff of your neck and fuck you deep and hard. Claiming you as his and his alone.
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roadkillremi · 10 months
Gothic/Punk/Grunge Reader Dating Scream Headcannons
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Warnings : language, mentions Ghostface, mentions of bullying, underaged drinking mentioned
Billy Loomis
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He likes your sense of music and how you like the weird and darkness. Music in the car with him is super fun to listen to. He's more of a rock guy but would listen to goth/metal/grunge. Punk is iffy with him.
You two always watch scary movies together. You remind him of the girls from The Craft (👀 if you know you know).
He doesn't like that it may take you longer to get ready. He huffs and watches you do your hair/makeup. "Do you need that much hairspray?-" he'd ask, cringing at the smell of it. You'd give him a look before using more.
He enjoys that people see you as a threat. He finds it amusing and likes watching others react to you. Especially freshmen in high school, they seem terrified. Sometimes when Billy's behind you as you walk by them he goes "Boo." In a stern voice.
Your fashion. He adores it in an odd way. He watches you layer on a million accessories, sleeves, fishnets, etc. And goes, "you're gonna melt out there-". When he's right he helps de-layer you if you want. He likes dresses and skirts, he's a typical guy and likes it more if it's shorter. If he finds any weird jewelry he might get for you. Or he'll pull you over if you're with him. "look. It has bats." He acts like he doesn't care but he does.
When you first met Billy you thought he was some normal guy. He was popular and slept with a lot of girls. You ignored him a lot which made him more determined. Once you got to talk to him you realized he was cool. He said you reminded him of Elvira and that got your attention. You both ran into each other at Bradley's video. You also both fought over movies ; "It's cheesy-", "No. It's not. It's romantic!", "he's a vampire-".
Hair dying/stick and poke tattoos. He'll help you with the hair dye. But puts towels down everywhere and wears gloves. He doesn't want it in his hair or on him. He makes psycho movie jokes as he watches the hair dye go down the drain. Stick and poke tattoos at first he'd watch you. He'd stare so intensely. Then he'd offer to do it, he'd watch your face react to the needle.
Billy's the kind of guy that remembers small details. He knows your favorite movie, snack, album, outfit, blanket. He doesn't open up like ever. Once you do he may drop little snippets of his life.
Him being Ghostface. You were surprised, he seemed like a nice guy that liked weird things. Before you knew he was Ghostface, Ghostface would call you... A lot. "So what's your favorite scary movie?", "I'm not telling you that. You're a stranger.", "Come on.", "The Craft.", "That's not a scary movie.", "I know.". He knew you were intelligent but didn't know how you'd handle Ghostface. "Why? Wanna ask me out on a date?", "Maybe," "Well too bad I have a boyfriend and he's kinda scary so back off , bitch.". Billy smiled to himself when you said that, he was proud and felt loved. During Act 3 when he unmasked himself you simply stared. Billy just smiled, "You find this attractive don't you?"
Stu Macher
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Stu is very supportive of your weirdness. He buys you clothes and jewelry and weird trinkets.
He himself isn't a very alt person. Your music tastes clash and it's kinda funny. One second it's Beasty Boys the next it's The Cure. He may like some rock and some punk.
You in fishnets are his weakness. Big thighs, small thighs, thighs with scars, thighs with hair, he doesn't care. Fishnets are sexy to him. He sees them, he goes feral. Especially if you're wearing shorts or a skirt with them. Even tights and thigh high stockings get him excited.
Dying hair is too much fun with him. You two get it everywhere and Stu ends up having some in his hair. You'd bleach it for him if he wants. He'd also pick out wacky hair colors for you. If you want he'd gel your hair into weird shapes. He laughs and giggles telling you not to look. Let's just say his dad runs out of hair gel.
He jokingly paints his nails black with you. If Billy makes a remark he'd go, "It's the new style. Get with it man!". He's also the man that'd blow on your nails to dry them.
He'd watch scary movies with you. But he talks a lot. He makes remarks during the whole thing. Sometimes you have to shut him up by handing him a beer.
He lets you decorate his house for Halloween. He's definitely more of a Christmas person but he makes a big deal out of Halloween for you. When he throws his Halloween party he gives you all the credit.
If people at school or wherever make remarks he laughs. Not because he agrees but because it's funny they'd think that. If someone calls you a devil worshiper he'd stick his tongue out and say, "Yeah and I'm the devil.". When he's drunk he asks you if you're a Satanist.
He has a morbid and dark humor. Some of you may enjoy that about him.
When Stu started liking you, you were a bit taken back. Like Billy, Stu is a popular guy. But he finds you attractive and genuine unlike Casey, his ex. He'd ask you stupid questions at first ; "Who's funeral?", "Are you depressed or something?". When he realized that only pushed you away he stopped.
If your parents don't like the fact you're goth/alt. Stu would quite literally tell them to shut up. He kinda hates it when other people tell you how to dress. It reminds him of his stuck up family telling him how to dress.
He thinks it's fun to see you do your makeup. He makes shape-shifting jokes, "Oh here they go. Turning into their true form.". Sometimes he'd make jokes about you doing his makeup. Then one day you do, he just mumbles "Please don't tell Billy.". He then poses in the mirror going "I'm so sexy.".
Stu is a Saturday morning cartoon kinda guy. But when you two are together Saturday mornings it's different stuff. The Munsters, Addams Family (Series), Beetlejuice (Series). Beetlejuice is his favorite though.
Him as Ghostface. He'd prank call you. Unlike Billy above who tested you. He'd go, "Nice PJs." While watching you in your house. He'd see it more as a game of hide and seek. He wouldn't actually hurt you, just scare you. During Act 3 when he unmasks himself, it's a bit shocking. I mean Stu is a caring goofy guy. He smiles widely at you and looks a bit crazed.
Tatum Riley
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Her music genre is totally different. She won't bash your music taste but she doesn't like it. You two are total opposites and everyone thinks it's adorable.
She's definitely the person to go, "I dress you up and you dress me up!". You both have fun styling each other.
Movie nights would be difficult to agree on. You both like different types of movies but Tatum would definitely love Elvira. She'd be down for a drama thriller. She makes popcorn and gets blankets and is all cozy.
She's the type of girl to give you a bracelet of hers to wear. It's the only pop of bright color. It's her way of claiming you.
She'd definitely paint your nails black for you. Dying hair, totally! She wouldn't be as messy as Stu though. You both do your makeup at the exact same time. Sometimes the mirror gets crowded, but she claims she enjoys doing it with you.
She'd get you weird yet cute gifts. Like those stuffed animals but is a skeleton.
She loves to show off your sense of style. She isn't embarrassed by you at all. If anything she's your guard dog. If anyone made a remark ; "What'd you say? That's what I thought keep it to yourself. Maybe it'll make your dick grow bigger.".
Mall trips are a must with her, she even goes into a hot topic for you. And you go into stores she wants to. She tries to help find your style of clothes. You two also style each other's jewelry.
It wasn't exactly obvious she liked you but there were hints. She used Stu as her man on the inside. She makes him ask you about your crush and stuff like that. He soon gets fed up and reveals her secret. She yells that she was gonna tell you but wasn't sure. (Especially if you're a Fem reader. She doesn't want to make you uncomfortable if you don't date girls.).
You go costume shopping for Halloween together. She's more in the sexy side of the spectrum of costumes.
Sydney Prescott
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Sydney found you interesting. You expressed yourself and she enjoyed that. Like Tatum, both of your styles clash. Her room is pink, white, and soft, while yours isn't.
She doesn't really care what people say about you. she rolls her eyes at people and sends Tatum after them She wants to know you for herself. When Sydney's mom died you stood up for her. When all those girls or whatever thought it was her. You two bonded over feeling like a misfit.
Sydney's not a scary movie girl. She would watch the Addams family, Munsters, Elvira, Vampira, stuff like that.
After Ghostface, assuming you'd survive. You two stuck together. She was more protective and aware.
Scream 2 - (If Fem) You two would dorm together. Not for naughty reasons. For safety. She's also the type of girl to get you pepper spray. (If Masc) she'd check on you and call you. She wants to make sure you got back safe.
Scream 3 - she knew you were into scary and weird movies. So it was a bit exciting to be in Hollywood for you. But not under the circumstances.
Randy Meeks
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You definitely were on his suspect list. He couldn't explain why you just were.
He was a bit scared of you at first. You never did anything to frighten him. But Randy looks like he's scared of anyone he's attracted to.
You weren't very surprised when he told you he liked you. It was obvious.
He definitely took note of your video rentals at work. Then he'd ask for your opinion, it was the only reason why he had the courage to talk to you.
He likes your sense of style. I mean he's a fashionista himself with his matching green shirt and shoes. He finds it cool and reminds him of his horror movies. Like Stu, he would go feral for any skin showing. Fishnets too. I feel like leather and chains also. It may or may not be kinky but he likes them on you.
When you ask him for help to dye your hair. He asks Tatum for help. She tells him to read the instructions ; "I did. They're stupid. So I just soak their hair with it and wait. Okay got it." Then a couple minutes later ; "Will it stain my skin..? I may have got some on my face.".
Randy doesn't mind being with you in public. If anyone said anything to you he'd mock them. Or do a stupid voice or impression of a character. There's no telling with him.
He watches you do your makeup sometimes. When he does he seems impressed. Like Stu, he thinks you're a shape shifter.
You two love your weird scary movies. You watch them all the time. Randy is just happy to be with someone who enjoys it. He's a cuddler too! He'd cuddle you while you watch your movies.
At Halloween you two thrive. It's you guy's favorite time of the year. Couple costumes are a must. He also still goes trick or treating.
When Ghostface starts killing you two stick together. While he's at work you're chilling with him. If anything strange happens he tells you to call him. At Stus party he warns you ahead of time.
Scream 2 : (if Masc) oh you two definitely formed together. And he took advantage of it. Though your room decor doesn't match his. It was perfect. (If Fem)he practically lived in your dorm. Sydney would have to tell him to leave sometimes.
He's the boyfriend to give you a taser. Not a small one. A police grade taser.
He still shows you off. Now that he's more confident hes more of a guard dog like. He also says he wants to make a movie with a main character like you.
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will-solace-aaaaa · 5 months
My Maurice x The Beast smut, as promised (this is all a joke) @chbs-feral-gremlin @nico-di-angelo-aaaaa @averagehopelessguy :
"Wow Mr Beasty-weasty, ur so smoking hawt" Said Maurice as he was pinned against the wall by The Beast's big, strong and fluffy arms. "Rawr baby grill, I know u love my smexy bod. Now take off ur clothes, u don't wanna keep daddy waiting...😈😈😈" The Beast said in a low, seducktive voice. "Ovc my pookie wookie bear🥴" He said as he yeeted his smexy old-man clothes. When he was finaly nakey The Beast then told the candle dude that was watching and to stop jacking off the clock guy and give him some lube. Then Mr candle man pulled a bottle of lube out of his but which he was using as a butt plug and gave it to The Beast. The Beast then took all his colthes off while making out with Mauriece and then put the lube on his fingers. He then shoved 3 of them in. "Ahh~ uwu daddy, f-feels so gud😩" Maurice moaned. "Rawr" then The Beast pulled out his fingers after 10 muinets and put the lube on his pp and put it up Maurice's bumhole. "Meow🥺," he moaned loundly as The Beast put his beast in and out of his fastly. "Rawr bbg ima cum😣" The Beast said in a dark, raspy voice. "Me 2-" he said just as he exploeded into plaeshure. He then comed and The Beast cummed, and them 1 year later they had 238,719,291 little baby pup-dog-human things. The End.
(I'm dying, help this is so funny)
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chain-link-smut · 4 months
I JUST THOUGHT OF AN AMAZING IDEA (this can be a request or just me sharing an idea with y'all -- whatever you prefer)
Okay so like. Reader (with either a 😻 or a 🍆) and a Link of your choice (with the opposite genitalia) accidentally get body swapped.
Lemme explain my vision:
I'm thinking maybe after a portal shift, Reader and Wars/Time/whoever find themselves separated from the group, and they get attacked by...idk, an infected Wizzrobe? After that, the Wizzrobe (or whatever) disappears; the two of them pass out, and when they wake up -- bam. Body swap.
I'm a little unsure about this next bit -- perhaps whatever spell the Wizzrobe used also makes people horny? Perhaps the two accidentally run face-first into a sex-pollen plant? Perhaps the two are simply curious about what it feels like to have the opposite genitalia, and decide that now's a perfect opportunity for experimentation? Idk, dealer's choice -- but regardless, it leads to some smutty times.
I'm thinking: First Time/Horny Teenager Vibes (to clarify -- they're BOTH adults, but I say "horny teenager vibes" only bc neither person truly knows how to use the other's "equipment").
I'm thinking: guided masturbation, as each person experiments with the genitalia they currently have to see first-hand what feels best for their partner.
I'm thinking: overzealous, passionate fucking -- whoever currently has the dick experiencing the bliss of being engulfed by the heavenly wet heat of their partner's (well, their own) pussy; whoever currently has the pussy experiencing nirvana from the sensation of penetration -- of feeling their partner filling them up, of their partner reaching so far into their core, practically kissing their soul with how deep their partner's (well, their own) cock is. First Time Vibes all around, essentially, for this pair of experienced lovers.
(And perhaps, whoever currently has the dick clings tightly to their partner so they won't accidentally slip out, desperate to keep their cock warm as they're panting and whimpering from the pleasure; perhaps, just before either of them have fully caught their breath, the current dick-haver begins rutting into their partner again, growing hard inside their partner -- consumed by a feral need to do it all over again; whining prettily about how they get it now -- why their partner is always so eager to make love whenever possible. "It...oh, it feels so good...! I can't...If this is how you feel every time, then fuck, I get why you can never keep your hands to yourself; I wouldn't either, if I were you -- fuck...!")
Oooo Beasty, what deliciousness is this?! Body swapping? I’m listening… (sorry that this took so long to get to. Hope it is close to what you were thinking)
Wizzrobes are such bastards or as I call them, Twinkle Toes, but we may need to keep them around if they are going to do things like this. Wizzrobe Rod + Sex Pollen, that would be a weapon to hunger for.
Warriors and you stepped through a portal like all the others just did, but you two are the only ones on the other side. Red flag for you both, but neither had a chance to draw a weapon before a dark Wizzrobe released a pink and purple magic into your faces, coating you both in a powdery substance.
Warriors let out a hushed curse.
“What?” you asked, now concerned more by his response. Even more so when he pulled out a cord of rope. “And that is for what, exactly?”
“To tie our hands together. That magic we just got blasted with will have us unconscious in a few minutes and I would prefer to not have to track you down when we wake.”
“Track me down? What are you ta-” You didn’t finish your sentence, dropping like a sack of feed to the ground.
Waking from your involuntary nap, you pulled at the rope now around your right wrist. It was unpleasant at the least. You groaned, blindly slapping Wars chest to wake him, but it didn’t feel right. It was soft and squishy.
You turned your head and was met with yourself, sleeping right next to you. Forgetting that your hand is tied to yourself, you tried to scurry away, but that only caused you to drag the other body that looked like you.
“Hey!” It was strange to hear your own voice and clearly it wasn’t what the other you was expecting. “(Y/n)?”
“Yes?” You slapped your hand over your mouth, taken by surprise that Warriors voice came from you. “What happened to us?”
“Body swap?”
“Why are you saying it in the form of a question when you said you knew what the magic was?”
“Usually it just knocks you out and you get super horny, not all this.” He gestured to you both.
You gave a smirk. “Usually? So you have used this stuff before?”
“Most adults in my Hyrule use it recreationally, so yes, I have.” He, in your body, leaned in, moving your face, his face, from side to side. “Damn I look good.”
“You-!” You slapped his free hand away, untying your still joined hands quickly.
Upon standing, Wars laughed, looking down at your hips. “Seems that the magic has settled in already.”
You looked down and there it was… you were solid and eager. “How do I get rid of it?”
“Gotta use it.”
“Fine, I’ll be back later.”
“Jacking off doesn’t work.”
Warriors laid back down. “Not that you would know what to do with a weapon of that sort.”
You placed your hands on your hips, “And you think you know how to use what I originally have?”
You had always wanted Warriors to eat his words and this was going to be the greatest way to. Without a word you began to take the excessive amount of clothes off, happily watching the other grow more and more uneasy.
Standing naked, Warriors had a blush on his cheek and you can’t help the thought of how pretty yourself looks like that. What you weren’t expecting was him to bite his bottom lip while his eyes roamed over you.
“Conceded much?”
“N-no. Pretty sure it’s this body going on instinct more than anything else.” He rubbed his thighs together and you knew what that meant.
“Undress, it isn’t going to take care of itself.”
There was a shyness once both of you were stripped of clothing, looking down at your new bodies and the ones that were originally yours. You felt like the teen you used to be when you lost your virginity, not sure exactly what to do or what was okay. You wanted to touch, but how-
“Wrap your hand around just below the head. Not tight enough to rub raw, but enough for it to feel good.” Warriors directed, seeing your curiosity. And didn’t that feel good as your hand stroked in a steady rhythm, slowly building the need to be sunk inside something hot and wet.
You kept up the slow pace as you saw Wars move his hand to between his legs for the first time, barely touching his new sex. You let him explore, snorting a laugh when he hisses in discomfort from harshly swiping over his clit. “Hurts doesn’t it?”
“Yes! I do that to you sometimes, why haven’t you told me not to?”
“It doesn’t always hurt. Here, let me show you.” You blushed as you touched your own body part. It wasn’t like you hadn’t snuck your hands in your own pants before to find pleasure, but this was so much more than that.
Warriors caught on quickly, moving his fingers on either side of the sensitive button, then a larger circle over top of it with three fingers.
His cheeks flushed, mouth gaped and panting, you tell him to stop. He whined high in his throat, but did as he was asked. You took a deep breath meaning to calm yourself, but the scent of pheromones was all you got and it made you dizzy.
With two fingers you stroked the soaked folds that Warriors hadn’t made it to yet, gently pushing in. His back arched some, hands going to his chest as you thrusted inwards more. You added a third finger and had him moaning for more. You curled your fingers forward, finding that spot that made his eyes cross, giving it several ‘come hither’ motions.
“Please, please, please!” Wars begged, a hand reaching for your hair.
When he got a fist full of hair, you slowed down, saying, “Words, Wars. What do you want?”
“Mouth! I want- ah!- your mouth.”
When it came to oral pleasure between your legs, you had a rule: If you weren’t okay with having your own mouth down there, no one else needed to be down there. Knowing that you had just taken a bath that morning, you were fine with him guiding you down with both hands.
Trying not to overthink it and remember what felt good, you got to work lapping at the still twitching, clenching, wanting entrance. You pulled a hand from your hair, placing it at his clit, silently telling him to go back to stimulating himself. It didn’t take long after that for the warning moans to be voiced and his release to drip down your chin and you got to see first hand how you tasted.
“So that’s what that feels like.” Wars said with a blissed look on his face.
“Good right?” you smirked, as you removed the moisture from your lips.
He looked into your eyes, biting his lower lip. You were somewhat between his legs still and he widened them further apart, spreading himself open as an invitation. Getting a little closer, cock in hand, you look between yourself and him, cheeks turning pink.
“You’re not nervous now, are you?” he asked.
“No, just… I don’t know what to do.”
Wars sat up on his elbows. “After everything we have done together in the past, you don’t know where to put it?”
“That’s- that’s not what I mean!” Your face went a rosy red. “I just don’t know what to do with-” you pointed both hands down towards your hips. “-this.”
Warriors gave a breathy laugh, saying quietly, “It’s like being a young teen all over again.” He sighed with a smile. “You know this body better than I do and what feels good to it. Go off of that.”
He had a point.
Scooting closer, you could feel the heat rolling off of him and your cock twitched, automatically knowing what was to come. Taking it in hand, you rubbed the head between slick folds, coating yourself.
Silky, wet, hot.
Warriors mouth fell open as you kept sliding in further and further. “Holy Golden Three!” He looked down where you two were joined. “And that’s not even all of it?”
“You aren’t lacking, Cap. Ha-ah! No wonder you can’t keep your hands to yourself. I would want to fuck every chance we had if this is how it is.”
“Is that an offer?”
Doing a hard thrust forwards, you had shut him up, but you couldn’t stop at one thrust. You slid in and out of him with ease due to the constant fluid. Holy shit it felt good and so tight! You got a bit carried away and pulled too far out, leading to you grinding your cock between his folds and up over his clit.
“No no no! Put it back, put it back!” Warriors pleading voice made you smile, letting him see how it felt to be denied the pleasure after having it. Missing his heat, you plowed back into him, pulling a high pitched moan that nearly turned to a scream.
Re-entering him was so much more invigorating, more intense, just- more. You could feel how you filled him full, touching every internal wall, the squeeze around you. The sounds he was making because of you, gave you just as much pleasure as the feelings.
Needing him closer to you, you lean down and scooped him up in your arms to have him in your lap. Your arms encircled him as his went around your neck. Your lips met in the hungriest kiss you had ever experienced, not caring how slopping it may have been. You couldn’t get enough of him, no matter how close he was, no matter how deep you were seated inside him. The thought of him slipping away had you latching your teeth to his shoulder, hot air panting between locked teeth.
Bliss was the look on his face as he bounced in your lap. His words rang in your ears, echoing in your mind. “I can’t- please! It feels so fucking good… don’t stop, I-!!” He painfully pulled your hair, but it still felt delicious to you. “I’m never- ah! -taking my hands off of you. FUCK!!” Warriors smashed his lips to yours, trying to silence his scream as his orgasim had hit, trapping you like a vice and forcing yours to spill your release, filling him full with technically his own seed.
Ears done ringing, vision back, you looked at each other, breaking into laughter at how ridiculous the situation had been. The blush on his cheeks made you agree with the statement he always told you afterwards when you were glowing. “So beautiful.”
“Shut it…” He smiled though. That smile turned into confusion. “That’s new.”
“You came, right?”
“Yeah.” In response to your answer, he flexed around you, showing that even though you had came, you were still as erect as you were when you two started. With a devilish smile, you laid on your back, bringing him down with you.
This was going to be a very, very, long session of exploring, trying new things and bringing each other to the greatest highs either had ever experienced.
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mishacakes · 9 months
apologies if you've answered this before BUT! in the future au with Sof and Hiro, what twin takes after which parent? do they have any mystic powers, and are any of them like their parents' powers?
and who are their favorite uncles?
i just find your little turtle/bakeneko family so cute and wholesome and i love them!
(also a fan of your web comic!! ik it doesn't get talked abt as much here as your rise ocs, but aatn is such an interesting take on the Alice in Wonderland story!)
Thank you for asking!
Sof takes most after Tomiko, in that she’s a feral little beastie kitten. Tomiko, who has a fairly restrictive upbringing, vowed to not do that to her own kids. So, Sofonisba, rowdy, loud, ready to gnaw on anything within reach. Her mystic powers take more after Leo, in which she can teleport objects (and when she gets really good at it it can get vicious, i.e. Mithrun’s powers in Dungeon Meshi)
Hiro takes more after Leo, and I mean more “classic” Leo. So he’s quiet, meditative, and driven, but has a strong loyalty to his family and is a geek in his own right. He looooves high fantasy and talks lore whenever he can. His powers are shapeshifting like his cat parent.
and they both have their own relationships with their uncles. Sof thinks Donnie is boring but CAN be fun, she wants to fight Raph and gets mad when he fake loses (she wants the real victory dangit!!!!), and Mikey becomes her mentor when she gets older. (in history Michelangelo mentored Sofonisba so I wanted that connection to stay). Hiro likes Donnie and very often they take turns infodumping (not understanding each other but appreciating the passion), Raph is fun to climb and nap on, and Mikey just has good vibes to be around.
(and THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! i understand fandom stuff vs original ocs easier jumping off point etc etc but it’s SO APPRECIATED WHEN SOMEONE RECOGNIZES MY STUFF AAAA)
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