#feral predator x human
monstersandmaw · 2 years
Male ‘yautja inspired’ alien x gender neutral reader - Part Ten (sfw)
Disclaimer which I’m including in all my works after plagiarism and theft has taken place: I do not give my consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted anywhere. They are copyrighted and belong to me.
Content: a reunion with a certain other non-yautja alien, lots of soppy, tooth-rotting fluff, and a revelation... Wordcount: 4022
Thank you so much for all your enthusiasm and kind words about this project. Honestly, this got WAY bigger and more unwieldy than I ever intended, but your engagement with it - reblogs and asking questions about it in particular - has just fuelled it and kept me going. Thank you.
Catch up here:
Part One (sfw), Part Two (sfw), Part Three (sfw), Part Four (sfw), Part Five (sfw), Part Six (nsfw), Part Seven (nsfw), Part Eight (sfw), Part Nine (sfw) 
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You didn’t let go of Red’s hand as you walked by his side back towards the sentry gates, and his fingers held yours just as tightly. He was still rumbling softly to himself with every step.
When they saw you returning to the gate so soon, the two guards grinned at you and let you back in with a pair of knowing smiles and only a light ribbing.
“They are fond of you,” Red said, and it wasn’t a question.
You shrugged. “Yeah, I guess. I mean, they look out for me… I’m not military, but they seem to like me well enough. I think the way the Hunters treat me has a lot to do with it though…”
“The way we…?” Red cut himself off, confused. “I don’t understand.”
With a little laugh, you looked up at him. He had slowed his longer stride to match yours and had his head at a curious tilt as he regarded you. From that angle, you could see the shorter, bitten-off ‘dreads’ on the same side as the puckered scarring across his neck and collarbones from the shrike attack in the woods and your stomach lurched a little as fleeting flashes played out before your mind’s eye: Red’s feral roar, that thing latched onto his neck, claws digging in, green blood spurting… With a deliberate wrench, you tore your mind out of the past and back into the present.
“Whatever Croc said about me has clearly spread, because once they know who I am, Hunters treat me like some kind of… I don’t know, not quite a hero, but… there’s a weird amount of reverence that your people have for me that doesn’t match up to what I did…”
“You saved his life.”
“Yeah, but it’s not like I leapt in front of a shrike to do it, Red,” you countered as you walked together along the road that led to the airfield. Somehow it hadn’t quite sunk in that he was really there after so long. “I just put a tourniquet on him and stopped him bleeding to death. Literally anyone with some basic first aid training could have done what I did… but it feels like every Hunter who knows my name treats me like a fucking war hero who saved, I don’t know, the High Elder! Not that Croc isn’t important, he is, but you know what I mean…”
Big Red shook his head and snarled softly. “Your first instinct was to help him. Our people respect warriors, but we also respect courage.”
“Is it really courage though, if attacking him had never crossed my mind in the first place?”
Abruptly, Big Red stopped and turned to look directly down at you despite the mask covering his eyes once again. “You took a great risk in helping him. You were alone, unprotected and… you had no idea if we would be hostile. Many of us would have killed you just for approaching when we were that vulnerable.”
A stern kind of pride rang in his deep, scraping voice as he articulated the words around his clicking mandibles, and you felt a flush of heat wash over your face at Red’s intense sincerity.
“And you are brave,” he went on. “We saw how you fought against the —” he clicked out the name in his own language and then translated “— ‘shrike’.” His compliments dissolved into another clicking, chittering, non-verbal growl and he spread his mandibles wide in a display of fierce admiration. A gossamer line of saliva connected top and bottom for a moment, but it broke when he shook his head. “If we hadn’t got there…”
“But you did,” you smiled, and squeezed his hand.
“You held it off,” he said. “You had no training, and no weapons that could kill it. When we heard your shout, I thought… I thought we would find you… dead… but you were still fighting…” He reached up and brushed reverent  knuckles across your cheek with tremulous awe that stole your breath and made your chest constrict.
Embarrassed, you puffed out a little sigh and muttered, “Adrenaline is a powerful thing, I guess.”
In a vague attempt at diffusing the moment, you tried to walk on, but Red caught up to you in a single stride and snatched your wrist in his hand, physically turning you around to face him. His massive hand around your forearm was gentle, but unyielding as iron.
He growled at you again, and you found yourself almost unsettled by it; wrong-footed. “Red?”
He let go of you and huffed in frustration. “I wish… I wish you could see how…” He chittered a word in his own language and you smiled, cheeks heating when you caught what he said.
Slowly, you stepped right up into his personal space and pressed your left palm against his bare, muscular chest while your other drifted down to his slim waist. “‘Extraordinary’, am I?” you purred.
“You know, it is very unsettling that you can understand me now,” he muttered, looking away and clicking. He didn't try to step back though, or break the contact with you.
“You’ll have to watch what you say now, Big Guy,” you said with a playful, upward twist of your lips. “I might not be able to speak your language, but I know what you’re too shy to say to my face these days. You can’t hide.”
He gave a wordless clicking that still indicated pleasure despite his embarrassment, and he leaned down, hands tightening on your shoulders, claws pricking. As he moved his face closer to yours his mandibles opened and closed repeatedly in a slow, gentle pincer movement, and as he closed the gap between you, your eyes fluttered closed in anticipation of the touch of talons against your cheeks again.
Just as those four pin-prick points pressed against your face in the lightest of caresses, a Hunter ship cruised overhead and disappeared out of sight behind the hangar and you chuckled. “Croc,” you whispered, but Big Red just squeezed your shoulders harder, drawing you even closer before finally kissing you, after his fashion.
His long, dark, forked tongue flickered out to taste your lips and you let him deepen the kiss. He rumbled with pleasure, a thunderstorm in his chest, then grabbed your waist, and slid his hands to the curve of your backside, gripping you and letting his hands wander up and down every part of you he could reach. He didn’t stop purring all the while.
“Come on,” you snorted, pulling back after a few dizzying moments. “Or I’ll get so worked up Croc will smell it anyway.”
“I can smell it now,” Red growled, chasing another kiss which you gladly gave him.
“Fuck,” you gasped as his mandibles scraped across your neck and left you hot all over and aching in a way you hadn’t felt in so long. “Fuck, stop,” you laughed, pushing him square in the centre of his chest. He responded immediately, but he was chuckling as he stepped back.
“Croc will not go easy on me either,” he said as you set off, hand in hand. “If that is any… consolation.”
“It’s not,” you snorted. “He’s a menace.”
“It is a good job he is mated then,” Red said and you stopped abruptly.
“Mated? Since when?”
Big Red just waited for you to start walking again and, when you’d kicked your feet back into motion, said, “Just over… what must be about one Earth year ago, I think? He is bonded to one of my crew, a large male, named ‘Midnight’ in your language. Together though, they are in a relationship with a human.”
“I’m not surprised it takes two people to love Croc,” you snorted. “He’s a handful.”
“In every sense,” Red hissed dryly and you snorted out a loud laugh.
The second ship was just lowering its ramp amid a hiss of steam when you and Red joined the tarmac. There were two Hunters already standing outside of Red’s ship though, apparently enjoying the night air and some quiet conversation with each other while they waited for Croc’s crew to appear, or for their own captain to return.
As you drew nearer, you could see that one of them was the same species as Red, with thin ‘dreads’ and a rusty, ochre colouring, though he was perhaps a little smaller and skinnier than Red, while the other one… He seemed to be one of Croc’s species, but he was a stunning, midnight blue. His skin was so dark it was almost completely black, but in the light spilling from the entrance of Red’s ship, you could see that there were patches of blue over his shoulders and some lighter, smoky coloured areas across his stomach.
It wasn’t his unique colour though that had made you stop in your tracks and caused Red to snicker at you. It was the Hunter’s size. He was… huge.
“Holy shit,” you whispered. “That’s your new crew-mate?”
“Does he even fit on your ship?”
Red chuckled.
“And that’s who Croc and his human are with?”
“Holy shit,” you repeated. Perhaps Croc had finally met his match after all.
Red leaned down and his mandibles brushed your ear as he whispered, “He’s very submissive.”
You looked at him with surprise. “No way?”
Red nodded again and straightened. “The females adore him.”
“They must be pissed he’s picked Croc and a human to mate instead.”
“You have no idea,” he said. “Come. I will introduce you.”
At that moment though, Croc strode out of his ship and down the gangway, and when he saw you he stalled, roared a greeting that rent the night in two, and spread his arms wide. Arms. Plural. On closer inspection, you saw that his left arm was a mix of metal and something resembling carbon fibre all the way down, and it had sharp, metal-alloy claws that matched his natural ones on the other hand.
Red leaned down and kissed the top of your head with his mandibles. “He hasn’t shut up about seeing you again,” he said. “All we heard on every communication was how much he wanted to see you again.”
Laughing, you thwacked Red’s stomach once with the back of your hand. “His poor mates,” you cringed.
“They understand that it is different,” he shrugged. “As it is for him and me.”
“I’m glad you get it,” you said earnestly, and then, when Croc gave another demanding, impatient shriek, you ran to him.
He was laughing as you approached, and when you reached him, he swept you up off your feet and into a massive hug. He swung you around like Red had done, and finally set you down, still laughing.
“It is good to see you,” he said, and then bowed his head down to touch his forehead reverently — formally — to yours. Well, he tried to touch your forehead, but because of his height he ended up resting his on the crown of yours instead, but you knew the gesture was one of deep respect, and you returned it as best you could.
“It’s good to see you too, Croc,” you smiled when he straightened. “You’re looking well! Love your new arm.”
“Me too!” he said, bringing it up between you in a cartoonish bicep curl and clenching his fingers into a triumphant fist. “I can finally beat your Big Red at wrestling.”
You snorted. “I hear you’re mated twice over now,” you said, and he chittered his mandibles at you in a bashful smile. “Congratulations.”
“Yes. My human mate is on board,” he said, “And you must have met Midnight already.”
“Apt name,” you muttered. “Red was just about to introduce me. I’ve only just got here.”
“You do not live… here?” Croc asked, looking towards the lights of the complex. “Our commander said this was your base.”
You shook your head and pointed in the rough direction of home. “No, I live off-base over there. I was on my way home when Red found me just now.”
“No wonder you smell like that,” Croc grinned, mandibles obnoxiously wide.
“Shut up,” you snorted. “I knew you’d have to make a comment. I should have made a bet with Red.”
“He’d never have taken it,” Croc said. “I’ll just have to lock the two of you in his quarters for a while,” he added. “You’ve got some catching up to do. He’s been insufferable since you left.” There was something else there — some nuance that you didn’t quite understand — but you let it lie for the time being.
“We’d be in his quarters already if you hadn’t shown up so soon to interrupt us” you quipped, biting back the urge to make a terrible ‘Croc block’ pun. He roared with laughter all the same and steered you closer to Red’s ship.
“Christ, he’s huge, Croc,” you hissed out of the corner of your mouth as Croc led you over to where Midnight was talking to Red.
The other of Red’s species had disappeared inside the ship, leaving the two of them alone on the tarmac. Midnight towered over Red at what had to have been nearly eight and a half feet tall, and his muscles were frankly enormous, but when he saw you and Croc walking over together, he tilted his head a little and then sank to one knee, bowing his head. He wasn’t wearing a helmet or mask of any kind, and you wondered fleetingly if they even made them that big. They must do, if the females were about his size, but still.
“You… saved… our mate’s… life,” he said in very slow and deliberate English. His voice was far deeper than that of any of the male Hunters you’d ever met, and it was as rough as a handful of rocks.
His onyx mandibles looked like they could puncture solid steel, and while his skin was an inky blue, the fangs and tusks at the tips made a lovely contrast in ivory white. He bore no scars or marks that you could see, and his ‘braids’ were long to his ribs, and thicker than Croc’s. His eyes were a brilliant, emerald green. No wonder everyone liked him so much; he was polite and gorgeous.
“Yeah, well, Croc saved me right back a few days later,” you said carefully. “Please, there’s no need for that. I’m honoured to meet his mate.”
From Croc’s ship behind you, a female voice yelled, “Are you lot starting the party without me?” A second voice laughed along with hers, and you all turned around to find two humans at the top of the ramp of the Hunter ship.
The one on the left was a gorgeous woman with warm, Mediterranean skin and dark hair, sitting in a manual wheelchair. She rocked back into a playful wheelie for a moment and then propelled herself carefully down to join you, her friend in military uniform following behind like a shadow or a bodyguard.
“Elena Lopez,” the woman in the wheelchair said, coming to a halt in front of you and extending her hand.
Her friend in military gear made introductions too, adding after a polite nod at Red behind you, “Croc and Midnight are my boys…”
“Pleased to meet you both,” you said, and then the penny dropped and you gawped openly at Elena. “Oh my God, wait, are you Dr. Elena Lopez? From the Madrid Centre for Extra-Terrestrial Studies?”
“The same,” Elena smiled.
“The paper you wrote with Dr. García was what made me sign up for the mission where I met these two in the first place,” you blurted in an awkward rush, nudging Red in the chest with the back of your head since he was pressed practically along the entire length of your back where he stood behind you, with one hand affectionately on your hip. His thumb kept stroking little soft, tender arcs across your clothes and you tried not to lean too noticeably into him. God you were tired though, and it felt so good to be in his arms again.
Elena laughed, a warm, bright, rich sound, and said, “You’re welcome then,” she snorted, her dark eyes glittering as she regarded Big Red too. “I’ve moved out of linguistics since then though,” she went on. “I’m working with Croc and Midnight here to integrate their tech with ours. Got myself a sweet exo-suit in the ship,” she said, jabbing her thumb over her shoulder. “We’re working on treatments for SCIs like mine. If Croc’s new arm interfaces seamlessly with his nervous system, we’re hoping to use implants based on it for both spinal cord patients and amputees, but Hunter tech doesn’t always play ball with our bodies. We’re getting closer to making it all work though.”
“That sounds amazing.”
“Hanging out with these goofballs is half the fun,” she said and then glanced at her watch. “You’ll have to excuse me though. I’ve got to take a call from London in a couple of minutes, but we should all get a drink some time,” she said, taking in all three humans among the Hunters. “Compare notes on being mated to these goofballs.”
“Wait, you too?” you asked as she pushed away and her quiet friend nodded politely before departing as well.
Elena barked another laugh from the top of the ramp and nodded. “Ask your big guy. It’s a funny story.”
Red ruffled your hair before clicking something at Midnight about being dismissed for the night. He nodded at Red, then bowed at you, and followed the departing humans onto Croc’s ship.
“Dr. Lopez is mated to a female,” Red hissed and you spun round to face him.
“No… I thought they never left the mothership?”
“They don’t. I’ll tell you about it sometime.”
Croc lingered outside after his mates and Dr. Lopez had gone. “Your Big Red has been our Big Pain in the Ass since we left you,” he said.
“Yeah?” you asked, cocking an eyebrow at Red.
He grumbled something from behind the mask and shrugged. “Insubordinate runts. Because of Croc, my own crew calls me all sorts of names,” he said to you. “Even Midnight. ‘Big Moody’, ‘Big Grumpy’, ‘Big Idiot’…”
You poked Croc in his impressive pec with a finger, probably hurting yourself more than him. “You told me I should go when I did,” you scowled, not truly angry. “You told me that if I didn’t, the bond would be harder to break and that I’d end up hurting Red even more!”
“Peace,” Red growled, taking hold of your arm and pulling you gently away from his friend. “He was right. You did the right thing.”
Fuelled in equal parts by emotion and exhaustion, tears suddenly prickled hot along your lashes and you turned away from Croc, shielding your watery eyes and wavering lip from his sight against Big Red’s chest.
“Then why did it feel so shit?” you hissed, caught completely off-guard by the intensity of the feelings that had welled up inside you without warning.
Red brought his hand up to cup your face and he stroked his rough thumb across your cheek.
Croc switched to their own language and chittered at Croc, “You haven’t admitted you’re still bonded, have you?”
Red immediately snarled at him to shut up, and you lurched back, staring wide eyed. “You bonded?” you asked.
Behind you, Croc swallowed thickly, audibly, and croaked, “You… uh… You learned our language, then?”
“Yes I did,” you snapped without looking at him. “Red, is it true? Did you… form a… a bond? With me?”
All the anger drained slowly but visibly out of Red and he tore his attention away from Croc and nodded at you. “Yes,” he said. “I formed a bond with you on the first night we slept together. In the storm. It never faded.”
“In the storm? But… I thought you had to… like… have sex to form a bond?”
“Not always,” Red admitted. “It is rare though.”
From behind you, Croc piped up. “Bonds that don’t form with sex are the deepest. They can’t be broken.” After a short pause during which none of you moved or spoke, Croc added to Red, “I didn’t know that part.”
Big Red shook his head and sighed again, the air whistling through his lungs and mandibles in that familiar wheezing way. His huge, hulking shoulders dropped and he laughed quietly. “I never said.”
Croc stepped closer and you looked over your shoulder at the movement.
He tilted his head in a question at Red, and out of the corner of your eye you just caught the faint nod of Red’s head before Croc laid his hand on your shoulder and squeezed. “I will leave you two for tonight,” he said, and his tone was unusually sincere. “It is good to see you again.” To Red he added, “Please tell —” he clicked out an unfamiliar name which you assumed belonged to Red’s other crew member “— that he is welcome on my ship for as long as he likes.”
You picked up the message loud and clear. He was offering a bolt-hole so that you and Red could have the ship to yourselves. You tried not to feel too embarrassed.
Red snorted and then stepped around you. He took off his bone mask and bowed his head to lean his forehead against Croc’s in a gesture of long-standing familiarity and deep respect. They both closed their eyes, and in their own language, Red said, “It’s good to see you again, my friend.”
Hunters had several words for ‘friend’ which all carried different connotations and which had no direct translation into English. The particular word he had chosen was translated literally as ‘beloved of my soul’ but without the romantic implications of a mate, and you choked a little as you recognised it. They brushed their mandibles fondly against one another’s and then Croc turned to you.
“You left him in my care,” Croc said. “Now I leave my friend in yours.”
With a watery smile, you slid your hand into Red’s and squeezed. Unable to form words around the lump in your throat, you just nodded in a silent, solemn promise, and the two of you watched as Croc walked away to his ship and up the ramp without looking back.
“I didn’t know you hadn’t seen him in a while either.”
Red just nodded.
You looked up at Big Red and bit your lip as your mind reeled back to your discovery of his lingering mating bond.
“Red…” you hissed. You knew just enough about mated Hunters to know that without physical access to their mate — not just sex, but simple, everyday contact — they could sicken and sometimes even die. Others gave in to anger and grief at the separation, and became what had been roughly translated to ‘berserkers’ in most human languages. Red just seemed… drained and reserved, and even quieter than before. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I hoped it would break,” he shrugged. “I thought I would be punished for allowing my ship to be shot down, and I never dreamed they’d send me back here. I thought I’d never see you again.”
You hugged him so tightly he wheezed again, and then you both laughed weakly.
“Come on,” Red sighed with a fond hand on the back of your head. “I promised you a shower.”
“Don’t you need to let your other crew-mate know he can go over to Croc’s ship?”
He shrugged. “He’ll keep to himself. He’s very shy.” When he caught the equally shy look on your face, he grinned his mandibles wide and said, “The walls of all our quarters are soundproof anyway.”
“Not sure I’m up to anything much tonight,” you confessed with a quick look at the time. “Ugh, I’ve been awake for about twenty one hours now.”
Red growled and steered you up the ramp with a hand at the small of your back.
“Later,” he said. “We will have time for everything else later.”
Croc! And what do you think of the new characters? I deliberately left the other human as blank as possible (except for the military uniform) so that if their story comes up with Croc in the future, it can also be a gender/body neutral reader, but boy did I have to do some metaphorical gymnastics to get around that in the text!
I was going to have some steamy reunion stuff but I decided to leave that out because a) our reader is super exhausted and b) it didn’t fit the tone I was going for. So... sexy times next time? :)
Thank you so much for your enthusiasm and kind words and asks and tags and reblogs on this project so far! It means so much to me!
If you do happen to have a couple of bucks spare, you could always drop a tip on my Ko-fi, but reblogs are just as welcome and just as helpful! As always, I look forward to your reactions to this one. Take care of yourselves.
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multific · 1 year
If You Can't Kill It, Fuck It
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Feral Predator x Reader
Warning: Smut
Summary: The beast killed your entire tribe, promising revenge for the lost souls. You tried to hunt the thing down, but you completely underestimated his power. So, you had to try a different approach. 
You knew that it was a male, and you tried to use that to your advantage, but just how can you do this without that being killing you in just a second?
You thought your plan through, about what your mother and friends used to tell you about men.
You wanted to know just what you should expect so you followed him. You watched him attack another tribe, and kill a bear and many other men.
You have decided that you had no chance of killing him, so, he wanted to hunt the strongest being on Earth and you wanted him.
Must have been the spring in the air which made you completely insane, or the fact that you watched him massacre people and found it appealing.
You found it in yourself that he proved to be a strong male, the strongest.
And you wanted him.
As crazy as that was.
One late evening, you were searching for a place to sleep when you accidentally stumbled into him. He was towering, he turned to you as he reached for a weapon but quickly decided against it, he instead observed you.
You reached up and pulled down your clothes.
Now, you stood completely naked in front of him as he kept on watching you.
Now or never, you can either die, or he can take you as his.
You didn't know what to do. You were ready for death at this point. but he surprised you.
He stood in front of you, towering, an intimidating height, you felt his claws on your skin.
He grabbed you with one hand as the other clawed something into your skin.
You felt the burning pain and the blood but he soon stopped.
When you looked, it was as if he left a mark on you.
A mark that you were his.
Becoming his mate came with a lot of obstacles. He brought you along as he continued his hunt. But neither of you understood a word the other was saying.
So, you had to physically show him everything you wanted.
Like right now, he was sitting down on the floor by the fire where you decided to camp for the night. He came back not long ago with some fish which you cooked to eat.
You watched him as he watched the water of the small river.
You craved his attention, so after eating you decided to take a bath.
You took off your clothes, which went unnoticed but when you started to walk into the cold water, he finally noticed you. You were waist-deep in when you heard the water behind you splash. He grabbed your waist and tried to lift you out but you just laughed.
"It's fine." you said but he still carried you out of the water. Afraid that he might just go back to ignoring you, you decided to cling to him.
Soon, you felt a shift in his muscles, something changed, as just as you moved your leg, you felt it.
He removed his mask as your eyes locked with his.
You knew what you needed to do.
This is what you wanted after all. 
So, when you showed no sign of rejection, he was quick to flip you over and onto your stomach.
He watched your glistening core with excitement. Running his hand up your spine he let out soft growls. Showing you who was the dominant.
You knew he wasn't gentle or soft. But you still didn't expect that huge member to be pushed into you so suddenly.
He wasted no time in ramming into you.
Sensing your discomfort you felt him going slower. But when you made a sound of pain he stopped immediately. He stood up and wanted to walk off but you stopped him, you moved him onto his back as you sat down on his chest.
"I just need a bit of time." you told him, even if you knew he wouldn't understand.
Then, you sank down on his length, letting out a long sigh as you were now fully down on him.
Took you a moment to find your rhythm. In the beginning, it was slow, but as you grew more confident, you increased your speed.
Soon, you found yourself clawing at his skin as he filled you to the brim. Oh just how amazing he felt.
His hand moved to your thighs, helping you move. But soon, he was also lost in the pleasure as his claw slowly grabbed onto you, you let out a loud moan as you felt yourself getting more and more wet.
You were loud but nothing matched the beast under you. You knew it was sounds of pleasure.
When he had enough of your slowness, he tried once more, flipping you onto your stomach as he pounded into you.
You never felt this amazing in your entire life.
You heard him say something but you couldn't understand. His thrusts became irregular, his breathing got quicker and you knew he was close to his release. And so were you.
Your legs started to shake as he held your hips in one place, never stopping and soon, you felt him fill you up. 
He came with a loud yell as you just tried to catch your breath. 
You had a suspicion about what this meant.
He now fully claimed you as his.
He came to this Earth to hunt. Get the most kills and prove himself to his tribe. Kill the strongest being on the planet.
He never expected that along the way he would find his mate. 
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Taglist: @fleursirvart​ @greenarrowhead​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​ @sincerelyfan​ @theoneanna​ @aestheticsandmarvel​ @rororo06​ @castellandiangelo​ @destynelseclipsa​ @spilledinkindumpster​ @capsiclesdoll​ @puknow​ @alwayshave-faith​ @alex12948​ @lxdyred​  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​ @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek​ @praline357​ @trshngyn​ @avengers-r-us​ @violet-19999​ @top1bbgloak​   @manduse​   @jacalineiscomingforyou​  @mandoloriancookie​ @noname2246​
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neteyamssyulang · 6 months
When I tell yall..
IM FUCKING FERAL FOR THIS😩, why do they have so make them so fucking sexy. This is making me wanna write a yautja fic but ofc add one of our blue men aswell🤭🤭
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whimsyvixen · 5 months
Un momento por favor!☝️
(I don't have an abundance but hope you still enjoy these) :
Feral Predator
Feral Predator Dick
The NSFW Feral Predator Comic
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prey-4-me · 1 year
Whatever writing format works, reader is a hunter or warrior or whatever in some way or another and Feral got curious and is trying to “study” get just a bit closer to you each day and eventually tries courting you. Please and thank youuu 🫶🫶
Thx for this request! Hope you like it.
Feral predator x reader, smut lite, fluff
What were you doing? He studied you closely, watching you clean and reassemble some kind of… he thought oomans called them ‘rifles.’ What a strange ooman word. He shifted his weight, sitting down on the tree limb he’d been squatting on.
He’d watched you take the buck down with a single shot earlier in the day. It was an impressive animal and from an impressive distance. Then he’d observed you field dress and take your meat and trophy antlers with you. You appeared to be very strong for your size; although much smaller than him, you had packed out a fair amount of the deer.
Now you were in your domicile, some kind of log structure. It looked warm and cozy on the inside; a fire burned and cast a pleasant light onto everything. You turned off your harsh overhead lamp and the mood increased. He watched you curl up on the sofa and drink something steaming. Then apparently fall asleep. He grunted. Time to go; he’d been here far too long.
Today you seemed to be focusing on relaxing. You had chopped some wood in the morning, piquing his curiosity. He had camped near your home, with plans to follow you for a few days. Some scientific observation, he reasoned.
Drawn by the loud, echoing bangs, he was amused with how your thin arms swung the axe. You were very effective, but he still marveled at how strong you were despite your size.
Now you were swimming in a calm stream, splashing and dunking your head periodically. Were you cleaning yourself or just having a good time? He couldn’t tell. He studied your body when you finally got out of the water and laid out on the shore in the sun. Similar to a Yautja… interesting. He pushed the thoughts that came with that realization to the side.
Finally you dressed and headed back to your domicile. He snuck behind you, looking at your slight footprints and hearing you breathing and walking loudly through the forest. Ooomas were quite loud. It was endearing.
When you reached your log shelter, you went inside. He scaled the tree he’d become accustomed to sitting in over the past couple of days.
You fixed yourself a hearty looking meal and came outside onto the deck. Sitting down in a wooden chair, you put your plate on your lap and ate, looking out at the forest that surrounded you. You seemed content.
He tilted his head, wondering…
*** You were tracking something big. The weird thing was, you weren’t quite sure what it was. At first you had thought bear, but the path you were tracking wasn’t quite right. It also seemed… off. You couldn’t quite put your finger on it, but it didn’t feel natural. You entered a small glade. The tracks abruptly stopped. What the hell. How could something this big just disappear? Suspicious, you turned in place slowly, eyeing the spaces in between the trees. You felt tricked. But by what? And for what reason? 
You stopped abruptly. Something was shimmering in the forest. You couldn’t think what it might be - you had never seen anything like it. Suddenly, it moved. It appeared to be… moving towards you? Was it a cloud of shimmery gnats? No. It was something unnatural. You started to think about El Charro Negro and yelled, pointing your hunting rifle at it. It continued to advance, more and more taking the shape of a tall, broad humanoid. You stepped backwards quickly, still aiming at it, for whatever good it would do.
It walked into the glade, out of the shade. Shimmering and wavering in front of you, you could almost make something out. It appeared to stand in front of you unmoving. Waiting?
You slowly lowered your weapon. You sensed it was useless against… whatever this was. Suddenly it emitted a soft clicking noise. After a couple seconds’ pause, it repeated the same pattern of clicks. Confused, you listened closely. It repeated the clicks a third time, slightly slower.
“Are… are you a ghost?” You whispered.
It chuckled. You gasped; it was undeniably a humanlike laugh.
You stuttered, “Wh-wh-what are you?” It grumbled something, shimmering in the sun. You squinted at it. You could almost see…
Stunned, your mouth fell open. Did this cloud of shimmer just greet you?
It grumbled again, then said softly in a gruff, deep voice, “Hello, ooman.”
Your rifled slid from your hands. Terrified, you thought of running. Suddenly it shimmered and wavered more than usual; then it stopped. Before you stood a 7 foot tall…? Humanlike… creature? You babbled insane thoughts out loud about spirits and aliens and schizophrenia.
“You’re nnnnot crazy…” It took a small step towards you. You tried to back pedal away but your legs were locked in place.  It stopped advancing on you and put a large hand over its broad chest. “I mean you nnno harm.”
“W-what are you?” You squeaked out, nearly unaware you were talking aloud.
“I’m… an alien like you say.”
“Like from space?” You asked stupidly.
It grumbled a laugh. “Yes. Space.” It motioned to you to come towards it.
“Come. I will show you something.”
You still couldn’t move. It grumbled softly, tilting its masked face.
“Don’t be afraid.”
“What do you want?” Your entire body was trembling.
“To show you something.” It appeared to shrug.
You were rooted in place out of sheer terror. It seemed to sense this. It slowly approached you, both hands going to its head. When it was a few steps away, it stopped and pulled some tubes out of its mask. The mask hissed and clicked. It pulled the mask away from its head. Lowering it, it tilted its head and looked at you with soft eyes.
Shocked, you stared back into its golden, very humanlike eyes. It slowly clicked its mandibles and spoke quietly, “Don’t be afraid. I just wanted to…” it paused to shrug, “…say hi.”
You laughed a bit despite your fear. “An alien just wanted to say hi to me?” It grumbled in its own language, then nodded, “Yes. You are… impressive hunter. Now. Let me show you this thing.” It turned from you and strode away, its skin slightly shiny in the sun.
Suddenly unrooted, you picked up your gun and ran after it, calling, “But what? How far? Where do you come from?”
It laughed harshly, “So many questions.”
You calmed yourself as you followed a few steps behind it, single file.
“I’m from many solar systems away. Nnnow, don’t ruin the thing. Just come,” it grumbled amiably over its shoulder.
You followed along, wondering why you were obeying. Shouldn’t you be running? But why? It seemed friendly enough. It was speaking to you in your language. But what could it possibly want to show you?
After a short distance travelled in silence, it stopped and turned to you. “Here.” It pointed upwards. In it hung the Thing it apparently wanted to show you.
“A— a stag?” You stumbled over your words, “A huge one! Those antlers… wow.” You looked into the alien’s eyes. “Why show me this?” ”I saw your hunt the other day. It was a good hunt. This is my hunt.” It cut a cord and lowered the deer to the ground.
You marveled at the antlers. But what about the rest of it? Would it go to waste?
“I am taking it all back to camp. You want to eat with me?” It invited, nudging your upper arm gently. 
“S-sure, but how do we get it back?”
“Mm. I will carry it.”
“All of it?” You were dubious.
Gruffly laughing, it bent and lifted the deer in its arms. Carefully putting it over its shoulders, it grumbled softly, “Come with me.”
You picked the plants it had instructed you to. Once you had an armful, you returned to its neatly kept camp. It was roasting a large portion of the deer while it cleaned the skull, careful of the trophy-sized antlers.
“What do I do with these weeds?” ”Weed? What is ‘weed?’ That is food… come, we will boil it and have it with the deer. Meat and something green, like mother says.”
You laughed softly, surprised by its talk of family and balanced diets. It grabbed some of your armful and stared to pull the leaves off the prickly stalks. “Come. Like this.”
You copied it, throwing the leaves into a little metal pot it had half filled with water.
“You are a fine hunter. You hunt often?” It asked casually, stripping a stalk of its greenery.
“When I can. I like to offset my food costs with it. And my neighbors too. Plus, being in nature feels so right. You know?” It grunted, nodding. “Yes.”
“You uh, come to Earth often?” You felt silly asking, but in this rare case it was a perfectly normal question.
“Nnno. It is far away and does nnnot have the best prey to hunt. But sometimes it is fun to visit a far away place.”
You smiled to yourself. This meal would be one of your more enjoyable ones in recent history.
*** You sat back, satisfied. The weeds had ended up being a delicious side to the gamey deer meat. Impressed, you asked how your dinner host had known.
“I read about the plants to eat here so I could try the local food.” It was picking deer out of its teeth with a twig.
You smiled again. “Have you ever tried Earth ‘junk food?’ I have some back at my cabin. We should eat that for a snack later.”
“Cabin? Is that your tree house?” You smiled wider, “Yeah, my house made of trees.” It grumbled, seeming pleased. Then it said in ooman, “Yes. I would like to try your garbage food.”
You laughed, “It’s just ‘junk food.’ Although I guess you could consider it ‘garbage food’ after this meal we just had.”
It stood suddenly. Taking a few large steps, it sat down next to you. Reaching behind you, it grabbed a log and placed it on the fire. Poking it, it grumbled softly, “You are… very… nnnice to look at.”
You blinked in surprise at the compliment. It turned its head, its golden eyes gentle.
“Th-thank you,” you didn’t know what else to say. It leaned back, “I saw you bathing the other day.” You got hot. When you were totally nude?
It continued, “Our kind… looks like that too.”
“Oh.” You were still wondering if it meant when you had taken your little bath, splashing and having fun.
“So…” It fluidly moved towards you. “I’m called Bakuub. It means straight spear. You are called?”
Shocked, you uttered your name. ”I like it.” It leaned into your space. It smelled like herbs and earthy, fresh soil. It touched your shirt. “I like this color.”
“Th-thanks,” you stuttered, feeling strange. Why was it complimenting you so much? It released your shirt and leaned back. “Do you like the deer head?” It nodded at the skull, with its magnificent antlers.
“Oh, yeah. It’s really very impressive.” “It is for you.” Your eyes widened, “Huh?”
Bakuub winked at you. “It is a nnuptial gift. I read about it on Earth; the male is supposed to give the female something nnnice to… you know. Express interest.” He clicked at you.
“Omigosh, uh, thank you,” you straightened your spine. An alien was… flirting with you? He waited for you to continue. After a second, you said weakly, “So… you wanna go back to my… treehouse now? We could, uh. You know. Snack. And then, it’ll be late and and and— time to go to bed, and…”
Bakuub grabbed your hip and pulled you into his lap. He nuzzled his head into you, his dreads falling forward. You inhaled; he smelled wonderful. “We don’t need a bed to ‘go to bed,’” he crooned.
Your emotions scrambled in your mind. You leaned towards Bakuub, running your hands up his muscled torso. His skin was smooth and warm.
“I- I mean, that’s true…” you trailed off as your eyes met with his. You felt yourself leaning closer until you were kissing his cheek softly. He was watching you with hooded eyes. You put your hands on either of his shoulders and readjusted so that you were straddling him. Bakubb purred.
Shocked, you stopped moving and looked at him. He continued purring, a rich loud sound that made you shiver down to your bones. Instinctively, you rocked your hips against his. You felt his very human-like anatomy and groaned. His purring grew louder as he grumbled, “This is nnnnice…” His powerful hands gently gripped your waist as you ground down on him. Growing bolder, you kissed the side of his face again.
“That’s nnnice too…” Bakuub murmured, voice soft and rumbling. His fingers pulled at your clothing suggestively as he rumbled, “Let me show you some other nnnice things…”
“Like what?” You teased playfully, your hips moving.
“Oh, I can think of a few things I would like to show you.” His purring intensified. Giddy, you let him gently push you down onto his blanket.
Nature carried on around you as the two of you carried on long into the night, slowly unwrapping each other.
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wthtorke · 2 years
Feral predator x Afab reader NSFW - Warning for kidnapping
You've been warned! This one is nasty lmao also has 4k words so be prepared, and enjoy! As always this was seen over a month and something ago on my patre0n! 
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Hunting runs in the veins of his people. From the youngest child to the wisest elder, it was a rite. Tradition. Part of them.
Some warriors had their rites before a hunt. Some prayed, some others cleaned their weapons and sharpened their blades. He chooses to watch.
Hunting is about patience, he believes. So he watches them days before striking.
He sees her on his first day. A foggy morning in the dense forest they resided in now. A small village on the outskirts of a kingdom he flew over before landing; since then, he got bewitched.
The air smelled of leaves, the occasional local fauna scent hitting him as the thick smell of humans below made it almost too annoying to breathe without his mask.  He wasn't hunting- yet.
He stretched over the thick tree branch supporting his weight, looking intently at the artificial shelter he knew belonged to her. Man-made.
To say he was interested was an understatement. He was intrigued, rather obsessively, even. What he feels in his sheath isn't the thrill of the hunt but the desire for a partner. A mate, It's odd.
He feels his cock throb, pressing against his crotch armor, yearning to be free and inside of something right after, to be inside of her.
He had heard of it before from older, wiser warriors. "Your cock is stupid. Sometimes it will mistake prey for a mate, don't listen to it." He had scoffed, just a youngblood then, "So what to do if that happens?"
"Kill it."
She seems to hear his thoughts, or feel the ghost of them, for she looks straight up at the tree he had been resting on, now watching her from another angle- Lower, closer. She seemed to be a servant of some sort, always carrying a basket of food, feeding the stock, or hauling buckets of clothes to the river like she was now, crouched on the side of it. She forgot the scrubbing as she looked around, looking for him.
She hadn’t seen him yet. None of them had. He hadn’t killed anything yet, nothing that didn’t deserve it, but he found that he liked watching her. All of her species was weak; her included; a frail little thing was washing her strange clothes on the riverbank, day after day, with no greater ambitions for the future than to get her daily chores done and maybe get some rest.
He slowly stalked across the grass, staring at her from the other side of the river. His camouflage made him feel beyond lucky in situations like these; most warriors used it for sneaking surprise attacks, others used it to flee- he used it to watch. He could taste her scent on his tongue, taken by the curving winds into his mouth beneath his mask. It was a hot day like yesterday was, but he’d still have to catch her swimming in the river as she did days ago. He had wondered if she could smell him like he did her. Maybe he just alarmed her prey instinct, watching her lifted head, eyes still scanning for the source of her uneasiness.
He felt his chest rumble, claws gripping the tree bark under his fingers; she might not smell him like the deer or the bears do, but she knew something was wrong. She knows she's not alone, and he can't help but feel his hunter's instincts kicking in.
She doesn't have a mate, not that he can tell- but then again, humans here were strange. Some tribes were more advanced than others; some had shelters made of hide and fabric while others had them made of stone and wood. He found them all to have some hidden savagery in them —especially the wood and stone humans.
She was a wood and stone human, but another thing he noticed about them was the way they looked at one another. Humans and yautja held their differences regarding facial expressions, but every sentient species he knew had a universal "I don't trust you," look. She didn't trust any of them. Especially the males.
He thought about his options as a hunter, and then he thought of his options as a male whose -possible- mate felt distressed around their people.
What to do?
He checks back to reality when another scent hits his nose, muskier, filthy—a male. Feral watches him make his way to her, smaller than him by two of their human heads. He doesn't like it, so he slowly stalks forward, crouched and cloaked to see their interaction.
Human words are odd, he can't make out many of them, and his translator was always shit, but he wasn't an idiot- he could read tones. Every species sounded about the same when pissed the fuck off.
"I've told you time and time again, Gale, I'm not interested." She snaps, scrubbing her clothes harder onto the rocks.
"What in God's name is wrong with you? Do you have any idea how lucky you are that I even want to marry you? You should be licking my boots for this." The male hisses. She shakes her head.
He grabs her. She screams.
So he grabs him.
It takes less effort to kill an adult man than it does to skin a snake. His blades slice through him, and his screaming stops– hers do not.
So he grabs her.
He slings the woman over his shoulder as he hears barking in the distance and the faded shouting of other males making their way to the river. He scoffs and runs off.
You keep screaming when the demon carrying you jumps up a tree to another, then another, and another; endlessly, far away from your village. Where to? You had no idea. Your futile attempts at punching its stiff back turned into desperate clinging when he landed straight into the river again, splashing water everywhere and soaking your dress as it scents the air before running up the river with you over his shoulder.
You commend your brain for whatever half-thoughts it could muster while the beast ran away with you. What was it? A demon? An animal never seen before? A creature? It had to be a demon, didn't it? Animals didn't run standing, and they definitely didn't throw people over their shoulders while running.
Its hide was thick and textured. You felt its ridges and needle-like protrusions under your fingers, not enough to cut skin but enough to tickle your palms, its tips pressing against the skin bluntly.
"Please- please put me down!" You pleaded, trying to look back at the thing's head; did it have no ears?
It growled and snarled, shaking you some before speeding up again- as if telling you to keep quiet, so you did.
After an hour, the demon diverges from the river, turning and entering the dense forest. You dozed in and out as it carried you around, getting shaken awake when it stopped by nightfall, dropping you on the patchy floor. Your body screams as you sit up, looking around in the dark, looking for it.
You whip your head around, squinting your eyes and trying to calm your breath; the moonlight is scarce through the trees. You sniffle and wipe your face as you try to listen for any sounds- the ringing in your ears makes it hard to discern any noises.
A twig snaps, and you jump. Your dress drags, wet and heavy, against the grassy patch you're sitting on, "Please- please don't hurt me-," you choked on your words when a twig snapping made you jump a second time. You look back as heavy steps begin walking towards you before the big hands from before are on you again. The clawed fingers close around your arms and move you around as you thrash and squirm in their grasp to no effect.
"Unhand me-! Stop-," you hiss as it drags you onto another grassier spot and sits you down like a toddler, pushing you down two times as if to say stay.
It growls and walks about. You can hear it now; twigs were snapping, huffing, and snarling. You listen to things get thrown around. The sound is like-
"Wood? What are you trying to-,"
A weird sound reaches your ears, like metal scraping against metal; shrill, thin, and prickly like a new needle. You shake your head at it, only opening your eyes when something bright- when immediate warmth reaches your cold, wet frame.
“Oh my God!” You gasp in surprise, seeing the structured twigs as you scoot closer to the fire, bringing your stiff fingers closer to the flames, shaking as you did your best to chase the shivers away from your bones. Still- you weren’t alone.
You look around, fire briefly forgotten as you struggle to locate the creature that kidnapped you from the river. It saved you, yes- but what for?
“If you plan to cook me, that fire won’t do!” You blurt out. The panic forces nonsensical words out of your mouth. You shake your head, feeling more tears welling up in your eyes. You cry out loud when the creature comes forth again, only that the fire made him very visible now.
You crawl backward as your lungs burn with every desperate attempt at sucking air. Its skin was not like anything you’d seen before. It wore no clothing other than some kind of leathery loincloth that hung around its hips. Your eyes ran up its form, taking in its muscles- no man you had ever known had muscles like that. No man you knew could kill another like it did, too.
Rapid breathing makes your chest hurt. Your heart is speeding when you meet its face.
Its face was of pure bone.
It snarled and snapped, making you cry louder and recoil, pulling your knees to your chest and hiding your face so you wouldn’t face imminent death. You cry harder, feeling your shoulders wack with every desperate sob that leaves you when you hear more cracking in front of you.
You feel its breathing on your skin. The clicking and raspy sounds make you shiver but still, no contact. Why wasn’t it doing anything? You wanted to look, to face your fears. But it was easier said than done.
Feral snorts on the thick fear stench that rolled off you in waves. He shook his head as his open palm hovers over your head, claws spread and ready to close around your form again. He felt annoyed. He didn’t know your language but being so different from you, it was apparent you thought he was some sort of monster. Not far from the truth, but still not it.
He huffs and snarls, trying to catch your scent under all the panic and fear you presented so strongly now. That one trail that made him feel the way he did at the river. The way you’ve been making him feel since he laid eyes on you.
Stupid, he was stupid.
Of course, you would fear him. Of course, you would want to be as far away from him as you could. But there was no way to explain. No way to communicate. Would you even listen to him if he could? Maybe he could try.
Yanking you off the floor like a twig by your arms, Feral steps closer to the fire again, sitting by it as he slowly lowers your struggling form to the floor again. You act like a restless toddler to him, trying to get away from his grasp and run off into the forest.
Luckily for him, he has many young siblings.
Every time you get up, he pulls you back down, forcing you to sit multiple times until you tire out. He can’t hold back his laughter when you land yet again on your ass in front of him.
“What do you want?!” You hiss at him, face hot from the strain, feeling anger boiling over the fear.
It’s easy enough to guess what you’re asking him. So he lifts his finger, points at you, and tensely points it to the floor, growling to make a point.
“What is the point of dying sitting? I’m not making your job easier!” You frown and tense your legs to get up. The speed with which he draws a blade from his thigh and sinks it into the ground next to your leg has you melting back onto the floor.
‘Good.’ He thinks. ‘We’re leaning.’
“O-Okay- I’m sitting now.” You say. His jaw twitches slightly. “Si-tting! I’m sitting! See? Sitting! Sit!” You point at yourself and then at the floor, just like he wanted. “What now?”
Feral snorts again. The stench is still strong. He sheathes his knife again, turning back to look at you. You make him feel things, and he wants to make you feel things in return, but not while you’re so afraid and angry at him.
He places his palms on the floor and leans forward toward you. You try to shy away, and he growls again, lowering to a low hiss when you stop moving.
It was like the hounds back at the village. You spoke to the kennel master a couple of times while helping him deliver puppies into this world. “You have to respect animals.” He said, “They have their own language, learning it means survival to both of you. That usually means find out whatever makes it stop growling and keep doing it until it trusts you.”
So you keep still, chest heaving as the demon gets closer and closer to your face. It didn’t seem to have eyes, but it knew of your every move. How could it be? How could it see anything?
Its bone cheek grazes against yours, its thick neck hovers over your own body. It felt hot, so very hot. Almost as hot as the fire to your side. You could feel its growling in your core, intense, rattling.
You don’t see it move its hand from the ground until it almost touches your other cheek. You close your eyes, gasping a bit. Nothing comes. You feel your tightly shut eyes sting with tears again, and your chest tightens with upcoming sobs before another strange noise reaches your ear.
It's a sound you know well. A sound that made you happy when you were a child, whenever it was your turn to feed the cats milk, a reward for their hard work keeping the mice away from the grains and seeds the village had harvested.
Heavy, deep purring.
Your eyes snap open, and your hand shoots up on reflex against its chest, trying to push it back. But it doesn’t move. Nor its body or its hand, still lingering close to your face. Your hand trembles with the vibrations coming from its chest. It goes up your arm and makes your heart skip more beats. You blink, confused. Your cats never purred to people they didn’t like. Was this a trick?
“What-?” You croak, voice raw and raspy from crying and screaming. The tears dry on your eyes, not yet shed as its hand finally comes in contact with your dirty face. You jump a bit when its purring slows down, dragging out more as its clawed thumb slowly strokes your face.
You feel petrified as your fingers curl a bit on its chest, feeling the texturized hide under your palm. Your other arm hurts from supporting your weight when you tried leaning away from it. The strain burns your muscles as you wince a bit, still afraid to move. But not as much as before, scarily enough.
Feral breathes in your scent, letting his other hand snake behind your back, slowly wrapping around your waist to relieve your arm. An excuse to bring you closer to him. You notice the change and shift against him. Not away, but against him. A win, in his book.
He keeps stroking your face, feeling the plush cheek under the pad of his thumb as he slowly drags you closer to him. Feral can feel that scent again, only ever starting to break through the foggy fearful one from before. He rubs his mask against your face as your chest meets his collarbone. So small, yet yielder of such a strange power over him.
The smallest of noises leaves your mouth. The first one not touched by dread ever since you’ve met. It sends a shiver down his belly, straight to his sheath.  Feral lets the hand on your back slide up and into your hair as he buries his face in it, reveling in the way your chests touched, reveling in how relaxed you were in his hands now.
You couldn’t say what made you let out that breathy sigh for the life of you. Everything felt too real and not real at all. No man had ever touched you like this. No man had ever treated you so…gently. Gentleness this coming from the beast who mauled a man to shreds not hours ago.
Still, it did not matter. Nothing mattered. You let your free arm come up, and touch its shoulder, resting your palm on another patch of prickly skin as he kept sniffing into your hair. It was still sitting as your knees stood just before the ground as it held you in its arms, reminding you again of just how big and dangerous it was.
You sigh and close your eyes for a second, feeling its hot breath against your hair as its hand moves from your cheek to caress your ear, making your hairs stand on end once more. For a different reason this time. Your hand grips its shoulder tighter as its face comes closer to your neck. Maybe this was the end. Maybe it finally tired from toying with you. You can’t bring yourself to be afraid again.
Feral lets his tusks touch your throat before he lowers his jaw and lets his tongue drag against your skin, making you arch your back, pushing your chest against his again. “A-Ahhh…” He chuckles at the noise, his huffing cutting through his purring before it evens out again, deep and constant as before. If not heavier with lust.
You pant, opening your eyes again as you feel the hot tongue swiping against your throat over and over again. Your body felt hot, not from the fire or Its body heat, but from your own desire. Desire. For a demon. Your heart beats faster as you realize what you’re truly feeling in his arms. And just how tight you had been pressing your legs together. You breathe in deeper, heavier, as his tongue moves down to your collarbone.
He supported your body by letting his hand close around your neck, holding you up against him as he licked the skin between your breasts over the fabric of your bodice. You moan, feeling your face burn in embarrassment from everything. But it was not like you. Maybe it had no idea you were embarrassed.
The moan sends another shiver down Feral’s spine and another spike down his sheath. He wanted to breed. Badly. But most importantly, he wanted to breed you.
Feral pulls back long enough to let his claws hook around the bodice’s fabric, slowly pulling it down, baring you to him. You panted and closed your eyes. The hand on his shoulder tightened even more, but he couldn’t smell fear. Shyness wasn’t a thing among his people; there was no use for it. But he couldn’t say he didn’t find it oddly endearing.
The fabric catches under your breasts as the sleeves strain against your shoulders, leaving your chest exposed to the night air. To his tongue. He breathes heavily as he looks them over. Most of the females he knew were flat-chested. Their breasts only swelled when they were with child. But you had no child now. Was this normal of your kind? What would you look like when…?
Another shiver. His cock strains against his sheath, ready to breach it.
He growls and lowers his face to your chest again, feeling the softness with his tusks, letting his tongue drag over the nipple he chose to lick. Your gasps and foreign words urge him on, bringing his other hand to feel the other breast as he purrs louder than ever. You smelled good, tasted good, and felt good. How could he deny this? He brought your hips closer to his torso as he switched breasts with his tongue, making you arch against him again. Only some more layers of fabric separated him from you. He shivers again. His sheath opens.
Feral groans as he lowers you to the ground, positioning himself between your legs. Between the rumple of the fabric of your dress’s skirt. You pant as he plans his next move, lifting your skirts over to your belly, and exposing your legs along with your chest.
You clutch the fabric nervously as you try to regain your breath. You knew how things worked between a man and a woman. But this was no man, and you surely never heard of one so big as this for comparison. It fumbles with its crotch cloth before turning back to you.
His cock stood fully hard before you, slick and as big as you thought it’d be, if not more. Your eyes widen, and your cunt tightens around nothing. You let out a breathless sigh as he moves closer to you, hooking his hands under your legs and pulling you to him. His cock was reddish like the center of his chest, ridged and bumpy like his skin. It’s your turn to shiver, and he purrs for you.
The head of his cock slides against your slit, and you gasp, choking on a moan as he nudges your clit before coming back down and repeating the motion. Your slick mingles with his as he presses his head against your hole. It’s tight, unforgivingly tight. It’s going to hurt.
Your entrance is breached, and you’re frowning hard already, feeling the thick, swollen head of his cock pulsating inside your cunt. The corners of your vision go white as you pant in strain, lust, and anxiety at what's to come.
He pauses and reaches for his back, his free hand stroking your thigh as he produces one of his weapons from his back. Some kind of spear.
Feral’s hand leaves your thigh to aid him in pulling it apart, making it a two-piece. He lays the blade part on the ground and keeps the end part to himself. He purrs heavily again as he lowers the pommel to your cunt, resting it over the small nub that made you react so hard before. He reaches for his wrist gauntlet and presses two buttons, causing it to vibrate.
You yell out in surprise and pleasure as he presses the vibrating pommel to your clit, leaning over you as you moan and squirm under the best sensation you’ve ever felt in your life. A sudden rush flows through your body as your pussy spasms around his cock. You groan as he presses more of his cock into your cunt, slacking on the floor as he lifts the pommel from you again, stopping his movements halfway through once more. He strokes your thigh, and you crane your neck to look up at him, “Please- please do that again. Please.”  You beg, pointing at his spear’s end.
He understands. And lowers the pommel onto you once more. “Please-” you pant, moaning as he shifts closer to you, pressing the same spots on his strange wrist armor. You rest your hand over his on the spear, panting harder before that sensation kicked in again full force. It shook you to your core, rattling you from the inside out in the best way possible. “In me-, in me-” you beg in between moans, grabbing his thigh under yours with your other hand, trying to pull it closer to you. Feral snarls and closes his free hand around your hip, thrusting his cock the rest of the way in. You shouted again as that same rush crashed over you again, making you tighten around the massive cock deep into you.
Feral roars and bucks his hips, small spurts of precome getting squeezed out of him by your pussy. “Please- please- please fuck me, please-” He recognized the word as he pulled his cock back and thrusted back in fully, tossing the spear end to the side as he focuses on you again. Your eyes roll back into your skull as he sets a bruising pace, hands tightly gripping your hips as he roars and snarls.
You panted and gasped as your dress dragged roughly against the forest floor as he fucked you hard, the loud noises of your mating enough to make you close your eyes in embarrassment once more. No one could hear you here, only him. All of your moans and screams were for him and only him, as his growling and purring were yours, and yours only.
“I’m going to- I-” You shudder as you feel that rush coming through you again, in a slightly different way this time, but no less pleasurable than before as you grab his arms, coming onto his cock for the third time. Feral roars and slams his cock as deep as he could, filling you up to the brim with thick come. It drips from your cunt and onto your skirt’s fabric, torn and dirty after everything you went through this day alone.
Feral doubles over and rests his head on the ground next to yours supporting himself with one of his hands. He purrs and nuzzles into your hair again as you struggle to regain your breath once more. He licks your cheek, and you smile, wincing briefly when he pulls away from you, laying down on the grassy patch before pulling you close to him. You cover your chest again and lower your skirts before snuggling up to him.
You hug his middle as he wraps his arms around your form, feeling his chest pick up its purring as your eyes grow heavier by the second. Feral watches you slack against him, out like a light. He strokes your hair and rests his jaw on top of your head. He scoffs as he drifts off to sleep himself.
The elders didn’t know shit.
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moramaisis · 2 years
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He came to earth for trophies, but became a trophy himself. A trophy husband. Another random au idea.
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evilvvithin · 2 years
Track you down pt. 7
Pairing: yautja (feral) x f!reader 
Warnings: stripping| implied sex | single period mention | angst
Summary: Both you and your Yautja are met with a challenge from the elders, but there’s also something else in the air…
Words: 3,774
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Notes: Apologizing for this chapter taking so long as I've been quite busy and had troubles writing it overall. This is two chapters put into a big final one. I decided to leave this story be as I felt that forcing myself just to come up with some plot is not good at all for the quality of the fic. The story is nice and finished at this point and while there definetly can be more to it (the ending is open), it's fine on it's own as it is so I'm ending it in its best moment. That being said, there's a possibility of a “Aftermath” chapter coming in the future.
TAGS: @looseratinthegarage @life-or-something-like-it @celebrain @themology @ajarofpickledtears
If you had to use one word to describe your first experiences with the new helmet, it would be “disorienting”. All the different visions that took over your normal sight made you confused, but not for long. Within an hour or less you knew exactly how to use the helmet effectively and what to look for with each vision. Heat vision made hunting too easy for you to the point you didn't enjoy it as much anymore. The animal couldn't hide nor escape you, especially when you target it and send projectiles on it using your shoulder cannon. Shoulder cannon, yes. That thing, as you soon realized, was too heavy to just carry around. Your mate never had an issue with it, but he was two times the size of you. He offered to shrink the shoulder weapon, or transfer it to something similar but wrist or arm equipped. You refused, shoulder cannon was the official reward for "blooding" and you didn't want any shortcuts or easier stuff. Eventually I'll get used to it and won't even know it sits on my shoulder.
"Let's go," your mate shouted your way.
You blinked and followed him inside the ship. Spaced out, you stood in front of the doors for god knows how long  just staring at the dark green blood pools on the ground. It was the only thing left from the encounter now, your mate got rid of the bodies, or rather what was left of them, when you were resting inside the ship after the hunt. 
You felt the whole ship vibrate and heard metal screeching. It was time to meet his tribe mates and the elders, as he said before. You had an uneasy feeling about it all, but as long as you were with your yautja, nothing was going to happen to you. 
You weren't scared of getting hurt or anything like that. You were just an ooman, what if they don't accept you? Laugh at you? What if they thought you are simply not worth it even when you proved yourself?
You walked towards the main control panel and stood behind your mate. There was no point in thinking about what was going to happen. It wasn't happening yet. Placing your hands on his shoulders, he purred slightly and you focused on the fascinating view outside as the ship flew towards the blinding sun. 
Couple hours later you arrived. You expected some Yautja city, village, anything but all you saw in front of you was an enormous ship. Its size was comparable to a small planet. Once inside, you felt the weight of thousands of eyes on you. All the other yautjas inside the ship stared at you, their clicking noises filling up your ears. Thanks to spending so much time with your yautja, you knew this kind of clicking meant confusion. 
Meeting the leaders of your mates clan wasn't as scary as you thought. They weren't any giant monsters as you thought, you were met with an ordinary yautjas just like your mate. Only differences you noticed were that their dreadlocks were lighter and one of them had his dreads almost white. You assumed he must've been the oldest, the leader of the leaders. They had a bunch of weapons you've never seen before and a lot of small trophies hung all over their necks and torsos to show their status and experience. Glued to your mates side, you observed them talking in their language and staring at you repeatedly from head to toes. You didn't understand anything they were saying but by their body language and the tone of their voices you knew this whole meeting was in a friendly enough spirit. When you caught the words "bad blood", the yautja leaders looked at you again,  nodding their heads. He must've been telling them about the fight, about how you defeated one of them. 
After a while, the yautja with almost white dreads  walked up to you and grabbed a few of your hair, saying something to the other elders. Your mate replied something and shook his head. You had no idea what was going on or what they talked about at all but you started to feel somehow uneasy. Your mate wrapped his arm around your shoulders. The elders kept chirping to each other, discussing something while you two waited. You looked up to your mate and he nodded his head at you as if he knew what was on your mind. 
Are we leaving soon? 
When they were finished with their discussion, the leader walked up to and reached his hand to you. There was a small necklace with a skull attached to it, polished and whitened to the point it was sharply reflecting any light back. It looked like a bird skull but you could see some sharp teeth on it.
"For you," your mate said when he noticed you were not accepting it right away.
You grabbed the skull and thanked the leader yautja in your language. He acknowledged your answer by a nod and slowly walked back to the other ones. You felt your yautja pushing into your back as a sign to start walking and so you did. 
Without a single word you two walked all the way back to your resting ship. 
"What is that?" You asked as soon as you were inside, observing the skull more. 
"Gift out of respect," he replied. "Killing one of us is not an easy task even for other yautjas, especially when it comes to… 'those'. When an ooman does it, it certainly deserves some respect." 
Wow, you said in your mind and put the necklace over your head, letting the skull rest on your chest. It was the perfect size and length for you. Your mate pleasantly tilted his head. 
"What were you talking about back there?" You asked. 
He walked away towards the main control panel of your ship, not answering for a while.
"They want to hunt," he finally said and pushed some buttons. 
"Hunt?" You got so excited at the word it almost scared you. "I mean, what hunt?" You repeated the question in a calmer voice.
"Special hunts we sometimes have to do," he paused. "On Earth."
You swallowed hard, your throat felt dry suddenly. Hunting animals for food and defeating yautja in self defense was one thing, but hunting down and killing humans?
"They need good warriors to retrieve our technology after an unsuccessful hunt," he replied. 
Good warriors?
"You killed bad blood, you are more than a good warrior in their eyes."
"We are going right now?"
The rumbling of the ship's engine woke you up. Your dog peacefully rested on your chest. You decided to keep lying, and didn't want to wake him up. 
Am I really gonna do this? Your head was full of thoughts. Do I even have a choice? You stared blankly into the ceiling. Earth never really gave me anything good, really. Fuck it. You looked back at your dog. Except you, of course, you scratched his head gently. 
All the time away from your old life, you barely felt any connection to it or the people you knew. Even your family. You only missed your father a little, but he was gone from your life longer than you were away from Earth. Yet you still felt nauseous imagining actually killing someone, someone like you. Not to mention taking any kind of trophy off of them. 
Your dog whined suddenly and licked your face panicky.
"Oh. Bad dreams, sweetheart?" You hugged him tightly and buried your face in his fur. 
"We're close." 
You heard your mates words coming from the main panel. You had to get up and prepare for whatever was ahead of you. When you joined him, you realized the ship rumbling wasn't your ship, but another one which was in front of you. The ship of elders. Your mate pointed to the table across the room, under his gear wall. 
"I prepared something for you there," he said and watched you check the stuff out. 
He shrunk the gear to fit you and must've made some pieces custom from scratch. When did he find the time to do it? First thing that caught your eye was some sort of metal skirt. It looked like shirt armor that knights used to wear in medieval times, but this weighed nothing, yet it was strong. You were sure nothing could pierce that, definitely not any human weapons. Only thing that could damage this was probably Yautjas weapons and technology. 
You felt your mate walk behind you. Once he got right at your back, you felt him sniffing you. 
"You smell good now for some reason," he purred into your ear and inhaled your scent again.
"That's because I'm nervous," you tried to laugh it off. 
You were sweating nervously because of the upcoming events. You weren't sure how he'd think it's a good smell, but his smell was different to yours afterall.
"It's not quite that," he said and inhaled again, confused why you smell the way you do. 
You were confused even more than him.
"I'm gonna try it on."
With those words you started to unbutton your shirt and grabbed the chest piece from the table. Your mate gave you some space by making one single step away and now he stood there watching you, his mandibles twitching. 
"Enjoying it?" You asked as you clearly knew what he was thinking. 
You removed your shirt with slow, passionate movements. Running your hands down your own body and curves. Grabbing your helmet, you activated heat vision and looked at him through it seeing all his lower area heated up. Couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. 
"Keep laughing," he purred out in a deep voice. "Try the armor, slowly." 
Keeping your helmet on, you slid down your pants, making sure your movement is slow enough. You paused at your ass, squeezing your ass cheeks and wiggling them as you pulled the pants down over them. His clicking noise filled the room. 
This is silly, you laughed in your head, but at least I'm not sweating from nervousness anymore.
You put on the skirt and gauntlets, fixing both tight enough so they don't move nor hurt. The whole armor weighed nothing to your surprise, it felt like you were naked. Your mate tilted his head seeing you in full armor and the heat in his lower body grew.
"You look good with nothing on," he twitched his mandible, "but this is almost better."
You cursed at the fact there wasn't any mirror or anything like that. He grabbed your waist and turned you around, almost like a dance attempt. Pulling you closer to him, he ran his hands down to your ass and rested them there. 
"We don't have time," he hissed out annoyedly. 
You heard him deeply inhale your scent again and you pulled away your mask. You couldn't smell anything unusual but he clearly seemed amazed. He couldn't tell what it was, he smelled it before but couldn't remember. 
"How's it gonna be? The hunt?" You asked and walked towards the main panel, staring out the window into the distance.
"There will be a group of us. We split when we land and meet up again later."
"Each on their own?"
"We go in pairs," he looked down at you. "You and I are gonna have fun together."
For some reason it didn't make you less nervous. You felt something was off about this whole Earth trip and you noticed before already that your mate is not so eager about it either. 
Grabbing your arm, your mate tapped on your wrist armor and you heard a silent whoosh. You had your own cloak device now. Three more Yautja duos were standing around you, cloaking themselves as well and leaving in different directions. You inhaled deeply, looking down at the town you knew so well. It wasn't your hometown, but its neighbor town. You didn't miss Earth at all, surprisingly. All you felt was adrenaline for the hunt and sweaty palms from nervousness. 
You followed your mate throughout a small dark street, constantly thinking about what the leader Yautjas were telling you all before. Your mate didn't share and you didn't want to ask, if it was important he'd told you, right? Need to learn the language more frequently to learn it all quickly, you said to yourself.
He grabbed your arm to make you stop moving and you noticed a person coming your way. You didn't even breathe as the person walked just an inch from you, not noticing the presence of you two at all. Your eyes wide open, not able to believe it worked so easily and smoothly. 
"The more silent and invisible we are, the better," your mate said silently. 
"I thought we were on a hunt?" 
"We are, but our prey is bigger than these ordinary oomans."
The person wasn't worth the time. It wasn't worthy prey at all for him. You knew it but you rather thought about it as he let the person be because he was innocent and unarmed. You decided to just wait and see what he meant exactly by bigger prey, following your Yautja into another, even darker street. 
The whole time you believed you landed near your hometown. The surroundings and streets looked so familiar to you, even the forest you were just walking through looked exactly like the one you knew. Soon enough you were proven wrong. You stopped in front of barely visible metal doors, hiding an underground sewer tunnel behind them. 
This definitely wasn't in the forest where I used to go with my dog, you thought. 
You didn't mind the smell at all and followed your mate. You felt careless, untouchable by his side. It wasn't a good thing, but you were happy to not feel nervous as before.
"How did you know about this?" You asked after a while. 
"Experience," he replied shortly. 
He's been here already, you finished the sentence for him in your head.
The sound of the busy city disappeared and all you could hear was the dirty water sploshing with every step you took and cold wind running through the sewers. It was fascinating to see the water react to your steps, without seeing your feet. You could have switched your helmet vision and see the heat of your body, but you wanted to keep your sight clear as long as possible. Your heart was pounding quicker than usual as you were ready for anything happening any second. Feeling the cold wind on your hot skin, you shivered slightly. 
Before you could've asked how long the tunnel is, you noticed the stars reflecting in the water in front of you, meaning the sewers ended there. Inhaling the fresh cold air which was stronger now, you bumped into your mate's arm raised in front of you.
"Wh-" you wanted to ask but he immediately shushed you with a hiss.
No matter how hard you tried, you didn't recognize anything unusual. The same exact wind, the same exact smell, the same exact noises. Activating your helmet didn't show anything either. You kept silent till your mate finally lowered his arm and uncloaked. You followed his decision and uncloaked right after. 
"Wave vision," he said finally.
You only turned on heat vision before, believing it's the ultimate vision to always show you anything hidden. Everything generates heat, afterall. Once you turned the vision showing vibrations on, be it noise or movement, you saw indicators of movement coming from in front of you. There were at least a hundred of them, it was hard to tell as they were overlapping. 
"Woah, what are all those?" You whispered. 
"Majority of what you see are heartbeats," he replied in a low voice.
"Heartbeats? There's so many…"
"It's your government. They knew we were coming."
You looked at him, but weren't even surprised by his reply at all. This is what he meant by bigger prey. It made sense, who else would have yautja technology? 
"Are you saying all these are people?"
He nodded in reply. 
"The others will get here soon. We were more likely being tracked since our arrival or right after. Splitting up is always a good time waste for them."
"So," you sighed. "We will just wait here for them?"
Your mate went silent for a long time, occasionally clicking his mandibles. He seemed stressed, fighting something inside his head. 
"Let's go back to our ship," he finally said and started to walk back into the sewer.
"We can just leave it?" You blinked your eyes surprised. "I thought we had to do something?"
"We can't just leave like this, no. It's against the honor code," his head was turned down as he was looking into the ground.
"That means… that's like doing something illegal. We should go hack. What if the mission fails because they had 2 hunters less?" 
He remained silent for a while.
"They will be fine."
"But why-"
"It's too dangerous."
"Dangerous? What do you m-"
"Dangerous for you."
"I'm -"
You wanted to argue and say you should go back, but deep inside you were celebrating. The amount of heartbeats was terrifying and who knows how many more of them were inside. You knew this was probably nothing for your mate, specifically if he would go in with other Yautjas. 
He was walking silently next to you, occasionally making the typical silent clicking noise. Lost in his own thoughts, he was walking faster and faster.
"What's gonna happen? We didn't listen to the leaders," you asked. 
"Won't be seeing them, anyone. Let's get to our ship and go away." He replied. 
"Doesn't it mean we broke -"
He put a finger to his helmet to shhhh you. He learnt this from you. Getting back to ship unseen and unheard was the best thing you could do now, except going back to finish the mission. 
You knew what this meant but still wanted to hear a clear answer. Are we bad blood now? We are not as bad as bad bloods… but we broke the rules.
The thought of you two becoming prey for other Yautjas sent a shiver down your spine. The government building and army in front of it didn't seem so bad suddenly. Or did it? Your fellow humans didn’t know anything about fairness, especially in a fight. 
Once inside your ship, you put away your helmet and some pieces of your armor you were not needing. Your mate immediately started the engine. 
“Can we still return to the hunt?” You asked while undressing. 
“The killing already started,” he hissed out.
“We are in bigger danger now aren’t we?”
“We are in danger, but danger that can be easily avoided. We go far away and hide for a while.” 
He was right, if the elders wanted to send someone to hunt you down, they’d have to search countless planets and places in space. Like looking for a needle in hay. On the other hand, you also thought that maybe they wouldn’t really bother, or at least that won’t bother too much. There were way worse bad bloods and crimes done against their code of honor. You wanted to believe the thought, it was calming you down. 
Your dog was whining in a corner, sensing something wasn’t okay. You walked to him and massaged his chest in an attempt to calm him down. It always worked, he loved getting his chest rubbed. The engine shook with the whole ship when it elevated, hovering above the ground for a while. You saw your mate pressing all kinds of buttons, setting a location you can go towards. Grabbing a piece of meat that was stored for your dog, you gave it to him and joined your mate. None of you said anything, but both of you agreed to not talk about what happened anymore. At least for a while. When you stopped behind his back, you saw a big red screen floating above the main panel with dots and lines. One of the dots carried a name, “Earth”. You saw him zooming out and touching another small dot. It looked like it was right next to Earth on the screen, but in reality it was probably years of flying away even with this ship. He let out a satisfied purr when the ship moved and zipped towards the location he just set.
“We have peace for a while,” he said and turned to you. 
He was inhaling deeply, sniffing you again. 
“What’s wrong?” You asked.
You weren’t sweating anymore this time nor were you nervous, what could he be smelling? You sniffed yourself to make sure, but smelled nothing. 
“Wrong? Nothing is wrong,” he said and kept sniffing, twirling his mandibles. Whatever he was inhaling, he liked it a lot. “You should be asking what’s good.”
With those words, he pulled you closer and placed a large hand on your lower belly area. Your eyes widened as you realized what this could mean. It’s impossible. 
Your mate noticed your shocked look and pointed to his helmet. 
“It shows your heartbeat as well, even the others inside of you.” 
You wanted to see for yourself to truly believe everything he was saying, but he was holding you firmly in place. 
This is wrong, whatever he saw couldn’t be a… child. Yautja and humans, no. 
“There were few cases of offsprings of our kind,” he said, rubbing your belly. 
Thinking about it, you realized you didn’t have your period… for too long. You weren’t counting days nor weeks, but you’ve spent quite some time with your yautja already. If this all was true,  carrying an offspring would change your hormones and smell. So that’s what he was smelling the whole time.
You weren’t able to say anything as you couldn't process what you just heard yet. There’s just no way… Your mate suddenly picked you up and threw you over his shoulder, carrying you towards the table with equipment. 
“Should celebrate while he can,” he said with a low voice as he seated you down at the edge. 
Immediately forgetting what you’ve just heard and how you didn’t join the mission the second he placed his hand back to your abdomen, sliding down slowly. 
There is no one following us, nor threatening. No need to be worried now, you said to yourself and gave in to the overwhelming feeling of pleasure his hand was creating between your legs. 
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nonuggetshere · 7 months
PK letting some of his animalistic behaviours out whenever one of his children is endangered 👀
Doesn't even use his magic or weapons just goes straight to mauling in his rage
Truly animalistic appearance and noises, being on all fours (...sixes?) and with his mandibles out, snarling and letting out a growl that shakes the very ground they stand on
And then just as quickly he returns back to his upright stance and stoic demeanor, flicking his long tongue out to lick the blood around his eyes off and calmly asks somebody to clean the corpses up
I don't think FaaF PK might be the kind of man who would execute Xero when he was very clearly infected unless he thought he was a lost cause, ik that's what happened in canon but it's an AU so I think I'm allowed to change that. I've already made PV have a secret queer romance and have the fact they're not hollow be outed before the sealing, I think PK not wanting to execute a terminally I'll guy of not sound mind for treason isn't out of the question.
Unless one of his children got caught up in the crossfire, then his instincts would kick in before his rational brain would. And it'd be a much more violent and cooler way for him to go out. And although he's not proud of what he did, PK decides the damage has been done already, might as well show it off as an example of what happens to traitors. Robs a dead man of his dignity even post death because it's the more convenient option.
NOT canon compliant I don't think. Don't take this as my take of what happened in canon and how canon PK would react, I just think it's cool ✨️ I might absolutely turn back on this idea though I just like it atm
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yautja-lover · 2 years
Yautja//Predator 💀One - Shots Master List ✔ Completed
These one-shots are inspired by the Predator franchise films with alternative versions in a way each one-shot connects to each other, some may contain smut. Enjoy😘
Prey or Mate? - Angst/Fluff Feral! Predator x Dahlia!Human
City of Angels - Angst/Fluff Scout! Predator x Female!Reader
This I Vow - Angst/Smut Scar! Predator x Female!Reader
The Distress Call - Angst/Smut/Fluff Wolf!Predator x Female!Reader
Inseparable - Angst/Fluff Fugitive! Predator x Female!Reader
Dachande's Chiva Sequel to Inseparable - Angst/Fluff Chopper! Predator x Dachande!Hybrid Reader Fugitive!Predator x Dachande!Hybrid Reader
Sankuchuari The Finale to Inseparable - Angst/Fluff/Smut Fugitive!Predator x Dachande!Hybrid Reader x Chopper!Predator
Survivors - Angst/Fluff/Smut Crucified! Predator x Female! Reader
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wrr000 · 2 years
Recently I made a yautja simp/lover playlist and I wanna share with u guys!!
Still addin' songs, so u can send me ideas!
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monstersandmaw · 2 years
Male ‘yautja inspired’ alien x gender neutral reader - Part Six (nsfw)
Disclaimer which I’m including in all my works after plagiarism and theft has taken place: I do not give my consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted anywhere. They are copyrighted and belong to me.
Note the rating change please. 18 + only.
Content: a bit more lore, some angst, some fluff, and some wet and messy alien sex :) Wordcount: 6027
Catch up here: Part One (sfw), Part Two (sfw), Part Three (sfw), Part Four (sfw, Part Five (sfw)
The atmosphere in the camp became charged after that in a way it hadn’t been before, and you felt a little nauseous. That probably had less to do with not having eaten in hours, and more to do with the fact that Croc was staring at you as if he’d just had an epiphany of the very worst kind. Perhaps the significance of Red showing you his face went deeper than you’d first thought. Perhaps Croc had never expected him to do it, but whatever the reason, the usually jovial and lighthearted alien was behaving like someone had just walked over his grave.
Red had disappeared inside the ship again, and you couldn’t help feeling like you’d put a foot wrong in the dark somewhere, stumbling and falling and still waiting to hit the ground. It didn’t help that there was a near-constant churning in your gut anyway about the fact that only the next day you were going to have to leave, and you would probably never see either of them again.
After busying yourself with digging out the last sachet of dehydrated macaroni cheese from your pack for supper, you boiled some water on the healthy little campfire, and ate alone while the two remaining squad-mates finished preparing for the arrival of their rescue party in absolute silence. The bickering had ceased, and they stacked the boxes without making a sound. It was eerie and you truly felt like an intruder for the first time since Red had charged at you out of the trees.
With the final day looming over you on the coming dawn, you still wanted to ask them a few more questions about their home worlds and their species, and their hunt across the universe that had led them to Earth, but you weren’t sure how to broach the topic now.
Luckily, as dark fell and they joined you beside the warmth and light of the fire, they began to talk about it without prompting, and the conversation flowed quietly, if not always smoothly, while they ate their own rations.
When you’d all finished eating, Big Red leaned over and removed his mask again, and he held it out to you. In the firelight, Red’s colouring looked all the more dramatic, and his mandibles clicked at you into a shy little smile which you returned as you took the mask from him and let your fingers play absently around the smooth rim where metal met bone. Croc watched the exchange intently, looking from his friend’s face to yours and back again, and for once, Big Red’s behaviour went completely without commentary.
Over the next few hours, they showed you more clips of their capital city on Prime and of the training barracks where they’d met as younglings. You were also shown clips of their third, fallen team-mate and your heart ached for them, wishing you could have met him too.
Carefully, you asked about the kinds of things they normally ate, and even what their music was like, and they showed you a steady stream of information that began to make your head spin after a while.
You also saw what the environments of their birthplaces and the nearby cities were like, ranging from Croc’s wild, jungle home in the treetops, lush as the deepest remaining areas of the Amazon on Earth, to the vast, multi-level mega-city that formed the capital of Secundus, where most of the population of the planet lived in a sprawling metropolis that covered an entire third of the planet’s surface. Only Big Red’s traditionalist clan chose to exist out in the middle of nowhere in the harsh, gritty sands of the far-reaching deserts.
After that, he showed you the various beasts that lived in the dunes and rocky outcrops: lizards the size of elephants that spewed acid like a fire hose when threatened; winged reptiles like pterodactyls that soared on the desert thermals for miles at a time without flapping a wing; tiny, adorable, fluffy creatures that looked like hamsters but had three eyes and long beaks; a horrific, black, eldtrich-looking creature that actually turned out to be an entire colony of smaller insects all intertwined that made you want to be sick just thinking about it; and a terrifying sand worm the size of a London Underground train with a mouth like a tunnel-boring machine, but which was apparently very docile and only ate the flowers of one particular, cactus-like plant.
You could see why Croc had called Big Red’s kind ‘tough’ though. Simply to exist out there, they had to be virtually un-killable to begin with.
“Why do you think Croc has to wear so much armour normally?” Big Red grinned when you said as much. You took the opportunity to remove the mask again for the time being and hold it in your lap to give yourself a break from the relentless stream of images and information. He didn’t ask for it back. He didn’t look directly at you most of the time either, and you wondered how bad his eyesight really was, but you felt his full attention on you nonetheless.
“I just thought you were an exhibitionist, Red” you quipped back, and Croc finally cracked a wide-mawed smile. In fact, you’d only seen Croc with a single pauldron on in addition to the armoured ‘loincloth’ that they both wore, but you weren’t about to argue.
“Oh, there’s lots of stuff that wants to kill us in the jungle too,” Croc assured you with a wicked glint in his eyes, and Red groaned, apparently knowing where this was leading already. “Remember when you stayed with my clan and ate that —” he cut off into a series of clicks for a fruit that apparently didn’t have a direct translation “— and your neck and face swelled up like a weather balloon for a week?”
You didn’t mean to laugh, but it snuck out anyway, and Big Red just shook his head. “Never going to let me forget that, are you?” he muttered. “That was the last time I ever ate something that you gave me without knowing what it was first.”
Croc nearly fell off his crate from laughing as he tried to describe Red’s swollen face to you with his little mandibles poking out of it, so Red kindly helped him along by simply reaching over and shoving him in the centre of his chest.
Croc landed flat on his back in the dirt with his legs in the air, still laughing like a drain, and you felt the odd tension of the day finally pop and shatter. Still miming a head like a beach ball at you and chortling, Croc picked himself up again and resumed his seat.
Red sighed though and turned more serious again as he looked around at the silhouettes of the pine trees against the clear night sky. “Are your people sending soldiers here for us?” he asked. “Do they know we crashed?” Despite the sudden moment of jollity, he was obviously still in the mindset of ‘ship’s captain’; responsible for Croc’s safety and the integrity of his tattered mission, and he must have felt vulnerable, grounded on a strange planet with no real defences.
You shook your head. “Not yet. At least, not that they told me,” you amended, just in case. They were unlikely to send anyone — given the reams of forms you’d signed agreeing to go out alone, unsupported, with no guarantee of rescue and with every chance you might never return. Quite what the fuck you’d been thinking at the time was still a marvel to you, but it was a gamble that had paid off against all odds. They must have been rubbing their hands together with glee when an untrained linguist had signed away a comfortable life in the archives to go bushwhacking for them in search of aliens, but you weren’t ashamed to admit that the financial rewards had definitely been the deciding factor at the time.
Although Big Red relaxed a fraction, you still suspected that the two of them would continue to keep watch in shifts that night.
“They sent me first because I’m not exactly a threat to you, and they wanted to learn about you. So far, your kind has only shot when shot at first, so…” They both picked up the subtext that sending in someone non-threatening had been the plan all along, and they nodded. “You’ve managed to learn so much about us when we still know next to nothing about you. They’ll probably send a team here once I get back to investigate and salvage, but —”
“—there will be nothing to find but a crater,” Croc grinned. “Our commander will obliterate what we cannot take with us.”
Your eyes went wide at that, but it did make sense. “Fair enough. Are they still on course to get here tomorrow?”
“Yes,” Big Red said. “They will arrive around sunset.”
You intended to be well on your way by then, but the thought of leaving these two physically hurt, like something inside you was shearing off. “How many are coming for you?”
“Another team like us,” Red said. “Three. They were on their way to make a study of your southern hemisphere to look for locations that the enemy may be hiding in, but they have been diverted to collect us first.”
Croc said something to Big Red in their language, and you got the feeling they were a bit dejected.
You looked from one to the other of them for a moment. “Are you guys… in trouble?”
Red snorted. “Yes. We shamed ourselves by allowing inferior human weaponry to bring us down. Our commander… she is most displeased.”
You remembered what he’d said about females, and your next question just bubbled out of you. “Red, show me what the females of your species look like?”
Croc crowed out a laugh and elbowed Red in the ribs. He then took Red’s mask from your hands and planted it straight onto your face like it was a custard pie before you could do so much as blink.
“Assho—” you began without sting, but never got to finish the insult.
A second later, the helmet sent a new signal directly to your brain, and it created the illusion of standing at the intersection of an alien building complex, or perhaps a ship, with dark walls, dim white lighting, and a shiny black floor. It took you a couple of seconds to register that you were actually also staring up at a creature that was perhaps nine or ten feet tall.
She looked more like Croc than Red, with the same greenish-brown and cream colouring and spines across her face and around her eyes, but she was… massive. She wore a solid chest plate which seemed to be composed of the same dark metal as the inside of Red’s mask, and the same kind of armoured loincloth that Big Red and Croc both wore, with additional, articulated tassets over her hips and muscular thighs. She had a high, flaring crest that was a bit like a triceratops’ where Croc’s was much smaller, and she also bore an array of wave-like spikes that rippled back over her entire skull almost like flames where Croc’s head was largely smooth save for the dark, needle-like spines. Her shiny, greenish-black ‘dreads’ were each as thick as your forearm and fell to the middle of her back.
Her skin was a mottled cream and olive green, and her mouth stretched wide with scorn as she regarded the camera that had recorded the footage, presumably worn by Big Red at the time. Around her pale throat was wrapped a kind of decorated metal gorget — something between a cuff necklace and a piece of armour — and she had wide, metal bands around her ‘dreads’ in the same, ribbed style as the neck-piece.
“Holy shit,” you breathed, and then Croc himself came into the background of the shot. It was strange to see him with two arms, and he had none of the easy, jocund swagger to which you had grown accustomed over the last couple of days. He was deferential to the female without being obsequious, and he exposed his throat to her before turning to go, presumably at whatever order she had just clicked in his direction. Her voice was deeper than either of theirs, and from what you could see of her arm and thigh muscles around her armour, she was probably strong enough and powerful enough to crush Red’s skull with one hand.
Croc left the shot, but Big Red didn’t seem in a hurry to change what he was showing you, so you sat there and let it play out.
Another male with a mottled brown and cream pattern approached her and her whole demeanour changed.
She went from almost aggressively tense to something soft and doting, and she crooned quietly as the unknown male came to a halt in front of her and bowed his head. She lowered hers to touch the crowns of their sloping skulls together. She then stroked the palm of her massive, clawed hand affectionately down his thick mane of ‘dreads’ and he shivered openly and purred. He raised his face a little and they kissed their mandibles together. You’d witnessed Croc and Red do that briefly, but this had a lingering intimacy that their exchange had not.
“That,” came Red’s voice from somewhere beyond the vision, “Is a mated pair.”
“Oh,” you breathed.
When he’d talked about a bond, you hadn’t thought too much more about it, but it was obvious that there was something tangibly different between these two.
Before you could watch any more, you began to feel a little strange from the way the mask was interacting directly with your brain, and Croc chittered something to his friend. Red crooned, and then removed the mask gently from your face to set it back over his own. “Enough for tonight,” he said quietly.
A moment later, you yawned, and Croc did the same.
Amused by the fact that the vast physical differences between your two species did not apparently extend to yawns being contagious, you both grinned, and you made to stand up. Exhaustion from the strain of a four day hike and the stress of finding their ship crashed and Croc injured, and subsequently learning more about them in two days than any human had discovered in five years, as well as using the mask for so long, all washed over you and you swayed on your feet, the world blurring.
Big Red, still seated beside the fire, caught you reflexively with a firm hand to your lower back and you looked down at him, smiling. He did not remove his hand for a long moment.
Croc clicked something at him, and he nodded in acknowledgement before turning to look up at you again. “You may sleep in my quarters again if it is more comfortable than your tent,” he said. “I’ll take first watch, but I will join you later, if I may.”
You blinked. “You’re offering me your room again and then asking if it’s ok to share it? It’s your room, Red.”
“But you may use it, and I do not have to be there.”
“No, I’d… I’d like it if you joined me when your shift on watch is done.”
Croc sighed. “Goodnight,” he said, and then added something a little sterner to Big Red, who exhaled and nodded, but otherwise didn’t reply.
With a frown at the odd, terse interaction, you went to fetch your stuff from your tent.
When you returned, Big Red rose from his little crate and said, “I will help you into the room. If you need to get out, you should be able to pull on the doors, but you might want to leave a box between them to keep them open, just in case.”
You agreed heartily, not wanting to get trapped alone in a small metal box with no way out until one of them came for you.
You stared appreciatively at his body as he hauled the metal door up and let you step through. Once you were inside, he shunted a nearby metal crate into the open maw with his foot to keep the doors from falling shut again. “It is… not too cold for you like this?” he asked.
“I’ll be fine. I can use my sleeping bag like an extra blanket. Thank you, Red. I’ll see you later.”
“I will try not to wake you,” he said, and stalked off into the night without another word.
Hours later, you woke as the blanket and sleeping bag atop you were both lifted up and Red slid in beside you. This time you felt no fear or fleeting panic on waking.
Big Red set his mask down on the floor beside the mattress with a soft clunk and pulled up the covers again. With a deep, satisfied rumble, he slotted into place around your back like you’d been made to fit together, and he pulled you close against his chest in a single tug of his left hand.
His mandibles brushed the crown of your head as he spoke quietly to you in the pitch dark. “Go back to sleep,” he murmured and adjusted the sleeping bag up around your neck to keep the warmth in.
“Why do you need to keep watch?” you asked sleepily. “What are you afraid of? Surely not humans…”
“Humans and animals may present a nuisance,” he said, “But it is the enemy we watch for.”
A frisson of fear shot through you like a bolt of electricity and you jerked your head up. It was only his quick reactions that kept him from getting headbutted in his delicate mandibles. “You mean… They’re out here?”
“They… have a habit of finding us. They enjoy the hunt.” He crooned and purred softly, and the sound of it calmed your heartbeat just a fraction. “But Croc is on watch now,£ he said with another nuzzle against your head, “And we have seen no sign of them since we got here. We will keep you safe. Go back to sleep.”
“Right,” you exhaled weakly, and tried to settle while your imagination insisted on conjuring images of that black carapace slinking between tall pine trees somewhere in the valley below or along the ridge line above the crash site, and you heard again the rabid snarl that had accompanied the footage.
Sleep was reluctant to take you that night, and you lay there a long time with Red’s steady, slightly wheezy breath fanning across your ear and the weight of his arm around your waist.
“You are troubled,” he said after the silence had stretched.
You sighed. “I… I don’t want to go tomorrow, I guess,” you mumbled, and tilted your head down a little to let your lips brush against the hard, smooth skin of his bicep beneath your cheek. He returned the gesture with a delicate touch of his mandibles against your hair. He seemed to like raking the tusks at the end of them across your scalp, though you couldn't imagine that a mouthful of hair was any fun.
His fingers splayed wide across your stomach and he rumbled a long, low-frequency moan behind you.
“What is it?”
“I… I have grown… attached to you,” he admitted with obvious reluctance.
You smiled and something inside you ached again. “Is that what Croc was warning you about earlier?”
Big Red nodded. “Yes. He is right, but I do not… I do not wish to part with you tomorrow.”
You turned within the confines of his embrace to face him and skimmed your hand up his chest, over his textured throat, and up to his mandibles which were now flexed wide. A little line of drool caught your fingertip and you used it to skate delicately over the thin membrane between his mandibles. He let out another low-frequency rumble that you felt in your chest, and his torso heaved. He rolled completely onto his back and let you explore his face in the dark.
“Are these sensitive?” you asked as you traced your fingertip along his top right mandible, along to the wickedly sharp little tusk at the tip, testing the point with the pad of your finger until it almost broke the skin, and then down the stretching membrane to the lower one that twitched and quivered beneath your touch.
“Yes,” he gasped.
“Mmm, interesting.”
Then, still lying on your left side, facing him, you ran the fingertips of your right hand carefully up between his eyes, over all those fascinating ripples and ridges, around his deep eye sockets, and then over his elongated skull to the ridge that protected the roots of his ‘dreads’. Gingerly, knowing they were sensitive as well, you gathered a small handful of them together in your fingers and then, recalling how the mated pair had interacted, slid your hand down the entire length of the ‘braids’ from root to tip.
Red reacted beautifully.
He arched his back right off the mattress, hissed, let out a long series of rapid-fire clicks that dissolved into a gutteral growl, and then collapsed back down, panting. He gasped your name and fumbled for you with his right hand. His claws caught your thigh and you hummed as he gripped you desperately hard, as if he needed somewhere to anchor himself.
“Show me how to make you feel good, Red,” you breathed. “Show me.”
He paused, and then reached out to his other side with his left hand. A second later, the dim, blueish light of the lantern flared to life and cast his incredible body into stark relief. He shoved back the covers and kicked them off. In the small, warm, sheltered space of his quarters, you didn’t need them. He unclipped the armoured loincloth and lifted his hips enough to discard it, revealing that his body below was ridged like sections of cooling lava all the way down between his legs, with a slight mound which you took to be a sheath of some kind.
“Here,” he said, and took your hand as you sat upright on your left hip to get a better look at him, propping your weight on your left hand. He guided your touch down between his legs and you let your middle finger run around the vertical seam in his body that was growing more noticeable with each heaving breath he took.
You glanced up at his face and saw that his mandibles were opening and closing slowly, drool just beginning to stretch between the tusks as he got more worked up, and his eyes had rolled shut. You knew he could still see you though through his heat-sensing abilities. While still looking at his face, you dragged your right, middle fingertip along the line of the seam and discovered that it was puffy now, and a little slick. “Like that?” you whispered and he gasped and nodded. “You’re beautiful, Red.”
At that, he bucked again, and your finger slid a little way inside the slit. Red gave a muted bellow and you paused. Beneath your finger you felt the silky, hot walls of his inner sheath clench and contract, and then, swelling as he grew more aroused, you discovered his cock. Ridged, hard, and slick, it began to slide from the protection of the sheath, and the more you teased it, the harder and more desperate he got.
In minutes, he was shaking bodily.
His breath wheezed and rasped, the delicate membrane between his mandibles fluttering when he flexed them. His thighs trembled and his claws raked furrows into the mattress that would never be repaired. He bucked and writhed beneath your touch and then, when you pushed deeper into his sheath and ran forefinger and thumb at the same time around the very base of his cock in a teasing, mirrored motion til you gripped him there at the hot, silky root, he let out a rabid litany of growls and snarls and clicking purrs that went straight to your core.
“You’re so beautiful,” you said again and he keened, head thrown back, thin ‘dreads’ spread out in a wide fan around his head. “And so wet…”
With your left hand, you reached for his ‘dreads’ without withdrawing your right from his sheath, and ran your left hand down the closest section of ‘braids’. Again, Red roared and jerked. With the motion, his cock slipped free of his sheath and bounced against his hard abs, leaking everywhere.
Closing your hand around it again, you gripped him and worked his ridged shaft and he whimpered, curling his torso inwards a little as you swirled your thumb underneath the topmost ridge. A spurt of liquid dribbled from his tip, rolling down over your knuckles, and dripped onto his stomach. “You’re so messy, Red,” you breathed, and then another thought occurred to you. Probably a little late, you asked, “Is this… safe? I mean… given what your blood does to humans…”
He nodded. “It’s only… Only our blood that—” he cut off into another growl and series of clicks.
You tightened your grip and he moaned again, one leg kicking out idly. “Watch those claws,” you warned.
“I’m sorry. This is… It’s so… It’s so much,” he cried.
Looking down at the delicate, pinkish flesh of his swollen, slick sheath, you realised that with the kind of talons and claws his kind had, there was little chance anyone had ever done this to him before, and the sheer intimacy of the gesture struck you to the core.
When you used both hands, one to work his shaft and the other to stimulate the soft walls of his sheath, he almost sat upright. His eyes opened wide in the semi-dark and his mouth flared, and you thought he was going to come, but he didn’t. He rocked back and forth a few times, his cock leaking clear fluid everywhere, and then he slumped back down, panting. It was like you were milking him, and he seemed to love it.
Each time you ran your finger around the base of his cock, he let out a beautiful, musical clicking sound. “I wish I knew what you were saying,” you said after a while. “I wish I could understand you.”
Either he didn’t hear or didn’t want you to know, because he didn’t translate. Perhaps he couldn’t.
You’d never seen yourself as particularly talented in bed. You’d had partners before, and none of them had openly complained to your face or anything, but the way Red was responding to you in waves of incoherent ecstasy was more arousing for you than sex with a human had ever been.
“I want you, Red,” you breathed as your brain finally caught up to what your body was feeling, and your own arousal hit you in a colossal wave.
“Close,” Red said, and you eased off on the pressure on his shaft. The mess he was making had covered his lower abdomen until it glistened, and still more leaked from his sheath. He could slide right inside you, you realised, and the thought sent another white bolt of desire right through you.
You let go of him long enough to undress, with Red helping you out of your top and immediately bringing his mandibles to your bare shoulder. He moaned luxuriantly when he scraped the tips of his tusks across your skin, and you gasped when his forked tongue licked out to taste you. He manoeuvred himself behind you while you knelt, and you felt his cock slide between your legs, slick and hard and beautifully ridged.
“Ohhhh, Red,” you groaned, pitching forwards onto your hands and knees. “Oh god that’s good. Yes… Please…”
“Inside?” he asked and you nodded, reaching back to take hold of his cock and guide him. “Carefully.”
His slick, blunt tip nudged against your entrance and you tensed a little, but he shuddered and gripped you with his clawed hands, holding you still while you adjusted to just that much of him. His tip spurted a little inside you and you pushed back against him. God it felt good.
“Please Red, please…”
He slid a little further in, chittering and crooning and clicking in your ear all the while, an when he pressed you gently down to lie on your stomach, you spread your legs to give him complete access to you.
With the new angle, he adjusted your hips a little with his hands, and then sank slowly, decadently, into you, right the way to the hilt.
As one, you both let out a long groan and just stayed there, breathing steadily while you adjusted to the stretch of his gorgeous cock and he to the heat of your body. He bowed his head forwards over you and kissed a short way down your back, circling his forked tongue over your spine and raking his four, tusked mandibles across your skin until you were shivering and begging him to move.
He picked up your hips in his hands and withdrew almost to the tip before rolling deep into you in a steady, careful movement. His ridges felt delicious against your entrance with every slide in and out, and his tip caught you in just the right place at the apex of each thrust. With every stroke he increased the pace just a little, and as he loomed over you, you felt little spots of drool hit your skin and imagined his mandibles flaring wide with pleasure.
This was it. You’d never be able to have sex with a human again. It felt far too good.
When he found a rhythm that had you both grunting and gasping, he changed the angle a little and you lit up all over with a shout and a curse. “There!” you cried, scrabbling for something to hold onto with your hands as pleasure ripped through you. “Oh fuck, Red, there… like that… just like that… oh god… I’m going to come.”
Red’s rhythm stuttered a little at that, but he picked up the pace again and pounded relentlessly into you. He was quite literally holding your hips up off the mattress like you weighed nothing at all.
“Want to feel you come too, Red,” you choked. “Please…?”
“Close,” he grunted, adding a little extra force to each thrust and making stars burst across your vision in the dark. “I’m going to…” he hissed, barely able to speak around the purring and the clicking coming from his throat. “Now,” he said, and his hips drove into you one final time, right to the hilt so that his pelvis was pressed flush against you while his cock pulsed deep inside you.
With a bellow that made your ears ring, he emptied himself into you.
The convulsions that swept through him knocked you over the edge and you came too beneath him, untouched and twitching and gasping as he continued to fill you. His claws dug into your hips and he held you mercilessly in place while he came and came.
With his cock still twitching inside you and his hips still rocking against yours, he leaned forwards and closed his jaws around the back of your neck. He didn’t break the skin, but you felt his teeth dig into you as well while he held you steady beneath him and rode out the final waves of his colossal orgasm.
You’d never been so full, or felt so needed.
Eventually, Red stilled and slumped atop you, careful not to crush you. His cock was still buried inside you and you both lay there, breathing hard in the dark for a long time. Occasionally his mandibles caressed you, but mostly he just lay there, spent and holding you. When you gave a soft mewl of discomfort, he did move, withdrawing slowly and pausing when you winced a little.
The rush of come that spilled out of you when he finally withdrew all the way was the most obscene thing you’d ever experienced. To your surprise, Red trailed his fingers through it, playing with it as he pushed the flat of his thumb against your entrance, apparently fascinated by the sight of his come on your skin.
“Gonna need to clean up,” you mumbled, rolling over and gasping at the slick slide of your thighs over one another. “God, Red, you came so hard.”
You were far too leaden-legged to stagger across the room to your backpack and get out the wipes from the top section, but Red obliged and tenderly cleaned you. The process of touching you everywhere and taking care of you seemed to get him worked up all over again because when you opened your exhausted eyes while you lay on your back and he knelt between your legs, you found that his cock was hard and leaking again, though he seemed content enough to ignore it in favour of your comfort. When you expressed quiet surprise at his stamina, he twitched his mandibles into his shy smile.
“You make me like that,” he said. “I will not… I mean… if you are tired…” he added awkwardly.
“Come on me?” you whispered, and he rumbled a pleased groan.
Still kneeling like a supplicant, he took his cock in his hand and worked himself slowly to start with. The slick sounds of his pleasure filled the small room and despite your tiredness, you found yourself turned on again by the sight of him. “I can smell you,” he hissed, opening his mandibles wide. “I can taste you…”
“Come on me, Red.”
At that, he looked down at you with reverence, gasped, grunted, pitched forwards onto one hand, and then started to come all over his fingers in thick, pale spurts. He directed his release over your stomach, but a moment later his knees went out from under him with a small gasp of surprise from the force of it, and he ground his cock against you instead, all the while still coming.
Red’s second orgasm lasted just as long as the first, and seemed just as intense, but eventually he went still and he buried his face near your neck, inhaling the scent of your skin while you let your fingertips draw idle patterns over the cracks and textures of his leathery shoulders. Occasionally you stroked down the length of one of his ‘dreads’ and he would whimper and rock his hips, grinding his slick, softening cock into the hollow of your hip. The mess between you was nowhere near as much this time though, but he still used up a fair few wipes to clean you off again.
The mattress was ruined. It was partly from his destructive claws but mostly because of the mess that had spilled out of you, so when you expressed distaste at the idea of sleeping on it, he spread your sleeping bag onto the floor and lifted you onto it, one arm under your knees and the other around your shoulders.
He dragged the blanket down and pulled it over himself with uncharacteristically clumsy movements, and then pulled you — sleeping bag and all — right up against his chest and began to purr like a big cat.
“You ok?” you asked, not knowing the protocol for his kind after apparently mind-blowing sex.
He nodded.
“You need anything?”
He shook his head and held you even tighter.
“You should rest,” he said thickly. His breathing evened out only a few minutes later, and it wasn’t long before you joined him in the deepest sleep you’d ever experienced.
When you woke in the morning, the lantern was still glowing dimly and Red was somehow wrapped even more determinedly around you, and you wondered how long you could get away with lying there before either Croc disturbed you or the rescue team arrived.
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Thanks for sticking with it, and your comments/asks/reblogs/tags relating to this story are giving me life at the moment.
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multific · 2 years
Build a Home
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Yautja x Reader
Words: 700
Summary: The most important part of everyone's life is a place or person they can call home. And while for you, home was your Yautja, he intended to make home a place as well.
Being married in the world of the Yautja meant full independence. Living on your own, providing to your mate and to your offspring.
And your Yautja took these values very seriously.
He took you in when he saved you from a group of people, he was hunting on Earth, as his tribe usually does, when he found you and decided to keep you.
Didn't take him long to take you as a wife, and you didn't object. He took really good care of you.
It's only that you sometimes wished he wouldn't rely on old values so much.
You learned from the others that once a Yautja finds their mate, they have to build a home. For you, this meant improving your current living space, for your mate this meant getting you to the edge of the tribe's land and building a home, from the ground.
Which you obviously didn't expect, he basically left his old place behind and moved it here. An empty field, only a small tent on it, which you used as your current place to sleep.
Your mate was insisting on building a home. Building a place where you were safe. A place where in the future, your kids could be safe.
That is all he wanted.
And all he will give to you.
You were so glad when the home was finally ready. He started to build at the beginning of winter, a hard season for sure.
And all you had was a tent and furs to keep you warm, but now, you had a real building.
The house was amazing, you could tell he took inspiration from human architecture as the rooms were more separated than in his last home.
The kitchen was clearly way too modern for you, but you will learn how to use it.
You also didn't fail to notice the fact that he made more rooms than just one. He really did want a family with you.
The central piece of your home however was the bed. A huge bed, which had so many furs on it to make it comfortable and warm. You just wanted to snuggle up and enjoy some nice cuddles with your husband.
The first day in your new home was a bit strange, you still had to get used to the many pieces of equipment that were in the home, and you had to re-learn where everything was.
But you managed.
You made yourselves dinner and after dinner, you put everything back in its place, you even took a bath.
Finally having a bath was a blessing, the warm water was amazing and you could finally snuggle into your husband as he sat behind you, a custom bathtub for the two of you so you can enjoy a bath at the same time. Now all that was missing are the candles and everything would have been so romantic.
But romance for Yautja was different, flowers were replaced by bones and skulls, and chocolate was a nice fresh kill.
Yautja were the kind to prove their worth to the females, to prove that they can take care of their mates and their future young ones.
And your mate definitely proved himself, and the house was another level.
The bed not only looked comfortable and soft, but as you lay down, you swore you never wanted to get up.
You cuddled up to his chest, listening to his heartbeat, ever so quietly as he hugged you close, always holding you close so he can be sure you were safe.
"I really like our new home," you said and he clicked, a sound which used to scare you, but now, it was comfort, it was home, it was what you fell asleep and woke up to.
He was proud he could provide you with something you truly liked. It was his only goal for the remainder of his life.
To provide, protect and love you till the end of times.
Taglist: imreadinggoaway @fleursirvart​​ @v-2bucky ehsebastiancrunch-time-sports  @pxstelrainbow ablogbypeteparker liamssmilersmexylemony @greenarrowhead feelingsareharddd @thisismysecrethappyplace @sincerelyfan @theoneanna @aestheticsandmarvel @rororo06 @castellandiangelo @avengers-r-us @destynelseclipsa   @spilledinkindumpster celebsimagine @capsiclesdoll snoopy3000 @firstangeldragonranch @puknow @crazzyter  @alwayshave-faith @soleil-dor @alex12948 scream-kiwi79  @lxdyred  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​ @liveforkarljacobs @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek​​ @paola-carter​​
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winterzsurprise · 1 year
Peaches and Cream || Miguel O'hara
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Pairing: Miguel O'hara x f!reader
Summary: There's a stark difference with how your husband and Miguel treats you, starting with how rough the latter can be.
Tags: SMUT, NOT BETA READ, unprotected sex, rough sex, cunnilingus, vaginal fingering, spanking, pussy slapping (once), fluff (?), jealous!Miguel, Miguel has a big dick.
Words: 2.2k
I got distracted from writing domestic Miguel after he replaced the dad!Miguel after he got shot. This is shit, my apologies I'll do better and add more flavor next time, promiseee. Title is from the song I was listening to the whole time by Noah Davis.
I don't know how to navigate tumblr as a second blog but thank you to all your comments, reblogs and likes, it really does motivate me to write more and better stuff. Also thank you to two blogs for putting me in their recommendations! I made it guys :''DD!!
cariño - honey || mi vida - my life || mi amor - my love || hermosa - beautiful || pobrecita - poor thing (correct me on this one please) || calladita - quietly (thank you sm @eminenceplant for this)
There's a stark difference between your husband and the man hovering above you like a predator about to pounce.
Your husband's hands were soft and loving as it caressed and wandered your body as he peppered kisses down from your neck and to your inner thigh. All of his gestures are a sweet concoction of loving and adoration.
Whilst Miguel's touch was desperate, territorial as he clawed down your flesh, human nails digging into your thighs and breasts as he left a trail of purple bruises around your neck, collarbones before stopping to nip at your hip bone. Everything he does is animalistic, deprived and hungry as if he hasn't eaten for centuries.
His red eyes were clouded with dark lust, glinted with something carnal, even feral, in the dark that got your spine tingling with anticipation.
To see and feel his perpetual desperation for your skin, your scent and desire for your touch had your pride piercing the heavens. To be wanted as he does like you're the air he breathes is dizzying and you can't help but want more.
It's exhilarating, addicting even.
It hasn't been long since you found yourself in love with another version of your husband, yet you grew to crave more of him as seconds ticked by.
Miguel's muscled arms curled around your thighs, forcing them open before pulling you flush to his face with a surprising strength. A pleased sigh escaped your lips as his hot breath fans over your pubic bone, hand falling to knot onto his hair and tugging him closer.
You soon realised why he paused on top of your mound as he inhaled you in, immediately your cheeks flamed.
"You smell heavenly, baby. So wet for me as well, makes me want to taste you."
You bite your bottom lip, nodding urgently as you tug him closer and he clicks his tongue.
"Hermosa, I need your words."
"Please darling? I'll be nice I swear, eat me out please."
Miguel doesn't need to be told twice, dipping his tongue onto your dripping folds. Your back arched at the sensation, after months of no intimacy following the change in your husband, your arousal lit your nerve endings ablaze.
His left hand that was digging into your flesh then reached to splay itself onto your abdomen, pinning you to the mattress as his tongue flicked your clit with a firm pace.
With every flicker of his appendage, hot pleasure rockets into your stomach, body growing feverish as pressure builds up inside your abdomen.
As if sensing your orgasm from the hitch of your breath alone, his right arm unwinds from your thigh to trail down to your fluttering entrance, caressing the rim so sweetly it hurts.
"Miguel please."
He ignored you, focusing on suckling on your clit with a reawakened fervor. You tugged onto his hair, hard enough for it to hurt, for him to listen to your pleas yet he only grunted, sending ample vibrations to quake your bones.
"Beg for it nicely, cariño. I want to hear you beg for me."
"I want your fingers in me, please! Miguel, baby, I want to feel you in me, please."
He groaned, it rumbled in his chest before sending shockwaves down your spine. Then he shoved two of his thick fingers inside you and you jerked. The burn of being breached got your blood buzzing as it mixed with the pleasure his tongue gave you.
If your husband was gentle with his fingers, inserting them one by one with utmost care, Miguel is everything he stands against. 
His fingers immediately found a punishing pace, plunging in and out of you whilst curling up to touch the spongy spot in your walls. Encouraged by his digits, his tongue grew frantic as it sucked and flicked your clit rapidly, driving you closer and closer to your precipice. You opened your mouth to scream but it was caught short by his other hand clamping over your lips.
"Calladita, you're going to wake Gabriella up."
Miguel's gaze burns your face as he brings you pleasure atop pleasure with every thrust and lick .
To see your eyes roll back and your chest rise as you arch, the greedy monster claws at his neck, wanting for more reactions.
Bet her husband had also made her this way...
An ugly head reared out of the back of his brain, whispering taunts into his ears and reaching around with its rotten hands to blind his eyes. 
With the bitter realization, his fingers pistoned in and out of you with a punishing pace, the heel of his palm slamming into your engorged clit as a pathetic wet squelch echoed in the room. The sudden change in pace got you writhing, your mewls muffled by his hand.
"So fucking wet for me, hermosa. Tell me, do you get this turned on for your husband?"
You didn't respond and that seemed to anger him, pulling his fingers out and cutting off the intoxicating thrum of heat in your veins and you whined, displeased. Hearing this, he brought his hand down for a firm slap onto your clit.
"You don't get to react, mi amor."
He sat up, pushing down his sweatpants along with his boxers and his erection stands, slapping against his stomach. Your eyes immediately caught the dribbles of pre-cum pulsing out of his tip and your tongue grew heavy, hand reaching out to grab onto his dick.
Miguel, in more ways than one, is bigger than your husband. Your hand barely closed up around his length and dread loomed over you. He's about to ruin you, mind and body, with this dick.
Fuck, will this fit in me?
"You're so big."
He chuckled darkly, fingers pinching your chin. "No, your husband's just lacking, hermosa."
You should've been angered by his comment but you couldn't find it in yourself to reprimand him for it. Instead, you find yourself flustered at his confidence.
"On your knees."
As if hypnotized, you followed despite the disappointment rumbling inside you for not being able to pleasure him. 
You pushed yourself off of the mattress to turn but he was quicker, ever the impatient man that he is, his large hand splayed between your shoulder blades and pinned you to the cushion, forcing you to present your ass up at him.
"Darling? I really don't think it'll fit."
A resonating slap echoed in the room as he swatted your ass and you whimpered, body lurching away before strong arms dragged you back under him.
"You can and you will. I will make sure of it."
His cockhead poked your entrance and a thrill slithered down your spine. You looked down to your pussy, watching with rapt attention as he dragged himself up and down your folds.
The sight of his disheveled self with his head thrown back and mouth agape to let out groans made you shiver. How could someone look so attractive?
Miguel soon pushed in, the head of his dick immediately lodging into your small hole, stretching you wide as he slowly inserted more of his inches. The sting it brought got you gasping and grabbing tight onto the sheets, already feeling full to the brim with barely half of him in.
"Fuck, you're so tight for me. Pobrecita… your husband must've never fucked you wide open before."
Just when you thought it was done, he continued to push more of him. Your head grows light, pleasure shocking all your nerve endings awake from your legs and to the tip of your toes.
He didn't even let you rest, already pulling back and you almost shot up to grab him, scared he'd leave you hanging but Miguel left his cockhead in before thrusting all of his inches back in with one fluid motion and your mouth fell agape. 
"Fuck…! Miguel please!"
"What a greedy girl. Don't worry baby, I'll treat you well tonight."
If his slow thrust already had your mind fuzzy from the pain of the stretch and pleasure, his callous and frenzied pace got you praying as he released shockwaves after shockwaves of bliss to shatter your bones and down to your trembling legs.
You barely had the mind to bite onto the sheet to muffle your cry as he drove manically behind you. 
Seeing this, Miguel grew displeased. Despite knowing the reason for your actions, he wanted to hear how well he fucks you. It was childish trying to outdo someone he'd never encounter again but his pride is bruised.
That fucker got the chance to devour and have you pliant and panting under him for decades while he withered back in his lab trying to get rid of his unwanted addiction.
The bastard has ingrained himself into your body for years and he can't have that.
There should only be one man you should think about at night and be reminded of when you sit to feel the soreness rendering your lower body boneless.
"I'm gonna install noise suppressors in our room tomorrow then you'd be free to scream my name whenever you like, mi vida. You know how I love it when you cry for me."
You didn't say anything but instead nodded frantically. Fire licked every inch of your skin as the familiar tightness in your abdomen appeared, lightning shooting up your spine with every savage thrusts.
There was nothing else you could think of, focused on reaching your deserved nirvana and desperately shaking your hips to meet his thrust. Seeing how fucked and blissed out you were, Miguel groaned before swatting the globes of your ass, pulling a mewl from you.
"Look at you, so cock drunk for me. So beautiful… It makes me wanna tease you a little."
Feeling your orgasm being torn away as he slows, you whine and reach back to grab his hips, forcing him to piston in and out of you with a mewl. Miguel watched you with heavy lidded eyes, he has never seen such a sinful yet delicious sight until now.
If there was a scene he could ingrain into the back of his eyelids, this would be it. 
You, so desperate for a release and trying to chase it when he refused to. Eyes glazed with tears of frustration as you gave up trying to control his hips and bucked your hips like a madwoman into his dick.
There's no such thing as guilt when he got to witness you in such a vulnerable state, only gratefulness.
"Mi cielo, please! Move, I want to come so bad please…!"
He had a different plan for the evening but if you begged so sweetly like that, there's nothing he wouldn't give you.
A house, a new ring with the biggest gemstone you love, the world, the universe or something as simple as a climax becomes acquirable if you want them so badly, he'd give it all to you.
"Anything for you, cariño."
Despite the callousness of his touch driven with wanderlust and desperation to the point of passionate worshiping, Miguel differs from your husband by being love-starved and his brimming confidence in pleasing you a hundred ways before tomorrow without breaking a sweat.
A welcomed and fresh change nonetheless, the difference only led you to fall deeper in love with him.
He drove his dick back into you with a fresh yet ravenous pace, pulling back till his cockhead remains before plunging all of himself in. Miguel's nails dug deep into your flesh enough to make you fear for a permanent dent in them.
Your skin flared as the coil in your stomach reawakened, tightening further and further with every thrust. The warmth is maddening yet deliciously addictive as it lashes out, wrapping around your swelling heart.
"Let me come please? I want it please…! Ah!"
He leant down while his hand reached down to roll your clit in tight eights, decreasing his pace yet hitting deeper as he swept the hair behind your ear before tugging it hard.
"Give it to me, mi vida. I want it all, come around me."
With his proximity and whispered command, there was nothing else you could do but burst. 
Ecstasy easily drowns you as it floods your senses, white hot pleasure exploding behind your eyelids as you screamed into the sheets. Your orgasm rippled through you, shimmying under your skin and turning your limbs useless as they grew light.
There's nothing else you could call what you were feeling except 'heavenly'.
With the constant pulse of your velvet walls clamping down on him, Miguel soon followed with a deep resonating groan to his annoyance, painting your insides white with his liquid arousal.
It was a wonder he lasted this long after having only his hands to entertain him for years in the laboratory and spider hub. Nonetheless, he has his life to spend with you, years where he could discover and evoke your deepest desires. 
Placing gentle kisses on your shoulders, he grinned. "Te amo cariño."
"I love you more…" You mumbled back, exhaustion weighing your eyelids. You barely picked up his clicking tongue before he spoke up, sounding determined as if it was set in stone.
"No sleeping, mi vida. We're not done yet, I have months to make up, no?"
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whimsyvixen · 5 months
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Ahhh! Oh God 😳 Ok ok I remember this one 🤭🫣 !
My Predator phase was something fierce. The world was calling him badass and cool and all I could think about was how I really wanted that predator's cum to glow from inside me~.
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Don't be embarrassed, I should be the one smacked with a baton for drawing something as filthy and crazy as this. Either way, it brings me satisfaction that I was able to ignite such a reaction from you. I'm taking this as an absolute win so thank you for enjoying my art! 💋
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prey-4-me · 1 year
A request for.. Requests lol.
Anything Yautja related you want someone to write? Step right up - need the inspo and would appreciate it ☺️
Feral gif added for funsies ♥️
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