#yautja playlist
wrr000 · 2 years
Recently I made a yautja simp/lover playlist and I wanna share with u guys!!
Still addin' songs, so u can send me ideas!
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bastardofodin · 1 year
For your listening pleasure...
A playlist of songs I'd listen to with my Yautja. Just a fun little playlist of darker, heavier stuff I love. It's my happy place.
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jplupine · 6 months
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Started working on a playlist for the Leila series 🫣
I'll be adding more songs too if Spotify stops crashing
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astoldbyaja · 1 month
Primal Ch.3 ~AU Predator (Franchise)~
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My routine was strict because it got me results. Thirty minutes of the stationary bike, then thirty minutes of weight training. My headphones never left my ears as I was lost in my gym playlist. I didn’t want to acknowledge anyone. I sweat hard, and I hydrated as much as I could until I was done. No one was in the locker room, so I showered with my water proof speaker a little louder than usual. Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston were making my skin crawl in the most heavenly way as they sang their duet of When You Believe.
Music. That’s what helped me survive him. It reminded me there was still life in me- still fight in me. I truly believed that those who were enticed by the musical spirits had strong souls, that their bodies could be connected on an entirely different plane of existence because music could possess you sometimes. My mother thought that as well. She never raised me to settle for less or even to keep my head down and ignore when things were going bad. I thought of her and my father as I planned my escape. I heard a faint noise coming from the ceiling and I looked up and around before turning down the music. The gym did send out text messages letting us know some of the walls and ceilings were being worked on, so I disregarded it.
As the music was reaching its climax I smiled and turned my speaker back up smiling and moving my hips as the hot water added to the goosebumps, I was feeling all around. I sang along to Whitney Houston and Mariah Carrey's When You Believe.
“They don’t always happen when you ask, oh! And it’s easy to give in to your fears. But when you’re blinded by your pain, can’t see your way clear through the rain. A small but still, resilient voice says hope is very near, ooohh!” I let myself be carried away as the chorus played strong in the background filling my body with life as I remembered my fearful younger self packing up her bags quickly, fearfully, scooping up my cat, and fleeing from the hell I was in.
I felt my eyes watering some from the memories. But I shook my head refusing to cry from the past anymore. I was safe. I had to tell myself that.
“Who knows what miracles you can achieve! (you can achieve, oh) When you believe!” I continued swaying my hips a bit smiling to myself as the chorus continued to bring me overwhelming joy. Mariah was readying to hit her high note that always made me smile, because I loved hitting her note when he was gone and couldn’t take any joy from me in that moment. “You will when you… believe!” I let my voice carry as I raised my hands to the ceiling in praise, tilting my head up to sing to the heavens.
“GIRL YOU BETTER SING IT!” a booming voice yelled making me jump and cover my mouth instantly. “Hit that note girl don’t be embarrassed!” Another member from the gym said from behind my curtains. I laughed and thanked her. I cut off the water to shower and dried off.
Normal POV
With his wounds healed, and his weapons ready, Scorpion was ready for a hunt. He was ready to add trophies to the wall of his ship yet again. He had been hunting for numerous years and when it feels like you’ve hunted them all, the enforcer always went back to the basics of hunting. Most enforcers were older, but Scorpion was still young and felt he could always learn something new he hadn’t learned or even noticed as a young blood. The city was large, and he was very well aware of the heat wave that was coming and the feuding clans in the city below that resulted to violence.
His usual routine would be to go deep where the violence was and scout out any human, he felt was worthy enough to hunt. But something was different this day. Although he was ready to hunt, his mind had drifted back to the human female whose harmonizing had done something to him. Even thinking about it now, his muscles contract once more. The yautja cackled lowly raising his arm and snorting at this weird sensation again. What was going on with his skin? Once more he felt he needed answers, so he had made his way back to the human's shelter and noticed she was leaving for somewhere, so he tracked her into the city to a gym. Scorpion was familiar with these buildings. Humans went in to train themselves and make themselves stronger. They had no idea what real training was.
The female enjoyed making herself strong and keeping herself healthy. Scorpion observed her in the ceiling’s air vents. She could lift heavy weights on the machines that seemed to test one’s strength and her stamina on a machine that required her to pedal for a long time wasn’t too bad either. He noticed some males watching her as she worked out. They seemed to check out her body as she lifted a weight above her head or high into the air. So, a female’s strength and stamina was also a trait to what attracted a female to a male and vice versa here. Very few yautja were interested in human culture. They were used as hosts for serpents for upcoming hunts. The serpents were very smart creatures and learned fast which is why many liked hunting them. However, Scorpion liked learning about the different ways of humans. Call it a hobby even. It helped him understand them, learn their moves before they made it. It made his hunts exciting.
The female was disappearing into a different location of which Scorpion followed through the air vents. He could hear melodies once more as he found his way above the bathing facilities. Again, she was singing and just like that, the warriors skin activated. This was odd to him. He had heard different humans make these harmonizing noises for hundreds of years, and it never did this to him. What magical powers did this human’s voice possess? If she could control his body with her voice, she could become a threat, Scorpion had deduced. He opened one of the ceiling tiles, his body still cloaked, and he moved out landing on his feet quietly. He looked around noticing no one else was in this room.
He lifted his mask now as he smelled sweat and different scented oils. Now that he was on the ground, he could hear the singing even more. He faced the direction of the steam that flowed over a shower curtain in the back of the room. The singing came from that curtain. Scorpion moved with stealth toward it, and finally he just stood there inches away from the human. He could see her inside through the curtains with his mask, moving her body with the melodies that came from a black device inside. The water flowed over her hair flattening it as it became damp. He remained silent as he noticed the shape of her hips and how wide they were. She very much could bear a strong suckling that was for sure.
However, the yautja’s thoughts were immediately disrupted as the woman suddenly sang had a high pitch that made the yautja jump back as if completely… surprised! He shook his head caught off guard by this echoing sound that moved into the ceiling. Nothing stunned this enforcer, yet this woman’s voice suddenly made something jump inside him. His instincts told him to rip the curtains down and take the female and lock her up in his ship until he could figure out the power she possessed. But before he could step forward and put this plan into action, another human woman entered smiling at the curtain.
“GIRL YOU BETTER SING IT!” she snaps and enters behind a curtain of her own bathing herself. She was impressed with the woman’s vocal cords. Did this human possess a special singing talent that made all impressed with her?
Luckily, he had stepped out of the way in time for said human to step out and move into the next room to dress herself. She was now covered by a large cloth. Scorpion definitely was perplexed by this human with the special voice. Maybe he could learn something from her, capture her voice and use it hunt. That would have to wait, however. He had to find worthy prey. His urge to hunt was stronger than his curiosity of the human woman. But he would find her again, that much he knew.
Teleya’s POV
As I was at a red light, I got a text on my phone from my coworker Gabriella. I couldn’t really pronounce her last name, so I didn’t try to remember it. We weren’t friends but spoke at lunch every now and then. I didn’t believe the rumors of her only being hired because of her expensive breasts. Her jewelry and outfits were expensive. I’m sure she didn’t need the job.
G: Hey! Are you busy tonight?
Me: Hi there. No plans. What’s up?
G: Want to hit up Black Jack tonight?
Black Jack was your stereotypical club, good music and dancing with most likely drugs and gangs involved in the back ground. But the club hadn’t been involved with the police or on the news for six months. I wasn’t much of a clubber or a partier, but I also needed to get out occasionally. Couldn’t always be a home body, even if my home was a place for peace. What the hell!
Me: Sure what time am I meeting you?
G: Yay! Meet there by ten! It’ll be hot tonight, so I won’t be wearing much tonight! ;)
She was hardly wearing anything even when she was working.
Me: Sounds good. See you tonight!
I was lazy for most of the day and sat out on my balcony staring out into space. I listened to music, read my news apps, and caught up on some Letterkenny on my iPad. It was basic and funny, and I wanted that in my life right now. Pandora lied in the open doorway sunbathing like the queen she was. She never came out. She just lied there with her eyes opening slowly and closing them even slower, her tail gently curling to show she was still alert. I sipped my lemonade and looked out at the city.
When the heat got to me, I came back inside and tidied up and showered again because now I smelled like outside. I walked through the apartment wearing a green and blue kimono robe with nothing under it sipping some water and eating a banana. I could hear Axel outside. He was arguing with someone about something, but I paid it no attention to it. When the sun was finally starting to go down, I could finally look for an outfit to wear and get ready to go out. I did not want to overheat that was for sure.
Black Jack was a young person’s club, so you could wear pretty much anything that showed skin. I had a few outfits I had bought over time. I slid on a pair of dark beige shorts with a black strapless bra with a green cropped tank top. I did my hair putting it in a satin scrunchie. My hair was so thick I only needed to put it through once and the hair tie secured itself. I put on my bracelets and a necklace that added to the outfit. I loved white gold. I then put on some wedge shoes that I could move in. I loved wedges and short heels. They complimented my calves. I never wore them back then, because I didn’t want him noticing me more than he already had. The unwanted advances almost made me numb…
I shook my head deciding not to think about that anymore. It’s behind me. I grabbed my car keys and a small noodle strap purse that only fit my keys, phone, license, and debit card.
“By Pan!” I called out to the cat who just pretended like I didn’t exist on the couch. As I headed to my car, I noticed Axel on his balcony, standing over his rail in the crisp darkness. A cigarette was between his fingers. He looked to be perplexed by something. Smoke blew from his nostrils. I almost didn’t say anything, but my mouth opened anyways.
“Evening, Axel.” I called out, and he glanced down at me and just gave a forced smile, his brows arching some.
“Evening, Teleya. Going out on the town?” he asked. I shrugged and nodded.
“Afraid so. Trying to… live a little.” I replied. He nodded looking out into the city.
“Yeah, just be careful out there. City’s going to shit.” he said looking down at me with light eyes, and I nodded.
“But that’s why you’re here to protect us.” I responded, and he gave a quick snort and nodded.
“Yeah. Goodnight.” he replied giving another smile. I nodded.
“Goodnight.” I replied and moved over to my car and drove off.
I mentally prepared myself to wait in the long line that’s always at Black Jack. I texted Gabriella to tell her I was here and standing in line and already, she stuck her head out of the front of the club and waved at me. I smiled and waved back and watched her whisper something to the bouncer and he nodded. Gabriella waved me over and I just nodded keeping my head down as to not look at the angry and annoyed people having to wait. I could hear someone call out my actions, but I kept walking. Yeah, I’d be mad too if someone just cut everyone and went inside. Sorry. Gabriella was in a cocktail dress that split right down her cleavage and stopped at her stomach. Her hair was long and bone straight. I didn’t miss that. She had on sparkly eye make-up and peach lipstick. Immediately she took my hand and led me inside the dark hall and to the end that opened out into a large dance floor with tables sitting around it on a higher level. Everyone was talking and laughing and dancing and drinking.
I noticed we were approaching a large table of large Asian men wearing black and covered in tattoos drinking lord knows what. Gabriella let my hand go to sit on one of the men’s laps just leaving me standing there to be eyed by everyone there. The man she sat on had a cut over his eye and I knew there were guns on these men. I wouldn’t put it past them to be Hu Mongols. Some girls were attached to these men too eyeing me with disapproval. Great.
“Guys this is my friend from work, Teleya. Teleya these are my friends. This is my bae Quan, his friends Batu, Jason, Camden, and Reilly.” she said. Yeah, these men eyed me like I was a piece of meat, and the women with them did not like the attention their men were giving me. Said men smoked big cigars and looked intimidating. I just held my hand up to them and smiled politely.
“Hello!” I replied loudly over the music. Ooh girl you are in danger. They just nodded and smirked and Gabriella slid off of Batu’s lap and motioned for me to sit beside her. Luckily a fast-paced song came on and I looked up and then at Gabriella, her eyes sparkling.
“Come on let’s dance! Baby get me a drink, please?” she asked in an innocent child like voice, and he smirked.
“Okay baby.” he said kissing her cheek, and she smiled and got up and took my hand and just lead me to the dance floor. Good now I could dance myself away to somewhere else. The music was danceable, and I decided I would just get lost in it and worry about the group I had just met after two minutes of this song. But now I felt bad in the back of my mind. I was definitely judging them, and I didn’t even know them. Yeah, I felt bad. Gabriella was dancing on me, grinding her hips against me which I was okay with. I was too wrapped up in the music to care where her hands were going. I was sure it was to arouse her boyfriend. We were laughing as she raised my hand up and spun me around.
Other girls we didn’t know danced up on us, and immediately we just came together as one. Better them then some guys with their hands on us. I overstepped with my thoughts. We were just here for fun and so when the time came to sit back down, I’d converse and just be polite with her friends.
However, the loud, multiple popping noises followed by violent screaming tore through the building interrupting our chances of getting too lost in our fun. I didn’t have to piece it together that a shootout was happening which made everyone slam against one another to get away from those with the guns.
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plaidpyjamas · 1 year
does anyone else make a playlist for every selfship they have? lmao
rn I'm working on my Yautja bf playlist - I wanna share playlists! does anyone else wanna play? 🥺🥺
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Some Conguran sketches + info
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This man has his own playlist in spotify with not specific order!
He's my special boy, the most fully cis transgender not human nor yautja but a self-made creature who i like to traumatize (He's healing)
He's a lot more scarred of what i usually draw, especially in his arm / legs and hands. The knuckles were so bruised that he doesn't feels anything there anymore. But that's good! His skin is soft so can't help it, and is not ashamed at all about the fact he looks like cat claw sharpener (Not so far from what sometimes happens...)
Randomly nosebleeds while sleeping. Tends to happen more when he's stressed. No one really knows why this, probabbly is something related with this connection with Nebularis (wip species™)?
The big plasma burn mark on his abdomen was made by Luar'Ke. Things happened during the "Final Wipeout" (a plan to finally kill everyone who was related with the experimentation things who took a step too far into a realm full of horrors aka. Nebulari void. They were searching for immortality, i know, i will explain the events later)
Even with his knowledge and experience with technology, preffers to stay with the pups and help with the training. He's happy to have them around chirping and being curious of him, even if that means being bit time to time. Right, No'Kui? - Note: Worried for their chivas (would never say that aloud near them), so, taking advantage of his size and strength, he knows that he can be rough without accidentally breaking limbs during an intense sparring session
Likes to hunt with his lovers. Is a good oportunity to be with them and also likes to see them coated with blood. Their scales shine and sometimes the contrast is perfect don't judge him
No he would not cut his hair soon. That thing is sacred
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Wears an almost full armour. Some bits are still exposed. He also has a mask but i don't have a design for it, yet
Very well hidden translators in his ears. They translate many, many languages and dialects
There is a special mask he uses on home. Due the atmospheric differences, this thing woks as a filter and translator to talk with other yautjas, even if he is kinda fluent with the foreign language
I'll be adding more information (prob) later. For now have this and sorry if there is any grammar mistake <3
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evilvvithin · 2 years
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The Feral Predator + Fitting Spotify Songs ↳ PREY (2022)
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unholyplumpprincess · 3 years
Predators / Yautja playlist
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bloody-oath · 4 years
Slasher Spotify Playlists!
Songs are interpretations for the slashers alone, with a significant other and with their canon relationships; romantic, platonic or bitter.
They are chosen for their lyrics, ambiance, origin... and because it made me think of them.
! [ Some playlists are more harmonious than others. ] ! 
Jason Voorhees ; heartbreak & revenge.
Michael Myers ; fury & frustration.
Freddy Krueger ; haughtiness & naughtiness.
Bubba Sawyer ; tradition & compassion. 
Nubbins Sawyer ; unapologetic & unfazed.
Brahms Heelshire ; discretion & distress.
Chucky ; insolence & provocation.
Tiffany Valentine ; devotion & desire.
Hannibal Lecter ; captivation & deception.
Norman Bates ; unbalance & yearning.
Pennywise ; malice & flamboyance.
Pinhead ; sovereignty & suffering.
Billy Loomis ; vanity & tenacity.
Stu Macher ; juvenescence & spirited.
John Kramer ; contemplation & conviction.
Amanda Young ; addiction & salvation.
Jack Torrance ; intoxication & foolhardiness.
Candyman ; sensuality & mystery.
Yautja ; unfamiliarity & strength.
Ash Williams ; heroism & confidence.
Mick Taylor ; determination & opportunism.
Billy Lenz ; hypersexuality & vulgarity.
Please do not ask me to add more slashers nor songs. ♡
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eddiethehead-uwu · 2 years
Made a silly playlist for my yautja oc Hikari lol
Also I refuse to get Spotify sorry
Maybe I'll make a YT playlist or somtheing
Villain Virus - Kobaryo ft Camellia
Voice of The Past - Diabarha
LIGHT - Water Spirit
ACTIVATE - Srezcat
3-6 Destruction - Pharmacist
IMMORTAL - Playaphonk
Exterminate - Excision
Pixel Blaster II - Kobaryo
WANNA PLAY? - The Prophet
Bass Slut - S3RL
Fresh New Kicks - Dimitri K
Clear Eyes - Aidan Swank
OPR - Gesaffelstein
Cannibal - Alan Aztec
Dark History - OZIGIRI
KleiMe[;st - KuroGaNE
Truths & Denials - 6th
C18H27NO3 - Team Grimoire
xXX_i_wud_nvrstop_ÜXXx - 100 gecs
745 sticky - 100 gecs
Vespertilism - Yonaka
Kitty phonk - soviss
Winkle Twinkles - goreshit
Klarissa - tohi
abdulgaming27 - $werve
A. A. A. - Nihilist
KILLKA - Ghostfaceplaya
I don't give a fuck - Ghostfaceplaya
Break Harder - Mayhem
Push Every Button - Mayhem
Kill Everybody - Skrillex
b4d dr4g0n - Team Grimoire
Unknown Masquerade - kanoryo
Devil Ride - Razihel and Dxrk
baby so hardcore - BANDETTO
Not So Fast!! - Rotteen vs JQ
Naughty & Anarchy - Kobaryo
Party Junkie - Satsuki ga Tenkomori ft. Hatsune Miku
disco bombing - BANDETTO
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hermitologist · 3 years
My 21 Favorite Records of 2021
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It’s been ... a year. Another year, in fact. Contrary to how things may seem at the present, we are not actually closing out the 24th month of an interminable 2020. 2021 came and went, and thank sweet baby jeebus that it brought a ton of great music with it. 
For those of you who might be new here. I try to get out and run 3-5 days a week, listen to something new (to me), and share it with you on Instagram. It’s been great -- I get to listen to new music, share it with people who appreciate it, and get some exercise in the process. I can’t really express how beneficial and life-transforming the combination of a steady influx of great new tunes and hypnotic morning runs has been for me. Doing something repetitive enough to get your heart rate up to the point where your brain can kinda idle, and then filling that buzzing grey matter with music is magical. Maybe that something is cycling, rowing, throwing heavy  things around at the gym, or just walking -- whatever will give you the space to fill your head with music. IT RULES. 10/10. Highly recommended. 
A couple things before we get to THE LIST. 
I’m not gonna rank any of these records, because: a) who cares, and b) I’ve done this enough over the past couple decades to know that my rankings changes literally every time I look at it. (I’m not very good at knowing when things are Actually Done.) 
There will also be no blurbs for each album this year because I ran out of adjectives by doing those record recommendations on Instagram. I’d encourage you to just LISTEN to these artists instead of reading about them and then decide whether or not you dig it. Spin my 21 For 2021 Playlist or click on an album for song samples and needle-drop through a record, whatever it takes. I’d hate to discourage you with the wrong pile of words, and don’t want to overhype anything. It was was pretty damn good year for music (all things considered) and whittling my picks down to a Top 21 was as hard as it’s ever been. There’s a good chunk of these records that I’m certain I’ll have in heavy rotation for the remainder of my days on this rapidly decaying orb. Good job, music!
And now ... let’s do the damn thing.
21 For 2021 Playlist (Spotify)
21 For 2021 Playlist (Apple Music)
21 For 2021 Playlist (Tidal)
21 For 2021 Playlist (YouTube Music)
Other Records I Liked - 2021 (Spotify)
Other Records I Liked - 2021 (Apple Music)
Other Records I Liked - 2021 (Tidal)
Other Records I Liked - 2021 (YouTube Music)
Big thanks to Jeremy Fagundes for the Tidal  playlists, and Adam Planas for the YouTube Music playlists. If anyone wants to make me playlists on Deezer, YouTube Music, Google Play, or whatever, it’d be greatly appreciated.
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Kowloon Walled City - Piecework
KWC Bandcamp
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Low Bandcamp
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Genghis Tron - Dream Weapon
Genghis Tron Bandcamp
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Joe Vann - Found In The Smoke
Joe Vann Bandcamp
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Trade Wind - The Day We Got What We Deserved
Trade Wind Bandcamp
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Every Time I Die - Radical
Every Time I Die Bandcamp
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Madlib - Sound Ancestors
Madlib Bandcamp
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Manchester Orchestra - The Million Masks of God
Manchester Orchestra Bandcamp
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IDLES Bandcamp
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Delving - hirschbrunnen
Delving Bandcamp
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Yautja - The Lurch
Yautja Bandcamp
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Cloud Nothings -  The Shadow I Remember
Cloud Nothings Bandcamp
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The Armed - ULTRAPOP
The Armed Bandcamp
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Architects - For Those That Wish To Exist
Architects Bandcamp
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Blackshape Bandcamp
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Shy, Low - Snake Behind The Sun
Shy, Low Bandcamp
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Portico Quartet - Monument
Portico Quartet Bandcamp
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shame - Drunk Tank Pink
shame Bandcamp
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Fiddlehead - Between the Richness
Fiddlehead Bandcamp
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Big Brave - Vital
Big Brave Bandcamp
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Lantlos - Wildhund
Lantlos Bandcamp
Hammock - Elsewhere
Frontierer - Oxidized
Ovlov - Buds
Tonstartsbandht - Petunia
Rival Consoles - Overflow
Kollapse - Sult
Tanner Merritt - Cyrus I: The Weight of Reflection
GLASWING - I’m in the Checkout Line of my Life EP
Frequency Eater - Engulf
Zao - The Crimson Corridor
Concrete Ships - In Observance
Sarin - You Can’t Go Back
Quicksand - Distant Populations
Heiress - Distant Fires
Gojira - Fortitude
Portrayal of Guilt - We Are Always Alone 
Floatie - Voyage Out
Dvne - Etemen AEnka
Foxing - Draw Down The Moon
The Bronx - VI
Horte - Ma antaa yön vaientaa
MONO - Pilgrimage of the Soul
DFA 1979 - Is 4 Lovers
Angel Du$t - YAK
Glassing - Twin Dream
Blanket - Modern Escapism
Bummer - Dead Horse
Sleep Token - This Place Will Become Your Tomb
LLNN - Unmaker
FACS - Present Tense
Jonsi - Oblivion
Såver - Emerald (Split with Psychonaut)
Drug Church - Tawny EP
Structures - None of the Above EP
Fange - Pantocreator EP
Blessed - iii EP
Clams Casino - Winter Flower EP
Glassjaw  - Coloring Book EP
Dan Mayo - Broken Roots EP
Luggage - Happiness EP
Cult of Luna - The Raging River EP
Militarie Gun - All Roads Lead To The Gun 1 & 2 EPs
Literally all of the Mew
Yusef Dayes & Tom Misch - What Kinda Music
Snooze - Still
Office Hours Live - humor, music, 
The Distraction - sports, culture, humor
Chin Music - baseball, music, culture
Effectively Wild - baseball
In The Bubble - COVID, public health
No Plus Ones - music
Hang Up & Listen - sports
Big Fat Five - drums
What’d I miss? Let me know in the comments.
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wthtorke · 5 years
When making OCs (Yautja or otherwise), do you prefer sticking closely to canon or just doing your own thing? Or does it depend on the fandom? I struggle with making believable OCs and just wanted your thoughts on the matter.
I honestly just do my own thing but within the margin of the fandom,like trying to remember that in the end of the day they're normal people,everyone has a job, a favorite playlist, people they love and people they hate, it helps keeping their feet on the ground and prevents any mary sues from popping up.
Tho when it comes to personality,my ocs always grow a mind of their own and do what they want lmao
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plaidpyjamas · 10 months
Omg I saw in your tags you have Yautja/Human OCs??? Would love to hear about them if you want to talk about them. Love Yautjas 💕
I do! I have two sets of them, so four ocs in total! None of them are very fleshed out but I have a couple playlists and pinterest boards if you wanted to check any of those out :3
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bloodedhunter-blog · 7 years
tag dump !!
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unholyplumpprincess · 2 years
Some person is reporting my Predator/Yautja playlist on spotify and keeps getting the image/description/title taken down and I'm like come ON
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unholyplumpprincess · 3 years
Well i hope you write about avp sometime in the future :)
also will you ever make a playlist for yautjas like you did for xenomorphs?
If someone pays me or even just gives me a good prompt for an Imagine I'm all for it :D
And I totally could make one if wanted!!! I'm totally happy to do playlists by request if someone else could get a use out of them! I use all of mine for writing vibes!
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