#fernweh fiction
lacunafiction · 2 years
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Some homecomings feel more like rude awakenings, but this one will become a waking nightmare. Find love while exposing the secrets of your eerie hometown!
The wait is finally over; Book One of The Fernweh Saga is out now for you to experience! 💚
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🌲TFS Patreon🌲 (New, alpha content from Book Two available!🎉)
My Patreon has launched. Character (RO) portraits, bonus writings, sneak peeks, and much more can be found on it, including some free content that is open to the public.
TFS: Book One Achievement and Stat Guide 🏆📊
Thank you for your support and reblogs of this post are appreciated! 😊
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The Fernweh Saga: Book One is a 600,000-word interactive, romantic thriller novel by Aelsa Trevelyan. It's entirely text-based, without graphics or sound effects, and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.
Return to a small town that you now feel a stranger in. It has been years since you were sent away following the tragic house fire that claimed your parents' lives, but the death of your grandfather has brought you back. While grim circumstances overshadow the visit you never planned on making, there are also opportunities to reminisce, reconnect, and reunite with old childhood friends, rivals, and neighbors. Familiar faces are all around, but will they aid or hinder you as your return trip spirals into a dark mystery and you start experiencing vivid nightmares? Begin to unravel what is going on in this seemingly idyllic, forested town.
A feeling of unease grows with each sleepless night spent within Fernweh's borders, but you can't leave yet…
It won't let you.
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Play as male, female, or non-binary–with options to be gay, straight, bi, asexual, or poly.
Develop the beginning of a unique and enduring romance with 5 potential love interests.
Influence relationship dynamics with a cast of characters from your past and present.
Experience how your personality, habits, decisions, and relationships impact your visit to Fernweh and how you confront what lurks within the town.
Discover that things aren't always what they seem by making connections and noticing links.
Fight, resist, flee, struggle, or give in to whatever is invading your nightmares and the town; there is more to it than a boring ole monster…Much more.
Fall in love, forge friendships, and uncover your past while spiraling into a mystery.
Reblogs of this post and spreading the good news are immensely appreciated. I'm grateful for all of your support, and I hope you have fun in Fernweh! 🌲💚
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wildmelon · 5 months
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on a list of 100 things she didn't want to do, returning to fernweh was easily in edwina's top 5. and yet as she turned onto the exit that would take her to the small town, nostalgia washed over her. it was accompanied by an eerie feeling she couldn't name-- something between deja vu and being alone in a parking lot late at night.
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itsoddlyethereal · 1 year
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Reese Verner from @lacunafiction continues to live absolutely rent free in my head.
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agentark · 1 year
it's all fun and games until you click on the stats page and see "Status: Alive"
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I'm of the sound opinion that Easthaven and Fernweh are both located in the same plane of reality thus they are neighbouring towns...
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lovearion · 2 years
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asphyxiateher · 1 year
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My MC from The Fernweh Saga @lacunafiction which I highly recommend for a good, spooky read!
Name: Sadhbh(Sigh-Vee) Wolfe
Nickname: Vee or Sigh
Height: 6’1
Bestie: Sofia!
RO(s): Ruby/Mal 👀
Mal’s pet name: Sweetheart 🥰
I’m a sucker for opposites attract so of course I went after the Verner Heir and oops I “accidentally” triggered the Mal romance 🙈🤭
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I can already hear Ms. Verner loudly critiquing Vee’s fashion sense every time she comes over lol 😂
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fiendlyvillain · 2 years
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Them: I like the flowers.
Me, remembering what just happened: You manipulative bitchhhh 😑
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ophie-sama · 1 year
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social media templates by sebwynric
(I'm procrastinating on my own projects by making these for all my OCs)
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natessimp · 2 years
ok but this man's jealousy gives me years of life @lacunafiction
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littlemissbumblebee · 6 months
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The Fernweh Saga by @lacunafiction
Name: Phoebe “Bee” Silver (she/her)
Personality: Snarky - Cautious - Friendly - Pessimistic - Merciful - Shy
Traits: Heart – Cooperative - Resistant - Skeptic
Past Affinity: Music: Guitar
Primary Ability: Empathetic Impressions
Job (if asked): Barista
Past Susceptibility: Forward.
Social Dynamics (as of Book 1):
Becca Warrick:
The moment Phoebe told Becca about the letter, she immediately began to organise work leave so she could accompany her to Fernweh and show support. She would make sure her closest friend was cared for, no matter what.
Phoebe hates having to be back in Fernweh, and more or less clings to Becca at every single given opportunity. She is her lifeline, her reminder that outside of this Gods forsaken town, there is a life she built herself  that she will return to, and everything will be OK.
Phoebe and Becca have been close friends since the year Phoebe was sent away from Fernweh by her grandfather. Becca found Phoebe crying alone on Father's Day, and took it upon herself to befriend her, starting up a conversation about bees – the subject of her photography at the time. In the following years, the two would joke about that meeting, and began calling one another “Bee”.
While Phoebe has dated other women in the years since they first met, Becca has always been the constant person in her life through every high and low. Through her time at Fernweh, Phoebe slowly realised why her past relationships never worked out: She was in love with Becca, constantly comparing whoever she was with with her. She always had been, she just had never realised.
Phoebe feels absolutely, horrifically wretched for Becca being trapped in Fernweh with her, and entirely responsible for it. Every morning she wakes up to see Becca’s spot at the table empty, knowing its because she’s out walking the boundary, trying to find a way out, twists the knife. She’s worried her best friend, the woman she loves, might regret her. Regret ever coming. Maybe even hate her. She wouldn’t blame her, Phoebe’s own mind echoes those sentiments.
Sofia Dorran:
Phoebe never really knew much about Sofia, save for the facts that she was lovely, her mother was really nice, she read a lot, and she was her neighbour when she was little. While Mrs Dorran always doted on the young Phoebe, her daughter tended to prefer to read quietly, and Phoebe was entirely too shy to initiate any kind of proper interaction.
Since returning to Fernweh, and spending her time living in the B&B, Phoebe and Sofia have been getting along a bit better, with Phoebe having grown to be a little more assertive, and Sofia appreciating the genuine care Phoebe shows those around her – especially her mother.
This new closeness is nice – Phoebe may be a friendly gal, but she’s not very good at actually making new friends. Sofia is a lovely person, and even respects Phoebe’s wishes when she is asked not to refer to her as Bee (its just a her and Becca thing), something that skyrocketed Phoebe’s opinion of her.
Reese Verner:
This is a... complicated one. Reese has always been particularly hard for Phoebe to read. She could never be truly sure if he was her friend, her rival, or something in between. She certainly never liked his mother. Because of this, Phoebe treats most interactions with Reese tentatively, like someone approaching a scary looking dog.
More than once, her mother had suggested that maybe the reason Reese was so competitive and vaguely annoying with her, refusing to call her by her first name, was because he had a crush on her. Phoebe hates that idea, and not just because she’s a lesbian. She can’t stand the idea of being a part of that family, or having such a frustrating partner.
That said, Phoebe is a forgiving and friendly person, and it has been a long time since she was last in Fernweh. And, even if she was never sure if he was ever truly her friend, she does have good memories of the Verner heir, and is making a (very cautious) effort to try to befriend him. It’s not gone horribly, but it definitely needs some work.
James Corvin:
If Becca is Phoebe's anchor now, James certainly was when she lived here. He was her best friend, and Phoebe used to find herself at the Corvin farm, laughing and playing pretend with him and his sister Alina more or less every afternoon. She still wears the necklace he got her when they were little – a little sword that slots in behind the matching shield James wears on his necklace.
There’s a lot of reasons for Phoebe to hate Fernweh, to want to forget it ever existed. James Corvin is not one of them. Learning he had written her letters and they had never been delivered to her had been devastating, especially because she had assumed he hated her for leaving given the supposed lack of contact. If there’s a good thing about returning to Fernweh, its being able to see the Corvins again. She loves them both like family, and has gone out of her way to properly reconnect since she returned.
The Waitress:
Mal. Oh boy. Whatever magic is in that woman’s eyes that can cause Phoebe to freeze like someone pressed pause on her should be studied and weaponised because it’s potent.
She’s stunning, of course, but that’s actually not what’s gotten Phoebe so spellbound. It’s the mystery of her, the deep darkness of her eyes, the true care she shows for almost everyone she interacts with. How does she know her favourite food? How is she showing up in her dreams? How can someone so stunning and spellbinding have never stood out before now? Why does it feel like she can look right through every wall and mask she has and see the raw vulnerability inside?
In any other circumstance, any other, she wouldn’t feel so horrid for being so spellbound and smitten by the Waitress, but now she’s realised how in love with Becca she is, Phoebe is having a bit of a crisis. Becca isn’t poly like her, at least, she doesn’t think she is, and she would rather cut off her own leg than hurt her Honey Bee. But nonetheless, whenever Mal is in the room and fixes her with that look, it’s all Phoebe can do to not melt into a tiny gay puddle.
A bit about Phoebe:
Being “kicked out” (as she thinks of it) of Fernweh and more or less thrust into the foster system almost immediately after she lost her parents in a fire when she was still basically a kid really did a number on Phoebe. She has major abandonment issues, and is very slow to trust, despite being outwardly very friendly.
To her mind, she lost her parents, and all of a sudden absolutely nobody she cared about wanted her around anymore. Her Papa (grandfather) slowly cut himself off, and she never once got a single letter from a friend, or literally anyone from Fermweh until her Papa passed away. She might be friendly and forgiving, but that’s because she wishes the world had been more friendly and forgiving to her. She truly thinks her grandfather stopped loving her, and blames herself for it. She believes nobody could truly love her just for being her - the fact that Becca has seen her at more or less her worst and still stays around is baffling to her.
Because of all this, Becca being there for her for all these years, through breakups and breakdowns, and even coming with her to Fernweh has solidified her as a core pillar in Phoebe’s life. She’s shown time and time again that she will be there no matter what, which is something Phoebe feels she has never truly had before.
This doesn’t mean she doesn’t expect the worst the moment something she’s done causes Becca pain. The separation being trapped in Fernweh has caused feels like slowly drowning, and Phoebe is beyond worried that she’s ruined the most important relationship in her life.
She’s been through some doozies as far as relationships go, often falling for people that take advantage of her abandonment issues and clingy nature. As a result of the generally crappy experience her life has been, she tends to be sarcastic and make jokes out of everything – particularly at the worst time you could possibly make a joke.
She still plays her guitar, most often selecting songs based off of people she cares about. Given how distressingly short that list of people is, a very large number of these songs are romantic, cute or indie in nature. Her first instinct when she wants to show someone what they mean to her is to sing for them, and give them a personal trinket – though she is always surprised when people give her little trinkets, or do little performances for her. She does not value herself very highly at all.
Also, fun fact, Phoebe is trans! Something she figured out about a year before the fire. Since she didn’t have very long in Fernweh after coming out, Becca has been her primary support through the process (yet another reason why Phoebe thinks the entire world of her)
Last Thoughts/Ramble:
Golly I adore Fernweh. If you haven’t read it yet, I cannot stress enough how much you should. The first book is both on the Choice of Games website, and the Hosted Games app, and it’s written by the wonderfully talented and amazing Aelsa Trevelyan (who I definitely don’t have a massive crush on). Once you’re done reading and re-reading and re-reading it and are sufficiently obsessed, do yourself a favour and join her patreon. I guarantee you will not regret it.
Now, with that little plug out of the way, I wanted to gush a bit about this beautiful world and its amazing characters. The sheer page-turning grip the Fernweh Saga has on me is palpable. I adore horror, and the eerie, subtle, almost psychological horror themes, paired with cryptids and supernatural abilities, and some truly spectacularly written romance, make this series absolutely incredible to me.
I’ve played/read a lot of interactive novels, but none of them have ever wormed their way so deeply into my mind as TFS. The town of Fernweh is so beautifully rich with lore and intrigue that I just need to know. The imagery Aelsa portrays with her words is equally wonderful.
 But where this story really shines is the characters. All of them, not just the romance options. Every single one is so vibrant and rich, you truly do feel like they’re real people. I don’t blame Phoebe for falling in love with Becca, I think I might have as well. Every interaction feels appropriately weighted and realistic.
I adore this budding series with my entire heart (which the discord channel may be sick of, given how much I post fan art and fanfic 😅). The freedom to mould your character however you like, while also having a pre written origin story is so interesting, and makes me want to know more about the character I more or less created myself.
So yeah. Do yourself a favour. Read the Fernweh Saga. You will not regret it.
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lacunafiction · 1 year
Would Mal say yes if the MC proposed to them 👀
A most intriguing question, Anon. 👀
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Before you can even take out the ring box, get down on one knee, or shift closer to Mal for a romantic handhold, they're smiling a little more widely at you. There is more tenderness beneath that ineffable knowing quality that you've grown to accept. It's enough to make you pause, blinking for a second when they take out their own ring box—no, wait, that's yours. Your hand flies to your pocket, patting its newfound emptiness while you balk at your mysteriously hot beloved.
"I know we'll be together forever," Mal confidently concludes. "But you're welcome to put a ring on it if I can leave my own claim on you."
You're still a little stunned by this turn of events; however, Mal's hand finds yours to create an unyielding yet certain hold. They won't let go.
They won't let you go.
(To read Mal's full response, go: here. It's public on my Patreon. 🌲)
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Book One Launch Post💚 | TFS Patreon🌲
New TFS Patreon benefits, including spicy stories 🔥, monthly alpha content drops ✨, and more! Please check it out: here. If you enjoyed your time in Fernweh, please consider reviewing/rating it. 🥰
We're into RO excursions (date branches)! 👀
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wildmelon · 2 months
enter the...
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hiiiii 👉👈 i got a tumblr community approved without a plan... but i want it to be for interactive fiction fans !!
most discords are if-specific, so i think it'd be fun to have a place on tumblr to discuss all our favorite ifs! a cozy spot for casual posting, theories, mc development, and random thoughts <3
invite link
tagging some favorite IFs but all are welcome!
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unholyhelsing · 2 years
going ... round and round just to end up at the same point ... the icon of fernweh literally tells you the end. I just bought the game and did Corvin's route. definitely recommend it !!
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sussoro · 1 year
oc tag game
i got tagged by @leondaltons — thank you so much, sweetie! 💝
[disclaimer: i generally tend to shuffle/change both names & face claims quite a lot so i should probably update my characters page, lol]
FAVOURITE OC: indigo crowe [infamous] — i have to admit that it is quite rare for me to fall in love so hard and fast with a character. indigo is one of my chaotic children and wherever she goes drama will follow. deep talking/singing voice, a huge thirst-trap believer, questionable coping mechanisms, sarcasm connoisseur & abandonment issues;
NEWEST OC: artemis kang [the unseelie] — i still need to develop her a little bit better, but i love her nonetheless;
OLDEST OC: clementine han [the wayhaven chronicles] — as the character that let my interactive fiction obsession start, even though she changed quite a lot during the years, clementine is still the apple of my eye and the owner of my heart. i do believe that i have transferred a lot of my qualities and flaws onto her, so that's probably why she holds such a special place;
MEANEST OC: winona yang [conspiracy in emerson] — she has a mental list of all the people who treated her wrongly or did something to upset her (yes, her parents included). plus, you know, she is a literal murderer. | cassiopeia argent [attollo] — i genuinely believe that if you want to be the partner of both a criminal lord & an eldritch horror, you must be a little unhinged, no?
SOFTEST OC: isabelle mayfield [the wayhaven chronicles] — she is the epitome of sunshine, rainbows & unicorns. isabelle always sees the good in others, she is a hopeless romantic, highly supportive and an optimist;
MOST ALOOF/STANDOFFISH OC: kimberly ohara [body count] — indifferent and detached, kimberly is rarely bothered by anything (*cough* murders *cough*). she is pretty blunt and doesn't really care about hurting somebody else's feelings. also, sarcastic fest 24/7;
DUMBEST (AFFECTIONATE) OC: cyrene [project hadea] — she has a big brain but, seeing how her journey is going, it is pretty obvious that she doesn't use it frequently, lol.
SMARTEST OC: rue parker [the wayhaven chronicles] — rue is extremely smart, often prone to boredom if something is not mentally challenging/stimulating enough. she is one of those people who, no matter what they are doing or how many times they have done it, does things exceptionally well. | lisa sinclair [the fernweh saga] — lisa has more of a 'book smart' type of intelligence. she is always been overly curious about every little inexplicable thing and, even with fernweh being plagued by freaking accidents, her only purpose is to uncover and solve the mysteries;
OC I'D BE FRIENDS WITH: zoë bhatra [the wayhaven chronicles] — zoë is stubborn, quiet and a little bit intimidating but once you gain her trust and she lets you in, she's in so much need of love and affection that becoming friends is not that far of a possibility.
tagging: @quinnorion, @kdelarenta, @pearlcscent, @griffin-wood, @sagedumortain, @sohmiya — please, feel free to ignore this 😌
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I did go ahead and sketched the scenes from prologue and chapter 1 from TFS by @lacunafiction. Specifically the introductory scene. This was a fun warm-up I can't wait to do more of! (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ
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High-res available here.
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