#fezco x lex
thefanficmonster · 3 years
Bucket List
Lexi Howard x Fezco [Euphoria Season 2]
Warnings: Drug use (weed), Swearing, SPOILERS for Euphoria Season 2, Being High
Genre: FLUFF, Romance, Humor
Summary/Prompt: Lexi gets high for the first time with Fezco
Requested by Anon. Thank you for the prompt, dear! Hope you enjoy the imagine! Love, Vy ❤
This is a rare occurrence for the two, especially for Fez. Him and Lexi have found themselves sitting in his living room, going back and forth about a subject Fezco has never thought he’d have to think twice about - smoking weed.
“I dunno, Lex, I don’t want you doin’ some shit you might regret later.“ He complains after a long silent pause fell upon them after Lexi made her point of ‘wanting to be more adventurous‘. Unfortunately for her, he still seems uncertain which means she’ll have to continue arguing her case.
“I won’t regret it, Fez. I promise you. It’s on my bucket list so it’s gonna be fine regardless.“ She replies concretely but, much to her dismay, he’s only amused by her statement.
He tilts his head to look at the brunette girl and smirks, “Bucket list?”
Lexi hadn’t thought of how childish that would sound until he said it out loud and made her cheeks heat up with embarrassment, “Well, not exactly. Just a list of things I wanna do before graduating and going off to college.” She explains herself, chuckling at her own cringiness.
Fez, on the other hand, finds it adorable, “Yeah, I get it. I mean, it makes sense. There’s stuff you wanna do before closin’ one chapter and openin’ another. It ain’t a small deal.”
The girl playfully rolls her eyes, “Yeah, your philosophy won’t distract me, Fezco.” 
He chuckles at this, “You hard to deceive, Lexi Howard.” He adjusts his seating position to be able to face her, “What else is on that bucket list of yours?”
Lexi stubbornly crosses her arms over her chest and smirks, “Help me cross this one thing off and I’ll let you in on the rest?“ She phrases it as a question - an offer. She’s offering him a deal that he’s very tempted to take.
To him, Lexi is way more than a pretty-faced smart goody-two-shoes. He sees her as an enigma. He sees her as an open book written in reverse and in a different language - it seems standard and straight-forward but when you really look at it you realize how complex it is to understand. How many layers there are to it.
How many things there are to know about her.
Getting a sneak peak into this bucket list will have him looking at a more adventurous side of Lexi, her goals and wishes. And not only that, but by fulfilling her request of getting high with her for her first time, he’ll have a look of how different she is when she lets loose completely. That ain’t a small deal. There might be casualties if he agrees to it, but she doesn’t seem too concerned about them herself which is saying a lot.
“Fine...“ Fez sighs, almost regretting it but then he hears Lexi’s squeal of excitement and feels her soft warm lips on his cheek. That’d be enough to convince him to do anything.
“You’re the best, Fez.“ She tells him, her words genuine and honest. They bring a smile to his face, a smile so love-struck, he’d feel like an idiot if anyone else saw it. Ash would probably never let him live it down which is why it’s good that he isn’t home at the moment and is instead running the store - something he volunteered to do when he saw the girl’s bike pull up to the entrance.
Fezco knows he’s far from the ‘best’ person she could be with at the moment or at all, generally speaking. He’s worlds away from her, differentiating in so many ways it’s still unbelievable to him that they’ve ended up compatible enough to be here right now or to have met in the first place. And yet he thanks the universe and the God he believes in for it every single day. He hasn’t had many good things happen in his life so he’s sure to be grateful when he gets one although ‘grateful’ is an understatement for what he feels and has been feeling since Lexi entered his life. He’s felt true happiness, he’s felt those damn butterflies he’s heard about so many times and called them bullshit. He’s felt a feeling dangerously close to love and he’s unsure of how to deal with it. Anything that good provokes his automatic instinct to just push her away and distance himself. But here’s the thing: he can’t. And if he’s being honest he doesn’t want to either.
*  *  *  *  *
After rolling a slim blunt which took him an embarrassing amount of time, Fezco sits down next to Lexi once again. That joint is some weak shit in his eyes but when he imagines the inexperienced girl smoking it he still thinks it’s too much.
“We’re sharing?“ She asks, confused as to why the long wait and work produced only a single blunt.
“There ain’t no way in hell Imma let you smoke a whole blunt.“ He laughs, settling the small item in her hands when she stretches them out towards him, curious to inspect it further. He finds it amusing, the way she holds it so delicately, contrary to how he handles his joints.
She sniffs the smell of the weed and scrunches her nose slightly, displeased. There’s a common rule that says: ‘If something smells bad, there’s no chance it’ll taste good’, which is why the thought of inhaling a puff of smoke with that aroma and letting it travel down to her lungs disgusts her almost enough to call the whole thing off.
“See, you already ain’t a fan.“ He chuckles as she hands it back to him.
“I won’t knock it till I try it.“ Lexi shrugs her shoulders, although a bit hesitantly, “What matters is the effect it’ll have on me afterwards.“
Fez agrees that that’s exactly what matters because he’s terrified of a negative reaction which, honestly speaking, there’s only the slimmest chance for but he can’t help his concern.
“It’ll put the workaholic in you to sleep, that’s for sure.“ He says, making her scoff and presumably roll her eyes. They’ve gotten to the point of being able to distinguish and guess each other’s facial expressions and general reactions. That could either suggest a great connection and built up knowledge on each other or just something that’s a tell-tale sign of them spending way too much time together. That’s the catch though: there’s no such thing as ‘too much time‘ for them. It’s never enough. They’re greedy and can never get enough, wishing the seconds and minutes could stretch, last longer. Wish their time could warp and be formed into ‘forever‘.
Unfortunately, their ‘forever’ never lasts longer than a few hours. It’s never even lasted a full day. Fez is hopeful that’ll change today.
“I hope so. Cause I can’t get my mind off this paper I need finished by Tuesday.“ She replies watching as he flicks the blunt between his fingers before taking out his lighter.
He’s just about to light it when he processes what she’s said, “Yo, if you thinkin’ of some bullshit paper right now, I’m clearly doin’ somethin’ wrong here.”
Although he was only half joking, the result of his comment was a wholehearted laugh from Lexi which immediately brought a grin to his lips. “It’s hard not to think about when it means a lot for my grade.“ She might be camouflaging it from Fez but she’s now stalling and for no particular reason whatsoever. She trusts him and knows that a weed trip is the smallest she could experience, one that can’t even really be considered a trip, just a regular calm high.
“I cannot fucking believe you’re worried. Like, you forget you’re Lexi Howard?“ He asks her, returning her from the depths of her contemplations and hesitations.
“It’s good to have a reminder sometimes.“ She admits, meeting his soft eyes, “But it’s even better to relax a bit.“ She nods to the joint they had both forgotten about momentarily, causing Fez to smirk.
“Aight then.“ He chuckles, “Imma kick it off, you take the lead, ‘k?“
Lexi nods, watching as he brings it up to his lips, trapping it between them and sparks up the lighter. He inhales deeply, removing the blunt from in-between his lips to release the smoke forwards, in the direction of the window that’s opened a crack.
“Your turn.“ He nudges her shoulder with his, “Just breathe it in. Not too much tho, I don’t want you choking.“
She nods once again, taking the offered blunt and taking a decent puff that makes it’s path down her airways, burning her throat in a way that makes her cough and release the smoke. Thankfully, it’s just that one cough to get rid of the burning sensation and she manages to stabilize herself. She lifts her head to see how proud Fez looks as his gaze is entranced on her.
“What?“ She giggles.
“Handling it like a pro.“ He answers, his eyes trailing over her form, stopping on her hand which is still holding the joint. “Is there somethin’ you ain’t good at, Howard?”
“Plenty of stuff actually.“ She replies as she takes one more puff, surprising the hell out of the drug dealer before handing him the weed back, “Like having fun, being adventurous, sticking up for myself and others, being spontaneous, cooking.“
“That bucket list gon take care of three of those things. I can teach you a thing or two ‘bout cooking and for the sticking up for yourself and shit - don’t stress. You’ll figure it out. Until then imma be bashin’ people who dare talk smack ‘bout you.“
Lexi can’t help but giggle at his statement, stretching her legs in front of her, freeing them from their crossed position, “You can teach me to roll up a few too.” She says, hinting at his blunt rolling gear that sits on the small table next to the TV.
Surprisingly, he shakes his head, “Nah man, no fucking way. With you bein’ a pro at all shit you try, the last thing I need is you becomin’ my competition.”
The brunette rests her head on the man’s shoulder with a giggle, kissing his jaw, “No, I’ll be your helper.”
“Now that’s some shit I can get behind.“ Fez tilts his head so he can gaze down at her, pressing his lips against hers.
*  *  *  *  *
“Now you gon tell me what’s on that bucket list or nah?“
The blunt has long been stumped out, leaving Lexi in a state she’s never experienced before while Fezco is only mildly dazed. It really was some weak shit for him, but the girl’s presence has been enough to intoxicate him further.
Regardless, he’s pretty grounded while Lexi has been rambling on and on about different subjects. He tried to memorize each and every word that marked this day but with her fast speech and his hazy mind it was pretty difficult. Then she seemed to shut down and fall into a silent state of happiness with this dopey smile that currently resides on her face.
She giggles at his question, “There are regular things like learn to drive; have a roadtrip; go camping. There are more....explicit things like, um: lose my virginity, go skinny-dipping, kiss a girl - but I’ve already done that.” Not noticing Fez’s surprised expression, she continues, “But currently you know what’s number one?”
Caught a bit off-guard by the question, it takes him a moment to respond, “Uh, what?”
She snickers, completely out of it in the most adorable way the ginger has seen, “Get something to eat cause I’m fucking starving.”
This gets a laugh out of Fezco, the type he’d let out at his grandma’s fucked up adult jokes he was probably not supposed to hear as an 11-year-old, “You never fail to amaze me, Lexi Howard.” He takes her chin in his hand, softly tilting her head towards him and runs his thumb over her lips, “But I gotta tell you one thing - if stayin’ over at mine is on that list of yours, can we cross it off today?”
The pleading look in his eyes, coupled with her desire to do just that which has been living in her chest ever since they started hanging out at his house make it extremely difficult for her to turn him down.
Which is why she doesn’t.
“Of course we can.“
Their lips connect once more, this time not stopping at a simple one-stop kiss. They move into a well-synchronized rhythm with Fez’s hands wrapped around Lexi’s waist while hers are around his neck.
She pulls back breathlessly, her lips swollen ever so slightly, “But McDonalds first.”
“You got it, Howard.“
@lilaalouuxx  @ciniluv @hyperfixatingmenever  @rosesandallthatshit  @coffeebookreadinglover  @dreamingaboutyousworld  @maryelizabeth13
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bobrossstan · 3 years
Instagram AU
Lexi is nominated for (and wins) a Tony award. Everybody congratulates her.
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strangerquinns · 3 years
Could You?
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Fezco x Female Reader
warnings: violence, blood, mention of drugs and basic Euphoria themes.
words: 1.5k+
You have been by Fezco’s side since childhood. The two of you going through thick and thin together. But at the two of you grow up it’s hard to keep the lines between friendship and love blurred.
You had known Fez since the two of you were kids. You’d grown up in the house next door to his grandma. You remember how quiet he was when you first tried to play with him. Those blue eyes shone towards you and the freckles that danced along his skin. You didn’t understand it then, but now you knew, Fez was your person.
You helped him with Ashtray after he just suddenly appeared in his and his grandma’s life. It fascinated you how much older he acted even though he was still a kid. And when his grandmother got sick and he had to take over the family business, you were there. He never involved you in the business aspect but you made sure to keep an eye on Ash whenever he needed it.
The only one he trusted fully outside of his family. He knew that you’d be by his side no matter what. Fez cherished the friendship that was between the two of you. Even if the two of you knew deep down there was something more there.
Fezco remembers his grandmother telling him to never fall in love. That it was an emotion that he couldn't trust. But that rule didn't apply to you.
Fez was someone you could read like the back of your hand. This is why you couldn’t understand why you didn’t catch what was going on.
You should’ve known the moment he took his sweater off. But you watched as he moved through the crowd of people towards the other side of the room. Your stomach dropped for a second when you saw who he was walking towards. To say Fezco has been tense the last few weeks since the raid would be an understatement.
Your attention was pulled away when you heard your name being whispered harshly in your ear. You turned your eyes to see Ashtray beside you.
“Car is leaving soon if you want a ride outta ‘ere,” He spoke, his face cast in complete seriousness.
Before you could even say a word he was gone, disappearing into the crowd with his bag strapped at his back. You stood from the chair you were sitting at and looked towards Lexi. She had the same look on her face as well.
“Catch you later, Lex” You spoke.
You didn’t follow Ash like you knew that you should’ve. But your gut told you that Fez needed you. So you stayed.
The moment you saw the bottle crash across Nate Jacob’s face it was like everything moved in slow motion. You watched as Fezco’s fists met with Nate’s face over and over again. The room exploded into chaos as you heard Maddy and Cassie scream. The moment Nate was thrown to the ground you moved through the crowd and pushed people out of your way. You saw Cassie try and push Fez off but only was thrown to the ground herself.
“Fez! Fez!” You screamed the moment you were close enough. You saw the blood across his knuckles and the floor, spraying into the air every time his fist landed. Your hand wrapped around his arm and pulled on it.
Fez looked up towards you and his eyes were dark and his face cast with a look that you were familiar with. A look that you knew that his anger was at a point of nearly no return.
“Let’s go!” You shouted and pulled on his arm again.
Fez moved from atop of Nate Jacob’s and allowed you to pull him out. You looked over your shoulder and watched as Maddy and Cassie tried to carry Nate out. The moment you walked out into the cool air it was like for a moment you were able to breathe.
Fez reached down and grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the car, Ashtray already behind the wheel with the car already running. Fezco slid into the passenger seat as you climbed into the back. Ashtray didn’t even wait for the doors to be closed before he was peeling out onto the road. The entire drive back to the house was tense and silent.
Fezco could feel the anger radiating off you as you sat in the backseat, face turned to look towards the window.
When the three of you got back to their home you immediately searched for the first aid kit that was in the bathroom. When you walked back out you saw Fezco in the kitchen and Ash sitting in the living room. He warily looked between the two of you. It was rare for either of you to be mad at the other. But whenever it happened he knew it was best to stay out of it.
You scoffed as you watched him try to clean the blood from his hands in the kitchen sink.
"Stop it, you're going to make it worse." You spoke before grabbing his hands and turning off the sink.
"I got it ma," Fezco mumbled but stopped talking the moment you looked up towards him through your lashes.
"I can't believe you fucking did that." You spoke, your tone was even and it sort of scared Fez. He felt it would be better to have you screaming at him.
"He had to be taken care of. You know I 'ouldn't let that shit go." Fezco explained as you reached to grab a few cotton pads and the rubbing alcohol. He hissed the moment it was pressed against his bruised skin.
"Nate's dad owns half this fuckin' town, Fez. If he wanted to he could have your ass in prison before you knew it."
"That ain't gonna happen, ma."
"How do you know that?" Your voice rose and you stepped back away from him. You could feel the tears rising to fill your eyes.
Fez pushed off the counter and moved towards you the moment he heard the sniffle.
"Don' cry...please, know I hate that..." He spoke softly, his arms wrapping around you and pulling you close.
You shook your head and stepped out of his arms before reaching back into the first aid kit. Fez stood by and watched as a tear moved down your cheek. He didn't know what to do. He didn't regret what he did to Nate Jacobs. He had it coming the moment the cops were pounding on his front door.
"Ion know what you want me to say, y/n" Fezco spoke softly
"You don't have to say anything." You shook your head, making sure to clean off his knuckles, before applying the ointment. "Just was scared...usually you tell me things."
Fezco shook his head, "Not this time. Had to keep you safe."
"Same reason I couldn't come tonight to meet the new supplier?" You cocked a brow as you wrapped his knuckles. Fez looked towards you confused. "Ash told me."
Fez clicked through his teeth, "Don' listen to the kid. He 'on know what he talkin' bout."
You rolled your eyes and cleaned up the supplies. "Don't play that shit with me Fez. I've known what's up since we were kids. I don't know why you try and keep me in the dark."
"Cause I gotta protect you from shit sometimes."
Fezco reached and gently brushed the hair that had fallen into your face away. His eyes softened as he looked towards you and slowly you could feel the anger you had fade. It truly was hard for you to be mad at him.
You loved him.
"Who's gonna protect you then?" You asked, "Who's gonna protect you from shit?"
"That not ya job," Fezco spoke
"Why not? I can't stand by and let things happen...not when that could result in not having you anymore. Cause that can't happen, Fez, I can't lose you."
He softened and moved towards you again, holding you tightly as he pressed you against the counter. You could feel the edge of it pressing into your back but you didn't care. The smell of his cologne and weed surrounded you and began to calm you slowly.
"You're not gon' lose me." Fezco spoke, "Never, you hear me?"
You nodded your head against his chest before closing your eyes. Standing there in his arms calmed you a little bit but in the back of your mind, you knew that the threat of what happened tonight still loomed.
"Now let's get some sleep, ok?"
You pulled away and nodded your head, "Gonna shower quick first."
Fezco stood there and watched as you disappeared down the hall before turning into the bathroom. He let out a deep and heavy sigh before walking towards the living room where he knew Ash still sat. Ash looked towards him with a blank look on his face.
"You got somethin' to say too, kid?" Fezco spoke after a long moment of silence.
"When are the two of you gonna finally pull your heads outta ya'lls asses and just say how ya feel?"
Fezco's brows pulled together, "What are you talkin' bout?"
Ashtray stood from the couch and rolled his eyes "The two of you have been in love for fuckin' years and it's gettin' really annoyin that neither of ya'll sayin' anything."
Fezco watched his brother walk past him and go down the hall into his room.
You couldn't feel the same? Could you?
“Ain’t no fuckin’ way.” Fezco spoke to himself before heading towards him bedroom.
Part Two
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jeyramarie · 3 years
new years chaos- Fezco x Reader
summary: you see your ex again
wc: 1,951
warning: drugs, alcohol, cursing? i don’t remember🤡, blood 
a/n: first time writing for fez, saying that i’m nervous is an understatement 😂 i hope everyone enjoys, lmk what you think. I have another idea for fez so let’s see how this one goes but anyway happy reading 🦋
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Jules invited you to some New Year’s Eve party with Kat and her boyfriend. You were a bit hesitant since she dated your cousin and you knew Fez was going to be there. And you hadn’t seen each other since your break up. It wasn’t messy or anything but you were both hurt by it. Ashtray comes over to your apartment from time to time to check up on you. Of course, it’s obviously coming from Fezco. He went out of his way to protect you all the time. 
“Y/n! Come on, Kat’s here!” Jules shouted from down the stairs of her house and you finished getting ready. 
“I’m coming! Calm your tits!” You shouted back, adding a bit more mascara before grabbing your purse to leave. You sighed and walked down the stairs as you texted Rue, asking her where she was. 
“Hot damn, look at you.” Jules said with a wide smile. You were wearing a short red dress with a v-neck line that showed off your tits. Your hair was down in soft waves and your makeup had a surprisingly perfect fox eye liner. 
“Oh stop, have you looked at yourself? Short hair looks amazing on you.” You complimented, standing in front of her. 
“Well thank you for encouraging me.” She smiled before grabbing your hand, pulling you outside. 
“Look at these hot ladies!” Kat shouted from the car as you both walked out of the house. Jules got into the car first and you followed by bidding a ‘hello’ to Ethan before making your way to the party. 
When you all arrived, people filled the house. They were walking in and out, dancing on the roof as they drank, smoked and danced. You start looking for your cousin, just to make sure she was okay since you know she relapsed. 
“Hey, Y/n.” Lexi said from behind you. 
“Hi, Lex. How are you doing?” You asked with a smile. 
“I’m doing fine but have you seen Cassie?” 
“Um.. no, I just got here.” 
“Can you text me if you do?” 
“Yeah, sure.” You nodded. She muttered a ‘thank you’ and walked away in search of her sister. 
“Let’s go get drinks!” Kat shouted over the music as she grabbed Jules’ hand. The blonde grabbed your hand and pulled you along with them as you made your way through the crowd of people. 
Kat made the drinks which meant that they were extra spiked. You weren’t a huge drinker so you’d probably get drunk quicker than you’d want. After getting the drinks, you all moved to the dance floor, vibing along to the music as it was getting closer to midnight. You all got tired of dancing, which caused you to disperse into the party. 
Jules went to look for Rue, Kat went to some corner with Ethan which left you looking for a place to sit. The heels you had chosen were not the smartest choice. Your feet were screaming for relief so you almost ran to an empty spot on the sofa you spotted across the room. You sighed in relief the second you sat down. 
“Oh hey shawty.” a voice said next to you causing you to turn your head. Your breath caught up in your throat when you saw Fezco. You haven’t seen him in months. He was smoking a joint, as usual, his beard was a bit longer but his eyes looked at you the same way. 
“Hi.” You almost whispered with a smile. 
“How you been?” He asked, taking another hit from his blunt. 
“Um.. I’ve been okay. How ‘bout you?” 
“Same old shit. You look good.” 
“Thanks, you too.” You chuckled, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. He looked at you again and stood up, moving closer to you. 
“You wanna hit?” Fez asked, holding the blunt closer to you. Without saying a word, you leaned forward connecting your lips around the blunt to inhale a considerable amount. You leaned back on the couch and exhaled with your head thrown back against the cushion. 
“How’s Ash?” You asked, crossing your legs. 
“He good. ‘Round here somewhere, ion know.” He shook his head as you chuckled, biting your lip. 
“I missed you.” He muttered, looking at you. 
“I missed you too.” You replied with a grin. 
“Do you wanna… go dance?” 
“Yeah, sure.” He smiled, standing up from the sofa as he extended his hand towards you. You grabbed his hand and felt the butterflies come to live again. Fez pulled you to the middle of the dance floor, keeping his body close to yours as you looked up at him. Your hips moved to the beat of the music as his hands ghosted over your hips, wanting to touch you desperately. You turned around, grazing your ass against him as you continued to dance. 
Fezco lowered his head and ghosted his lips around your neck. His hands found your hips, pulling you closer to him as he began to kiss your neck. Suddenly, Maddy accidentally bumped into you as she walked into the dance floor with some guy. She looked at you and smiled, sending a small wave as she continued to dance against the guy. You smiled back, leaning your head back against Fez’s chest. 
“Ayo, Fez. You got some molly, man?” A guy asked, coming from behind them which caused you to stop and turn around. 
“Yeah, homeboy. Gi’ me a minute.” He said and you nodded, walking over back to the couch where you once were. 
Fezco came back quickly which made you smile. He looked at his wrist watch and called what seemed to be Ashtray. Your smile turned into a frown when you heard ‘wait for me in the car’. That meant he was leaving. 
“You should go wait with, Ash.” He put his phone away.
“Go wait with, Ash. He aint gon admit it but he misses you.” Fez smiled as he took off his green sweater, handing it to you. 
“What are you doing?” 
“Go to the car.” 
“Fez..” You called out as you began to feel worried. He cupped your cheeks and connected his lips with yours. The kiss was soft. Fez parted away and looked at how shocked you were. You definitely weren't expecting a kiss anytime soon. You didn't even know what was going on. 
“I’ll be right out.” And with that he walked across towards Nate Jacobs. You didn’t want to stick around to whatever was about to happen so you gripped his sweater tightly as you walked towards the door. Jules and Rue were kissing as you walked out which caused you to smile, feeling nothing but joy for them. 
You stepped one foot out the door when you heard screams coming from inside. People were screaming for help as others ran out of the party quickly. You turned around and stood there, holding the sweater close to your chest, hoping that Fezco would walk out. The next thing you saw was an unconscious Nate, being carried outside by Cassie, Maddy and McKay. 
This caused you to be more nervous, not knowing if Fezco was hurt. After a few seconds, a bloody fist Fezco walked out with his brows knitted in anger. He saw you and visibly calmed down as he walked to you, grabbing your arm to make your way to the car. 
“Fez? You're bleeding, what happened?” You asked nervously as you walked fast behind him. He didn't answer, he just kept walking. You finally made it to the car to see Ashtray in the driver’s seat. Fez opened the back door for you but you turned to him in worry. 
“What happened in there?” 
“We’ll talk ‘bout it later, get in.” Fezco replied and you nodded before getting in the back seat. Ash looked at you through the rear view mirror and smiled. 
“Hi, Ash.” You smiled, tapping his arm. 
“Hey, how you doing ma?” 
“I’m okay, how ‘bout you?” 
“I’ve been better but I'll survive.” He chuckled, driving the car out of the car and onto the street. 
The car ride back to their house was silent. Ash didn’t ask questions while you were dying to ask them. Fez didn't bring anything up, no explanation on why his hands were covered in blood. When you arrived at the house, you stood by the door. You hadn’t been there in a while so it wasn't like you could just ‘make yourself at home’. A sudden noise broke your trance, as you saw Ash clumsily opening the first aid kit. 
“I can do it, Ash.” You said, walking towards the dinning, where Fez was. He sighed in relief and ran to the living room to throw himself on the couch and watch some TV. You moved a chair closer to the redhead before grabbing the cotton balls and the rubbing alcohol. Your hand grabbed his softly before pressing the cotton ball against his knuckles. He immediately winced in pain, making you take it away. 
“Sorry.” You mumbled, placing it against his skin again. 
“Are you gonna tell me what happened or is it gonna stay a secret?” You whispered, looking up at him. 
“I beat the shit out of Nate Jacobs.” Fezco mumbled, looking at the ground as your eyes widened in realization. You bit your lip and continued cleaning his hand. 
“ ‘Bout time someone did. He deserved it.” You mumbled, sitting up straight and leaning over the table to get the gauze. Fezco chuckled which made you smile, once you faced him again. Your eyes connected and you both stayed quiet, remembering your relationship. He leaned forward and placed his hand on your knee. 
“Thank you for staying.” He whispered. You leaned forward, tracing your fingers against his beard. 
“You know I like taking care of you.” You whispered back. 
“I like when you take care of me.” Fezco smiled and leaned in, connecting your lips together again. Your finger grazed over his chin as your lips moved slowly against each other. He parted from the kiss and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. 
“ ‘M sorry for breakin’ up wi you.” He whispered, causing you to lower your head to look at the ground. 
“I was stupid, I kno that bu’ I love you.” 
“And I love you.” You said looking up at him. 
“Stay tonight then, ma.” Fez suggested, tilting his head to the side. You bit your lip and nodded. 
“I’m gonna go text Rue. Let her know, I’m staying here.” You smiled, standing up from the chair with Fez’s hand still in yours. He never let go of your hand until you were far enough. 
Rue replied quickly and you put your phone back in your purse before walking back to the dining room to find it empty. A loud clutter came from the kitchen making you turn your head to see Fezco with tupperware. 
“Leftover pizza. You want some?” He asked. 
“Yeah, please. I’m starving.” You chuckled, moving next to him to run your hand across his back and around his waist. You pressed your cheek against his arm and he turned his head, pecking your forehead. Fezco placed the heated pizza slices on the coffee table in front of the couch. Ashtray had gone to his room which left you too alone. The redhead played a movie as his arm was wrapped around your shoulders. You stayed most of the night rekindling your relationship, remembering everything that made it go south as you both got high as a kite. You fell asleep on his shoulder as he traced random figures on your arm. It was the best sleep you’ve ever had since the break up.
@hansakind @idkimjusthereliving @romanogersendgame @black-fairy3 @bracefacelaiiiaa​ 
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sublimecatgalaxy · 3 years
Out Loud
Pairing: Lexi Howard x Reader
Song: "i wanna be your girlfriend' by girl in red
Summary: The reader is Fezco's sister, someone Lexi Howard has been in love with since they were kids. She tries her best to get information out of Fez about the girl, but she may have been a bit too obvious. So Ashtray and Fez take it into their own hands.
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of sex, uh, I think that's all? A/n: This is just. So cute. Thank you@steezysimfinds
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If anyone asked Lexi Howard to trace back to the time that she realized she was in love with Y/n, it would had to have been the Halloween party.
Y/n didn't do anything flirty, she wasn't obvious and certainly didn't show any romantic feels towards the girl. She simply complimented her creative Bob Ross costume, knowing in her heart that it probably took her hours.
Y/n could appreciate a good masterpiece and Lexi Howard was one to say the least.
I think Fezco was the first one to notice his sisters lingering eyes. He saw it at New Years whenever Lexi would move across the room, looking for Cassie anxiously. He knew that his sister liked women, well, some women. He knew that, just like him, their grandmother had told her to be careful when it came to love.
Their grandma would be proud to know that Y/n fell in love with a girl like Lexi Howard.
It had been solidified in Fez's mind that the girls were head over heels for each other when Lexi nervously came to sit next to him at the New Years party. Y/n had already left, needing to go home and sleep after a long day. He knew his sister would never make it till midnight anyways.
Lexi didn't though. And she was disappointed.
Fez had explained to her that Y/n was like an old lady, that she had a bedtime and that it was past it. Lexi was sad at Fez's words, silently hoping that she would chalk up enough confidence to pull Y/n aside and kiss her at midnight. She would never have done that though. Her brain just liked to come up with scenarios where she would.
Fez gave her Y/n's number that night, deciding to be helpful on both sides and play the best wingman he could. He could see right through his sister just like he saw through Lexi's nervous laughter when he had asked her if there was something going on between her and his sis. She politely denied anything of the sorts but she couldn't stop thinking about it for the rest of the night.
Actually, she thought about it for another two weeks.
And so did Y/n after Fezco told her about him giving Lexi her number. She was a bit mad at first, feeling unprepared and kind of exposed that her brother could read her like a book. But I guess after going through thick and thin with someone you start to pick up on things, huh?
He was quiet but, damn, he was observant.
But that led to today, Ash and Fez with smug smiles on their lips as Y/n steps out into the living room, Lexi Howard sitting on her couch with a soft smile on her lips.
What Y/n didn't know is that, though it took weeks of convincing, Fez had finally convinced Lexi to ask his sister out. Lexi couldn't believe the girl felt a similar way about her, her heart racing in her chest at the thought. She felt stupid, ridiculous even. She had seen how relationships in her life played out; her mom and dad, Cassie and whoever the fuck she's seeing now. She had every right to be nervous but the thought of actually getting to know Y/n was driving her wild.
"Hey, Y/n." Lexi smiles sweetly, Y/n's eyes flickering over between her brothers as their eyes lock on the floor. Guilty fuckers, what did you do? When she turns her attention back to Lexi, the girl just smiles and rises to her feet. "Can we talk?" She asks meekly, Y/n's head bobbing in a nod as she guides Lexi to her room. Not before sending a glare in the direction of her meddling brothers.
"What's up, Lex?" Y/n asks as she shuts the door to her bedroom, watching as Lexi blushes gently in the light.
"I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date." She chokes out, her chest rising in falling in nervous breaths. "Uh, with me." She adds with a nervous laugh, Y/n giggling at the sheepish girl. "Fez may or may not have mentioned that you may have a bit of a crush on me and I'd be, like, really dumb to say that I didn't feel the same way." She sways back and forth on her feet, nervously waiting for Y/n who smiles brightly.
"Uh, yeah, he'd be correct, though I never specifically told him that out loud." She giggles, Lexi's face relaxing at the words as she blows out a breath of air. "You're a catch, Lexi. You should really stop doubting yourself." Y/n adds, taking a step closer to her as Lexi nervously nods her head, knowing that Y/n's words were nothing but true. People had told her for years how great she was but she couldn't seem to fit that into her big brain. "But yeah, I'll go on a date with you." Y/n whispers gently, taking Lexi off guard as she stutters out a quick 'okay', a bashful smile on her lips. "We should go, like, now. Before they get the wrong idea and embarrass me more." Lexi chuckles, rolling her eyes as she nods, reaching forward to gently take Y/n's hand in hers. Y/n smiles fondly at the girl, the simple touch making her whole body ignite in flames.
As they make their way out into the room, Fez and Ash's eyes widen at the sight of them holding hands. Giving his brother a slight nudge, Ash grins at the two girls, sending them a polite wave.
"We're gonna, uh, get some food. So, don't expect me back for a bit." Y/n explains, her eyes flickering between the boys as they try their best to keep their proud grins at bay.
"I would say use protection but I think I know how that goes." Ash adds with a snort, Y/n quickly flipping him off as Fez falls apart in laughter. With a laugh, Lexi throws a quick 'bye' over her shoulders as Y/n pushes her out of the apartment before her brothers can say anything more to embarrass her.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex--awesome--22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the-heart @vampviolets
Euphoria Taglist:@ssprayberrythings @username-lols
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luvfae · 3 years
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summary: elliot's been watching you for a while, but he never dared to approach you. you were a good girl at heart and he didn’t think you'd want anything to do with him. all of that changes one friday night at a party, when both of your worlds collide.
fandom: euphoria
parings: elliot x f reader
warnings: smut, swearing
little star masterlist
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"You sent him a fucking nude?" Lexi said, eyes wide as you painted your toe nails on the floor of her room.
"Yeah," you shrugged. "He liked it."
"Are you crazy? What if he spreads it around?" Lexi asked.
You rolled your eyes. "Chill out Lex, he wouldn't do that," you said. She gave you a skeptical look. You didn't blame Lexi for reacting the way she did, she didn't know Elliot like you knew him, just like you didn't know Fezco the way she did. "I feel like Elliot and Fezco have a lot more in common than you realise."
"How so?" Lexi asked, waving her fingers over her freshly painted nails.
"Like they're both super sweet, but you wouldn't expect it," you said. Lexi shrugged, moving on to paint her fingers.
You spent the rest of the day with Lexi until it was nighttime and you had to go home. Lexi drove you to your house and you walked to the front porch, waiting for her to drive off before you ran back down the driveway and around the block to where Elliot was waiting for you.
You weren't a liar and you didn't sneak out ever, but your parents also didn't know who Elliot was and they would never let you stay at his place. Sure Lexi was your best friend but she also didn't trust Elliot. Which is why you had to lie. You told your parents you were staying the night at Lexi's and you told Lexi your parents were forcing you to sleep at home. When in reality Elliot had convinced you to stay the night with him. This was your first time seeing him in person since the photo you sent him and you felt a little awkward.
"How do you feel?" Elliot asked, looking over at your as he began to drive away.
"Guilty but also really happy," you said. He smiled, placing his hand on your thigh. It didn't take long for you to arrived at his house. "Hey, is it okay if I have a shower?" You asked and he nodded.
You grabbed your clean pyjamas and made your way to his bathroom, closing the door behind you. You turned the shower on and did your business, scrubbing the excess nail polish off of your skin.
Elliot sat on his bed, staring at his bathroom door. Knowing you were fully naked behind the thin wall was almost driving him crazy. He wished he could tare the door open and join you. Touch your body, have his way with you, but you had already done so much for him, sending him pictures, lying to your family and friends. He didn't want to overstep by asking you to have sex with him, as much as he wanted too. You were finished in no time, joining him on his bed.
"Feel better?" He asked and you nodded, scooting closer to him. You looked at him, pausing for a moment before you pushed your soft lips against his, your tongue working it's way inside of his mouth.
You moved onto his lap, your fingers gripping around the collar of his shirt, pulling him closer to you. You moved your lips down to his neck, giving him soft bruises like he had done to you, your hand trailing down his t-shirt, grabbing the hem of his shirt and tugging it up over his head. Your fingers ran up and down his chest, your lips attacking his once more.
You pulled away, resting your forehead against his, looking into his brown eyes. "I want you to take my virginity," you said.
Elliot let out a deep breath, "are you sure?"
You nodded. "I've never been more sure of anything in my life," you said.
Elliot brushed a few stands of hair from your face, placing his hands on your waist and gently pushing you flat on your back. He kissed you softly, his hands on both of your cheeks.
"If you want to stop just tell me and we'll stop," Elliot said. You nodded.
He kissed you again before pulling your shirt over your head, revealing your bare chest to him. He stared down at you, his hands gently squeezing your breasts, fingers playing with your nipples. You arched your back into his touch as his tongue replaced his fingers, taking a bud in his mouth. He gave an equal amount of love to each nipple before he moved on to your pants. His fingers slipped under the waist band, slowly sliding them down your legs, leaving you in nothing but your underwear. His fingers ran down your heat and you let out a small moan.
"I can feel how wet you are through your underwear," Elliot said with a smirk. He moved his fingers inside of your underwear, spreading your wetness through your folds. He rubbed circular motions against your clit and you couldn't stop yourself from moaning. He didn't take his eyes off of you as squirmed underneath him. "You ready?" He asked and you nodded, he pulled your underwear down your legs, discarding them on the floor with the rest of your clothes.
You laid completely naked in front of him, suddenly feeling insecure. Your arms flew to your chest, trying to hide yourself from him as he took his own pants and underpants off. He looked over at you and frowned, grabbing your wrists and pinning them either side of your head.
"Don't cover yourself up," he said. "You're perfect," he pressed a kiss against your forehead, grabbing a condom from his bedside table and rolling it onto himself. "Like I said, if you wanna stop just tell me."
"I will," you replied as he hovered above you, spreading your legs either side of him. He ran the tip of his cock up and down your slit a few times before slowly pushing himself into you, you began to feel nervous. You gripped his shoulders, it was painful and you screwed your face up as he slowly continued to push inside of you, pressure building deep within.
"You okay?" He whispered.
"Hurts," you said, opening your eyes to look at him. "Keep going, I want this." He nodded, slowly thrusting in and out of you, it hurt for a few seconds but eventually that pain turned into pleasure and you couldn't believe that this was actually happening.
Elliot knew the moment that the pain stopped because your eyes rolled into the back of your head. He smirked, pounding himself into you faster. Moans fell from your lips, you looked at him with innocent eyes.
"Feels so good," you moaned, nodding up at him. You snaked your arms around his neck, arching your back, pressing your chest against his and kissing him hard.
"You're so tight," he moaned against your lips. You pulled away from him, nails digging into his back. "Tell me when you're about to cum," he said. You whined at his words, forehead pressing against his as his strokes got faster and hit you even deeper.
"Fuck," you moaned, feeling your orgasm building already. Your head fell back, holding onto him even tighter. "I'm coming, i'm coming!" You exclaimed, body shaking violently against him, your walls clenching around his cock.
"Shit," Elliot breathed, watching you fall apart, your tight walls clenching around him pushed him over the edge and he came shortly after you did. He rode out the high, pulling out of you. "How was that? You okay?" He asked, getting off the bed and cleaning himself up.
You sighed with a smile. "It was amazing, i'm good," you said, your legs feeling like jello. "I'm tired now."
"Me too," Elliot said, walking back over to you, he pulled his pants back on and grabbed your clothes from the floor. He helped get you dressed again. "You should go to the bathroom, you can get a UTI if you don't pee after sex," Elliot said. You nodded, standing up and heading to the bathroom.
When you got back Elliot had the blanket pulled back, waiting for you to get in next to him. You smiled, resting your head on his chest and he tucked you in. He gave you a gentle kiss.
"Goodnight," he said. You hummed at his words, already half asleep and he smiled, his fingers massaging your scalp.
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© luvfae 2022
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yoursecrett · 2 years
Euphoria - Instagram Life
Part 3
part1 , part2
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cassiehoward and 212 others liked
Vacation Lover... yourusername
cassiehoward: my favorites
fezco: you got something to tell me Lex...
replies - yourusername: she's mine now x
natejacobs: beautiful girls
cassiehoward story
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yourusername story
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Private messages
Maddy Perez <3
Mads: Y/n what the hell
Mads: what is going on?? you have been ignoring me for days and now you are spending time with The Howard Family!
Mads: you know what happened between Cassie and I… I actually can’t believe you
Mads: Y/n you better answer me right now!!
Mads: I actually trusted you with my life
Mads: just wait until you are back Y/n!
NateJacobs ❌
NateJacobs: I must say you look beautiful
NateJacobs: how about you let me treat you to a date when you get back…
NateJacobs: let me know yeah
Part 3 is now up!
If anyone has any ideas please let me know, as I am always interested in peoples ideas!!
If you want to be added to the tag list, let me know ::)
If you have any idea of who you would Y/n to end up with, comment below :)
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A snake among us (part 1) | Fezco x Reader
Summary: You get a strange call from Fez
Pairing: Fezco x Reader
Word count: 0.9k
Note: This will be a fix-it for whatever happens on Sunday (if you know you know)
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You were sitting with Rue in the school's auditorium, waiting for Lexi's play to start. After a lot of bargaining with her mother and a promise to drop her off right after, Rue was allowed to come. Leslie didn't want to be a controlling or overbearing mother, but since Rue's last relapse, she had difficulty letting Rue go out and see friends, fearing she'd get her hands on drugs and relapse - again.
''Last I heard, it was Oklahoma, but the posters don't say Oklahoma so I don't think it's that. Did Lexi tell you what the play was about? Because I got no fuckin' clue.''
Before you could answer Rue's question, your phone went off. It was sort of a blessing because you didn't want to be the one to explain to Rue that the play was about Lexi's friend group - Rue included. 
''Lexi's play starts in ten minutes. Where are you?'' you asked Fez through the phone.
''I ain't commin' to the play no more. Tell Lexi I'm sorry.''
Last week, when Lexi came over to get a break from the Cassie-craziness going on at her house, she shared a bit about her play. Its synopsis had caught Fez's interest - being her own version of Stand by Me - and promised her he'd come to the premiere.
What made him change his mind?
''Why? Did something happen at the store? I thought Ash was supposed to-''
Fez interrupted you. ''Listen to me, baby. I need you to not come here after Lex's play.'' His voice was serious and calm, but if you paid attention, you could hear tension and angst he tried so hard to camouflage.
''Why?'' you asked again, your frown deepening.
There was a breathy pause. Fez was hesitating. ''I don't got much time, but promise me you won't come here.''
''Why not? Did something bad happen? Please, tell me there isn't a repeat of Mouse's situation.''
Coming to his house and finding Mouse on the living room floor with blood spilling from his head and onto the carpet was a sight you'll never forget. It took you weeks to stop seeing the gore-y image every time you close your eyes.
''No. No, it's nothin' like that. Don't worry, baby.''
The confirmation was relieving.
''But I need you to promise me, you won't-'' You could hear people talking in the distance, but couldn't make out who they were. Fez sighed. ''I gotta go. I love you, okay? You're the best fuckin' thing that came into my life. Remember that.''
''Why are you telling me this? Fez-''
He hung up and the lights of the auditorium turned off. The play was starting.
After that strange phone call, it was difficult to focus on Lexi's play. A part of you wanted to get up and drive to Fez's house despite the promise he made you do. See what was going on yourself. But another didn't want to hurt Lexi's feelings by leaving before the end.
''Wait, is this fucking play about us?'' you heard Maddy say a few seats down from yours.
Beside you, Rue shrugged, having not realized yet.
As predicted, Cassie was furious at her sister for not only making her a villain in her play and making her character a lot worse than she actually was, but also for using their real life as a piece of entertainment for others to see. She felt completely disrespected and exposed.
When the curtains closed at the end, you congratulated Lexi and brought her flowers.
''That was an amazing play, Lexi.''
''Well, thank you.'' The brunette smiled wide, her lips covered in a coat of red lipstick. ''Where's Fezco?'' she asked, not seeing him with you. ''I thought he'd be coming.''
You didn't mention the call and lied. ''He had an impediment. He texted me a little before the play, apologizing for not making it.''
''Oh. That's okay,'' she said, trying to hide her disappointment.
You congratulated Lexi one last time and left the backstage area. A storm was coming for her and you didn't want to be there when it'll explode.
Rue was waiting for you in the school hall, not wanting to be squeezed in backstage - and a little upset at Lexi for using her experience with addiction in her play without consulting her. She wasn't Cassie-level mad, she'll get over it, but she still felt a little betrayed by her childhood friend.
''Ready to go?'' you asked Rue, catching her sneaking glances at Jules.
She snapped out of her bubble, some of her stray curls bouncing at the movement. ''Yep.''
You nodded and the two of you headed to your car.
In the last two hours, your worry grew into a bad intuition. That phone call didn't feel right. I love you, okay? You're the best fuckin' thing that came into my life. Remember that.
''Eh, Y/N, you missed my street,'' Rue pointed out when you didn't take the turn to her street and drove ahead instead.
''I know.''
''I thought you were taking me home.''
''We're making a little detour first.''
You pulled into Fez's street and saw flashing blue and red lights in the distance. Police cars. A lot of police cars. Your heart rate accelerated. Please let it not be at Fez's house.
''Shit,'' Rue dragged, seeing the police cars lining the street. ''I think Fez got raided.''
That was impossible. Since he last got raided, Fez doesn't keep anything at the house. All the drugs were at the convenience store, securely kept in a safe in the secret room behind the coolers.
''This is not a raid, Rue. I...I think Fez and Ash got arrested.''
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infernalodie · 3 years
Could you do part 2 of 𝐈 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝟑𝟎𝟎𝟎 || 𝐋𝐞𝐱𝐢 𝐇𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 where 5 months later y/n and Lexi are watching "Stand By Me" at his house. They cuddled while watching the movie. He ask if she wants to say with him for the summer since his parents are leaving for their summer. She tells him she'll think about it, then when they got back Lexi's house Cassie was talking shit about y/n, Rue, Fezco, and Maddy. Then Lexi slaps Cassie which in turn surprised y/n. After that Lexi's mom gave her permission to stay at y/n house during the summer.
𝐈 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝟑𝟎𝟎𝟎 (𝐩𝐭.𝟐) || 𝐋𝐞𝐱𝐢 𝐇𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝
"𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘬𝘦𝘦𝘱 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘪𝘯 𝘮𝘺 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦 𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘐 𝘬𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘐 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘵 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵"
Pairing: Lexi Howard x Male!reader
Summary: Life had never been better for you and Lexi. After the play, you two had become official. Your friends supported you, left and right. Even your parents were happy and had told you, "You got a keeper." So, when your dad drops the hint that he and your mother are leaving for the summer, you decide to use that to your advantage. But there will always be some trouble in paradise. That trouble coming in the form of a demon: Cassie.
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(gif used is not mine)
Warnings: Fluff and some pure Cassie slander
Part One
Words 3254
"You know, this would be the greatest time to have Lexi over."
You lifted your head from your phone and looked at your father's words, frowning slightly. "What does that mean?"
"What I mean is that I and your mom are leaving in a week," he replied. "You finish school around the same time, so when we leave, you have my permission to let her stay here for the whole summer."
Now, if you were being honest, your dad's words came as a surprise. He had never been super lenient on things like this. Like, ever. So, his willingness was as groundbreaking as a famous person getting killed. Okay, maybe not that groundbreaking, but it shook you to your core.
Neither of your parents had been this open with Cassie when you brought her to them. They just seemed off when they met her. You guessed now that they had this sixth sense that you didn't have. Oh, how much you wish you did. Maybe then you would've never had wasted so much time when it could've gone towards the girl you were already picturing marrying.
But when they met Lexi, they were completely different people. They were welcoming and actually enjoyed what she had to say. Countless times sharing a laugh while you sat there, bewildered at how well it was going. Especially when Lexi had been in the kitchen helping dry dishes while you and your dad sat in the living room watching the Brooklyn Nets against the Lakers and him saying, "Don't mess this one up, Y/n. She's perfect for you."
That said a lot since your dad was a hard man to win over. But Lexi had seemed to do it in a record-breaking time of 15 minutes. And that was before any food had been put on the damn table.
"Are you sure?" You asked, slightly hesitant with the idea. "I can't tell if you're fucking with me or if you're being dead serious."
The stone-cold man took a sip of his beer and shook his head. "I'm not messing with you, I mean it," he reassured. "She makes you happy. You deserve this opportunity and it's better than staying around this house alone, sulking like a child."
Something about that allowed you the very next day to invite Lexi over. Mentally preparing yourself for the idea that you may be going too fast. You two may have been dating for 5 months now, but you didn't want to push anything onto her. So, you were also preparing for the rejection of the idea.
When Lexi arrived, she didn't knock. She stepped inside and kicked her shoes off. It had become a habit as this was like her second home. She'd been told many times by your mom, "Lex, if you're here for Y/n, you can just come in and go to his room. We don't mind." And something about that felt freeing as she had done it over and over again. Always greet your parents before likely staying the night and sleeping in your bed with you.
It gave her a domestic type of aura to it. Somewhat feeling like you two were a married couple, living together, coming home from a long day at work and just being there for one another's comfort and love. She loved every single second of it and allowed herself to enjoy it.
"Y/n?" She called out, shrugging her jacket off and softly laying it on the back of the couch.
"Hey, babe!" She heard you call back to her. "I'll be in there in a second. You can get the movie prepared if you'd like."
She grinned. God, the domestic life would suit you so damn well, she thought as she got the movie ready to play before walking in the kitchen. Finding you standing in front of the microwave heating up some popcorn. Foot tapping against the ground was the first sign of anxiety that Lexi hadn't picked up on.
"Hey, you." Her sultry voice got you smiling instantly. Turning to her and smiling as she walked over.
"Hi." You wrapped your arms around her waist and kissed her briefly. Feeling all your anxiety be put on hold for just a moment. Lexi wrapped an arm around your waist and rested her head on your shoulder. Staring at the microwave as well. "How was your day?"
Hearing her sigh softly gave you all the answers you needed. Rubbing her shoulder softly and kissing the top of her head. "He’s going to be alright.”
When Fez got locked up, it had been the same night of Lexi’s play. She had leaned on you for support and you were more then willing to give it to her. You had been acquainted with Fez and would consider him a close friend of yours. Lexi had more of a past with him as she had been at his house with Rue on many questions. He had also been there to support her doing the play.
So, it was still taking her some time to get used to him not being around and being in prison. You had to admit, it was kinda weird not seeing the guy around town. His store was where you went to get your drinks and weed. But now that the store was closed and your supplier was gone, you had to figure out some new ways of getting what you needed.
“It just hurts knowing he lost his brother,” she muttered. “They didn’t deserve what they got.”
“I know,” you sighed. “But I know he’ll get his revenge and I’ll support every second of it.”
The microwave beeped loudly, breaking the conversation. You pulled away from her side and pulled the popping bag out of the microwave and poured it into a large bowl.
You two laid on the couch watching Stand By Me. The entire time, you resisted the urge to sob your eyes out as Lexi leaned further into you. Crying silently.
You had to ask her soon. If you didn’t now, you might as well forget it because there was no way you would find yourself doing it again. It took you everything to invite her over tonight with the intention of asking. But what if she said no? What if she said she wasn’t ready? What the hell-
“Do you want to stay with me for the whole summer?”
It was thrown out into the air and left Lexi pulling from your side suddenly. You nibbled on your bottom lip, placing the bowl down, avoiding her gaze. “My parents are going on a business trip for the whole summer and they said that you could stay here.”
Again, you were met by silence. Oh, I fucked up didn’t I, you thought. “If you can’t then that’s totally fine,” you spewed out. “I’m rushing things. Sorry. Fuck, I am so dumb. I just thought it would be a good-”
When you met her gaze, your rambling stopped when finding her grinning in amusement. You huffed in annoyance, falling to your side and turning onto your stomach as you heard Lexi laugh. Tucking your head under her jacket you snatched. “I hate you so much.”
“Oh, c’mon, you deserve that,” she laughed. “You do it to me all the time.”
“But not with something like this, Lexi,” you whined. “This is serious.”
“I know it, baby.” You didn’t make a move from under her jacket as she pouted. “Oh, c’mon, Y/n. Let me see your beautiful face.”
“No.” You paused, pulling her jacket off your face and craning your head to look back at her with a slight frown, worried. “Baby, are we fighting?”
That caused Lexi to laugh as you groaned, stuffing your head back under her jacket. Of course, the reason you sounded so scared was because of the fact that neither of you had fought in the 5 months of being together. In fact, if there had been any indication of a fight occurring, both of you seemed to realize it was coming and could defuse it and talk like responsible people.
And Lexi just found it funny because you seemed genuinely fearful of the possibility. “Y/n, c’mon.”
You grunted in response. Lexi sighed, climbing onto you straddling your lower back. Laying against you with her hands trailing your arms until her hands met yours. Interlocking your guys’ fingers.
“I would say yes, but I don’t know how my mom would react.”
“She would say yes.”
Lexi laughed. “Yeah, but that’s if you ask her,” she corrected. “You won her over the moment you met her and spent the night at our place. She didn’t hear us having sex, so she was happy enough. Even when I was practically screaming.”
“You know,” you began, “you can be real dirty when I least expect it, right?”
She giggled, hands coming down to lift the hem of your shirt up to your neck. “Like, I mean, you do it when I don’t think you will but then you throw me a curve ball and everything.”
“I need to think it over a bit, alright?” She reasoned, silencing your rambling. “I’ll give you my answer when you drive me home. Then we can ask my mom and see what she has to say.”
Her lips pressed light kisses along the entire scale of your back. Silently praising your body just the way you liked it. You had helped her get out of her comfort zone. One reason being that Lexi secretly could be very dominating in bed and you fucking loved it. Just having her hand around your throat while she was on top was something you never thought you would ever see or love, but you did.
The second reason being the fact that she showed love to your body that you weren’t used to. You were more of the giver in any relationship you’ve been in. But with her, she could also take you places you haven’t been. Praising your body was one of those places because she made you feel all mushy gushy and it was unusual. But nevertheless, you loved it because it was coming from Lexi.
“You didn’t tell me about your day,” Lexi pointed out, nibbling at the flesh of the nape of your neck. “How was it?”
You hummed, enjoying the light kisses and nibbles your girlfriend did. Finding it too damn relaxing to pay attention to anything else. “A normal day,” you mumbled. “Trying to get ready for final exams this year.”
“You’ll do amazing,” she reassured before pausing. “I mean, I helped. So, you better do amazing or I seriously messed up somewhere.”
A rough and loud laugh came from you, followed by a gentle sigh to flow from your lips. “Yeah, love you too, baby.”
Lexi smiled, taking her shirt off and pressing her body to yours. The natural heat warming her more than the shirt actually did. Carefully pulling her jacket from your face. Watching you turn your head to her with half-lidded eyes. Tiny bags under them, indicating the lack of sleep and stress from studying.
She pressed a kiss to your shoulder. Letting them linger for a moment longer before resting her chin there. “I love you.”
You would never be able to get over the butterflies that erupted in your stomach every time she said those three words. Every time felt like the first time.
You leaned back, kissing her nose before resting your had on your arms that crossed over above you. “I love you too.”
It just stayed like that for a while. You two sitting there, watching the movie with your natural body heat warming one another. Staying there up until the very last minute before Lexi had to be driven home. And it was peaceful drive. Lexi’s hand holding your that hold the gear shifter. A soft melody playing through the speakers of the vehicle.
These moments were the ones that you loved. Able to just sit in silence with the girl you loved without needing to talk. Show your love in small touches and occasional glances. Lexi just made it so easy for you to relax and be able to feel at peace with everything around you. It was absolutely amazing.
When you guys got to her house, again, you walked up to the front step in silence. But it was good because you now could hear the banshee voice of Cassie, clearly yelling at her mother. “I don’t know why the hell you’re allowing her to go to his place when he is my ex!”
“Because she deserves it!” Suze yelled back. “She’s been taking care of us since your dad left and now she gets to have someone who cares and loves her!”
Cassie laughed. “Oh, yeah,” she said. “Y/n just needs all the care in the world. Rue just needs the support cause her dad died. Fezco needs her attention cause he lost his brother from stupid mistakes he made. They just need her love so they can give it to her, right? Y/n, Rue, and Fez are just a bunch of stupid assholes who don’t deserve anyone to care for them.”
Her words dug deep, you weren’t going to lie. This was coming from the ex who you had devoted all your time to. Cared for and loved more than anyone else. But this was also coming the psychotic banshee who just had Nate break up with her, so that just put things into perspective.
And it seemed Lexi felt the absolute opposite as she swung the front door open and marched inside. “Oh, fuck- Lex!”
She didn’t listen as she made her way to Cassie. And before you could stop her, Lexi spun Cassie around and smacked her to the ground. The first act of aggression (besides the bedroom) you had ever seen, and it honestly turned you on a bit. Even proud.
“Don’t ever say that about them!” Lexi exclaimed, pointing at her sister who held her cheek, staring up at her in shock. “It’s not anyone else’s fault that you fucked up every relationship you had. Don’t put that on anyone else besides yourself.”
There was a long, painful silence that you stood beside Lexi with wide eyes. Hands stuffed in your pocket as you glanced at your girlfriend and her proud mother. Nodding to yourself, and then remembering. “Hey, uh, Suze? Do you mind if Lexi stays with me over the summer? My parents already said it was good, but if you wanted to contact them for reassurance, then you can.”
It took everyone out of the moment, which you wanted. The suffocating tension in the room was very much still there, but was alleviated. Giving you time to hook a finger in Lexi’s belt loop and pull her back. Keeping it there in case Cassie decided to make another rude comment about you or anyone else.
“Yeah, I don’t mind,” Suze said. “She could stay there for the last week of school if she wanted.”
“I told you she would say yes.” Lexi elbowed you, grinning at the tiny groan that left you.
“Are you serious right now?” Cassie complained. “She’s allowed to stay at his house while I’m trapped here? After what she did to caused me and Nate to break up?”
Before Lexi could do anything to shut her sister up, you tugged her back. “Go pack some clothes, Lex,” you told her. “I’ve got some things to say to your sister. Suze can make sure she doesn’t try and tear my throat out.”
With hesitance, Lexi gave you a kiss on the cheek before jogging up the stairs to her shared bedroom with Cassie to get ready. You sighed, pulling your pant legs up slightly as you crouched down in front of the blonde. She still held fear towards you after your official break up. They’d been ruthless and unforgiving, and you did not care.
You hated her, deeply. She was up there with Nate and that fuckin’ said something. “Listen, Cassie,” you began. “This has nothing to do with, Lexi. She did nothing but expose the truth that your boyfriend- Oh, sorry. Your ex-boyfriend could be gay. Internalizing it and turning it into hatred, projecting it out onto others.”
The casual expression you held, fell slowly. A deep glare forming with a slight snarl of your lips. “But don’t ever say anything bad about Lexi, ever,” you growled. “You take your anger out on me. Not her, not fucking Rue, and not fucking Fez. You put yourself in this situation. No one else, but yourself. Don’t try and drag the ones that cared about you down with you. It isn’t pretty, sweetheart.”
Your cold-stone gaze Cassie that was full of resentment, heart break, and a dash of fear. Some times, when you would be with Lexi, you often wonder; how the fuck did she have a sister so fucked up? How did you even date this witch of a girl? How did anyone for that fact, even be friends with this girl? But it was her looks. Her willingness to please men around her. You couldn’t judge. There had been a time when went around town. Fucking girls left and right as if it was a game to you.
But somehow, in some god forsaken chance, you had won over the sweetest girl to walk this earth. And now, her sister had to suck up and accept the fact that her sister, was now dating you. A better version of yourself. One that isn’t constantly stressing on where she is or where she’s going. No, you were far more calmer. Less envious of the men around you or the men around Lexi. Because you damn well knew that you made her realize that she was yours and you were hers in that bedroom.
With a grin, you stood to your feet and sighed. Removing your gaze from Cassie and turning to Suze. “Thank you for allowing Lexi to stay at my place,” you kindly said. “If there is ever a night you want to come over or us to come here for dinner, then we will.”
Suze smiled as she saw Lexi walking down the stairs with a suitcase in hand. Looking like she was going on a whole vacation. But to be fair, your company and home was the vacation she needed and wanted.
She greeted the both of you out, pressing a kiss to your cheek and telling you to take care of Lexi. And then the two of you were off back to your place. Preparing for the final week of school and a summer of nothing but bliss.
When Lexi awoke, she blinked rapidly. Eyes straining from the slight grow the white curtains gave off from the morning sun. Moaning in protest and rolling over. Being met with your sleeping and relaxed expression.
A smile tugged at her lips, curling softly as she daringly reached forward and trailed a finger tip along your arm. Leaning forward and kissing the goose bumps that were left in the wake of her touch.
“If you’re planning on getting out of bed, then you’ll be sadly mistaken.”
“And why’s that, Y/n?” Lexi replied, scooting closer to you. Your arm instinctively wrapping around, hand gripping the swell of her ass in a gentle squeeze.
Finally opening your eyes and smiling softly. “Because I love you too damn much.”
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iheartlexihoward · 3 years
vulnerable (pt 5 ; the party) // fez
*・゜゚・* summary: it's the first time you've seen fezco since that night, and things feel different. very different.
*・゜゚・* pairing: fez x reader
*・゜゚・* cws: alcohol, drugs, physical abuse mention, maddy being a no1 friend but possibly missing the mark a lawt
this is part 5 of this series! find part one here / masterlist
as i mentioned in the a/n of the previous part, 4 & 5 were actually all supposed to be the same chapter but i thought it was a lil too much going on so i preferred the format of splitting them ! i didn't want to keep anyone waiting for too long tho so here u go <3 the split is legit just for my personal configuration preferences LOL. i hope u are all still enjoying so far, and lmk ur thoughts <3
just to reiterate, my requests are also open for blurbs or anythin if anyone is interested :-)
That evening, all the girls had crowded round into Maddy’s room to get ready and pregame a little. As you took a couple of shots, swiped gloss over your lips, and slipped into the outfit you’d spent a millennia choosing back home, you only had one thing on your mind.
You tried not to show how preoccupied you were, not wanting a repeat of earlier. You’d sang along to the songs on the way there, joined in on the laughter and conversations. And when you finally arrived, it took everything in you not to waltz your way out back where you knew he’d be.
Instead, you’d shown restraint. You’d poured a drink with Cassie, lounging on the couch talking to her and Lex until a tipsy Maddy tottered over. She grabbed you by the hand and pulled you up to dance, wrapping her hands around your neck as you both swayed and laughed.
“Spin me!” Maddy had to shout to be heard, glee evident in her tone and unabashed smile. You obliged, grinning at your friend’s antics. When she pulled away from you to twirl under your outstretched arm, you immediately saw him. It was just for a split second, and he was across the room, but you’d know that boy anywhere.
And he was looking right at you.
You smoldered under his gaze, Maddy once again blocking him from your line of vision but the feeling of being watched by him so fucking intense. You were hyper-aware of every move you made, whether it be a swing of the hips, bringing your drink up to your mouth, leaning forward to talk.
When the song ended, you couldn’t take it anymore. Prizing yourself from the girl’s arms, you made your way over to the counter where the liquor lay out and began to mix yourself a fresh drink. As you poured the alcohol, someone came and leaned on the surface to your left. Unable to stop yourself from immediately smiling knowingly, you looked up.
“Hi.” You blinked softly as you spoke.
Subconsciously, Fez returned the gesture, slowly fluttering his eyes. “Hey.”
“How you been?” The mixers were all lined up on a shelf just a little too high for you to comfortably reach. As you stretched to try and grab one, he didn’t even give you chance before turning around and getting it for you, fingers brushing against yours as he handed the bottle over. You thanked him and plucked his joint from him coquettishly, letting it rest between your lips as you used both hands to pour.
“Shit…” When you were done making your drink and had taken a couple of drags, you gave it back. “Better now I seen you, ma. A lot better.”
You turned around to join him in leaning up against the counter, moving slightly closer. Your arms were crossed as you took a sip of your drink, watching the crowd together. Maddy was still dancing (as she could usually be found), only now she’d roped Cassie into being her partner. The two girls moved to the heavy beat, Maddy insistent on putting on a show, weaving around her friend with grace despite the many drinks she’d taken back throughout the evening. You hadn’t drank like usual this particular night. You were definitely buzzed, but when the other girls were taking four, five shots back at Maddy’s, you were insistent on just sticking to a couple. You didn’t want to be too far gone, knowing that night was going to be the first time you saw Fez again.
“What ‘bout you? You been good?”
Your arms uncrossed and your right hand rested on the counter, edging closer to where his was leaning. Fez looked down upon feeling the eventual whisper of contact, your pinky stroking across the back of his hand before wrapping around his. “Better now I’ve seen you.”
As you both looked up, your gaze met. God, you wanted to kiss him, and in that moment it became increasingly difficult to give a single shit about your friends seeing. All you’d thought about the whole week was his lips, your bodies moving against one another, the way he’d pulled you into his lap with so much passion and desperation.
“M’ I gonna getchu to myself tonight?” He put the joint to his lips between a thumb and forefinger.
You smiled and squeezed his pinky. “You always do.”
Fezco looked down shyly, then moved his hand to encompass yours. His larger one slotted perfectly over, warm and consoling. Like home.
“See you later, Fez.” Touching his arm, you pulled away from the kitchen counter and started to make your way back out to your friends, shooting him one last look. “I’ll find you.”
Maddy near immediately collared you when she saw you walking across the dance floor, just trying to quietly make your way back to Lexi. Her arms were thrown around you and a firm kiss planted on your cheek — your hair stuck to the transfer of gloss, you shaking your head to try and free it.
“Where did you go?” she whined, comically spluttering when you accidentally whacked her in the face with your hair.
“Oh my God, sorry.” Giggling, you gestured behind you. “I was literally there. I was getting a drink.”
She gave you a look you couldn’t quite place — somewhere between disbelief and amusement. And then as soon as it appeared, it was gone. Maddy’s arms shifted from around your shoulders, her hand grabbing yours as she rocked back on her heels. “Come to the bathroom, I gotta pee.”
You allowed her to drag you through the hallway, scooting amongst the various people talking and making out against the walls. The nearest washroom was right down at the end, Maddy having to break into a trot around halfway there.
When you reached your destination, you took the initiative of closing and locking the door (not that Maddy would have been able to do it anyway, already tugging her underwear down her thighs and waddling quickly towards the toilet). You sipped at your drink slowly, averting your eyes as she finished up and went to go wash her hands.
“You gotta go?” she asked, turning round to grab a hand towel. You could, you guessed, earlier beverages starting to weigh on you a little. Setting your cup down on the side, you sat down as Maddy watched your face.
“Um… dude,” you chuckled nervously. “You gonna stand and watch me pee for weird sexual reasons, or…?”
“Oh my God, no.” She laughed, looking away. “I’m just… trying to figure you out right now.”
“What do you mean?”
“Bitch, have you seen how weird you’ve been acting recently?” The girl waved an immaculately manicured hand in your direction as you flushed and made your way over to the sink. “Like, I don’t know… just spacey. Different. And really fucking secretive. Like, for a while now.”
“I hadn’t noticed anything.” Your hands lathered, you rinsed them under the warm tap and picked up the towel Maddy had slung to the side.
“Well, we all have!”
“What, you’ve been talking about me?” You weren’t actually mad and you wanted her to know that — but you had to admit, the idea of your closest friends gossiping behind your back didn’t make you feel great.
“Yes! Not like that. Out of concern.”
You scoffed and picked your drink back up, touching her wrist. “Maddy, none of you need to be concerned about me. There’s nothing, I promise. Let’s go dance.”
You tried to tug her away, but she was steadfast. She looked at you for a moment tenderly, empathy clear on her face, like she was trying to reach something inside you. “If you’re seeing someone, we’ll all be so happy for you. Whoever that person is.”
Oh shit. You froze, opening your mouth to speak but nothing coming out. Did she…? Maddy continued, squeezing at your hand.
“It just makes me sad that you don’t feel like you can tell me things.” It almost looked like her eyes were beginning to water, but she blinked and it was gone. Not much could make Maddy ruin her makeup when the night was barely beginning. “I love you. If someone is making you happy, who gives a fuck what anyone else thinks? And you know I would never judge you. I don’t give a shit about any of that. Do you think any of the girls do?”
Okay. Gears were turning in your head. She could have been talking about you and Fezco, and she’d acted weird when you said you were in the kitchen earlier. It was very possible she’d seen something, or put two and two together from previous occurrences. But, it also sounded a lot like…
“Like, literally none of us would care. I promise.” Maddy dragged you in for a tight hug, and you hazily returned it, not exactly knowing what was going on. She pulled away and smiled, mouthing a ‘love you’. Your brain couldn’t compute a reply before she entwined her hand in yours, leading you back out the door and into the overpowering atmosphere of the main room.
So… either Maddy knew everything, or she thought you were gay.
Not that you cared if she did; and anyway, it only made you love her more how sweetly she’d handled the situation. You understood why she could come to that conclusion. Hell, if someone you knew was constantly hiding their phone screen, sneaking out to meet mystery ‘friends’, and had seemingly lost all interest in the opposite sex, you might even think the same. It meant a lot to you that she was worried you were in turmoil, and had wanted to privately talk to you about it. All of this sinking in, you realized that she probably was under the impression yours and Fez’s relationship was akin to his and Rue’s — close, yet deeply platonic. God, if she knew.
It had been around an hour or so when you decided to go and hunt for Fez again. Maddy hadn’t brought up the odd conversation once; in fact, she’d acted like it hadn’t even happened at all. You decided the best course of action was just to try and brush it off. You’d neither confirmed nor denied a single thing, whatever she was actually pertaining to. You hadn’t even said anything back to her. Either way, it seemed good enough for her just knowing she’d said her piece, given you her full support. People didn’t always give her enough credit. While her choices as a girlfriend were sometimes questionable, as you grew closer you’d come to realize she was one of the best friends anyone could have.
You’d slipped your bag onto your shoulder and rifled through for your phone, checking to see if you’d received anything. It was little disheartening when there was nothing, but nonetheless you made your way through the sliding glass doors and out to the pool area. Hayley was a girl in Cassie’s grade, and to say her parents were affluent would have been an understatement. The outside area was massive, with a large poolside patio. Past that was an even bigger lawn area, surrounded by foliage.
There were plenty of areas set up for guests to lounge around in, smoking and drinking. Outside furniture at parties was always a Fezco-magnet, and you often found yourself loitering around there waiting for him to turn up.
It was a little difficult to see in the dimly lit area, and there were quite a few people around. But after a quick scan of the crowd, you spotted him. He was seated away from everyone, slouching on an outdoor sofa with a foot up on the low table in front.
“Since when do you drink Bud?” you teased, trudging up to him and flicking the bottle as you took a seat.
Fez automatically tilted his beer up to look at the label, then broke into a toothy grin. “Uh… I’on know. Today?”
You sidled closer to him slightly, tucking your left leg underneath you and leaning on the back frame of the sofa. “What you been up to tonight?”
“Shit, jus’ chillin’.” It didn’t take a detective to figure out he was extremely high, dragging his words out and pausing before every answer. You always found it cute, the way his eyes drooped and his movement became slow. “Watched you dancin’ a little bit. Enjoyed that.”
Laying your head in the crook of your elbow, you flushed and giggled like a preteen. “That’s really embarrassing for me, Fez.”
“Nah, nah. Girl, you looked fuckin’ good… too fuckin’ good, like… Goddamn.”
You pulled at the arm of the colorful sweater he had on, playing with the fabric between your fingers. Fez moved his arm to rest the beer on your bare leg, a gesture sending goosebumps through you for reasons other than the cold bottle. Stroking the index finger curled around it before poking at the tip with your own, you looked down at his hands. You’d always liked them — they were pretty. Strong. Fezco met your playful gesture, toying with your pointer finger back.
“You been busy?” You looked up at him. He contemplated your words for a while before answering, looking off at the house, up into the stars.
“Nah, man.”
Pausing in anticipation, you leant forward subconsciously. “That’s it? Just, ‘nah’?”
Fez licked his lips then took a sip of his beer, gently making sure your hand was out of the way before he moved. He rested his drink in the same place on your thigh when he was done. “Nah, I ain’t come here to do that shit.”
“Then… why are you here?” Ouch. That had sounded much harsher than you meant it. You scrambled to cover yourself. “Fuck, that came out so wrong, I’m sorry. You know what I mean. Usually you, like, only come to these things to make money.”
He brought his gaze up to your face, eyes raking over your features, sparkling in the far-away lights of the party. “That ain’t the only reason.”
His stare felt like it was burning a hole through your skin, but you held fast. Your voice was velvet when it came out of your mouth. “What else?”
“Shit…” Fez smiled tenderly and turned away, leaning back on the couch. “Don’t make me say it.”
He’d come that night for you. That’s why he was sitting out back on his own, sipping on a beer he didn’t want and smoking himself into another dimension. Fezco had come to a random party where he knew no-one, didn’t like any of the music played, and wasn’t selling a thing. Just to see you.
It had gotten to the point where he always did. The usual money was a bonus.
Silently, you slipped your hand into the hem of his sleeve to graze your fingernails over his wrist. It reminded him of that night, when you’d given it a reassuring squeeze. He didn’t realize until you became closer, when you started feeling comfortable enough to provide him with these small affirmations, how much he adored being touched. It was something he avoided at all costs for years, every bit of contact making him want to scrub himself clean. It reminded him of his childhood. Of being hit.
But then you came along, and you were so soft, so gentle; he couldn’t help but melt. The first few times, he knew he’d flinched away a little, and was worried it would deter you. It didn’t, luckily for him, and over time the anxious feeling whenever he felt your touch began to dwindle. The night he came over was the first time he’d felt brave enough to reach out first.
“Listen…” Fezco’s head was leaning against the back of the sofa as he turned to face you. “Even if I wanted to… I ain’t got shit right now.”
“…What do you mean?” You circled your fingers over his skin, working in tandem.
“I jus’… don’t really got shit. I got fuckin’ raided. Lil’ while ago.”
“You got raided? The fuck, Fez, why didn’t you tell me?”
Fez looked down and rubbed at the side of his head, sucking his teeth. “Shit, girl… you got better things to do than worry ‘bout me.”
He was half-joking, but his voice held such an air of sadness it pained you. You shifted closer, so that your left leg was resting on top of his.
“Do you think I don’t worry about you anyway? Whatever you do or don’t tell me, I worry. I worry because I care about you.”
Swallowing thickly, he studied your hand moving steadily under his sleeve and plucked the beer from himself. His wrist moved upwards, allowing him to capture your digits with his newly freed ones. He fluttered his eyes closed, taking a deep breath.
“I had to do some bad shit as of late… you understand?” he began, voice low. “Shit I think might be sendin’ me straight to fuckin’ hell. ’N’ I don’t think imma good person anymore.”
“You are a good person. Always. The best.” You brought your free hand up to rest on his forearm. “Fez, what did you do?”
“I can’t tell you. ‘Cuz if I tell you… you might never look at me the same. And I can’t fuckin’ deal with that.”
“Nothing could change how I see you. You can tell me.”
He just shook his head slightly and tried to form a response, mumbling out something resembling, ‘jus’ can’t’. Your thumb swiped across his arm and you squeezed his hand ever so slightly.
“It’s okay. It’s what I always say… you don’t have to tell me anything. But I’m here. Always. And I care about you more than fucking life, Fez.”
Nodding slowly, he looked at you so sincerely you wanted to cry. He was in one of his moments where he was struggling to vocalize how he felt, but you knew what he was saying. Me too. Care ‘bout you more than anything.
A quiet moment was shared, you leaning in to bump your head against his, noticing a fallen eyelash on his cheek. Murmuring out a, ‘wait stay still’, you gently picked it off and held it out in front of his lips, a glint in your eye and smile tugging at the edges of your mouth. “Make a wish.”
Fez paused. “That you’ll come home wit’ me, baby.”
He blew.
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Keepin’ Secrets
Lexi Howard x Fezco [Euphoria Season 2]
Warnings: SPOILERS for episodes 1 and 2 of season 2 of Euphoria, Swearing, Vague suggestions of sexual encounters (consensual), Secret Relationships
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Minor Hurt/Comfort
Summary/Prompt: Lexi and Fez are hanging out and they run into Nate and Cassie
Requested by Anon. Here’s a fic based on your prompt, dear! Hope you enjoy! Love, Vy ❤
It comes as no surprise that Lexi and Fez have been keeping their relationship a secret and always only hang out either in the shop or at Fez’s place. Fortunately, they don’t care where they spend their time, all that matters is they’re together and enjoying each other’s company.
This night has been no different. The two, joined by Ash and Faye enjoyed dinner together despite having a minor accident of burning the food they were trying to cook. The incident wasn’t so bad since it allowed them to order a pizza instead which Ash secretly preferred from the start. 
Faye and Lexi took the time to bond more since the only time they had seen each other prior was when Cal so rudely interrupted them but as it would seem the two, although completely different and with nothing binding them other than their relation to Fez, ended up striking up a nice conversation they only dropped when they sat down to watch a movie with the drug dealer siblings. Fez was happy to see the blond who’s become sort of a sister to him over the period she’s been staying with him be herself: bubbly, happy and talkative. His heart as well as Lexi’s ached at the thought of how much she could’ve achieved if she hadn’t started doing drugs.
All in all, it was a wonderful night but alas it isn’t one Lexi can spend at Fez’s place till morning. 
Her mother and sister have been getting suspicious about her whereabouts since her excuses were running out and she was starting to worry that they’d actually ask Rue if she was staying with her or with Jules for the night which would only rise more questions among her entire friend group. To avoid getting caught in her web of lies and made-up stories and to suppress the suspicion of her family, she’s decided home for the night, much to her boyfriend’s dismay.
Not wanting to let her go already, he asked to walk take her home. And no, not drive her home, but walk her home for the obvious reason to spend more time with her. The car trip would be far to quick to each of their likings.  After Lexi hugged Ash and Faye goodbye they were out in the cold breeze of the night, walking hand in hand.
“So, you ever gonna tell your mom or sister ‘bout...“ He trails off for a second, “..well, bout us?“
It’s a question that has been bothering him for quite some time especially when he once overheard Cassie was trying to set her up on a date with some guy. That, of course, bothered him but he never brought it up to avoid sounding like a stalker which he really wasn’t - Rue had accidentally blabbered it out once when she was over at his place.  The last thing he wanted was for Lexi to actually go on a date with some guy to keep up the charade, acting like she doesn’t have a boyfriend.
Lexi, on the other hand, has been on cloud nine since their relationship was made official and has been dying to share it with someone but still hasn’t done so. She’s wanted to hint it at Cassie but after she ratted Fez out to Cal, she seemed like the last person Lexi would want to tell. She’s thought about telling Rue but hasn’t yet for whatever reason. To put it bluntly: she’s wanted to tell someone but she hasn’t been able to think of anyone she trusts enough to tell. “If I told my mom, chances are she’ll forget by the time morning comes so yeah, I wouldn’t mind telling her. If I tell Cassie....no, I won’t tell Cassie.“ She sighs, exasperated at the thought of how rocky relationship with her sister has gotten. “And if I tell mom she’ll tell Cassie...“
“Cassie.“ Fez says out of nowhere, squeezing Lexi’s hand as an alert which she fails to notice due to how deep she’s fallen in her own thoughts.
“Yeah Cassie.“ She replies absentmindedly.
“No, Cassie.“ This time the squeeze of her hand doesn’t go by unnoticed and she also takes note of how he’s said Cassie’s name.
She know something ain’t right.
She diverts her gaze back to the road ahead since it had trailed of as she spoke and what she saw made her blood run cold with both fear and anger.
A jeep was heading towards them - the unmistakable vehicle of the one and only Nate Jacobs. In the passenger seat sat a girl whose presence made Lexi’s stomach drop.
The car comes to a stop and the blond jumps out, running to what she thinks is her sister’s rescue.
“Lexi, what are you doing here? Are you ok?“ She asks, grabbing her sister by her forearms, her gaze scanning Lexi’s body for any bruises which angered Fez immediately. He couldn’t believe anyone could ever think he’d do anything to hurt his girlfriend. His anger subsides quickly though as it’s replaced by melancholy caused by the fact that he knows that she’s right to think that way. In Cassie’s and pretty much the entire town’s eyes he was this untrustworthy gangster who posed a danger to everyone and everything.
“I’m fine, I should be asking you that.“ Lexi snaps at her, shaking her sister’s hands off herself, “What are you doing in Nate Jacob’s car?!“
There’s a moment of silence between the two girls as they gaze into each other’s eyes, both of them infuriated by the other while the two man are glaring at one another, the intensity of their gazes threatening to break the windshield that’s separating them.
Suddenly, Cassie’s head snaps in Fez’s direction, forcing his attention away from Nate.
“If you lay a hand on her...” She’s stopped from finishing her sentence, cut off by Lexi.
“You can lecture him when you stop fucking with your best friend’s ex.“ Now, Lexi knew this may or may not be a bluff since that was only a gut feeling she had gotten from Cassie’s erratic behavior but when she sees the glint of fear in her eyes, she knows she hit the mark.
With another silent glare sent Fez’s way she goes back into Nate’s car and the two drive off, the driver’s eyes never leaving the blue orbs of the drug dealer.
“I’m sorry about her.“ Lexi says, after the jeep is out of their line of sight. She takes Fez’s other hand in hers too, alerting them both to the fact neither had let go of their earlier hand holding during the whole confrontation. There’s no way Cassie hadn’t noticed that but that’s exactly what makes Lexi smile - the fact that she didn’t let go of her boyfriend to keep up an act in front of her sister who clearly doesn’t have any sort of moral high-ground here. “She’s so fucking full of herself thinking she’s the better sister just cause she’s prettier or more popular...“
Fez cuts her off though, “I dunno ‘bout anyone else, but you’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen and popularity can’t measure how shitty a person actually is so fuck that noise.” He tells her as he frees one hand from her grasp to bring it up to cup her face, a thumb running over her cheekbone and lips. He feels her skin get warmer under his touch, “And you got nothin’ to apologize fo’, you didn’t do nothin’. You stood up for me and...that gotta be the hottest thing I’ve seen.”
Lexi knows she will have a lot of negotiating to do when she gets home and a fight to stand when her sister inevitably blows up at her for hanging out and even holding hands with the town’s most famous drug dealer. However, she will not stay silent this time. She will not let herself freeze up and sit there getting yelled at. No, she’s got leverage and she’ll use it against Cassie cause they both know what’ll happen if Maddy finds out about her late night rendezvous with her ex. Now, Cassie could say Lexi’s bluffing but she would never take that risk with the situation she’s currently in, therefore they’ll both be left to their own cases without any of the information spilling out further so more people would find out. As for Nate, Lexi can’t guarantee he won’t talk but she’ll do all in her power to get Cassie to shut him up.
Until then, however, she’s got more important matters at hand - making out with Fez in the middle of the dark street, marking their first kiss outside the walls of his home or shop.
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bobrossstan · 3 years
I love how we all in the fexi hive have come to the conclusion that whenever Lexi looks at Fez, she believes there must be a god up there for someone as him to exist in this world.
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ilikeoneshots · 3 years
Heat Waves
Fezco x Lexi - Euphoria
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It’s been eight years. Eight years since that New Years Eve party.
Six years since she saw Him.
On the occasional visits to her mom’s house from L.A., Lexi always seemed to keep an eye out for that familiar Cadillac.
Honestly, she thought about Him a lot. They spent a lot of time with each other after she returned that green sweater. Countless drives around town when her mom was being too much. Countless smiles and laughs.
He would always look right into her soul when she spoke. Listening whole heartedly, no matter the topic or tangent.
He told her once that he loved the way she spoke. Full of passion and earnest.
She loved that about him. How he was always focused on her. Made her feel seen, for once.
Lexi let out a huff of air and fixed her hair, coming back to reality. Her sister invited her to this new club that opened last week in downtown. So here she was, sitting in the corner of a booth while Cassie was being the social butterfly she was.
She continued sipping on the wine she had gotten earlier and people watched like she always did.
Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a man with a red beard. She turned to get a clearer view. Short, cropped dark hair and a neatly trimmed beard.
No way.
He was walking closer, talking to a semi taller younger man. He turned and she noticed the scar. Even through the hair he had let grow a bit, it was still visible.
She fidgeted with the dress her sister convinced her to wear out. A dark purple bodycon dress with thin straps. Nothing like what she would normally wear.
Taking a deep breath, Lexi moved from her booth.
I’ll just happen to walk past them. Yeah, that’ll work. If he notices me, he notices me. If not then I’ll just go to the bathroom. Yep. Here we go!
Lexi held her head up as she made her way by. It felt like time slowed down the moment they passed each other. Her shoulder barely grazing his in the crowded room. She noticed in the mirrored wall across the room how he had turned his head a little before continuing his conversation. When she arrived at the bathroom, time sped back up to normal. She let out a breath she didn’t realize she had held.
Taking this moment of seclusion to check her reflection. Her once brown hair now dyed into a blonde balayage and up to her chin. She adjusted the soft waves of her hair a bit.
No longer did she look like the eighteen year old Fezco last saw. Twenty-five year old Lexi was different. Mostly.
So what if he didn’t say anything to me. I’m not even here for him. I’m here to get out of the house and have some fun. I’m going to go right back out there and-
As she opened the door, Lexi froze. Leaned against the wall across from her, Fezco looked up from the floor. A grin spreading across his face.
“I thought that was you,” Lexi couldn’t say anything for a minute after he spoke.
“Fez?” She asked, trying to control her voice. He nodded before pushing off the wall.
“Look at you all grown up, little Lex,” she blushed at his words, “What are you doing here?” He asked.
Lexi fully exited the bathroom and stood closer to him, to keep out the way of others of course. No other reason.
“I came with Cassie. She wanted to show me the new club that opened,” Lexi replied, not able to look away from the blue eyes focused on her.
“How do you like it so far?” He asked. The timbre of his voice, nearly making her spiral.
“It’s nice, nicer than most other places around,” this caused Fez to smile wider, “What? What are you doing here anyways?” She asked, suddenly confused by his presence in the building that was definitely not in East Highland.
“Come with me, it’s getting a little loud,” he held a hand out to her and she let him wrap his larger hand around hers. The familiar feeling sending tingles through her.
They walked to the back of the building, leading to what seemed to be an office.
Fez led her to the couch, “Drink?” He asked as he went to the little bar cart in the corner.
“Uh, sure,” Lexi mumbled, taking in the room around her, “This is fancy.”
Fez chuckled as he returned with a glass for her and himself. He sat beside her, “Thanks. Took a lot of work but Ash and I scored a good deal with the place.”
“So this whole building is yours?” She asked, looking back to the man who lived her memories.
She then realized just how close they were. How his bright blue eyes zeroed in on her.
He hummed a reply before saying, “Enough about that, for now. Catch me up on you.”
“Well, I’m a business analyst now. I work with a few different start ups around L.A.,” Lexi informed Fez, “So if you ever need any help let me know. I’ll cut you a good deal,” she mustered the courage to give him a wink.
He smirked at that, “Little Lexi went and got that degree.”
“Yeah, well, you made sure of that,” she couldn’t help the little pang of hurt in her heart. Remembering the last day they were together.
The last few weeks before Lexi was supposed to leave for college, she felt Fezco pulling away from her. When before he would drop almost anything he was doing to go see her, now he was suddenly busy every time she texted him.
She had finally had enough of his shit and stormed into the store. Ash looked up in minor surprise.
“Where is he?” She demanded, a little shocked at her own tone.
“Look, Lexi, he’s really busy right now-“
“I’m sorry, Ash, I really just need to see him. He’s been dodging me for the last two weeks!” She was beyond frustrated.
“That’s not-” suddenly the office door opened, and Fez came out. He had a black eye and his knuckles were tore up.
“Oh my god, Fez! What happened?!” She hurried over to him, holding his face in her hands. He closed his eyes, leaning into her hand before swiftly stepping away.
“Lex, you need to go home,” he said, voice stern.
“Where have you been?” She asked, purposely ignoring his command. How could she leave when he was hurt?
“Alexis,” Lexi stopped her fretting, eyes wide. He never called her that.
“Just talk to me,” she whispered, “please?”
He sighed before looking to Ash and nodding his head to the side, a signal to leave.
“Why are you avoiding me?” Lexi asked, voice so soft it was almost a whisper.
“You need to understand,” Fez started, gently caressing her cheek, “You are going to go to great things. Gonna go to college and made something of yourself. Me? This is it for me.”
Lexi just shook her head, holding onto his forearm, just wanting to feel his touch a bit longer.
“You just need a better life than this. You need something I can never give,” He kissed her forehead, “I care too much for you to keep looking back here. Back at me. I’m just gonna hold you back from your potential.”
“That’s not true,” Lexi said through the tears that started to fall.
“It is,” he gave her a sad smile, “You’re gonna be awesome, Lex. No doubt about that. You’re fucking fearless.”
“You say something so loving, but…” she sniffled and hugging him tight to her.
“I’ve gotta let you go. You’ll be better off in something new,” he pressed a kiss into her hair, relishing in her scent.
“I don’t wanna be alone,” she mumbled into his chest.
“You know it hurts me too,” he let out a slight shudder of breath. He pulled away slightly and took a look at her tear streaked face, “You look so broken when you cry,” he wiped her tears away. He held her face in his hands, gazing into her deep brown eyes. The eyes he always got lost in.
He leaned down and kissed her, gentle and careful. Wanting to remember that feeling forever. Loving the way Lexi ran her hand over his buzzed hair and his chest.
When he finally pulled away, Lexi kept her eyes closed. Tears still fell, slowly. She finally opened her eyes and Fezco had to convince himself that, yes, this was the right thing to do. For her. Her future, that was much brighter than his.
Lexi rubbed her thumb over his scruffy beard, “One more, and then I’ll say goodbye,” she whispered.
Fezco nodded, running his hand through her brown curls, before bringing her lips to his once again.
“Where’d you go?” Fez asked, noticing Lexi spaced out, “I was starting to miss ya.”
“Oh! Sorry, just remembered something,” Lexi sheepishly giggled.
“Mmm, wonder what thoughts are going on in that pretty head,” he leaned back against the couch.
Lexi hummed in response before also leaning back against the couch.
They just looked at each other before Lexi said, “This feels familiar.” Fez chuckled and nudged her with his elbow. Lexi smiled, just taking him in, “You’ve aged well.”
He just shrugged, “I did alright.”
“What made you pick this spot?”
“East Highland got a little… small. And I got tired of the bullshit. Ash got really into the whole investment thing and we ended up being able to buy this place,” he finally explained. Fez noticed her questionable expression, causing him to chuckle again, “It’s all legal now. Got our licenses and everything.”
“I’m so proud of you, Fezco,” Lexi reached over and caressed his chin, “I always knew you would do great things.”
Fezco reached over and played with a strand of her hair, twisting it around his finger, “I missed you a shit ton, Lex. I wanted to be better. You made me want to be better.”
Lexi couldn’t keep the smile off her face, stray tears finding their way free, “Sometimes, all I think about is you.”
Fez wiped the loose tears away, “Don’t wanna mess up that pretty face, now.”
“Shut up,” she giggled. A few memories popped up from all the times he said that exact sentence whenever she was dealing with bullshit at home.
“I think about you, too, Lex. Every damn day. Thinking back on if I made the right decision. Pulling away from your life like I did. Seeing you now… makes me glad I did. You’ve done great for yourself, it seems,” Fez gave her that look that always made her stomach flip flop.
Lexi took a sharp inhale when she noticed they somehow managed to get closer without realizing, like they were still drawn to each other. She watched with bated breath as his eyes flicked between her own eyes and her lips, the action causing her pull on her bottom lip slightly with her teeth. This caused a soft groan in Fez’s throat before he held her head in his hands and pulled her to him the rest of the way.
The quick action made her gasp, leading him to slide his tongue into her mouth and elicit a soft moan from her.
Next thing she knew, she was straddling Fez on the lush couch. Her dress tight enough to rise to her upper thighs. She wrapped her arms around his neck, resting on his shoulders as she combed her fingers in his hair. Something she was never able to really do before.
Fez moved a hand to the back of her head, fisting a handful of hair only rough enough to cause her to moan once more. His other hand traveled to her lower back, making her arch toward him. He tilted her head back and began leaving a trail of kisses and small nips down her neck to her now prominent chest.
Fez noted from the moment he first saw her how much she matured in the last six years, filling out more than she was before. And he loved every bit of it.
A sudden knock on the door caused Lexi and Fez to freeze. Lexi scrambling from his lap. She readjusted her dress and hair as Fez went to check who interrupted them.
“What the fuck do you want?” He asked, Lexi noticed it was the young man from earlier that Fez had been talking to. Only now realizing that it was Ash, all grown up.
Ash looked behind Fez and saw her, “Holy shit, is that Lexi?”
“I asked, what the fuck do you want?” Fez reiterated, growing impatient. Wanting to get back to the girl he once let go, but now she was just within reach.
“Some dickheads started fighting in the lot,” Ash informed him.
“Fuck,” Fez turned back to Lexi. She looked so beautiful. Her kiss swollen lips and mussed up hair, “Give me a second. Go handle it until I get there,” Ash nodded, giving a quick glance to Lexi before leaving.
Fez came back to where Lexi was sat, squatting down in front of her, running a hand up and down her calf, “I gotta go deal with some assholes. You gonna stay for a bit or do you have to go?”
Lexi glanced at her phone.
12:30 a.m.
“I can stay for a little while longer,” she said softly. She watched as his blue eyes crinkled with his smile.
“I’ll be back in fifteen,” he gave her a quick kiss before rushing out the door.
When the door shut, Lexi threw herself back on the couch before squealing.
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magical-frogwitch · 3 years
Fez x Lexi
“Damn Lexi, you’re google.”
“What- I mean you think?”
“Hell yeah.”
Lexi blushed at the given compliment from Fezco. The two had frequent long discussions at the gas station. Although Fez was trying to organize a business while Lexi doing homework. The two found great company from each other.
Fezco started as he was being handed forty dollars from a frequent customer, “Lexi at this point im going to be shocked as hell from you not knowing something than being a literal prodigy.”
Lexi begin to smile harder, cheeks getting redder. “I don’t think I know everything.”
“Maybe, but you’re one of the smartest people I know.” Fez smiled to her and politely thanked his customer from buying off of him.
The two started at each other’s eyes enjoying each other’s face when suddenly Lexi looked away and focused her attention on the floor. Fez took that as maybe continuing to work however Lexi wasn’t tapping away at her keyboard but staring worriedly at the floor.
Wanting to know the problem Fez stopped from what he was doing and focused on the brunette. “What’s up lex?”
“Oh nothing, just can’t believe I’m friends with a leprechaun.” Lexi answered with a forced out giggle.
Fez proceeded to laugh at one of her jokes but then shook his head. “Nah I’m being serious. Is someone fucking with you?”
Remembering Fez beating the shit out of Nate she furiously shook her head and said a bit louder than needed a “No”.
“Then what’s wrong?”
Lexi had a huge problem. Everyone seemed to ditch her and get bored of her one way or the other. So she can’t help but want to spend so much time with them before they leave again. She’s not blaming Rue for her now attachment issues. Believe me she’s not, more people than Rue had ditched her. It’s rather an explanation of why she’s like this.
She bit her lip. Dug her nails on the palms of her hand. Looked down feeling guilty than ever. “Am I clingy?”
“Nah. Trust me I wish you and I talk more often.”
“Are you going to leave me soon?”
Fez’s eyes widen. His mouth slightly in an “o” like shape. “No. Lex why are you asking me that?”
Lexi tilted her head up, trying hardest not to cry. And proceeded to ramble, “Everyone seems to leave one way or the other. Sometimes I feel like I’m a weight on their shoulders or I’m like a huge burden. It hurts you know. Like I love all of my friends so much but why do they seem to leave yet want me when they need something. Am I the problem-“
Cutting her off Fez got up and hugged Lexi. Soothed her back, lightly pressed her head down on his shoulders, and allowed her to sob and sob and sob until she was ready to be let go.
“You’re not the problem Lex, I promise you’re not.” He whispered to her making her sob louder.
“Thank you Fez. Thank you so much.” Lexi sobbed.
He whispered, “You’re wrong I should be thanking you.”
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mjlovescm · 2 years
16- New year's party
Completed, 30 chapters, “Grey” Fezco O’Neill x black fem reader
Trigger/content warning: Mentions of blood.
It was New Year's Eve and instead of trying to enjoy the party, you were instead searching for your little sister. 
“Where the fuck is Rue?”
Before he responds, Fezco looks around before shrugging. 
“Fuck if I know.”
You gave him a baffled look and puling out a blunt Fezco ignores it. You knew he had come with her to the party, so you expected him to have at least some idea where she was. But then again, Rue recently had been very elusive; Among other things. It was the breakup with Jules. If you could even call it that. It had her a bit shaken up and although you trusted Rue, she was still a vulnerable spot, and you knew what happened last time when Rue and Jules had a situation.
“Okay, well, if you see her, can you tell her I’m looking for her.”
“Got chu.”
You get up to leave and Lexi takes a seat on the other side of the couch. 
“Hi Lex.” You wave and smile at her.
“Hi, have you seen Cassie?” She asked flushed. 
“No sorry. Have you seen Rue?”
��No, but will you let me know if you do?” 
“For sure, will you let Rue know.”
“Of course.” She says with a smile. 
Feeling a bit better knowing that Lexi would be keeping her eyes out for Rue, you continued your search. Remembering Halloween, you decided to check the bathroom and found Maddy banging both of her fist on the door. You knew if Rue was in there, Maddy would have been more patient, but you still wanted to check to be sure. Maddy’s mood changes instantly when she sees you. She smiles and comes towards you with open arms, pulling you into a hug. 
“Bitch, you look amazing.” She compliments you, pulling away from the hug. “If I was Fezco, I’d be careful tonight.”
You rolled your eyes playfully at The festival comment and thanked her for the compliment.
“Have you seen Rue?”
“No sorry.” Maddy tells you genuinely. “Have you seen Cassie, though? Lexi is looking for her.” 
“Nope. Are you sure she’s not the one in the bathroom?” 
“It's Nate, he's taking a shit.” 
“Ew.” You grimaced. 
“I know, and he’s taking fucking forever.” 
“If you see Rue, tell her I’m looking for her, okay.” you tell Maddy before leaving her to continue waiting for the bathroom. 
You continued your search for Rue to no avail and eventually found yourself right where you started in the living room. Originally wanted to ask Fezco or Lexi for help, but it seemed they were a bit occupied with each other. They were laughing, giggling, and even sitting closer than they were before. Shit, they were even blushing. Confused, do you watch their interaction from afar before Jules came up to them. At first, you were more confused as to why she was looking for Rue. 
Then you laughed to yourself, finding it a bit amusing that Rue was definitely dodging Jules. Then again, you didn’t blame her. After their conversation, you decided to follow Jules outside, if there was one person who would lead you to Rue, it was her. And just like magnets or ironically moths to a flame, Jules led you to Rue, who was outside in front of the campfire. Your plan now was to go inside and let them talk, but a moment later Ashtray came up to Rue, and she got out of her seat, Leaving Jules. Then Ashtray came up to you, conveying the same message. 
“Fezco’s about to get into some shit. If you want a ride, meet me at the car.” He tells you before scurrying away. 
“What kind of shit?” You called after Ash, but all he gave you was a quick turn and shrug before leaving. 
Quickly, you returned to the party less than a minute before midnight. Fezco had abandoned his seat next to Lexi, as well as his green sweater. Picking it up for him, you scanned the room and found him making his way towards Nate. Instantly, your mind flooded with many things, none of them good. 
“Happy new year!” The coward of people between you and them erupted. 
Deciding it was best to watch from afar, you keep our eyes on them. Fezco grabs a bottle and cup, pouring himself a drink. They had a small conversation and honestly things felt calm, that was until they clinked cups. And the bottle in Fezco’s hand swiftly met the side of Nate’s head, breaking on impact. You almost jumped at how fast things escalated, but found yourself frozen as Fezco’s fist landed blows and quickly Nate began to bleed. 
It was over just as quickly as it started, and Fezco was already making his way out. Shooting Lexi a mean glare before grabbing your hand and walking out of the party. Still in shock, you stayed silent until you were both in the car with Ash. 
“What the fuck.” You whispered to yourself, your mind still painted with the image of a bloody Nate.
“You good.” Fezco asks, noticing your disconnect. 
“Yeah-NO.” You look at him confused.
“What happened?” Ashtray asked from the backseat. 
“He just beat the shit out of Nate in front of everyone.” 
“Oh shit.” He says with a growing smile, but quickly you shut down Ash’s enthusiasm. 
“Oh shit is right, there was people recording Fez, why would you do that.”
He groans a sigh, still heated from his earlier actions. You wanted to say more, but stayed quiet to give Fezco time to clear his head. You get to his place and Ashtray’s the first to get out of the car. Jumping out of it like a little kid. Leaving you and Fezco to sit in silence for a minute like arguing parents. Not wanting to make a bigger deal out of something that was definitely a big deal, you shifted the focus to Fezco’s injuries and not Nate’s. 
“Come on, let me clean your hand.” You motion to go inside, and he nods before you both leave the car. 
You started by washing the blood that consumed Fezco freckled skin. Before pulling out cotton balls and rubbing alcohol, shaking the bottle before putting some onto the small white balls. You took his hand into your yours, gently pressing the soaked ball to his wound. He winces on contact. 
“Sorry.” You mumble, eyes flickering between his and his hand.
“It’s all good.” Fezco whispers in reply. 
“I still can't believe you did that.” 
He frowns, assuming your words came from a place of disappointment. But the chuckle you fail to stifle gives him a different idea.
“I mean, you really beat Nate’s big ass.” You say with a growing smile. 
“I mean, his bitch ass had it coming.” 
“No, forreal, maybe the brain damage will knock some sense into him.” 
You both laugh and joke as you apply band-aids to Fezco’s knuckles. 
“Thank you.” He says softly, bringing his index finger under your chin as he stands. 
Looking up at him, you hold his gaze for a moment before Fezco kisses you. 
“Happy new year, baby.” He says against your lips.
Next chapter ;)
All chapters :)
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lexiluvsfez · 3 years
sweatshirt // fez x lexi
— pairing: fezco x lexi // rue x lexi (platonic)
— type: fluff ig??
— request: yes!
— summary: lexi and fez has been in a secret relationship for a while, then rue goes to fez’s apartment while lexi is there then rue found out about them.
— a/n: to the anon that requested this, i hope you like it! 
tw // swearing
From the moment Lexi had met Fez on New Years Eve, she knew he would be in her life for a long time. She wasn’t sure if it was his easy-going demeanor or what, but she knew from that moment that he was special.
 Fez thought the same from the moment he laid eyes on Lexi. He thought she was the most gorgeous girl in the entire world. The two had made small talk and Fez even asked Lexi for her number. She found herself constantly texting him from that day on.
And that brings us to present time. It had been a couple months since the two first met. They both obviously knew that there was some sort of connection between them, so when Fez finally had the courage, he asked her out. Of course she said yes; she was falling head over heels for the man. 
Lexi and Fez had been dating for a little over 2 months. The only issue was that nobody else knew except for Ashtray. Lexi hadn’t bothered to tell Rue because she knew her best friend would make a big deal out of her best friend dating her dealer. 
It was a normal Friday night. Lexi was currently packing a bag to spend the night at Fez’s house. As she began packing her pajamas, her phone vibrated to see an incoming call from Rue. 
“Hey Rue” Lexi said to the phone after she had placed it on speaker so she could multitask. “Yo Lex, can I come over?” Rue said, sounding as if she was slightly high off her ass. “Uhm I’m actually hanging out with a friend. Maybe tomorrow?” Lexi said, remembering that Rue didn’t know about her and Fez. “Aight. I’ll text you tomorrow then. Bye” and with that, Rue hung up. 
2 hours later…
Lexi had arrived at Fez’s house and they were watching a movie in the living room. Lexi excused herself and went to the bathroom for a moment. She was wearing some jeans and suddenly didn’t feel all too comfortable in her attire. She went through Fez’s sweater drawer and picked out a dark green sweatshirt. She swiftly removed her outfit and placed his sweatshirt on her body. As she began fixing her hair into a messy bun, the doorbell rang. “I’ll get it!” is all she heard from Fez before she heard the front door close and get locked. 
Lexi walked out of Fez’s room, wearing his dark green sweater over her body. As she looked up, she froze when she saw Rue standing at the other end of the hall, staring directly at her. 
“Oh uh hey Rue…” Lexi said before taking small, slow steps towards the couch where she previously sat. “Lexi? What the fuck are you doing here?” Rue questioned. After receiving no response from Lexi, she said “I thought you said you were hanging out with a friend tonight”. “I am. Fez is my-” Lexi couldn’t finish her sentence before Fez interrupted her.
“Boyfriend. I’m her boyfriend.” Fez said, looking directly at Lexi. Lexi’s face turned red and Rue couldn’t help but smirk at the couple. “WoW oH mY gOd. ItS fExI i ShIp It So MuCh” Rue interjected before receiving a laugh from Fez and Lexi. 
“Shut up, you clown” Lexi said as she threw a pillow at Rue’s face. As Rue was about to throw the pillow back, she looked at Lexi’s outfit and paused. “Halt. Pause. CuT tHe CaMeRaS.” Rue said. Silence taken over the entire room as the couple looked at Rue. “Are- are you wearing his sweatshirt?” Rue asked in a questioning tone, that stupid smirk still on her face. 
Fez immediately looked at Lexi and smiled. “Oh uh yeah.” Lexi said as she blushed, pure embarrassment taking over her. Fez jumped onto the couch and quickly grabbed onto the girl, embracing her in a soft hug. 
“No need to be embarrassed, ma. You look fucking amazing.” Fez reassured Lexi. Forgetting Rue was still there, the two began having a quick lil’ makeout session. “Y’all nasty as fuck. Get a room. I’m out this bitch” Rue yelled as she shut the door behind her. 
Fez and Lexi laughed at her dramatic exit. Once the laughter stopped, Fez looked at Lexi. “Ma, I’m so sorry for telling Rue about us. She was gonna find out regardless and we didn’t really have a plan.” He said, his eyes staring directly into Lexi’s. 
She grabbed his hands into hers. “Fez don’t be sorry. I was scared of what her reaction would be but thank you for telling her for us. I love you” Lexi said, looking into his blue orbs. “I love you too, ma. I love you forever.” He said as he snuggled into her body. 
The two ended the night by falling asleep on the couch while watching ‘Beauty and the Beast’. Both of them were glad that at least one other person knew about them. Lexi and Fez both knew that this was a forever thing. 
The end <3
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