#ff type 0 spoilers
akimojo · 2 months
Just finished my first playthrough of type 0
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ship-garbage-pile · 2 years
Forever feeling that Final Fantasy Type-0 was done dirty, no matter the circumstances. They had such a fun world and lore yet knowing we won’t ever get a Type-Next infuriates me.
Like they really teased and made a beautiful-strange yet hype teaser for a sequel-Ace in wearing samurai armor, being revived by a fire lady and just looking so cool! I want more for the series 😔
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nanakibh · 2 years
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Type-0 // Jack
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katkeyboardmastah · 1 year
Here's what I think happened at the end of Final Fantasy XVI:
Spoilers under the cut
I am in the "Clive survives" club because it makes more sense in terms of the established narrative:
Apart from the most obvious bits that are Jill's prayer to Metia being fulfilled in earnest, the lyrics to Moongazing and finally Clive being like the dawn itself to Jill that always comes back, we have other evidence that point towards Clive being alive at the end of the game.
Clive has been established as someone who loves epic tales and the art of storytelling. Not only was it mentioned by characters such as Byron & Jill and the fact that he is the narrator at the start and the end, but in Dion's endgame quest, Tomes gifts Clive a quill that he would put to good use once he finally puts down his sword. Joshua's deeds have been chronicled by the Undying for as long he has been in their care and Clive has equal access to their services. As we have already seen in the story where Clive took on the name Cid, he could easily had used whatever the Undying had left over from Joshua while compiling his own experiences alongside that and thus penning the book under Joshua's name in the honor of his brother. Speaking of Joshua, I don't think it would make sense that Clive ultimately dies after Joshua finally passes the torch to his brother and symbolically relieves him of his duties as HIS Shield. Clive (and Cid) had said himself, it will get worse before it gets better, for the world and the people. Thus I think Clive being forced to come to terms with the death of his little brother is part of that. Clive dying would stomp on Joshua's wish, his promise to Jill and his role to carry on Cid's dream right as it is within their reach.
Yes, the main protagonist of a FF dying at the end of the game is not unheard of, but in the most notable cases (Crisis Core, Type-0 and XV) the narrative itself was building up to such a concluion. XVI's ending is more aligned with the fact that Clive survives in order to face this new world free from Ultima.
Edit: Truth to be told, I like that this ending is open to interpretation, it goes well with the theme of faith the game has presented. Besides, FF is no stranger to such things either, like VIII for example but I am mainly looking at Final Fantasy Tactics, a game XVI heavily pulls from.
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dongbangskies · 1 year
Deaths in FFXIV
They are so tragic but so beautiful because the focus is not the death itself but memory and who it has left behind.
Spoilers for Post ARR under the cut
I think its so beautiful that they did that because its reflects reality. This game does it so well.
This game set is good. So good.
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For example, the Final Steps of Faith hurt more than the Vault or Ysayle sacrificing herself.
Or when Minifillia said her final goodbyes in the scene before she leaves for the First. Her thanking her friends for carrying on her hope. The first time we saw her as the Word of the Mother didn’t hurt nearly as much.
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Or even earlier, the mourning of Moenbryda.
and the most recent for me, Papalymo.
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Lyse's small dialogue in the duty to awaken Omega where she's like "Are you watching Papalymo?" and her constant reminder of his memory is way sadder than his actual death.
Some of the other deaths in FF (ex Noctis and Lunafreya or all of Type 0) have been sad but it was for the moment. This one keeps bringing it back and really drives it home.
This game set nails it.
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bleachpanda · 2 years
DFFOO - Regrets and Memories
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I haven't updated this space in a long time because I've mainly been playing visual novels and I already put down my thoughts in those posts, but now I have something for this blog!
Anyway, even though Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia (DFFOO) has become too grindy for me, one thing I love and appreciate is the story. I 100% recommend it because it gives you a lot of "what-if" scenarios I wish we could see. For example, for Final Fantasy Type-0, I really hated Machina by the end of the game. Apparently, you had to play it again on new game + to properly see his reasons blah blah, but I hated him so much, I couldn't be bothered lol. But in DFFOO, they used one chapter(?) of the story to convince me how much Machina regretted his actions, how much Machina cared about Class Zero, and how much he wanted to make it up to them. I honestly didn't think I would be able to forgive him, but after reading it, I really did, and I actually really like Machina now lol! It really goes to show how much effort the people behind DFFOO's storyline, and it also shows how much they understand and love each of the games because they show the emotions, personalities and thoughts of each character so so well. Another thing that's great about DFFOO is how it fleshes out characters who didn't have the opportunity to be explored more in their respective games. For example, Ultimecia from FFVIII is a recurring "villain" in the game, but her interactions with Noel from FFXIII-2 and Zidane from FFIX show much better depth to her character and how lonely she feels than it does in FFVIII.
Anyway, I started this post because I wanted to talk about Jecht from FFX. Obviously, if it's about Jecht, it's going to be spoilers so just a heads up~ Seeing Jecht think that he and Braska and them died for "no reason" after knowing how Yuna and them were able to stop the cycle of death with Yu Yevon and Yunalesca, it really breaks my heart. As Yuna and Tidus said, it was because of Jecht and them that they were able to find another way and have the will to destroy a system they believe is wrong. But it's true though, if I was Jecht, I would probably think the same thing. There was a method all along and yet they went along with the Final Summoning thinking it was the only way. Regardless, it still saved people and they did it for everyone, but it must feel crap knowing that they could have lived and been a part of Yuna and Tidus' lives.
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Another thing I like about DFFOO is how "beginner friendly" it is. They don't expect you to know or remember everything about every single FF game, so they incorporate things like lost memories or regrets with different characters to tell you the context without it being a word vomit. It makes sense within the game, and it helps people who haven't played the respective game before understand the character, and for the people who know the stories and characters, it gives off a nice sense of nostalgia whilst refreshing your memories haha.
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And the best thing about DFFOO? Honestly, if you're a fan of FFVII, you'll love how many characters there are in this game. For me, I love getting to see the Turks work alongside Cloud (for now), and I love getting to see more of their interactions with others, especially with people that we'll never get to see them interact with again e.g. Zack. But really, just seeing people who are "dead" get to live another life in this world/game already makes me so happy because they're all so appreciative of having this opportunity to see the people they love again and do things they could never do before is just so sweet. I mean, I love seeing Jecht bond with Tidus, I love seeing Machina apologise to Class Zero and form a better relationship with them, I don't even know Galuf but I love seeing Krile and him get to interact again, and I don't even know Cecil but I think it's so cool that he gets to see a grown version of his son Ceodore haha. And even though I barely played FFXV, it's nice to see that Gladiolus and Ignis have their memories of the "ending" of FFXV (but Noctis doesn't), and they just want to continue protecting Noctis and are happy that they can still fight alongside him. I just really like all these little things, and I think it's such a treat to FF fans. Btw, I don't know why but this ended up becoming a review post even though all I wanted to talk about was how sad it was sad to see Jecht feel regrets over whether his decision was right. I can never talk about what I want properly lol but I guess yay, mini review of DFFOO🤭
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toggle1-mrfipp · 2 years
For anyone who visits the Dissidia Opera Omnia subreddit, I am the guy who made all those character polls, as well as the on-going Burst Theme discussion posts.
When I initially made the character polls I was only doing them for games that I had either played or experienced for myself, which would have been all the number titles up to XIV, and later played XV and Tactics so I could add them to those polls when their turns came up. I had not done polls for other games represented in OO (Type-0, Crystal Chronicles, World of Final Fantasy, Stranger of Paradise) because I didn’t know them well enough to make polls for character that might make good choices to add to OO down the line.
However, upon deciding to make the Burst Theme posts, I decided to know those games better, as a way for making up not making polls for them (a task that has since been taken up by another on the subreddit). I managed to play Type-0, but watched the cutscenes for the rest on YouTube since I knew I may not have time to play them to completion, or in CC’s case, just didn’t have the required consoles.
Basically, the reason for this post is just me going on a rant or sorts about what I experienced when going through these games, so expect spoilers.
I started Dissidia around the time it came to global, around the time Setzer came out, so when I heard about how how people are forgotten when they die, it peaked my interest, but it wasn’t until recently did I actually play it. I rather liked most of it, I found it interesting to see a FF game be a dedicated war story, and I really enjoyed the cutscenes that were the narrator talking about the different battles and what directions they took the way, it was always interesting.
It was also fun play, each character felt unique, and regardless of who I was playing as, though Ace, Deuce, Sice and Queen were my favorites. That being said, with fourteen characters in a story more focused on plot than character, they mostly felt underdeveloped by the large; Ace, for example, despite being used as the face for this game, could be replaced with Seven or King, and I don’t think it would matter. Machina and Rem are the only one who really have a story arc, but it’s not much.
To further with the criticisms, this game is terrible in handing out its story. There is just so much background lore that is important to the story that is easily missable because its in a conversation who can miss because you don’t have enough free time, it’s buried in a character’s entry in the in-game encyclopedia, or in a cutscene you can’t see until either post-game or NG+. The final chapter is hilariously terrible because the moment you step back onto school grounds, you are assaulted in an info dump how the world is now suddenly ending and monster and killing everyone. Up until this point the story had just been about war, but now it suddenly it throws all this world-ending horror at you at once, and expects you to role with it. Now that I think about it, despite how important it is, I don’t think the game every actually explains what Agito actually is, at least in an initial playthrough.
When I finished Type-0, I went back and watched the Lost Chapter and MSQ cutscenes associated with it, and I ended up having a much better appreciation for these characters and stories, which I feel OO does a better job at exploring on an individual basis than their home game. Their story chapter about Ace trying to rebuild Akademia, with him talking to the Machina manikin that is an obvious stand in of Izana, and all of Class Zero coming to terms with the end of the game, and Machina dealing with his guilt, felt like a fantastic post-game story line for these characters. Out of all the storylines about characters dealing with their deaths, or the deaths of people they know coming back to life, or how they live now that they have gotten back all the memories of the respective game back, I think Type-0 has done the best job with that.
Also, fuck Arecia. Machina gets a lot of well-deserved hate, but Arecia is a piece of shit. You do this 600 million times, and only now decided to end it? I honestly don’t believe that in the literal hundreds of millions times you have repeated these cycles that this one cycle in particular had something in it that didn’t happen at least a couple thousand times before. it just makes her seem entirely arbitrary.
Despite the contempt people of the OO subreddit has had for the introduction of Type-0 characters being added, I would like more in the forms of Tiz, Lean Joker, Cid Aulstyne and Arecia for the sake of more story.
Crystal Chronicles
I watched this on YouTube, so maybe I missed something, but I really liked how lowkey this story was. It was a very much a story about the journey and not the destination, though it did make jump to fighting a meteor and memory-eating being a bit jarring, but that’s on me for how I chose to experience this game’s story. While the player character is a blank slate, I really liked Ciaran’s scenes in OO more, specifically with talks with Ace in the Type-0 story chapter.
Also, the music for this game is great, I really like the celtic/folk style they have going on, which is an appropriate thing to say because I watched this because I plan on making a Burst Theme post for CC later.
CC: Ring of Fates/Echoes of Time
I really don’t have much to say about these individual games for the most part, but I have gained a greater appreciation for Yuri, Chelinka and Sherlotta, their own personal stories and the struggles they went though. That being said, I think they both had incredibly strong endings.
CC: Crystal Bearers
This was kind of a pain to watch because all the cutscene movies I tried to watch were hit by copyright notices and had to be edited to cut certain scenes out. What was weird is that the scenes that had to be removed with almost every scene that involved Jegran using his crystallization powers. That being said, I did manage to watch everything, and in the end I very much enjoyed the story I watched.
Out of all the CC characters we can still get, I think Belle and Althea are ones I would want added for the sake of post-game material.
World of Final Fantasy
I regret every writing this game off because of the chibi art style and not liking Lann in Opera Omnia because I really don’t care for characters who are so stupid that it becomes a wonder they even remember how to breathe. Once I actually watched the scenes, those previous opinions began to change; WoFF’s srty styles was honestly more fun than I had assumed it would be, and Lann was genuinely much better in his home game than in OO, which I pin on the writing doing a better job of bouncing him off other characters like Reynn and Tama, and WoFF’s more motive cutscene direction.
Also, HOLY HONK, that game’s story is great, it really caught me off guard with how much I became invested in it. I was honestly caught off guard in how it dealt with it’s “endings”. That Bad Ending really caught me off guard. When I finish the current list of games I have, I will go and play this myself.
We really need Tama and Hauyn in Opera Omnia.
Also, the soundtrack is so chill, I love it.
Stranger of Paradise
I have not actually played or watched Stranger of Paradise, between all the memes, the plentiful second hand information due to being a recent release, and watching Shenpai’s supercut, I feel I have a good grasp on this game’s story, though I do intend to play it myself eventually.
Well, that’s about it, like I said this was just a sort of mini rant about these games I went through for the sake of making a series of posts on reddit, I fully intend to make a post for each game series represented in OO (All numbered titles, Tactics, Type-0, Crystal Chronicles, World of Final Fantasy and Stranger of Paradise) so that will give me twenty posts in total. If you are paying attention to these posts, the FFVII Burst Theme post will be up tomorrow.
Also, I am currently replaying my old copy of Tactics Advance, and trying to find Tactics Advance on YouTube to add them to the Tactics post, but they are a bit low priority at the moment. If I can finish them before I make that one, which is a fair amount of weeks away, I will add them. If I can’t, then I simply won’t.
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revelfantasy · 1 year
It’s been 84 years but I finally beat FF Type 0 the other day. I enjoyed it more than I expected I would, at least enough to play through it again on NG+. Unfortunately I didn’t completely understand the whole story just by playing the game, or rather I played it too infrequently to remember all the details. It has a similar problem to FFXIII’s datalog. A lot of lore is dumped in an ingame log that I didn’t have the patience to parse through. But after doing some digging around the interwebs for the particular things that were unclear, I got the general gist. The “prequel” novel summary I read in particular was really good and I seriously wish that would have been implemented into the game somehow. It had much more emotional impact on me since I had already beaten it, but I think that was intended? The overarching tone of the game is grim and depressing as hell, though. The main reason I even played it was due to Type 0 characters being featured heavily in a DFFOO. I skipped their scenes to avoid spoilers so I’m curious to go back and watch them as they’re sort of like epilogues of the FF games.
Favorite characters to play as: Seven, Nine, Deuce, Ace, Trey, and Jack
Favorite characters in general: Kurasame, Cater, Queen, Trey, Seven, Nine
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gunbladequeen · 6 years
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Holy shit that doc was some GOOD SOUP
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And it wasn’t just about Demyx/MoM but the foretellers and luxu too my god. This is what I’m HERE FOR.
I never played FF type-0 nor have I seen any kh theorist like make parallels. But it aligns SO WELL. I had some dinky connection ideas but honestly it’s why I made this blog to just throw darts at the wall in hopes of someone sliding some real shit my way and you came through. Thanks so much!!
Okay so my take away is that Nomura is on some next level shit. I mean I knew that but… I’m still shook everytime I see how many dots he connects I do think this theory holds up. There is just waaaaay to many similarities for it not to be connected.
My only question is… how does Yozora fit into this. How does Shibuya fit into this. I still think MoM body snatched him somehow. But that conflicts with him being Demyx god my fucking BRAIN HURTS NOMURA. Maybe I’m wrong tho. Maybe it wasn’t MoM. I’ll think more on that. I’m okay with being wrong about that if it means Demyx is the MoM huhuhu
Also I don’t really play ff games, the lore in each game usually confuses me. Which is strange for a KH fan to say LOL but idk kh somehow is easier for me to follow. Maybe because of the language it uses like light, dark, heart, etc. ff games makes up language and it just jumbled the fuck outta me. BUT I still enjoy reading theories that connect them and explain things to my baby brain. SO AGAIN THANKS.
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leon-classfirst · 4 years
Ace, Deuce, Trey, Cater, Cinque
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Some class zero members from DFFOO, but styled with their capes from FF Agito
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nanakibh · 2 years
could you explain to me the fundamental lore of ff agito
Depends on what you mean by lore. I can try to summarize it with all the most important stuff. MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD...
Type-0 and Agito share the same basic premise: There's a war between the four nations of Orience, all of the kids from Akademeia fight to protect Rubrum, then, whether they win the war or not, the end of the world comes.
FF Agito takes place at the "beginning" of everything. You play as a cadet who you create. Shortly after you join Akademeia, the war begins when Milites tries to invade. You're placed into Class Twelfth with Jack and Tohno Mahoroha. In between your missions, you have free time to partake in "kizuna events" where you bond with the 12 members of Class Zero (who are in different classes in this timeline.) In the end, Rubrum actually loses in the war against Milites. The cadet representative, Miyu Kagirohi, suddenly seems to betray everyone and begins trying to end the world. You fight her together with one of the friends you formed a strong bond with, and although you're able to defeat her, it doesn't stop her from ending the world. So that the world won't meet its permanent end, your partner agrees to let Miyu set the world into the "Spiral of Time" so that you can become Agito, the prophesied savior of Orience, in a future world. You share a tearful goodbye with your partner, and then the world ends.
Tohno is the only person in the next world who remembers what happened in the first world, so she shares what she knows with the player. She stays suspicious of Miyu, expecting that she'll turn traitor again, but then Ace betrays everyone in the end instead. It turns out that the two were actually being possessed by the god known as Gala, the same god who possessed Cid in Type-0. Once possessed, they become a type of l'Cie called the "Judge" whose Focus is to determine whether Agito has been born in that world. Despite all of her best efforts, Tohno wasn't able to do anything to change the course of history. Seeing that no one has succeeded in becoming Agito yet, the Judge ends the world and everything starts over again.
The gaiden chapter follows another cycle. This time, Lean Hampelmann, who was an enemy from Milites before, comes to Akademeia as a peace ambassador. Even though things seem like they might be finally heading in a peaceful direction, history still repeats itself. When confronted by Lean, Arecia Al-Rashia, Akademeia's arch sorceress, reveals that she is the creator of the world. This repeating cycle of war was an experiment for her to open Etro's Gate and reach the Unseen Realm. She thought that by gathering cadets who possess certain innate qualities (known as "Powers" or "Loci"), she could unite them to create Agito. Then, she would have used Agito to open the gate separating the realms. She takes notice of the player and remarks that they seem to possess the Power of Bonds, which she says is necessary for Agito. Despite creating the world, the player is an anomaly to her - she doesn't know where or when they came from. According to Tabata, the player's power to "connect" with the other 12 through the kizuna events is what would have allowed them to become Agito. Arecia chooses to keep Lean and Tohno as her apprentices and has them wander forth into the future to record history while searching for Agito.
But... Then FF Agito was shutdown. 🙃 All we know is that the player (a specific player chosen from among everyone) was supposed to become Agito eventually. I don't know whether they would've opened the gate like Arecia wanted, but they were supposedly going to change the future somehow. I guess that if they ended the Spiral in another timeline, it would have "overwrote" the end of Type-0 like Tabata had implied. Or something like that.
Phew. If there's anything else that you (or anyone else!) would like to know, ask away~
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chippersweetbaby · 4 years
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The end of this game was actually kind of completely frustrating, but okay... Didn’t know I was going to have to defeat enemies with only magic while I’m on a ledge and can’t reach them and only have BOM magic equipped...
The actual final battle is fixed so that it doesn’t matter if you’re level 1 or level 99. You damage him a certain amount with each character, one at a time until you cycle through them all. Even if your character just stands there, they can’t die until the guy is ready to kill them, and once he is ready to kill them, they can’t live even if you’re level one million and an expert dodger.  With some of the non-ranged ones I even did just stand there doing nothing for a minute while I tried to figure out how the hell to reach an enemy that was twenty feet in the air with my mace or sword...
The game forced me to win and lose at the same time. I didn’t really need to even try... and if I did really really try, it wouldn’t have mattered... Just... It’s a strange way to do a final battle.
Machina treated us like shit the whole time. Rem was one of the eight characters I actually leveled up pretty good and I couldn’t even use her. I read something about a possible alternate ending if you play the whole game again... but god damn... I don’t know... 
Anyway... the journey was fun. The destination wasn’t.
I just want to know if my poor chocobos survived this whole ordeal. 
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When the Ice blade breaks
So I have this strange idea of the people who died in Type 0 were transported to the FFXV universe and idk where I’m going with it XD
“I like you.” 
Was it too soon to say those words to his friend? Kotetsu was a man with many talents but even he has his own flaws. 
Watching his friend’s eyes widened at the confession made him winced internally. It had only been a few months after the famed Ice Reaper broke up with the princess and some people liked to gossip about it. 
He didn’t even look affected!
Ha! Maybe his heart just made up of ice! The princess should go out with a real man like me!
They didn’t know anything about his kind-hearted friend. He saw how Kurasame would stare out in space at the corner of the lonely balcony, always sad and longing. 
Who was he kidding? Kurasame still loved the princess after all. He was such a fool. 
“You know what, forget what I said anything.” A nervous laugh, a small step taken behind. He was getting nervous, especially since his friend.. no, crush, didn’t utter a single word. 
Ah, he definitely blew his chance. 
“Are you going to run away Kotetsu?” Those words froze him in his tract, his eyes trailing back to his fellow champion. Imagine his surprise to see those pale cheeks reddened slightly. 
“But I thought you still loved the princess?” 
“We broke up. It seems our love is more platonic than romantic.” 
“So you-” 
“Are you going to take responsibility or not?” 
Kotetsu didn’t waste any time. With long strides, he was in front of the other and pulled him into a tight embrace. 
“I won’t let you down.” 
I won’t let you down 
It didn’t take long for him to break that promise. Not when he value his country more than his lover. His heart ached as every stab pierced his beloved. His heart howled along with his beloved screams. 
Sometimes, he hated his thoughts. How it whispered to burn Kurasame’s face, to lessen the pain in his heart. 
And he did. He watched as those eyes that once looked at him lovingly turned to hurt. He watched as his lover grew weaker and weaker. He watched as the last of his strength waned. Just one more stab, he would be free. 
But in the end, he couldn’t do it. He falls into the Ice Reaper’s blade, right through his heart. Weak arms desperately trying to hold the both of them up. He managed to look into teary eyes. 
Ah, I made him cry. 
It was cruel but it had to be done. 
“Kotet-” He relished to hear his lover’s last word to him but the sudden lack of weight on him made his eyes shoot open once more. 
In front of his stood Marshal Cid, with an unconscious Kurasame in his arms. 
No no no no
“Thank you for delivering the Ice Reaper to me, child. You do not have to worry. I will take care of him, thoroughly.” 
This isn’t real! 
“Such a fine creature he is. I’m sure, we’ll find something useful out of him and we have you to thank for.” 
He screamed before hissing as his left knee hit the table. He didn’t register the occupants in the room, more focused on his breathing and his vivid dream. 
“No no no no, Kurasame.... He’s safe.” A small reassurance, he didn’t know who he was directing it to, “He’s safe.. he’s safe..” 
“Council Kotetsu?” 
The soft but demanding voice stopped his small chanting as he looked up, finally realizing the others. 
That’s right, he was in a meeting with the king and the other councils. 
He finally looked at the concerned eyes of his king. 
“Are you alright?” Why, why didn’t Regis existed during that time? 
“I’m.. alright, your majesty. I apologize for falling asleep.” 
“Do not apologize. It did get a little boring in the end.” 
That made him cracked a smile
“Shall the meeting be adjourned for now?” Various heads nodded and everyone was busy gathering their papers, except for Kotetsu himself. 
He’s safe... right? 
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cosmiciaria · 5 years
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Walk on wandering souls
For your respite we pray
Let our humble song clear your hearts of dismay,
Rekindle the flame in your souls and set you free
So walk on and become the light that guides the way
I needed to get this out of my system
Fun fact: Deuce is one of my fave characters from this game. Downright brave and she slays everything with a floating round light that protects her from any harm. Also great healer. And Ace is my most used character since he’s fast af
Art by me, @Cosmiciaria in Instagram. 
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comeonlight · 8 years
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