picnicbask3t · 3 months
Omg licorice joe -takes out fork and knife-
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* FIFI took a bite out of you. You lost 50 HP!
* … There’s something off about the taste. FIFI lost 50 HP!
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ask-thedaugter-idv · 1 year
liam carries elise and just gives a bombastic side eye to mori
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@fffiii ask has been answer for the event!
Elise who was forced the dress by Mori, but she was happy to see Liam
🥀: "Dad!"
Elise said in excitement, then she hugs Liam while Liam who was holding her
The man shouted,but he then notice the side eye he was given by Liam, he then smirks and pull out a scalpel
🧪: "So you are taking away my Dear from me, aren't you?"
Elise then notices what's going on, she then yells out in angry tone
🥀: "No Rintorou!, Liam is my now caretaker! You are not gonna hurt him!"
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pastel-rights · 2 years
i am sorry. who’s ToD Eden? I want to bully Phantom so bad
The name Eden tends to refer to a few different things but ToD Eden (or Persona Eden) is the name of Ellie’s human form!
She only appears in Termination of Desires (Theater of Darkness Alternate Timeline where Ellie loses her memories after the battle and is unable to help her friends because she doesn’t remember them, resulting in the dark alters taking over completely and the neon versions kind of ceasing to exist for a while- it’s confusing when I explain it this way-)
Just like how the dark alters have their own names, the neons have their own names as well! Disk was the name of the dark altar while Eden was the name of Disk’s human persona 😊
But no yeah Eden owns a taser and a gun so Phantom would get the shit beaten out of him/lh
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WAIT ACTUALLY. RAVEN FITS SHILOH MBMB if no one takes raven may he? :pleading:
Oh? Baby wants villain role???/lh
Yeah, Shiloh can have Raven’s role! He actually fits it pretty well with everything I remember about him! I don’t know about charm though/j/lh
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yxstxrdrxxm · 6 months
MATCHUP FOUND FOR [ @fffiii ].
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[ YES ]
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DOTTORE is... An interesting man, that's for sure. He's not exactly the best of partners, but to catch his eye is one of the biggest feats of humanity in and of itself.
You two bond quite well over the matter of driving one insane, I'd say. DOTTORE doesn't exactly see the appeal of having someone as his ""lover"", nor is it about renting, but he sees you as his test subject. His... guinea pig, so to speak.
All else considered, though, he does take good care of you. He didn't want you fainting over a day from his little experiments, and if you ever think of pushing him, he'd gladly push back for the sake of seeing how you'd react. Would you scream? Flee? Fight back?
He isn't as good on entertainment, but let's say experiments with him serves as entertainment in and of itself. He likes teaching you what each does, but also hiding certain information to watch you fail or do something else.
All he wants is the process and results. Surely you'll be kind to provide that, would you?
Of course you would.
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He's not here, right?
Okay, good.
DOTTORE is one of the biggest red flags I can give. Not even Eros would have the right mind to give him to someone like you.
I know you well that you like crazy men, but please, think this through.
He's not as kind as he appears. No, h████████████
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candymaker-idv · 2 years
What’s under your mask?
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"Attempted, because she was a coward who couldn't get her job done."
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klai-16xoxo · 7 months
🌈💖✨Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or seem to have a good heart and if you get one back you must be pretty awesome 😎💜💚💙🩷 //totally not Sleepy
It would be hard to list everyone but I basically love everyone in the mun server so if I didn’t mention some of you do not take it to heart. (Besides I do not know everyone’s blog)
@the-multi-geek (I think this is Nez’s main blog)
Mango (he dose not use his tumblr blog anymore but I will still add him cuz he is the homie)
God there still more but I am not sure about which blogs belongs to who qwq!
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one0p1nk · 5 months
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R1999 OC (left) by @pastel-rights with my bbg Philocalist. 3rd image is Ms. Caterpillar <333
R1999 OC in 2nd image by @fffiii
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navxry · 10 months
Rate your friends
well damn alright fine LMAO
My mutuals from discord and/or Tumblr (utc cause the post is LONG)
Carmine: def a 100/10 if I have to be honest. They dealt with me SO much and my absolute nonsense as well since 2020, no words can describe how much I appreciate them for being there with me in my highest and lowest of my era. I also love terrorizing them with my muses (Lyney simp in denial), and I dont regret at all meeting and befriending them. Love you bestie <3 /p
Ryan: also a 100/10, I genuinely owe him a lot for helping me realize just. how certain things in life isn't 'normal' and fueling my brainrot/s so much. We both had so much to talk abt during the 3 years I've known him (and we're still friends to this day!), and Goddamn do I enjoy playing games w/ him and esp abt our current hyperfixations (Persona and Raincode. I still want to rattle your Yuma bot you little shit /t)
Esther (@mixed-kester) : I just met you like months ago when I first joined astronetwrk, and tbh I genuinely am v happy to have met you and enabled you BAHAHAHAHA I've been friends with her for a while but its so fun just going through the plot + AUs, and also going through pain (and making me go through a crisis with enabling and "NO YOU DID SO MUCH FOR ME" "NO, I DIDNT" LMAOOOO). Yeah, there were times when we both have our disagreements, but I genuinely could never ask for a better friend to yell at Tinuvion/Kunimitsu and the rarepare between Wanderer and Kaeya than her.
Meirin (@meimeimeirin) : I'LL SAY THIS ONCE AND I'LL SAY IT AGAIN: You are so cool and amazing and I'm so amazed with how you deal with my nonsense. I never saw an opportunity to talk to you outside of being on anon back then, and I genuinely thought that it won't be possible, but when EBG happened? I saw it and took it. You were so so so enjoyable to talk to, to rant about the entire event, and even after that, I enjoyed talking to you about even your simping with Zhongli and Alhaitham! I also enjoy bouncing off ideas with our threads (even if I have them on hold, I swear I'll reply to them orz). You're the sweetest person I've known and I am so, so glad to have met you and got to know you as a friend ;v; you also inspired me in writing for Genshin and for my faves, and for also sharing my thoughts on my sona and my selfships. I know you're busy but I hope you can see this because I genuinely appreciate you /pos
Yami (@pastel-rights) : YOU'RE SUCH A GOOD ARTIST WHAT THE HELL— honestly, how the fuck do you deal with me, Sam and Tae? (/lh) like I genuinely am so surprised I'm actually friends w/ you, but in a good way because you are?? So cool?? I swear I sometimes admire your art and when I say I wanna eat it, I would. You're such a good friend and I wish we can talk more fr
Tae (@nice-chiaki) : My first victim (/j), but really, I am in awe that I've met you in the mun's corner. I saw your blog with Itha and I genuinely loved interacting with him— your muse of him helped a lot in bringing me out of my idv writer's block slump because I had no ideas and ooooh, genuinely having you on vc and hearing/seeing you go through your cycles and bs with Sam and Yami (and Fifi as well) is the funniest thing. I also hate you (/exag) for the fandubs, and you making me go through a huge moment with Andrew and Cro. 0/10 wont recommend voicing villains (/j /j)
Sam (@paperbcy) : You are the biggest menace I know, and tbh I wonder if you're like a mirror to my menace self /j, but I'm kidding BAHAHAHAHA. I dont regret enabling you so much for your immorphy AU and our own shared AUs, and I sometimes wonder what would happen if I hadn't met you, Tae and Yami. Also, do not pull Father on my inbox ty
Fifi (@fffiii) : You dealt with my ass for years and I honestly question how you're still sane BAHAHAHAHA, but fr, even till now we're still together from 2016 - 2017(?) and I cannot stop but wonder how long it's been. It was v fun just looking back on our days at Q and even now, and I still appreciate you for everything even if you're a bigger menace than me.
Shiro (@leftdestiny-posts) : We may not talk as much or as often, but you are so kind and ouuuu you make me ;-; honestly. I am v thankful for you in dealing with my brainrot over TCO (which! I plan on revisiting and reviving as a long drawn series haha), and I hope that we talk more often when you have the time (ofc, no pressure!)
Ying (@yinyinggie) : OOOOH YOU'RE SO SWEET AND LUCIEN/YUZU TOO LIKE AUGHHH, I genuinely love you both as mods in astronetwrk AND outside of it. I genuinely appreciate you as a mod and a friend in keeping the server together and hosting games for us, and even when those went awry (read: the mafia game), you and the others made sure we had fun anyway and prioritized our comfort, which is so?? sweet??? I genuinely wish I can hug you and I wish we can speak more orz ily /p
There are more but I can't remember them all so o7 o/ hope this is enough anon
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yaboimitzu · 8 months
Also, with your previous answer.. just imagine. Adeline in a Sweet Lolita style. Totally fitting. It doesn't look wrong at all and she doesn't seem as if she's going to barf from sweetness anytime soon... or maybe she may. Oh well. - 🫀
She's only sweet around Quinn iykyk
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bappieyatsu · 4 years
Can I request Whisouffle? I love the ship
Ah!!!! As do I :^D
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picnicbask3t · 9 months
im going to do this just because i can. locking it in for you
boris as light yagami.
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Oh god. Oh boy
doodle request #25
I hate how this is the first thing I’m drawing today /lh also I’m gonna keep drawing their face at that angle. just bcz. imsorryboris ur persona is so funky btw
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im scared to show you this but it’s literally you so @simplified-boris
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Other than violins, do you play any other instruments?
★ No.
☽ Why would we?
★ Got a problem with violins? >=T
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cakerollk · 4 years
hi !! I've been a big fan of you and just wanna say,,, you are loved!! I'm a mess with words but I love your translations + your art ( you dragged me into the hole that is Lilia's Chronicles I regret that not one bit) and basically thank you for everything you've done!! -virtual hug-
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we should definitely talk about disk’s time in the darkness >:)
Which time though, there’s two 👁 👁
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yxstxrdrxxm · 3 months
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“Yesterday” runs a small flower shop years after what happened to them and the falling out of their ‘friend’. They thought that it would simply be fine, that they are able to move on from what happened.
Still, those flaws followed them, leading them to wear a mask to hide what their actual face is.
“No one must know who I am. From now on, I can never trust those that had ill will in their hearts.”
That is... Until a young man entered the shop, seeking inspiration for his recent piece, and sees a masked individual tending to the flowers.
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Surprise! Welcome to Flawed, the surprise March event I've been cooking up since February! This takes place in a different world/universe than One Last Call did, but with a twist: this time, you are the one that decides the fate of our protagonist.
Join Yesterday as they go through their day to day life, speak to their new (and potential) friends, and maybe find it in themselves to accept their flaws and themselves as a whole. Maybe, if you're lucky... You may even win one of our potential visiting clients and their hearts?
These are the mechanics:
Vote on the option to proceed in the story. Remember: majority wins, and your choice matters.
Keep an eye on Yesterday's wilt counter. Make sure it doesn't exceed past 50%! You wouldn't like what happens past 50%.
Make sure to stick to one love interest (if the majority wants to go to one of their routes). Romancing more than one is highly discouraged.
Speaking of love interests, keep an eye on their obsession counter with Yesterday. We can't guarantee their safety if you can't do the same to them, too!
Finally, have fun in interacting with our hosts and the characters! Some may be more receptive to replies than others, but things may change as time goes on, of course.
Unfortunately, though, I won't be hosting the event this time. I will be busy with particular matters to be able to keep an eye on this event, so I'll be entrusting this to a good friend of mine. Please treat him kindly, he's got a short fuse to those that plan on ruining the event for everyone.
The event will be starting by March 10, 2024 at 6 PM (UTC+8) and will end by March 24, 2024. If there are any issues, this will be delayed to March 31, 2024.
Oh. Before I forget.
You only get one try to get the ending for Flawed. This means that if you got the bad ending, you won't get a retry.
With that in mind, I bid you all adieu, and have fun playing the game!
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FLAWED TAGLIST: (send an ask to be added for Flawed!) @beloved-blaiddyd ; @mixed-kester ; @mochinon-yah ; @fffiii ; @leftdestiny-posts
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